中国与外国七夕节区别 跨文化对比训练
一、中西情人节的起源和历史1. 中情人节的起源和历史中情人节最早可追溯到中国古代传统的“七夕节”。
2. 西情人节的起源和历史西情人节则起源于古罗马,源自于圣瓦伦丁的传说。
二、中西情人节的庆祝方式1. 中情人节的庆祝方式在中国,情人节通常以浪漫的方式庆祝。
2. 西情人节的庆祝方式西情人节的庆祝方式在西方国家也是多种多样的。
三、中西情人节的传承与发展1. 中情人节的传承与发展中情人节自古以来一直是中国重要的文化传统之一。
2. 西情人节的传承与发展西情人节作为一种传统文化节日,在西方国家得到了广泛的传承和发展。
汇报人: 2023-12-11
目 录
• 中西方情人节概述 • 中西方情人节的起源与传说 • 中西方情人节的庆祝方式与习俗 • 中西方情人节礼物与饮食文化 • 中西方情人节文化影响与差异产生的原因 • 中西方情人节的发展趋势与未来展望
七夕节起源于中国,有着悠久的历史 和文化背景,是中国传统节日之一。
西方的Valentine's Day起源与传说
西方的Valentine's Day起源于古代罗马 的瓦伦丁节,是庆祝爱情的传统节日。
Valentine's Day是为了纪念一位名叫瓦 伦丁的基督教圣徒而设立的节日。传说中 ,瓦伦丁是一位罗马士兵,他因违反罗马 皇帝的禁令而入狱。在狱中,他帮助一对 相爱的年轻人结婚,受到了皇帝的惩罚。 为了纪念瓦伦丁的勇敢和牺牲精神,人们 设立了Valentine's Day来庆祝爱情和婚 姻。
七夕节是中国的传统节日之一,有着深厚的文化内涵。人们会通过祭祀、穿针乞巧、投针 验巧、礼拜七姐、烧香祈福等活动来庆祝。特别是穿针乞巧和礼拜七姐是最为常见的习俗 。
中西方社会对情人节的认知也存在差 异。在中国,七夕节被视为一个具有 文化内涵的传统节日,而在西方,情 人节则被视为一个浪漫的节日,更注 重表达爱情和情感。
更多的文化融合:随着东西方文化的交流,中国情人节 将会有更多的西方元素融入,如更多的年轻人会选择在 情人节送礼物、共度浪漫时光等。
更个性化的庆祝方式:未来西方情人节可能会有更加个 性化的庆祝方式,如定制化的庆祝活动、更加个性化的 礼物等。
西方情人节起源于基督教,是 庆祝爱与爱情的节日。
西方情人节是全球范围内庆祝 的节日,被视为浪漫的节日。
西方情人节的传统习俗包括送 礼物、浪漫晚餐、烟火等。
西方情人节的庆祝方式以浪漫 、温馨为主,体现了对爱情的
西方情人节:2月14日 中国情人节:农历七月初七
七夕节源于中国古老的 牛郎织女传说,具有深 厚的文化底蕴。
七夕节是中国传统节日 中最浪漫的节日之一, 被视为中国的情人节。
七夕节有着丰富的文化 内涵,包括对爱情的向 往、对家庭的重视等。
七夕节传统习俗包括穿 针引线、祈祷姻缘、赏 月等。
中西方情人节的活动建议 与展望
送礼物:建议选择有特殊意义的礼物,如手工艺品、定制化的饰品或亲手制作的糕 点等,以表达心意。
Байду номын сангаас
中西方情人节的差异英语作文英文回答:Differences Between Western and Chinese Valentine's Day.Valentine's Day, a day celebrated worldwide, hasdistinct cultural variations between the West and China. While both cultures share the sentiment of love and romance, the traditions and customs surrounding the holiday differ significantly.1. Origins and Legends.In the West, Valentine's Day is rooted in the legend of Saint Valentine, a priest who defied Roman Emperor Claudius II by secretly performing marriages for young couples. When his actions were discovered, he was martyred on February14th. In China, Valentine's Day emerged as a modern-day festival inspired by the West in the 1990s. It is not tiedto any specific historical figure or event.2. Date.Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th in the West. However, in China, it is celebrated on August 20th, coinciding with the Chinese Qixi Festival. Qixi originated from a folk tale about a cowherd and a weaver girl who could only meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month (which typically falls in August).3. Gender Roles.In the West, Valentine's Day is traditionally a day when men express their love and affection to women. They typically send flowers, chocolates, and gifts. In China, gender roles are more balanced. Both men and women give and receive gifts on Valentine's Day.4. Gift-Giving.In the West, popular Valentine's Day gifts include flowers, chocolates, jewelry, and heartfelt cardsexpressing romantic sentiments. In China, gifts are often more practical and tangible, such as clothing, electronics, or home appliances.5. Commercialization.Valentine's Day has become a highly commercialized holiday in the West. Businesses capitalize on the occasion by selling a wide range of romantic merchandise. In China, while the holiday has also gained commercial popularity, it is not as pervasive as in the West.6. Romantic Gestures.In the West, Valentine's Day is a day for grand gestures of love, such as candlelit dinners, serenades, and marriage proposals. In China, romantic expressions tend to be more subtle and indirect. Couples may go on dates, exchange small gifts, or share romantic messages oversocial media.7. Societal Significance.Valentine's Day holds a different level of societal significance in the West and China. In the West, it is considered a major romantic holiday, celebrated with great enthusiasm. In China, it is more of a secular occasion, not as deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric.8. Cultural Impact.Valentine's Day has had a significant cultural impact in both the West and China. It has influenced music, literature, film, and art. In particular, it has popularized the idea of romantic love and the pursuit of a significant other.中文回答:西方情人节与中国情人节的差异。
中西方情人节差异【篇一:中国七夕节与西方情人节的对比分析】中国七夕节与西方情人节的对比分析the comparison between the chinese double-seventh festival and the westernvalentine’day系别:专业:班级:学号:学生姓名:指导教师:2011年4月14日摘要情人节和七夕节都是与爱情有关的节日,但它们最初都起源于生殖崇拜。
关键词:生殖崇拜情人节七夕节目录摘要 ....................................................................................................... ..................................... i 目录 ....................................................................................................... (ii)引言 ....................................................................................................... (1)一.七夕和情人节的起源与习俗 (1)1.1起源 ....................................................................................................... .. (1)1.2习俗 ....................................................................................................... .. (2)二.七夕和情人节的对比 (3)2.1七夕比情人节有更多的文化底蕴 (3)2.2情人节的节日氛围远胜七夕 (3)三. 七夕节和情人节的共同特点 (4)3.1同根同源:生殖崇拜 ....................................................................................................... .. 43.2同一主题:爱 ....................................................................................................... .. (4)四.重拾七夕往日的辉煌,使之成为中国节日的主流 (4)结论 ....................................................................................................... (5)参考文献 ....................................................................................................... . (6)致谢 ....................................................................................................... (7)引言情人节是西方国家一个奇特而有趣的节日,流行于欧美及大洋洲,也为其他各州的青年男女所接受,现已成为各国青年人喜爱的节日。
Modern marriage is not a product of emotions, but more of the crystallization of competition. Choosing a spouse is actually a competition in disguise for employment, and Xiaosan is the original partner's biggest competitor.同学互助一起进步(页眉可删)中西方情人节差异有哪些中西方情人节差异有哪些?,每年都有一个情人节,中国的情人节是农历的七月初七,西方的情人节是新历的2月14,那么中西方情人节差异在哪里?请看下面:中西方情人节差异有哪些【1】从中西情人节对比中窥探中西文化差异西方情人节西方情人节,又叫圣瓦伦丁节或圣华伦泰节(St.Valentine"sDay),即每年的2月14日,是西方的传统节日之一。
现在,中文译为“情人节”的这个日子,在西方国家里就被称为Valentines Day,用以纪念那位为情人做主而牺牲的神父。
1.美国情人节:2月14日美国的情人节也被称为圣瓦伦丁节(St. Valentine’s Day),是每年2月14日庆祝的节日。
然而,法国人还有一个特别的传统活动,即“钥匙之城”(La Fête des Amoureux)。
在日本,情人节被称为“Valentine’s Day”(バレンタインデー),并且只有女性才会在这一天赠送巧克力给男性。
