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CRH铁路旅客旅行须知 Travel Notice

1. 动车组列车全部实行实名制购票乘车, 旅客乘车前须凭乘车人有效身份证件原件 或复印件购买车票,乘车时须凭购票时使 用的本人有效身份证件原件乘车。 2.随同成人旅行身高1.2-1.5米的儿童可购 买儿童票,超过1.5米时应购买全价票。 每一成人旅客可免费携带一名身高不足 1.2米的儿童,超过一名时,超过的人数 应买儿童票。寒暑假期间学生每年可购买 学校与家庭所在地间动车组二等座学生票 四次。
• 2. It’s prohibited to carry the following dangerous alarms: flammable and combustible materials, corrosive and explosive goods, poisonous and radioactive substances and controlled knives. Hazardous articles are not allowed to be carried with consigned luggage.
• 5. In case of emergency, use the emergency hammer to break the eacape window after the train comes to a stop.
• 6. The most important thing when travelling is safety. It is our common wish to ensure a safe trip. • Passengers out to take care of themselves during the trip. Please mind your step when passing the car door. Please do not put your hands besides the door gap and the joint of the coach, or your finggers might be squeezed. When pouring hot water, do not add too much water. Be careful with the paper cups and plastic cups. Don’t let kids pour hot water on their own in case they might be burnt.
• Safety Notice for Railway Passengers
• 注: • CRH(China Railway High-Speed) • EMU (Electromagnetic Unit)电磁单位
Biblioteka Baidu

1. 动车组列车各部位均不得吸烟。列车设有烟 雾报警装置,吸烟会引发警报器报警,影响列 车运行。 2. 禁止携带易燃、易爆、腐蚀、毒害、放射性 等危险品和管制刀具进站上车,不得在托运的 物品中夹带危险品。 3. 乘坐列车时,请勿挤、靠车门,不随意扳动 (按下)列车上的紧急制动阀、紧急制动按钮 等安全设备。 4. 发生危及列车、旅客安全情况时,应听从列 车工作人员指挥,保持良好的秩序,不要急于 拿东西。乘务员不在时,请及时通知工作人员。
• 3. For your safety, please keep clear of the door. Do not push or press safety equipment such as the emergency stop button and emergency braking button. • 4. In case of emergncy, please allow the train attendants’ instructions. Do not push to grab luggage. If the train attendants are not available, please inform the train staff immediately.
• 1. Smoking is entirely forbidden on EMU traines. Smoke alarms are installed on EMU trains. When any one smoke on EMU trains, smoke alarms will alert and the operation of EMU trains will be affected.

7. 在列车运行途中 ,一旦突发险情,旅 客不要惊慌,听从工作人员的指挥。 列车在每节车厢都配备了灭火器。如 果是初起火情,可用水或灭火器扑救;如 果是较大火灾或爆炸,应立即停车,在列 车停稳后根据工作人员的引导有秩序的撤 离;千万不要在列车运行中盲目跳车,以 免发生不必要的伤亡。
• 7. If an emergency happens during the trip, the passengers shall not panic. Please follow the instructions of the staff on the train. • Every coach is equipped with fire extinguisher. If a fire accident happens, use water or the extingusher to put out the fire, however, if a fire hazard or explosion happens, the train must be stopped immediately. The staff will immediately start up the evacuation when the train is stablized. Please do not jump off the train while th train is still in motion so as to avoid any unnecessary hurt or death.

5. 必须紧急撤离车厢时,可在列车停稳后, 使用紧急破窗锤打击车厢内两端的紧急逃 生窗玻璃逃生。 6. 出门旅行最重要的就是安全,一路平安 地抵达目的地是大家的共同愿望。 旅行要注意自身安全,经过车门时,请您 注意脚下,以防踩空;不要把手扶在门缝 处和车厢连接处,以防挤伤;您在倒开水 时,不要过满,使用纸杯和塑料杯的旅客 要特别小心,千万不要让小孩单独倒开水, 以免烫伤。

5.成人旅客免费携带物品20千克、儿童旅 客10千克。每件物品的外部尺寸长、宽、 高相加不超过160厘米,杆状物品不超过 200厘米,但乘坐动车组列车不超过130 厘米;重量不超过20千克。超过规定物品 应办理托运。旅行中,旅客应自行妥善保 管携带品。 6.乘降列车时请排队先下后上, 不要拥挤。 因站停时间较短,未到站的旅客请不要下 车。

3.旅客须按票面标明的日期、车次、座别、 铺别乘车。如不能按时乘车,须在开车前 办理退票或一次改签手续。因特殊情况经 站长同意可以在开车后两小时内在购票站 或票面乘车站办理始发改签手续,但因此 改签后的车票不退。

4. 旅客购买实名制车票丢失时,在票面发 站停止检票时间20分钟2前,提供购买时 所使用的有效身份证件原件、原车票乘车 日期和购票地车站名称,到车站售票窗口 办理挂失补办手续。旅客持挂失补办的新 车票乘车时,应向列车工作人员声明,并 要求列车长开具客运记录。在到站后24小 时内,凭客运记录、新车票和购票时所使 用的有效身份证件原件,至退票窗口办理 新车票退票手续。