200句中考单词1、andon v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃2、ility n. 能力;才能3、le a. 能够;有能力的4、normal a. 反常的,变态的5、aboard prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等)6、lish v. 废除,废止7、rtion v. 人工流产,堕胎8、about ad. 大约;到处;四处9、prep. 关于;在各处;四处10、above prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在……之上11、road ad到(在)国外12、sence n. 不在,缺席13、rupt 突然的,意外的,粗鲁14、ent a. 缺席,不在15、lute a. 完全,全部,绝对16、sack n. 粗布袋,解雇;vt. 解雇17、sacred a. 神圣的,宗教的,严肃的,郑重的18、sacrifice n. 牺牲(品),祭祀;vt. 牺牲,献出,祭祀;vi. 祭祀19、sad a. 悲伤的,忧愁的20、saddle n. 鞍,马鞍21、safe a. 安全的;n. 保险箱22、safeguard vt. 保护,保卫;n. 保卫(措施)23、safety n. 安全24、sail n. 帆,航行;vi. 航行,启航,翱游,飘;vt. 航行,飘过25、sailor n. 水手,海员26、saint n. 圣人,(略作st. ,用于人、地名前)圣…27、sake n. 缘故,理同28、salad n. 色拉(西餐中的一种凉拦菜)29、salary n. 工资,薪水30、sale n. 销售(额),廉价出售31、salesman n. 售货员32、salt n. 盐,氯化钠;vt.33、Acid- [5AsId]酸的,尖酸的(ac=ang-尖角)34、Acute [E5kju:t]敏锐的,[医]急性的,剧烈(ac=ang-尖角)35、admire[Ed5maiE]赞美、钦佩、羡慕(mir-神奇)36、adolescence[9AdEJ`lesEns]青春期(ado=adult)37、adolescent[7AdEu5lesnt]青春期的(ado=adult)38、adult[E5dQlt, 5AdQlt]成人,成年人(ult=old)39、angle角度[∧] (A-尖锐)40、architect[5B:kitekt]建筑师(arch=ang)41、architecture[5B:kitektFE]建筑,建筑学(arch=ang)42、ashore [E5FC:]在岸上(shore=share-切、分)43、aspect[5Aspekt]外貌、问题的一个方面(spect-看)44、cattle家畜,牛(cat=catch-捕捉)45、chant[tFB:nt]圣歌,圣诗(ch-唱、吵)46、chaos[5 keiCs]混乱,混沌(ch-唱、吵)47、cheer欢呼(ch-唱、吵)48、child[tFaild]儿童(ch-唱、吵)49、chorus[5kC:rEs]合唱团,合唱队(ch-唱、吵)50、church[tFE:tF]教堂(ch-唱、吵)51、committee[kE5miti]委员会,全体委员(mit=miss-投、扔)52、compensate [5kCmpEnseit]赔偿(pens-钱)53、conspicuous[kEn5spikjuEs]有目共睹的(spic-看)54、convict [5kCnvikt]证明...有罪,宣告...有罪(vict-胜利)55、convince [kEn5vins]使确信(vin=win-胜利)56、depict[di5pikt]描述,描绘(pict-画)57、despite[dis5pait]蔑视、不管(spite-看)58、detect[di5tekt]发现,察觉(tect=top)59、detective[di5tektiv]发现的,侦探的;侦探(tect=top)60、dictate[dik5teit]独裁,听写测试(dict-说)61、disparage [dis5pAridV]歧视、贬损(par=peer-看)62、echo[5ekEu]回声,回音(ch-唱、吵)63、execute[5eksikju:t]处死、执行、实行(ec=sect-切)64、expensive [iks5pensiv]昂贵的(pens-钱)65、female[5fi:meil]女性(f=v-女性)66、fence[fens]击剑,栅栏(f-剑)67、fiction[5fikFEn]小说,虚构(fict-做)68、figure[5fi^E]外形,轮廓,体形,图形;描绘,塑造;数字(fig=finger-手指)69、harsh [hB:F]粗糙的、刺耳、刺目的(har=hair)70、infant[5infEnt]婴儿;婴儿的(f-说)71、inject[in5dVekt]注射(j-投、射)72、inspect[in5spekt]检查、视察(spect-看)73、intermittent[7intE(:)5mitEnt]间歇性的,断断续续(mit=miss-投、放)74、intersection[7intE(:)5sekFEn]交集、十字路口(sect-切)75、jail[dVeil]监狱(j-投)76、junior[5dVu:njE]年少的(june-六月)77、kettle[5ketl]壶(ket=kiss-嘴)78、kid[kid]小孩(变化自child)79、magnitude[5mA^nitju:d]众多,大量(mag=maj-大)80、major[5meidVE]主要的,主修的;主修课(maj-大、多)81、mall[mC:l]商场(m-merc-商业)82、marine[mE5ri:n]海;海的,海洋的(mar-海洋)83、marsh [mB:F]n.沼泽地,湿地(mar-海洋)84、masculine[5mB:skjulin]男子汉;男子气概的(masc=musc-肌肉)85、merchant[5mE:tFEnt]商人(merch=merc-商业)86、miracle[5mirEkl]奇迹、奇事(mir-神奇)87、mirage[5mirB:V]海市蜃楼、雾像(mir-神奇)88、mirror[5mirE]镜子(mir-神奇)89、missile[5misail, -sEl]发射的,投射的;导弹(miss-投、射)90、mission[5miFEn]使团(miss-投、射)91、muscle[5mQsl]肌肉(musc=mouse)92、object[5CbdVikt]物体,客体,目标(ject-投、射)93、objective[Eb5dVektiv]客体的,客观的(ject-投、射)94、obscure[Eb5skjuE]暗的,朦胧的,模糊的,晦涩的(sc-看)95、penny便士(p-板)96、pension [5penFEn]养老金(pens-钱)97、picture[5piktFE]图画(pict-图画)98、pigment [5pi^mEnt]颜料,染料(pig-图画)99、predict[pri5dikt]预言,预测(dict-说)100、project[5prCdVekt]投影;项目,方案(ject-投、射)101、purchase[5pE:tFEs]买,购买(purch-购、p-钱)102、rail[reil]铁轨(r-road)103、respect[ris5pekt]尊敬、重视(spect-看)104、respectable [ris5pektEbl]可敬的,值得尊敬的(spect-看)105、respectful [ris5pektful]恭敬的(样子)(spect-看)106、respective [ris5pektiv]分别的,各自的(respect-尊敬、尊重)107、reticent[5retisEnt]沉默不语的,心照不宣的(tic-说)108、scene[si:n]风景,一场戏(sc-看)109、scenery[5si:nEri]风景,景色(总称)(sc-看)110、section[5sekFEn]部分(sect-切、分)111、segment[5se^mEnt]段、节(seg=sect-切分)112、shave剃、刮;刮脸(sh=s-切)113、shear修剪(sh=s-切)114、shore [FC:]岸、滨(shore=share-切、分)115、smattering[5smAtErIN]略知,少数(sm-小)116、smog[smC^]雾(sm-小)117、smother[5smQTE]死,窒息而亡(smo=smoke)118、spark[spB:k]火花(sp=喷)119、spectacle[5spektEkl]景观、眼镜(spect-看)120、spill[spil]溢出,溅出(sp-喷)121、subject[5sQbdVikt]题目,主题,科目;受制于,使隶属于(ject-投、射)122、subjective[sQb5dVektiv]主观的(ject-投、射)123、submarine[5sQbmEri:n]潜水的、水下的(mar-海洋)124、submit[sEb5mit]呈交,投降(mit-投、递交)125、suspicious[sEs5piFEs]怀疑的(spic-看)126、victim[5viktim]牺牲品(vict-胜利)127、victor[5viktE]胜利者(vict-胜利)128、victory[5viktEri]成功,胜利(vict-胜利)129、advertise [5AdvEtaIz] 做广告(vert-旋转)130、agriculture农业(agri=acre-亩、田地)131、angle [5AN^l] 角度(ang-Ang-词根:角度)132、assassinate [E5sAsineit] v.暗杀,行刺(sass-切、杀)133、assassination [E7sAsi5neiFEn]n.暗杀(sass-切、杀)134、bench [bentF]板凳(b-板子)135、campus [5kAmpEs]校园(camp-土地、田野)136、camp词跟:田野(c=g)137、colony [5kClEni]殖民地(col=cult-种植)138、conservation [7kCnsE(:)5veiFEn]保存、保全、守恒(serve=save-保存、保全)139、conversation对话(verse-旋转)140、cult词跟:培养、种植(c=g)141、dictate [dik5teit]独裁,使…听写(dict-说)142、define[di5fain]下定义(fin-终、限)143、definite [5definit]明确的,一定的(fin-终、限)144、definitely[5definitli]明确地,干脆地(fin-终、限)145、democracy民主(acy-名词后缀)(demo-人民cr-叫)146、demonstrate游行,示威,示范(demo-人民strate=street)147、drench [drentF]湿透(dr-drop)148、expedition [7ekspi5diFEn]远足、探险(ped-足)149、faint[feint]晕倒(f-落下、倒下)150、fall落下151、fatigue[fE5ti:^]疲劳、疲惫(fat=faint-落下、倒下)152、feeble[5fi:bl]虚弱的,无力的(f-落下、倒下)153、fence [fens] 击剑、篱笆()154、fiction[5fikFEn]小说,虚构(fict-做)155、final-最后的(fin-终、限)156、fine-词根:终止、限定、完成(f-落下)157、finish [5finiF] 完成(fin-终、限)158、finite[5fainait]有限的,有穷的(fin-终、限)159、fountain [5fauntin]泉水(f-落下)160、French [frentF] 法国人161、generate [5dVenE7reit]生产、产生(gen-生)162、genius [5dVi:njEs]天才(gen-生)163、geometry [[dVi5Cmitri]几何学(geo-土地)164、hole [hEul]洞(h-大)165、infinite[5infinit]无限的,无穷的(fin-终、限)166、kiss[kis]接吻(k-嘴)167、lamp-台灯(l-光线)168、naive [nB:5i:v]天真的,幼稚的(na-生)169、nation [5neiFEn] 国家(nat-生)170、page [peidV] 一张171、paint [peint]油漆、涂料;描绘、绘画(p-图画、图片)172、panda [5pAndE]熊猫(pand-膨胀)173、panel [5pAnl] 仪表盘、面板(pan-盘子)174、picture[5piktFE]图画,图片(pict-画)175、police [pE5li:s]警察(pole-棒子)176、policy [5pClisi] 政策、方针(pole-棒子)177、pregnancy[5pre^nEnsi]怀孕(gen-gn-生)178、pregnant[5pre^nEnt]怀孕的(gen-gn-生)179、preserve [pri5zE:v]保鲜、保藏(serve=save-保留)180、real[5ri:El]真的181、rect 词根:直182、rectify [5rektifai]纠正(rect 词根:直)183、renaissance[rE5neisEns]复兴,文艺复兴(na=nat-生)184、reserve [ri5zE:v]预备、保留(serve=save-保留)185、revise修订(vise-看、见)186、right[rait]正确的187、saint [seint]圣人;神圣、圣明的(s-看、见)188、salary [5sAlEri] 薪水(ary-名词后缀)189、save [seiv]解救、节省、保留190、scar [skB:]刀疤(sc-切、砍)191、scissor[5sizE]剪刀,刀(sc-切、砍)192、servant [5sE:vEnt] 奴仆(ant-名词后缀)193、sole [sEul]唯一的194、sophist [5sCfist]诡辩家、博学者(soph-智慧)195、sophisticated [sE5fistikeitid]老于世故的,精密的(soph-智慧)196、sophomore [5sCfEmC:]大二学生,有两年以上经验的人(soph-智慧)197、soph-词根:智慧(s-看、见)198、stamp-顿足、跺脚,盖邮戳,邮票(st-站)199、story[5stC:ri] 故事(st-站着,停留,陈旧的)200、student [5stju:dEnt] 学生。
中考备考:中考语文成语改错200 题优选001、关心倍至 ()002、人云亦云 ()003、巧妆打扮 ()004、记忆尤新 ()005、穷途末路 ()006、交融贯穿 ()007、并行不背 ()008、略见一般 ()009、宽洪大批 ()010、无耻滥言 ()011、世外桃园 ()012、伶牙利齿 ()013、汗流浃背 ()014、轰堂大笑 ()015、名列前矛 ()016、备受喜爱 ()017、挑拔事非 ()018、歪风斜气 ()019、默守成规 ()020、待价而估 ()021、走头无路 ()022、侯门似海 ()023、手屈一指 ()024、众口烁金 ()025、积毁消骨 ()026、行踪鬼密 ()027、出奇致胜 ()028、好高鹜远 ()029、杯盘狼藉 ()030、精兵减政 ()031、鼓惑人心 ()032、眼花瞭乱 ()033、餐风宿露 ()034、陈词烂调 ()035、偃旗息鼓 ()036、昏迷不醒 ()037、振撼人心 ()038、插科打浑 ()039、绝然不一样 ()040、要言不繁 ()041、层峦迭嶂 ()042、仗义直言 ()043、既往不究 ()044、委屈求全 ()045、明火执杖 ()046、迷天大罪 ()047、张慌失措 ()048、火势漫延 ()049、饱经苍桑 ()050、无精打采 ()051、禁假设寒蝉 ()052、真知卓见 (053、谍谍不停 ()054、虚无飘渺 ()055、甘败下风 ()056、一枝独秀 ()057、蓬筚生辉 ()058、计日成功 ()059、牟取暴利 ()060、流览一遍 ()061、大学肆业 ()062、磬竹难书 ()063、相辅相成 ()064、稍纵即逝 ()065、说笑风声 ()066、请予接恰 ()067、沸反盈天 ()068、各处颂扬 ()069、政权颠复 ()070、提心掉胆 ()071、无礼辱骂 ()072、言谈恢谐 ()073、冒然行事 ()074、很有俾益 ()075、按价赔尝 ()076、沾污名誉 ()077、图书装祯 ()078、高声急呼 ()079、山青水秀 ()080、战胜朝庭 ()081、民生凋蔽 ()082、佐证博引 ()083、水乳交溶 ()084、亲力亲为 ()085、应接不遐 ()086、违纪造事 ()087、冒天下之大不违 () 088、共商国是 ()089、飞扬拔扈 ()090、分道扬镖 ()091、断烂朝报 ()092、厝火积薪 ()093、单精竭虑 ()094、嘻笑怒骂 ()095、喜皮笑脸 ()096、远大报负 ()097、各自进行 ()098、佩带手饰 ()099、私下蹉商 ()100、抄写复印 ()101、璀灿醒目 ()102、德艺双磬 ()103、心头烦燥 ()104、皮肤皲裂 ()105、厉兵秣马 ()106、万里平筹 ()107、高潮叠起 ()108、生事生非 ()109、群英汇萃 ()110、胸无城府 ()111、淹没无闻 ()112、徇私舞敝 ()113、沤心沥血 ()114、千锤百练 ()115、欢心激励 ()16、声名雀起 ()117、长备不懈 ()118、引疚离职 ()119、不容怀疑 ()120、百战不怠 ()121、举止安祥 ()122、味同嚼腊 ()123、一张一驰 ()124、束之高搁 ()125、磨肩接踵 ()126、功亏一溃 ()127、果断决择 ()128、草屋修茸 ()129、良晨美景 ()130、赋与使命 ()131、偷窃消脏 ()132、资料翔实 ()133、针贬时敝 ()134、频临破产 ()135、怵目惊心 ()136、金榜提名 ()137、假设既假设离 ()138、与日具增 () 139、棉里藏针 ()140、晓勇无敌 ()141、额首称庆 ()142、不循私交 ()143、剑拔驽张 ()144、粼次栉比 ()145、匪贻所思 ()146、残无人道 ()147、为虎作昌 ()148、鱼翁得利 ()149、呱呱堕地 ()150、一杯黄土 ()151、编篡字典 ()152、尚待商确 ()153、捉发难数 ()154、毕竟不一样 ()155、勤能补绌 ()156、朴朔迷离 () 157、天翻地复 ()158、顶力互助 ()159、笑脸可鞠 ()160、置假设往闻 ()161、面面相去 (162、不记其数 () 163、咸口不言 ()164、遗笑大方 ()165、浑浑恶恶 ()166、烦文褥节 ()167、不径而走 ()168、矫柔做作 ()169、风声鹤泪 ()170、流言飞语 ()171、人情事故 ()172、堪误校订 ()173、园舞曲 ()174、九宵云外 ()175、工程峻工 ()176、卑恭屈膝 ()177、震聋发聩 ()178、巧夺天功 ()179、壁立千刃 ()180、焕然冰释 ()181、风糜一时 ()182、成绩蜚然 ()183、豪门旺族 ()184、标新立意 ()185、工程剪彩 ()186、火中取粟 ()187、入不付出 ()188、张慌失措 ()189、蜂涌而来 ()190、销脏灭迹 ()191、一语破敌 ()192、严惩不怠 ()193、含辛如苦 ()194、买犊还珠 ()195、相反相承 ()196、粗制烂造 ()197、心心相映 ()198、一愁莫展 ()01、无微不至02、(正确 )不要写成随声附合。
200道词汇适当形式填空第2天100道动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空101.I’d like to give my thanks to Alice for __________ (share) her exciting experiences in Africa.102. You __________ (promise) to take our boy to Disneyland last year. Don’t let him down again.103. The survey shows that few people believe robots __________ (control) our planet one day.104.—You look absent-minded. __________you __________ (expect) someone?—Yes. My e-friend is coming over. We’ve never seen each other before.105. “How am I supposed __________ (live) without you?”Jane said to Dad, tears in eyes.106. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you __________ (not find) it yet, keep looking. 107.—Oh dear! My mobile phone has turned into a brick. It’s not working at all.—Well, it __________ (happen). Take off the battery and put it back on later.108. Stephen Hawking __________ (consider) to be ‘the greatest scientist in history’, along with Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.101. sharing 解析:句意:我想要感谢Alice跟我们分享她在非洲的经历。
-可编辑修改-中考英语重点词汇练习填空300 题(下)及答案1. They eat a lot of _______ (土豆).2. Indiren can speak English well. But she is an ________ (意大利人).3. Would you like something _________ (别的)?4. Walk along the road and turn right at the third ________ (十字路口).5. It' s about five _______ (天) work.6. Do you think it _______ (必需的) for us to learn to wait?7. A few minutes _________ (后), I saw the plane again.8. It's not a very good line. Could you speak more _______ (清楚) ?9. Bob is no _________ (不再) a young man.10. The Green family ________ (归来) to China last Friday.11. You must stop ________ (抽烟).12. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful ________ (城市) in the world.13. Have you visited my __________(工作场所)?14. Go to school _______ (穿着) your school clothes on Monday.15. They can't ________ (带) the baby with them to go swimming.16. There are some _________ (桥) over the river.17. That old man _________ (死) five weeks ago.18. Father looks very ______ (担忧的) today.19. Be careful when you __________(横穿) the busy street.20. I didn't have bread for breakfast, I had a bowl of porridge ______ (代替).21. His father's coming back ______(使得) him feel very happy.22. Today I came to school _________ (没有) breakfast.23. I was too busy and _________ (错过) the film "Titanic".24. I will tell you when he _________(到达) my home.25. Is the license in one of your ________ (衣服口袋) ?26. --What's wrong? --I _________ (割) one of my fingers just now.27. If someone ________ (推) hard, the old man will fall over.28. There are so many _________ (参观者) in the West Lake.29. You must keep ________ (安静) in class.30. He ________ (改变) his name when he was in the USA.31. It's not good to laugh at others' _________ (错误).32. There's nothing __________ (严重) with him, I think.33. The food smells very ___________ (好).34, Of the three, Mr Brown is the ___________ (胖).35. Do you _______ (相信) what he said?36. ________ 或(许) he will come here tomorrow.37. Can you make the baby stop _________ (哭) ?38. The film is really _________ (精彩).39. I ________ 梦() I was in Shanghai last night.40. Her dog died last week, her cat died today, it made her very _______ (悲伤)41. Mike _________ (跌倒) off the chair and hurt his leg.42. It's hard _________ (完成) the work in such a short time.43. ___________________ The big boy (叫做) Wu Hai is the best player on his team.44. Mary enjoys _________ (听) to the music.45. This is a black cat ____________ (有) one white ear and two white legs.46. My mother ________ (担忧)about my health and study very much.47. The twins enjoyed _______ (她们自己) at the party.48. Her ________ (最喜欢的) subjects at school are science and maths.49. This is an ________ (有趣) story book for children.50. Please drive more ________ (仔细).51. All the _______ (跑步者) got ready to run.52. The teacher stood at the __________ (起跑线) line.53. The boat is ________ (不见了), where is it?54. Which sports were you ___________ (参加) that day?55. Which is _________ (难), English or Chinese?56. Lucy did _________ (坏) than Lily in Chinese.57. To our _______ (惊奇), the old man's hair turned black the next day.58. If you have a lot of _________ (钱), what will you do?59. Here is ________ (另一张) picture of mine.60. He ______ (听见) someone playing the piano last night.61. The old woman couldn't find her purse, she looked _______ (着急).62. We _____ (举行) an English party the day before yesterday.63. The baby laughed _______ (高兴).64. If it _________ (下雨) tomorrow, we won' t go to the zoo.65. An _________ (印度人) showed them the way on the map.66. Is his father a _________ (厨师)or a cleaner?67. I don't ______ (真正地) agree with you.68. It _______ (好象) that Chinese food is very popular in the world.69. He likes the _______ (汤) with popper and oil.70. She is a good _____ (善良的) girl.71. Don't _____ (横穿) the road. It is dangerous.72. There aren't any _________ (迹象) along the mad. He is lost.73. That car nearly _______ (撞) her.74. There are many _______ (旅客) at the bus station.75. Don't make any _______ (吵闹). You'll wake the baby up.76. She is studying. You mustn't _________ (打扰) her.77. I often feel weak and ______ (疲劳).78. Waikiki is one of the best beaches for _____ (冲浪) in Honolulu.79. I hope someday diving will be an _________ (比赛项目) of the Olympic Games.80. --Are you doing OK in _______ (保护) the environment? --Yes.81. -Would you be back as soon as ________ (尽快)? --All right.82. Listen ! How _______ (动听) he is singing !83. Come and see us ________ (无论如何) you have time.84. It is a bad manner ________ (吐痰) in public places.85. Don' t throw the _________ (垃圾) everywhere.86--87. The _____ (早) you start, the ____ (快) you will come back.88. We were all ________ (激动) because we saw an interesting film.89. Can you tell me what the nu mber of Jim's _______ (航班)out of Beiji ng is?90. Look at the _______ (说明) for the Smiths' trip.91. The music ______ (听起来) like birds singing.92. If you get a ______ (机会) to go there, please take it.93. The little boy was _____ (惊讶) at the beautiful fish he could see in the sea.94. The sign here ________ (警告) you not to smoke.95. It' s not ______ (允许) to take the books out of the classroom.96. The story happened a few ______ (世纪) ago.97. These days the workers are busy ______ (生产) this kind of medicine.98. His parents always _________ (鼓励) him to study hard.99. Tom is very ________ (自豪) of his new car.100. His son is living _______ (国外) now.101. How many Chinese stamps have you _______ (收集)?102. It's ______ (舒服) sitting with him under the tall tree.103. His long talk is just a ________ (浪费) of time.104. The things can be ________ (回收).105. The policemen are _______ (搜寻) the woods for the lost child.106. What's the ______ (人口) of Zhejiang this year?107. At last a smile _______ (出现) on her face.108. The rules of _______ (社会) must be obeyed by everyone.109. If you want to start it, just _______ (按) this button.110. The boy does well in most of his lessons, _____ (尤其是) Chinese.111. How many ________ (直的) lines must be drawn here?112. Mr Zhang ______ (毕业) from Beijing University in 1982.113. The more careful you are ,the ____________ 少()mistakes you will make. 114. The population of any other country is _______ (少) than that of China. 115. Mid - autumn is a _____ (传统的) festival for Chinese.116. A new museum will be ______ (建成) next year.117. English is the most _______ (广泛) used in the world.4118. A river is a ______ (天然的) waterway.119. A _____ (数字的) camera is dearer than that kind.120. The speaker was _____ (欢呼) by the listeners.121. When autumn comes, the ______ (树叶) on the trees begin to turn yellow. 122. It's ______ (不可能的) that he can come here before noon.123. The singing sounds quite ______ (美妙), doesn't it?124. The students had their photos ______ (拍照) in the middle of the square. 125. To be a doctor for children is very _______ (值得的).126. The children ______ (认为) their teacher as a good friend.127. Who ______ (赢)the boys' Io ng jump?128. Which team _______ (打败) the team from No.2 Middle School?129. The bike is too expensive. I don't think it's worth ______ (买).130. My chiId ________ (更喜欢) drawing to singing.131. The word "doctor" _____ (结尾) with "or", not "er".132. I ______ (收到) a Ietter from my penfriend every month.133. That bag is made of _______ (皮革).134. Have you made the _______ (决定) yet?135. Do you know ______ (准确地) how the animaIs feeI when they are in cages? 136. Many cows are _______ (饲养) on the farm.137. The footbaII match ended in a ________ (令人吃惊的) resuIt.138. Are those workers good at _________ (驯养)ani mals?139. All of us are pleased with their ________ (演出).140. Jim is even ______ (懒惰)than Bill.141. Last week our team played ____ _ (与…对抗)the team from No. 64 Middle School. 142. Who _________ (偷)Mr Gree n's necklace in fact?143. My gran dfather is a member of the singing ________ (俱乐咅E).144. Whe n you are cross ing a road, you must ____ __注意)the traffic on both sides. 145. Thank you very much for ____ __ 借)your hike to me.146. How much did you pay for the __ _ _____ 一套衣服)?147. The baby is so young that he can ______ __(几乎不)dress himself.148. I won' t feel __ __ 寂寞)with the TV and the radio.149. _______ 合作)is very importa nt for us stude nts to study.150. The coming exam is a great _________ (挑战)for us.Keys:(下)B:I- 5 : potatoes ,Italian , else,crossing ,days'6-10 : n ecessary,later,clearly,Ion ger ,retur nedII- 15 : smoking ,cities,workplace ,in , take16-20 : bridges ,died,worried ,cross,in stead21-25 : makes/made ,without ,missed,reaches,pockets26-30 : cut,pushes,visitors ,quiet,changed31-35 : mistakes ,serious ,nice/good ,fattest ,believe36-40 : Maybe/Perhaps ,crying ,wonderful ,dreamt/dreamed41 -45 : fell,to finish ,called,listening ,with46-50 : worries ,themselves ,favorite ,interesting ,carefully51-55 : runners ,starting ,missing ,in , harder/more difficult56-60 : worse,surprise ,money ,another ,heard61-65 : worried ,held/had ,happily ,rains,Indian66-70 : cook,really,seems,soup,kind71-75 : cross,sig ns,hit,passe ngers ,no ise76-80 : disturb ,tired ,surfi ng ,eve nt,protect ing81-85 : possible ,beautifully ,whenever ,to spit ,rubbish86-90 : earlier,sooner,excited ,flight ,instructions91-95 : sounds,chanee,amazed ,warns,allowed96-100 : centuries ,producing ,encourage ,proud ,a-broad 101-105 : collected ,comfortable ,waste,recycled ,searchi ng 106-ll0 : population , appeared ,society ,press,especially111- ll5 : straight ,graduated ,fewer,smaller,traditional 116-120 : built/founded ,widely ,natural ,digital ,cheered121 -125 : leaves,impossible ,beautiful ,taken , rewarding 126-130 : regard ,won , beat,buying ,prefers131 -135 : ends,receive/get ,leather,decision , exactly 136-140 : kept,surprising ,training ,performanee ,lazier141 -145 : against ,stole,club,notice ,lending146-150 : suit,hardly,Ionely,Teamwork ,challenge(土豆)(意大利人)(别的)(十字路口)(天)(必需的)(后)(清楚)(不再)(归来)(抽烟)(城市)(工作场所)(穿着)(带)(桥)(死)(担忧的)(横穿)(代替)(使得)(没有)(错过)(到达)(衣服口袋)(割)(推)(参观者)(安静)(改变)(错误)(严重)(好)(胖)(相信),sad (或许)(哭)(精彩)(梦)(悲伤)(跌倒)(完成)(叫做)(听)(有)(担忧)(她们自己)(最喜欢的)(有趣)(仔细)(跑步者)(起跑线)(不见了)(参加)(难)(坏)(惊奇)(钱)(另一张)(听见)(着急)(举行)(高兴)(下雨)(印度人)(厨师)(真正地)(好象)(汤)(善良的)(横穿)(迹象)(撞)(旅客)(吵闹)(打扰)(疲劳)(冲浪)(比赛项目)(保护)(尽快)(动听)(无论如何)(吐痰)(垃圾)(早)(快)(激动)(航班)(说明)(世纪)(生产)(鼓励)(自豪)(国外)(收集)(舒服)(浪费)(回收)(搜寻)-可编辑修改-初中三年英语重点词汇练习填空300 题(上)1. My ______ 学(生) like me and I like them.2. Jim and David are my ___________ 同(班同学).3. These are my friends. ___________ 他(们的) names are Han Mei and Wei Hua.4. Is Jim Kate' s ________ 兄(弟)?5. _____________________ --6. Those are ______________ 香(蕉) and these are 桔(子).7. These two _________ 妇_(女) are my teachers..8. Is ________ 每(人) here today?9. That's my bird, ___________ 它_(的) name is Polly.10. What's this in English? It's a ___________ 钟().11. That' s not your classroom, it' s _____________ 我_(们的).12. There are many _________ 动(物) over there.13. What's in the __________ 双(胞胎的) bedroom?14. What's your ___________ 最(喜欢的)colour?15. Are Tim and Tom in different ____________ 学(校)?16. --What's the time? --It's a _____________ 一_(刻钟)to seven.17. Are there any ___________ 警(察) in the room?18. His _________ 衣(服) are grey. What about yours?19. Can you count from one to a ____________ 百()?20. Whose ___________ 女(儿) are the girls? Mr King's.21. There are many people in that ____________ 市(场)22. Chinese is our first __________ 语(言).23. The teachers say we must do morning _______________ 操() every day.24. Those young men are _____________ 士(兵).25. He _________ 教() us English well, so our English is very good.26. Walking after supper is good for our ________________ 健(康)27. How much are the ______________ 西_(红柿) ?28. The Greens are going to London for their ______________ 假(日).29. They are from Canada, so they are ____________ 加(拿大人).30. Iwant to buy a ____________ 字_(典) for my son.-可编辑修改-31. We must do our homework 仔(细).32. Are you ___________渴_() or hungry?33. Their __________ 小_(刀) are all old, I want a new one.34. Is that _________ 建(筑物) a hotel or a shop?35. There are many farmers in the ___________ 田(地).36. Good morning, ___________ 孩_(子), are we all here now?37. Today is _______ 星(期二), February 18th. I'm on duty.38. I'd like an ____________ 空_(的) box.39. How many _____________ 动(物园) are there in that city?40. What ___________ 别(的) can you see in the picture?41. My bike isn't ___________ 坏(的), it's OK.42. Put your ________ 书(本) away, Lily and Kate.43. Yon can eat the cakes if you are ______________ 饿()44. Do you want any _____________ 水(果)?45. Ihave porridge and eggs for ______________ 早_(餐).46 There are some ___________ 块_() of bread on the plate.47. Those boys are good at __________ 游(泳).48. Don' t _______ 扔()the yo - yo like that.49. Michael Jordan is one of the best basketball ____________ 选(手).50. Are the boys __________ 骑_() bikes?51. Jim is __________ 浇_() the flowers.52. The shop in our school ___________ 关(门) at 9 p.m.53. We have a class __________ 会(议) every week.54. To many people, the meaning of aname is _______ ____ 重(要的).55. I don't want to go to Gansu, because the weather there is too ________________ 坏56. My grandpa often ___________ 讲() us stories.57. You can give him your best _______ (祝愿).58. Be quiet, the students are _____ (上) lessons.59. They are going to their _______ (故乡) next week.60. _____ (或许) that man is a teacher; I think.61. Would you like to go for a _______ (野炊) with us tomorrow?62. I'm very ______ (累), and I want to have a good rest.63. Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan are all big ____ (城市).64. I'm going to give my English teacher some ______ (漂亮的) flowers for Teachers'Day.65. Beijing is very ______ (远). We have to go there by air.66. Let's go ______ (划船) on the river.67. The monkeys climb up the trees ________ (快).68. September is the ________ (九) month of the year.69. Let's meet________ (在…外面)the school gate.70. Which month is hotter, _______ (十月) or September?71. We are going to have a party to ______ (庆祝) Teachers' Day.72. They are going shopping ______ (一起) tomorrow.73. Who' s _______ (高), Lily or Lucy?74. Who is the _______ (年轻) in your class?75. Our teacher comes into the classroom ______ (拿着) a book in his hand.76. I think his story is _______ (有趣) of the three.77. You must wait at home _______ (直到) he comes back.78. His door is closed, _______ (没有人) is in.79. The farmers _______ (种) potatoes on this farm.80. It's not a truck but a _______ (拖拉机).81. How many ________ (星星) can you see in the sky?82. Tom runs ________ (快) than Jim.83. 'John wants to ______ (饲养) the animals on the farm,84. Of all the animals, tigers are the ________ (危险).85. T omorrow we are going to learn the _______ (十二) lesson.86. --Shall we go to the _______ (电影院) this afternoon? --OK.87. --How many ________ (婴儿) deer are there? --Three.88. Please _______ (给… 看) me your new watch, I' d like to have a look.89. Why don't we meet a little _____ (早)? Let's make it 1:30.90. Sheep and rabbits just eat ____ (草).91. Shall we go and see the clothes _ _______(表演) thisevening92. He says we must keep our eyes _ _______(闭).93. Can you show me the way to the ________(博物馆)?94. My home is about three ______ (公里) from our school.95. You'd better _______ (说) it in English.96. I'm sorry he's not at home at the _ _______(瞬间,片刻).97. I think it's very hard to travel ___ ____ (环绕) the big city.98. There' s a lake_______________________ (在内) the park.99. We can't help him, he has to ask a ________ (女警察) for help.100 In a few _______ (月)time,it will be covered with green things.101 Every day he _______ (完成) his work at 5:00.102 Mother is the _______ (忙) in my family.103 --Which lesson is the hardest? --The ______ (五) lesson.104 Let's meet at the shopping ________ (中心) at 11 o'clock.105 I'm going to _______ (参观) the Great Wall next week.106 He works very hard, and __________ (享受…的乐趣)his work.107 There are going to be two football ________ (比赛) tomorrow.108 Is he good at ______ (驾驶) a car?109 You' d better _______ (计划) your work carefully.110. I think it's much _____ (冷) today.111. His friends are all ________ (商人).112. We sell the machines to many ________ (国家)113. Everything is _______ (准备好了). Let's start.114. Is the robot very _________ (有用)?115. Beijing is _______ (干燥) than Shanghai these days.116. --Who _______ (发明) the telephone.? --Sorry, I don't know.117. The robot listened to everything Mr Mott _________ (说).118. Mr Mott finished _______ (打包) at 10:40.119. Mr Li has a very bad memory, he often _________ (忘记) important meetings. 120. The memory robot always watched Mr Mott _______ (睡觉) at night.121. We moved to France nine years ago because my father _______ (找到) work there. 122. Edison was a ________ (著名的) inventor in the world.123. ____ (千)of people are at the concert now.124. The Reads enjoy _________ (看) newspapers.125. Which ________ (部分)of Australia do you come from?126. He has a friend _______ (叫做) Li Ming.127. It was _______ (下雨) hard when I wanted to go home:128. December comes after _________ (十一月).129. What ________ (发生) in the middle of the concert last night?130. He didn't have breakfast and went to school in a ______ (匆忙).131. Look! The children are making some ________ (雪人).132. July is the _______ (热) month of the year, we don't go to school then.133. Did you help the farmers with the rice ______ (丰收) last year?134 My mother often does some _______ (洗) on Sundays.135 He _______ (写) a letter to his penfriend last night.136 It was ______ (真的) cold yesterday.137 The students are busy ________ (帮助) the farmers with the apple picking.138 I like _______ (下雪) days because I like to play with snow.139 The shop only sells _______ (男) clothes and shoes.140. Bruce is going __________ (远足) in the Blue Mountains with his father.141 There will be a ________ (强) wind in the northeast of China.142 The weather here is very fine. We have a lot of ______ (阳光) every day.143 Thank you very much for ______ (邀请) me to your party.144 Sorry, he is not in at the moment. Can I take a ______ (口信)?145 Miss Zhan looked at me with a big ______ (笑) on her face.146 I'm _______ (恐怕) I may be a little late.147 December the twenty- fifth is _______ (圣诞节) Day.148 Spring __________ (节日) is the most important in China.149 Where will you go _________ (在…期间)the winter holiday?150. They will have a big _______ (聚会) on December the twenty - fourth.-可编辑修改-126-130 131-135 : snowmen , hottest , harvest , washing , wrote 136-140 : really , helping , snowy , men's , hiking 141-145 ,hurry(叫做)(下雨)(^一月)(发生)(匆忙) (雪人)(热)(丰收)(洗)(写) (真的)(帮助)(下雪)(男)(远足)(强)(阳光)(邀请)(口信)(笑)146-150 : afraid , Christmas , Festival , during , get-togetherKeys :(上)A :1-5 : students , classmates , Their , brother , bananas (学生)(同班同学)(他们的)(兄弟)(香蕉) 6-10 : oran ges , wome n , every one , its , clock 11-15 : ours , animals , twins' , favorite , schools16-20 : quarter , policemen , clothes , hundred , daughters 21-25 : market , Ianguage , exercises , soldiers , teaches 26-30 : health , tomatoes , holiday , Canadians , dictionary 31-35 : carefully , thirsty , knives , building , field 36-40 : children , Tuesday , empty , zoos , else 41-45 : broken , books , hungry , fruit , breakfast 46-50 : pieces , swimming , throw , players , riding 51-55 : watering , closes , meeting , important , bad 56-60 : tells , wishes , having , hometown , Maybe/Perhaps 61-65 : picnic , tired , cities , beautiful , far66-70 : boating , quickly , ninth, , outside , October 71-75 : celebrate , together , taller , youngest , with(桔子)(妇女)(每人)(它的)(钟)(我们的)(动物)(双胞胎的)(最喜欢的)(学校) (一刻钟)(警察)(衣服)(百)(女儿) (市场)(语言)(操)(士兵)(教)(健康)(西红柿)(假日)(加拿大人)(字典) (仔细)(渴)(小刀)(建筑物)(田地) (孩子)(星期二)(空的)(动物园)(别的) (坏的)(书本)(饿)(水果)(早餐) (块)(游泳)(扔)(选手)(骑) (浇)(关门)(会议)(重要的)(坏) (讲)(祝愿)(上)(故乡)(或许) (野炊)(累)(城市)(漂亮的)(远) (划船)(快)(九)(在…外面)(十月) (庆祝)(一起)(高)(年轻)(拿着) the most interesting , until/till , nobody , grow , tractor 76-80 : 81-85 : stars , aster , feed , most , dangerous , twelfth 86-90 : cinema , baby , show , earlier , grass 91-95 : show , closed , museum , kilometers , say (有趣)(直到)(没有人)(种)(拖拉机) (星星)(快)(饲养)(危险)(十二) (电影院)(婴儿)(给…看)(早)(草)(表演)(闭)(博物馆)(公里)(说)96-100 : mome nt , around/round , in side , policewoma n, , mon ths' (瞬间,片刻)(环绕)(在…内)(女警察)(月) 101-105 : finishes , busiest , fifth , centre , visit 106-ll0 : enjoys , matches , driving , plan , colder 111 -l5 : bus in essme n , coun tries , ready , useful , drier ll6-120 : inven ted , said , pack ing , forgets , sleep 121-125 : found , famous , Thousands , reading , part (完成)(忙)(五)(中心)(参观)(享受…的乐趣)(比赛)(驾驶)(计划)(冷) (商人)(国家)(准备好了)(有用)(干燥) (发明)(说)(打包)(忘记)(睡觉)(找到)(著名的)(千)(看)(部分) :called/named , raining , November , happened :strong , sunshine , inviting/asking, message , smile(恐怕)(圣诞节)(节日)(在…期间)(聚会)THANKS !!!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-。
