高考语文易错字音选择题集锦(直接打印)字音辨析1.下列加点字的读音,全都不相同的一项是: A.碱土箴言喊叫加减乘除感激涕零 B.阐明弹弓禅让彰善瘅恶殚精竭虑 C.赤膊薄荷簿册作茧自缚博大精深D.滇池嗔怪填空文思缜密谨小慎微 7.下列加点字读音全部相同的一组是:()A.百战不殆指日可待不知好歹严惩不贷B.不拘一格居安思危举世闻名笑容可掬.C.容颜憔悴粹而不杂心力交瘁出类拔萃 D.风光绮丽奇货可居歧路亡羊星罗棋布8.下列词语中加点字的读音全部相同的一组是:2.下列各组中加点字读音相同的一组是: A. 好?善乐施好逸恶劳好整以暇好事多磨 B. 哺乳动物辅车相依杂货铺儿捕风捉影C. 烟雾缭绕寥若晨星D. 前廊后厦煞有介事青面獠牙燎了眉毛歃血为盟煞费苦心3.下列加点字读音全不相同的一组是:() A.较真校对校训锱铢必较犯而不校 B.和缓和会和泥一团和气一唱一和 C.哄逗起哄弘愿哄堂大笑肱股之臣 D.阜阳蚌埠阜丘物阜民丰商埠林立10.下列加点字读音相同的一组是:()A.拙涩罢黜咄嗟立办相形见绌B.萃取淬炼鞠躬尽瘁猝不及防C.辟举开辟鞭辟入里独辟蹊径D.掉转转念转败为胜转危为安4.下列加点字读音完全不相同的一组是:( )11.下列加点的字读音完全不相同的一组是A.惶恐皇帝装潢炎皇子孙慌里慌张 ( )B.惊悚悚惧诉讼耸人听闻竦身一摇 A.数落数学数米而炊数见不鲜C.间隔间距休闲草菅人命言简意赅 B.恶心可恶恶性循环疾恶如仇D.炮制眼泡跑跳坚船利炮抱头鼠窜C.差遣差劲参差不齐差之毫厘D.星宿宿敌三天两宿露天宿营5.下列词语中加点字读音都相同的 '一组是:()12.下列加点字的读音都不相同的一组是A.应运而生应接不暇得心应手应有尽有 ( )B.三年五载载歌载舞车载斗量风雪载途 A.仆倒仆人风尘仆仆前仆后继C.抹尾去零抹灰上瓦拐弯抹角一笔抹煞 B.剥皮剥离剥削阶级生吞活剥D.省视双亲不省人事大省大悟自我省思C.寥落寥寥谬种流传未雨绸缪D.札记扎营垂死挣扎荆棘扎手6.下列加点字读音全部相同的一组是:()A.折秤折腾折耗不折不扣 13.选出加点字的读音相同的一项: ( )B.侍奉窥伺伺候伺机而动A.奇偶奇异奇光异彩奇货可居 C.供稿供给供销供不应求B.拣选缄默言语蹇涩命运多蹇 D.宁静宁可宁肯宁缺毋滥C.兴致兴旺兴师动众兴妖作怪D.薄弱鄙薄薄物细故厚今薄古A.强人所难强颜欢笑强弩之末B.字里行间间不容发黑白相间.C.禁闭三日令行禁止毫无禁忌D.分庭抗礼分外妖娆分斤掰两A.惋伤绾髻婉言谢绝音容宛在B.拾掇舵手惰性气体腐化堕落C.扁柏扁豆神医扁鹊一叶扁舟D.肖像俏皮硝烟弥漫销声匿迹( )9.下列加点字读音全都相同的一组是:()20下列词语中加点的字,读音全部不相同的一组是14.下列加点字的音、调完全相同的一组是( )() A.跻身同侪针剂济济一堂光风霁月A.看管看青看守看跌B.殓葬眼睑验收横征暴敛勤俭节约B.朴刀朴质俭朴朴实C.禅位阐述忌惮箪食壶浆殚精竭虑C.堤埂哽塞绠绳梗直(耿直鲠D.凄怆寒伧创痕沧海一粟踉踉直)D.闷气闷倦窒闷闷热21.下列加点的字的读音,全都正确的一项是A.复杂(f U)按捺(nαi )15.下列各组中加点字读音相同的一组是混淆(Xi Φ)笔画纤细qi an( ) B.弥补(mi)蓓蕾(b百)A.啜泣缀文辍笔拾掇发酵(ji Φ)不着边际(ZhU o)B.挑动挑衅挑选挑唆C.拂晓(f o)质量(Zh i)C.缭绕镣铐瞭望潦草高档(d Ong)大腹便便(Pi 6)D.行政行旅行箧行乞 D.勒索(I e)结束(S U)喧嚣(Xi S))酗酒滋事(X U)16.下列词语中加点的字不完全相同的一项是( )22.下列词语中加点的字,注音全都错误的一组是A.聆取伶俐灵巧凌晨()B.弋腔造诣肄业逃逸 A.谲(ju e)诈缱绻(qu Sn)C.客栈湛清暂且颤抖嗥(he)叫妍(y ?n)媸毕露D.蓦然冷漠沉默墨家 B.糟粕(P o)舛(ChU δn)误巷 ( Xi Cng) 道潜(qi 6)移默化17.下列各组中加点字读音相同的一组是 C.档(d d ng)次鲫(j i)鱼( )与(y□)会缉(j i)拿归案A.峻拔完竣疏浚骏马 D.僭(Z a)称口讷(n e)B.碧血壁垒璧谢譬如郝(n m)然同仇敌忾(g C )C.燥热噪声暴躁害臊D.咨文恣意姿容资质23.下列各组词语中,加点字的读音都不同的一组是()18.下列各组中加点字读音相同的一组是 A.宽宥柚子舳舻烟岚云岫( ) B.创伤悲怆苍茫满目疮痍A.伺候伺隙伺机而动 C.筵席琴弦诞辰垂涎三尺B.着想着装棋高一着 D.矩形拮据焗油前倨后恭C.折耗折腾损兵折将D.相扑相好相敬如宾24?下列词语中加点字的读音全都正确的一项是(19.下列加点的字读音都不相同的一组是 A.翰旋(W O 发轫(r ∈n) 畏葸(S i) ( )令人咋舌(Z e)金蝉脱壳(qi C o)A.便捷便装大腹便便B.叱咤(Zh C)禀赋(b ιng)脖颈(j m g)B.鞭笞苔藓百战不殆文缛节(r U)刚愎自用(b i)C.宁静宁可宁死不屈 C.露相(I CU)拓片(tu O 亲(q m g)家D.供认供述供不应求暴戾恣睢(SU 1)绿林好汉(l U)D.倾轧(y C 攒击(CU Cn)阒(q U 寂呱呱坠地(g U)郁悒不乐(y 1)冼(Xi d n)星海C.扒(P C)手流水淙(C Cng)淙一撮(CU o)毛25.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一项解(Xi e)晓东蒙(m?ιg)头转向是() D.譬(b i)方打折(Zh e)扣A.荫庇(y In)脑髓(SU》单(Sh Cn)田芳含辛茹(r U)苦恸(t Cng)哭熏陶渐(ji 6)染B.弥笃(d?果脯(P U)29 ?下列加点字读音完全不相同的一组是契(q 1)据群雄角(ju⑥逐( )C.慑(Sh ∈)服谄(Xi Cn)媚 A.譬如癖好巨擘避让劈阜(f 0盛咬文嚼(ji CD)字斩浪D.羞赧(n岔)嗫嚅(r U) B.菁华清朗倩影精悍俊男靓女桎梏(g 0时不我与(y U)C闲暇假借遐迩烟霞美玉无瑕D缟素竹篙艾蒿犒赏槁木死灰26 ?下列词语中加点的字,每对的读音各不相同的一组是()30 ?下列词语中加点的字,每对的读音完全相A.刊载/载体行伍/行若无事同的一组是()A.倾轧/轧钢道观/洋洋大观所向披靡/靡不有初螳臂当车/独当一面B.起哄/哄骗上乘/千乘之国 B.供认/供奉载体/载歌载舞如法炮制/炮烙之刑重在参与/与人为善C.星宿/住宿屏蔽/孔雀开屏C.殷切/殷红翘楚/翘首以待曲突徙薪/曲高和寡D.勾结/勾当铜臭/遗臭万年桃红柳绿/绿林好汉咬文嚼字/味同嚼蜡D.框定/框架当真/螳臂当车31 ?下列加点的字注音全对的一项是参差不齐/参商之阔(A.前仆(P U ))后继潸(Sh an)然泪下27?下列各组词语中,每组词语加点字的读音荫(y山)庇青冢(Zh Cng)相同的一组是() B.衣(y i)锦还乡针砭(bi a)时弊A.日晕/眩晕掂量/惦记埋 ( men)怨绵亘(geng)果脯/哺育休憩/修葺 C.人心叵(F)0)测箪食(S 1)壶浆B.尽快/尽管沮丧/龃齬慰藉(j 1)投奔(ben)娇嗔/瞋目劲旅/径直D.爱憎(Z e ng )分明、淆(X IaQ)乱乾坤C.殷实/殷红提防/堤堰梦魇(y a n)熨(y On)帖濡染/蠕动间距/信笺D.塞责/堵塞沏茶/堆砌32?下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一拱手/供给行当/巷道组是()A.问津矜持衣衾棺椁受人28下列各组词语中加点字的注意完全正确的钦敬一组是() B.奴婢裨益偏裨副将稗官野史A.婀娜(nu C)入场券(ju Cn) C.鞭笞妍媸嗤之以鼻魃魅魑魍任(r引)弼时赧(n δn)然一笑 D.契机惬意扶老挈幼锲而不舍B.啮(ni e)噬闷(m?ι)罐车41 .下列词语中加点的字的读音全不相同的一 36 ?下列加点字的读音,与所给注音全都相同组是()聒噪概括要领适逢其会的一组是( ) A. 恬淡 A.决ju e 倔强独角戏大梦初觉 B. 驾驭熨贴卖官鬻爵瑕不掩瑜B.倦 ju ?n 隽永入场券卷帙浩繁 C. 咀嚼咬文嚼字精神矍铄谲诈多端 C. 宙 Zh CLl 诅咒压轴戏暴风骤雨 D. 饯别觇视从谏如流引为鉴戒D.咸 Xi <3n 玄妙弦乐器举止娴雅42 ?下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一37 ?下列词语的字音、字形有两个错误的一组组是():相摒弃秉公执法彪炳史册是()A.禀告傧 A. 谙练(α n )麋集(q tn )B . 鞭笞魑魅桎梏痴心妄想不辨妍嗤巨擘(b o )幡然悔悟(f 3)C . 麻痹辅弼裨益鞭辟人里B. 拱券(XU m )罹难(I i )惩前毖后抵毁(d i )提纲絜领(qi e )D . 瑰丽硅谷皈依大家闺秀奉为圭臬C. 踅摸(XU e )纰缪(P i )眩晕(XU Cn )分道扬镳(bi 3o )43 ?下列词语中加点的字的读音,完全相同的D. 翩跹(qi 31)庾毙(y 口)'一组是( )香蕈(X Un )循私舞弊(XUn ) A. 散佚秩序更迭卷帙浩繁铜墙铁壁B. 遴选甘霖嶙峋鳞次栉比波光粼粼 38 .下列词语中加点字的读音完全相同的一组C. 恪守炮烙格斗络绎不绝洛阳纸贵是()D. 领取山岭聆听身陷囹圄高屋建瓴A 、潼关撞击僮仆憧憬未来一幢高楼B 、诡谲倔强矍铄群雄角逐绝处逢生44 ?下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一C 、炽盛整饬褫夺叱咤风云展翅高飞组是( )组是( )A. 编纂杜撰篡权夺位窜改文字39 ?下列各组词语中,加点的词语读音完全相B. 箴言诤友爱憎分明蒸蒸日上同的一组是(C. 树阴荫庇应有尽有莺歌燕舞A. 茸毛绒布融会贯通峥嵘 D. 诽谤滂沱气势磅礴心无旁骛容貌戎马倥偬B. 长堤提防啼笑皆非贬谪34.下列词语中, 加点字的读音完全相同的一嫡系醍醐灌顶组是()C. 豇豆缸盆天罡地煞山冈A. 装帧甄别箴言峥嵘门岗力能扛鼎B. 魑魅妍媸鞭笞不啻 D. 崛起挖掘精神矍铄倔强C. 跪拜反馈感喟溃乱角逐茕茕孑立D. 间谍耄耋更迭叠翠40 .下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一35 ?下列词语中加点的字读音完全相同的一组组是( )是( )A. 清澈覆辙撤除风驰电掣天寒地坼 A. 