国际贸易经典案例三:Levi Strauss



利维在改进工装裤面料和式样的同时,开始注意 对其产品进行宣传。首先,他为本公司的工装裤 注册了图形商标,商标上画着一条工装裤的裤腰 两边各拴着一匹马,马头朝着相反的方向,每匹 马身旁都有一个人在扬鞭催赶。图形上方写着: “惟一获得铆钉加固专利的工装裤”,下方写着: “撕不开就是撕不开”。这个商标十分引人注目, 很快被消费者所认同。
利维·斯特劳斯公司的牛仔裤在1996年达到销售高 峰,全年销售总值达71亿美元。
3. 霍伯特.德.纪梵希
1927年,纪梵希出生在法国的一个富有家庭,父亲 是矿山业主,家里并不赞同年轻的纪梵希从事时装 事业,而是希望他能成为一名律师,但纪梵希坚定 了自己的选择。
1945年,毕业于巴黎艺术学校后,1952年,创建 “纪梵希工作室”(the House of Givenchy)。
在西方国家,演艺界的名人是范思哲注目的对象,一旦这些名人穿上范 思哲的服装参加奥斯卡的颁奖仪式,电视台把各位大明星的形象向全世 界一转播,范思哲的作品自然而然就传向了全世界。
1998年,泽塔琼斯穿着一身紧裹身体的红 色范思哲长裙出现在奥斯卡颁奖礼上,立 时谋杀了记者们手中的无数菲林,成为了 当晚的最佳着装人士。
成年之后的夏奈尔孤身来到巴黎,她的 选择非常有限:枯燥乏味的针线手工, 连一句台词都没有的舞台小摆设人 物……这一切,夏奈尔都做过。
这样,直到夏奈尔自己在多薇开了一家 店,小小的帽子店。
此时,时髦女人所戴的帽子多为花里胡 哨、结构复杂。可可以敏锐的时尚触觉, 推出田园风格的小草帽,用金黄色麦草 编织,周围还种着叶片儿,养着花朵儿, 似乎还飘散着巴黎少有的泥土芳香。
Gianni Versace 1946 年 12 月 2 日出生 于意大利的雷焦卡拉布里亚。母亲是个 “土”裁缝,曾经开过一个名为“巴黎时 装店”的店铺。她是一个聪明的女人,可 以不用任何纸样,只须在布一标一些记号 便可裁剪成衣。







品牌故事灵感源泉文化象征真伪辨别历史丰碑品牌系列品牌故事维·斯特劳斯(Levi Strauss) 1847年从德国移民至美国纽约。















出口跨境电商知识产权侵权TRO 禁令典型案例分析

出口跨境电商知识产权侵权TRO 禁令典型案例分析

出口跨境电商知识产权侵权TRO 禁令典型案例分析陈建松,袁思涵(广东东软学院信息管理与工程学院,广东佛山528225)[摘要]近年来出口跨境电商借助国家政策的大力扶持迅猛发展,但是据不完全统计,仅2019年美国各大律师事务所起诉中国出口跨境电商卖家知识产权侵权的案件就有将近1200件。


尤其是美国法院签发的TRO 禁令波及甚广,令中国卖家损失惨重。

因此应对出口跨境电商TRO 禁令已成为中国卖家燃眉之急,急需建立一套系统性的应对方案。

分析出口跨境电商TRO 禁令的典型案例,获取知识产权侵权案件中律师事务所取证、起诉、TRO 禁令签发以及案件和解的细节,同时针对案件最新的发展趋势,提出面向出口跨境电商TRO 禁令的多层递进复合解决方案,为中国出口跨境电商卖家应对TRO 禁令提供帮助及参考。

[关键词]出口跨境电商;TRO 禁令;知识产权;侵权[中图分类号]F724.6;F752.62[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1009-6043(2021)01-0155-03第2021年第1期(总第533期)商业经济SHANGYE JINGJINo.1,2021Total No.533[作者简介]陈建松(1979-),浙江宁波人,副教授,硕士,研究方向:电子商务。

[基金项目]广东省教育厅特色创新类项目:全球疫情背景下跨境电子商务综合试验区提升企业出口跨境电商综合竞争力研究———以佛山市为例(2020WTSCX113);佛山市社科规划共建项目:中美贸易谈判背景下佛山中小出口跨境电商企业TRO 禁令应对策略研究(2020-GJ054);广东省大学生创新训练类:面向出口跨境电商TRO 禁令的多层递进复合解决方案(S202012574007X)。

