






























文体与文体学讲义第一章文体与文体学In this chapter, two major concerns will be presented, one is the definition, the origin, goal, and procedure of stylistics, another the definition of style, which is a heated discussion in academic areas.Part I Stylistics1 Definition of StylisticsStylistics in simple terms means the study of style.Widdowson (1975:3), “By stylistics, I mean the study of literary discourse from a linguistics orientation and I shall take the view that what distinguishes stylistics from literary criticism on the one hand and linguistics on the other hand is that it is essentially a means of linking the two.”Leech, holds a similar view. He defines stylistics as “the study of the use of language in literature”(1969:1), and considers stylistics a “meeting-ground of linguistics and literary study”(1969:2) From what Widdowson and Leech say, we can see that stylistics is an area of study which straddle two disciplines: literary criticism and linguistics.It takes literary discourse (text) as its object of study and uses linguistics as a means to that end. Now stylistics has developed into an interdisciplinary area of study with explicit aims and effective techniques, and promises to offer useful insights into literary criticism and the teaching of literature.English stylistics has developed on the basis of traditional rhetoric which may be traced back to Aristole’s time. Nevertheless, it was the ‘three revolutions’ in social science that brought it to the right track and brought it about its present status.One of the revolutions is the modernist movement in art and literature, lasting from 1890 to the beginning of World War II. To a great extent, the revolution was a break with tradition in the ways it influenced both the content and language of literature. From this movement onwards, creative writers exercise no restraints on the sort of language they use in their writing. In modernist literature, readers could find much to surprise them in respect to content as well as language.Another revolution is the one in literature criticism which has had a profound and radical influence on stylistics. In the 1930’s, the critical theorist, I.A. Richards, expressed his dissatisfaction with those critics of his age. In his opinion, they seemed to be too much preoccupied with literature’s role in educating the readers morally and emotionally. He called for a more objective approach to literary texts. in his famous book, Practical criticism, he established an approach to poetry which depend on close reading of the text. He was joined by scholars such as Willian Empson whose work Seven Types of Ambiguity had a wide influence and promoted the concept of ambiguity as a defining linguistic characteristic of poetry. Their insistence on close reading of the text and analysis of language of the text coincides with the starting point of stylistics, thus greatly facilitating its development.The third revolution took place in linguistic science starting in the late 1950. It was initiated by the work of Noam Chomsky and Michael Halliday whose thoughts were directly or indirectly influenced by the linguistic theory of F. de Sassure, the founder of modern linguistics. Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar revealed a system of surface structure and deep structure in English syntax. It also brought about a new awareness of how the human mind is innately able to systematize reality by the use of language. Halliday’s systemic grammar has offered many insights into the methods of text analysis, particularly in respect of cohesion between sentences in discourse. The work done in the field of linguistics in the last three decades has provided the stylistician with effective and completely new tools for investigating language in use in both literature and other types of discourse. The above mentioned revolutions, in their own ways, have played a fundamental role in shaping stylistics into the important interdisciplinary field of academic study that it is today.1.2 The origin of stylistics and its research school文体学首先来自于古代的修辞学,来自于亚里斯多得的修辞论。


❖Plato: Rhetoric is "the art of winning the soul by discourse."
❖Aristotle: Rhetoric is "the faculty of discovering in any particular case all of the available means of persuasion."
(Qian Yuan)
1.2 Emergence of Stylistics as an Interdisciplinary Field of Study
❖English Stylistics is often regarded as a discipline that is “both old and young”.
1.2 Emergence of Stylistics as an Interdisciplinary Field of Study
❖Dating back to 5 B.C., Greek orators and sophists regarded rhetoric as oratory.
❖The second revolution is the one in literary criticism.
❖Ivor Armstrong Richards ❖Practical Criticism ❖He called for a more objective
approach to literary texts, and established an approach to poetry which depended on close reading of the text.



