


It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
• 每年4月1日是西方的民间传统节日——愚人节。 愚人节起源于法国。1564年,法国首先采用新改 革的纪年法——格里历(即目前通用的阳历),以1 月1日为一年之始。但一些因循守旧的人反对这种 改革,依然按照旧历固执地在4月1日这一天送礼 品,庆祝新年。主张改革的人对这些守旧者的做 法大加嘲弄。聪明滑稽的人在4月1日就给他们送 假礼品,邀请他们参加假招待会.并把上当受骗 的保守分子称为“四月傻瓜”或“上钩的鱼”。 从此人们在4月1日便互相愚弄,成为法国流行的 风俗。18世纪初,愚人节习俗传到英国,接着又 被英国的早期移民带到了美国。
April Fools' Day
Summer Name
April Fools' Day is celebrated on April 1st every year.
Its origins are uncertain. Show you several origins.
The Gregorian calendar reform
Christian Mythology
Noah's Ark
Sending the dove was on a fool's errand.
• 相传距人类始祖亚当之后约一千六百五十 年间,上帝以洪水来毁灭世界,但仅留下 亚当的第三个儿子慧德的后代诺亚,他以 一条人造的大船保全了一家大小的生命。 洪水稍退之后,诺亚便放出一只白鸽,想 探求一块洪水消退之后的陆地,因为这一 天正好是四月一日。所以后人认为,在这 一天去做一种毫无意义的事,就好像一只 白鸽做了白工一样,行为愚蠢,为“愚人 节”之起源。

九年级英语愚人节的由来-April Fool's Day(中英对照)

九年级英语愚人节的由来-April Fool's Day(中英对照)

In sixteenth-century France, the start of the new year was observed on April first. It was celebrated in much the same way as it is today with parties and dancing into the late hours of the night. Then in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, and the new year fell on January first. There were some people, however, who hadn't heard or didn't believe the change in the date, so they continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April first. Others played tricks on them and called them April fools. In France today, April first is called Poisson d'Avril. French children fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends' backs. When the young fool discovers this trick, the prankster yells Poisson d'Avril!16 世纪的时候,法国人是在4月1号庆祝新年的。




April Fools’ Day: Origin and 为什么要过愚人节!时间:2017-04导读:4月1日是愚人节,许多国家的人都人节的起源和历史吗?April Fools’ Day, sometimes called the year. Its origins are uncertain.seasons, while others believe it st愚人节(April Fools’ Day)有时又被称论。

一些人认为这是一个和季节交替有关的New Year’s Day Moves1、元旦日期变动。

Ancient cultures, including those or around April 1. It closely follow medieval times, much of Europe c beginning of the new year.在包括古罗马和古印度在内的一些古文化中刚刚过去不久。


In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered old Julian Calendar. The new cale That year, France adopted the refo According to a popular explanatio did not learn about it, and continu began to make fun of these traditi trick them into believing somethin Europe.1582年,教皇格列高利十三世下令用一个日。



最终这种作法传遍了整个欧洲Constantine and Kugel2、君士坦丁和库戈尔。

Another explanation of the origins professor of history at Boston Un reign of Constantine, when a grou they could do a better job of runni named Kugel to be king for one da and the custom became an annua波士顿大学历史学教授约瑟夫.博斯金提出起来,当时一群宫廷小丑和弄臣对这位罗马就允许一个叫库戈尔的弄臣当了一天的国王成为了一年一度的盛事。



愚人节的由来英文版各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢篇一:愚人节的由来中英文版愚人节的由来中英文版愚人节的由来英文版:April Fools’ Day 愚人节April Fools’ Day is a day to play jokes on others, No one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in France.In the 16 th century, people celebrated New Year’s Day from March 25 to April 1. In the mid—1560s King Charles IX changed it fromMarch 25 to January 1. But some people still celebrated in on April 1, so others called them April Fools.Each country cel ebrates April Fools’ Day differently. In France, people call theApril Fools “April Fish”. They tape a paper fish to their friends’ backs to fool them. When he or she finds this , they shout “April Fish!”In England, people play jokes only in the morni ng. You are a “noodle” if someone fools you. In Scotland, April Fools’ Day is 48 hours long. They call an April Fool “April Gowk”. Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.In the America, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of Aprol. They may point down to your shoeand say, “ Your shoelace is untied.” If you believe them and look down to see, you are an April Fool then.愚人节的由来中文版:愚人节又称万愚节,已经有几百年的历史了。



