FISHER DVC6000阀门定位器检维修规程
Fisher DVC6000阀门定位器检维修规程1、工作原理DVC6000系列定位器由印刷电路板组件(PWB)、I/P转换器、气动放大器、行程传感器、端子盒等组成。
1)选择进入SETUP后,选择Detailed Setup,为了调校必须对仪表模式和保护进行正确设定。
分别选择instrument mode与prtection进行设定,将仪表模式选择为out of service确认,再将保护选择为none 确认后返回到SETUP菜单。
2)入calibrate菜单,直接选择Auto calib Travel后将进行自动调校,调校将自动结束。
FISHER气动执行机构调试1.分配气源箱过来的压缩空气(0.6-0.8MPa)通过减压阀后减压到:0.3-0.4 MPa,一支进入定位器,另一支进入气动保位阀2.输入电流信号(4-20MA)的改变,定位器中的电/气转换器的输出信号压力也随之改变,控制喷嘴的角度来影响进入气动阀的压缩空气流通面积的改变,从而来调节定位器中动力气源压力在(20-100KPa)线性的变化,通过阀杆的轴线位移来调节阀门动作。
f i s h e r定位器的调试方法IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】请写出如何使用HART通讯器完成DVC6000系列定位器的自动校验(包括如何连接、如何设定等步骤)1)、连接:HART通讯器的红表棒接DVC6000系列定位器的4~20mA的“+”端,黑表棒接“-”端2)、自动校验设定:(1)打开HART的电源,然后按>>>键,进入1Instrumentmode选项选中o u t o f s e r v i c e,按O K确认。
(2)进入3Protection选项,选中NONE,按ENTER确认,根据HART通讯器的提示松开AUX“+”“-”端的短接线,按OK;再短接,按OK;最后再松开,按O K将保护出系。
(3)自动校验流程:Setup&Diag→Calibrate→AUTOCalibTravel→OK 如果是D V C6010系列,其自动校验流程是:S e t u p&D i a g→C a l i b r a t e→A U T O C a l i b T r a v e l→D e f a u l t→O K (4)校验完成恢复保护,定位器重新投入I n s e r v i c e fisherDVC6000系列气动执行器使用HART375调试方法FISHERDVC6000一Fisher气动执行机构Fisher气动调门上其配备的DVC6000系列数字式阀门控制器是可以通讯的、基于微处理器的电-气转换仪表,除了把电流信号转换成气动输出压力这一标准功能外,还可以通过275型HART通讯器很容易地访问对于过程操作至关重要地信息。
D 102758X 012FIELDVUE R DVC6000 Series Digital ValveControllersFIELDVUE RDVC6000 Series digital valvecontrollers (figures 1 and 2) are communicating,microprocessor-based current-to-pneumaticinstruments. In addition to the traditional function of converting a current signal to a valve-position pressure signal, DVC6000 Series digital valvecontrollers, using HART R communications protocol,give easy access to information critical to process operation. This can be done using a Model 375 Field Communicator at the valve or at a field junction box,or by using a personal computer or a system console within the control room. Using HART communication protocol, information can be integrated into a control system or received on a single loop basis.W7957-1 / ILFigure 1. Type DVC6010 Digital Valve Controller Mounted ona Sliding-Stem Valve Actuator DVC6000 Series digital valve controllers can be used on single- or double-acting actuators. Thedigital valve controller receives feedback of the valve travel position plus supply and actuator pneumatic pressure. This allows the instrument to diagnose not only itself, but also the valve and actuator to which it is mounted. This provides you with very costeffective maintenance information, so that required maintenance can be performed on the instrument and valve when there really is a need.Wiring is economical because DVC6000 Seriesdigital valve controllers use two-wire 4 to 20 mA loop power. This provides for low cost replacement of existing analog instrumentation. The DVC6000Series digital valve controller’s two-wire designavoids the high cost of running separate power and signal wiring.W7960-1 / ILFigure 2. Type DVC6010 Digital Valve Controller Mounted onType 585C Piston Actuator(continued) 2actuator has been tested to 15 meters (50 feet) maximum without performance degradation.2. These terms are defined in ISA Standard S51.1.3. Normal m3/hr--Normal cubic meters per hour at 0_C and 1.01325 bar, absolute; Scfh--Standard cubic feet per hour at 60_F and 14.7 psia.4. Values at 1.4 bar (20 psig) based on a single-acting direct relay; values at5.5 bar (80 psig) based on double-acting relay.5. Not applicable for Type DVC6020 digital valve controllers in long-stroke applications or remote-mounted Type DVC6005 digital valve controllers with long pneumatic tubing lengths.6. Approvals for remote-mounted units are pending.7. The Low Bleed Relay is offered as standard relay for DVC6000 ESD tier, used for On/Off applications.FeaturesD Improved Control—Two-way digital communications give you current valve conditions. You can rely on this real-time information to make sound process management decisions. By analyzing valve dynamics through AMS ValveLink Software , you can identify control areas needing improvement and maintain a high level of system performance. D Environmental Protection—You can avoid additional field wiring by connecting a leak detector or limit switch to the auxiliary terminals in theDVC6000 Series digital valve controller. In this way, the instrument will issue an alert if limits are exceeded.34D Enhanced Safety—You can check instrumentand valve operation and keep the process running smoothly and safely from a remote location. Access is possible at a field junction box, marshalling panel, or within the safety of the control room using either a 375 Field Communicator, a notebook PC, or a system workstation. Your exposure to hazardous environments is minimized and you can avoid having to access hard-to-reach valve locations.D Hardware Savings—DVC6000 Series digital valve controllers, when used in an integrated system, allow you to realize significant hardware and installation cost savings by replacing other devices in the process loop, such as positioners and limit switches, with a FIELDVUE