
题目1:下面的数列继续循环下去,求第20个数是多少?1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ...题目2:已知矩形ABCD的长是10 cm,宽是4 cm,求其面积和周长。
题目3:求下列各式的值:a) 15 - (7 - 4) ÷ 2b) 2 × (3 - 5) + 8 ÷ 2题目4:小红去超市购物,花费了75元。
问题:1) 小明最喜欢读什么类型的书籍?2) 小明为什么喜欢读科幻小说?填空题:根据提示填写正确的诗句。
a) My sister __________ basketball every Saturday.1. play2. plays3. playingb) I __________ a book when the phone rang.1. read2. reads3. reading题目2:根据提示写出正确的单词形式。
a) (drive) He __________ a car to work every day.b) (happy) She is __________ because she got a good grade.题目3:将下列句子改为否定句。

师达中学小升初数学真题测试卷(2)一、选择题1.如图所示从左面看到几何体的平面图形是()A. B.C. D.2.某校的男生人数与女生人数的比是5:4,则男生人数比女生人数多()A. 20%B. 25%C. 75%D. 80%3.地质考察员发现一种锡矿石每100千克含锡65千克,则这种锡矿石500千克含锡()千克。
A.325B.321C.352D.6124.如图,在房子屋檐E处安有一台监视器,房子前有一面落地的广告牌DB,那么监视器的盲区是( ).A. 三角形ACEB. 三角形ADFC. 三角形ABDD. 四边形BCEF5.小明从镜子里看到镜子对面的电子钟的像如图所示,实际时间是( ).A. 21:00B. 10:21C. 10:51D. 12:016.小冬爸爸2月工资总收入约是8000元,按照如图进行支配,那么用于教育的费用约是( ).A. 4000 元B. 1200 元C. 2000 元D. 900 元7. 如图,明明用纸折成了一个正方体的盒子,里面装了一瓶墨水,与其它空盒子混放在一起,只凭观察,选出墨水在哪个盒子中( )A. B. C. D.8.书店里有x 本书,第一天卖出了全部的31,第二天卖出了余下的41,下列式子中能表示剩余本数的是( ) A.12131--x B.x x x 12131-- C.x x x 4131-- D.)31(4131x x x x ---9.如图,将△ABC 绕点 A 逆时针旋转 30°后得到△ADE ,点 B 经过的路径为弧 BD ,已知 AC =3,BC =4,AB =5, 则图中阴影部分的面积为( ).A.2512π B. π34 C. π43 D. π4310.按下面的程序计算,若开始输入的值 x 是比零大的数,最后输出的结果为 626,则满足条件的 x 的不同值最多有( ).A . 2 个B . 3 个C . 4 个D . 5 个二、填空题11. 3 小时 27 分钟=__________小时,2 立方米 40 立方分米=__________立方分米;12.小马虎在计算乘法时,把一个因数 12 看成了 21,他计算的结果是 1995,正确的积应是__________; 13.125和4211的最小公分母是__________ ; 14.一个圆柱和一个圆锥的体积和底面积相等,圆锥高 9 厘米,圆柱的高是__________厘米;15. 在 0.67,32,•76.0 ,66.7%中,最大的数是__________;16. 王叔叔用 280 元买了甲、乙两种药材,甲种药材每千克 20 元,乙种药材每千克 60 元,且甲种药材比乙种药材多买了 2 千克,则甲种药材买了______千克;17. 定义一种新的运算“★”对于任意两个自然数,1-★ b a b a ⨯=,则 8★(2★3)= __________; 18. 若 6.282-4=b a ,则14.32+-b a = __________; 19. 下面是一个三角形数阵:124 236 96 348 12 16 12 8 4……根据该数阵的规律,猜想第 6 行所有数的和是__________;20. 如图,有一个长方形的色块图案,这个图案由六个正方形拼成,其中最小的正方形边长为 1,则长方形色块的面积是__________.三、判断题21. 直线总是比射线长.( ) 22. A =322⨯⨯, B =2222⨯⨯⨯ ,则 A 和 B 的最小公倍数是 48. ()23. 袋子里共有 5 个白球和 1 个红球,每次只能摸一个,然后再放回去.小涛连续摸了 5 次,全部是白球.那么,他第六次摸到的球一定是红球. ( ) 24. 偶数个奇数相乘的积是偶数.( )25. 自然数 a 经过四舍五入得到近似数 3.142,那么 a 的取值范围是3.1415 ≤ a ≤ 3.1424 . ( )四、计算题 26. 直接写出得数(1)=÷+-)46.954(9.10__________ (2)=-+⨯)876541(24__________ (3)=+⨯%5.25424.0__________ (4) =÷÷)5.28.0(56__________27. 求未知数 (1)10921027+=-x x (2)42311212--=+x x28.计算 (1)%60516.08.853+⨯+⨯ (2) ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⨯⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-÷436122131(3) (4)214522431653+⨯⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-100 (3211) (32112)11++++++++++29. 列式计算 (1)15 除以83的商加上5,再乘以41,积是多少?(2)3.6 与一个数的差的60%是57,求这个数?五、综合应用题30. 如图,求如图中阴影部分的面积(π 取 3.14).31. 如图,求图中的平面图形以 AB 为轴旋转一周后形成的立体图形的体积(π 取 3.14).32. 2015 年“植树节”前夕,某小区为绿化环境购进 200 棵柏树苗和 120 棵枣树苗,且两种树苗所需费用相同.每棵枣树苗的进价比每棵柏树苗的进价的 2 倍少 5 元,每棵柏树苗的进价是多少元?33.根据图中给出的信息,解答下列问题:(1)放入一个小球水面升高__________cm ,放入一个大球水面升高__________cm ; (2)如果要水面上升到 50cm ,应放入大球__________个,小球各__________个.34.小明的妈妈在打扫房间时,不小心把一块如图所示的钟表(钟表盘上均匀分布着 60 条刻度线)摔坏了, 小明找到带有指针的一块残片,其上的时针和分针恰好分别指向两条相邻的刻度线,若这块残片所表示的时间是 2 点 t 分,求 t 的值.26c师达小升初数学真题测试卷(2)一、选择题 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. C二、填空题11. 2093 , 2040 12. 1140 13. 84 14. 3 15. 0.67•16. 5 17. 39 18. 6.28 19. 216 20. 14320 143 三、判断题 21. × 22. √ 23. × 24. × 25. × 四、 计算题26.(1)77 (2)5 (3)0.217 (4)17527.(1)x =106 (2)x =111728.(1)6 (2)1 (3) 219(4) 1019929. (1) 445 (2) 1519五、 综合应用题 30. 面积为7.7 31. 面积为160.14 32. 进价为15元 33. (1) 2 , 3(2) 4 , 6 34. 分针落后时针:t =1199 ; 当分针领先时针:t =12。

师达小升初试题及答案一、语文知识(共30分)1. 根据题目所给的成语,选择正确的解释。
(每题2分,共10分)(1)掩耳盗铃:______A. 比喻自欺欺人B. 比喻偷盗行为C. 比喻掩盖错误(2)画龙点睛:______A. 比喻说话或写文章在关键处加上一两句话,使内容显得更加生动B. 比喻做事细致入微C. 比喻画龙的技术高超(3)狐假虎威:______A. 比喻依仗别人的势力欺压人B. 比喻狐狸和老虎的友谊C. 比喻狐狸的狡猾(4)刻舟求剑:______A. 比喻拘泥成法,不知变通B. 比喻坚持不懈C. 比喻做事认真细致(5)井底之蛙:______A. 比喻见识短浅的人B. 比喻井水很清C. 比喻蛙的生活很安逸2. 阅读理解(10分)请阅读下面的文章,回答问题。

11、一个圆柱形量杯底面周长是 25.12 厘米,高是 10 厘米,把它装满水后,再倒入一个长 10 厘米,宽 8 厘米的 长方体容器中,水面高多少厘米?
