现代大学英语第二册 第十三课 Mr. Imagination单元测试 13 quiz




Unit 13Main IdeaThe text mainly tells us a story happened to a Chinese couple living in French Guadeloupe. They lived in a world where Chinese custom and culture are not well taken notice of. The author recalled the happiness of the lunar new years she’d been through in her hometown when she was young, and decided to create a Caribbean Spring Festival in this western culture dominated island. The whole celebration was imbued with fun and happiness and a kind of feeling that had been lost for more than 20 years. They’ve even been invited to give talks on Chinese culture. This made them feel the urge to learn more about their motherland.Creating a Caribbean Spring Festivalby Yi YenchunPara 1[ summary] The writer recalls how her family celebrated the Chinese Lunar New Year when she was little.[author] Yi Yenchun, a writer from Taiwan, is now living on French Guadeloupe in Latin America. The original article was written in Chinese, translated by Daniel Rote.1. I remember when I was little, right before the Lunar New Year we’d make an offering to the Kitchen God.make an offering: contribute (to the Kitchen God)offering : things offered, especially as a gift or contribution. 提供之物,由指礼物,奉献之物He gave him a box of chocolates as a peace offering.Yesterday they made offerings to the departed spirit.Lunar New Year: It refers to the traditional new year according to Chinese calendar lunar: lunar month, means the average time between one new moon and the next. Cf:calendar month: period of time from a certain date in a month to the same date in the next one.2.Mom always told us not to jabber, and that we should eat some sweets, so as to speak some sweet words.jabber: v. talk rapidly in what seems to be a confused manner 急促而含混不清地说话n. jabbering, chatterListen to those children jabbering away! 你听那些孩子叽叽喳喳地说过不停!You can hear the jabber of monkeys at the foot of mountain at night.so as to do sth.: with the intention of doing sth.He left a message so as to be sure of contacting her.Cf. so… as to do sth.: to the extent that one does sth.She was so kind as to phone a taxi for me.3. There should be no fighting or disturbances so as not to cause the Kitchen God to report unfavourably on our family to the Jade Emperor in Heaven. [paraphrase] While making an offer to the Kitchen God, we should not fight or disturb, or the Kitchen God would give an unfavourable report to the Jade Emperor in Heaven.the Jade Emperor:The Jade Emperor is the king of all the gods in Chinesemythology. (玉皇大帝)report unfavourably on our family: to report against our family, i.e. to speak ill of our family4. Before New Year’s Eve, Mom had already started the busy process of making New Year foods like steamed buns, both stuffed and plain. Meanwhile Dad prepared the New Year couplet.steamed buns, both stuffed and plain:“stuffed” buns refer to buns with other food or flavour inside, while “plain” ones refer to those without anything else inside. couplet: two successive lines of verse of equal length. In the text, it refers to those typical used for celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year, attaching to both sides of one’s family door.春联5. The big streets and hidden alleys of my hometown were swarming with people at this time of the year.swarm with sb. / sth.: (of a place) be (unpleasantly) crowded with or full of (people or things)The beach is swarming with bathers. The table swarmed with flies.6. Shop fronts were piled up with all sorts of foods and gifts appropriate for the New Year’s holiday.shop fronts: the part of the shops facing the streetpile up: 1)(meaning in the text) increase in quantity; accumulateEvidence was piling up against them.Her debts are piling up and she has no money to pay them.2) (of a number of vehicles) crash into each other, especially each hitting the one in front.appropriate for / to sth.: suitable, right and properSports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.7. Last but not least, one of my happiest memories was of the New Year’s dinner and especially of the money handed out to us kids in red envelopes.l ast but not least: use before the final item in a list, means last but no less important than the others. 最后但同样重要的red envelope:红包(or called 压岁钱in some localities)hand sth. out to sb.: distribute sth.Relief workers were handing out emergency rations to the survivors. 救济人员在向生还者分发紧急配给品。



新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 131. b 根据课文第3-4行They will be coming…and most of the young people in townwill…,只有b. mainly the young people 与课文内容相符合,而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。

2. d 根据文章第7-8行...the police will have a difficult time, they will betrying to keep order.只有d. to preventtrouble(防止麻烦)最符合文章的意思,它说明警察去那的目的,而其它3个选择都表示原因,不能准确表达文章的含义。

3. b需要选同前面句子中的most of (大多数)意思相近的词或短语。

a. A lot(许多)后面应该有of, 与most of意思不同;c. Some(一些)不是most of 的同义词,语法上也讲不通;d. Many(许多)也不是most of 的同义词,且有语法错误;只有b. Nearly all(几乎所有的)同most of 的意思最接近,也最符合语法。

4. c只有c. long will they be 最符合语法和题目意思。

a. long they will be不是疑问句形式,不合乎语法规则;b. they will be 不合乎语法,也不合乎题目意思;d. long they be不合乎语法。