digital valve controller.D Built to Survive—Field-tough DVC6000 Series digital valve controllers have fully encapsulated printed wiring boards that resist the effects of vibration, temperature, and corrosive atmospheres.A separate weather-tight field wiring terminal box isolates field-wiring connections from other areas of the instrument.D Increased Uptime—With the self-diagnostic capability of DVC6000 Series digital valve controllers, you can answer questions about a valve’s performance, without pulling the valve from the line. You can run diagnostics (I/P and relay integrity, travel deviation, and on-line friction and deadband analysis and trending) while the valve is in service and operating. You can also compare the present valve/actuator signature (bench set, seat load, friction, etc.) against previously stored signatures to discover performance changes, before they cause process control problems.D Faster Commissioning—The two-way communication capability allows you to quickly commission loops by remotely identifying each instrument, verifying its calibration, reviewing stored maintenance notes, and more.D Easy Maintenance—DVC6000 Series digital valve controllers are modular in design. The single master module can be removed from the instrument housing without disconnecting the field wiring, pneumatic connections or stem linkages. This module contains the critical sub-modules so component removal is quick and simple.DiagnosticsDVC6000 Series digital valve controllers are packed with user-configurable alerts and alarms. When integrated with a HART communication-based system, these flags provide real-time notification of current and potential valve and instrument problems. With AMS ValveLink R Software, tests can be performed to identify problems with the entire control valve assembly. Diagnostic capabilities available are Performance Diagnostics (PD) and Advanced Diagnostics (AD).Performance DiagnosticsPerformance Diagnostics enables the use of diagnostics while the valve is in service and operating.D Red/Yellow/Green Condition Indicator(see figure 3)D I/P and Relay Integrity DiagnosticD Travel Deviation DiagnosticD1-Button DiagnosticD On-Line Friction and Deadband Analysis(see figure 4)D Friction and Deadband TrendingWhile all diagnostics can be run while the valve is inline, only the Performance Diagnostics can be performed while the valve is in service and operating.5ERROR(RED)NO CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN DETECTED(GREEN)Figure 3. Red/Yellow/Green Condition Indicators, Shown in AMS ValveLink SoftwareFigure 4. Valve Friction and Deadband AnalysisAdvanced DiagnosticsAdvanced Diagnostics include the following dynamic scan tests:D Valve Signature (see figure 6)D Dynamic Error Band D Instrument Drive SignalThese diagnostic scans vary the positioner set point at a controlled rate and plot valve operation to determine valve dynamic performance. The valve signature test allows you to determine thevalve/actuator friction, bench set, spring rate, and seat load. The Dynamic Error Band test is a combination of hysteresis and deadband plus “slewing.” Hysteresis and deadband are static measurements. However, because the valve is moving, a dynamic error, or “slewing” error is introduced.Dynamic scan tests give a better indication of how the valve will operate under process conditions which are dynamic, not static.The Step Response Test checks the valveassemblies response to a changing input signal. and plots travel versus time. The end results of this test allow you to evaluate the dynamic performance of the valve. The Performance Step Test (25pre-configured points) provides a standardized step test with which to evaluate your valve performance.It utilizes small, medium and large changes.Advanced Diagnostics are performed with AMS ValveLink Software . The valve must be out ofservice for Advanced Diagnostics to be performed.6W8082 / ILHART MULTIPLEXERControl System I/O4-20 mA+HARTFigure 5. Integrate Information from the Digital Valve Controller into a Non-HART Compatible Control System With AMS ValveLinkSoftware’s Modbus InterfaceW7468/ILFigure 6. The Valve Signature DisplayIntegrationD Non-HART Systems—Because DVC6000Series digital valve controllers operate with atraditional 4 to 20 mA control signal, they directlyreplace older analog instruments.Microprocessor-based electronics provide improvedperformance along with repeatable and reliableconfiguration and calibration.D Modbus with AMS ValveLink Software andHART Multiplexers—HART communication allowsyou to extract more value from DVC6000 Seriesdigital valve controllers beyond their inherentimproved performance. When integrated into amultiplexer network and using AMS ValveLinkSoftware, the device and valve information isreal-time. From the safety of a control room, multipleinstruments can be monitored for alerts and alarms.Additionally, tasks such as configuration, calibrationand diagnostic testing do not require special trips tothe field. AMS ValveLink