• You pays your money and • You doesn’t take your choice. • __ E.E. Cummings • The two sentences look ungrammatical, but are specially designed to express the meaning that the transaction is unfair or irregular as is seen in the ungrammatical form. They remind us of a new perspective in looking at the style.
• (1) My beloved parent has joined the heavenly choir. • (2) My dear father has passed away. • (3) My father has died. • (4) My old man has kicked the bucket. Each of these statements communicates the same fact that his father died. But the words which express the fact are different in each case. The matter is the same, but the manner has changed. In other words,
Hale Waihona Puke •Analysis(2)
• 3. Meaning of context • Linguists have emphasized the role contexts of situation as determinants of style. There is an observable match (Correlation) between linguistic features and contextual factors. For example:

文体学简介 Chapter 1

文体学简介 Chapter 1

Main contents in stylistics
Part One: Theoretical Preliminaries and Major Varieties of Eng lish Chapter 1 Style and Stylistics 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Definitions of Style 1.3 Definitions of Stylistics 1.4 The Development of Stylistics 1.5 The Scope of Study Chapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic Analysis 2.1 Linguistic Description 2.2 A Checklist of Linguistic Description 2.3 Textual Analysis 2.4 Contextual Factors Analysis Chapter 3 Stylistic Functions of Linguistic Items 3.1 Stylistic Functions of Speech Sounds 3.2 Stylistic Functions of Graphological Items 3.3 Stylistic Functions of Lexical Items 3.4 Stylistic Functions of Syntactic/Grammatical Items
General description
1. Less difficult 2. More interesting 3. More practical
Course related Questions
– Who is the founder of stylistics?

Stylistics 1 文体学课件

Stylistics 1 文体学课件

English stylistics has developed on the basis of traditional rhetoric which may be traced back to Aristotle’s time. Nevertheless, it was the ‘three revolutions’ in social sciences (Lott, 1988) that brought it to the right track and brought about its present status.
Stylistics is an area of study which straddles two disciplines: literary criticism and linguistics. It takes literary discourse (text) as its object of study and uses linguistics as a means to that end.
One of the revolutions is the modernist movement in art and literature, lasting from 1890 to the beginning of World War II. To a great extent, the revolution was a break with tradition in the ways it influenced both the content and language of literature. From this movement onwards, creative writers exercise no restraints on the sort of language they use in their writings. In modernist literature, readers could find much to surprise them in respect of content as well as language.



