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1.(1)It’s + adj.+ to do sth.

It’s important to study English well.

(2 ) It’s + adj. +that…

It’s important/ necessary/ likely/ possible/ certain/…that…

It’s likely that he will win the game.

It’s certain that he will come this afternoon.

2. It’s + v-ed + that…

(1) It’s said/ thought/ believed/ supposed/ reported/ proved/ known…that…

It’s known that the earth travels round the sun.

= As is known to everybody, the earth travels the sun.

= What is known to everybody is that the earth travels the sun.

(2) It’s suggested/ advised/ proposed/ requested/ required/ insisted/

commanded/ demanded/ ordered/…that…

It’s suggested that she(should)finish her homework this afternoon.

It’s required that I (should) go at once.

3. (1) It’s + 名+that…

常见的名词有:a pity, a fact, an idea, an honor, no wonder等

It’s a pity that he can’t come to the party.

It’s a fact that he didn’t pass the exam.

It’s a good idea that we’ll go outing.

It’s an honor that I was invited to the meeting.

(It’s)no wonder (that) he always takes the first place in the exams.

(2) It’s + 名+doing

常见的名词有:use, good

It’s no use crying.

It’s no good crying over spilt milk.


4.It + 动+ that…

常见的动词有:happen, seem, matter 等

It happened that I hadn’t money with me.

It seemed that he had known the fact..

Does it matter that he doesn’t come..



consider, feel, find, think, take.

He made it clear that he was not interested in English .

He considered it a good idea to go outing with me.

I feel it a great honor to be invited to speak here.

I find it very interesting to study English.

I think it no use arguing with her.

I took it for granted that he would give me some help.

2. 用于表示喜好的动词:like, dislike, hate, appreciate 等。

I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.

I like it in the autumn when the weather is clear.

I’d appreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.

三、it 的几个特殊结构

1.make it


——The train is to leave in five minutes.

——We will never make it.

We can’t make it to the other shore in cold weather.


——When shall we meet?

——Let’s make it next Sunday. it is


I thought he would get better, but as it is he is getting worse.

(2) 用于句尾,表示“照原样”

Leave the chair as it is.

3.see (to it) that…注意、留神、负责、保证

See to it that everything is ready.

4.rely on it that…信任、对。。。。。。有信心

You may rely on it that she won’t be late.


四、it 的几个特殊句型

1. It is/was + 时间状语+ that…强调句

It was at seven o’clock that I went to work yesterday.

2.(1) It was + 时间点+ when 从句(一般过去时)

(2) It will be + 时间点+ when 从句(一般现在时)

It was 9 o’clock when they arrived at the factory.


It will be July 1 when we meet again.

It is on July 1 that we will meet again.

3.(1) It is/has been + 时间段+since 从句(一般过去时)

It is/has been three years since he joined the army.

(2) It was + 时间段+ since 从句(过去完成时)
