A morphophonemic spelling system will spell different words differently although they are pronounced the same: their, there, they’re
Hebrew and Arabic are in the same language family (Hamitosemitic, named after Ham and Shem in the Bible).
In Hebrew and Arabic the vowels are often not written. People who speak the languages can figure out the vowels.
Invent a pictogram for each of the following words:
Scotch tape smoke
(Fromkin Rodman Hyams [2011] 545-546)
A Syllabary System requires fewer symbols than does a pictographic or ideagraphic system.
But it would a different symbol for every consonant-vowel combination, not to mention that in English there are long and short vowels and consonant clusters, etc.
chapter 12卤素
(2) 与非金属的作用
F2 :能与所有非金属(除N2、O2、一些稀
F2 Xe
XeF2 XeF2
673K , p
Cl2 :能与大多数非金属直接化合。
2 S(s) Cl 2 (g) S 2 Cl 2 (l)
(HF) 2 HF H 2
b: HF另一个独特之处可以腐蚀玻璃
SiO2 4 HF SiF4 2 H 2 O CaSiO3 6 HF CaF2 SiF4 3 H 2 O
HI 的特殊反应
HI Ag AgI H 2
(2)还原性: HI>HBr>HCl>HF
Br2 1.065
I2 0.535
X2 氧化性递减
X- 还原性递增
除I2外, X2均为强氧化剂。
(1) 与金,生成高
烈的,伴随着燃烧和爆炸。 例如 F2 把Co、V 和Bi 氧化为:CoF3,VF5,BiF5 ② 在室温下,F2 与Mg、Fe、Cu、Pb、Ni 作用时,在金属表面形成一层保护性的
Cl: 主要存在于海水、盐湖、盐井,盐床中,主要有钾石盐KCl、光卤石 KCl· MgCl2.6H2O。海水中大约含氯1.9%,地壳中的质量百分含量0.031%,占第 十一位。 Br: 主要存在于海水中,海水中溴的含量相当于氯的1/300,盐湖和盐井中 也存在少许的溴,地壳中的质量百分含量约1.6%. I: 碘在海水中存在的更少,碘主要被海藻所吸收,海水中碘的含量仅为 5 %,碘也存在于某些盐井盐湖中,南美洲智利硝石含有少许的碘酸钠。 At: 放射性元素, 研究的不多,对它了解的也很少。
市场需求曲线就是厂商的需求曲线 垄断厂商为卖出更多的产品必须降低价格
~ 除了销售的第一单位产品外,其他所有单位产品的 边际收益均小于价格
当MR 为正 (负), 需求是富有弹性 (缺乏弹性) 的 对于一个线性市场需求来说,垄断厂商的边际 收益也是线性的,其纵轴截距与需求曲线相同, 而斜率是它的2倍
~ 企业的需求弹性越小,市场力就越大 ~ 企业产品的相近替代品越少,需求的弹性(绝对值) 就越小,企业的市场力就越大 ~ 完全弹性的需求(需求曲线为水平线)没有任何市 场力
© 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
(12.1) 定义市场力,描述如何用价格弹性、需求交叉 弹性和勒纳指数来度量市场力; (12.2) 解释对于长期中的市场力,为什么进入壁垒是 必要的,并讨论进入壁垒的主要类型; (12.3)求出垄断企业利润最大化的产量和价格; (12.4)求出垄断企业利润最大化的投入使用量; (12.5)求出在垄断竞争条件下,利润最大化的价格和 产量; (12.6) 利用经验估计或预测的需求、平均变动成本和 边际成本,来计算垄断企业或垄断竞争企业实现利润最 大化的产量和价格; (12.7) 在给定总产量的多工厂企业中,选择各工厂的 生产水平,使生产总成本最小化。
导游英语(第二版) 电子教案Chapter 12 Sending off the Tour Group
• 3. Handling the Issues after Sending off the Tourists离站送客后 续事宜
• Part B Listening Comprehension 导游听力训练
• The guide should announce the time for delivery of luggage so that the tourists could get ready in advance.
2. Possible Delay of Sending off the
• 2.Contact the ticket office to see if the earliest flight is available. Try your best to catch the earliest flight.
• 3.Choose other modes of transport to send off the tourists upon approval of the travel agency.
2. Listen again and answer the following
• 1. Who is to blame if tourists miss the airplane?
• Generally speaking, the guide is to blame.
agency G. on behalf of the travel agency
2. Ideas of Evolution before Darwin
• • *
• •
Carl Linnaeus 林奈 (1707-1778)
为24纲、116目、1000多个属和10 000多个种。纲、目、属、种的 分类概念是林奈的首创。
three key concepts of Darwinism
• 1. variation (all forms of life) • 2. heredity (similar organic to next generation)生物遗传性 • Struggle for existence • (survival of the fittest适者生存)
• In 1831, Darwn set out on H.M.S. Beagle as a self-financed gentleman companion to the 26-year-old captain, Robert Fitzroy. The Beagle was on a British science expedition around the world • lasted almost five years , Darwin spent most of that time on land investigating geology and making natural history collections • Darwin's job as naturalist aboard the Beagle gave him the opportunity to observe the various geological formations found on different continents and islands along the way, as well as a huge variety of fossils and living organisms. In his geological observations, Darwin was most impressed with the effect that natural forces had on shaping the earth's surface.