10月31日是西洋万圣节前夕,美国的街上四 处可见精彩的现场表演、戏台上演的幻觉魔术、 逼真的游尸和鬼魂,及各种恐怖电影的放映。 万圣节前夜最流行的游戏是“咬苹果”。游 戏时,人们让苹果漂浮在装满水的盆里,然后让 孩子们在不用手的条件下用嘴去咬苹果,谁先咬 到,谁就是优胜者。
情人节 Valentine’s Day
又叫圣瓦伦丁节或圣华伦 泰节,即每年的2月14日, 是西方的传统节日之一。 这是一个关于爱、浪漫以 及花、巧克力、贺卡的节 日。 男女在这一天互送礼物用 以表达爱意或友好。现已 成为欧美各国青年人喜爱 的节日,其他地方也已开 始流行。
情人节是个需要谨慎小心的日子——对于单身的 人和浪漫的人来说更是如此。 “情人节”清早一起床你就该从钥匙孔向外窥探。 据传说记载,如果你所看到的第一个人是在独行, 那么你当年就会独身; 如果你看到两个或更多的人同行,那么你当年肯 定会觅得情人; 如果你看到一只公鸡和一只母鸡的话,那你就会 在“圣诞节”以前结婚。可如今各家的庭院已绝 少有公鸡母鸡出没,城区空地上也不会有鸡的踪 影,所以若能看见一对鸽子或一对麻雀也有同工 之妙。
单身汉们对“情人节”早晨所遇到的第一个人 格外关注,因为如果情人节你未婚而且正在寻觅 伴侣,你注定要与2月14日所见到的第一个人结 婚,至少这个人会在你的生命里起举足轻重的作 用。如果你不怕羞,你可以一大早给你的意中人 打电话,要求搭乘对方的车上班。或者闭门不出, 到中午再出去,也是一个不错的对策。 未婚女子相信如果把鞋摆成T字型放在床下, 而且开着窗的话,就一定会梦见自己的心上人或 者发现他站在床前。这在农村的成功率更高,因 为她的追求者可以从窗口窥见特地摆放的鞋子。
学校在万圣节是不放假的。有时学校出面 组织晚会,有时不甘寂寞的学生们也会自 己主办小型晚会;而朋友、家人间互寄贺 卡祝万圣节快乐则成为每年十月间流行的 习俗。 总之,万圣节已成为西方人一个很普通的 季节性节日。有很多人将此看作秋的结束 以及冬的到来。万圣节一过,人们就开始 期盼圣诞节乃至新年了
西方的情人节通常指的是 2 月 14日的圣瓦伦丁节。
人们为了纪念他的勇敢和爱情精神,将 2 月14 日定为情人节。
一、背景故事1. 七夕情人节七夕情人节起源于中国古代的牛郎织女传说,故事中的牛郎织女分居两岸,每年七月初七这一天,他们有机会相聚一次。
2. 西方情人节西方情人节起源于基督教圣人瓦伦丁,他以身殉情而成为了爱情的象征。
二、日期与庆祝方式1. 七夕情人节七夕情人节的日期固定在农历七月初七,这一天被视为牛郎织女相会的日子。
2. 西方情人节西方情人节固定在每年的2月14日。
三、象征物品1. 七夕情人节七夕情人节的象征物品主要包括星星、纸鹤和牛郎织女的形象。
2. 西方情人节西方情人节的象征物品主要是爱心图案、红色玫瑰和天使的形象。
四、活动与传统1. 七夕情人节七夕情人节的活动主要包括观赏星星、放飞纸鹤、参加庙会和灯谜活动。
2. 西方情人节西方情人节的活动主要包括相互赠送礼物、写情书或情诗、享受浪漫的晚餐和约会。
An Analysis of Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Valentine’s Day摘要随着中国对外交流和合作的不断深化与加强,很多源于西方的节日受到越来越多的中国人的追捧和喜欢。
关键词:七夕节;情人节;异同点;比较研究ContentsIntroduction (1)Chapter One Literature Review (3)1.1 Domestic Studies (3)1.2 Foreign Studies (5)Chapter Two Differences of Origins and Customs (7)2.1 Different Origins (7)2.1.1 Origins of Qixi Festival (7)2.1.2 Origins of Western Valentine’s Day (8)2.1.3 Comparison of Origins (8)2.2 Different Customs (9)2.2.1 Customs of Qixi Festival (9)2.2.2 Customs of Valentine’s Day (10)2.2.3 Comparison of Customs (8)Chapter Three Differences of Cultural Backgrounds and Religious Concepts (12)3.1 Different Cultural Backgrounds (12)3.1.1 Cultural Background of Qixi Festival (12)3.1.2 Cultural Background of Valentine’s Day (13)3.1.3 Comparison of Backgrounds (8)3.2 Differences in Religious Attitudes (14)3.2.1 Religious Attitude towards Qixi Festival (14)3.2.2 Religious Attitudes towards Valentine’s Day (14)3.2.3 Comparison of Religious Attitudes (8)Chapter Four Conclusion (16)References (117)IntroductionFor many years, Qixi Festival and Valentine’s Day have always been compared, so the differences and the relationship between them are worth studying.The connotation of each festival is profound, and different festivals also contain a different culture. These cultures are truly reflected in people's lives. With the exchanges and cooperation between different countries, the cultural and daily exchanges between different countries are deepening day by day, and the development of world culture also shows diversity. The convergence of cultures brings rich connotations to the culture of the world. Western festival culture has been widely spread into China, Chinese traditional festivals and western festival cultures have been collided. As a traditional festival in China, Qixi Festival is a significant festival for ancient women, also known as the “Qiqiao Festival”. The folk custom of this day is also extended and developed with women’s skillful begging as the core, and accompanied by the tradition of begging for love. After Valentine’s Day, was popularized in China, Qixi Festival was gradually crowned with the title of “Chinese Valentine’s Day” with westernization effect. Although Qixi Festival and Valentine’s Day do not have any historical origins, they are also very popular in China today. There are differences and characteristics between the two festivals.Since the beginning of the 21st century, this has gone global. With the close exchanges between Chinese and foreigners, many western festivals have been spread to China (newspapers, news, videos and other channels). These festivals bring fresh feelings to the Chinese people and are gradually loved by the Chinese people. More and more Chinese people are celebrating Western festivals. They send gifts, sing songs and travel to celebrate Western festivals. As the most representative Valentine's Day in the West, it is popular among young people in China. Many young people will follow the example of Westerners to celebrate this festival. At the same time, Chinese traditional festivals have been impacted in this context. It is quite right that Qixi Festival has not received the attention it deserves. Many young people don't know much about the connotation of traditional Chinese festivals, let alone celebrate them. For this question, we need to think deeply: what is the reasonfor this situation? The answer is that many Chinese people lack a comprehensive and dialectical understanding of Chinese and Western festivals. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the two, so that Chinese people can recognize their similarities and differences. Only in this way can we promote the promotion and development of Chinese traditional festivals and culture.This thesis chooses Valentine’s Day and Qixi Festival as typical cases to study the spread of Chinese and Western festival culture, and attempts to study the differences between the two. By studying the current situation of Valentine’s Day and Qixi Festival in China, this thesis explores the cultural differences behind the festivals and their impacts. How to develop and promote the two festivals to carry forward the cultural connotation of our traditional festivals is also very important.Chapter One Literature ReviewThis research is based on the theme of scholars’ research on Valentine’s Day in China and the West in the context of globalization, focusing on consulting scholars’ research results, differences and comparative studies of Chinese and Western festivals on Valentine’s Day, including Western Valentine’s Day and China’s Qixi Day.From the early 1980s to the 1990s, research on the Qixi Festival gradually increased, but mainly focused on history, literature and art, anthropology, folklore and sociology. Most of the studies are the introduction of Qixi folk customs and the literary study of Qixi poems and songs. It was first published by Zhang Jun in “Exploring the Origin of Qixi Festival”. Luo Jing (2022: 44-48) pointed out that the Qixi Festival originated in the Warring States Period. By sorting out the evolution of the legend of Niulang and Zhīnǚ, the author creatively argues that the traditional female-centred celebrations contain the values that the ancient society expected from women. In the 21st century, with the development of the market economy and the growing prosperity of business, research on the Qixi Festival has also changed. The first report to publicly call Qixi Festival “China Valentine’s Day” was published in the Factory Manager’s Daily in September 2001 under the title of Calling China’s Qixi Brand.The article pointed out that Western Valentine’s Day had entered the Chinese market in a comprehensive way. If you want to get a share of the Qixi Festival, you have to build Qixi into a cultural brand with commercial value (Wang, 2016: 25-29). So far, many scholars have started to study from the perspective of economics. For example, in the article “Symbolic Economy and the Qixi Festival as an Intangible Cultural Heritage”, the author Jia Xiaofeng took the symbolic value of the Qixi Festival as an example to talk about how culture can be transformed into resources. In addition, the academic community began to have new thoughts about the survival status of the Qixi Festival. For example, the author of “Survival through Reconstruction —— Thoughts on the Fate of the Qixi Festival”, by analyzing the reasons for the plight of the Qixi Festival, suggested thatthe reconstruction of the Qiqiao Festival into a husband and wife festival might be a possibility for its survival (Yang, 2019: 12-16). Since 2005, academic research on the Qixi Festival has seen a tremendous growth. Many scholars have begun to think about Qixi Festival and “China Valentine’s Day” in different ways, and to reflect on and criticize the simple positioning of Qixi Festival as “China Valentine’s Day”. The modern transformation of Qixi Festival is mainly due to its untimely connotation of begging and the development of love connotation; another example is that people believe that there is a big difference between Qixi Festival in China and Valentine’s Day in the West. In order to save Qixi Festival, we should not blindly imitate Valentine’s Day. It is worth noting that since the beginning of this period, more and more researchers have begun to study the introduction of the Qixi Festival from the perspective of communication studies. For example, Ye Shuxian (2015: 23-28) points out in his article From Qixi to Chinese Valentine’s Day: The Reconstruction of Traditional Festival Culture by the Mass Media that the excavation, The packaging and repackaging of traditional culture by the mass media has become a new trend, and the author believes that the Qixi Festival is not the focus of the media, but only a necessary or dispensable background. In this reporting mode, the audience unconsciously accepted that Qixi is China’s Valentine’s Day, which ultimately led to the real reconstruction of Qixi culture and folklore.Using the Qixi Festival in two places in Zhejiang Province as a case study, it is suggested that the so-called “traditional” festivals have already gone through a series of cultural evolutionary processes of stability, variation, error, intertextuality and reconstruction, and that local traditions in the Chinese context have also evolved into modern traditions in the context of globalization (Li, 2018: 75-77). In Zhang Yonghui’s (2020: 111-115) Master of Folklore thesis, Festivals of Love: Probing into the Sequence of Contemporary Love Festivals in China, Through the horizontal comparison between Qixi Festival and Singles’ Day, the author shows many differences between Chinese people at different times in terms of love festivals.The author also conducts a field survey on the survival status of the contemporary Qixi Festival, which has certain reference significance for the study of this paper.1.2 Foreign StudiesThe The focus of foreign research on Western Valentine’s Day has changed over time. The 1989 paper “Saint Valentine’s Day in the United States” is the earliest available research on Valentine’s Day in the West. The title indicates that the author used the literal name of the holiday rather than calling it “Valentine’s Day”. After 1993, Valentine’s Day became popular in society (Bochow, 2017: 195-218). Research on Valentine’s Day mainly comes from English-language professional journals and magazines, which mainly introduce the history, customs and significance of Valentine’s Day in the West. At the beginning of the 21st century, economics and consumerism have become new perspectives of Valentine’s Day research. At this stage, the interaction between festivals and social economy, festivals and consumer culture have become the focus of research (James, 2015: 72-73). After 2005, the academic community began to re-examine and reflect on the impact of the spread of Western festivals on traditional Chinese folk festivals. Globalization has brought Western Valentine’s Day, while traditional Chinese festivals have been “shelled out”. Around 2010, more and more studies focused on the localisation characteristics of Western Valentine’s Day and its impact on the Qixi Festival. Western festivals in China, where there is no Christian soil, are more like rootless trees, carnival, open and playful emotional colors of capitalist social culture. Valentine’s Day is more popular than Qixi, and this paper explores the influence of Western Valentine’s Day on Chinese society through linguistic expressions of love and romantic consumption. Larry (2020: 21-23) in Folklore Thinking on the Development and Transformation of Foreign Festivals in Shanghai, from the perspective of folklore, examines the background and development of the spread of Western festivals including Valentine’s Day in Shanghai, and analyzes the causes and social effects of the “foreign festival fever”.In Valentine’s Day in Kumasi, Ghana: diversity and changes in international relations, Yusuf (2012: 372-375) noted that in Japan, Western Valentine’s Day as a widely accepted consumer ritual is the result of multicultural integration. He also explored the reasons for the