



适合做朗诵背景音乐的曲目表1.豪勇七蛟龙(The Magnificent Seven)大型颁奖晚会最喜欢用的背景音乐,地球人都知道。









4.简单的礼物(Simple Gifts)美国VOA广播电台(****)的SPECIAL ENGLISH(慢速音乐)节目的背景音乐吗?太熟悉了,只不过电台版的速度要比这个快一些。



6.童年(Childhood Memory)这首《童年》(Childhood Memory)出自班德瑞的《日光海岸》这张专辑。

确实曲如其名,让人回想起过去的时光,听了有种想哭的冲动…… ,长笛与黑管永远是管乐重梦幻组合,叠轻柔的钢琴上,顺记忆穿针引线,副歌中穿插一段凝人和声,是整首曲子接在主题后经营出来的高潮,刚巧呼应着全程串场风铃声,两者在编曲中分工架起,迷雾般的帷幕,带人回溯到孩提时代那段年幼无助但却也无忧无虑的时刻。



英语电影目录(二)131. 猜火车132. 裁决之战/哈特战争DVD(二战影视)布鲁斯威利斯克林法瑞尔 . 133. 裁决之战/哈特之战DVD⑨(二战影视)布鲁斯威利斯克林法瑞尔134. 残酷的罗曼史DVD2张(正版电影)艾利达尔梁赞诺夫135. 苍蝇人136. 苍蝇人2(DVD⑨)(美国电影)137. 查理和巧克力工厂DVD(国语配音)蒂姆伯顿138. 查理三世139. 茶花女DVD(美国电影)葛丽泰嘉宝/罗拨特泰勒140. 豺狼帝国DVD(电影)雷诺/中法发音/中法日英字幕141. 忏情恨DVD(美国电影)希区科克/慕格马利?克里夫特142. 颤栗汪洋143. 颤栗汪洋里的魔术师144. 长毛狗DVD(美国电影)喜剧145. 超级魔鬼干部/同心协力DVD(美国电影)146. 超级奶妈DVD(美国喜剧)马汀劳伦斯 .147. 超人1~4148. 超人归来149. 超越时空的女孩DVD(美国电影)译制精典/彼特菲莉普斯/安尼丝莉150. 潮浪王子/岁月惊情DVD(美国电影)译制精典/芭芭拉/史翠珊/尼克151. 沉沦地狱DVD(美国电影)英日文发音中日英文字幕152. 沉默的羔羊1,2(DVD)(美国电影)安东尼?霍普金斯 .153. 沉默的羔羊DVD>含国语配音/安东尼霍普金斯 .154. 沉默的人155. 沉默的杀机/汉尼拔DVD⑨英文发音中英文字幕安东尼霍普金斯系列156. 沉默羔羊前传DVD⑨安东尼霍普金斯系列157. 陈述DVD(二战期间电影)158. 成名在望159. 城市下层160. 赤裸DVD(电影)迈克雷大卫泽尔利斯凯特琳卡特利吉161. 赤裸DVD⑨(电影)迈克雷大卫泽尔利斯凯特琳卡特利吉162. 赤色疑云DVD(美国电影)163. 宠物狗/天降神犬DVD(欧美电影)165. 出埃及记2DVD(欧美电影)伊娃?玛丽?桑特/保罗?纽曼 2.166. 出水芙蓉(美国电影)雷斯克尔顿/艾威廉斯, .167. 初恋50次DVD_(欧美电影)彼得?西格尔/巴里摩尔/罗伯?施纳德169. 楚门世界DVD(美国电影)译制精典金凯瑞罗拉利尼埃德170. 处女泉DVD(瑞典电影)英格玛?伯格曼171. 触不到的恋人172. 穿过黑暗的玻璃DVD(瑞典电影)英格玛?伯格曼173. 船已启航/全速返航DVD(正版二战电影)174. 窗外有蓝天/看得见风景的房间DVD(美国电影)上译配音中文字幕 .175. 窗外有蓝天/看得见风景的房间DVD⑨(美国电影)上译配音中文字幕 . 177. 慈母泪/小镇话语DVD(法国电影)卡里?格兰特/考尔曼178. 刺激179. 刺杀肯尼迪180. 从海底出击DVD(二战电影)181. 从海底出击DVD9(二战电影)182. 错误素/防火墙DVD(美国电影)哈里森福特 .183. 错误素/防火墙DVD⑨(美国电影)哈里森福特184. 达芬奇宝藏DVD(欧美电影)Da Vinci Treasure185. 达芬奇密码186. 达芬奇密码DVD9(欧美电影)187. 大白鲨1-4188. 大班DVD(美国电影)陈冲主演189. 大鼻子情圣DVD9中英文发音中文字幕译制精典190. 大兵的故事DVD(二战影视)威廉A韦尔曼罗伯特?米彻姆191. 大不列颠之战/伦敦上空的鹰DVD⑨(二战影视)哈里安德鲁斯迈克192. 大胆的爱,小心的偷193. 大毒蛇DVD(电影)194. 大独裁者告别版DVD(美国电影)查理卓别林宝莲高黛译制精典195. 大饭店DVD(奥斯卡奖)葛丽泰嘉宝约翰巴里摩尔196. 大河恋DVD(美国电影)克雷格谢菲尔/布拉德皮特 .197. 大间谍198. 大开杀戒DVD(美国电影)史泰龙 .199. 大买卖DVD(欧美电影) 一口价200. 大市民201. 大逃亡DVD(二战影视)202. 大逃亡DVD⑨(欧美电影)理查德?阿滕伯勒/查尔斯?布朗森203. 大偷袭/鬼魂士兵/卡巴那图大营救DVD(二战影视)美国/澳大利亚204. 大象音乐会DVD(前苏联电影)娜瓦尔列伊205. 大野心家们DVD(西班牙电影)布努埃尔/法文发音/中日文字幕206. 大鱼老爸/大鱼奇缘/大鱼当道/大智若鱼DVD(美国电影)207. 大战役DVD(二战电影)亨利方达/约翰休斯顿208. 袋中拳/口袋里的拳头DVD(意大利电影)210. 单身日记211. 当代奸雄DVD(欧美电影)布罗德里克克劳福德/乔安妮德鲁213. 倒霉的医生DVD(英国电影)莱斯利菲利普哈译制精典214. 盗火线DVD⑨(电影)阿尔帕西诺罗伯特德尼罗215. 盗墓迷城216. 德黑兰43年DVD(电影)阿兰德隆中英文发音中英文字幕217. 德意志零年DVD(二战电影)罗伯托罗西里尼218. 德州46(DVD)(二战影视)罗伊谢德/鲁查金格瑞特/译制精典219. 的士司机DVD(美国电影)马丁斯科西斯/罗伯特德尼罗/朱迪福斯特220. 的士速逮221. 灯火阑珊处222. 低俗小说DVD(奥斯卡奖)昆廷特拉蒂诺约翰屈伏塔布鲁斯威利斯 . 223. 低俗小说DVD⑨(奥斯卡奖)昆廷特拉蒂诺约翰屈伏塔布鲁斯威利斯224. 迪亚戈西蒙尼/阿雷尔奥特加DVD(体育纪录片)225. 迪兹先生进城/富贵浮云DVD(奥斯卡奖)弗兰克卡普拉加里库226. 抵抗DVD(二战影视)桑德丽娜伯奈尔/茱莉娅欧蒙227. 地铁惊魂228. 地头龙/警察帝国DVD⑨(美国电影)史泰龙 2.229. 帝国的崩塌DVD2张(美国电影)埃德哈里斯菲利普西摩230. 帝国的毁灭DVD(德国电影)德文发音中德文字幕231. 帝国的毁灭DVD⑨(二战电影)布鲁诺冈茨/德文发音中德文字幕232. 第12小时/转折一刻/一线曙光DVD(欧美电影)233. 第6感女神DVD(美国电影)234. 第二十二条军规DVD⑨(美国电影)235. 第二指令/铁血副官DVD⑨(电影)尚格云顿236. 第九日DVD(二战影视)237. 第六感生死缘238. 第七封印DVD_精装(瑞典电影)英格玛伯格曼 .239. 第十个受害者DVD埃里奥贝多利马尔切洛马斯特洛亚尼240. 第五惑星-241. 第五素DVD⑨(电影)布鲁斯威利米拉乔沃维奇吕克贝松242. 第一滴血(1)DVD1张(英文/上译配音中英文字幕)史泰龙 .243. 第一滴血(2)DVD1张(上译配音中英文字幕)史泰龙 .244. 第一滴血(3)DVD1张(上译配音中英日文字幕) .245. 第一夫人的保镖DVD(译制精典)尼可拉斯?凯奇/休威?尔森 . 246. 电话情杀案DVD(美国电影)247. 电影人生DVD(美国电影)金凯瑞译制精典248. 电子情书249. 刁蛮公主DVD(电影)乔治薛尼凯瑟琳格雷森霍华德基尔。

Blessings钢琴谱五线谱 完整版原版

Blessings钢琴谱五线谱 完整版原版


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● ● The
series of Lethal Weapon《致命武器》 (1987) in which he played "Martin Riggs".
● Hamlet
(1990/I), which garnered him some critical praise.
● Braveheart
(1995), for which he won two Oscars for Best Picture and Best Director.
Sophie Marceau苏菲· 玛索
(Princess Isabelle) ● Birth Name: Sophie Danièle
Sylvie Maupu ● Height: 1.73 m ※ Born on 17 November 1966, Paris, France the second child of a shop assistant, and a truck driver. Her parents divorced when she was nine ● She has appeared in 35 films. During her teens, ● Achieved popularity by her debut films La Boum (1980) and La Boum 2 (1982), for which she received a César Award for Most Promising Actress. ● Gave birth to her second child, in London, a daughter Juliette, with producer Jim Lemley [13 June 2002] ● Years active : 1980–present

【美剧480P】【兄弟连-Band of Brothers】【双语双字幕】

【美剧480P】【兄弟连-Band of Brothers】【双语双字幕】




监制: 史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格Steven Spielberg;汤姆·汉克斯Tom Hanks导演: 菲尔·奥尔登·罗宾森Phil Alden Robinson(第1集);理查德·隆克莱恩Richard Loncraine(第2集);迈克尔·塞罗蒙Mikael Salomon (第3集、第10集);大卫·纳托DavidNutter(第4集);汤姆·汉克斯Tom Hanks (第5集);大卫·勒兰David Leland(第6集);大卫·弗兰科尔David Frankel(第7集、第9集);托尼·杜Tony To(第8集);主演: 达米安-刘易斯Damian Lewis 大卫·修蒙David Schwimmer 德克斯特·弗莱彻Dexter Fletcher Dan van Husen 科林·汉克斯Colin Hanks 唐尼·沃尔伯格Donnie Wahlberg Kirk Acevedo Doug Allen地区: 美国英国( 拍摄地)影片长度: 平均60分钟集数: 原版共10集中国放映14集投资:$125,000,000 (estimated)语言:英语颜色:彩色级别:Argentina:13 / Germany:16 / Norway:15 / Sweden:15 / UK:15 / Brazil:14 / Australia:MA / Germany:18 / Belgium:KNT / Brazil:16 / Netherlands:16 / Singapore:M18 / USA:TV-MA / New Zealand:R15拍摄背景2002年12月11日,“二战”时的一位美国老兵莱斯特·哈什伊悄然辞世——他曾是美国101空军部队506团“英雄连”——E连里最年轻的士兵。



