大学动漫英语(上册)Unit 3 The History of AnimationPPT资料65页
1. Listening---- Language Points
I’m going to carry the pair of parrots off to my nephew’s house. 我会把那对鹦鹉带到我外甥家。 Suitable Occasion: oral, formal & informal
1. Listening---- Language Points
– I plan to quit my job and start my own business. 我计划辞去工作,自己创业。
- Don’t be ridiculous. You are not that type. 别犯傻了,那不适合你。 Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
1. Listening----Language Points
It’s not like we’re bats or something. 我们又不是蝙蝠什么的。 noun+or something: used to indicate a series of things similar to the noun. (用以 表达某些与名词所指相似之物。)
Unit 3 Contents Grammar
1. Listening----Listening Materials
Listen to the song Real Love from the movie Ice Age
Dialogue: Starting friendship- find someone 友情的开端- 寻找朋友
1. Listening----Script & Answers
In 1947, produced China's first animated puppet "Emperor's Dream"
1947年,我国制作了第一部木偶动画《皇 帝梦》
In 1960, completed the first water-and-ink animation of "small
The History of Chinese Animation
1.the early period of exploration-before the founding of China Chinese animation has a rich history.During the 20th century ,Chinese animation pioneer's brother,three brothers of Wans, began to study animation.It was they that produced China's first self-made people copainting "studio scene" Havoc in Heaven .In 1935, China's first animated sound "Offer Camel Dance" came out. In 1941, animated by the effects of"Snow White" in the USA, China's first large-scale animation "Princess Iron Fan" was produced.
The Valley of the Winds
Mobile Suit Gundam
A breakthrough period of painting techniques and route differentiation
Байду номын сангаас
Name: Miyazaki Hayao 宫崎骏 Job: Animation director, screenwriter, character designer The main achievements: Studio ghibli 吉卜力工作室 Representative works: Spirited away , princess mononoke, the valley of the wind 《千与千寻》《幽灵公主》
Alice in Wonderland
Sleeping beauty
Humorous Phases of Funny Faces 一张滑稽面孔的幽默姿态
Popeye 大力水手
Snow White 白雪公主
Pinocchio 匹诺曹
Looney tunes
Exploration Stage
Developing stage
Exploring period
Havoc in heaven
1961 Little Tadpoles 1980~1987 Searching for Calabash Brothers Mommy Black Cat Detective Afanty
《灌篮高手》(SLAM DUNK) 日本漫画家井上雄彦[1] 以高中
篮球为题材的励志型漫画及动 画作品,是《周刊少年Jump》 全白金时代(20世纪90年代上 半叶)三大台柱漫画之一,也 是日本历史上销量最高的漫画 之一。上世纪90年代,《灌篮 高手》被引进中国,成为在中 国影响最深远的动漫作品之一。
在2000年之后,来自日本, 美国,西欧各国的动漫对中 国传统动漫行业带来了巨大 的冲击。其中,日本和美国 的动漫对中国新一代的青少 年产生了很大的影响。当时 中国的动漫技术比起西方国 家来说很低,故事情节相比 来说西方国家更能抓住年轻 人的喜好,因此中国的少年 更倾向于他国的动漫。
水墨动画片可以称得上是 中国动画的一大创举。它 将传统的中国水墨画引入 到动画制作中,那种虚虚 实实的意境和轻灵优雅的 画面使动画片的艺术格调 有了重大的突破。代表作 有《小蝌蚪找妈妈》,曾
《天书奇谭》是根据《平 妖传》部分章节改编而成 的动画长片,讲述天宫里 的袁公将天书传给人间, 向蛋生传授法术造福于民 的故事,充满喜剧风格, 节奏明快,娱乐性强的努力就为了得到相应的回报 。2021年1月18 日星期 一10时 47分20秒22: 47:2018 January 2021
科学,你是国力的灵魂;同时又是社 会发展 的标志 。下午10时47 分20秒 下午10 时47分 22:47: 2021.1.18
每天都是美好的一天,新的一天开启 。21.1.1821.1.18 22:4722:47:2022:47 :20Ja n-21
加强自身建设,增强个人的休养。20 21年1月 18日下 午10时 47分21.1.1821. 1.18
The flourishing period (1949 to 1965)
• The first puppet animation "emperor dream";
The flourishing period (1949 to 1965)
• The first paper-cut animation "pig eating watermelon";
• 该剧的创意来源于庄子的“北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。鲲之大,不知其几 千里也”,讲述了一个属于中国人的奇幻故事,影片试图向观众展现 那条游弋在每个中国人血液和灵魂中的大鱼——鲲。
• Some fish could not be kept in captivity, because they belong to the sky.(有的鱼是永远都关不住的,因为他们属于天
The slow development period (1978 to 1998)
• "Black cat Sheriff" "Asdggjyu"
Exploring stage (since 1999)
--探索尝试期• Contin Nhomakorabeaous introduction of foreign animation, animation industry Chinese finally know my own shortcomings, then started and try a variety of exploration.
