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The ancients often take paper combs or to interpret romantic love.
梳子代表相思,说明对方很想念你;梳子代表爱情,结发同心,以梳为礼, 我国古时,男女送梳子有私订终身,欲与你白头偕老的意思。
异俗 :广东——七娘会 嘉兴——七夕香桥会
China‘s Double Seventh Festival has mythical romantic atmosphere.
The western Valentine‘s Day filled with a sacred religious color。
意大利罗马:罗马近年来开始流行一种特别的情人节仪式, 即在情人节这天,情侣们要到罗马著名的米尔维奥桥上, 将一把象征着心心相印的锁挂在桥上的路灯柱上。之后, 情侣们把钥匙丢到桥下的河里,以示二人一生永不分离。
Paris:France was is called "the romantic", valentine's day, whether the Eiffel Tower of the square or in the cathedral, there is all the lovers snuggle figure, they kiss, enjoying a happy valentine's day.
三、送礼 Sending presents
中国的古代,古人常以送梳子 或纸扇来诠释浪漫爱情。
现如今,由于西方情人节的 引入,加上受日风、韩流等影 响,情人节礼物也变得多样 化。
Red roses
Different number of roses have different meanings Means “only you in my heart!” Means “there are only you and me in the world! ”
纪念一位名叫瓦伦丁(St. Valentine)
order to remember a man named
Valentine .Legend has it that he was
暴君克劳狄斯(Claudius)摧残百姓, unhappy with the Empire of Rome
young men and women in the
了情人节-Valentine Day。因此“圣
church held a wedding ceremony,
and give their best wishes, but later
died in prison. To commemorate him,
Double Seventh Festival
The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance.
Do you know the beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation about the Doubles Seventh Festival
tyrant Claudius ( Claudius )
destroyed people, regardless of
personal safety, still as a pair of
Means “Love you until I die!”
……… ………………
Means “love you forever!”
Be my valentine… Chocolate
Candlelight dinner
四、人们的态度:追捧与冷遇 Attitudes
In recent years many young people take Western valentine's day as a holiday. this attention seems too exaggerated, even many foreigners are also think the Chinese valentine's day was a bit too crazy. We can say, valentine's day, seems like a test whether a person fashionable or not. In contrast, theBiblioteka Baidutraditional Double Seventh Festival increasingly being left out of our sight. The foreign Festival became widely used, and local Festivals have pulled out of the people's perspective.
The Cowherd and the Weaving Maid
Valentine's Day
Valentine‘s Day reminds you of ……?
Valentine's Day
西方的情人节Valentine's Day是因为 Western Valentine's Day founded in
February 14th of each year as
Valentine's day Valentine Day.
Therefore," Valentine's Day" is
about love, romance and flowers,
chocolates, cards holiday.
一、相关习俗及活动 Related customs and activities
法国巴黎:法国巴 黎原本就号称“浪 漫之都”,情人节 这天,无论是埃菲 尔铁塔下的广场还 是在圣心大教堂附 近,到处都是情侣 们相互依偎的身影, 他们旁若无人地拥 抱接吻,尽情享受 着情人节的快乐。
二、节日氛围(Atmosphere) 西方的情人节、中国的七夕都有 着各自的特色和文化蕴含。
The western Valentine's Day filled with a sacred religious color, and China's Double Seventh Festicval has mythical romantic atmosphere, all have their own characteristics and cultural deposits。
Wishes world, jack shall have Jill!
七夕储水 绍兴——南瓜棚下听悄悄话 中国西南——染指
甲 山东——种巧菜作巧花 等
New York: Many couples come to New York's central park, famous in the carriage, unbounded to sightseeing.
美国纽约:很多情侣选择在 情人节这天远离尘世的喧嚣, 到纽约著名的中央公园,乘 着马车,怡然自得地观光游 览。如今人们会对他的朋友 说:“情人节快乐”,但这里 面没有特殊的关系,并且逐 步发展成为一个公共的问候 形式。