12、一个长方体,如果高增加 1 厘米就成了正方体,而且表面积要增加 16 平方厘米,原来这个长方体的体积是 ______立方厘米.
1、一个分数的分子缩小 3 倍,分母扩大 3 倍,分数值就缩小( )倍。
2、水结成冰后体积是原来的 1.1 倍,冰的体积比水增加了( )
A、10% B、110% C、1.2 D、无法确定
3、现有甲、乙两个数,甲数的 2 /3 恰好等于乙数的 3/4 ,那么甲数与乙数的比是 9:8 ,比值是 9/8 。
9、一条路,修了的米数和未修的米数成反比例。( )
10、一段路分为上坡、平路、下坡三段,各段路程比是 2:3:4,小波走完这三段路程所用的时间比是 4:5:6.已
知他上坡速度是每时 4 千米,路程总长 36 千米.小波走完全程需要( )时。
14、有三堆火柴,共 48 根。现从第一堆里拿出与第二堆根数相同的火柴并入第二堆,再从第二堆里拿出与第三 堆根数相同的火柴并入第三堆,最后,再从第三堆里拿出与第一堆根数相同的火柴并入第一堆,经过这样变动后, 三堆火柴的根数恰好完全相同。原来第一、二、三堆各有火柴 ______、_______、_______根。
15、甲、乙、丙三人去看同一部电影,如用甲带的钱买三张电影票,还差 39 元;如果用乙带的钱去买三张电影 票,还差 50 元;如果用甲、乙、丙三个人带去的钱买三张电影票,就多 26 元,已知丙带了 25 元钱,请问:一 张电影票多少元?

师达中学小升初英语试题(一)一、单项选择:请从每小题的A,B 或C3 个选项中,选择一个最佳选项,并把选项代码A,B 或C 填到答题纸上。
(每题1 分,共20 分)()1 I want to be actor.I think it’s interesting.A.an,anB.an,aC.an,/()2 is the capital of France.A LondonB ParisC New York()3 We went to the to have a swim in Dalian.A moviesB beachC home()4 “What of books do you like to read?” “Books on animals.”A sizeB kindC color()5 There some tomatoes on the plate.A isB beC are()6 It was dark by the time we got the station.A forB toC at()7 There are too rules in the school.A manyB muchC a lot of()8 The potatoes are too .I don’t have so much money.A expensiveB cheapC high()9 Lucy and Lily do homework every day.A theirsB theirC her()10 My parents gave a nice toy dog on my birthday.A IB myC me()11 This book is than that one.A goodB betterC best()12 I s your brother?What’s name?A he,hisB he,himC him,he()13 ----What time do you usually get up,Rick?----I usually get up five o’clock.A inB atC on()14 He can sing lots of songs English.A onB withC in()15 Are Kate’s?A this,bookB those,bookC these,books()16 --- did he do last weekend?-----She watched TV at home.A WhatB WhereC When()17 It was rainy yesterday, I stayed at home.A butB becauseC so()18 ---- does your father have lunch?----Bread and tomatoes.A What,forB What,ofC How,for()19 ----How much the shoes?---- nine dollars.(A is,It’sB are,It’s)20 I want to buy a shirt my father.C are,They’re A to B for C on二、完型填空:请阅读下面两篇短文,并根据短文内容从每小题的A,B,C 或D,4 个选项中选择一个正确的答案。

2019年北京市师达中学小升初英语试卷(3)一、单项选择(每小题1分,共26分)1.(1分)﹣Is that your key,Tim?﹣No.It's not _______.I think it's Sam's.()A.I B.me C.my D.mine2.(1分)Li Lei often goes to school______7:10 in the morning.()A.at B.for C.on D.in3.(1分)I usually do some cleaning _______Sunday morning.()A.in B.at C.on D.to4.(1分)﹣____are you,Tony?﹣Here,in the reading room.()A.Where B.How C.What D.Which5.(1分)﹣_____do you usually go shopping?﹣On Sundays.()A.When B.How C.Why D.Where6.(1分)﹣_____is the man under the tree?﹣He is Lucy's father.()A.What B.Which C.Whose D.Who7.(1分)﹣Go home at once,_____your parents will be worried.﹣All right.()A.and B.or C.but D.so8.(1分)﹣I can't find _____ in the office.Where are they?﹣They have gone to the restaurant.()A.somebody B.everybody C.anybody D.nobody9.(1分)I____swim,but I can't skate.()A.must B.need C.can D.should10.(1分)﹣May I go out and play,Mum?﹣No,you _____.You've got a lot of work to do.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.wouldn't D.won't11.(1分)My mother usually gets up 30 minutes_____than me every day.()A.early B.earlierC.earliest D.the earliest12.(1分)We asked Mr.Wang_____the students some advice on reading.()A.give B.given C.giving D.to give13.(1分)There _____a sports meeting next Sunday.()A.is B.have C.will be D.will have 14.(1分)We ____a basketball game with Class 3 last week.()A.have B.had C.will have D.are having 15.(1分)The policeman told John not ____so fast in the street.()A.drive B.driven C.driving D.to drive16.(1分)The students ____a school trip next Friday.()A.take B.took C.will take D.have taken 17.(1分)I ____many new friends since I came here.()A.make B.made C.have made D.will make 18.(1分)Jane _____TV with me at about eight yesterday evening.()A.is watching B.was watchingC.has watched D.had watched19.(1分)I will tell Betty the good news as soon as she _____back home.()A.comes B.came C.is coming D.will come 20.(1分)This beautiful school _____two years ago.()A.built B.builds C.was built D.is built21.(1分)I think the MP3 is very helpful.It____for listening to music.()A.is used B.uses C.was used D.used22.(1分)At 2010 Winter Olympics,China won as ______ gold medals as Sweden.()A.more B.most C.much D.many23.(1分)Beijing,the capital of China,is one of ____ cities in the world.()A.the biggest B.biggerC.much bigger D.big24.(1分)﹣Can you tell me _____the Summer Palace?﹣Last Sunday.()A.when will you visit B.when did you visitC.when you will visit D.when you visited25.(1分)﹣Could you tell me _____tomorrow morning?﹣Well,it will start at 9 o'clock.()A.when will the meeting startB.when the meeting will startC.when the meeting startedD.when did the meeting start二.完形填空(每小题20分,共20分)26.