初中三年英语重点词汇练习填空300题1. My ________(学生) like me and I like them.2. Jim and David are my ___________ (同班同学).3. These are my friends. ___________(他们的) names are Han Mei and Wei Hua.4. Is Jim Kate' s ___________(兄弟) ?5.--6. Those are _________(香蕉) and these are ___________(桔子).7. These two ___________(妇女) are my teachers..8. Is ___________(每人) here today?9. That's my bird, ______________(它的) name is Polly.10. What's this in English? It's a __________(钟).11. That' s not your classroom, it' s _____________(我们的).12. There are many ___________(动物) over there.13. What's in the ___________(双胞胎的) bedroom?14. What's your ____________(最喜欢的) colour?15. Are Tim and Tom in different ___________(学校)?16. --What's the time? --It's a _____________(一刻钟) to seven.17. Are there any ___________(警察) in the room?18. His ____________(衣服) are grey. What about yours?19. Can you count from one to a ____________(百) ?20. Whose ____________(女儿) are the girls? Mr King's.21. There are many people in that ____________(市场)22. Chinese is our first ___________(语言).23. The teachers say we must do morning ____________(操) every day.24. Those young men are ____________(士兵).25. He __________(教) us English well, so our English is very good.26. Walking after supper is good for our ____________(健康)27. How much are the ________________(西红柿) ?28. The Greens are going to London for their ____________(假日).29. They are from Canada, so they are ____________(加拿大人).30. I want to buy a _____________(字典) for my son.31. We must do our homework ____________(仔细).32. Are you _____________(渴) or hungry?33. Their _____________(小刀) are all old, I want a new one.34. Is that ___________(建筑物) a hotel or a shop?35. There are many farmers in the ___________(田地).36. Good morning, _____________(孩子), are we all here now?37. Today is __________(星期二), February 18th. I'm on duty.38. I'd like an ______________(空的) box.39. How many ____________(动物园) are there in that city?40. What ____________(别的) can you see in the picture?41. My bike isn't ___________(坏的), it's OK.42. Put your __________(书本) away, Lily and Kate.43. Yon can eat the cakes if you are _____________(饿)44. Do you want any ____________(水果)?45. I have porridge and eggs for ____________(早餐).46 There are some _____________(块) of bread on the plate.47. Those boys are good at ___________(游泳).48. Don' t _________(扔) the yo - yo like that.49. Michael Jordan is one of the best basketball __________(选手).50. Are the boys ____________(骑) bikes?51. Jim is _____________(浇) the flowers.52. The shop in our school ___________(关门) at 9 p.m.53. We have a class ____________(会议) every week.54. To many people, the meaning of a name is ___________(重要的).55. I don't want to go to Gansu, because the weather there is too ___________(坏).56. My grandpa often ___________(讲) us stories.57. You can give him your best _________(祝愿).58. Be quiet, the students are ________(上) lessons.59. They are going to their _________(故乡) next week.60. ________(或许) that man is a teacher; I think.61. Would you like to go for a _________(野炊) with us tomorrow?62. I'm very ________(累), and I want to have a good rest.63. Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan are all big _______(城市).64. I'm going to give my English teacher some ________(漂亮的) flowers for Teachers'Day.65. Beijing is very ________(远). We have to go there by air.66. Let's go _______(划船) on the river.67. The monkeys climb up the trees __________(快).68. September is the ________(九) month of the year.69. Let's meet ________(在…外面) the school gate.70. Which month is hotter, _________(十月) or September?71. We are going to have a party to ________(庆祝) Teachers' Day.72. They are going shopping ________(一起) tomorrow.73. Who' s _________(高), Lily or Lucy?74. Who is the ________(年轻) in your class?75. Our teacher comes into the classroom ________(拿着) a book in his hand.76. I think his story is _________(有趣) of the three.77. You must wait at home ________(直到) he comes back.78. His door is closed, ________(没有人) is in.79. The farmers ________(种) potatoes on this farm.80. It's not a truck but a ________(拖拉机).81. How many _________(星星) can you see in the sky?82. Tom runs _________(快) than Jim.83. 'John wants to ________(饲养) the animals on the farm,84. Of all the animals, tigers are the _________(危险).85. Tomorrow we are going to learn the _________(十二) lesson.86. --Shall we go to the _________(电影院) this afternoon? --OK.87. --How many _________(婴儿) deer are there? --Three.88. Please ________(给…看) me your new watch, I' d like to have a look.89. Why don't we meet a little ______(早)? Let's make it 1:30.90. Sheep and rabbits just eat _______(草).91. Shall we go and see the clothes _________(表演) this evening,992. He says we must keep our eyes _________(闭).93. Can you show me the way to the _________(博物馆)?94. My home is about three ________(公里) from our school.95. You'd better ________(说) it in English.96. I'm sorry he's not at home at the _________(瞬间,片刻).97. I think it's very hard to travel _________(环绕) the big city.98. There' s a lake _________(在…内) the park.99. We can't help him, he has to ask a _________(女警察) for help.100. In a few _________(月)time,it will be covered with green things.101 Every day he _________(完成) his work at 5:00.102 Mother is the _________(忙) in my family.103 --Which lesson is the hardest? --The ________(五) lesson.104 Let's meet at the shopping _________(中心) at 11 o'clock.105 I'm going to _________(参观) the Great Wall next week.106 He works very hard, and ___________(享受…的乐趣) his work.107 There are going to be two football _________(比赛) tomorrow.108 Is he good at ________(驾驶) a car?109 You' d better ________(计划) your work carefully.110. I think it's much _______(冷) today.111. His friends are all __________(商人).112. We sell the machines to many __________(国家)113. Everything is ________(准备好了). Let's start.114. Is the robot very __________(有用)?115. Beijing is _________(干燥) than Shanghai these days.116. --Who _________(发明) the telephone.? --Sorry, I don't know.117. The robot listened to everything Mr Mott __________(说).118. Mr Mott finished ________(打包) at 10:40.119. Mr Li has a very bad memory, he often __________(忘记) important meetings. 120. The memory robot always watched Mr Mott _________(睡觉) at night.121. We moved to France nine years ago because my father _________(找到) work there. 122. Edison was a __________(著名的) inventor in the world.123. _______(千)of people are at the concert now.124. The Reads enjoy __________(看) newspapers.125. Which __________(部分)of Australia do you come from?126. He has a friend _________(叫做) Li Ming.127. It was _________(下雨) hard when I wanted to go home:128. December comes after ___________(十一月).129. What _________(发生) in the middle of the concert last night?130. He didn't have breakfast and went to school in a ________(匆忙).131. Look! The children are making some __________(雪人).132. July is the _________(热) month of the year, we don't go to school then.133. Did you help the farmers with the rice _______(丰收) last year?134 My mother often does some _________(洗) on Sundays.135 He _________(写) a letter to his penfriend last night.136 It was ________(真的) cold yesterday.137 The students are busy _________(帮助) the farmers with the apple picking.138 I like _________(下雪) days because I like to play with snow.139 The shop only sells _________(男) clothes and shoes.140. Bruce is going ___________(远足) in the Blue Mountains with his father.141 There will be a _________(强) wind in the northeast of China.142 The weather here is very fine. We have a lot of ________(阳光) every day.143 Thank you very much for ________(邀请) me to your party.144 Sorry, he is not in at the moment. Can I take a ________(口信)?145 Miss Zhan looked at me with a big _______(笑) on her face.146 I'm _________(恐怕) I may be a little late.147 December the twenty- fifth is _________(圣诞节) Day.148 Spring ____________(节日) is the most important in China.149 Where will you go __________(在…期间) the winter holiday?150. They will have a big ________(聚会) on December the twenty - fourth.Keys: A:1-5:students ,classmates, Their, brother, bananas 6- 10:oranges, women, everyone, its, clock 11- 15 :ours, animals, twins', favourite, schools 16- 20:quarter, policemen, clothes, hundred, daughters 21 - 25 : market, language, exercises, soldiers, teaches 26 - 30 : health, tomatoes, holiday, Canadians, dictionary 31 - 35 :carefully, thirsty, knives, building, field 36 - 40 : children, Tuesday, empty, zoos, else 41 --45:broken, books, hungry, fruit, breakfast 46-50: pieces, swimming, throw, players, riding 51 - 55 : watering, closes, meeting, important, bad 56-60:tells, wishes, having, hometown, Maybe/Perhaps 61-65:picnic, tired, cities, beautiful, far 66-70:boating, quickly, ninth, outside, October 71-75:celebrate, together, taller, youngest, with 76 - 80: the most interesting, until/till, nobody, grow, tractor 81 - 85: stars, faster, feed, most dangerous, twelfth 86 - 90 : cinema, baby, show, earlier, grass 91 - 95 : show, closed, museum, kilometres, say 96 - 100 :moment, around/round, inside, policewoman, months' 101- 105:finishes, busiest, fifth, centre visit 106- ll0:enjoys, matches, driving, plan, colder 111–ll5:businessmen, countries, ready, useful, drier ll6-120:invented, said, packing, forgets, sleep 121 -125:found, famous, Thousands, reading, part 126-130:called/ named, raining, November, happened, hurry 131 -135:snowmen, hottest, harvest, washing, wrote 136-140:really, helping, snowy, men's, hiking 141 -145:strong, sunshine, inviting/ asking, message, smile 146-150:afraid, Christmas, Festival, during, get-together初中三年英语重点词汇练习填空300题(下)(1. They eat a lot of _________(土豆).2. Indiren can speak English well. But she is an __________(意大利人).3. Would you like something __________(别的)?4. Walk along the road and turn right at the third __________(十字路口).5. It' s about five _________(天) work.6. Do you think it _________(必需的) for us to learn to wait?7. A few minutes __________(后), I saw the plane again.8. It's not a very good line. Could you speak more _________(清楚) ?9. Bob is no __________(不再) a young man.10. The Green family __________(归来) to China last Friday.11. You must stop _________(抽烟).12. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful __________(城市) in the world.13. Have you visited my ____________(工作场所)?14. Go to school _________(穿着) your school clothes on Monday.15. They can't __________(带) the baby with them to go swimming.16. There are some ____________(桥) over the river.17. That old man __________(死) five weeks ago.18. Father looks very _________(担忧的) today.19. Be careful when you ___________(横穿) the busy street.20. I didn't have bread for breakfast, I had a bowl of porridge ________(代替).21. His father's coming back ________(使得) him feel very happy.22. Today I came to school ___________(没有) breakfast.23. I was too busy and ___________(错过) the film "Titanic".24. I will tell you when he __________(到达) my home.25. Is the license in one of your __________(衣服口袋) ?26. --What's wrong? --I ___________(割) one of my fingers just now.27. If someone ___________(推) hard, the old man will fall over.28. There are so many ___________(参观者) in the West Lake.29. You must keep __________(安静) in class.30. He __________(改变) his name when he was in the USA.31. It's not good to laugh at others' ___________(错误).32. There's nothing ____________(严重) with him, I think.33. The food smells very _____________(好).34, Of the three, Mr Brown is the _____________(胖).35. Do you __________(相信) what he said?36. ___________(或许) he will come here tomorrow.37. Can you make the baby stop ___________(哭) ?38. The film is really __________(精彩).39. I ___________(梦) I was in Shanghai last night.40. Her dog died last week, her cat died today, it made her very __________(悲伤)41. Mike ____________(跌倒) off the chair and hurt his leg.42. It's hard ___________(完成) the work in such a short time.43.The big boy ___________(叫做) Wu Hai is the best player on his team.44. Mary enjoys ____________(听) to the music.45. This is a black cat ______________(有) one white ear and two white legs.46. My mother _________(担忧)about my health and study very much.47. The twins enjoyed ________(她们自己) at the party.48. Her __________(最喜欢的) subjects at school are science and maths.49. This is an __________(有趣) story book for children.50. Please drive more _________(仔细).51. All the _________(跑步者) got ready to run.52. The teacher stood at the ___________(起跑线) line.53. The boat is __________(不见了), where is it?54. Which sports were you ____________(参加) that day?55. Which is ___________(难), English or Chinese?56. Lucy did ____________(坏) than Lily in Chinese.57. To our _________(惊奇), the old man's hair turned black the next day.58. If you have a lot of ___________(钱), what will you do?59. Here is __________(另一张) picture of mine.60. He ________(听见) someone playing the piano last night.61. The old woman couldn't find her purse, she looked ________(着急).62. We _______(举行) an English party the day before yesterday.63. The baby laughed ________(高兴).64. If it __________(下雨) tomorrow, we won' t go to the zoo.65. An __________(印度人) showed them the way on the map.66. Is his father a _________(厨师)or a cleaner?67. I don't ________(真正地) agree with you.68. It _________(好象) that Chinese food is very popular in the world.69. He likes the _________(汤) with popper and oil.70. She is a good _______(善良的) girl.71. Don't _______(横穿) the road. It is dangerous.72. There aren't any ___________(迹象) along the mad. He is lost.73. That car nearly ________(撞) her.74. There are many ________(旅客) at the bus station.75. Don't make any ________(吵闹). You'll wake the baby up.76. She is studying. You mustn't __________(打扰) her.77. I often feel weak and _______(疲劳).78. Waikiki is one of the best beaches for _______(冲浪) in Honolulu.79. I hope someday diving will be an __________(比赛项目) of the Olympic Games.80. --Are you doing OK in _________(保护) the environment? --Yes.81. –Would you be back as soon as ________(尽快)? --All right.82. Listen ! How _________(动听) he is singing !83. Come and see us _________(无论如何) you have time.84. It is a bad manner _________(吐痰) in public places.85. Don' t throw the __________(垃圾) everywhere.86--87. The _______(早) you start, the _______(快) you will come back.88. We were all _________(激动) because we saw an interesting film.89. Can you tell me what the number of Jim's _________(航班)out of Beijing is?90. Look at the ________(说明) for the Smiths' trip.91. The music ________(听起来) like birds singing.92. If you get a ________(机会) to go there, please take it.93. The little boy was _______(惊讶) at the beautiful fish he could see in the sea.94. The sign here _________(警告) you not to smoke.95. It' s not ________(允许) to take the books out of the classroom.96. The story happened a few ________(世纪) ago.97. These days the workers are busy ________(生产) this kind of medicine.98. His parents always __________(鼓励) him to study hard.99. Tom is very _________(自豪) of his new car.100. His son is living ________(国外) now.101. How many Chinese stamps have you _________(收集)?102. It's ________(舒服) sitting with him under the tall tree.103. His long talk is just a _________(浪费) of time.104. The things can be ________(回收).105. The policemen are ________(搜寻) the woods for the lost child.106. What's the ________(人口) of Zhejiang this year?107. At last a smile ________(出现) on her face.108. The rules of ________(社会) must be obeyed by everyone.109. If you want to start it, just _________(按) this button.110. The boy does well in most of his lessons, _______(尤其是) Chinese.111. How many _________(直的) lines must be drawn here?112. Mr Zhang ________(毕业) from Beijing University in 1982.113. The more careful you are,the _________(少)mistakes you will make.114. The population of any other country is ________(少) than that of China.115. Mid - autumn is a _______(传统的) festival for Chinese.116. A new museum will be ________(建成) next year.117. English is the most ________(广泛) used in the world.4118. A river is a _______(天然的) waterway.119. A _______(数字的) camera is dearer than that kind.120. The speaker was _______(欢呼) by the listeners.121. When autumn comes, the _______(树叶) on the trees begin to turn yellow.122. It's ________(不可能的) that he can come here before noon.123. The singing sounds quite ________(美妙), doesn't it?124. The students had their photos ________(拍照) in the middle of the square.125. To be a doctor for children is very _________(值得的).126. The children ________(认为) their teacher as a good friend.127. Who ________(赢)the boys' long jump?128. Which team _________(打败) the team from No.2 Middle School?129. The bike is too expensive. I don't think it's worth ________(买).130. My child _________(更喜欢) drawing to singing.131. The word "doctor" _______(结尾) with "or", not "er".132. I _______(收到) a letter from my penfriend every month.133. That bag is made of ________(皮革).134. Have you made the ________(决定) yet?135. Do you know ________(准确地) how the animals feel when they are in cages?136. Many cows are _________(饲养) on the farm.137. The football match ended in a __________(令人吃惊的) result.138. Are those workers good at _________(驯养) animals?139. All of us are pleased with their _________(演出).140. Jim is even _______(懒惰) than Bill.141. Last week our team played _____ __(与…对抗) the team from No. 64 Middle School. 142. Who __________(偷) Mr Green's necklace in fact?143. My grandfather is a member of the singing _________(俱乐部).144. When you are crossing a road, you must _____ __(注意) the traffic on both sides. 145. Thank you very much for _____ ___(借) your hike to me.146. How much did you pay for the ___ _____(一套衣服)?147. The baby is so young that he can _______ __(几乎不) dress himself.148. I won' t feel ___ _____(寂寞) with the TV and the radio.149. _________(合作) is very important for us students to study.150. The coming exam is a great _________(挑战) for us.Keys: A:1-5:students ,classmates, Their, brother, bananas 6- 10:oranges, women, everyone, its, clock 11- 15 :ours, animals, twins', favourite, schools 16- 20:quarter, policemen, clothes, hundred, daughters 21 - 25 : market, language, exercises, soldiers, teaches 26 - 30 : health, tomatoes, holiday, Canadians, dictionary 31 - 35 :carefully, thirsty, knives, building, field 36 - 40 : children, Tuesday, empty, zoos, else 41 --45:broken, books, hungry, fruit, breakfast 46-50: pieces, swimming, throw, players, riding 51 - 55 : watering, closes, meeting, important, bad 56-60:tells, wishes, having, hometown, Maybe/Perhaps 61-65:picnic, tired, cities, beautiful, far 66-70:boating, quickly, ninth, outside, October 71-75:celebrate, together, taller, youngest, with 76 - 80: the most interesting, until/till, nobody, grow, tractor 81 - 85: stars, faster, feed, most dangerous, twelfth 86 - 90 : cinema, baby, show, earlier, grass 91 - 95 : show, closed, museum, kilometres, say 96 - 100 :moment, around/round, inside, policewoman, months' 101- 105:finishes, busiest, fifth, centre visit 106- ll0:enjoys, matches, driving, plan, colder 111–ll5:businessmen, countries, ready, useful, drier ll6-120:invented, said, packing, forgets, sleep 121 -125:found, famous, Thousands, reading, part 126-130:called/ named, raining, November, happened, hurry 131 -135:snowmen, hottest, harvest, washing, wrote 136-140:really, helping, snowy, men's, hiking 141 -145:strong, sunshine, inviting/ asking, message, smile 146-150:afraid, Christmas, Festival, during, get-togetherB:1 -5:potatoes, Italian, else, crossing, days' 6-10:necessary, later, clearly, longer, returned11-15:smoking, cities, workplace~ in, take 16-20:bridges, died, worried, cross, instead21-25:makes/made, without, missed, reaches, pockets 26-30:cut, pushes, visitors, quiet, changed 31 - 35 : mistakes, serious, nice/good, fattest, believe 36 - 40 : Maybe/Perhaps, crying, wonderful, dreamt/dreamed, sad 41 -45:fell, to finish, called, listening, with 46-50: worries, themselves, favourite, interesting, carefully 51 - 55 : runners, starting, missing, in, harder/more difficult 56 - 60 : worse, surprise, money, another, heard 61 - 65 :worried, held/had, happily, rains, Indian 66 - 70 : cook, really, seems, soup, kind 71 - 75 : cross, signs, hit, passengers, noise 76 - 80 :disturb,tired, surfing, event, protecting 81 - 85 : possible, beautifully, whenever, to spit, rubbish 86 - 90 : earlier, sooner, excited, flight, instructions 91 - 95 : sounds, chance, amazed,, warns, allowed 96 - 100:centuries, producing, encourage, proud, a- broad 101 - 105:collected, comfortable, waste, recycled, searching 106 - ll0:population, appeared, society, press, especially 111-ll5:straight, graduated, fewer, smaller, traditional 116- 120:built/founded, widely, natural, digital, cheered 121 -125:leaves, impossible, beautiful, taken, rewarding 126- 130:regard, won, beat, buying, prefers 131 -135:ends, receive/get, leather, decision, exactly 136 - 140 : kept, surprising, training, performance, lazier 141 -145:against,stole, club, notice, lending 146- 150:suit, hardly, lonely, Teamwork, challenge。
初中英语语法填空(单句词形变换版)1.There is nothing to drink.2.XXX.3.I think Peter is one of the XXX.4.I think XXX.5.He sits in front of the class because of his poor XXX.6.XXX。
XXX.7.Everyone XXX.8.XXX.9.Can you tell me the height of the little boy?10.This bed is XXX.11.Every year。
they have a lot of visitors from other countries.12.Finally。
the mother cut the apple into two halves for her twins.13.XXX was XXX。
he got even more XXX.14.XXX.15.The books on the floor are useless。
You can throw them away.16.We always have a good time flying.17.The ice cream tastes good。
Can I have some more?18.It is XXX.19.XXX.20.XXX the given time frame.21.Upon reaching the bus。
I discovered that the bus had already departed.22.Since joining our school。
they have made numerous friends.23.XXX't know how to respond.24.They have been married for eight years.25.That concludes the story.26.XXX's appearance.27.We had completed eight units by the end of last week.28.It has been three years since he left.29.My sister was watching TV when I arrived home XXX.30.Please be quiet。