Software can communicatevia Modbus to the distributed control system (DCS)to provide critical information such as valve travelalerts and alarms (figure 5).D Integrated Control System—A control systemwith HART communication capabilities has the abilityto directly gather information from DVC6000 Seriesdigital valve controllers. Information such as valvetravel, alerts and alarms can be seamlesslyaccessed to provide a view into the field device fromthe safety of the control room.71200 Hz “1”2200 Hz “0”AVERAGE CURRENT CHANGE DURING COMMUNICATION = 0A6174/ILFigure 7. HART rFrequency Shift Keying TechniqueFigure 8. Perform Configuration and Calibration at the Valve or Anywhere on the 4 to 20 mA Loop with the Model 375Field CommunicatorCommunicationHART Protocol OverviewThe HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) protocol gives field devices thecapability of communicating instrument and process data digitally. This digital communication occurs over the same two-wire loop that provides the 4 to 20 mA process control signal, without disrupting the process signal (figure 7). In this way, the analog process signal, with its faster response, can be used for control. At the same time, the HART digital communication gives access to calibration,configuration, diagnostic, maintenance, andadditional process data. The protocol provides total system integration via a host device.Model 375 Field CommunicatorYou can perform configuration and calibration at the valve or anywhere on the two-wire loop via a Model 375 Field Communicator (figure 8). Powerful tools such as the Setup Wizard and Auto TravelCalibration automate the tasks of commissioning DVC6000 Series digital valve controllers. Theseautomation tools not only save time, but also provide accurate and repeatable results.AMS ValveLink SoftwareAMS ValveLink Software is a Windows-based software package that allows easy access to the information available from DVC6000 Series digital valve controllers.Using AMS ValveLink Software, you can monitor the performance characteristics of the valve and obtain vital information without having to pull the valve from the line. I/P and Relay Integrity and Travel Deviation Diagnostics, as well as On-Line Friction andDeadband Analysis and Trending can be run while the valve is in service and operating. ValveSignature, Dynamic Error Band, and Step Response are displayed in an intuitive user-friendlyenvironment that allows easy interpretation of data.Diagnostic graphs can be superimposed over those previously stored to view areas of valve degradation.This allows plant personnel to concentrate efforts on equipment that needs repair, avoiding unnecessary maintenance. This diagnostic capability is readily accessible and available to you either in the control room or on the plant floor. In addition to the diagnostic features, AMS ValveLink Softwarecontains an Audit Trail, Batch Runner for automating repetitive tasks, and Trending to view valve performance.AMS ValveLink Software provides integration into AMS and DeltaV, with HART and Fieldbus communications.TRAVEL SENSORTERMINAL BOXTERMINAL BOX COVERPRINTED WIRING BOARD ASSEMBLYI/P CONVERTERPNEUMATIC RELAYGAUGESCOVERW8083-1 / ILFigure 9. DVC6000 Series Digital Valve Controller Assembly (valve-mounted instrument)Principle of OperationDVC6000 Series instruments (figures 9 and 10) receive a set point and position the valve where it needs to be.D The input signal provides electrical power and the set point simultaneously. It is routed into the terminal box through a twisted pair of wires.D The input signal is then directed to the printed wiring board assembly where the microprocessor runs a digital control algorithm resulting in a drive signal to the I/P converter.D The I/P converter assembly is connected to supply pressure and converts the drive signal into a pressure output signal.D The I/P output is sent to the pneumatic relay assembly. The relay is also connected to supply pressure and amplifies the small pneumatic signal from the I/P converter into a single larger pneumatic output signal used by a single-acting actuator. For double-acting actuators, the relay accepts the pneumatic signal from the I/P converter and provides two pneumatic output signals.D The change in relay output pressure to the actuator causes the valve to move.D Valve position is sensed through the feedback linkage by the instrument’s travel sensor. The travel sensor is electrically connected to the printed wiring board to provide a travel feedback signal used in the control algorithm.The valve continues to move until the correct position is attained.8E0408 / ILFigure 10. DVC6000 Series Digital Valve Controller Block DiagramInstallationThe Type DVC6010 digital valve controller is designed for yoke mounting to sliding stem actuators. Type DVC6020 digital valve controllers are designed for mounting to rotary actuators or long stroke sliding stem actuators (over 4-inches travel). Type DVC6030 digital valve controllers are