


二、A2型题 (答题说明:案例摘要型最佳选择题。每一道考题是一个案例摘要,其里面

试卷 -含答案 (7)

试卷 -含答案 (7)
5. 经调查得甲、乙两城市男性的肺癌粗死亡率都为 36.0/万,按年龄构成标化后,甲城市男性肺癌标化死亡 率为 31.5/万,乙城市为 48.0/万,请解释此差异的原因。
6. 试以区组设计方差分析为例,说明方差分析的基本思想。
方差分析的基本思想是把全部观察值间的基本变异按照设计类型的不同,分解成两个或多个组成部分,然 本题 4 页,本页为第 1 页 教务处试题编号:
9. 某研究探讨体身高与体重的关系,得到 r=0.67,同时算得 b=-1.8,该分析结果是否正确?为什么?
10. 简述实验设计的基本原则。
二、计算分析题(3 小题,共 30 分)
1. 12 名接种卡介苗的儿童,采用两批不同的结核菌素,一批是标准结核菌素,一批是新制结核菌素,分别
注射在儿童的左右前臂,以皮肤浸润直径(mm)为指标,数据如表 2。
试问:(1)该资料属于哪种类型?何种设计类型?(4 分)
(2)标准品和新制品皮肤浸润直径是否不同?请写出基本步骤,不必计算。(6 分)
2. 对 107 例胃炎患者随机分为两组,分别用中药和西药治疗,其中中药组 58 例,有效 37 例,西药组 49 例,有效 43 例。
本题 4 页,本页为第 2 页 教务处试题编号:
4. 对同一资料,又出于同一研究目的,用参数统计和非参数统计所得结果不一致时,应以何种结果为准?
以资料满足的条件为准若资料满足参数检验的条件,应该以参数检验的结果为准,此时非参数检验的检验 效能低于参数检验。若资料不服从正态分布,或者分布情况未知,不能用参数法进行推断,宜采用非参数 法对总体的分布位置进行假设检验



评阅教师 得分四川大学阶段/期中/期末考试试题(闭卷/开卷)(2016~2017学年第2学期) A/B 卷课程号:课程名称:任课教师:学号:姓名:注意事项:1. 请务必将本人所在学院、姓名、学号、任课教师姓名等信息准确填写在试题纸和添卷纸上;2. 请将答案全部填写在本试题纸上;3. 考试结束,请将试题纸、添卷纸和草稿纸一并交给监考老师。



1. ( ) (A ) (B ) (C ) (D )2. ( ) (A ) (B ) (C ) (D )3. ( )(B)(C)(D)4.()(A)(B)(C)(D)5.()(A)(B)(C)(D)6.()(A)(B)(C)(D)7.()(A)(B)(C)(D)8.()(A)(B)(C)(D)9.()(A)(B)(C)评阅教师得分10. ( ) (A ) (B ) (C ) (D )二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)提示:在每小题列出的五个备选项中有二个至五个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在下表中。


1. ( ) (A ) (B ) (C ) (D )2. ( ) (A ) (B ) (C ) (D )3. ( ) (A ) (B ) (C ) (D )4. ( ) (A ) (B ) (C ) (D )5. ( )评阅教师得分(B ) (C ) (D )1. ( ) 改错:2. ( ) 改错:3. ( ) 改错:4. ( ) 改错:5. ( ) 改错:四、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)。


1. (共2分)2. (共2分)评阅教师得分评阅教师得分3. (共2分)4. (共2分)5. (共2分)五、填空题(本大题共10空,每空1分,共10分)。



川大期末考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不是四川大学的校训?A. 海纳百川B. 有容乃大C. 厚德载物D. 博学笃行答案:C2. 四川大学位于我国的哪个省份?A. 四川省B. 重庆市C. 云南省D. 贵州省答案:A3. 四川大学的前身是哪一所大学?A. 成都大学B. 四川师范大学C. 四川大学D. 华西医科大学答案:D4. 四川大学的校徽颜色是什么?A. 蓝色B. 绿色C. 红色D. 黄色答案:A5. 四川大学的校庆日是哪一天?A. 5月4日B. 9月28日C. 10月1日D. 11月11日答案:B6. 四川大学的校歌名称是什么?A. 《川大之歌》B. 《四川大学校歌》C. 《海纳百川》D. 《川大颂》答案:B7. 四川大学的校训中“海纳百川”的含义是什么?A. 包容并蓄B. 勇敢无畏C. 智慧卓越D. 勤奋进取答案:A8. 四川大学的校训中“有容乃大”的含义是什么?A. 包容并蓄B. 勇敢无畏C. 智慧卓越D. 勤奋进取答案:A9. 四川大学的校训中“博学笃行”的含义是什么?A. 广泛学习,坚定实践B. 勇敢无畏C. 智慧卓越D. 勤奋进取答案:A10. 四川大学的校训中“厚德载物”的含义是什么?A. 广泛学习,坚定实践B. 勇敢无畏C. 智慧卓越D. 包容并蓄答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 四川大学的校训包括哪些内容?A. 海纳百川B. 有容乃大C. 厚德载物D. 博学笃行答案:ABCD2. 四川大学的校徽中包含哪些元素?A. 书卷B. 校名C. 校训D. 校庆日答案:ABC3. 四川大学的校歌中提到了哪些内容?A. 川大精神B. 川大历史C. 川大校训D. 川大校徽答案:ABC4. 四川大学的校训中体现了哪些价值观?A. 包容B. 智慧C. 勤奋D. 勇敢答案:ABC5. 四川大学的校训中“海纳百川”和“有容乃大”共同体现了什么?A. 包容并蓄B. 勇敢无畏C. 智慧卓越D. 勤奋进取答案:A三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 四川大学的校训是“海纳百川,有容乃大”。



