
- 60 -工 业 技 术我国是能源生产大国,也是一个能源消费大国。
IGBT 硅脂涂敷工艺是光伏逆变器生产的核心工序,导热硅脂是其关键物料。
导热硅脂成分为硅油和填料,目前被广泛应用于散热器与IGBT 安装面,其目的在于填补各器件安装面与散热器间的间隙,以取得更均匀、更有效的散热效果,避免器件由温度过高导致损坏。
为保证导热硅脂均匀分布在IGBT 上,其涂敷工艺至关重要[2]。
该文采取调整导热硅脂黏度的方法对光伏逆变器IGBT 硅脂涂敷工艺进行改进。
1 改进前IGBT 硅脂涂敷工艺存在的问题光伏逆变市场竞争日益加剧,对高效光伏逆变器的生产提出了更高要求,功能测试稳定、电性能逆变效率高以及使用寿命长是光伏逆变器的发展趋势。
2 改进方案IGBT 硅脂涂敷工艺相同的条件下,通过调整导热硅脂黏度来确保导热硅脂热导率及热阻值。
热导率是截面积为1m 2的柱体沿轴向1m 距离且温差为1K (1K =1℃)时的热传导功率,数值越大,表明该材料的热传递速度越快且导热性能越好。

关键词:IGBT;MOSFET;驱动;过压;浪涌;缓冲;过流;过热;保护0 引言绝缘栅双极型晶体管IGBT是由MOSFET和双极型晶体管复合而成的一种器件,其输入极为MOSFET,输出极为PNP晶体管,因此,可以把其看作是MOS输入的达林顿管。
1 IGBT的工作原理IGBT的等效电路如图1所示。
由图1可知,若在IGBT的栅极和发射极之间加上驱动正电压,则MOS FET导通,这样PNP晶体管的集电极与基极之间成低阻状态而使得晶体管导通;若IGBT的栅极和发射极之间电压为0V,则MOSFET截止,切断PNP晶体管基极电流的供给,使得晶体管截止。
图1 IGBT的等效电路由此可知,IGBT的安全可靠与否主要由以下因素决定:——IGBT栅极与发射极之间的电压;——IGBT集电极与发射极之间的电压;——流过IGBT集电极-发射极的电流;——IGBT的结温。
如果IGBT栅极与发射极之间的电压,即驱动电压过低,则IGBT不能稳定正常地工作,如果过高超过栅极-发射极之间的耐压则IGBT可能永久性损坏;同样,如果加在IGBT集电极与发射极允许的电压超过集电极-发射极之间的耐压,流过IGBT集电极-发射极的电流超过集电极-发射极允许的最大电流,I GBT的结温超过其结温的允许值,IGBT都可能会永久性损坏。

cpu导热硅脂一般多久换一次?回答 ; 一般来说CPU温度65度算是很正常的温度,应该不可能引起关机才对。
CPU导热硅脂导电吗?回答 ; 那种最普通白色的硅脂是不导电的,但硅脂有很多产品,不同的硅脂其电气特性,导热能力也是不相同的。
为了提高导热率,就有了渗银硅脂,渗铜硅脂,这样掺入金属颗粒的硅脂,其就有了导电性,像笔记本CPU,涂抹硅脂就需要注意不能流出cpu芯片顶盖,到CPU四周的电容上,导热硅脂是不是绝缘的?回答 ; 导热硅脂是绝缘的。

我们暂且不谈它们的化学性质和使用寿命,仅就它们的功能进行分析:1,导热硅脂:从导热系数来看,纯铜为:383 瓦/米℃;纯铝为:204瓦/米℃。
而导热硅脂仅为:1瓦/米℃到 6瓦/米℃。
这里只能说导热硅脂的导热性能比空气强(空气的导热系数为 0.026 瓦/米℃,导热硅脂的导热系数为空气的38到231倍)。

