
热变形维卡点测定仪安全操作及保养规程1. 前言热变形维卡点测定仪是一种常用于材料热变形性能测试的仪器设备。
2. 安全操作规程在使用热变形维卡点测定仪时,请务必遵循以下操作规程:2.1. 安全环境•在使用热变形维卡点测定仪之前,确保实验室或测试场地符合相关的安全要求和标准。
2.2. 熔融样品处理•在处理熔融样品时,必须佩戴适当的个人防护设备,如乳胶手套和护目镜。
2.3. 电源和电气设备•当使用热变形维卡点测定仪时,应确保设备的电源和电气设备处于良好工作状态,并符合相关的安全要求。
2.4. 设备操作•仔细阅读并理解热变形维卡点测定仪的操作手册,并按照要求进行操作。
2.5. 紧急情况处理•若发生设备故障、漏电、短路或其他紧急情况时,立即停止使用并拔下电源插头。
3. 保养规程为了确保热变形维卡点测定仪的长期可靠运行和延长设备寿命,应按照以下保养规程进行定期保养:3.1. 清洁维护•每次使用后,应使用干净的抹布或纸巾擦拭热变形维卡点测定仪的外壳和相关配件,保持其干净整洁。
3.2. 润滑保养•定期对热变形维卡点测定仪的滚轮、导轨和其他运动部件进行润滑保养,以减少摩擦和磨损。

热变形及维卡软化点温度测试仪温度参数在线校准方法符堃 / 上海市计量测试技术研究院摘 要 针对热变形及维卡软化点温度测试仪的在线校准,使用数据采集器对动态温度数据进行采集和分析。
关键词 热变形;维卡软化点;温度;在线校准;不确定度0 引言热变形及维卡软化点温度测试仪(以下简称测试仪)用来测试塑料成型后的热变形温度和维卡软化点温度两项重要的热性能指标,为控制产品的质量或作为产品使用条件提供参考[1]。
1 温度校准方法一1.1 原理热变形温度(heat deflection temperature,HDT)是指,对浸在一定升温速率(50 ℃/h或120 ℃/h)导热介质中的一定尺寸矩形试样施以规定负载、试样中心的变形量达到与试样尺寸所对应的形变量时的温度。
维卡软化点温度(vicat softening temperature, VST)是将热塑性塑料放置于液体传热介质中,在一定的负荷(1 000 g或5 000 g)和升温速率(50 ℃/h 或120 ℃/h)条件下、试样被直径1 mm2的针头压入1 mm时的温度。
1.2 校准方法测试仪共有六个工作站,每个工作站都有一根测量铂电阻,整个油浴槽中有一根控温铂电阻。

第23卷第5期高校化学工程学报No.5 V ol.23 2009 年10月 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities Oct. 2009文章编号:1003-9015(2009)05-0813-06新型聚烯烃弹性体OBC增韧共聚PP的研究李晨, 范宏, 鲁列, 郭春文, 李伯耿(浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学系化学工程国家重点实验室, 浙江杭州 310027)摘要:进行乙烯-辛烯嵌段型共聚物(OBC)共混改性共聚级聚丙烯(Co-PP)的研究,考察了共混物的冲击强度、拉伸强度、断裂伸长率、熔体流动指数、维卡软化点等机械物理性能和冲击断面形貌,进行了动态力学分析,并与Co-PP/乙烯-辛烯无规共聚物(POE)、Co-PP/乙烯-丁烯共聚物(EBC)共混体系比较。
关键词:共聚级聚丙烯;聚烯烃弹性体;增韧改性;乙烯-辛烯嵌段型共聚物中图分类号:TQ325.14 文献标识码:AResearch on Toughening Modification of Copolymerized Polypropylene UsingPolyolefin ElastomersLI Chen, FAN Hong, LU Lie, GUO Chun-wen, LI Bo-geng (State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering,Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)Abstract: Compared with the polyolefin elastomers of ethylene-octene random copolymer (POE) and ethylene-butene random copolymer (EBC), a new polyolefin elastomer, ethylene-octene block copolymer (OBC), was used to blend with copolymerized polypropylene (Co-PP) and to form the toughening modified Co-PP alloy. The mechanical and physical properties of the toughening modified alloys, such as impact strength, tensile strength, elongation at break, melt flow index, Vicat softening point and morphologies of the impact fracture surface, were investigated. The dynamic mechanics of the alloys were analyzed too. The results show that all the three kinds of Co-PP alloys (Co-PP/OBC, Co-PP/POE and Co-PP/EBC) have almost accomplished the “brittle-ductile transition” when their elastomer content is higher than 10%(wt), and both the ethylene-octene copolymers (OBC and POE) with longer branched chains have better toughening effect on Co-PP. Especially at low temperatures, the Co-PP/OBC alloy has higher impact strength, storage modulus and lower loss peak temperature. Since there is polyethylene blocks existing in the chains of OBC, both OBC and its alloy with Co-PP have better processability and higher thermal deformation temperature.Key words: Co-polypropylene; polyolefin elastomer; toughening modification;ethylene-octene block copolymer1前言聚丙烯(PP)原料来源丰富,合成工艺相对简单,且具有密度小、刚性、耐热性、电绝缘性好等优点,已成为通用树脂中发展最快的品种之一。

一、机械部分故障1. 试验机工作台无法升降热变形维卡软化点试验机在使用过程中,可能会出现工作台无法升降的情况。
2. 加热系统异常试验机的加热系统异常可能会导致试验温度不稳定或无法达到预设温度。
二、控制系统故障1. 控制程序错误热变形维卡软化点试验机的控制系统可能会出现程序错误的情况,导致试验无法进行或者数据不准确。
2. 仪器读数不准确如果试验机的读数不准确,可能是控制系统的参数设置错误或者传感器故障引起的。

执行标准仪器符合ISO75、ISO306、GB/T1633、GB/T1634、GB/T8802、ASTM D1525、ASTM D648标准要求。
技术参数及指标1、温控范围:室温~300℃2、升温速率:120℃/h [(12±1)℃/6min] 50℃/h [(5±0.5)℃/6min]3、最大温度误差:±0.5℃4、形变测量范围:0~3mm5、最大形变测量误差:±0.005mm6、形变测量显示精度:±0.01mm7、试样架(测试工位): 48、试样支撑跨距:64mm、100mm9、负载杆和压头(刺针)重量:71g10、加热介质要求:甲基硅油或标准中规定的其它介质(闪点大于300℃)11、冷却方式:150℃以下水冷,150℃以自然冷却或风冷(风冷设备需自备)12、具有上限温度设定,自动报警。
17、电源电压:220V±10% 10A 50Hz18、加热功率:3kW。