PEP BOOK3 Unit Two ( Pa从rt B教: L师et’的s角tal度k) 出发,“使学生…” “发
展学生的…” “训练学生的…” “培养
Teaching aims: 1. Aims on the knowledge
(1) To enable the children to grasp the usage of the single and plural forms
5) By lesson planning, teachers also become aware of the teaching aids that are needed.
6) Lesson planning is a good practice and a sign of
professionalism. 7) Lesson planning will enable the teacher to improve
The time and date of the lesson;
The time duration of the lesson
5.2 Teaching Aims
1. to learn the use of comparative form of adjectives
Able to use a number of comparative adjectives to compare things or people
Micro planning is planning for a specific unit or a lesson. Teachers may have different ways of writing their own lesson plans.
§12-2 相干光 光程及光程差
Chapter 12. 波动光学 §12-2 相干光 光程及光程差 作者:杨茂田
P. 5 / 15.
1. 分波阵面法:
相干波源S1、S2位于 同一波阵面上。
相干波源S1、S2不位 于同一波阵面上:
L2 L1 = (由几何路径差引起) + (额外光程差)*
Chapter 12. 波动光学 §12-2 相干光 光程及光程差 作者:杨茂田
P. 15 / 15.
1. 普通光源发光机制: 2. 获得相干光的两种方法:分波阵面法及分振幅法。 3. 光程 L 及光程差 δ : L nr
2 1 2 d sin
( 即固定的位相差 )
Chapter 12. 波动光学 §12-2 相干光 光程及光程差 作者:杨茂田
P. 6 / 15.
2. 分振幅法:
2 d sin 1、 两束光分别为上下两界面的反射光,为相干光。 ( 即固定的位相差 ) 2 2 1
Chapter 12. 波动光学 §12-2 相干光 光程及光程差 作者:杨茂田
P. 1 / 15.
12-2 相干光 光程及光程差
Chapter 12. 波动光学 §12-2 相干光 光程及光程差 作者:杨茂田
P. 2 / 15.
自发辐射: 在没有外界干预下,原子会自发地从高 能级跃迁到低能级而引起的光辐射。
chapter 12 Light and optics
Images in plane mirror and lens
Lens——Convex/converging Lens and Concave/Diverging Lens
Images in plane mirror and lens
hi di ho do
物距相距和焦距的关系 d d f o i
Screen with two silts
L is much bigger than d.
Destructively interference
Constructively interference
Interference and diffraction(干涉与衍射)
Dispersion and spectrum(色散与光谱)
gamma rays X rays ultraviolet infrared
radio waves
Dispersion and spectrum(色散与光谱)
In monochromatic red light ,a blue book will probably Scattering(散射) Color(颜色) appear to be________
critical angle
optically denser medium
total reflection(全反射)
Dispersion and spectrum(色散与光谱)
Chapter12 方法
Institute of Systems Engineering, DUT
杜邦公司在70年代早期就占据美国钛氧化物— 应用于粉刷和其他产品的漂白剂—市场销售额的三 分之一。杜邦的高层领导者当时认为对钛氧化物的 需求将大幅度增加,而且因为环境保护的因素政府
Institute of Systems Engineering, DUT
5. 消费者锁定 (Consumer Lock-in)
消费者的转换成本(Switching Costs)在包 括安装或入会费、寻找可能替代品及其价格的成 本和学习如何使用新的或者不同产品或服务的成 本等情形下发生。
Institute of Systems Engineering, DUT
© 2002 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Output and Price Decisions(An example)
Profit Maximization for a Company
杜邦公司的管理层于是决定将10亿美元的三 分之一投资到增加企业生产钛氧化物的能力上去。
Institute of Systems Engineering, DUT
2. 政府设置的壁垒(Barriers Created by Government)
政府干预产生垄断的重要方法是发放特许权 和经营执照,法律规定的另一种进入壁垒是专利 权法。
Chapter12 ARIMA模型
19时间序列模型时间序列分析方法是伯克斯和詹金斯(Box-Jenkins)1970 年提出的。
用{x, t∈T } 表示。
简记为{x t} 或x t。
严格平稳:对于随机过程{x t},如果{x i1、x i2、…、x it}的联合分布只取决于(i2-i1, i3-i1, …, i t-i1),则称{x t}为严格平稳过程。
如(x2, x6)的联合分布与(x5, x9)的联合分布是相同的。
即E(x t) = μ。
2.Cov(x t, x t-k)存在且有限,Cov(x t, x t-k)仅依赖于k,而不依赖于t,即间隔k期的随机变量之间的协方差只与间隔的期数k有关。
因为当k=0时,Cov(x t, x t-k)表示x t的方差,与t没有关系,即var(x t)为常数。
若 Mz(F) 是一个常量
W M z (F ) d
W M z (F )(2 1 )
假设力偶 M 作用在刚体上:
W Md
若M 是常量
W M (2 1 )
Part A 动能和功
10 平面运动刚体上力系的功
取刚体的质心C 为基点,当刚体有无穷 小位移时,任一力Fi作用点 Mi 的位移是:
vB 0.8 2.5 2.0 m/s vB 2.0 BC 2.5rad / s BI 0.8
vG G
0.8 m
vC BCCI 2.5 0.8 2.0m/ s vC 2.0 CD 5rad/s CD 0.4
杆BC 的质心G 的速度
Part A 动能和功
8 作用在平移刚体上的力做功
F dr
i C
FR drC 动能和功
9 作用在定轴转动刚体上的力做功
d 'W F ds F r d M z (F ) d
2 1
Part B 动能定理
E k1 0
在位置 I, AB 处于水平位置,圆 柱体达到一个最右侧的极限位 置,则有 B=0 并且 vB=0 位置I 时系统的动能
Ek 2 Ek ( AB) 1 1 2 2 m AB vC J C AB 2 2
Part B 动能定理
一.概论Chapter 1.Introducing SLA1.Second language acquisition (SLA)2.Second language (L2)〔也可能是第三四五外语〕 also commonly called a target language (TL)Scopes Takes place in ExamplesInformal L2 learning Naturalistic contexts“pick up〞InteractingFormal L2 learning Classes or courses ClassesL2learning that Naturalistic contexts Interacting and learning in involves a mixture of combined with Classes classes at the same time formal and informal or courseslearning3.Basic questions:1). What exactly does the L2 learner come to know2). How does the learner acquire this knowledge3). Why are some learners more successful than othersFields EmphasizeLinguists Characteristics of the differences and similarities in thelanguages that are being learned;The linguistic competence (underlying knowledge) andlinguistic performance (actual production).Psychologists and The mental or cognitive processes involved in acquisition;psycholinguists The representation of languages in the brain.Sociolinguists Variability in learner linguistic performance;Communicative competence (pragmatic competence).Social Group-related phenomena;psychologists The interactional and larger social contexts of learning.Applied linguists Any one or more perspectives above;about SLA Theory and research for teaching.4. 