荷花参劾阖家鹤发童颜涸辙之鲋B. 饯别践约兽槛剑拔弩张前车之鉴 B. 摹本磨蹭膜拜摩肩接踵模棱两可C. 蓦然膜拜抹杀漠不关心秣马厉兵 C. 数量溯源朔风;铄石流金硕大无朋D. 缜密箴言甄别臻于致治忠贞不渝D. 饿殍剽窃漂泊虚无缥缈瓢泼大雨D 、宇宙呼吁圩田滥竽充数纡尊降贵33 ?下列各组加点字的读音,全都不相同的一A.荫凉硬朗窨井饮马长城应接不暇B ?挟制偕同采撷亵渎魂灵扶老携幼C.消弭侈糜眯缝靡坚不摧欲盖弥彰D.睥睨溺爱亲昵销声匿迹逆来顾受A.(窠臼)走舸恪尽职守苛捐杂税B.遴选窗棂模棱两可身陷囹圄C.浸染灰烬众擎易举噤若寒蝉D.泥淖辍学蹉跎岁月擢发难数45 ?下列词语的注音有错误的一项是( )A.思量(Ii a g)度量(li Cng)胸脯(P u)果脯(f U)B.颤(Zh m)抖颤(Ch C)栗靓(j Ing)妆靓(Ii C g)女C.阽(di a)危玷(di C)辱胡诌(Zh o)谄(Ch岔)谀D.瞋目(Ch引)瞠(Ch e ng)目结舌觊觎(y U)面面相觑(q U)46.下列词语中加点的字的读音全相同的一组是A.(氤氲)殷红湮没不闻姹紫嫣红B.歼灭信笺间不容发缄口不言C.翘首诀窍春寒料峭金蝉脱壳D.麻痹哔叽筚路褴褛鳞次栉比47 ?下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一组是()A .凯觎阿谀文娱尔虞我诈向隅而泣B .沉浸尽管觐见加官晋爵噤若寒蝉C .蝌蚪瞌睡窠臼苛捐杂税扭伤踝骨D .殷红氤氲阴霾绿草如茵万马齐喑51. 下列词语中加点字的读音全部正确的一组是()A. 扩展(kuαng)押解(jie )披肝沥胆(Ii)锲而不舍(qιe)B. 慕名(mu)倾轧(yd)万马齐喑(yin)引吭高歌(hangC. 嶙峋(XUn)溺水(ni)蛊惑人心(g ?和衷共济(ChongD. 虐政(nue)搭讪(Shan )铤而走险(ting 条分缕析(IoU)52. 下列各组词语中加点字的注音完全正确的一组是(A.婀娜(nuo)发酵(xiao )任弼时(ren)赧然一笑(nan)B.啮噬(nie)闷罐车(men)冼星海(Xian)流水淙淙(con()C.扒手(Pd)一撮毛(CUO )解晓东(Xie)蒙头转向(mengD.譬方(bi)打折扣(Zhe)单田芳(Shan)含辛茹苦(ru)53. 下列各组词语中,加点字的读音完全相同的48 ?下列词语中加点字的读音,完全相同的一组是()A.疲惫蓓蕾悖谬凤冠霞帔关怀备至B.斑驳湖泊脉搏日薄西山英姿勃发C.差劲惊诧古刹姹紫嫣红叱咤风云一组是()A.晦气芦荟杂烩诲人不倦后悔不已B.贻误怡悦苔藓春风骀荡百战不殆C.怯懦惬意契约扶老挈幼锲而不舍D.茱萸揶揄墙隅滥竽充数尔虞我诈49 ?下列词语中加点字的字形完全正确、读音完全相同的一组是()A.、乂口谥号吞噬逝世拾级而上舔犊情深B.凋敝婢女辅弼惩前毖后刚愎自用C.清澈覆辙撤除风驰电掣天崩地坼D.囹圄膏腴揶揄向隅而泣坚贞不逾50.下列词语中加点的字读音都不相同的一组是54. 下列词语中加点字的读音,完全正确的一组是()A. 感喟(kui)素昧平生(mei)信手拈来(Z han)B. 喝彩(he)自怨自艾(yi)力能扛鼎(kdng)C. 眼睑(jιdn )戛然而止(jid)刚愎自用(bi)D. 关卡(qid )越俎代庖(bao )闻者咋舌55. ( 2008 ?北京朝阳模拟)下列词语中加点字60.下列各组词语中,加点字的读音完全相同的的读音,全都正确的一组是'一组是() A.眷顾蜷曲隽永孜孜不倦稳操胜券A.庇护(Pi)机械(jie)破绽(zhd:n )B.浣衣豢养宦海美轮美奂焕然一新伺机而动(Si)C.调查笤帚绦虫黄发垂髫千里迢迢B.迂腐(y□)忖度(CUn)乘势(C h D.嫉妒蠹虫亵渎连篇累牍防微杜渐e n g 风光旖旎(qi)C.讣告(fU)威慑(She)撩拨(1i61.下列词语中,加点字的读音完全相同的一组a0)淡泊名利(b O)是D.哺育(bu)濒危(Pln)咆哮(X i A.挫折错过不知所措一厝朔东a o)人才济济(JD B.和谐揩油白头偕老万世楷模C.渎职赎罪买犊还珠案牍劳形56.下列词语中加点的字,读音完全相同的一组 D.富饶妖娆绕场一周钹儿铙儿是A. 雾霭会晤船坞毋庸置疑好高骛远62.下列词语中,加点字的读音完全相同的一组是()C.射线赦免震慑跋山涉水退避三舍 A.浸透肯綮沁人心脾罄竹难书D.凭证屏障棋枰暴虎冯河贫嘴薄舌 B.秩序对峙鳞次栉比博闻强识C.悭吝阡陌纤尘不染谦谦君子57.下列词语中,加点字的读音完全相同的一组 D.奚落膝盖休戚相关栖身之所是A.荟萃自惭形秽讳莫如深诲人不倦63.下列词语中加点的字,每对的读音完全相同B.桅杆娓娓而谈唯唯诺诺委曲婉转的一组是C.孝悌缔结盟约棠棣之花无的放矢()D.讪笑步履蹒跚潸然泪下煽风点火A.手腕/顺蔓摸瓜悭吝/纤尘不染禀赋/凝神屏气58.下列词语中加点字的读音完全相同的一组是B.嚼舌/咬文嚼字坍圮/否极泰来窥伺/ ()箪食壶浆A.劲敌痉挛不胫而走曲径通幽 C.艾蒿/期期艾艾行伍/高山景行标B.和面霍乱豁然开朗祸起萧墙识/咫尺天涯C. 峭拔讥诮翘首以待七窍生烟D.阐述/阿谀谄媚剽悍/彪炳千古诡D.孝悌剔除醍醐灌顶风流倜傥谲/发生口角59.下列词语中加点字的读音,全都正确的一组是A. 接洽(qιd)掮客(qιdn)悭吝(jian)地壳(qido)B. 刚劲(jin)舐犊(Shi)龋齿(qu)租赁(Iin)C. 畏葸(Si)怆然(ChUdng)皈依(gu i 干涸(he)D. 复辟(bi)巷道(hdng 炽热64.下列词语中加点字,读音都不相同的一组是()A.奶酪格调草行露宿一丘之貉B.日晷纠正饮鸩止渴鸠形鹄面C.飒爽霎时歃血为盟煞费苦心D.凭吊浮萍抨击时弊评头品足65.(2009 ?永嘉二中月考)下列各组词语中加点字的字形完全正确、读音全都不同的一组是()A.炽热挚爱投掷独树一帜奇闻轶事B.萦绕羸弱盈余嬴粮景从蝇营狗苟(Ze)(Chi)眼睑(jiαn)C.菁华茎叶战兢不径而走泾渭分明D.酿酒踉跄粮饷秋月朗朗银铛入狱66.下列词语中加点字的读音完全相同的一组是()A.粘贴熟稔蔫头耷脑拈花惹草B.尽管觐见加官晋爵噤若寒蝉C.瞌睡窠臼苛捐杂税扭伤踝骨D.氤氲阴霾绿草如茵万马齐喑67.下列词语中,加点字的读音都相同的一组是()A.抽搐触摸牲畜相形见绌高高矗立B.诅咒狙击沮丧含英咀华笑容可掬C.洗濯着落斟酌卓尔不群文笔拙劣D.邂逅亵渎解送不屑一顾歌台舞榭68.下列词语中加点字的读音完全相同的一组是()A.供养内讧曲肱而枕觥筹交错B.逶迤颐养贻人口实虚与委蛇C.休憩起讫雕栏玉砌锲而不舍D.韶光沼泽千里迢迢罪恶昭彰A.酝I 酿(ni Gn g)校(:XiaO)对腼腆(t ?Vn)—曝(PU)十寒B.匹(P D配穿凿(ZdO)内讧(hb n g)不肖(Xia O)子孙C.莞(g Ua n)尔搭讪(Shan)隽(juαn)永言简意赅(g ai)D.刹(S ha)那机械(Xie)恪(ke)守≠Ez--?早官(jιa n)人命72.(2007 ?四川)下列词语中加点的字,每对的读音完全相同的一组是()A.秩序/旗帜瘟疫/战役着陆/着想B.经营/均匀河畔/叛逆松柏/柏油C.亩产/计谋侥幸/矫健关卡/卡壳D.奴隶/战栗奈何/按捺呜咽/哽咽73.下列词语中加点字的读音,全都正确的一组是A.看守(k an)渲染(XU Cr))潜力(qi Qn)—念之差(Ch aB.徇情(X In)重创(ChU a g铜臭(Xi U乘风破浪(Ch e gC.肖像(Xi CD)责难(n r)沼泽(Zh ao)间不容发(ji an)D.亲家(qing)赎罪(ShU)—曝十寒(PU)呕心沥血(X ie)69.下列词语中加点字的读音,全都不相同的一项是()A.掠夺就餐风景琼浆玉液蚕食鲸吞B.马驹能够枸杞无拘无束不苟言笑C.掾吏鸟喙婵媛缘木求鱼椽架屋顶D.伸展绅士抻面审时度势春满乾坤74. 下列各组词语中加点字的读音,全都相同的一组是()A.浸润遒劲觐见噤若寒蝉B.寥廓缭乱镣铐百无聊赖C.脾胃毗邻裨将疲于奔命D.颀长祈祷崎岖杞人忧天75. 下列词语中加点字的读音,全都正确的一项71. (2007 ?江西)下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是()76. 下列词语中加点字的读音,全不相同的一组是A.行藏行款道行树行子B.叨咕叨念叨登叨教C.蒙昧蒙骗蒙古蒙太奇D.落色落价落榜落落大方组是()( )A.缜密滇池嗔怒谨慎 A.巨擘(b 0蓓蕾(1百)前倨后恭(j U)B.涉猎赦免摄影慑服 B.中伤(Zh Cn g) 莅临(1 i)鞭辟入里(bi)C.沼泽照会招募着急 C.曲解(q 0骁勇(Xi ao)余勇可贾(g )uD.复辟媲美睥睨庇佑 D.蜚声(f Ci)阜盛(fu)量体裁衣(1i d g70.下列各组词语中加点字的读音完全相同的一是。
② We young people should go to
___C___ we’re most needed.
A. the place which B. where
C. the place where D. which
10.①He is one of the students
1.①Study hard ,___D___you’ll succeed. ②Study hard, __B___ you’ll fail.
A. unless B. or C. but D. and
2. ①He lived in the city of Beijing __C____there’s a theme park.
who___C____ good at drawing.
②He is the only one of the students
who___A____ good at drawing.
A. is B. does C. are D. do
11. ①The book is worth__C___, I think.
34. ① I ___D__10 dollars on the
② I __C___10 dollars for the
③ The dictionary __B___ me 10 dollars.
A. took
B. cost
C. paid
D. spent
35.① He has two watches, but
② It’s at nine o’clock __B__ we got to the station.
