
1. 伦理与专业标准(Ethics and Professional Standards):了解职业道德和行业规范的重要性。
2. 数量方法(Quantitative Methods):熟悉基本的数学和统计概念。
3. 经济学(Economics):理解宏观经济和微观经济的基本原理。
4. 金融报表分析(Financial Reporting and Analysis):理解财务报表的结构和内容。
5. 公司金融(Corporate Finance):理解资本预算和资本结构的基本原理。
6. 证券投资(Equity Investments):理解股票市场和股票投资的基本原理。
7. 固定收益投资(Fixed Income Investments):理解债券市场和债券投资的基本原理。
8. 衍生品投资(Derivative Investments):理解衍生品市场和衍生品投资的基本原理。
9. 另类投资(Alternative Investments):理解另类投资市场和另类投资的基本原理。

这本书的开篇就对金融分析师的考试做了全面的概述,让我对这个考试有了 更清晰的认识。它详细地介绍了考试的要求、内容、形式以及如何准备这样的考 试。这不仅为我提供了一个宏观的视角,被书中的内容所吸引。这本书并非简单地罗列知识 点,而是通过生动的案例、详尽的解释以及实用的图解,让我对金融世界有了更 加深入的了解。它不仅仅介绍了各种金融产品、市场运作,还对金融分析师的角 色、职责以及职业道德做了深入的探讨。
《新版CFA一级notes教材中文版特许注册金融分析师一级中文教材》的目录 结构清晰,按照CFA考试的大纲进行编排,分为几个主要部分。每个部分下面又 细分为若干章节,章节设置合理,符合知识点的逻辑关系。每个章节都配有一定 数量的习题,方便读者巩固所学知识。
从知识点的分布来看,这本书几乎涵盖了CFA一级考试的所有内容。从金融市 场的运行机制,到资产评估和投资组合管理,再到经济学和财务报表分析等,都 有详细的阐述。书中还涉及了一些实务性的内容,如投资策略、风险管理等,有 助于读者全面了解金融分析师的工作内容和所需技能。
“金融市场并非孤立存在,而是与实体经济紧密相连。理解这一点,对于我 们分析投资机会和风险至关重要。”
“投资不仅是一种经济行为,更是一种风险管理。成功的投资者不仅需要掌 握投资的技巧,更需要学会如何管理风险。”
“资产定价是金融市场的核心。理解资产定价的原理,能够帮助我们更好地 理解市场动态,从而做出更加明智的投资决策。”
这本教材不仅涵盖了CFA一级考试的全部内容,而且采用中文编写,使得中国 的考生能够更加轻松地理解和吸收其中的知识。在深度和广度上,它都达到了一 个极高的标准,为考生提供了全面的学习资源。
cfa schweser notes 2024 一级

CFA Schweser Notes 2024一级一、资料主题CFA Schweser Notes 2024一级资料主要围绕CFA(特许金融分析师)一级考试的核心内容进行编写。
此外,CFA Schweser Notes 2024一级资料还可能包括财务报表分析、公司金融、固定收益证券、权益投资、另类投资、衍生品和风险管理等其他重要主题。
四、资料特点1.精简高效:Schweser Notes以其精炼著称,它将CFA课程的庞杂内容进行了高度浓缩,仅保留考试最可能涉及的核心要点,从而帮助考生快速把握考试重点,避免在无关紧要的细节上浪费时间。
CFA level1 notes summary 01

1.Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct 道德准则及七大职业标准,前导考点:CFA从业人员必须遵守的准则;不遵守会出现可能的处罚结果,什么样的情况下受到处罚;CFA协会里哪些部门负责准则调查;Question1A broker and CFA charterholder has been arrested for the crime of murder. Which, if any, of the following could result in the member being summarily suspended from using the CFA designation?CFA持证人因为暗杀被抓,在哪种情况下会取消CFA的资格?A)Either being convicted or pleading guilty to the crime. 被判有罪,暗杀成立B)Both of the results listed here.C)He is acquitted of the crime, but he is barred from continuing to work in the investmentindustry. Acquit宣判…无罪,被判无罪,但是被禁止在本行业工作如果题目改下,酒驾、打架被抓,理由荒唐,不会被取消CFA资格Solution B:Both of these are reasons that CFA Institute may use for summarily suspending use of the CFA designation.持证人一旦违反准则,受到的处罚结果有三个:The Designated Officer may decide:1.That no disciplinary sanctions are appropriate. 无任何处罚结果2.To issue a cautionary letter. 发警告信(严重性一般)3.To discipline the member or candidates. 处罚(严重性强),直接取消资格第三种还有两种可能:Sanctions may include condemnation by member’s peers or suspension of candidates participation in the CFA program. 其他的CFA持证人对其进行公开谴责(严重性强)Inquiry can be prompted by: 可能被调查的情况•Self-disclosure by members or candidates. 自我披露,CFA每年做问卷调查,FCS职业准则申明,告诉协会过去一年是否严格遵守准则,未遵守的地方要披露。