愚人节由来英语日记3篇带翻译【导语】愚人节的英语是April Fools’ Day,也叫做All Fools’Day。



篇一April Fool's day, also known as the All Fool's day, English as April Fool's Day. The west is also American traditional folk festivals, the festival on April 1st. April Fool's day has been there for hundreds of years, Public opinions are divergent. its origin. An argument that this practice originated in India, "Li Quan festival". The provisions of the section, the annual festival on March 31st that day, regardless of men and women,old and young, can each make fun of each other, the fool fool for entertainment.起初,任何美国人都可以炮制骇人听闻的消息,而且不负丝毫的道德和法律责任,政府和司法部门也不会追究。




At first, the Americans can be cooked any news of the frightful to the ear, but not negative the slightest moral and legal responsibility, the government and the judiciary will not be prosecuted. On the contrary, who fabricated lies the most bizarre, most people believe that fraud, who will receive the laurel crown. This approach has brought a lot of confusion to the society, thus caused dissatisfaction. Now, people during the holiday season the fool fool has no longer as outrageous, but for the purpose of easy pleasure.今天,愚人节已经发展成为一个国际性节日,差不多在整个欧洲和北美都流行。



愚人节来历英文介绍April Fools' Day 愚人节April Fools' Day is a day to play jokes on others, No one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in France.In the 16 th century, people celebrated New Year's Day from March 25 to April 1. In the mid—1560s King Charles IX changed it from March 25 to January 1. But some people still celebrated in on April 1, so others called them April Fools.Each country celebrates April Fools' Day differently. In France, people call the April Fools “April Fish”. They tape a paper fish to their friends' backs to fool them. When he or she finds this , they shout “April Fish!”In England, people play jokes only in the morning. You are a “noodle” if someone fools you. In Scotland, April Fools' Day is 48 hours long. They call an April Fool “April Gowk”. Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.In the America, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of Aprol. They may point down to your shoe and say, “ Your shoela ce isuntied.” If you believe them and look down to see, you are an April Fool then.