初中三年英语重点词汇练习填空300题(下)1.They eat a lot of ____ (土豆).2.Tndiren can speak English well. But she is an ___________ (意大利人).3.Would you like something __________ (别的)?4.Walk along the road and turn right at the third (十字路口).5.It' s a bout five _______ (天)work.6.Do you think it (必需的)for us to learn to wait?7. A few minutes __________ (后),T saw the plane again.8.It’s not a very good line . Could you speak more __________ (清楚)?9.Bob is no (不再)a young man.10.The Green fami ly ___________ (归来)to Chi na last Friday.11.You must stop (抽烟).12. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful ____________ (城市)in t he wor] d.13.Have you vi sited my ____________ (工作场所)?14.Go t o school (穿着)your school clothes on Monday.15.The y can’t __________ (带)the baby with them to go swimming.16.There are some (桥)over the river.17 . That old man __________ (死)five weeks ago.18.Father looks very ________ (担忧的)today.19.Be careful when you (横穿)the busy street.20. I dicin’t have bread for breakfast, I had a bowl of porridge __________ (代替)•21.His father's coming back _______ (使得)hi m feel very happy.22.To day I came t o school ___________ (没有)breakfast.2 3. I was too busy and (错过)the film "Titanic'24.I will tel 1 you when he _________ (到达)my home.25.Is the license in on e of your (衣月艮口袋)?26.―What’s wrong?--T __________ (割)one of my fingers just now.27.If someone ___________ (推)hard, the old man wi 11 fall over -28.There a re so many (参观者)in the West Lake.29.You must keep _________ (安静)in cla ss.30.He (改变)his name wh en he was in the USA.31.It’s not good to laugh at others’ _________ (错误).32.There’s nothing __________ (严重)with him, I think.33.The food smells very _____________ (好)•34.Of t he three, Mr Brown is the _____________ (胖).35. D o you (相信)wha t he said?36 . __________ (或许)he wil 1 come here tomorrow.37.Can you mak e the baby stop ____________ (哭)?38.The film is really (精彩).39 . I __________ (梦)I was in Shanghai last night.40.Her dog died last week, her cat died today, it made her very (悲伤)41.Mike (跌倒)off the chair and hurt his leg.42.It's hard (完成)the work in su ch a short t ime.43.The b ig boy ___________ (叫做)Wu Hai is the best player on his team.44.Mary enjoys (听)to the music.45 . This is a black cat ______________ (有)one whit e ear and two white legs •46.My mother _________ (担忧)about my health and study very much.47.The twins enjoyed (她们自己)at the party.48.He r _________ (最喜欢的)subje cts at schoo 1 are science and maths.49.This is an (有趣)story book for children.50.Pl ease drive more _________ (仔细).51.A1 1 the _________ (跑步者)got ready to run.52.The teacher stood at the (起跑线)line.53.The boat is _________ (不见了),where is it?54.Which sports were you (参加)that day?55.Wh ich is ___________ (难),English or Chinese?56.Lucy did ____________ (坏)than Lily in Chinese.57.To our (惊奇),the old man’s hair turned black the next day.58.I f you have a lot of ___________ (钱),what will yo u do?59.Her e is (另一张)picture of mine .60.He ________(听见)someone playing the piano last night.61.The old wo man couldn’t find her purse, she looked _________ (着急).62.We (举行)an English party the day before yesterday.63.The baby laughed _________ (高兴).64.If i t (下雨)tomorrow, we won’ t go to the zoo.65.An _________ (印度人)showed them the way on the map.66.Is his fath er a ________ (厨师)or a c leaner?67. 1 don’t(真正地)agr ee with you.68.It _________ (好象)that Chinese food is very popular in the world.69.He likes the (汤)with popper and oil.70.She is a good _________ (善良的)girl.71• Don’t _____ (横穿)the road. It is dangerous.72. There aren’t any(迹象)a long the mad . He is lost.73.That car nearly _________ (撞)her .74.There a re many (旅客)at the bus stat ion.75.Don’t make any _______ (吵闹).You’11 wake the baby up.76.She is studying. You mustn’t __________ (打扰)her.77. 1 often feel we ak and (疲劳).78.Waikiki is on e of the best beaches for _________ (冲浪)in Honolul u.79.I hope someday div ing will bean (比赛项目)of the Olympic Games.80.--Are you doing OK in _________ (保护)the environment ? --Yes.81.- Would you be back as so on as ________ (尽快)?~A1 1 right.82.Listen ! How __________ (动听)he is singing !e and see u s _________ (无论如何)you have time.84.It is a bad manner (吐痰)in public places.85.Don’ t throw the(垃圾)everywhere .86--87. The (早)you start, the (快)you will come back.88.We were all _________ (激动)because we saw an interesting film.89.Can you tell me what the numbe r of Jim’s(航班)out of Beijing is?90.Lo ok at the ______ (说明)f or the Smiths’ trip.91.The music ________ (听起來)like birds singing.92.I f you get a (机会)to go there , please take it.93.The little boy was _____ (惊讶)at the beautiful fish he could see in these a.94.The sign here _________(警告)you not to smoke.95- It’ s not ______ (允许)to take the books out of the classroom.96.The story h appened a few (世纪)ago.97.These days the workers are busy __________ (生产)this kind of medicine.98.Hi s parents always (鼓励)him to study hard.99.Tom is very _______ (自豪)of his new car.I00. His son is living ________ (国外)now.101.How many Chinese stamps have you (收集)?102.It’s ______ (舒服)sitting with him under the tai 1 tree.103.His long tai k is just a (浪费)()f time.104. The thing s can be _______ (回收).10 5- The policemen are ________ (搜寻)the woods for the lost chi Id.106.What ’ s the(人口)of Zhejiang this year?107.A t last a smi le ______ (岀现)on her f ace.108.The rules of (社会)m ust be obeye d by everyon e.109.Tf you want to start it, just ____________ (按)this button.110.The boy does well in most of his lessons, ________ (尤其是)Chinese.II1. How many (直的)lines must be drawn he re?112.Mr Zhang _________ (毕业)from Beijing Unive rsity in 198 2.113.The more careful you are, the (少)mistakes you will make.114.The population of any other country is ___________ (少)than that of China. 115.Mid - autumn is a ______ (传统的)festival for Chinese.116.A new museum will be (建成)next year .117.English is the most _________ (广泛)used in t he world. 4118.A river is a (天然的)waterway.119.A ______ (数字的)camera is dearer than that kind.120.T he speaker w as ______ (欢呼)by the listeners.121.When autumn comes, the (树叶)on the trees begin to turn yellow.122. It’s ______ (不可能的)t hat he can c ome here bef ore noon.123.The singing sounds quite (美妙),doesn,t it?124.The students had their phot os ________ (拍照)in the middle of the square. 125.To be a doc tor for chil dren is very _________ (值得的).126.The children (认为)t heir teacher as a good friend.127.W ho _______ (赢)the boys’long jump?12 8. Which team (打败)the team from No. 2 Middle School ?129. The bi ke is too ex pensive. T don’t think it’s worth _______ (英)•130. My child (更喜欢)drawing t o singing.13 1. The word "doctor" ______ (结尾)with "or", not "er".132.I (收至U)a letter from my penfrie nd every month.133.That bag is made of _______ (皮革).134.Have you made the _________ (决定)yet?135 . Do you know (准确地)how the animals feel when they are in cages? 136. Many cows are _________ (饲养)on the farm.137. The football match end ed in a (令人吃惊的)result.138. Are those workers good at _______ (驯养)animal s?139.All o f us are pleased with their __________ (演出).140.J im is even ______ (懒惰)than Bill.st weekour team played (与…对抗)theteam from No. 64 MiddleSchool.142.Who _________ (偷)Mr Green’s necklace in fact?1 43- My grand father is a member of the singing _________ (俱乐部)•144.When you are cross ing a road, you must _________ (注意)the traffic onboth sid es.145.Than k you very much for ________ (借)your hike to me.146.How much di d you pay for the ____ (一套衣服)?147.The baby is so young that he can _____________ (几乎不)dress himself.148.I won’ t feel ______ (寂寞)with the TV and the radio.149.________ (合作)is very important for us students to study.150.The coming exam is a great (挑战)for us.Keys: B:1 -5:potatoes, Italian, el se, crossing,days' 6-10 :necessary, later, clearly,longer, returned 11-15: smoking, cities, work place~ in, t ake 16"20:br ldges, died, worried,cr oss, instead 21-25:makes /made, without,missed, reaches, pockets 26-30 :c ut, pushes, visitors,quiet, changed 31 - 35 : mistakes,serious,nice/good,fattest, believe 36 -40 : Mayb e/Perhaps, crying,wonderful,dreamt/dreamed,sa d 41 - 45:fel 1, to finish, called, listening,with 46-50: worries,themse Ives, favour ite, interes ting, carefu lly 51 —55 :runners, s tart ing, missing,in, ha rdcr/more difficult 56 -60 : worse,surprise,money,anothe r,heard 61 - 65 :worrie d,held/had, happily,ra ins,Indian 66 -70 : co ok, really,seems,soup, kind 71-75 : cross, signs,hit, p assengers,noise 76 - 80 :disturb, tired,surfing,event,pr otecting 81 - 85 : possible,beautifully,whenever,to spi t, rubbish 86 - 90 : earlier,sooner, excited, flight,instructions 91-95 : sounds, chance, amazed,,warns, allowed 96 -100:centuri es, producing,encourage, proud, a-broad 101 -105:collecte d,comfortable,waste, r ecycled, searching 106 -110:populat ion, appeared,society, press, especially 111-11 5: straight,graduated,fewer,smaller,tradition al 116- 120:built/founde d, widely, natural,digital,cheered 121 - 125:le aves, imposs ible,beauti ful, taken, rewarding 12 6- 130:regar d, won, beat , buying, prefers 131 -1 35:ends,rec eive/get, leather,decision,exactly 136 一140 :kept, surprising,training,perform ance,lazier 141 -145:ag ainst, stole, club,notice,lending 146- 150:sui t, hardly, 1 onely,Teamwork,challenge。
语法填空常用词形转换1.accident(n.)→ accidental (adj.)意外的;偶然的2.achieve(v.)→achievement (n.) 成就;成绩3.active(adj.)→ activity(n.)活动4.advantage(n.)→ disadvantage (n.反义词)缺点;不利条件5.advice (n.)→advise(v.) 建议;劝告6.agree(v.)→ agreement(n.)意见一致→ disagree(v.反义词)不赞成→disagreement(n.反义词)不赞成7.art(n.)→ artist (n.)艺术家 (n.)→Asian (adj.) 亚洲的;亚洲人的9.Australia (n.)→Australian (adj.&n.)澳大利亚(人)的;澳大利亚人10.wake (v.)醒来→awake(adj.)11.bad(adj.)→ badly (adv.)差;严重地12.beautiful (adj.)→beautifully (adv.)美好地;漂亮地13.beauty(n.)→beautiful(adj.)美丽的14.begin(v.)→beginning(n.)开头;开端15.behave(v.)→ behavior (n.)表现;举止16.believe (v.)→believable (adj.) 可信任的→unbelievable (反义词adj.) 难以置信的17.birth(n.)→ birthday (n.)生日18.bored(adj.)→boring (adj.)令人感到厌倦的19.break(n.&v.)→broken (adj.)破损的20.build (v.)建造→building(n.)建筑物;大楼21.busy(adj.)→ business (n.)生意;商业22.care (v.)→careful(adj.) 小心的;认真的→careless(adj.)粗心的;不小心的→carefully(adv.)细心地;认真地23.center (n.)→central (adj.) 中央的;中心的24.child(n.)→children (pl.)儿童25. choose (v.)选择→choice(n.)26.clear (adj.)→clearly(adv.) 清晰地27.climb (v.)→climber(n.) 登山者;攀登者28.close(v.)→close (adj.)近的→closed(adj.)关着的29. cloud (n.)云→cloudy(adj.)30.collect (v.)→collection (n.) 收藏品;收藏fortable(adj.)→comfortably(adv.) 舒适地;舒服地municate (v.)→communication(n.) 交流;沟通pete(v.)→ competition(n.)竞争→ competitor(n.) 竞争者plete(v.& adj.)完成→completely(adv.)35.congratulate (v.) 祝贺→ congratulation (n.)36.cook(v.)→ cook (n.)厨师→ cooker (n.)厨具37.correct(adj.)→ incorrect (反义词)→ correctly(adv.)正确地38.create (v.)→creative (adj.) 有创造力的→creativity (n.) 创造力39.cross(v.)→crossing(n.)十字路口→across(adv.&prep.)过;穿过40.danger(n.)→dangerous (adj.)有危险的;不安全的41.day (n.)→daily (adj.) 每日的;日常的42.decide(v.)→ decision (n.)决定43.depend (v.)→dependence(n.) 依靠;信赖44.develop (v.)→development (n.) 发展;发育;成长→developing(adj.)发展中的→developed(adj.)发达的45.die(v.)→death(n.) 死;死亡→dead(adj.)死的;失去生命的→ dying (adj.)垂死的46.different(adj.) →differently(adv.)不同地→difference(n.)差别;差异;区别47.difficult(adj.)→ difficulty (n.)困难48.direct (adj.)→direction (n.) 方向;方位→ director (n.)导演;部门负责人49.discuss(v.)→ discussion(n.) 讨论;商量50.documentary (n.)→documentaries (pl.)纪录片51.early(adj.)→earlier(比较级)→earliest(最高级)52.easy(adj.)→ easily (adv.)容易地cate(v.)→ education (n.)教育→ educational(adj.)有教育意义的54.electronic (adj.)→electronically (adv.) 电子地;用电子方法55.encourage(v.)→ encouragement (n.)鼓励56.end (v.)→ending(n.) 结尾;结局57.energy(n.)→energetic(adj.)有活力的;精力充沛的58.enjoy(v.)→enjoyable(adj.)令人愉快的59.environment (n.)→environmental(adj.) 自然环境的;有关环境的60.especial(adj.)→ especially (adv.)尤其;特别;格外61.examine(v.)→examination (n.同义词)考试62.excite(v.)→excited(adj.)兴奋的;激动的→ excitement (n.) 激动;兴奋→exciting(adj.)令人激动的→ excited(adj.)激动的63.express (v.)→expression (n.) 表情;表达方式64.fail (v.)→failure (n.) 失败65.fair(adj.)→unfair(反义词adj.)不公正的;不合理的66.farm(n.)农场→ farmer (n.)农民67.feel (v.)感觉到→ feeling(n.)68.few(adj.)→fewer(adj.比较级)较少的;更少的→fewest(adj.最高级)最少的69.final(adj.)→finally(adv.)最后;最终70.foot (n.)→feet(pl.) 脚;足71.foreign(adj.)→ foreigner (n.)外国人72.free(adj.同义词)有空的→freedom(n. 自由)73.French (adj.)→France (n.) 法国74.friend(n.)→ friendly (adj.)友好的→ unfriendly (adj.)不友好的→ friendship (n.)友谊75.gold(n.&adj.)→golden(adj.)金子制的76.good(adj.)/well(adv.)好;对;满意地→ better (比较级)→ best (最高级)77.graduate (v.)→graduation (n.) 毕业78.happy(adj.)→ happiness (n.)高兴→(adv.)happily79.hard(adv.)努力→hardly (adv.)几乎不80.harm (v.)→harmful (adj.) 有害的81.health(n.)→healthy(adj.)健康的→un healthy(反义词adj.)不健康的82.heavy(adj.)重的→ heavily(adv.)83.high(adj.)高的→height (n.)84.help (v.)→helpful (adj.) 有用的;有帮助的→ helpless(adj.)无用的85.history(n.)→historical(adj.)(有关)历史的→historian(n.)历史学家;历史工作者86.hungry(adj.)→hunger(n.)饥饿87.ice(n.)→icy(adj.)冰冷的88.ill(adj.)→illness(n.) 疾病;病89.important (adj.)→importance(n.) 重要性;重要→unimportant(反义词)不重要的90.improve(v.)→ improvement (n.)进步;发展91.include (v.)→including(prep.) 包括……在内92.instruct(v.)→instruction(n.)命令;指示;用法说明93.interest (n.&v.)兴趣;爱好;对……感兴趣→interesting(adj.)→ interested (adj.)感兴趣的94.interview(v.&n.)→ interviewer (n.)采访者95.introduce(v.)→introduction (n.) 介绍;说明96.invent (v.)→invention (n.) 发明;发明物→inventor (n.) 创造者;发明者97.invite (v.)→invitation(n.) 邀请;请柬98.keep(v.)→ keeper (n.) 饲养员;保管人99.kid (n.)→kids(pl.) 孩子100.kind(adj.)友好的→ kindness(n.) 仁慈;善良→kindly(adj.)和蔼的;温和的101.know(v.)→ knew (过去式)→ known (过去分词)知道→ knowledge(n.)知识;学问st(adj.&v.)上一个的;持续→lastly (adv.) 最后ugh(v.)→laughter (n.)笑声y(v.)→laid (过去式) 放置;下(蛋)→laid(过去分词)放置;下(蛋)105.lead (v.)→leader(n.)领导;领袖106.lie(v.) 躺→ lay (过去式)→lying(现在分词)107.little(adj.)→less(比较级)→least (最高级)108.live (v.)生活→lively(adj.) 生动的;活泼的;升级勃勃的→alive(adj.)活着的109.loud(adj.)响亮的;大声的→loudly(adv.)→ aloud(adv. 大声地)110.luck (n.)→lucky (adj.)幸运的→luckily (adv.)幸运地;好运地→unlucky(反义词adj.)不幸的;不吉利的111.make (v.)→maker (n.) 制造者;生产者112.manage(v.)→ manager (n.)经营者;经理113.marry(v.)→married(adj.)结婚的114.mean(v.)→ meaning(n.) 意思;意义→meaningful(adj.)意味深长的;有意义的→meaningless(反义词adj.)毫无意义的;115.medicine(n.)→medical(adj.)医疗的;医学的116.meet (v.)遇见→meeting(n.) 会议117.memorize (v.)→memory (n.) 记忆;回忆118.mix(v.)→mixture(n.)混合119.most(adj.)大多数→ mostly (adv.)主要地120.mouse(n.)→ mice (复数)121.music(n.)→ musician (n.)音乐家→ musical (adj.)音乐的;有音乐天赋的122.nation (n.)→national (adj.) 国家的;民族的123.nature(n.)→natural(adj.)自然的124.noise(n.)→noisy(adj.)嘈杂的;吵闹的→noisily(adv.)嘈杂地;吵闹地125.normal (adj.)→normally (adv.) 通常;正常情况下126.north(n.)→ northern (adj.)北方的;北部的127.one(num.)→once (adv.)一次→first第一anize (v.)→organizer(n.) 组织者→organization(n.) 组织129.own(adj.)自己的→ own(v.)拥有→ owner(n.)拥有者130.pain (n.)→painful (adj.) 令人疼痛的131.peace (n.)→peaceful (adj.) 和平的;安宁的132.person(n.)→ personal(adj.)个人的;私人的133.please (v.)→pleased (adj.) 高兴的→pleasure (n.) 高兴134.polite (adj.)→impolite (反义词adj.) 不礼貌的;粗鲁的→politely (adv.)有礼貌地135.pollute(v.)→pollution(n.)污染;污染物136.popular(adj.)→popularity(n.)普及;受欢迎137.possible(adj.)→impossible(反义词adj.)不可能的→possibly(adv.)可能;也许138.prefer(v.)→ preferred (过去式)→ preferred (过去分词)139.prepare (v.)→preparation(n.) 准备工作;准备140.produce (v.)→product (n.) 产品;制品141.pronounce(v.)→pronunciation (n.)发音;读音142.protect(v.)→protection (n.)保护;保卫143.really(adv.)→ real (adj.)真的→ reality (n.)现实144.recent (adj.)→recently(adv.) 不久前;最近145.relax (v.)→relaxed(adj.) 放松的;自在的→relaxing(adj.) 使人放松的146.report (v.)→reporter (n.) 记者147.run(v.)→runner(n.)跑步者→running(现在分词)148.sad(adj.)→sadness (n.) 悲伤;悲痛149.safe(adj.)→ safety (n.)安全→150.salt(n.)→salty(adj.)咸的151.scarf(n.)→ scarves/scarfs (复数)152.science(n.)→ scientific (adj.)科学的→ scientist(n.)科学家153.sell(v.)→ sale (n.)特价销售;出售154.serve(v.)→ service (n.)服务155.sheep(n.)→ sheep (复数)156.silent (adj.) 不说话的;沉默的→silence (n.)157.simple (adj.)→simply (adv.) 仅仅;只158.sing(v.)→singer (n.)歌手159.sleep (v.)→sleepy(adj.)困倦的;瞌睡的→asleep (adj.)睡着的160.slow(adj.)→ slowly (adv.)慢地161.society (n.)→social(adj.)社会的162.solve(v.) 解决;解答→solution (n.)163.south(n.& adj.)→southern (adj.)南方的164.speak (v.)→speaker (n.) 发言者165.spread(v.)→ spread (过去式)→ spread (过去分词)166.steal(v.)→ stole (过去式)→ stolen (过去分词)167.strange (adj.)→stranger (n.) 陌生人168.stress (n.)→stressed(adj.) 紧张的;焦虑不安的169.succeed(v.)→success (n.)成功→successful(adj.) 成功的→successfully(adv.) 成功地170.sudden (adj.) 突然(的) →suddenly (adv.)171.suggest(v.)→ suggestion (n.)劝告;建议172.sun (n.)→sunny(adj.)晴朗的→ sunshine (n.)阳光173.surprise(n.&v.)→ surprising (adj.)令人吃惊的→ surprised (adj.)感到惊讶的174.teach(v.)→teacher(n.)教师→taught(过去式/过去分词)175.teenage(adj.)→ teenager (n.)青少年176.thank (v.)→thankful (adj.) 感谢;感激→thanks(n.)感谢;谢谢177.thin(adj.)→thinner (比较级)→thinnest (最高级)178.thirst(n.)→ thirsty (adj.)口渴的;渴望的179.tooth(n.)→teeth (复数)180.tour(v.)→tourist (n.)旅行者;观光者181.traditional(adj.)→ tradition (n.)传统182.train(v.)→training(n.)训练;培训183.translate(v.)→ translation (n.)翻译184.travel (v.)→traveler(n.) 旅行者;旅客185.true(adj.)→ truly(adv.)真正;确实→ truth (n.)事实;真相e (v.)→useful (adj.)有用的;有益的→ useless (adj.反义词)无用的ual (adj.)→usually(adv.) 通常地→unusual(反义词adj.) 特别的;不寻常的188.value(n.&v.)价值→ valuable (adj.)贵重的;宝贵的189.visit(v.)→visitor (n.)访问者;游客190.wake(v.)→ awake (adj.)醒着的191.warm (adj.)→warmth (n.) 温暖;暖和192.week(n.)→ weekly(adj.&adv.)每周的(地)193.weigh(v.)→ weight(n.)重量194.wide (adj.)→widely (adv.) 广泛地;普遍地195.windy(adj.)→ wind(n.)风196.winner(n.)→win(v.) 获胜;赢得197.wise (adj.)→wisely (adv.) 聪明地;明智地198.wood (n.)→wooden (adj.) 木制的;木头的199.worry (n.)→worried(adj.)担心的200.write(v.)wrote(过去式)→written(过去分词)→writer(n.)作者。
1.It is reported that last Tuesday, a young traffic policeman was knocked down by accident andsent to the nearby hospital.2.As students, we agree that we should take full advantage of time to practise ourselves and receivemore education so that we will have a bright future.3.sometimes, the tired scientist wants to give up the plan for he has failed in the experiment sometimes, but he still spends some time on it every day because he believes he will be successful sometime.4.You can try to borrow some money from this rich woman, but I am afraid she won't lend evenone dollar to you.5.To our surprise, though the result of the exam is surprising, the teacher was not suiprised at it.6.The support from his whole family gave him confidence to solve the difficult problem and finallyhe not only discovered a new disease but also invented new medicine against it.7.Since the clever boy realizes that he himself is keen on physics, he makes a decision to study thisinteresting subject well with the help of his teacher.8.Besides eating more vegetables and less meat, these fat men have to take several exercises suchas playing basketball, running in order to lose weight.9.It is very kind of you to help us repair this computer for it is difficult for us to finish the workwithout it in time.10.All of the members in this club are worried about the changes of climate so they perform anactivity to ask more people to protect environment.11.Nowadays, more and more countries start to pay attention to the pollution, they advise people toprefer paper bags to plastic ones when they go shopping.12.Although both noise and voice can be called sounds, all the people enjoy beautiful voice fromgood singers and no one wants to hear noise.13.You'd better not look up each new word in the English-Chinese dictionary while you arereading the English newspaper or novel.14.In many western countries, thirteen is not regarded as a lucky number, but no one knows why.15.The careless patient mistook a white button for a pill so the doctor operated on him immediatelyto take it out as soon as possible.16.If food supplies the energy to children, knowledge provides the chance for children to improvethemselves and realize their dreams.17.After the leaders discussed with each other the sports meeting, they agreed to cancel it becauseit might snow heavily and some accidents might happen.18.A few little girls like the Chinese teacher because he looks like a famous Korea film star andalso knows a little Korean culture.19.The manager prefers going to a restaurant with his friends to inviting them to have a meal athome because he says it is too tired for him to prepare food and cook at home.20.Every Saturday science museum is crowded with a lot of middle school students, and someteachers are busy explaining the scientific secret behind a lot of interesting experiments.21.This pretty nurse told the lovely girl it was bad manners to throw the rubbish everywhere andshe should put them into the dustbin.22.When the engineer found the machine stopped working, he stopped to check what was thematter with it.23.This lady's husband raised his head and told me that yesterday's highest temperature had risento 36 degrees, but tomorrow it would be rise by 3 degrees.24.It was very loud outside the classroom so our English teacher required all the students to readthe new text aloud.25.The beautiful journalist received the rich man's expensive gift's, however, she refused to acceptit because she didn't like him.26.—My deskmate has made such great progress in French recently that he can speak Frenchfluently now.--So he has, and so have you. Congratulations on winning the first prize in the French contest.27.A duck is lying under the tree. It has laid four eggs but the boy lied that it had laid 3 eggs.28.The old writer lived alone in a small village, but he never felt lonely because he had madefriends with the books.29.Ten passengers are standing beside the door besides you so there are eleven adults in all.30.The monitor expects that besides students, their parents will also attend his birthday party butthere are only five of his friends except his class teacher.31.Every Sunday, my mother brings some clean clothes and fresh fruit to me and takes my dirtydresses and T-shirts away.32.After he took the medicine, the sick soldier felt very weak and finally fell asleep, so you hadbetter keep quiet and not go around.33.My watch is the same as my friends', but it cost me five hundred yuan and my friends spentonly 200 yuan on them.34.On March the fifth, some of the pupils plant some trees in the neighbourhood, and some helpto clean the floor and the rest take care of the old men and women.35.According to the report, if any office clerk can sleep for a short time at noon, he will feel morecomfortable and perform much better in the afternoon.36.To our surprise, our leader is very confident about such a hard-working secretary that heencourages her to translate the important Japanese file into German as soon as possible.37.Since Shanghai became a modem city in China, it has attracted more and more foreigners andfamous foreign companies.38.It is quite convenient for this short doctor to get all the tools that he needs because theuniversity has designed a special lab for him.39.It is known to all that the earth is 49 times the size of the moon but the sun is 1.3 million timesas big as the earth.40.He is always adding "e” in front of the letter "t” when he spells the word "ninth”,so his Englishteacher forced him to copy "ninth” one hundred times.41.Sometimes you may not understand your parents because one minute they are friendly and thenext minute they're shooting and screaming loudly enough for the whole street to hear.42.The detective thinks that the man behind the motorcycle may be the thief but his partnerbelieves that maybe the man may just feel interested in the motorcycle.43.The girl was afraid to go outside to play because she was afraid of passing the large dog in thegarden.44.The elder brother will arrive in Beijing at about ten o'clock, while the younger one is going toreach Beijing at half past one and their parents will get there at a quarter to eight.45.After he won the game, his parents and relatives were very proud of him and all of his teacherstook pride in him.46.When he was only a child, he dream of becoming a scientist but after he grew up, he made adecision to be a teacher instead of a scientist.47.This retired healthy leader has a lot of hobbies such as collecting stamps, enjoying the BeijingOpera, taking some photos,drawing some pictures and travelling.48.Smoking is very bad for you so if you want to keep healthy, you had better get rid of it and takemore physical exercises.49.The price of the house is too high for many ordinary people to afford, so many people begin torent the house in the city center.50.A lot of organizations hope that the government will take action to protect the lovely pandasfrom disappearance.51.Before they graduate from universities, these volunteers with the united uniforms are all pleasedto serve all the visitors from all over the world.52.Though it is true that it is quite convenient for anyone to search and find the information on theInternet, it is still necessary to judge whether the information is right or wrong.53.The angry mother warns her daughter if she dare throw her toys and rubbish everywhere again,she will beat her.54.The airport didn't apologize to all the passengers for the delay of the flight until all thepassengers had waited for almost six hours, so some of the passengers decided to write a letter of complaint.55.The breakfast of an average American mainly consists of the food such as eggs, bread and butter,sandwiches, milkjuice and so on.56.Both of these excellent twins will go on their study in Britain, but the elder brother will reachthere this June while the younger one will amve in it one month later.57.Almost everyday except weekends and rainy days, the national flag will rise and all the studentswill stand on the playground and raise their hands .58.The entrances to the zoo are crowded with the excited people, because all of them are veryinterested in the new panda and want to watch them with their own eyes.59.If you compare their system with ours, you will easily get the conclusion that our system seemsout of date and can't meet the needs of modern industry.60.The thief tried escaping from the prison during the Christmas, but the police had known his planand tried to destroy his plan.61.The football team got there ahead of time in order to be familiar with the bad weather andstrange local food because they didn't want to lose such an important match.62.The location of the library is far from their house, but these boys are so keen on reading thehistory books that they are willing to spend the whole afternoon there every Sunday.63.The considerate wife was very pleased with her own cooking because it tasted delicious and shewas sure her husband would be fond of it.64.Generally speaking, the class teacher is in charge of the class while the school is in the chargeof the headmaster65.Because of the toothache, he hasn't enjoyed the delicious dinner for several days so he has nochoice but to ask the dentist for help.66.With the development of science and technology, researchers will get more and moreknowledge about space and other planets.67.After completing too much work in a much too short time, I couldn't bear the pressure, so Iasked for a two-day leave to adjust myself.68.The top student was too nervous about the exam to review her lessons and sleep well and in theend she didn't get a satisfying score.69.Though both China and Japan are located in East Asia, there are still a lot of differences inculture and traditional customs.70.The brave wounded fireman deserved the praise because he was not frightened by the danger offire and saved all the citizens from the burning building.71.The maths teacher begins to be interested in this smart little