designed for mounting on virtually any quarter-turn actuator. Dimensions for valve-mounted instruments are shown in figures 11, 12, and 13. Dimensions for remote-mounted instruments are shown in figures 14 and 15.The Type DVC6005 digital valve controller base unit may be remote mounted on 2-inch pipestand or wall. The remote-mounted Type DVC6005 base unit connects to the Type DVC6015, DVC6025, orDVC6035 feedback unit mounted on the actuator. Feedback wiring and pneumatic tubing to the control valve assembly must be connected in the field.9102 MOUNTING HOLES 8.6 (0.34)1/4-18 NPTOUTPUT CONN B28.6(1.13)122.8(4.84)144.5(5.69)210.7(8.29)148.7(5.85)ACTUATOR CENTERLINE1/4-18 NPTOUTPUT CONN PLUGGED1/2-14 NPTCONDUIT CONN BOTH SIDES 1/4-18 NPTOUTPUT CONN A 1/4-18 NPT VENT CONNTYPE 67CFR 1/4-18 NPTSUPPLY CONNFigure 11. Dimensions for Type DVC6010 Digital Valve Controller with Integrally Mounted Filter Regulator4 MOUNTING HOLES j 95.3(3.75)158.1(6.23)156.3(6.16)1/2-14 NPTCONDUIT CONN BOTH SIDES 1/4-18 NPTOUTPUT CONN A TYPE 67CFR 1/4-18 NPTSUPPLY CONN19B3557-A E0406 / ILmm(INCH)Figure 12. Dimensions for Type DVC6020 Digital Valve Controller with Integrally Mounted Filter Regulator19B3558-A E0407 / ILmm (INCH)Figure 13. Dimensions for Type DVC6030 Digital Valve Controller with Integrally Mounted Filter Regulator11PIPESTAND MOUNTED10C1795-A / DOC10C1796-A / DOC234184mm (INCH)WALL MOUNTED64(2.50)57(2.25)72(2.82)HOLES 0.86 (0.34)Figure 14. Dimensions for Remote-Mounted Instruments--Type DVC6005 Base UnitThe digital valve controllers are 4 to 20 mA loop powered and do not require additional power.Electrical connections are made in the terminal box.All pressure connections on the digital valvecontrollers are 1/4-inch NPT female connections.The digital valve controller outputs are typically connected to the actuator inputs using 3/8-inch diameter tubing. Remote venting is available.Ordering InformationNote: Fisher does not assume responsibility for the selection, use, or maintenance of anyproduct. Responsibility for proper selection, use,and maintenance of any Fisher product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.When ordering, specify:1. Actuator type and size2. Maximum actuator travel or rotation3. Optionsa. Supply pressure regulatorb. Supply and output gaugesc. HART filterd. Stainless steel housing (valve-mounted instruments only)e. Remote mountingTYPE DVC6015 SLIDING STEM ACTUATOR MOUNTINGUP TO 102 mm (4−INCH) TRAVEL TYPE DVC6025 ROTARY AND LONG−STROKE SLIDING STEMACTUATOR MOUNTINGE0867 / IL10C1799-AE0869 / ILTYPE DVC6035 ROTARY ACTUATOR SHAFT MOUNTING10C1798-A E0868 / ILmm (INCH)(4.50)(3.00)38(1.50)HOLES1/4 - 20 UNC46(1.83)46(1.81)67103135120CONDUIT CONNFigure 15. Dimensions for Remote-Mounted Instruments--Feedback UnitsFisherMarshalltown, Iowa 50158 USA Cernay 68700 France Sao Paulo 05424 Brazil Singapore 128461The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy,they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Fisher does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of any Fisher product remains solely with the purchaser and end-user.FIELDVUE, ValveLink and Fisher are marks owned by Fisher Controls International LLC, a business of Emerson Process Management. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. HART is a mark owned by the HART Communications Foundation.All other marks are the property of their respective owners. This product may be covered under one or more of the following patents (5,451,923; 5,434,774; 5,439,021; 5,265,637) or under pending patent applications.Emerson Process Management 。
fisher定位器的调试方法f i s h e r定位器的调试方法This manuscript was revised by the office on December 22, 2012请写出如何使用HART通讯器完成DVC6000系列定位器的自动校验(包括如何连接、如何设定等步骤)1)、连接:HART通讯器的红表棒接DVC6000系列定位器的4~20mA的“+”端,黑表棒接“-”端2)、自动校验设定:(1)打开HART的电源,然后按>>> 键,进入1 Instrument mode选项选中out of service,按OK确认。
(2)进入3 Protection 选项,选中NONE,按ENTER确认,根据HART通讯器的提示松开AUX“+”“-”端的短接线,按OK;再短接,按OK;最后再松开,按OK将保护出系。
(3)自动校验流程:Setup&Diag→Calibrate→AUTO Calib Travel→OK如果是DVC6010系列,其自动校验流程是:Setup&Diag→Calibrate→AUTO Calib Travel→Default→OK (4)校验完成恢复保护,定位器重新投入In servicefisher DVC6000系列气动执行器使用HART375调试方法FISHER DVC6000一Fisher气动执行机构Fisher气动调门上其配备的DVC6000系列数字式阀门控制器是可以通讯的、基于微处理器的电-气转换仪表,除了把电流信号转换成气动输出压力这一标准功能外,还可以通过275型HART通讯器很容易地访问对于过程操作至关重要地信息。
IN SERVICE:外部信号能控制阀门动作,此模式下,定位器的很多参数不能设定。
OUT OF SERVICE:外部信号无用,此时能设置各种定位器参数,如RESPONSE TIME,TAG等等。
很多时候,阀门不动作,可能就是定位器的模式跳到了OUT OF SERVICE。
一个新的定位器,首先要做的是TRAVEL SENSOR的调整,A柱加上的时候,为0%位置,调整内六角,调整到600左右。
然后可以用BASIC SETUP中,有个AUTO WIZARD来自动设置校验定位器。
在BASIC SETUP中,有个AUTO WIZARD,能自动校验阀门,这个WIZARD分3步:①设置ACTUTOR型号,有各个厂家的可以用。
工具:大的一字十字螺丝刀,小一字螺丝刀,密封胶,擦胶的布,375HART,FLUKE704呆扳手:7/8 11/16 1/2 7/16 1/4 5/16 套筒扳手英制一套。
选择 manual
接着出现选择调整信号原的选择,有 analog 和 digital,选择 analog。
出现调整反馈臂与阀杆成 90°(也就是调节反馈臂水平)的提 示,此时调节输入信号使反馈臂与阀杆成 90°(见图 3-1),调
回车后接下来阀会自动调节知道完成,之后会出现一个是否把阀 投到“in service” 状态的提示。此时就把表投到“in service” 状态,设置和调试完成。
图 2-4 SS-roller
图 2-5 SStem-Standard
1-2-4-3 Auto Calib Travel
Ok? enter
出现调整反馈臂和阀杆 交叉点的方式选择菜单, manual, last value, 或 default.
