



国家国籍语言首都 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】a m e r i c a['m e r i k]n.美国;美洲(包括北美和南美洲)American ['merikn] n. 美国人adj. 美国的Washington . ['witn] 华盛顿(美国首都)Australia ['streilj] n. 澳大利亚,澳洲australian [:'streiljn]adj. 澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人的n. 澳大利亚人Canberra ['knbr] n. 堪培拉(澳大利亚的首都)Brazil [br'zil] n. 巴西(拉丁美洲国家)Brazilian [brazilian] n. 巴西人adj. 巴西的;巴西人的Brasilia [br'zili] n. 巴西利亚(巴西首都)Canada ['knd] n. 加拿大(北美洲国家)Canadian [k'nedn] n. 加拿大人adj. 加拿大(人)的Ottawa ['tw] n. 渥太华(加拿大首都)China ['tan] n. 中国adj. 中国的;中国制造的Chinese [,tai'ni:z] n. 中文,汉语;中国人adj. 中国的,中国人的;中国话的Beijing ['bei'di] n. 北京(等于Peking或Pekin)Egypt [idpt] n. 埃及(非洲国家)Egyptian ['dp()n] n. 埃及人;古代埃及语adj. 埃及的;埃及人的Kairo凯罗Britain(the UK)['brt()n] n. 英国;不列颠British ['brt] n. 英国人adj. 英国的;英国人的;大不列颠的England ['iɡlnd] n. 英格兰;英国English ['ɡl] n. 英语;英国人;英文;英格兰人adj. 英国人的;英国的;英文的vt. 把…译成英语London ['lndn] n. 伦敦France [frɑns] n. 法国;法郎士(姓氏)French [fren(t)] n. 法国人;法语adj. 法国的;法语的;法国人的Frenchman ['frentmn] n. 法国人Paris ['pris] n. 巴黎(法国首都);[希神]帕里斯(特洛伊王子)Germany ['d:mni] n. 德国German ['d:mn] adj. 德国的;德语的,德国人的n. 德语;德国人Berlin [b:'lin] n. 柏林Greece [ɡri:s] n. 希腊(欧州南部国家)greek [ɡri:k] n. 希腊人;希腊语adj. 希腊的;希腊人的,希腊语的athen n. 雅典(希腊首都)India ['nd] n. 印度(南亚国家)Indian ['ndn] n. 印度人;印第安人;印第安语adj. 印度的;印第安人的;印第安语的New Delhi 新德里(印度的首都)Ireland ['ailand] n. 爱尔兰Irish ['airi] n. 爱尔兰人;爱尔兰语;爱尔兰adj. 爱尔兰的;爱尔兰人的Irishman ['airimn] n. 爱尔兰人Dublin ['dblin] n. 都柏林(爱尔兰共和国的首都)Italy ['tl] n. 意大利(欧洲南部国家)Italian ['tljn] n. 意大利人;意大利语adj. 意大利的;意大利文化的;意大利语的Rome [rum] n. 罗马(意大利首都)Japan [d'pn] n. 日本(东亚国家名)Japanese [dp'ni:z] n. 日本人;日语adj. 日本(人)的;日语的Tokyo ['tukju; -kiu; 't:kj:] n. 东京(日本首都)Netherlands ['neelndz] n. 荷兰(形容词Netherlandish);地区名Dutch [dt] n. 荷兰人;荷兰语adj. 荷兰的;荷兰人的;荷兰语的adv. 费用平摊地;各自付账地Dutchman ['dtmn] n. 荷兰人;荷兰船Amsterdam [,mst'dm] n. 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都);阿姆斯特丹(美国纽约东部城市)New Zealand n. 新西兰New Zealander新西兰人Wellington ['weltn] n. 惠灵顿(新西兰首都)Portugal ['p:tjuɡl] n. 葡萄牙(欧洲西南部国家)Portuguese [,ptj'giz; -t-] n. 葡萄牙语;葡萄牙人adj. 葡萄牙的;葡萄牙人的;葡萄牙语的Russia ['r] n. 俄罗斯Russian ['r()n] n. 俄语;俄国人adj. 俄国的;俄语的Moscow ['msk] n. 莫斯科(俄罗斯首都)Spain [spein] n. 西班牙Spanish ['spn] n. 西班牙语;西班牙人adj. 西班牙的;西班牙人的;西班牙语的Spaniard ['spnjd] n. 西班牙人Madrid [m'drid; mɑ:'eri:e] n. 马德里(西班牙首都)Switzerland ['switslnd] n. 瑞士(欧洲国家)Swiss [sws] n. 瑞士人;瑞士腔调adj. 瑞士的;瑞士人的;瑞士风格的Bern [b:n] n. 伯尔尼(瑞士首都,等于Berne)Sweden ['swi:dn] n. 瑞典(欧洲国家)Swedish ['swi:d] n. 瑞典语;瑞典人adj. 瑞典的;瑞典语的;瑞典人的Stockholm ['stkhum; 'st:k,h:lm] n. 斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都)Mexico ['meksk] n. 墨西哥Mexican ['mekskn] n. 墨西哥人;墨西哥语adj. 墨西哥的;墨西哥人的Mexiko 墨西哥城Korea [k'r] n. 韩国;朝鲜Korean [k'rin] n. 韩国人;韩国语;朝鲜人;朝鲜语adj. 韩国人的;韩国语的;朝鲜人的;朝鲜语的Seoul [sul; 'sj:ul] n. 汉城,首尔(韩国首都)Korea [k'r] n. 韩国;朝鲜North Korean北朝鲜,朝鲜人,朝鲜(人)的Korean [k'rin] n. 韩国人;韩国语;朝鲜人;朝鲜语adj. 韩国人的;韩国语的;朝鲜人的;朝鲜语的Pyongyang ['pjjɑ:] n. 平壤(朝鲜民主主义人民共和国首都)Thailand ['tailnd; -lnd] n. 泰国(东南亚国家名)Thai [ta] n. 泰国人;泰国语adj. 泰国的;泰国人的Bangkok [bkk] n. 曼谷(泰国首都)Vietnam [,vjet'nm] n. 越南(南亚国家)Vietnamese [,vjetn'mi:z] n. 越南人;越南语adj. 越南的;越南人的Hanoi [h'ni] n. 河内(越南首都)Poland ['pulnd] n. 波兰(欧洲国家)巧记“国籍”词汇1. 词尾为-ese,并且单复数同形。



