A.方法和机能B. 目的和一般规律C. 难点和重点D. 母语和英语的关系7.理解和全面贯彻A是完成英语教学任务的根本保证。
A. 英语教学原则B. 英语教学目标C. 英语教学模式D. 英语教学方法8.社会语言学为D的产生奠定了理论基础。
A.任务型教学法B. 听说法C. 认知法D. 交际法10.要尽量让学生在B中学英语、听英语、说英语、读英语、写英语和用英语。
A. 课堂教学B. 真实情景C. 老师讲解D. 听说读写11.在我们提倡和推进听、说、读、写综合训练的同时,还应当侧重培养学生的__C_。
A. 倾听能力B. 表达能力C. 阅读能力D. 写作能力12.中国英语教学要坚持C的教学原则。
A. 利用本族语B. 控制使用本族语C. 利用和控制使用本族语D. 完全使用英语13.课堂教学要增加语言实践活动的D,提高效率,以减轻学生的课外负担。
A. 丰富性B. 深入性C. 活泼性D. 广度和深度14.为学生提供更多的阅读或独立理解材料应该是D。
A. 已经学过的B. 简单熟悉的C. 难度较高的D. 能够理解又略高于现有能力的15.语言输出的能力就是学生对所学语言进行 A 的能力。
A. 复用、表达B. 理解、认识C. 翻译、阅读D. 听说、写作16.在课程所包括的教材、教师、学生、环境这几个要素中,D是最重要的因素。
A. 教材和环境B. 教师C. 学生D. 教师与学生17.在英语的听、说、读、写这四种技能中,B于接受技能,_________产出技能。
A. 听和说,读和写B. 听和读,说和写C. 读和说,听合写D. 听,说、读和写18. 新课程的基本理念之一是突出D主体,尊重学生个体差异。
A. 教师B. 教材C. 课程D. 学生19. 形成性评价应是C评价方式。
A. 由教师对学生的平时学习和考试所做的一种B. 由学生对自己的平时学习以及对所参加的考试结果所做的C. 由教师、学生、家长共同参与的D. 由学校领导、教师、家长共同参与的20. 《英语课程标准》倡导_ A,倡导学生积极参与教学过程。
(B )A、学习技能B、语言技能2、是语言能力的有机组成部分,是发展语言技能的重要基础。
(B )A、语言B、知识3、课程特别强调要关注的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,提高人文素养,增强实践能力,培养创新精神。
( A )A、每一个学生B、全体学生4、 (如期末考试、结业考试等)是检测学生综合语言运用能力发展程度的重要途径,也是反映教学效果,学校办学质量的重要指标之一。
(A )A、终结性评价B、形成性评价5、是教学的重要组成部分和推动因素。
初中英语教材教法试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据新课标,初中英语教学的主要目标是什么?A. 培养学生的英语应试能力B. 培养学生的综合语言运用能力C. 培养学生的英语听说读写能力D. 培养学生的英语语法知识答案:B2. 在初中英语教学中,教师应该如何处理学生的错误?A. 立即纠正B. 忽略不计C. 鼓励学生自己发现并改正D. 课后统一讲解答案:C3. 初中英语教材中,哪种活动最能提高学生的口语交际能力?A. 听力练习B. 阅读练习C. 角色扮演D. 语法练习答案:C4. 以下哪项不是初中英语教学中常用的教学方法?A. 任务型教学B. 情景教学C. 直接教学D. 翻译教学答案:D5. 初中英语教师在课堂上应该扮演什么角色?A. 知识的传授者B. 学习的引导者C. 课堂的管理者D. 以上都是答案:D6. 在初中英语教学中,教师应该如何对待学生的个体差异?A. 忽视差异,统一要求B. 根据差异,因材施教C. 鼓励学生相互竞争D. 只关注优秀学生答案:B7. 初中英语教材中,哪种类型的练习最适合培养学生的创新思维?A. 填空题B. 选择题C. 完形填空D. 写作题答案:D8. 初中英语教师在备课时,应该重点关注哪些方面?A. 教材内容B. 学生需求C. 教学方法D. 教学目标答案:D9. 在初中英语教学中,教师应该如何激发学生的学习兴趣?A. 通过游戏和活动B. 通过考试和竞赛C. 通过严格的课堂纪律D. 通过大量的作业答案:A10. 初中英语教学中,教师应该如何处理学生的课堂参与度?A. 强制学生参与B. 鼓励学生自愿参与C. 忽视不参与的学生D. 只关注积极参与的学生答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 初中英语教学应该注重培养学生的______能力,而不仅仅是应试技巧。
答案:综合语言运用2. 在初中英语课堂上,教师应该鼓励学生进行______,以提高他们的口语交际能力。
《中学英语教学法》模拟试题(第二套)(附答案)《中学英语教学法》模拟试题(第二套)(附答案)一、填空题(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.Among the four skills, foreign language learners often complain that l is the most difficult to acquire.2.We are teaching our students English not only to help them pass exams, but also to prepare them to u English in real life.3.In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid to linguistic k , with little or no attention paid to practising language skills.4.In the process approach to writing, the teacher provides guidance to the studentsthrough the writing process, and gradually withdraws the guidance so that the students finally become i writers.5.If a teacher first asks the students to read a poster, then to have a discussion aboutthe poster, and then to make a poster of their own, we can say that this teacher is integrating reading, speaking and w skills together.6.One of the general views on language is that language is a s__ of symbols.7.In tr pedagogy, listening and speaking were treated as skills different from what takes place in reality.8.Introduction to phonetic rules should be avoided at the b stage of teaching pronunciation.9.In meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension orexchange of m .10.People have d understanding of how a vocabulary item can be learned andconsolidate.二、配对题(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)三、单项选择题(共25小题,每小题2分,共50分)21.I n teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so thatthe students can be equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following ___ in his teaching.A. the top-down modelB. the bottom-up modelC. the interactive modelD. all of the above22.I n English teaching classrooms very often writing is seen as “writing as languagelearning”, and it is believed to be ___. A. writing for communicationB. writing for real needsC. pseudo writingD. authentic writing23.T o ___, it is advocated that we adopt a communicative approach to writing.A. motivate studentsB. demotivate studentsC. free students from too much workD. keep students buzy24.W hich of the following is NOT among the features of process writing?A. Help students to understand their own composing process.B. Let students discover what they want to say as they write.C. Encourage feedback both from both teacher and peers.D. Emphasize the form rather than the content.25.A ccording to Willis the conditions for language learning are exposure to a rich butcomprehensible language put, use of the language to do things, ___ to process and use the exposure, and instruction in language.A. chancesB. contextC. motivationD. knowledge26.T here are many situations in which we use more than one language skill, so it isvaluable to integrate the four skills, to ___.A. enhance the student s’ communicative competenceB. combine pronunciation, vocabulary and grammarC. use body language and picturesD. use mechanical practice and meaningful practice.27.I ntegration of the four skills is concerned with realistic communication, theimplication of which is that we must teach English at the discourse level, that we must ___, and that we must adjust the timetable.A. combine pronunciation, vocabulary and grammarB. use mechanical practice and meaningful practiceC. use body language and picturesD. adjust the textbook contents28.A ll people involved in education, i.e. ___, teachers, parents, and students havesome reasons to consider assessment necessary.A. friendsB. businessmenC. administratorsD. politician29.A s far as school assessment is concerned, we have teacher’s assessment, continuous assessment, ___, and portfolios.A. students’ self-assessmentB. relative’s assessmentC. informal assessmentD. formal assessment30.B ecause no textbooks are written for any particular class, it is ___ for teachers toadapt materials.A. unnecessaryB. necessaryC. easyD. of no use31.V iews on language and ____ both influence theories on how language should betaught.A. views on language learningB. views on culture learningC. values of lifeD. styles of life32.According to Wang Qiang, the way a language teacher learned a language will influence the way he ____ to some