CFA一级笔记-第五部分 公司金融

CFA一级考试知识点第五部分公司金融公司治理corpoate governance是指对公司的内部控制和流程进行管理的系统。
传统公司治理理论称为股东理论shareholder theory,认为公司管理层最重要的责任就是最大化股东利益。
利益相关者理论stakeholder theory,不仅要关注股东,还要关注客户、供应商、雇员和其他相关利益者。
股东对高管薪水具有决定权say on pay董事会必须做到两点:勤勉义务duty of care、忠诚义务duty of loyalty。
董事会下设专门职能委员会审计委员会audit committee薪酬委员会remuneration / compensation committee提名委员会nomination committee治理委员会governance committee风险管理委员会risk committee投资委员会investment committeeESG投资,也称为ESG整合,就是在投资过程中充分考虑环境environment、社会society、治理governance三个因素。
项目类型分为五类替换项目、扩张项目、新产品项目、强制性项目mandatory projects、其他项目(喜好等)分析现金流时需要关注项目能给公司带来的税后增量现金流after tax incremental cash flows,其中又包括机会成本opportunity costs和外部效应externalities两个因素。

CFA 一级知识点总结Ethics 部分Objective of codes and standard :永远是为了maintain public trust in1. Financial market2. Investment profession6个code of ethics 职业道德1. Code 1—ethics and pertinented personsa.2. Code 2---primacy of client’s interesta. Integrity with investment professionb. 客户利益高于自身利益3. Code 3---reasonable and independenta. 必须注意reasonable careb. 必须exercise independent professional judgment---必须独立判断!4. Code 4---ethical culture in the professiona. 不但自己要practice , 而且要鼓励别人practice —不仅仅是自己一个人去做, 要所有人共同去做5. Code 5---ethnical culture in the capital market!a. 促进整个capital market 的integrity ,推广其相关法规---增强公众对资本市场的trust !b. Capital market 是基于i. Fairly pricing of risky assets ;ii. Investors‘ confidence6. 有关competence —能力---competence 7个standard of professional conduct 1. Standard 1---professionalism---knowledge of lawa. 不需要成为法律专家, 但是必须understand 和comply with applicable law ;b. 当两个law 发生conflict ,则要遵守更加严格的法律!c. Knowingly---know or should knowd. 必须attempt to stop the violation , 如果不能stop , then must dissociate from the violation !必须从其中分离出去!i. Remove name from the written report;ii. Ask for a different assignmente. 并不要求向有关部门report !(do not require )f. 向CFA 进行书面报告report--encouraged to so2. Standard 1 ---professionalism---integrity of capital marketa. Bias from client or other groups —listed company ,controlling shareholder !b. Bias from sell side analystc. Buyer side client —d. Issuer paid report---只能接受flat fee for their worke.3. Standard 1 ---professionalism---misinterpretation —不能误导客户, 不能剽窃其他人的研究成果4. Standard 1 ---professionalism---misconduct---5. Standard 2---integrity of capital marketChartered Financial AnalystCFA 一级考试知识点总结Stanhopea.不能使用非公开信息!---material nonpublic information---b.mosaic theory---conclusion from analysis of public and non-material nonpublic information6.standard 3—duties to clientsa.Loyalty, prudence and care---i.如何定义客户---考虑最终受益人!---雇佣我们的人未必就是我们的客户,要考虑最终受益人!ii.Soft dollar---when a manager uses client brokerage to purchase research report to benefit the investment manager---比如,作为基金公司,使用证券公司的席位进行交易,肯定会支付一定的费用,这些费用来自客户,所以基金公司只能用这些soft dollar为客户服务!b.Fair dealing---i.对所有客户要公平客观ii.个别的客户要求,可以征收premium的费用之后,是可以做的!条件是,其他的分析都已经公布给其他客户了iii.More critical when changes recommendationiv.Investment action---taking investment action based on research recommendationv.Prorated the allocationc.Suitabilityi.了解客户的经验,风险和回报目标ii.要有书面目标—至少一年进行更新!iii.是否和客户的书面目标相符合iv.是否符合客户的整个total portfolio的投资目标v.必须理解其投资组合的constraints,只能进行符合其书面目标的投资推荐!1.Investment policy statement—IPS---risk tolerance,return requirement,investment2.Constraint---time horizon, liquidity needs, tax concerns, legal and regulatoryfactors, unique circumstancesd.Performance presentationi.这里有performance presentation的规定,同时在GIPS里面也有类似规定!其区别是1.一个是自愿的---GIPS,一个是必需的;2.一个是针对公司—firm wide,一个是针对个人member和candidate3.GIPS要求公司to use accurate input data and approved calculation method, toprevent the performance record in accordance with a prescribed formate.Preservation of confidentiality---必须保密---可以不保密的情况i.违法行为ii.法律要求进行披露iii.Client或者prospective client同意披露iv.以现行法律为准v.CFA进行investigate固定收益债券,金融衍生品和alternative investment 部分Nonrefundable bond是指不能通过发行新的债券还旧债Sinking fund provisions---偿债基金条款---为了保护投资者,规定经过一段时间后,每年偿还一定金额的本金。