5. a 只有a.in才最接近前面句子中的 during 的含义,而其他3个选择都在意思上讲不通。

6. b 只有b. as usual(通常)才能使这个句子意思完整,语法正确,而其他3个选择都不符合习惯用法和语法。

7. b这个句子的主语police(警察)是表示复数意义的名词,因此它后面的谓语动词应该是复数形式的。

A. is 和 d. was都是第3人称单数形式;c. will 不能同现在分词构成谓语动词;只有b. are 是复数形式,最符合语法。



新概念英语第二册第十三课课后习题答案doc第一篇:新概念英语第二册第十三课课后习题答案doc新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 13 1.b 根据课文第3-4行They will be coming…and most of the young people in townwill…,只有b.mainly the young people 与课文内容相符合,而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。

2.d 根据文章第7-8行...the police will have a difficult time, they will betrying to keep order.只有d.to preventtrouble(防止麻烦)最符合文章的意思,它说明警察去那的目的,而其它3个选择都表示原因,不能准确表达文章的含义。

3.b需要选同前面句子中的most of(大多数)意思相近的词或短语。

a.A lot(许多)后面应该有of, 与most of意思不同;c.Some(一些)不是most of 的同义词,语法上也讲不通;d.Many(许多)也不是most of 的同义词,且有语法错误;只有b.Nearly all(几乎所有的)同most of 的意思最接近,也最符合语法。

4.c只有c.long will they be 最符合语法和题目意思。

a.long they will be不是疑问句形式,不合乎语法规则;b.they will be 不合乎语法,也不合乎题目意思;d.long they be不合乎语法。