一、TRO 禁令的详细解释(一)TRO 禁令的解释TRO 全称为Temporary Restraining Order,临时禁令。


LEVI’S广告 案例评析
1.品牌背景及发展史 2.品牌策略分析 3.品牌主题选择 4.广告作品的表达手法 5.媒介策略
(李维斯)是来自美国西部最闻名的名字之一。 1853年犹太青年商人LeviStrauss(李维·史 特劳斯)为处理积压的帆布试着做了一批低腰、 直筒、臀围紧小的裤子,卖给旧金山的淘金 工人。由于这种裤子比棉布裤更结实耐磨而 大受欢迎。于是,李维斯索性开了一家专门 生产帆布工装裤的公司,并以自己的名字 “Levi’s”作为品牌,Levi's(李维斯)神 话也由此展开。
特征明显,运用统一的板式,还有广泛与大 自然结合的摄影作品的运用。
Hale Waihona Puke 实用文档媒介策略网络 电视 杂志
平面广告和大自然结合,更容易引起人们的注意。而 且广告很有创意,很好的诠释了李维斯的品牌特征。 另外,李维斯在社会上得到了很好的传播,在一定 程度上很好的指导了消费,这也就达到了广告的目 的。
1930年Levi's牛仔裤首次渡过密西西比河以 东。
1960年Levi's快速的扩展。年轻人都变成一 股新兴主力,Levi's也一跃成为年轻的象征。
1987年,李维斯推出日后大红的Dockers产品 线。
1989年,李维斯在美国的销售从原来风光的 5.02亿跌到3.87亿。李维斯的领导地位慢慢 消失。
1996年罗伯特·海斯(Robert Haas)领导李维 斯,公司也开始逐步重新定位自己的使命: 李维斯要从一个有责任心的成功企业变为 “休闲服装的权威”。





















2013 国贸 国际商法案例

2013 国贸 国际商法案例


































六、总结和启示通过对黎孝先公司的国际贸易实务案例分析,我们可以得到以下几点总结和启示:1. 市场调研是成功开展国际贸易的重要基础,企业应该充分了解目标市场的需求和竞争情况。

Levi Strauss 全球采购和营运指引

Levi Strauss 全球采购和营运指引

Levi Strauss全球采购和营运指引《全球采购和营运指引》由如下两大部分构成:I. 国家级别评估指引是针对在Levi商业伙伴控制之外的重大外部事件。

本部分有助于Levi 评估与特定国家的供应商商业往来时所面临的机会和风险。






















本报推出工业设计史上十大经典案例,从中可以体味出工业设计附加值的意义,何止于金钱!1932 年,美国人乔治·布雷斯代在一个酒馆外看到一个朋友笨拙地用一个便宜打火机点烟后,便产生了设计一个简单不受气压或者低温影响的打火机的想法。

1933 年,第一款ZIPPO 打火机诞生并开始风靡全球。

二战期间,由于ZIPPO 卓越的性能成为了美国军队的军需品. 据说美国一位士兵因为ZIPPO 挡住了子弹而保住了性命,而那个ZIPPO 却依然好用。

艾森豪威尔也对ZIPPO 大加欣赏:“ZIPPO 是我惟一在任何时候都能点得着的打火机。

”1996 年4 月15 日,第三亿个ZIPPO 打火机出厂,如果把这三亿个打火机平放,可以把一个包括射门区在内的足球场铺满128 厘米厚。

如今ZIPPO 的日产量已经超过6.5 万个,销往130 个国家和地区,被喻为“打火机里的哈雷摩托”,成为雄性美感的代名词和具有高度收藏价值的艺术品。


目前拉链的使用领域几乎涉及到所有的服装和用品,已成为当今世界上重要的服装辅料.从1851 年美国人伊莱思·豪才申请了一项名叫“可持续、自动式扣衣工具”专利开始,拉链最终占领服装市场的时间是上世纪30 年代,期间整整经历了近80 年之久。


借助时装设计师的推动,拉链在1937 年又有了一个新身份——男士“裤门看守者”。

如今拉链已经随处可见,据上世纪30 年代的统计资料,全球每年生产的拉链数高达 6 亿条以上.Converse,始创于1908 年,拥有近百年的制鞋历史。



1 文化的含义及要素
4. 宗教
文化中最敏感的要素,影响人们的习俗、生活态度、购买什么样的产 品、购买方式。基督教与伊斯兰教、佛教并称为世界三大宗教,许多跨国 公司常常冒犯伊斯兰信徒。
➢ 基督教 信徒最多,分布最广 约22亿
➢ 伊斯兰教 形成于公元7世纪的阿拉伯半岛,很多国家的国教 约16亿
➢ 佛教 最古老的宗教 约5亿
1 文化的含义及要素
1 文化的含义及要素
3. 美学
包括艺术、民间传说、音乐、戏剧和舞蹈,以及对颜色、图案、花卉 动植物等的喜爱。国际营销者在设计产品、包装时,要注意各地审美观念 和价值观念的差异性。
例如:埃克森(Exxon)公司开发的Supreme无烟汽油,在全球范围 内做营销时,制作了“Put a Tiger into Your Tank”的广告文,并面向全 球市场播放。对这一广告,信仰佛教的一些国家的消费者反应很消极。究 其原因是,这些国家把老虎当作神圣的动物,当地人对把他们供奉为神的 老虎放进汽车油箱里,再把老虎放出来的广告场面实在是看不下去了。这 些国家除了韩国之外,还有泰国。
埃克森(Exxon)公司开发的Supreme无烟汽油,在全球范围 内做营销时,制作了“Put a Tiger into Your Tank”的广告文,并 面向全球市场播放。对这一广告,信仰佛教的一些国家的消费者 反应很消极。究其原因是,这些国家把老虎当作神圣的动物,当 地人对把他们供奉为神的老虎放进汽车油箱里,再把老虎放出来 的广告场面实在是看不下去了。这些国家除了韩国之外,还有泰 国。
1 文化的含义及要素
评析:虽然《古兰经》有专门告知穆斯林女性着装必须“保守 得体”,在一些国家甚至会通过法律手段强制要求女性着装几乎只 露眼睛。但在全球分散的诸多穆斯林女信仰者中,追求时尚并且观 念开放的不在少数,这也为时尚品牌提供了可以挖掘的新鲜市场。