Hello,欢迎来到环球冷知识~世界那么有趣,当然要看看,这一期我们来说荷兰,这个被称为海上马车夫的国家,有哪些奇特的冷知识呢?Netherlands ['neðələndz] 荷兰#1 海平面以下的国家说起荷兰,最不可思议的一点可能就是他们的海拔了。



Only 50% of the Netherlands has land exceeding one meter above sea level, with most of the areas below being man-made. Almost 17% of Netherlands land area is reclaimed from lakes and sea.荷兰只有50%的国土海拔超过了1米,不满1米的地方大多都是人造的土地。


荷兰的很多地名都以dam 结尾,这些就是筑坝的地方,比如阿姆斯特丹。

#2 荷兰人说的“山”比较神奇因为荷兰的国土有那样的性质,所以“山”在这里有奇特的含义。


Because the land is so flat, the country’s highest point, which is 323 meters high, is actually referred to as a mountain. It’s located in Vaalserberg.因为国土实在太平了,全国最高的地方只有323米,而且那里还被称作山。




Climate: 气候temperate温和的; marine海洋性; cool summers and mild温和的wintersTerrain地势:mostly 大部分coastal海滨的lowland低地some hills丘陵小山in south 南east东west西north =北Languages:语言Dutch (official)荷兰语,Country name:conventional 传统的惯例的long form: Kingdom of the Netherlandsconventional short form: Netherlands 荷兰The main主要的cities in Holland are Amsterdam,阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)Rotterdam鹿特丹。

. Amsterdam is the capital 首都of the Netherlands and its most important city. The Port 港口of Rotterdam is Europe's largest and most important harbour 港湾Located on位于the Western 西方的西部的Europe , The Netherlands is a geographically地理上的low-lying低洼的country, with about 20% percent of its area地域and 21% of its population人口located below sea level海平面下, above sea level.the four treasures of Netherl荷兰四大国宝windmill(风车), tulip(郁金香), cheese(奶酪) and klompen(木鞋)Here comes the WINDMILLA windmill is a machine that is powered by the energy of the wind. The term also refers to the structure. In much of Europe, windmills served originally to grind grain, though later applications included pumping water and, more recently, electricity.Holland is famous for its windmills, Windmills have always played a great part in the life of Holland and its inhabitants. While at first they served to grind corn, to remove excess water from the low-lying districts, and to saw timbe.their number is relatively small there. There are windmills of the most varied types: drainage mills, corn mills, and industrial mills for all sorts of purposesNext is the TULIP(郁金香)一,In 1593 tulips were brought from Turkey and introduced to the Dutch. The novelty of the new flower made it widely sought after and therefore fairly pricey. After a time, the tulips contracted a non-fatal virus known as mosaic, which didn't kill the tulip population but altered them causing "flames" of color to appear upon the petals. The color patterns came in a wide variety, increasing the rarity of an already unique flower. Thus, tulips began to rise in price. Everyone began to deal in bulbs, essentially speculating on the tulip market, which was believed to have no limits.是土耳其人最先把他们著名的郁金香介绍给荷兰人,继而引发了英国和荷兰的郁金香热。







阿姆斯特尔河在市中心分流进许多小运河,最终流入了IJ湾(IJ Bay)。








阿姆斯特丹的英语说法:Amsterdam英 [ˈæmstəˈdæm]美 [ˈæmstɚˌdæm]阿姆斯特丹相关英语表达:阿姆斯特丹大学 University of Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹地铁 Amsterdam Metro阿姆斯特丹学派 Amsterdam School ;阿姆斯特丹酒店 Amsterdam Hotel阿姆斯特丹丛林 Amsterdam Bush阿姆斯特丹的英语例句:1. He made his comments at a news conference in Amsterdam.他在阿姆斯特丹的记者招待会上发表了意见。

