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A/C Troubleshooting 空调故障分析与处理
Refrigerant 制冷剂 Normal 正常 Pressure 压力 MPa(psi) Low 低压 0.15 ~ 0.25 (21.75 ~ 36.25) High 高压 1.37 ~ 1.57 (198.65 ~ 227.65) Phenomenon 故障症状 – Cause 原因 – Check, Repair 检查和维修 –
High/low pressure are low. 高低压压力低
Check and repair the refrigerant leak.检查是 否有制冷剂泄漏并维修
Low 过低
0.05 ~ 0.1 (7.25 ~ 14.50)
0.69 ~ 0.98 (100.05 ~ 142.10)
Bubbles pass continuously Refrigerant is low and has leaked. in sight glass. 观察镜可见持续性的泡沫状 制冷剂不足或泄漏 制冷剂流动 Air conditioner outlet air is not cold. 空调出风口没有冷风 If clogged completely, low pressure is indicated immediately to (–). 如果系统完全堵塞,低压压 力会迅速显示为负压 Air conditioner refrigerant circuit is clogged. If clogged a little, low 空调制冷剂系统堵塞 pressure is indicated slowly to (–). 如果仅仅 是轻微堵塞,低压压力会缓 慢显示为负压
Moisture is mixed into refrigerant circuit. 水分混入制冷剂系 统
0 ~ (–)
0.69 ~ 0.98 (100.05~ 142.10)
Start up operation is normal, and after a while, low pressure drops to (–). 开始时系统是正常的,过一 会儿低压压力降为负压 Low pressure is higher than normal. 低压压力比正常的高,甚至 和高压压力相差不大或相同
Faulty compressor 压缩机故障
(When compression is poor, the outside is not hot to touch). (如果压缩性能差,手触 摸压缩机上的排气管, 感觉温度不高,和进气 管温度差不多
High/low pressure are high, simultaneously. Excessive 高低压压力同时都比正常时 refrigerant. 高;用手触摸高压管,感觉 过多 烫手
Low compression of compressor. 压缩机压缩压力低
0.4 ~ 0.6 (58.00 ~ 87.00)
0.69 ~ 0.98 (100.05 ~ 142.10)
If air conditioner is turned off, immediately high/low pressure are the same. 如果关闭空调,高低压压力 迅速变为一致
Engine rpm is lowered, but bubbles on sight glass are poor cooling of not visible. 发动机转 condenser. 速降低后,或断开空调后, 冷凝器冷却效率降低 从观察窗中仍看不见有泡沫 状态的制冷剂流过。
Check and correct the cooling fin of condenser. 检查冷凝器的冷却散热 片并清洁
Refill with refrigerant. 重新抽真空,再灌注制 冷剂
Excessive opening of expansion valve. 膨胀阀开度过大
0.3 ~ 0.4 (43.50 ~ 58.00)
Expansion valve is frozen m百度文库isture mixed. 膨胀阀结霜 、冰塞
Check expansion valve. 检查膨胀阀 Replace receiver dryer. 更换储液干燥瓶 Check and replace compressor. 检查 并更换压缩机
Check the amount of refrigerant. 从低压侧 制冷剂 放掉适量的制冷剂,使 其达到正常的排气压力 和温度
Excessive refrigerant. 制冷剂过多
0.25 ~ 0.35 (36.25 ~ 50.75)
1.96 ~ 2.45 (284.20 ~ 355.25)
Fill with refrigerant. 添加制冷剂
Refrigerant is not circulated. 制冷剂不循环
0 ~ (–)
0.5 ~ 0.6 (72.50 ~ 87.00)
Check and replace receiver/dryer and expansion valve, etc. 检查储液干燥瓶和膨胀 阀等等,可用氮气对着 储液干燥瓶或膨胀阀的 进口或出口吹气,如不 通畅,说明其堵塞,需 更换。
Air is mixed into circuit. 空气混入系统
0.25 ~ 0.3 (36.25 ~ 43.50)
1.96 ~ 2.45 (284.20 ~ 355.25)
High/low pressure are high, simultaneously. 高低压压力同时都比正常时 高 High/low pressure pipes are warm.;用手触摸高低压 Air is mixed. 空气混入系统 管,感觉烫手 A lot of bubbles in sight glass are visible. 从观察窗内能看到大量泡沫 状态的制冷剂流过