商务英语案例分析the factory have Jean

商务英语案例分析the factory have Jean

商务英语案例分析the factory have JeanIn the mid-19th century, a gold mine was discovered in California, the United States. As soon as the news came out, many people came to search for gold. Yamel, a 17-year-old farmer, also joined the gold team with enthusiasm.However, "more wolves and less meat", with the continuous influx of gold miners, there is less and less gold, and many people have not found gold. Coupled with the hot weather and scarce water resources, many unfortunate gold miners not only failed to realize their dream of becoming rich, but also died in the countryside.Amer didn't find gold either. Looking at the people around him, he suddenly thought: it's too impractical to make a fortune by panning for gold. It's better to sell water! This can not only save these people who are dying of thirst, but also change their current embarrassing situation.So he left the ranks of gold miners and ran to a place with water source. He filled a bucket with water and filtered it with fine sand to make it cool and delicious drinking water. Then he pulled it to thegold mine and sold it to gold miners. Some people laughed at his ambition and shortsightedness. But Amer didn't care, and continued his big business of selling water.In the end, most gold miners returned empty handed, while Amer made $6000 from selling water, which was a large income at that time.Following the crowd may be what most people like to do, but they don't realize what everyone is chasing. The competition must be fierce. If you want to win in the fierce competition, you either have to beat other competitors, or you have to find a new way like Amer. The former is too difficult. It's better to choose the latter, change your thinking, and win the chance of survival for yourself in the cracks.The reason why Amer can make a lot of money by selling water in the crazy gold rush is that he has one more kind of thinking than those who only know how to dig for gold from beginning to end. This is what ye Xiu called "ecological thinking" in deep thinking.1、 What is ecological thinkingEcology was originally a biological term, which refers to theliving state of organisms in a certain natural environment, as well as the complex relationships between organisms and between organisms and the environment. There are complex laws hidden in complex relationships. If we understand these laws, we can form ecological thinking.In life, too many people believe too much in their subjective power, but ignore the influence of their environment on themselves. In fact, the change of individuals is not only determined by ourselves, but also driven by the ecology. When studying anything, we can't separate the relationship between it and the whole ecosystem. However, the relationship between things is too abstract, so it is often easy to be ignored by us.Ecological thinking often plays a role in life, but we have no clear awareness of it. To understand ecological thinking, you must first master the core principles of ecological thinking:Because things in the ecosystem are widely related, the development trend, state changes and various choices of individual things are not random, nor completely independent, but are affected by the whole ecosystem. Therefore, when thinking aboutsomething, we should not only think about this individual, but also think about the whole ecosystem in which he lives - his surrounding environment and his relationship with the environment.This is the basic principle of ecological thinking and the basis of its derivative model. Only by grasping this principle can we have a basic understanding of ecological thinking.2、 Why should we learn ecological thinkingIn recent years, bitcoin has become particularly popular, with a wave of "mining". At first, mining is very simple. It's OK to have your own computer, but as more and more players enter the field and become more and more professional, mining is becoming more and more difficult.At this time, a company producing mining machines came into being, called "bit continent". In addition to the production of mining machines, it is doing the design of mining chips, mining pools, mining cloud services and so on. With the sharp rise of bitcoin, the supply of mining machines produced by "bitland" is in short supply, and the profit of each machine is at least three times more, which can be said to make a lot of money.When bitcoin soars, most people who want to take a share may choose to join the "mining" army or speculate in money, which are all focused on bitcoin.But "bitcoin continent" has seen the small ecosystem of the whole coin circle. Bitcoin does not exist independently. The more people dig for coins, the more mining machines they need. Rather than chasing the tuyere, it is better to provide tools for those who chase the tuyere. Facts have proved that its choice is correct. Compared with mining and speculation, bitland, which earns billions of dollars, has become the biggest winner.This is the effect of "ecological thinking", which will bring a larger pattern, which "hard work and ordinary intelligence can't compare." This case is about enterprises, but ecological thinking can also bring great benefits to us ordinary individuals.Next, let's take a look at the three derivative models of ecological thinking. You will find that ordinary individuals can also use this kind of thinking freely.3、 Three derivative models of ecological thinking1. The gold rush model teaches us how to win in fiercecompetitionIn the gold rush story at the beginning of the article, it is not only Amer who makes money. Another man found that the knees of the pants worn by gold miners were easy to wear out, so he made pants out of canvas and saved the knees of many miners from abrasion. This man is Levi Strauss. He built an excellent clothing brand with strong and wear-resistant jeans. This is the entrepreneurial story of jeans brand Levi's.This case is the gold rush model in ecological thinking. When hearing the news of gold and seeing the gold rush crowd, we should not only think of gold and miners, but also the whole ecosystem. Think of things that others can't think of, and your income will be greater, such as Amer and Levi Strauss in the gold rush case. Others are focused on gold, but they made a lot of money by selling water and jeans.The essence of the gold rush model is a symbiotic model. You will see others, not just competitors, but symbiotic possibilities in the ecosystem. Only by understanding the essence of the gold rush model can you learn to apply it.This model is not difficult to see in life. For example, in the ecosystem of we media, some people have used this model very well.More and more people are attracted by "writing realization" and join the ranks of we media people, including writing Xiaobai. Older authors who entered the we media industry earlier found that with the entry of high-quality authors, the competition was becoming increasingly fierce, and high-quality content creation was becoming more and more difficult. Therefore, the forward-looking author focused on Xiaobai who was attracted by "writing realization" and opened a writing course to teach Xiaobai rapid realization.The author who first offered such courses should have taken the opportunity to make a wave, but the good times did not last long. More and more people begin