3 main perspectives:linguistic; psychological; social.Only one (x)Combine (√ )Chapter 2. Foundations of SLAⅠ. The world of second languages1.Multi-; bi-; mono- lingualism1)Multilingualism: the ability to use 2 or more languages. (bilingualism: 2languages; multilingualism: >2)2)Monolingualism: the ability to use only one language.3)Multilingual competence (Vivian Cook, Multicompetence)Refers to: the compound state of a mind with 2 or more grammars.4)Monolingual competence (Vivian Cook,Monocompetence)Refers to: knowledge of only one language.2.People with multicompetence (a unique combination) ≠ 2 monolingualsWorld demographic shows:3.Acquisition4.The number of L1 and L2 speakers of different languages can only be estimated.1)Linguistic information is often not officially collected.2)Answers to questions seeking linguistic information may not be reliable.3) A lack of agreement on definition of terms and on criteria for identification.Ⅱ. The nature of language learning1.L1 acquisition1). L1 acquisition was completed before you came to school and thedevelopment normally takes place without any conscious effort.2). Complex grammatical patterns continue to develop through the school years.Time Children will< 6 months (infant) Produce all of the vowel sounds and most of theconsonant sounds of any language in the world.Learn to discriminate the among the sounds that make adifferent in the meaning of words (the phonemes) < < 3 years old Master an awareness of basic discourse patterns< 3 years old Master most of the distinctive sounds of L1< 5 or 6 years old Control most of the basic L1 grammatical patterns2.The role of natural ability1)Refers to: Humans are born with an innate capacity to learn language.2)Reasons:Children began to learn L1 at the same age and in much the same way.⋯master the basic phonological and grammatical operations in L1 at /56.⋯can understand and create novel utterances; and are not limited torepeating what they have heard; the utterances they produce are oftensystematically different from those of the adults around them.There is a cut-off age for L1 acquisition.L1 acquisition is not simply a facet of general intelligence.3)The natural ability, in terms of innate capacity, is that part of languagestructure is genetically “given〞to every human child.3.The role of social experience1)A necessary condition for acquisition: appropriate social experience (includingL1 input and interaction) is2)Intentional L1 teaching to children is not necessary and may have little effect.3)Sources of L1 input and interaction vary for cultural and social factors.4)Children get adequate L1 input and interaction →sources has little effect onthe rate and sequence of phonological and grammatical development.The regional and social varieties (sources) of the input→pronunciationⅢ. L1 vs. L2 learning1. L1 and L2 development:States L1L2Initial state Innate capacity Innate capacity; L1 knowledge;World knowledge; Interaction skills Intermedia Basic Child Maturation Learner Transferte states processes grammar languageNecessary Input(interlangu Inputconditions reciprocal age-IL)interactionFacilitating Feedback; aptitude;conditions motivation;instruction ⋯Final state Native competence Multilingual competence2.Understanding the statesⅣ. The logical problem of language learning1.Noam Chomsky:1)innate linguistic knowledge must underlie language acquisition2)Universal Grammar2.The theory of Universal Grammar:Reasons:1)Children’sknowledge of language > what could be learned from the input.2)Constraints and principles cannot be learned.3)Universal patterns of development cannot be explained by language-specific input.Children often say things that adults do not.Children use language in accordance with general universal rules oflanguage though they have not developed the cognitive ability tounderstand these rules. Not learned from deduction or imitation.Patterns of children’slanguage development are not directlydetermined by the input they receive.Ⅴ. Frame works for SLA≤ 1950s1960s1970s1980s1990sL Structuralism Transformational Functionalism Principles and Minimalist-Parameters ProgramGenerative ModelGrammarP Behaviroism Neurolinguistics Humanistic Connectionism processabilityInformation modelsProcessingS Sociocultural Ethnography of Acculturation Socialtheory Communication Theory PsychologyVariation Theory AccommodationTheoryPerspective Focus FrameworkLinguistic Internal Transformational-Generative Grammar;Principles and Parameters Model;Minimalist ProgramExternal FunctionalismPsychological Languages Neurolinguisticsand the BrianLearning Informational Processing;processes Processability; ConnectionismIndividual Humanistic ModelsdifferencesSocial Microsocial Variation Theory;Accommodation Theory; Sociocultural TheoryMacrosocial Ethnography of Communication;Acculturation Theory; Social Psychology。
The diffrence u-v of the two vectors u and v. u-v
The two-dimensional vector aa1,a2 is the position vector of the point P(a1,a2) .