(20分)My father often works very hard.And he has (1)to see a film.Here I'll tell you a funny story about him.One afternoon,when he finished his work and (2)go home,he found a film ticket under the book on his desk.He thought he happened to have not much work to do that day and (3)was quite wonderful to pass the (4)at the cinema.So he came back home and (5)finished his supper.Then he said goodbye to us and left.But to our (6),he came back about half an hour later.I asked him what the matter was.He smiled and told us about a funny thing that had happened at the cinema.When my father was sitting in his seat,a woman came to my father's seat and said that the seat was (7).My father was surprised.He took out the ticket (8)looked at it carefully.It was Row17,Seat3.And then he looked at the seat.It was the same.So he asked her (9)her ticket.She took out the ticket at once and the seat shown in it was Row 17,Seat 3.What's the matter with all this?While they were wondering,suddenly the woman said,"The (10)of the tickets are different." So they looked at the ticket more carefully.After a while,my father said,"Oh,I am sorry,I made a mistake.My ticket is for the film a month ago.Take this seat,please." With thesewords,he left the cinema.(1)A.little money B.much money C.little time D.much time(2)A.was going to B.was able to C.had to D.ought to(3)A.it B.this C.that D.which(4)A.morning B.afternoon C.day D.evening(5)A.early B.quietly C.quickly D.suddenly(6)A.interest B.joy C.sadness D.surprise(7)A.hers B.his C.taken D.wrong(8)A.and B.but C.or D.so(9)A.to bring B.to get C.to look D.to show(10)A.reason B.way C.time D.place三.阅读理解(每小题8分,共24分)27.(8分)An old man died and left his son a lot of money.But the son was a foolish young man,and he quickly spent all the money,so that soon he had nothing left.Of course,when that happened,all his friends left him.When he was quite poor and alone,he went to see Robin,who was a kind,clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles."My money has been spent freely and many friends have gone," said the young man."What will happen to me ?""Don't worry,young man,"answered Robin.Everything will soon be all right again.Wait,and you will soon feel much happier."The young man was very happy.Am I going to get rich again then?" He asked Robin."No,I didn't mean that,"said the old man."I meant that you would soon get used to (习惯)being poor and having no friends."(1)An old man died and left his son.A.nothingB.some goldC.much moneyD.only a house(2)When the son was,he went to see Robin.A.short of moneyB.quite poor and sickC.in troubleD.quite poor and alone(3)The young man was very happy because Robin said that he would.A.become rich againB.soon feel much happierC.become cleverD.have more friends(4)Robin meant the young man would.A.get rich againB.get used to having nothingC.get used to being in troubleD.have more friends28.(8分)Both men and women in the USA usually smile and shake hands when greeting.Good friends and family members may hold each other when they meet.In common situations,a wave(挥手)may be used instead of a handshake.Americans often greet strangers on the street by saying "Hello" or "Good morning".When greeting someone for the first time,Americans commonly say "Pleased to meet you!" or "How do you do?" A simple "Hello" or "Hi" is also common.Friends often greet each other with "How are you?" and respond "Fine,thanks."Americans do not generally stand very close to each other,keeping about one arm's length (长度)apart.However,they may touch one another on the arm or shoulder during conversation.It's common for couples to hold hands or show love in public.Both men and women dress freely when situations allow,but in formal(正式的)situations it's usually considered improper(不合适的).Visiting friends,family,and relatives(亲戚)plays a big part in social life in the United States,and people will travel long distances to do so.People are generally expected to be on time for appointments(约会)or when invited to someone's home.Guests are expected to make themselves comfortable,to sit where they like and to enjoy themselves.Gifts are not expected,but many guests bring flowers or wine when invited fora meal.(1)When two good friends meet in America they may.A.hug each otherB.just smile to each otherC.say "hello"to each otherD.shake hands with each other(2)When visiting friends in America,people usually bring.A.name cardsB.flowers or wineC.fruit or chocolateD.whatever they like(3)From the passage we learn that in America.A.couples should not show love in publicB.people are not used to greeting strangers on the streetC.both men and women dress casually in informal situationD.most people like to go on holidays instead of visiting friends(4)The purpose of this passage is.A.to introduce American social behavior(行为)B.to introduce table manners(餐桌礼仪)in American familyC.to tell readers how to make people like them in AmericaD.to remind(提醒)people to bring gifts when visiting an American family29.