愚人节的由来版本一:每年4月1日,是西方也是美国的民间传统节日——愚人节.愚人节起源于法国.1564年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年法——格里历(即目前通用的阳历),以1月1日为一年之始.但一些因循守旧的人反对这种改革,依然按照旧历固执地在4月1日这一天送礼品,庆祝新年.主张改革的人对这些守旧者的做法大加嘲弄. 聪明滑稽的人在4月1日就给他们送假礼品,邀请他们参加假招待会.并把上当受骗的保守分子称为“四月傻瓜”或“上钩的鱼”. 从此人们在4月1日便互相愚弄,成为法国流行的风俗.18世纪初,愚人节习俗传到英国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国. 愚人节时,人们常常组织家庭聚会,用水仙花和雏菊把房间装饰一新.典型的传统做法是布置假环境,可以把房间布置得象过圣诞节一样.也可以布置得象过新年一样,待客人来时,则祝贺他们“圣诞快乐”或“新年快乐”,令人感到别致有趣. 4月1日的鱼宴.也是别开生面的.参加色宴的请帖,通常是用纸板做成的彩色小鱼.餐桌用绿、白两色装饰起来.中间放上鱼缸和小巧玲珑的钓鱼竿,每个钓竿上系一条绿色飘带,挂着送给客人的礼物——或是一个精巧的赛璐珞鱼,或是一个装满糖果的鱼篮子.不言而喻,鱼宴上所有的菜都是用鱼做成的.在愚人节的聚会上,还有一种做假菜的风俗.有人曾经描述过一个典型的愚人节菜谱:先是一道“色拉”,莴苣叶上撒满了绿胡椒,但是把叶子揭开后,才发现下面原来是牡蛎鸡尾酒;第二道菜是“烤土豆”,其实下面是甜面包屑和鲜蘑;此后上的菜还有用蟹肉作伪装的烧鸡和埋藏在西红柿色拉下面的覆盆子冰淇淋.饭后,客人还可以从丸药盒里取食糖果. 不过愚人节最典型的活动还是大家互相开玩笑,用假话捉弄对方.有的人把细线拴着的钱包丢在大街上,自己在暗处拉着线的另一端.一旦有人捡起钱包,他们就出其不意地猛然把钱包拽走.还有人把砖头放在破帽子下面搁在马路当中,然后等着看谁来了会踢它.小孩们会告诉父母说自己的书包破了个洞,或者脸上有个黑点.等大人俯身来看时,他们就一边喊着“四月傻瓜”.一边笑着跑开去.总之,每逢愚人节这一天,动物园和水族馆还会接到不少打给菲什(鱼)先生成莱昂(狮子)先生的电话,常常惹得工作人员掐断电话线,以便减少麻烦. 如今的愚人节在美国已主要是淘气的男孩子们的节日了. 版本二:据说,愚人节起源于一个很有名的希腊神话传说. 农业女神得墨忒尔,在希腊是个妇孺皆知的神祗.她具有无边的法力,可以使土地肥沃,五谷丰登,也可以令田园荒芜,万物凋零.在希腊众神中,她也是尊崇的女神之一.万神宙斯是她的弟弟,也是她的丈夫.仅仅这个身份,就足以使众神在她的脚下俯首帖耳了. 但是,这位权势无比的女神的生活并非十全十美.宙斯凭借着神王的地位,到处拈花惹草,闹出了许多风流韵事,给得墨忒尔带来了无穷无尽的烦恼.能够让她享受生活乐趣的,还是她和宙斯生的女儿佩尔塞福涅,一个聪慧、美丽、天真、活泼的姑娘,和她在一起,任何人都不会悲伤和忧愁. 这一天,冥王哈得斯驾车巡视西西里岛,恰好被在云端中走过的爱与美女神阿芙罗狄忒看到了,同时让她看到的,还有正在田野里散步的佩尔塞福涅,以及她的伙伴女战神雅典娜,狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯. 一看到这几个人,阿芙罗狄忒就气不打一处来.这几个男女,从来不议论爱情,也不谈婚论嫁,眼睛里可还有她爱神的地位吗?雅典娜和阿尔忒弥斯是出名的贞洁女神,又都以武艺高强,神通广大,闻名神界天国,还是不惹为好.但对佩尔塞福涅这小丫头,可就不必客气了. 于是,头上晃动着神圣光环的阿芙洛蒂德唤过自己的儿子?小爱神厄罗斯,对他说:“看看吧,这几个人是怎洋对待爱情的?如果人和神都学他们的样,我们还怎样统治这个世界?来,给哈得斯射上一箭,让他疯狂地爱上佩尔塞福涅!” 厄罗斯是个百发百中的神射手.他弯弓劲射,一技无形的情欲之箭,正扎进哈得斯的心窝.然后,他便跟随着阿芙洛蒂德,扬长而去,静等着看好戏了. 果然,哈得斯中箭后,对佩尔塞福涅产生了刻骨铭心的爱.但他明白得很,这个远近闻名的美人儿,绝不会情愿放弃阳光明媚的大地和天空,跟他到阴暗的冥府中去.因此,他找到自己的兄弟?众神宙斯,请求他作主将女儿嫁到冥府. “这个么……我作不了主”,众神的主宰沉思着说,“你也知道,得墨忒尔难缠得很.不过,你要是有本事把佩尔塞福涅抢走,我倒不反对.” 得到了神王的默许和暗示,哈得斯满心欢喜,他立刻返回冥土,做好抢亲的准备. 一天,佩尔塞福涅在田野里正欲弯腰采摘一朵野花时,大地突然裂开了一条宽宽的地缝.随后,一辆闪闪发光的金车,冲上了地面,驾车的就是威风凛凛的冥王.