extent.A. learns a languageB. learns his mother tongueC. teaches a languageD. obtains linguistic knowledge33.One of the disadvantages of traditional pedagogy is ___.A. it focuses on form rather than on functionsB. language is used to perform certain communicative functionsC. learners are not able to make sentencesD. learners are not able to do translation34.One of the disadvantages of traditional pedagogy is ___.A. the learners are able to use all skills, including the receptive skills and theproductive skillsB. the learners are not able to use the language in an integrated wayC. the learners are not able to writeD. the learners perform well in class, but they cannot read out of class35.According to Wang Qiang, to answer the question “Can the students achieve the goal of acquiring native-like pronunciation?” we must take into consideration three things: ___.A. ethic devotion, professional qualities, and personal styleB. letters, phonetic transcripts, and soundsC. teacher f actors, learner factors, and school factorsD. learner age, amount of exposure, and differences of individual ability36.The Critical Period Hypothesis is still controversial/debated, because ___.A. the hypothesis does not exit at allB. no researches have been doneC. both positive and negative answers have been given by researchersD. researchers are not interested in it at all37.It is generally believed that grammar teaching ___.A. should never be done in listening, reading, and writingB. is more important in listening and reading than in writingC. is very important in listening, reading, and writingD. is less important in listening and reading than in writing38.According to Wang Qiang, in the deductive method of teaching grammar, the sequence of teaching activities is like this: ___.A. explanation of the rule →teacher’s presentation of an example →students’ practice with given promptsB. students’ practice with given prompts →teacher’s presentation of an example→explanation of the ruleC. teacher’s presentation of an example →students’ practice with given prompts→explanation of the ruleD. teacher’s presentation of an example →explanation of the rule →students’ practice with given prompts39.One of the reasons why the deductive method of teaching grammar is criticized is that ___ in the method.A. little attention is paid to meaningB. grammar is taught in a contextC. the practice is often meaningfulD. not enough examples are provided40.As far as teaching grammar is concerned, one of the merits of the deductive method is that ___.A. the method could be very successful with all studentsB. the method may help to increase student’confidence in those examinations which test students’ communicative competenceC. the method could save time when students are confronted with a grammar rule which is complex but which has to be learnedD. the method meets the requirement of the National English CurriculumStandards41.As far as teaching grammar is concerned, in the inductive method, the teacher induces the learners to realise grammar rules ___.A. without any explicit explanationB. by explaining in an explicit wayC. with explicit explanationD. by telling them the rules42.The characteristics of the listening process include spontaneity, context, visualclues, listener’s response, and ___.A. intonationB. body languageC. speaker’s adjustmentD. gestures43.When teaching pronunciation, we should ___. A. make students feel anxiousB. destroy students’ confidenceC. build-up students’ confidenceD. make students distracted44.According to Wang Qiang, pre-listening activities include predicting, setting thescene, listening for the gist, and ___.A. learning new wordsB. learning new sentence structuresC. listening for specific informationD. concluding45.According to Wang Qiang, “Listen and act” is an activity in the ___ stage.A. pre-listeningB. while-listeningC. post-listeningD. all of the above四、教案设计(20分)Suppose you are going to teach the following lesson to Grade One students of a junior middle school, design a lesson plan for your teaching.Total Length: 300-500 words.A photo copy of the lesson in the textbook:New wordscomes to, plus/minus/times/divided by3 yuan 45 for oneUseful sentences:?Can I help/What would you like? ?I’d like …/Can I have …??How much is it/are they??They are cheap/It is cheap.?They cost…/it costs …?So, that comes to…要求:必需用英语写作。
中学英语教材教法考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪种教学方法属于直接法?A. 语法翻译法B. 情境教学法C. 直接法D. 任务型教学法答案:C2. 以下哪个阶段是英语教学中的关键阶段?A. 初中阶段B. 高中阶段C. 小学阶段D. 大学阶段答案:A3. 以下哪个教学方法强调以学生为中心?A. 语法翻译法B. 情境教学法C. 直接法D. 任务型教学法答案:D4. 在英语教学中,以下哪个环节最为关键?A. 课堂导入B. 课堂讲解C. 课堂练习D. 课堂总结答案:C5. 以下哪个课程是中学英语教学的核心课程?A. 阅读课B. 听力课C. 写作课D. 口语课答案:A6. 以下哪个教学方法适用于英语口语教学?A. 情境教学法B. 语法翻译法C. 任务型教学法D. 直接法7. 以下哪个教学方法强调学生自主学习?A. 任务型教学法B. 语法翻译法C. 直接法D. 情境教学法答案:A8. 在英语教学中,以下哪个环节最能激发学生的学习兴趣?A. 课堂导入B. 课堂讲解C. 课堂练习D. 课堂总结答案:A9. 以下哪个教学方法适用于英语听力教学?A. 直接法B. 情境教学法C. 任务型教学法D. 语法翻译法10. 以下哪个教学方法强调教师的主导地位?A. 语法翻译法B. 情境教学法C. 直接法D. 任务型教学法答案:A二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述任务型教学法的优点。
2. 简述语法翻译法的缺点。
英语教材教法试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语教学中,教师应该如何引导学生进行有效的词汇学习?A. 通过大量阅读B. 通过反复听写C. 通过上下文猜测词义D. 通过词汇游戏2. 在英语教学中,哪种方法可以提高学生的口语表达能力?A. 角色扮演B. 语法练习C. 词汇测试D. 阅读理解3. 以下哪项不是英语教学法的特点?A. 以学生为中心B. 重视语言的实际应用C. 强调语法规则的掌握D. 鼓励学生自主学习4. 英语教学中,教师如何激发学生的学习兴趣?A. 增加课堂作业量B. 严格课堂纪律C. 创设情境,进行互动D. 只讲授语言知识5. 英语教学中,哪种评价方式更能促进学生全面发展?A. 单一的笔试B. 定期的口语测试C. 只关注学生的成绩D. 综合评价学生的学习过程和结果6. 英语教学中,教师应该如何处理学生的个体差异?A. 统一教学进度B. 忽视学生差异C. 根据学生能力分组教学D. 只关注优秀学生7. 以下哪种教学活动不适合提高学生的听力理解能力?A. 听英语歌曲B. 听英语广播C. 看英语电影D. 做英语语法练习8. 在英语教学中,教师如何帮助学生克服学习障碍?A. 增加作业量B. 鼓励学生提问C. 忽视学生困难D. 只关注教学进度9. 英语教学中,教师应如何培养学生的跨文化交际能力?A. 教授文化知识B. 只关注语言技能C. 组织文化交流活动D. 避免讨论文化差异10. 以下哪种教学策略不利于培养学生的批判性思维?A. 鼓励学生提出问题B. 引导学生进行辩论C. 只提供标准答案D. 鼓励学生自主探索答案:1-5:C A C D D6-10:C B D C C二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. 英语教学中,教师应注重培养学生的________能力,以适应未来社会的需求。
答案:综合语言运用2. 英语教学法强调学生在语言学习过程中的________角色。
答案:主体3. 在英语教学中,教师应采用________教学方法,以提高教学效果。