Chapter11, what is style in your opinion according to what we have studied in this chapter?Anwser1 , from the perspective of the content, the events and activities described ,style is saying different things in different ways ;from the perspective of the ways of expression used ,styled is same thing in different ways; from the perspective of the users of language ,style is different speakers using language in different ways; and from the perspective of the text ,style is the functions of texts for different purposes.Anwser2, the definition of style is the concept of style as choice .this definition can have at least too interpretations .one is that first we have a pre-existing thought ,and then we choice the appropriate type of expression to express it in language. The chosen expression is the style .another is that the choice refers to the choice of meaning. The choice of language is at the same time a choice of meaning and a choice of style .2,what is the significance of studying the style of language in learning and teaching English?Anwser, the answer is that if we want to use language appropriately in different situations , we need to study style .as foreign language learners, if we disregard the rules of using what variety of language in what occasion , or fail to obey them through ignorance , language can become instead a barrier to successful communication . Therefore its necessary to have a clear awareness of how language should be used in different types of situations especially in unfamiliar situations.3, what factors can result in differences in style ?Answer , 1, the different types of vocabulary create different images of the events in the re ader’s mind, so they can result in different styles.2,people living in different periods of time in history will also speak differently ,and that will result in a different style.Chapter21, explain the following terms1),foregrounding: the stylistically significant features have to be prominent and motivated ,that is ,foregrounded.2),incongruity: the linguistic features depart from the normal use of language ,breaking the rules grammar ,spelling ,pronunciation.3)deflection : the linguistic features don’t depart from the established grammatical, lexical and logical rules and principles ,but have an unexpected high frequency of occurrence.4),field; its concerned with what is happening ,including the subject matter,the events happenings,going-ons, the content ,etc5)tenor: its concerned with who is taking part in the exchange of meaning ----the relationship between the speaker and the listener ,their relative status,their attitude,and their role relations .6)mode: its concerned with how the interaction is conducted ,that is whether it is written or spoken ,or whether it is expressed by phonic substance or graphic substance.2,question for discussion2)in rhetorical series,the number of items can influence the stylistic effect.try to analyze the causes on the basis of social culture.Answer :different numbers of words can produce different stylistic effects in the appropriate contexts. Two items express assertion ,that is ,it is just this ,not that .In appropriate situations three items can produce ethic ,persuasive, and representative effect. Four or more items in a seriesstress a large number of the concrete things ,and these can produce an imagery in the mind of the reader that the large amount of things constitutes a significant situation in which certain aspect are highlighted. Another function of the rhetorical series is to use concrete items to highlight abstract concepts so that the abstract concept can be expressed in concrete ,lively and vivid way to enhance the aesthetic value of language.3)what factors affect the writer’s selection of words and styleAnswer : five criteria for the selection of words :whether they are familiar or not familiar, whether they are concrete or abstract, whether they are single or more ,whether they are short and simple. Or long. Whether they are Anglo –saxon words or latin words .field ,tenor ,mode affect the writer’s selection of style.4)what is the criterion used to classify wordsAnswer :we can use more systematic way to classify word according to register and dialect .register:field ,tenor , mode .dialect: regional dialect,such as London dialect;social dialect such as dialect of age, race,etc.temporal dialect such as od English .5)through what channels can words be used to achieve transferred meaning?Answer :simile :x is like Y, eg as busy as bee. Metaphor: X is Y ,eg he is a pig. Synecdoche eg many hands represent the people who work with their hands . Metonymy eg purse represent money.Chapter31,explain the following terms1),chiasmus:chiasmus is formed by inverting the word order of the second part of a parallel structure,so it forms a kind of antithetical structure. Eg:let us never negotiate out of fear,but let us never fear to negotiate.2)antistrophe: it is the repetition of the same items but in inverted order ,eg:what’s polly to me,or me to polly?3)epizeuxis:it is a continuous repetition for high lighting a particular feature.4)ploce: the repetition is not continuous , but intermittent or dispersed in the text.5)loose sentence: put the major idea first and than the illustration .such a sentence is easy to grasp .6)periodic sentence:a periodic sentence can be used to create suspense,or expectation, thus drawing the listener’s attention to the end of the sentence.it can be used to produce humorous and emphatic effect .2,question for discussion1),there are many types of syntactic deflection ,but they have one thing in common :recurrence of structures. How is syntactic deflection classified?Answer :there are two type of syntactic deflection :the unexpected high frequency of occurrence of a certain type of sentence; and the overregular occurrence of a particular pattern .2)the high frequency of occurrence of long and short sentence can create stylistic effect .apart from the difference in expressive meanings ,what are other characteristics of the two types of sentences?Answer : long sentences are good to provide the detailed descriptions ,and are good to reveal the mental activities of the speaker .so they are used to produce a vivid, rich, exuberant, luxuriousstyle. Short sentence:can produce direct ,terse ,concise ,clear effect or continuous ,compact ,swift effect ,so that it creates certain atmosphere , and leave a deep impression on the listeners.3) why do writers often violate the rule of grammar? What do we cal this violation?Answer: we call this violation syntactic incongruity .the violation of the grammatical rules can be used to produce certain stylistic effects. The so-called ungrammatical sentences are used to represent the different varieties of language according to register and dialect. In literary works, dialectical and personal features of speech are often used to depict the personality of the characters. In poetry, the poet often uses deviant grammatical structures to achieve special effects, makes lines terse and concise, to make it rich in meaning.4)what is the function of rhetorical questions?Answer: A rhetorical question is to use the form of a question in order to express a strong emotion or to emphasize a particular aspect. The function of inverted sentence is to make a declarative sentence more powerful, to attract the listener’s attention, or to induce others’ sympathy. Arranged in parallelism, rhetorical questions can express strong emotions and increase the persuasive power.A rhetorical question can also introduce the topic of the text.5) In what ways can we use inverted sentences to achieve emphatic effect?Answer: to change the normal word order can be used to produce