A. 德国进攻英国标志着二战的开始
B. 太平洋战争爆发后,美苏对德宣战
C. 诺曼底登陆开辟了欧洲第二战场
D. 德国投降标志着二战的结束
A. 杜鲁门主义的出台标志着冷战的开始
B. 马歇尔计划是冷战在经济上的表现
C. 北约和华约的建立标志着两极格局的形成
D. 苏联解体标志着冷战的结束
A. 一战爆发的根本原因是帝国主义国家之间政治经济发展的
B. 一战的导火线是萨拉热窝事件
C. 一战中,中国是战胜国之一
D. 一战以协约国的失败而结束
A. 第一次工业革命首先发生在英国
B. 第二次工业革命首先发生在德国
C. 两次工业革命都彻底解放了工人阶级
D. 两次工业革命都造成了严重的环境污染
A. 凡尔登战役是二战中的著名战役
B. 凡尔登战役是第一次世界大战中的转折点
C. 凡尔登战役是第二次世界大战中的战役
D. 凡尔登战役标志着德国在二战中战败。
大学考试题易错题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 以下哪个选项是正确的?A. 地球是平的B. 地球是圆的C. 地球是三角形的D. 地球是正方形的答案:B2. 光速在真空中的速度是多少?A. 299,792千米/秒B. 300,000千米/秒C. 299,792公里/秒D. 299,792英里/秒答案:B3. 以下哪个元素的化学符号是“Fe”?A. 铜B. 铁C. 锌D. 金答案:B4. 根据牛顿第三定律,作用力和反作用力的关系是什么?A. 作用力大于反作用力B. 作用力小于反作用力C. 作用力等于反作用力D. 作用力和反作用力方向相反答案:C5. 以下哪个选项是正确的?A. 氧气在水中的溶解度随温度升高而增加B. 氧气在水中的溶解度随温度升高而减少C. 氧气在水中的溶解度与温度无关D. 氧气在水中的溶解度随温度升高而先增加后减少答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. 光年是指光在一年内通过的______。
答案:距离7. 人体最大的器官是______。
答案:皮肤8. 地球的自转周期是______小时。
答案:249. 根据相对论,当一个物体接近光速运动时,它的质量会______。
答案:增加10. 化学中,原子序数为1的元素是______。
答案:氢三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)11. 请简述牛顿第一定律的内容。
12. 什么是光合作用?答案:光合作用是植物、藻类和某些细菌通过阳光的能量,将水和二氧化碳转化为葡萄糖和氧气的过程。
13. 请解释什么是电磁波。
答案:电磁波是由变化的电场和磁场相互作用产生的波动,它们以光速在空间中传播,包括无线电波、微波、红外线、可见光、紫外线、X 射线和伽马射线等。
14. 什么是基因突变?答案:基因突变是指DNA序列中的一个或多个核苷酸发生改变,这种改变可能导致基因编码的蛋白质发生改变,进而可能影响生物体的性状。
数学九年级上册易错题一、选择题(1 - 10题)1. 一元二次方程x^2-2x - 3 = 0的根的情况是()- A. 有两个相等的实数根。
- B. 有两个不相等的实数根。
- C. 没有实数根。
- D. 无法确定。
- 解析:对于一元二次方程ax^2+bx + c = 0(a≠0),其判别式Δ=b^2-4ac。
在方程x^2-2x - 3 = 0中,a = 1,b=-2,c=-3,则Δ=(-2)^2-4×1×(-3)=4 + 12=16>0。
2. 若关于x的一元二次方程(m - 1)x^2+5x+m^2-3m + 2 = 0的常数项为0,则m的值等于()- A. 1.- B. 2.- C. 1或2。
- D. 0.- 解析:因为方程的常数项为0,所以m^2-3m + 2 = 0,即(m - 1)(m - 2)=0,解得m = 1或m = 2。
又因为方程是一元二次方程,二次项系数m - 1≠0,即m≠1,所以m = 2,答案是B。
3. 二次函数y = x^2-2x + 3的顶点坐标是()- A. (1,2)- B. (-1,2)- C. (1, - 2)- D. (-1,-2)- 解析:对于二次函数y=ax^2+bx + c(a≠0),其顶点坐标的横坐标x =-(b)/(2a),纵坐标y=frac{4ac - b^2}{4a}。
在y = x^2-2x + 3中,a = 1,b=-2,c = 3,x =-(-2)/(2×1)=1,y=frac{4×1×3-(-2)^2}{4×1}=(12 - 4)/(4)=2,所以顶点坐标是(1,2),答案是A。
4. 已知二次函数y = ax^2+bx + c(a≠0)的图象如图所示,则下列结论中正确的是()- A. a>0- B. c<0- C. 3是方程ax^2+bx + c = 0的一个根。
高考单项选择易错题专项练习1. Measures must be taken to prevent pollution _______ happily.A. from we liveB. for us to liveC. us livingD. from our living2. --Sorry. I am rather busy now. I am afraid that I can’t ________ it for you now.--That doesn’t matter. Thank you all the same.A. help doingB. help but doC. help to doD. help and do3. It is the hotel _______ I stayed when I worked here ten years ago.A. thatB. whichC. whenD. where4. --What a heavy snow we are having!--Yes. We are asked to pay more attention to the information about the snow ________ the snow disaster.A. in case ofB. as well asC. instead ofD. in control of5. Is there a bookshop around _______ I can buy a dictionary for my daughter.A. whereB. whenC. whyD. which6. We needn’t have worried. It _______ that nothing was lost.A. turned upB. turned outC. turned overD. turned down7. --The weather is too cold ____ March this year.--It was still ____when I was here years ago.A. for; colderB. in; coldC. in; hotD. for; hotter8. We must make full use of the contradictions among the enemies, winning over ________ many and opposing ________ few .A. the, aB. a, theC. a, aD. the, the9. I think the doctor is able to cure ________ is the matter with your son .A. allB. whatC. whateverD. anything10. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _________, refusing them when they turn to him.A. if neverB. if everC. if notD. if any11. Go to the reading-room and get your MP3. It’s where you left _________.A. thatB. itC. oneD. this12. The cold-blooded animals do not have any choice but ________ and sleep on very cold winter days.A. to lie downB. lie downC. lying downD. lay down13. It is ________ that he will win in the competition.A. certainB. sureC. toldD. spoken14. --Who was it ________ you met in the street the day before yesterday?--An old friend of mine.A. whomB. thatC. whoD. what15. With all the lights on, our city is as bright as ________.A. sunB. moonC. dayD. star16. If this medicine is good for anything ________, it is good for heart trouble.A. all alongB. at allC. in allD. all the same17. He came to know that he was wrong and had to give in and say ________ to Mary.A. apologyB. excuseC. pardonD. sorry18. I will inform Xiao Wang that I can’t go out to play football with him with the homework ________.A. doneB. to be doneC. to doD. being done19. When I knocked at the door, she was beginning __________ the dinner.A. to cookB. cookingC. to be cookingD. to have cooked20. She has a wonderful voice and sings beautifully. You can’t praise her _______ highly.A. veryB. ratherC. tooD. quite21. --Is it far from your home to the school?--Not too far, it is about ________.A. ten minutes’ walkB. a ten minutes’ walkC. ten minute’s walkD. ten-minute walk22. From the top of the leaning tower in Pisa Galileo ________ a light ball and a heavy ball at exactly the same time.A. fellB. droppedC. sankD. dived23. No sooner had we got there _________ it began to rain.A. whenB. thenC. thanD. while24. There was no person ________ gave help to the persons stuck in the snow near Chenzhou in Hunan in the late January.A. whichB. whatC. asD. but25. Look before you leap. You shouldn’t be ________ of consequences.A. carefulB. carelessC. carefullyD. carelessly26. Digital TV is superior to satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than _______.A. thoughtB. expectedC. usualD. before27. It was found that people who used mobile phones were two and a half times more likely to have a brain tumor on the side of the head ________ they had the phones than the people who did not use them.A. whereB. whenC. whileD. why28. When ________, our English teacher, Mr. Li, will ask us some questions in English.A. possiblyB. being possibleC. possibleD. possibility29. Mary is the only girl in the family. Of course, she is the ________ of her father’s eye.A. appleB. orangeC. peachD. pear30. The second runner, already moving, ________ the stick and raced on.A. graspedB. seizedC. grabbedD. snatched31. Technically speaking, electronic money may be thought of as the third-generation money, the first generation ________ currency and the second, checks.A. wasB. isC. beingD. were32. That is the biggest fish I have ________ seen.A. everB. alreadyC. justD. yet33. They _______ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we_______on it as no good results have come out so far.A. had been working; are still workingB. had worked; were still workingC. have been working; have workedD. have worked; are still working34. The person we referred to________ us a report the day after tomorrow.A. givingB. will giveC. gaveD. gives35. It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle, ___cut off, as a container to grow young plants in.A. of which the topB. the top isC. the top of whichD. with its top36.My deskmate Joan is _______ beautiful girl and ________ girl everyone likes to study with.A. a, aB. a, theC. the, aD. the, the37. --What did he ask you?--_______ I would be sent to work in Hangzhou.A. ThatB. WhenC. WhereD. Whether38. The Journal Overseas English is popular ________ the students in our school.A. toB. withC. forD. by39. --She’s not a dancing teacher, is she?-- ________.A. Yes, and she isn’tB. Yes, but she wasC. No, but she isn’tD. No, but she was40. Mrs. Green was much disappointed to see the dish washer she had had________ went wrong again.A. itB. it repairedC. repairedD. to be repaired41. --What were you good _______ ________ school?--As a middle school student, I really did well in the English language.A. in, atB. in, inC. at, inD. at, at42. --How often do you eat out?--_________, but usually once a week.A. As usualB. RegularlyC. Have no ideaD. It depends43. An awful accident, however, ________occur the other day.A. doesB. didC. has toD. had to44. --Tom is still suffering from the injury.--If only he ________ in bed quietly as the doctor instructed.A. liesB. layC. has lainD. had lain45. They look exa ctly the same, and I really don’t know which is ________.A. whichB. whatC. whereD. how46. If you ________ stop smoking , you can only expect to have a bad cough .A. won’tB. would notC. do notD. can not47. It was in the building _______ was built in 1985 ________ the important meeting was held.A. which, thatB. which, whichC. that, whichD. that, that48. Do you consider it any good ________ the car again ?A. to repairB. repairingC. repairedD. being repairing49. It snowed continuously for nearly five days in late January, completely ___ our holiday.A. ruinedB. to ruinC. ruiningD. ruins50. --You must do as your father tells you.--Oh, I must, ___?A. should IB. ought IC. mustn’t ID. must I51. Before he went abroad,he spent as much time as he _____ Japanese.A. could learningB. learnedC. to learnD. could learn52. The Genie made a promise _______ anyone set him free he would make him king of the world.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. that if53. The water in the swimming pool ________ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.A. was feltB. is feltC. feltD. feels54. At the meeting, he put forward a suggestion that he _________ at home to look after his sick son.A. would stayB. staysC. stayedD. stay55. The boy, as well as his parents, ________ asked to see the teachers the day before yesterday.A. would beB. wereC. wasD. had been56. My father never took a taxi, even though he could afford________.A. toB. to doC. to take a taxiD. take a taxi57. Not only ______the jewelry she ____been sold for her husband’s gambling debts but also her house.A. is;hasB. has;hadC. has;hasD. does;has58. He ran as fast as he could _____ to catch the early bus.A. hopeB. to hopeC. hopingD. hoped59. He wrote a lot of novels, none of _____ translated into Japanese.A. themB. which C . it D. what60. Li Ping ________ have called me yesterday because I knew it.A. needn’tB. couldn’tC. shouldn’tD. wouldn’t答案:1—10BCDBABADCB 11—20BAABCBDCAC 21—30ABCDBDACAC31—40CAABDADBDC 41—50DDBDAAABCD 51—60ADCDCACCAA解析:1. 破除prevent…from doing…的思维定势,带逻辑主语的不定式作目的状语。
1. - What's in the classroom?- Two doors and ______ chairs.A. many.B. much.C. a.【答案】A。
2. We ______ a new classroom.A. are.B. have.C. has.【答案】B。
3. - Where is the picture?- It's ______ the wall.A. on.C. at.【答案】A。