to take writing courses, even some authors who have not written a few high-quality articles themselves.With the changes of the industry, these logics will become obsolete one day. But the way of ecological thinking is an eternal classic, which does not prevent us from using this kind of thinking to think and find opportunities suitable for ourselves. Remember, the key to the gold rush model is to turn competitors into their ownusers to tap their needs.In a word, the gold rush mode means symbiosis. We can't just focus on a certain point in the whole ecosystem, but think about the situation of the whole ecosystem and how to symbiosis with these people.2. The forest model teaches us how to deal with powerful opponentsWhat is a forest model? Let's imagine such an ecological picture first:In the middle of the map is a forest, surrounded by a large area of grassland, and a river runs through the forest and grassland. Large carnivores such as tigers and bears occupy the center of the forest; Wolves avoid the territory of tigers and bears and build nests in the middle and outside of the forest; Birds avoid the ground and build nests in trees; Rabbits, on the other hand, burrow in the grassland outside the forest to breed.In this ecological picture, compared with tigers and wolves, rabbits are obviously weak. How should they survive? The answer is that it can avoid the middle of the forest where tigers and wolveslive densely, and go to the grassland on the edge of the forest to survive.This is the forest model, which is essentially a niche model. Niche refers to the position of species in the ecosystem, including space, time, food types and other factors. The core principle of niche thinking is that when you encounter a strong competition, in addition to fighting with it, you can also choose to avoid its location (time, space, food, etc.).The boss of a training institution I know graduated from a university in Beijing with a foreign language major. She thinks that in Beijing, where all kinds of excellent talents gather, she can only be regarded as good at best. Even if you work hard, you may not catch up with those excellent talents.So she decided to return to her hometown. At first, she joined a training institution as a teacher. After working for several years, she accumulated rich teaching experience and went out to work alone. In two years, from the first few students, it gradually developed into hundreds of people. The subjects have also been expanded from English to other three subjects.Although such an achievement is not great, it is a story of ordinary people with no resources, no background and ordinary intelligence.If she chooses to stay in Beijing, she has a high probability of struggling at the bottom of a large company in her life. Compared with those people with famous school background, rich resources and brilliant talents, she has no advantage. But with the choice based on the forest model, she left the highly competitive "forest center" and found a niche suitable for her. Her life is obviously more wonderful.Forest model is a thinking model that everyone can use. It can make ordinary people avoid powerful opponents, avoid unnecessary competition, break through their own limitations, and find new patterns and vitality.However, it should be noted that the forest model does not run away when encountering the strong. It just lets us "leave the quagmire where no matter how hard we try, we cannot succeed". It can't make us easily reach the peak of life, but it will be easier to succeed than in the "forest center".And the selection of niche is very flexible. If you open up a new business field and have no competitors in crowded big cities, then obviously you don't need to go to the edge. Or, although there are many competitors in big cities, there is also a lot of demand, and its ecology has not reached the saturation state, so there is no need to avoid it.3. The pond model teaches us how to break through the bottleneck of developmentIn a pond ecosystem, water plants and algae compete for nutrients, plankton should avoid being eaten by small fish, small fish should avoid big fish, and big fish should compete with each other for food and breeding space. No one can easily reproduce and survive. All creatures have to compete fiercely. And their competition finally created the vitality of the pond. This is the pond model. The essence of pond model is platform model.Ordinary people are accustomed to activities on other people's platforms, but never consider building their own platform. Because the platform looks too big, ordinary people feel that they have no ability to build a platform at all.In fact, platform is a mode of thinking. "Of course, the Pacific Ocean is an ecosystem, and the small pond at the door of my home is also an ecosystem. The Pacific Ocean enjoys the great ecosystem jointly promoted by trillions of creatures, and the small pond can also enjoy the vitality of thousands of small creatures."Marshall mentioned in his book "platform revolution" that the primary goal of the platform is "to match users and create value for all participants through the exchange of goods, services or social currency". In short, the platform is to provide a "place" for user groups to create value, and its value "is nothing more than creating around information exchange, goods, services, and money".Let's take an example around me. Some time ago, I met a person by chance, who is also doing training. But he was very thoughtful. He bought several floors of pavement with a large area near a new school at a low price two years ago, and got the school license early, hoping to open the school at the beginning of the new school.He wants to build his own institution into the largest and most comprehensive training institution around the school. But he did discipline training himself and had no experience in interest training,so he was once in trouble.Later, due to the change of policy, the threshold of school running license of training institutions became higher, and small institutions that could not get the license simply could not survive. Instead, it provided him with an opportunity, so he recruited some small institutions that did interest training without a school license, such as dance, host, robot, calligraphy and so on.This boss is undoubtedly a person with ecological thinking ability. He knows how to use the pond model to operate and build his training institution into an independent small ecosystem. The training of interest class and his discipline training not only do not conflict, but their students can also transform each other. At the same time, he can also participate in the profit sharing of interest training, and his income can also be greatly increased.Therefore, Alibaba and Tencent are not giants. As long as we have ecological thinking, we can still use the pond model to build our own platform. Even if it is small, it can also play a corresponding role to help ordinary people open the road of counter attack.Finally, I want to emphasize:Ecological thinking tells us not only to focus on a single thing, but to observe and think about its ecology, including both the surrounding environment and its relationship with surrounding things. This kind of thinking can enable us to make more ingenious strategic choices, optimize the development path, and finally change our destiny.。



