
Anne Bradstreet: "Contemplations (9)"
• Contemplations (9) • I heard the merry grasshopper then sing. • The black-clad cricket (蟋蟀) bear a second part; • They kept one tune and played on the same string, • Seeming to glory in their little art. • Shall creatures abject thus their voices raise • And in their kind resound their Maker's praise, • Whilst I, as mute, can warble (sing in a high voice but not
• Smith says of Pocahontas that she "hazarded the beating out of her owne braines to save mine."
Captain John Smith: Life experiences
• On September 10, 1608, Smith became president of the council in the colony and orchestrated (organize)such improvements as expanding the settlement around the fort and repairing many buildings.
• His importance is more seen in his Puritanical doctrines; a representative of the idealistic aspect of American Puritanism and an emblem of the Calvinist beliefs and tenets.

• As a verse narrative, the poem is characterized by its dramatic variation of tone, which starts from mournfulness, and then progresses to trepidation and jocularity, and eventually to despair by way of hysterical self-torture. • In spite of its completeness of plot as a verse narrative, it is also characterized by its highly symbolic trait, which frequently leaves the reader with a feeling that it is difficult to read, because of its lack of adequate suggestions of certain meanings.
• 1827, a volume of poems Tamerlane and Other Poems was published in Boston • 1829, Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane and Minor Poems, • 1831, Poems. • an editor first with The Southern Literary Messenger, later with such magazines as Graham’s and the Broadway Journal. • His marriage in 1835 to his first cousin, Virginia Clemn, deepened his financial difficulties. • 1839, “The Fall of the House of Usher” published in Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine

第一讲美国文化的背景与特征一、美国文化背景概观1、荒野里诞生的国度开拓型文化对于美国民族精神的塑造大有裨益:(1)有利于培植个人主义价值观(2)有利于造就美利坚民族的乐观精神(3)有利于培养创新精神2、清教传统美国主流文化:白人盎格鲁-撒克逊新教文化清教(Puritanism)是新教的一个支派清教主义的信念:(1)上帝具有万能的力量(2)每个人凭借对上帝的信仰就可以成为上帝的选民(3)相信原罪说,注重反省自身(4)只有辛勤劳动,勤俭节约,取得事业成功,才能完成上帝赋予自己的使命清教对美国社会发展具有重要作用:(1)造就了精打细算、兢兢业业的作风和追求财富的动力(2)养成了开发新疆土、征服大自然的冒险精神(3)具有社会凝聚力,产生了一种新的民族认同3、多元开放的移民社会移民社会与美国文化的发展:(1)早期移民给新大陆的政治生活注入了民主的气氛(2)美国没有经历过封建社会阶段,商业的迅速发展对美国人的价值取向、国民心态产生了深远的影响(3)多元、开放性使美国文化充满生机与活力二、美国文化的特征1、核心价值观——个人主义(1)“个人主义”的含义:指西方从文艺复兴以来随着资本主义反对封建压迫和神权统治斗争的发展而形成的以个人为中心的思想,其主要内容是相信每个人都具有价格,高度重视个人自由(2)个人主义和利己主义的区别与联系: 个人主义强调个人的独立性,创造性,个人的个性发展。
(4)美国个人主义价值观的主要内容A、个人的力量无限: 美国“牛仔精神”-个人英雄主义B、自主抉择,自力更生C、个人的权利不可侵犯(5) 对美国个人主义价值观的评价(思考)2、冒险、开拓、富有创新精神3、自由、平等精神4、实用主义/功利主义5、物质主义6、种族主义和扩张主义第二讲美国文学的发展阶段一、印第安传统文学二、殖民地时期文学(17世纪初-18世纪中叶)三、启蒙与独立战争时期文学(18世纪中叶-19世纪初)四、浪漫主义时期文学(19世纪上半叶)五、现实主义时期文学(南北战争后-20世纪初)六、现代文学(20世纪上半叶)七、当代文学(二战以后- 今)一、印第安传统文学印第安传统文学的主要特征(1)以口头形式流传(2)常见文学样式:典仪、曲词、神话与传说、史诗等(3)同印第安人生活有着特殊的联系(4)有一些基本相同的主题(5)常运用重复、渐进的手法关于印第安文学,值得研究的问题:1、如何认识印第安传统文学在美国文学整体中的地位?2、印第安传统文学同殖民地时期移民关于印第安人的叙述有何联系?3、印第安传统文学与印第安当代文学之间,有着怎样的延续和继承关系?4、印第安文学与其它弱势文学之间有何关系?《最后的莫希干人》二、殖民地时期文学The colonial period (1607 - 1765)这一时期文学的成就与特点:(1)体裁:主要包括游记、日记、信札、报道、历史、传记和宗教诗歌等,其内容大多表现的是探险者和移民对自己事业的赞颂。