The CEASTModular Melt Flow,ADVANCED FIRMWARE •User friendly man-machine interface with menus and scroll lists •Possibility to store up to 25 sets of test parameters •Parameters are pre-selected for ASTM D 1238 and ISO 1133 in default and can be modified and saved •Up to 40 data points can be acquired over 30 mm of piston travel during test with the possibility to discard or restore the values outof tolerance (if necessary) for the last test performed•Test parameters can be selected: starting point defined by pistonposition or elapsed time, measurement duration and steps number,etc.•Customized test settings: automatic print of results, automaticweight lifting at test end, etc.•Assisted Test Mode: acoustic alarms prompt the operator for massapplication, extrudate cutting and end of test•Melt Density calculation based on actual weight of the extrudate,measured at the end of the last test performed•Password access control for: operator, supervisor, and maintenance•Special firmware developments are available on request.DATA OUTPUT Displayed during test:•MFI or MVR at each step •Average MFI or MVR •Time of each step •Total time •Real and Set temperatures•Piston position•Real Time and Position of test initiation•A USB Port can connect the instrument directly to a printer.SEMI-AUTOMATIC TEST CYCLES•7025.000, 7026.000, 7027.000 capable of performingsemi-automatic test cycles•Operator enters test parameters and inserts the material•Piston loading and test execution follow automatically•7027.000 can also perform pre-heating and compactingautomatically.PC INTERFACE •VisualMELT software can control test and instrument, see the last page of this brochure for details.•Up to eight (8) Modular Melt Flow instruments can beindependently controlled with a single PC.•The RS232 Serial Port can be used to connect the instrument toa PC. Shortly, this will also be possible using the USB port.CERTIFICATES•Certification of each individual nozzle, piston and barrel usingcertified equipment is supplied with the instrument•Optional certificates are available for the test masses andreference thermometers.BASIC FEATURESDesigned with compact and strong construction.•Instant results on the on-board display•Direct print-out of test report•On board keyboard for: data input, test execution, temperaturecontrol, timing, lifting, cutting, data acquisition, calculation, andfinal reporting.STANDARDS •ISO 1133 A-B, ASTM D 1238. Procedures A, B and C(Plus Multiple-Weight Procedure D with MFM 7027.000)and other equivalents.MODULARITY •Upgrade from the most basic model (code 7023.000) to the most complete model (code 7026.000) in your labs •Top model, 7027.000, has common accessories and options.OVEN•Unique heat sink around the barrel to ensure maximumtemperature stability•Special thick Durasil® insulation plates ensure minimum heat loss•Minimum temperature variation when polymer is inserted into the barrel.Vanguard ElectronicsUSER-FRIENDLY CALIBRATION•All calibration parameters can be edited using either the keyboard,or downloaded using the serial port and PC connection •Upgradeable Firmware: Flash Memory allows upgrading of firmware via PC connection.MODULAR MELT FLOW SERIES: ENHANCED MODELSFor performing tests according to ASTM D 1238 and ISO 1133 Procedures A, B and C (Melt Mass-Flow Rate “MFR” and Melt Volume-Flow Rate “MVR”) gravitational and volumetric methods: the instrument measures the travel of the piston in theThe First Step:Melt Mass-Flow Rate (Mass Method, Basic Melt Index) According to ASTM D 1238, ISO 1133 Procedure A and other equivalents Evolution and Enhancements:Melt Volume Rate (Volume Method)According to ASTM D 1238, ISO 1133 Procedure A, B and C and other equivalents7023.0007025.0007026.000MODULAR MELT FLOW code 7027.000An evolution in Melt Flow Testing:A single test can be performed with one, two or three test weights in increasing OR decreasing weight order. Initial rheological data can be gained from these tests, including the shear sensitivity and the initial points of the MODULAR MELT FLOW LINE COMMON TECHNICAL DATA Piston Position Reading - Accuracy: ±0.02 mm (using encoder).Masses - Tolerance: ±0.5%Range of loads: from to 0.325 kg (3.19 N) to 21.600 kg (211.9 N). Barrel (extrusion cylinder) - Nitride hardened steelTemperature - Time to reach stable test temperature: approx. 