TV-2603 ☆
注释 在改变仪表设置 和调校之前必须 把 模 式 设 为 in service 状态 仪表的控制模 式,我们的一般 为模拟信号-
Press & Actuator
见表 2-2
Tuning & Calib
1、Tuning Set
2、Relay Adjust 3 、 Auto Calib Travel
图 2-3 定位器与手操器通讯画面
4、下面以位号 TV-2603 为例,说明设置和调校过程。
快捷键 1-1-2-1
菜单名 Instrument Mode
DVC6000 调试基本步骤
DVC6010 调试基本步骤:准备工作:定位器调试前必须已将机务阀杆与执行器输出推杆正确连接,并已将定位器反馈臂与执行器推杆上反馈用连接臂正确连接。
开度反馈如用T ri-Loop,必须先激活并已正确设置!机务阀杆与执行器输出推杆连接:因执行器为单作用下缸进气的气开式阀门(开时定位器反馈臂逆时针旋转向上),连接前要求机务将阀门门杆完全向下压倒底,保证阀门处于完全关闭状态。
直接向执行器气缸输入铭牌“BENCH SET:14 —30”中下限压力并适当放大1~2psi,然后将执行器输出推杆与机务阀杆连接。
连接后的理想状态是当气缸输入压力大于“BENCH SET:14 —30”中下限压力时能较快地开始开启,当气缸输入压力达“BENCH SET:14 —30”上限时能够全开。
定位器反馈臂连接:断开至执行器气缸气源,阀门处于全关状态,确认执行器输出推杆上反馈用连接臂已正确用螺丝固定,从定位器内部旋出连接用定位销,将定位销穿过定位器反馈臂上标记为“A”的孔(如是气关式则为“B”孔)并插入定位器壳体上的定位孔,使定位器反馈臂固定不动,根据铭牌“TRA VEL:3/4(inch)”中的执行器行程值,上下滑动调整调整臂与推杆上连接臂的位置,使调整臂在定位器反馈臂滑槽内对准有相应行程标注的数字刻度处,然后拧紧调整臂与推杆上连接臂的连接固定螺母。
气源压力调整:调整减压阀使气源压力闭执行机构要求的最大值(参考BENCH SET 上限)高0.3bar(5psi),注意此压力必须能使锁气器完全顶开,离开锁气状态。
Tri-Loop激活并设置:先通讯器连接DVC6000,ONLINE Setup&Diag Detailed Setup Mode Burst Burst Enable,设置成激活状态。
औᐺ!!DVC ࡼ۾ᒙᎧቲ߈ቅዩগၤ本章介绍对DVC6000进行基本设置与自动行程校验的步骤。
छඡቲ߈ቅዩ۾ݛᒾ对DVC6000进行自动行程检验的基本步骤:1. 确保DVC6000正确地安装在执行机构上。
参见DVC6000系列数字式阀门控制器操作手册中有关DVC6000安装 的章节。
3.给DVC6000提供4-20mA 的电流,并给仪表供气。
4.启动375手操器(参见第一章),ྜྷጥܭOnline )Ᏼሣ*!ݩ。
5.把DVC6000ጥܭෝါ设置为Out of Service (非投用状态)。
6.利用Setup Wizard )ᒙሶࡴ*,对DVC6000进行基本设置。
参见第2-2页上的Setup Wizard (设置向导)。
如果之前已经对DVC6000进行过设置,如DVC 与阀门都是由Fisher 公司提供的,这一步可以忽略,直接执行 下一步。
如DVC 与阀门都是Fisher 提供,或单作用执 行机构忽略这一步,直接执行下一步。
参见第2-9页上的Auto Travel Calibration (自动行程校验)。
进入仪表Online (在线)菜单按第一章里的图1-9所示,将375手操器与DVC6000的通讯线路连接好,并给仪表供电。
打开375手操器,双击主菜单里的HART Application (HART 应用)菜单,稍等片刻,如果375手操器可以找到仪表,它就会显示仪表的位号与该HART 仪表的Online (在线)菜单,如图2-1所示。
如果375手操器找不到仪表,按照375手操器的提示解决问题,然后重新进入HART 应用。
ᅄ2-1. HARTጥܭᏴሣݩ2ᓖፀǖ当375进入Online (在线)菜单之后有时候会出现如图2-2的屏幕提示,这是因为系统设置或者报警内存等原因,设备提示诸如报警非空或者系统时间无效等。
具体方法是:阀门处在相对自由的状态(定位器输出压力为0,打开定位器反馈保护罩,用定位销(定位器里面有)将反馈臂定位在合适的位置(如果是气开门,将定位销插在A的位置,反之则插在B的位置),松开连接臂和调整臂所连接的螺母,然后将调整臂和反馈臂的交点调整到阀门行程(阀门铭牌上的Travel值)对应的值,再拧紧连接臂和调整臂所连接的螺母,取下定位销!将手操器和定位器的指令线正确连接上(连接在接线盒的LOOP上,注意正负),打开手操器,双击HART application,进入主画面,点击热键,选择Instrument Mode(仪表模式),点击OK,将光标移到Out Of Service(非工作模式)上,点击ENTER,再点击热键,返回主画面。