)1.One of the general views on language is that l___ is a set of symbols.2.In traditional pedagogy, listening and speaking were treated as skills differentfrom what takes place in r__.3.Introduction to phonetic rules should be a__ at the beginning stage of teachingpronunciation.4.In meaningful p___ the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange ofmeaning.5.People have different understanding of h__ a vocabulary item can be learned andconsolidate.6.Among the four skills of language, l___ and reading are both receptive skills.7.To help our students pass exams is one of the purposes our English teaching, butanother purpose, which is very important, is to prepare our students to u__ English in real life.8.In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid tolinguistic knowledge, with little or no attention paid to practising language s__. 9.In the process approach to writing, the teacher provides guidance to the studentsthrough the writing process, and gradually withdraws the guidance so that the s__ finally become independent writers.10.If a teacher first asks the students to read a poster, then to have a discussion aboutthe poster, and then to make a poster of their own, we can say that this teacher is integrating r__, speaking and writing skills together.二、配对题(答案必须写在“答卷”上。
英语教学法试卷(附答案)中学英语教学法1.第1题According to Clark, Scarino and Brownell, the main components of a task include ____.A.exercises, exercise-tasks and tasksB.new language items, time and learning cultureC.a purpose, a context, a process and a product/outcomeD.pre-task, task cycle and language focus您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.02.第2题As far as vocabulary teaching is concerned, which of the following is NOT the uncertainty that still remains?A.which vocabulary items should be taught and learned.B.how vocabulary can be taught and learned most effectively.C.whether vocabulary should be taught or not.D.What constitute a vocabulary item.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.03.第3题According to the Cognitive theory, a language learner acquires language ____ which enables him to produce language.A.structuresB.habbitsC.skills/doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html petence 您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.04.第4题Which of the following are not one of the principles of communicative language teaching proposed by Richards and Rodgers (1986)?/doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html munication principleB.Task principleC.Meaningfulness principleD.Correctness principle您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.05.第5题According to Nation (2001) productive knowledge of vocabulary involves the following EXCEPT ___.(1) being able to produce the word to express the meaning(2) being able to write it with correct spelling(3) being able to construct it using the right word parts in their appropriate forms(4) being able to recognize that the word has been used correctly in the sentence in which it occursA.(1)B.(2)C.(3)D.(4)您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.06.第6题There is ___ between mechanical practice and meaningful practice. an example given by Wang Qiang is the “chain of events” activity.A.no distinctionB.a clear-cut distinctionC.no clear-cut distinctionD.(None of the above)您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.07.第7题 According to littlewood (1981), discovering missing information, discovering missing features, and following directions are examples of ___.A.mechanical practiceB.drilling languageC.functional communicative activitiesD.social interaction activities您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.08.第8题When teaching grammar, “You are a stranger in this town …”and “A policeman was asking some questions…” are two examples of using ___.A.mimesB.gesturesC.chain of eventsD.created situations您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.09.第9题The structural view limits knowing a language to knowing its structural rules and vocabulary. the communicative or notional-functional view adds the need to know how to ___ the rules and vocabulary to do whatever it is one wants to do.A.useB.analyzeC.learnD.remember您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.010.第10题The ___ theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he/she already knows.A.BehanouristB.CognitiveC.ConstructivistD.Structuralist您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.011.第11题According to littlewood (1981), identifying pictures, discovering sequences or locations, discovering differences and reconstructing st ory-sequences are examples of ___.A.mechanical practiceB.drilling languageC.functional communicative activitiesD.social interaction activities您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.012.第12题A teacher writes on the blackboard: “7 o’clock – got up – had breakfast –hurried to school – school closed – surprised – ?”,and asks the students to usethese words to tell a story. the teacher is making the students practise grammar by using ___ for story telling. A.picturesB.linesC.chained phrasesD.chain action您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.013.第13题Vocabulary building strategies include reviewing regularly, ___, organizing vocabulary effectively, and using a dictionary.A.reciting the spellingB.guessing meaning from the contextC.neglecting the meaningD.remembering the translation您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.014.第14题A group of words that go together to form meaning are referred to as ___. They are also referred to as …pre-fabricated formulaic items? (Lewis, 2002:121).A.chunksB.synonymsC.antonymsD.hyponyms您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.015.第15题 According to Pennington (2002), useful guidelines for teaching grammar include collocational, constructive, contextual, and ___./doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html municative/doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html plexityC.contrastiveD.confidential您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.016.第16题According to Ur (1996), for ensuring understanding, plenty of contextualized examples of the target structure are necessary, and ___ can aid comprehension.A.visual materials/doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html plex terminologyC.teacher’s grammar analysisD.students’ grammar analysis您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.017.