widespread celebration of Valentine’s Day among young people in Ghana. The researchers found that this phenomenon is closely linked to the emergence of communication technology. Media and technology have changed intergenerational relationships and sexual attitudes in Ghanaian society, while spreading Valentine's Day culture.Stuart (2018: 78-80), in the second chapterof his book Representation, Cultural Representation and Signature Practice, made a study entitled “Love in the Age of Valentine and Pink Underwear: Media and the Politics of Intimacy in South Asia”. The author argues that images and media play a crucial role in the cross-cultural communication of love on Valentine’s Day, which has become a ceremony of self-display and self-creation for young couples in India. In celebrating “love”, this festival also emphasizes the fun of dating and eating. Consumption and public displays of emotion are “happiness”. In this festival, couples have established open and legal romantic feelings. The author explores Valentine’s Day and romantic love among urban youth in India, as well as the temporal and spatial boundaries between the private and public spheres in the celebration of the festival.1.3 SummaryLooking at the research of scholars at home and abroad on Valentine’s Day in China and the West, we can find a rule that scholars first introduced the two festivals, then described the phenomenon, and finally conducted critical research on Valentine’s Day On the whole, the academic research on Valentine’s Day in China and the West has shown the characteristics of the times.Compared with the research of Western scholars, the research of Chinese scholars on Qixi Day and Valentine’s Day mostly focuses on the superficial presentation of cultural phenomena and festival communication, and lacks a comprehensive discussion of the deep impact of Western cultural implantation from the perspective of media, culture, sociology, etc., and also lacks a comparison of the origin, customs, and connotation of the two.Chapter Two Differences of Origins and CustomsInfluenced by different regions and cultures, different festivals have different customs. In this section, the author will take the Qixi Festival and the Valentine’s Day Festival as examples and explore the differences in their origins and customs. 2.1 Different OriginsTo understand a festival, we must first understand its origin. This section will analyse the origin and background of the Qixi Festival and Valentine’s Day.2.1.1 Origins of the Qixi FestivalChina’s Qixi Festival has its origins in the love story between a cowherd and a weaver in the Han Dynasty. With the help of the cowherd, who fed the old cow, they fell in love, got married and had a son and a daughter. But all this was against the law of heaven. The Queen Mother herself forced the weaver girl to return to heaven. The cowherd put on shoes made from the hide of a dead old cow and took a pair of children with him to catch up. When she was about to catch up, the Queen Mother pulled off the golden hairpin on her head and waved it, and a Tianhe River appeared. The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl were forced to separate, and Weaver Girl could only keep crying. Their faithful love moved Magpie, so thousands of magpies flew to build a bridge for them. In this way, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl can meet on the bridge. The Empress had no choice but to allow them to meet on the Thousand Magpies’ Bridge every year on the 7th of July. The day they met was called the “Qixi Festival”.The Qixi Festival is also known as the Qiqiao Festival. Qiqiao(乞巧), Qizi(乞子) and Qishi(乞食) are the three traditional customs of this festival, and Qiqiao is the core of the “three beggings”. Threading a needle is the most representative begging activity on Qixi Festival. In the Tang Dynasty poem Qiqiao (《乞巧》) there is a sentence: “Every family looks at the autumn moon and wears tens of thousands of red silks.” The Qixi Festival in ancient China is not only a festival highly valued by the people, but also a festival of great importance to the court. In ancient China, on the night of the Qixi Festival, the palace maids in the imperial palace would go on stage to compete in needlework. The main object of the competition wascolourful silk thread with nine needles. The first palace maids to complete the competition were “Deqiao”, which was a great competition of ancient needlework skills. Through this skilful activity, the ancient working women showed their talents and expressed their love for life.Qizi is also one of the main activities of the ancient Qixi Festival, and the tradition of begging is still preserved in some southern regions of China. In the traditional concept of feudal society, in the social environment of clothing farming civilization, multiple sons mean redundant labour. The ancient working people generally believed that “multiple sons and multiple blessings”. Therefore, during the Qixi Festival, working women beg for more children.China’s agricultural civilization has for many years formed the tradition that “food is the most important thing for the people”. Therefore, Chinese festivals have always been inseparable from food. The custom of begging on Qixi dates back to the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The traditional food for begging on Qixi is mainly “Qiao Guo(巧果)” and carved “Hua Gua(花瓜)”. Qiaoguo is mainly made of flour, while Huagua is mainly made of wax gourd and watermelon carved into the shape of a gu or lantern. Planting and praying for children is also an important activity in the ancient Qixi festival. According to the traditional rules, soybeans, mung beans, wheat and other crops are dipped into bowls, waited for buds to grow and then bundled together, which is also called “Paoqiao(泡巧)” in some southern regions(Wang, 2016: 25-29).2.1.2 Origins of Western Valentine’s DayValentine’s Day is also known as St. Valentine’s Day. It is said that St Valentine’s name comes from a martyr called Valentine, who disobeyed the king’s order to marry young people in secret, was imprisoned and became the patron saint of lovers. However, there is no way of verifying this story. Some scholars believe that the name “Valentine” is