10 minutesTemperature range: 50 ÷400°C (on request 450°C)Temperature display resolution: 0.1°CThermal stability: ±0.2°C from 50 to 400°CA thermal fuse protects the instrument from potential fire hazard. Nozzle - Standard nozzle (ISO 1133/ASTM D 1238): tungsten carbideSpecial nozzles are available with different geometries(for example ASTM D 3364 and ISO 292(b)).All nozzles are supplied with individual serial numbers and conformancecertificates.Language - On-board program language can be selected from:English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.OPTIONAL ADVANCED EQUIPMENT FEATURES FOR ALL MODELS (See the table on the next page for further details).Die Swell - code 7023.040/7027.040System complete with: laser detection system, for measuring extrudate diameter and software calculation of the die swell ratio.Nozzle Plug - code 7023.006Die Plug for polymers with low molecular weight and quick flow to keep the polymer in the barrel during pre-heating (for Procedure C).Automatic Cleaning Device – code 7023.030/7027.030Cleaning device, mounted on the weight lifter, that swings into place. At the touch of a button, the pneumatically driven up-and-down movement effectively removes all traces of even the most difficult polymer from the barrel. Nitrogen Blanket – code 7027.070Useful for testing hygroscopic polymers (such as PET, polyamides and Nylon®), this accessory puts the polymer being tested under a Nitrogen gas blanket, keeping the polymer dry during the test.Special Kits for Aggressive MaterialsTo be used when corrosive materials must be tested. Piston, barrel and nozzle are supplied in special material, resistant to corrosion from the acids evolvedcode - 6934.035code - 6934.036. Other options are available upon request.7027.000See two complete test examples on following pagetspwH tH rT rH pH cTest endSpecialists in rheology and data processing… not all Melt Flow Testers are alikeDisplay of dataand elaboration9Weight SetFor 2.16 – 5.0 - 21.6 kg Support for 1 mass Support for 2 massesVisualMELT SOFTWARE code 0710.650The main programme controls all functions of the Modular Melt Flow.From a library of international standards you may select any test parameters, or enter your own. Graphs and tables can be easily stored and recalled. It is also possible, manually or automatically, to discard and restore values that are not in tolerance as required. Test results include: MFR and MVR, values and graphic of single steps,test time, statistical data, velocity and variance, thermal stability,shear rate, shear stress and viscosity. For tests performed with our model 7027.000 it is also possible to calculate the shear sensitivity and graph the initial part of the rheological curve.Full details can be found in our VisualMELT Brochure.ModelPart DescriptionVisualMELT SoftwareMultiModules for Connecting two,four oreight MMFVisualMELTSoftware Modules:Operator (Password levels)SQC (Statistics Package)Transfer (to Excel® or ASCII)Weight (correct Melt Density)MODULAR MELT FLOW 0710.6500710.653.20710.653.40710.653.80710.6510710.6570710.6520710.6587027.0007026.0007025.0007024.0007023.000Code -Not Available Optional IncludedExpanded Data Analysis With advanced processing of the experimental data further rheological and processing information may be obtained:•Melt Density •Estimate of filler content •Flow Rate Ratio •Thermal Stability These instruments are made in compliance with CE health and safety requirements CEAST GmbHCEAST Asia Pte. Ltd. CEAST USA INC.CEAST S.p.A.40 Points test data reportCEAST’s VisualMELT,------A P 7023-05 0407- P u b b l i c i t ào l t r e i d e a - T O R I N O - P r i n t e d i n I t a l y。