第17题It is believed that the inductive method is more effective than the deductive method because students ___ while engaged in language use.A.are told by the teacher the grammar rulesB.learn the grammar rules without any difficultyC.never learn the grammar rulesD.discover the grammar rules themselves您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.018.第18题In meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehensionor exchange of ___./doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html nguage /doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html rmationC.structuresD.sentences您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.019.第19题Ways of consolidating new words suggested in Wang Qiang’s book (2000) include the following EXCEP ___./doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html beling objects in a pictureB.spotting the differences in two picturesC.playing a game of “What did you see just now?”D.reading the words in chorus您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.020.第20题When practising intonation with students in the classroom, ___.A.we can explain the intonation to the studentsB.we never make the students know which part is a rise, and which part is a fallC.we can usehand or arm movement, usearrows, or draw lines under/above the wordsD.we just let the intonation take place without our attention您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.021.第21题According to Archambault (1964), a constructivist scholar, teachers must balance an understanding of the habits, characteristics as well as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of ___.A.pushing the learners forward in their imitationB.realizing the common rules of languageC.making the learners memorize the structures of languageD.arousing the learners’ interests and curiosity for learning您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.022.第22题When teaching pronunciation, the goal of Consistency means that the pronunciation should be ___.A.accurateB.smooth and naturalC.native-likeD.understandable您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.023.第23题 According to Parrot (1993), there are a variety of elements that contributes to the qualities of a good language teacher. These elements can be categorized into three groups: ___.A.the structural view, the functional view and the interactional viewB.imitation, drills and practiceC.stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3D.ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal styles您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.024.第24题As far as language learning is concerned, the ___ concerns how the mind organizes new information such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization.A.process-oriented theoriesB.condition-oriented theoriesC.structural theoriesD.behaviorist theories您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.025.第25题Vocabulary building strategies outside classrooms include reviewing regularly, ___, organizing vocabulary effectively, and using learned vocabulary.A.neglecting the meaningB.remembering the translationC.reciting the spellingD.guessing meaning from the context您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.026.第26题When teaching pronunciation, we should ___.A.build-up students’ confidenceB.destroy students’ confidenceC.make students feel anxiousD.make students distracted您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.027.第27题Examples of pronunciation perception practice include ___./doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html ing pictures and tongue twisters/doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html ing minimal pairs, and “odd one out”C.brainstorming and discussionD.all of the above您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.028.第28题Adjectives such as 'well-informed', 'resourceful', and'reflective'can be used to describe a teacher’s ___, one of the three elements of a good foreign language teacher.A.ethic devotionB.professional qualityC.personal style/doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html nguage proficiency您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.029.第29题In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid to ___, with little or no attention paid to practising language skills.A.linguistic competenceB.linguistic knowledge/doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html nguage use/doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html nguage functions您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.030.第30题According to Wang Qiang, the three different views of language are ___.A.the structural view, the systematic view, and the functional viewB.the linguistic view, the communicative view, and thesocial-interactional viewC.the vocal view, the visual view, and the vocal-visual viewD.the structural view, the functional view, and the interactional view 您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.031.第31题Words that one is able to recognize and comprehend in reading and listening but unable to useautomatically in writing or speaking are referred to as ___.A.receptive or activeB.productive or passiveC.receptive or passiveD.productive or active您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.032.第32题According to j. willis (1996), tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve ___.A.linguistic competence/doc/1c1d60835122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff6055d5d.html municative competenceC.an outcomeD.knowledge您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.033.第33题Views on language and ____ both influence theories on how language should be taught.A.views on language learningB.views on culture learningC.values of lifeD.styles of life您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.034.