aop P(a1,a2)
12.2 Vectors
The term vector is used by scientists to indicate a quantity that has both magnitude and direction.
B Suppose a particle moves along a line
and bthen
a b a b c os0
Proof By the Law of Cosines,we have
a b 2a 2b 22a b co s
Corollary If is the angle between the nonzero
Properties of Vectors
If a,b.and c are vectors in v n and c and d are scalars,
5.c(a+b)=ca+cb 6.(c+d)a=ca+cd
Distance Formula in Three Dimensions
Chapter 10-12英语词汇记忆法
Chapter 10utopia n 乌托邦(u 无+top地方+ia,乌托邦是现实中没有的)utopia[16] Utopia means etymologically …noplace‟. It was coined by the English statesman and scholar Sir Thomas More from Greek ou …not‟ and tópos …place‟ (source of English topic). He used it as the name of an imaginary island whose inhabitants had organized their society along the lines of what he regarded as a theoretically ideal commonwealth, which he described in his book Utopia 1516. The word was first used as a more general term for an …ideal place‟ in the early 17th century.raucousadj 沙哑的(声音粗重,低沉的)【记】读:我咳嗽-沙哑的【反】melodious(adj 音调优美的)recourse n 依赖,求助(re回+course=跑回来=求助)cur(r),curs, cours=run, 表示”跑,发生”current n 流动的,n.潮流(currr+cnt=跑的=流动的)currency n 流传,流通的货币(跑来跑去的钱=流通货币)curriculum v 课程(表)(curr+iculum表名词=学员跑来跑去的[依据]=课表)concur a 同时发生(con共同+cur=共同跑=同时发生)concurrent v 同时的,共同的(concur+rent=同时的)incur n 招惹,蒙受(in进入+curs=跑进来=招惹}incursion a 侵入,袭击(in进入+curs+ive)incursive v 侵略的,入侵的(in+curs+ive)occur n 发生,出现(oc反复+cur=反复跑=[反复]发生)occurrence v 出现,产生(occur+r+ence)recur a 再发生,重现(re再次+cur=再次跑来)recurrent a 一再发生的(recur+r+ent)cursory a 草率的(curs+ory=跑过去=草率的)cursive v (字)草写的(curs+ive=象跑=样写=草写)excurse n 远足,旅游(ex出+curse=跑出去=远足)excursion a 远足,游览(excurse+ion)excursive n 离题的,散漫的(ex+curs+ive=[思想]跑出去,里离题的)precursor n 先驱,先兆(pre+curs+or=先跑者=先驱)course n 路程,课程concourse n 汇合,合流(con共同+course=共同跑=汇合)courser n 跑者,猎犬(course+er=跑的人或物)intercourse n 交流,性交(inter在…..之间+course=在二者之间跑=交流)recourse n 依赖,求助(re回+course=跑回来=求助)scour v 搜索,巡视(scour=course)succour n 救助,救援(suc下面+course=跑下去救助)courier n 信使(cour+ier=跑的人=信使)coarse a 粗糙的(coarse=course跑过去=粗糙的)bureaucrat n 官僚(bureau+crat)cracy=rule,表示”统治或政体”,crat=ruler,表示”统治者”democracy n 民主(政治)(demo人民+cracy)democrat n 民主主义者(demo人民+crat)autocracy n 专制(auto自己+cracy)autocrat n 独裁者(auto自己+crat)bureaucracy n 官僚政治(bureau政府机构+cracy)bureaucrat n 官僚(bureau+crat)plutocracy n 财阀统治(pluto财富+cracy)plutocrat n 财阀,富豪(pluto财富+crat)theocracy n 神权统治(theo神+cracy)monocracy n 独裁统治(mono一个人+cracy)mobocracy n 暴民统治(mob暴民+o+cracy)mobocract n 暴民首领(mob暴民+o+crat)reiteratev 重申(再次或重复说或者做)【记】re反复,iterate(v 反复说)源于:literate(n 学者;adj 有文化的)autonomy n 自治,独立(auto 自己+ nomy 系统,统治= 自己统治)nom(y)=a field of knowledge, 表示”某一领域的知识”astronomy n 天文学(astro 星星+ nomy= 研究星星的学科)agronomy n 农学(agro 地+ nomy)agronomist n 农学家( agro+ nom+ ist)autonomy n 自治,独立(auto 自己+ nomy 系统,统治= 自己统治)economy n 经济(学)( eco环境,经济+ nomy,参考:ecology 生态学)antinomy n 自相矛盾(anti 反+ nomy 理论= 相反理论=自相矛盾)auto-=self, self movingautobiographyautocracyautocratautographautomaticautomationautomobileautonomymandate v 命令,要求(mand+ate)mand=order,表示”命令”mandate v 命令,要求(mand+ate)demand v 苛求(de一再+mand=一再令人做=苛求)countermand v 撤消(命令)(counter反+mand=反命令=撤消命令)command v 命令,指挥(com一起+mand=命令大案一起做=指挥)ostracize流放;放(古希腊人投瓦片表示放入出境)[ostrac=tile(瓦片)]贝壳放逐,排斥tantamount a 同等的,相等的(tant相等+a+mount数量)mount=ascend,表示”登上”mount n 山丘v. 