some emphatic effect. What is put to the initial part of the sentence is usually the focus of information of the clause and also the theme of he clause. So it is highlighted.Chapter41 explain the following terms1)Synaesthesia: it refers to the fact that sounds s are attributed with certain values or estheticfeatures. It is very casual, and supported by situational features and meaning.2)Alliteration: refers to the repetition of the initial sound usually a consonant, or a vowel at firstposition, in two or more words that occur close together.3)Assonance: refers to the use of the same or related vowel sounds in successive words. It cancreate harmonious effect.4)Consonance: refers to the repetition of the last consonants of the stresses words at the end ofthe lines.2 questions for discussion1)What are the characteristic of spoken language and written language respectively?Answer: spoken language: 1 it can directly be accompanied by other non-linguistic means as the aid; 2 it is generally speaking not as formal as written language; 3 it permits errors in the process of production; 4 it uses a particular grammar, a grammar characteristics of spoken language. 5 homophones can be used for special stylistic effects, such as pun; 6 some implications are best represented by special sound features; 7 sound feature can represent the feature of regional dialect or social dialect.Written language:1 as written language communication is usually not a direct one, but is delayed in time and at different places, the writer generally has time to get well prepared and revise the text before he sends it out to the reader;2 as space is limited, it has special grammatical features so as to put more meaning in it .there are many nominalizations to make sentences into groups;3 written language is often used in a more formal situation; 4 as time is enough, it is usually writtenin a more detailed and logical way;5 as written language is more purposeful, and for a single specific goal, it is usually more constant and developed around a single subject.2)How many sound patterns do we have? What special stylistic effects can be achieved by them? Answer: these sound patterns include alliteration which can create harmony, connection and achieve special stylistic effects, assonance which can create harmonious effect, and consonance 3)What factors can influence graphological prominence? .Answer: there are three distinctive factors that can produce graphological prominence: marking, spacing and sequence. Marking refers to the use of written symbols to convey information; space is spacing arrangement departing from this normal way of spacing can be used to achieve stylistic effects.4 In modern English, punctuation marks are patterned and standardized. How can we use punctuation marks for special stylistic purpose?Answer: period typically occurs at the end of a declarative sentence. If period occurs in unexpected high frequency of occurrence, it often means that the text mainly functions to provide information; comma is used to mark the unit larger than a word, however, in Charles Dickens’ Dombey and Son, comma is used to indicate syllables; exclamation marks can be used to carry emotional coloring, a mark of expressing special feelings; parentheses are used for further explanation; the ellipsis of punctuation marks produces an illogical and non-sequential image. Chapter71 explain the following terms1)Guide: guide is the further explanation of the headline, it consists of six elements; location, character, event, mode, time, and cause.2)Nominalization: refers to a grammatical phenomenon in which the meaning which is normally expressed by a clause is here expressed by a phrase, so clause nominalization is normal. It is contracted.3)The highlighting method: from the productive point of view, the columnist can publish the whole story, or he can cut off some parts from the end. He can even cut off the main body.4)Meaning contraction: using the smallest form to get the most meaning.5)Journalese words: as new report requires the speaker to use the least form to get the most meaning, and it has to be fresh and attractive, so the words in news report is short and new.2 questions for discussion1) What are semantic features of news report?Answer:1 In terms of ideational meaning, apart from the semantic field of news report, it covers virtually all areas of meaning systems ;2 in terms of interpersonal meaning, it stresses objectivity;3 in terms of textual meaning, it has the feature of meaning contraction.3) Most of the headlines are elliptical sentences. Tell in what way ellipsis is best achieve in news report.Answer: most of the headlines are elliptical sentences. What is omitted is: (a) subject-predicate (b) predicate (c) link verb or auxiliary verb4) How is meaning contraction of news report embodied in grammar?Answer: one feature of news report is meaning contraction, that is using the smallest form to get the most meaning .its grammatical feature are as follows:(1) the nominalization of the processes (2)big noun phrases and complex modifications (3)as some of the pre-modifiers come from a separate clause, it is highly contracted .5)The concreteness contraction of news report is in contradiction to meaning contraction. Tell how this contradiction is revolved in news report.Answer: besides its authenticity and objectivity, news report should also emphasize concreteness and detailedness. Therefore, the writer often gives background information and details by using parenthesis. By doing so, the writer can provide concrete and detailed information and save space as well.6)What graphological means are used in news report? Analyze what effects are achieved by graphological means.Answer: grphological means are made in the typesetting, for example, headlines can be arranged in such ways: 1 flush-left(it is made into a square) 2dropped-line(the length of the line is the same, but dropped in a bit each time) 3 short line followed by a long tome 4 along line followed by a short line 5 concave form 6 convex form . They can increase esthetic value and become more attractive.7)What are lexical features of news report? Why are many nonce words used in news report? Answer: lexical feature: 1 short and new-fashioned such a “crisis” in “the UN faces crisis of credibility”. 2 short journalese phrase such as “key issue” in “jobless will be the key issue in 1993”. 3nonce words, often blends such as Euromarket=European market.8)Why is there so much use of direct speech in news report?Answer: the use of direct speech can enhance the credibility of news report. The directly quoted speech can be regarded as basis of facts.9)What prominent devices are used in headlines in news report?Answer: alliteration allusion suspense etc.Chapter61Explain the following terms1)time non-fluency :pauses in inappropriate positions within a phrase or groups position ,the use of um or er to delay the time ,the repetition of some expressions ,such as be said be said be said.,2)Quality non-fluency: often the speaker cannot find the appropriate words to express himself, and he is striving for words, so he uses many inexact expressions and even wrong expressions or wrong pronunciations to express himself.3) Adjacency pair: most of the sentences are declarative and interrogative sentences as they are mostly made up of questions and answers.4) Slot filling words: slot filling words are used to fill in the pauses when the speaker strives for meaning as words, or when he or she strives to be politeness or lessen the degree of imprudence.2 question for discussion1)What are the characteristics of conversation from the perspective of semantics, grammar, vocabulary and phonology?Answer :semantic features:(1)the inexplicitness of meaning (2)the randomness of subject matter, and a general lack of planning (3)the lack of fluency Grammatical features :(1)sentence complexity (2)verbal phrases(3)nominal phrases(4)the types of sentences (5)quoted elements. Lexical feature:(1)most of the words are short and simple Anglo-Saxon ones, (2)the choice of words is limited in scope or range (3)slang and colloquial words, taboo words ,exclamatory words are frequently used (4)some slot filling words ,such as you know ,I mean,etc.