interest in Emily ‘s poems
. different nature
The Homestead
Emily Dickinson lived with her unmarried sister Lavinia in an elegant house called The Homestead(霍姆斯特德).
At the same time , Dickinson is widely acknowledged as an innovative pre-modernist poet as well as a rebellious and courageous woman.
迪金森的诗谜一般充满奇思妙想,展现出非凡的创造力与想象力。她的作品受到17世 纪英格兰玄学派诗人的影响,同时带有清教的家庭背景的烙印。虽然她不相信家庭的传统 宗教,但她研究了圣经,许多诗歌在形式上也类似圣经。她对破折号的热爱,不规则的韵 律和韵脚,超乎寻常的比喻使她当之无愧地成. 为19世纪美国文坛最具创新意识的诗人9。
promineGnrat vlaewaynedr
我发生冲突。” Representative to Congress)
Same as their father’s career
Became ill when Emily was 25
Focus of attention and shows Close friend,though they share
On Nature
• Dickinson observed nature closely and described it vividly but never with the feeling of being lost in it, or altogether part of it, nor was she surprised when its creatures also kept their distance.

total depravity(人类是完全堕落的,所以
最好以取悦上帝), limited atonement (有
American Puritanism
Features of American Puritan
2. Early American Puritan Writers
• John Smith, one of the founders of the colony of Jamestown: His descriptions about the new world became the source of information for the later settlers.
Colonial period and Revolutionary period Early Romanticism Transcendentalism Late Romanticism
The age of Realism
Irving Franklin Cooper Emerson Hawthorne Twain James Dreiser Melville Thoreau
himself to writing Amh erican subject
2. Evaluation. (Benjamin Franklin1706 – 1790)
1) He was a rare genius in human history. Everything seems to meet in this one man, mind and will, talent and art, strength and ease, wit and grace, and he became almost everything: a printer, postmaster, citizen, almanac maker, essayist, scientist, inventor, statesman, philosopher, political economist and ambassador.

2) Vivid and true characters 3) Finished and musical language 4) Strong sense of humor 5) Never shocking but a bit sentimental at
>> Irving’s Writing style:
Vivid, memorable characters,
Detailed, insightful description of American scenery, traditions and cultures,
To sum up:
As a logical result of the foreign and native factors at work, American romanticism was both imitative and independent. However, it was in essence the expression of “ a real new experience” and contained “an alien quality” for the simple reason that “ the spirit of the place” was radically new and alien.
>>At mid-century a cultural reawakening brought a “flowering of New England”.

• When he woke up, he noticed that his joints were stiff and that his beard had grown a foot long. Returning to his village, he found it changed almost beyond recognition.
3) What does “this legendary superstition” refer to? (Para. 2) 4) What is “the general purport of this legendary superstition”? (Para. 3—Para. 4)
5) Is the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” the story of the Headless Horseman? If not, what does the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” deal with?
Literary Terms: 1.Protagonist: The leading character in a play or story, originally the leader of the CHORUS in the AGON (“contest”) of Greek drama, faced with the ANTAGONIST, the opposition.
6) How many major characters are mentioned in the “legend”? Who are they? And what’s the relationship between them? Who is the protagonist? And who is the antagonist?

V. The Survey of Selected Readings in American Literature
• 2. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was at first a faithful follower of Emerson, but alienated himself somewhat from the master later on. • 3. Another of Emerson's contemporaries, Walt Whitman (1819-1892), tried to write poetry describing the native American experience. • 4. Whitman and Dickinson were the two major American poets of the nineteenth century.
American Literature
Foreign Language Department
Tangmerican Literature
美国文学 PPT课件

Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
➢ Chapter III American Romanticism
Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper William Cullen Bryant Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne
Brief Outline of American literature
1. Colonial period (1607-1775)
Anne Bradstreet Edward Taylor
2. Revolutionary period
(1775-1783) Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
The early settlers
❖ Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492.
❖ Captain John Smith reached Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.
❖ Puritans came the New England area, by Mayflower in 1620.
❖ Literature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.
2. Forms (genres) of literature? Poetry, novel (fiction), drama, prose, essay, epic, elegy, short story, journalism, ts, novelette, etc.