别怕Easy.来的路上看到了几只火鸡Saw some turkeys on the way here.大摇大摆地走过我面前当我不存在Crossed right in front of me like I wasn't even there.太放肆了How rude of them.还不是因为That's what happens when you连着六天下矿干活spend six days a week working in the mines.蠢鸟们都以为林子是它们家的了Stupid birds start to think they own these woods.什么时候出发When's the tour leave?几个小时以后Couple hours.我们走吧Well, let's go.-没事的-放开我- Hey. You're okay. - Let go!没事你很安全You're okay. You're safe.别怕有我在呢It's okay. You're here with me.有我呢You're with me.别怕别怕Okay, okay.对不起I'm sorry.我们...We should...我们回去吧We should go.禁止穿越你会来车站送我吗Are you coming to the train station?送你的人够多了I think you have enough people saying goodbye without me there.但没几个我在乎的Only a few I actually care about.不去送你反而轻松些It might be easier if I didn't.几周而已It's only a few weeks.没等雪融化我就能回来了I'll be back before the snow melts.几周的时间能发生很多事A lot can happen in a few weeks.还要我再解释一遍吗Are we gonna do this again?盖尔那只是演戏Gale, it was an act.是啊演得像真的似的Yeah, it was a good one.为了生存我不得不演不然我早就死了I did what I had to do to survive. If I didn't, I'd be dead.我也不得不吻I had to do that.至少得吻一次At least once.胜利者村海米奇Haymitch!海米奇Haymitch!海米奇起来今天要开始巡演了Haymitch, wake up. It's Tour Day.海米奇Haymitch.你搞什么What are you doing?还有一小时摄像机就来了Cameras are gonna be here in an hour.想让人宠着你找皮塔去If you wanted to be babied, you should've asked Peeta.找我什么事Asked me what?找你叫醒我而不是害我得肺炎Asked you to wake me without giving me pneumonia.你真是个讨人厌的奇葩You are a strangely dislikeable person.但也有优点But you do have your virtues.来点面包吗凯妮丝Would you like some bread, Katniss?不我在霍布吃过了谢谢No, I ate at the Hob, but thank you.不客气You're welcome.上节目前你俩可得好好磨合一下You two have a lot of warming up to do before show time.还有一小时了冲个澡吧海米奇Which is in an hour, so take a bath, Haymitch.刚被冲过了I just did.散步怎么样亲爱的Did you have a good walk, dear?散步? 我刚才是去Walk? I was just out...有人来看你We have visitors.艾佛丁小姐这边请Miss Everdeen. This way, please.真勇敢Such bravery.真有气魄Such spirit.真是Such...蔑视权力Contempt.斯♥诺♥总统President Snow.很荣幸见到您What an honor.亲爱的我们都直话直说吧My dear, I think we can make this so much simpler这样更容易你觉得呢if we agree not to lie to each other. What do you think?没错这样更省时间Yes, I think that would save time.请坐Sit down, please.我有个问题艾佛丁小姐I have a problem, Miss Everdeen.问题源起于A problem that began the moment你在竞技场拿出了毒浆果you revealed those poison berries in the arena.前总设计师希尼卡·克莱恩要是有脑子If that Head Gamemaker, Seneca Crane, had had any brains at all,当时就该炸得你们俩灰飞烟灭he would have blown you to bits then and there.但是你还在But here you are.你也应该能猜到他是什么下场I expect you can guess where he is.是的猜到了Yes, I think so.那次失误后我也没办法After that fiasco, there was nothing left to do只能看你自导自演but to let you play out your little scenario.你演得还不错And you were very good.为爱冲昏头脑的小女生那一套That whole love-crazed, besotted schoolgirl routine.演得好真的Impressive. Truly.你让都城人深信不疑You convinced the people in The Capitol.不幸的是不是每个人都信你那一套Unfortunately, not everyone in the districts fell for it.你不知道有几个区的人I mean, you can't know this, but in several of them,把你拿毒浆果的小把戏people viewed your little trick with the berries当成了挑衅as an act of defiance.而不是出于爱情Not as an act of love.如果一个12区的一个小毛孩子And if a girl from District 12 of all places敢挑衅都城居然还毫发无损can defy The Capitol and walk away unharmed,还怎么管理其他人what is to prevent them from doing the same?怎么阻止比如说暴♥动♥What is to prevent, say, an uprising?那就可能引起革命That can lead to revolution.一不小心整个社会体系都会土崩瓦解And then, in a fraction of time, the whole system collapses.如果几颗浆果就能摧毁这个体系It must be a fragile system,那它可真是脆弱if it can be brought down by just a few berries.没错确实是Yes, it is, indeed.但不像你想象的那样But not in the way you imagine it.那该怎么想象How should I imagine?想象成千上万的平民会死掉You should imagine thousands upon thousands of your people dead.你的家乡会土崩瓦解This town of yours reduced to ashes.想象一下它被夷为平地Imagine it gone.被核污染Made radioactive.深埋于地下不复存在就像13区Buried under dirt as if it had never existed, like District 13.你在比赛里很英勇艾佛丁小姐You fought very hard in The Games, Miss Everdeen.但那终究是场游戏But they were games.你想触发一场真的战争吗Would you like to be in a real war?不想No.很好我也不想Good. Neither would I.你妈妈做的吗Did your mother make these?是皮塔Peeta.多好的小伙子He's a lovely boy.告诉我Tell me.他有意识到At what point did he realize你对他的冷淡吗the depth of your indifference towards him?我并不冷淡I'm not indifferent.别撒谎Don't lie!你答应过的You promised.你怎么不杀了我Why don't you just kill me now?我不想杀了你I don't want to kill you.我想和你做朋友I want us to be friends.即使不是朋友也是同盟But if not friends, then allies.你要我怎么做What do I need to do?你和皮塔巡演的时候When you and Peeta are on tour,你要微笑要感恩you need to smile. You need to be grateful.最重要的是你们要疯狂地But, above all, you need to be madly,不顾一切地相爱prepared-to-end-it-all in love.-你能做到吗-能做到- You think you can manage that? - Yes.能做到什么Yes, what?-我会让他们信服-不对- I'll convince them. - No.是让我信服Convince me.送给你艾佛丁小姐For you, Miss Everdeen.你要让我信服Do convince me.为了你爱的人For the sake of your loved ones.停下Stop.感受一下Take it all in.这片神圣的土地This is sacred ground.这里创造过辉煌历史History was made here.你们会慢慢习惯这臭味的You'll get used to the smell.你好Hello!她在这伟大的冠军There she is. My greatest triumph!我们的大明星Our little superstar.亲爱的我们好想你Sweetie, we've missed you.多可爱的房♥子What a cute little house.多古雅不是吗So quaint, isn't it?你肯定听说秦纳的事了吧Of course, you've heard about Cinna?秦纳怎么了What happened to Cinna?亲爱的他现在可是时尚界巨星Oh, dear, he's a fashion star.而你是他的灵感You're his muse.都城人都穿戴他设计的人人都是Everyone in The Capitol's wearing him. Everyone. -每个人都穿-也不是每个人- Everyone. - Well, not everyone.秦纳Cinna!凯妮丝Katniss?凯妮丝这是你妹妹吗Katniss, is this your sister?亲爱的Oh, sweetie!你没事吧Are you okay?好可爱Just adorable!-没事-准备好了吗- Yeah. - Ready to work?-好了-很好- Yeah. - All right. Good.欢迎大家Welcome!去年第74届饥饿游戏Last year, the 74th Hunger Games促成了一段爱情佳话brought us the greatest love story of our time.两个勇敢的年轻人历尽艰辛Two brave young people, against all odds,宁死也不愿失去彼此chose to die rather than to lose each other.而我们见证了他们的痛苦As a nation, we shared their agony.却没来得及分享他们的喜悦But we had so little time to revel in their joy.是时候了It's time!妆好了很美了惊艳全场吧She's done, she's lovely. We must feed the monster.好了All right now.让我们走进12区看看这对苦命鸳鸯Let's go to District 12 and find our star-crossed lovers!你很兴奋你正热恋You're excited. You're in love.来个灿烂的微笑倒数三二一Big smiles for the camera in three, two, one.她来了凯妮丝·艾佛丁There she is! Katniss Everdeen!燃烧的女孩The Girl on Fire.他也来了皮塔·梅尔拉克And there he is! Peeta Mellark!面包师家的男孩The Baker's Boy.甜蜜的一摔Trouble in paradise.但愿他们没事I hope they're all right.有人吗不然我们回避一下吧Anyone at home? Should we come back later?抱歉凯撒Sorry, Caesar.没关系你说的算Please. It's all right. It's your day.你说的算最近怎么样It's your day. So how's it going?我们很好We're good.没别的吗就一句"我们很好"That's it? That's all we get? "We're good?"怎么突然沉默寡言了So taciturn all of a sudden.皮塔详细说说Peeta, give me some details!12区的日子不错Yeah, things are great here in 12.多亏慷慨的都城Thanks to the generosity of The Capitol,让我们无比亲近we've never been closer.只隔了25码Twenty-five yards, to be exact.说得好Fantastic!胜利巡演的时候We'll be checking in with我们再聊both of you throughout the Victory Tour.感谢你们Thank you so much,凯妮丝·艾佛丁和皮塔·梅尔拉克Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!太棒了Wonderful!大家都准备好10分钟后出发Everybody in motion. We are out of here in 10.-演得很好-你也是- That was nice acting. - You, too.那个吻都快让我信以为真了Almost thought that kiss was real.快走孩子们时间快到了Come along, children, we are on a schedule.火车等着呢The train awaits!美食美酒按♥摩♥ 温泉Fabulous food, fabulous wine, the massages, spa treatments.我吩咐过要给我们的冠军最好的享受I told them nothing but the best for my two Victors.一切都要...It all needs to be...完美无瑕Fabulous?正是Exactly.计划有点紧12天12个区Now, the schedule is a bit of a bear. 12 days, 12 districts.但每一站都是些派对庆典But it's mostly parties, celebrations,可爱粉丝们的祝贺adoring fans to greet you at every stop along the way,最后抵达都城and then we wrap it up in The Capitol.只要你讲讲话挥挥手All you need to do is give a few speeches, wave to the crowds,好好享受众星捧月的感觉and enjoy your time in the spotlight.这是你应得的You've earned it.你说什么What did you say?凯妮丝Katniss.我说好好享受这是你应得的I said, "Enjoy it, Katniss, you've earned it."通过杀人得来的By killing people.姑娘Young lady...我现在没心情听大道理I'm really not in the mood for a lecture.我一会再像艾菲道歉I'll apologize to Effie later.我还以为是海米奇I thought you were Haymitch.你不用向谁道歉You don't have to apologize to anybody.包括我Including me.我知道我不应该I know it's not fair of me抓住你在比赛里说的话不放to hold you to things you said in The Games.你救了我们俩我知道You saved us. I know that.但是我没法在镜头前秀恩爱But I can't go on acting for the cameras,现实里却假装是路人and then just ignoring each other in real life.如果你把我当伤者看待So if you can stop looking at me like I'm wounded,我也就不用假装受伤了then I can quit acting like it.也许我们还有机会做朋友And then maybe we have a shot at being friends.我不太会交朋友I've never been very good at friends.交朋友能帮你了解一个人For starters, it does help when you know the person.我对你差不多一无所知I hardly know anything about you只知道你脾气倔会射箭except that you're stubborn and good with a bow.差不多说全了That about sums me up.不不止这些你只是不想说No, there's more than that, you just don't want to tell me.我说了我...It's like I said, I'm...凯妮丝要想交朋友See, Katniss, the way the whole friend thing works就得敞开心扉is you have to tell each other the deep stuff.-敞开心扉-是的- The deep stuff? - Yeah.说点什么Like what?比如Like...你最喜欢什么颜色What's your favorite color?这问题太过分了Well, now you've stepped over the line.不开玩笑什么颜色Seriously, though, what is it?绿色Green.你的呢What's yours?橙色Orange.艾菲头发的颜色吗Like Effie's hair?不没那么橙No. Not that orange.是日落的那种橙色More like a sunset kind of orange.你看到了吗Did you see that?什么What?真没想到Well, I never.这的气氛不对This is not very festive.市长先来段开场白The mayor will make some introductory remarks.然后你们只要简单说几句And then you just have to say a few words.通常就是It's customary, of course,先悼念一下本区逝去的贡品to give a brief eulogy to the district's fallen Tributes. 11区的是瑟莱仕和芸香For 11, that's Thresh and Rue.这是演讲词Here are the speeches.我可以替你说I can do the talking if you want.谢谢Thank you.女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen,欢迎第74届饥饿游戏冠军the Victors of the 74th Hunger Games.凯妮丝·艾佛丁和皮塔·梅尔拉克Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!微笑微笑Smile, smile, smile, smile.昂首挺胸你要上镜了Stand up straight. You're on camera.谢谢大家Thank you.很荣幸见到大家We're honored to be here with you today.见到已故贡品的家人And to be with the families of your fallen Tributes.他放下了卡片He put down the cards.他们为荣誉和尊严而战Though they fought and lived with honor...关我什么事Why do I bother?直到最后..and dignity until the end,瑟莱仕和芸香both Thresh and Rue都还那么年轻were so young.但生命不能用时间来衡量But our lives aren't just measured in years.而要看你对他人的影响They're measured in the lives of people we touch around us.对于我For myself,对于凯妮丝for Katniss,我们都知道如果没有芸香和瑟莱仕we know that without Rue and without Thresh,我们也不可能有今天we wouldn't be standing here today.为了表达我们的感激之情So in recognition of that,虽然无法慰藉丧亲之痛knowing that it in no way can make up for your loss,我们还是想向贡品的家人we'd like to donate one month捐赠我们一个月的奖金of our winnings to the families of the Tributes,从今以后年年如此every year, for the rest of our lives.糟糕Shit.他能这么做吗Can he do that?不能但还是承诺了He can't. But he did.为什么不念卡片呢Why doesn't he just stick to the cards?谢谢Thank you.我想说我并不了解瑟莱仕I just wanted to say that I didn't know Thresh.只和他说过一次话I only spoke to him once.他本可以杀了我但却放我一条生路He could have killed me, but instead he showed me mercy.