(5)use exaggerated words and expressions. Phonological features :(1)use more contractions for the unimportant information (2)the often try to express themselves in spite of the fact that the other is speaking (3)there are many emphatic ways of speech ,such as stress .2)How do you account for the inexplicitness of language in daily conversation?Answer: the inexplicitness of meanings manifested in the following aspects: (1)lots of exophoric expression such as “this “is the tendency (2)there ar e missing links between the utterances(3) a lot of background information missing.(4)many inexact expressions using general words for particular concepts(5)many incomplete expressions.3)What are the features spontaneous commentary from the perspective of semantics, grammar, vocabulary and phonology?Answer: from the perspective of semantic features, if the listeners could also see the event while the commentary is delivered, there will be a lot of meaning implied or simply presupposed; but in a commentary without visual support on the part of the listeners, the commentator has to provide all the necessary information. In terms of syntactic structure, the sentences and the clauses are usually short as the commentator has no time to give detailed description of the event, and the sentences contain fewer words than usual. From the perspective of lexical features, the words are mostly simple in structure, they are short and simple; they are mostly composed of verbs, and proper names; there might be specialized terms depending on the subject matter of the commentary. From the perspective of phonological features, it is very fast and fluent, but he has to pronounce every word clearly and loudly.4)What are the features of text structure of public speech?Answer: It consist of the following element :(1)a short introduction to the main issue or issues concerned (2)the declaration of one’s attitude and position in the matter (3)the listin g, reasoning, and explaining (4)conclusion5)How is it that in public speech there is much use of noun phrases with post modification? Answer: there are few pre-modifiers, but more post-modifiers such as “of phrase” and “which clauses” to give detailed and accurate description.Chapter81 explain the following termsLearned words: learned words are words that borrowed from Latin, Greek and French.Clichés: are words or expressions which have lost their originality or effectiveness because they have been used too often.Semantic features: correctness and completeness; conciseness and clearness; consideration and courtesy.Grammatical features: sentences structure; uses of voices; uses of affirmative sentences; inverted sentencesLexical features: concrete and natural words; technical terms and abbreviations; brief and common word s; avoid clichés (except business contracts)3 questions for discussion1)Why should business English be correct and complete?Answer: the content of business English should be correct and completely. First, the conveyed information should be correct; sometimes a small mistake would cause a great loss in a deal and even affect business relations between two parties. Second, the conveyed information should be complete. For example, if we order some commodities, we should state names of commodities, delivery dates, consignees, methods of payment, etc.2)In business English sometimes active voice is used, and sometimes passive voice is preferred. Point out what stylistic features can be achieved through using voices.Answer: In business English, both active voice and passive voice can be used, but there is a tendency towards preference of active voice in today’s business communication. Active voice is shorter in form and economic in words compared with passive voice. Thus active voice is more effective in stylistic effect than passive voice; besides, active voice can make style more familiar and less formal. But in some cases, passive voice is necessary. When we discuss something negative, we should avoid blaming the other party directly, in addition, passive voice can make business English style more formal, and the conveyed information more objective.3)Why should business letters be written in a way of consideration and courtesy?Answer: In business communication, in order to make it more efficient, we should be considerate of others and polite to others. “You- Atti tude”is very important principle in business communication, that is, we should think ourselves back into the shoes of others so as to cooperate sincerely. 4)The use of technical terms and abbreviations is one stylistic feature of business English. State the reason of this phenomenon.Answer: using technical terms and abbreviations can avoid long and tedious explanation, which is one lexical feature of business English. Such as L/C----letter of credit5)Why should we avoid clichés in business English?Answer: clichés are words or expressions which have lost their originality or effectiveness because they have been used too often. In old-fashioned business English there are a large number of clichés, which should be avoid in present-day business communication.Chapter91, explain the following terms2) Redundancy: in order to avoid opaqueness and ambiguity, it has express clearly what everyone knows and takes for granted. This makes the legal language redundant clumsy and hard to understand.3) Common words: many of the legal words come from ordinary language with the common core features especially those high-frequency words, such as prepositions, conjunctions, articles, etc.4) specialized words: specialized words are necessary for two important aspects of legal language. The first is that for the field of law itself, and the second is that for many non-legal field concerned with legal affairs. There are two sources of specialized legal words: common words endowed with legal meanings and archaic words.2, question for discussion1)Why is legal English syntactically complex?Answer: syntactic Complexity: as its main function is to ensure preciseness and accuracy and block any leakage, the draftsmen of legal documents have to be very carful and scrupulous, and the legal texts have to be able to stand the text of time .therefore legal language is rich in modifications, circumlocutions, and complex logic relations.2)Legal English is very conservative in form. Explain it from a historical perspective.Answer: conservativeness: as the legal language is produced by careful phrasing and tested over a long time, nobody dares to alter the structure of legal English, so that its structures become old-fashioned and archaic. The representative legal language in such a way is English legal language.3) What is the reason that there are many legal words of French source?Answer: because after the Norman Conquest, French because the official language used for all state affairs including law in Great Britain. That is why many French loan words were found in law afterwards.4) What are the lexical features of legal English?Answer: legal vocabulary mainly comes from French. (2) Legal words can be divided into following three types: 1, common words2, specialized words3, Multi-register words.。