第34题We often learn words that co-occur with high frequency and have been accepted as ways for the useof words. for instance, in english, the word “see”, “watch”, and “look” are similar in meaning but are often used with different collocations as we say “see a movie”, “watch a play”and “look at a picture.” similarly, we say “heavy traffic”, “heavy smoker”, “heavy rain/snow/fog” but never “heavy accident”or “heavy wind.” these are examples of ___.A.collocationB.denotative meaningC.connotative meaningD.synonyms, antonyms, and hyponyms您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.035.第35题When teaching grammar, if the teacher follows the sequence of teaching activities of “teacher?s presentation of an example → explanation of the rule →students? practice with given prompts”, Professor Wang Qiang would believe that the teacher is using the ___ method.A.inductiveB.deductiveC.guided discoveryD.task-based您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.036.第36题According to Ellis, procedures for teaching grammar using listening as input are “Listening to comprehend”, “Listening to notice”, “Understanding the grammar point”, ___.A.“listen and repeat”and “listen and tick”B. “checking”and “trying it out”C.“listen and circle”and “listen and write”D.“listen and correct”and “listen and fill”您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.037.第37题When teaching pronunciation, great care should be taken to the distinction between ___.A.pronunciation and grammarB.pronunciation and vocabularyC.pronunciation and writingD.pronunciation and phonetics您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.038.第38题。
初中英语教材教法试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在初中英语教学中,以下哪项不是有效的课堂活动?A. 词汇接龙B. 角色扮演C. 单向讲授D. 小组讨论2. 根据《新课标》,初中英语教学应注重以下哪一点?A. 语法知识的系统传授B. 语言的实际运用能力C. 词汇量的大量积累D. 阅读速度的提升3. 在教授英语语法时,以下哪种方法最为有效?A. 机械记忆B. 情景对话C. 规则背诵D. 错误纠正4. 以下哪项不是激发学生学习英语兴趣的方法?A. 多媒体教学B. 课堂游戏C. 频繁考试D. 文化介绍5. 在初中英语教学中,教师应如何引导学生进行词汇学习?A. 只注重词汇量B. 结合语境教学C. 忽略词义理解D. 只使用词汇卡片6. 以下哪项不是初中英语听力教学的目标?A. 提高听力理解能力B. 培养语音语调感知C. 加强语法知识学习D. 学习听力技巧7. 在英语教学中,如何帮助学生克服学习难点?A. 忽略难点,继续教学B. 反复练习,直到掌握C. 让学生自行解决D. 提供多种学习资源8. 以下哪项不是初中英语口语教学的重点?A. 发音准确B. 语法正确C. 词汇量丰富D. 课堂参与度9. 在英语阅读教学中,教师应如何帮助学生提高阅读理解能力?A. 只读教科书B. 增加阅读量C. 忽略生词D. 教授阅读策略10. 以下哪项不是有效的英语写作教学方法?A. 写作模板练习B. 创意写作C. 定期写作练习D. 忽视写作过程二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 初中英语教学应注重学生________(语言技能/数学技能)的培养。
12. 教师在课堂上应使用________(母语/英语)作为教学语言。
13. 教学中,教师应鼓励学生进行________(独立思考/集体讨论)。
14. 在英语教学中,________(情景模拟/数学问题)是提高学生语言运用能力的有效方法。
15. 教师应定期对学生的英语学习进行________(测试/观察)。
c初中英语教材教法试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在英语教学中,教师应该注重培养学生的哪种能力?A. 语法知识B. 听说读写综合能力C. 词汇记忆D. 文化理解答案:B2. 初中英语教材中,哪种教学方法最有助于提高学生的口语表达能力?A. 语法讲解B. 角色扮演C. 阅读理解D. 词汇测试答案:B3. 教师在教授新词汇时,应该采用哪种方法来帮助学生记忆?A. 重复书写B. 通过图片和实物C. 死记硬背D. 只读不写答案:B4. 在英语教学中,教师应该如何处理学生的发音错误?A. 忽略不计B. 立即纠正C. 课后辅导D. 让学生自行纠正答案:B5. 初中英语教材中,哪种活动最能激发学生的学习兴趣?A. 语法练习B. 歌曲和游戏C. 写作训练D. 听力测试答案:B6. 教师在设计英语课堂活动时,应该考虑哪些因素?A. 学生的年龄和兴趣B. 教学目标和内容C. 教学资源和时间D. 所有以上因素答案:D7. 在英语教学中,合作学习有哪些好处?A. 提高学生独立思考能力B. 增强学生之间的交流与合作C. 减少课堂管理难度D. 增加学生的作业量答案:B8. 教师应该如何评估学生的英语写作能力?A. 仅通过期末考试B. 通过平时作业和课堂表现C. 通过标准化测试D. 通过学生自我评价答案:B9. 在英语教学中,教师应该如何处理文化差异?A. 避免涉及文化内容B. 强调文化差异C. 教授跨文化交际技巧D. 忽略文化差异答案:C10. 教师在教授英语阅读时,应该注重培养学生的哪种技能?A. 快速阅读B. 深度理解C. 词汇记忆D. 语法分析答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语教学中,教师应该鼓励学生___________,以提高他们的语言实际运用能力。
答案:积极参与课堂活动2. 初中英语教材中,教师可以通过___________来帮助学生理解语言结构。
答案:使用图表和思维导图3. 在英语教学中,教师应该___________,以确保学生能够跟上课程进度。
初中英语教材教法试题及答案一、单项选择题1. — _____ you like some tea?— Yes, please.A. AreB. WouldC. Do答案:B2. Lucy _____ from Canada. She is from Australia.A. isn'tB. doesn'tC. wasn't答案:A3. I can't find my keys. Can you help me _____?A. find themB. to find themC. found them答案:A4. Daniel _____ every day, but he can't swim.A. practicedB. is practicingC. practices答案:C5. — _____ are the strawberries?— They are 2 dollars per pound.A. How manyB. How muchC. How long答案:B二、完形填空题阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的三个选项中选择一个最佳答案。
Do you like basketball? I 6 a big fan of it. Many people love basketball 7 it is exciting. Sometimes, when we watch the players from our 8 team doing a good job on TV, it makes us happy.I also 9 playing basketball. I played on my school team last year. I practiced every day. My coach told me that I 10 work harder than some others because I wasn't as tall as them. I 11 him and my teammates proud. At the end of the school year, we won the championship!Basketball is a team sport. It is important to 12 together. It is not only about the height; it is about skills and teamwork. I learned that 13 playing basketball. We have to pass the ball and help each other to get points.14 now, I am in high school. I still love basketball and though I am very busy with my 15 , I always find time to play it.6. A. is B. am C. was答案:B7. A. since B. but C. because答案:C8. A. favorite B. lucky C. first答案:A9. A. dislike B. enjoy C. hate答案:B10. A. must B. can C. should答案:C11. A. made B. let C. watched答案:A12. A. work B. play C. study答案:B13. A. from B. of C. about答案:C14. A. On B. In C. At答案:C15. A. family B. friends C. schoolwork答案:C三、阅读理解题阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从每题所给的三个选项中选择一个最佳答案。
2021年自考《中学英语教学法》习题及答案(卷二)1.A simple form of integrating language skills is within the same medium (either oral or written) moving from a ____(开头字母:re)skill to a productive skill. (必须输入完整的单词,单词后面不要输入空格。
)答案:receptive标准答案:receptive题目分数:1.02.The answer to whether grammar should be taught and to what extent grammar should be taught depends on some variables in the language teaching or learning ____.(开头字母:co)(必须输入完整的单词,单词后面不要输入空格。
)答案:context标准答案:context题目分数:1.03.The final goal of Communicative Language Teaching is to develop students’____(开头字母:co)competence. (必须输入完整的单词,单词后面不要输入空格。
)答案:communicative标准答案:communicative题目分数:1.04.The transition device in reading is a way to transfer ____(开头字母:in)from one form, e.g. the text form, to another, e.g. a visual form. (必须输入完整的单词,单词后面不要输入空格。
初中英语教材教法试题及答案一、选择题1. 根据教材内容,下列哪个单词的用法是错误的?A. 我们去图书馆借书。
B. 我正在学习英语。
C. 他昨天去了公园。
D. 她喜欢唱歌。
答案:C(“去了公园”应为“去了公园并回来了”,因为“去了”表示动作的完成)2. 下列哪个句子使用了正确的时态?A. I am go to the store.B. She is singing a song.C. He will go to school tomorrow.D. They have been to the beach last week.答案:C(C项使用了正确的将来时态)二、填空题1. 根据教材内容,完成下列句子。
- 我每天_________(做作业)。
答案:do my homework- 他们_________(正在看电视)。
答案:are watching TV三、阅读理解阅读下面短文,然后回答问题。