5.a 只有a.in才最接近前面句子中的 during 的含义,而其他3个选择都在意思上讲不通。

6.b 只有b.as usual(通常)才能使这个句子意思完整,语法正确,而其他3个选择都不符合习惯用法和语法。


现代大学英语听力2Unit 13

现代大学英语听力2Unit 13

Task 1A young man went into a car showroom. He was wearing rubber boots and a dirty jacket. He needed a haircut badly and was unshaven. The young man examined an expensive car carefully and then turned to speak to the salesman."How much does this car cost?" he asked."One thousand two hundred and eighteen pounds," the salesman said."I'll have sixteen of them," the young man said. The salesman smiled. He found it hard to be polite. " You are joking, of course," he said. "I'm afraid we can't help you. This car is not for sale."The salesman showed his customer the door and the young man left the shop without a word. He went to a showroom on the other side of the street and asked for sixteen cars.The second salesman was polite and helpful. The young man took a bundle of notes out of his pocket and paid for the cars in cash. He explained that the cars were for himself and his fifteen colleagues. He said that he and his colleagues worked on a Norwegian fishing-boat. " We have all earned a lot of money this season," the man said, "and we want to buy cars."Naturally, the second salesman was delighted.Task 2Lucy: Excuse me.Stallholder: Yes, Miss?Lucy: How much do you want for this plate? Let me see. Oh, yes... that's a lovely example of Victorian brass.Stallholder: It's worth twenty quid.Lucy: Twenty pounds! Oh, that's too much for me. It's a pity. It's really nice.Stallholder: Ah, I said it's worth twenty quid. I'm only asking fifteen for it.Lucy: Fifteen pounds?Stallholder: Yes. It's a real bargain.Lucy: Oh, I'm sure it is, but I can't afford that!Stallholder: Well, look... just for you, I'll make it fourteen quid. I can't go any lower than that. Lucy: I'll give you ten.Stallholder: Ten! Come on, love. You must be joking! I paid more than that for it myself. Fourteen. It's worth every penny.Lucy: Well, perhaps I could give you eleven.Stallholder: Thirteen. That's my final offer.Lucy: Twelve.Stallholder: Twelve fifty.Lucy: All right, twelve fifty.Stallholder: There you are, love. You've got a real bargain there.Lucy: Yes, thank you very much.Task 3Alex: Good morning.Cashier: Good morning.Alex: I would... I would like to know how to make out this check.Cashier: Right. Erm... do you want to draw out some money?Alex: Yes, £20.Cashier: £20 okay. [Yes.] Well, the first thing you need to do is to write today's date in the top right-hand corner where you see the line, [Yes.] at the top you write just today's date [Yes.] and the year. You must put the year in. And if you want to draw out money after it says pay... can you see over on the left-hand side?Alex: The first... er... line?Cashier: That's it. On the first line it says PAY and you write "Cash" afterwards.Alex: In letters?Cashier: Yes. C-A-S-H [Yes.] you write cash. Okay. Then underneath that, right underneath, you have to write the amount of money you want. So just 20 pounds and then you write ONLY at the end in words. Then at the end of that line where you can see the box, see over on the right-hand side, you have to write the amount you want in numbers [In numbers?]. Mmmm. [Yes.] And then underneath that box, the last thing you have to do in the bottom right-hand corner is just write your signature.Alex: Thank you very much.Cashier: Okay. Bye-bye then.Alex: Bye.Task 4Cashier: Next?Li: I'm next.Cashier: Let's see now. You have one family-size tube of tooth paste: $1.09. Three bars of soap: $.85. A tube of shampoo: $1.39. A bottle of aspirin: $.79. One box of Kleenex: $.99. A comb: $.29. One stick of deodorant: $.98. A tube of shaving cream: $.89. A package of razor blades: $.69. That's $7.56, and 8 percent sales tax. Total: $8.16.Li: Here's a 10-dollar bill.Cashier: Got 16¢, Mister?Li: Just a minute. I'll look. Yes. Here you are, 16¢.Cashier: Thanks. Here's your change. Next, please. Please step up.Li: Excuse me, Miss. You gave me $1 in change. My bill was $8.16 and I gave you a 10-dollar bill. Cashier: Oh, yeah. Sorry, Mister. Here's your buck. Next, please.Task 5The US government prints paper money in the following denominations: $10,000; $5,000; $1,000; $500; $100; $50; $20; $10; $5 and $1.You, and almost everybody else, will never see some of these bills; twenties, tens, fives and ones are the most commonly used. You will find a picture of George Washington on the $1 bill,Abraham Lincoln on the $5, Alexander Hamilton on the $10 and Andrew Jackson on the $20. There are also pictures on the back: the White House on the $20, the Treasury Building on the $10, the Lincoln Memorial on the $5 and a big "ONE" and the American insignia on the $1. However, all paper bills are the same size and the same green color, so you have to look carefully before handing someone money and when receiving change. Your best bet is to forget the pictures and concentrate on the large numbers in all four corners of the front and back.Money in general is referred to as: "cash", "bucks", "dough", "bread", "moolah", "greenbacks", etc. A one-dollar bill is most often called "a dollar", "a single", "a buck" or "a bill"; a five-dollar bill is "five dollars", "a fiver", "a five spot" or "five bucks". Five singles make five dollars. A ten-dollar bill might be "a ten", "ten bucks" or a "ten spot".There are, of course, 100 cents in a dollar. Coins come in the following denominations: $.01 or 1¢; $.05 or 5¢; $.10 or 10¢; $.25 or 25¢; and $.50 or 50¢. They are referred respectively to a penny, a cent, or one cent; a nickel or five cents; a dime or ten cents; a quarter, two bits or twenty-five cents; and a fifty-cent piece.Coins are called "change", "small change" or "silver", though they aren't made of silver anymore. Coins are generally recognized by their size, but somebody "goofed" on the dime, which is smaller than either a nickel or a penny. All the others are in size order.Task 6We have a rule of thumb: "Don't carry around any more cash than you can afford to have stolen." This means we don't carry most of our weekly or monthly wage around in our pockets, and we don't leave it at home where it might easily be stolen.Furthermore, we have to pay certain bills every month. We don't want to travel around the city with hundreds of dollars in cash to pay these bills, nor do we want to waste the time and carfare. So we need bank accounts. And so do you.The kinds of savings and checking accounts available in the US are numerous and complex, but as you will have only a small amount of money to deal with each month, your choices are limited. Let us recommend to you an account that is both a savings and a checking account in one. Though they are called by a wide variety of names—each bank gives its account a different name—they all follow essentially the same pattern. We think that savings banks generally give slightly better deals to people like you with little money, but you should ask people in your area what's the best, cheapest and most convenient. Often commercial banks have many, many more offices in a city or town, and that makes banking easier for you.How does all this work? You receive your monthly money from the Chinese government, probably in the form of a check, a piece of paper with your name on it and the amount you are entitled to, say $420. You sign your name on