他不由分说,一把抱起佩尔塞福涅,放到他身边的座位上,一声吆喝,马车便以迅不可及的速度沉入地下.裂开的大地倏然合上了,依然是阳光灿烂,绿草如茵,除了天空中还回荡着佩尔塞福涅的呼救声外,好像什么也没发生过.得墨忒尔在很遥远的地方,听到了女儿撕心裂肺般的呼救声.但当她以最快的速度飞回来时,女儿已经不见了.她只知道女儿被“强盗”劫走了,但是,这个强盗是谁,却一点蛛丝马迹也寻不出来.那些知道佩尔塞福涅下落的神灵们,全都缄口不言.他们知道这件事的背景,宙斯和哈得斯都不是好惹的,谁也不想引火烧身.有几个神祗被*问急了,也是东西南北瞎扯一通.女神按照他们的指点,没头苍蝇般乱闯乱撞,不用说,这些都成了徒劳无功的跋涉. 然而,对女儿的爱,促使得墨忒尔永无休止地找下去.无论哪个神说了什么,她都确信不疑.虽然后来的事实证明,那些都是彻头彻尾的谎言.无奈之下,她在深不可测的埃特纳火山口点燃了两支松木火把,把整个世界照得一片通明.从那时起,无论黎明女神还是黑夜女神,都未见她坐下来休息片刻. 就这样,得墨忒尔走遍了世界上的每一个角落.但是,她的女儿就像被风卷走了,被太阳晒化了,或者变成了水汽和浮云似的,仍然踪影全无.众神对她也逐渐由同情转为厌恶.因为这个“女疯子”为寻找女儿,搅得世界上没有片刻安宁.他们越加拿她开起心来,忽而指向东南,忽而指向西北,无非是想把她支走,过几天太平日子. 最后,得墨忒尔只得拖着疲倦的身子,返回了西西里岛,佩尔塞福涅失踪的地方.奔波了这许多天,连罪魁祸首是谁都不知道,女神的气恼可想而知.于是,她便把一肚子的怨气,都撒到了西西里农人身上.她杀死了岛上所有的耕牛,命令土地坚如钢铁,封住地里的种子,让所有的植物都枯黄凋零.把这个地域辽阔的大岛弄得赤地千里,饿殍遍地. 宙斯见她闹得太不像话,就“好心”地劝她再到别处看看,别拿无辜的农民出气.得墨忒尔不知其中有诈,再一次踏上了东西逛的征途.这一下了可不得了,不知多少地方,由于女神的愤怒,变得颗粒无收,到处都弥漫着饥馑和灾荒的绝望气氛. 当她明白自己又上了丈夫一个大当时,才静下心来,想一想到底该怎洋办,无意中她抬起头来,看到了驾着金车,在茫茫太空巡行的太阳神赫利俄斯.猛然想到,只有他高高在上,普照一切,明察秋毫,天底下发生的任何事情,都不可能逃过他的双眼.这才手执火把,飞到赫利俄斯面前,请他指点迷津. 伟大的太阳神怜悯女神的遭遇,又无需畏惧冥王的权势.而且,他也不愿意得墨忒尔再这样大闹下去,让众神看笑话,让老百姓受难,便把哈得斯抢亲的情况,仔细描述了一番.得墨忒尔恍然大悟,但为时已晚.此时此刻,佩尔塞福涅在哈得斯的威*利诱下,已然成了尊贵的冥后,无法再到地上和母亲团聚了.何况,得墨忒尔再神通广大,也没本事把女儿从哈得斯手中硬夺过来. 得墨忒尔知道自己受了众神的欺骗、愚弄,愤懑和气恼又加深了一层.她干脆下了一道命令,让全世界的植物一起凋零,所有的庄稼全部枯死,大地上不允许出现一丝绿色.自己则躲到一个偏僻的地方,不再露面. 这一来,天上地下全部乱了套.老百姓没有粮食吃,每天都有成千上万人饿死.成群结队的亡魂拥入冥府,吵吵闹闹,把哈得斯弄得心烦意乱,狼狈不堪.众神也因为得不到人间的祭祀和礼物,一个个饿得面黄肌瘦.宙斯没办法,只好让佩尔塞福涅每年有1/3时间住在冥府,2/3时间则返回人世,侍奉她的母亲.以后,每当佩尔塞福涅留居冥土时,得墨忒尔便愁眉不展,大地也是一片萧条.而女儿一旦和她团聚,女神便喜笑颜开,世界也重现草木复苏,群芳争艳的勃勃生机.很明显,在这个故事里,得墨忒尔是一个十足的傻瓜.她不知道爱神的把戏,不知道丈夫和哈得斯的同谋,事件发生后,又被众神支得团团转,屡屡受骗上当,被人戏弄.此后,人们便设立了愚人节,用善意的谎言,告诫那些自以为聪明的人,不要由于轻信,干出贻笑大方的蠢事. 除上述这个故事外,关于愚人节的起源,还有另外一种传说.在中世纪时,多数基督教国家都使用儒略历,把3月25日到4月1日作为新年节日来庆祝.按习俗4月1日这天,人们要互赠礼物致贺.公元1752年,格里高利历开始颁行,新年移到了1月1日.但人们旧俗难改,仍愿意在4月1日向别人送贺礼,这个“新年”,本身就是虚假的了.后来,有些爱恶作剧的人,干脆把礼物也变成虚假的.说是送一盒点心,里边可能是块石头.声言前去拜访,却让主人干等半天.受骗的人不甘心,也照方抓药,进行报复,久而久之,就形成了愚人节. 今天,愚人节已经发展成为一个国际性节日,差不多在整个欧洲和北美都流行.苏格兰称这一天的受骗者为“布谷鸟”,似乎和农业女神仍有些关系.法国人则叫作“四月鱼”这大概是因为小鱼在四月刚孵出,糊里糊涂地见饵就吞,容易上钩的缘故吧! 随着时间的推移,愚人节作弄人的手法,也是花样翻新,新意百出.如:新婚的妻子可能会收到告发丈夫不忠的信件,碌碌无为的公务员会接到提升的调令,儿子会接到父亲去世的电报.某年4月1日,英国《每日镜报》登出一帧照片,一个面容酷似某国总统的男人,一手挽着一个几乎全裸的美女.凡此种种,如果你都信以为真,就上了大当.当然,如果你真受了愚弄,也不必像得墨忒尔女神那样大光其火,拿出点“绅士”风度,一笑置之,才符合愚人节与人为善的真谛.。