热变形、维卡软化点测定仪操作方法1.主要测试样品样品规格长(跨)度L/mm 宽度b/mm 厚度h/mm 放置方式软质弹性体10 10 4 平放硬质塑料65 10 4 平放备注软质弹性体主要包括:TPV、TPE、WRT-801、WRT-802等;硬质塑料主要包括:PP、WRT-901、HDPE、PE等。
(此过程中,涉及到需要接触试样杆、压头及试样的操作步骤,需要带上塑料薄膜手套以防止硅油对手的污染)2.3 依次放置好1#、2#试样架中的试样(3#试样架有故障不能进行正常实验故无需放置试样),然后依次将1#、2#、3#试样架分别小心缓慢的放入油浴池中(若不放置3#试样架,在程序升温过程中,当温度过高时,硅油会挥发出油浴箱,对实验室环境造成污染)。
3.压头的选择及圆盘上所需加载砝码质量的计算样品规格所选压头或压针型号测试项目负载计算公式依据标准所需加载砝码质量实际加载砝码质量软质弹性体压针维卡软化点(1)GB/T1633-2000.A50法1000g 50g硬质塑料压头热(负荷)变形温度(2)GB/T1634.1—200425g 20g备注(1):压针施加在试样上的法向正应力g S m m m ∙++=压针砝码压针杆σ 其中: σ=10N S=1 mm 2 m 杆+m 压针=50g(2)压头施加在试样上的作用力L h b F f *∙∙*=322σ其中:σf =0.45MPa b=10mm h=4mm L=65mm F=(m 杆+m 压头+m 砝码)g4.1操作系统及参数设定首先打开热变形、维卡软化点测定仪电源开关,待指示灯与操作屏幕界面稳定后,按依据提示进入操作,分别设置好升温范围,升温速率,目标距离;在砝码盘上放置好砝码后对1#、2#试样架进行位置调节,先使其位置处于+0.5mm 之间,之后进行重新调零校正。

测控系统基于第二代ARM Cortex-M3内核的微控制器研发设计,它具有高性能、低功耗的32位微处理器,其操作频率高达120MHz,性能远高于16位、12MHz单片机,具有大容量闪存、大容量SRAM、丰富的IO端口资源以及其他外设组件,高度集成的测控系统具有实时性更好、速度更快、稳定性更高的特点。
本控制系统采用了基于Σ-Δ技术的16 位无误码数据的AD芯片,先进的PID控制算法使控制平稳可靠,基于带CRC校验的主从通讯模式,数据安全可靠。

六工位热变形维卡测定仪一,执行标准JB/T 12723热变形/维卡软化温度测定仪技术规范GB/T 1633 热塑性塑料维卡软化点温度(VST)的测定GB/T 1634.1 塑料负荷变形温度的测定第1部分:通用实验方法GB/T 1634.2 塑料负荷变形温度的测定第2部分:塑料和硬橡胶Q/SY 13474 物资到货质量检验管理规范Q/SY 13281 物资仓储管理规范二,技术参数:控制系统:PLC+Windows系统+台式电脑仪器为桌面型仪器,应具备5个以上独立控制的电动升降工作位,配备砝码自动升降功能。
在试验期间温度变化应符合每隔6 min达到5℃±0.5℃或12℃±1℃的要求。
仪器应具备在50℃/h至 120℃/h之间调节升温速度的功能。
仪器应具备6个以上PT 100温度传感器,其中1个测量油浴温度,其余每个工作位配备一个PT 100温度传感器,测试时将温度传感器能够移到靠近样品的位置,方便温度测定,提高精度。
三,工作站技术参数电脑要求:仪器配备工作站电脑应具备i7及以上CPU,8GB×2(双通道) 内存,硬盘1TB级以上,Windows10及以上中文版本(64位)正版操作系统, USB 3.0,驱动器DVD±ROM,24英寸以上液晶屏。

热变形维卡软化点试验仪技术文章英语Vicat Softening Temperature Tester: A Comprehensive Technical Article.Introduction.The Vicat softening temperature test is a widely used technique for determining the softening point of thermoplastic materials. Developed by French chemist Louis Vicat in the early 19th century, this test evaluates the temperature at which a material undergoes a transition from a solid to a semi-liquid state. The Vicat softening temperature provides valuable insights into the material's thermal properties and behavior under load.Principle of the Test.The Vicat softening temperature test is performed using a specialized testing apparatus known as a Vicat softening temperature tester. The tester consists of a cylindricalheating bath, a needle-shaped indenter, and a weight-loading system. The test specimen, typically in the form of a cylindrical or prismatic shape, is placed in the bath and heated at a controlled rate.As the temperature rises, the specimen softens and begins to deform under the load applied by the indenter. The softening temperature is recorded as the temperature at which the indenter penetrates a specific distance (usually 1 mm) into the specimen. This point represents the transition from the solid to the semi-liquid state.Factors Affecting the Vicat Softening Temperature.Several factors can influence the Vicat softening temperature of a material, including:Material composition: Different polymers and additives have varying softening points. Materials with a higher molecular weight or higher crystallinity tend to have a higher Vicat softening temperature.Heating rate: The rate at which the test is performed can affect the softening point. A slower heating rate allows the material more time to deform, resulting in a lower softening temperature.Load: The weight applied to the indenter influences the penetration depth and, consequently, the softening