the back of the check, mark it "for deposit only" and deposit the money in your account. Then you withdraw, say, $50 to pay for groceries, carfare and other daily expenses, "spending money" or "pocket money". The remaining $370 will earn about5 percent interest from the day it is deposited until the day you take it out. In this way, your interest on the savings account may be enough money to cover the cost of the account, generally about $4 per month or 15¢for every check you write.By about the 10th of every month you should have received in the mail all your bills-the rent, the gas and electricity, the phone, perhaps a doctor or dentist bill, etc. You sit down with your check book and write a check to pay each person. Put each check in the proper envelope, which generally has a return envelope with it, stamp them and mail them. You add up the checks—let's say it's $220, and go to your bank. With a small plastic card you can give a computer directions regarding your account: you can tell the computer to transfer $220 from your savings to your checking account. That $220 will no longer earn any interest; it will sit in your checking account until the landlord and the others take your checks and deposit them in their banks. Then, the proper amount will be deducted from your checking account and everybody will be happy. If your original $50 cash runs out, you can take your little plastic card and ask the computer to give you some cash. The computer will oblige as long as you have the amount you're asking for in your account. If you don't—computers are very smart!Task 7This system of buying goods became very common during the first half of the twentieth century. Today a large proportion of all the families in Great Britain buy furniture, household goods and cars by hire purchase. In the USA, the proportion is much higher than in Great Britain, and people there spend over 10 percent of their income on hire purchase installments.The goods bought by hire purchase are, in almost every case, goods that will last-radio and television sets, washing machines, refrigerators, motor-cars and motor-cycles, and articles of furniture.The price of an article bought in this way is always higher than the price that would be paid in cash. There is a charge for interest. The buyer pays a proportion, perhaps one quarter or one third, of the price when the goods are delivered to him. He then makes regular payments, weekly or monthly, until the full price has been paid. The legal ownership of the goods remains with the seller until the final payment has been made.Hire purchase has advantages and disadvantages. It helps newly married couples with small incomes to furnish their homes. It increases the demand for goods, and in this way helps trade and employment. If families are paying each month installments on such household goods as a washing machine and a car, they spend less money, or perhaps no money, in useless or perhaps harmful ways, for example, on too much alcohol.There is, however, the danger that when trade is bad, hire purchase buying may end suddenly and make trade much worse, with, as a result, a great increase in unemployment. This is why, in some countries, the government controls hire purchase by fixing the proportion of the first payments and the installments.Task 8Bank Manager: Now, Miss Andrews, how much do you actually want to deposit with us in your new account?Helen Andrews: Well, it's just around two thousand pounds that I won on the premium bonds. Bank Manager: Right. I now need your full name and address.Helen Andrews: Helen Andrews. 33 Bedford Road.Bank Manager: Helen Andrews. Would you please spell that?Helen Andrews: A-N-D-R-E-W-S.Bank Manager: Address?Helen Andrews: 33 Bedford, that's B-E-D-F-O-R-D.Bank Manager: So 33 Bedford...Helen Andrews: Road, London E14.Bank Manager: Right, er... now do you want a deposit or a current account?Helen Andrews: Well, I want to be able to take my money out at any time.Bank Manager: I see. So you probably want a current account.Helen Andrews: Well, if you say so. I've only had a post office savings account until now.Bank Manager: Well, with a current account you can... have a cheque book, or you can come into the bank and take the money out as you like. Of course, there's no interest on a current account. Helen Andrews: None at all?Bank Manager: No. If you put it into a seven days' deposit account, of course, you get interest, but in a current account, none.Helen Andrews: Well, most people have current accounts, don't they?Bank Manager: Well, they do if they've not got an awful lot of money and they need to use it regularly. Er... so that's probably the best thing for you.Helen Andrews: Well, you'll give me a cheque book, won't you?Bank Manager: I'll give you a cheque book immediately, yes, er...Helen Andrews: Do you need my signature?Bank Manager: Ah yes we'll need er... two or three specimen signatures...Helen Andrews: Okay. And I will get a cheque card... I mean one of those cards which I'm allowed to use for up to fifty pounds a day?Bank Manager: Er, er, now we don't actually give a check card until you've had an account with us for six months.Helen Andrews: Six months?Bank Manager: Yes, we have to see how the account's going, you see.Helen Andrews: But that's crazy. I mean I used to work in a shop and we'd never accept cheques without a cheque card. I mean no one will accept my money.Bank Manager: Well, er... this is how we work, I'm afraid.Helen Andrews: Well, I'll have to reconsider everything again, I think. I had no idea you were as strict as this...Task 9The British have only had decimal currency for a very short time. In fact it was only introduced in 1971. Before that, there were 12 pence in a shilling and 20 shillings in a pound. Now, of course,there are 100 pence in a pound, and Britain is more like its European neighbours.Like other countries, Britain has both coins and notes. The common notes are five pounds and ten pounds. The £20 note came out in 1970 and the £50 note has been around since 1981.There are several coins. The country stopped making the 1/2 pence in 1984. The 1p (or one penny) is the smallest coin. Like the 2p it is made of copper. There are two types of 5p and two types of 10p. The 5p coins before 1971 have the words "one shilling" on them. The 10p coins before 1971 have the words "two shillings" on them. Both the one shilling coin and the 5p coin have the same value.Other coins are the 20p, the 50p and the £1 coin. The 20p and the 50p coins are made of copper and nickel. The £1 coin has been around since 1983 and the £1 note was discontinued in 1984, but people will continue to use it for some time. The coin is not very popular as it is very small.Task 10An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had nothing left. Of course, when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man who often helped people when they had troubles."My money has finished and my friends have gone," said the young man."What will happen to me now?""Don't worry, young man," answered Nasreddin. "Everything will soon be all right again. Wait and you will soon feel much happier."The young man was very glad. "Am I going to get rich again then?" he asked Nasreddin."No, I didn't mean that," said the old man. "I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends."。