他的恩情我永远报答不完That's a debt I'll never be able to repay.我很了解芸香I did know Rue.她不仅仅是我的盟友更是我的朋友She wasn't just my ally, she was my friend.我在屋边草地里的小花上I see her in the flowers能看到她的身影that grow in the meadow by my house.嘲笑鸟的歌♥声中似乎有她的声音I hear her in a Mockingjay song.我妹妹身上也有她的影子I see her in my sister Prim.她还太小She was too young,太柔弱too gentle.我没能救下她And I couldn't save her.对不起I'm sorry.不不No! No!等等等等Wait! Wait!不别抓他别抓他No! Leave him alone! Leave him alone!不放开我别抓他No! Let me go! Please leave him alone!不No!不No!不No!你不不You! No, no, no!过来别动Come here! Stop it!别动别动Stop it! Stop!我做了什么啊What did I do?过来Come on.别喊Shut up.活了这么多年我还从没见过...In all my years, I've never seen...这么简单的事都做不好You two have a very simple task.我没想到会出人命他得知道I never meant for anyone to get killed. He has to know that.你说什么谁得知道What are you talking about? Who has to know what?斯♥诺♥ 他来看过我Snow. He came to see me.他担心各区会反叛He's worried about rebellion in the districts.他觉得他们不相信我们的爱情故事He thinks that they don't believe our love story.所以他要让他们信服So he wants you to make them believe it?-平息反叛情绪-凯妮丝- To calm things down. - You know, Katniss,你应该在我出去之前you shoulda told me that before I went out there,在我给他们钱之前就告诉我的and tried to give these people the money.对不起我不知道该怎么办I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do.他威胁说要杀了我家人He threatened to kill my family.我也有家人Well, I have family, too.知道吗我也有要保护的人Okay? People that I need to protect.他们怎么办谁保护他们What about them? Who protects them?凯妮丝你怎么想的Katniss, what were you thinking?我满脑子都是芸香I was thinking about Rue.海米奇拜托你Haymitch, please...求你了帮我度过这次旅程吧Please, just help me get through this trip.求你了帮帮我们Please, just help us get through this.这次旅程? 醒醒吧孩子This trip? Girl, wake up.这次旅程不会因你回到家就结束This trip doesn't end when you get back home.上了这趟车就没有回头路了You never get off this train.你们俩现在是导师You two are mentors now.就是说每年你们都要露面That means that every year, they're gonna drag you out,讲你们俩的罗曼史and broadcast the details of your romance.你们的私生活都是他们的谈资Every year, your private life becomes theirs.从现在起你们要分散公众的注意力From now on, your job is to be a distraction.不要让他们看到真正的问题So people forget what the real problems are.-我们要怎么做-要微笑- So what do we do? - You're gonna smile.要照着艾菲给你们的演讲稿念You're gonna read the cards that Effie gives you.要永远幸福地生活在一起And you're gonna live happily ever after.能做到吗Think you can do that?真的吗Yeah?过来你们会没事的我保证You're gonna be okay. I promise.凯妮丝和我想跟你们分享胜利的喜悦Katniss and I want to share with you our victory.感谢都城让我们相遇相知And our gratitude to The Capitol for bringing us together.严酷的比赛是我们爱的纽带It was the bond of love, forged in the crucible of The Games 这份爱是我们最大的收获that was our greatest prize.是真爱For it is love and true love让我们战胜了一切困难that allows us all to bear our hardships.抚慰心灵驱赶孤独That mends the heart and banishes loneliness让我们的人生有了意义and gives meaning to our lives.同时也对逝者的离去感到悲痛不已We also want to share with you the sorrows of your losses.这个区的贡品...The Tributes of this...这个区的贡品都是勇敢杰出的勇士The Tributes of this district were brave and noble warriors.不仅给家人带来荣耀They brought honor to their families,更令人♥民♥感到自豪and pride to their people.大家团结一致We are all of us united,不管是冠军或是战败者both victors and vanquished,都效忠于共同的目标in serving a common purpose.谢谢Thank you.总有一天我也要跟你一样去做志愿者One day, I'm gonna volunteer. Just like you did.做噩梦而已抱歉It was just a dream. I'm sorry.没事我也会做噩梦It's okay. I get 'em, too.晚安皮塔Peeta.能陪着我吗Will you stay with me?好的Yeah.永远Always.大家团结一致We are all of us united,不管是冠军还是战败者both victors and vanquished,好运永不与我们同在都效忠于共同的目标in serving a common purpose.都城的权力与荣耀The power and glory of The Capitol.把卡片放下Put down the cards!说出你的真实想法Tell us what you really think!施惠国长存施惠国万岁Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem forever.你的发型很好看亲爱的Your hair looks lovely, darling.什么时候开始弄的When did you start wearing it like that?爷爷现在学校里人人都扎这头发Everyone at school wears it like this now, Grandpa.斯♥诺♥正看着我们Snow is watching us.他想让你们安抚各区情绪吗If he wants you to pacify the districts,那他现在肯定不高兴I promise you, he's not happy.比起相爱Instead of being in love,你们俩更像是在背钻油指南you two sound like you're reciting from a drilling manual.你试试去读艾菲给我们写的东西啊You try reading that stuff that Effie writes us.这话2天后你自己去跟斯♥诺♥总统说Tell that to President Snow when you see him two days from now.那我洗耳恭听I'm open to suggestions.我们可以结婚We could get married.一点都不好笑That's not helping.我是认真的I'm serious.要是像你说的我们无法回头了If, like you said, we're on this train forever,结婚是迟早的事it's gonna happen eventually.何不现在结Why not now?结婚倒是可以表明立场It does make a statement. I'll give you that.是啊结就结吧Yeah, sure. Let's do it.你是不是还在为Just when you thought things精英极限赛而激动呢更激动人心的来了couldn't get more exciting going into a very special Quarter Quell,这对来自12区的致命恋人our two lethal lovers, my favorite expression,我最喜爱的称呼from District 12,又有了新的动向have surprised us with a new twist in their love affair.让我们来看一看Let's take a look.这对不幸的恋人要执手偕老了A fairy tale ending for two star-crossed lovers.真是太美太美了That's beautiful. Beautiful.而今晚And then tonight,这场在12区山谷开始的旅程the tour that began in the hollows of District 12将在哪里结束will end where?总统官邸The Presidential Palace.年度盛典The party of the year.眼睛放光抬起头来保持微笑Eyes bright. Chins up. Smiles on.我说你呢凯妮丝I'm talking to you, Katniss.从现在起将会有摄影师和记者围住你们Now, there'll be photographers. Interviews.大家都会来祝贺你们Everyone will be here to celebrate you.我的冠军My Victors.好好感受吧孩子们Breathe it all in, children.都是为你们准备的This is all for you.饱而思淫欲It's cozy.注意态度Attitude.来来Come, come.快过来Come along.抱歉抱歉Excuse us, excuse us.来来Come, come.牵手Hold hands.这里是藏书室全是红木的And the library. All mahogany.你好你好Hello, hello!等会儿等会儿还不行Not yet, not yet. No, no, no.是挂帘Curtains!有名望的人今晚都到了Everybody who's anybody is here.都想见你们And they all want to meet you.弗拉维斯奥科塔娅Flavius! Octavia!再尝尝这个人间美味Try one of these. They are divine.不我吃不下了No, I can't eat another thing.-给-这是什么- Here. - What's this?给你吃不下的时候喝的It's for when you're full.能让你呕吐It makes you sick.这样就能接着吃了So you can go on eating.不然怎么能尝尽所有美食How else could you taste everything?还是跳支舞吧I think it's time for a dance.凯妮丝Katniss?12区的人正在挨饿People are starving in 12.而他们却为了吃更多而把食物吐出来Here, they're just throwing it up to stuff more in.凯妮丝皮塔Katniss? Peeta.这位是普鲁塔什·海文斯比This is Plutarch Heavensbee.总设计师Head Gamemaker.希尼卡·克莱恩的继任者Successor to Seneca Crane.可千万别学他That's a tough act to follow.皮塔Peeta!可以邀她共舞吗May I?请吧Please.喜欢这派对吗So how do you like the party?有点太过了It's a little overwhelming.有点恶心It's appalling.如果你不装清高还是挺好玩的Still, if you abandon your moral judgment, it can be fun.你觉得好玩吗So are you having fun?我是总设计师当然得觉得好玩I'm the Head Gamemaker. Fun is my job.想必希尼卡·克莱恩也是这样子Thought that was what happened to Seneca Crane.玩太过了Too much fun.希尼卡是自寻死路Seneca decided to quit breathing.自寻Decided.要不然就是毒浆果害的It was that or poison berries.当总设计师Being Head Gamemaker has never been就要承担相应的风险the most secure job in the world.那为什么你还要当Then why are you here?跟你一样我自愿的Same reason as you. I volunteered.为什么Why?因为野心Ambition.让比赛变得有意义The chance to make The Games mean something.这比赛没有意义The Games don't mean anything.只能使我们感到害怕They only mean to scare us.也许是受你启发我才回来Well, maybe it was you who inspired me to come back.总统欢迎仪式The Presidential welcome.我们会再见的I'm sure we'll meet again.凯妮丝快来总统在等着呢Katniss, come. The President awaits.咱俩做的能说服他吗You think we convinced him?反正已经尽力了I'm not sure what else we can do.今晚在他们旅程的最后一天Tonight, on this, the last day of their tour,我想要向这两位冠军致意I want to welcome our two Victors.两位实力与英勇并存的年轻典范Two young people who embody our ideals of strength and valor.在此我想为他们的婚约And I, personally, want to congratulate them送上我诚挚的祝福on the announcement of their engagement.这份爱激励着我们Your love has inspired us.而你们多活一天And I know it will go on inspiring us就能多激励我们一天everyday for as long as you may live.看看他们Look at them.她不是他们想要找的人She's not who they think she is.她不是个领袖She's not a leader.她只想顾全自己就是这么简单She just wants to save her own skin. It's as simple as that.你说得对I think that's true.可是她却成为了反抗的希望But she's become a beacon of hope for the rebellion.必须除掉她And she has to be eliminated.她是得死不过要以正确的方式I agree she should die. But in the right way.在正确的时间At the right time.每一步It's moves and countermoves.都要仔细设计That's all we gotta look at.凯妮丝·艾佛丁象征着他们的嘲笑鸟Katniss Everdeen is a symbol. Their Mockingjay.反抗者以为她是一伙的They think she's one of them.我们得向众人展示她是我们这边的We need to show that she's one of us.不用杀她毁了她的形象We don't need to destroy her. Just the image.让民众自己动手Then we let the people do the rest.有什么好建议What do you propose?端掉黑市一点都不剩Shut down the black markets. Take away what little they have.把鞭刑和死刑的数量加倍Then double the amount of floggings and executions.在电视上直播给他们看Put them on TV. Broadcast them live.散播恐惧让恐惧增长Sow fear. More fear.没用的It won't work.只要尚存希望恐惧就不管用Fear does not work as long as they have hope.凯妮丝·艾佛丁就是给他们希望的人And Katniss Everdeen is giving them hope.她订婚了She's engaged.尽可能地报道这一切Make everything about that.她会穿什么样的裙子鞭刑直播What kind of dress is she gonna wear? Floggings.婚礼蛋糕是什么样的死刑直播What's the cake gonna look like? Executions.会邀请谁参加散播恐惧Who's gonna be there? Fear.地毯式报道压死他们Blanket coverage. Shove it in their faces.给民众看看她是我们这边的Show them that she is one of us now.他们会恨死她到时自然会替你杀掉她They're gonna hate her so much they might just kill her for you.好主意Brilliant.你什么时候...When did you...我们需要谈谈We need to talk.我们能逃去哪Where are we gonna run away?到树林里像以前说过的那样Into the woods. Like we always talked about.如果现在离开我们今晚就能远离这里If we leave right now, we can be far away from here by tonight.我们是指谁Yeah, who's "We"?你和我还有你的未婚夫You, me and your fiance?这不只是我跟皮塔的事了It's not just me and Peeta any more.斯♥诺♥说要杀了你Snow threatened to have you killed.还有谁Anyone else?虽然他没直接告诉我Well, he didn't exactly give me a copy of the list,但我猜还有咱俩的家人but a good guess, it includes both of our families.除非怎样你跟皮塔结婚?Unless what? You and Peeta get married?没有除非Unless nothing now.盖尔我们可以做到的Gale, we can do it.在收获节的那天清晨你也说我们可以的You said yourself that we could do it the morning of the Reaping.我们现在走吧What do you say now?你爱我吗Do you love me?盖尔你知道我对你的感情Gale, you know how I feel about you.可是现在我对谁都不会有想法But I can't think about anyone that way right now.自从收获节以来The only thing that I can think about每一天每一秒every day, every waking moment我都在恐惧中度过since the Reaping, is how afraid I am.我没有心思去想别的There's no room for anything else.不过也许离开这里之后But maybe, if we got away from here,去安全的地方情况会不一样if we went somewhere safe, it could be different.我也会不一样I could be different.你觉得总统只是在吓唬你You think maybe the President's bluffing?他不是在吓唬我He's not bluffing.从各区情况看他没有在吓唬我们Not with what's going on in the districts.什么意思What do you mean?你看到了什么What did you see?群众在大街上暴♥动♥ 放火There were people fighting in the streets, and fires,治安警朝他们开枪可是人们却...and Peacekeepers were gunning them down, but the people were...可是人们却什么What? The people were what?他们奋起反抗They were fighting back.发生了It's happening.终于都发生了It's finally happening.我就该在竞技场上吃下毒浆果I should've just eaten the berries in the arena照计划那样死去and died like I was supposed to.那么一切就会恢复正常Then everything would be back to normal,所有人都相安无事了and everyone would be safe.相安无事又能怎样Safe for what?继续挨饿像奴隶一样干活To starve? Work like slaves?在收获节中奉上自己的孩子Send their kids to the Reaping?你没有伤害任何人You haven't hurt people,凯妮丝你为大家带来了机会Katniss. You've given them an opportunity.。