四川⼤大学“⼤大学英语(阅读与翻译)- 2” 期末考试试题(闭卷)A 卷(2019—2020学年年第 2 学期)课程号:105368020 课序号: 课程名称: 任课教师: 成绩: 适用专业年级:2019级 学生人数: 印题份数: 学号: 姓名: 第 1 ⻚页,共 11 ⻚页试卷编号:(注意:所有答案请写在答题纸上)Part I Reading Comprehension (65 points)Section A (3.5*10 = 35 points)Directions: Read the following passage and use NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS to fill in each blank in the outline below. Remember to write down the answers on the Answer Sheet .California's Higher Education - From American Dream to Dilemma[1] For the Golden State of California, 1960 was a golden year: It was a time of rapid development, and part of this massive development was a system of public higher education.[2] California's higher education prospects of 1960 were built on a distinctive historical foundation. The idea that the state's colleges and universities could – and should – be the source of an informed, responsible citizenry and state leadership had been established by legislators and voters by World War I.[3] Robert Gordon Sproul, president of the University of California, who served from 1930 to 1958, built on this early vision. He set up six campuses statewide as part of a creation of a multi-campus system to meet California's growing demand for higher education.[4] In 1958, Clark Kerr was named president of the University of California system. With Kerr's efforts higher education became part of the California dream. In 1960 the state legislature passed the Donahoe Act, which included a 246-page report, "A Master Plan for Higher Education in California, 1960-1975." On Oct. 17, 1960, Time magazine featured Clark Kerr on its cover as the "Master Planner."[5] The California dream of higher education combined access to higher education with affordability and choice. The new California policy of no tuition was extended to all public colleges and universities statewide. Furthermore, the master plan promoted state-funded student scholarships through a state agency created in 1955, the California Student Aid Commission.[6] California came to provide a high quality of education – the best in the country. A 1966 report by the American Council on Education shows that University of California, Berkeley was the top university at the time in America for overall quality in graduate education. Between 1939 and 1968, 12 professors at UC Berkeley had received the Nobel Prize, the highest number at any university.[7] Resources were made available for the realization of the dream. As part of passing the Donahoe Act in 1960, the California state government approved US$1 billion in funding for higher education facilities. Central to its growth was an expansion of campuses. Between 1964 and 1965 the University of California built three new campuses – at SanDiego, Irvine and Santa Cruz.[8] By 1967, however, the master plan was encountering problems – it was expensive and increasingly seemed not sustainable.[9] State Senator George Deukmejian voiced Republican concerns about higher education. He argued in favor of adding a tuition charge for University of California students and endorsed Governor Ronald Reagan's new "equal education plan." The plan called for a modest tuition of $250 per year for the university and $80 per year in the state colleges.[10] The Republican reform plan included grants or loans to those who could not afford the modest tuition. It was noted that half of the enrolled students came from relatively affluent families. Only about 12 percent came from modest-income families earning $6,000 year or less.[11] Today, California's higher education system struggles with budget cuts and an uncertain future. There are concerns that the public universities are soon going to be "public no more." As education scholar Brendan Cantwell notes, even the preeminent research university, Berkeley, has been hit by budget cuts. At the same time, the state's outstanding private colleges and universities have soared in terms of academic standards, selective admissions, tuition revenues, new construction and federal research grants.[12] The master plan has struggled to keep up. It has gone through many reviews and revisions, the latest of which, in 2017, emphasized improving access and affordability. But the convergence of these trends, combined with fluctuations in the state economy and tax revenues, has turned the Californian dream of higher education into an American dilemma.(603 words)第2⻚页,共11⻚页试卷编号:(每个答案不超过5个单词!)California's Higher Education - From American Dream to Dilemma: An OutlineI.Start of the DreamA. 1 _______________________ formed by World War IB.Robert Gordon Sproul’s 2_______________________II.The Dream YearsA.Clark Kerr’s 3_______________________B. 4 _______________________ of higher educationC.California’s 5_______________________ of educationD.Funding and 6_______________________III.7_______________________ EncounteredA.George Deukmejian’s argument for a 8 _______________________B.9 _______________________ to poor studentsIV.Realities Today: the DilemmaA.Struggles with 10 _______________________B.Struggles with the master planSection B (2*15 = 30 points)Directions:There are 6 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and write it down on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.[1]What do Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Usher and Lady Gaga have in common apart from being highly popular, and rich, music singers? The answer is they all owe some of their success to people behind the scenes from a relatively small country in northern Europe – Sweden. Ever since ABBA exploded onto the world stage in 1974 by winning the European song contest with their easy-to-sing-along hit “Waterloo”, Swedish groups, and more importantly the people who make the groups what they are, have had a disproportionate influence on modern music. To understand why this should be so it is important to see how Sweden nurtures its musical talent.第3 ⻚页,共 11 ⻚页试卷编号:[2] All Swedish children are encouraged and expected to learn how to appreciate music and play an instrument from kindergarten onwards. After-school music lessons are inexpensive and instruments may be rented. Music education is supported by the government as may be seen by the recent establishment of the Academy of Music and Business (AMB) in southern Sweden by two music producers and teachers, which receives funds for each of the students enrolled in the school. The school aims to develop both creativity and commercial success in young musicians by preparing them for the enormous changes the music industry is facing. Note the second half of the school’s name is “Business.” This is a clear recognition of the fact that in Sweden music making is about making money. In 2011, Sweden’s foreign music sales earned the country US $135 million, which placed it third in the world after the USA and the UK and the highest in the world on a per capita basis.[3] So who are the people responsible for making money out of music and helping the big name stars achieve such popularity? The man credited with starting Sweden’s creative push into modern music is Dag V olle aka Denniz Pop. It is claimed that he discovered the Swedish group Ace of Base in the early 1990s when the group’s demo tape got jammed in his car stereo and he had to listen to it over and over again. He loved the song so much that he decided to release it to the public. Their new title, “All That She Wants” became a smash hit. He subsequently opened a recording studio, Cheiron Studios, and it was there that he produced the debut album for one of the biggest boy bands of the 1990s, Backstreet Boys. V olle worked collaboratively with, and mentored, a number of young songwriters until his death in 1998. Perhaps the best known of these today is Max Martin.[4]Max Martin, whose real name is Martin Karl Sandberg, has written a string of hits for some of the biggest recording artists in the world today. These include Kelly Clarkson’s “Since U Been Gone,” Usher’s “DJ Got Us Fallin’ in Love,” and Britney Spears’ “Baby One More Time.” Other prominent Swedish songwriters and producers include Andreas Carlsson, who co-wrote “Bye Bye Bye” for NSYNC, Shellback, Bloodshy and RedOne, who co-wrote and produced two of Lady Gaga’s biggest hits “Poker Face” and “Bad Romance.” If you have not heard of any of these people maybe it is because the Swedes famously do not like standing out from the crowd, but prefer to work their magic behind the scenes.第4⻚页,共 11⻚页试卷编号:[5] Aside from writing and producing hits, Swedes are also activein other areas of the music business: as sound and video engineers and technicians, the people who make the music sound the way it does; choreographers and directors who put together the all-important videos that accompany songs and often do so much to shape the image of the artist, especially when seen by millions on YouTube; Sweden also has a great number of music teachers and voice coaches, managers, marketers and promoters. The fans who buy the star’s music may be unaware of these teams of people working in collaboration in the background, but these professionals are all crucial for the ultimate success of the artist’s work.[6] One reason why Sweden is so active in the music field may come down to its adaptability. Ola Hakansson, a singer whose career spans fifty years, says, “We’re a small country, so we can’t set any trends, but we’re really good at picking up on other people’s, and we’re really good at mimicking.” A case in point is ABBA, whose records mix jazz, blues, and keyboard style with local folk music, and have sold over 380 million copies.[7] Another reason is that nearly all Swedes are fluent in the music world’s lingua franca – English. In order to be globally successful songs need to be written and performed in English. Swedish groups are well placed to capitalize on their linguistic prowess. Since ABBA, other Swedish artists making waves in the music world include Roxette, The Cardigans, Avicii and Robyn.[8] So the next time you buy a CD or download a song by a band or singer that you like, why not check out who wrote it, who produced it, who directed the dance moves on the video, and who manages the artist. You may not now be so surprised to find that someone from Sweden is behind the effort to create the perfect pop song!(875 words)11. What is the exact meaning of "disproportionate" in Para. 1 ?A)Big country, small influence.B)Small country, big influence.C)Less population, more money.D)More population, less money.第5⻚页,共 11 ⻚页试卷编号:12. Which country ranked FIRST in foreign music sales business in 2011?A)Sweden.B)Switzerland.C)UK.D)USA.13. Who is the best-known Swedish songwriter according to the passage?A)Dag V olle aka Denniz Pop.B)Martin Karl Sandberg.C)Andereas Carlsson.D)Shellback.14. Which of the following is one of the reasons for Sweden’s being active in the musicfield?A)Swedes like standing out from the crowd.B)Swedes do all business related to music.C)Swedes are good at imitating others.D)Swedes have talent in music.15. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A)Swedish groups always adapt to audience’s tastes.B)ABBA is good at picking up on blues.C)The lingua franca in Sweden is music.D)Swedish people’s language skills give them an edge.Passage TwoQuestions 16 to 19 are based on the following passage.