选择Setup & Diag(设置和诊断),然后选择Calibrate(校验),再选择Auto Calib Travel(自动校验行程),选择manual,点击ENTER,稍等,然后将光标移到Analog(模拟),点击ENTER,然后查看反馈臂和执行机构推杆是否成90o角,如果不是,通过改变输入指令(参考值50%,12mA)使反馈臂和执行机构推杆成90o角,然后点击OK,稍等,再三次点击OK,然后将光标移到In Service(工作模式)上,点击ENTER,再点击OK。
此时改变指令信号,如果阀门动作正常,则校验完毕;如果改变指令信号,阀门不动作或只在指令为0%(4mA)和100%(20mA)时动作,则需要更改Instrument Mode(仪表模式),具体方法是:点击热键,选择Instrument Mode(仪表模式),点击OK,将光标移到In Service(工作模式)上,点击ENTER。
请写出如何使用HART通讯器完成DVC6000系列定位器的自动校验(包括如何连接、如何设定等步骤)?1)、连接:HART通讯器的红表棒接DVC6000系列定位器的4~20mA的“+”端,黑表棒接“-”端2)、自动校验设定:(1)打开HART的电源,然后按>>> 键,进入1 Instrument mode选项选中out of service,按OK确认。
(2)进入3 Protection 选项,选中NONE,按ENTER确认,根据HART 通讯器的提示松开AUX“+”“-”端的短接线,按OK;再短接,按OK;最后再松开,按OK将保护出系。
(3)自动校验流程:Setup&Diag→Calibrate→AUTO Calib Travel→OK 如果是DVC6010系列,其自动校验流程是:Setup&Diag→Calibrate→AUTO Calib Travel→Default→OK(4)校验完成恢复保护,定位器重新投入In servicefisher DVC6000系列气动执行器使用HART375调试方法FISHER DVC6000一 Fisher气动执行机构Fisher气动调门上其配备的DVC6000系列数字式阀门控制器是可以通讯的、基于微处理器的电-气转换仪表,除了把电流信号转换成气动输出压力这一标准功能外,还可以通过275型HART通讯器很容易地访问对于过程操作至关重要地信息。
最少范围:0.4bar(6 psig)最大范围:9.5bar (140 psig)气源压力:推荐值:比执行机构要求的最大值高0..3bar(5 psig)最大值:10.3bar(150 psig)或执行机构最大压力额定值,取两者中较低者二、 275型HART通讯器由于Fisher气动执行机构的控制器是用275型的HART通讯器来校验的,所以应该了解和掌握HART通讯器的使用。
完成后将显示375的主菜单,您可以从中选择:1、HART Application(启动HART应用)2、FOUNDATION Fieldbus Application(启动基金会现场总线应用程序)3、Setting(组态/查看设置)4、Listen For PC(进入PC控制方式)5、ScratchPad(启动ScratchPad应用程序)三、关机当应用程序打开时,开/关键被禁用。
四、设定和校验对于防喘振阀所配DVC,选择HART Application(启动HART应用)。
如果375已联接在DVC上,并已给DVC信号,这时375将直接进入Online(在线)菜单,否则将进入Field Communicator(现场通讯器)菜单:1、Offline(离线)2、Online(在线)3、Utility在Field Communicator(现场通讯器)菜单中选择Online(在线)后,将进入Online(在线)菜单:1、Setup &Diag(设置和和诊断)2、Analog in(模拟输入)3、Travel(行程)4、Valve SP(阀门设定点)5、Drive Sgl(驱动信号)6、Pressure(压力)7、Instrument Status(仪表状态)选择Setup &Diag(设置和和诊断)进入该菜单:1、Basic Setup(基本设置)2、Detailed Setup(详细设置)3、Display(显示)4、Calibrate(校验)5、Stroke Valve(驱动阀门)对于一台没有校验过的或是从另一台阀门上拆下装到这台阀门上的DVC,选择Basic Setup(基本设置):1、Auto Setup(自动设置)2、Manual Setup(手动设置)对375不太熟的用户可选择Auto Setup(自动设置):1、Setup Wizard(设置向导)2、Relay Adjust(放大器调整)3、Auto Calib Travel(自动校验行程)4、Stabilize/Optimize(稳定/优化)5、Performance Tuner(特性整定)6、注:为了设定和校验仪表,Instrument Mode(仪表模式)必须置于Out Of Service (非投用状态)。