登上mounted a 骑马的(mount+ed)mountain n 山(mount+ain)mountainous a 多山的,巨大的(mountain山+ous)dismount v 下车,下马(dis下+mount登上=从马上下来)surmount v 克服(困难等)(sur超过+mount=登上[山顶],超越困难) insurmountable a 难克服的(in不+surmount克服+able=不能克服的)remount v 重新登上(re再+mount=再次登上)paramount a 最高的,首要的(para类似+mount=类似高山=最高的)mountebank n 江湖骗子(mounte+bank(即bench)=登上长椅[卖假药]=江湖骗子) tantamount a 同等的,相等的(tant相等+a+mount数量)tenacious a 固执的(ten拿住,参考:tenable防守得住的)参见chapter 9 tenetliability[ˏlaiә'biliti]n.责任, 义务, 倾向, 债务, 负债, 与assets相对【根】lig=to bind(绑)clandestineadj. 秘密的(secret ;surreptitious)【同】secret, covert, furtive, stealthy, surreptitiouscongruentadj 全等的(将图形重合时完全相等的);(与with连用)一致的【记】con共同,gru=gree同意,一致-一致的,全等的【参】congruous(adj 一致的;符合的;适合的)contingency a 偶然,意外事故(con+ting+ency=两件事接触=两车相撞=意外事故) taet,tag,tig,ting = touch表示”接触”tactual a 触觉的(tact+ual)tactility a 触觉(tact+ility)intact a 未触动的,完整的(in没有+tact)tact n 机智,圆滑(和人接触的能力)tactics n 战术,策略(tact+ics学问=接触(别人)的学问=策略)contact n 接触,联系(con共同+tact=共同接触)contagion a 传染,感染(con共同+tag+ion=共同接触到=传染)contagious a 传染的(con+tag+ious)contiguous a 邻近的,接近的(con共同+tig+uous互相接触=毗邻的) contingent a 依条件而定的(con共同+ting+ent=(根据)大家接触到的情况而定) contingency a 偶然,意外事故(con+ting+ency=两件事接触=两车相撞=意外事故) tangible a 能触知的(tang+ible能接触的)intangidle a 不能触知的(in不+tangible)indigenous a 土产的,土著的(indi内部+gen+ous=内部产生=土产的)gen,gener,genit=birth,produce,表示”出生,产生”generate v 产生,发电(genner+ate =产生[电]等)generation n 产生,一代((generate+ion)generator n 发电机,生殖者(generate+or=产生[电]的东西=发电机) regenerate v 再生,重生(re再+generate)general a 普通的n.总论(gener+al=出生[一般]=普通的)generalization n 一般化(general+ization)generous a 慷慨的,丰富的(gener+ous=[不断]产生=丰富的,慷慨的) generosity n 慷慨(gener+osity多的状态=多产生=慷慨)degenerate v 堕落,衰退(de坏+gener+ate=往坏产生=堕落)degenerative a 退化的,变坏的(degenerate+ive)genesis n 起源,创始(gen+esis名词后缀,原指《圣经》中的创世纪)genetic a 基因的,遗传学的(gen+etic=来自gene基因)genus n 种类,类属(gen+us=生出来就出现[不同]=种类)generic a “科属的(gen+eric,来自genus种类)”genuine a 真正的,纯正的(genu+ine=产生=来源清楚=真正的)ingenuous a 天真的,老实的(in内+genu+ous产生自内心=天真的)genius n 天才(geni+us=生出[就有]=天才)ingenious a 聪明的, 有创造力的( in内+geni+ous自内心产生=聪明的) eugenics n 优生学(eu好+gen+ics=产生好的=优生学)pathogeny n 病原学(patho病+geny=产生病=病原学)congenial a 意气相投的(con共同+gen+ial=产生共同[兴趣]=情投意合的) congenital a 天生的,与生俱来的(con共同+gen+ital=与生俱来=天生的) primogenitor n 始祖,祖先(primo最初+genit+or=最初产生的人=祖先) progeny n 子孙,后代(pro向前+geny=向前产生=生命向前=子孙)genial a 和蔼的,愉快的(gen+ial=产生[感情]的=和蔼的)indigenous a 土产的,土著的(indi内部+gen+ous=内部产生=土产的) heterogeneous a 不同的(hetero异+gen+eous=产生不同的)homogeneous a 同种的(homo同+gen+eous=产生相同的)genre n 类型,流派(通常指文学等类型)genteel a 高雅的,有礼貌的(gent+eel=出身好的=高雅的,gentle”温柔的”变体) engender v 产生(en使+gender产生=使产生)superfluous多余的(super+flu流+ous=流出太多)super-①表示”超级,超过,过度”supersized超大型的(super+sized有范围的)supersonic超音速的(super+sonic声音的)supernatural超自然的(super+natural自然的)superfluous多余的(super+flu流+ous=流出太多)supercilious目中无人的(super+cili眉毛+ous=在眉毛上看人=目中无人) supersensitive过度敏感的(super+sensitive敏感的)supercharge负载过重(super+chrage收费,负担=负担过重)②表示”在…上面”supervise临视(super+vise看=在上面看=临视)superstructure上层建筑(super+structure结构)superimpose放…上面,强加(super+impose放上去=在上面放=强加) superficial肤浅的(super+fic做+ial=在表面上做)superintend监督(super+intend关心=在上面关心=监督)supersede淘汰,取代(super+sede坐=坐上去=淘汰(以前的东西))superstition迷信(super+stit站+ion=站在人(理智)之上的东西=迷信)flu=flow,表示”流动”fluid n 流体,液体a. 