关于愚人节由来的英文版参阅愚人节是西方节日之一,关于愚人节英文由来,大家了解多少呢?下面是小编为大家精心准备了关于愚人节由来的英文版参阅,希望大家喜欢!AprilFool’sDayistraditionallyadaytoplaypracticaljoke sonothers,sendpeopleonfool’serrands,andfooltheunsusp ecting.Nooneknowshowthisholidaybeganbutitwasthoughtto haveoriginatedinFrance.传统上来讲,愚人节这一天,人们可以相互搞恶作剧,骗人跑腿,欺骗不知情的人。


Theclosestpointintimethatcanbeidentifiedasthebeginnin gofthistraditionwasin1582,inFrance.NewYear’swasceleb ratedonMarch25andcelebrationslasteduntilApril1st.When NewYear’sDayaschangedfromMarch25toJanuary1stinthemid -1560’sbyKingCharlesIX,thereweresomepeoplewhostillcel ebrateditonApril1standthosepeoplewerecalledAprilFools.庆祝愚人节最早是在1582年,在法国。



PranksperformedonAprilFool’sDayrangefromthesimple,(s uchassaying,”Yourshoe’suntied!),totheelaborate.Sett ingaroommate’salarmclockbackanhourisacommongag.Thene wsmediaevengetsinvolved.Forinstance,aBritishshortfilmonceshownonAprilFool’sDaywasafairlydetaileddocumenta ryabout”spaghettifarmers”andhowtheyharvesttheircrop fromthespaghettitrees.Whatevertheprank,thetricksterus uallyendsitbyyellingtohisvictim,”AprilFool!”愚人节那天的恶作剧有的很简单(比如,说句“你鞋带开了!”),有的却是精心设计的。





April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.