【解析】“在墙上(表面)”用on the wall,in the wall表示在墙的里面(如窗户、门在墙里),at表示在某个小地点,不符合题意,所以选A。
4. Let ______ clean the classroom.A. me.B. my.C. I.【答案】A。
5. - How many ______ are there in your school?- There are thirty - five.A. classroom.B. classrooms.C. a classroom.【答案】B。
【解析】how many后面接可数名词复数,classroom的复数是classrooms,a classroom是单数形式,所以选B。
6. The door ______ yellow.B. is.C. am.【答案】B。
【解析】the door是第三人称单数,be动词用is,are用于复数,am用于第一人称I,所以选B。
高中数学易错题一.选择题(共6小题)1.已知在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,BC=4,AC=3,P是AB上一点,则点P到AC,BC的距离乘积的最大值是()A.2B.3C.4D.52.在△ABC中,边AB=,它所对的角为15°,则此三角形的外接圆直径为()A.缺条件,不能求出B.C.D.3.在△ABC中,边a,b,c分别为3、4、5,P为△ABC内任一点,点P到三边距离之和为d,则d的取值范围是()A.3<d<4 B.C.D.4.在平面直角坐标系xoy中,已知△ABC的顶点A(﹣6,0)和C(6,0),顶点B在双曲线的左支上,则等于()A.B.C.D.5.(2009•闸北区二模)过点A(1,﹣2),且与向量平行的直线的方程是()A.4x﹣3y﹣10=0 B.4x+3y+10=0 C.3x+4y+5=0 D.3x﹣4y+5=06.(2011•江西模拟)下面命题:①当x>0时,的最小值为2;②过定点P(2,3)的直线与两坐标轴围成的面积为13,这样的直线有四条;③将函数y=cos2x的图象向右平移个单位,可以得到函数y=sin(2x﹣)的图象;④已知△ABC,∠A=60°,a=4,则此三角形周长可以为12.其中正确的命题是()A.①②④B.②④C.②③D.③④二.填空题(共10小题)7.Rt△ABC中,AB为斜边,•=9,S△ABC=6,设P是△ABC(含边界)内一点,P到三边AB,BC,AC的距离分别为x,y,z,则x+y+z的取值范围是_________.8.(2011•武进区模拟)在△ABC中,,且△ABC的面积S=asinC,则a+c的值=_________.9.锐角三角形ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边分别是a,b,c.边长a,b是方程的两个根,且,则c边的长是_________.10.已知在△ABC中,,M为BC边的中点,则|AM|的取值范围是_________.11.一个等腰直角三角形的三个顶点分别在正三棱柱的三条侧棱上,已知正三棱柱的底面边长为2,则该三角形的斜边长为_________.12.三角形ABC中,若2,且b=2,一个内角为300,则△ABC的面积为_________.13.△ABC中,AB=AC,,则cosA的值是_________.14.(2010•湖南模拟)已知点P是边长为2的等边三角形内一点,它到三边的距离分别为x、y、z,则x、y、z 所满足的关系式为_________.15.(2013•东莞二模)如图,已知△ABC内接于⊙O,点D在OC的延长线上,AD切⊙O于A,若∠ABC=30°,AC=2,则AD的长为_________.16.三角形ABC中,三个内角B,A,C成等差数列,∠B=30°,三角形面积为,则b=_________.三.解答题(共12小题)17.在△ABC中,AC=b,BC=a,a<b,D是△ABC内一点,且AD=a,∠ADB+∠C=π,问∠C为何值时,四边形ABCD的面积最大,并求出最大值.18.(2010•福建模拟)在△ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边分别是a,b,c,.(1)求sinC;(2)若c=2,sinB=2sinA,求△ABC的面积.19.已知外接圆半径为6的△ABC的边长为a、b、c,角B、C和面积S满足条件:S=a2﹣(b﹣c)2和sinB+sinC=(a,b,c为角A,B,C所对的边)(1)求sinA;(2)求△ABC面积的最大值.20.(2010•东城区模拟)在△ABC中,A,B,C是三角形的三个内角,a,b,c是三个内角对应的三边,已知b2+c2﹣a2=bc.(1)求角A的大小;(2)若sin2B+sin2C=2sin2A,且a=1,求△ABC的面积.21.小迪身高1.6m,一天晚上回家走到两路灯之间,如图所示,他发现自己的身影的顶部正好在A路灯的底部,他又向前走了5m,又发现身影的顶部正好在B路灯的底部,已知两路灯之间的距离为10m,(两路灯的高度是一样的)求:(1)路灯的高度.(2)当小迪走到B路灯下,他在A路灯下的身影有多长?22.(2008•徐汇区二模)在△ABC中,已知.(1)求AB;(2)求△ABC的面积.23.在△ABC中,已知.(1)求出角C和A;(2)求△ABC的面积S;(3)将以上结果填入下表.C A S情况①情况②24.(2007•上海)通常用a、b、c表示△ABC的三个内角∠A、∠B、∠C所对边的边长,R表示△ABC外接圆半径.(1)如图所示,在以O为圆心,半径为2的⊙O中,BC和BA是⊙O的弦,其中BC=2,∠ABC=45°,求弦AB 的长;(2)在△ABC中,若∠C是钝角,求证:a2+b2<4R2;(3)给定三个正实数a、b、R,其中b≤a,问:a、b、R满足怎样的关系时,以a、b为边长,R为外接圆半径的△ABC 不存在,存在一个或两个(全等的三角形算作同一个)?在△ABC存在的情况下,用a、b、R表示c.25.(2010•郑州二模)在△ABC中,a、b、c分别是角A、B、C的对边,=(2b﹣c,cosC),=(a,cosA),且∥.(Ⅰ)求角A的大小;(Ⅱ)求2cos2B+sin(A﹣2B)的最小值.26.在△ABC中,A、B、C是三角形的内角,a、b、c是三内角对应的三边,已知,.(1)求∠A;(2)求△ABC的面积S.27.在△ABC中,a、b、c分别是角A、B、C的对边,且(2a+c)cosB+bcosC=0.(Ⅰ)求角B的值;(Ⅱ)若a+c=4,求△ABC面积S的最大值.28.已知△ABC的外接圆半径,a、b、C分别为∠A、∠B、∠C的对边,向量,,且.(1)求∠C的大小;(2)求△ABC面积的最大值.高中数学易错题参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共6小题)1.已知在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,BC=4,AC=3,P是AB上一点,则点P到AC,BC的距离乘积的最大值是()A.2B.3C.4D.5考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:设点P到AC,BC的距离分别是x和y,最上方小三角形和最大的那个三角形相似,它们对应的边有此比例关系,进而求得x和y的关系式,进而表示出xy的表达式,利用二次函数的性质求得xy的最大值.解答:解:如图,设点P到AC,BC的距离分别是x和y,最上方小三角形和最大的那个三角形相似,它们对应的边有此比例关系,即=4,所以4x=12﹣3y,y=,求xy最大,也就是那个矩形面积最大.xy=x•=﹣•(x2﹣3x),∴当x=时,xy有最大值3故选B.点评:本题主要考查了三角函数的几何计算.解题的关键是通过题意建立数学模型,利用二次函数的性质求得问题的答案.2.在△ABC中,边AB=,它所对的角为15°,则此三角形的外接圆直径为()A.缺条件,不能求出B.C.D.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:直接利用正弦定理,两角差的正弦函数,即可求出三角形的外接圆的直径即可.解答:解:由正弦定理可知:====.故选D.点评:本题是基础题,考查三角形的外接圆的直径的求法,正弦定理与两角差的正弦函数的应用,考查计算能力.3.在△ABC中,边a,b,c分别为3、4、5,P为△ABC内任一点,点P到三边距离之和为d,则d的取值范围是()A.3<d<4 B.C.D.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:数形结合;转化思想.分析:画出图形,利用点到直线的距离之间的转化,三角形两边之和大于第三边,求出最小值与最大值.解答:解:由题意△ABC中,边a,b,c分别为3、4、5,P为△ABC内任一点,点P到三边距离之和为d,在图(1)中,d=CE+PE+PF>CD==,在图(2)中,d=CE+EP+FP<CE+EG<AC=4;∴d的取值范围是;故选D.点评:本题是中档题,考查不等式的应用,转化思想,数形结合,逻辑推理能力,注意,P为△ABC内任一点,不包含边界.4.在平面直角坐标系xoy中,已知△ABC的顶点A(﹣6,0)和C(6,0),顶点B在双曲线的左支上,则等于()A.B.C.D.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:由题意可知双曲线的焦点坐标就是A,B,利用正弦定理以及双曲线的定义化简即可得到答案.解答:解:由题意可知双曲线的焦点坐标就是A,B,由双曲线的定义可知BC﹣AB=2a=10,c=6,===;故选D.点评:本题是基础题,考查双曲线的定义,正弦定理的应用,考查计算能力,常考题型.5.(2009•闸北区二模)过点A(1,﹣2),且与向量平行的直线的方程是()A.4x﹣3y﹣10=0 B.4x+3y+10=0 C.3x+4y+5=0 D.3x﹣4y+5=0考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:通过向量求出直线的斜率,利用点斜式方程求出最新的方程即可.解答:解:过点A(1,﹣2),且与向量平行的直线的斜率为﹣,所以所求直线的方程为:y+2=﹣(x﹣1),即:3x+4y+5=0.故选C.点评:本题是基础题,考查直线方程的求法,注意直线的方向向量与直线的斜率的关系,考查计算能力.6.(2011•江西模拟)下面命题:①当x>0时,的最小值为2;②过定点P(2,3)的直线与两坐标轴围成的面积为13,这样的直线有四条;③将函数y=cos2x的图象向右平移个单位,可以得到函数y=sin(2x﹣)的图象;④已知△ABC,∠A=60°,a=4,则此三角形周长可以为12.其中正确的命题是()A.①②④B.②④C.②③D.③④考点:三角形中的几何计算;恒过定点的直线.专题:应用题.分析:①由于基本不等式等号成立的条件不具备,故的最小值大于2,故①不正确.②设过定点P(2,3)的直线的方程,求出它与两坐标轴的交点,根据条件可得4k2+14k+9=0,或4k2﹣38k+9=0.而这两个方程的判别式都大于0,故每个方程都有两个解,故满足条件的直线有四条.③将函数y=cos2x的图象向右平移个单位,可以得到函数y﹣sin(2x﹣)的图象,故③不正确.④若△ABC中,∠A=60°,a=4,则此三角形周长可以为12,此时,三角形是等边三角形.解答:解:①∵≥2=2,(当且仅当x=0时,等号成立),故当x>0时,的最小值大于2,故①不正确.②设过定点P(2,3)的直线的方程为y﹣3=k(x﹣2),它与两坐标轴的交点分别为(2﹣,0),(0,3﹣2k),根据直线与两坐标轴围成的面积为13=,化简可得4k2+14k+9=0,或4k2﹣38k+9=0.而这两个方程的判别式都大于0,故每个方程都有两个解,故满足条件的直线有四条,故②正确.③将函数y=cos2x的图象向右平移个单位,可以得到函数y=cos2(x﹣)=sin[﹣(2x﹣)]=sin()=﹣sin(2x﹣)的图象,故③不正确.④已知△ABC,∠A=60°,a=4,则此三角形周长可以为12,此时,三角形是等边三角形,故④正确.故选B.点评:本题基本不等式取等号的条件,过定点的直线,三角函数的图象变换,诱导公式的应用,检验基本不等式等号成立的条件,是解题的易错点.二.填空题(共10小题)7.Rt△ABC中,AB为斜边,•=9,S△ABC=6,设P是△ABC(含边界)内一点,P到三边AB,BC,AC的距离分别为x,y,z,则x+y+z的取值范围是[,4].考点:向量在几何中的应用;三角形中的几何计算.专题:综合题.分析:设三边分别为a,b,c,利用正弦定理和余弦定理结合向量条件利用三角形面积公式即可求出三边长.欲求x+y+z的取值范围,利用坐标法,将三角形ABC放置在直角坐标系中,通过点到直线的距离将求x+y+z的范围转化为,然后结合线性规划的思想方法求出范围即可.解答:解:△ABC为Rt△ABC,且∠C=90°,设三角形三内角A、B、C对应的三边分别为a,b,c,∵(1)÷(2),得,令a=4k,b=3k(k>0)则∴三边长分别为3,4,5.以C为坐标原点,射线CA为x轴正半轴建立直角坐标系,则A、B坐标为(3,0),(0,4),直线AB方程为4x+3y﹣12=0.设P点坐标为(m,n),则由P到三边AB、BC、AB的距离为x,y,z.可知,且,故,令d=m+2n,由线性规划知识可知,如图:当直线分别经过点A、O时,x+y+z取得最大、最小值.故0≤d≤8,故x+y+z的取值范围是.故答案为:[].点评:本题主要考查了解三角形中正弦定理、余弦定理、平面向量数量积的运算、简单线性规划思想方法的应用,综合性强,难度大,易出错.8.(2011•武进区模拟)在△ABC中,,且△ABC的面积S=asinC,则a+c的值=4.考点:二倍角的余弦;三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:首先根据三角形的面积公式求出b的值,然后将所给的式子写成+=3进而得到acosC+ccosA+a+c=6,再根据在三角形中acosC+ccosA=b=2,即可求出答案.解答:解:∵S=absinC=asinC∴b=2∴acos2+ccos2=3∴+=3即a(cosC+1)+c(cosA+1)=6∴acosC+ccosA+a+c=6∵acosC+ccosA=b=2∴2+a+c=6∴a+c=4故答案为:4.点评:本题考查了二倍角的余弦以及三角形中的几何运算,解题的关键是巧妙的将所给的式子写成+=3的形式,属于中档题.9.锐角三角形ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边分别是a,b,c.边长a,b是方程的两个根,且,则c边的长是.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:先根据求得sin(A+B)的值,进而求得sinC的值,根据同角三角函数的基本关系求得cosC,根据韦达定理求得a+b和ab的值,进而求得a2+b2,最后利用余弦定理求得c的值.解答:解:∵,∴sin(A+B)=∴sinC=sin(π﹣A﹣B)=sin(A+B)=∴cosC==∵a,b是方程的两根∴a+b=2,ab=2,∴a2+b2=(a+b)2﹣2ab=8∴c===故答案为:点评:本题主要考查了三角形中的几何计算,余弦定理的应用,韦达定理的应用.考查了考生综合运用基础知识的能力.10.已知在△ABC中,,M为BC边的中点,则|AM|的取值范围是.考点:三角形中的几何计算;正弦定理.专题:计算题;解三角形.分析:构造以BC为正三角形的外接圆,如图满足,即可观察推出|AM|的取值范围.解答:解:构造以BC为正三角形的外接圆,如图,显然满足题意,由图可知红A处,|AM|值最大为,A与B(C)接近时|AM|最小,所以|AM|∈.故答案为:.点评:本题考查三角形中的几何计算,构造法的应用,也可以利用A的轨迹方程,两点减距离公式求解.11.一个等腰直角三角形的三个顶点分别在正三棱柱的三条侧棱上,已知正三棱柱的底面边长为2,则该三角形的斜边长为2.考点:棱柱的结构特征;三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:由于正三棱柱的底面ABC为等边三角形,我们把一个等腰直角三角形DEF的三个顶点分别在正三棱柱的三条侧棱上,结合图形的对称性可得,该三角形的斜边EF上的中线DG的长等于底面三角形的高,从而得出等腰直角三角形DEF的中线长,最后得到该三角形的斜边长即可.解答:解:一个等腰直角三角形DEF的三个顶点分别在正三棱柱的三条侧棱上,∠EDF=90°,已知正三棱柱的底面边长为AB=2,则该三角形的斜边EF上的中线DG=,∴斜边EF的长为2.故答案为:2.点评:本小题主要考查棱柱的结构特征、三角形中的几何计算等基础知识,考查空间想象力.属于基础题.12.三角形ABC中,若2,且b=2,一个内角为300,则△ABC的面积为1或.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:先利用2,转化得到2acosB=c;再借助于余弦定理得a=b=2;再分∠A=30°以及∠C=30°两种情况分别求出对应的面积.解答:解:因为2,转化为边长和角所以有2acosB=c可得:cosB==⇒a2=b2⇒a=b=2.当∠A=30°=∠B时,∠C=120°,此时S△ABC=×2×2×sinC=;当∠C=30°时,∠A=∠B=75°,此时S△ABC=×2×2×sinC=1.故答案为:或1.点评:本题主要考查余弦定理的应用以及三角形中的几何计算.解决本题的关键在于利用2,转化得到2acosB=c;再借助于余弦定理得a=b=2.13.△ABC中,AB=AC,,则cosA的值是.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:根据AB=AC可推断出B=C,进而利用三角形内角和可知cosA=cos(π﹣2B)利用诱导公式和二倍角公式化简整理,把cosB的值代入即可.解答:解:∵AB=AC,∴B=C∴cosA=cos(π﹣2B)=cos2B=2cos2B﹣1=﹣1=﹣故答案为:﹣点评:本题主要考查了三角形中的几何计算,二倍角公式的应用.考查了学生综合运用三角函数基础知识的能力.14.(2010•湖南模拟)已知点P是边长为2的等边三角形内一点,它到三边的距离分别为x、y、z,则x、y、z 所满足的关系式为x+y+z=3.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:设等边三角形的边长为a,高为h将P与三角形的各顶点连接,进而分别表示出三角形三部分的面积,相加应等于总的面积建立等式求得x+y+z的值.解答:解:设等边三角形的边长为a,高为h将P与三角形的各顶点连接根据面积那么:ax+ay+az=ah所以x+y+z=h因为等边三角形的边长为2,所以高为h=3所以x.y.z所满足的关系是为:x+y+z=3故答案为:3点评:本题主要考查了三角形中的几何计算.考查了学生综合分析问题的能力和转化和化归的思想.15.(2013•东莞二模)如图,已知△ABC内接于⊙O,点D在OC的延长线上,AD切⊙O于A,若∠ABC=30°,AC=2,则AD的长为.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:根据已知可得△AOC是等边三角形,从而得到OA=AC=2,则可以利用勾股定理求得AD的长.解答:解:(2)∵OA=OC,∠AOC=60°,∴△AOC是等边三角形,∴OA=AC=2,∵∠OAD=90°,∠D=30°,∴AD=•AO=.故答案为:.点评:本题考查和圆有关的比例线段,考查同弧所对的圆周角等于弦切角,本题在数据运算中主要应用含有30°角的直角三角形的性质,本题是一个基础题.16.三角形ABC中,三个内角B,A,C成等差数列,∠B=30°,三角形面积为,则b=.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:先利用三个内角成等差数列求得A,根据,∠B=30°求得C,然后利用tan30°=表示出a,代入三角形面积公式求得b.解答:解:三角形ABC中,三个内角A,B,C成等差数列A+B+C=3A=180°∴∠A=60°∵∠A=30°,∴C=90S=ab=∵tan30°=∴a=∴b=故答案为:点评:本题主要考查了三角形的几何计算.考查了学生基础知识综合运用的能力.三.解答题(共12小题)17.在△ABC中,AC=b,BC=a,a<b,D是△ABC内一点,且AD=a,∠ADB+∠C=π,问∠C为何值时,四边形ABCD的面积最大,并求出最大值.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:设出BD,利用余弦定理分别在△ABC,△ABD中表示出AB,进而建立等式求得b﹣x=2acosC代入四边形ABCD的面积表达式中,利用正弦函数的性质求得问题的答案.解答:解:设BD=x,则由余弦定理可知b2+a2﹣2abcosC=AB2=a2+x2+2axcosC∴b﹣x=2acosC.∵S=(absinC)﹣(axsinC)=a(b﹣x)sinC=a2•sin2C,∴当C=时,S有最大值.点评:本题主要考查了三角形的几何计算.注意灵活利用正弦定理和余弦定理以及其变形公式.18.(2010•福建模拟)在△ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边分别是a,b,c,.(1)求sinC;(2)若c=2,sinB=2sinA,求△ABC的面积.考点:三角形中的几何计算;二倍角的正弦.专题:计算题.分析:(1)利用同角三角函数关系及三角形内角的范围可求;(2)利用正弦定理可知b=2a,再利用余弦定理,从而求出a、b的值,进而可求面积.解答:解:(1)由题意,,∴(2)由sinB=2sinA可知b=2a,又22=a2+b2﹣2abcosC,∴a=1,b=2,∴点评:此题考查学生灵活运用三角形的面积公式,灵活运用正弦、余弦定理求值,是一道基础题题.19.已知外接圆半径为6的△ABC的边长为a、b、c,角B、C和面积S满足条件:S=a2﹣(b﹣c)2和sinB+sinC=(a,b,c为角A,B,C所对的边)(1)求sinA;(2)求△ABC面积的最大值.考点:三角形中的几何计算;正弦定理的应用;余弦定理的应用.专题:计算题;综合题.分析:(1)由三角形的面积公式,结合余弦定理求出的值,进而有sinA=.(2)利用,结合正弦定理,求出b+c的值,利用三角形的面积公式和基本不等式求出面积的最大值.解答:解:(1)得进而有(2)∵,∴即所以故当b=c=8时,S最大=.点评:本题是中档题,考查三角函数的化简,正弦定理、余弦定理的应用,三角形的面积公式以及基本不等式的应用,考查计算能力,逻辑推理能力.20.(2010•东城区模拟)在△ABC中,A,B,C是三角形的三个内角,a,b,c是三个内角对应的三边,已知b2+c2﹣a2=bc.(1)求角A的大小;(2)若sin2B+sin2C=2sin2A,且a=1,求△ABC的面积.考点:三角形中的几何计算;正弦定理.专题:计算题.分析:(1)利用余弦定理和题设等式求得cosA的值,进而求得A.(2)利用正弦定理把题设中的正弦转化成边的关系,进而求得bc的值,最后利用三角形面积公式求得答案.解答:解:(1)因为b2+c2﹣a2=2bccosA=bc所以所以(2)因为sin2B+sin2C=2sin2A所以b2+c2=2a2=2因为b2+c2﹣a2=bc所以bc=1所以=点评:本题主要考查了正弦定理和余弦定理的应用.注意挖掘题设中关于边,角问题的联系.21.小迪身高1.6m,一天晚上回家走到两路灯之间,如图所示,他发现自己的身影的顶部正好在A路灯的底部,他又向前走了5m,又发现身影的顶部正好在B路灯的底部,已知两路灯之间的距离为10m,(两路灯的高度是一样的)求:(1)路灯的高度.