temperature. A heavier load will result in a lower softening temperature.Specimen geometry: The shape and dimensions of the specimen can affect heat transfer and deformation, potentially altering the softening temperature.Applications of the Vicat Softening Temperature Test.The Vicat softening temperature test finds widespread application in various industries and fields:Polymer characterization: Evaluating the thermal stability, flow behavior, and processability of thermoplastic materials.Quality control: Monitoring product consistency and detecting variations in material properties.Research and development: Investigating the effects of different additives, processing conditions, and material formulations on thermal properties.Engineering design: Selecting materials for specific applications based on their softening temperature and other relevant properties.Performance evaluation: Assessing the performance of materials in elevated temperature environments.Advantages of the Vicat Softening Temperature Test.The Vicat softening temperature test offers several advantages over other methods of measuring softening point:Simple and straightforward: It is a relatively simple and straightforward test to perform, requiring minimaltechnical expertise.Versatile: It can be used to test a wide range of thermoplastic materials, including polymers, composites, and rubber.Reproducible: When performed under standardized conditions, the test provides reproducible and reliable results.Affordable: Vicat softening temperature testers are relatively affordable compared to other thermal analysis instruments.Limitations of the Vicat Softening Temperature Test.Despite its advantages, the Vicat softening temperature test has some limitations:Arbitrary: The softening temperature is an arbitrary value that depends on the specific test conditions, such as heating rate and load.Temperature range: The test is limited to materials that soften within the temperature range of the heating bath.Sample size: The test requires a relatively large sample size compared to other thermal analysis techniques.Conclusion.The Vicat softening temperature test is a valuable tool for characterizing the thermal properties of thermoplastic materials. It provides insights into their behavior under load at elevated temperatures and has applications in various industries and research fields. While it has some limitations, it remains a widely used and accepted method for measuring the softening point of thermoplastic materials.。

1 概述
2 适用范围
(1) XWB-300C型热变形、维卡软化点温度测定仪。
3 引用文件
(1) XWB-300C型热变形、维卡软化点温度测定仪的仪器说明书
4 操作要点
4.1 接通电源,开启开关。
4.2 放入试样,如果为弧形试样,应使弧形开口向上,然后根据试验要求,加上相应的重锤。
4.3 连续按“设定”键,根据试验要求,完成设定。
4.4 按“复位”键,按“调零”键,调零至灯灭。
4.5 按“复位”键,按“启动”键,开始试验。
4.6 试验完毕后,关闭电源,取出试样。
4.7 在仪器设备运行记录表上登记使用情况。
5 维护要点
5.1 应在每次试验后对设备进行及时清洁,并将设备擦拭干净。
5.2 设备每隔半年应检查搅拌电机、电源线路等是否正常,发现工作异常或线路老化应立即维修或更换。
5.3 若仪器较长时间不使用,应每隔30天开机运行一次,并记录仪器运行情况。

(1) 试样放置
a. 取出测试单元,搁置在油浴槽面板上;
b. 提起负载杆,把软化点标准试样放妥在测试板中心位置,或把热变形
c. 将测试单元浸入油槽,套上选定的砝码,注意试样不要移位;
d. 插入温度传感器及水银温度计(仅用作校对用,平时测试可以不用)。
(2) 位移传感器的调整
(3) 参数设置
(4) 测试
(5) 结束
(1) 设备使用前,必须检查设备接地良好;
(2) 设备工作在高温状态,注意烫伤,特别冷却管出口,冷却时,有高温汽(气)流喷出。
材料实验室 2006年8月。

维卡软化点温度测定仪一、采购要求1.1采购一台维卡软化点温度测定仪用于电线电缆绝缘料材料性能检测,投标设备须满足以下标准对试验设备的要求:GB/T 15065-2009 电线电缆用黑色聚乙烯塑料GB/T 1633-2000 热塑性塑料维卡软化温度(VST)的测定YD∕T 1020.1-2004 电缆光缆用防蚁护套材料特性第一部分聚酰胺YD∕T 1020.2-2004 电缆光缆用防蚁护套材料特性第二部分聚烯烃共聚物ISO 306-2013 塑料--热塑性材料--维卡软化温度(VST)的测定ASTM D1525-2007 塑料维卡(Vicat)软化温度的测试方法1.2技术要求1.2.1仪器可同时对6只样品测试,并独立记录和显示试验结果;1.2.2仪器控制单元在达到样品上产生规定压痕时,切断加热器电源并发出声光报警;1.2.3仪器应具有清晰如功能标识、砝码标识、安全标识、电气线路标识等;1.2.4投标文件须说明仪器主要功能、特点、精度、主要部件材质/品牌/型号等;1.2.5投标文件须说明负载杆、金属架、试样架、压针制造材质、其材质的标准热膨胀系数、部件表面光洁度;1.2.6投标文件须说明负载杆与刚性金属架设计原理和摩擦副种类;1.2.7投标文件须说明测量压针移动距离测量器具(千分表或其他)品牌、型号、精度,(采用机械式千分表(带有指针弹簧)时,千分表弹簧所施加的向上力如何在载荷中减去);1.2.8投标文件须说明加热设备温控范围、功率、功能、安全保护、温控精度、温场偏差、操作方式等;1.2.9投标文件须说明加热浴/烘箱应使用防腐、耐热材料制造,须说明制造材料和壁厚;1.2.10投标文件须说明传感器种类、精度、固定方式、是否可向样品方向调节间距;1.2.11投标方有义务提供关于仪器的其他信息,便于招标方了解投标仪器;1.2.12投标文件应有技术偏离表,对以上各条款逐一响应,并明确正偏离或负偏离;1.2.13投标文件须提供试验系统的多角度图片(最好是实物图片);1.2.14投标文件须提供近2年来同类设备销售记录证明文件如合同(可隐藏敏感信息);1.2.15供货仪器提供使用说明书、质量保证书、出厂合格证、校准证书、电气原理图、机械原理图等文件;1.2.16供货仪器提供仪器配装的电气元件随机文件,便于设备维护;1.2.17供货仪器提供压针一套(6支)、备用压针一套(6支);1.2.18投标仪器应随机提供空白试验试样3只以上:GB/T 1633-2000“用低膨胀系数的刚性材料(如瓦镍铁合金或硅硼玻璃)制备的试样,对仪器温度范围做空白试验进行校正,并对温度确定一个校正项。