2. You can fly direct to Amsterdam from most British airports.从英国的大多数机场都可以直飞阿姆斯特丹。

3. I distinctly heard the loudspeaker calling passengers for the Turin-Amsterdam flight.我清楚地听到扩音器里在请都灵至阿姆斯特丹航班的旅客登机。

4. He will play concerts in Amsterdam and Paris.他将在阿姆斯特丹和巴黎举办音乐会。

5. My son Colin has just returned from Amsterdam.我儿子科林刚从阿姆斯特丹回来。

6. He had checked in at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport for a flight to Manchester.他已经在阿姆斯特丹的斯希普霍尔机场办好了登机手续,准备飞往曼彻斯特。



主要国家和首都的英文名称**亚洲/ Asia国家country 首都/城市阿富汗Afghanistan 喀布尔Kabul孟加拉国Bangladesh缅甸Burma 仰光Rangoon柬埔寨Cambodia 金边Phnom Penh台湾Taiwan/澳门Macau印度India 新德里New Delhi印度尼西亚Indonesia 雅加达Jakarta日本Japan 东京Tokyo老挝Laos 万象Vientiane马来西亚Malaysia 吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur蒙古Mongolia乌兰巴托Ulaanbaatar韩国South Korea首尔Seoul朝鲜North Korea平壤Pyongyang巴基斯坦Pakistan 伊斯兰堡Islamabad菲律宾Philippines 马尼拉Manila新加坡Singapore 新加坡Singapore韩国South Korea 汉城Seoul斯里兰卡Sri Lanka 科伦坡Colombo泰国Thailand 曼谷Bangkok土耳其Turkey 安卡拉Ankara越南Vietnam 河内Hanoi**欧洲/ Europe阿尔巴尼亚Albania 地拉那Tirana奥地利Austria 维也纳Vienna比利时Belgium 布鲁塞尔Brussels塞浦路斯Cyprus 尼克西亚Nicosia丹麦Denmark 哥本哈根Copenhagen芬兰Finland 赫尔辛基Helsinki法国France 巴黎Paris德国Germany 柏林Berlin希腊Greece 雅典Athens匈牙利Hungary 布达佩斯Budapest爱尔兰Ireland 都柏林Dublin意大利Italy 罗马Rome卢森堡Luxembourg 卢森堡Luxembourg摩纳哥Monaco 摩纳哥Monaco荷兰Netherlands 阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam挪威Norway 奥斯陆Oslo波兰Poland 华沙Warsaw葡萄牙Portugal 里斯本Lisbon罗马尼亚Romania 布加勒斯特Bucharest俄罗斯Russia 莫斯科Moscow西班牙Spain 马德里Madrid瑞典Sweden 斯德哥尔摩Stockholm瑞士Switzerland 伯尔尼Bern大不列颠United Kingdom 伦敦London南斯拉夫Yugoslavia 贝尔格莱德Belgrade**美洲/Americas阿根廷Argentina 布宜诺斯艾利斯Buenos Aires 巴西Brazil 巴西利亚Brasilia加拿大Canada 渥太华Ottawa智利Chile 圣地亚哥Santiago哥伦比亚Colombia 波哥达Bogota哥斯达黎加Costa Rica古巴Cuba 哈瓦那Havana牙买加Jamaica 金斯敦Kingston墨西哥Mexico 墨西哥城Mexico巴拿马Panama 巴拿马城Panama秘鲁Peru 利马Lima美国United States 华盛顿Washington, DC大洋洲/Pacific澳大利亚Australia 堪培拉Canberra新西兰New Zealand 惠灵顿Wellington非洲/ Africa阿尔及利亚Algeria 阿尔及尔Algiers埃及Egypt 开罗Cairo几内亚Guinea毛里求斯Mauritius摩洛哥Morocco尼日利亚Nigeria索马里Somalia。



In conclusion,I think Amsterdam is not only a beautiful city,but also a romantic place!
Heineken Museum (Heineken Brouwerij)喜力啤酒博物馆
Skinny Bridge ( Magere Brug ) 瘦桥
Muziek Theater 音乐剧院
Central Station 中央火车站
Bloemenmarkt Singel (Flower Market)辛格花市
From its canals to world-famous museums and historical sights, Amsterdam is one of the most romantic and beautiful cities in Europe.
Amsterdam is one of the greatest small cities in the world.There is abundant in tourism resource.
Amsterdam is a city of tolerance(宽容) and diversity.It has all the advantages of a big city:culture,history,entertainment ,international restaurants,good transport,but is relatively small and quiet.
Bloemenmarkt Singel is the oldest flower market in Amsterdam and it’s also the only water market