杨立民《现代大学英语精读(2)》学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】-Unit 13~

杨立民《现代大学英语精读(2)》学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】-Unit 13~

Unit 13一、词汇短语Text Aminister [] n. 部长,大臣;牧师v.(to)帮助;服侍【例句】He is the Minister of Education. 他是教育部长。

【助记】mini(小)+ster→大臣见到皇上时,自称小人【派生】ministerial adj. 部长的;内阁的;公使的;牧师的pray [] v. 请求,恳求;乞求;[宗] 祈祷;请【例句】Pray be careful. 求您小心一点【词组】pray for为…祈祷pray sb to do sth 恳求…做某事【助记】p(联想:趴)+ray(光线)→趴在上帝的光辉下→祈祷hitchhike [] v. 搭便车旅行【例句】He hitchhiked his way to New York. 他一路搭乘便车到了纽约。

comet [] n. 彗星【例句】If I had binoculars, I could see that comet clearly. 如果我有望远镜,我就可以清楚地看见那颗彗星。

【助记】co(m)(共同)+met(meet的过去式)→以前共同遇到过的彗星expedition [] n. 远征,考察;远征队,探险【例句】The scientists are on a(n) expedition into the Brazilian jungle. 科学家到巴西的丛林去考察。

【助记】ex(出)+pod(脚)+ition→出行,远征ribbon [] n. 缎带;带状物v. 撕成碎条【例句】①Her hair was tied up with a ribbon. 她的头发用一条丝带扎着。

②The flag was ribboned by the wind. 旗子被风吹成条条碎片。

stimulus [] n. 刺激(物),激励(物);引起兴奋的事物【例句】Ambition is a great stimulus. 野心是一种巨大的刺激因素。



现代大学英语第二册第十三课Mr.Imagination单元测试13quizBook 2 Unit 13 Mr. ImaginationI. Spell out the words according to the definitions given. The initial letters are given as a clue.1. v ______ a large ship or boat2.w______ the place where sb/sth is3.w______ t o send sb a message by telegram4.t ______ crossing the Atlantic Ocean5.s ______ artificially6.s______ fat7.s ______ a ship that can travel under water8.s ______ exactly solidly9.s______ very high building in a city10.p ______ having very strict moral attitudes11.p______ immediately12.o ______ get sth you want or need13.m ______ to produce a substance14.f ______ nervous15.f______ causing or ending in death16.d______ prevent sb from having or doing sth17.c ______ burnt and black18.b ______ a long thin often crisp piece of bread19.a______ go up20.a ______ in a clever or designed wayKeys: 1.vessel 2. whereabouts 3. wire 4. transatlantic 5. synthetically6.stout7. submarine8. squarely9. skyscraper 10.puritanical11. promptly 12. obtain 13. manufacture 14. fidgeting 15. fatal16.deprive 17. charred 18. breadstick 19. ascend 20. artfullyII. Complete the sentences, using the proper forms of the expressions chosen among the ones listed below.1.His hero rescued an Indian widow from death, fell in love with her, and almost missedconnections ______.2. People are getting ______the slow progress of our education reform.3. No wonder they are said to be ______ the Jews who were forced to leave their homeland.4. This English scholar ______ China ______ many scientific discoveries and technological inventions in ancient times.5. This new law will _______ government officials ______ abusing their power.6. In a rage, his wife ______ the book _______ fire.7. I’m ________ working at that factory producing day after day..8. Jack London was a sailor for quite a few years before he quit the job and began to _______.9. She often had to ask for leave _______.10. The reasonable prices and fine quality made the products we ______ so popular in Africa. Keys:1. on her account2.impatient with3. descended from4. credit with5. deprive of6. flung into7. fed up with8.took to letters9. for his sake 10. turn outIII. Translation:1. 这个小岛没有人住,而且基本上也没法住人。



新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 13 1. b 根据课文第3-4行They will be coming…and most of the young people in townwill…,只有b. mainly the young people 与课文内容相符合,而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。

2. d 根据文章第7-8行...the police will have a difficult time, they will betrying to keep order.只有d. to preventtrouble(防止麻烦)最符合文章的意思,它说明警察去那的目的,而其它3个选择都表示原因,不能准确表达文章的含义。

大多数)意思相近的词或短3. b需要选同前面句子中的most of (大多数一些)语。

 a. A lot(许多)后面应该有of, 与most of意思不同;c. Some(一些的同义词,语法上也讲不通;d. Many(许多)也不是most of不是most of 的同义词,的同义词,且有语法错误;只有b. Nearly all(几乎所有的)同most of 的意思最接近,也最符合语法。


最符合语法和题目意4. c只有c. long will they be 思。

 a. long they will be不是疑问句形式,不合乎语法规则;b. they will be 不合乎语法,也不合乎题目意思;d. long they be不合不合乎语法。