John Winthrop
John Winthrop:《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England”. 1630年登上“阿贝亚”(Arbella)to Massachusetts并开始写日记keep a journal
其还是美国第一位主要作家the first major writer非凡表达能力,简洁明了,有点幽默,还是一位讽 刺天才as an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor. He was also sarcastic.
美国早期文学主要为the narratives and journals of these settlements采用in diaries and in journals(日记和日志),他们写关于the land with dense forests and deep-blue lakes and rich soil.
Edward Taylor
清教徒诗人中最杰出的一位the best of the Puritan poets 他的作品遵循了十七世纪中期一些杰出诗人风格和形式his work followed they
style and forms of the leading English poets of the mid-seventeenth century。 他大部分作品关于宗教的,大部分诗歌直接以赞美诗为基础进行创作的most of

Poetic Principles
To Poe, poetic meaning is in the poem’s own poem’ composition and utterance, thus there is no utterance, exterior or transcendental truth in a poem. This emphasis on the poem’s own integrity poem’ and that a poem being absolutely independent allows people to associate Poe with the school of “art for art’s sake” and to regard him art’ sake” as a precursor to the school of New Criticism in the 20th century America.
► Quoth
the Raven, Nevermore
► Original
Burial Place of Edgar Allan Poe From October 9, 1849 Until November 17, 1875 ► Mrs. Marian Clemm, His Mother-In-Law Mother-InLies Upon His Right And Virginia Poe His Wife, Upon His Left. Under The Monument Erected To Him In This Cemetery
► Before
he became editor of Southern Literary Messenger in 1835, he had published a number of short stories, including “MS Found in a Bottle” Bottle”. In his new position as editor, Poe soon established himself as a leading critic in literature. literature. His editorship and the vitality of his critical articles and his literary creation brought him increasing fame in literary circles but never wealth; even when he was at the peak of his career, he was “as … as ever I was in my life.” life. in 1847 his wife died, and then two more years of loneliness, poverty, intoxication and illness killed Poe at the age of 40.
《美国文学》教学课件 American Romanticism

Gothic novel
Gothic novel emphasizes the grotesque mysterious and desolate. It is an ancestor of the modern mystery story , fantasy, and science fiction.
Ideology: Nationalism Patriotism Optimism Puritanism
Foreign influences
Sir Walter Scott,
with his border tales, helped toward the development of American Indian romance and the romantic description of landscape in America literature. ( Cooper )
-----William Wordsworth
2. The Characteristics of American Romanticism.
1) .Early American romantics often modeled their writing on Europe works.
2). The subjects of American Romantic authors were often national ideals of individualism ,democracy ,history and frontier life of the new nation.
--- Robert Burns
I wandered lonely as a cloud
《美国文学》教学课件Literature of the Eighteenth Century

information for the years, the seasons, the sunrise and the sunset, accurate information on tides, as well as information on how to plant certain crops , how to cure hens, etc. all are practical information important to farmers.
The History and the Influence of Enlightenment
2.Newtonian ideas:
a. The universe is seen as a mechanism operating by a rational formula or by unchanging laws available to intelligent humans.
3.The Influence of the Newtonian ideas:
C. Americans believed that more reasonable political and social orders should be established.
D. Americans also learned to take actions to resist oppressive power and to criticize and reform government.
• C. The Autobiography is also an eloquent education of the ideas of the 18th.c. Using his life story as a shining example, Franklin eloquently demonstrated all the major principles of the enlightenment in America.

1.Chinese characters as an ideal medium for poetry Confucius as an effective cure for the disease of his times. 2.The Chinese writing system most closely met his ideals. He used Chinese ideograms to represent "the thing in pictures", and he learned that plot could be replaced with "the intensification of a single image". 3.His technique came from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry. On one hand the stressed clarity, precision, and economy of language. On the other hand, Pound mused the traditional rhyme and meter in order to, as Pound put it, “compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of metronome”.
1.Dreams of fame broke up, so she escaped from reality. At first, Dickinson was eager to get her work recognized by the world, but her poems were considered “too ethereal(飘渺的), not suitable to be published.” Thus, she developed the idea that "publication" is "auction soul“ and lived in solitude in order to protect her creative uniqueness. This had obvious masochistic (自虐的) tendencies. 2.Her love failure contributed to her recluse. Dickinson was in her birthplace almost her whole lifetime. Like her younger sister, they both didn’t marry. Through her lifetime, there are two important people for whom she felt an affection. One is her teacher Charles Wadsworth, the other her sister-in-law, Susan. 3.Transcending the Conflicts(二元对立的超越) Poet‘s spiritual world were filled with dreams and reality, life and death, love and celibacy(独身), religious popularity and her skepticism.