安全操作规程1. 使用前的准备在使用维卡软化测定仪之前,请先仔细阅读相关的说明书和操作指南,了解设备的性能和特点。
2. 热源和测量传感器在操作过程中,热源和测量传感器都会产生高温,可能会造成人身伤害或设备故障。
3. 应急措施在操作过程中,如发生以下情况,应立即采取应急措施:•发现烟、气味或火焰时,应立即关闭设备,拉出电源插头,并通知维修人员之前尽量避免进入实验室;•如发生人身伤害等紧急情况,应立即寻求医疗帮助,并提供所需的设备使用和操作资料。
保养规程1. 日常清洁为确保测试准确,保养维卡软化测定仪尤为重要。
2. 定期检修定期检修应包括:•检查设备;热源、管路和阀门的连接状态,若有松动或损坏应及时修复;•检查温度传感器和压力表,确保其仍处于准确的校正范围。
3. 定期更换部件设备需要定期更换部件,以确保其准确性和稳定性:•需要根据设备说明书或维修手册来规定更换部件的时间和方法;•不得使用非原厂配件或未经许可的其他组件。

微卡热变形软化点(Microcard Thermal Softening Point,MSTSP)法是一种测定塑料物性值的定量方法。
荷应在1MPa以上,建议测试时负荷在2 MPa以上。
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H D T3&6VI C A TThese instruments are made incompliance with CE healthand safety requirementsD E S I GN A ND P R OD U C TI O N OFI N S T RU M E NT S A ND A P PA R A T USF O R QU A L I TY C O NT R O LO N MA T E R IA L S“HDT” test means: determination of temperature of deflection under load Field of applicationThe test determines the temperature at which a specified deflection occurs when a standard test specimen is subjected to a bending stress, to produce one of the nominal surface stresses according to international standards. This test is very important for both quality control and research into plastics because it determines the heat resistance characteristics of materials, and is indispensable to define precisely the thermal behaviour of the polymers. The values obtained are indicative of the heat resistance characteristics of materials, even if not directly applicable for design purposes.MethodThe specimen, in the form of a rectangular bar of dimensions complying with the chosen standard, is tested as a simple beam with a load applied at midspan to produce amaximum, nominal surface stress according to the chosen standard. The test assembly, with the loaded specimen, is then immersed in a heat-transfer medium, equipped with a system capable of increasing the temperature linearly at a uniform rate (generally 2 °C/min). The temperature, when the specimen reaches a specified deflection is recorded.This value is indicated as the Temperature of Deflection Under Load, in degrees Celsius, of the material under test.“VICAT” test means: determination of the VICAT softening temperature Field of applicationThe test determines the temperature at which a standard indenter penetrates 1 mm into the surface of a test specimen under load. It is used to establish the differences between many types of thermoplastic materials with regard to their softening properties.MethodAn indenting tip of 1 mm 2circular cross sectional area is placed on the specimen and is loaded with a constant force (10 N or 50 N depending on the standard method used).The test assembly, with the loaded specimen, is immersed in a heat-transfer medium equipped with a system capable of increasing the temperature linearly at a uniform rate (generally, 50°C/hour or 120°C/hour).The temperature, when the needle has penetrated 1 mm into the specimen, is recorded.This temperature, expressed in °C, is indicated as the VICAT Softening Temperature of the material under load.Additional testsUsing this instrument it is possible to perform flexural creep tests and to determine the elastic modulus of materials and to measure the thermal dilatation.The elastic modulus can be evaluated at different temperatureso that it is possible to study the trend of elastic modulus of a material as a function of temperature.StandardsDesigned and built to meet the following standards:“HDT” TESTISO 75, ASTM D 648, DIN 53461, BSI 2782, Method 121 C,NT T 51-005, UNE 53075and others equivalent.