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• Histone modifications • Pre- and post-transcriptional gene regulation by small non-coding RNAs • ...
DNA methylation
• DNA methylation is a biochemical process where a methyl group is added to the cytosine or adenine DNA nucleotides. • CpG dinucleotides. • DNA methyltransferases--Dnmt. (De novo;maintance)
• RISC(RNA-Induced Silencing Complex)
• Epigenetic regulation
பைடு நூலகம்
• Cell differentiation
Cell differentiation
• The process by which a less specialized cell becomes a more specialized cell type.
Thank you and questions?
Histone modifications
• Histone
• Acetylation,methylation... • Histone methy/acety-transferases Histone de-methy/acetylases
Small non-coding RNAs
• microRNA
• • • • • • Neural cell differentiation Osteoblast differentiation Stem cell differentiation Fibrocyte cell differentiation Germ cell differentiation ...
Neural cell differentiation
Neural cell differentiation
• RE1 : repressor element 1 within the promoter of neuronal gene. • REST : RE1 silencing transcription factor • STAT(gene) : binding site of transcription factor STAT,within the promoter of glial gene • STAT-CBP :transcription activator complex
Neural cell differentiation
Osteoblast differentiation
• C2C12 • BMP2 • Overexpression of miR-378 and ctrl
Osteoblast differentiation
Figure 6. Effect of miR-378 overexpression on C2C12 bone transcription program:upregualtion.
Epigenetic regulation in cell differentiation
CuiQin酱 2014.10.21
• Epigenetic regulation
• Cell differentiation
Epigenetic regulation
• DNA methylation