(8分)Many years ago when people had no thermometers (温度计),they usually toucheda thing to see how hot or cold it was.The following experiment shows how easy it was to makea mistake.Take three glasses:the first one with very hot water.The second one with very cold water,and the third one with water at room temperature.Then you put a finger of one hand in the hot water,and a finger of the other hand in the cold water.You hold your fingers in the two glasses for a minute.Then you use each finger,one after another,to see how hot or cold the water in the third glass is.You will find that the water is warm to the finger that was in the cold water before,but the finger which was in the hot water will feel cold in the same glass of water.That is why you must always find the temperature in a scientific way.You must not try to tell the temperature as it seems to you.You will often make a mistake if you take something that seems to you for a realfact.For example,when you are going to an amusement park by bus and you want to get there very quickly,it seems to you that your bus is going very slowly,slower than the other buses.But if it is Sunday and you have much free time,it seems to you all the buses and cars are going very fast.(1)Compare the water temperature in three glasses.Which of the following is right?A.A glass<B glassB.B glass>C glassC.C glass<C glassD.A glass>C glass(2)What will you find if you put the finger which was in A glass into C glass according to the experiment?A.The water is hotter than it is in A glass.B.The water is as hot as it is in A glass.C.The water is at room temperature.D.The water is colder than it is in A glass.(3)How should we find the temperature according to the passage?A.Try to tell as it seems to us.B.Try to use our fingers.C.Try to tell in a scientific way.D.Try to touch something to see how hot it is.(4)What is the main topic about this passage?A.PhysicsB.ChemistryC.MathD.Biology四.任务型阅读(每小题10分,共10分)30.(10分)Why is music an important subject that every child should study?Scientists say that music helps children with language learning.Singing simple songs is good for young children.Music improves the ear and we know that children who have studiedmusic can learn foreign languages more easily and pronounce them far better.Students who have learnt to play music are also better at math.This is not surprising,as music is mathematical,with notes in order.Playing music with other people also teaches children to work together.People who can play musical instruments(乐器)always have something they can do at a party.Older children who play in school bands and orchestras(乐团)enjoy school more and do not drop out of school (离校)early.You need a lot of practice to play an instrument,and it can be difficult to persuade (说服)your child to spend hours on the piano or playing the guitar.So music practice should bea daily habit﹣for example,every day after school,but do not make the practice too long.Parents should listen to their children playing and tell him or her that they enjoy it.Practice should also be fun.It is also a good idea to finish the practice with a piece of music the child likes,and so learning music will be a pleasant part of the day.(1)Can music help students learn maths better?(2)Why are students who have learnt to play music better at math?(3)Is it good or bad for a child to spend a long time playing instruments?(4)Who should listen to the children when they are playing instruments?(5)What does playing music with other people teach children?五.用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)31.(1分)We will have many(difficulty)on the trip in the jungle.32.(1分)We shouldn't talk(loud)in the library.33.(1分)She works(hard)to earn more money.34.(1分)The National Stadium has a lot of(visit)every year.35.(1分)The football match is very(excite).36.(1分)After training,he can dance(well)than before.37.(1分)He is(interest)in collecting stamps.38.(1分)Do you like(swim)in a river in summer?39.(1分)In China,table tennis is(popular)than tennis.40.(1分)She enjoys(drink)black coffee in the morning.六.选择正确的短语并用其正确形式填空.(每小题10分,共10分)41.(10分)选择正确的短语并用其正确形式填空wait for leave for think about talk with take aroundbe busy with be good at get dressed have a picnic stay in bed (1)I can't go out to play.I my homework now.(2)If you have any problem with the computer,you can go and ask Tom.He it.(3)Can you the newcomers and introduce the school to them?(4)The doctor asked him to until he got well again.(5)The weather is so nice.Let's in the park.(6)The class begins at 9:00 a.m.He will the school at 8:00 a.m.(7)I hear that he is somebody on the phone.(8)She missed her train so she had to the next one.(9)The baby is too young to in the morning.(10)It's very hard to decide.I have to it and I will call you back soon.2019年北京市师达中学小升初英语试卷(3)参考答案与试题解析一、单项选择(每小题1分,共26分)1.(1分)﹣Is that your key,Tim?﹣No.It's not _______.I think it's Sam's.()A.I B.me C.my D.mine【解答】考查名词性物主代词.名词性物主代词在句子中可以做主语,宾语,表语.题干缺失表语成分.A.I我,人称代词主格,不符合题意.B.me我,人称代词宾格,不符合题意.C.my我的,形容词性物主代词,后面要加名词,不符合题意.D.mine我的,名词性物主代词,符合题意.故选:D.2.(1分)Li Lei often goes to school______7:10 in the morning.()A.at B.for C.on D.in【解答】考查介词.A.at在几点.B.for为了.C.on在具体某一天.D.in在某年某月.根据7:10可知,在几点用介词at.故选:A.3.(1分)I usually do some cleaning _______Sunday morning.()A.in B.at C.on D.to【解答】考查介词.A.in在某年某月.B.at在几点.C.on在具体某一天.D.to朝、向.根据Sunday morning"星期日早上"可知,在具体某一天用介词on.故选:C.4.(1分)﹣____are you,Tony?﹣Here,in the reading room.