[1] We’ll sit tables apart at near-empty restaurants, wear medical masks in public, keep a six-foot distance from others while shopping, and submit to routine temperature checks at work. These scenes may look more like an episode of Black Mirror, but the world’s new reality amid the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is forcing the global society to confront issues beyond the scope of science fiction to revive communities slowly, safely and sustainably.[2] New York may have the Empire State Building, lit up in festive hues to mark holidays big and small, but in Washington’s Petworth neighborhood, residents look to the front lawn of a blue rowhouse to celebrate the passage of time. Pirate ships and undead swashbucklers for Halloween. Cartoonish turkeys for Thanksgiving. Pink and red hearts for Valentine’s Day. Red, white and blue everything for the Fourth of July. Bright rainbows and unicorns to honor Pride.第6⻚页,共 11 ⻚页试卷编号:[3] Hardly a holiday goes uncelebrated. Even the small ones.[4] So when the District announced its stay-at-home order, meant to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, it was no surprise to neighbors that homeowners Curtis Gilbert and Chris Rowland transformed their Easter Bunny display into a flashy pandemic warning sign.[5] The couple measured a six-foot arrow and propped it up between two rabbits, ensuring they were socially distanced as they held speckled Easter eggs. They wanted the crowds on the green grass of Sherman Circle across the street to see: Even the Easter Bunny was keeping his social distance. “We wanted it to be a friendly reminder that it is a pandemic,” Gilbert said. “But with all the horrible news, we were hoping it would give people a chance to giggle, too.”[6] Even the mayor took notice. On Easter Sunday, D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser tweeted a photo of the bunnies. “Happy Easter!” she wrote, after changing her Twitter username to include the hashtag #StayHomeDC.[7] As the pandemic death toll has continued to climb — and states struggle with how best to keep their residents safe — Gilbert and Rowland said they didn’t feel it was right to jump into their usual rotation of holiday trimmings. Instead they continued on the pandemic theme, hoping it would catch the eye of someone who might need a reminder to wear a face mask or keep their distance from others.[8] Gilbert and Rowland — who have been together for 25 years — were never much for holiday displays before 2013, when they moved into the house. But after the move, the couple realized they would likely get a stream of Halloween trick-or-treaters. They decided to embrace it, putting up a small display of skeletons to signal to neighborhood kids they were open for business.[9] The next year, the skeletons got a pirate ship, assembled with leftover wood from a backyard project. The house quickly became a destination for kids and their families. Although it’s not clear when they will be able to host a similar gathering without fears of clustered crowds and spreading disease, the couple said they hope the whimsical pandemic displays send a similar message to their community: we’re all in this together, even if we have to stand six feet apart.(521 words)16. Why does the author mention different festive celebrations in Para. 2?A)To present how much people in New York love celebrating holidays.B)To show that New York can continue to be a metropolitan city.C)To explain holiday decoration services people should have held.D)To suggest that there could be no festive hues to mark holidays over the months.第7⻚页,共 11 ⻚页试卷编号:17. What did the couple do for their community during the pandemic according to thepassage?A)They texted messages to their community that we were all together for thepandemic.B)They warned clustered crowds against the pandemic by asking them to stay home.C)They decorated their house to signal to neighborhood kids they loved the kids verymuch.D)They reminded people of social distancing by connecting two Easter bunnies withthe warning sign of six-foot length.18. Which of the following statements is not TRUE?A)D.C mayor acknowledged the couple’s behavior by tweeting the bunnies picture.B)The couple have been proud of themselves on delivering holiday cheers year byyear since they were together.C)The couple considered it’s not right to jump into the usual holiday displays in thepandemic situation.D)The neighborhood kids and their families used to gather in the couple’s house inholiday seasons.19. The word “whimsical” in Para. 9 is closest in meaning to_____.A)Fanciful DisplaysB)Weird displaysC)Impractical displaysD)Capricious displaysPassage ThreeQuestions 20 is based on the following passage.Campus organizer: Before last year’s campus cleanup, only 69 of the students signed up to participate, but then well over 100 actually participated. This year, 75 students have signed up to participate. Since our campus cleanup will be a success if we have at least 100 participants, we can be confident that this year’s cleanup will be a success.20. The reasoning in the campus organizer’s argument is most vulnerable to criticism on thegrounds that the argument ________.A)confuses a condition that is required for an outcome with one that is sufficient for thatoutcomeB) generalizes about the outcome of an event based on a single observation of a similarsituationC) overlooks the possibility that the cleanup will attract participants who are not studentsat campusD) defines a term in such a way as to ensure that whatever the outcome, it will beconsidered a positive outcome第8⻚页,共 11 ⻚页试卷编号:Passage FourQuestions 21 is based on the following passage.Psychologist: In our study, participants who were offered the opportunity to purchase a Starbucks mug were not willing to pay more than $10. If, however, they were given a very similar mug and asked immediately afterwards how much they would be willing to sell it for, most of them held out for more than $10.21. Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancydescribed above?A)A person’s assessment of the value of an object depends on his or her evaluation of the inherent properties of the object.B)The amount a person is willing to spend on an object is determined by the amount that object sold for in the past.C)People tend to value an object that they do not own less than they value a very similar object that they already own.D)People are more likely to undervalue objects they have been given than objects they have purchased.Passage FiveQuestions 22 is based on the following passage.Global use of the Internet has led to an increase in certain crimes such as information theft and to new crimes like hacking. This seems due, at least in part, to the impersonal nature of the Internet. People seem to feel more free to harm others through the Internet than in person, suggesting that people feel less morally constrained when they use the Internet. For this reason, steps should be taken to educate people about the ethical use of the Internet.22. Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps to justify the reasoning inthe argument?A) When new technologies emerge, society needs to formulate new ethical guidelines tocover the use of those technologies.B) The more educated that people are about the ethical usage of the Internet, the greaterthe amount of harm that they can do to others.C) People feel morally constrained from doing an action only if that action causes harmto others.D) Education about the ethical use of a tool increases one’s sense of moral responsibilityregarding its use.第9 ⻚页,共 11 ⻚页试卷编号:Passage SixQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the following passage.A Professor of life science will assign each of five students—Li Hua, Han Meimei, Li Ming, Xiao Long, and Xiao Fan—to exactly one of two research teams, the Jiang’an team and the Huaxi team. One team will have two members, and the other will have three members. One member of each team will be designated as facilitator. The assignment must satisfy the following conditions:•Li Hua is assigned to a different team than Xiao Fan is.•Li Ming is assigned to Jiang’an team.•Han Meimei is not a facilitator.•Xiao Fan is a facilitator.23. Which one of the following could be an accurate listing of the members and facilitatorsof the two research teams?A) Jiang’an team: Han Meimei, Li Ming(facilitator), Xiao Fan;Huaxi team: Li Hua, Xiao Long(facilitator)B) Jiang’an team: Han Meimei, Xiao Long, Xiao Fan(facilitator)Huaxi team: Li Hua(facilitator), Li MingC) Jiang’an team: Li Ming, Xiao Fan( facilitator)Huaxi team: Li Hua, Han Meimei(facilitator), Xiao LongD) Jiang’an team: Han Meimei, Li Ming, Xiao Fan(facilitator);Huaxi team: Li Hua(facilitator), Xiao Long24. Which one of the following must be true?A) Li Hua is assigned to Huaxi team.B) Xiao Fan is assigned to Jiang’an team.C) Li Hua and Xiao Long are not both facilitators.D) Neither Li Hua nor Han Meimei is a facilitator.25. If Xiao Long is assigned to Jiang’an team, then which one of the following must betrue?A) Han Meimei is assigned to Huaxi team.B) Li Hua is assigned to Jiang’an team.C) Xiao Fan is assigned to Jiang’an team.D) Xiao Long is a facilitator.第10 ⻚页,共 11 ⻚页试卷编号:Part II Writing (35 points)Directions:In this part, you are allowed about 30 minutes for a Xu Writing (续写) of no fewer than 120 words based on the following passage taken from the textbook. (Attention: part of the original article has been adapted in the following passage for the convenience of all students to write about.)Scoring Rubric(评分参考):•Coherence and cohesion with the given passage (续写内容与前⽂连贯度)(40%);•Verbal dexterity (语⾔表达,包括语⾔⾃然流畅度和词汇丰富性等)(60%).When I was growing up I was told, as many students are, to do what I am best at. But I didn’t know what that was. Most people think that when you are good at something, it comes easily to you. But this is what I discovered: just because a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you are not good at it. You just have to grit your teeth and work harder to get good at it. Once you do, there’s a strong chance you will enjoy it more than anything else.In eighth grade I took algebra. On one test I got only 36 percent of the answers correct. I failed the next one, too. I started to think, maybe I’m just no good at this. I was lucky enough to have a teacher who didn’t take my bad grades as a judgement of my abilities, but simply as an indication that I should study more. He pulled me aside and told me he knew I could do better. He let me retake the tests, and I pulled my grade up to an A.I studied a lot in college, too. I had moments of panic while sitting underneath the buzzing fluorescent lights in the engineering library on Saturday afternoons, when I worried that I was not able to fully understand thermodynamics. But the guys in my classes had to work just as hard, and I knew that I couldn’t afford to lose confidence in myself. The ones that say that math comes more naturally to men or language would be easier to women are based on a faulty premise: that you can judge a person’s abilities separate from the cultural cues that they have received since they are infants. No man is an island. No woman, is either.Why are we so quick to limit ourselves? It may be true that some people favor the right side of their brain, and others the left. Instead of translating our differences into hard and fast conclusions about the human brain, why can’t we focus instead on how incredibly flexible we are?(357 words)第11 ⻚页,共 11 ⻚页试卷编号:。