2. formal terms: there are also formal terms to mark the high degree of formality and objectivity of the news, e.g:design, jointly launched by … the website , the Ministry of Public Security.
3.concrete figures are given to make the news clear in meaning and easy to understand, e.g. The youngest child am实o用文n档g the six went missing
Graphological Features
"The parents of the missing children authorized us to
post their information on our products in July. So far we
have produced 500,000 bottles, most of which are being
The campaຫໍສະໝຸດ gn, which is being jointly launched by the water company and Baobeihuijia , China's best-known online platform for finding missing children, is outfitting water bottles with the photos and 实p用e文r档sonal information of six



• •
• Implication: (Assumptions) • A.Linguistics should be most helpful in analyzing and interpreting literary texts. • B) literature is a type of communicative discourse.
• The Purposes for study of stylistics • To appreciate the English literature works • To master some general knowledge about variations of English • To improve English level • To construct a critical view towards matter • To build a new way of thinking
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 1 Definition of Stylistics • Stylistics=style+ linguistics • STYLE: Chapter Two • Linguistics: the study of language in which theories on languages have been fully investigated • Take some language theories as example • Cooperative principles • Politeness principles • Ambiguity of languages
• Implication: stylistic features do not occur randomly in it but form patterns. And stylisticians can account for literary texts not just intrasententially but also intersententially, not only in terms of linguistic facts and theory but also in terms of sociolinguistic facts and theory.