()A.Where B.How C.What D.Which【解答】该题考查疑问词辨析.Where哪儿,How怎样,What什么,Which哪一个.答语"Here,in the reading room"回答的是地点,用Where提问.故选:A.5.(1分)﹣_____do you usually go shopping?﹣On Sundays.()A.When B.How C.Why D.Where【解答】该题考查疑问词辨析.When什么时候,How怎样,Why为什么,Where哪儿.答语"On Sundays"回答的是星期几,用When提问.故选:A.6.(1分)﹣_____is the man under the tree?﹣He is Lucy's father.()A.What B.Which C.Whose D.Who【解答】该题考查疑问词辨析.What什么,Which哪一个,Whose谁的,Who谁.答语回答的是人物,用Who提问.故选:D.7.(1分)﹣Go home at once,_____your parents will be worried.﹣All right.()A.and B.or C.but D.so【解答】考查连词辨析.根据所给句子,结构是:祈使句+and/or+分句.or表转折可译为:不然,否则.and而,又,和.but但是.so因此.句意"马上回家,否则你父母会担心的."可知,句子Go home at once,___your parents will be worried.空缺处需填or"否则".故选:B.8.(1分)﹣I can't find _____ in the office.Where are they?﹣They have gone to the restaurant.()A.somebody B.everybody C.anybody D.nobody【解答】本题考查不定代词的用法.根据第二句和第三句的意思"Where are they?﹣They have gone to the restaurant."他们在哪里?﹣他们去餐馆了."说明第一句的意思是:我在办公室找不到任何人.somebody有人,anybody任何人,everyone每一个人,nobody 没人.not anybody=nobody.否定句中用anybody.故选:C.9.(1分)I____swim,but I can't skate.()A.must B.need C.can D.should【解答】考查情态动词.根据"I can't skate我不能溜冰"可知,前面应该是"能游泳".A.必须.B.需要.C.能,可以.D.应该.可知C符合题意.故选:C.10.(1分)﹣May I go out and play,Mum?﹣No,you _____.You've got a lot of work to do.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.wouldn't D.won't【解答】考查情态动词.A.不需要.B.不准,不应该.C.不能.D.不会.根据You've got a lot of work to do.你还有很多工作要做.可知,这里应该表示禁止的语气,用mustn't 符合题意.故选:B.11.(1分)My mother usually gets up 30 minutes_____than me every day.()A.early B.earlierC.earliest D.the earliest【解答】考查副词的比较级.由题gets up"起床"是动词短语,空格用副词修饰.根据than 可知,这里用副词的比较级.early"早地",比较级为earlier.故选:B.12.(1分)We asked Mr.Wang_____the students some advice on reading.()A.give B.given C.giving D.to give【解答】考查不定式.根据题干,考查固定短语ask sb to do sth表示:要求某人做某事,asked是ask的过去式.空格缺少不定式to give.故选:D.13.(1分)There _____a sports meeting next Sunday.()A.is B.have C.will be D.will have【解答】考查there be句型.根据句中的next Sunday下个星期日,可知时态是一般将来时,there be句型的一般将来时的构成是There will be和There be going to be.there be句型本身是"有"的意思,不能再用have.故选:C.14.(1分)We ____a basketball game with Class 3 last week.()A.have B.had C.will have D.are having【解答】本题考查动词过去式.从last week判断句子是一般过去时,动词也要用过去式,have的过去式为had.故选:B.15.(1分)The policeman told John not ____so fast in the street.()A.drive B.driven C.driving D.to drive【解答】考查不定式.根据题干,考查固定结构:tell sb not to do sth表示:告诉某人不要做某事,told是tell的过去式.空格填写不定式to drive.故选:D.16.(1分)The students ____a school trip next Friday.()A.take B.took C.will take D.have taken【解答】考查一般将来时.根据next Friday下周五,可知,这里应该表示将来会发生的事情,用一般将来时,构成will+do.可知C符合题意.故选:C.17.(1分)I ____many new friends since I came here.()A.make B.made C.have made D.will make【解答】考查现在完成时.根据since I came here自从我来到这里,可知,句子表示过去发生的事情一直延续到现在,用现在完成时,结构为have/has+done.主语I是第一人称,用have.make friends交朋友,make的过去分词是made.故选:C.18.(1分)Jane _____TV with me at about eight yesterday evening.()A.is watching B.was watchingC.has watched D.had watched【解答】考查过去进行时.A.现在进行时结构.B.过去进行时结构.C.现在完成时结构.D.过去完成时结构.根据at about eight yesterday evening可知,时间表示过去的一个时间段,用过去完成时,构成be过去式+现在分词.主语是第三人称单数,be动词用was,watch的现在分词是watching.故选:B.19.(1分)I will tell Betty the good news as soon as she _____back home.()A.comes B.came C.is coming D.will come【解答】本题考查动词第三人称单数.原句中as soon as引导的句子,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时.从句中主语是she,是第三人称单数,动词要用第三人称单数,即comes.故选:A.20.(1分)This beautiful school _____two years ago.()A.built B.builds C.was built D.is built【解答】考查被动语态.根据主语school"学校",观察选项的动词build"建立"可知,主语和动词是被动关系,要用被动语态.动词结构是be+过去分词.two years ago两年前,表示时间发生在过去,可知be动词用过去式was或者were,school是单数用was.build 的过去分词是built.可知C符合题意.故选:C.21.(1分)I think the MP3 is very helpful.It____for listening to music.()A.is used B.uses C.was used D.used【解答】考查短语.本句描述一般状态,因此用一般现在时.be used for用来做某事,固定搭配.根据题干的for,可知空格缺少be+used.主语It是第三人称单数,be动词用is.故选:A.22.(1分)At 2010 Winter Olympics,China won as ______ gold medals as Sweden.()A.more B.most C.much D.many【解答】本题考查形容词比较级.根据题干:放在as…as之间用形容词或者副词的原级.这里修饰可数名词medals"金牌",用many.故选:D.23.(1分)Beijing,the capital of China,is one of ____ cities in the world.()A.the biggest B.biggerC.much bigger D.big【解答】考查形容词的比较级."is"是一般现在时,句子中"one of +形容词最高级",A.the biggest最大的,最高级,符合搭配,B.bigger形容词比较级,不构成搭配,不符合题意,C.much bigger更大的,比较级,不符合题意,D.big大的,形容词原级,不构成搭配,不符合题意.故选:A.24.(1分)﹣Can you tell me _____the Summer Palace?﹣Last Sunday.()A.when will you visit B.when did you visitC.when you will visit D.when you visited【解答】考查复合句.根据所给句子回答Last Sunday可知,句子问的是:你什么时候参观颐和园的?Last Sunday是表过去的时间状语,Can you tell me后要接一个表过去的宾语从句;特殊疑问句用在宾语从句中要用陈述语序;AB是疑问语序故排除,C选项will visit是一般将来时,也排除.D项when you visited是过去式的陈序语序符合题意.故选:D.25.(1分)﹣Could you tell me _____tomorrow morning?﹣Well,it will start at 9o'clock.()A.when will the meeting startB.when the meeting will startC.when the meeting startedD.when did the meeting start【解答】考查复合句.根据所给句子Can you tell me____tomorrow morning?和选项可知,句子意思为:你能告诉我明天上午什么时候开会吗?tomorrow morning是表将来的时间状语,故Can you tell me后要接一个表示将来的宾语从句.特殊疑问句用于宾语从句中要用陈述语序,AD是疑问语序故排除,C选项中started是过去式,也排除.B项when the meeting will be held符合题意.故选:B.二.完形填空(每小题20分,共20分)26.