愚人节起源英文介绍愚人节起源英文介绍Fool’s Day 愚人节1st April is a day to be careful, or you could easily get tricked by someone. It’s April Fool’s Day, a "for-fun-only" observance, a day when people traditionally like to try to make a fool of someone else and laugh at them.Origins(愚人节起源)There are lots of theories surrounding the origins of the day. As we look back in time, many ancient predecessors of April Fool’s Day are found.A French legendry 法国关于愚人节的传说The most widespread theory about the origin of April Fool’s Day links the day to the calendar reform in France.In 1582 France became the first country to switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. This meant that the beginning of the year was moved from the end of March 25th and April 1st, various jokes would be played on him. This story might explain why April 1st became the date of the modern holiday.Mythological roots 关于愚人节的神话起源There have been quite a few attempts to provide m ythological explanations for the rise of April Fool’s Day.One story dates back to Roman mythology, particularly the myth of Ceres and Proserpina. In Roman mythology Pluto, the God of the dead, abducted Proserpina called out to her mother Ceres for help. But Ceres, who could only hear the echo of her daughter’s voice, searched in vain for Proserpina. The fruitless search of Ceres for her daughter was commemorated during theRoman festival of Cerealia and believed by some to have been the mythological antece dent of the fool’s errands popular on April 1st.British folklore 英国民间传说British folklore links April Fool’s Day to the town of Gotham. According to the legend, it was traditional in the 13th century for any road that the King travelled over to become public property. People in Gotham didn’t want to lose their main road and spread a false story to stop the King. A messenger was sent to Gotham after King John learned the people’s trick. But when the messenger arrived in Gotham he found the town was full of lunatics who were engaged in foolish activities such as drowning fish or attempting to cage birds in roofless fences. The King fell for the hoax and declared the town too foolish to warrant punishment. And ever since then, April Fool’s Day has supposedly commemorated their trickery.Anthropological explanations 人类学的.解释Anthropological and cultural historians provide their own explanations for the rise of April Fool’s Day. According to them, the celebration traces its roots back to festivals marking the springtime.Spring is the time of year when the weather becomes fickle, as if Nature is playing tricks on man, and festivals occurring during the spring traditionally mirrored this sense of whimsy and surprise. They often involved temporary inversions of the social order. Normal behavior no longer governed during the brief moment of transition as the old world died and the new cycle of seasons was born. Jokes, trickery, and the turning upside down of status expectations were all allowed.In addition, the linkage between April Fool’s Day and thespringtime is seen in another story that traces the origin of the custom back to the abundance of fish to be found in French streams during early April when the young fish had just hatched. These young fish were easy to fool with a hook and lure. Therefore, the French called them “Poisson d’Avril” or “April Fish”. Soon it became customary to fool people on April 1st, as a way of celebrating the abundance of “foolish” fish.Celebrated 庆祝活动In France today, April first is called "Poisson d'Avril." French children fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends' backs. When the "young fool" discovers this trick, the prankster yells "Poisson d'Avril!" (April Fish!)In Scotland, April Fool's Day is actually celebrated for two days. The second day is devoted to pranks involving the posterior region of the body. It is called Taily Day. The origin of the "kick me" sign can be traced to this observance.Mexico and many Spanish-speaking countries have Innocent's Day, on December 28, to make "innocent" a person with jokes and hoaxes. The origin for the pranking is derived from the Catholic feast day Day of the Holy Innocents for the infants slaughtered by King Herod at the time of Jesus' birth.The New York April Fools' Day Parade was created in 1986 to remedy a glaring omission in the long list of New York's annual ethnic and holiday parades. These events fail to recognize the importance of April 1st, the day designated to commemorate the perennial folly of mankind. In an attempt to bridge that gap and bring people back in touch with their inherent foolishness, the parade annually crowns a King of Fools from the parading look-alikes.Gag gifts 恶作剧的礼物What kind of pranks do people play on April Fool’s Day?Starving studentsA good prank for most university's is to print up a bunch of fake leaflets advertising a non-existent restaurant that has cheap eats and offers free food with the coupons printed on the leaflets. Most colleges have a student union, so the leaflets can be dropped off there and pinned up on various bulletin boards around campus.When this is done, you can sit back and watch the marks wandering around looking for their free lunches.Go Fish, GoldfishWhen you are at someone's house and they are having a party or people over, go to their main bathroom and put about a dozen goldfish in their toliet. This prank is hilarious because people won't know what to do. They either go to the bathroom and flush the fish or they let them stay in there until someone scoops them out and they will end up with a dozen goldfish!Sticky GlueYou'll need a little bit of lightly sticky glue for this one--I suggest simply using a glue stick and smearing it. Put the glue on someone's seat--imagine the trouble they'll have getting up!。



愚人节由来英文版为您提供的《愚人节由来英文版》,希望大家在愚人节能够开开心心,将你的小伙伴们骗的团团转!April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.传统上来讲,愚人节这一天,人们可以相互搞恶作剧,骗人跑腿,欺骗不知情的人。


The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France. New Year's was celebrated on March 25 and celebrations lasted until April 1st. When New Year's Day as changed from March 25 toJanuary 1st in the mid-1560's by King Charles IX, there were some people who still celebrated it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools.特别推荐| | | | |庆祝愚人节最早是在1582年,在法国。






在法国,愚人节被称作“april fish”。

法国人和他们的朋友是这样开玩笑的:把一张裁成鱼形的纸用胶带粘到朋友的后背上,当有人发现的时候,他们就会喊:“poisson d'avril!”.
in england, tricks can be played only in the morning. if a trick is played on you, you are a "noodle". in scotland, april fools day is 48 hours long and you are called an "april gowk", which is another name for a cuckoo bird. the second day in scotland's april fool's is called taily day and is dedicated to pranks involving the buttocks. taily day's gift to posterior posterity is the still-hilarious "kick me" sign.