Ethic1.GIPS 初始5年,而后每年+1保存至少10年记录。
2.must promote the integrity and viability of the global capital markets for theultimate benefit of society. 是原则不是standard。
3.Standard V diligence and resonable basis 可以使用第三方研报,但要定期对研报提供者进行考察。
4.Portfolio valuations must use fair market values for periods on or after 1 January2011.5.Standard III(C)–Suitability of the CFA Institute Standards of ProfessionalConduct requires that when members and candidates are in an advisory relationship with a client, they must judge the suitability of investments in the context of the client’s total portfolio.6. a personal bankruptcy does not necessarily constitute a violation of StandardI(D). If the circumstances of the bankruptcy involved fraudulent or deceitful business conduct, then failing to disclose it may constitute a violation of the Standards.7. A composite must include all actual, fee-paying, discretionary portfoliosmanaged in accordance with the same investment mandate, objective, or strategy.Quantitative methodsHypothesis testCOefficient=S/X拔The variance of the number of yearly increases over the next 10 years is σ2=np(1 −p)binomial randomThe position of the first quintile is found with the following formula:Ly= (n+ 1) × (y/100),.Free trade areas(FTA) are one of the most prevalent forms of regional integration in which all barriers to the flow of goods and services among members have been eliminated. However, each country maintains its own polices against non-members.A customs union extends the FTA by not only allowing free movement of goods and services among members but also creating a common trade policy against non-members.The common market is the next level of economic integration that incorporates all aspects of the customs union and extends it by allowing free movement of factors of production among members.Economics求谁的弹性,谁就是分母We can expand Equation 5 algebraically by noting that the percentage change in any variable x is simply the change in x (∆x) divided by the level of x. So, we can rewrite Equation 5, using a few simple steps, asE>1ELASTIC E<1 inelastic求谁的弹性,谁就是分母In summary, own-price elasticity of demand is likely to be greater (i.e., more sensitive) for items that have many close substitutes, occupy a large portion of the total budget (House), are seen to be optional instead of necessary, or have longer adjustment times. Obviously, not all these characteristics operate in the same direction for all goods, so elasticity is likely to be a complex result of these and other characteristics. In the end, the actual elasticity of demand for a particular good turns out to be an empirical fact that can be learned only from careful observation and, often, sophisticated statistical analysis.Market structureShifts in the aggregate demand curveShifts in the SR aggregate supply curve•●Easy fiscal policy/tight monetary policy: If taxes are cut or government spendingrises, the expansionary fiscal policy will lead to a rise in aggregate output. If this is accompanied by a reduction in money supply to offset the fiscal expansion, then interest rates will rise and have a negative effect on private sector demand.We have higher output and higher interest rates, and government spending will be a larger proportion of overall national income.●Tight fiscal policy/easy monetary policy: If a fiscal contraction is accompanied byexpansionary monetary policy and low interest rates, then the private sector will be stimulated and will rise as a share of GDP, while the public sector will shrink.●Easy monetary policy/easy fiscal policy: If both fiscal and monetary policy areeasy, then the joint impact will be highly expansionary—leading to a rise in aggregate demand, lower interest rates (at least if the monetary impact is larger), and growing private and public sectors.●Tight monetary policy/tight fiscal policy: Interest rates rise (at least if themonetary impact on interest rates is larger) and reduce private demand. At the same time, higher taxes and falling government spending lead to a drop in aggregate demand from both public and private sectors.Trade surplus X>MTrade dificit X <M•Empl oyed: The number of people with a job. This figure normally does not include people working in the informal sector (e.g., unlicensed cab drivers, illegal workers, etc.).Labor force: The number of people who either have a job or are actively looking for a job. This number excludes retirees, children, stay-at-home parents, full-time students, and other categories of people who are neither employed nor actively seeking employment.Unemployed: P eople who are actively seeking employment but are currently without a job. Some special subcategories include:Long-term unemployed: People who have been out of work for a long time (more than three to four months in many countries) but are still looking for a job. Frictionally unemployed: they are “between jobs,” and those new entrants or re-entrants into the labor force who have not yet found work. Frictional unemployment is short-term and transitory in natureUnemployment rate: The ratio of unemployed to labor force.Activity ratio(or participation ratio): The ratio of labor force to total population of working age (i.e., those between 16 and 64 years of age).Underemployed: A person who has a job but has the qualifications to work at a significantly higher-paying job.Discouraged worker:Discouraged workers are statistically outside the labor force (similar to children and retirees), which means they are not counted in the officialunemployment rate.•Equal weighting 1/nPrice weightingMarket-Capitalization WeightingFinancial report周转天数Money marketyield 360=FV-PV/PV*(360/days) Bond equivalent yield =FV-PV/PV*(365/days)天Discount basis yield =FV-Pv/FV*(360/days)Under US GAAP, material items that are unusual or infrequent and that are both as of reporting periods beginning after 15 December 2015 are shown as part of a company’s continuing operations but are presented separately.Fixed incomeMoneyDur = AnnModDur ×PV Full永续麦考利回流的时间ModDur =1/1+r*麦考林久期收益率变动1%,债券价格变动的% R 是期间利率。