(2)当小迪走到B路灯下,他在A路灯下的身影有多长?考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:综合题.分析:(1)由题意画出简图,设CN=x,则QD=5﹣x,路灯高BD为h,利用三角形相似建立方程解德;(2)由题意当小迪移到BD所在线上(设为DH),连接AH交地面于E,则DE长即为所求的影长,利用三角形相似建立方程求解即可.解答:解:如图所示,设A、B为两路灯,小迪从MN移到PQ,并设C、D分别为A、B灯的底部.由题中已知得MN=PQ=1.6m,NQ=5m,CD=10m(1)设CN=x,则QD=5﹣x,路灯高BD为h∵△CMN∽△CBD,即⇒又△PQD∽△ACD即⇒由①②式得x=2.5m,h=6.4m,即路灯高为6.4m.(2)当小迪移到BD所在线上(设为DH),连接AH交地面于E.则DE长即为所求的影长.∵△DEH∽△CEA⇒⇒解得DE=m,即他在A路灯下的身影长为m.点评:此题考查了学生理解题意的能力,还考查了利用三角形相似及方程思想求解变量及学生的计算能力.22.(2008•徐汇区二模)在△ABC中,已知.(1)求AB;(2)求△ABC的面积.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:(1)求AB长,关键是求sinB,sinC,利用已知条件可求;(2)根据三角形的面积公式,故关键是求sinA的值,利用sinA=sin(B+C)=sinBcosC+cosBsinC可求解答:解:(1)设AB、BC、CA的长分别为c、a、b,,∴,∴.﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣(6分)(2)因为.∴sinA=sin(B+C)=sinBcosC+cosBsinC=﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣(12分)故所求面积﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣(14分)点评:本题的考点是三角形的几何计算,主要考查正弦定理得应用,考查三角形的面积公式,关键是正确记忆公式,合理化简.23.在△ABC中,已知.(1)求出角C和A;(2)求△ABC的面积S;(3)将以上结果填入下表.C A S情况①情况②考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题;分类讨论.分析:(1)先根据正弦定理以及大角对大边求出角C,再根据三角形内角和为180°即可求出角A.(2)分情况分别代入三角形的面积计算公式即可得到答案;(3)直接根据前两问的结论填写即可.解答:解:(1)∵,…(2分)∵c>b,C>B,∴C=60°,此时A=90°,或者C=120°,此时A=30°…(2分)(2)∵S=bcsinA∴A=90°,S=bcsinA=;A=30°,S=bcsinA=.…(2分)(3)点评:本题主要考查三角形中的几何计算.解决本题的关键在于根据正弦定理以及大角对大边求出角C.24.(2007•上海)通常用a、b、c表示△ABC的三个内角∠A、∠B、∠C所对边的边长,R表示△ABC外接圆半径.(1)如图所示,在以O为圆心,半径为2的⊙O中,BC和BA是⊙O的弦,其中BC=2,∠ABC=45°,求弦AB 的长;(2)在△ABC中,若∠C是钝角,求证:a2+b2<4R2;(3)给定三个正实数a、b、R,其中b≤a,问:a、b、R满足怎样的关系时,以a、b为边长,R为外接圆半径的△ABC 不存在,存在一个或两个(全等的三角形算作同一个)?在△ABC存在的情况下,用a、b、R表示c.考点:三角形中的几何计算;解三角形.专题:计算题;数形结合.分析:(1)由正弦定理知===2R,根据题目中所给的条件,不难得出弦AB的长;(2)若∠C是钝角,故其余弦值小于0,由余弦定理得到a2+b2<c2<(2R)2,即可证得结果;(3)根据图形进行分类讨论判断三角形的形状与两边a,b的关系,以及与直径的大小的比较,分成三类讨论即可.解答:解:(1)在△ABC中,BC=2,∠ABC=45°===2R⇒b=2sinA=∵A为锐角∴A=30°,B=45°∴C=75°∴AB=2Rsin75°=4sin75°=;(2)∠C为钝角,∴cosC<0,且cosC≠1cosC=<0∴a2+b2<c2<(2R)2即a2+b2<4R2(8分)(3)a>2R或a=b=2R时,△ABC不存在当时,A=90,△ABC存在且只有一个∴c=当时,∠A=∠B且都是锐角sinA=sinB=时,△ABC存在且只有一个∴c=2RsinC=2Rsin2AC=当时,∠B总是锐角,∠A可以是钝角,可是锐角∴△ABC存在两个∠A<90°时,c=∠A>90°时,c=点评:本题考查三角形中的几何计算,综合考查了三角形形状的判断,解三角形,三角形的外接圆等知识,综合性很强,尤其是第三问需要根据a,b两边以及直径的大小比较确定三角形的形状.再在这种情况下求第三边的表达式,本解法主观性较强.难度较大.25.(2010•郑州二模)在△ABC中,a、b、c分别是角A、B、C的对边,=(2b﹣c,cosC),=(a,cosA),且∥.(Ⅰ)求角A的大小;(Ⅱ)求2cos2B+sin(A﹣2B)的最小值.考点:三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:(Ⅰ)根据∥和两向量的坐标可求得,利用正弦定理把边转化成角的正弦,然后利用两角和公式化简整理求得cosA的值,进而求得A(Ⅱ)把A的值代入,利用两角和公式整理后,利用正弦函数的性质求得2cos2B+sin(A﹣2B)的最小值.解答:解:(Ⅰ)由得.由正弦定理得,.∴.∵A,B∈(0,π),∴sinB≠0,,∴.(Ⅱ)解:∵∴2cos2B+sin(A﹣2B)==,.2cos2B+sin(A﹣2B)的最小值为点评:本题主要考查了三角形中的几何计算,正弦定理的应用和两角和公式的化简求值.注意综合运用三角函数的基础公式,灵活解决三角形的计算问题.26.在△ABC中,A、B、C是三角形的内角,a、b、c是三内角对应的三边,已知,.(1)求∠A;(2)求△ABC的面积S.考点:正弦定理的应用;三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:(1)由已知结合正弦与余弦定理=化简可求b,由余弦定理可得,cosA=代入可求cosA,及A(2)代入三角形的面积公式可求解答:解:(1)∵∵∴=化简可得,b2﹣2b﹣8=0∴b=4由余弦定理可得,cosA==∴;(2)==点评:本题主要考查了解三角形的基本工具:正弦定理与余弦定理的应用,解题的关键是具备综合应用知识解决问题的能力27.在△ABC中,a、b、c分别是角A、B、C的对边,且(2a+c)cosB+bcosC=0.(Ⅰ)求角B的值;(Ⅱ)若a+c=4,求△ABC面积S的最大值.考点:三角函数中的恒等变换应用;三角形中的几何计算.专题:计算题.分析:(Ⅰ)利用正弦定理化简(2a+c)cosB+bcosC=0,得到三角形的角的关系,通过两角和与三角形的内角和,求出B的值;(Ⅱ)通过S=,利用B=以及a+c=4,推出△ABC面积S的表达式,通过平方法结合a的范围求出面积的最大值.解答:解(Ⅰ)由正弦定理得(2sinA+sinC)cosB+sinBcosC=0,即2sinAcosB+sinCcosB+cosCsinB=0得2sinACcosB+sin(C+B)=0,因为A+B+C=π,所以sin(B+C)=sinA,得2sinAcosB+sinA=0,因为sinA≠0,所以cosB=﹣,又B为三角形的内角,所以B=.(Ⅱ)因为S=,由B=及a+c=4得S===,又0<a<4,所以当a=2时,S取最大值…(3分)点评:本题是中档题,考查三角形面积的最值,三角形的边角关系,三角函数的公式的灵活应用,考查计算能力.28.已知△ABC的外接圆半径,a、b、C分别为∠A、∠B、∠C的对边,向量,,且.(1)求∠C的大小;(2)求△ABC面积的最大值.考点:三角函数的恒等变换及化简求值;三角形中的几何计算.专题:综合题.分析:(1)由,推出,利用坐标表示化简表达式,结合余弦定理求角C;(2)利用(1)中c2=a2+b2﹣ab,应用正弦定理和基本不等式,求三角形ABC的面积S的最大值.解答:解答:解:(1)∵∴且,由正弦定理得:化简得:c2=a2+b2﹣ab由余弦定理:c2=a2+b2﹣2abcosC∴,∵0<C<π,∴(2)∵a2+b2﹣ab=c2=(2RsinC)2=6,∴6=a2+b2﹣ab≥2ab﹣ab=ab(当且仅当a=b时取“=”),所以,.点评:本题考查数量积判断两个平面向量的垂直关系,正弦定理,余弦定理的应用,考查学生分析问题解决问题的能力,是中档题.。
六年级小学数学毕业考试易错题目50道一.选择题(共10题, 共20分)1.下面说法正确的是()。
A.负数到0的距离比正数到0的距离小B.上升为正数, 下降为负数C.0大于一切负数, 小于一切正数2.小明的期末数学成绩高于平均分3分记为+3, 小亮的分数记为-4, 说明()。
A.高于平均分4分B.低于平均分4分C.小明和小亮相差4分3.下面各题中, 两种量成反比例关系的是()。
A.正方形的边长和周长B.订阅《小学生周报》的总价和数量C.被减数一定, 减数和差D.从武夷山东站到福州北站, 列车行驶的速度和所需的时间4.用铜制成的零件的体积和质量()。
A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例5.学校举行自然科学知识竞赛, 抢答题的评分规则是答对一题加100分, 答错一题扣10分。
把加100分记作+100, 四年级同学答对了8道题, 答错了2道题, 他们的得分记作()。
A.+800B.-20C.+7806.把一块三角形的地画在比例尺是1: 500的图纸上, 量得图上三角形的底是12厘米, 高8厘米, 这块地实际面积是()。
A.480平方米B.240平方米C.1200平方米7.李大爷用一块地种土豆, 去年收土豆4.5吨, 比前年增产五成, 前年这块地收土豆()。
A.6.1B.1.6C.135D.9.1700多年前, 我国数学家()首次明确提出了正负数的概念。
A.祖冲之B.刘徽C.华罗庚D.陈景润10.根据下表中的两种相关联的量的变化情况, 判断它们成不成比例?成什么比例?总价一定, 单价和数量()。
A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例D.不成反比例二.判断题(共10题, 共20分)1.若两个圆柱体的侧面积相等, 则它们的体积也相等。
()2.一张图纸的比例尺是1∶50, 这个比例尺表示图上距离1厘米相当于实际距离50千米。
[单选题]A.16厘米(正确答案)B.8厘米C.16平方厘米4.在一个月、一个季度、下半年中都是居第一天的是() [单选题]A.8月1日B.7月1日(正确答案)C.6月1日5.一部电影从下午5时25分开始放映,共放映1小时50分,这部电影()结束。
[单选题] A.6小时B.9小时C.10小时(正确答案)8.从2096年接着往后数后面一个闰年是()。
( ) [单选题] 对错(正确答案)2.6月是小月,所以这个月里最多有4个星期日。
( ) [单选题]对错(正确答案)74.闰年上半年的天数与下半年天数同样多。
1. 下列说法正确的是()。
a) 民主党派必须在中国共产党的领导下进行多党合作和政治协商
b) 共产党员是中国共产党的基本成员
c) 社会主义初级阶段是中国特色社会主义的发展阶段
d) 宪法是国家的根本大法,具有最高法律效力
答案:c) 社会主义初级阶段是中国特色社会主义的发展阶段
2. 下列说法错误的是()。
a) 历史唯物主义认为人类社会发展是客观规律决定的
b) 中国少数民族有自己的自治区、自治县、自治州等自治组织
c) 参与国家事务是公民的权利和义务
d) 政党制度是中国特色社会主义的基本制度
答案:d) 政党制度是中国特色社会主义的基本制度
3. “四项基本原则”是指()。
a) 历史唯物主义、实事求是、解放思想、崇尚科学
b) 目标管理、效率优先、责权清晰、管理程序化
c) 马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、三个代表重要思想
d) 社会主义、民主、法治、和谐
答案:c) 马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、三个
4. 下列说法正确的是()。
a) 宪法是国家的根本大法,具有最高法律效力
b) 社会主义市场经济是中国特色社会主义的经济基础
c) 民主是社会主义的本质特征
d) 人民代表大会制度是中国的根本政治制度
答案:a) 宪法是国家的根本大法,具有最高法律效力。
人教版四年级上语文易错题(含答案) 1. 选择题
1.1 下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是:()
A. 苹果、桔子、西瓜
B. 老师、同学、家长
C. 张三、李四、王五
D. 书房、卧室、客人
1.2 请找出下列词语中的同义词:班级、年级、学校、教室
A. 班级、年级
B. 年级、学校
C. 学校、班级
D. 教室、班级
2. 填空题
2.1 五笔与拼音是中文输入法中常用的两种输入方式,其中五
2.2 “人山人海”中的“人山”形容的是人多,而“人海”中的“人海”形容的是()。
3. 完成句子
3.1 春天的花儿,夏天的花儿。
3.2 故宫是中国的一颗明珠,它历史,让人们领略到了古代中国的辉煌。
4. 简答题
4.1 请简要描述中秋节的由来和庆祝活动。
5. 判断题
5.1 下列词语中,“想要”是一个动词。
- [ ] 对
- [x] 错
5.2 下列汉字中,“早”是几画的汉字。
- [x] 7
- [ ] 8
答案:5.1 错;5.2 7
一、单项选择题1. I'm sorry, I can't understand you. You speak too _______.A. slowlyB. fastC. loudlyD. softly【错误选项】B. fast【解析】此题考查副词辨析。
2. The teacher said that he would _______ the examination paper if we studied hard.A. changeB. giveC. takeD. pass【错误选项】C. take【解析】此题考查动词辨析。
二、完形填空The Internet has become an essential part of our lives. It helps us communicate with others, find information, and even shop online. However, it also brings some problems.One problem is that people spend too much time on the Internet. They may forget about their studies, work, and even their health. Another problem is that some people become addicted to online games or social media. They spend hours every day playing games or chatting with friends, which affects their real-life relationships.To solve these problems, we should set a reasonable time for using the Internet. We should also be aware of the potential risks and protect our personal information. In addition, we should maintain a healthylifestyle by exercising and spending time with our family and friends.1. The first problem mentioned in the passage is that people _______.A. spend too much time on the InternetB. forget about their studies and workC. become addicted to online gamesD. become addicted to social media【错误选项】B. forget about their studies and work【解析】根据第一段第一句和第二句,我们可以知道,第一个问题是人们花太多时间在互联网上。
1. 若√(x - 3)在实数范围内有意义,则x的取值范围是()A. x>3B. x≥3C. x<3D. x≤3解析:二次根式有意义的条件是被开方数为非负数。
所以在√(x - 3)中,x-3≥0,解得x≥3,答案为B。
2. 化简√((-2)^2)的结果是()A. - 2.B. 2.C. 4.D. ±2解析:√((-2)^2)=√(4) = 2,这里要注意算术平方根是非负的,答案为B。
3. 一个直角三角形的两条直角边分别为3和4,则斜边为()A. 5.B. 6.C. 7.D. 8.解析:根据勾股定理a^2+b^2=c^2(其中a、b为直角边,c为斜边),所以斜边c=√(3^2)+4^{2}=√(9 + 16)=√(25)=5,答案为A。
4. 已知直角三角形的斜边为5,一条直角边为3,则另一条直角边是()A. 4.B. 3.C. 5.D. 6.解析:设另一条直角边为x,根据勾股定理可得3^2+x^2=5^2,即x^2=25 -9=16,解得x = 4,答案为A。
5. 在平行四边形ABCD中,∠ A:∠ B = 1:2,则∠ C的度数为()A. 30^∘B. 60^∘C. 120^∘D. 150^∘解析:因为平行四边形邻角互补,即∠ A+∠ B=180^∘,又因为∠ A:∠ B = 1:2,设∠ A=x,∠ B = 2x,则x+2x=180^∘,3x=180^∘,x = 60^∘。
平行四边形的对角相等,所以∠ C=∠ A=60^∘,答案为B。
6. 平行四边形的对角线AC、BD相交于点O,若AC = 10,BD = 12,AB=m,则m 的取值范围是()A. 1B. 2C. 10D. 5解析:平行四边形的对角线互相平分,所以AO = 5,BO=6。
在三角形ABO中,根据三角形三边关系,BO - AO,即6 - 5,1,答案为A。
1. 一个两位小数精确到十分位是 5.0,这个数最小是()A. 4.99B. 5.1C. 4.95D. 4.94.解析:“四舍”得到的 5.0 最大是 5.04,“五入”得到的 5.0 最小是 4.95。
答案选 C。
2. 把一个平行四边形拉成一个长方形,它的面积()A. 比原来大B. 比原来小C. 与原来一样大D. 无法比较。
答案选 A。
3. 下面算式中,商最大的是()A. 54÷0.36B. 5.4÷36C. 5.4÷0.36D. 540÷36.解析:分别计算各选项的商:54÷0.36 = 150;5.4÷36 = 0.15;5.4÷0.36 = 15;540÷36 = 15。
商最大的是 150,答案选 A。
4. 一个三角形的面积是 48 平方厘米,底是 8 厘米,高()厘米。
A. 6B. 3C. 12D. 24.解析:三角形的面积 = 底×高÷2,所以高 = 面积×2÷底,即 48×2÷8 = 12(厘米)。
答案选 C。
5. 与 3.75×1.6 结果相同的算式是()A. 0.375×0.16B. 37.5×16C. 37.5×0.16D. 375×0.016.解析:一个因数扩大(或缩小)若干倍,另一个因数缩小(或扩大)相同的倍数,积不变。
3.75 扩大 10 倍是 37.5,1.6 缩小 10 倍是 0.16,所以 3.75×1.6 = 37.5×0.16。
答案选 C。
1. 0.78 公顷 =()平方米。
解析:因为 1 公顷 = 10000 平方米,所以 0.78 公顷 = 0.78×10000 = 7800 平方米。