大学计算机基础 四川大学期末考试题.

大学计算机基础 四川大学期末考试题.








ENTER (A回车键回车键ENTERBackSpace 退格键BackSpace(B退格键(C换档键Shift 换档键ShiftTab 制表键Tab(D制表键8.左手的中指应放在键盘上【】位置。






四川大学 期末 考试试题考试试题((闭卷闭卷))(2016——2017学年第 1 学期学期))课程号:204127030 课序号: 1-4 课程名称:微生物学 任课教师: 孙群、徐恒、张杰、赵建 成绩: 适用专业年级:2015生命学院各专业 学生人数: 137 印题份数: 148 学号: 姓名: 考 生 承 诺我已认真阅读并知晓《四川大学考场规则》和《四川大学本科学生考试违纪作弊处分规定(修订)》,郑重承诺:1、已按要求将考试禁止携带的文具用品或与考试有关的物品放置在指定地点;2、不带手机进入考场;3、考试期间遵守以上两项规定,若有违规行为,同意按照有关条款接受处理。

考生签名考生签名::一、填空(25分,每空1分)1. 上世纪五十年代我国学者汤飞凡教授分离的 研究成果是一项具有国际领先水平的开创性成果。

2. 在鉴别EMB 培养基上,在反射光下大肠杆菌菌落呈现的颜色是 。

3. 病毒的核酸类型是极其多样的,总的来说,动物病毒以 和 居多,植物病毒以 居多,而噬菌体以 居多。

4. 要获得金黄色葡萄球菌原生质体,可用 酶去掉细胞壁,而要获得酵母菌的原生质体,则要用 酶去掉细胞壁。

5. 列举一种益生菌,中文名: 英文名: 。

6. 常见的食品保存方法包括 、 、 。

7. 葡萄糖效应是指在培养基中葡萄糖没有被利用完之前,大肠杆菌 操纵子一直被阻遏。

8. 利用细菌营养缺陷型的回复突变来检测环境或食品中化学物质致突变性的简便有效方法是 。

9. 抗原一般应同时具备两个特性:免疫原性和免疫反应性。

缺乏 而有 的物质,称为半抗原或不完全抗原。

10. 大多数对蛋白质合成有抑制作用的抗生素利用了原核与真核细胞在 上差异11. Woese 等将生物分为 、 和 三域。

12. 常用的微生物菌种保藏方法包括 、 、 、 。

第 1 页,共 3 页试卷编号:二、下列拉丁文译成中文下列拉丁文译成中文::(5分,每题1分) 1. Streptococcus pneumoniae2. Salmonella typhimurium3. Bacillus thuringiensis4. Saccharomyces cerevisiae5. Cyanobacteria三、名词解释名词解释((30分,每题5分)1. 亚病毒2. 灭菌3. 抗原决定簇4. 光复活作用5. 干扰素6. 最低抑制浓度(MIC )四、问答题问答题((40分,四选三四选三,,第一题必选第一题必选))1. 木质纤维素尤其是木质素难以被降解,如何理解木生真菌对木质纤维素的降解和利用。


二、A2型题 (答题说明:案例摘要型最佳选择题。每一道考题是一个案答案,并在显示器选择相应
一、A1型题 (答题说明:单句型最佳选择题。每一道考题下面均有五个备选答案。在答题时,只需从中选择一个最合适的答案,并在显示器选择相应的答案或在答题卡上相应位置涂黑,以示正确回答。 共有26题,合计26分。)
的答案或在答题卡上相应位置涂黑,以示正确回答。 共有7题,合计14分。)