菲茨杰拉德创作风格与技 巧
菲茨杰拉德善于运用第一人称叙 事,通过主人公的视角展现故事 ,使读者更加深入地了解人物内
他的语言优美、富有诗意,善于运 用比喻、拟人等修辞手法,使作品 充满文学性和艺术性。
在叙事中融入抒情和幽默元素,使 作品既具有深刻的思想内涵,又不 失轻松愉快的阅读体验。
小说采用第一人称叙事方式,通过尼 克的视角来展现故事,使得读者能够 更加深入地了解人物内心世界和小说 主题。
小说中运用了大量的象征手法,如绿 光、灰烬谷等,这些象征不仅丰富了 小说的艺术表现力,还深化了小说的 主题思想。
小说中对人物心理的描写非常精湛, 能够深入揭示人物的内心世界和情感 变化,使得人物形象更加立体生动。
美国文学菲茨杰 拉德Fitzgerald 课件
• 菲茨杰拉德简介与背景 • 《了不起的盖茨比》解读 • 《夜色温柔》赏析 • 菲茨杰拉德短篇小说选讲 • 菲茨杰拉德创作风格与技巧 • 菲茨杰拉德与其他作家比较研究
菲茨杰拉德出生于美国明尼苏达州圣保罗市,是20世纪美国 文学的重要代表之一。他的人生经历丰富多彩,包括与旧情 人关系的纠缠、对财富和名利的追求、以及自身的精神苦闷 等,这些经历都成为他创作的源泉。
菲茨杰拉德的作品对后来的文学创作产生了重要的影响,尤其是在描绘人物性格和揭示社会问题方面 。他的作品启发了许多作家和艺术家,成为他们创作的灵感源泉。同时,他的作品也深刻地反映了人 类精神世界的复杂性和多样性,对读者产生了深远的影响。
美国文学及其特色 PPT课件

• 经常出现的“美国梦”主题 • 作品主题或文学体裁往往和美国的
地理、历史有关 • 个人和社会的冲突和矛盾、社会进
步毁坏了大自然和人的天性 • 少年成长的故事(initiation story) • 开放性结尾
美国梦American Dream
菲兹杰拉德/F. Scott Fitzgerald 《了不起的盖茨比》
第一讲 美国文学及其特色
第二讲 马克·吐温的 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记
第三讲 20世纪亚裔美国文学 的兴起
• 美国诺贝尔文学奖得主 • 美国文学的特色 • 美国文学的共性 • 理解、欣赏美国文学应具备的背景知识 • 学习方法 • 推荐书目 • 参考书 • 思考题
马克·吐温 Mark Twain 《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
克莱恩 Crane 《红色英勇勋章》 The Red Badge of Courage
塞林格 Salinger 《麦田的守望者》
The Catcher in the Rye
Huckleberry Finn, 1884)
西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser) 《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie, 1900)
司各脱·菲兹杰拉德 (F. Scott Fitzgerald) 《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby, 1925) 厄纳斯特·海明威 (Ernest Hemingway) 《太阳照样升起》(The Sun Also Rises, 1926) 《永别了,武器》(A Farewell to Arms, 1929) 《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea, 1952) 托妮·莫里森 (Toni Morrison) 《宠儿》(Beloved, 1987) 汤亭亭(Maxine Hong Kingston) 《中国佬》(China Men, 1980)
lecture_4 美国文学史课件