英语教材 应用文体学-Chapter I 文体学

英语教材 应用文体学-Chapter I 文体学

• 狭义文体学:主要研究文学作品的文体 风格。因为文学语言总是最丰富多彩、 最灵活多样的, 也最能反映一个时代的语 言特点。传统文体学与文学批评密切相 关; 它着重分析作家的文学风格(literary style), 研究代表作品的文体风格。文学 语言汇集着语言精华;文学文体集各类 文体之大成。
British scholars David Crystal &Derek Davy point ouБайду номын сангаас in their Investigating English Style: Literature can be mimetic of the whole range of human experience and this includes linguistic as well as nonlinguistic experience.

J. C. Catford points out in his A Linguistic Theory of Translation: • …the concept of a „ whole language‟ is so vast and heterogeneous(异类的/不纯的) that it is not operationally useful for many linguistic purposes, descriptive, comparative, and pedagogical. It is therefore desirable to have a framework of categories for the classification of „sublanguage‟ or varieties within a total language.















文体学 课件

文体学 课件

A brief summaryStylistics is a newly-born study, it was in the 1960s that stylistic study really began to flourish in Great Britain and the United States. Professor Wang Zuoliang is the first person in China to study it.The stylistics we are discussing here is Modern Stylistics, a discipline that applies concepts and techniques of modern linguistics to the study of styles of language use. It has two subdivisions: General Stylistics and Literary Stylistics, with the latter concentrating solely on unique features of various literary works, and the former on the general features of various types of language use.1.2.1 Speech Acts1.2.2 Speech Events1.2.3 Text / Message / Discourse1. Substantial2. Formal3. SituationalIt is this contextual relationship between the substance and form of a speech event on the one hand and the situation in which it occurs on the other, which gives what is normally called ―meaning‖ to utterance. In other words, context determines meaning of features in situation.e.g.My beloved grandfather has just passed to his heavenly reward.My dear grandfather has just expired.My grandfather has just passed away.My grandfather has died.同是表达―死‖这个概念,但场合不同,表达方式也不同。














































e.g., the participant, time, place, topic, etc. of the communicative event, from very formal to very informal
Definition of style
2. The register语域, which refers to the special variety of language used by a particular social group that may have a common profession, e.g., doctors, lawyers, teachers, or the same interests, e.g., football fans, etc
Language and Literature, Routledge, 2000.
侯维瑞, 《文学文体学》,上海:上海外语教育出版社 ,2008。
Definition of style
3. The set of linguistic features that seem to be characteristic of a text, e.g., the style of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, or of an author, e.g., Miltonic style
What is your definition of style?