英语单项选择单选易错题一、选择题1.The film is worth seeing________second time—it reminds me of ________happy old days I spent in the country.A.the; 不填B.a; the C.a; 不填D.the; the2.— The fact is that there is increase in population.— Yes. Our country has _____ population of 1.3 billion.A.an, a B.the, a C.an, the D.the, the3.Do you think that little boy should know the road safety?A.so B.such C.so a D.such a4.In 1985, Spud became ____ NBA player and then he came____first in the Slam Dunk Contest. A.an; the B.a; the C.an; /D.a; /5.As ________ volunteer at the Yangzhou Expo 2021, Wei Hua understands ________ idea of green life better than before.A.a; an B.a; the C.the; an D.the; the6.--- Jim took one-hour ride just now.--- He spent such a short time finishing such a long way!A.a B.an C.the D./7.This is ______ unusual course that is taught in ______ university, but it’s of no use to the real life.A.an, a B.an, an C.a, an D.a, a8.—Is Russia ________ European country?—Yes, though most of it lies in Asia.A.a B./ C.an D.the9.The novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame(《巴黎圣母院》)tells us that ________ ugly person may have a beautiful mind.A./ B.the C.a D.an10.Almost all the people in Binhai, our hometown, work hard to make it ________ better place. A.a B.an C.the D./二、选择题11.Some friends tried to calm down Mr. and Mrs. White and help solve their problem without hurting the feeling of ________, but failed.A.none B.either C.both D.neither12.He thinks himself ________, but we think him ________.A.somebody, anybody B.somebody, nobody C.anybody, somebody D.anybody, nobody 13.They have provided several ways to solve the problem. We can choose _________ to start with.A.it B.that C.one D.each14.The teacher shared the photos of our school trip on her WeChat Moments. We can see them for ________.A.herself B.himself C.ourselves D.themselves 15.—Are there any air tickets to Hong Kong?—Sorry. There is ________ left.A.nothing B.none C.nobody D.no one 16.—Which would you like to choose for your PE entrance exam, basketball or volleyball?—________. I prefer football.A.Both B.Either C.None D.Neither 17.We’d like to recommend Millie as the Young Star because of ________ effort and kindness. A.our B.ours C.her D.hers 18.Wearing red makes________easy________us to take action.A.it; for B.this; of C.that; for D.it; of三、选择题19.—Searching for information is not a big deal today.—Exactly, the ________ is how we can tell whether the information is true or not. A.advantage B.message C.challenge D.knowledge 20.Rec ently, he seemed to be not himself and gave up many chances. We’d better do something to stop him losing the ________ of his life.A.sense B.course C.direction D.condition 21.— Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes, Tony?— Sure! Mom will be angry if she sees this ________, I think.A.matter B.mess C.trouble D.difficulty 22.—Michael, could you tell me the way to Haian Museum?—Sorry. But you can download a map app on your phone that can show you ________ and guide you to where you want to go.A.conversation B.location C.invention D.introduction 23.Because plenty of _______ were found, Sanxingdui Ruins was named the Scientific Education Base for China’s Youth (中国青少年科教基地) in March this year.A.standards B.projects C.treasures D.instructions24.I have a poor ________ of direction, so I am afraid to go out alone.A.scene B.silence C.service D.sense25.When autumn comes, the ________ will turn yellow, and fall from the tree. A.mountains B.leaves C.birds D.plants26.The visitor told a very ______story about what he did for a ______in Africa.A.lively;living B.lively;life C.living;living D.alive; live四、选择题27.—I always get the best grade in my class, but I’m feeling stressed.—Why? Are your parents too ________ with you?A.angry B.satisfied C.bored D.strict28.— I got a job in a sales company.—Great! Make yourself ________ so that they don’t want to lose you.A.valuable B.possible C.enjoyable D.comfortable 29.You’ve watched the boring soap opera thousands of times! Why don’t you go outside and find something ________ doing?A.useful B.cheerful C.enjoyable D.worth30.This kind of drink tastes ________ but there’s only ________ in this bottle. I’d like some more.A.good;a little B.well;a little C.good;little D.well;little 31.—How do you feel about the dish?—Look! This is nothing but ________ vegetable soup.A.famous B.wonderful C.unusual D.common32.It’s really ________ that modern technology can help doctors treat patients online! A.private B.famous C.amazing D.traditional33.My English teacher is a___________ lady and she often corrects my pronunciation again and again.A.patient B.creative C.modest D.curious 34.—Jack is such a ________ person that everyone likes him.—He is. He always offers a hand when his neighbours are in trouble.A.curious B.confident C.helpful D.serious35.I hear there will be ________jobs for people because robots will do some of the jobs. A.fewer B.less C.more D.better36.— Are you going to take part in the speech competition?—That’s for sure. It’s _______ a chance to miss.A.small enough B.good enough C.too small D.too good 37.Don’t be angry with your monitor, Tom. He’s just a little ________, but in fact he’s kind to us each.A.polite B.brave C.modest D.strict 38.—Dad, I've tried my best but I still can't solve these problems.—Don't worry, my son. No one is ________ and everyone fails from time to time. A.successful B.confident C.perfect D.excellent五、选择题39.Anyone who can find the clues ________ the case will get a reward of 5,000 yuan.A.with B.to C.at D.from40.—I haven’t bee n to Shenzhen for years.—You really need to pay a visit, and you’ll find changes there are ________ imagination. A.beyond B.through C.without D.for41.— What do you think of those smart kids in the game show?— There is no doubt that many of them have a gift ________ maths.A.for B.in C.on D.at 42.Sometimes I feel stressed because what my parents want me to do has gone ________ my ability.A.through B.against C.above D.beyond六、选择题43.—Hello, this is Taicang Middle School.—I want to talk to Mr. Chen. Can you ________ me ________?A.put…in B.put…out C.put…through D.put…up 44.—We have waited for Tom for half an hour. Why hasn’t he ________ yet?—He may have got lost. Let me call him.A.cheered up B.taken up C.stayed up D.shown up 45.—Aunt Lexie, could you please teach me how to _________ "red envelope" on WeChat?—Certainly. It goes like this.A.give away B.give up C.give back D.give out七、选择题46.—Suzy described every detail of the accident just now.—Her memory ________ be completely back.A.shall B.need C.must D.could 47.—Is it usually warm in Yancheng in May?—Yes. But it _______ be rather cold sometimes.A.must B.should C.would D.can 48.Mr. Black ________ be at home now. He went abroad on vacation last Friday. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t 49.—Mum, I bought some strawberries on my way home.—Oh, you’re so sweet. But the strawberries ________ be put into the fridge for freshness. A.must B.can C.may D.need 50.—The high school entrance examination is coming!— Yes, our teacher tells us we ________ be too careful while taking exams.A.mustn’t B.shouldn’t C.needn’t D.can’t 51.— Is Lang Lang going to perform at Art Center this Friday?— Yes. It ________ be him. He has been here for three days.A.might B.must C.mustn’t D.may 52.— Mom, must I clean my room now?— No, you ________. You can do it after dinner.A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.can’t 53.The boy is very brave.I ________ he ________ the tall tree.A.dare say; dares to climbB.dare to say; dare climbingC.dare saying; dares climbD.dare to say; dares climbed54.Think twice before making a decision, or you __________ get into trouble.A.may B.can't C.shouldn't D.mustn't八、选择题55.— terrible mess you have made!—Sorry, I will clear it up right now.A.What B.What a C.How D.How a56._______ awful the weather is! I’m afraid we have to cancel our sports meeting.A.What an B.What C.How an D.How57.How beautiful ________ dress is ! She must be happy to get it ________ birthday present. A.the; as a B.the; like a C.a; as a D.a; like the 58.You can't imagine amazing they are you see them with your eyes.A.what; unless B.how; unlessC.how; if D.what; if九、选择题59.—________ do you play basketball with your friends?— Only once a week.A.How long B.How much C.How soon D.How often 60.— _______ are you going to the School Uniform Exhibition, Amy ?— To learn about different styles of school uniform.A.What B.Where C.Why D.Which61.— will the project of high-speed railway connecting Xuzhou to Lianyungang be completed?—In about two years.A.How long B.How far C.How soon D.How often62.—I heard that you were a volunteer in Huai'an Marathon. ________ was it?—It was about 42 kilometres.A.How much B.How far C.How long D.How many十、选择题63.— Excuse me, where is the nearest post office? —It’s ________ to the bank, but it ________ for a few days.A.close; has closed B.close; has been closed C.closed; has been closed D.closed; has been close64.The last team of medical workers ________ a warm welcome when returning to Nanjing from Wuhan this April.A.was giving B.was given C.has given D.gave65.— Daddy, when will we go out to fly a kite?— As soon as your homework _________.A.will finish B.will be finished C.is finished D.finishes66.Take it easy! This big experiment _______ several parts for you.A.was divided to B.divided into C.is divided into D.is divided 67.Last March, thousands of trees ______ along the street to make our city more beautiful. A.were planted B.were planting C.would plant D.planted 68.Chinese __________by more and more people in the world now.A.speak B.spoke C.is spoken D.was spoken 69.—The film Coco ________ with the Oscar Award not long ago.—That’s great! It deserves such a high prize.A.presents B.presented C.is presented D.was presented十一、选择题70.— Where is Tom?— Look! He ________with the teacher over there.A.talk B.talks C.talked D.is talking 71.—What’s that noise, Mike?—My little sister ________ with her toy car now.A.plays B.played C.will play D.is playing 72.—Tony, hurry up! We ________ for you now.—Just one minute.A.wait B.waited C.have waited D.are waiting 73.—May I use your computer?—Sorry, I ________ on it.A.work B.worked C.have worked D.am working 74.—Hurry up!—One moment. I ________ my e-mails.A.reading B.am reading C.was reading D.have read 75.—Tom, where's dad?—Oh, he ________ the flowers in the garden.A.waters B.is watering C.watered D.has watered 76.—Where is Frank?—He _________ to music in his room.A.listens B.is listening C.listened D.was listening十二、选择题77.Stephen Hawking had a serious illness, _______ he kept studying physics.A.and B.but C.so D.or78.Tony had a high fever and coughed a lot, ________ his parents took him to hospital at once. A.for B.but C.or D.so79.________ he used to be 200 kilos in the past, he has lost too much weight by exercising now. A.Although B.So C.Until D.But80.2018年上海长宁二模Martin didn't eat up all the food he ordered,________he took the rest away.A.for B.or C.as D.so81.Those who want to lose weight have to exercise every day, _________ they might get fat again.A.though B.if C.so that D.or82.2018年上海崇明二模Please dial 120 immediately,_______ the old man may die soon.A.and B.or C.but D.so十三、选择题83.—Excuse me, can you tell me ________?—Sorry, I don’t know. You can go to the in formation desk.A.that there is a train B.when the train leavesC.where does the train go D.which train can I take84.—Your book is very interesting. Can you tell me ________?—In Xinhua Bookstore next to our school.A.where did you buy it B.why did you buy itC.where you bought it D.why you bought it十四、选择题85.When Tom saw his mother ______ for him on a cold winter night, he couldn’t keep back his tears.A.wait B.waited C.to wait D.waiting86.