川大期末考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 四川大学的校训是()。

A. 海纳百川,有容乃大B. 厚德载物,自强不息C. 明德新民,止于至善D. 博学笃志,切问近思答案:A2. 四川大学的前身之一是()。

A. 华西医科大学B. 成都科技大学C. 四川联合大学D. 成都大学答案:A3. 四川大学的校庆日是每年的()。

A. 5月4日B. 9月29日C. 10月1日D. 11月11日答案:B4. 四川大学的校歌是()。

A. 《四川大学校歌》B. 《华西医科大学校歌》C. 《成都科技大学校歌》D. 《四川联合大学校歌》答案:A5. 四川大学的校徽中的主要元素是()。

A. 书卷和凤凰B. 书卷和龙C. 书卷和熊猫D. 书卷和莲花答案:A6. 四川大学的校花是()。

A. 梅花B. 荷花C. 桂花D. 牡丹答案:C7. 四川大学的校树是()。

A. 松树C. 银杏树D. 榕树答案:C8. 四川大学的校史馆位于()。

A. 望江校区B. 华西校区C. 江安校区D. 龙泉校区答案:A9. 四川大学的图书馆藏书量超过()万册。

A. 300B. 400C. 500答案:C10. 四川大学的现任校长是()。

A. 李言荣B. 谢和平C. 李向群D. 张林答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 四川大学的前身包括()。

A. 四川中西学堂B. 华西协和大学C. 成都工学院D. 成都科技大学答案:ABD12. 四川大学的国家级重点学科包括()。

A. 数学B. 材料科学与工程C. 化学工程与技术D. 生物学答案:ABCD13. 四川大学的国家级重点实验室包括()。

A. 国家生物医学材料工程技术研究中心B. 国家高分子材料工程研究中心C. 国家水污染控制工程技术研究中心D. 国家能源新材料工程技术研究中心答案:ABC14. 四川大学的国家级教学团队包括()。

A. 数学教学团队B. 材料科学与工程教学团队C. 化学工程与技术教学团队D. 生物学教学团队答案:ABCD15. 四川大学的国家级精品课程包括()。



四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷、开卷、半开卷)(2007-2008学年第1学期)课程号:30403030 课程名称:计算机图形学(A卷)任课教师:陈蓉,代术成适用专业年级:计算机科学技术学号:姓名:一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)提示:在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。


A、7MB、8MC、10MD、16M2) ___C___是在高于显示分辨率的较高分辨率下用点取样方法计算,然后对几个像素的属性进行平均得到较低分辨率下的像素属性。



若Patten=11100101,而i表示画线程序中的第i个像素,则画线程序中的SETPIXEL(X,Y,COLOR)可改写为___C__A、if(pattern[i%4])setixel(x,y,color);B、if(pattern[i%6])setixel(x,y,color);C、if(pattern[i%8])setixel(x,y,color);D、if(pattern[i%12])setixel(x,y,color);4、点P 的齐次坐标为(8,6,2),其对应的空间坐标为__D ____。

A 、(8,6,2) B 、(8,6) C 、(4,3,1) D 、(4,3)5)在多边形的逐边裁剪法中,对于某条多边形的边(方向为从端点S 到端点P)与某条裁剪线(窗口的某一边)的比较结果共有以下四种情况,分别需输出一些顶点.请问哪种情况下输出的顶点是错误的____A ____。



四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷、开卷、半开卷)(2007-2008学年第1学期)课程号:30403030 课程名称:计算机图形学(A卷)任课教师:陈蓉,代术成适用专业年级:计算机科学技术学号:姓名:一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)提示:在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。


A、7MB、8MC、10MD、16M2) ___C___是在高于显示分辨率的较高分辨率下用点取样方法计算,然后对几个像素的属性进行平均得到较低分辨率下的像素属性。



若Patten=11100101,而i表示画线程序中的第i个像素,则画线程序中的SETPIXEL(X,Y,COLOR)可改写为___C__A、if(pattern[i%4])setixel(x,y,color);B、if(pattern[i%6])setixel(x,y,color);C、if(pattern[i%8])setixel(x,y,color);D、if(pattern[i%12])setixel(x,y,color);4、点P 的齐次坐标为(8,6,2),其对应的空间坐标为__D ____。

A 、(8,6,2) B 、(8,6) C 、(4,3,1) D 、(4,3)5)在多边形的逐边裁剪法中,对于某条多边形的边(方向为从端点S 到端点P)与某条裁剪线(窗口的某一边)的比较结果共有以下四种情况,分别需输出一些顶点.请问哪种情况下输出的顶点是错误的____A ____。


int main()
int i, x;
for(i=1; i<=50; i++)
int main()
char str[ ]="quert?", *p=str;
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int main( )
char a[80]="AB",b[80]= "LMNP";
int i=0;
strcat(a, b);
while(a[i++] != '\0')
return 0;
int red;
int green;
int blue;



大学计算机基础 四川大学期末考试题

大学计算机基础 四川大学期末考试题
本文档素材取自于各种资料,不是陈杰华原创,欢迎各位老师、同学共同切磋或发送邮件至 chenjiehua@。第11页共32页
(C)数据共享性、数据独立性和冗余度小 (D)数据共享性和数据独立性 40. 关于信息和数据,下面正确的说法是【 】 (A)信息与数据,只有区别没有联系 (B)信息是数据的载体 (C)同一信息用同一数据表示形式 (D)数据处理本质上就是信息处理
信子网组成。 10. 数据库管理系统不属于系统软件。各位老师、同学共同切磋或发送邮件至 chenjiehua@。第14页共32页
四、简答题(每题 5 分,共 20 分)
1. 计算机是由哪五大部件组成的?请简要说明这些部件的具体功能。 2. 计算机系统是由哪两大系统组成的?请简要说明这两大系统的关系。 3. 什么是操作系统?简述操作系统一般应该具有哪五大管理功能? 4. 请简要说明数据庫系统组成的四个方面。
6. 数字字符“1”的 ASCII 码的十进制表示为 49,那么数字字符“8”的 ASCII 码的十进 制表示为【 】。 (A)56 (B)58 (C)60 (D)54
7. 键盘当中用来输入上档字符的是【 】。 (A)回车键 ENTER
本文档素材取自于各种资料,不是陈杰华原创,欢迎各位老师、同学共同切磋或发送邮件至 chenjiehua@。第2页共32页
二、填空题(每题 1 分,共 30 分)
1. 将各种数据转换成为计算机能处理的形式并输送到计算机中去的设备统称为【 】。 2. 一个非零的无符号二进制整数,若在其右边末尾加上两个“0”形成一个新的无符号二
进制整数,则新的数是原来数的【 】倍。 3. 以国标码为基础的汉字机内码是两字节编码,每个字节的最高位为【 】。 4. 磁盘驱动器属于【 】。 5. 总线分为地址总线、数据总线和【 】总线。 6. 为区分内存中不同存储单元可为每个存储单元分配一个编号,称为内存【 】。 7. 计算机硬件系统由【 】、存储器、输入设备和输出设备五大部件组成。 8. 微机可以配置不同的显示系统,在 CGA、EGA 和 VGA 标准中,显示性能最好的一种是


Implicate(tnu, pnu,role,period)。
Project表示项目,可简单地用P表示, pnu,pname,type,fee,starttime,endtime,conclusion分别表示项目编号、名称、类型、费用、开始时间、结束时间和结题结论。