dvc6000系列定位器安装在直行程执行机构上的调教步骤1.参考调节阀铭牌信息了解以下参数的意义;a.TYPE——(执行机构类型)b. SIZE——(执行机构尺寸)c. TRA VEL——(执行机构行程)d. OPER RANGE——(压力操作范围)2.安装定位器(依照厂家图纸)a.打开定位器保护罩盖,在主模块靠近I/P转换器的地方取下左上角的“定位销”b.如果最大行程大于4英寸要采用“加长型反馈臂”和“调整臂”c.对于气开式执行机构(667),要把定位销插入标记为“A”的孔里d.对于气关式执行机构(657),要把定位销插入标记为“B”的孔里e.安装调整臂使其滑动,直到它的销子对准相应的“阀门行程标记”,然后旋紧带垫片的六角螺母。
b.将“instrument mode 仪表模式”改为“非投用状态”,在校验和设定时必须改为“OUTOF SERVICE”c.进入“auto setup 自动设置”利用“setup wizard 设置诀窍”修改以下参数输入压力单位、执行机构设置、安装类型、等等。
4.校验(自动校验1-4-2)a.如果定位器不能被校验,可以通过“restore calibration”“1-4-6”恢复到出厂设定。
b.如果反馈杆是“sstem-standard 滑杆-标准”时需要调整交叉点,其他两种方式“旋转、滚轮”不需要。
调整好交叉点后便可进入“AUTO CALIB Traver”,手操器会提示你自动校验行程。
Setup Wizard”,手操器会提示现在为在线状态,点击“OK”进入离线状态并继续调试;显示警告“设备离线时输出不会跟踪输入”,点击“OK”进入下一步
Out Of Service”,输入压力类型
oper range6-30psi决定,选择“Fisher Controls
□然后会提示是否恢复默认设置,确定;选择“Relay Adjust”,提示取下定位器前保
□选择“Auto Calib”,警告“调整会导致突然抖动”,选择手动调整,定位器会自动调试高限和低限及偏置
费希尔DVC6000系列定位器的调校用HART手操器进行调校:①从On line(在线)菜单里选择Setup&Diag(设置和诊断)——Basic setup(基本设置)——Manual setup(手动设置)——Instrument Manual(仪表模式)——Out of service(非工作状态)。
②Basic setup (基本设置)——Auto setup (自动设置)——Auto Calib Travel(自动校验行程)剩余的自动校验步骤是自动进行的。
自动校验完成后,HART会提示您将仪表设置到In Service(投用状态)。
③如果在完成基本设置和校验之后,阀门还是振荡或过调(不稳定),或响应不灵(响应缓慢),您可以Auto Setup (自动设置)菜单中Performance Tune (性能优化整定)或Stabilize/Optimize(稳定/优化)改善调试结果;其中有两种选择:Standard(标准)、Advanced(高级)。
在Standard(标准)中如果阀门工作不稳定,用Decrease Response(削弱响应)来使阀门工作稳定;如果阀门响应缓慢,用Increase Response(增加响应)来使阀门响应灵敏。
如果用Decrease Response或Increase Response后阀门超调还是很严重,需要选择Advanced(高级)项,除了Decrease Response(削弱响应) 和Increase Response(增加响应),还有Decrease Damping(降低阻尼) 选择允许阀门有更多过调的阻尼值和Increase Damping(增加阻尼) 选择减少阀门过调的阻尼值。
④对于FISHER DVC6000系列数字阀门定位器,典型的安装调试方式为:从On line(在线)菜单里选择Setup&Diag(设置和诊断)——Basic setup(基本设置) ——Auto setup (自动设置) ——Setup Wizard(设置诀窍),首先是选择所调试的执行机构制造商或执行机构型号,如果在Setup Wizard(设置诀窍)中没有列出,就选择Other(其它)来作为执行机构制造商或执行机构型号,被提示设定的参数如下:Actuator Type(执行机构类型)选项如下:Spring&Diaphragm(弹簧膜片式)、Piston Double-acting without spring(无弹簧双作用气缸式)、PistonSingle-acting with spring(带弹簧单作用气缸式)、Piston Double-acting with spring(带弹簧双作用气缸式)。
FISHERDVC6000系列定位器FISHER DVC6000系列定位器一.产品简介DVC6000系列数字式阀门控制器是可以通信的、基于微处理器的把电信号转换成气动信号的仪表。
除了将电信号转换成气动信号这一传统功能外,DVC6000 系列数字式阀门控制器可以通过用HART? 通信协议,很容易地访问对过程操作至关重要的信息。
这一功能可以通过在阀门附近或在现场接线盒处用375 型现场通信器或在控制室内用个人计算机或系统操作台实现。