---Is Jack in the next room ?---It’s hard to say. B ut I heard him _____ loudly when I passed by just now.A.speak B.to speak C.spoken D.speaking 87.The film _______ real-life events ________ by Li An. It’s moving.A.based upon, directed B.based upon, was directedC.was based upon, directed D.was based upon, was directed88.—Is there anything amazing in today’s newspaper?—Yes. By using ordinary computers, NASA scientists are busy________ at home to control a space rover(天体登陆车)on the Red Planet. .A.to programme B.programming C.programme D.with programming 89.----What do you remember about Grade 7 ?----I remember ______ a prize .A.to win B.winning C.win D.wining 90.Nobody can imagine what difficulty we had home in the snowstorm.A.to walking B.to walk C.walked D.Walking91.The girl is often heard ________ in the music room. Her voice sounds beautiful. A.practice singing B.practiced singing C.to practice singing D.to practice sing 92.—I hope to take the DIY course at weekends.—Good idea. ________ more about it, visit the website http://www. . please. A.Know B.To know C.Knowing D.To knowing 93.Sallie rolls up her new trousers carefully _____ them from dust.A.protect B.protecting C.to protect D.to protecting 94.—Why are you so excited today?—Because we were told a school trip this weekend.A.having B.have C.to have D.had95.There ______ a group of people _______on the beach.A.is, lying B.are, lying C.have, laid D.has,lie96.The audience enjoyed the lecture ________ by Hans and Einstein joined in the applause too. A.given B.giving C.to give D.gave十五、选择题97.—I stayed up late to finish my report last night and I feel tired now.—________. Sleep is also important.A.Don’t burn the candle at both ends B.Actions speak louder than words C.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket D.Many hands make light work 98.—Dad, it’s difficult for me to clean the whole yard on my own.— Why not ask your brother for help? ________A.Use it or lose it! B.Knowledge is power!C.Practice makes perfect! D.Many hands make light work!99.一I can’t believe you ha ve finished the work.一My friends helped me out. Just as the saying goes,”__________.”A.Practice makes perfectB.Put all your eggs in one basketC.Burn the candle at both endsD.Many hands make light work100.—It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.—That’s right. ________.A.Don’t burn the candle at both ends B.No pain, no gainC.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket D.Many hands make light work【参考答案】一、选择题1.B解析:B【详解】句意:这部电影值得再看一遍——它让我想起了我在乡下度过的快乐时光。
.. 高考易混易错对比选择题100例分类整理易混句型① The writer and scientist _______present at the meeting.② The writer and the scientist ________ present at the meeting.A. wereB. wasC. hasD. had1.① He has two watches, but ______of them works well.② He has two watches, and _____of them work well.A. bothB. noneC. neitherD. either2.① Jenny ______ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.② Jenny ______ have kept her word, I wonder why she didn’t change her mind.A. mustB. shouldC. needD. would3.① ______many times, so he could understand it.② _____ many times, he couldn’t understand it.③______many times, he still couldn’t understand it.A.Having been toldB. Having toldC. He had been toldD. Though he had beentold57.① The question______ at the meeting yesterday is very important.② The question______now at the meeting is very important.③ The question_____ tomorrow is very important.A. discussingB. discussedC. being discussedD. to be discussed58.① I can’t help _____ the work for her because she’s too young to do it.② I can’t help but _____ the work for her because she’s too young to do it.A. doB. didC. doingD. to doing59.① _____ many times, but she still didn’t know how to do it.② _____ many times, she still didn’t know how to do it.A. She was taughtB. Having taughtC. Having been taughtD. She has taught60.① The old man entered the room, ______ by his son.② The old man entered the room, ______ his son.A. followB. to followC. followedD. following57.① Is this bike _____ she lost the day before yesterday?② Is this the bike _____ she lost the day before yesterday?A. thatB. whatC. the oneD. it58.①Is this park_____he visited the other day?②Is this the park _____ he visited the other day?A. in whichB. the oneC. 不填D. where59.① There ______ no buses, we had to walk home.②There _____ no buses, so we had to walk home.A. isB. wereC. areD. beingI. 冠词4.①Three years later he turned _______doctor.②Three years later he became______doctor.A. anB. aC. 不填D. the5.①My brother often plays _____football after school.②My brother often plays ______ piano after school.A. 不填B. aC. theD. anII. 名词及主谓一致6.① Many students find ______ difficult to learn.② Many students find ______ language difficult to learn.A. EnglishB. an EnglishC. the EnglishD. England7.① The writer and scientist _______present at the meeting.② The writer and the scientist ________ present at the meeting.A. wereB. wasC. hasD. had8.①He as well as his brother _____ football now.②He and his brother ______ football now.A. is playingB. is playedC. are playingD. are played9.①All of the apples ______rotten.②All of the apple ______ rotten.A. areB. isC. have beenD. has been10.①More than 70 percent of the population of this country _______ peasants.②The population of this country ________ about 13,000,000.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are11.①Mary used to have______ with her husband before they aparted.②Mary is asking for you. Maybe she will have _____ with you.A. some wordsB. wordsC. the wordD. a word12.①Mr Brown with his friends _____ of collecting stamps.②Mr Brown and his friends ____ of collecting stamps.A. is fondB. are fondC. fondD. fonds.III. 代词13.①New York is much larger than _______in America.② New York is much larger than _______ in India.A. other cityB. any cityC. all citiesD. any other city14.① He has two watches, but ______of them works well.② He has two watches, and _____of them work well.A. bothB. noneC. neitherD. either15.①— Who did you see in the room? — _______ .②— How many people did you see in the room? — _____ .A. No oneB. NoneC. AnyoneD. Any one16.①—Do you need a pen?—Yes, I need _____.②I bought a pen yesterday. I like _____ very muck.A. thisB. itC. thatD. oneIV. 动词及时态、语态17.①The workers ______a new hospital since the end of last year.②The workers ______ a new hospital by the end of last year.A. have builtB. have been buildingC. had builtD. were building18.① I _____10 dollars on the dictionary.② I _____10 dollars for the dictionary.③ The dictionary _____ me 10 dollars.A. tookB. costC. paidD. spent19.①“You _______ be a bit tired. Why not stop to rest? ”②“You _____ be so tired.You just started half an hour ago.”A. shouldB. can’tC. mustD. mustn’t20.① Jenny ______ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.② Jenny ______ have kept her word, I wonder why she didn’t change her mind.A. mustB. shouldC. needD. would21.① She ____ early before she came here.② She ____early since she came here.A. used to get upB. has used to get upC. has been used to getting upD. used to getting up.22.①We had thought what we did ______him.②We had thought that we did_____him.A. satisfyingB. satisfactionC. satisfiedD. satisfy23.① Mary will _____sure to go there tomorrow.② Mary _____ sure to go there tomorrow..A. areB. beC. isD. does24.① You _____wait until your father ______ back.② You _____leave until you father____back.A. should…comesB. shouldn’t…will comeC. shouldn’t…comesD. should…will come25.① ______ come if you have time.② He _____ do it the other day.A. DoB. DoesC. didD. HaveV. 非谓语动词类26.①The little girl had no choice but _______ at home.②The little girl could do nothing but ______ at home.A. to stayB. to stayingC. stayedD. stay27.①The book is worth_____, I think.②The book is worthy of _____, I think.③ The book is worthy_______, I think.A. to be readB. being readC. readingD. read28.① Our teacher entered the classroom, ______ .②Our teacher entered the classroom, with _____ .A. a book in handB. book in handC. a book in his handD. book in his hand29.① ______many times, so he could understand it.② _____ many times, he couldn’t understand it.③______many times, he still couldn’t understand it.B.Having been told B. Having toldC. He had been toldD. Though he had beentold57.①______ from the top of a twenty-storied building, Wuhan looks verybeautiful.② ______ these pictures, he couldn’t help thinking of those days when he was in Wuhan.A. SeeingB. To seeC. SeenD. Saw58.① The question______ at the meeting yesterday is very important.② The question______now at the meeting is very important.③ The question_____ tomorrow is very important.A. discussingB. discussedC. being discussedD. to be discussed59.①Our teacher tried to speak louder in order to made us _____ him.②Our teacher tried to speak louder in order to made herself _____.A. to hearB. hearingC. heardD. hear60.①Time ______, he shall go outing... ②If time _____, he shall go outing.A. permittedB. permitsC. permittingD. would permit61.① _____ many times, he has already known how to do it.② _____ many times, but he still didn’t know how to do it.A. Having been toldB. He had been toldC. Though he had been toldD. Having told62.① _____this road and you’ll get to the cinema.② _____this road, you’ll get to the cinema.A. To followB. FollowC. If followingD. Following after63.① I can’t help _____ the work for her because she’s too young to do it.② I can’t help but _____ the work for her because she’s too young to do it.A. doB. didC. doingD. to doing64.① I forgot_____ her the book. I’ll go back to take it.② I forgot _____ her the book, so I went back to take it again.A. to returnB. returningC. to return backD. return65.①He had the sick girl_____ to the hospital.②He had the sick girl _____ medicine to the hospital.A. carryB. to carryC. carryingD. carried66.① _____ many times, but she still didn’t know how to do it.② _____ many times, she still didn’t know how to do it.A. She was taughtB. Having taughtC. Having been taughtD. She has taught67.① She is considered ____ the dance hall.② She has considered _____the dance hall so far.A. how to buyingB. to buyC. to have boughtD. buying68.① _____ in the magazine, I made a decision to read it again.② _____by the magazine, I made a decision to read it.A. InterestB. InterestedC. To interestD. Being interested69.