四川大学锦江学院期末考试试题A (标准答案)
课程代码: 课程名称: 任课教师: 成 绩:
院 系: 班 级: 学 号: 姓
名: 专 业: 学生人数: 印题份数: (开卷,闭卷,)




4、已知K sp(CaSO4)=9.1×10-6,K sp(BaSO4)=1。



2/Cl‐)=1.36V;E(Fe3+/Fe2+)= +0.77V;E(Br


(C)两者均可 (D)两者都不行。



四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷)(2020——2021学年第 1 学期)A卷课程号:201137050 课序号:课程名称:微积分(Ⅰ)-1 任课教师:成绩:试卷编号:(1)n+-与轴所围成区域的面积x试卷编号:20202021(I)-1-四川大学学年微积分期末试题参考答案(315)一、填空题每小题分,共分3221111.3 2.1 3.3 4.arctan ln(1)3665.131x x x x C y x y x --+++=+=-;;;;;.(832)二、计算题每小题分,共分222021(121.lim.cos x x x x x e→-+--求极限 2224422421111cos 1()1()()2!4!2!2!2x x x x x o x e x o x -=-++=-+-+解因为,,12244211(1)1()28x x x o x =+=+-+ ……………….. 3分2244211101~cos ~2812xx x x x e x -→+---所以当时,,……………….. 6分404138lim .1212x xx →==--因此,原式 ……………….. 8分23332.()(1)sin ()sin d ().x f x x e x f x x x f x ππ-=++⎰设,求33()sin d sin ]A f x x x x ππππ-=-⎰解设,两边同乘并在区间,上积分,得23363()sind (1)sin d sin d x f x x x xe x x A x x ππππππ---=++⎰⎰⎰ ……….. 4分由奇偶性得662605315sin d 4sin d 4I 4.64228A x x x x πππππ-====⋅⋅⋅⋅=⎰⎰2335()(1)sin .8x f x x e x π=++所以 …………….. 8分3.()(0)()1[()()]sin d .f x f f f x f x x x ππ''''==+⎰已知连续,且,求积分的值()sin d ()sin d ()sin d sin d ()f x x x f x x x f x x x x f x ππππ'''=+=+⎰⎰⎰⎰解由分部积分公式原式00()sin d [()sin |()cos d ]f x x x f x x f x x x πππ''=+-⎰⎰()sin d ()cos d f x x x f x x x ππ'=-⎰⎰ …………….. 4分()sin d cos d ()f x x x x f x ππ=-⎰⎰00()sin d [cos ()|()sin d ]f x x x x f x f x x x πππ=-+⎰⎰…………….. 6分2= …………….. 8分22(12)4.()cos (0).f x x x f =设,求222211()cos cos 222f x x x x x x ==+解首先, …………….. 2分 由莱布尼茨公式(12)22(12)2(12)111()(cos 2)(cos 2)222f x x x x x x =+=⋅(12)21(11)2(10)12121[(cos 2)(cos 2)2(cos 2)20]2x x C x x C x =⋅+⋅+⋅+……….. 6分 (12)2(10)1201(0)(cos 2)2|2x f C x ==⋅⋅所以10100662cos(210)|662.2x x π==⋅⋅+⋅=-⋅ …………….. 8分(1020)三、解答题每小题分,共分220()()1.()0lim1lim(0)x ax x t f x t d tf x f x x b b xxa b →→-===≠⎰设函数在处可导,且,若,求,的值.()lim1 0()~.x f x x f x x x→=→解知,当时,因此 22222220011()()()()22x x x t f x t d t f x t d x t f u du -=---=⎰⎰⎰ ……….. 4分224001110()~224x x x f u du udu x →=⎰⎰所以,当时,,从而2204()1lim4x x t f x t d tx →-=⎰14.4a b ∴==, …………….. 10分 232.()1(1)0().23nnx x x f x x n n=-+-++-=讨论方程为正整数有几个实根0()0.0x f x x ≤>>解易知当时,,无实根故就讨论即可. 212221(1) 21()10.1k k x n k f x x x xx--+'=-=-+-+-=-<+当时,()(0)1()f x f f =+∞=-∞严格单减,,,.由零点存在定理知原方程有唯一实根 …………….. 6分 22211(2) 2()10 1.1k k x n k f x x x xx x--'==-+-+=-==+当时,令,得01()0() 1()0()x f x f x x f x f x ''<<<>>当时,,严格单减;当时,,严格单增.11111(1)(11)()()02322212f k k k=-+-++-+>--而,2.n k =因此当时原方程无实根 …………….. 10分(1020)四、应用题每小题分,共分sin 1.(02).1cos x t t t x y tπ=-⎧≤≤⎨=-⎩求由曲线与轴所围成区域的面积解 区域的面积20d A y x π=⎰…………….. 2分20(1cos )d(sin )t t t π=--⎰22244200(1cos )d 4sin d 16sin d 2tt t t u u πππ=-==⎰⎰⎰ ………….. 8分31163422ππ=⋅⋅⋅= …………….. 10分2.(110)(021).(1)0(2)(3)02.A B AB z AB AB z z z ===设空间有两点,,,,,求经过且与坐标面垂直的平面方程;求经过的直线方程;将直线绕轴旋转一周,求介于面与之间的旋转体体积(1)(001).()n M x y z =解 平面的法矢量,,设所求平面上任意一点为,,,则1111101[]020.x y z AM AB n x y ---==+-=,,,即平面方程为…………….. 3分11(2).111x y zAB --==-由两点式知经过的直线方程为…………….. 6分 22222(3)11.[02]()()((1)(1))2(1).AB x z y z z z A z x y z z z πππ=-=+=+=-++=+由直线的方程知:,故在区间,上任取一点,做垂直于轴的截面,面积为222028()d 2(1)d .3V A z z z z ππ==+=⎰⎰因此旋转体的体积为…………….. 10分(162713)五、证明题第小题分,第小题分,共分120121.()[0]()d 0(1)(0)()0(2)()cos d 0(0)()()0.f x C f x x f f x x x f f πππξπξηηπηη∈=∈==∈==⎰⎰设函数,,满足,证明:存在,,使得;若同时还满足,则存在不同的,,,使得0(1)()()(0)0()0(0)xF x f t d t F F ππξ===⎰证明令,则,,由罗尔定理知,在,内至少存在,()0()0.F f ξξ'==使得,即 …………….. 3分 00(2)0()cos cos ()[cos ()]sin ()sin ()f x xd x xd F x xF x xF x d x xF x d xπππππ===+=⎰⎰⎰⎰同时(1)(0)()sin 0()0.F F ξπξξξ∈==由知存在,,使得,即12[0][](0)ξξππηη在区间,,,上分别由罗尔定理即得:在,内存在两个不同的点,, 12()()0.f f ηη==使得 …………….. 6分11112.{}1 2.lim !.(1)n n n n n n a a a a n n a n a e-→∞-==≥=+设数列满足:,,证明111211111111!(1)!(1)!(1)!(1)!(2)!(2)!n n n n n a n a n a n n a n n n a ----+==+=++------证明111+1(1)!(2)!1!n n ==+++-- …………….. 3分 111+1()(1)!(2)!1!!e e e n n n n ξ+++=-→→∞--由泰勒公式知, …………….. 5分 11lim !lim.111+1(1)!(2)!1!n n n n a en n →∞→∞∴==+++-- …………….. 7分。