kid, for he can calculate even fasterthan a computer but never makes any mistakes though he is not good expressing himself.72.It is ordered that if the driver has drunk some wine, he or she is not allowed to drive the car incase the traffic accident takes place.73.The survey shows that greenhouse gas is harmful to the earth but until now we haven't theperfect method to solve the problem.74.There are twelve month in one year—January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,September, October, November and December, and it is rather difficult for many English learners to learn them by heart.75.During the concert, it is not polite to use the camera with the flash or often move in front of theaudience, and it is even rude to communicate with your friends.76.He just moved to the new senior high school so the class teacher asked him to introduce himselfto the whole class and arranged his seat beside the monitor.77.The soldier is strong enough to lift the heavy bag.78.The waiter brought a menu to me and suggested that I should taste the new meal and tell himmy opinion about it.79.Since his wife began to decorate the bedroom with some photos of their baby and some whiteroses, the husband has been brushing the sitting room with paint.80.Unluckily, the businessman felt so tired that he soon fell asleep without realizing that he had lefthis luggage , speech material and expensive camera in the taxi.81.The weather forecast said this Sunday was fit for a camp, so these friends organized a picnic inthe forest and they carried some food and knife and fork.82.All the Chinese people will never forget the wonderful 2008 Beijing Olympics because thewhole world focused attention on China and on Beijing.83.The fans say that this film star has been married for four years, but actually she just married thatrich gentleman two year ago in Germany.84.During the childhood, we often depended on our parents when we were in trouble while we tryto be independent of them after we grow up.85.It is impossible for you to guess right who will take part in our party as guests of honor but I amsure you will feel it amazing when you know the answer.86.When we find the TV program is very dull, we will change the channel until we are attracted bysome programs.87.Except the local farmers, no one dare to cross that narrow field at night because he can't evensee his fingers when he goes across it.88.The pilot had enough experience to deal with danger when the plane was out of control andfinally he succeeded in landing on the ground safely.89.Every summer holidays, a lot of male students and some female ones pretend not to notice therule on the board that teenagers under the age of 18 mustn't enter the Internet bar and spend amounts of time in it.90.It is precious memory that when he was still a Young Pioneer from the primary school, he wentto the estate to sweep the floor, pick up the litter and water the plants every March the 5山.91.At the moment, the aged artist achieves the ambition of holding his personal oil paintingexhibition and the price of the tickets is very low so that he can share his view of natural beauty with the public.92.This winter holidays, they are eager to travel around Europe, such as France, Italy, Germany,Britain and so on.93.During rush hours, many clerks still choose undergrounds or buses rather than their private carsas main traffic tools and some young ones even ride bicycles because it is too difficult to park cars in the city center.94.Before the lecture in the college, the inventor raised a question who had the ability to take out acoin at the bottom of the bottle without touching it or breaking it into pieces.95.At weekends, especially when it is sunny and warm, many people can be seen swimming in thesea, in addition, many families relax themselves at the beach and take a sun bath.96.The Bund that has already been rebuilt is open to the public again and plenty of tourists stand atthe sightseeing platform and enjoy the opposite Oriental Pearl TV Tower.97.After a horrible flood attacked his poor village,these homeless people went hungry and thirstyand needed medical help, and some of them even robbed the supermarkets of the daily goods.The army used the ferries to move them to the nearby kindergarten and church.98.Although the president of every nation sticks to the fact that human beings love peace, hatewars and fear death, every country still pay a large amount of money for armies and weapons.99.The reason why he is used to the life in England so quickly is that he used to listen to theEnglish broadcast on radio and his recorder was usually used to record what he pronounced when he read after the tape.100.Although the developed countries promised to provide money and technology for the developing countries to protect environment, they themselves are still eager for the naturalproducts such as fuel and oil to meet the needs of heat and electricity power.101.The secretary usually wakes up with the help of the alarm clock, but yesterday it was broken, so she stayed in bed until the telephone rang.102.Just after dinner, he had ice-cream in a hurry and got a serious stomachache, so his grandma offered him some medicine and hot water.103.While all the fans outside celebrate his success, the winner of the Winter Canadian Olympics in Canada did the interview at the international conference center and said he would continue to train for another competition.104.The ancient cave is very deep and dark so even with the lantern the captain of the group still failed to observe the animal pictures in the cave.105.People in the town didn't believe the truth that the lake had been polluted by the nearby chemical factories until the lake was covered with dead fish.106.During the spring festival, people usually set off fireworks to say goodbye to the past year and welcome the New Year.107.During the National Day, the whole nation is filled with happy atmosphere,streets full of balloons and red flags and every Chinese hopes our motherland will become more and more powerful.108.After the army attacked the enemy's base, the battle broke out in the north area and just after 2 hours , the enemy gave up the base.109.This blind Australian singer was very popular with teenagers and in yesterday's charity show, he sang his favorite songs while some actresses were dancing around him.110.Some articles and the pictures of these magazines about geography and journey aren't printed clearly.so they can't publish these magazines.111.Before my grandpa took the letter out of the envelope, he found that the letter didn't belong to him because the address was wrong.112.If the weather is fine and windy, this couple will fly kites at the hill; however, if the weather is awful, they will go to the cinema to see funny movies.st night, he was caught in a heavy rain and was wet all over and this morning , he got a bad cold and headache. Now he is resting in the bedroom.114.These two heroes select some potatoes and tomatoes in the supermarket.115.In his diary, he wrote down the trip to the zoo,especially that he fed the moneys on bananas and he also made some videos of wolves, lions, tigers and bears.116.Although the maths teacher was very strict with these students, finally all of them felt thankful for the teacher's patient and careful guide because they got grade A.117.The sentences of the story in this thick book are too long for the children to understand and in addition, the story is not described in detail.118.If you spread out and read the world map, it will enable you to know that the land area of the People's Republic of China nearly equals that of the United States of America.119.Between he and his brother who practises high jump, his brother is taller, but among his college classmates, his height is the greatest.120.It is very kind of you to fix our computer or it is not likely for us to send the E-mail about recent sales to Paris before 5 o'clock.121.Although the clerk was on duty, he still looked forward to watching tonight's exciting football match. As soon as he heard the cheers, he ran upstairs out of breath to see who kicked the goal. 122.The population of the city is greater than that of the country while the empty space in the city is not as much as that in the country.123.She bought her bakery an automatic oven which can process and produce the soft chocolate cakes and cheese cakes.124.“Is it fair exchange that I offer you the service of a balanced diet and you do some housework such as washing these dishes and bowls or cleaning the kitchen, hon ey?” the wife made a joke at his lazy husband.125.When you are at table, you must obey the following rules: Don't make any sounds when you eat soup with the spoon and don't speak with others when your mouth is full of food.126.During the high season such as spring and autumn, there is little chance for you to book a double room in this hotel on the island, because it is very close to the seaside.127.He is always making excuse for being late for work and this has already caused his leader to choose another one to investigate the case.128.The careless chief hit her face on the glass gate and a lot of blood from her nose dropped on her skirt so her assistant went to find cotton for her.129.There is a variety of furniture and blankets in the palace and a huge swimming pool behind it in the shape of a heart. The king and the queen used to have a rest on the grass after they swam. 130.In the ordinary course of event, after he has breakfast, he connects to the Internet to read some business news unless he feels ill.131.The reason why he is so fat is that he is simply crazy about fruit salad, pizza, spaghetti, steak and coffee and never tries some vegetables such as carrots and cabbages.132.Since your father has gone out to buy some sweet snack, please put the pork in the oven to roast before I am ready for the sauce.133.Scientists are investigating the effects of medicine on human's body, for example, the slow response.134.When the host looked out from the window, he found there were several holes in a row of wood fence around the new house.135.Before you are present at debate, remember to shine the pair of shoes and put on the tidy trousers and never forget to wear a tie that matches your shirt.136.The librarian pointed to the man and said she saw him steal a key to the car from a reader's jacket pocket.137.To our surprise, this new type of robot is even able to understand the Chinese poems, and thenmanages to translate them into English accurately.138.If this hardworking student wants to go abroad to go on his study, the foreign university will test his language level before the beginning of the term.139.Since the late of the 20山century, more and more Chinese companies have played an active role in the international market and it leads to more and more dialogues and links between China and other countries.140.She didn't know why her son was always coughing until she found a pack of cigarette under the jeans while he was taking a bath.141.If you see the steam rising, it means the water in the pot boils and then you can put the dumplings into the pot.142.The snow storm suddenly started at 9 p.m., and we had to wear coats and sit together to keep warm because the heating pipe was frozen•143.When she was cycling to the store at the corner of the block, she found her classmates smiling at her and waving.144.The town is divided into six parts and the post offices usually make sure which part the mail belongs to before it is delivered.145.Even the pupils know that three plus nine equals twelve and twenty minus nine is eleven, but you, a university student, make these two elementary mistakes.146.The girl cried when she reached the railway station because she missed the last train to the capital.147.Once you have a back pain, don't hesitate to press the bell beside the bed and the doctor on duty will deal with the situation.148.The terrible marks on the butterfly's wings can prevent other animals from killing itself.149.This stupid man selected a lot of dear products in the mall and when he saw the bill for these goods, he realized that he had only fifty pounds in his bank card.150.Even in the North Pole, a lot of animals are still being hunted and killed either for pleasure or for business.151.Fables and novels have a lot in common but usually fables include more wisdom so they pass on from generation to generation.152.The real root of the word “china” is none but in China because china was created in various colors by wise Chinese.153.Through discussion, only a few students correct their mistakes while 70 percent of the students are still confused.154.Though he won the victory of the second round of the race, he went pale and felt tired.155.The young man stopped in front of the mirror to put his golden tie straight, had a look at his gold watch and walked downstairs to have supper with his girlfriend.156.Since we have no ropes at hand, where do you suppose that we ought to hang these spare clothes that we have just washed?157.Unit six is on page 56, and you can find many useful figures about this item.158.The shower is coming, for there are a lot of dark clouds in the sky. So you had better carry anumbrella with you.159.After he won the indoor bicycle race, he received an award of a computer with 23 inch screen. 160.What they argued about finally led to fight, so their son had no choice but to beg police for help. 161.He joined in the junior tennis club at the age of five, and his aim was to be well-known throughout the world as a tennis player.162.If you hold a piece of ice, the message of cool feeling will be carried from the skin to the brain. 163.To our amusement, this model from Paris has formed a habit of wearing a pair of thin stocking even in winter in order to look attractive.164.The silly boy thought that if he mixed cream with jam and put it in the fridge for some time, he would get much ice cream.165.After such a serious traffic accident, he was still alive because he wore the safety belt.166.The Ocean and the sea are different from each other,because the ocean is far away form the land while the sea is close to the land. Hence, to some degree, the Pacific belongs to the ocean rather than the sea.167.If you want to get a job in this advertisement company, sign your name on the straight line. 168.The customer dialed the company's telephone number to know why all these free taps couldn't work at all.169.After her leader talked with her and told her to repeat the task, she felt very upset.170.Would you mind shutting the door? I smell something unusual outside the room.171.The chicken farm on the hill is in the distance so it is impossible for you to return on foot before the night.172.She pulled the door open and hurried inside to find the answers to this quiz.173.The temperature in summer will be above 38 degrees while in winter it will be below zero. 174.It is predicted that the number of readers will continue to reduce so the leader decided to stop selling this kind of magazine forever.175.Although both juice and coffee are drinks, neither juice nor coffee can take the place of water. 176.The student thought the course is very boring so he began to play some tricks on his deskmate. 177.Every time I passed this way, I walk with a quick step because I was afraid the dog might bite me even though it was locked,178.Both his teachers and parents thought he was very foolish because he couldn't count up to ten at an early age.179.When danger comes, the male elephants will form a circle and shake their big ears to protect their children.180.My brown bicycle went wrong at the top of the hill, so I had to push it all way down.181.Though the honest boy was born in Africa, he went to America by ship and wished that he could rely on himself in America.182.They still remembered that after dinner, they ever used to play Chinese chess under the street lamp while eating the pears.183.Although I had read the passage several times, I still failed to understand its title.184.The weather throughout the world becomes more changeable, so scientists have decided to adopt new ways to forecast it.185.The river is not only wide but also about eight kilometers in length so you can always see a lot of boats on it.186.You will certainly go mad if you continue to work in such a noisy place.187.The net was broken so the wild animal must have escaped from the hole on the net.188.As the saying goes, “Strike while the iron is hot." Since you have left the last step of the task, why not finish it tonight?189.It is generous of you to share the delicious seafood with us and in return we will send you some foreign sweets.190.Before she threw these useless files into the litter bin, the secretary took the pins away for future use.191.It is a pity that all the tickets for the airline from Beijing to Shanghai have been sold out. 192.He was a bit sad when he read the headline of the newspaper.193.As a top student, you should feel a deep sense of shame for you haven't handed in your homework for several days.194.The mother had laid the table and hoped that his son would knock at the door as soon as possible.195.Finally the scientist not only discovered a new substance but also invented new methods to use it.196.Even in his fifties, the old man still keeps getting up early and having a walk for one hour in order to keep fit.197.Every Sunday, the little girl has to have a piano lesson after she completes her homework. 198.In most American families, every family member is responsible for housework except the babies, the ill and the aged.199.Every year on average, five million people all over the world die of smoking so you should give it up as soon as possible.200.Students in big cities like to bring the latest high-tech things to school, and feel happy and pleased to show off these things to others.。
初中三年英语重点词汇练习填空300题及答案(word版可编辑修改) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(初中三年英语重点词汇练习填空300题及答案(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。
初中三年英语重点词汇练习填空300题及答案(下)1. They eat a lot of _________(土豆)。
2. Indian can speak English well. But she is an __________(意大利人).3。
Would you like something __________(别的)?4. Walk along the road and turn right at the third __________(十字路口).5。
It' s about five _________(天) work.6. Do you think it _________(必需的) for us to learn to wait?7。
A few minutes __________(后), I saw the plane again.8. It's not a very good line. Could you speak more _________(清楚)?9。
Bob is no __________(不再) a young man.10. The Green family __________(归来) to China last Friday.11. You must stop _________(抽烟)。
1. On ________(rain) days, the traffic is heavier than usual.2. Man can’t live ________(with) air or water.3. Come on, Sam. Believe in ________(you). You can work out the problem on your own.4. You look very tired. Why not ________(take) a rest?5. Robinson Crusoe(《鲁滨孙漂流记》) by Daniel Defoe is ________(wide) read by teenagers in our city.6. The two ________(president) wives also took part in the charity show.7. He tried all the ways he could think of ________(protect) himself against all possible dangers.1.rainy2.without3.yourself4.take5.widely6.president’s7.to protect根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空一词。
9. We are supposed to read ______ (quiet) in the library.10. Teenagers should learn how to protect ______ (they) from all kinds of danger.11. This is Mary’s ______ (three) time to visit the beautiful city.12. The second-hand car is much ______ (cheap) than the new one.9. quietly。
中考选择填空精编1. --- You' ve dropped ____ “s'' in the wo.rd “ acros ''--- Oh, ___ letter “ s'' should be doubled like this “ across ''.A. a , aB. an ,aC. an ,theD. the ,the2. ---May I ____ your dictionary for a while?---Sorry, I 've left it at home.A. borrowB. lendC. keepD.take3. Those ___ have caught SARS disease must be kept off from us.A.whoB.whichC./D.what4. Roy made several kites ,but ___ of them can fly high in the sky.A. neitherB.noneC. allD.most5. A number of people in Beijing ____ caught SARS and the number of the people who died ofSARS _____ reached nearly one hundred so far.A.has, hasB. have, haveC. have,hasD. has, have6. ---Could you tell me how to improve spoken English ?---Well,just take every chance to practise ____ and don 'tbe shy.A. speakB.to speakC. speakingD.spoke7. ---There 's going to _____ a concert in the hall tonight.---Yes, and the last performance will be given by Michael Jackson.A.haveB.giveC.playD.be.8. An earthquake _____ Dachaidan County in Qinghai province on the morning of April18.A.happenedB.rockedC.took placeD.appeared9. ______________ The children not to play with the fire .A. are toldB. tellC. are askingD.warn10. ---Do you often get on-line?---Yes.I _____ most of my time on it .It 's a gotohdewtiamyet.o killA.costB.spendC.payD.take11. ---Will you please show me how to operate the new machine?--- Sure. It ' s a pief c eakoe.Now let me tell you ____ to do first.A.whatB.howC.whetherD.when12---My trousers are _____ out.---I ' ll buy you a new pair.A.triedB. wornC.wearingD.sold13. _____________ The rubbish we have collected can be recycled.A.whoB.whichC. thisD.what14. ____________________ ---The artist has got much work to do that he hardly has time to help his wife with thehousework.--- That ' s true.Even on Sundays he is busy with his work.A.tooB.soC.veryD.such15. ____________________ ---How long have you a cough?---Ever since last night.A. gotB. hadC. caughtD. taken16. ______ Iraqi people were killed in the war which broke out on March A.ThousandB. Thousa ndsC. Thousa nd ofD. Thousa nds of17. I went home and ____ m y schoolbag and started to help Mother do the cook ing.A. put offB. dropped offC.turned offD.shut off18. ___He seems ___ i ll. Shall we take him to the hospital right now?---1 don ' t think it matterMaybe he ' s caught a bit of a cold. A.terrible B.terribly C.eve n D.more 19. ---Does the child need any help ?——No.He is old eno ugh to ___ h imself.A.put onB.wearC. take care.D. dress--This is a really won derful party with in terest ing people and great food .---1 ' m ____ to hear that you are enjoying yourself.A.sorryB. gladC. afraidD. sure.21 ---What are you going to do tomorrow?----1 ' m not sure. I ____ m ake a trip to Hanzhou with my girl friend.A.mayB.maybeC.willD.must22. ——The pen writes well though it d oesn ' t cost much.---- Let me have a try. So _____ .A.it isB.it doesC.does itD.is it23. The accide nt happe ned ____ a freez ing win ter morning.A.o nB.inC.atD.si nee24. --- __ the Internet ______ i n your school?---Yes , but the computer in our office has ofte n broke n dow n.A.I s,usedB.I s,us ingC.Does ,useD.Has ,used25. There was a phone call for you while you were out and it was ____ in En glish.A. calledB. rungC. pho nedD.made26. The essential needs should ______ to the prisoners of wars (战俘)A.offerB.be offeri ngC.be offeredD.to be offered27. ---I eat ___ vegetables and ______ meat tha n I did last year.----That ' s why you ' re getting fatter.A. fewer,moreB.more,lessC.l ess,moreD.ma ny ,much28. --- How many times have you _____ from your penfriend since last year?A.heardB.receivedC.gotD.writte n29. .—Do you kn ow the city of Nin gbo well ?—Of course I do. I ' ve here for nearly 3 years.eB. gotC.arrivedD. bee n30. ---Sorry .I am late.---It doesn ' t matter.The meeting has ________ for just several minutesA. begu nB. startedC. bee n onD.held31. ---- Is the hen old eno ugh to __ eggs?----Yes,it has _____ a lot.y,laidB.lie,lainC.lie,laidy,la in32. ---Can I take both of the prese nts?----No,I 'm afraid not.You can take ______ of them.A.bothB.eachC.eitherD.a ny33. Could you tell me ____ ? I must find him.-- Sorry .I have no idea.But he was here just now .A.where Tom wasB.where has Tom goneC. where can I find Tom.D.where Tom is34. _______________________________ ---It 's necessary and important school teachers to teach their students how to get onwell with others.---- Yes, you said it.A. ofB. forC.fromD.to35. --- I don 't think your team can beat theirs.---- __ .But we could if Lin Tao were on the team.A. No,we can ' tB.Yes ,we can ' tC. Yes,wDe.Ncaon, we can36. .China has made a great contribution ___ preventing SARS.A.forB. toC.withD.in37. I 'm too busy ________ to my family often.---Why not call them instead ?A.writingB.to writeC.writtenD.write38. _____ present you 've bought for me!---- I ' m glad you like it.A.How aB.What aC.HowD.What39. ---This is no- smoking zone.Can ' t you see the sign?---- Oh ,sorry. I _____ it.A.haven ' t seenB.won ' t seeC.don ' t seeD.didn ' t see40. --- Will you please let me have a look at the photos taken in the States ?--- Sure .I ' ll _______ them to school tomowrr.oA.takeB.carryC.getD.bring41- --We will do what we can _ ourselves this term.---It ' s high time for you to work hard.A.improveB.to improveC.be improvedD.be improving42- --What happened to Tom?---He was crossing the street ___ a motorbike hit him from behind.A.whileB.whenC.untilD.because43- -- Dad,what 's the sea like?--- Well,it ' s large and full of watIet rc.overs about _____ of the earth.A.one thirdB.three quarterC.three-fourthD.three quarters44. ---May I go out for an outing with you tomorrow?---If your mother ____ .A. will letB. will allowC.letD.agrees45- __________________ --Would you like some fruit?---No thanks. I don ' t feel like ____ anything now.A.to have,to eatB.having, to eatC. to have , eatingD. having ,eating46- --There can be no life on the earth without water.--- That ' s right.Water _____ everywhere.A.needsB.is needingC.is neededD.needed47- ________________ --Were you late t he meeting?---No,l arrived there ten minutes _____ the meet ing started.A.for, beforeB. at, beforeC. for ,tillD. at ,after48- ______________ --Excuse me, I don ' t think you casmoke here.——Sorry I did n kn'owt this is non e-smok ing zone.A. andB.butC.soD.then49- _______________________________________ --How many En glish words had you lear ned __________________________________________ the end of last term?——Aound ,but I ' ve forgotten most of them.A.byB.atC.toD.o n50. ___Are you learning art now during your spare time?----No. I ' ve stopped _____ Chin ese medici ne in stead.A.to lear nB.learni ngC.dropp ingD.to give up51. —— __ is your new teacher?----The one sta nding un der the tree with a dict ionary in his hand.A.WhoB.WhatC.WhereD.Which52. ---Do you like being a teacher?