流动的(flu+id)fluidity n 流动性(fluid+ity)flush v 奔流,冲洗(flu+sh表动词=流动=冲洗=,参考:dash猛冲)flux n 流动,变迁(flu+x,注意:flex弯曲,flax亚麻)fluency n 流利,流畅(flu+ency=流的状态)affluent a 流入的,富裕的(af一再+flu+ent =一再流入=富裕的)affluence n 富裕,财富(af+flu+ence)confluent a 汇流的,合流的(con共同+flu+ent =流到一起=汇流的) confluence n 汇流(con+flu+ence)effluent a 流出的n. 流出物(ef出+flu+ent =流出物)effluence n 流出(ef+flu+ence)effluvial a 恶臭的(ef出+fluv [=flu]指流出不好的东西+ial=流污水=恶臭的) effluvium n 恶臭,臭气(ef+fluv+ium)influence n 影响(in进入+flu+ence=流入=影响)influenze n 流行感冒(in进入+flu+enze病=流行病=感冒)influx n 涌入,汇集(in进入+flux=注入=涌入)refluent a 倒流的(re回+flu+ent _=流回去)superfluous a 过剩的,多余的(super超过+flu+ous=超过了还流=过剩的) superfluity n 过剩,太多(super+flu+ity)mellifluous a流畅的,甜美的(melli甜+flu+=声音甜美流出)prolific a 多产的,多育的(pro多+lific生命的=带来很多生命的的)pro- 参见Chapter 5 proliferate①表示”向前,在前”②表示”很多…”③表示”赞同,亲…”exonerate v 免除,无罪释放(ex出+oner+ate=从负担中摆脱出来=无罪释放) oner=load,表示”负担”onerous a 繁重的,费力的exonerate v 免除,无罪释放(ex出+oner+ate=从负担中摆脱出来=无罪释放) onus n 负担,责任(on[=oner]+us表示名词,如:nodus难点)egocentric a 自我中心的(ego+centric中心的)ego=l.表示”我,自己”egoism n 利己主义egoist n 利己主义者egocentric a 自我中心的(ego+centric中心的)agomania n n.极端利己主义(ago+mania狂热病)reinstate重新恢复职位(re+in+state国家,权力=重新进入权力)instatevt. 任命(to set or establish in a rank or office)【记】in(进入)+state(政府)进入政府任职→任命【同】inaugurate, induct, install, investChapter 12fid=trust,faith,表示”相信,信念”fidelity n 坚贞,忠心(fid+elity表示性质=相信的性质=坚贞)fiduciary a 信用的n. 被信托者(fid+uciary…的=相信的=信托的)confide v 吐露,信托(con全部+fide=全部相信=吐露[真情])confidant n 知心朋友(cinfide吐露+ant人=可以吐露真情的人)confidence n 自信,信任(con+fid+ence)confident a 自信的(con+fid+ent)confidential a秘密的,机密的(confident+ial=相信的人才知道=机密的) diffident a 自卑的,胆怯的(dif不+fid+ent=不自信)perfidy n 不忠实,背叛(per假+fidy=假相信=不忠诚)perfidious a 背信弃义的(perfidy+ous)infidel n 没信仰的人,异教徒(in不+fid+el=不信[宗教]的人)affidavit n 口供书,宣誓书(af一再+fid+avit表名词=一再发誓相信=宣誓书) rect=stright, right, 表示”正,直”correct a 正确的(cor全部+rect=全部很正=正确的)correctitude n 行为端正( correct+itude状态)rectify v 改正(rect+ify…化=使…正直=改正[错误])rectitude n 正直,正确(rect+itude)rectangle n 矩形(rect+angle角=[四个角]都是直角=矩形)erect a 竖直a. 直立的(e 出+rect =直出来=竖直)erection n 直立,竖立(erect+ion)a-①加在单词或词根前面,表示”不,无,非”acentric 无中心的(a+centric中心的)asocial 不好社交的(a+social好社交的)amoral 非道德性的(a+moral道德的,注意:immoral不道德的) apolitical. 不关政治的(a+political政治的)anemia 反常的(a+nomal正常的+ous)②加在单词前,表示”在…,…的”asleep 睡着的(a+sleep睡觉)aside 在边上(a+side旁边)ahead 在前地(a+head头)alive 活的(a+live活)awash .泛滥的(a+wash冲洗)analgesic n 止痛药(an无+alg痛+esic药物=无痛药物=止痛药)prim= first, chief, 表示”第一,主要的”primacy n 主要地位,重要性(prim+acy)primary a 最初的,根本的(prim+ary)primitive a 原始的(prim+itive)prime a 最初的,基本的primer n 初级读本(prim+er=第一本书)primeval a 早期的,远古的(prim+ev时代+al=最早的时代=远古的) primogenitor n 始祖,祖先(primo+genit产生+or=最早产生的人=祖先)ver=true,表示”真实”verracious a 诚实可靠的(ver+acious多…..的=真实很多=可靠的) veracity n 真实,可靠(ver+acity)verity n 真实,可靠(ver=vacity)verify v 核实,证实(ver+ify=使真实=核实)verifiable a 可证实的(verify+able)verisimilar a 逼真的(ver+i+similar一样=和真实的一样=逼真的)verdict n 裁决(ver+dict说一说真话=裁决)sym-,syn-表示”共同,相同”sympathy同情(sym+pathy感情)symphony交响乐(sym+phony声音)symmetry对称(sym+metry测量=两边测量一样=对称)symbiosis共生(sym+bio生命+sis=共同生命)symposium专题讨论会(sym+pos放+ium=放在一起(讨论)=专题讨论) synchronous同时发生的(syn+chron时间+ous=共同时间的)synonym同义词(syn+onym名字=名字相同=同义词)synthesis合成(syn+thesis放=放在一起=合成)synopsis摘要,概要(syn+ops选择+is=共同选出=摘要)syndrome综合症状(syn+drome跑=跑到一起=综合症)nov=new,表示”新的”novel a 新奇的n. 