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cognitive hypothesis
language is not an autonomous cognitive faculty
grammar is conceptualization (grammatical inflections and grammatical
constructions play a major role in construing the experience )
knowledge of language emerges from language use
We use our basic bodily understanding of places, movement, forces, paths, objects and containers as sources of information about life, love, mathematics, and all other abstract concepts
The discomfort or disabling effect of lifting or carrying heavy objects
I see what Getting information you mean through vision
Metaphor of the Mind
The mind is a container Irrationality is being outside the mind An attribute is a possession
现代汉语词语的涵义范围比较狭窄,词义比较 精确、固定、严谨,其伸缩性和对上下文的依 赖性比较小,具有较强的独立性
Introduction to Cognitive linguistics
Emerge in 1970s and become increasingly active since 1980s
Some examples:
Affection is warmth Importance is big
Intimacy is closeness
Subjective judgment Affection Importance
Sensorimotor domain Temperature
Cognitive Linguistics is an approach to language that is based on our experience of the world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it."
其研究范围包括范畴化和原型理论,隐喻概念和 认知语法等。(categorization,metaphor, Grammaticalization)
Langacker认为多义词的多种意义之间的联系 不是任意的,而是通过特定的语义引申机制从 典型发展而成,各个值之间的每一种联系都是 有理据的。
一个多义词构成一个以本义为原型的认知范畴 和语义范畴,次原型又与它的引申义构成子范 畴。
最基本、最先产生的是中心义项,该词的基本 义被称为原型。
其他义项则是通过隐喻和转喻关系与基本义建 立了联系,从而成为同一个词的义项。
但辞典列出的含义远远少于实际运用的含义。 在语言实际运用和理解中,可以发现词在不同 语境中的意义要比字典中列出的含义丰富得多, 人的大脑也不可能记忆所有含义,而是从基本 含义中根据认知模式,推导其含义。
As a child, finding big things are important and exert major forces on you and your visual experience
Being physically close to people you are intimate with
Knowledge Vision
Primary experience
Prices are high
Observing rise and fall of levels of files and fluids as more is added or subtracted
She’s weighed down by responsibili -ties
mapping between two domains: TARGET DOMAIN IS SOURCE DOMAIN. The target domain is rather abstract (like TIME and STATES), whereas the source domain (like SPACE and CONTAINERS) is more concrete.
Lakoff’s conceptual theory of metaphor 概念隐喻理论
Lakoff认为,可以把隐喻理解为从源域到目的域的映射。 映射是指将某个认知域的部分结构投射到另一个认知域中去。具体
地说,人们使用源域的结构及相关的知识或经验,去谈论或思考目的域 的概念。 • The conventional metaphorical expressions are not a purely linguistic phenomenon, but the manifestation of a conceptual mapping between two semantic domains; • The metaphorical mapping is asymmetrical(不对称的): the expression is about a situation in one domain (the target domain), using a concepts mapped over from another domain (the source domain) • The metaphorical mapping can be used for metaphorical reasoning about concepts in the target domain
Conventionalized metaphors
I’ll see you at 2 o’clock.
He is in danger. A (conventional) metaphor is therefore a conceptual
To be in the process of studying > to be studying
概念隐喻在英语语言中大量存在,日常用语、文 学作品、经贸、科技、医学等领域内丰富的隐喻 语言是这些概念隐喻的派生。
认知科学发现了一个重要的层面,基本范畴层面,即大脑是 从中间层面开始认识事物的。
(陈 玲 肖 楠 肖文科.商务英语的词汇特征——一词多义现象研究. 中国电力教育,2008,(2))
范畴和概念是在人类经验(包括身体经验基本 范畴和基本分类)的基础上,通过认知模式 (包括意象图式、隐喻和转喻)和文化模式建 构起来的,概念形成后依附于语言符号而获得 意义。随着人类社会经济的发展,有些概念会 不断扩充和抽象化,有些概念会不断缩小而专 业化,于是赋予旧词以新义,继而产生了多义 现象。
I just don’t know what goes on inside that head of yours Are you out of your mind?
He regained consciousness
Normal consciousness is normal possession of the self by the subject
英语词汇的涵义范围比较宽,比较丰富多彩, 词义对上下文的依赖性比较大,独立性比较小。
(刘 庆.文体与翻译.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1985) 当英语中的词语孤立的 时候,其具体意义难
以确定。即,英语词语的词义具有游移性 (vacillant)和灵活性(flexible) Firth:Each word when used in a new context is a new word.
在此层面上,人们的分类与客观主义的自然分类最接近,大 脑的经验范畴与自然界的范畴最接近、最匹配,人们更容 易感知和记忆。
在此基本层面上来自百度文库感知的范畴叫基本范畴(basic level category)。 人们在认识基本范畴的基础上,产生或习得基 本概念词语。
因此,基本等级范畴是人类对事物进行区分的最基本的心 理等级,是认知的重要基本点和参照点(cognitive reference point)。
The role of metaphor in grammaticalization
Metaphorical processes are processes of inference across conceptual boundaries in terms of “mapping” from one domain to another.
(李异显.认知语言学的原型范畴理论和隐喻理论对大学英语词汇教学的指导. 中国校外教育,2008年6月)
认知语言学强调人的认知对概念形成的作用, 认为多义现象是一个词具有多种互相联系意义 的语言现象,其研究表明多义现象是通过人类 认知手段(如隐喻、换喻)由一个词的中心意 义或基本意义向其他意义延伸的过程,是人类 认知范畴和概念化的结果。
The mapping is not random, but motivated by analogy and iconic relationships.
Early grammaticalization is strongly motivated by metaphoric processes.
Being physically close
They greeted me warmly Tomorrow is a big day
We have been close for years
Primary experience
Feeling warm when being held affectionately
范畴化(categorization)认知过程涉及原型的概念 和理论。
原型(prototype)是物体范畴中最好,最典型的成员。 根据原型范畴理论,应先从基本词汇入手,然后向
边缘拓展,步步推展开去,横到其同义和反义词汇, 上到其上位范畴词汇,下到其下属范畴词汇,又据 相似性理论,基于音似与形似,网罗与之相关的词 汇,从而形成一个纵横交错的词语网络。
The past still holds him back
Content words>grammatical words>clitic>inflectional affix – A basket full of eggs > a cupful (of water) > hopeful
Metaphor More is up
Subjective judgment
Sensorimotor domain
Vertical orientation
Difficulties are Difficulty burden
Muscular exertion
Knowing is seeing