苏格兰第二天的愚人节叫做taily day,恶作剧主要在别人的屁股上做文章。

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AprilFool'sDayoriginatedinfrance.In1564,FrenchfirstadoptedtheGregorian calendarreform--thenewcalendar(theGregoriancalendarthatisnowcomm on),withJanuary1stasthebeginningoftheyear.Butsomefollowthebeatentra ckwhoopposedthisreform,stillaccordingtostubbornlyclingtotheoldcalend arinApril1stthisdaytosendgiftstocelebratethenewyear.Advocatesoftheref ormoftheoldpersonpracticesofmuchmockery.SmartfunnyinApril1stwillgiv ethemfalsegift,invitedthemtofalsereception.Anddeceivedconservativesas "Aprilfool"or"baitfish".ThenpeoplewillfooleachotherinApril1st,Francehas becomeapopularcustom.AtthebeginningofeighteenthCentury,AprilFool's daypracticesreachedEngland,followedbytheBritishintheearlyimmigrantstotheAmerica.愚人节时,人们常常组织家庭聚会,用水仙花和雏菊把房间装饰一新。



愚人节的起源(How April Fools' Day Begin)
in the 16th century, people celebrated new year's day from march 25 to april 1. later, king charles ix changed new year's day to january 1. but some people who lived in countryside did not the news; they still celebrated new year on april 1, so others laughed at them and called them april fools.








愚人节的由来英语篇一:愚人节的由来中英文版愚人节的由来中英文版愚人节的由来英文版:aprilFools'day愚人节aprilFools'dayisadaytoplayjokesonothers,nooneknowshowthisholida ybeganbutpeoplethinkitfirststartedinFrance.inthe16thcentury,people(:愚人节的由来英语)celebratednewYear'sdayfrommarch25toapril1.inthemid—1560sKingcharlesiXchangeditfrommarch25toJanuary1.Butsomepeoplestillcelebratedinonapril1,sootherscalle dthemaprilFools.EachcountrycelebratesaprilFools'daydifferently.inFrance,peoplecallt heaprilFools“aprilFish”.Theytapeapaperfishtotheirfriends'backstofoolthem.w henheorshefindsthis,theyshout“aprilFish!”inEngland,peopleplayjokesonlyinthemorning.Youarea“noodle”ifsomeonefoolsyou.inScotland,aprilFools'dayis48hourslong.Theycal lanaprilFool“aprilGowk”.Gowkisanothernameforacuckoobird. intheamerica,peopleplaysmalljokesontheirfriendsandanyotherpeopleonthefirstofaprol.Theymaypointdowntoyourshoeandsay,“Yourshoelaceisuntied.”ifyoubelievethemandlookdowntosee,youareanaprilFoolthen.愚人节的由来中文版:愚人节又称万愚节,已经有几百年的历史了。