浅谈 IGBT失效分析摘要:绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)是由功率MOSFET和双极晶体管(BJT)复合而成的一种新型的电力半导体器件,它集两者的优点于一体,具有输入阻抗大、驱动功率小、控制电路简单、开关损耗小、速度快及工作频率高等特点,成为目前最有应用前景的电力半导体器件之一。
关键词:IGBT;电力半导体;频率;功率本文研究大功率交流传动电力机车技术平台及大功率交流传动内燃机车技术平台,参考了国内外文献,通过对试验和应用数据的搜集、统计、整理,发现了一些典型的IGBT模块失效案例,并对其进行了失效特征分析,具体如下:1 过压失效1.1集-射极过压失效失效位置发生在有源区的边缘处,如图1(a)所示。
2 过流失效2.1短路失效失效位置发生在IGBT有源区(不含栅极),如图2所示。
失效表现为模块中多个IGBT 芯片同时严重烧毁。

≥9.0 KV/mm

为了克服上述缺陷,提高了装配产品的质量和效率,特设计了本IGBT 的组装工艺流程,其具体如下。
一般情况下IGBT有以下三种不同端子顺序,其中:六个端口的顺序为:2-5-3-6-1-4,八个端口的顺序为:2-6-3-7-4-8-1-5,十四个端口的顺序为:4-11-3-10-5-12-2-9-6-13-1-8-7-14;(3)设置工位3,紧固散热器;按照上述步骤(2)中②同样顺序用扭力扳手采用4NM-6NM的均力进行紧固螺栓;图1预紧螺栓顺序2 3 4 5 6 714 13 12I11D9 8图3预紧螺栓顺序(4)设置工位4,按照位置装配加热电阻;(5)设置工位5,固定驱动电路板;按照图示位置把驱动电路板固定在IGBT相应位置;(6)设置工位6,进行模块内部接线;以上步骤按照顺序操作,完成之后送入半成品放置区域,形成一条由流水线始端走向末端并转入半成品放置区域的IGBT的组装工艺图4IGBT装配组件结构示意图2、工艺流程特点采用此工艺流程后,具有以下特点:1、采用这种流程作业方式可以让工人各司其职,每个人只专长自己所在工位的装配内容,有利于标准作业化的执行,加强工人装配的熟练程度,提高产品质量。

Thermal grease for Infineon modulesWhat should be the behavior and how a grease has to look likeBaginskiIFAG AIM PMD ID AEInfineon modules with baseplate: Roughness of baseplateR Zmax. = 16 µm;R Ztyp. = 4 – 6 µmInfineon modules without baseplate: Roughness of ceramicR Zmax. = 9 µm; R Ztyp. = 3 – 4 µmHeatsink: Specification of roughness regarding Application Note Modules with and without baseplate: R Zmax. = 10 µmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample of roughness of baseplate and heatsinkR = 6 µm R Zmax. = 10 µmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThermal conductivity:Copper: λ≈ 390 W / mKAluminium: λ≈ 237 W / mKThermal compound: λ≈ 1 W / mKCopper=> Thermal barrierTIMAluminiumThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beR th CH metall << R th CH thermal grease 0.004 mK/W << 1 mK/W << R th CH air << 42 mK/W=> Metal to Metal contact essential=> Thermal grease that fills only the gapes is preferedThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThermal grease consists of different componentsOily partsOnly needed to adjust the viscosity of the greaseThermal conducting partsNecessary to conduct baseplate and heatsink togetherR = 6 µm R Zmax. = 10 µmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThermal interface material: Example for better understandingGrain size: Up to 70 µmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certainfunctionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample: Thermal grease with 40 µm size in applicationTemperaturedrop390 W/mK Small temp. drop BaseplateNo chance to moveOily part1 W/mK Bigtemp. dropHeat conductingpart237 W/mK Small temp. dropHeatsinkThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample of grains of 40 µm sizeGrease workslike distanceBaseplatespacersHeatsink=> R thCH = badThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample: Thermal grease with 5 µm size in applicationTemperaturedropBaseplateHeatsinkThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample of grains of 5 µm sizeHole to fix module with the heatsinkBaseplateHeatsinkMetal to metal contact possible => R thCH = goodThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beViscosity of thermal grease: High viscosity (hard)Baseplate Dots ofgreasegapHeatsinkViscosity of thermal grease: Low viscosity (fluid)BaseplateDots of greaseGreasecomes outBaseplateThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beRoughness of heatsinkR Ztyp. = 6 µmR Zmax. = 1 µmHeatsinkPermanent distanceThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certainfunctionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beRoughness of heatsinkR Ztyp. = 6 µm R Zmax. = 10 µmCrossover possible The information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beConsiderations of thermal foilFoil workslike distancekeeperHeatsinkPermanent air-> bad RthThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beBefore first heat up (no phase change)F=3NmF=3NmFoil works like distance keeperThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beAfter heating up(phase change)Foil workslike distancespacersF=?Nm Loose of pressure F=?NmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certainfunctionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beConclusion of considerationsThe grease has to fill only the roughness of the baseplate and the roughness of the heatsinkThis do not prevent metal to metal contact where possible The grease has to be fluid enough to spread and to flow outThis guarantees small thickness of grease between baseplate and heatsinkThis guarantees a good thermal contactThe roughness of the heatsink should be under considerations The information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to be。