(20分)My father often works very hard.And he has (1)C to see a film.Here I'll tell you a funny story about him.One afternoon,when he finished his work and (2)A go home,he found a film ticket under the book on his desk.He thought he happened to have not much work to do that day and (3)A was quite wonderful to pass the (4)D at the cinema.So he came back home and (5)C finished his supper.Then he said goodbye to us and left.But to our (6)D,he came back about half an hour later.I asked him what the matter was.He smiled and told us about a funny thing that had happened at the cinema.When my father was sitting in his seat,a woman came to my father's seat and said that the seat was (7)A.My father was surprised.He took out the ticket (8)A looked at it carefully.It was Row17,Seat3.And then he looked at the seat.It was the same.So he asked her (9)D her ticket.She took out the ticket at once and the seat shown in it was Row 17,Seat 3.What's the matter with all this?While they were wondering,suddenly the woman said,"The (10)C of the tickets are different." So they looked at the ticket more carefully.After a while,my father said,"Oh,I am sorry,I made a mistake.My ticket is for the film a month ago.Take this seat,please." With these words,he left the cinema.(1)A.little money B.much money C.little time D.much time (2)A.was going to B.was able to C.had to D.ought to(3)A.it B.this C.that D.which(4)A.morning B.afternoon C.day D.evening(5)A.early B.quietly C.quickly D.suddenly(6)A.interest B.joy C.sadness D.surprise(7)A.hers B.his C.taken D.wrong(8)A.and B.but C.or D.so(9)A.to bring B.to get C.to look D.to show(10)A.reason B.way C.time D.place【解答】(1)C.考查短语意思.A选项意思为:几乎没钱;B选项意思为:很多钱,C 选项意思为:几乎没时间,D选项意思为:很多时间.由前一句My father often works very hard.可以推测,父亲工作很辛苦,应该是没时间看电影.故选:C.(2)A.考查过去将来时.句子大意为:当他完成工作打算回家的时候,文章在叙述,所以时态是过去将来时,句型为be going to,主语为he,所以be动词用was.故选:A.(3)A.考查固定搭配.it was+形容词+to do sth意思为:做某事是…的,符合题意.故选:A.(4)D.考查名词词义.根据大意,父亲下午完成工作,打算晚上去看电影,所以此处缺少evening.故选:D.(5)C.考查副词词义辨析.early早地;quietly安静地;quickly快速地;suddenly突然地,根据句意,可知父亲是快速吃完晚餐.故选:C.(6)D.考查形容词.to one's surprise意思为:让某人吃惊的是,符合句意.故选:D.(7)A.考查名词性物主代词.hers意思为:她的,指代的是上文提及的her seat.故选:A.(8)A.考查连词.took out the ticket和looked at it carefully是顺承关系,用and连接.故选:A.(9)D.考查动词词义.bring意思为:带来;get意思为:得到;look意思为:看,show 意思为:展示,此处指展示ticket.故选:D.(10)C.考查名词.根据My ticket is for the film a month ago可知,票上不同的是时间.C 选项time意思为:时间.故选:C.三.阅读理解(每小题8分,共24分)27.(8分)An old man died and left his son a lot of money.But the son was a foolish young man,and he quickly spent all the money,so that soon he had nothing left.Of course,when that happened,all his friends left him.When he was quite poor and alone,he went to see Robin,who was a kind,clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles."My money has been spent freely and many friends have gone," said the young man."What will happen to me ?""Don't worry,young man,"answered Robin.Everything will soon be all right again.Wait,and you will soon feel much happier."The young man was very happy.Am I going to get rich again then?" He asked Robin."No,I didn't mean that,"said the old man."I meant that you would soon get used to (习惯)being poor and having no friends."(1)An old man died and left his son C.A.nothingB.some goldC.much moneyD.only a house(2)When the son was D,he went to see Robin.A.short of moneyB.quite poor and sickC.in troubleD.quite poor and alone(3)The young man was very happy because Robin said that he would B.A.become rich againB.soon feel much happierC.become cleverD.have more friends(4)Robin meant the young man would B.A.get rich againB.get used to having nothingC.get used to being in troubleD.have more friends【解答】考查细节理解.(1)C.根据文中关键句"An old man died and left his son a lot of money."可知一位老人死了,他留给他儿子很多钱.故选:C.(2)D.根据文中关键句"When he was quite poor and alone,he went to see Robin,"可知当这个儿子非常穷和孤独时,他去见了Robin.故选:D.(3)B.根据文中关键句"Don't worry,young man,"answered Robin.Everything will soon be all right again.Wait,and you will soon feel much happier."The young man was very happy.可知这个年轻人很高兴,是因为罗宾说他很快就会感到更快乐,幸福.故选:B.(4)B.根据文中关键句"said the old man."I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and having no friends."可知罗宾的意思是这个年轻人将会习惯于什么都没有.故选:B.28.(8分)Both men and women in the USA usually smile and shake hands when greeting.Good friends and family members may hold each other when they meet.In common situations,a wave(挥手)may be used instead of a handshake.Americans often greet strangers on the street by saying "Hello" or "Good morning".When greeting someone for the first time,Americans commonly say "Pleased to meet you!" or "How do you do?" A simple "Hello" or "Hi" is also common.Friends often greet each other with "How are you?" and respond "Fine,thanks."Americans do not generally stand very close to each other,keeping about one arm's length (长度)apart.However,they may touch one another on the arm or shoulder during conversation.It's common for couples to hold hands or show love in public.Both men and women dress freely when situations allow,but in formal(正式的)situations it's usually considered improper(不合适的).Visiting friends,family,and relatives(亲戚)plays a big part in social life in theUnited States,and people will travel long distances to do so.People are generally expected to be on time for appointments(约会)or when invited to someone's home.Guests are expected to make themselves comfortable,to sit where they like and to enjoy themselves.Gifts are not expected,but many guests bring flowers or wine when invited for a meal.