a misuse of the French word for “lover”.At present, two explanations for the origin of this festival are generally accepted in Western academic circles. The first is that 14 February was chosen as Valentine’s Day because in ancient times people believed that hundreds of birds, from birds to humans, would fall in love and mate on this day, and that young men and women should also choose their spouses on this day or show their love to each other (Li,2018: 72-75). Another legend about the origin of Valentine’s Day is the Luper cal ia in ancient Rome. On 15 February of each year in the Roman calendar, people would sing and dance to celebrate, and married women would ask the Luper cal ia to sacrifice and whip them to cure infertility. Later it gradually evolved into a mutual blessing between lovers (Luo, 2022: 44-48).Although there are different opinions about the origin of Valentine’s Day, it is certain that the conquerors of Rome brought the customs of the festival to England and integrated them into Christian culture. With the discovery of the new continent of America, the British brought this festival of romance and love to America.2.1.3 Comparison of OriginsThe “three begging” custom of begging for tricks, children and food at the Qixi Festival reflects the ideal and aspiration of the ancient working people of the Chinese nation.In western culture, Valentine’s Day was originally a festival between young lovers. But now, on Valentine’s Day, some social organizations in Western countries will hold Valentine’s Day parties, and the participants will gradually become men, women, children, relatives and friends. Valentine’s Day has become a ceremony where people take the opportunity to express their feelings to each other.2.2 Different CustomsQixi Festival and Valentine’s Day have different and colorful celebrations. These different celebrations and customs highlight the differences and personalities of the two festivals from different aspects.2.2.1 Customs of Qixi FestivalThe author first analyzes some customs of festivals. For any festival, gifts are indispensable. In particular, Qixi Festival, as a symbol of love, presents on Qixi Festival represent the degree of love for each other. In ancient times, during the Qixi Festival, people used their hair to express their love and interest. For a long time, people have been used to using combs as a token of love between men and women. So in ancient books, the comb is a symbol of love. The comb also has a profound implication: we will make a commitment to life and are willing to live together and grow old together. Until now, some men will also carefully choose a comb to give to the girl they like on this holiday. The purpose is to express their feelings. In addition to combs, red beans are also a symbol of the Qixi Festival. In ancient times,because materials were not as developed as they are now, red beans became a gift for men to express their feelings. Red beans represent Acacia, so they are also called "Acacia beans". Generally, the person who wants to express his love will send some red beans to express his love.In addition to giving gifts, there are other celebrations on Qixi Festival. The other is to pray for good luck and good luck. It is recorded in ancient books that on the night of Qixi, people can see Niulang and Zhinu meet on the magpie bridge. In ancient China, people believed that a good marriage could largely determine the future life of a girl. Therefore, on the night of Qixi Festival, girls will put some fruits on the outdoor table for prayer. They hope that immortals can give them a good husband and a bright future.Begging is also one of the indispensable activities in the festival. In ancient society, girls were required to be diligent and intelligent. So for every girl, they need to learn some skills. Therefore, during the Qixi Festival, they will pray that they also have the qualities and characteristics of the Weaver Maid.2.2.2 Customs of Valentine’s DayUnlike Chinese holiday gifts, western Valentine's Day gifts are mainly roses and chocolates. At the roadside, a man was waiting for his beloved girl with roses. In the evening, the afterglow of the sunset falls on the flagstone road, and the melodious sound of the piano comes. There are lovers walking on this road. Roses add a romantic atmosphere to Valentine's Day. Of course, different colors of roses also have different meanings. Red roses represent strong love; The white rose represents that you are my only; Pink roses represent first love. These are popular gift colors. On Valentine's Day, men usually wrap red roses in wrapping paper, tie beautiful ribbons on the stems of roses and give them to their lovers. Besides roses, chocolate is also one of the gifts people often give on Valentine's Day. Chocolate represents sweetness and love. In addition to being a symbol of love, it can also be eaten. It can also be eaten because it is loved by people.Besides giving gifts, there are many other celebrations for Valentine's Day. For example, people will plant flowers on the morning of Valentine's Day. This is also an important event of Valentine's Day. Men and women in love put the two flowers that have not yet opened into flower pots. After a period of time, if the flowers bloom in half, it means that the lovers will grow old together; If the flowers can fully open, it means that they will live a happy life and have many children; If theflowers die, it means that a person may die young (Wang, 2016: 60-62).2.2.3 Comparison of CustomsThe author analyses the characteristics of the two festivals in terms of festival habits and customs. From the analysis, we can see that there are differences between the two festivals in this respect.Judging from the identity of the protagonist, China's Qixi Festival is all unmarried men and women. The purpose of their celebration is to find the other half. On Qixi Day, they held various prayer activities in the hope of finding a good husband and living a happy married life. On Valentine's Day in the West, there are not only unmarried men and women, but also married couples. The purpose of their holiday is to express their love for each other. Their love remains the same whether they are married or not. Married