克莱默夫妇Kramer Vs Kramer.1979中英对照台词剧本

克莱默夫妇Kramer Vs Kramer.1979中英对照台词剧本
Joanna. 乔安娜
I'm home. 我回来了
I forgot my keys. I gotta call the office before they go. 我忘了带钥匙 我得赶快打电话回办公室
Jo, you're gonna be real proud of me. I got good news. 你会以我为荣的 我有好消息
- She packed a suitcase? - Look, it's nothing serious, really. -她收拾行李箱? -没什么,真的
She tell you where she was going? 她有说要去哪里吗?
- You tell me. - How would I know? I wasn't here. -你告诉我啊 -我怎么会知道?我又不在场
Wrong. Me. I got the problem. All you gotta do is... 错,这是“我的”问题 你只需走出门...
...go out the door and go back to bed. ...下楼去,然后回家睡觉
- The fact is... - For six months... -事实是-- -六个月以来
I gotta get those photos from the retoucher by tomorrow morning. 明早要把照片 从修图师那里拿回来
- I'm leaving you. - Honey, please. I can't hear. -我要离开你 -亲爱的,静一静,我听不到
- Good night. - Where you going? -晚安,各位 -你去哪里?



Regard! 看啊Y ou owe me 300 euros. 你欠我300欧元哈- Cheeky boy. - Y ou were... Wow. -调皮的小子-你真是厉害- Did you see the face on that nun? - Y eah. And that old guy. -你看到那修女的表情了吗-是的还有那老头I thought he was going to faint. 差点要晕过去了He will when he finds his Rolex gone. 他会的等他发现手表丢了之后Come back to mine and we'll get high.回我的住处我们嗨一次It don't get better than that. That was a high. 没有比刚才更嗨的了Y eah, but that was only an appetiser. 可刚才只是个开胃菜Y ou can do better than me. 你能比我有出息Special Agent Briar, they're ready for you. 布瑞尔特工他们让你进去中情局跟踪组巴黎Are you familiar with Deep Net cryptocurrencytransactions?布瑞尔你了解深网秘密现金交易吗I don't bank online. 我不在网上做交易Right. Y ou're a field guy. 对你是个外勤人员Y our last op, Anbar, 在安巴尔你的上一次行动中you were tasked surveillance, 给你的任务是监视but you did a little more than that. 可你做的不只是监视Without clear visual evidence, you broke cover to take down six suspects 在没完全看清楚的情况下你跳出隐蔽处干掉了6名嫌疑犯who you alone had ascertained were carryingconcealed explosives.只有你一人判断他们秘密携带炸药I'm curious, are you saying you knew 我很好奇难道你是说what they were carrying underneath theirclothing before engaging?你开火之前就知道他们衣服下面是什么?Oh, yeah. 是的Like I could tell you, Tom... 就像我能看出got tighty whities on, right? 你穿着三角裤对吗But in the process, you exposed your key informant, Fatima Hamza. 但在这一过程中你暴露了你的重要线人法蒂玛.哈姆扎Two years building her trust, 用了两年时间获得她的信任infiltrating the terror network, wasted. 打入恐怖网络都白费了- It was a calculated risk. - Really? -那是计划内风险-是嘛Because your Baghdad CO describes you asreckless, insubordinate但你在巴格达的上司说你鲁莽不听命令and irresponsible toward human assets. 不负责任的人Y ou recognise that description? 你承认这一评价吗No, but I recognise an asshole when I see one. 不我只承认那人是个混蛋Tom, a minute. 汤姆你出去一下I stuck my neck out trying to get you this 给你安排这个职位我是顶着很大的压力position.- Y ou have to play the game. - Oh, yeah. -你必须按章办事-是的And you know how good I am at that. 你知道我对此多么擅长Welcome to Paris. 这里是巴黎定时器设置好了你确定办公室不会有人?是的这只是个警告让他们不能无视我们这件事只能托付给你佐伊我只信得过你Merci. Merci. 谢谢谢谢That. 这个And as ordered... 还有你要的two Japanese passports. 两份日本护照How about 800? 800欧元怎么样Baba, that's a genuine Reverso. I could get two grand for that on George V. 巴巴这可是货真价实的护照在乔治五世上能卖到两千呢So sell it there. 那就拿到那里去卖吧Nine. 900欧元And I throw in Lacoste shirts. 再赠送你鳄鱼牌衬衫Y our crocodiles are sewn on backwards. 你的鳄鱼衫都缝反了Y ou must have enough now, Michael, to go backhome.你现在肯定凑齐回国的路费了吧Nothing to go back to. 国内没什么可留恋的Then, forward. 但依然有可期待的Everyone has to have a dream. 人人都要有梦想I'm gonna put myself through med school, find a cure for Alzheimer's. 我打算上医学院找到老年痴呆症的治疗方法Last week, wasn't it Parkinson's? 你上周不是说帕金森症吗Really? 真的吗Y ou have a good evening... Dr Michael. 祝你今晚愉快迈克尔医生法国国民党总部Bonsoir. 晚上好- Bonsoir. - Bonsoir. -晚上好-晚上好Bonsoir. 晚上好Life was full and fruitful and you could take areal biteHey! 喂But the shadow it grows and takes the depthawayLeaving broken down pieces to this pricelessballet你说过里面没人的我们只是为了警告不是杀人听着你回去按原计划执行你没时间了我做不到我要把炸弹扔进河里她临阵退缩了你说过她没问题的她会回来的看着我如果炸弹不能爆炸就没有派对了你说过她能行我会找到她那就去吧你怎么认为看看再说Zoe? 佐伊佐伊跟我说话拜托突发新闻在Place Maurice Chevalier发生爆炸案糟糕炸错目标了好歹有了一次爆炸发出威胁这只是第一次袭击36小时后我们将会让这个城市屈服盖米尔先生我们都听到了威胁身为国家安全局局长你能保证巴黎人民的安全吗我们已经把全国威胁等级提升为三级36 hours. 36小时那就到国庆游行了会不会取消That'll take you up to the Bastille Day parade.Will it go ahead?July 14th, Bastille Day, is our national holiday.7月14日巴士底日是我国的国庆日Would America cancel Independence Day? 如果是美国会取消独立日吗你们会收起国旗和焰火Would you put away your flags and yourfireworksor would you hold them higher? 还是会举得更高?France does not give in to threats. 法国不会屈服于威胁我们会查出这些人予以惩处谢谢We will hunt these people down and make thempay. Merci.我们正在尽力提高清晰度要公布给媒体吗先不急先给中情局和国际刑警组织看看也许这次他们能破例帮个忙What have you got? 什么情况The French picture is back to front. 法国人的照片很模糊We got lucky. Unrelated surveillance of their Finance Minister five blocks away. 幸好我们在五条街外监控法国财政部长的摄像头里- The same guy shows up in our shot. - Are wesharing this with the French?-也出现了这个人-法国政府知道这个吗I think the less they know about us spying on them, the better, don't you? 我觉得还是不要让他们知道我们在监视他们的好It could jeopardise our entire operation. 会有损我们的整个行动The image has been matched with one Michael Mason, born in V egas. 此人的外貌和一个叫迈克尔.梅森的人相同生于拉斯维加斯His dad was a casino pit boss, his mom a realtor. 他爸是个赌场监赌人他妈是个房产经纪人Good grades, heading for college,成绩优异本来正要上大学till Dad took off, leaving them with gamblingdebts.但他爸跑了留给他们母子一屁股赌债Then the wheels come off. Drops out of highschool.生活难以为继他从高中退学Arrested in Reno for cardsharping. 在里诺因为出老千被捕Outstanding warrants in four states for short-confraud.因为盗窃在四个州被通缉Skipped bail, fled the country, entered France on a tourist visa. 保释期逃跑逃离美国利用旅游签证进入法国We contacted his mother. 我们联系了他妈Only heard from her son twice in the last 18 months, 在过去一年半中她只两次听到过儿子的消息both times collect call from a payphone in Paris. 两次都是从巴黎一处公话打的对方付费电话She had no idea where he is or what he's doing. 她不知道他在哪里也不知道他在干什么Quote: "Just like his dad, 她的原话是:就像他爸爸he's always running from something, mostlyhimself."他总是在逃避什么多数是逃避自己So what are we doing? 我们从哪里开始调查We're looking for a data trail - stolen credit cards,bank accounts...查查数据线索失窃的银行卡银行账户…- Same payphone? - Y eah? -同一处公话?-是的What are we waiting for? Let's get him. 那我们还等什么去抓他吧Same payphone in 18 months, he lives on that street. 一年半用的同一处公话他肯定是住在那条街上A direct action could compromise connections toa wider terrorist...直接进行抓捕会有损更重要的反恐行动…A US citizen kills four people in Paris. —个美国公民在巴黎炸死了四个人We missed it on your watch. We sit on our asses while he strikes again? 被你漏过了我们依然无动于衷等着他再次袭击?Briar, this isn't Baghdad, it's Paris. 布瑞尔这里不比巴格达这里是巴黎Red wine, the Louvre, Louis V uitton. Y ou can't just start firing. 红酒卢浮宫路易威登不能在这里随便开火Tom's right. 汤姆说得对If you can bag him discreetly, 如果你能悄悄的抓捕他we can get 24 hours with him off site. 我们就能单独审讯他24小时- Then the French can have what's left. - OK. -然后再交给法国人就是了-好Just make sure there is something left. 但一定要给法国人留点什么Police have released a CCTV image of a man wanted in connection with the incident 警方公布了和爆炸案有关的一个男子的监控录像and the authorities are asking anyone withinformation警方希望任何知道此人身份的人about the identity of the man to come forward. 能向他们提供情况Border control has been alerted. 海关已经得到通知At present no one has come forward to claimresponsibility for the...目前还没人宣称对此次爆炸案负责Excusez-moi. 借过He'll avoid surveillance camera coverage. 他会避开摄像头监控范围This street is good. He can get in and out of herereal quick.街面不错他能方便的快速进出Multiple routes of entry and exits. Good roofaccess. What's on 44?几条街交汇处方便利用楼顶44号是什么- Crack den, raided twice in 12 months. - Too much heat. -是个毒窟一年中被查抄两次-那里太显眼- 48? - Immigrant flophouse. -48号呢-是个移民旅馆How about 52? 52号呢No criminal history, no registered tenants. 没有犯罪历史没有登记的租户- Cash only. - Speak up. -只有现金交易-大点声- Cash only. - All right, I'm going in. -只有现金交易-好我去那里...suggests that the timing of this attack, …这次恐怖袭击的时机in the run-up to France's national holiday andmilitary parade...选在法国国庆节和阅兵之前…The city remains on high alert for tomorrow'scelebrations.整个城市在为明天的庆祝高度警惕Crime scene investigations continue and the areais...袭击现场调查仍在继续这一地区…- Bonjour. - Bonjour. -你好-你好- Ça va? - Oui. -打听一下-好的你认识这个人吗我认识他住在顶楼Merci. 谢谢- Merci. - V oilà. -谢谢-看啊Fuck. 该死啊No! 不啊啊啊{\fnTahoma\fs14\bord1\3c&H400000&}Arrêtez!啊Move! Come on! 让开快啊啊Y eah, motherfucker, now what? 混蛋你还能往哪里跑你找到她了吗她在这里她有些不安新闻上那个放炸弹的人是谁不知道是个偷了她的包的人让她留在那里我害死了四个人这很不应该佐伊别说了这不是你的错是我害死了他们是我害死了他们你们都准备好了吗你有反对意见?我们当初就不该交给一个女人炸错了地方还打草惊蛇我们需要制造骚乱但首先要处理这个婊子下不了手的话就留在车上{\fnTahoma\fs14\bord1\3c&H400000&}C'estparti.佐伊快起来你干什么有几个人要来杀你你从后楼梯下去离开巴黎留下的话他们会杀了你的- Agh! - Shut the fuck up. -啊-闭嘴Hey. 喂- Are you in love? - Love? -你有女朋友?-女朋友?- No. - Are you writing a novel? -没有-你在写小说?- What? No. - What the fuck are you doing inParis?-什么没有-那你来巴黎干什么- I just... - What organisation do you work for? -我只是…-你为哪个组织效力Y our manifesto says this is the first strike. 你们宣称这是第一次袭击- My... - Where are you bombing next? -我…-接下来要袭击哪里- I'm not a terrorist. - Is this not you? -我不是恐怖分子-这不是你吗That is... I put the bag in the trash. 这…我把包扔在了垃圾堆里But I didn't know there was a bomb in it. 可我不知道里面有炸弹- I'm sorry, man. - Somebody gave it to you? -对不起-是别人给你的?- I stole it. - Y ou stole it? -我偷的-你偷的?I'm a pick-pocket. It's what I fucking do. 我是个扒手我是干这一行的- Y ou didn't look inside? - Y eah, I looked inside.-你没看里面?-我看过里面- Y ou didn't see the bomb? - There was just crapin there.-你没看到炸弹?-里面只是垃圾It was a wig, a toy. I put it back. I swear to God. I'm really sorry. 有个假发一个玩具我放回去了都是实话真对不起- I didn't... I'm sorry. - Shut up! -对不起-闭嘴Focus! 镇定点I didn't know what was in that bag. 我不知道那个包里有什么But you ran and you made me chase you, and innocent people do not run. 可你跑了害得我追你而清白的人是不会跑的Y ou were coming after me. Have you seenyourself?可你在找我你那么凶神恶煞的人What I need you to understand is this does notlook good for you.你要知道你摊上大事了One phone call and you're on a phantom flight to the middle of nowhere, 只要我打个电话你就会被幽灵飞机送到荒郊野外off the grid. 无人知道的地方Y ou would not be missed. 死了也没人知道It wasn't my bag. 那不是我的包I swear to God. 我对天发誓Whose was it? 是谁的Er... this girl. 呃是个女人的- Describe her. - OK. She was pretty. -说说她的样子-好她很漂亮She had brown hair and a blonde wig. 有棕色头发和黄色假发She had a bag. Her body language made me think there was something valuable in it.她拿着个包她的神态让我感觉包里有贵重物品Two pounds of Semtex. Well done. 两磅的塑胶炸药干得好That's her phone. That was in the bag. It rang andI answered it.这是她的手机在包里电话响了我接听了Some French guy, he called her Zoe. 一个法国男人打来的他叫她佐伊- Where'd you steal it? - Pigalle. -你在哪儿偷的-在皮加勒If I go to surveillance cameras, I see you stealing 如果我查看监控录像能看到你偷窃过程?it?- I only work blind spots so no cameras. - Y eah. -我只在没有摄像头的盲区下手-是的Because you don't have a record in Paris. 因为你在巴黎没有前科No thefts, no pick-pockets, no stolen bags. 