Chapter 1 General View of InternationalBusinessWTOPara 1engaged ininternational transactionsbe involved inoriginate引起, 发明, 发起, 创办vi. 起源, 发生restrictions n.限制, 约束virtually: in facttariffs: 关税quotas:配额embargo:禁运boycotts:联合抵制barrier:贸易壁垒The World Trade Organization (WTO)inter-governmental organization:政府间的组织flow:流畅(be) based on:以……为基础services:服务settle:解决;平息trade dispute:贸易争端negotiation:谈判promote cooperation:促进合作joint decision-making:共同决策consensus:一致同意;一致意见body:机构;团体council:决策班子;委员会committee:委员会consist of:由…组成entire membership:全体成员administrative support:行政支撑secretariat:秘书处Geneva, Switzerland:瑞士的日内瓦Para. 2trading system:贸易系统date back:追溯到…Bretton Woods: 布雷顿森林conference:会议delegate:代表conceive:构思create:创立;创建the World Bank:世界银行the International Monetary Fund:国际货币基金组织1International trade organization (ITO):国际贸易组织a specialized agency:个别机构charter:宪章ambitious:有抱负的;有雄心壮志的extend beyond:扩充;延伸world trade disciplines:世界贸易原则commodity agreement:国际商品协定restrictive business practices:限制性经营办法international investment:国际投资Havana:哈瓦拉(古巴首都)Cuba:古巴ratification:批准legislation:立法opposition:反对the U.S. Senate:美国上议院driving forces:动力announce:宣布seek:寻求congressional ratification:国会的批准effectively:有效地eventual result:最后的结果subsequent:随后的;后来的creation:创建;创立the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT):关贸总协定be concerned with:关注…primarily:主要的(mainly)reduce barriers to the international trade of goods:减少国际商品贸易壁垒result from:由…所产生provisional: 临时的prosperous:兴旺发达的multilateral:多边的;多国的international commerce:国际贸易overhaul:彻底改革due:应得的;预期的massive modification:巨大的改革Uruguay Round:乌拉圭回合(在乌拉圭的多次国际贸易谈判) Para 3regulate:控制;调节;规范regulating world trade of goods:规范国际商品贸易tariff barriers:关税壁垒non-tariff barriers:非关税壁垒not long after:soongive birth to: 产生(result in…)de facto: 实际上;实事上informally:非正式的over the years:during the following years evolve: 发展;进化set out:订立conduct international trade:进行国际贸易institution:机构temporary:暂时的;临时的recognize:认可replace:代替amend:修改incorporate:合并live on:继续存在updated:最新的text:版本(version)key principles: 主要原则adopt:采用General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS):服务贸易总协定intellectual property: 知识产权Trade-Related Aspects of International Property Rights (TRIPS):与贸易有关的知识产权协定Para 4signatory (signatories):签署各国intend:打算set up a worldwide trading organization:建立世界贸易组织in the event:最后(eventually)reach an understanding: 达成一致意见(not) increase tariffs beyond their existing level:增加的关税不超过现在的水平Abolition:废除most favored nation:最惠国trading privileges:贸易特权extend:扩展;延伸systems of preferences:优惠系统;特惠系统Commonwealth Preference:英联邦关税特惠制trading blocs:贸易集团establishment:建立common-market type agreements:共同市场协定EC:abbr. 欧共体(European Community)Outward -looking:外向型的Insular:adj.内向型的;海岛的, 孤立的, 超然物外的abolish quotas:废除配额Kennedy Round:肯尼迪回合account for about 80% of international trade:占….. Para. 5emphasis: 重点;强调shift:转换;转移the north-south dialogue:南北对话conduct:进行;实行the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD):联合国贸易与发展会议primary commodities:初级商品discriminate (against):歧视protectionist policy:贸易保护主义政策freer access to markets:更自由进入市场的机会WTO Agreements:世贸协定Part 1expansion:扩充governing:控制;调节cover:包括global exchange of goods:全球商品交易capital:资本multi-national organization:多国贸易(be) capable of:能….resolve: 解决trade conflicts:贸易冲突;贸易争端play a key role:发挥关键性的作用settle trade disputes:解决贸易争端at its heart:起核心作用legal:法定的ground-rules:章程essentially:本质上bind governments to keep their trade policies:约束各国政府保持贸易政策不变within agreed limits:已经过协议的范围内as negotiated and signed governments:作为经过谈判和签署协议的各国政府objective:目标;目的achieve:实现tolerance:宽容generosity:大度impartial means of settling trade disputes:公正解决贸易争端的办法overriding purpose:最重要的目的undesirable side effects:不希望发生的副作用obstacles:障碍ensure:确保;保证individuals:个体transparent:透明的readily:容易地ascertainable:确定的predictable:可预见的protectionism:贸易保护主义bloated:膨胀的inefficient:低效率的closure:关闭draft:草拟drafted and signed by community of trading nations: 由各贸易国共同草拟和签署的considerable debate:充分的辩论controversy:争论function:作用forum:论坛Part 2dispute settlement:解决争端conflicting interest:利益冲突bring actions on its own initiative:独自采取行动initiate actions:采取行动dispute settlement process:解决争端程序spell out:讲清除;详细说明Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes:解决争端规则和程序的谅解govern:管理;统治;控制dispute settlement body:解决争端机构a special assembly:立法机构consultation:磋商interested third-parties:有利益关系的第三当事人the establishment of a panel:建立专家组investigate:调查alleged violations:对违反…的指控appellate review:上诉审查Appellate Body:上诉机构adoption of the panel: 采纳专家意见appellate decision by the Dispute Settlement Body:解决争端机构的上诉裁决implementation of the decision adopted:执行所采纳的裁决escalating:逐步上升的;循序渐进的three-step process:三个步骤voluntary conformity:自愿一致the violating member: 侵害方compensation:赔偿the injured member:被侵害方trade concessions:贸易让步;妥协accomplish:实现retaliation:报复arbitration:仲裁Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization:建立世界贸易组织协定Part 3antidumping: 反倾销imposition:强加impositionof antidumping:强加反倾销(报复) countervailing measures:抵销措施;补偿措施fair value:公平价值dumping: 倾销recognize:公认prohibit:禁止an established industry:已有的工业materially:从物质上inhibit:抑制;约束domestic