四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷)(2006 ——2007 学年第一学期)课程号:20402940 课序号:课程名称:生物化学任课教师:成绩:适用专业年级:2005级各专业学生人数:印题份数:学号:姓名:注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。

本题2 页,本页为第 2 页2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印2006-2007生物化学试题答案一、给出下列名词的中文含义(10个,1分/个,共10分)1. BCCP生物素羧基载体蛋白2. NAD+ 氧化型尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸3.cDNA 互补DNA4.hnRNA 不均一RNA5.cAMP 3,5-环化腺苷酸6.Tyr 络氨酸7.DDRP依赖于DNA 的RNA聚合酶8.GPT 谷丙转氨酶9.UDPG尿嘧啶二核苷酸葡萄糖10. tRNA fMet 甲酰甲硫氨酸-tRNA二、名词解释(10个,2分/个,共20分)1.构象是表示一个分子结构中一切原子沿共价键(单键)转动时而产生不同空间排列,它通常与分子的不对称性无关。







常分为αα、ββ、βαβ5. 外显子在DNA分子中,编码蛋白质氨基酸的部分。





川大期末考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不是成都的别称?A. 成都B. 锦城C. 蓉城D. 春城答案:D2. 成都平原位于哪个省份?A. 四川省B. 云南省C. 贵州省D. 重庆市答案:A3. 成都的市花是什么?A. 牡丹B. 玫瑰C. 杜鹃D. 芙蓉答案:D4. 成都市的市树是哪种?A. 柳树B. 松树C. 银杏D. 榕树答案:C5. 成都的市鸟是什么?A. 喜鹊B. 燕子C. 黄鹂D. 杜鹃答案:D6. 成都的地铁系统于哪一年开始运营?A. 2005年B. 2010年C. 2015年D. 2020年答案:B7. 成都的著名景点武侯祠是为了纪念哪位历史人物?A. 诸葛亮B. 刘备C. 张飞D. 关羽答案:A8. 成都的金沙遗址出土的文物主要反映了哪个朝代的文化?A. 商朝B. 周朝C. 秦朝D. 汉朝答案:D9. 成都的宽窄巷子是哪种建筑风格?A. 明清风格B. 唐宋风格C. 元朝风格D. 清朝风格答案:A10. 成都的大熊猫繁育研究基地位于哪个区?A. 成华区B. 武侯区C. 青羊区D. 锦江区答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 成都的著名小吃包括以下哪些?A. 龙抄手B. 担担面C. 麻婆豆腐D. 火锅答案:ABCD2. 成都的著名旅游景点包括以下哪些?A. 都江堰B. 青城山C. 峨眉山D. 乐山大佛答案:AB3. 成都的非物质文化遗产包括以下哪些?A. 川剧变脸B. 蜀绣C. 四川清音D. 四川评书答案:ABCD4. 成都的气候特点包括以下哪些?A. 四季分明B. 湿润多雨C. 冬暖夏凉D. 春秋较短答案:BD5. 成都的交通方式包括以下哪些?A. 地铁B. 公交C. 火车D. 飞机答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 成都是四川省的省会城市。