国家和他们的首都西班牙Spain 马德里Madrid瑞典Sweden 斯德哥尔摩Stockholm意大利Italy 罗马Rome希腊Greece 雅典Athens瑞士Switzeland 伯尔尼Berne匈牙利Hungry 布达佩斯Budapest南斯拉夫Yugoslavia 贝尔格莱德Belgrade法国France 巴黎Paris英国Britain 伦敦London波兰Porland 华沙Warsaw荷兰Netherlands或者Holland 阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam 乌克兰Ukraine 基辅Kiyev葡萄牙Portugal 里斯本Lisbon俄罗斯Russia 莫斯科Moscow比利时Belgium 布鲁塞尔Brussels芬兰Finland 赫尔辛基Helsinki德国Germany 柏林Berlin奥地利Austria 维也纳Vienna国家(coutry) 面积(平方千米)人口(万人)首都名称爱尔兰Ireland 70 282 370 都柏林Dublin意大利Italy 301 277 5 734 罗马Rome列支敦士登Liechtenstein 160 3.2 瓦杜兹Vaduz卢森堡Luxembourg 2 586 42.9 卢森堡Luxembourg马其顿Macedonia 25 713 201 Skopje马耳他Malta 316 37.9 瓦莱塔Valletta摩纳哥Monaco 1.95 3.3 摩纳哥Monaco荷兰Netherlands 41 526 1 586 阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam 挪威Norway 386 958 445 奥斯陆Oslo波兰Poland 312 683 3 865 华沙Warsaw葡萄牙Portugal 92 072 998 里斯本Lisbon罗马尼亚Romania 237 500 2 252 布加勒斯特Bucharest 俄罗斯Russia 17 075 400 14 550 莫斯科Moscow圣马利诺San Marino 61 2.5 圣马力诺San Marino斯洛文尼亚Slovenia 20 256 199 Ljubljana西班牙Spain 505 925 3 940 马德里Madrid瑞典Sweden 449 964 886 斯德哥尔摩Stockholm瑞士Switzerland 41 284 724 伯尔尼Bern。

荷兰 The Kingdom of Netherlands

荷兰      The Kingdom of Netherlands

荷兰The Kingdom of NetherlandsHolland is in west Europe, the complete name of Holland is The Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Netherlanders speaks Dutch Holland is a developed country .The capital of Holland is Amsterdam, but the government and international court is in the Hague.荷兰在西欧,荷兰的完整名称是“荷兰王国。



There are 12 provinces in Holland, they are Groningen, Friesland , Drenthe , Overijssel , Gelderland , Utrecht, north Brabant , north Holland , south Holland, Zeeland , Limburg and so on. 在荷兰有12个省份,他们是格罗宁根,弗里斯兰,德伦特,上艾瑟尔,海尔德兰省,乌得勒支,北布拉邦,北荷兰省,南荷兰省,泽兰,林堡等【人口】(People)th over 16.5 million people and a population density of 488 people per km2, the Netherlands is the most densely populated country of the European Union and one of the mostly densely populated countries in the world. The total size of the Netherlands is 41,500 km2. Amsterdam is the capital, but the government resides in The Hague. More than 40% of the total population live in the Randstad, the agglomeration of the cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht.超过16.5万人口,人口密度为每平方公里488人,荷兰是欧盟和在世界上大多人口稠密的国家之一,人口最稠密的国家。



主要地名:Afghanistanæf'gænə,stæn]Kabul喀布尔Belgium['beldʒəm]比利时Brussels['brʌsəlz]布鲁塞尔(比利时首都)Brunei['bru:nai]文莱Bandar Seri Begawan斯里巴加湾市(文莱首都)Burma['bə:mə]缅甸RangoonCanada Ottawa['ɔtəwə]渥太华(加拿大首都)Toronto[tə'rɔntəu]多伦多(加拿大城市Cambodia['kæmbəudiə柬埔寨Phnom Penh金边Chile'['tハナli]智利Santiago -San Diego圣地亚哥Indonesia['indəu'ni:zjə,-ʒəJakarta[dʒə'kɑrtə]Iran[i'rɑ:n; i'ræn]伊朗Tehran[tεə'ræn; -rɑ:n]德黑兰Iraq[ɪ'rɑk]伊拉克Baghdad['bæɡdæd]巴格达Israel['izreiəl以色列(亚洲国家);犹太人,以色列人Jerusalem[dʒe'ru:sələm耶路撒冷(巴勒斯坦中部城市)Saudi Arabia[ə'reibiə]沙特阿拉伯Mecca['mekə麦加(沙特阿拉伯一座城市);众人渴望去的地方The United Arab Emirates阿拉伯联合酋长国Abu Dhabi阿布扎比Dubai迪拜(Kuwait [kə'weit]科威特(西南亚国家,首都科威特)Kuwait CityLaos Vientiane[vjen'tjɑ:n]万象Lebanon n. ['lebənən]黎巴嫩(西南亚国家,位于地中海东岸)Beirut[beiˈru:t]贝鲁特(黎巴嫩一港口)Malaysia[mə'leiʒə; mə'leiziən. 马来西亚;马来群岛Kuala Lumpur[,kwɑ:lə'lumpuə]吉隆坡Mongolia Ulan Bator乌兰巴托Netherlands ['neðələndz]Amsterdam[,æmstə'dæm]阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都);阿姆斯特丹(美国纽约东部城市)Pakistan Islamabad[is'lɑ:məbɑ:d; iz'læməbæd]伊斯兰堡(巴基斯坦首都)Peru[pə'rʊ]秘鲁Lima 'limə]利马Portugal LisbonPhilippines ManilaSenegal DakarSweden StockholmSwitzerland Bernie GenevaDPRK / North Korea / Democratic People's Republic of Korea Pyongyang Korea SeoulVietnam HanoiZambia LusakaZimbabwe HarareFar EastMiddle EastThe Mediterranean主要建筑物名:The CapitolCapitol HillThe PentagonWhite HouseFoggy BottomWall StreetBuckingham Palace Downing Street Fleet Street。