CFA一级笔记第三部分经济学CFA一级考试知识点第三部分经济学需求函数demand function Q x d=f(P x , I , P y…)Q x d为商品X的需求量;P x为商品X的价格; I 为消费者收入;P y为其他相关商品的(替代品或互补品)Y的价格。
需求曲线公式也可以简化为Q x d = f(P x),需求曲线与需求函数式互为反函数,被称为反需求函数P x = f(Q x d)ΔPΔQ需求曲线,ΔP是价格的变化量、ΔQ是需求量的变化量,横坐标是需求曲线Q,纵坐标是价格P ,图形是个向右下倾斜的曲线。
需求价格弹性,衡量商品需求对价格变化的敏感程度E px dE px d= (ΔQ x dΔP x ) (P xQ x d) 其中ΔQ x dΔP x是需求函数的斜率,不是需求曲线的斜率。
如果题目中表达式是:Q=10-2P,则ΔQ x dΔP x =-2,如果P=5-1/2Q,ΔQ x dΔP x等于-1/2的倒数,即ΔQ x dΔP x=-2曲线弹性绝对值大于1,富有弹性elastic曲线弹性绝对值小于1,缺乏弹性inelastic曲线弹性绝对值等于1,单位弹性unit elastic需求价格弹性的因素:替代品的可得性availability of substitutes与相似性closeness of substitutes、该商品展消费者总预算的比例、反应时间、商品服务的必要性。
商品富有弹性E px d>1,价格下降需求量上升幅度会超过商品下降幅度,从而总收入或总支出增加,商品富有弹性时,价格和总收入或总支出呈反向关系。
E px d<1时,商品缺乏弹性,价格和总收入或总支出呈正向关系。