“VICAT” TESTISO 306, ASTM D 1525, DIN 53460, BSI 2782, Method 120 C,NT T 51-021, UNE 53118and others equivalent.HDT test stationVICAT test stationInstrument FeaturesCompact instrument for HDT, VICAT, and also CREEP testing with automatic control of entire test cycle complete with command keyboard, built in parameters and results display and ability to continuously monitor bothtemperature and deflection/penetration. Cooling cycle is automatic at test end. Nitrogen blanket diffusor for oil bath safety at high temperature with external electro valve and connection.Ability to print out full quality control report including graph on A4 printer without need for a PC. Possibility to work with Windows based software without need for any separate interface.HDT/VICAT keyboard and displayHDT 3 VICAT - code 6911.000 Technical data 6911.000 6921.000Number of stations 36Test capabilities:Hdt, Vicats s Hdt and Vicat results at the same time s Creep, Thermal dilatation, Elastic modulus ❏❏Thermal distribution °C (100 to 250°C)±0.2 to ±0.3±0.2 to ±0.3Thermal stability °C (300°C)±0.5±0.5Temperature range °C20 to 30020 to 300Temperature preset accuracy °C ±0.2±0.2Temperature resolution °C0.10.1Temperature ramps selectable via keyboard:• 120°C/h ±10°C (12 ±1°C/6 min)s s • 50°C/h ±5°C (5 ±0.5°C/6 min)s s • Operator may select any other rate between 50 and 120°C/h s s Temperature measurement:• Each station - PT 100 thermoresistance calibrated 36• bath control - PT 100 thermoresistance calibrated 11Deflection/penetration measurement:• LVDT accuracy for each station (mm) calibrated0.0010.001Independent automatic compensation via dedicated software for thermalexpansion of each work station. Calibration data can be printed for each station s s Built-in microprocessor to automatically carry out instrument processing with PID heating controlss6911.000 6921.000 Electronic control unit with alphanumeric keyboard:• Liquid Crystal Display 128 x 240 points s s • CPU board s s • Amplifier and signal board independent s s • DC power supply s s Data display (graphs, parameters)s s Automatic deflection/penetration transducer zeroing s s Automatic cooling system at test end s s Cooling time from 200 to 50°C (min)2020 Autocheck during test execution s s Nitrogen diffuser and electrovalve, to create a layer of Nitrogen to prevent theheat transfer medium from degrading at high temperatures s s Nitrogen bottle and connections❏❏Oil pump s sOil level depstick s s Safety thermostat s s Heat tranfer fluid (kg)1520 Binary mass system (one set for each station) consisting of a set of 13 masses tocover all HDT and VICAT tests using any mass from 67 to 5140 g in minimum❍❍steps of 1 gHDT testHDT capability to test sample in flatwise or edgewise position with 64 or100 mm free span according to international standards s s Automatic calculation and list of masses to apply to reach defined stressaccording to standards 0.450 - 0.455 - 0.500 - 1.80 - 1.82 - 5.00 - 8.00 MPa s s HDT testing heads complete with traceable certificates (one for each station)❍❍HDT head positioning tool for HDT head positioning❏❏VICAT testVICAT masses (one set for each station) for a total of 10N and 50N. For VICATtests only. These masses are ready included in the binary mass system, which❏❏allows to perform HDT and VICAT testsVICAT testing heads complete with traceable certificates (one for each station)❍❍Data acquisitionParallel port for full report print-out by printer s sRS232 serial port for connection to PC in conjunction with WinHDT6 software s s Software in Windows 95, 98 and NT environment❏❏Data acquisition interface