韩国Korea 汉城Seoul [səul]日本Japan 东京Tokyo ['təukjəu]印度尼西亚Indonesia ['indəu'ni:zjə] 雅加达Jakarta [dʒə'kɑ:tə]泰国Thailand ['tailænd] 曼谷Bangkok [,bæŋ'kɔk]越南Vietnam [,vjet'næm] 河内Hanoi [hæ'nɔi]缅甸Union of Myanmar ['mjænmɑ:] 仰光Y angon ['jɑ:n'ɡɔn]东帝汶East Timor ['ti:mɔ] 帝力Dili ['dili]印度India 新德里New Delhi ['deli]孟加拉国Bangladesh [,bɑ:ŋɡlə'deʃ] 达卡Dhaka ['dækə]斯里兰卡Sri Lanka 科伦坡Colombo [kə'lʌmbəu]马尔代夫Republic of Maldives 马累Male [meil]阿富汗Afghanistan [æf'ɡænistæn] 喀布尔Kabul ['kɑ:bəl]伊朗Iran [i'rɑ:n] 德黑兰Tehran [tεə'ræn]伊拉克Iraq [ i'ræk] 巴格达Baghdad ['bæɡdæd]土耳其Turkey ['tə:ki] 安卡拉Ankara ['æŋkərə]阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan [,æzəbai'dʒɑ:n] 巴库Baku ['bɑ:ku:]波兰Poland ['pəulənd] 华沙Warsaw ['wɔ:sɔ:]捷克Czech Republic [tʃek] 布拉格Prague [prɑ:ɡ]爱尔兰Ireland 都柏林Dublin ['dʌblin]丹麦Denmark ['denma:k] 哥本哈根Copenhagen [,kəupən'heiɡən]荷兰Netherlands ['neðələndz] 阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam [,æmstə'dæm] 奥地利Austria ['ɔstriə] 维也纳Vienna [vi'enə]西班牙Spain [spein] 马德里Madrid [mə'drid葡萄牙Portuguese [,pɔ:tju'ɡi:z] 里斯本Lisbon ['lizbən]意大利Italian Republic [i'tæljən] 罗马Rome [rəum]埃及Egypt ['i:dʒipt] 开罗Cairo ['kaiərəu]加拿大Canada 渥太华Ottawa ['ɔtəwə]智利Chile ['tʃili] 圣地亚哥Santiago [,sænti:'eiɡəu]澳大利亚Australia 堪培拉Canberra ['kænbərə]约旦Jordan ['dʒɔ:dən] 安曼Amman [æ'mɑ:n]。






其名称源于Amstel dam,这表明了该城市的起源:一个位于阿姆斯特尔河上的水坝,即今水坝广场址。










中文名称外文名称别名行政区类别所属地区电话区号阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam 钻石之都自治城市北荷兰省020邮政区码面积人口方言气候条件1011- 1109 219平方公里1,108,297 荷兰语温带海洋性气候机场市长高校著名景点阿姆斯特丹国际机场罗德维克·拉斯切尔(工党)阿姆斯特丹大学,自由大学等运河网、荷兰国家博物馆、凡·高博物馆、安妮之家等1历史阿姆斯特丹的历史最早可以追溯到13世纪时的渔村。





● 阿姆斯特丹及周边地区已经高度城市化。该市面积为219.4平方千米,人口密度为每平方千米 4457人,房屋密度为每平方千米2275间。该城市林木覆盖率达到12%。
● 阿姆斯特丹气候宜人,天气情况主要受到来自北海的气流影响。冬季气温温和,很少低过0°C。 按照美国农业部最新的评级,处于欧洲大陆北端的阿姆斯特丹及北荷兰省大部分地区属于9级抗寒 区。遭受来自欧洲大陆、斯堪的那维亚、俄罗斯以及西伯利亚的寒流侵袭的少数地区可能出现霜 冻。
● 虽然很多小公司仍在坐落于老运河附近,但是更多的公司选择在市中心之外建立。南阿克西斯区(Zuidas)成为了新的金融和法律 枢纽。该区域不仅座拥荷兰前五大律师事务所,而且还拥有包括波士顿顾问集团以及埃森哲公司在内的多家咨询机构。阿姆斯特丹 世界贸易中心也坐落于此。
● 这 座 城 市 还 有 三 个 小 型 金 融 区 。 其 中 一 个 位 于 阿 姆 斯 特 丹 斯 洛 特 迪 克 火 车 站 附 近 。 包 括 电 讯 报 ( 英 文 : D e Te l e g r a a f ) 等 几 家 报 业 公司、大众运输公司与荷兰电报公司位于此地。第二处位于阿姆斯特丹球场周边。而第三处则在阿姆斯特尔河车站附近。阿姆斯特 丹最高的建筑,就是飞利浦的总部,伦勃朗大厦。阿姆斯特丹证券交易所(AEX)现今已加入泛欧交易所,它是世界上最古老的证 券交易所,而且是欧洲最大的交易所之一。它坐落在市中心水坝广场的旁边。
● 尽管在一战中荷兰保持了中立,但阿姆斯特丹还是遭受了食品和燃料的短缺,甚至由此还发生小规模的暴乱,并造成了人 员的伤亡。这次暴乱被称为“马铃薯暴乱”(Aardappeloproer)。人们开始抢劫商店和仓库,以获得生活必需品,主要是 食品。
● 1940年5月10日,纳粹德国入侵荷兰。德国人在阿姆斯特丹建立了纳粹政权并开始迫害犹太人。一些市民冒着极大的风险 庇 护 犹 太 人 , 但 最 终 超 过 十 万 荷 兰 籍 犹 太 人 被 关 进 集 中 营 。 其 中 最 著 名 的 受 害 者 , 就 是 死 在 伯 根 - 贝 尔 森 集 中 营 的 安 妮 ·弗 兰克。只有5000名左右的荷兰籍犹太人幸免于难。二战末期,阿姆斯特丹与其他地区的通讯完全中断,食品和燃料也极度 短缺。许多市民涌入农村避难。狗、猫、生甜菜以及郁金香球根都被人们当作食物充饥。阿姆斯特丹的许多树木被市民砍 伐当作柴火;犹太人的房子也被拆掉,其中的木料也被一抢而空。










阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam源自Amstel dam,一个位于阿姆斯特尔河上的水坝,即今水坝广场址。






史料将最早居住在大坝周边的居民叫做“homines manentes apud Amestelledamme”。



《新牛津英汉双解大词典》dam2(n.水坝.<主南非>水库.(海狸筑起的)坝.<主北美>(牙科手术中的)橡皮障.v.在(河,湖)上筑坝.阻止;抑制;阻碍.):Middle English:from Middle Low German or Middle Dutch;related to Dutch dam and German Damm,also to Old English fordemman'clos e up’.《培根词汇》dam(n.1):'water barrier,’early 14c.,probably from Old Norse dammr or Middle Dutch dam,both from Proto-Germanic *dammaz(cf.Old Frisian damm,German Damm),of unknown origin.堤dī端齐“㈠挡水的建筑物。

世界上主要国家 首都和人的英文名称

世界上主要国家 首都和人的英文名称

澳大利亚Australia Australian 堪培拉
Canberra 新西兰New-Zealand New Zealander惠灵 顿Wellington 巴布亚新几内亚Papua-new-guinea
莫尔兹比港 ica(美国)American(美国人) American(美国) Australia(澳大利亚) Australian(澳大利亚人) Australian(澳大利亚) Brazil(巴西)Brazilian(巴西人) Brazilian(巴西) Britiain(英国) English(英语) Briton(英国人) British(英国) Canada(加拿大)Canadian (加拿大人) Canadian (加拿大) China(中国) Chinese(汉语) Chinese(中国人) Chinese(中国) Egypt(埃及)Egyptian(埃 及人) Egyptian(埃及) England(英国) English(英语) Englishman(英国人) English(英国) France(法国) French(法语) Frenchman(法国人) French(法 国) Germany(德国) German(德语) German(德国人) German(德国) Greece(希腊) Greek(希腊语) Greek(希腊人) Greek(希腊) India(印度) Indian(印度人) Indian(印度) Ireland(爱尔兰) Irish(爱尔兰语) Irishman(爱 尔兰人) Irish(爱尔兰) Israel(以色列)Israeli(以色列人) Israeli(以色列) Italy (意大利) Italian (意大利语) Italian (意大利人) Italian(意大利) Japan(日本) Japanese(日语) Japanese(日本人) Japanese(日本) The Netherlands(荷兰) Dutch(荷兰语) Dutchman(荷兰人) Dutch(荷兰) New Zealand(新西兰)New Zealander(新西兰) Portugal(葡萄牙) Portuguese(葡萄牙语) Portuguese(葡 萄牙人) Portuguese(葡萄牙) Russia(俄国) Russian(俄语) Russian(俄国人) Russian(俄国) Scotland(苏格兰) Scots,Scottish(苏格兰语) Scotsman (苏格 兰人) Scots,Scottish(苏格兰) Spain(西班牙) Spanish(西班牙语) Spaniard (西班牙人) Spanish(西班牙) Sweden(瑞典) Swedish(瑞典语) Swedish(瑞 典人) Swedish(瑞典) Switzerland(瑞士) Swiss(瑞士人) Swiss(瑞士) Wales (威尔士) Welsh(威尔士语) Welshman(威尔士人) Welsh(威尔士)





## 1. 阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特丹是荷兰的首都和最大的城市之一。


- Amsterdam Canal Ring(阿姆斯特丹运河区): 将阿姆斯特丹老城历史区划分为三个部分,其中最大的一部分是中心和南部的运河。


- Van Gogh Museum(梵高博物馆): 这座博物馆是荷兰最受欢迎的博物馆之一,收藏了荷兰画家梵高的大量艺术作品,包括70多幅画作、700多封手写信件和数千件其他物品。