Chartered Financial AnalystCFA 一级考试知识点总结StanhopeCFA一级知识点总结Ethics 部分Objective of codes and standard:永远是为了maintain public trust in1.Financial market2.Investment profession6个code of ethics职业道德1.Code 1—ethics and pertinented personsa.2.Code 2---primacy of client’s interesta.Integrity with investment professionb.客户利益高于自身利益3.Code 3---reasonable and independenta.必须注意reasonable careb.必须exercise independent professional judgment---必须独立判断!4.Code 4---ethical culture in the professiona.不但自己要practice,而且要鼓励别人practice—不仅仅是自己一个人去做,要所有人共同去做5.Code 5---ethnical culture in the capital market!a.促进整个capital market的integrity,推广其相关法规---增强公众对资本市场的trust!b.Capital market是基于i.Fairly pricing of risky assets;ii.Investors‘ confidence6.有关competence—能力---competence7个standard of professional conduct1.Standard 1---professionalism---knowledge of lawa.不需要成为法律专家,但是必须understand和comply with applicable law;b.当两个law发生conflict,则要遵守更加严格的法律!c.Knowingly---know or should knowd.必须attempt to stop the violation,如果不能stop, then must dissociate from the violation!必须从其中分离出去!i.Remove name from the written report;ii.Ask for a different assignmente.并不要求向有关部门report!(do not require)f.向CFA 进行书面报告report--encouraged to so2. Standard 1 ---professionalism---integrity of capital marketa.Bias from client or other groups—listed company,controlling shareholder!b.Bias from sell side analystc.Buyer side client—d.Issuer paid report---只能接受flat fee for their worke.3.Standard 1 ---professionalism---misinterpretation—不能误导客户,不能剽窃其他人的研究成果4.Standard 1 ---professionalism---misconduct---5.Standard 2---integrity of capital marketa.不能使用非公开信息!---material nonpublic information---b.mosaic theory---conclusion from analysis of public and non-material nonpublic information6.standard 3—duties to clientsa.Loyalty, prudence and care---i.如何定义客户?---考虑最终受益人!---雇佣我们的人未必就是我们的客户,要考虑最终受益人!ii.Soft dollar---when a manager uses client brokerage to purchase research report to benefit the investment manager---比如,作为基金公司,使用证券公司的席位进行交易,肯定会支付一定的费用,这些费用来自客户,所以基金公司只能用这些soft dollar为客户服务!b.Fair dealing---i.对所有客户要公平客观ii.个别的客户要求,可以征收premium的费用之后,是可以做的!条件是,其他的分析都已经公布给其他客户了iii.More critical when changes recommendationiv.Investment action---taking investment action based on research recommendationv.Prorated the allocationc.Suitabilityi.了解客户的经验,风险和回报目标ii.要有书面目标—至少一年进行更新!iii.是否和客户的书面目标相符合?iv.是否符合客户的整个total portfolio的投资目标?v.必须理解其投资组合的constraints,只能进行符合其书面目标的投资推荐!1.Investment policy statement—IPS---risk tolerance,return requirement,investment2.Constraint---time horizon, liquidity needs, tax concerns, legal and regulatoryfactors, unique circumstancesd.Performance presentationi.这里有performance presentation的规定,同时在GIPS里面也有类似规定!其区别是1.一个是自愿的---GIPS,一个是必需的;2.一个是针对公司—firm wide,一个是针对个人member和candidate3.GIPS要求公司to use accurate input data and approved calculation method, toprevent the performance record in accordance with a prescribed formate.Preservation of confidentiality---必须保密---可以不保密的情况i.违法行为ii.法律要求进行披露iii.Client或者prospective client同意披露iv.以现行法律为准v.CFA进行investigate固定收益债券,金融衍生品和alternative investment 部分Nonrefundable bond是指不能通过发行新的债券还旧债Sinking fund provisions---偿债基金条款---为了保护投资者,规定经过一段时间后,每年偿还一定金额的本金。