couples also give each other gifts and participate in many celebrations together. Because they believe that this is a holiday full of romance and love, which needs to be spent seriously.Therefore, Chinese and Western festivals are different in terms of specific ways of celebration and the main body of celebration.Chapter Three Differences of Cultural Backgrounds andReligious ConceptsHaving briefly introduced the origins and customs of the Qixi Festival and Valentine’s Day in the previous chapter, in this chapter we will compare the two festivals from a cultural and religious point of view.3.1 Different Cultural BackgroundsThe formation and development of Chinese national festivals are closely related to agricultural production. Therefore, agricultural civilization plays an important role in the formation and development of Chinese festival culture. Western countries are surrounded by the sea and have a good environment. These have had a great influence on Western culture.3.1.1 Cultural Background of Qixi FestivalWhen analyzing the origin and development of Chinese national festivals, we should first clarify the basis of China's economic development, namely agriculture and farmers. The ancient Chinese people depended on agriculture for their livelihood, and agricultural production played a key role in the emergence of festivals.Due to the influence of the geographical environment, many traditional Chinese festivals are based on agriculture. The agrarian society has several characteristics: first, the family is the basic unit. In ancient China, agriculture was carried out with families as production units. Second, the scale of production is small and basically family-based (Yang, 2019: 12-16).The Qixi Festival reflects the characteristics of Chinese agricultural culture. First of all, the story of the weaver girl and the cowherd is related to agricultural culture. After their marriage, the Cowherd herds cattle and cultivates fields; the Weaver Girl raises silkworms, weaves cloth and lives a happy life. Like other people in ancient China, they lead normal lives.In ancient China, cattle were closely related to the harvest of agricultural products and people’s livelihood. They have a great impact on production and life. There were many customs related to cattle in the past, some of which still exist in China’s ethnic minority areas. The folktale contained in the Qixi Festival embodies the cow. The man in the story is called the cowherd, which reflects the importanceof traditional cowboy culture. Even in modern society, cattle still play a very important role in people’s production and life. The place where Niulang and Zhīnǚ meet each year is called “Love Bridge”. This bridge has been built in many places. It is said that lovers will never be separated when crossing this bridge together. In ancient China, cattle were closely linked to the harvest of agricultural products and people’s livelihoods. They have a great influence on production and life. In the past, there were many customs related to cattle, some of which still exist in China’s ethnic minority areas. The folk tale included in the Qixi Festival embodies the cow. The man in the story is called the cowherd, reflecting the importance of traditional cowboy culture. Even in modern society, cattle still play a very important role in people’s production and lives. The place where Niulang and Zhīnǚmeet every year is called “Love Bridge”. This bridge has been built in many places. It is said that lovers will never be separated if they cross this bridge together. Therefore, crossing the “Love Bridge” is considered to be the oldest and most traditional custom.3.1.2 Cultural Background of Valentine’s DayIn this part, the author will analyze the cultural background of Valentine's Day. From a cultural perspective, the theme of Valentine's Day is passion and carnival. Most people in the West believe in Christianity. Religion requires people to be pious, abstinent, return to a stable heart, and not have too much desire. In fact, people have many troubles and problems in their lives that need to be vented and dismissed. Therefore, when there is a space to vent, people will choose to use festivals to relieve pressure and vent their emotions. Therefore, on Valentine's Day, Westerners will release their emotions and pressure, show their personality, and seek emotional and physical satisfaction.In addition, Westerners like a cheerful and lively atmosphere. Choosing to celebrate and celebrate Valentine's Day is also the result of people's character and choice. Valentine's Day is an entertainment-oriented holiday. The customs of the festival emphasize people's personality and attach importance to everyone's feelings. So Valentine's Day offers Westerners a chance to relax. The atmosphere of the festival is to encourage people to express themselves more.It can be said that Valentine's Day seeks a happy atmosphere and releases inner emotions. Its custom is to ignite the individual spirit, sublimate it and display personality (Ye, 2015:23-28). During the festival, there are many business and。
约会 情人节的晚餐约会通常代表了情侣关系的发展关键。 美国:男性在这一天向他的女性朋友说“情人节快乐” 已经没有特别的感情关系,而逐渐演变为有如公开场 合的打招呼的形式。但男性较少在公开场合对另一位 男性如此打招呼。 英国:从17世纪开始,情人节变得普遍。 日本:女性送巧克力给她喜欢的男性,而男性则在一个月后的白色情 人节(ホワイトデー,White Day)回 情人节礼表衷肠,这是日本 商人于1977年炒作的结果。 中国台湾:因受邻近国家日本的影响,也庆祝这个节日,但与日本不 同的是,在台湾却是男生送女生礼物。另外,没有交往对象的年轻男 女也常选在这天向喜欢的人告白,情侣亦会特别在这天约会。 澳大利亚:澳大利亚是一个浪漫的国度,家乡与海为邻,天然海贝资 源丰富,在情人节这一天,恋人们常把代表浪漫爱情的紫贝壳送给对 方,以示对爱情的忠贞。在一些青春偶像剧中,我们也常可以看到男 主角送天然紫贝壳给女主角,表示对对方的爱慕。
七夕节相关习俗 ①:南瓜藤下听声 ②:吃巧果 ③:拜巧姑 ④:穿针乞巧 ⑤:为牛庆生
嘉兴——七夕香桥会 湖南、浙江——妇女洗发、接露 水 胶东——拜七姐神 中国西南——染指甲 广西——七夕储水 福建仙游——白糖炒黄豆花生 绍兴——南瓜棚下听悄悄话 山东——种巧菜作巧花
巧克力: 榛子巧克力——忠贞
其他鲜花: 蔷薇——求爱 满天星——爱怜 百合——百年好和 向日葵——爱慕 合 欢——欢乐 金盏花——迷恋 红 豆——相思 石斛兰——任性美人 红菊——我爱 紫丁香——羞怯 白 丁香——念我 郁金香——爱的寓言 杨柳枝——依恋 紫萝兰——永恒之美 波斯菊——永远快活 玛格丽特——情人的爱
三、送礼 Sending presents
中国的古代,古人常以送梳子 或纸扇来诠释浪漫爱情。
引入,加上受日风、韩流等影 响,情人节礼物也变得多样 化。
Red roses
美国纽约:很多情侣选择在情人 节这天远离尘世的喧嚣,到纽约 著名的中央公园,乘着马车,怡 然自得地观光游览。如今人们会
对他的朋友说:“情人节快乐”, 但这里面没有特殊的关系,并且逐
步发展成为一个公共的问候形式 。
意大利罗马:罗马近年来开始流行一种特别的情人节仪式, 即在情人节这天,情侣们要到罗马著名的米尔维奥桥上, 将一把象征着心心相印的锁挂在桥上的路灯柱上。之后,
China‘s Double Seventh Festival has mythical romantic atmosphere. 中国七夕节富有浪漫的神话氛围
The western Valentine‘s Day filled with a sacred religious color。
Means “love you forever!”