小说(nov+el)novelty n 新奇事情(novel+ty)nova n 新星(now+a表示物体=新天体)novation n 更替,更新(now+ation)novice n 新手(now+ice表示人)innovate v 革新,改革(in进入+nov+ate)innovation n (制度等)革新(innovate+ion)renovate v 翻新(re重新+nov+ate=重新翻新)renovation n 翻新,修理(renovate+ion)pan-表示”广泛的”pan-american 泛美的pandemic 大范围流行的(pan+dem人民+in=人民广泛(染病)=广为流行的) panorama 全景,概观(pan+orama视力=视力所及=全景)panegyric颂词,颂扬(pan+egyr聚集+ic=聚集一堂=颂扬(国王))pansophic 全知的(pan+soph智慧=ic=智慧广=都知道)biblio=book,表示”书”bibliography n 书目提要(biblio+araphy学科=书的学科=书目提要) bibliophile n 藏书家(biblio+phile爱=爱书的人)bible n 圣经biblophobla n 憎恶书籍(biblio+phob恨+ia病=恨书的病)。
π 2 EI (µL)2
= π 2EI
- - - - Euler formula
where : Le = µ L - - effective length;
µ - - coefficient of length concerned with boundary conditions
12-2 Limitation of the Euler Formulas and Slenderness
3. Stability
n=Pcr/Pmax=406/42=9.7 >nallow=8
Being in stable
12-3 提高压杆稳定性的措施
●尽量减小压杆长度 对于细长杆,其临界载荷与杆长平方成反比。因此,减小杆长可以显著
地提高压杆承载能力。在某些情况下,通过改变结构或增加支点可以达到 减小杆长、提高压杆承载能力的目的。例如,图a、b所示的两种桁架,不难 分析,两种桁架中的杆①、④均为压杆,但图b中的压杆承载能力要远远高 于图a中的压干杆。
Find the shortest length L for a steel
column with pinned ends having a cross-sectional area of 60
by 100 mm, for which the elastic Euler formula applies. Let
在其它条件均相同的情形下,选用弹性模量E数值大的材料,可以提高大 柔度压杆的承载能力,例如钢杆临界载荷大于铜、铸铁或铝制压杆的临界 载荷。但是,普通碳素钢、合金钢以及高强度钢的弹性模量数值相差不 大。因此,对于细长杆,若选用高强度钢对压杆临界载荷影响甚微,意义不大, 反而造成材料的浪费。但对于粗短杆或中长杆,其临界载荷与材料的比例 极限σP,和屈服强度σYP有关,这时选用高强度钢会使临界载荷有所提高。
2 3 2 f g (k )d p
L u
0.01k 2 f g (k ) (1 k ) 2
• 从上式可以看出,气相传质阻力与填充物粒度的平方成正比,与组分在 载气流中的扩散系数成反比,因此,采用粒度小的填充物和相对分子质 量小的气体做载气,可减小σ32,提高柱效。
• • • • • •
适当均匀的颗粒(担体),可以提高柱效; 载气流速越小,tR越长,峰扩张越显著; 载气相对分子质量较大时,B项小,H小,柱效高; 柱温升高,B项增大,柱效下降(实际更复杂); 粒度小的填充物,分子量小的载气降低C,传质阻力项(气相)提高柱 效; 液膜厚度df减小,增大组分在液相中的扩散系数DL,液相传质阻力减小, 峰扩张小,提高柱效。
(1)LC和GC的H-u图 • • • 根据van Deemter公式作LC和GC的H-u图,LC和GC的H-u图十分相似,对 应某一流速都有一个板高的极小值,这个极小值就是柱效最高点; LC板高极小值比GC的极小值小一个数量级以上,说明液相色谱的柱效比气 相色谱高得多; LC的板高最低点相应流速比起GC的流速亦小一个数量级,说明对于LC,为 了取得良好的柱效,流速不一定要很高。 u较低线速时,分子扩散项B/u起主要作用;此时,应采用相对分子质量较大 的载气(N2、Ar)以使组分在气相中有较小的扩散系数; u较高线速时,传质阻力项Cu起主要作用;此时,应采用相对分子质量较低 的载气(H2、He)以使组分在气相中有较大的扩散系数; 其中流动相传质阻力项对板高的贡献几乎是一个定值。在高线速度时,固定 相传质阻力项成为影响板高的主要因素,随着速度增高,板高值越来越大, 柱效急剧下降。
企业在能够提高价格而又不损失销售量的 能力
~ 任何面临向下倾斜需求曲线的企业都具有市场 力
赋予企业将价格定在平均成本以上并获得 经济利润的能力 (如果需求和成本条件允许 的话)
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单个企业 生产并销售没有替代品的产品或服务 由于存在进入壁垒新企业无法进入市场
© 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
勒纳指数用价格超过边际成本的比例来测度市 场力
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Internal Factors
• Costs
– Set the floor for the price a company can charge for its product
• Cover the cost for producing, distributing, promoting the product
©2006 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
MarketinMgafrokreHtinogspfiotralHityosapnidtalTiotyurainsdmT, o4uthriesmdi,ti4otnh edition KKoottlleerr,,BBoowweenn,,aannddMMaakkeennss
©2006 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
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Internal Factors
• Marketing Objectives
– Survival – Current Profit Maximization
• Choose the price that will produce the maximum current profit
– Market-Share Leadership
• Charging too much chases away potential customers, charging too little cuts revenue that hardly maintain operations properly