The flourishing period (1949 to 1965)
Spirited Away 千与千寻
the adventure of a kindhearted little girl 千寻是一个瘦小的十岁小女孩。《千与千寻》的故事从她的身上开始展开。千寻跟着 父母从这个城市搬迁到另一个城市,途中所发生的一段奇妙旅程
With the development of the times, animation has been a hot topic,the fans are mostly teenager. Nowadays many people ,including adults like's no longer children's patents.
Finally ushered in the Chinese animation industry in the spring,a series of excellent animation work come to the fore,First animated film made in china"Pleasant Goat And Big Big Wolf" Since January 16, 2009 release, the box office surging. Up to now, the first round at the box office has reached 80 million yuan. China's first large 3D animated martial arts series "Qin's moon"is icing on the cake.
国漫的产生发展与优秀作品介绍 PPT课件
➢ 现状
➢ 20世纪90年代至今,中国动画创作 相对于世界动画发展出现缓慢趋势。 由于缺乏市场化操作,动画的回收相 对较慢。但仍不乏许多高质量作品。 2013年以来国产动画电影集中爆发, 政策和市场双重利好下,我国新媒体 动漫产业将迎来发展春天。
神秘莫测的冷漠少女。 表面上是是庖丁客栈中打 杂的小伙计,外表柔弱, 沉默寡言,默默地关注着 周遭所发 石兰(小虞) 生的一切。真实身份是蜀 山公主,如精灵一般身轻 如燕,身手矫捷,有一双 冰冷的眼眸,内心有很强 的正义感和民族信仰。[8] 初登场于第二部末尾。第 三部正式登场,并解救少 羽和天明。第四部中第八 集承认石兰为族名,其真 名为小虞。据说就是后来 的虞姬
名少羽(成年后名籍, 字羽)。未来的西楚 霸王项羽。十四岁, 第二男主角,项氏一 族 项少羽(项羽)
(楚王族支系)少主。 楚国名将项燕之孙。 [2] 天赋异禀,有 千斤拔鼎之神力。智 勇双全,心思细腻,英 俊潇洒。年纪虽小, 临阵决敌却已有大将 之风,是天明的好友, 同时也是竞争对手。 注重仗义。后于墨家 禁地得到神兵破阵霸 王枪。[
Байду номын сангаас国产动漫
Table of Contents
动漫,是动画和漫画的合称与缩写,取这两个词 的第一个字合二为一称之为“动漫”,是中国 (大陆)地区的特有名词。按研究形式划分,可 分为:漫画学、TV动画、电影动画、衍生游戏等 几个大类。
中国动画片的发展 PPT教学
• 1967年、1969年和1970、1971年这4年时间全国的 动画片生产厂家都“停产闹革命”。1972年,上海 美术电影制片厂率先恢复生产,到1976年文化大革 命结束为止,共摄制动画片17部。这一时期的动画 片,如《小号手》(1973)、《小八路》(1973)、《东 海小哨兵》(1973)等,都以描写建国前的革命战争, 描写社会主义社会的阶级斗争、路线斗争和思想斗 争,歌颂工农兵为内容。在表现手法上,遵循写实 主义。1976年摄制的水墨剪纸片《长在屋里的竹 笋》,将中国的水墨画与民间剪纸巧妙结合,为世 界动画片的百花园地又增添了一棵新苗。 1976~ 1989年是中国动画片第二个繁荣时期。
中国动画片的发展经历了6个时 期。(1922~至今) 87年了
• 1918年《从墨水瓶里跳出来》等美国动画片陆续在上海 登陆,使处于半殖民地半封建社会的中国人对神奇的动 画片着迷。抱着创造中国人自己的动画片的信念,以万 籁鸣、万古蟾、万超尘为代表的第一代中国动画人应运 而生,成为中国动画片的开山祖。经过他们艰苦的探索 与研制,1922年摄制了中国第一部广告动画片《舒振东 华文打字机》。之后,1924年中华影片公司摄制了动画 片《狗请客》、上海烟草公司摄制了动画片《过年》。 这两部影片是中国最早的动画片。但它们都没有产生影 响,产生影响的是万氏兄弟于1926年绘制的《大闹画 室》。1935年,万氏兄弟推出了中国第一部有声动画片 《骆驼献舞》,1941年又推出中国第一部长动画片《铁 扇公主》。
• 国产原创系列电视动画片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》, 《喜羊羊与灰太狼》以羊和狼两大族群间妙趣横生 的争斗为主线,剧情的轻松诙谐风格,情节爆笑, 对白幽默,还巧妙地融入社会中的新鲜名词。这部 超强人气的长篇动画以“童趣但不幼稚,启智却不 教条”的鲜明特色,赢得众多粉丝,在国内各项动 画比赛中更是屡获殊荣。 《喜羊羊与灰太狼》迄今 播出已突破500多集,是目前中国集数最长的动画 片之一。迄今已推出玩偶、图书、舞台剧、手机游 戏等相关产品,其中“喜羊羊”系列图书销量过百 万,在图书销售排行榜上长期位居前3名,是小学 生最喜爱的口袋书之一。