----Sure.But my pare nts ____ me to be a doctor whe n I was a young girl..A.hopedB.wa nt.C. wishedD. expect53. The result is so _____ that we can hardly believe it.A.surpris ingB.surprisedC.amazedD.surprise54. _______________________________ ---He was ill and had two weeks .A.ofB.awayC.offD.out55. ---Did you ____ t he first place of the league match?---Of course we did. We ____ all the other teams.A.beat, beatB. beat ,wonC. win, wonD.win, beat.56. ---Sorry ___ b eing late.---It doesn 'matter. In fact, you 're just on time _______ itA.for, forB.of, forC.for, withD.of, with57. ---What he enjoys ___ great and in teresti ng.---Yes,but it ' s dangerous.A.so undsB. sounding tC.so un dedD.to sound58. ---You look _____ . What has happe ned to you?---Everyone expected us to win the match, but we lost to the girls.A. sadB.sadly C .happy D .an grily59. ---- Did you fin ish ___ the book?——Yes ,I did. Thanks ___ your dict ion ary, I had a better un dersta nding of it.A.readi ng,forB.read in g,toC.to read, forD.to read ,to60. ---- How ___ i s it from here Ningbo to Xi ' an?——It ' s about two ____ flight.A.long, hour 'Bsar,hour 'Cslong, hours D.far, hours '61. ---Why did you come back so late today ?----Because it ____ heavily when the meeting was over. We had to wait until it came to a stop.A was rai ningB .is raining C.rai ned D.rai ns62. ——Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week ?——Sure. But what subject should I ______ ?A.talkB.talk aboutC. talk withD.talk to63. ---What did the headmaster _____ at the meet ing?---Sorry .I left the meet ing before he ______.A .say,saidB say,spoke.C speak,said. D.speak,spoke64. ---What about going to the concert?---Good idea.Let ' ask Tom ______ t ogether with us.A. go B .go ing C. to go D. goes65. ——Do you have any fun___ together with the small childre n?——Yes . I ve experieneed nothing other than pleasure.A to be B. be C. being D. are66. ---There's hardly anything but some old books in the room, ___ ?A isn't it B.is it C is there D is n't there67. ——Would you like some tea, please ?----Yes, I prefer tea ______ sugar.A .toB .for C. with D. tha n68. ——Would you please ____ make the child _____ any more ?---Sorry,but I did n 'tmea n to.I just wan ted him not to play with the fire.A don ' t, cryB not, to cry C.don ' t, to cry D.not, cry69. ----What _____ useful book !---Yes, it is. But I find it _______ d ifficult for me to read.A.a n, veryB.a, tooC. an, tooD. a, quite70. ---Maths isn ' t as as Chinese.---1 agree with you. I think Chin ese is _____ tha n any other subject.A easy, easierB easier, easierC easy,harderD hard, easier71. ---Mum, will you take me to the park tomorrow?---If it ______ rainy.A. won' tB.doesn 't C .isn 't D. won ' t be72. ----Zhang Guorong, a HK pop sin ger, jumped from the top of a build ing and killed himself. ----What a pity! That ' because he had _______ living in the world.A .bee n fed up with B.bee n pleased with C.nothing to do with D.bee n used to73. ---Why don ' t you go to the lectur-room and listen to the talk?---1 hear there isn ' t in it.A .somethi ng new B.new anything C. anything new D. nothing new74. ----1 did badly in the long jump.A .CongratulationsB .That ' s greatC. Well done D. Bad luck75. Miss Liu asked Tom to read the new words and _______ students to listen to him.A.otherB.the othersC.othersD.the other76. ---Do you know the result of the _____ race?---Yes. The winner is a boy ______ Lin Feng from Class 4.A.100-metres, calledB.100-metre, calli ngC.100-metre, calledD.100-metres, named77. The weather here is quite different ______ that of my hometown.A .fromB withC tha nD as78. ---Why not ____ him with his less ons?---I 'e tried to, but he said he didn 'tneed any.A. helpB. to helpC. helpi ngD. helped79. ——Don' t play the dan gerous game any more.——Sorry! I ______ do it again.A .can 't B.don ' t C.won' t D. mustn 't80. ---English is _____ difficult subject. I even want to drop it.---You' d better not. I ' ll help you it.A.quite a, withB. a quite, withC. a very, forD.very a, with81. --- My car has broke n dow n. Would you please send some one to ___ ?---Ok, my driver will soon be with you.A.put me upB.pick me upC.drop me offD.turn me up82. ---I hear a traffic accide nt happe ned yesterday. Was it terrible ?---Yes. A car _____ and all the people in it were badly hurt. But luckily,none of them was killed.A .fell overB .fell behi nd C.fell off D. fell dow n to83. There are many tee nagers ____ in the lake .A.swimmi ng .B.swim. C .swam. D.to swim.84. ---Do you think there are too many new words in this unit ?---Yes, that ' s right. I ' flrst.A. look it upB. look up themC. look them upD. look for them85. ---Something is wrong with the car.---Do n 'worry .I 'have it ________ soon.A.fixedB.me nding C .to repair D. to fix86. —Excuse me, where ' s the West Hill Farm, please ?—Go ______ the forest and _____ the foot of the mountain you will find it .A.through, atB.across, atC.through, un derD. past, un der87. __ no isy childre n ! Go and ask them to keep quiet.A.HowB.WhatC.What aD.How a88.1' like to go abroad for further study, but I ______ afford it.A .don ' B.wasn'table to C.can't D. am not89. Mr Green ____ living in China though he was born in London.A.would likeB.wa ntsC.hatesD.enjoys90. —Here is a piece of paper for you !——Oh, thanks. It —' s for me to write a long letter on.A.big eno ughB.e no ugh bigC. small eno ughD.eno ugh small91. ---Shall we leave for home now?---No, I _______ here un til Tom comes back.A .won 'wait B.will leave C.will wait D. won 'stay92. ---Excuse me,but do you know the way to the hospital,please?---Sorry, I don 'tknow, _____ .B .n eitherC .eitherD .also93. — You ' d better ____ work too hard like this.—I see. You mean work ing too hard makes one tired and ill.A.notB.do n't C .n ot to D.won't94. — Football ____ by the British at the beginning of last century.—That ' s probably why football is one of thenost popular games in England.A.was inven tedB. inven tedC.was inven ti ngD.i nvents95---1 tried to make Kate _____ her mind, but I found it hard .----Well,I saw you ______ that whe n I went past.A.cha nge, doB. cha nge , doingC.to cha nge, doD. cha nges,do ing96.— Must we move to the n ext room ?——No, you _____ . You may still live here if you like.A. must n ' tB.don ' tC.do n ' t have toD.wo n 't97.I find ______ interesting to play games with children.101. ____________________________ This place is really well worth a sec ond time. A.to visit B.visits C.visit ing D.visited102----1 ' m _______ in what _____ you.----Well,don ' t follow suit. Just do what you like.A. interesting,interestsB.interested ,interestsC.i nterest,i nterestsD.i nterest,i nterest ing 103. ---1 th ink he lives ___ No.386 West St. ---Are you sure ____ that?A. at ,/B. in ,ofC. in ,aboutD. at ,of1O4.Saddam and his followers _____ from Baghdad before the air raids took place.A.had escapedB.has escapedC.was escap ingD.escape 105. ---Have you fini shed your work yet?---No,not yet. I think it ' ll take _____ ten minutesA.a no therB.otherC.othersD.more106.If you want to prevent yourself from catching diseases, you must keep your living environment ________________ .A.clea nB.to clea nC.clea ningD.dirty107. ---How long have you bee n away from your hometow n?--- _____ two years ago.A.Si neeB.ForC.InD.From108. George W.Bush en courages the US soldiers to fight _____ their own coun try.A.withB.aga instC.forD.about109. _________________________ The earthquake victims in the hospitals.A.too A.thatB.howC.whatD.it 98. _____ are useful animals.A.CowB.PigC.Pa nda 99. B e careful when ______ the street. A.to cross B.cross C.you crossD. SheepD.you ' ll cross lOO.Take your time, ______ you ' ll make another nsitake.A .then B.a ndC. ifD. orA. are well treatedB. are taken good careC. treatedD. are well treating110. ---Tom won the first prize in the competition.---He _____ it because he is the most hard-working student.A.needsB.deservesC.is sure ofD.should get111. ___________________ Most of the deserts to be covered with bushes and trees.edB.were usedeD.got used112. __________________________ The hospital is doing its best to the patients with the best treatment and services.A.offerB.giveC.provideD.serve113. ______________________ Many SARS patients and are allowed to leave the hospitals.A.have been healedB.have healedC.are healedD.healed114. Listen,can you hear someone ____ for help?A.to cryB.cryC.cryingD.cries115. ______________________ The beautiful scenery tourists to Guilin from the world over.A. attractsB. attacksC. causesD. catches116. ________________ The PRC was on October 1st 1949.A.foundB.findC.foundingD.founded117. _ the help of the computer, information can ____ every corner of the world quickly.A.With, arriveB. With, reachC.Under, arriveD. Under,reach118. _____________ My mother a second-hand camera for me.A.gaveB.showedC.passedD.bought119. _________ --- How do you think the war will come to a stop?---I 'm not sure, maybe in another month 's time.A. longB. soonC. oftenD. far1The boy put his money in his inside pocket, _______ h e?A. doesn 'tB. didn 'tC.won 'tD.isn 't121. _______________________________ H e used the money he first made a used bike for himself.A.buyingB.buyC. to buyD.bought122. ________________________________________ Here 's a shirt of Size 70. Would you please try __________________________________________ ?A.on itB.try out itC.try it onD.try it out123. ______________________________________________ This pair of socks is worn out.I 'll have to buy a new ___________________________________ .A.oneB.onesC.pairD.pairs124. _____ --- is your father?---A doctor in a local hospital..A.WhoB.WhereC.HowD.What125. ___________________ The Smiths live in building. They use a lift to go up and down.A.a 8-storyB.a 8-storiesC.an 8-storiesD.an 8-story126. ____________ No matter you do, you must do it as well as possible.A.whatB.howC.whenD.where127. ______________________________________ W e like him not only because he teaches us __________________________________________ b ut aslo he treats us ______ .A.good,friendlyB.good,kindlyC.well,friendlyD.well,kindly128. ________________________________________ My father prefers to stay at home rather than ____________________________________________ on May Day.A.travelB.to travelC. travellingD.travels129. ---The rain came to a stop the night before.The fields are still full of water.---It ___ for nearly a week.A. had rainedB. has rainedC. would rainD. was raining130. ______________________ The moonlight shone the window and fell on my bed.A.fromB.onC.throughD.across131. --- Could you please tell me the way to the station?---Sorry,I 'm a stranger too.You ____ ask the policeman over there.A.mustB.mayC.needD.should132. ________________ Y ou 've made mistakes this time than ever before.A.fewB.litlleC.fewerD.less133. ___________________ Travelling by air is more expensive than by train even though the air tickets are ondiscount (打折).A.veryB.a lot ofC.manyD.far134. ___________________________________ Though the price of the camera is OK, I don 't think I 'll take it.A.butB.andC.yetD.so135. ___________________ The city is trying to the living environment of the people.A.improveB.riseC.liftD. increase136. ---What was the score of the match? Did you beat them?--- _______ . We lost to the girls.A.Sorry, I don 't knowB.I don 't want to talk about itB.It 's a secret D.Don 'task me137. _____ -- is the population of the town?---Over 00 .And a third of the population ___ workers of the car factory.A. What, areB. How many , areC. What , isD. How many, is 138--- Alice,why didn 't you come here yesterday?---I ___ , but my son suddenly fell ill and I had to take him to the hospital.A.hadB.didC.was going toD.didn 't139. ---Could I speak to Tom, please?---Sorry, he isn 't here at the moment. He _____ Hangzhou on business .A.went toB.has gone toC.goes toD.has been to140. ___________________ ---Good luck to you your trip!---Thank you ____ your kind words.A.to, forB.with, toC. with, forD. to, for141. _________________________________________ ---So many kinds of shirts! I really don 't know ________________________________________ .A. what to buyB.which to buyC.to buy whichD. to choose which142. ______________________________________________ By the time I got to the check-out, I realized that I had ___________________________________ my purse at my office.A.forgottenB.leftidD.put143. _________________________________ Don 't shout in public, my boy, please, ?A.won 'tyouB.don 'tyouC.do youD.will you144. ---My computer doesn 't work at all.---Don 't worry.I think I can put it ____ for you.A.wellB.rightC.goodD.up145.I turned back only to find myself ____ by a group of beggars.A.followB.followingC.to followD.followed146. ________________ A s soon as the __________________________________ news came into our ears,we all cheered and became __________________________________ .A. exciting , excitingB.excited, .excitedC. exciting, excitedD. excited, exciting147. ___________________________ The American soldiers are the country over for Saddam and his followers.A. searchingB. lookingC. searching inD. finding148. ________________ Nobody told us to go there.A.ifB.whetherC.whyD.where149.It doesn't _____ whether the cat is white or black, as long as (只要) it catches the mouse.A .work B.mind C.matter D.mean150. _________ ---You be very tired after the long flight.---Yeah, though I am tired, I feel excited and happy.A. mustB. probablyC. can'tD.can151. _____________________________ The price of the jacket is not too and its colour is OK.I 'll take it.A.cheapB.lowC. expensiveD.high152. ____________________________________________ All except Tom have passed the exam because he ______________________________________ lots of classes.A.leftB.forgotC.missedD.lost153. _______________________ ---Does Tom write more than Larry?---Yes.He is a ____ writer than Larry.A.neatly, neaterB.neatly, more neatlyC.neat,neaterD.neat, more neatly154. _________ Tom to many places of interest since he moved to China with his family.A.traveledB.travelsC.has traveledD.will travel155. ________ W e allowed to leave school until the summer holidays start.A. aren 'tB. will beC. wouldn 'tbeD. won 't be156. _________________________ Why did you buy the jacket you didn ' t like it?A.sinceB.thatC.whichD./157.I __ in Shanghai since I was a child.ed to liveB.livedC.have livedD.live158. ___________ There are more people in Class 2 than in Class 1.A.manyB.a lot ofC.a littleD.much159. __________________ ---Is that man an ?---Do you mean the one who 's wearing a different T-shirt?A. AmericanB. EnglishC.AustraliaD.India160. ---When did Tom leave for Britain?---He 's ___ for two weeks.A.leftB.goneC.been awayD.leaving161.I 've ____ the house since I moved here.A.livedB.boughtC.soldD.had162.---Do you mind my asking you a personal question?-- _____ , any questions are welcome.A.NeverB.SureC.Of courseD.Yes163.What interesting _____ ! The wrong answer is:A.deerB.sheepC.newsD.animal164.I looked out and found the ground _____ with white snow.A.coveredB.coveringC.to coverD.is covered165.I ___ I would win the first prize of the competition.A.wishB.hopeC.thinkD.believe166. --Would you please pass the message on to Tom?A.I 'd likeB. I 'll be glad toC.That would be fineD.It 's a pleasure167. _______________________________________________ About iremen were killed in the fire which broke _________________________________________ in Yueyang,Hunan Province last week.A.downB.intoC.outD.in168. _________________________ The mountain fire wasn 't until the next day.A.put offB.put upC.put outD.put down169. ________________________________ The man is very ill.A doctor must be right now.A.sent forB.sent upC.sent toD.sent out170. _______________________________________________________ My memory is not good enough. Could I have a piece of paper to __________________________ your e-mail address on?A.put awayB.put intoC.put downD.put up171. _______________________________________________ His parents died when he was very young, so he was _____________________________________ by his uncle.A.brought upB.grown upC.got upD.risen172.I 'll never _____ w hat I 'm doing, even though many people think it impossible for me to make it.A.give inB.give toC.give outD.give up173. _______________________________________________ More and more people have lost their jobs and become _________________________________ .A.richB.strongC.fragilezy174. _____________ T he moon the earth and it is our satellite.A.circlesB.movesC.turnsD.goes175. ____________________ T his room is used a reading room.A.asB.forC.byD.in176. _________________ Edison is said to t he first telephone.A.findB.discoverC.inventD.found177. --Are you getting on well with Tom?---Not very well, but we used to be friends. The more I know him, ____ I like him.A. the moreB. the lessC. the little D .the least178. _______ Bob, sure to come to the meeting early tomorrow!A.isB.makeC.beD.makes179.I told the truth to my parents _____ they wouldn 't worry about me any more.A.andB.orC.so thatD.that180. ________________________________ The population of China is lager than of India.。
中考选择填空精编200题1. ---You’ve dropped _____ “s’’ in the word “acros’’.---Oh, ____ letter “s’’ should be doubled like this “across’’.A. a , aB. an ,aC. an ,theD. the ,the2. ---May I ______ your dictionary for a while?---Sorry, I’ve left it at home.A. borrowB. lendC. keepD.take3. Those_____ have caught SARS disease must be kept off from us.A.whoB.whichC./D.what4. Roy made several kites ,but _____ of them can fly high in the sky.A. neitherB.noneC. allD.most5. A number of people in Beijing ______ caught SARS and the number of the people who died of SARS _____ reached nearly one hundred so far.A.has, hasB. have, haveC. have,hasD. has, have6.---Could you tell me how to improve spoken English ?---Well,just take every chance to practise ______and don’t be shy.A. speakB.to speakC. speakingD.spoke7. ---There’s going to ______ a concert in the hall tonight.---Yes, and the last performance will be given by Michael Jackson.A.haveB.giveC.playD.be.8. An earthquake _______ Dachaidan County in Qinghai province on the morning of April18.A.happenedB.rockedC.took placeD.appeared9.The children ______ not to play with the fire .A. are toldB. tellC. are askingD.warn10. ---Do you often get on-line?---Yes.I ______ most of my time on it .It’s a good way to kill the time.A.costB.spendC.payD.take11.---Will you please show me how to operate the new machine?---Sure. It’s a pie ce of cake.Now let me tell you _____ to do first.A.whatB.howC.whetherD.when12---My trousers are______ out.---I’ll buy you a new pair.A.triedB. wornC.wearingD.sold13.The rubbish ______we have collected can be recycled.A.whoB.whichC. thisD.what14.---The artist has got _____ much work to do that he hardly has time to help his wife with the housework.---That’s true.Even on Sundays he is busy with his work.A.tooB.soC.veryD.such15.---How long have you ____a cough?---Ever since last night.A. gotB. hadC. caughtD. taken16. ________ Iraqi people were killed in the war which broke out on March 20.A.ThousandB. ThousandsC. Thousand ofD. Thousands of17. I went home and _____ my schoolbag and started to help Mother do the cooking.A. put offB. dropped offC.turned offD.shut off18.---He seems _____ ill. Shall we take him to the hospital right now?---I don’t think it matters.Maybe he’s caught a bit of a cold.A.terribleB.terriblyC.evenD.more19. ---Does the child need any help ?----No.He is old enough to _____ himself.A.put onB.wearC. take care.D. dress20.---This is a really wonderful party with interesting people and great food .---I’m _____ to hear that you are enjoying yourself.A.sorryB. gladC. afraidD. sure.21 ---What are you going to do tomorrow?----I’m not sure. I____ make a trip to Hanzhou with my girl friend.A.mayB.maybeC.willD.must22.----The pen writes well though it doesn’t cost much.---- Let me have a try. So _____.A.it isB.it doesC.does itD.is it23.The accident happened ______ a freezing winter morning.A.onB.inC.atD.since24.---____ the Internet _____ in your school?---Yes , but the computer in our office has often broken down.A.Is,usedB.Is,usingC.Does ,useD.Has ,used25. There was a phone call for you while you were out and it was _____in English.A. calledB. rungC. phonedD.made26. The essential needs should _______ to the prisoners of wars(战俘).A.offerB.be offeringC.be offeredD.to be offered27.---I eat _____ vegetables and ______ meat than I did last year.----That’s why you’re getting fatter.A. fewer,moreB.more,lessC.less,moreD.many ,much28.--- How many times have you _______ from your penfriend since last year?A.heardB.receivedC.gotD.written29. .—Do you know the city of Ningbo well ?—Of course I do. I’ve here for nearly 3 years.eB. gotC.arrivedD. been30.---Sorry .I am late.---It doesn’t matter.The meeting has ______ for just several minutesA. begunB. startedC. been onD.held31.---- Is the hen old enough to ____ eggs?----Yes,it has _____ a lot.y,laidB.lie,lainC.lie,laidy,lain32.---Can I take both of the presents?----No,I’m afraid not.You can take ______ of them.A.bothB.eachC.eitherD.any33.----Could you tell me _____? I must find him.----Sorry .I have no idea.But he was here just now .A.where Tom wasB.where has Tom goneC.where can I find Tom.D.where Tom is34.---It’s necessary and important ______school teachers to teach their students how to get on well with others.----Yes, you said it.A. ofB. forC.fromD.to35.----I don’t think your team can beat theirs.----____.But we could if Lin Tao were on the team.A. No,we can’tB.Yes ,we can’tC. Yes,we canD.No, we can36. .China has made a great contribution _____ preventing SARS.A.forB. toC.withD.in37.----I’m too busy_______ to my family often.---Why not call them instead ?A.writingB.to writeC.writtenD.write38.----______ present you’ve bought for me!----I’m glad you like it.A.How aB.What aC.HowD.What39.---This is no-smoking zone.Can’t you see the sign?----Oh ,sorry. I ______ it.A.haven’t seenB.won’t seeC.don’t seeD.didn’t see40.----Will you please let me have a look at the photos taken in the States ?---Sure .I’ll _____ them to school tomorrow.A.takeB.carryC.getD.bring41- --We will do what we can ____ourselves this term.---It’s high time for you to work hard.A.improveB.to improveC.be improvedD.be improving42---What happened to Tom?---He was crossing the street ____ a motorbike hit him from behind.A.whileB.whenC.untilD.because43---Dad,what’s the sea like?---Well,it’s large and full of water. It covers about _____ of the earth.A.one thirdB.three quarterC.three-fourthD.three quarters44. ---May I go out for an outing with you tomorrow?---If your mother______.A. will letB. will allowC.letD.agrees45---Would you like ______ some fruit?---No thanks. I don’t feel like _____ anything now.A.to have,to eatB.having, to eatC. to have , eatingD. having ,eating46---There can be no life on the earth without water.---That’s right.Water _____ everywhere.A.needsB.is needingC.is neededD.needed47---Were you late ____the meeting?---No,I arrived there ten minutes______ the meeting started.A.for, beforeB. at, beforeC. for ,tillD. at ,after48---Excuse me,______ I don’t think you can smoke here.----Sorry I didn’t know this is none-smoking zone.A.andB.butC.soD.then49---How many English words had you learned _____ the end of last term?----Aound 2000,but I’ve forgotten most of them.A.byB.atC.toD.on50.---Are you learning art now during your spare time?----No. I’ve stopped _____ Chinese medicine instead.A.to learnB.learningC.droppingD.to give up51.----_____ is your new teacher?----The one standing under the tree with a dictionary in his hand.A.WhoB.WhatC.WhereD.Which52.---Do you like being a teacher?---- Sure.But my parents ____ me to be a doctor when I was a young girl..A.hopedB.want.C. wishedD. expect53. The result is so ______ that we can hardly believe it.A.surprisingB.surprisedC.amazedD.surprise54.---He was ill and had two weeks ______.A.ofB.awayC.offD.out55.---Did you _____ the first place of the league match?---Of course we did. We _____ all the other teams.A.beat, beatB. beat ,wonC. win, wonD.win, beat.56.---Sorry _____ being late.---It doesn’t matter. In fact, you ’re just on time______ itA.for, forB.of, forC.for, withD.of, with57.---What he enjoys _____ great and interesting.---Yes,but it’s dangerous.A.soundsB. sounding tC.soundedD.to sound58.---You look _______. What has happened to you?--- Everyone expected us to win the match, but we lost to the girls.A. sadB.sadly C .happy D .angrily59.---- Did you finish _____ the book?---- Yes ,I did. Thanks ____ your dictionary, I had a better understanding of it.A.reading,forB.reading,toC.to read, forD.to read ,to60.----How ____ is it from here Nin gbo to Xi’an?----It’s about two ____ flight.A.long, hour’sB.far,hour’sC.long, hours’D.far, hours’61.---Why did you come back so late today ?----Because it heavily when the meeting was over. We had to wait until it came to a stop.A was rainingB .is raining C.rained D.rains62.----Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week ?----Sure. But what subject should I ?A.talkB.talk aboutC. talk withD.talk to63.---What did the headmaster _______ at the meeting?---Sorry.I left the meeting before he _______.A .say,saidB say,spoke.C speak,said. D.speak,spoke64.---What about going to the concert?---Good idea.Let’s ask Tom_____together with us.A. go B .going C. to go D. goes65.----Do you have any fun ______ together with the small children?----Yes. I’ve experienced nothing other than pleasure.A to be B. be C. being D. are66.---There’s hardly anything but some old books in the room,_____?A isn’t it B.is it C is there D isn’t there67.----Would you like some tea, please ?----Yes, I prefer tea sugar.A .toB .for C. with D. than68.----Would you please make the child any more ?---Sorry,but I didn’t mean to.I just wanted him not to play with the fire.A don’t, cryB not, to cry C.don’t, to cry D.not, cry69.----What useful book !---Yes, it is. But I find it difficult for me to read.A.an, veryB.a, tooC. an, tooD. a, quite70.---Maths isn’t as as Chinese.---I agree with you. I think Chinese is than any other subject.A easy, easierB easier, easierC easy,harderD hard, easier71.---Mum, will you take me to the park tomorrow?---If it rainy.A. won’tB.doesn’t C .isn’t D. won’t be72.----Zhang Guorong, a HK pop singer, jumped from the top of a building and killed himself. ----What a pity! That’s because he had______ living in the world.A .been fed up with B.been pleased with C.nothing to do with D.been used to73.---Why don’t you go to the lecture-room and listen to the talk?---I hear there isn’t in it.A .something new B.new anything C. anything new D. nothing new74.