CFA 一、二、三级教材科目知识点章节分布从20XX年起CFA协会将其官方教材电子版绑定在CFA报名费用之中,因此每一位CFA考生都会获得一份当期的电子版官方教材curriculum,由于许多考生习惯使用Study Notes进行备考复习,因此对于CFA协会的官方教材了解不多,CFA协会教材curriculum各级别书名列出,以便考生备考使用。
CFA Level I 教材名称:Volume 1: Ethical and professional Standards, Quantitative MethodsVolume 2: EconomicsVolume 3: Financial StatementVolume 4: Corporate Finance and Portfolio ManagementVolume 5: Equity and Fixed IncomeVolume 6: Derivatives and Alternative InvestmentCFA一级教材名称译:第1卷:道德和专业标准,定量分析方法第2卷:经济学第3卷:财务报表第4卷:公司财务和投资组合管理第5卷:股票和固定收益第6卷:衍生工具和另类投资CFA Level II 教材名称:Volume 1: Ethical and professional Standards, Quantitative Methods, and Economics Volume 2: Financial Statement AnalysisVolume 3: Corporate FinanceVolume 4: Asset Valuation and EquityVolume 5: Fixed lncomeVolume 6: Derivatives and portfolio ManagementCFA二级教材名称译:第1卷:道德和专业标准,定量方法和经济学第2卷:财务报表分析第3卷:企业融资第4卷:资产评估和股权第5卷:固定lncome第6卷:衍生工具和投资组合管理CFA Level III 教材名称:Volume 1: Ethical and professional StandardsVolume 2: Behavioral Finance, individual investors, and institutional investorsVolume 3: Capital Market expectations, market valuation, and asset allocationVolume 4: Fixed income and equity portfolio managementVolume 5: Alternative investments, risk management, and the application of derivativesVolume 6: Portfolio: Execution, evaluation and attribultion, and global investment performance standardsCFA三级教材名称译:第1卷:道德和专业标准第2卷:行为金融,个人投资者和机构投资者第3卷:资本市场的预期,市场估值和资产配置第4卷:固定收益和股票投资组合管理第5卷:另类投资,风险管理,衍生品的应用第6卷:组合:执行,评估和attribultion,以及全球投资表现标准各位考生,20XX年CFA备考已经开始,为了方便各位考生能更加系统地掌握考试大纲的重点知识,帮助大家充分备考,体验实战,网校开通了全免费的高顿题库(包括精题真题和全真模考系统),题库里附有详细的答案解析,学员可以通过多种题型加强练习,通过针对性地训练与模考,对学习过程进行全面总结。

CFA一级学习重点记录Q uantitative methodP99、P253Continuous compounding: EAR=eRcc-1Continuous compounding of return (Rcc) = ln(1+EAR)P141:Time-weighted rate of return(分期计算收益率,然后相乘再开根,与投入资金的时间无关)Money-weighted rate of return(IRR)P143:Bank discount yield = D/F * 360/t 即把折扣率单利年化HPY holding period yieldEAY effective annual yield = (1+HPY)365/t – 1 即把HPY按照复利年化(365)MMY money market yield(CD equivalent yield )= HPY * 360/t 即把HPY单利年化(360)BEY bond-equivalent yield = HPY * 365 / t 即把HPY按照单利年化(365): (1 + BEY/2)2 = 1 + EAY切比雪夫不等式:在k standard deviation 以内的概率至少有1-1/k2 (k>1)夏普比率Sharpe ratio = ( portfolio return – risk-free return )/standard deviation of portfolio returns条件概率P(I|O) = P(O|I)*P(I) / P(O)置信区间:Two-tailed : 90% ? 1.65 , 95% ? 1.96 , 99% ? 2.58 .One-tailed : 90% ? 1.28 , 95% ? 1.65 , 99% ? 2.33 .SFR ratio SFR比率越大,越不可能小于threshold level ? P250 中央极限定理:Standard error of the sample mean isReliability factor is 置信区间的上界如90% (a=10%)? Z=1.65 , 95% (a=5%)? Z=1.96 , 99% ? 2.58 .假设检验:Type I error: H0 is true but reject it. = significance levelType II error: H0 is false but fail to reject it. Power of the test = 1 – P (Type II error)差异假设检验:正态分布、两变量有关联,用paired comparisons test (difference 的均值检验)正态分布、方差未知、方差可相等可不相等,两变量相互独立时,用t检验。