Today is a sunny day. Tom and his friends are playing soccerin the park. They are very happy because they love playing soccer. Tom's sister, Lucy, is reading a book under a tree. She likes reading very much.1. What are Tom and his friends doing?答案:Tom and his friends are playing soccer.2. Where are they playing soccer?答案:They are playing soccer in the park.3. What is Lucy doing?答案:Lucy is reading a book.四、完形填空阅读下面的短文,从括号内选择合适的选项填空。
英语教学法试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪种教学法强调学生中心?A. 传统教学法B. 交际教学法C. 语法翻译法D. 直接教学法答案:B2. 任务型语言教学法(Task-Based Language Teaching)的核心是什么?A. 语法规则B. 语言形式C. 语言功能D. 实际语言使用答案:D3. 以下哪个不是交际教学法的特点?A. 强调语言的交际功能B. 重视语言结构C. 学生参与度高D. 重视语言的实际使用答案:B4. 语言教学中,"input hypothesis"是由哪位学者提出的?A. Stephen KrashenB. Noam ChomskyC. Michael HallidayD. H. G. Widdowson答案:A5. 以下哪种教学法强调通过模仿来学习语言?A. 交际教学法B. 语法翻译法C. 直接教学法D. 行为主义教学法答案:D6. 以下哪种教学法主张通过语言的自然习得来学习?A. 交际教学法B. 自然法C. 语法翻译法D. 直接教学法答案:B7. 以下哪种教学法强调教师的引导作用?A. 交际教学法B. 直接教学法C. 自然法D. 探究式教学法答案:D8. 以下哪种教学法主张通过游戏和活动来学习语言?A. 交际教学法B. 任务型教学法C. 游戏教学法D. 直接教学法答案:C9. 以下哪种教学法强调语言的输入和输出?A. 交际教学法B. 任务型教学法C. 语法翻译法D. 直接教学法答案:B10. 以下哪种教学法主张通过母语来教授第二语言?A. 交际教学法B. 语法翻译法C. 直接教学法D. 沉浸式教学法答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 交际教学法强调语言的______功能。
答案:交际2. 任务型语言教学法主张通过完成______来学习语言。
答案:任务3. "input hypothesis"认为语言习得需要______语言输入。
A. 准确性B. 交际性C. 生活性D. 目的性2. 如果把教师语言看作一种技能、一种习惯,想通过大量机械模仿的练习让学生掌握语言,那么他在外语课堂中很可能会采用进行教学。
A. 语法翻译法B. 听说法或情境法C. 认知法D. 交际法3. 在里,教师是课堂教学的权威、知识的传授者和课堂教学的组织者。
A.交际法B. 听说法或情境法C. 认知法D. 语法翻译法二、填空题1.在语法翻译法的课堂里,语法是以的途径教授的,即讲授语法规则,然后用例子加以说明和解释。
2. 直接法的“直接”包括直接学习、直接理解、三个方面的意思。
4. 认知法是在以为代表的转换生成语法和Caroll的认知心理学的理论基础上产生的。
5. 就是直接通过课堂教学让学生用英语完成各种真实的生活、学习、工作等任务,将课堂教学的目标真实化、任务化,从而培养其运用英语的能力。
初中英语教材教法试题及答案教师教材教法考试初中英语试卷第I卷课程标准及教材教法部分 (五大题共30分)一、填空题 (每空0.5分,共5分)1.基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的英语运用能力。
二、判断题正确的用"√"表示,错误的用"×"表示 (每小题1分,共3分)5.国家英语课程标准要求从三年级起开设课程。
(×)6.《英语(仁爱版)》教材把任务型教学与交际教学法灵活运用于课堂,其单元的核心是课题探究活动 (project)。
(√)7.任务型语言教学(Task-based Language Teaching)就是直接通过课堂教学让学生用英语完成各种真实的生活、研究、工作等任务,将课堂教学的目标真实化、任务化,从而培养学生运用英语的能力。
(√)三、简答题 (共4分)8.基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是培养学生的英语运用能力,包括听、说、读、写四个方面。
初中英语教材教法试题及答案第一部分:选择题1. — Could you please tell me ______?— Sure. It's 10 meters high.A. how high the tree isB. how high is the treeC. how old the tree isD. how old is the tree答案:A2. — Where is Lisa now?— She ______ her friends at the library. They are doing some research for their project.A. joinedB. has joinedC. will joinD. had joined答案:B3. — Can I try on this pair of shoes?— ______. They are on sale.A. No problemB. Not at allC. Go aheadD. You're welcome答案:C4. — I don't feel well today. I have a headache.— ______. You need to take some rest.A. That's a shameB. Sounds goodC. Take careD. Me too5. — How about going hiking this Saturday?— ______, but I have to finish my homework.A. That's rightB. Sounds interestingC. That's a good ideaD. Not at all答案:B第二部分:填空题6. _______ my surprise, the little girl won the singing competition.答案:To7. You should ______ your coat. It's cold outside.答案:wear8. There are many ______ cars on the street, so the traffic is very heavy.答案:parked9. Would you mind ______ the window? It's too hot in here.答案:opening10. We ______ for the school bus, but it didn't come.答案:waited第三部分:阅读理解Mr. and Mrs. Smith are from the United States. They're now in China. Mrs. Smith can speak some Chinese. She can speak a little Chinese because she has a lot of Chinese friends in America. She's interested in Chinese culture. She hopes she can learn more during their stay in China. But Mr. Smith doesn't speak Chinese at all. He thinks learning Chinese is too difficult.11. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Smith from?答案:The United States.12. Why can Mrs. Smith speak some Chinese?答案:Because she has a lot of Chinese friends in America.Passage 2Tim is a middle school student. He loves reading books. His favorite book is about adventures. Every weekend, he goes to the library to borrow several books. Last week, he read four books in two days. He wanted to tell his best friend, but he forgot to bring his friend's phone number. He was sad because he couldn't share the excitement with his friend.13. What is Tim's favorite book about?答案:Adventures.14. What did Tim forget to bring?答案:His friend's phone number.第四部分:翻译题15. 小明正在学习如何游泳。
中学英语教师教材教法理论考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项是英语教学中的“三维目标”?A. 知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观B. 听、说、读、写C. 语法、词汇、语音、语用D. 课堂管理、课程设计、教学评价答案:A2. 以下哪项是任务型教学法的核心思想?A. 学生中心B. 教师中心C. 任务驱动D. 语法驱动答案:C3. 以下哪个阶段是英语教学的关键期?A. 小学阶段B. 初中阶段C. 高中阶段D. 大学阶段答案:B4. 以下哪项是英语教学评价的基本原则?A. 客观、公正、公平B. 灵活、多样、创新C. 简洁、明了、易懂D. 全面、发展、激励答案:D5. 以下哪个教学方法注重培养学生的自主学习能力?A. 任务型教学法B. 交际法C. 情境教学法D. 指导教学法答案:A6. 以下哪个是英语课程教学的总目标?A. 培养学生的英语素养B. 提高学生的英语成绩C. 提升学生的综合素质D. 培养学生的跨文化交际能力答案:A7. 以下哪个是英语教学评价的主要形式?A. 课堂提问B. 课堂观察C. 作业批改D. 测试答案:D8. 以下哪个是英语教学设计的基本原则?A. 实用性B. 创新性C. 可行性D. 系统性答案:D9. 以下哪个是英语课堂教学的基本环节?A. 导入B. 新课讲解C. 练习D. 总结答案:D10. 以下哪个是英语教学评价的目的是?A. 了解学生的学习情况B. 提高学生的英语成绩C. 促进学生的全面发展D. 检验教师的教学水平答案:C二、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 请简要阐述任务型教学法的特点。
2. 请简要介绍英语教学评价的基本原则。
初中英语教材教法试题及答案一、选择题1. Which of the following is the correct way to greet someone in English?A. Hello, how are you?B. Hi, how is it going?C. Both A and BAnswer: C2. What is the past tense of the verb "run"?A. ranB. runC. runningAnswer: A3. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank: "She is a very ________ person."A. healthB. healthyC. healthilyAnswer: B4. What does the phrase "in the end" mean?A. at the beginningB. in the middleC. finallyAnswer: C5. Which sentence is written in the present perfect tense?A. I will go to the park tomorrow.B. I am going to the park now.C. I have visited the park three times.Answer: C二、填空题1. Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb: "I ________ (not go) to school yesterday."Answer: did not go2. Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentence: "Heis very interested in ________ English."Answer: learning3. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: "She is waiting ________ the bus stop."Answer: at4. Write the comparative form of the adjective "big". Answer: bigger5. Complete the sentence with the correct phrase: "He is so tired that he can ________ his eyes."Answer: hardly keep三、阅读理解Read the following passage and answer the questions.Tom is an American boy. He is twelve years old and he lives in New York. He has a dog named Buddy. Buddy is a very clever dog and Tom loves him very much. Every day, Tom walks Buddy in the park near his house. They often play fetch with a ball and Buddy always brings the ball back to Tom. One day, while they were playing in the park, a little girl came up to them. She was lost and she couldn't find her mother. Tom and Buddy decided to help her. They searched everywhere and finally found the little girl's mother. The mother was very grateful and thanked Tom and Buddy. From that day on, Tom and Buddy became heroes in their neighborhood.6. How old is Tom?Answer: Twelve years old.7. What is the name of Tom's dog?Answer: Buddy.8. What do Tom and Buddy often do in the park?Answer: They often play fetch with a ball.9. What happened to the little girl in the story?Answer: She was lost and couldn't find her mother.10. How did the mother show her gratitude?Answer: She was very grateful and thanked Tom and Buddy.四、写作题Write a short essay on the topic "The Importance of Learning English." Your essay should be no less than 100 words.The Importance of Learning EnglishEnglish is a global language that has become an essentialtool for communication in today's world. It is not onlywidely spoken but also serves as a lingua franca in many international settings. Learning English opens up a world of opportunities, both in terms of education and career prospects.In the educational sphere, English is the primary language of instruction in many prestigious universities and research institutions around the world. Mastery of English allows students to access a wealth of knowledge and resources thatare otherwise unavailable in their native languages. Moreover, English proficiency is often a requirement for participatingin international exchange programs and academic collaborations.In the professional realm, English is the language ofbusiness and trade. Many multinational corporations useEnglish as their working language, and the ability to communicate effectively in English can significantly enhance an individual's employability and career advancement. It also facilitates cross-cultural understanding and cooperation,which are vital in our increasingly interconnected world.Furthermore, English is the dominant language on the internet, where a vast amount of information and entertainment is available. Proficiency in English enables individuals tofully engage with this digital content, enriching their lives and broadening their horizons.In conclusion, the importance of learning English cannot be overstated. It is a key to unlocking a world of knowledge, opportunities, and cultural exchange. As the world becomes more globalized, the ability to speak English will only become more valuable.。
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___ is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.A.Self-relianceB.NatureC.The American ScholarD. The Bells答案:D2.第6题_______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history.A.Stephen CraneB.Frank NorrisC.Jack LondonD.Walt Whitman答案:D3.第7题william faulkner once declared that ___ was the first truly american writer from whom we are descended.A.Washington IrvingB.CooperC.HawthorneD.Mark Twain答案:D4.第8题___ is not a name to refer to Natty Bumppo in Cooper’s frontier saga.A.deerslayerB.pathfinderC.hawkeyeD.Mohican答案:D5.第10题Twice-told Tales is a collection of stories written by ___.A.Nathaniel HowthorneB.Edgar Ellan PoeC.Washington Irving答案:A6.第11题Among the following stories written by Poe, only one belongs to the category of the detectiveA.The Purloined LetterB. LigeiaC.The Tell-tale Heart答案:A7.第12题The famous pamphlet Common Sense appearing in 1776 was written by _____________.A.Thomas JeffersonB.Thomas PaineC.Benjamine Franklin答案:B8.第13题Henry David Thoreau built his cabin beside the lake of Walden in the year ___.A.1854B.1845C.1860答案:B9.第14题The first American writer who propounded that a piece of literary work should focus on the production of a single emotional effect is ___.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB.Herman MelvilleC.Edgar Ellan Poe答案:C10.第15题The Blithedale Romance is a novel about the Brook Farm experiment written by __________.A.Henry JamesB.Nathaniel HawthorneC.James Fenimore Cooper答案:B11.第16题The poem “Thanatopsis” was written by __________.A.Emily DickinsonB.William Cullen BryantC.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow答案:B12.第17题The Author of the short story "A Gift for Maggie" is ---.A. O. HenryB. Mark TwainC.Jack London答案:A13.第18题Billy Budd was a short novel written by the American novelist ---.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB.Herman MelvilleC.Walt Whitman答案:B14.第19题robert frost once said that a poem should begin with delight and end in__________.A.pleasureB.uglinessC.deathD.wisdom答案:D15.第21题Benjy is a central character in Faulkner's novel ---.A. As I Lay DyingB. A Rose For EmilyC.the sound and the fury答案:C16.第31题The arbiter of nineteen-century literary realism in America was ______.A.Mark TwainB.Henry JamesC.O’HenryD.William Dean Howells答案:D17.第32题After the success of ____, Herman Melville became known as a man who lived among cannibals.A.TypeeB.White JacketC.OmooD.Moby Dick答案:A18.第33题The best of Cooper’s sea r omances was ____.A.The prairieB.The PilotC.The PoineersD.the pathfinder答案:B19.第34题“I heard the merry grasshopper then sing,/The black-clad cricket bear a second part” These lines written by ____________.A.Roger WilliamsB.John EliotC.Anne BradstreetD.Washington Irving答案:C20.第35题The writer who once said that all american literature came from Mark Twain’s Huck Finn is ___.A.William FaulknerB.Stephen CraneC.Ernest HemingwayD.Chairman答案:C21.第36题in 1836, a small book was published in the united states and has hence been called the manifesto of the american transcendentalism. its author was ___.A. Henry David ThoreauB. Walt WhitmanC.Ralph Waldo Emerson答案:C22.