----I did badly in the long jump.---- .A .CongratulationsB .That’s great C. Well done D. Bad luck75. Miss Liu asked Tom to read the new words and students to listen to him.A.otherB.the othersC.othersD.the other76.---Do you know the result of the race?---Yes. The winner is a boy Lin Feng from Class 4.A.100-metres, calledB.100-metre, callingC.100-metre, calledD.100-metres, named77. The weather here is quite different that of my hometown.A .fromB withC thanD as78. ---Why not _____ him with his lessons?---I’ve tried to, but he said he didn’t need any.A. helpB. to helpC. helpingD. helped79.----Don’t play the dangerous game any more.----Sorry! I do it again.A .can’t B.don’t C.won’t D. mustn’t80.---English is difficult subject. I even want to drop it.---You’d better not. I’ll help you it.A.quite a, withB. a quite, withC. a very, forD.very a, with81.--- My car has broken down. Would you please send someone to ______?---Ok, my driver will soon be with you.A.put me upB.pick me upC.drop me offD.turn me up82.---I hear a traffic accident happened yesterday. Was it terrible ?---Yes. A car _____ and all the people in it were badly hurt. But luckily,none of them was killed.A .fell overB .fell behind C.fell off D. fell down to83.There are many teenagers ______ in the lake .A.swimming .B.swim. C .swam. D.to swim.84.---Do you think there are too many new words in this unit ?---Yes, that’s right. I’ll first.A. look it upB. look up themC. look them upD. look for them85.---Something is wrong with the car.---Do n’t worry.I’ll have it _______ soon.A.fixedB.mending C .to repair D. to fix86.—Excuse me, where’s the West Hill Farm, please ?—Go the forest and the foot of the mountain you will find it .A.through, atB.across, atC.through, underD. past, under87._____noisy children ! Go and ask them to keep quiet.A.HowB.WhatC.What aD.How a88.I’d like to go abroad for further study, but I _____afford it.A .don’t B.wasn’t able to C.can’t D. am not89.Mr Green living in China though he was born in London.A.would likeB.wantsC.hatesD.enjoys90.—Here is a piece of paper for you !—Oh, thanks. It’s for me to write a long letter on.A.big enoughB.enough bigC. small enoughD.enough small91.---Shall we leave for home now?---No, I ______ here until Tom comes back.A .won’t wait B.will leave C.will wait D. won’t stay92.---Excuse me,but do you know the way to the hospital,please?---Sorry, I don’t know, _____.A.too B .neither C .either D .also93.—You’d better work too hard like this.—I see. You mean working too hard makes one tired and ill.A.notB.don't C .not to D.won’t94.—Football by the British at the beginning of last century.—That’s probably why football is one of the most popular games in England.A.was inventedB. inventedC.was inventingD.invents95---I tried to make Kate ______ her mind, but I found it hard .----Well,I saw you_______ that when I went past.A.change, doB. change , doingC.to change, doD. changes,doing96.—Must we move to the next room ?—No, you . You may still live here if you like.A.mustn’tB.don’tC.don’t have toD.won’t97.I find interesting to play games with children.A.thatB.howC.whatD.it98. are useful animals.A.CowB.PigC.PandaD. Sheep99.Be careful when the street.A.to crossB.crossC.you crossD.you’ll cross100.Take your time, you’ll make another mistake.A .then B.and C. if D. or101.This place is really well worth ______ a second time.A.to visitB.visitsC.visitingD.visited102----I’m ______ in what _____ you.----Well,don’t follow suit. Just do what you like.A.interesting,interestsB.interested ,interestsC.interest,interestsD.interest,interesting103. ---I think he lives _____ No.386 West St.---Are you sure _____ that?A. at ,/B. in ,ofC. in ,aboutD. at ,of104.Saddam and his followers ______ from Baghdad before the air raids took place.A.had escapedB.has escapedC.was escapingD.escape105. ---Have you finished your work yet?---No,not yet. I think it’ll take _____ ten minutesA.anotherB.otherC.othersD.more106.If you want to prevent yourself from catching diseases, you must keep your living environment _______.A.cleanB.to cleanC.cleaningD.dirty107. ---How long have you been away from your hometown?---______two years ago.A.SinceB.ForC.InD.From108.George W.Bush encourages the US soldiers to fight _______ their own country.A.withB.againstC.forD.about109.The earthquake victims _______ in the hospitals.A. are well treatedB. are taken good careC. treatedD. are well treating110.---Tom won the first prize in the competition.---He ______ it because he is the most hard-working student.A.needsB.deservesC.is sure ofD.should get111.Most of the deserts ______ to be covered with bushes and trees.edB.were usedeD.got used112.The hospital is doing its best to____the patients with the best treatment and services.A.offerB.giveC.provideD.serve113.Many SARS patients _______ and are allowed to leave the hospitals.A.have been healedB.have healedC.are healedD.healed114. Listen,can you hear someone ______ for help?A.to cryB.cryC.cryingD.cries115.The beautiful scenery ______ tourists to Guilin from the world over.A. attractsB. attacksC. causesD. catches116.The PRC was ______ on October 1st 1949.A.foundB.findC.foundingD.founded117. ____the help of the computer, information can ____every corner of the world quickly.A.With, arriveB. With, reachC.Under, arriveD. Under,reach118.My mother ______ a second-hand camera for me.A.gaveB.showedC.passedD.bought119.--- How _____ do you think the war will come to a stop?---I’m not sure, maybe in another month’s time.A. longB. soonC. oftenD. far120. The boy put his money in his inside pocket,_______he?A. doesn’tB. didn’tC.won’tD.isn’t121.He used the money he first made _____ a used bike for himself.A.buyingB.buyC. to buyD.bought122.Here’s a shirt of Size 70. Would you please try_____?A.on itB.try out itC.try it onD.try it out123.This pair of socks is worn out.I’ll have to buy a new ______.A.oneB.onesC.pairD.pairs124.---_____is your father?---A doctor in a local hospital..A.WhoB.WhereC.HowD.What125.The Smiths live in ______ building. They use a lift to go up and down.A.a 8-storyB.a 8-storiesC.an 8-storiesD.an 8-story126.No matter _____ you do, you must do it as well as possible.A.whatB.howC.whenD.where127.We like him not only because he teaches us _____but aslo he treats us ______.A.good,friendlyB.good,kindlyC.well,friendlyD.well,kindly128.My father prefers to stay at home rather than ______ on May Day.A.travelB.to travelC. travellingD.travels129. ---The rain came to a stop the night before.The fields are still full of water.---It _____ for nearly a week.A. had rainedB. has rainedC. would rainD. was raining130.The moonlight shone ______ the window and fell on my bed.A.fromB.onC.throughD.across131.--- Could you please tell me the way to the station?---Sorry,I’m a stranger too.You ______ ask the policeman over there.A.mustB.mayC.needD.should132.You’ve made ______ mistakes this time than ever before.A.fewB.litlleC.fewerD.less133.Travelling by air is ______ more expensive than by train even though the air tickets are on discount(打折).A.veryB.a lot ofC.manyD.far134.Though the price of the camera is OK, ______ I don’t think I’ll take it.A.butB.andC.yetD.so135.The city is trying to ______ the living environment of the people.A.improveB.riseC.liftD. increase136.---What was the score of the match? Did you beat them?---________. We lost to the girls.A.Sorry, I don’t knowB.I don’t want to talk about itB.It’s a secret D.Don’t ask me137.--______ is the population of the town?---Over 20,000 .And a third of the population ____ workers of the car factory.A.What, areB. How many , areC. What , isD. How many, is138---Alice,why didn’t you come here yesterday?---I ____ , but my son suddenly fell ill and I had to take him to the hospital.A.hadB.didC.was going toD.didn’t139.---Could I speak to Tom, please?---Sorry, he isn’t here at the moment. He _______Hangzhou on business .A.went toB.has gone toC.goes toD.has been to140.---Good luck to you _____ your trip!---Thank you _____ your kind words.A.to, forB.with, toC. with, forD. to, for141.---So many kinds of shirts! I really don’t know _____.A.what to buyB.which to buyC.to buy whichD. to choose which142.By the time I got to the check-out, I realized that I had _____ my purse at my office.A.forgottenB.leftidD.put143.Don’t shout in public, my boy, please,______?A.won’t youB.don’t youC.do youD.will you144.---My computer doesn’t work at all.---Don’t worry.I think I can put it ______for you.A.wellB.rightC.goodD.up145.I turned back only to find myself ______ by a group of beggars.A.followB.followingC.to followD.followed146.As soon as the _____news came into our ears,we all cheered and became ______.A.exciting , excitingB.excited, .excitedC. exciting, excitedD. excited, exciting147.The American soldiers are _______the country over for Saddam and his followers.A.searchingB. lookingC. searching inD. finding148.Nobody told us _____ to go there.A.ifB.whetherC.whyD.where149.It doesn’t ______ whether the cat is white or black, as long as (只要) it catches the mouse. A.work B.mind C.matter D.mean150.---You _____ be very tired after the long flight.---Yeah, though I am tired, I feel excited and happy.A. mustB. probablyC. can’tD.can151.The price of the jacket is not too_____ and its colour is OK.I’ll take it.A.cheapB.lowC. expensiveD.high152.All except Tom have passed the exam because he _____ lots of classes.A.leftB.forgotC.missedD.lost153.---Does Tom write more______ than Larry?---Yes.He is a ______ writer than Larry.A.neatly, neaterB.neatly, more neatlyC.neat,neaterD.neat, more neatly154.Tom ______to many places of interest since he moved to China with his family.A.traveledB.travelsC.has traveledD.will travel155.We ______ allowed to leave school until the summer holidays start.A. aren’tB. will beC. wouldn’t beD. won’t be156.Why did you buy the jacket ____ you didn’t like it?A.sinceB.thatC.whichD./157.I _____ in Shanghai since I was a child.ed to liveB.livedC.have livedD.live158.There are _____more people in Class 2 than in Class 1.A.manyB.a lot ofC.a littleD.much159.---Is that man an ______?---Do you mean the one who’s wearing a different T-shirt?A. AmericanB. EnglishC.AustraliaD.India160.---When did Tom leave for Britain?---He’s _____ for two weeks.A.leftB.goneC.been awayD.leaving161.I’ve ______ the house since I moved here.A.livedB.boughtC.soldD.had162.---Do you mind my asking you a personal question?--_____, any questions are welcome.A.NeverB.SureC.Of courseD.Yes163.What interesting ______! The wrong answer is:A.deerB.sheepC.newsD.animal164.I looked out and found the ground ______ with white snow.A.coveredB.coveringC.to coverD.is covered165.I _____ I would win the first prize of the competition.A.wishB.hopeC.thinkD.believe166.--Would you please pass the message on to Tom?---________.A.I’d likeB. I’ll be glad toC.That would be fineD.It’s a pleasure167.About 20 firemen were killed in the fire which broke______in Yueyang,Hunan Province last week.A.downB.intoC.outD.in168.The mountain fire wasn’t ______ until the next day.A.put offB.put upC.put outD.put down169.The man is very ill.A doctor must be ______right now.A.sent forB.sent upC.sent toD.sent out170.My memory is not good enough. Could I have a piece of paper to _____ your e-mail address on?A.put awayB.put intoC.put downD.put up171.His parents died when he was very young, so he was ______ by his uncle.A.brought upB.grown upC.got upD.risen172.I’ll never ______what I’m doing, even though many people think it impossible for me to make it.A.give inB.give toC.give outD.give up173.More and more people have lost their jobs and become ______.A.richB.strongC.fragilezy174.The moon _____ the earth and it is our satellite.A.circlesB.movesC.turnsD.goes175.This room is used ______ a reading room.A.asB.forC.byD.in176.Edison is said to_____the first telephone.A.findB.discoverC.inventD.found177.--Are you getting on well with Tom?---Not very well, but we used to be friends. The more I know him,_____ I like him.A. the moreB. the lessC. the little D .the least178.Bob, _____ sure to come to the meeting early tomorrow!A.isB.makeC.beD.makes179.I told the truth to my parents _______ they wouldn’t worry about me any more.A.andB.orC.so thatD.that180.The population of China is lager than _____ of India.A.thatB.thisC.the oneD.it181.The girl ______ red plays the piano well. She is often invited to give performances by TV and radio stations.A.onB.withC.inD.wearing182.My friend was riding too fast and ______ the wall. Luckily he was not badly hurt.A. knocked atB.put intoC.crashedD. knocked into183.He died and was buried(葬) in the mountain village _____ he was born.A.thatB.whichC.whereD./184.The book _____by the young writer sells well. It is popular among middle school students. A.was written B.writing C.wrote D.written185.______ great fun to walk in the rain it will be!A.WhatB.HowC.What aD.How a186.You’ll deserve to fail again _______you try your best.A.ifB.becauseC.afterD.unless187. China's first spaceman, Yang Liwei, with Shenzhou V ______successfully to earth on Thursday morning after more than 21 hours’ travel along the earth's orbit.A. returned backB.arrivedC.reachedD.returned188. --- Will he be able to come back tomorrow?---- I’m afraid not. He told me that he ____ come back until his holiday ended.A. won’tB. wouldn’tC. didn’tD. would189--The boy was _____ frightened to see the animals _______ he couldn’t move.-- In fact, they don’t attack people unless they are cornered.A. too, toB. so, thatC. very, thatD. such ,that190.--How often do you phone your family?---________.A.sometimeB.sometimesC.some timeD.some times191.How happy we are ______ each other here away from home!A.seeingB.to seeC.seenD.meeting192.Poul doesn’t have to be made ______.He always works hard.A.to learnB.learnC.learningD.learns193.He is so fat that the chair is not large enough for him to_____.A.sitB.sit onC.sit downD.take a seat194.It takes my daughter about an hour to practice playing _____piano after ____ supper every day.A.the,theB.the,/C./,/D./,the195.His wife died and ______ him nothing but two sons.A.offeredB.gaveC.sentD.left196.Look______!There’s a train coming.A.atB.outC.aroundD.over197.Tom hasn’t phoned us for a long time. What do you suppose _____ to him?A.was happeningB.to happenC.has happenedD.happened198.--Do you know Jim quarreled with his wife?--I don’t know. _____.A.I don’t care alsoB. So do IC. Neither do ID.too199.Congratulations _____ you _____winning the competition!A.to,onB.for,forC.for,onD.to,on200.My boys!You are too shy. You should have more confidence in ______.A. youB. yourselvesC. yourselfD.themselvesWe’re looking forward to your success!。
九年级英语用词的适当形式填空100题1. I want______(buy) a book.2. Sunday is _______ (1) day of a week.3. He'd like _______ (go) with Tom.4. They all enjoy _______ (speak) English.5. This story is as _________ (interest) as that one.6. Do you finish ________ (read) this story book?7. He is much __________ (athletic).8. This coat is really _________ (beautiful).9. Thanks for _______ (ask) me.10. My father bought ____ (I) a new watch.11. Can you help Tom? He needs some _____ (help).12. Let the cat ______ (go) out now.13. We decide _____ (go)shopping tomorrow.14. Hi. look! I can _________ (fly) the kite now.15. They _____ (be) also students five years ago.16. They ___________ (exercise) at the moment.17. Sandy is an ______ (usual) girl.18. I have to _______ (visit) my best friend Lin. tomorrow.19. How ______Tom often _________ (get to) there?20. When spring comes. it gets ________ and _______ (long).21. When ______ he ______ (have) lunch yesterday?22. I always like ______ (make) _______(friend) with others.23. They are ________ (friend) to us.24. The cat has four ______ (foot).25. The students enjoy __________ (read) English stories.26. thanks for ______ (ask) me.27. The baby has two _______( tooth) now.28. Ann didn't come to school because of her _________ (ill)29. Which do you like _______(well),carrots or tomatoes?30. One of his ______ ( foot) _______ (be) hurt.31. He studies very hard. but his _________(speak)doesn't improve.32. You should take the medicine ___________ ( two) a day.33. _________ is the fourth day of a week.34. _______ your brother and you _______ (have) any questions?35. You'd better ________ ( not forget) send me an e-mail.36. As soon as I went to bed. I fell ________ (sleep).37. I felt _____(tire) after a long walk.38. It's important ________ (learn) the language.39. You will be possibly _____ (wake) if you drink dark tea before you go to bed.40. I had no time ________(have) my breakfast.41. It is easier ______(say) it than ______(do) it.42. There ______________ (be) a football match tomorrow.43. We'll have to sweep the floor before mother ____________(come) back.44. Do you like going ___________ (ride)?45. Look,he __________(wait) for his brother.46. Yesterday. we _______(win) the first in the _______(run) race.47. ________(final),the old mother cried.48. I have a stomachache. I don't feel like ______ (eat) anything.49. Please stop _______(have) a rest if you feel tired.50. I want to learn how ________( run) quickly.51. I ______ (go) to bed until I finished my homework yesterday.52. Beijing is a good place _________(go) sightseeing.53. She plans ________ (study) English.54. Mom wants me ________ (eat) more.55. There ________________ (be) a Monkeys Show in a minute.56. How about _________ (shop)?57. A number of students always ________ (study) hard.58. Look out! The train ______________ (leave).59. Would you like me ________ (go) with you ?60. Which subject do you like ________(well). Chinese. maths or History?61. Mr Tang teaches __________(our) maths.62. I want to go home __________ (help) my mother.63. ---Can you help me _________ the dog? ---I _________ (feed) now, Mom.64. Zhang Bing's ________(write) is very good.(write)65. I won't come late any ________ (much).66. Tom doesn't like his __________ (old) brother.67. The old woman is walking ________(slow).68. Spring is the _______(good) time of the year.69. Mrs King has much __________(much) money than Mrs Lee.70. The little boy is _________ (interest) in the ____________(interest) story.71. Please be _____________(careful) next time, May.72. I have to _______(keep) the room clean. or Mum will be _________(happy).73. The teachers tell us ___________(not be) late for school.74. Today is very ____________(cloud), so I stay at home.75. I didn't know you ______ (be) here.76. We ________ (stay) on the farm for a long time.77. I hope you all enjoy _________ (you) on New Year Day.78. Paul is very funny. He often makes us _______ (laugh).79. One of them ______ (be) Chinese.80. It's important for us __________ (learn) English well.81. Please _______(not go) out, it's raining hard outside.82. Keep quiet, I ___________ (read) a newspaper.83. How many ________ (visit) are there on the bus?84. I don't want you ________ (go) out at night.85. It's time for lunch. Let's stop ___________ (have) it.86. We went on _________(study) after we had a short rest.87. Every year,many ________(foreign) come to China.88. Have you finished _________(read) the book yet?89. You must practise _________(speak) English with your classmates every day.90. All the students know __________(hand) in homework on time is necessary.91. Last week I went to my ________(aunt) house to teach her how to send e-mail.92. Look! Two ________(monkey) are fighting for food over there.93. Ann is the __________(win) of the Photo Competition this year.94. Li Jie is used to ________(study) with his cousins in America.95. They were very ________(surprise) at the news.96. Doctors often tell us _________(drink) more water every day.97. The teacher left the classroom _________(angry) without ________(say) a word.98. We will have the meeting at the ________(twelve) floor.99. Sanya is famous for its _________(love) beaches.100. It’s good for your health to give up ________(smoke).答案: 1.to buy 2. the first 3. to go 4. speaking 5.interesting 6. reading 7. more athletic 8. beautiful 9. asking 10. me 11 help 12. go 13. to go 14. fly 15. were 16. are exercising 17. unusual 18. visit 19. dose…get to 20. longer…longer 21. did…have 22.making friends 23. friendly 24. feet 25. reading 26. asking 27. teeth 28. illness29. better 30. feet…was 31. speaking 32. twice 33. Wednesday34. Do…have 35. not forget to 36. asleep 37. tired 38. to learn39. to wake 40. to have 41. to say…to do 42. will be 43. comes44. riding 45. is waiting 46. won…running 47. Finally48. eating 49. to have50. to run 51. didn’t go 52. to go 53. to study 54. to eat 55.will be 56. shopping 57. study 58. is leaving 59. to go60. best 61. us 62. to help 63. (to) feed…am feeding 64. writing 65. more 66. elder 67. slowly 68. best 69. more 70. interested…interesting 71. more careful 72. keep…unhappy 73. not to be 74. cloudy 75. were76. have stayed 77. yourselves 78. laugh 79. is 80. to learn81. not go82. am reading 83. visitors84. to go 85. to have 86. studying87. foreigners 88. reading89. speaking90. handing91. aunt’s92. monkeys93. winner 94. studying95. surprised96. to drink 97. angrily…saying98.twelfth 99. lovely100. smoking中考选择填空精编200题(2)86.—Excuse me, where’s the West Hill Farm, please ?—Go the forest and the foot of the mountain you will find it .A.through, atB.across, atC.through, underD. past, under87._____noisy children ! Go and ask them to keep quiet.A.HowB.WhatC.What aD.How a88.I’d like to go abroad for further study, but I _____afford it.A .don’t B.wasn’t able to C.can’t D. am not89.Mr Green living in China though he was born in London.A.would likeB.wantsC.hatesD.enjoys90.—Here is a piece of paper for you !—Oh, thanks. It’s for me to write a long letter on.A.big enoughB.enough bigC. small enoughD.enough small91.---Shall we leave for home now?---No, I ______ here until Tom comes back.A .won’t wait B.will leave C.will wait D. won’t stay92.---Excuse me,but do you know the way to the hospital,please?---Sorry, I don’t know, _____.A.too B .neither C .either D .also93.—You’d better work too hard like this.—I see. You mean working too hard makes one tired and ill.A.notB.don't C .not to D.won’t94.—Football by the British at the beginning of last century.—That’s probably why football is one of the most popular games in England.A.was inventedB. inventedC.was inventingD.invents95---I tried to make Kate ______ her mind, but I found it hard .----Well,I saw you_______ that when I went past.A.change, doB. change , doingC.to change, doD. changes,doing96.—Must we move to the next room ?—No, you . You may still live here if you like.A.mustn’tB.don’tC.don’t have toD.won’t97.I find interesting to play games with children.A.thatB.howC.whatD.it98. are useful animals.A.CowB.PigC.PandaD. Sheep99.Be careful when the street.A.to crossB.crossC.you crossD.you’ll cross100.Take your time, you’ll make another mistake.A .then B.and C. if D. or101.This place is really well worth ______ a second time.A.to visitB.visitsC.visitingD.visited102----I’m ______ in what _____ you.----Well,don’t follow suit. Just do what you like.A. interesting,interestsB.interested ,interestsC.interest,interestsD.interest,interesting103. ---I think he lives _____ No.386 West St.---Are you sure ¬¬¬¬_____ that?A. at ,/B. in ,ofC. in ,aboutD. at ,of104.Saddam and his followers ______ from Baghdad before the air raids took place.A.had escapedB.has escapedC.was escapingD.escape105. ---Have you finished your work yet?---No,not yet. I think it’ll take _____ ten minutesA.anotherB.otherC.othersD.more106.If you want to prevent yourself from catching diseases, you must keep your living environment _______.A.cleanB.to cleanC.cleaningD.dirty107. ---How long have you been away from your hometown?---______two years ago.A.SinceB.ForC.InD.From108.George W.Bush encourages the US soldiers to fight _______ their own country. A.with B.against C.for D.about109.The earthquake victims _______ in the hospitals.A. are well treatedB. are taken good careC. treatedD. are well treating110.---Tom won the first prize in the competition.---He ______ it because he is the most hard-working student.A.needsB.deservesC.is sure ofD.should get111.Most of the deserts ______ to be covered with bushes and trees.edB.were usedeD.got used112.The hospital is doing its best to____the patients with the best treatment and services.A.offerB.giveC.provideD.serve113.Many SARS patients _______ and are allowed to leave the hospitals.A.have been healedB.have healedC.are healedD.healed114. Listen,can you hear someone ______ for help?A.to cryB.cryC.cryingD.cries115.The beautiful scenery ______ tourists to Guilin from the world over.A. attractsB. attacksC. causesD. catches116.The PRC was ______ on October 1st 1949.A.foundB.findC.foundingD.founded117. ____the help of the computer, information can ____every corner of the world quickly.A.With, arriveB. With, reachC.Under, arriveD. Under,reach118.My mother ______ a second-hand camera for me.A.gaveB.showedC.passedD.bought119.--- How _____ do you think the war will come to a stop?---I’m not sure, maybe in another month’s time.A. longB. soonC. oftenD. far120. The boy put his money in his inside pocket,_______he?A. doesn’tB. didn’tC.won’tD.isn’t121.He used the money he first made _____ a used bike for himself.A.buyingB.buyC. to buyD.bought122.Here’s a shirt of Size 70. Would you please try_____?A.on itB.try out itC.try it onD.try it out123.This pair of socks is worn out.I’ll have to buy a new ______.A.oneB.onesC.pairD.pairs124.---_____is your father?---A doctor in a local hospital..A.WhoB.WhereC.HowD.What125.The Smiths live in ______ building. They use a lift to go up and down.A.a 8-storyB.a 8-storiesC.an 8-storiesD.an 8-story126.No matter _____ you do, you must do it as well as possible.A.whatB.howC.whenD.where127.We like him not only because he teaches us _____but aslo he treats us ______.A.good,friendlyB.good,kindlyC.well,friendlyD.well,kindly128.My father prefers to stay at home rather than ______ on May Day.A.travelB.to travelC. travellingD.travels129. ---The rain came to a stop the night before.The fields are still full of water.---It _____ for nearly a week.A. had rainedB. has rainedC. would rainD. was raining130.The moonlight shone ______ the window and fell on my bed.A.fromB.onC.throughD.across131.--- Could you please tell me the way to the station?