- Rijksmuseum(国家博物馆): 这座博物馆是荷兰最大的博物馆之一,收藏了8000多件包括画作、雕塑和其他艺术藏品。


- Dam Square(大坝广场): 这是阿姆斯特丹的主要广场,围绕着皇宫和新教教堂。


## 2. 荷兰花卉园(Keukenhof)荷兰花卉园(Keukenhof)位于阿姆斯特丹附近,是欧洲最大的花卉园之一。


- Tulip Fields(郁金香田): 游客可以步行或骑自行车去参观郁金香田,观赏无数郁金香花海,感受这座小国的花卉魅力。

- Willem-Alexander Paviljoen(威廉·亚历山大馆): 这是荷兰花卉园中最大的一个花展区,展现了当今荷兰的现代花卉产业和科技。

- Beatrix Paviljoen(贝娅特丽克丝馆): 这座花展馆以以色列文化和神秘主义的方式展示了各种花卉。

## 3. 海牙(The Hague)海牙是荷兰政治和行政中心,拥有荷兰许多政府机构和大使馆。






荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹英语Amsterdam, seaport and principal city of the western Netherlands, in North Holland Province, near The Hague(海牙). Amsterdam is the country's constitutional capital; the real seat of government, however, is in The Hague. Amsterdam is divided by more than 80 km of canals into about 90 islands joined by about 400 bridges.Amsterdam, chartered as a city in 1300, became a member of the Hanseatic League(汉萨同盟) in 1369. In the 17th century, after the successful conclusion of the Dutch wars for independence from Spain, Amsterdam became the chief commercial center of northern Europe. The city held this position until the late 18th century, when trade declined as a result of the silting(淤积;淤塞) of the Zuider Zee(须德海) and the British blockade before and during the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815). In 1810 Napoleon incorporated the Netherlands into the French Empire. After his downfall(衰败,垮台) the Netherlands regained its independence and the seat of government was moved to The Hague. In the latter part of the 19th century, commercial activities revived with the opening of the North Sea and North Holland canals. During World War II (1939-1945), Amsterdam was occupied by the German army for five years. The people suffered great hardship and the port was badly damaged, but it has since been rebuilt and improved.Amsterdam is one of the most important commercial centersin Europe. The city is a major port linked to the North Sea and other European countries by a network of railways and canals, notably the North Sea Canal, which is navigable(适于航行的)by oceangoing(远洋航行的) vessels. Among leading industries in the city are shipbuilding, sugar refining, publishing, and the manufacture of heavy machinery, paper products, textiles and clothing, porcelain and glass, aircraft, automobiles, and chemicals. The city is also famous as a center for polishing and cutting diamonds and as the chief financial center of the Netherlands. A major European stock exchange is located in Amsterdam, as are the Bank of the Netherlands and several insurance firms.Amsterdam has been an important center of European cultural life since the 17th century. The city is the site of the National Academy of Art, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, and the University of Amsterdam (1632). Its Rijksmuseum(阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆) contains one of the largest collections of Dutch and Flemish paintings in the world, and its Stedelijk Museum(市立现代美术馆) has an extensive collection of modern works. The Van Gogh Museum(凡·高博物馆) includes about 800 works by 19th-century painter Vincent van Gogh(文森特· 凡高)in its collection. Amsterdam is also noted as the home of the renowned 17th-century painter Rembrandt(伦布兰特); his home is now a museum. The Concert-gebouw, completed in 1883, is the home of Amsterdam's renowned orchestra. The city has numerous examples of 16th- and 17th-century architecture, as well as two historic churches: Oude Kerk (Old Church), built about 1300, and Nieuwe Kerk (New Church), built in the 15th century. The royal palace, originally built in the 17th century as the town hall, stands on a large square in the center of the city.扩展:With or without you 等你LyricsWith or without you by U2See the stone set in your eyesSee the thorn twist in your sideI wait for youSleight1 of hand and twist of fateOn a bed of nails she makes me wait And I wait without youWith or without youWith or without youThrough the storm we reach the shore You give it all but I want moreAnd I'm waiting for youWith or without youWith or without youI can't liveWith or without youAnd you give yourself awayAnd you give yourself awayAnd you giveAnd you giveAnd you give yourself awayMy hands are tiedMy body bruised2, she's got me with Nothing to win andNothing left to loseAnd you give yourself awayAnd you give yourself awayAnd you giveAnd you giveAnd you give yourself away With or without youWith or without youI can't liveWith or without youWith or without youWith or without youI can't liveWith or without youWith or without you中文歌词等你 by U2看到你眼若冰霜看到你浑身带刺我在等你上天实在作弄人她就让我苦苦的等不论你是否在身旁我在等你我们在暴风雨中达到彼岸即使你献出所有我仍想得到更多我在等你不管你是否在身旁我会在这里等你我的生命中不能没有你你吐露了心声……我束茧自缚我遍体鳞伤她让我丧失了所有的筹码令我一无所有你吐露了心声……不管你是否在身旁我的生命中不能没有你不管你是否在身旁我的生命中不能没有你。



go through 经历;经受Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)Netherlands 荷兰(西欧国家)Jew 犹太人的;犹太族的German 德国的.德国人的.德语的.Nazi 纳粹党人adj 纳粹党的set down 记下;放下.登记series 连续,系列a series of 一连串的.一系列;一套outdoors在户外.在野外spellbind 迷住;疑惑purpose 故意in order to 为了dusk 黄昏傍晚at dusk 在黄昏时刻thunder vi 打雷雷鸣n 雷,雷声entier adj 整个的;完全的,全部的entily ady. 完全地.全然地.整个地Power能力.力量.权力。