Be my valentine…
Candlelight dinner
四、人们的态度:追捧与冷遇 Attitudes
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中西情人节的差异【篇一:透过七夕和情人节看中西文化差异】最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 论《呼啸山庄》中女性悲剧的根源2 浅议我国民营企业薪酬管理3 从标记理论看英语词汇性别歧视现象4 谈网络英语缩略语的构词特点及用法5 an analysis of angels ambivalent personality in tess of the durbervilles6 《飞屋环游记》的人物设置特色分析7 英汉语言中的性别歧视现象8 从现代主义角度分析《无名的裘德》中裘德的无根性9 英语广告语的语言特色分析10 analyzing how shakespeare created hamlet:shakespeare’s reflections in his creation of hamlet11 浅析《黑暗的心》女性形象的作用12 the research of language art in english class13 目的论在英文电影片名翻译中的应用14 勃朗特姐妹作品中的视觉特征研究15 英语幽默的认知语用分析16 论英语习语的文化内涵及其翻译策略17 对《卡斯特桥市长》主人公亨查德矛盾性格的分析18 英汉颜色词语义对比研究19 cultural differences between english and chinese by analyzing brand names20 a comparison and contrast between works by byron and shelley21 中国菜名翻译的技巧与准则22 a comparison between jane eyre and elizabeth—two female characters in jane eyre and pride and prejudice23 从文化角度看英语习语的翻译24 关于英语课堂中教师体态语的研究25 论戏剧《威尼斯商人》中夏洛克的悲剧形象26 an analysis of jude’s pursuit of love in jude the obscure27 从中美商务谈判语言看中美文化差异28 从概念整合视角解读《老友记》中的言语幽默29 男权社会中女性的地位—《远大前程》中人物郝维仙之研究30 浅论现代汉语新增词语的英译方法31 中国和新加坡的双语教育差异比较32 《简爱》与《谢利》中女主人公的对比分析研究33 《儿子与情人》中扭曲的爱34 从《野性的呼唤》浅析杰克伦敦的哲学思想及其哲学倾向35 《傲慢与偏见》中女性意识的体现36 论科技英语新词的翻译37 欧?亨利短篇小说的特点38 “集体无意识”理论观照下艾米莉的悲剧性39 英语广告语中的隐喻认知40 简奥斯丁的女权主义在《理智与情感》中的体现41 通过会话原则分析手机短信语言42 an analysis on characterization in sense and sensibility43 对《最蓝的眼睛》黑人的悲剧命运的分析44 汉语亲属称谓语的文化内涵及翻译方法45 文化语境维度下中餐菜名的英译研究46 英汉词汇及文化差异研究47 论高中英语写作教学中的文化意识培养48 广告语篇中的预设分析49 中美大学生课堂讨论话语性别差异对比50 英语广告语中隐喻的研究51 科马克?麦卡锡的小说《路》中的象征艺术手法52 《嘉莉妹妹》中女主人公的服饰所反映的女性意识53 英汉基本颜色词的文化差异及其翻译策略54 中英文称谓语的比较与翻译55 从民族文化心理差异角度看功能对等论在商标翻译中的运用56 the travel of freedom—an analysis of the adventures of huckleberry finn57 英文电影名汉译中的功能对等58 文化因素对品牌翻译的影响59 汉译英语足球新闻中修辞手法的策略60 英语专业听力课程教学效率的调查与分析61 冲破人生的枷锁——试析毛姆《人生的枷锁》中的七个枷锁62 浅析焦虑对英语专业学生英语口语的影响63 《愤怒的葡萄》中的圣经原型64 《红楼梦》委婉语翻译探究65 浅析商务谈判中的恭维语应用66 爱与孤独的互生——舍伍德安德森《曾经沧海》与戴维劳伦斯《马贩子的女儿》对比研究67 a comparative study of “two roses” in wuthering heights--catherine earnshaw and catherine linton68 a brief study of british women’s rising status69 从荣格心理学角度探析《恋爱中的女人》之主题70 商务信函中委婉语的语用功能分析—基于xx公司商务往来信函71 主位推进模式在语篇翻译中的应用72 沃尔玛策略研究73 《鲁宾逊漂流记》与《桃花源记》中乌托邦思想之比较74 中式菜单英译的研究75 中美电影文化营销的比较研究76 who was to blame:the influence of community on pecola77 失败的逃亡—从《麦田守望者》中主人公的逃亡看个人意识对社会的超越78 浅析小组合作在小学英语教学中的应用79 american country music80 an analysis of the different meanings of color words between western and eastern cultures81 跨文化交际中的体态语82 爱伦?坡的《乌鸦》中的浪漫主义分析83 浅析《雾都孤儿》中象征手法的运用84 《夜莺颂》的翻译技巧探究85 葛浩文英译《红高粱家族》的翻译策略研究86 浅论《洛丽塔》主人公悲剧命运的根源87 态度系统的评价价值--以小说《傲慢与偏见》例88 中西方饮食文化对比89 物欲与爱情的搏弈——《傲慢与偏见》中的婚恋观对现代女大学生婚恋观的启示习策略的实证研究90 浅析中西饮食隐含的文化差异及其中式菜肴名称翻译策略91 试析《老人与海》的悲喜色彩92 男权制度下的悲剧——论《德伯家的苔丝》93 英语听力自主学习方法探究94 从电影《暮光之城》浅析吸血鬼文化的改变95 简爱的双重性格分析96 《小王子》中的象征意蕴的分析97 从词汇学角度分析英国英语和美国英语的差异98 基督教文化对《哈姆莱特》创作的影响99 希腊罗马神话典故成语英汉翻译评析100 论中西方时间观念差异对日常生活的影响101 a study of humour and satire in mark twain’s two