---Sorry,I’m a stranger too.You ______ ask the policeman over there.A.mustB.mayC.needD.should132.You’ve made ______ mistakes this time than ever before.A.fewB.litlleC.fewerD.less133.Travelling by air is ______ more expensive than by train even though the air tickets are on discount(打折).A.veryB.a lot ofC.manyD.far134.Though the price of the camera is OK, ______ I don’t think I’ll take it.A.butB.andC.yetD.so135.The city is trying to ______ the living environment of the people.A.improveB.riseC.liftD. increase136.---What was the score of the match? Did you beat them?---________. We lost to the girls.A.Sorry, I don’t knowB.I don’t want to talk about itB.It’s a secret D.Don’t ask me137.--______ is the population of the town?---Over 20,000 .And a third of the population ____ workers of the car factory.A. What, areB. How many , areC. What , isD. How many, is138---Alice,why didn’t you come here yesterday?---I ____ , but my son suddenly fell ill and I had to take him to the hospital.A.hadB.didC.was going toD.didn’t139.---Could I speak to Tom, please?---Sorry, he isn’t here at the moment. He _______Hangzhou on business .A.went toB.has gone toC.goes toD.has been to140.---Good luck to you _____ your trip!---Thank you _____ your kind words.A.to, forB.with, toC. with, forD. to, for141.---So many kinds of shirts! I really don’t know _____.A. what to buyB.which to buyC.to buy whichD. to choose which142.By the time I got to the check-out, I realized that I had _____ my purse at my office.A.forgottenB.leftidD.put143.Don’t shout in public, my boy, please,______?A.won’t youB.don’t youC.do youD.will you144.---My computer doesn’t work at all.---Don’t worry.I think I can put it ______for you.A.wellB.rightC.goodD.up145.I turned back only to find myself ______ by a group of beggars.A.followB.followingC.to followD.followed146.As soon as the _____news came into our ears,we all cheered and became ______.A. exciting , excitingB.excited, .excitedC. exciting, excitedD. excited, exciting 147.The American soldiers are _______the country over for Saddam and his followers.A. searchingB. lookingC. searching inD. finding148.Nobody told us _____ to go there.149.It doesn’t ______ whether the cat is white or black, as long as (只要) it catches the mouse. A.work B.mind C.matter D.mean150.---You _____ be very tired after the long flight.---Yeah, though I am tired, I feel excited and happy.A. mustB. probablyC. can’tD.can151.The price of the jacket is not too_____ and its colour is OK.I’ll take it.A.cheapB.lowC. expensiveD.high152.All except Tom have passed the exam because he _____ lots of classes.A.leftB.forgotC.missedD.lost153.---Does Tom write more______ than Larry?---Yes.He is a ______ writer than Larry.A.neatly, neaterB.neatly, more neatlyC.neat,neaterD.neat, more neatly154.Tom ______to many places of interest since he moved to China with his family.A.traveledB.travelsC.has traveledD.will travel155.We ______ allowed to leave school until the summer holidays start.A. aren’tB. will beC. wouldn’t beD. won’t be156.Why did you buy the jacket ____ you didn’t like it?A.sinceB.thatC.whichD./157.I _____ in Shanghai since I was a child.ed to liveB.livedC.have livedD.live158.There are _____more people in Class 2 than in Class 1.A.manyB.a lot ofC.a littleD.much159.---Is that man an ______?---Do you mean the one who’s wearing a different T-shirt?A. AmericanB. EnglishC.AustraliaD.India160.---When did Tom leave for Britain?---He’s _____ for two weeks.A.leftB.goneC.been awayD.leaving161.I’ve ______ the house since I moved here.162.---Do you mind my asking you a personal question?--_____, any questions are welcome.A.NeverB.SureC.Of courseD.Yes163.What interesting ______! The wrong answer is:A.deerB.sheepC.newsD.animal164.I looked out and found the ground ______ with white snow.A.coveredB.coveringC.to coverD.is covered165.I _____ I would win the first prize of the competition.A.wishB.hopeC.thinkD.believe166.--Would you please pass the message on to Tom?---________.A.I’d likeB. I’ll be glad toC.That would be fineD.It’s a pleasure167.About 20 firemen were killed in the fire which broke______in Y ueyang,Hunan Province last week.A.downB.intoC.outD.in168.The mountain fire wasn’t ______ until the next day.A.put offB.put upC.put outD.put down169.The man is very ill.A doctor must be ______right now.A.sent forB.sent upC.sent toD.sent out170.My memory is not good enough. Could I have a piece of paper to _____ your e-mail address on?A.put awayB.put intoC.put downD.put up171.His parents died when he was very young, so he was ______ by his uncle.A.brought upB.grown upC.got upD.risen172.I’ll never ______what I’m doing, even though many people think it impossible for me to make it.A.give inB.give toC.give outD.give up173.More and more people have lost their jobs and become ______.A.richB.strongC.fragilezy174.The moon _____ the earth and it is our satellite.A.circlesB.movesC.turnsD.goes175.This room is used ______ a reading room.A.asB.forC.byD.in176.Edison is said to_____the first telephone.A.findB.discoverC.inventD.found177.--Are you getting on well with Tom?---Not very well, but we used to be friends. The more I know him,_____ I like him.A. the moreB. the lessC. the little D .the least178.Bob, _____ sure to come to the meeting early tomorrow!A.isB.makeC.beD.makes179.I told the truth to my parents _______ they wouldn’t worry about me any more.A.andB.orC.so thatD.that180.The population of China is lager than _____ of India.A.thatB.thisC.the oneD.it181.The girl ______ red plays the piano well. She is often invited to give performances by TV and radio stations.A.onB.withC.inD.wearing182.My friend was riding too fast and ______ the wall. Luckily he was not badly hurt.A. knocked atB.put intoC.crashedD. knocked into183.He died and was buried(葬) in the mountain village _____ he was born.A.thatB.whichC.whereD./184.The book _____by the young writer sells well. It is popular among middle school students. A.was written B.writing C.wrote D.written185.______ great fun to walk in the rain it will be!A.WhatB.HowC.What aD.How a186.You’ll deserve to fail again _______you try your best.A.ifB.becauseC.afterD.unless187. China's first spaceman, Yang Liwei, with Shenzhou V ______successfully to earth onThursday morning after more than 21 hours’ travel along the earth's orbit.A. returned backB.arrivedC.reachedD.returned188. --- Will he be able to come back tomorrow?---- I’m afraid not. He told me that he ____ come back until his holiday ended.A. won’tB. wouldn’tC. didn’tD. would189--The boy was _____ frightened to see the animals _______ he couldn’t move.-- In fact, they don’t attack people unless they are cornered.A. too, toB. so, thatC. very, thatD. such ,that190.--How often do you phone your family?---________.A.sometimeB.sometimesC.some timeD.some times191.How happy we are ______ each other here away from home!A.seeingB.to seeC.seenD.meeting192.Poul doesn’t have to be made ______.He always works hard.A.to learnB.learnC.learningD.learns193.He is so fat that the chair is not large enough for him to_____.A.sitB.sit onC.sit downD.take a seat194.It takes my daughter about an hour to practice playing _____piano after ____ supper every day.A.the,theB.the,/C./,/D./,the195.His wife died and ______ him nothing but two sons.A.offeredB.gaveC.sentD.left196.Look______!There’s a train coming.A.atB.outC.aroundD.over197.Tom hasn’t phoned us for a long time. What do you suppose _____ to him?A.was happeningB.to happenC.has happenedD.happened198.--Do you know Jim quarreled with his wife?--I don’t know. _____.A.I don’t care alsoB. So do IC. Neither do ID.too199.Congratulations _____ you _____winning the competition!A.to,onB.for,forC.for,onD.to,on200.My boys!You are too shy. You should have more confidence in ______.A. youB. yourselvesC. yourselfD.themselvesWe’re looking forward to your success!86-90ABCDA 91-95CCAAB 96-100CDDCD 101-105CBDAA 106-110AACAB 111-115ACACA 116-120DBDBB 121-125CCCDD 126-130ADAAC 135-140BACBC 141-145BBDBD 146-150CABCA 151-155DCACD 156-160ACAAC161-165DADAA166-170BCCAC 171-175ADCCA 176-180CBBCA 181-185CDCDA 186-190DDBBB 191-195BABBD 196-200BCCAB。
27.(2021·湖南常德市·中考真题)One of the most famous Marvel heroic character—Spiderman, ______(create) in 1962.
11.(2021·江苏南京市·中考真题)My mom gave me this computer as my ______(sixteen) birthday present.
12.(2021·江苏南京市·中考真题)Tony’s sister enjoys ______(listen) to music and she often goes to concerts.
58.People were________(complete)shocked when they heard about Kobe's accident.
59.So far, no________(science)studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.
42.Most people don't like________(rain)days because they make people feel sad.
43.To my disappointment, the new movie is so________(meaning).
44.Now many wild animals are in________(dangerous). We should protect them.
15.(2021·江苏南京市·中考真题)Over the years, Gong Bao Chicken has become one of the most popular ______(dish) in Chinese restaurants throughout the world.
1. 能够,有能力的adj. ___________ 能力n. ___________ 使…….有能力v. __________2. 精确的adj. ___________ 精确地adv. _____________3. 穿过prep. ____________ 穿过v. ____________4. 扮演;表演v. / 行动n. __________ act as ________积极地adj. __________ 活动n. __________ 男演员n. _________ 女演员n. __________5. 增加v. __________ 加,增加n. ___________6. 非洲n. _________ 非洲的a. ________ 非洲人n. __________7. 时代,年龄n. _________ 有….之年岁的adj. __________8. 活着的adj. __________ 生活,居住v. _________ 生活,生命n. ________生动的,活泼的adj. _________ 没有生命的adj. __________9. 令人惊讶的adj. __________ 惊讶的adj. _________10. 美国n. __________ 美国的adj. / 美国人n. ______________11. 引起乐趣的,娱人的adj. __________ 娱乐n. _________12. 生气的adj. __________ 生气地adv. ___________13. 出现v. ___________ 消失v. _________14. 艺术n. _________ 艺术家n. _________15. 吸引v. __________ 吸引,吸引力,吸引物n. ________ 有吸引力的a. _________15. 出席,参加v. ___________注意,关心n. ___________16. 澳大利亚n. __________ 澳大利亚的a. / 澳大利亚人n. ___________17. 美丽的a. __________ 优美地adv. ___________17. 根据地,基地,基础n.___________ 基本的,基础的adj. ___________18. 开始,着手v. ____________ 开始,开端n. ____________19. 明亮的,聪明的a. __________ 明亮地adv. ______________20. 不列颠, 英国n. ____________ 英国人n. / 英国的adj. ___________21. 建筑物n. __________ 建造v. ___________(过去式___________ , 过去分词__________)22. 忙adj. _________ 生意,商业n. __________ 商人n. ___________ 女商人n. __________22. 感到乏味的adj. _________ 无聊的,令人厌烦的adj. _________23. 加拿大n. ___________ 加拿大人n. / 加拿大的adj. __________24. 小心,关心,照顾n. _______ 小心的,仔细的a. ________ 小心地,仔细地adv. __________25. 一定的,有把握的adj. ___________ 一定,无疑,当然adv. ___________26. 改变,更改,兑零钱v. __________ 变化,找头,零钱n. __________易变的,可变的adj. _____________交换,交流v. _________27. 化学n. _____________ 化学的a. / 化学品n. _____________化学老师_____________ 化学作业_____________化学考试_____________ 化学实验室_____________28. 孩子,儿童n. __________ (复数)___________ 幼年时代,童年n. __________29. 中国n. ___________ 中国人n. / 中国的a. ___________30. 选择n. ___________ 选择v. __________ (过)___________(过分)___________31. 市民n. __________, 城市n. ___________32. 清晰的,明亮的, 清楚的adj. __________ 清除;(天气放晴)v. _________清晰地,明亮地, 清楚地adv. _____________33. 云n. __________ 多云的adj. ___________34. 收集v. ___________ 收集n. __________35. 竞赛v. ___________ 竞赛n. ____________36. 完成,结束v. ____________ 完整的,完全的a. ____________ 完整地adv. ___________37. 结束v. __________ 结论,结束,结局n. ___________38. 自信的a. ____________ 自信n. ____________39. 舒服的a. __________ adv.舒服地__________40. 人群n. ___________ 拥挤的a. ___________41. 习俗n. __________ 顾客n. _________41. 正确的,恰当的adj. _________ 改正,纠正v. _________ 正确地adv. _________42. 天,白天n. _________ 日报n. ________ 每天的,日常的adj. _________每天adv. __________43. 危险n. _________ 危险的adj. __________44. 死的,无生命的adj. __________ 死亡n. __________ 死亡v. _________45. 决定v. ___________ n. 决定_________46. 依靠v. __________ 独立的adj. __________47. 设计v. __________ 设计师n. __________48. 发展,开发,培养v. ___________ 发展n. __________49. 区别n. __________ 不同的adj. ___________50. 困难的adj. __________ 困难n. ___________50. 发现,看出v. ___________ 覆盖,掩盖v.___________ 覆盖物,封面n. ___________51. 讨论v. __________ n. __________52. 不诚实的adj. _____________ 诚实的adj. __________ 诚实n. __________54. 驾驶,驱赶v.____________ 驾驶员n. ____________55. 导演n. _________ 方向,趋势,用法说明n._________ 直接地adv. _________55. 容易地adv. ___________ 容易adj. __________56. 教育n. __________ 教育的adj. ___________57. 效果n. ____________ 效率高的,有能力的adj. ____________58. 老的,旧的adj. __________, 年龄较大的,年长的adj. __________ 哥哥_________59. 用电的adj. __________ 电子的adj. ____________ 电n. ____________60. 引擎,发动机n. __________ 工程师n. ___________61. 英格兰n. ____________ 英国人,英语n. / 英国的,英语的adj. ___________62. 欣赏,享有,喜欢v. _______ 使人愉快的adj. ________欢乐,高兴,乐趣n. __________63. 进入,参加v. ____________ 入口处n. ___________64. 欧洲n. _________ 欧洲的adj. / 欧洲人n. _________65. 兴奋的adj. _________ 使人兴奋的adj. __________66. 花费,费用n. __________ 昂贵的adj. ___________67. 家庭,家族,家人n. ____________ 熟悉的adj. __________68. 农场n. _________ 农民,农夫n. ___________69. 恩惠n. ___________ 最喜爱的adj. ___________69.雌性adj./n. ___________ 雄性n.___________70. 喂养,饲养v. _________ 食物n. _________71. 装满,注满v. _________ 满的,充满的adj. __________71. 最后的_ adj.__________ 最终,最后adv.___________71. 火n.___________ 消防员n.___________72. 鱼肉,鱼n. _________ 捕鱼,钓鱼v. _________ 渔夫n. _________73. 航班,飞行n. _________ 飞行v. _________74. 听从v. _______ 下列的adj. __________75. 傻子n. ________ 愚弄,欺骗v. _________ 愚蠢的adj. _________76. 外国的adj. _________ 外国人n. _________77. 忘记v. ______(过) _____ (过分)_________ 健忘的adj. ________ 难忘的adj.________78. 法国n. __________ 法国的,法语的adj. / 法语n. ________79. 自由的,空闲的,免费的adj. _________ 自由n. __________80. 结冰v. _________(过)_________ (过分)_______ 极冷的adj. _______冰冻的adj._______81. 油煎v. _________ 油煎的adj. ________82. 使害怕v.___________ adj. 受惊吓的,吃惊的___________ adj. 恐怖的___________ 82. 乐趣,趣事,玩笑n. _________ 比较级_________ _________滑稽的adj. _________ 比较级_________ _________83. 大体的,笼统的,总的adj. __________一般的,普遍的adv. _________84. 温柔的adj. __________ 轻柔地adv. ___________ 绅士n. __________85. 德国n. _______ 德国人n. _______(复数)________ 德语n. ________ 德国的adj. _____86. 黄金n. _________ 金色的adj. _________89. 幸福的,快乐的adj. ___________ 幸福地adv. ___________ 幸福n. _________不快乐的adj. ___________90. 有害的adj. _________ 危害n. __________91. 健康n. __________ 健康的adj. _________ 不健康的adj. _________92. 重的adj. _________ 沉重的,大量的adv. _________93. 高度n. _________高adj. ___________94. 帮助n. / v. ________ 有帮助的,有益的adj. ________ 无助的,没有帮助的adj. _________95. 历史n. _________历史的adj. _________96. 家n. / 在家adv. __________ 无家可归的adj. _________97. 饥饿的adj. __________ adv. __________97. 诚实的,正直的adj. _________ 不诚实的,不正直的adj. _________ 诚实n. _________98. 有病的,不健康的adj. _________ 疾病n. _________ 比较级______ 最高级_______99. 重要性n. ___________ 重要的adj. __________100. 不可能的adj. ________ 可能的adj. __________ 可能地adv. __________101. 包括,包含v. __________ 包含,包括prep. __________102. 印度n. _________印度的adj. / 印度人n. _________103. 兴趣,趣味n. ________ 感兴趣的adj. _________ 有趣的adj. __________104. 国际的adj. ___________ 国家的,民族的adj. __________本族的,本土的_________ 国家,民族n. _________ 国籍n. ____________105. 发明v. __________ 发明家n. _________ 发明n. __________106. 邀请v. _________n. _________107. 意大利n. ___________ 意大利人,意大利语n. / adj. _________108. 日本n. _________ 日本人,日语n. / adj. ___________109. 友好的,和善的adj. / 种类n. __________仁慈,好意n. _________110. 了解,知道,认识v. _________ (过) ________(过分)________ 知识n. _________ 110. 法律n. ___________ 律师n.___________111.喜欢v. ________ 很可能发生的,有希望的adj. ________ 不喜欢v. ________ 112. 长的adj. ___________ 长度n. ____________113. 图书馆n. ___________ 图书馆管理员n. ____________114. 把…设置在v. __________ 位置,场所n.__________ 当地的,地方的adj. _____________ 115. 响亮的,大声的adj. ___________ 大声地loud ____________116. 运气n. __________幸运的,吉祥的adj. __________ 幸运地,侥幸地adv. __________ 117. 主要的adj. __________ 主要地adv. __________118. 管理,处理v. __________ 经理n. __________119. 药n. __________ 医学的,医疗的adj. _____________119. 碰见,遇见v. ___________ 会议,集会n. ___________120. 混合v. __________ 混合物n. ___________121. 记住v. __________ 记忆n. __________122. 民族n. _______民族的,国家的adj. _________国籍n .__________国际的adj, _________ 当地的adj. __________ __________speaker __________ flag123. 邻居n. __________ 街坊n. ___________124. 大自然n. __________ 大自然的,自然的adj. __________124. 需要v. ___________ 必要地,必需的adj. ___________125. 声音,响声,噪声n. _________ 嘈杂的,喧闹的adj. __________126. 办公室n. __________ 官员,办事员n. __________ 官方的,官员的adj. __________ 127. 手术,动手术v. __________ 手术,操作n. __________128. 组织v. __________ 组织,团体,机构n. ___________129. 拥有,所有v. __________ 自己的adj. __________ 拥有者,物主n. __________ 130. 画,绘v. ________ 涂料,颜料n. _________ 油画n. __________ 画家,漆工n. _________ 131.表演v. __________ 表演,演出n. ____________132.物理学n. __________ 物理的,身体的adj. _________132. 玩,打(球)演奏v. __________ 运动员n.___________133.愉快,高兴n. _________请v. __________令人愉快的adj. _________感到高兴的,感到满意的adj. ________134. 诗歌n. __________ 诗人n. ___________135.有礼貌的adj. __________ 有礼貌地adv. ___________136.污染,弄脏v. __________ 污染n. ____________137.可能的,可能发生的adj. _______可能地,也许adv. ________不可能的adj. ____________ 138.邮寄v. __________ 邮递员n. __________139.能量n. __________ 强大的adj. ____________140.可能的adj. __________ 可能地adv. ______________ be likely to__________141.生产,产生v. __________ 产品n. ______________142.保护v. __________ 保护n. ____________143.快的,迅速的adj. __________ 快地,迅速地adv. ____________144.真的,真正的adj. __________ 真正地,确实adv. __________认识到,实现v. __________ 145.记录,录下v. __________ 录音机n. __________146.最近的,近来的adj. __________ 最近,近来adv. __________147.报告,汇报v. __________ 记者n. _________________148.响应,反应n. __________ 负责的,有责任的adj. __________149.复习v. __________ 复习n. ____________150.抢劫v. __________ 抢劫案n. ______________151.悲伤的adj. __________ 难过地,悲伤地adv. _____________152.安全adj._________平安地,安全地adv.____________搭救,节省v. __________保险柜n.______________ 安全n. ____________153.使….满意v. __________ 满意的,满足的adj.____________ 令人满意的adj_________ 154.说,讲v. __________ 谚语,俗语,格言n. __________155. 科学,自然科学n. __________ 科学家n. ___________156. 服务v. __________ 服务n. _____________157. 第二个adj. __________中等的,第二的adj. __________158. 秘密n. __________ 秘书n. __________159. 严重的adj. __________ 严肃地,严重地adv. __________160. 为….服务v. __________ 服务,公用事业n. __________160. 卖,出售v. ___________ 销售,出售n. ___________ 畅销___________161.短的adj. __________ 短裤n.____________162.架子shelf n.(复数)______________163.成功,达到目的v. __________ 成功n. __________ 成功的adj. __________164.太阳,阳光n. __________ 阳光充足的,晴朗的adj. ___________164. 严重的,严肃的adj. ___________ 严肃地,严重地adj. ___________165.下雪v. __________ 多雪的,下雪的adj. __________166.解决,解答v. __________ 解决方法,解答n. __________167.说话,讲话v. __________ 说话,讲话,演讲n. __________168.建议,提议v. __________ 建议,提议n. ____________169.惊奇n. __________ 使惊奇v __________ 感到惊奇的adj. __________170.感谢v. ___________ 感激的adj. ____________171. 想,思考,认为v. __________ 思想,想法n. ______________171. 慢慢的,缓慢的adj. _________ 慢慢地,缓慢地adj._________171. 软的,柔和的adj. _________ 温柔地adv. _________172.tomato n.(复数)_______________173. 旅行,观光v. __________ 游客,旅行者n. ____________174. 传统n. __________ 传统的adj. ____________175. 真的,真实的adj. __________真理,真相n. _____________176.通常的adj. __________ 通常,经常adv. __________177. 使用,运用v. _____ 有用的,有益的adj.______ adj. 无用的_____ v.再利用______ 178.各种各样的adj. ____________ 变化v. __________种种,种类n. __________ 179.参观,访问,拜访v. __________ 参观者,访问者n. ___________180.等,等候v. ________ 侍者,服务员n. _________ 女侍者,女服务员n. ___________ 181.称…的重量,重v. _________ 重量n.___________182.西方n. __________ 西方的adj. __________183.宽阔的,广泛的adj. _________ 宽阔地,广泛地adv. _________ 拓宽v. ____________ 183. 风n. ___________ 有风的adj. ___________184.获胜v. _________ 获胜者n. _____________185.明智的,聪明的adj. _________ 智慧,才智n. ___________186.奇迹,奇观n. _________想知道v. _________ 极好的,精彩的wonder ________ 187.木头n. ___________ 木质的adj. __________188.工作n. __________ 干活v. __________ 工人n. ____________189.书写,写信,写作v. __________ 作家n. _____________190.创伤,伤n.____________ 受伤的adj. __________191. 年轻的adj. ___________ 青年时期n. ___________190. 在下划线,强调,使突出v. __________ 带下划线的adj. __________191. 丢失v. _________ 丢失的,迷路的adj. _________192.优点,长处n. __________ 不利,劣势,短处n. __________193.唱歌v. __________ 歌手;歌唱家n. __________194.跳舞v. __________ 跳舞者,舞蹈演员n. __________195. 使窘迫,使局促不安;使困难v. _________局促不安的,为难的尴尬的,窘迫的adj.________ 196. adj. 富裕的__________ 丰富v._________197 转动v _________ 归还,返回v._________198. 珍稀的,宝贵的adj. __________ 罕有,很少,不常adv. __________199. 告诉v. __________ 复述v. __________200. 恐惧,害怕n. horror 令人恐惧的,恐怖的adj. __________201. 涉及到v. __________ 编号,参考n. __________202. 人n. __________ 个人的,私人的adj. __________203. 社会n. __________ 社会的adj. __________204. 限制v. limit 有限的,限制的adj. __________205. 大体的,笼统的adj. __________ 一般地,普遍的adv. __________206. 有规则的adj. __________ 有规律地adv. __________写出下列单词的复数kilo_________ radio_________ video_________ tomato_________ hero_________ photo_________ potato _________ city _________ Knife_________ roof_________ leaf _________ life_________ shelf_________ scarf_________ monkey _________ lady _________ country _________ toy _________ boy _________ story _________ tooth_________ foot _________ box _________ month _________ match _________ memory _________ thief_________ trolley _________。
1.It is ______ (report) that last Tuesday, a young traffic policeman was knockeddown by accident and _______ (send) to the nearby hospital.2.As students, we agree that we should take full advantage of time to practise (we) and receive more education so that we ____________________________ ( have) a bright future.3.Sometimes, the ______ (tire) scientist wants to give up the plan for he has failedin the experiment some times, but he still _______ (spend) some time on it everyday because he believes he will be successful sometime.4.You can try _____ (borrow) some money from this rich woman, but I am afraidshe ______ (lend )even one dollar to you.5.To our ______ , though the result of the exam is ________ , the teacher was not_____ (surprise) at it.6.The support from his whole family gave him confidence to solve the difficult problemand finally he not only _______________ a new disease but also _________ n ewmedicine against it.( discover/invent)7.Since the clever boy realizes that he himself is keen on physics, he makes a (decide) to study this interesting subject well _____________________________ the help of his teacher.8.Besides ______ (eat) more vegetables and less meat, these fat men have to takesome exercise such as ________ (play) basketball, _______ (run) in order to loseweight.9.It is very kind _______ you to help us repair this new computer for it is difficult_____ us to finish the work without it in time.10.All the members in this club are _______ (worry) about the changes of climate sothey perform an activity to ask more people to protect environment.11.Nowadays, more and more countries start to pay attention to the _______ (pollute),they advise people to prefer paper bags __________ plastic ones when they go_____ (shop).12・______ both noise and voice can be called sounds, all the people enjoy the beautiful _______ from good singers and no one wants to hear_____ (voice/noise)13.You'd better not look up each new word in the English-Chinese dictionary you arereading the English newspaper or novel.14.In many western countries, thirteen is not regarded as _______ lucky number, butno one knows why.15.The careless patient ______ (mistake) a white button for a pill so the doctorsoperated ____ him immediately to take it out as soon as possible.16.If food supplies the energy to children, knowledge provides the chance _______the children to improve themselves and realize their dreams.17.______ the leaders discussed with each other about the sports meeting, theyagreed to cancel it because it might snow _________ (heavy) and some accidentsmight happen.18. A few little _____ (girl) like the Chinese teacher because he looks like a famousJapanese film star and also _______ (know) a little Japanese culture.19.The manager prefers _________ (go) to a restaurant with his friends to_____ (invite) them to have a meal at home because he says he is too tired to prepare food and cook at home.20.Every Saturday science museum is crowded _________ a lot of middle schoolstudents, and some teachers are busy ___________ (explain) the scientific secretbehind a lot of interesting experiments.21.This pretty nurse told the lovely girl it was bad _________ (manner) to throw therubbish everywhere and she should put ______ into the dustbin.22.When the engineer found the machine stopped ___________ (work), he stopped_____ ( check) what was the matter with it.23.This lady's husband raised his head and told me that yesterday's highest temperaturehad risen _________________ 36 degrees, but tomorrow would rise _________ 3degrees.24.It was very loud outside the classroom so our English teachers required all the students(read )the new text ______________________ (loud).25.The beautiful journalist ________ the rich man's expensive gift; however, sherefused to ________ (accept/receive) it because she didn't like him.26. ---- My desk mate has made so great progress in French recently ___________ h ecan speak French fluently now.----- So he has, and so have you. ________ (congratulate) on winning the first prize in the French contest.27. A duck is _______ below a tree, it has _______ four eggs but the boy ________that it had ________ 3 eggs.(lie/lay)28.The old writer lived _________ in a small village, but he never felt ___________because he had made friends with the books, (alone /lonely)29.The passengers are standing _________ t he door; _______ you,there are elevenadults in al 1.(beside/besides)30.The monitor ________ t hat besides students, their parents will also attend hisbirthday party but there are only five of his friends _________________ his classteache ((except/ expect)31.Every Sunday, my mother ______ some clean clothes and fresh fruit to me and_____ my dirty dresses and T-shirts away.(take/bring)32.After he took the medicine, the sick soldier ____________ (feel) very weak andfinally _____ (fall) asleep, so you had better keep quiet and not go around.33.My watch is the same as my friends', but it _________ me five hundred yuan andmy friends _______ only 200 yuan on it.(cost/spend)34.On March _______ (five), some of the pupils plant some trees in theneighbourhood, and some help to clean the floor and the rest take care of the old men and __________ ( woman).35.According to the report, if an office clerk can sleep for a short time ____________noon, he will feel more comfortable and perform much better _______________ t he afternoon.36.To our surprise, our leader is very confident about such a hard-working secretary thathe encourages her ________________ (translate) the important Japanese file_____ German as soon as possible.37.Since Shanghai _______ (become )a modern city in China, it _________ (attract)more and more foreigners and famous foreign companies-38.It is quite convenient for this short doctor __________ (get) all the tools that heneeds because the university ________ ( design) a special lab for him.39.It is known to all that the earth is 49 _______ (time) the size of the moon but thesun is 1.3 million times as big ________ t he earth.40.He is always adding & in front of the letter "f,when he spells the word "ninth", so hisEnglish teacher forced him _____________ ( copy) "ninth” one hundred times.41.Sometimes you may not understand your parents because one minute they9re (friend)and the next minute they're shouting and screaming loudly enoughfor the whole street ____________ ( hear).42.The detective thinks that the man behind the motorcycle may be the thief but hispartner believes that maybe the man may just feel ____________ (interest) in themotorcycle.43.The girl was afraid to go outside __________ (play) because she was afraid of_____ (pass)the large dog in the garden.44.The elder brother _______ (arrive) in Beijing at about ten o'clock while theyounger one is going ________ (reach) Beijing at half past one and their parents_____ (get) there at a quarter to eight.45.After he won the game, his parents and relatives were very ________ of him andall of his teachers took ________ i n him.