的含义,而其他3个选5. a 只有a.in才最接近前面句子中的 during 的含义,而其他择都在意思上讲不通。

6. b 只有b. as usual(通常)才能使这个句子意思完整,语法正确,而其他3个选择都不符合习惯用法和语法。

7. b这个句子的主语police(警察)是表示复数意义的名词,因此它后面的谓语动词应该是复数形式的。



Warming up
Check-on Preview
2. Most of us cannot get through a day without complaint; to be satisfied with how others have treated us for a week would seem like an eternity. (para. 7)
The Needs That Drive Us All
William Glasser
Warming up
1. Do you believe human actions are driven by human needs? 2. What do you think are these basic human needs? 3. Are these needs exclusively human?
6. What is the author’s attitude toward politics and politicians?
Warming up
Check-on Preview
1. …in many cultures the mores of the culture condemn those who openly strive for it. (para. 3)
Human Needs Theories
Reality Therapy
• People need to meet the basic need of love (giving and receiving) and the need of finding self-worth. • Success comes with giving and receiving love throughout one’s life. • Schools are responsible for helping students to fill these needs.


词Jo约oco翰cho序安o(nan察如数曾rr连sddh样Ou那( 的””治正 果 为ioa在see用n2”n”天p在 要us。、安rr)so3常(ta:、m追 特hl.,、个lid他在“)c.a“用维ei捕 别eft“不ft像mi这秩等费dc那 指M的 持照ue同a平劲个单ln句序短ayt意秩例,的在r的常嫌个yh话”语”这义序场”e疑的一o中中,n里,:w合一犯警是)指样ta可它。h察.见麻般,s“,r上p以e,烦的l过就ua用e次解班比tb用玛e含d释于l序又较iipfc丽of为义oe迟多”。rloki。r“cw是ere到e、dn难eome“t了rpa对“krn。治付a,顺其s 复
• will be staying here for five days. • 逗留5天:….. • 演出5场:give five performances;
during: prep介词: 在…期间 She kept on talking during the meal.
give: v. 举行,举办,演出
3)all of the countries.所有国家
– They will be arriving here tomorrow.

be arriving:将来到达这里;
• Will be doing:将来进行时态:理解为一般将 来时态的另一种形
• 将来进行时态的意思往往等于一般将来时态。
• We will be acting = we will act;
• 去年我把大部分时间都花在学弹钢琴上了。
• I did most of that difficult work. • 那件困难的工作绝大部分都是由我做的。
• 注意以下几点:

【英语】大纲版第2册 课课练Unit13:Reading

【英语】大纲版第2册 课课练Unit13:Reading

Unit 13The water planet训练八Reading课前预习Ⅰ.把词语与其正确解释用线连起来1. property A. feeling things quickly and deeply; that one can be easily hurt2. oxygen B. hard; not liquid or gas3. solid C. gas in the air that we must breathe to go on living4. absorb D. firm; not likely to move5. stable E. to take or suck in, eg water, heat, light, etc.6. substance F. the chief ideas of a speech or a book7. sensitive G. the special and peculiar character of a thing答案:1. G 2. C 3. B 4. E 5. D 6. F 7. AⅡ.汉英互译1. call in___________2. range from...all the way to...___________3. that is ___________4. break down ___________5. become available to...___________6. 利用 ___________7. 起作用,生效 ___________8. 对……反响敏感 ___________9. 各种各样的 ___________10. 对……有贡献,有助于___________答案:1. 召来,请来 2. 范围从……一直到…… 3. 也就是说 4. 毁坏,出毛病,受挫5.对……有效, 对……有用 6. take advantage of 7. do the work 8. be sensitive to. . . 9. a variety of 10. contribute to. . .Ⅲ.单句翻译1. 找出每一段的中心话题,用下面的句型,设计六个问题。

高级英语(第三版)第二册第十三课 The Mansion A Subprime Parable

高级英语(第三版)第二册第十三课 The Mansion A Subprime Parable
• He has been a contributing editor to Vanity Fair since 2009. • Dan Ackman of Forbes said that Lewis had a special talent: • "He can walk into an area already mined by hundreds of
(Para.2) I called her and threw myself on her mercy Throw oneself at one’s mercy: to beg someone to help you ; to put yourself
Housing bubble started to balloon and
when it burst….
Excessive use of credit and debt leverage
Theme of the Text
• This story focuses on the real cause of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in America. Contrary to general views, the author believes the crisis was triggered by a deep cultural predisposition (倾向) that leads to the Americans’ fascination with bigger and bigger houses which tend to label the big property owners successful. Therefore, instead of placing blame on Wall Street firms, he concludes the American people themselves are the culprits behind the economic crisis.



pop singer pop = popular pop music / song pop star pop culture Who are the Gr通ee俗nw的ood Boys ? They are a group of pop singers .
all parts of the country all parts of the world visit all parts of the country in all parts of the world visit (歌手)巡演
4、As usual, the police will have a difficult tim
as usual:和往常一样
The same as usual. 老样子。
On that day, he was late for work as usual
difficult这里解释为“难对付的”、“费劲的”, 指麻烦比较多。
during this time in this time
★performance n. 演出
pl. performances Her performance is good . The pop singers will give five performances. -ance 名词后缀 importance perform v. 演出 The singers performed wonderfully .
二、将来进行时练习 1.You can’t miss him. He--------a dark green s and a yellow tie waiting for you.( ) A. is wearing B will wear D。C.该w题e表ar示s见到他时D,.他w正ill在b穿e着w衣e服ar,ing




