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实验室用水的种类和区别Prepared on 21 November 2021



1、蒸馏水(Distilled Water ):


2、去离子水(Deionized Water ):


3、反渗水(Reverse osmosis Water):


4、超纯水(Ultra-pure grade water):



1、电阻率(electrical resistivity):


2、总有机碳(Total Organic Carbon ,TOC):

水中碳的的浓度,反映水中氧化的有机化合物的含量,单位为ppm 或 ppb。




Tap water is usually of uncontrolled quality, may have seasonal variations suchas level of suspended sediment depending on the source (municipal reservoir,river, well), may contain other chem-icals purposely added to drinking water(chlorine, uoride), and is generally unsuitable for use in important is ne for washing glassware but should always be followed by a rinsewith a higher-grade water (distilled, deionized, etc.).

2、蒸馏水(DistilledWater )

Distillation generally eliminates much of the inorganic con-

tamination andparticularly sediments present in tap water feedstock. Itwill also help reduce the level of some organic con-taminants in

the distilling simply gives a slightly higher grade distilled water, butcannot eliminate either inorganic or organic contaminants.

Distilled water is often produced in large stills that serve an entiredepartment, or building. The quality of the water is dependent on how well theequipment is maintained. A signicant stir occurred within a large university’sbiochemistry department when the rst mention of a problem with the housedistilled water was a memo that came out from the maintenance department thatstated: “We would like

to inform you that the repairs have been made to thestill serving the department. There is no longer any radium in the water.” Thenext day, a follow-up memo was issued that stated:“Correction—there is nolonger any sodium in the dis-tilled water.”

3、去离子水(DeionizedWater )

Deionized water can vary greatly in quality depending on the type and efciencyof the deionizing cartridges used. Ion exchange beds used in home systems, forinstance, are used primarily to reduce the “hardness” of the water usually dueto high levels of divalent cations such as magnesium and calcium. The resin bedconsists of a cation exchanger, usually in the sodium form, which releasessodium

into the water in exchange for removing the diva-lent ions. (Rememberthat when you attempt to reduce your sodium intake!) These beds therefore donot reduce the ionic content of the water but rather exchange one type of ionfor another.