1. 金融市场与资产类别:包括全球金融市场概览、资产类别和金融产品概述等内容。
2. 数量方法:包括财务数据分析和处理、统计学、概率论和回归分析等内容。
3. 经济学:包括微观经济学、宏观经济学和国际经济学等内容。
4. 公司财务:包括财务报表分析、公司估值和资本结构等内容。
5. 投资组合管理:包括投资组合理论、投资组合构建和风险管理等内容。
6. 固定收益投资:包括固定收益市场和产品、债券估值和风险管理等内容。
7. 权益投资:包括股票市场和产品、股票估值和风险管理等内容。
8. 衍生品投资:包括衍生品市场和产品、衍生品估值和风险管理等内容。
9. 另类投资:包括房地产、私募股权和对冲基金等内容。
10. 道德与职业准则:包括道德和职业准则、合规和监管等内容。

关于每门的要点:1.数理方法(比重12%,难度B)一上来首先应该看这门,这章会详细说到计算器的用法,这样看后面几门也会方便些,这门注意下什么是MAD,CV,连续复利计算,critical value,p-value,两种假设检验的错误,4种抽样方法的不同,parametric tests 和unparametric tests,还有年金的计算就差不多了。
这门需要注意:什么是MC,MB,MP,MRP,等各种M的东西,所有者和消费者surplus部分要认真理解下,何为资源分配的有效,各种事情对surplus,MC,MB的影响,对于各种曲线,分清楚长期和短期,公司和行业,线移动的因素,何处交点为最佳,何处交点最有效,何处是surplus,各种效应,D,MB,MR的关系,wage rate的准确含义,还有一个很重要的就是LAS,SAS和AD的影响因素(这点几乎是这门后半部分的精髓)~~~~我考试的时候这门写的最轻松写意,平均半分钟一题就画过去了~~~3.财务报表分析(比重20%,难度E)没悬念的,这部分是1级的重点也是难点,再怎么强调多多复习这部分也不为过主要知识点有:Session 7 主要讲的IFRS 和U.S. GAAP在不同情况下的区别,还有各种statements 的元素构成。

CFA一级Notes习题笔记EthicsCode of Ethics1.act with integrity, competence, diligence, respect, and in an ethical manner with the public, clients, prospective clients, employers, employees, colleagues in the investment profession, and other participants in the global capital the integrity of the investment profession and the interests of clients above their own personal interestse reasonable care and exercise independent professional judgement when conducting investment analysis, making investment recommendations, taking investment actions, and engaging in other professional activities4.practice and encourage others to practice in a professional and ethical manner that will reflect credit on themselves and the profession5.promote the integrity of, and uphold the rules governing, capital markets6.maintain and improve their professional competence and strive to maintain and improve the competence of other ivestment professionals.Standards of Professional ConductI professionalismA.knowledge of the lawB.independence and objectivityC.MisrepresentationD.MisconductII.integrity of capital marketsA.material nonpublic manipulationIII.duties to clientsA.Loyalty,Prudence and CareB.Fair DealingC.SuitabilityD.Performance presentationE.preservation of confidentialityIV.duties to employersA.loyaltyB.additional compensation arrangementsC.responsibilities of supervisorsV.investment analysis, reommendations,and actionsA.Diligence and reasonable basismunication with clients and prospective clientsC.record retentionVI.conflicts of interestA.Disclosure of conflictsB.priority of transactionsC.referral feesVII.responsibilities as a CFA institute member or CFA candidateA.conduct as menbers and candidates in the cfa programB.reference to CFA institute, the cfa designation, and the cfa program1.私人投资跟Code无关,但滥用举报违反personal conduct。
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往往按顺序读完了最后的Alternatives,你就把前面的economics, quantitative通通忘掉了,有点像“转碟子”的杂技,不断的让碟子重新转动起来才是最后的成功。
Multiple Choice --fail
Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
- Alternative Assets 12 - - *
- Derivatives 12 * - -
- Economics 24 * - -
- Equity Analysis 24 * - -
- Ethical 36 - * -
- Financial Statemen 68 - * -
- Fixed Income 24 - * -
- Portfolio 12 - - *
- Quantitative 28 - * -