”如何分析句子层面上的文体成效?句子的结构:完整仍是不完整?有无倒装?句子的成份:简单仍是复杂?句子的语态:主动仍是被动?句子的时态:正常仍是反常?有无不和乎语法的现象?圆周句仍是松散句占多数?(Liu shisheng P112)1.简单句:1)时态 2.)主动和被动主动句中主语是行为的发出者,具有很重要的地位,因此预示着表达的主观性和权利(power)的绝对性,说明主语的操纵性很强;而被动语态那么具有客观性和抽象性,一样表现被动接收,没有操纵权.。

如:The teacher taught the students English.2. 扩展句(传统上英语句子按其结构分为简单句、并列句和符合句三种。


按利奇等人对句子扩展的划分,从一个简单句扩展到有更多成份的句子,要紧有三个:连接、列举和嵌入(linking,listing and nesting)。

1)连接X and XX and X and X and X……简单句和复合句一样和简练明快的风格相联系。


2) 列举X,X and XX,X,X and XX,X,X,X,One world,one dream One word and one dream3)嵌入直接嵌入;间接嵌入(定语)3. 句子成份的特殊处置1) 成份省略In a station of the MetroThe apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.2)倒装Thus leant she and lingered----joy and fear! Thus lay she a moment on my breast.Then we began to ride.___ Robert Browning The Last Ride Together3) 圆周句和松散句To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men---- that is genius.It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of fortune must be in want of wife.4) 渐升和突降渐升确实是一系列的词、短语或小句等成份依照与小到大、由轻到重、由浅入深依次递进的顺序排列;突降那么是依照语意与渐升相反的顺序排列。

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The discussion of the concepts of style should focus on some essential aspects
of language on which most linguists agree.
And in which aspects of language does stylistics focus on?
The language of a participant in a social activity reflects his social characteristics (such as his status, ethnic group, age and sex), his awareness of the various factors of a social situation, etc.
English Stylistics: A New Course Book
Instructed by Zhuying
Course related Questions
– Who is the founder of stylistics?
– What does stylistics study? – What is style and stylistics?
– Why do we study stylistics?
– How do we make stylistic analysis?
Who is the founder of stylistics?
The founder of stylistics: Charles Bally, the student of Saussure, is the most influential linguist in the first generation in Geneva School which was founded by Saussure.
Varieties of Language
Varieties in relation to regions ---British/American English
Varieties in relation to media---Spoken English/Written English
B. Language is viewed as a system of different types of linguistic organization such as phonology, syntax and lexicon.
The study of English Stylistics will be done from Phonetics语音学 Phonology 音系学 Morphology 形态学,词态学 Syntax句法学 and Semantics 语义
– Charles Bally (4 February 1865, Geneva – 10 April 1947) was a French linguist from the Geneva School. Bally is an expert in French lexicon and stylistics. His greatest contribution is his new idea about stylistics.
What is language
Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.
The English language consists of its pattern of sounds, sets of grammatical rules and a large body of vocabulary.
– 他认为一般的语言风格和个别作家的风格是两回 事,前者出于常人说话时的需要,后者才是作家对语 言的美学加工。他认为风格学应该研究感情在言 语中的表达和言语对感情的作用。
What is the course about?
style linguistics
The course is the about using knowledge of language to explore the language choices made in texts
And in which aspects of language
does stylistics focus on?
A. Language is the primary object of the study of linguistics, and linguists construct theories of language in general or of particular languages from differing points of view.

And in which aspects of language
does stylistics focus on?
C. age is also a social phenomenon, or institution, whereby people communicate and interact with each other. A language of a particular society is part of the society’s culture.
Varieties in relation to attitude---degrees of formality/politeness/accessibility
Varieties in relation to social factors---Women’s English/Black English/Taboo and Euphemism