industry:国内工业provide: 规定impose:强行征税antidumping duty:反倾销税in appropriate circumstances:在适当的情况下outline:概述subsidy:津贴;补助金bounty:津贴bestow:给予artificially cheaper:人为造成的便宜emerging industries: 新兴工业a member nation: 成员国a countervailing duty:反倾销税;反补贴税offset:抵销Part 4lengthy and complex:漫长而复杂的legal texts:法律文本cover a wide range of activities:涉及范围广government purchases: 政府采购food sanitation regulations:食品卫生规则intellectual property:知识产权fundamental principles:基本原则run throughout all of these documents:应用与所有文件worldwide, multilateral trading system:全世界多边贸易系统states v. :规定discrimination:歧视discriminate:歧视grante:准予;承认most-favoured-nation (MFN) status:最惠国地位national treatment (国民待遇)freer:更自由的prediatable:可以预见的arbitrarily:任意地;随意地more competitive:更据竞争性的discouraging: 打击market share:市场份额beneficial:受益的flexibility:灵活性special privileges:特权Part 6cost-free: 免费的;不付出代价的attain:获得applicant:申请者go through:经过existing members:现有成员国prospective members:申请加入的国家engage in some painful reforms:进行一些难度很大的改革curb export subsidies(subsidy):控制;抑制enforcement of laws:强制执行法律intellectual property piracy:侵犯知识产权的行为1.2 Globalization1.2.1.globalization:全球化globe: 地球;世界integrated:综合的a more integrated and interdependent world economy:更加综合和相互依赖的世界经济components:成分;因素the globalization of markets:全球化市场the globalization of production:全球化生产1.2.1.1the merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge global marketplace:从过去的明显的单一国内市场融汇为一个巨大的全球市场the taste and preference:品味和偏好converge on a global norm:汇聚为一个全球标准Citicorp credit cards:花旗银行信用卡Levi’s jeans:Levi’s 牛仔服Sony Walkmans and Discmans:Nintendo game players:任天堂游戏机hold up:认为prototypical:典型的trend:趋势Levi Strauss:一公司名(Levi’s strauss 牛仔裤) benefactor: 贡献者;恩人;捐助者facilitator:推动者standardized product:标准化产品the size of these multinational giants:跨国公司规模facilitate: 推动;促进triple:增至三倍account for:占target emerging markets:瞄准新兴市场close to: nearlyPart 2prevalence:流行Sony PlayStations:索尼游戏站push too far: (将某事)过分扩大give way to:让位于….significant:重要的relevant dimensions:相关方面distribution channels:销售渠道culturally embedded value systems:根深帝固的文化价值观念marketing strategy:营销策略and the like: and so onoperating practice: 操作习惯customize:为用户定制best match conditions in a country:最好地与当地国家的情况相适应promote: 开发varying car models:不同的汽车类型a range of factors:一系列的因素traffic congestion:交通拥堵Part 3currently:目前;现在universal need the world over: 全球性的需要the world over:all over the worldcommodity: 商品aluminum:铝microprocessor:微型处理器DRAMs: computer memory chips:电脑存储芯片commercial jet aircraft:商用喷气式飞机financial assets:金融资产US Treasury bills:美国短期债券,偿还期一般为三到六个月futures on the Nikkei Index:日经期货指数the Nikkei Index 东京证券交易所Eurobonds: 欧洲债券Mexican peso:墨西哥比索Part 4an important feature:特点;特征confront:面对;对抗competitor:竞争对手in nation after nation:一个又一个国家rivalry:竞争rival: 对手Pepsi:百事可乐Ford:美国福特汽车公司Toyota:丰田汽车Boeing:波音公司Air-bus:空中客车Caterpillar:公司名Komatsu:公司名Nintendo:任天堂Sony:索尼gain an advantage:取得优势homogeneity:同质:同种multinational enterprise:跨国企业emerge:出现convergence:集中homogeneous:相似的;同类的1.2.1.2 The Globalization of Production tendency: 趋向source:寻找(search for)take advantage of national differences:利用国家之间的不同in the cost and quality:在成本与质量方面factors of production:生产要素overall cost structure:全部成本结构functionality:功能major component parts:主要零件supplier:供应商fuselage, doors and wings:机身,机门和机翼the nose landing gear:飞机起落架wing flaps: 副翼;阻力板rationale:基本原理outsource: 外购;外包perform:从事;做enhance: 提高;增强Part 2dispersal:分散get into the act:参加;插手Swan Optical: 公司名(a company)manufacturer:制造商distributor:销售商eyewear:眼镜revenue:收入jointly: 共同的minority stake:少数股份locations:地方(places)designer eyewear:设计师的眼镜charge a premium price: 获取保险费溢价disperse:分散competitive advantage:竞争优势exemplify:例证;作为…例子irrelevant:不恰当的;不相关的the outsourcing of productive activities:外购(外包)的生产活动substantial:很大的;重要的impediment:障碍optimal dispersion:理想的分散(生产活动)Part 3travel down the road toward…:go toward…characterized by…以…为特点important actors in this drama:这个舞台上的重要演员foster:促进merely:onlyrespond: 相应;回应1.2.2. Implications for the Globalization of Production decline: 下降Implications for International Business:国际贸易的含义due to:由于containerization:集装箱化transportation cost:运输成本associated with…:与…有关technological innovation:技术革新information processing:数据处理;信息处理fall dramatically:很大的下降in the past two decades:在过去的二十年里essential:重要的Texas Instrument (TI): a firm in the US approximately:大约coordinate:管理;协调on a global scale:在全球的范围内remote entry terminals:远程终端inquiry terminals: 查询终端mainframe computers:大型计算机vast:大量的instantaneously:瞬间的;立刻的implement:实现Part 2electronic:电子的Hewlett-Packard: a US firm(be) composed of:由…组成videoconferencing technology:视频会议技术on a weekly basis:每周一次的via: 通过by way ofintegration:综合管理1.22.2Implications for the Globalization of Markets facilitate:推动economical:节约的;经济的mass movement of people:(人们)大量移动cultural distance:文化差距bring about:使…产生convergence:集中consumer tastes and preferences:消费品味和偏好CNN: 美国有限新闻网络primary conveyor:主要载体evolution:发展;演变akin:类似的emergence:出现Rio (巴西)里约热内卢Berlin:柏林Gap jeans:一种牛仔服品牌San Francisco:旧金山Part 4 overemphasize:过分强调usher in:引领conduct:做;操作ignore:忽视peril:危险。