①What_____me most was that nobody was on duty.②What was most ____ to me was that nobody was on duty.A. to surpriseB. surprisingC. surprisedD. in surprise70.① Would you like _____to the film this evening?② Do you feel like _____to the film this evening?A. goingB. to goC. goD. gone71.① There were 12 persons in the bus, _____a baby .② There were 12 persons in the bus, a baby _____ .A. to includeB. includingC. includedD. to contain72.① He was too busy _____his friend.② He was very busy _____ his friend.A. in acceptingB. withC. to receiveD. receiving73.① The old man entered the room, ______ by his son.② The old man entered the room, ______ his son.A. followB. to followC. followedD. following74.① The little boy would like _____ her to the cinema.② The little boy would like ______ to the cinema.A. to takeB. takingC. to be takenD. being taken75.① My mother went home, and _____ the door open.② My mother went home, _____the door open.A. to findB. foundC. findingD. find76.① Could you tell me _____to do it tomorrow?② Could you tell me ____ to do tomorrow?A. whenB. howC. whatD. that77.① These professors _____ already to the party are from England.② These professors _____tomorrow to the party are from England.A. being invitedB. having been invitedC. invitedD. to be invited78.① I’m sorry _____ you so much trouble.② I’m sorry for_____ you so much trouble.A. having givenB. to have been givenC. to have givenD. having been given79.① Seeing is_____.② To see is_____.A. believingB. believeC. to believeD. belief80.①The building _____last year is a new school.②The building ______next year is a new library.A. buildingB. builtC. to be builtD. being built81.①It takes a lot of ____ to build a house.②A new chemical _____will be set up soon.A. workingB. worksC. workD. job82.①He couldn’t help ______ the housework, for he was busy.②He couldn’t help _____ at the news.A. cryB. doC. doingD. cryingVI. 介词83.①She often goes to school _______bike.②She often goes to school _______foot.A. inB. atC. onD. by84.①Her composition is well written ______some spelling mistakes.② She goes to school every day ______Sunday.A. exceptB. besidesC. besideD. except for.VII.从句定语从句(强调句、状语从句、名词性从句)85.①He is one of the students who_______ good at drawing.②He is the only one of the students who_______ good at drawing.A. isB. doesC. areD. do86.①He lived in the city of Beijing ______there’s a theme park.②He lived in the city of Beijing and _____ there’s a theme park .A. in thatB. in itC. whereD. wherever60.① We young people should go _____ we’re most needed.② We young people should go to ______ we’re most needed.A. the place whichB. whereC. the place whereD. which61.① Is this bike _____ she lost the day before yesterday?② Is this the bike _____ she lost the day before yesterday?A. thatB. whatC. the oneD. it62.①_____is well known, Hong Kong has been returned to our motherland.② _____is well known that Hong Kong has been returned to our motherland.A. WhichB. AsC. ItD. That63.①We will never forget the days _______ we spent together.②We will never forget the days_______we worked together.A. thatB. whereC. on whichD. when64.①Tom got the first place,______ made his parents happy.②Tom got the first place, and _____ made his parents happy.A. asB. whichC. thatD. these65.① This is the reason ______ you all know.② I really don’t know the reason _____ Professor Li didn’t attend the meeting.A. whyB. whichC. becauseD. that66.①He is working hard, _____every one of us can see.②He passed the exam, _____ pleased every one of us.A. asB. itC. thatD. which67.①Is this park_____he visited the other day?②Is this the park _____ he visited the other day?A. in whichB. the oneC. 不填D. where68.① She didn’t leave the classroom _____she had finished the homework.②She got to the station ______the bus left.A. tillB. sinceC. whileD. before69.① The reason _____he couldn’t come was that his mother was ill.② It was ____ his mother was ill that he couldn’t come.A. asB. becauseC. sinceD. why70.①She has many novels, some of ________ are interesting..②She has many novels, and some of _______ are interesting.A. thatB. whichC. itD. them71.① It was in the house _____I saw that young man.② It was the house ______I saw the young man.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. where72.① This is the factory _____ I worked two years ago.② This is the factory _____ I visited two years ago.A. thatB. whereC. at thatD. what73.① My mother didn’t come back on April 25, _____was my birthday.② My mother didn’t come back on April 25, and _____was a pity.A. thatB. whichC. whenD. it74.①There is something wrong with my watch. _____needs repairing.②There is something wrong with my watch, ______ needs repairing.A. ItB. WhichC. whichD. that名词性从句75.①______ he said so made us very happy.② ______ he said made us very happy.A. WhichB. WhatC. ThatD. it76.①Do you think _____ John is getting on well with his studies?② ______ do you think John is getting on with his studies?A. howB. whichC. whatD. that77.①They don’t know _____ he will come unless told.②They don’t know ______ he will come until told.A. thatB. whetherC. how longD. if or not78.①He asked us the question ______ the film was worth seeing.②He made the suggestion ______the meeting should be put off.A. whenB. whereC. thatD. whether79.① ______ studies hard will make greater progress.②_____will come to finish this task hasn’t been decided yet.A. WhoB. WhoeverC. WhateverD. No matter who80.①I’m sure ______ he finished the task on time yesterday.②I’m not sure _____ he will finish the task on time.A. whetherB. whichC. ifD. that81.① ______he said at the meeting surprised us all.② _____ he said nothing at the meeting surprised us all.A. WhatB. WhichC. ThatD. Whether82.① ______ we’ll have a meeting tomorrow has been decided.②______ we’ll have a meeting tomorrow has not been decided.A. ThatB. IfC. WhetherD. what83.① Our teacher did ______ he could to help us.② Our teacher did all______ he could to help us..A. whatB. whichC. thatD. whom84.① Father promised _____I studied harder he would take me to Beijing nextsummer.② Father promised ____he would take me to Beijing next summer if I studied harder.A. thatB. ifC. that ifD. if that85.① _____ makes me feel sad seeing you living all alone.② ______ makes me feel sad is seeing you living all alone.A. ThatB. ThisC. ItD. What86.① _____Japan lies east of China is known to all.② I don’t know ____ has happened to him now.A. ifB. whatC. thatD. where状语人句87.① There ______ no buses, we had to walk home.②There _____ no buses, so we had to walk home.A. isB. wereC. areD. being88.①Study hard ,______you’ll succeed.②Study hard, _____ you’ll fail.A. unlessB. orC. butD. and89.①She is ______ good a teacher that we all like her .②She is _____ good teacher that we all like her.A. soB. suchC. such aD. quite a90.①It is 3 years ______ his brother joined the army.②It is 3 years ago _____ his brother joined the army.③ It’ll be 3 years _____ he comes backA. sinceB. thatC. afterD. before91.① It won’t be long ______we meet again.② He came soon _____ we had watered the garden.A. tillB. sinceC. afterD. before92.①_____ hard it may be, I will carry it out.② _____ great progress I have made, there is still a long way to go.A. HowB. HoweverC. WhateverD. What93.① ____ , he could lift the heavy stone② _____, he could not lift the heavy stone.A. Strong as he wasB. So strong as was heC. He was strong enoughD. As he was strong94.① _____, we had to go home on foot yesterday.② _____, so we had to go home on foot yesterday.A. There being no busesB. Because there being no busesC. There were no busesD. Without any buses.95.① ____ he come, what ____ you say to him?② _____ he comes, what _____ you say to him?A. Should…wouldB. When…wouldC. If…willD. Were to…do强调句型96.① It’s nine o’clock ____ we got to the station.② It’s at nine o’clock ____ we got to the station.A. asB. thatC. whenD. while97.① It was the first class ______ Miss Li taught us _____ we never forget.② It was in the first class _____Miss Li taught us ______we never forget it.A. that; thatB. that; andC. which; thatD. that; whichVIII.反意疑问句及其它98.①He must have lived here for 10 years, ______ he?②He must have finished the work yesterday, ______ he ?A. mustn’tB. haven’tC. didn’tD. hasn’t99.①He needs ______ on.②The doctor needs ____ on him.A. to operateB. being operatedC. operateD. to be operated100.①He is unfit for the job, ______ ?②He isn’t fit for the job, _______ ?A. isn’t heB. is heC. doesn’t heD. dose he 101.①Let's go at once, ______?②Let us go at once, ______ ?A. will youB. shall weC. do youD. does he102.①—You have bought a new car. —_______ .②—Mary has bought a new car. — ______.A. So did IB. So I haveC. So I didD. So have I 103.① I think he must be a good student, ______ ?② She thinks he must be a good student, _______?A. mustn’t heB. doesn’t sheC. don’t theyD. isn’t heKeys:I. 1.CB 2.ACII. 3.DC 4.BA 5.AB 6.CD 7. DC 8. BD 9.ABIII. 10.DB 11.CA 12.AB 13.DB.IV. 14.BD 15.DCB 16.CB 17.BA 18.AC 19.CD 20.BC 21.AC 22.AC V. 23.AD 24.CBA 25.BC 26.CDA 27.CA 28.BCD 29.DC 30.CB31.AB 32.BC 33.CA 34,AB 35.DA 36.AC 37.BD 38.BD 39.CB 40.BA41.BD 42.CB 43.CD 44.AC 45.AC 46.BC 47.CD 48.CA 49.AC50.BC 51.CB 52.BDVI. 53.DC 54.DAVII. 55..CA 56.CB 57.BC 58.CA 59.BC 60.AD 61.BC 62.DA 63.AD64.BC 65.AD 66.DB 67.BD 68.CD 69.BA 70.BD 71.AC 72.CB73.DA 74.ABD 75.DC 76.BA 77.DA 78.AC 79.AC 80.AC 81.CA 84.DB 85.DB 86.AC 87.ABD 88.DC 89.DC 90.DA91.AC 92.AB 93.CB 94.ABVIII. 95.DC 96.DA 97.AB 98.BA 99.BD 100. DB.。
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正确答案:B2. 加点字注音错误的一项是()A惟妙惟肖(xiào)坦荡如砥(dǐ)辗转反侧(zhǎn)称心如意(chèn)B妄自菲薄(bó)潜移默化(qián)辙乱旗靡(mǐ)挑拨离间(jiàn)C装模作样(mó)峰回路转(zhuǎn)沁人心脾(qìn)赫赫有名(hè)D曲径通幽(qū)上窜下跳(cuàn)随声附和(hè)万籁俱寂(lài)错选答案:D错选原因:“装模作样”的“模”的读音是“mú”,“上窜下跳”的“窜”的读音是“cu àn”。
二、字形1. 字形有误的一组是()A鄙薄修葺畸形竹篾B阔绰倦怠颧骨游弋C隔阂滑稽琐屑忌讳D害臊沟壑恳荒无赖错选答案:A或C错选原因:主要是没有掌握词的意思,不了解形声字。
正确答案:D 两个词语中的“敏”都是“快”的意思。
四、理解运用1.能使下列语意顺畅、连贯的一组短语是:( )实施素质教育有赖于、或者说根本受制于教育工作者的责任。
正确答案:B2.根据句意依次填写词语最恰当的是( )(1)傍晚时候,上灯了,一点点黄晕的光,( )出一片安静而和平的夜。
(2)我们上了轮船,离开栈桥,在一片( )的好似绿色大理石桌面的海上驶向远处。
(3)汽车在望不到边际的高原上奔驰,( )你的视野的,是黄绿错综的一条大毡子。
(4)沙丘的移动虽然慢,可是所到之处,森林全被( ),田园全被埋葬,城郭变成丘墟。
正确答案:B6.句中画横线的字解释都正确的是( )(1)他触目伤怀,自然感情不能自已。
”正确答案:B8.句中画横线的成语使用不恰当的是( )A等得不耐烦的父亲对儿子说:“看你妈出个门还得打扮半天,真是麻烦——让她深居简出还挺不容易!”B竹筏在湍急的河流中,就像一只漂浮于水面的甲虫,船工小心翼翼地撑着筏子,惟恐它被巨浪打翻。