(对)2. 成都位于中国的南部。

(错)3. 成都的气候属于温带季风气候。

(对)4. 成都的市花是牡丹。



四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷)(2018——2019 学年第 2 学期) A 卷课程号:201138040 课序号:01~50 课程名称:微积分(I)-2 任课教师:成绩:第 1 页,共 2 页第 2 页,共 2 页⎨2018-2019 春微积分(I )-2 A 卷参考答案一.填空题(每小题 4 分,共 5 分)1.曲面 z = 2x 3 - y 2 在点(1,1,1)处的切平面方程是 ( 6x - 2 y - z- 3 = 0 ).解: dz = 6x 2dx - 2 ydy , 6x - 2 y - z - 3 = 02. 设= lnarctan y, 则 x=( 3 ).x = 2, y =1 5解 :∂z = 1 2x - 1 - y =x + y , ∂z =3∂x 2 x 2+y2y 2x21 +x2x 2 + y 2∂x x = 2, y =1 53 设 f ( x , y ) =+ ⎰⎰ x 2+ y 2≤1f (x , y )dxdy ,则⎰⎰x 2+ y2≤1f ( x ,y )dxdy =2π ().3(π-1)解:f ( x , y )dxdy = k = k )dxdy = 2π k π ⎰⎰⎰⎰ 3 +x 2 + y 2 ≤1x 2 + y 2 ≤14. f (x ) 是周期为2π的周期函数, f (x ) = ⎧cos x - 2, -π≤ x < 0, ⎩sin x + 2, 0 < x < π设 s (x ) 是其傅里叶级数的和函数, 则 s (π) = ( -1).2解: s (π) = 1 [ lim f ( x ) + lim f ( x )] = - 12 x →-π+x →π-2 5. 二阶微分方程 y y ''+ y '2= 1 的通解是(y 2 = x 2 + c x + c ).∂z ∂xy 2 = 2 ( x + c )dx = x 2 + ⎰ yy '=x + c ,12二.计算题(每小题 7 分,共 28 分)6.设e z + x - 2xy + z - 1 = 0 确定的函数 z = z ( x , y ) ,∂z ∂ 2z求(1) ∂y, (2)∂y ∂x. ( 0,0) 解:(1)方程两边同时对 y 求偏导:(1) (e z+ 1)∂z- 2x = 0,∂y…………………………………………..(2 分)∂z=2x, .............................. (1 分)∂y e z + 1(2) 方程 两边再同时对 x 求偏导:∂z ∂z ∂ 2z (2) e z⋅ + (e z + 1) - 2 = 0 …………………………..(2 分)∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y把 x =0,y =0 代入原方程可得 z = 0 ,( 0,0) = 2xe z + 1 = 0 , …(1 分)∂ 2 z=2=再代入方程(2), 得 ∂x ∂y e z +11 ................ (1 分)7. 空间闭曲面∑ 由 x 2 + y 2 = 1, z = 0和z = 4 + y 围成, 求它的表面积.解: S = π+⎰x 2 + y 2 =1(4 + y )ds +⎰⎰x 2 + y 2 ≤11dxdy…………………………..(4 分)= π+ 8π+2π=(9 + 2)π ……………………………..…………..(3 分)8. 计算曲线积分 I = ⎰L(e x sin y - 2 y )dx + (e x cos y - 3)dy ,其中 L 为由点 A:(2,0)到点 B;(1,2)再到原点 O (0,0)的折线段.解: ∂P =∂y ∂Q = ∂x ∂ (e x sin y - 2 y ) = e x cos y - 2 ,∂y∂(e x cos y - 3) = e x cos y ,∂x ∴ ∂P ≠ ∂y∂Q ∂x , 曲线积分与路径有关 .................... (1 分)∂z ∂y ( 0,D⎰⎰ =⎰⎰ ( ∂Q - ∂P )dxdy = 2⎰⎰ dxdy = 4,………………………… (3 分)ABOA ∂x ∂y D⎰OA= 20 ⋅ dx + (e x- 3) ⋅ 0 ⋅ dx = 0 , ............................ (1 分) 0因此∴ I =⎰AMOA- ⎰OA= 4- 0 = 4. ………………………… (1 分)⎰⎨⎩xy9. 设可导函数φ(x ) 满足φ(x ) c os x + 2 xφ(t )sin t d t = x +1, 求φ(x ) .解:设 y =φ(x ) , 两边对 x 求导,得y 'cos x + ysin x = 1其通解为 y = c cos x +sin x .………………………… (2 分)………………………… (4 分)因为 x = 0时, y = 1, 得c = 1. 所以 y = cos x + sin x .…………(1 分)三. 解答题(每小题 9 分,共 27 分)⎧ x k y10. 设二元函数 f ( x , y ) = ⎪ 4 x 2 + y 2, ( x , y ) ≠ (0, 0) . ⎪ 0,( x , y ) = (0, 0)(1) 当k 为何值时 f ( x , y ) 在点(0,0)处连续;(2) 当k 为何值时 f ( x , y ) 在点(0,0)处可微. 解:(1)令 x = ρcos θ, y = ρsin θ,lim f ( x , y ) = lim ρk -1 cos θsin θx →0 y →0ρ→0 1+ 3cos 2 θ 因为∀θ, cos θsin θ 有界,1+ 3cos 2 θ所以当k > 1时 f ( x , y ) 在点(0,0)处连续 ............. (3 分)(2)根据偏导数定义f (0, 0) = lim h →0f (0, 0) = lim k →0f (h , 0) - f (0, 0) = 0 hf (0, k ) - f (0,0)= 0 k…………………………… (2 分)讨论极限ρ→0 ρ= lim ρk -2 cos θsinθρ→0 1+3cos2 θ所以当k > 2 时f ( x, y) 在点(0,0)处可微............ (2 分)1+1+∞n =0⎩ 1 21 211. 设 f (x )=1x1+x 2∞+ arctan x , (1)把 f (x ) 展开成 x 的幂级数; (2)求 f (2019) (0) .n n解:= ∑(-1)x ,n =0x ∈(-1,1)…………………… (1 分)∴ x = 1+ x 2x ∑ n =0 (-1)nx 2n = ∑ n =0 (-1)nx 2n+1, x ∈(-1,1)…………………… (2 分)1 1 1 ∞ n 2narctan x = ⎰0 2 dx = ⎰0 ( ∑(-1) xn =0)dx= ∑(-1)nx 2n +1 , x ∈[-1,1]…………………… (3 分)n =02n +1f (x ) = x+ arctan x = ∞2n + 2 (-1)n x 2n +11+ x 2f (2019) (0) = 2019!a2019∑ 2n+1= -2019! 2020= -2020 ⋅ 2018!2019…………………… (1 分)…………………… (2 分)⎧ y ' - 3 y ' + 2 y = - xe x12 求初值问题⎨y (0) =y '(0) = 1的特解.解:对应特征方程为r 2 - 3r + 2 = 0 ,其特征根为r = 1, r = 212所以齐次方程的通解为 y = C e x+ C e 2 x ................................. (3 分)因为λ= 1 是单根, 设非齐次方程特解为 y * = x (ax +b )e x……… (2 分)代入原方程,化简得a =1, b = 1 . 所以 y * = ( 122x 2 + x )e x , .... (2 分)从而原方程的通解为 y = C e x+ C e 2 x+ ( 1 x 2 + x )e x…………………… (1 分)∞ ∞由y(0) =y '(0) = 1 , 得c1=-1, c2= 2所以初值问题的特解为y = ( 12x 2 +x + 2)e x -e 2 x ........................... (1 分)四. 证明题(7 分)13.证明级数∑n=1(-1)n-11条件收敛于ln 2 .n∞n n ⎰ 1 2∞ n -1 1 ∞ 1证明: ∑(-1)n =1 =∑ 是调和级数, 发散; n =1 …………………… (1 分)又由莱布尼茨判别法,交错级数∑(-1) n =1 n -1 1 收敛, n…………………… (1 分)则∑(-1)n =1 n -1 1 条件收敛. n …………………… (1 分)考虑幂级数 s (x ) = ∑(-1)n =1n -1 1x n n ,收敛半径为 1, ....................................... (1 分)在绝对收敛区间为(-1,1)内,s '(x ) = ∑(-1)n =1 n -11 (x nn ) ' = ∑(-1) n =1 n -1x n -1 = 1 , 1+ x …………………… (3 分) s (x ) =x 1 dx =ln(1 + x ) 0 1+ x因为 x=1 时, 级数收敛,则 s (1) = lim ln(1+ x ) = ln 2. x →1-…………………… (1 分)五.应用题(每小题 9 分,共 18 分)14. 求曲面 x 2 + y 2 - 4x - 4 y + 7 = 0 和平面 x + z = 8 交线上的点到 y 轴的最长距离和最短距离.解:点( x , y , z ) 到 y 轴的距离为. …………………… (2 分)令F = x 2 + z 2 + λ( x 2 + y 2 - 4x - 4 y - 7) + λ( x + z - 8) , (2 分) ⎧F = 2x + λ(2x - 4) + λ = 0⎪ x 1 2 ⎪F y = λ1 (2 y - 4) = 0 F = 2z + λ = 0 …………………… (2 分)⎨ z 2 ⎪F = x 2 + y 2 - 4x - 4 y - z - 7 = 0 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞⎪ λ1 ⎪F = x + z - 8 = 0⎩ λ2解得(x , y , z ) = (1, 2, 7)或(3, 2, 5) ....................................................................(1分) 将这两个点分别代入目标函数,可得最大值5 和最小值 .……… (2 分) 34 2∑121 2 2 15. 设空间曲面∑: z 2 = x 2 + y 2 (1 ≤ z ≤ 2部分) ,方向指向外侧,计算曲面积分 I = ⎰⎰ cos( y + z )dydz + y 2dzdx + ( x + z 2 )dxdy .解:作辅助面∑1: z = 1, ( x , y ) ∈ D : x 2 + y 2 ≤ 1 ,方向指向下侧;辅助面∑2: z = 2, ( x , y ) ∈ D : x 2 + y 2 ≤ 4 ,方向指向上侧 (2 分) ∑+∑1+∑2 围成空间闭区域Ω ,方向指向外侧, 根据高斯公式, 有⎰⎰∑+∑ +∑ = ⎰⎰⎰Ω (2 y + 2z )dxdydz = 2⎰⎰⎰Ωzdxdydz = ⎰ ⎰⎰ ⎰2 2 15 2 zdz dxdy = 2π 1 D z 1 z ⋅ z dz = π, 2…………………… (4 分) ⎰⎰∑⎰⎰∑ = -⎰⎰x 2 + y 2 ≤ 1 ( x + 1)dxdy = -π,= ⎰⎰x 2 + y 2 ≤ 4 ( x + 4)dxdy =16π,…………………… (1 分) …………………… (1 分) ∴ I = ⎰⎰1 1 2∑+∑1 +∑2-⎰⎰∑-⎰⎰∑2=15π+π- 16π=-15π.2 2.……… (1 分)。

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