(1)When two good friends meet in America they may A.A.hug each otherB.just smile to each otherC.say "hello"to each otherD.shake hands with each other(2)When visiting friends in America,people usually bring B.A.name cardsB.flowers or wineC.fruit or chocolateD.whatever they like(3)From the passage we learn that in America C.A.couples should not show love in publicB.people are not used to greeting strangers on the streetC.both men and women dress casually in informal situationD.most people like to go on holidays instead of visiting friends(4)The purpose of this passage is A.A.to introduce American social behavior(行为)B.to introduce table manners(餐桌礼仪)in American familyC.to tell readers how to make people like them in AmericaD.to remind(提醒)people to bring gifts when visiting an American family【解答】考查细节理解.(1)A.根据文中"Good friends and family members may hold each other when they meet."可知,当两个好朋友在美国相遇时,他们可以互相拥抱.故选:A.(2)B.根据文中"Gifts are not expected,but many guests bring flowers or wine when invitedfor a meal."可知,在美国,拜访朋友时,人们通常会带着鲜花和葡萄酒.故选:B.(3)C.根据文中"Both men and women dress freely when situations allow"可知,在非正式场合,男人和女人们可以穿着随便.故选:C.(4)A.根据文章的描写,可知这篇文章主要介绍了美国人打招呼、交谈的方式,着装、探亲访友等社会行为.故选:A.29.(8分)Many years ago when people had no thermometers (温度计),they usually toucheda thing to see how hot or cold it was.The following experiment shows how easy it was to makea mistake.Take three glasses:the first one with very hot water.The second one with very cold water,and the third one with water at room temperature.Then you put a finger of one hand in the hot water,and a finger of the other hand in the cold water.You hold your fingers in the two glasses for a minute.Then you use each finger,one after another,to see how hot or cold the water in the third glass is.You will find that the water is warm to the finger that was in the cold water before,but the finger which was in the hot water will feel cold in the same glass of water.That is why you must always find the temperature in a scientific way.You must not try to tell the temperature as it seems to you.You will often make a mistake if you take something that seems to you for a real fact.For example,when you are going to an amusement park by bus and you want to get there very quickly,it seems to you that your bus is going very slowly,slower than the other buses.But if it is Sunday and you have much free time,it seems to you all the buses and cars are going very fast.(1)Compare the water temperature in three glasses.Which of the following is right?D A.A glass<B glassB.B glass>C glassC.C glass<C glassD.A glass>C glass(2)What will you find if you put the finger which was in A glass into C glass according to the experiment?D。
2024北京市师达学校小升初升学数学复习模拟试题 汇编资料

师达升学模拟卷1一、选择题(每小题4分,共6题,共24分)1把5件相同的礼物全部分给3个小朋友,使每个小朋友都分到礼物,分礼物的不同方法一共有()种.A.3B.4C.5D.62小明做抛硬币游戏,前9次有5次正面向上,第十次向上的可能性为().A.100%B.50%C.大于50%D.无法确定3如图,等边△ABC的边长是5,D、E分别是边AB,AC上的一点,将△ADE沿直线DE折叠,点A落在点A'处,且点A'在△ABC外部,则阴影图形的周长等于().A.5B.10C.15D.204有一个三角形,三个内角不相等,其中最小的角为45°,那么这个三角形是().A.直角三角形B.钝角三角形C.锐角三角形D.等边三角形5要画一个周长为25.12厘米的圆,应用圆规的两脚在直尺上量取()的距离.A.4厘米B.2厘米C.8厘米D.6厘米6在右侧文氏图中,左边的圆表示会滑冰的人,右边的圆会跳伞的人,那么图中④部分的人是_____________.滑冰跳伞①②③④A.两种运动都会的人B.两种运动都不会的人C.只会滑冰的人D.只会跳伞的人二、判断题(每小题3分,共5题,共15分)7一个长方形,它的长、宽、高都扩大2倍,它的体积扩大6倍.()8两个棱长5厘米的正方体拼成一个长方体,这个长方体的棱长总和是120厘米.()9如果圆柱和圆锥的体积和高都相等,那么圆锥与圆柱底面半径的比为3:1.()101~100这100个自然数中有25个质数,75个合数.()11三个不同的自然数(0除外),它们的最小公倍数是60,这三个数之和最小是12.()三、填空题(每小题5分,共5题,共25分)12今年弟弟6岁,哥哥15岁,当两人的年龄和为57岁时,弟弟__________岁.13(师达)一个两位数,其十位与个位上的数字交换以后,所得的两位数比原来小27,则满足条件的两位数共有__________个.14369000改写成以“万”为单位的数是______万,省略万位后的尾数约是________.15有两个数:515、53.将第一个数减去11,第二个数加上11,这算一次操作,那么操作__________次后,第一个数与第二个数相等.16袋子里有红色的球12个,黑色的球8个,黄色的球7个,绿色的球5个,那么一次至少拿__________个球,才能保证取出的球至少有两种颜色.四、解答题(每小题6分,共6题,共36分)17张先生向商店订购某一商品,每件定价100元,共订购60件.张先生对商店经理说:“如果你肯减价,每减价1元,我就多订购3件”,商店经理算了一下,如果减价4%,由于张先生多订购,仍可获得原来一样多的总利润.问:这件商品的成本是多少元?18希腊数学家丢番图(公元3~4世纪)的墓碑上记者着:“她生命的六分之一是幸福的童年;再活了他寿命的十二分之一,两颊长起了细细的胡须;他结了婚,又度过了一生的七分之一,再过五年,他有了儿子,感到很幸福;可以儿子只活了他父亲全部年龄的一半;儿子死后他在极度悲痛中度过了四年,也与世长辞了,”请回答问题:(1)他结婚的时的年龄?(2)他开始当爸爸时的年龄?(3)他去世时的年龄?19甲、乙两个工程队共同完成一项工程需要15天,如果甲队干10天、乙队干6天则完成工程的12.问:甲、乙两队独立完成该工程各需多少天?20先阅读下列材料:因为121111321 1,, 212223236---==-==⨯⨯所以:11111 1,, 22623 =-=-请你根据上述材料提供的信息,求11111 26122010100+++++的值.21用铁皮做一个工件,如图所示,需要用铁皮的面积是多少?(左右是空心贯穿的,结果保留π)22如图,在有公共边的两个等腰直角三角形中,较小的三角形的斜边是较大的三角形的直角边.已知最小的等腰直角三角形的直角边长为2.求这个海螺型的面积.。

师达中学小升初考试英语真题这篇关于2011年师达中学小升初考试英语真题,是特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!客观题部分(共55 分)一、单项选择:请从每小题的A,B或C 三个选项中,选择一个选项,并把选项代码A,B或C填到答题纸上。