built into the basic instrument s s Personal computer❏❏Graphic printer 80 columns, parallel interface and cable❏❏s Included ❏Optional ❍Necessary to perform testsCeast Software Available with Hdt Vicat Family VisualTHERM code 0710.500 - Base ModuleThe program works in Windows environment and can run on any PC.VisualTHERM enables the user to perform the following operations and to obtain the following results depending on which instrument the software has been configured for: Parameter Management•Possibilty to select, for each station, the test type (HDT or VICAT)•Presetting of End Test condition: End Displacement (deflection or penetration, even at different values from the standard ones), End Temperature or both•Saving and reloading of test parameters•Calculation and display of the load weight needed to apply the required stress on the specimensProcess Management•Transmission of the selected set of parameters to the instrument•Management of the asynchronous utility commands from the PC (Basket up, Basket down,… )•Synoptic panel management: instrument status and read out values•Station calibration guide with graphic panel•Test Management is done with guided messages and dedicated buttons•Test execution with data acquisition from apparatus, real-time graph managementResult Processing•Saving of all the data acquired by the instrument (raw data)•Measuring Units selection: SI, BU or other main measuring systems•Visualization of graph with overlay curves•Visualization of graph with single curve: possibility to select the station displayed in the graph•Choice of the kind of graphics: Deflection or Penetration curves Vs Time or Temperature and Shifted curves •Visualization of table in which all data of each active station are displayed•Visualization of test general and statistical data •Visualization of data of single station•Graphic point management: display ofMeasurement/Temperature/Time of the point indicated •Possibility to modify comment after Test•It is possible to export the selected parameters and the selected data in TXT format file•It is possible to export the test graphs (even if elaborated by the operator) in BMP format fileStandard Report•Printout of parameters, graph and data of the Test for the selected stations.•It is possible to change the customer logoParameters ManagementPresentation of Results Real Time Graph ManagementHDT 6 VICAT - code 6921.000Technical Characteristics 6911.0006921.000Total bath capacity [l]1830Overall dimensions (L x D x H) [mm 3]1100 x 510 x 6001420 x 510 x 600Weight [kg]110130Supply 230 V - 50/60 Hz - Singlephase (110 V on request)Power [W]30004000Paintfuchsia RAL 4006 - gray RAL 7035Additional CEAST software modules:OPERATOR Module - code 0710.501Password-based operator access level management to assure data security and also to simplify the operating procedure of the non-expert operator . 3 levels available: Supervisor ,Manager , OperatorMULTI Module - code 0710.503.nConcurrent management of n instruments at the same time for all enabled functions, including the complete handling of the process: parameters selection, test execution, real-time synoptic and data acquisitionTRANSFER Module - code 0710.502Possibility to manage and transfer data in Excel and Text file with format templates managementCREEP Module - code 0710.443CREEP test management to have an idea of flexural creep behaviour of materials at different temperaturesELASTIC MODULUS Module - code 0710.444To measure Flexural Elastic Module at different temperatures THERMAL DILATATION Module - code 0710.445To investigate the thermal dilatation which the materials might show if kept in temperatureExample of Multi PresentationA P 911-04 0303- V A L F R È - P R I N T E D I N I T A L YCEAST S.p.A.• Via Airauda 12 - 10044 Pianezza - TO - Italy。