Face to face 面对面地Curtain 窗帘;门帘.幕布dusty adj 积满灰尘的no longer /not … any longer 不再partner 伙伴.合作者.合伙人settle 安家.定居.停留vt 使定居.安排.解决suffer vt &遭受;忍受经历suffer from 遭受.患病loneliness 孤单寂寞highway高速公路recover痊愈;恢复.Get/be tired of 对…厌烦Pack捆扎;包装打行李n 小包:包裹pack ( sth ) up 将(东西)装箱打包suitcase手提箱;衣箱overcoat大衣外套teenager 十几岁的青少年get along with 与…相处.进展gossip 闲话闲谈fall in love 相爱;爱上exactly 确实如此.正是;确切地山disagree 不同意grateful感激的.表示谢意的dislike不喜欢.厌恶join in 参加.加入tip提示.技巧.尖;尖端.小费倾斜;翻倒secondly第二.其次swap交换item 项目.条款subway <美>地铁elevator n 电梯;升降机petrol <英>汽油(= <美>gasoline ) gas汽油.气体.煤气;毒气。











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荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹英语Amsterdam, seaport and principal city of the western Netherlands, in North Holland Province, near The Hague(海牙). Amsterdam is the countrys constitutional capital; the real seat of government, however, is in The Hague. Amsterdam is divided by more than 80 km of canals into about 90 islands joined by about 400 bridges.Amsterdam, chartered as a city in 1300, became a member of the Hanseatic League(汉萨同盟) in 1369. In the 17th century, after the successful conclusion of the Dutch wars for independence from Spain, Amsterdam became the chief commercial center of northern Europe. The city held this position until the late 18th century, when trade declined as a result of the silting(淤积;淤塞) of the Zuider Zee(须德海) and the British blockade before and during the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815). In 1810 Napoleon incorporated the Netherlands into the French Empire. After his downfall(衰败,垮台) theNetherlands regained its independence and the seat of government was moved to The Hague. In the latter part of the 19th century, commercial activities revived with the opening of the North Sea and North Holland canals. During World War II (1939-1945), Amsterdam was occupied by the German army for five years. The people suffered great hardship and the port was badly damaged, but it has since been rebuilt and improved.Amsterdam is one of the most important commercial centers in Europe. The city is a major port linked to the North Sea and other European countries by a network of railways and canals, notably the North Sea Canal, which is navigable(适于航行的)by oceangoing(远洋航行的) vessels. Among leading industries in the city are shipbuilding, sugar refining, publishing, and the manufacture of heavy machinery, paper products, textiles and clothing, porcelain and glass, aircraft, automobiles, and chemicals. The city is also famous as a center for polishing and cutting diamonds and as the chief financial center of the Netherlands. A major European stock exchange is located in Amsterdam, as are the Bank of the Netherlands and several insurance firms.Amsterdam has been an important center of Europeancultural life since the 17th century. The city is the site of the National Academy of Art, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, and the University of Amsterdam (1632). Its Rijksmuseum(阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆) contains one of the largest collections of Dutch and Flemish paintings in the world, and its Stedelijk Museum(市立现代美术馆) has an extensive collection of modern works. The Van Gogh Museum(凡高博物馆) includes about 800 works by 19th-century painter Vincent van Gogh(文森特凡高)in its collection. Amsterdam is also noted as the home of the renowned 17th-century painter Rembrandt(伦布兰特); his home is now a museum. The Concert-gebouw, completed in 1883, is the home of Amsterdams renowned orchestra. The city has numerous examples of 16th- and 17th-century architecture, as well as two historic churches: Oude Kerk (Old Church), built about 1300, and Nieuwe Kerk (New Church), built in the 15th century. The royal palace, originally built in the 17th century as the town hall, stands on a large square in the center of the city.扩展:With or without you 等你LyricsWith or without you by U2See the stone set in your eyesSee the thorn twist in your sideI wait for youSleight1 of hand and twist of fateOn a bed of nails she makes me wait And I wait without youWith or without youWith or without youThrough the storm we reach the shore You give it all but I want moreAnd Im waiting for youWith or without youWith or without youI cant liveWith or without youAnd you give yourself awayAnd you give yourself awayAnd you giveAnd you giveAnd you give yourself awayMy hands are tiedMy body bruised2, shes got me with Nothing to win andNothing left to loseAnd you give yourself away And you give yourself away And you giveAnd you giveAnd you give yourself away With or without youWith or without youI cant liveWith or without youWith or without youWith or without youI cant liveWith or without youWith or without you中文歌词等你by U2看到你眼若冰霜看到你浑身带刺我在等你上天实在作弄人她就让我苦苦的等不论你是否在身旁我在等你我们在暴风雨中达到彼岸即使你献出所有我仍想得到更多我在等你不管你是否在身旁我会在这里等你我的生命中不能没有你你吐露了心声我束茧自缚我遍体鳞伤她让我丧失了所有的筹码令我一无所有你吐露了心声不管你是否在身旁我的生命中不能没有你不管你是否在身旁我的生命中不能没有你。