IGBT 模块认证测试规范拟 制: 张 广 文 日 期: 2011-03-07 审 核: 姜 明 日 期:__________ 批 准: 董 瑞 勇 日 期:__________测试部测试规范英威腾电气股份有限公司测试部规范编码:版 本:V2.0 密 级:机 密 生效日期:2011.3页 数: 40 页更改信息登记表规范名称:IGBT模块认证测试规范规范编码:版本更改原因更改说明更改人更改时间新拟制测试项目,升级原测张广文2011.3.7 V2.0 规范升级试项目内容及标准。
评审会签区:人员签名意见日期董瑞勇吴建安唐益宏林金良张波目录1. 目的 (4)2. 范围 (4)3. 定义 (4)4. 引用标准 (5)5. 测试设备 (6)6. 测试环境 (6)7. 测试项目 (7)7.1规格参数比对 (7)7.2封装结构测试 (8)7.2.1封装外观检查 (8)7.2.2封装外形尺寸测试 (9)7.2.3基板平整度测试 (9)7.2.4封装内部结构测试 (11)7.3晶体管电特性测试 (12)7.3.1集-射极耐压VCES测试 (13)7.3.2 IGBT集-射极饱和压降VCE(sat)测试 (14)7.3.3 IGBT栅-射极阀值电压VGE(th)测试 (15)7.3.4 IGBT内置二极管正向压降VF测试 (16)7.4 Ices和IR测试 (17)7.5绝缘耐压测试 (19)7.6高温电应力老化测试 (20)7.7高低温老化测试 (21)7.8 NTC热敏电阻特性测试 (22)7.9驱动波形测试 (23)7.9.1驱动波形质量测试 (23)7.9.2开通关断时间测试 (25)7.9.3驱动电压幅值测试 (27)7.9.4死区时间测试 (28)7.10限流测试 (29)7.11均流测试 (30)7.12短路测试 (31)7.13温升测试 (35)7.14 IGBT晶元结温测试 (37)8. 数据记录及报告格式 (41)IGBT模块认证测试规范1.目的检验IGBT模块各项性能指标是否满足标准和产品设计要求。

SC3102 在涂覆时推荐采用丝网印刷。
等方法进行涂覆,典型应用:温度调节器与装配表面半导体和散热片之间电磁炉生产厂家传感器生产厂家CPU和散热器之间热电冷却装置保质期:建议24个月包装说明:针管装0.5-50克装、袋装0.5-1克装、罐装500克-1000克装、桶装20kg-40kg 注意事项:1、尽量放置于阴凉处,避免阳光照射。
印刷时,刮片与涂覆表面呈45度左右亦可采用点涂、刷涂、在没有这些工具的时候也可以用废卡片,等方法进行涂覆,典型应用:温度调节器与装配表面半导体和散热片之间电磁炉生产厂家传感器生产厂家热水器生产厂家保质期:建议24个月包装说明:针管装0.5-50克装、袋装0.5-1克装、罐装500克-1000克装、桶装20kg-40kg 注意事项:4、尽量放置于阴凉处,避免阳光照射。