利用HART 通信协议可以将信息集成到控制系统中去或以单个回路为基础来采集。
DVC6000 系列数字式阀门控制器的2 线制设计的特点避免了高成本地分开敷设供电与信号线路。
二.分类及应用:直接安装在阀门上的产品:DVC6010: 应用于直行程控制阀DVC6020: 应用于旋转式及长行程直行程控制阀DVC6030: 应用于90 度旋转式控制阀远程安装产品:DVC6005: 基本单元用于2 英寸管路或墙板安装DVC6015: 反馈单元应用于直行程阀门DVC6025: 反馈单元应用于旋转式及长行程直行程阀门DVC6035: 反馈单元应用于90 度旋转式阀门三.输入信号点对点方式:模拟量输入信号: 4-20mA 直流,标准; 可提供分程能力对模拟量控制要求在仪表端子处获得的最小电压必须为10.5 伏直流电,而对HART 通信最小电压为11 伏直流电(详见仪表指导册)最小控制电流: 4.0mA最小电流而不引起微处理器重新启动: 3.5mA最大电压: 30 伏直流电过电流保护: 输入线路限制了电流, 以防止内部损坏反极性保护: 逆向回路电流不会发生损坏多点方式:仪表供电: 约8mA 时为11 至30 伏直流电反极性保护: 逆向回路电流不会发生损坏四.输出信号执行机构要求的气动信号,最大可达到供气压力的95%最小范围: 0.4bar(6psig)最大范围: 9.5bar(140psig)五.作用方式: 双作用,单作用正作用式,单作用反作用式六.电磁干扰(EMI)(6)根据IEC 61326-1(版本1.1)测试,符合等级A(工业环境)和等级B(家居环境)设备的辐射强度, 符合工厂区域抗干扰性要求。
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①从On line(在线)菜单里选择Setup&Diag(设置和诊断)——Basic setup(基本设置)——Manual setup(手动设置)——Instrument Manual(仪表模式)——Out of service(非工作状态)。
②Basic setup (基本设置)——Auto setup (自动设置)——Auto Calib Travel(自动校验行程)剩余的自动校验步骤是自动进行的。
自动校验完成后,HART会提示您将仪表设置到In Service(投用状态)。
③如果在完成基本设置和校验之后,阀门还是振荡或过调(不稳定),或响应不灵(响应缓慢),您可以Auto Setup (自动设置)菜单中Performance Tune (性能优化整定)或Stabilize/Optimize(稳定/优化)改善调试结果;其中有两种选择:Standard(标准)、Advanced(高级)。
在Standard(标准)中如果阀门工作不稳定,用Decrease Response(削弱响应)来使阀门工作稳定;如果阀门响应缓慢,用Increase Response(增加响应)来使阀门响应灵敏。
如果用Decrease Response或Increase Response后阀门超调还是很严重,需要选择Advanced(高级)项,除了Decrease Response(削弱响应) 和Increase Response(增加响应),还有Decrease Damping(降低阻尼) 选择允许阀门有更多过调的阻尼值和Increase Damping(增加阻尼) 选择减少阀门过调的阻尼值。
④对于FISHER DVC6000系列数字阀门定位器,典型的安装调试方式为:从On line(在线)菜单里选择Setup&Diag(设置和诊断)——Basic setup(基本设置) ——Auto setup (自动设置) ——Setup Wizard(设置诀窍),首先是选择所调试的执行机构制造商或执行机构型号,如果在Setup Wizard(设置诀窍)中没有列出,就选择Other(其它)来作为执行机构制造商或执行机构型号,被提示设定的参数如下:Actuator Type(执行机构类型)选项如下:Spring&Diaphragm(弹簧膜片式)、Piston Double-acting without spring(无弹簧双作用气缸式)、Piston
Single-acting with spring(带弹簧单作用气缸式)、Piston Double-acting with spring(带弹簧双作用气缸式)。
Valve Type(阀门类型)选项如下:Rotary(旋转式)、Sliding-Stem(直通式)On Loss Of Instrument Signal,Valve(Opens or Closes)仪表失去信号时,阀门(开或关)
Feedback Connection(反馈连接)选项如下:Rotary-All(旋转式-全部)、SSTem-Standard(直通式-标准型)、SSTem-Roller(直通式-滚轮型)。
Travel Sensor Motion(行程传感器旋转方向)如果选择Yes由定位器自行确定,选No则当信号增加时行程传感器旋转方向为顺时针则输入Clockwise、逆时针则输入Counterclockwise。