后来干脆把用那种帆布制成的裤子叫做genoese.后来演变成"jeans". 这样坚实、耐用的牛仔裤应运而生。

利维·斯特劳斯(Levi Strauss)被公认为是牛仔裤的发明者。
















1. 罗伯特森案(Robertson Case): 这个案例引发了对贸易计划的重新审视和改革。


2. 多边贸易体制建立(Multilateral Trade System): 这个案例是指1947年成立的GATT,以及后来演变成为世界贸易组织(WTO)的多边贸易体制。


3. 沃尔玛进入中国(Walmart in China): 沃尔玛进入中国市场的成功经验让我认识到,国际企业在进入外国市场时需要遵循当地规则和文化,以获得成功。

4. 苹果与福克斯康纳(Foxconn)劳工争议(Apple and Foxconn Labor Dispute): 这个案例揭示了劳工权益在全球供应链中的重要性和脆弱性。


5. 全球贸易战(Global Trade Wars): 近年来,全球贸易战日益严重,这对全球贸易造成了严重影响。


6. 中美贸易摩擦(China-US Trade Friction): 这个案例揭示了中美两个大国之间经济利益和政治利益的复杂交织。


7. 日本汽车出口限制(Japanese Car Export Restraints): 这个案例让我明白,非关税贸易壁垒也会对贸易造成负面影响。


8. 塞缪尔松案(Samuelson Case): 这个案例揭示了国际贸易中的货币汇率问题。


9. 欧盟与美国争端(EU-US Trade Disputes): 这个案例揭示了欧盟与美国之间贸易争端的复杂性。







二战期间,由于ZIPPO 卓越的性能成为了美国军队的军需品。














1853年犹太青年商人Levi Strauss(李维・斯特劳斯)为处理积压的帆布试着做了一批低腰、直筒、臀围紧小的裤子,卖给旧金山的淘金工人。







Levi's王国的成功,要算是由Levi's 501(款式名称,编辑注)开始。

501的诞生是当李维・斯特劳斯在1873年与另一合伙人JACOB Davis把他们生产的扣纽牛仔裤上所用的“撞钉”注册专利。











Brand values

Empathetic: stand in someone else's perspective and deal with the problem Creativity: maintain product originality and creativity Integrity: doing the right things Self-identity: support our belief
Customer Relationships

Levi‟s connect with their customers through internet. Such as Facebook twitter and weibo. In reality social, Levi‟s also organize some actives, such as “Levi‟s Rock Party ” university music competition in Beijing and Tianjin. So, Levi‟s use these methods connect with their customers and make their sales sustainability.