第37题Among the following 3 authors the one who did not win a Nobel Prize is ---.A.William FaulknerB. F. S. FitzgeraldC. John Steinbeck答案:B23.第38题Nathaniel Hawthorne gave a definition to the term "romance" in his Preface to the novel ---.A.The House of the Seven GablesB.The Scarlet LetterC.The Marble Faun答案:A24.第39题Tales of a Traveller was written by the American author__________.A.James Fenimore CooperB.Washington IrvingC.Nathaniel Hawthorne答案:B25.第40题The first American writer to win an international fame is ___.A. Henry JamesB.James Fenimore CooperC.Washington Irving答案:C26.第41题A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was written by _______.A.Henry JamesB.Mark TwainC.Jack LondonD.Theodore Dreiser答案:B27.第42题“I become a transparent eye-ball. i am nothing. i see all. the currents of the universal being circulate through me; i am part or particle of god.”the passage above is quoted from emerson’s essay __________.A.The American ScholarB.NatureC.Self-Reliance答案:B28.第43题The salesman whom Sister Carrie met with on her way to Chicago was named _____________.A.Charles DrouetB.HurstwoodC.Stephen CraneD.Frank Norris答案:A29.第44题"Two roads diverged in a yellow woods" is a line in a poem written by ---.A.T. S. EliotB.Wallace StevensC.Robert Frost答案:C30.第45题In Poe’s tale “The Fall of the House of Usher”, the major female character Madeline is the titular hero Usher’s _____________.A.wifeernessC.cousinD.sister答案:D31.第55题____ Bryant’s best-known poem, was written when he was only sixteen years old.A.To a WaterfowlB.ThanatopsisC.To HelenD.Annabel Lee答案:B32.第56题William Sidney Porter was the real name of ________.A.Mark TwainB.O’ HenryC.Jack LondonD.William Dean Howells答案:B33.第57题____ was considered to be the first American writer.A.Washington IrvingB.Benjamin FranklinC.John SmithD.Hoffman答案:C34.第58题The sentence “whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist”is quoted from Emerson’s essay _________.A.NatureB.The Over-SoulC.Self-Reliance答案:C35.第59题The title of Faulkner's novel The Sound and the Fury is quoted from a sentence in Shakespeare's play ---.A.MacbethB.King LearC.Hamlet答案:A36.第60题Ernest Hemingway's Last important literary work is ---.A.the old man and the seaB.The Sun Also RisesC. For Whom the Bell Tolls答案:A37.第61题among the following three american writers, only one has never been married in his or her life. the person is ___.A. Edgar Ellan PoeB.Herman MelvilleC.Emily Dickinson答案:C38.第62题The central character’s name in Washington Irving’s famous short story “The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow” is ______________.A.Stephen CraneB.Ichabod CraneC.Rip Van Winkle答案:B39.第63题In terms of subject matter, “The Turn of the Screw” is a ___.A.ghost storyB.science fictionC.romantic tale答案:A40.第64题Among the following novelists, the only one who had the working experience as a seal hunter is__________.A.Henry JamesB. Mark TwainC.FitzgeraldD.Jack London答案:D41.第65题the lines “to the glory that was greece, /and the grandeur that was rome”were quoted from poe’s poem __________.A.The RavenB.To HelenC.Annabel Lee答案:B42.第66题The last finished novel written by Fitzgerald is __________.A.This Side of ParadiseB.All the Sad Young MenC.The Great GatsbyD.Tender Is the Night答案:D43.第67题The real name of the author Mark Twain is ___.A.Samuel Langhorne ClemensB.Samuel JohnsonC.Samuel Tylor Coleridge答案:A44.第69题the village near boston in which both emerson and thoreau lived was called _________.A.BostonB.ConcordC.Jamestown答案:B45.第70题The central character Huckleberry Finn in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn also appears in Twain’s novel ________.A.The Adventures of Tom SawyerB.A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s CourtC.An American TragedyD.Life On Mississippi答案:A46.第20题The Puritan style of writing is characterized by simplicity, which left an indelible imprint on American writings.答案:正确47.第22题Poe was a predecessor of the later British detective writer Conan Doyle.答案:正确48.第23题John Stwinbeck didn't win a Nobel Prize because he was sympathetic with the working class people.答案:错误49.第46题The Second World War led the American intellectuals to a bitter disillusionment, breeding what is called modernism.答案:错误50.第47题The short story writer O.Henry was once put into prison because he was a Nazi.答案:错误51.第48题Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls was about the Spanish Civil War.答案:正确52.第71题thoreau was an active transcendentalist who was an escapist or a recluse detached from the life of his day.答案:错误53.第72题“The Premature Burial” is a dete ctive story written by Poe.答案:错误54.第1题The novel written by Hemingway about the Spanish civil war is ___________.答案:For Whom the Bell Tolls55.第2题“though as for that, the passing there/ had worn them really about the same”are lines quoted from robert frost’s poem _________.答案:The Road Not Taken56.第3题Nathaniel Hawthorne”s last completed novel was ____________.答案:The Marble Faun57.第4题The first line in the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is _________.答案:Whose woods these are I think I know58.第9题_____ is the novel into which Jack London put most of himself.答案:Martin Eden59.第26题Isabel Archer is the heroine of the novel ___, Henry James’s masterpiece.答案:60.第27题With the publication of The Sun Also Rises, ______ became the spokesman of the Lost Generation.答案:Eanest Hemingway61.第28题The last line in the poem “The Wild Honey Suckle” is ______________.答案:The frail duration of a flower62.第29题“Call me Ishmael” is the famous opening sentence of the novel ______________.答案:Moby Dick63.第30题In the year 1845, Henry David Thoreau went into woods to live nearly all by himself for almost two years. When he came out, he published a book based on that experience. The book is ___________.答案:Walden64.第50题___ described himself as “a royalist in politics, a classicist in literature, and an anglo-catholic”in religion.”答案:T. S. Eliot65.第51题“Fair flower that dost so comely grow” is the opening line in the poem ____________.答案:The Wild Honey Suckle66.第52题in the 1920s, faulkner wrote a novel the first part of which was narrated from the view point of an idiot. the novel is _________.答案:the sound and the fury。