想要学好英语的你,怎能错过?快来加⼊学习吧!⽆忧考为您提供,希望以下内容能够为⼤家的新概念英语学习提供帮助! 新概念英语第⼆册第13课词汇学习 Word study meet (1)vt., vi. (偶然)遇见,遇到: (2)vt. (约定地点或时间)和……会⾯,迎接: Most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. 镇上的⼤部分青年⼈将到车站迎接他们。

Who will be meeting you when you arrive in London? 你到伦敦时谁将去接你? (3)vt. (经介绍)和……相识/见⾯: I'd like to meet your brother. 我很想认识你兄弟。

Very pleased to meet you. 认识您⾮常⾼兴。

performance n. (1)执⾏,完成,履⾏: He is praised for the excellent performance of his duties. 他由于出⾊地履⾏了⾃⼰的职责⽽受到了表扬。

(2)表现,⼯作情况: His performance in the mathematics exam is not very good. 他数学考得不太好。

(3)演出,表演: The pop singers will give five performances. 这些流⾏歌⼿将演出5场。

新概念英语第⼆册第13课练习答案 Key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案 A will be arriving (1.2); will be coming (1.3); will be meeting (1.4); will be singing (1.5); will be staying (1.6); will be trying(1.8) C 1 I'll be ironing the clothes. 2 The train will be arriving in a few minutes. 3 We'll be seeing you in the morning. 4 We'll be watching the match. 5 He'll be correcting exercise books. 2.难点练习答案 1 It's George's. 2 It's Jean's. 3 It's that woman's. 4 I like Keats' poetry best. 5 They're the children's. 6 They're the soldiers'. 7 I'll leave in six hours time. 8 There was a hundred pounds' worth of damage. 3.多项选择题答案1 b2 d3 b4 c5 a6 b 7 b 8 c 9 a 10 a 11a 12 d。

综合教程第二册 Unit 13

综合教程第二册 Unit 13
A. Focus and Memorize Listen to the sentences and then repeat, paying special attention to the italicized words in bold.
1. I went to the cinema with my friends.
Listening & Speaking
Dialogue 2
Who starred in the movie?
Jackie Chan.
• played the leading role • is the star Personally I think it’s great. What do you think of the movie? • How do you like • How do you feel about • In my opinion • In my view
★scary a. 恐怖的,吓人的 △romance n. 爱情故事 ★adventure n. 冒险 come out 上映 mystery n. 疑案电影 horror n. 恐惧,惊恐
Listening & Speaking
□ walking out of the cinema
□ seeing a movie
21.△animator n. 动画片制作者
22.△cabbage n. 卷心菜 23.★visual a. 视觉的,看得见的,形象化的 24.△bang n. 突然的巨响 25.★assume v. 假定,假设 26. suggestion n. 暗示,建议,意见 27. engineer n. 工程师 28. imitate v. 模仿,仿效 29.△villain n. (小说、戏剧等中的)主要反面人物,反派人 物,坏人 30.△saw v. 锯 31. ★curiosity n. 好奇心

泛读教程第二册unit13 Examinations

泛读教程第二册unit13 Examinations

Vocabulary Building Synonyms
• 1. frustrate • 2. tremendous • 3. breach • 4. apparent • 5. attain thwart huge break obvious accomplish
2011-7-30 9
Study of Text I Reading Skill: Outlining
Title: Main Idea: I. Objective Examinations A. Objective in two ways 1. 2. B. C. Standard Exams 1. 2. 3. 4.
Section C Word Search
• 5. to copy someone else’s plagiarize idea and use it as one’s own : reprimand • 6. serious criticism: • 7. something used for cheating in an examination: crib • 8. causing disagreement divisive between people:
Word Pretest
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
interpreted: understood scholastic: academic aptitude: natural ability distribution: division relevant: practical verbal: using words distorting: giving a false account of illegible: unreadable

Unit 13 Mr. Imagination

Unit 13 Mr. Imagination

Part IV Language Points
• 1. Back in the 1880s, a big red-bearded man came to call one day on the French MInistr of Education. Note how the writer begins the essay. Instead of starting with Verne‟s birth or early days, he begins with an amusing anecdote about Verne when he was 52. This way, the writer succeeds in arousing the reader‟s interest immediately. By the 1880s Verne had already had his major books published and become a world-famous writer. Here are the years of publication of his major works: Voyage to the Centre of the World(1864) From the Earth to the Moon(1865) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea(1869) Around the World in 80 Days(1873) Mysterious Island(18740 Call on sb: to visit sb formally
The Structure of the Text
years death Part VI (paras.31-34) His last ______and his_____.