2. 本工位所用材料
成后将钢 服后再操作。 网上剩余
1 导热硅脂(HT1101)
名 称 、型 号
清楚干净 。
材料 审核
适量 钢网
雷区 警
注意 事项
1.检查生产现场符合 1.模块涂覆时需要保证每个凹槽都填满导热硅 1、操作完 1.佩戴口罩、橡胶手套、穿工作 2
注意事项: 1.散热器的平面度需小于100um,粗糙度需小于10um; 2.模块安装时需要在散热器上前后左右晃动±1.5mm; 3.在取用及使用过程中,禁止水滴落入硅脂中,如果发现有水滴落入硅脂中,则该部分硅脂必须作 废。
检验内容: 每批次首个安装到散热器上的模块,需拆卸下,目测是否满足导热硅脂与散热器均匀接触。
操作前准备: 1.操作时员工应佩戴防静电手腕。
第 0 次修改 第 1 页, 共 1 页

Thermal grease for Infineon modulesWhat should be the behavior and how a grease has to look likeBaginskiIFAG AIM PMD ID AEInfineon modules with baseplate: Roughness of baseplateR Zmax. = 16 µm;R Ztyp. = 4 – 6 µmInfineon modules without baseplate: Roughness of ceramicR Zmax. = 9 µm; R Ztyp. = 3 – 4 µmHeatsink: Specification of roughness regarding Application Note Modules with and without baseplate: R Zmax. = 10 µmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample of roughness of baseplate and heatsinkR = 6 µm R Zmax. = 10 µmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThermal conductivity:Copper: λ ≈ 390 W / mKAluminium: λ ≈ 237 W / mKThermal compound: λ ≈ 1 W / mKCopper=> Thermal barrierTIMAluminiumThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beR th CH metall << R th CH thermal grease 0.004 mK/W << 1 mK/W << R th CH air << 42 mK/W=> Metal to Metal contact essential=> Thermal grease that fills only the gapes is preferedThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThermal grease consists of different componentsOily partsOnly needed to adjust the viscosity of the greaseThermal conducting partsNecessary to conduct baseplate and heatsink togetherR = 6 µm R Zmax. = 10 µmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThermal interface material: Example for better understandingGrain size: Up to 70 µmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certainfunctionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample: Thermal grease with 40 µm size in applicationTemperaturedrop390 W/mK Small temp. drop BaseplateNo chance to moveOily part1 W/mK Bigtemp. dropHeat conductingpart237 W/mK Small temp. dropHeatsinkThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample of grains of 40 µm sizeGrease workslike distanceBaseplatespacersHeatsink=> R thCH = badThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample: Thermal grease with 5 µm size in applicationTemperaturedropBaseplateHeatsinkThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample of grains of 5 µm sizeHole to fix module with the heatsinkBaseplateHeatsinkMetal to metal contact possible => R thCH = goodThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beViscosity of thermal grease: High viscosity (hard)Baseplate Dots ofgreasegapHeatsinkViscosity of thermal grease: Low viscosity (fluid)BaseplateDots of greaseGreasecomes outBaseplateThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beRoughness of heatsinkR Ztyp. = 6 µmR Zmax. = 1 µmHeatsinkPermanent distanceThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certainfunctionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beRoughness of heatsinkR Ztyp. = 6 µm R Zmax. = 10 µmCrossover possible The information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beConsiderations of thermal foilFoil workslike distancekeeperHeatsinkPermanent air-> bad RthThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beBefore first heat up (no phase change)F=3NmF=3NmFoil works like distance keeperThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beAfter heating up(phase change)Foil workslike distancespacersF=?Nm Loose of pressure F=?NmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certainfunctionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beConclusion of considerationsThe grease has to fill only the roughness of the baseplate and the roughness of the heatsinkThis do not prevent metal to metal contact where possible The grease has to be fluid enough to spread and to flow outThis guarantees small thickness of grease between baseplate and heatsinkThis guarantees a good thermal contactThe roughness of the heatsink should be under considerations The information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to be透明。