没有盗窃没掏过口袋没偷过包- Just this motherfucking terrorist money. - That is from selling the stuff I steal. -只有这笔恐怖活动资金-这是我销赃卖来的钱- Who do you sell it to? - I have a guy. -卖给了谁-有个认识的人- Where? - In Barbès. -他在哪儿-在巴尔贝斯Y ou must be really good. 你肯定身手很好Overall number one draft pick of pick-pockets. 扒手中的选秀状元I'm the best. 我是一流的Y ou'd better be. 撒谎的话你就惨了她的手机信号距这里10分钟车程—个嬉皮女竟然住在这么高档的社区她爸肯定是律师她说认识照片中的男子爆炸前两小时她还和他在一起是他的同伙?不是同伙这段视频在网上疯传你成了网红啊这就是他他是你男朋友不是他是个小偷他利用了我他叫什么不知道他是个美国人有七块表四个钱包和两个日本护照在蒙特马尔被盗日本护照?这是定制的向巴尔贝斯的商贩打听一下Walk up to me and steal my wallet. 过来偷走我的钱包OK. 好I wouldn't have a guy come up to me in the street and ask me to steal his wallet.这太荒唐了不会有人在街上过来让我偷他的钱包- It doesn't work like that. - Just do it. -没这种场景-只管动手OK, OK. Er... 好吧好吧呃Well, I'd walk up to the guy, avoid eye contact, 我一般都是走上前去避免目光接触step to the side, look him in the eye and then I'dbe gone.走到身边看一眼他的眼睛然后我就走了- Still there. - But the money's gone. -钱包还在-但钱没了See, I took the wallet the first time 我先偷走钱包and then put it back the second, only without themoney.然后放回去只不过钱没了It's all about the distraction. 关键是分散对方注意力Y ou were too busy watching me to see what Iwas doing.你只顾盯着我没注意到我的手上Give me that. 给我钱Sit down. 坐下送快递的我有件佐伊.纳维尔的快递找错地方了Bonjour. 你好Bonjour. 你好我有件佐伊.纳维尔的快递Zoe Naville? 佐伊.纳维尔?Sorry, I think you got the wrong address. 对不起你找错地方了American? 你是美国人?Y eah. 是的It's cluite specific, this address. 写得很清楚就是这里Well, I'm sorry I can't help you. 抱歉我爱莫能助- Sorry to have disturbed you. - Y eah. -对不起打扰了-好No problem. 没事Christophe! 克里斯托Agh! 啊{\fnTahoma\fs14\bord1\3c&H400000&}Allo?Allo? La police, s'il vous plaît.{\fnTahoma\fs14\bord1\3c&H400000&}Oui.我为何要帮你我们可以给你的家人办身份证或者相反- Y ou lost him? - We were compromised. -你让他跑了?-出了岔子They were tactical. G-19s and gas masks. 对方有备而来携带6-19手枪和防毒面具And now we have French police crawling through an unlisted agency safe house. 如今法国警方要去搜查我们未登记的中情局密室了This was a bag job, not urban warfare. How the hell were you compromised? 这只是秘密搜捕不是大张旗鼓的怎么会出岔子?Two ops looking for a girl called Zoe. All right? 两个特工来找一个叫佐伊的女子Mason said he stole a bag from a girl called Zoe. She's the key. 梅森说他偷了一个叫佐伊的女子的包她是破案关键Uploading her phone data now. 我正在上传她的手机信息Y ou need to get Mason before the French know we're digging in their front yard. 你要赶紧找到梅森别让法国人知道我们在他们国内调查They tracked her phone. Get me everything offit.他们追踪了她的手机告诉我手机上的内容- Briar... - Mason has a fence at Barbès. -布瑞尔-梅森在巴尔贝斯有个销赃人We get him, we get the girl, we get 'em all.找到了他就找到那女子就找到他们所有人Y our mission is Mason. 你的任务只是抓捕梅森Karen's put herself on the line for you. She's stalling the French. 凯伦为了你担了很大的风险她正设法拖住法国人Get Mason before this blows up in our faces. 抓到梅森否则这事就搞砸了Our prime suspect. 我们的首要嫌疑人A witness came forward and identified him as anAmerican.一位证人找到我们说他是个美国人American? 美国人?Do you have a name? 你们知道他叫什么吗Not yet, but a possible sighting.还不知道但很可能看到了他Paris police are investigating a violentdisturbance巴黎警方正在调查在圣樊尚.德街in an apartment block in Rue Saint Vincent. 一个公寓楼内发生的一起暴力事件Neighbours placed the suspect at the scene and... 邻居在现场看到了这个嫌疑人以及…..a black man with an American accent. 一位美国口音的黑人Go on. 接着说The police report says the apartment had somesort of...警方报告说这个公寓楼里有个…..hidden interrogation room. 秘密审讯室Terror links? 恐怖组织的?No, it smells like... 不感觉像是…..intelligence. 情报部门的And what does intelligence smell like? 那么情报部门的是什么样子Karen... we go way back. 凯伦咱俩是老交情了I have four bodies on the street on the eve ofBastille Day.在国庆节前夕我们在大街上死了四个人- If you have any information... - If I did (I)would tell you. -如果你知道什么情况…-如果我知道肯定会告诉你Y ou know that. 你是知道的Of course. 那当然- Of course. - How's the wife? -那当然-你妻子还好吗Expensive. 大手大脚的帕斯卡莱让我们失望了现在这笔钱就是我们14个人分了有问题吗怎么处理那个女子和那两个美国人我会处理他们-打个电话嫁祸给清真寺-好的-视频拍出来了吗-正在安排我有银行的平面图只要按计划行事让骚乱蔓延就成了是个匿名电话他们说炸弹是在圣丹尼斯的社区中心制造的这个社区中心是清真寺的一部分吗是的我让特警队长在外面等着了索菲让特警队长进来Monsieur. 局长特警队长拉菲.伯纳德他的队伍去年解决了南泰尔机场袭击事件-你损失了两手下?-还有一名瘫痪了家属得到抚恤金了?钱不多情况都告诉你了吗不太方便明天就国庆节了这会有问题吗没问题长官{\fnTahoma\fs14\bord1\3c&H400000&}Bon.Alors, messieurs...{\fnTahoma\fs14\bord1\3c&H400000&}Allez.所有人员注意我找到了炸弹制造装置重复一遍我找到了炸弹制造装置{\fnTahoma\fs14\bord1\3c&H400000&}Salerace!你这混蛋法西斯杂种很好有行动了这应该能激化事态我们有证据表明恐怖分子曾在清真寺一段时间但我们的首要嫌疑人依然在逃我们会继续认真面对这一威胁L'Americain. 是美国人Hey, Baba. 嗨巴巴Y ou plant that bomb? 你放置的炸弹?I stole the bag. I didn't know what was in it. 我偷的包我不知道里面有炸弹Please, Baba, I need somewhere to hide. 拜托巴巴我需要个藏身的地方-没想到你是那种人-我不是- I never took you for that kind of guy. - And I'mnot.- Look, please, Baba, you know me. - Do I? -拜托巴巴你了解我-我了解吗Do I? 我了解吗Y ou owe me. 你欠我一个恩情了All right. All right. 行行Follow me. 跟我来Wait here. 在这里等着好让他留在那里巴尔贝斯的Chercell街封锁那里通知特警队外国移民又一次在我们的大街上杀了人他们炸了我们的首都法国什么时候才能醒来如果看到他携带武器当场射杀这一炸弹跟移民没有关系这些法西斯分子为何归罪于我们我们拒绝被如此对待特警队到了后面的交给我们处理{\fnTahoma\fs14\bord1\3c&H400000&}Donne-moi la clé.给我钥匙没人-他在哪儿-他刚才还在的-别撒谎他在哪儿-他刚才还在的我们会揍死你给我狠狠地打啊啊啊黑六他朝你那里去了我已经就位{\fnTahoma\fs14\bord1\3c&H400000&}J'aiun visuel.你看到他了吗肯定目标已锁定上车Get in! 开枪Fuck! 操Putain! 该死的That fucking cop was gonna shoot me? 那警察要打死我?Y ou're a terrorist bomber. Y ou killed four people. 你是个恐怖分子炸死了四个人Put your seatbelt on. 系上安全带我们要阻止美国人找到那女子通知寻找那辆车Anti-fascist protests are growing in the north of the city this morning 在大量针对清真寺的无端袭击之后今天早上在城市北部after a spate of unprovoked attacks on mosques. 反法西斯抗议者的人数又有增加Online activists are questioning theheavy-handed police response.网上活动家在质疑警方的暴虐反应我们需要对抗这些法西斯份子必须行动起来让人们听到我们的声音我们必须到街上去让他们看到我们的庞大让他们看到我们不怕打倒警察打倒警察Zoe. 佐伊-你没事吧-请帮帮我嗨佐伊好久不见了保罗我有麻烦了需要个藏身的地方为什么出什么事了我只需要个藏身处好别担心你可以住在我家The French have found bomb equipment in amosque.法国人在一家清真寺发现一个炸弹- Looks like they've found a cell. - No, that don't sound right. -看来他们查获了一个恐怖分子据点-不可能Those two guys that hit me weren't from nomosclue.那两个袭击我的人绝对不是清真寺的人It was that girl. 是为了找那女子So we pass her details on to the French. Y our job was to find Mason 我们会把她的情况告诉法国人你的任务是找到梅森- and close this down. - I'm working on that. -了结此事-我正在找What did you find from that girl's phone? 你从那女子的手机上查到了什么Her phone data connects to an activist squat. Rue Duris, Clichy-sous-Bois. Why? 通过她的手机查到一个活动家鲁.杜里斯在克利希市怎么了I'll tell you later. 我回头再告诉你So, what, you CIA? 你是中情局的?Y ou got a name? 叫什么名字- Briar. - Is that a first or last? -布瑞尔-这是姓还是名It's the only one you're gonna get. 你知道布瑞尔就行了The city's under threat. We need to find that 这城市处于威胁中我们要找到那个携带炸bomber girl. 弹的女子Y ou'll identify her. Until we do that, that shit ison you.你要指认她在此之前你就是嫌犯I'm just a thief who stole a bag. 我只是偷了个包的小偷Just charge me and we'll straighten this out. 指控我盗窃好了Not gonna happen. Want another red dot on yourchest?这不可能的你希望胸口上再来一个红点吗- I'm not a terrorist. - Hey! Y ou stole a bag. -我不是恐怖分子-喂你偷了个包Y ou left it there. Now, man the fuck up. 又放在了那里男人一点- We got a job to do. - This is crazy. -我们还有活要干-这真是荒唐- I don't work for the CIA. - Well, you do today. -我并不为中情局效力-你今天是了Hey. I wonder if you can help me. 嗨能不能帮我个忙- I'm looking for my friend Zoe. - I don't know aZoe.-我在找我的朋友佐伊-我不认识叫佐伊的- Who are you? - Ben from the G8 protests. -你是谁-我是参加G8集团抗议的本- Zoe said to stop by sometime. - I don't knowyou.-佐伊让我有空来玩-我不认识你Patrice! 帕特里斯- Patrice! - Sshh! -帕特里斯-嘘Come here. Open up. 过来张嘴- Open up. - Ugh! Ugh! -张嘴-啊啊What's your name? 你叫什么- Tamir. - Tamir, where's Zoe? -塔米尔-塔米尔佐伊在哪儿- She's not here. - So where's she hiding? -她不在这里-那她藏在哪儿Please, she's innocent. 拜托她是无辜的Whoa! Stop! 喂停车Out. 下车Get in. 上车- I thought you were gonna shoot him. - I'm trying to stop a bomb. -我真觉得你会开枪的-我是为了制止一次恐怖袭击Y ou put a gun in his mouth, you didn't evenblink.你把枪放进他嘴里眼都不眨一下- Moral lessons from a pick-pocket. - I don't threaten to kill anyone. -扒手还跟我讲道德-我不打人也不威胁要杀人No, you actually kill them. 你只是炸死人Y ou're wasting your time. They're gone. 你这是浪费时间他们已经跑了Look through these. Those guys are on there. 找找看那些人在上面So, what am I looking for? 要找什么Peroxide guy. He's in her photos. 过氧化氢男他在她的手机里- So? - Michael, we're the CIA. -那又如何-迈克尔我们可是中情局We got a lot of equipment. We can get a facerecognition.我们有很多设备可以做面部识别Or we just go to where he works. 不如直接去他工作的地方Where? 在哪儿很好我会发给拉菲很好发到网上他还会需要一辆车附近有失窃的车辆吗你们两条街外有人劫车金色奔驰向西驶往邦迪了很好全体搜寻- What happens now? - We wait for him to showup.-我们现在做什么-等着他出现Jesus! 天Don't touch that. 别碰I'm not a drug dealer, all right? 我又不是毒贩Y ou know, I'm not some fucking lowlife. I gotplans.我不是什么下等人我有追求Like what? 什么追求I'm raising money to fund my way through medschool.我在筹集上医学院的学费Bullshit. Y ou know, you look left when you lie.It's a very common tell.胡说人撒谎的时候会向左看这是常识Y ou don't fucking know me. 你根本不了解我Age 14 through 16, you were caught shopliftingfor pornography14-16岁期间你就被抓住偷窃A片and Britney Spears CDs. 和小甜甜的唱片Y ou stole your stepdad's car and crashed it into the Caesars Palace fountain. 你偷了继父的车开进了恺撒皇宫酒店的喷泉Categorised as impulsive, lacking of insight and very likely to reoffend. 属于那种任性缺乏远见很可能继续犯罪的人OK. How about lacking in interpersonalempathy?好那我是不是缺乏同情心Reckless, insubordinate and irresponsible. 鲁莽不听命令不负责任Quick to resort to violence. 容易诉诸暴力Motherfucker, you go through my pockets again,I will shoot you in the face.混蛋再敢偷我的口袋我就让你爆头- Jesus, man, I was just... - Shut up. He's here. -真是的我只是…-闭嘴他来了What's the play? 什么计划- Y ou gonna stick a gun in his mouth too? - No. -也把枪塞进他嘴里?-不If they see me, they'll move her. 如果他们看到我就会转移她They didn't get a good look at you. 但他们没怎么注意你- No way. - Come on. Y ou wanna clear yourname?-绝不行-拜托你不想洗刷罪名吗That guy in there knows where Zoe is. Go in 这人知道佐伊在哪儿进去帮我打探一下there, get me a lead.- No fucking way. - Listen, Michael, this is anopportunity.-绝不行-迈克尔这是你的机会懂吗The agency, they don't just recruit Ivy Leaguetypes.中情局并不招收名牌大学生They need people like you, street smart. 而是需要你这样的市井之人Y ou know, we're not too different, you and I. 咱俩其实也差不多I was just a street kid adopted from Belize.我本来只是在伯利兹被领养的流浪儿No value system, no parents, no English. 没什么价值观没有父母也不会英语Nobody gave a fuck about me. 没人看得起我I want a deal. 我有个条件We get the girl, she confirms my story, I'm free and clear. 我们抓到那女子她澄清我的名声我无罪走人Deal. 成交Pinky promise. 你得拉勾Get the fuck out of here. 去死吧你抱歉我来晚了家里来了个朋友她需要帮助{\fnTahoma\fs14\bord1\3c&H400000&}C'estla police. C'est toujours la police.我的手机呢刚才还在的被人偷走了你打一下我的电话Tony. 托尼Joyful and triumphantGather aroundWhile I blow my own trumpet- She's at his place. - Y ou got an address. -她在他家-你搞到了地址Good job. 好样的- That was intense. - Y eah, you did good. -刚才很惊险-你做的很好Y ou think I got a chance at the agency? 我有机会进中情局吗Y ou got potential. 你有潜力The city's all fired up. It was on TV back there. 整个城市被激怒了酒馆里的电视上有新闻Cops put an Arab protester in hospital. 警察把一个阿拉伯人抗议者打到住院这种视频激发了左翼和右翼分子的对抗这是很令人遗憾的事件但城市处于威胁中我们有责任保持秩序正如我们计划的发展那标签会让事态彻底激化在一辆金色奔驰中看到嫌疑人-哪里-正前往La Raincy。