中国卡通电影的历史英语作文The history of Chinese animated films is a tapestry woven with threads of cultural richness and artistic innovation. Starting from the early 20th century, China's animation industry began to take shape, with pioneers like Wan Laiming introducing the art form to the nation.The 1960s and 70s saw the golden age of Chinese animation, with classics such as "The Monkey King" captivating audiences with their unique storytelling and vibrant characters. These films were not only entertaining but also served as a mediumto convey moral lessons and traditional values.As technology advanced, the 1990s brought about a newwave of animated films that embraced computer-generated imagery (CGI). This period marked a significant shift in the industry, with films like "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" gaining popularity among younger audiences.In recent years, Chinese animated films have made strides on the global stage, with movies like "Ne Zha" and "White Snake" showcasing the country's storytelling prowess andvisual artistry. These films have not only broken box office records but also introduced Chinese mythology and folklore to international viewers.The evolution of Chinese animated films reflects the country's cultural development and its desire to share itsstories with the world. As the industry continues to grow, it is poised to offer more diverse and compelling narrativesthat resonate with audiences of all ages.Despite facing challenges such as competition fromforeign productions, the Chinese animation industry remains resilient and innovative. It continues to explore new themes and techniques, ensuring that its films remain relevant and engaging for the next generation of viewers.In conclusion, the history of Chinese animated films is a testament to the country's creativity and its commitment to preserving and promoting its cultural heritage. As this industry continues to evolve, it promises to offer a wealth of stories that will delight and inspire audiences for years to come.。
The development history of Chinese animation
The Development History of ChineseAnimation什么是动画?What is animation?动画是一种有意识的艺术表现形式,能够直观的表达人们的情感,将不切实际的虚拟转换为现实。
Animation is a conscious form of artistic expression, which can express people's emotion intuitively and convert unreality to reality.As early as twenty-five thousand ago, the Stone Age, people already had the consciousness of "animation” and the analysis diagram of running bison on the cave is the earliest evidence that human try to capture the action.中国动画片的发展一、中国动画的早期探索(20年代~1949年)Early Exploration of Chinese Animation (1920s~1949)(1)中国第一部自拍电影《定军山》的问世为中国拍摄动画奠定了技术基础。
这时仅距离美国动画电影之父Winsor Mccay于1909年制作的世界史上公认的第一部象样的动画短片才十七年。
Children are fond of the game——Police catches theif.