famous adventures102 剖析简爱性格的弱点103 《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征艺术104 论商务谈判中的文化因素105 《白鲸》主人公亚哈的悲剧性格分析106 英语国家姓氏文化研究107 the analysis of dick’s deterioration in tender is the night 108 a feminist narratological analysis of the tess of thed’urbervilles109 论英汉动物隐喻的异同及其对英语学习的启示110 功能对等理论视角下《越狱》字幕翻译的研究111 浅析凯特肖邦短篇小说中的女性意识112 语言中性别歧视词汇的语用分析113 论《紫色》的叙事现代性分析114 爱伦坡短片小说“美女之死”主题研究115 浅析英语语言中的性别歧视现象116 the awakening of the female consciousness in pride and prejudice117 从十字军东征看中世纪宗教冲突118 化妆品品牌名称翻译审美与选词119 从审美视角分析中国古典诗词的英译120 the application of situational approach to teaching listening in high school english classroom121 麦当劳法则及其在美国社会的影响122 浅析《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的性格123 the narrative strategies of o. hey’s short stories124 《二十二条军规》中关于军规的控制及反控制125 从《草原日出》看多丽丝?莱辛的成长观126 《愤怒的葡萄》里人性的光辉127 元认知策略在高中英语写作教学中的运用128 关于初中生外语学习焦虑的分析129 浅析任务型教学的理论基础130 《了不起的盖茨比》和美国现代社会131 中美学校教育和家庭教育之比较132 透过《德伯家的苔丝》看哈代托马斯的宗教观133 中英花卉隐喻下的情感叙事对比研究134 诸神形象折射中西方价值观不同135 current status of adverse drug reaction monitoring system in china136 论安东尼? 特罗洛普的现实主义思想——以《巴赛特的最后纪事》为例137 中美企业招聘广告文化对比分析138 谈网络英语缩略语的构词特点及用法139 浅析电视口译的特点及其译文质量评价140 伊丽莎白?班内特和姚木兰的比较研究141 从《道连?格雷的画像》透析王尔德的艺术人生观142 外贸合同中介词的用法与翻译143 浅议《女勇士》中的个人英雄主义144 cultural differences reflected in chinese and american tv talk shows145 英语基本味觉词“甜/苦”的隐喻机制146 言语行为理论与英文电影幽默语的翻译147 中美商务谈判中恭维语的分析148 a comparative study on tea culture of china and english-speaking countries149 《秀拉》中女主人公秀拉的女权主义解读150 爱默生的自然观--生态批评视域下的《论自然》151 中西俚语中动物意象的对比分析152 经典英文电影台词的文体分析153 穷人的大团结,通往希望之乡的必经之路:《愤怒的葡萄》研究154 菲尔丁小说《汤姆琼斯》中的戏剧因素分析155 探究哈利波特的英雄成长之路156 英汉招呼语对比与应用研究157 自然会话中会话结构的分析158 英语新词汉译原则研究159 超越和世俗——对《月亮和六便士》中strickland和stroeve 的对比分析160 对中式菜名英译的试探性研究161 英汉委婉语的对比及翻译162 《织工马南》中的因果关系说163 浅谈进口商品商标的翻译164 高中英语听力课中的文化教学165 roger chillingworth in the scarlet letter viewed from the humanistic perspective 166 东西方文化中团队意识的差别167 论旅游广告的显影性168 浅析《蝇王》的人物及其象征意义169 文化杂糅背景下的身份诉求——解读奈保尔的《半生》170 《老友记》中的对话分析171 试析中英婚姻生活差异及其原因172 浅析苔丝的悲剧173 从中西文化对比看英文电影字幕翻译174 清代以来中西文化交流对中国婚俗的影响175 以篱笆和围墙看中西方居住文化差异176 论《儿子与情人》中保罗的爱情悲剧177 如何用英语作精彩演讲178 《乱世佳人》女主人公斯嘉丽的性格分析179 英汉新闻语篇概念隐喻对比研究180 质本洁来还洁去——解读茶花女玛格丽特的悲情人生181 《远大前程》中皮普的心路历程182 application of constructivism to task-based reading teaching in senior high school 183 on translator’s subjectivity from the feminist perspective184 解析《德伯家的苔丝》中女主人公的反叛精神和懦弱性格185 《长日入夜行》中玛丽的悲剧和反抗186 浅谈跨文化交际中的禁忌187 从文化视角看中美家庭教育差异188 on the disposal of cultural differences in the translation 189 英汉思维模式差异的对比研究190 从成长小说角度解读《马丁?伊登》191 从跨文化角度对商标翻译的研究192 从文化角度看英语习语的翻译193 efl learning strategies on web-based autonomous learning 194 浪漫主义天性和实用主义个性之间的冲突——评《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳人性的矛盾 195 从目的论角度讨论英语电影片名的翻译196 从感观的角度看汉语外来词的翻译197 语用预设视野下的广告英语分析198 英语语言中的性别歧视分析199 透过七夕和情人节看中西文化差异200 普罗米修斯的铁链与屈原的幽兰—论中西方文学中的悲剧精神【篇二:中国七夕节与西方情人节的差异研究】中国七夕节与西方情人节的差异研究一、引言近些年来,随着中国对外交流和合作的不断深化与加强,很多源于西方的节日受到越来越多的中国人的追捧和喜欢,与此同时,一些中国的传统节日却受到一定程度地冲击和冷落。