Charlie Wilson's War 盖世奇才 精彩对白 (中英对照)

Charlie Wilson's War 盖世奇才 精彩对白 (中英对照)

Charlie Wilson's War 盖世奇才精彩对白(中英对照)【女富豪琼安海宁问国会议员查理威尔森】Joanne Herring: Why is Congress saying one thing and doing nothing?Charlie Wilson: Well, tradition mostly.琼安海宁:为什么国会总是光说不练?查理威尔森:这个嘛,遵循国会传统吧。

-----------------【访客赖瑞利得对于威尔森议员办公室都是美女感到好奇】Larry Liddle: Does the Congressman only hire beautiful women?Charlie's Angel#2: As the Congressman says, "you can teach them to type, but you can't teach them to grow tits."赖瑞利得:议员先生是不是只聘用长得漂亮的美女?查理的2号娇娃:我们议员有说过:「要教男生打字很容易,可是要教他们长对奶子出来就难了。

」-----------------------【威尔森议员办公室的助理回答议员酗酒的问题】Charlie's Angel #4: The Congressman has never been to rehab. They don't serve whisky at rehab.查理的4号娇娃:议员先生从来没有去过戒酒中心,因为那里没有提供威士忌。

------------------------【威尔森议员询问中情局官员葛斯亚寇图斯有关美国对阿富汗的军事政策】Charlie Wilson: You mean to tell me that the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan is to have the Afghans keep walking into machine gun fire 'til the Russians run out of bullets?Gust Avrakotos: That's Harold Holt's strategy, not U.S. strategy.Charlie Wilson: What is U.S. strategy?Gust Avrakotos: Most strictly speaking, we don't have one. But we're working on it.Charlie Wilson: Who's 'we'?Gust Avrakotos: Me and three other guys.查理威尔森:你的意思是说,美国的阿富汗政策就是让阿富汗人民继续去被机关枪扫射,直到苏俄的子弹打光为止?葛斯亚寇图斯:那是哈洛侯特(阿富汗政府官员)的政策,不是美国的政策。



僵尸新娘Corpse Bride-Good morning. -Good morning.-早安-早安Here ye, here ye, 10 minutes to go till Van Dort's wedding rehearsal.号外,号外!范家的婚礼彩排十分钟后开始彩排Watch it! 小心点-It's a beautiful day -It's a rather nice day-今天是个好日子-是个相当好的日子A day for a glorious wedding 婚礼的大喜之日A rehearsal, my dear To be perfectly clear亲爱的,其实是婚礼彩排A rehearsal for a glorious wedding这可是个盛大的婚礼彩排Assuming nothing happens That we don't really know希望不要发生意外That nothing unexpected Interferes with the show来打断我们的好事And that's why everything Every last little thing所以任何事情,任何小事Every single, tiny, microscopic little thing Must go任何细节都必须…-According to plan -Our son will be married-按照计划进行-我们的儿子要结婚了-According to plan -Our family carried-按照计划-我们的家族就能…Elevated to the heights of society一步跨入上流社会-To the costume balls -In the hallowed halls-挤进化装舞会-挤进皇庭宫殿Rubbing elbows with the finest 和权贵擦肩往来Having crumpets with Her Highness 和女王共进点心We'll be there, we'll be seen Having tea with the queen我们挤入上流社会,就能吸引目光,和女王一起喝茶We'll forget everything That we've ever, ever been彻底忘却以往的身份-Blimey! It's my dress is caught.-噢…我的裙子卡住了-Begging your pardon, ma' am. -糟糕…-Come on, dear. -It's not me. It's my dress is caught.-亲爱的…用力挤-不是我卡住了,是裙子Where is Victor?. We might be late.维克特在哪?我们要迟到了Fish merchants. 鱼贩子!-It's a terrible day -Now, don't be that way-真是个糟糕的日子-啊~别这样It's a terrible day for a wedding今天因为这桩婚事弄得真糟糕It's a sad, sad state of affairs we're in我们怎么会落得如此狼狈That has led to this ominous wedding才会换来这该死的婚礼How could our family have come to this?咱们家怎么会潦倒至此To marry off our daughter To the nouveau riche得把女儿嫁给暴发平民-They're so common -So coarse-他们真庸俗-真粗鄙-Oh, it couldn't be worse -糟得不能再糟了-Couldn't be worse? I'm afraid I disagree-不能再糟?这我可不同意They could be land-rich, Bankrupt aristocracy有人是地主,有人破产Without a penny to their name 有人是贵族却身无分文Just like you and me 就像你…和我!Oh, dear. 呃…天啊!And that's why everything Every last little thing所以任何事情,任何小事Every single, tiny, microscopic little thing Must go任何细节都必须…-According to plan -Our daughter will wed-…按照计划进行-女儿要嫁人-According to plan -Our family led-按照计划-家族就能…From the depths of deepest poverty …脱离贫困-To the noble realm -Of our ancestry重回祖先时的显赫And who would have guessed In a million years谁会想得到-That our daughter with a face -Of an otter in disgrace相貌如此平庸的女儿Would provide our ticket To a rightful place却是把钥匙,让我们得回该有的地位Oh, Hildegarde. 噢!希嘉德…What if Victor and I don't like each other?.万一我和维克特不喜欢彼此怎么办?As if that has anything to do with marriage.哈…这和婚姻有何关系!Do you suppose your father and I like each other?.你认为你的父母喜欢彼此吗?Surely you must a little?. 你们当然…起码有一点吧?-Of course not. -Of course not. 当然没有Get those corsets laced properly. 把衣带绑妥当了I can hear you speak without gasping.看你说话连气都喘不过来You've certainly hooked a winner this time, Victor.这次你一定得成功,维克特-Now, all you have to do is reel her in. -I'm already reeling, -你只要照着做就行啦-我已经照着做了Shouldn't Victoria Everglot be marrying a lord or something?.维多利亚为什么不嫁个门当户对的大官或什么的?Oh, nonsense! We're every bit as good as the Everglots. 呃…胡说!我们不比艾弗格拉家差I always knew I deserved better than a fish merchant's life.我总觉得我的身份就该比那些鱼贩子高尚But I've never even spoken to her. 但…我从没和她说过话Well, at least we have that in our favor. 这起码对我们有利Mayhew! Silence that blasted coughing.梅修,拜托别再咳了Marriage is a partnership, a little tit for tat.婚姻不过是合伙的关系,互相利用罢了You'd think a lifetime watching us..这辈子看着我们夫妻俩Might have taught her that 她总该学到了吧-Might have taught her that -Everything must be perfect-她总该学到了吧-凡事都不能出差错-Everything must be perfect -Everything must be perfect凡事都得完美…完美…Perfect That's why everything …完美,所以任何事情Every last little thing 任何小事Every single, tiny, microscopic little thing Must go任何细节都必须…According to plan 按照计划进行Look at the way you're standing. 看看你站着的样子You look like you got rickets or something...不像话!你得…呃…呵呵!Oh, my goodness. Oh, such grandeur! Such impeccable taste! 哇~天啊!真是富丽堂皇,太有品味啦!Oh, beautiful, innit?. 哦~很美,是吧?It's not as big as our place, dear. 比艾菲家差了点儿-Bit shabby really, isn't it?. -Shut up.-呃…不是。