(proud/pride)46.When he was only a child, he dreamt of becoming scientist but after he (grow) up, hemade a decision to be a teacher instead of a scientist.47.This ________ (retire) healthy leader has a lot of ____________ (hobby) such ascollecting stamps, enjoying the Beijing opera, taking some photos, drawing somepictures and travelling.48.Smoking is very bad for you so _______ you want to keep healthy, you had betterget rid of it and take more physical exercises.49.The price of the house is too high for many ordinary people ________ (afford), somany people begin to rent the house in the city centre.50. A lot of ______ (organize) hope that the government will take action to protectthe lovely pandas from ______ (appear).51.Before they graduate from university, these volunteers with the uniforms are all(please) to serve all the visitors from all over the world.52.______ it is true that it is quite convenient for anyone to search and find theinformation on the Internet, it is still necessary to j udge ________ the information is right or wrong.53.The angry mother warns her daughter _________ she dares throw her toys andrubbish everywhere again, she _______ (beat) her.54.The airport didnl apologize to all the passengers for the delay of the ________ (fly)until all the passengers had waited for almost six hours so some of the passengersdecided ______ (write) a letter of complaint.55.The breakfast of an average American mainly _______ (consist) of the food suchas eggs, bread and butter, sandwich, milk juice and so on.56.Both of these excellent twins will go on their study in Britain, but the elder brother willreach there this June _________________ t he younger one will arrive in it onemonth ______ (late).57.Almost every day except weekends and rainy days, the national flag will _______and all the students will stand on the playground and ___________________ theirhands.(rise/raise)58.The _____ (enter) to the zoo are crowded with the excited people, because allof them are very interested in the new pandas and want to watch them __________ their own eyes.59.If you compare their system with ________ (we), you will easily get the con elusion____ our system seems out of date and caift meet the needs of modern industry.60・The thief tried escaping from the prison during the Christmas, but the police _____ (know) his plan and tried to destroy his plan.61. The football team got there ahead of time in order to be familiar __________ the badweather and strange local food because they didn't want to lose ____________ animportant match.The location of the library is far from their houses, but these boys are so keen reading the history books that they are willing _________________________ (spend) the whole afternoon there every Sunday._____ is not good for you to do homework while you are listening to the music or watching the cartoons._____ (general)speaking, the class teacher is in charge of the class while the school is in the charge of the headmaste_____ (because/because of )the toothache, he hasn't enjoyed the delicious dinner for several days so he has no choice but _______________ ( ask )the dentist for help. With the ______ (develop) of science and technology, researchers will get moreand more knowledge about space and other planets.The film “avatar A is popular to get a ticket ・The film “avatar',is ____ opular that it is hard to get a ticket.It is hard to get a ticket the film八avatar :hard it is to get a ticket of the film "avatar 八! a popular film "avatar" is!The top student was too nervous about the exam to review her lessons and sleep (good) and in the end she didn't get a _________________________ (satisfy) score. Though both China and Japan ________ (locate) in the East Asia, there are still alot of differences in culture and ________ (tradition) custom.This brave _______ (wound) fireman deserved the praise because he was not frightened by the danger of fire and saved all the citizens from the (burn) building. The maths teacher begins to be interested in this smart little kid for he can calculate even (fast) than a computer but never ______________________________ (make) any mistakes though he is not good at expressing himself-It is ordered that if the driver __________ (drink) some wine, he or she is not allowed _______ (drive) the car in case the traffic accident takes place.The survey shows that greenhouse gas is harmful __________ the earth but until now wc haven't the perfect method to solve the problem・There are twelve _________ (month) in one year ------ January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December, and it is rather difficult for many English ______________ (learn) to learn them by heart. During the concert, it is __________ (polite) to use the camera with the flash oroften move in front of the audience, and it is even rude to communicate with your friends. He just moved to the new senior high school so that the class teacher asked him to introduce himself __________ the whole class and _________ (arrange) his seat beside the monitoThe soldier is strong enough _______ (lift) this heavy bag.The waiter _______ (bring) a menu to me and suggested that I _________ (taste) the new meal and tell him my opinion about it.When his wife began to decorate the bedroom __________ (some photos of theirbaby and some white roses, the husband has been brushing the sitting room with paint._____ (luck), the businessman felt so tired that he soon fell asleep without (realize) that he had left his luggage, speech material and expensive camera in the taxi.The weather forecast said this Sunday was fit ________ ( a camp, so these friends organized a picnic in the forest and they carried some food nd knife and fork.82.All the Chinese people will never forget the wonderful 2008 Beijing Olympics becausethe whole world _______________ (focus) attention on China and on Beijing.83.The fans say that this film star _________ (marry) for 4 years, but actually shejust _____ (marry) that rich gentleman 2 years ago in Germany.84.During the childhood, we often _______ (depend) on our parents when we were introuble while we try to be _______ (depend)of them after we grow up.85.It is impossible for you to guess right who will take part in our party guests of honor but I am sure that you will feel _________________________________ ( amaze)when you know the answe86.When we find the TV program is very dull, we __________ ( change) the channeluntil we are attracted by some programs.87.Except the local farmers, no one dare to ___________ that narrow field at nightbecause he can't even see his fingers when he goes ________ it.( cross/ across)88.The pilot had enough experience to deal with danger when the plane was out of controland finally he succeeded ______________ l anding on the ground safely.89.Every summer holiday, a lot of male students and some female ones pretend not( notice) the rule on the board that the teenagers ________________ the age of 18mustn八t enter the Internet bar and spend amounts of time on it.90.It is ________ precious memory that when he was still _________ Young Pioneerfrom the primary school, he went to the nursing house to sweep the floor, pick up the litter and water the plants every March the fifth.91.At the moment, the aged artist achieves the ambition of holding his ________( person) oil painting exhibition and the price of the tickets ___________________ v ery low so that he can share his view of natural beauty with the public.92.This winter holidays, they are eager _________ ( travel )around the Europe, suchas France, Italy, Germany, Britain and so on.During rush hours, many clerks still choose undergrounds or buses rather their own private cars as main traffic tools and some young ( one/ones/that/those/it) even ride bicycles because it is too difficult to park cars in the c9i3ty.c B en e tr f e o.re the lecture in the college, the inventor raised a question who had the ability ( take) out a coin at the bottom of the bottle without touching itor breaking it into _______ ( piece).93.At the weekends, especially when it is _______ (sun) and warm, many people canbe seen ________ ( swim) on the surface of the sea; in addition, many familiesrelax themselves at the beach and take a sun bath・96.The park that has already been rebuilt is open __________ the public again. Plentyof tourists stand at the sightseeing platform and enjoy the opposite Oriental Pearl Towe r.97.After a honible flood attacked this poor village, these homeless people went (hunger) and thirsty and needed ________________________ ( medicine) help, and some of them even robbed the supermarkets _________________ the daily goods. The army used the ferries to move them to the near kindergarten and the church.98. _____ the president of every nation sticks to the fact ___________ human beingslove peace, hate wars and fear death, every country still pay a large amount of money for armies and weapons.99.The reason _______ he is used to England life so quickly is ________ he used tolisten to foreign broadcast on radio and his recorder was usually used __________ (record) he pronounced when he read after the tape.100.Although the _______ ( develop) countries promised to provide money and technology for the _______ ( develop) countries to protect environment, theythemselves are still eager for the natural products such as fuel, oil to meet theneeds of heat and electricity power.。
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1.It is ______ (report) that last Tuesday, a young traffic policeman was knockeddown by accident and _______ (send) to the nearby hospital.2.As students, we agree that we should take full advantage of time to practise______ (we) and receive more education so that we __________ ( have) a bright future.3.Sometimes, the ______ (tire) scientist wants to give up the plan for he has failedin the experiment some times, but he still _______ (spend) some time on it every day because he believes he will be successful sometime.4.You can try ______ (borrow) some money from this rich woman, but I am afraidshe _______ (lend )even one dollar to you.5.To our _______ , though the result of the exam is ________ , the teacher was not______ (surprise) at it.6- The support from his whole family gave him confidence to solve the difficult problem and finally he not only ________ a new disease but also ________ new medicine against it.( discover/invent)7.Since the clever boy realizes that he himself is keen on physics, he makes a______ (decide) to study this interesting subject well _________ the help of his teacher.8.Besides ______ (eat) more vegetables and less meat, these fat men have to takesome exercise such as ________ (play) basketball, _______ (run) in order to lose weight.9.It is very kind _______ you to help us repair this new computer for it is difficult______ u s to finish the work without it in time.10.All the members in this club are _______ (worry) about the changes of climate sothey perform an activity to ask more people to protect environment.11.Nowadays, more and more countries start to pay attention to the ______ (pollute),they advise people to prefer paper bags __________ plastic ones when they go ______ (shop).12・_____ b oth noise and voice can be called sounds, all the people enjoy the beautiful ________ from good singers and no one wants to hear______ (voice/noise)13.You'd better not look up each new word in the English-Chinese dictionary youare reading the English newspaper or novel.14.In many western countries, thirteen is not regarded as _______ lucky number, butno one knows why.15.The careless patient ________ (mistake) a white button for a pill so the doctorsoperated ____ him immediately to take it out as soon as possible.16.If food supplies the energy to children, knowledge provides the chance ________the children to improve themselves and realize their dreams.17._______ t he leaders discussed with each other about the sports meeting, theyagreed to cancel it because it might snow ________ (heavy) and some accidents might happen.18.A few little ______ (girl) like the Chinese teacher because he looks like a famousJapanese film star and also _______ (know) a little Japanese culture.19.The manager prefers _________ (go) to a restaurant with his friends to______ (invite) them to have a meal at home because he says he is too tired to prepare food and cook at home.20.Every Saturday science museum is crowded _________ a lot of middle schoolstudents, and some teachers are busy __________ (explain) the scientific secret behind a lot of interesting experiments.21.This pretty nurse told the lovely girl it was bad ________ (manner) to throw therubbish everywhere and she should put ______ into the dustbin.22.When the engineer found the machine stopped ___________ (work), he stopped______ ( check) what was the matter with it.23.This lady's husband raised his head and told me that yesterday's highesttemperature had risen _______ 36 degrees, but tomorrow would rise ________ 3 degrees.24.It was very loud outside the classroom so our English teachers required all thestudents _______ (read )the new text ________ (loud).25.The beautiful journalist ________ the rich man's expensive gift; however, sherefused to ________ (accept/receive) it because she didn't like him.26. ----- My desk mate has made so great progress in French recently _________ hecan speak French fluently now.----- So he has, and so have you. _______ (congratulate) on winning the first prize in the French contest.27.A duck is ________ b elow a tree, it has _______ four eggs but the boy _______that it had ________ 3 eggs.(lie/lay)28・ The old writer lived ________ in a small village, but he never felt __________ because he had made friends with the books, (alone /lonely)29.The passengers are standing ________ the door; _______ you,there are elevenadults in al 1.(beside/besides)30.The monitor ________ that besides students, their parents will also attend hisbirthday party but there are only five of his friends _______________ his class teache 匸((except/ expect)31.Every Sunday, my mother ______ some clean clothes and fresh fruit to me and______ my dirty dresses and T-shirts away.(take/bring)32.After he took the medicine, the sick soldier ___________ (feel) very weak andfinally ______ (fall) asleep, so you had better keep quiet and not go around.33.My watch is the same as my friends', but it _________ me five hundred yuan andmy friends _______ o nly 200 yuan on it.(cost/spend)34.On March ________ (five), some of the pupils plant some trees in theneighbourhood, and some help to clean the floor and the rest take care of the old men and _______ ( woman).35.According to the report, if an office clerk can sleep for a short time __________noon, he will feel more comfortable and perform much better ____________ the afternoon.36.To our surprise, our leader is very confident about such a hard-working secretarythat he encourages her ____________ (translate) the important Japanese file______ German as soon as possible.37.Since Shanghai ________ (become )a modern city in China, it ________ (attract)more and more foreigners and famous foreign companies-38.It is quite convenient for this short doctor __________ (get) all the tools that heneeds because the university _______ ( design) a special lab for him.39.It is known to all that the earth is 49 ________ (time) the size of the moon but thesun is 1.3 million times as big _______ the earth.40.He is always adding & in front of the letter "f,when he spells the word "ninth",so his English teacher forced him _______ ( copy) "ninth” one hundred times. 41.Sometimes you may not understand your parents because one minute they9re_____ (friend) and the next minute they're shouting and screaming loudly enough for the whole street ____________ ( hear).42.The detective thinks that the man behind the motorcycle may be the thief but hispartner believes that maybe the man may just feel ___________ (interest) in the motorcycle.43.The girl was afraid to go outside __________ (play) because she was afraid of______ (pass)the large dog in the garden.44・ The elder brother _______ (arrive) in Beijing at about ten o'clock while the younger one is going ________ (reach) Beijing at half past one and their parents______ (get) there at a quarter to eight.45.After he won the game, his parents and relatives were very ________ of him andall of his teachers took ________ i n him.(proud/pride)46.When he was only a child, he dreamt of becoming scientist but after he (grow)up, he made a decision to be a teacher instead of a scientist.47.This ________ (retire) healthy leader has a lot of ___________ (hobby) such ascollecting stamps, enjoying the Beijing opera, taking some photos, drawing some pictures and travelling.4& Smoking is very bad for you so _______ y ou want to keep healthy, you had better get rid of it and take more physical exercises.49・ The price of the house is too high for many ordinary people _______ (afford), so many people begin to rent the house in the city centre.50.A lot of _______ (organize) hope that the government will take action to protectthe lovely pandas from ______ (appear).51.Before they graduate from university, these volunteers with the uniforms are all(please) to serve all the visitors from all over the world.52.______ i t is true that it is quite convenient for anyone to search and find theinformation on the Internet, it is still necessary to j udge ________ t he information is right or wrong.53.The angry mother warns her daughter _________ s he dares throw her toys andrubbish everywhere again, she _______ (beat) her.54.The airport didnl apologize to all the passengers for the delay of the _______ (fly)until all the passengers had waited for almost six hours so some of the passengers decided _______ (write) a letter of complaint.55.The breakfast of an average American mainly _______ (consist) of the food suchas eggs, bread and butter, sandwich, milk juice and so on.56・ Both of these excellent twins will go on their study in Britain, but the elder brother will reach there this June _______ the younger one will arrive in it one month _______ (late).57.Almost every day except weekends and rainy days, the national flag will ______and all the students will stand on the playground and _________________ their hands.(rise/raise)58.The ______ (enter) to the zoo are crowded with the excited people, because allof them are very interested in the new pandas and want to watch them ________ their own eyes.59.If you compare their system with _______ (we), you will easily get the con elusion_____ our system seems out of date and caift meet the needs of modern industry. 60・ The thief tried escaping from the prison during the Christmas, but the police ______ (know) his plan and tried to destroy his plan.61. The football team got there ahead of time in order to be familiar _________ t he badweather and strange local food because they didn't want to lose __________ an important match.The location of the library is far from their houses, but these boys are so keen reading the history books that they are willing __________________ (spend) the whole afternoon there every Sunday.______ is not good for you to do homework while you are listening to the music or watching the cartoons.______ (general)speaking, the class teacher is in charge of the class while the school is in the charge of the headmaste匸______ (because/because of )the toothache, he hasn't enjoyed the delicious dinner for several days so he has no choice but ____________ ( ask )the dentist for help. With the _______ (develop) of science and technology, researchers will get more and more knowledge about space and other planets.The film “avatar^ is ________ popular to get a ticket・The film “avatar',is _____ opular that it is hard to get a ticket.It is hard to get a ticket ________ t he film^ avatar:_ ____ hard it is to get a ticket of the film "avatar^!______ a popular film "avatar" is!The top student was too nervous about the exam to review her lessons and sleep (good) and in the end she didn't get a __________________ (satisfy) score. Though both China and Japan ________ (locate) in the East Asia, there are still a lot of differences in culture and ________ (tradition) custom.This brave _______ (wound) fireman deserved the praise because he was not frightened by the danger of fire and saved all the citizens from the (burn) building. The maths teacher begins to be interested in this smart little kid for he can calculate even _______ (fast) than a computer but never _________ (make) any mistakes though he is not good at expressing himself-It is ordered that if the driver __________ (drink) some wine, he or she is not allowed ________ (drive) the car in case the traffic accident takes place.The survey shows that greenhouse gas is harmful _________ the earth but until now wc haven't the perfect method to solve the problem・There are twelve ________ (month) in one year ------ January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December, and it is rather difficult for many English _______ (learn) to learn them by heart. During the concert, it is _________ (polite) to use the camera with the flash or often move in front of the audience, and it is even rude to communicate with your friends.He just moved to the new senior high school so that the class teacher asked him to introduce himself __________ the whole class and _________ (arrange) his seat beside the monito匚The soldier is strong enough _______ (lift) this heavy bag.The waiter _______ (bring) a menu to me and suggested that I ________ (taste) the new meal and tell him my opinion about it.When his wife began to decorate the bedroom _________ (some photos of their baby and some white roses, the husband has been brushing the sitting room with paint.______ (luck), the businessman felt so tired that he soon fell asleep without ______ (realize) that he had left his luggage, speech material and expensive camera in the taxi.The weather forecast said this Sunday was fit ________ ( a camp, so these friends organized a picnic in the forest and they carried some food nd knife and fork.82.All the Chinese people will never forget the wonderful 2008 Beijing Olympicsbecause the whole world _______ (focus) attention on China and on Beijing. 83.The fans say that this film star _________ (marry) for 4 years, but actually shejust ______ (marry) that rich gentleman 2 years ago in Germany.84.During the childhood, we often ______ (depend) on our parents when we were introuble while we try to be _______ (depend)of them after we grow up.85.It is impossible for you to guess right who will take part in our party_____ guests of honor but I am sure that you will feel _________ ( amaze)when you know the answe匸86.When we find the TV program is very dull, we _________ ( change) the channeluntil we are attracted by some programs.87.Except the local farmers, no one dare to __________ that narrow field at nightbecause he can't even see his fingers when he goes ________ it.( cross/ across) 88.The pilot had enough experience to deal with danger when the plane was out ofcontrol and finally he succeeded _______ landing on the ground safely.89・ Every summer holiday, a lot of male students and some female ones pretend not ______ ( notice) the rule on the board that the teenagers ________ the age of 18 mustn^t enter the Internet bar and spend amounts of time on it.90.It is ________ p recious memory that when he was still ________ Young Pioneerfrom the primary school, he went to the nursing house to sweep the floor, pick up the litter and water the plants every March the fifth.91.At the moment, the aged artist achieves the ambition of holding his_____ ( person) oil painting exhibition and the price of the tickets ______ very low so that he can share his view of natural beauty with the public.92.This winter holidays, they are eager ________ ( travel )around the Europe, suchas France, Italy, Germany, Britain and so on.During rush hours, many clerks still choose undergrounds or buses rather their own private cars as main traffic tools and some young ( one/ones/that/those/it) even ride bicycles because it is too difficult to park cars in the city centre.93.Before the lecture in the college, the inventor raised a question who had theability _______ ( take) out a coin at the bottom of the bottle without touching it or breaking it into ________ ( piece).95・ At the weekends, especially when it is ______ (sun) and warm, many people can be seen ________ ( swim) on the surface of the sea; in addition, many familiesrelax themselves at the beach and take a sun bath・96.The park that has already been rebuilt is open _________ t he public again. Plentyof tourists stand at the sightseeing platform and enjoy the opposite Oriental Pearl Towe r.97.After a honible flood attacked this poor village, these homeless people went_____ (hunger) and thirsty and needed _____ ( medicine) help, and some of them even robbed the supermarkets _____________ the daily goods. The army used the ferries to move them to the near kindergarten and the church.98._____ the president of every nation sticks to the fact __________ human beingslove peace, hate wars and fear death, every country still pay a large amount of money for armies and weapons.99.The reason _______ he is used to England life so quickly is ________ h e used tolisten to foreign broadcast on radio and his recorder was usually used _________ (record) he pronounced when he read after the tape.100.Although the _______ ( develop) countries promised to provide money and technology for the _______ ( develop) countries to protect environment, theythemselves are still eager for the natural products such as fuel, oil to meet theneeds of heat and electricity power.。