愚人节起源英文介绍愚人节起源英文介绍Fool’s Day 愚人节1st April is a day to be careful, or you could easily get tricked by someone. It’s April Fool’s Day, a "for-fun-only" observance, a day when people traditionally like to try to make a fool of someone else and laugh at them.Origins(愚人节起源)There are lots of theories surrounding the origins of the day. As we look back in time, many ancient predecessors of April Fool’s Day are found.A French legendry 法国关于愚人节的传说The most widespread theory about the origin of April Fool’s Day links the day to the calendar reform in France.In 1582 France became the first country to switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. This meant that the beginning of the year was moved from the end of March 25th and April 1st, various jokes would be played on him. This story might explain why April 1st became the date of the modern holiday.Mythological roots 关于愚人节的'神话起源There have been quite a few attempts to provide mythological explanations for the rise of April Fool’s Day.One story dates back to Roman mythology, particularly the myth of Ceres and Proserpina. In Roman mythology Pluto, the God of the dead, abducted Proserpina called out to her mother Ceres for help. But Ceres, who could only hear the echo of her daughter’s voice, searched in vain for Proserpina. The fruitless search of Ceres for her daughter was commemorated during the Roman festival of Cerealia and believed by some to have been the mythological antecedent of the fool’s errands popular on April 1st.British folklore 英国民间传说British folklore links April Fool’s Day to the town of Gotham. According to the legend, it was traditional in the 13th century for any road that the King travelled over to become public property. People in Gotham didn’t want to lose their main road and sp read a false story to stop the King. A messenger was sent to Gotham after King John learned the people’s trick. But when the messenger arrived in Gotham he found the town was full of lunatics who were engaged in foolish activities such as drowning fish or attempting to cage birds in roofless fences. The King fell for the hoax and declared the town too foolish to warrant punishment. And ever since then, April Fool’s Day has supposedly commemorated their trickery.Anthropological explanations 人类学的解释Anthropological and cultural historians provide their own explanations for the rise of April Fool’s Day. According to them, the celebration traces its roots back to festivals marking the springtime.Spring is the time of year when the weather becomes fickle, as if Nature is playing tricks on man, and festivals occurring during the spring traditionally mirrored this sense of whimsy and surprise. They often involved temporary inversions of the social order. Normal behavior no longer governed during the brief moment of transition as the old world died and the new cycle of seasons was born. Jokes, trickery, and the turning upside down of status expectations were all allowed.In addition, the linkage between April Fool’s Day and the springtime is seen in another story that traces the origin of the custom back to the abundance of fish to be found in French streams during early April when the young fish had just hatched. These young fish were easy to fool with a hook and lure. Therefore, the French called them “Poisson d’Avril” or “April Fish”. Soon it became customary to fool people on April 1st, as a way of celebrating the abundance of“foolish” fish.Celebrated 庆祝活动In France today, April first is called "Poisson d'Avril." French children fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends' backs. When the "young fool" discovers this trick, the prankster yells "Poisson d'Avril!" (April Fish!)In Scotland, April Fool's Day is actually celebrated for two days. The second day is devoted to pranks involving the posterior region of the body. It is called Taily Day. The origin of the "kick me" sign can be traced to this observance.Mexico and many Spanish-speaking countries have Innocent's Day, on December 28, to make "innocent" a person with jokes and hoaxes. The origin for the pranking is derived from the Catholic feast day Day of the Holy Innocents for the infants slaughtered by King Herod at the time of Jesus' birth.The New York April Fools' Day Parade was created in 1986 to remedy a glaring omission in the long list of New York's annual ethnic and holiday parades. These events fail to recognize the importance of April 1st, the day designated to commemorate the perennial folly of mankind. In an attempt to bridge that gap and bring people back in touch with their inherent foolishness, the parade annually crowns a King of Fools from the parading look-alikes.Gag gifts 恶作剧的礼物What kind of pranks do people play on April Fool’s Day?Starving studentsA good prank for most university's is to print up a bunch of fake leaflets advertising a non-existent restaurant that has cheap eats and offers free food with the coupons printed on the leaflets. Most colleges have a student union, so the leaflets can be dropped off there and pinned up on various bulletin boards around campus.When this is done, you can sit back and watch the marks wandering around looking for their free lunches.Go Fish, GoldfishWhen you are at someone's house and they are having a party or people over, go to their main bathroom and put about a dozen goldfish in their toliet. This prank is hilarious because people won't know what to do. They either go to the bathroom and flush the fish or they let them stay in there until someone scoops them out and they will end up with a dozen goldfish!Sticky GlueYou'll need a little bit of lightly sticky glue for this one--I suggest simply using a glue stick and smearing it. Put the glue on someone's seat--imagine the trouble they'll have getting up!。

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April Fool's Day
While popular in the U.S., the April Fool's Day tradition is even more prevalent in European countries, such as France and Great Britain. Although the roots of the traditional trickings are unclear, the French and the British both have claims on the origin of the celebration.
愚人节的习俗在美国是很流行的,在欧洲国家如法国和英国就更是如此了. 虽然这种愚弄人习俗的起源不甚清楚,但法国人和英国人却都声称这种庆祝活动是由他们开始的.
One theory holds that the first April Fool's Day was on April 1 of the year when King of France instituted the new calendar. This new system placed the day that had formerly been the first day of a new year on April 1. Many people were reluctant to adjust to the new calendar and continued to celebrateNew Year's Day on what had become the first day of April. Thus, they become the first April fools. Others began to give gag gifts on the day to mock the foolishness of those who continued to celebratethe new year on April 1.
An English story about the day, however, holds that it began sometime during the 1200s. At the time, King John of England was in the habit of making a road out of nearly every path he walked regularly. The citizens of one particular farm village were aware of this. To avoid having their green meadows and pastures disturbed with one of the king's roads, they built a fence that prevented the king from walking through their countryside. The king sent a group of messengers to inform the villagers that they must remove the barrier. Upon hearing that the king was planning to do this, however, the villagers developed a plan of their own. When community of lunatics, with people behaving in a bizarre manner, throwing things and running around wildly. The messengers, alarmed at what they had found, reported to King John that these people were so mad as to be beyond punishment. So, the villagers saved their farmland by tricking the
King.In Great Britain, tradition only allows April Fool's
tricks from midnight to noon on April 1. Those who try to
play tricks in the afternoon become the fools themselves.
看到的情景,向约翰国王报告说, 这些人疯得厉害根本没法处罚.村民