自此以后,众多影片纷纷效仿,赶紧来看看还有什么美爆了的香吻片段吧!Jack and Rose's smooch on the front deck of the Titanic is the best movie kiss of all-time, according to new research.一项新研究称,杰克和罗丝在泰坦尼克号船头夹板上一吻是电影史上最佳。

The scene from the Oscar-winning blockbuster fought off competition from Lady and the Tramp's canine canoodle over spaghetti and the kiss between Sam and Molly in Ghost.这部奥斯卡获奖大片的荧屏一吻击败了《小姐与流浪汉》中意大利面前的小狗之吻和《人鬼情未了》中萨姆和莫莉之吻。

So perhaps respondents had a sense of nostalgia when it came to voting for their favourites.也许,影迷投票选出自己最爱的荧屏之吻的时候,都会有些许惆怅。

Almost half of respondents think movie kisses are realistic and three in 10 said onscreen romance has influenced how they go about their love life.有近一半受访者认为荧幕之吻真实,有三成人认为银屏爱情影响了他们的爱情生活。

一起来看看老外评选出来的荧幕经典之吻TOP20吧!1. Titanic (kiss on the front deck of the Titanic)1. 《泰坦尼克号》(泰坦尼克船头甲板之吻)2. Lady and the Tramp (kiss at the restaurant)2. 《小姐和流浪汉》(餐厅之吻)3. Ghost (Sam kisses Molly before he passes over)3. 《人鬼情未了》(萨姆与莫莉别离之吻)4. Pretty Woman (on the fire escape)4. 《风月俏佳人》(消防通道之吻)5. Dirty Dancing (kiss at the end)5. 《辣身舞》(片尾之吻)6. Bridget Jones's Diary (Bridget kissed Mark in the snow)6. 《BJ单身日记》(布丽奇特与马克的雪中之吻)7. Spider Man (when Mary Jane kisses Peter Parker upside down on the roof)7. 《蜘蛛侠》(玛丽简与皮特马克的屋顶之吻)8. Breakfast at Tiffany's (kiss in the rain at the end)8. 《蒂凡尼的早餐》(片尾雨中之吻)9. Gone With the Wind (when Rhett Butler kisses Scarlett O'Hara and says 'You need kissing badly')9. 《飘》(白瑞德说“你非常需要一个吻”后与斯嘉丽奥哈拉拥吻)10. Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (Han Solo and Princess Leia's kiss)10. 《星球大战2:帝国反击战》(汉索与罗和莱娅公主接吻)11. The Notebook (kiss in the rain)11. 《恋恋笔记本》(雨中之吻)12. An Officer and a Gentleman (kiss between Richard Gere and Debra Winger)12. 《军官与绅士》(李察·基尔与德博拉·温格接吻)13. Shrek (kiss between Shrek and Princess Fiona which sees her turn into an all-ogre))13. 《怪物史瑞克》(史瑞克吻了变身怪兽的菲欧娜公主)14. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Ron and Hermione finally kiss14. 《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(罗恩与赫敏最终一吻)15. Love Actually (Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon)15. 《真爱至上》(休·格兰特与玛汀·麦古基安接吻)16. Casablanca (Ilsa asks Rick Blaine to 'Kiss me as if it were the last time')16.《卡萨布兰卡》(伊尔莎对里克·布莱恩说“吻我,就像最后一次吻我一样。