(每题1分,共10分)1. I gave John a nice toy on ________ birthday.A. heB. hisC. him2. She goes to visit her grandparents ______ Sundays.A. inB. onC. at3. Tom is ______ boy in the family.A. tallB. tallerC. the tallest4.There ________ a lot of milk in the bottle.A.is B.are C. am5. ----- ________ does your father work ? ----- He works in a big company.A. HowB. WhoC. Where6. They got up early, ________ they missed the school bus.A. butB. andC. so7. ----- ________ butter do you need ?----- Only a little.A. How manyB. How muchC. What8. ----- Where are your parents ?----- They ________ in the supermarket.A. shopB. go shoppingC. are shopping9. He is taking the book ________ his schoolbag.A. outB. out ofC. in10. Mother often helps me ________ my Chinese.A. toB. forC. with二、完形填空:请阅读下面两篇短文,并根据短文内容从每小题的A,B或C三个选项中,选择一个答案。

(3分)荡yàng()安 xiáng()和xù()闲 xiá()言简意gāi()全神guàn()注7.请在文中划线句子出填上恰当的谦称。
谦称自己学识浅薄为“鄙”,谦称自己不聪明为“ ____ ”;谦称自己身价低微为“卑”;古代君王对自己的谦称为“_______”8.古诗词填空。
北京海淀区师达小学小升初测试真题(三) 解析版

小升初语文测试试卷(三)1.北京海淀区小升初师达中学升学考试3第1题2分人们为何称妇女为“巾帼”?()A.妇女戴的头饰叫巾帼B. 妇女善于织造C. 源于一个叫巾帼的女子的典故D. 源于一个叫巾帼的地方答案A解析本题考查对文学常识的掌握。
3.北京海淀区小升初师达中学升学考试3第3题2分四书包括:《论语》、《大学》、《孟子》、()A.《礼记》B. 《中庸》C. 《周易》D. 《春秋》答案B解析本题考查对文学常识的掌握。
本题共2 分。
4.北京海淀区小升初师达中学升学考试3第4题2分“青梅竹马”取自下列哪个典故()A.李白《长干行》B. 白居易《长恨歌》C. 李煜《虞美人》D. 李商隐《无题》答案A解析本题考查对文学常识及诗词典故的掌握。

师达中学小升初数学真题测试卷(4)一、选择题.1、把 395143000“四舍五入”到亿位的近似数记作(). A. 4 亿 B. 3.95143 亿 C. 3.95 亿 D. 4.0 亿2、两个数相除,商为 5,如果被除数扩大 10 倍,除数同时除以 0.1,所得的商是() A. 0.5 B. 5 C. 50 D. 5003、一件商品,先提价 10%,以后又降价 10%,现在的价格与原来相比(). A.提高了 B.降低了 C.不变 D.无法确定4、市政府要建一块长 800 米,宽 400 米的长方形广场,画在一张长40厘米,宽16厘米的长方形纸上,选用下列哪一种比例尺较适宜( ).A. 1:2500B. 1:3000C. 1:4000D. 1:50000005、小明有 3 本不同的科技类图书和 4 本不同的故事类图书.在一次为贫困学校捐书的活动中,他准备捐科技类和故事类图书各一本,他有( )中不同的捐法.A.3B. 4C. 7D. 126、一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体,底面周长的比是 3:2,它们的体积是 6:5,圆柱和圆锥的高是最简单的整数比是(). A. 8:15 B. 15:8 C. 45:8 D. 8:457、一个箱子里有 1 个红球,1 个绿球,2 个白球,除颜色外都相同,现从箱子里一次取出 2个球,则这两个球都是白球的可能性是( ).A. 31B.41C.61D.121 8、随着通讯市场竞争的日益激烈,某通讯公司的手机市话收费按原标准每分钟降低了 a 元后,再次下调了 25%,现在的收费标准是每分钟 b 元,则原收费标准每分钟为()元. A. a b -45 B. a b +45 C. a b +43 D.a b +34 9、一个长方体长和宽都是 4 分米,高是 2 分米,把它截成四个一样大的小正方体,表面积增加了().A. 32 平方分米B. 36 平方分米C. 56 平方分米D.28 平方分米10、猜一个数.甲说:是质数;乙说:是21;丙说:是偶数;丁说:是9;老师说:甲、乙中有一人说对,丙、丁中也有一个说对,你认为这个数是( ).A. 9B. 21C. 10D. 211、3 千米= 厘米;35分钟= 小时.12、甲数是 72,甲乙两数最大公约数是 8,最小公倍数是144,那么乙数是__________13、男生人数是女生人数的 3 倍,男生平均体重是 35 千克,女生平均体重是 31 千克,该班全体同学的平均体重是__________千克.14、如果规定b a b a ⨯-⨯=314*,其中a,b 是自然数,那么6*8=_____________ 15、有一个真分数,将它的分母加上2,得到21;如果将它的分母减去1,则得到95,那么原来的这个分数是_________。

(共33分)1、下列加点字的读音,与所给注音全都相同的一组是(2分)( )A.模mó 模范模样模仿模本B.蒙méng 蒙哄蒙骗蒙混蒙昧C.禁jìn 禁令禁锢禁忌禁受D.尽jǐn 尽管尽先尽量尽快2、下列词语中有两个错别字的一组是(2分) ( )A.要言不繁矫枉过正休养生息别出心裁B.插科打浑蜂涌而上准备就序因地制宜C.重山峻岭融汇贯通烦燥不安顶礼模拜D.明火直仗椎心痛恨一脉相成附庸风雅3、依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,正确的一组是(2分)( )①实践、认识、再实践、再认识……________无穷。
A.以至协采副B.以致胁彩付C.以至胁彩副D.以致协采付4、依次填入下列句中横线上的关联词语,最恰当的一组是(2分)( )我们已经取得了抗洪抢险的决定性胜利,________洪水造成的损失是严重的,恢复生产、重建家园的工作十分艰巨,________是今年各项改革和经济发展的任务相当繁重,这就要求我们要加倍努力地工作。
A.不过虽然不但更B.然而尽管既也C.但是特别不仅还D.虽然尤其既就5、下列句子中加线成语使用不恰当的一句是(2分)( )A.科学家们借此机会还将了解如果彗星碎片与地球发生类似的碰撞,将会有怎样惊心动魄的后果。
6、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(2分)( )A.咱俩约定在明天上午或下午的休息时间里去新华书店买几本参考书。

甲,结果在甲行至离 B 地还差 5 千米外追上了甲,求 A、B 两地的距离。
29.对于 a,b,c,d 规定[a,b,c,d]= 2ab- d 。已知[1,2,3,x]=2, 求 x 的值。 c
30.为了拉动内需,广东启动“家电下乡”活动,某家电公司销售给农户的Ⅰ型冰箱和Ⅱ型冰箱在启动活动前一 个月共售出 960 台,启动活动后的第一个月销售给农户的Ⅰ型冰箱和Ⅱ型冰箱的销量分别比启动活动前一个月增 长 30%、25%,这两种型号的冰箱共售出 1228 台,
(1)求 2007 年同期试点产品类家电销售量为多少万台(部)?
(2)如果销售家电的平均价格为:彩电每台 1500 元,冰箱每台 2000 元,手机每部 800 元,已知销售的冰
箱(含冰柜)数量是彩电数量的 倍,求彩电、冰箱、手机三大类产品分别销售多少万台(部),并计算获得的
政府补贴分别为多少万元?(7 分)
一、选择题(每题 2 分,共 20 分,将答案填入后面的表格)
1、在一幅地图上,用 2 厘米表示实际 90 千米,这幅地图的比例尺是。A、 1 B、 1
C、 1
D、 1
2、一个整数精确到万位是 30 万,这个数精确前可能是( )。A、294999 B、309111 C、305997 D、
(2)(2- × )÷( + )
12 15
(4)【(2 +4.8÷1 )-4 】×1
26.列式计算:(每题 4 分,按照要求计算)
(1)6 3 与 2 的 积减 2 3 后,再除以 3 3 ,商是多少?

3. 地质考察员发现一种锡矿石每 100 千克含锡 65 千克,则这种锡矿石 500 千克含锡( )
A. 325
B. 321
C. 352
D. 612
4. 如图,在房子屋檐 E 处安有一台监视器,房子前有一面落地的广告牌 DB,那么监视器 的盲区是( ).
A. 三角形 ACE
B. 三角形 ADF
5 3
1 1
27. 求未知数.(每小题 3 分,共 6 分)
12 (1) x x 1
3 2x x 1
1 0
28. 计算(写出计算过程).(每小题 3 分,共 12 分)
(1) 2.25 4.8 77.5 0.48
5 D.
10. 按下面的程序计算,若开始输入的值 x 是比零大的数,最后输出的结果为 626,则满足 条件的 x 的不同值最多有( ).
A. 2 个
B. 3 个
C. 4 个
D. 5 个
二、填空题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 11. 3 小时 27 分钟=__________小时,2 立方米 40 立方分米=__________立方分米;
24. 偶数个奇数相乘的积是偶数.( )
25. 自然数 a 经过四舍五入得到近似数 3.142,那么 a 的取值范围是 3.1415 a 3.1424 . ( )
四、计算题(28 分) 26. 直接写出得数.(每小题 1 分,共 4 分)

初一入学测试题客观题部分(共55 分)一、单项选择:请从每小题的A,B或C 三个选项中,选择一个最佳选项,并把选项代码A,B或C 填到答题纸上。
(每题1分,共10分)1. I gave John a nice toy on ________ birthday。
he B。
his C。
She goes to visit her grandparents ______ Sundays。
A. in B。
on C。
at3. Tom is ______ boy in the family.A。
tall B。
taller C. the tallest4.There ________ a lot of milk in the bottle。
A.is B.are C. am5。
—-—-—________ does your father work ?-————He works in a big company。
A. HowB. WhoC. Where6。
They got up early,________ they missed the school bus。
A. but B。
and C. so7. --—-— ________ butter do you need ?--—-- Only a little。
A. How manyB. How much C。
What8. —-——— Where are your parents ?-——-— They ________ in the supermarket。
shop B. go shopping C. are shopping9。
He is taking the book ________ his schoolbag。
A. outB. out ofC. in10。
Mother often helps me ________ my Chinese.A. to B。