7. Reprentatives: Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens, T.S. Eliot, Carl Sandburg, Marianne Moore, Hilda Doolittle, Richard Aldington.
Three principles of imagism put forward by Pound: • Direct treatment of thing: • Economy of Expression: • Rhythm:
5. What is an “image” according to Pound:
Fitzgerald: (1896----1940)
• Life: • Works: This Side of Paradise 1920 The Beautiful and Damned 1921 Flappers and Philosophers Tales of the Jazz Ape---- collection of stories
Pound defined an image as that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in a stage of time. Later he extended this definition as “a vortex or cluster of fused ideas” “endowed with energy”
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独特性和反对权威的精神 ? 对社会弊端严厉的批评和谴责
? 精明的英国商人 ? 到新大陆追求自由、逃避死刑的罪犯 ? 寻求建立一个新的资产阶级样板社会的清教
? 经商的干劲 ? 追求自由的理想 ? 宗教热忱
马克·吐温 Mark Twain 《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》
詹姆斯 James 《女士的画像》
The Portrait of a Lady 德莱塞 Dreiser
《嘉莉妹妹》Sister Carrie 海明威 Hemingway
The Old Man and the Sea
马克·吐温 Mark Twain 《哈克贝里 ·费恩历险记》
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 克莱恩 Crane
The Red Badge of Courage 塞林格 Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye
《自传》(Autobiography, 1818 )
纳撒尼尔·霍桑 (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
《红字》(The Scarlet Letter, 1850)
斯托夫人(Harriet Beecher Stowe)
《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(Uncle Tom's Cabin ,1852 )
赫尔曼·梅尔维尔 (Herman Melvi30 1936 1938 1949 1954 1962 1976 1978
1987 1993
辛克莱·刘易斯 / Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951) 尤金·奥尼尔 / Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953) 赛珍珠 / Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) 威廉·福克纳 / William Faulkner (1897-1962) 厄纳斯特·海明威 / Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) 约翰·斯坦倍克 / John Steinbeck (1902-1968) 索尔·贝洛 / Saul Bellow (1915-2005) 艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格 / Isaac Bashevis Singer
上帝的“选民” “应许之地” “福地” “伊甸园”
福克纳 Faulkner 《去吧,摩西》Go Down, Moses 《押沙龙,押沙龙!》 Absalom, Absalom!
海明威 Hemingway 《太阳照样升起》The Sun Also Rises 取自《旧约·传道书》
第一讲 美国文学及其特色
第二讲 马克·吐温的 《哈克贝利 ·费恩历险记
第三讲 20世纪亚裔美国文学 的兴起
? 美国诺贝尔文学奖得主
? 美国文学的特色
? 美国文学的共性
? 理解、欣赏美国文学应具备的背景知识
? 学习方法
? 推荐书目
? 参考书
? 思考题
西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)
《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie, 1900)
司各脱·菲兹杰拉德 (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
霍桑的“红字” 梅尔维尔 的“白鲸” 惠特曼的“草叶” 安德森 的“奇形怪状的苹果 ” 菲兹杰拉德 码头上的“绿灯” 福克纳的“熊”
思想内容上的 感情矛盾
表达方式上的 意思含糊、模棱两可
“Man Thinking”
理解、欣赏美国文学 应具备的背景知识
? 《圣经》、希腊罗马神话、清 教主义的影响
? 西方文学中带有普遍性的象征 ? 作者思想、感情上的矛盾以及
表达方式上的意思含糊、模棱 两可
“你们是世上的光,城造在山上,是不 能隐藏的。” 《新约全书》马太福音(5.14)
约翰 ·温斯罗普 : “我们将成为建在山上的城,所有人的眼睛都 看着我们。”
(1904-1991) 约瑟夫·布罗茨基 /Joseph Brodsky(1940-) 托妮·莫里森 /Toni Morrison(1931-)
? 美国文学的特色
? 美国文学的共性
? 理解、欣赏美国文学应具备的背景 知识
? 学习方法
? 推荐书目
? 参考书
? 思考题
? 多元化,主流/英裔美国文学从 一开始就有文字记载
杰克·伦敦/Jack London 《马丁·伊登》Martin Eden
德莱塞/Theodore Dreiser 《美国的悲剧》
An American Tragedy 9
爱默生 Emerson 梭罗 Thoreau
库柏 Cooper 《拓荒者》The Pioneers
梅尔维尔 Melville 《熊》 “The Bear”
? 把美国文学和美国地理、历史、社会、文化 结合起来学习;
? 把作品的形式和内容结合起来学习; ? 用比较不同美国作家和作品的方法来掌握他
们的特色 ; ? 通过对比中美两国的文学和文化加深对本民
族文化传统的认识和理解; ? 从美国文学中学习美国建设现代化国家的经
本杰明·富兰克林 (Benjamin Franklin)
? 经常出现的“美国梦”主题 ? 作品主题或文学体裁往往和美国的
地理、历史有关 ? 个人和社会的冲突和矛盾、社会进
步毁坏了大自然和人的天性 ? 少年成长的故事(initiation story) ? 开放性结尾
美国梦American Dream
菲兹杰拉德/F. Scott Fitzgerald 《了不起的盖茨比》
《白鲸》(Moby-Dick, 1851 )
沃尔特·惠特曼 (Walt Whitman)
《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass, 1855-1892)
马克·吐温 (Mark Twain)
《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》(Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn, 1884)