So the cartoon makers won’t miss the chance to use this two animals to act those roles. It seems that there are no cartoons in China that portray the police and theif who are real human.
Name: Blue mouse
Name: Big-face cat
Job:Circus star
External: blue skin
Job:Circus star
External: a very big face
Character: friendly , Character:friendly , naughty ,loving , a little clumsy , smart. glutton (馋)。
Lazy cat
Mimi is a lazy cat who always sleep,He doesn’t like to catch mice for he thinks it is so tiring . The three mice are so conceit that they decided to pluck Mimi’s beard ……
This cartoon is a children sicence cartoon. In tmouse experienced a lot of special things,and from the dialoge of the two friends ,kids can learn various knowledge 。
万氏兄弟 中国动画的拓荒者
万氏兄弟开始他们最为热爱的动画创作活动时,正值北 伐战争时期、百业萧条。当时美国也面临经济危机,但是动 画业却朝气蓬勃,出现大批后来被载入动画史册的大师级人 物和著名动画工作室,各种新角色、新作品推出。万氏兄弟 就是对《大力水手》、《波比小姐》等动画作品产生兴趣, 萌发了制作动画电影的念头。
该影片第1集《玻璃城》、第2集 《装在罐头里的爸爸妈妈》、第 3集《神奇的日历》获第二届中 国影视动画展播二等奖,第八集 《头盔城》获1993年广播电影电 视部优秀影片奖和第十四届中国 电影“金鸡奖”提名。 《魔 方大厦》原计划拍成26集,由于 专业人才流失,资金匮乏,拍至 10集暂告一段落。
However, others disagreed. They thought the best way to to school is by school or on foot. it was good for our health and it did make a contribution to (做贡献) to our environment.
郑渊洁,中国文坛传奇人物,有 “童话大王”之美誉。他笔下的 皮皮鲁、鲁西西、罗克、舒克和 贝塔影响了两代中国孩子。
进入21世纪,动画系列片、动画电影不断增多,只是动 画创作高潮的开始,无论是动画片的长度、剧本、镜头语言、 绘制技法、制作技术,在2000年以后,更具理性了。中国动 画在90年代里,积累了丰富的创作经验,中国动画开始注意 从动画质量上提高,越来越多的国内外的合作片产生,具有 民族特色的动画片也不断增多,电脑动画和网络媒体动画飞 速发展,各种动漫网站十分活跃,尤其Flash动画,已经在 青年学生和动画爱好者中流行开来。动漫创作和传播活动十 分踊跃。动画教育发展迅猛,到2002年底,开办动画专业的 高等院校已经超过70所,在校生共约5000余人。这一时期, 动画片生产仍以系列片为主。但是,游戏也成了动画表现的 重要形式之一,各种优秀动画短片也不短被推出。
From 1824 to 2003
• 1824 The persistence of vision with regard to moving objects.
• 1831 Phenakistoscope invented - produced an illusion of movement.
4. China don’t care to educate animation people.
5. We don’t have some new subject matter. dryness of content and persistent education .
6. it is related to the Chinese social culture.