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Factors to Consider when Setting Prices
• Understanding how to apply pricing strategies for existing products
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MarketinMgafrokreHtinogspfiotralHityosapnidtalTiotyurainsdmT, o4uthriesmdi,ti4otnh edition KKoottlleerr,,BBoowweenn,,aannddMMaakkeennss
©2006 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
Chapter 12
Pricing Products:
Pricing Considerations,
Approaches, and Strategy
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 4th edition Kotler, Bowen, and Makens
– Companies with lower costs can set lower prices that result in greater market share
– If costs>competitors to produce and sell its product, either charge a higher price or make less profit
External Factors
• Market and Demand
– Costs set the lower limits of prices, the market & demand set the upper limit
– Marketers must understand the relationship b/w price & demand for a product
External factors
• Competitors’ prices and offers
– Check the price, quality, features of competitive hotels
– Once aware of competitors’ prices, use this as starting point for your own price decision
• Elastic demand: demand changes greatly with small change in price (e.g. price increase leads to a large drop in demand)
– sellers can consider lower their prices which will produce more total revenue
©2006 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
MarketinMgafrokreHtinogspfiotralHityosapnidtalTiotyurainsdmT, o4uthriesmdi,ti4otnh edition KKoottlleerr,,BBoowweenn,,aannddMMaakkeennss
Chapter Objectives
• Outline the internal and external factors affecting pricing decisions
• Contrast the differences in general pricing approaches
• Identify the new product pricing strategies of market-skimming pricing and marketpenetration pricing
MarketinMgafrokreHtinogspfiotralHityosapnidtalTiotyurainsdmT, o4uthriesmdi,ti4otnh edition KKoottlleerr,,BBoowweenn,,aannddMMaakkeennss
Internal Factors
• Price is the amount of money charged for a good or service
– E.g. airlines charge you a fare, hotels charge room rate, tuition for education
• The only marketing mix element that produces revenue
©2006 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
MarketinMgafrokreHtinogspfiotralHityosapnidtalTiotyurainsdmT, o4uthriesmdi,ti4otnh edition KKoottlleerr,,BBoowweenn,,aannddMMaakkeennss
General Pricing Approaches
“The real issue is value, not price.”
-Robert T. Lindgren
©2006 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
MarketinMgafrokreHtinogspfiotralHityosapnidtalTiotyurainsdmT, o4uthriesmdi,ti4otnh edition KKoottlleerr,,BBoowweenn,,aannddMMaakkeennss
• Organizational Considerations
©2006 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
MarketinMgafrokreHtinogspfiotralHityosapnidtalTiotyurainsdmT, o4uthriesmdi,ti4otnh edition KKoottlleerr,,BBoowweenn,,aannddMMaakkeennss
©2006 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
MarketinMgafrokreHtinogspfiotralHityosapnidtalTiotyurainsdmT, o4uthriesmdi,ti4otnh edition KKoottlleerr,,BBoowweenn,,aannddMMaakkeennss
• Marketing Mix Strategy
– Price must be coordinated with product design, distribution, promotion decisions to form a consistent & effective marketing program