hope, wish, expect, want, desire和look forward to的用法区别

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hope, wish, expect, want, desire和look forward to的用法区别(转载)


We are hoping to see the president who will come to China.

I hope that you can tell us the truth.

We hope you to meet us at the station. (错误)


I wish you to go to Beijing with me next year.

Everyone wish (that) he could pass the English exam.

We wish you success/ (to be) happy.

I wish (that) I were a millionaire.


3.expect作“期待、期望”解,侧重于相信或认为有实现可能的愿望。可接名词、不定式(短语)、不定式的复合结构,例如:I never expected his coming/help.

We expect to hear from Jane.

I expect you to give me a hand.

He expected that he could get there on time.

4.want作“想要”解,可接名词、不定式短语、还可接宾语+不定式/现在分词/过去分词的复合结构,例如:A Mr. Black wants to see you, sir.

I don’t want you to make so much trouble.

He wanted his hair cut after work.

I want you telling stories all the time.


The floor wants cleaning/to be cleaned.

5.desire作“渴望、愿望”解,可以为名词或动词,表示强烈的希望、渴望或要求,是比want更加正式的用语,可以接名词、不定式、不定式的复合结构以及宾语从句,一般不用于进行时态、祈使句,例如:He desired information on this matter.

We all desire peace and happiness.

What do you desire me to do for you.

He desired to win the game.

My uncle desired that I (should) go to see him next month.


He had a strong desire to/for success.

At last he got his desire --- a pair of new trousers.

6.look forward to作“盼望、期望”解,常用于表示愉快或满足的心情,期望或向往某事,例如:Every child is looking forward to the Spring Festival.

We are looking forward to seeing each other soon.

注意:look forward to中to为介词,故接动词时应使用动名词