When Astroboy
meets Ol020
The foundation of success lies in good habits
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
Ink Paining Cartoons
Painting skill
When the Ash Ketchum
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offer Camel Dance
"Princess Iron Fan" ,after"Snow White" and "Little People" and "Puppet Adventure in mind"of the USA,was the fourth large-scale animation, showing that China was close to the leading level in the world at that time. 中国第一部大型动画《铁扇公主》,在世界电影史上,它是名列美国《白雪公 主》、《小人国》和《木偶奇遇记》之后的第四部动画艺术片,标志着中国当 时的动画水平接近世界的领先水平。
2.booming period - the founding of the PRC to 1965 After the founding of the PRC, Chinese animation had a very rapid development. Not only works, but also more masterpieces were produced. ,of which a production of 1961-1964 "Havoc in Heaven" got to the peak level in every parts.During this time, China also began to try to use a different method of animation and bold(大胆的) use of a traditional Chinese art form.
《山水情》片段. asf
《山水情》片段. asf
在文化大革命期间,中国的动漫产业受到显著冲击。从1966年-1971年间,竟然没有一 部动漫产生。之后的一些年里,境况有所好转。但是从1972年到1977年间,也只是每 年产出2-4部动漫。 而另一方面,日本的动漫产业开始迅猛发展。手冢治虫使日本的动漫进入一个繁荣的 时代。
4.the slow development period-After China's reform and opening (1978-1998)
The History of Chinese Animation
1.the early period of exploration-before the founding of China Chinese animation has a rich history.During the 20th century ,Chinese animation pioneer's brother,three brothers of Wans, began to study animation.It was they that produced China's first self-made people copainting "studio scene" Havoc in Heaven .In 1935, China's first animated sound "Offer Camel Dance" came out. In 1941, animated by the effects of"Snow White" in the USA, China's first large-scale animation "Princess Iron Fan" was produced.
At the beginning, the development of the China animations may no longer have the spirit of exploration and innovation.The performance showed in many ways: First, no new forms of animation; Second, probably because of the high cost, almost no ink animation again.For 20 years, only one out; Third, because of a deep-rooted ideology of "animation is for children to see ", no breakthrough in thinking; Fourth, no talent in this area after the Chinese Cultural Revolution ; etc. Of course,there are a number of animations at an average level produced with the China's reform and opening.But all aspects of most are not excellent. 刚开始,中国动漫发展不再有探索和创新精神。具体表现在:第一,没有新的动画 形式;第二,由于高成本所以没有水墨动画,20年里只出品一部;第三,由于“动 画片只是让孩子们看的”的思想,所以一直没有思维上的突破;第四,在文化大革 命之后再没有这方面的人才:等等。 当然,伴随着改革开放,大量平均水平的动漫产出。但是大部分作品的各方面制作 都不是很精良。
我国的动画片历史渊源流长,20世纪中国的动漫产业先驱万氏三兄弟(万古 蟾(1899~1995)、万籁鸣(1899~1997)、万超尘)就开始研究动画制作,第 一部中国自制的人画合演出的《大闹天宫》就是他们制作的。1936年,中国 第一部有声动画《骆驼献舞》问世。1941年,受到美国动画的影响,制作了 中国第一部大型动画《铁扇公主》。
大闹天宫片段. asf
大闹天宫片段. asf
In 1947, produced China's first animated puppet "Emperor's Dream"
1947年,我国制作了第一部木偶动画《皇 帝梦》
In 1960, completed the first water-and-ink animation of "small
建国后,中国的动画事业可以说是得到了非常快速的发展,不但作品多,而且精品也 多.其中特别值得一提的就是1961~1964年制作的《大闹天宫》。《大闹天宫》可说是 当时国内动画的颠峰之作.同时,中国也开始尝试应用一种不同的动画形式,大胆地将 中国传统艺术应用其中。
Havoc in Heaven
tadpoles look for their mother"
1960年,完成了第一部水墨画动画片 《小蝌蚪找妈妈》
3. Chinese Cultural Revolution period -1966 to 1977 During the Cultural Revolution, China's animation industry was significantly affected.From1966 to1971, there was not even a cartoon produced ! After a few years, the situation seemed to turn a little better.But from 1972 to 1977, only 2-4 animations per year was out . On the other hand, Japanese animation industry had a rapid develope . Animation of Osamu Tezuka led to a great situation.