7. 确认散热器底座和CPU核心表面没有异物,把散热器放到CPU 上,此时只能轻压,不能转动或者平移散热器,否则可能会导致散热器和CPU之间的硅脂厚度不均匀。

4; ;注意事项
3; ; IGBT模塊安装
导热硅脂是一种膏状物,颜色因材料不同而具有不同的外观,具有良好的导热、耐温、绝缘性能,是耐热器件理想的介质材料。导热硅脂广泛应用于绝缘栅双极型晶体管(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor,IGBT)的热传递介质,涂敷于IGBT的发热体与散热设施(散热片、散热条、壳体等)之间的接触面,起传热媒介作用,能大大提高散热效果,降低IGBT的工作温度,从而提高IGBT器件的可靠性。IGBT模块的早期失效主要与不正确的安装有关,错误的安装导致的机械损伤会损坏IGBT外壳的抗潮性或使芯片破裂,造成过高的结温,导致器件寿命缩短。正确的安装可以有效地降低器件结温,提高可靠性,所以IGBT的正确安装至关重要。

Thermal grease for Infineon modulesWhat should be the behavior and how a grease has to look likeBaginskiIFAG AIM PMD ID AEInfineon modules with baseplate:Roughness of baseplateR Zmax. = 16 µm;R Ztyp。
= 4 – 6 µmInfineon modules without baseplate:Roughness of ceramicR Zmax. = 9 µm;R Ztyp. = 3 – 4 µmHeatsink: Specification of roughness regarding Application Note Modules with and without baseplate: R Zmax. = 10 µmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality,conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components。
The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample of roughness of baseplate and heatsinkBaseplateR Ztyp。

4.4.2 本司需要印刷导热硅脂的物品有陶瓷基片及功率管,根据本体大小选择对应的底座及钢网并安装在工装上后,并对工装进行清洁,工装上不能有杂物,然后如下图2将须印刷硅脂的物品放置到底座的开槽中(功率管金属面要朝上),物品本体应完全在开槽中:
4.4.3 如上图陶瓷基片或功率管放置好后,将钢网盖下,查看钢网开孔与陶瓷基片或功率管的对位状况(然后取一些硅脂放于钢网的边缘处<人体正对的最前面>),然后双手握住刮刀(刮刀与钢网表面呈45°夹角),如下图3将钢网边缘处的导热硅脂刮刀钢网的开槽中,要求开槽中基本充满硅脂,这需要刮硅脂不要太快,若开槽中有区域遗漏印刷硅脂或印刷不均匀,应重新使用刮刀刮硅脂:
4.4.4 硅脂印刷过程中须戴手先戴手套然后再戴指套,钢网刮过硅脂前后的对照如下图4、5;印刷硅脂OK 的陶瓷基片及功率管放置到防静电泡棉上,已印刷硅脂面朝上,如下图6;轻抬钢网取印刷好的物品时,若个别陶瓷基片不自动脱离下来,用手轻拍钢网或用竹签等尖锐而接触面小的东西轻触陶瓷基片使之脱离即可,如下图7;
图4 图5
图6 图7