新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 131. b根据课文第3-4行They will be coming…and most of the young people in townwill…,只有b. mainly the young people 与课文内容相符合,而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。

2. d根据文章第7-8行...the police will have a difficult time, they will betrying to keep order.只有d. to preventtrouble(防止麻烦)最符合文章的意思,它说明警察去那的目的,而其它3个选择都表示原因,不能准确表达文章的含义。

3. b需要选同前面句子中的most of (大多数)意思相近的词或短语。

a. A lot(许多)后面应该有of, 与most of意思不同;c. Some(一些)不是most of 的同义词,语法上也讲不通;d. Many(许多)也不是most of 的同义词,且有语法错误;只有b. Nearly all(几乎所有的)同most of 的意思最接近,也最符合语法。

4. c只有c. long will they be 最符合语法和题目意思。

a. long they will be不是疑问句形式,不合乎语法规则;b. they will be 不合乎语法,也不合乎题目意思;d. long they be不合乎语法。

5. a只有a.in才最接近前面句子中的 during 的含义,而其他3个选择都在意思上讲不通。

6. b只有b. as usual(通常)才能使这个句子意思完整,语法正确,而其他3个选择都不符合习惯用法和语法。

7. b这个句子的主语police(警察)是表示复数意义的名词,因此它后面的谓语动词应该是复数形式的。

A. is 和 d. was都是第3人称单数形式;c. will 不能同现在分词构成谓语动词;只有b. are 是复数形式,最符合语法。






新概念第二册第13课姓名__________ 分数________ 一、用所给单词或短语的正确形式填空.keep order stay have a difficu lt time try to arrive1. Ladies and Gentlemen, we ________________ at London Heathrow Airport shortly。

2. When people ________________,you may also try to help him.3. They ________________ calm down the angry man.4. By the way, since I ________________ in Taipei for5 days,can I buy anyspecial tourist pass?5.With no one to ________________ the situation in the classroom was in disorder。

二、改写句子.(写出与第一句意思相同的句子,每空一词)1. The man likes travelling very much. He has been to every place of the worldThe man likes travelling very much。

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Book 2 Unit 13 Mr. Imagination
I. Spell out the words according to the definitions given. The initial letters are given as a clue.
1. v ______ a large ship or boat
2.w______ the place where sb/sth is
3.w______ t o send sb a message by telegram
4.t ______ crossing the Atlantic Ocean
5.s ______ artificially
6.s______ fat
7.s ______ a ship that can travel under water
8.s ______ exactly solidly
9.s______ very high building in a city
10.p ______ having very strict moral attitudes
11.p______ immediately
12.o ______ get sth you want or need
13.m ______ to produce a substance
14.f ______ nervous
15.f______ causing or ending in death
16.d______ prevent sb from having or doing sth
17.c ______ burnt and black
18.b ______ a long thin often crisp piece of bread
19.a______ go up
20.a ______ in a clever or designed way
Keys: 1.vessel 2. whereabouts 3. wire 4. transatlantic 5. synthetically
7. submarine
8. squarely
9. skyscraper 10.puritanical
11. promptly 12. obtain 13. manufacture 14. fidgeting 15. fatal
16.deprive 17. charred 18. breadstick 19. ascend 20. artfully
II. Complete the sentences, using the proper forms of the expressions chosen among the ones listed below.
1.His hero rescued an Indian widow from death, fell in love with her, and almost missed
connections ______.
2. People are getting ______the slow progress of our education reform.
3. No wonder they are said to be ______ the Jews who were forced to leave their homeland.
4. This English scholar ______ China ______ many scientific discoveries and technological inventions in ancient times.
5. This new law will _______ government officials ______ abusing their power.
6. In a rage, his wife ______ the book _______ fire.
7. I’m ________ working at that factory producing day after day..
8. Jack London was a sailor for quite a few years before he quit the job and began to _______.
9. She often had to ask for leave _______.
10. The reasonable prices and fine quality made the products we ______ so popular in Africa. Keys:
1. on her account
2.impatient with
3. descended from
4. credit with
5. deprive of
6. flung into
7. fed up with
8.took to letters
9. for his sake 10. turn out
III. Translation:
1. 这个小岛没有人住,而且基本上也没法住人。

2. 她自称是美国一个古老家族的后裔。

3. 在上个世纪二十年代,妇女仍然被剥夺投票的权利。

4 历史学家们通常把中国古代历史上的首次统一归功于他。

5. 我记得第一次求职面试后我感到很失望。

1.This small island is not only uninhabited, it is largely uninhabitable as well.
2.She claimed to be descended from one of the oldest families in the United States.
3.In the twenties of the last century, women were still deprived of the right to vote..
4.His torians usually credit him with unifying the whole of China for the first time in ancient
Chinese history.
5.I remember being quite disappointed after my first job interview.。