Dreamworks ProductYear中文翻译Title末日戒备 The Peacemaker The Peacemaker捕鼠气 Mouse Hunt Amistad断锁怒潮 Amistad MouseHunt蚁哥正传 AntZ Paulie天地大冲撞 Deep Impact(ParamountPictures)Deep Impact阿鹦爱说笑 Paulie Small Soldiers埃及王子 The Prince of Egypt Saving Private Ryan拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan (Paramount Pictures)Antz魔幻小战士 Small Soldiers(with Universal Studios)The Prince of Egypt美国丽人 American Beauty In Dreams触电之旅 Forces of Nature Forces of Nature 惊爆银河系/星河救兵 Galaxy Quest The Love Letter 鬼入侵 The Haunting The Haunting超异能梦魇 In Dreams American Beauty 情有千千结 The Love Letter Galaxy Quest成名之路 Almost Famous(with Columbia Pictures)The Road to El Dorado荒岛余生 Cast Away(20世纪福克斯)Gladiator 咪走鸡 Chicken Run(with AardmanAnimations)Road Trip竞争者 The Contender Small Time Crooks发力无边 An Everlasting Piece(withColumbia Pictures)Chicken Run角斗士 Gladiator (Universal Studios)What Lies Beneath约瑟夫传说:埃及之谜 Joseph: King ofDreams(Direct to Video)Almost Famous重返荣耀 The Legend of Bagger Vance(20世纪福克斯)Meet the Parents 拜见岳父大人 Meet the Parents(wUniversal Studios)The Contender勇闯黄金城 The Road to El Dorado The Legend of Bagger Vance哈啦上路(Road Trip)Joseph: King of Dreams1997 1998 19992000贫贱夫妻百事吉(Small Time Crooks)Cast Away危机四伏 What Lies Beneath(20世纪福克斯)An Everlasting PieceA.I.人工智能 A.I. ArtificialIntelligence(华纳兄弟)The Mexican 美丽心灵 A Beautiful Mind (UniversalStudios)Shrek爱情魔咒 The Curse of the JadeScorpionEvolution进化 Evolution(with Columbia Pictures)A.I. Artificial Intelligence叛将风云 The Last Castle The Curse of the Jade Scorpion危险情人 The Mexican The Last Castle 怪物史莱克 Shrek (plus a sequel in2004 and an upcoming sequel in 2007)A Beautiful Mind我知道你是谁 Catch Me If You Can The Time Machine 好莱坞大结局 Hollywood Ending Hollywood Ending少数派报告 Minority Report(20世纪福克斯)Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron美版午夜凶铃(The Ring《午夜凶铃》西洋篇 )Minority Report毁灭之路 Road to Perdition(20世纪福克斯)Road to Perdition小马王 Spirit: Stallion of theCimarronThe Tuxedo 时光机器 The Time Machine(华纳兄弟)The Ring燕尾服 The Tuxedo Catch Me If You Can情关难过 Anything Else Biker Boyz夜行杀阵 Biker Boyz Old School魔法灵猫 The Cat in the Hat(UniversalStudios)Head of State乌龙元首 Head of State Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas尘雾家园 House of Sand and Fog Seabiscuit重返校园 Old School Anything Else空头支票 Paycheck(Paramount Pictures)The Cat in the Hat壮志奔腾 Seabiscuit(with Spyglass Entertainment and Universal Studios)House of Sand and Fog2002 2001 2003辛巴达七海传奇 Sinbad: Legend of the Seven SeasPaycheck 王牌播音员 Anchorman: The Legend of Ron BurgundyWin a Date with Tad Hamilton!落日杀神 Collateral(Paramount Pictures)Eurotrip 贱钱眼开 Envy(with Columbia Pictures)Envy 欧洲派 EurotripShrek 2雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events(Paramount Pictures Nickelodeon Movies)The Stepford Wives 拜见岳父大人2 Meet theFockers(Universal Studios)The Terminal怪物史莱克2 Shrek 2Anchorman: TheLegend of RonBurgundy超完美娇妻 The Stepford Wives(1975年电影重拍) (Paramount Pictures)Collateral谁来陪我过圣诞 Surviving ChristmasSurvivingChristmas幸福终点站 The TerminalLemony Snicket's A Series ofUnfortunate Events征服偶像 Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!Meet the Fockers 梦想奔驰 Dreamer (Inspired by a TrueStory)The Ring Two逃出克隆岛 The Island(华纳兄弟)War of theWorlds就像在天堂 Just like Heaven The Island 马达加斯加 Madagascar Red Eye 赛末点 Match Point Just Like Heaven 艺伎回忆录 Memoirs of a Geisha(合作哥伦比亚影片公司,Spyglass Entertainment)The Prize Winner of Defiance,Ohio 慕尼黑 Munich(合作宇宙工作室)Dreamer The Prize Winner of Defiance, OhioMemoirs of aGeisha红眼航班 Red Eye Munich 刹灵 The Ring TwoMatch Point20052004超级无敌掌门狗:人兔的诅咒 Wallace &Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (合作Aardman Animations)世界大战 War Of The Worlds(合作Paramount Pictures,Amblin Entertainment)追梦女郎 Dreamgirls(派拉蒙影业合作)She's the Man 父辈的旗帜 Flags of Our Fathers(华纳兄弟合作)The Last Kiss鼠国流浪记 Flushed AwayFlags of Our Fathers终情之吻 The Last Kiss Dreamgirls硫磺岛家书 Letters from Iwo Jima(华纳兄弟合作)Letters from Iwo Jima篱笆墙外 Over the Hedge Perfume: TheStory of aMurderer香水 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer 足球尤物 She's the Man 蜂电影 Bee Movie Norbit 冰刀双人组 Blades of Glory Blades of Glory 恐怖社区 DisturbiaDisturbia 七日之痒 The Heartbreak Kid Transformers 追风筝的人 The Kite RunnerThe Heartbreak Kid糯米正传 NorbitThings We Lost in the Fire 怪物史莱克3 Shrek the Third The Kite Runner 理发师陶德 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet StreetSweeney Todd:The Demon Barber of Fleet Street1942年夏天 Things We Lost in the Fire 变形金刚 Transformers 禁入废墟 The Ruins The Ruins 功夫熊猫 Kung Fu Panda Tropic Thunder 热带惊魂 Tropic Thunder Ghost Town 通灵牙医 Ghost Town Eagle Eye 鹰眼 Eagle EyeRevolutionary Road马达加斯加2 Madagascar: Escape 2Africa革命之路Revolutionary Road200620072008独奏者 The Soloist Hotel for Dogs狗狗旅馆 Hotel for Dogs The Uninvited 大战外星人 Monsters vs. AliensI Love You, Man变形金刚2:狂派再起 Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen (with Paramount)The Soloist可爱的骨头 The Lovely Bones (co-production with FilmFour)Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen不请自来 The Uninvited The Lovely Bones寻找伴郎 I Love You, Man灵动:鬼影实录 Paranormal Activity 我配不上她 She's Out of My LeagueShe's Out of My League 猪头晚餐 Dinner for SchmucksDinner for Schmucks怪物史莱克4 Shrek Goes Fourth(distribution only through Paramount)驯龙高手How To Train Your Dragon 超级大坏蛋 Megamind 关键第四号 I Am Number Four I Am Number Four 功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda 2Cowboys & Aliens牛仔与外星人 Cowboys and Aliens The Help变形金刚3:月黑之时 Transformers: Darkof the MoonFright Night铁甲钢拳 Real Steel Real Steel 姊妹 The HelpWar Horse吸血鬼就在隔壁 Fright Night 战马 War Horse200920102011丁丁历险记 Tintin穿靴子的猫 Puss in Boots 临终千言 A Thousand Words A Thousand Words 我们这样的人 People Like UsPeople Like Us马达加斯加3:欧洲大逃亡 Madagascar 3:Europe's Most WantedLincoln守护者联盟 Rise of the Guardians 林肯 Lincoln疯狂原始人The Fifth Estate 极速蜗牛Delivery Man 天才眼镜狗Need for Speed 驯龙高手2 How To Train Your Dragon 2The Hundred-Foot Journey米其林情缘Bridge of Spies The BFGThe LightBetween Oceans The Girl on the TrainOffice Christmas Party201420122013Release Date26-Sep-97First DreamWorks film10-Dec-97co-production with HBO Films19-Dec-9717-Apr-98co-production with Mutual Film Company 8-May-98co-production with Paramount Pictures10-Jul-98co-production with Universal Pictures and AmblinEntertainment24-Jul-98Nominee for the Academy Award for Best Picture; co-production with Paramount Pictures, Amblin Entertainment and Mutual Film Company2-Oct-98co-production with Pacific Data Images; DreamWorks' first computer animated feature film18-Dec-98DreamWorks' first traditionally animated feature film 15-Jan-99co-production with Amblin Entertainment19-Mar-9921-May-9923-Jul-991-Oct-99Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture25-Dec-9931-Mar-005-May-00Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture; co-production with Universal Studios and Scott FreeProductions19-May-00co-production with The Montecito Picture Company 19-May-0023-Jun-00co-production with Pathé and Aardman Animations, DreamWorks' first stop-motion animated feature film21-Jul-00co-production with 20th Century Fox and ImageMovers 13-Sep-00co-production with Columbia Pictures6-Oct-00co-production with Universal Pictures13-Oct-00co-production with Cinerenta Medienbeteiligungs KG3-Nov-00co-production with 20th Century Fox and AlliedFilmmakers7-Nov-0022-Dec-00co-production with 20th Century Fox and ImageMovers, international distribution only.25-Dec-00co-production with Columbia Pictures 2-Mar-01co-production with Newmarket Films18-May-01First winner of the Academy Award for Best AnimatedFeature Film8-Jun-01co-production with Columbia Pictures and The MontecitoPicture Company26-Jun-01co-production with Warner Bros. and AmblinEntertainment24-Aug-01in association with VCL Communications GmbH 19-Oct-0121-Dec-01Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture; co-production with Universal Pictures and ImagineEntertainment8-Mar-02co-production with Warner Bros. 3-May-0224-May-02Nominee for the Academy Award for Best AnimatedFeature21-Jun-02co-production with 20th Century Fox and AmblinEntertainment12-Jul-02co-production with 20th Century Fox27-Sep-02co-production with Vanguard Films18-Oct-0225-Dec-02co-production with Amblin Entertainment31-Jan-0321-Feb-03co-production with The Montecito Picture Company 28-Mar-032-Jul-0325-Jul-03Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture; co-production with Universal Studios, Spyglass Entertainment, and The Kennedy/Marshall Company19-Sep-0321-Nov-03co-production with Universal Pictures and ImagineEntertainment19-Dec-0325-Dec-03co-production with Paramount Pictures23-Jan-0420-Feb-04co-production with The Montecito Picture Company30-Apr-04co-production with Columbia Pictures, Castle Rock Entertainment and Baltimore Spring/Creek Pictures19-May-04Nominee for the Academy Award for Best AnimatedFeature11-Jun-04co-production with Paramount Pictures 18-Jun-04co-production with Amblin Entertainment 9-Jul-046-Aug-04co-production with Paramount Pictures 22-Oct-0417-Dec-04co-production with Paramount Pictures and NickelodeonMovies22-Dec-04co-production with Universal Pictures18-Mar-05co-production with The Kennedy/Marshall Company29-Jun-05co-production with Paramount Pictures and AmblinEntertainment22-Jul-05co-production with Warner Bros.19-Aug-0516-Sep-0514-Oct-05co-production with Revolution Studios and ImageMovers 21-Oct-0523-Dec-05Studio credit only; co-production with Columbia Pictures, Spyglass Entertainment, AmblinEntertainment, and Red Wagon Productions23-Dec-05Nominee of the Academy Award for Best Picture, International distribution only; co-production with Universal Studios, Amblin Entertainment, TheKennedy/Marshall Company28-Dec-05co-production with BBC Films17-Mar-06co-production with Lakeshore Entertainment15-Sep-06US distribution only, produced by LakeshoreEntertainment20-Oct-06US distribution only, co-production with Warner Bros.and Amblin Entertainment15-Dec-06co-production with Paramount Pictures20-Dec-06International distribution only; co-production with Warner Bros. and Amblin Entertainment27-Dec-06US distribution only, produced by Constantin Film 8-Feb-0730-Mar-07co-production with MTV Films, Red Hour Films and SmartEntertainment13-Apr-07co-production with The Montecito Picture Company2-Jul-07co-production with Paramount Pictures and Hasbro Films 5-Oct-0719-Oct-0714-Dec-07co-production with Sidney Kimmel Entertainment and Participant Productions; distributed by ParamountClassics21-Dec-07co-production with Warner Bros., Parkes/MacDonald Productions and The Zanuck Company4-Apr-08co-production with Spyglass Entertainment and Red HourFilms8-Aug-08co-production with Red Hour Films19-Sep-08co-production with Spyglass Entertainment and Pariah 26-Sep-0826-Dec-08co-production with BBC Films and Paramount Vantage16-Jan-09co-production with Nickelodeon Movies, Cold Spring Pictures, Donners' Company and The Montecito PictureCompany30-Jan-09co-production with Cold Spring Pictures, Parkes/MacDonald Productions, The Montecito Picture Company and Vertigo Entertainment20-Mar-09co-production with The Montecito Picture Company24-Apr-09co-production with Universal Studios, StudioCanal, Participant Media, Between Two Trees, Working Title Films and Krasnoff/Foster Entertainment)24-Jun-09co-production with Paramount Pictures and Hasbro Films December 11,2009 (premiere) January 15, 2010 (wide)co-production with Paramount Pictures, FilmFour andWingnut Films12-Mar-10co-production with Paramount Pictures and Mosaic MediaGroup30-Jul-10co-production with Paramount Pictures, Spyglass Entertainment, Parkes/MacDonald Productions, Everyman Pictures, Reliance ADA Group and Reliance BIGEntertainmen18-Feb-11co-production with Bay Films and Reliance BIGEntertainment29-Jul-11co-production with Universal Studios, Relativity Media, Reliance BIG Entertainment and ImagineEntertainment10-Aug-11co-production with 1492 Pictures, Participant Media, Imagination Abu Dhabi and Reliance BIG Entertainment;Academy Award for Best Picture nominee19-Aug-11co-production with Reliance BIG Entertainment7-Oct-11co-production with ImageMovers, Reliance BIG Entertainment and 21 Laps Entertainment25-Dec-11co-production with Reliance BIG Entertainment, Amblin Entertainment and The Kennedy/Marshall Company;Academy Award for Best Picture nominee9-Mar-12co-production with Paramount Pictures, Saturn Films and Work After Midnight Films29-Jun-12co-production with Reliance BIG Entertainment and K/OPaper Products11/9/2012 (limited) 11/16/2012 (wide)co-production with 20th Century Fox, Reliance Entertainment, Participant Media, The Kennedy/Marshall Company and Amblin Entertainment; Academy Award forBest Picture nominee18-Oct-13co-production with Reliance Entertainment, ParticipantMedia and Anonymous Content22-Nov-13co-production with Reliance Entertainment14-Mar-14co-production with Reliance Entertainment andElectronic ArtsAugust 8, 2014[1]co-production with Reliance Entertainment, Participant Media, Image Nation, Amblin Entertainment and HarpoFilms [2]October 16, 2015[3]co-production with Fox 2000 Pictures, Reliance Entertainment, Participant Media, TSG Entertainment and Amblin Entertainment; Academy Award for BestPicture nominee1-Jul-16Uncredited only; co-production with Walt Disney Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Reliance Entertainment, Walden Media, and The Kennedy/MarshallCompany[4]September 2, 2016[7]co-production with Reliance Entertainment, ParticipantMedia and Heyday FilmsOctober 7,2016[8]co-production with Reliance Entertainment 9-Dec-16co-production with Paramount PicturesWalt Disney Studios Motion PicturesUniversal Pictures Paramount PicturesWalt Disney Studios Motion PicturesWalt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / Mister Smith EntertainmentWalt Disney Studios MotionPictures[5]Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / Mister Smith Entertain ment[6]Universal Pictures[9]Paramount Pictures Paramount Pictures / Mister Smith Entertainment。

高考英语最新阅读作文新闻素材课件辑之三 2

高考英语最新阅读作文新闻素材课件辑之三 2
胜利之日 亲吻照男 主去世,背 后还有一 段小故事
The Navy sailor whose kiss with a woman in Times Square celebrating the end of the Second World War was immortalized(永生) in one of the most iconic(形象的) photos of the 20th century has died aged 95.
Mendonsa对于这张照片毫不知情,直到30年 后,《Life》杂志对于照片中的两人进行寻人 启事,他的一个朋友认出他来。
“This was 1980, 35 years after the war ended,” Mendonsa said. “So he brought the magazine over to the house and, the minute I looked at it, I said: ‘Damn. That IS me!’”

4.不少评论家觉得沈从文擅长写景, 且晴朗 明澈, 但是缺 少深度 。也有 评论家 认为好 就好在 没有深 度,因 为没有 深度的 “看” 风景, 其实就 不为一 般的社 会价值 所局限 ,这样 也就抛 弃了自 以为是 的优越 感和置 身事外 的位置 ,而是 在宇宙 万汇的 动静之 中“看 ”。

Molleur ( Mendonsa 的 女 儿 ) 在 接 受 NBC News采访时称:“父亲对于自己能够为二战效 力,和这张照片带来的意义都深感自豪。很多 年以后,这一直是他生命的最重要组成部分。”
Mendonsa and Friedman reunited for a CBS News segment in 2012 ahead of the 67th anniversary of V-J Day.






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A man who became known for claiming he was the sailor kissing a woman in Times Square in a famous World War II-era photo taken by a Life magazine photographer has died aged 86.


Glenn McDuffie passed away on March 9 in a nursing home in Dallas, his daughter, Glenda Bell, told The Associated Press。


A mail carrier and semi-professional baseball player after he returned from World War II, McDuffie&0#39;s life became more exciting about six years ago when Houston Police Department forensic artist Lois Gibson was able to identify him as the young man leaning over the woman in his arms to kiss her。



By taking about 100 pictures of McDuffie using a pillow
to pose as he did in the picture taken August 14, 1945, by photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt, Gibson said, she was able to match the muscles, ears and other features of the then-80-year-old McDuffie to the young sailor in the original image。


The identification remained controversial, partly because other men also claimed to have been the sailor in the image, but also because Life magazine, whose photographer had died years earlier, was unable to confirm that McDuffie was in fact the sailor, noting Eisenstaedt had never gotten names for those in the picture。




Yet for McDuffie, Gibson's word was enough。


A well-respected forensic artist who was in the 2005 Guinness Book of World Records for helping police identify more suspects than any other forensic artist, Gibson said McDuffie was ecstatic when she told him the results he had waited 62 years to hear。



And so began a whirlwind lifestyle of going to air shows, gun shows,fundraisers and parties to tell his story. Women would pay $10 to take a picture kissing him on the cheek, Gibson said。



“He would make money and kiss women,&0#39; Gibson said. ”He had the most glamorous life of any 80 year old.&0#39;

McDuffie had told the AP he was changing trains in New York when he was told that Japan hadsurrendered。


"I was so happy. I ran out in the street," said McDuffie, then 18 and on his way to visit his girlfriend in Brooklyn。



"And then I saw that nurse," he said. "She saw me hollering and with a big smile on my face. ... I just went right
to her and kissed her."


"We never spoke a word," he added. "Afterward, I just went on the subway across the street and went to Brooklyn."


Glenn's daughter, Bell, said on anniversaries of the war's end her father would recall that moment and the air of excitement in Times Square。


For years it bothered him that he wasn't identified as the man in the photo, she said, and he turned to Gibson for help to clear it up。


"He wanted to do it before he died," she said。


McDuffie is survived by his daughter and two grandchildren. His funeral will be held March 21 at the
Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery。


他的葬礼将会于3月21日在Dallas-Fort Worth国家公墓举行。