IGBT模块认证测试规范拟制:张广文日期:2011-03-07审核:姜明日期:__________批准:董瑞勇日期:__________更改信息登记表规范名称:IGBT模块认证测试规范规范编码:评审会签区:目录1.目的42.范围43.定义44.引用标准55.测试设备66.测试环境67.测试项目77.1规格参数比对77.2封装结构测试87.2.1封装外观检查87.2.2封装外形尺寸测试97.2.3基板平整度测试97.2.4封装内部结构测试117.3晶体管电特性测试127.3.1集-射极耐压VCES测试127.3.2 IGBT集-射极饱和压降VCE(sat)测试137.3.3 IGBT栅-射极阀值电压VGE(th)测试147.3.4 IGBT内置二极管正向压降VF测试157.4 Ices和IR测试167.5绝缘耐压测试187.6高温电应力老化测试207.7高低温老化测试217.8 NTC热敏电阻特性测试227.9驱动波形测试227.9.1驱动波形质量测试237.9.2开通关断时间测试257.9.3驱动电压幅值测试267.9.4死区时间测试277.10限流测试287.11均流测试297.12短路测试307.13温升测试347.14 IGBT晶元结温测试368.数据记录及报告格式40IGBT模块认证测试规范1.目的检验IGBT模块各项性能指标是否满足标准和产品设计要求。
3.定义绝缘栅双极型晶体管IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor):是由BJT(双极型三极管)和MOS(绝缘栅型场效应管)组成的复合全控型电压驱动式功率半导体器件,兼有MOSFET的高输入阻抗和GTR的低导通压降两方面的优点。
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Thermal grease for Infineon modulesWhat should be the behavior and how a grease has to look likeBaginskiIFAG AIM PMD ID AEInfineon modules with baseplate: Roughness of baseplateR Zmax. = 16 µm;R Ztyp. = 4 – 6 µmInfineon modules without baseplate: Roughness of ceramicR Zmax.= 9 µm; R Ztyp. = 3 – 4 µmHeatsink: Specification of roughness regarding Application Note Modules with and without baseplate: R Zmax.= 10 µmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample of roughness of baseplate and heatsinkThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certainfunctionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThermal conductivity:Copper: λ ≈ 390 W / mKAluminium: λ ≈ 237 W / mKThermal compound: λ ≈ 1 W / mKCopper=> Thermal barrierTIMAluminiumThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beR th CH metall << R th CH thermal grease mK/W << 1 mK/W << R th CH air << 42 mK/W=> Metal to Metal contact essential=> Thermal grease that fills only the gapes is preferedThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThermal grease consists of different componentsOily partsOnly needed to adjust the viscosity of the greaseThermal conducting partsNecessary to conduct baseplate and heatsink togetherThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certainfunctionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThermal interface material: Example for better understandingGrain size: Up to 70 µmThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample: Thermal grease with 40 µm size in application Temperaturedrop390 W/mKSmall temp. dropBaseplateNo chance to move Oilypart1 W/mKBig temp. drop Heat conductingpart237 W/mKSmalltemp. dropHeatsinkThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample of grains of 40 µm sizeGrease workslike distanceBaseplatespacersHeatsink=> R thCH = badThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample: Thermal grease with 5 µm size in applicationTemperaturedropBaseplateHeatsinkThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beExample of grains of 5 µm sizeHole to fix module with the heatsinkBaseplateHeatsinkMetal to metal contact possible => R thCH = goodThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beViscosity of thermal grease: High viscosity (hard)Baseplate Dots ofgreaseHeatsinkViscosity of thermal grease: Low viscosity (fluid)BaseplateDots of greaseGrease comes outBaseplateThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beRoughness of heatsinkR Ztyp. = 6 µmR Zmax. = 1 µmHeatsinkPermanent distanceThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beRoughness of heatsinkCrossover possibleThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certainfunctionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beConsiderations of thermal foilFoil works like distance keeperPermanent air-> bad RthThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certainfunctionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beBefore first heat up (no phase change)F=3NmF=3NmFoil workslike distance keeperThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beAfter heating up(phase change)Foil workslike distancespacersThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certainfunctionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beConclusion of considerationsThe grease has to fill only the roughness of the baseplate andthe roughness of the heatsinkThis do not prevent metal to metal contact where possibleThe grease has to be fluid enough to spread and to flow out This guarantees small thickness of grease between baseplateand heatsinkThis guarantees a good thermal contactThe roughness of the heatsink should be under considerationsThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to beThe information given in this presentation is given as a hint for the implementation of the Infineon Technologies components only and shall not be regarded as any description of warranty of a certain functionality, conditions or quality of the Infineon Technologies components. The statements contained in this communication, including any recommendation or suggestion or methodology, are to be。