The 501 product line and the Red Tab collections offer jeans that
Distribution Channels
In 2002 Levi Strauss & Co. makes an agreement with largest retailer Wal-Mart as a supply-chain strategy to mass-market consumers. This was an excellent strategic move because Wal-Mart was making large sales while Levi‟s could not keep up in sales. This had potential to benefit both parties.



Facing Business Challenges at Levi Strauss Can a company be socially responsible and successful? Levi Strauss & Company chairman and chief executive officer Bob Hass had some problems on his hands. After taking over leadership of the world-famous blue-jeans maker in 1984, Haas had worked hard to revitalize the company's long-standing commitment to ethical and socially responsible behavior. However, changes in consumer tastes and stiff competition from rival clothing manufacturers were hitting the company hard on all sides. In order to remain competitive,Hass would have to make some tough decisions that could threaten the company's principles. The original Mr. Levi Strauss had a simple business mission—make and sell quality work pants for San Francisco's gold-rush miners. However, Strauss also demonstrated a strong social conscience and commitment to employees early on. During the Great Depression , workers were paid to lay a new floor in the factory until business picked up. By the 1960s,the company had become a vocal advocate for racial integration and a leader in corporate diversity programs. However, by the time Bob Haas (great-great-grand-nephew of Levi Strauss) took over in 1984, the company seemed to have lost its social conscience. Levi's had expanded aggressively into product lines that were ultimately unprofitable. The company was bloated , profits were falling, and management was more concerned with numbers than with values. Haas believed that public shareholders and stock analysts had blurred the company's vision by demanding short-term profit gains over long-term goals. So with the help of friends and family, Haas bought up the remaining public stock and set out to turn the company around. Haas began to streamline the company, which meant taking the painful step of cutting the work force by a third. To reward and motivate those who remained, he developed an aspirations statement with companywide goals based on ethics, diversity, environmental stewardship , teamwork, trust, and openness. He backed up his statement by training employees in leadership, diversity, and ethical decision making and also by linking employee compensation to performance in these areas. “A company's values —what it stands for, what its people believe in—are crucial to its competitive success,” Haas exhorted . “Indeed, values drive the business.” Levi's also spent large sums to reduce the impact of its operations on the environment. At the same time, the company shed unprofitable clothing styles and refocused on traditional jeans and the new casual “Dockers” products. With revitalized company values, soaring staff morale, and revamped product lines, Levi Strauss enjoyed double-digit gains in sales revenues and profits. However, the 1990s brought new crises. First, reports of widespread human rights abuses in some Asian countries led the company to question the ethics of its operations there. Second, Levi's discovered that some of its suppliers in Asia were making Levi's products with child labor. And third, Levi's own failure to spot new clothing trends, modernize its production facilities, and keep retailers happy resulted in declining jeans sales. The situation worsened as new competitors undercut Levi’s pricing by manufacturing the majority of their products overseas. (Levi's still made half of its products in the United States)。

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国际贸易经典案例三:Levi StraussFacing Business Challenges at Levi StraussCan a company be socially responsible and successful?Levi Strauss & Company chairman and chief executive officer Bob Hass had some problems on his hands. After taking over leadership of the world-famous blue-jeans maker in 1984, Haas had worked hard to revitalize the company's long-standing commitment to ethical and socially responsible behavior. However,changes in consumer tastes and stiff competition from rival clothing manufacturers were hitting the company hard on all sides. In order to remain competitive, Hass would have to make some tough decisions that could threaten the company's principles.The original Mr. Levi Strauss had a simple business mission—make and sell quality work pants for San Francisco's gold-rush miners. However, Strauss also demonstrated a strong social conscience and commitment to employees early on. During the Great Depression , workers were paid to lay a new floor in the factory until business picked up. By the 1960s, the company had become a vocal advocate for racial integration and a leader in corporate diversity programs.However, by the time Bob Haas (great-great-grand-nephew of Levi Strauss) took over in 1984, the company seemed to have lost its social conscience. Levi's had expanded aggressively into product lines that were ultimately unprofitable. The company was bloated , profits were falling, and management was more concerned with numbers than with values. Haas believed that public shareholders and stock analysts had blurred the company's vision by demanding short-term profit gains over long-term goals. So with the help of friends and family, Haas bought up the remaining public stock and set out to turn the company around.Haas began to streamline the company, which meant taking the painful step of cutting the work force by a third. To reward and motivate those who remained, he developed an aspirations statement with companywide goals based on ethics,diversity, environmental stewardship , teamwork, trust, and openness. He backed up his statement by training employees in leadership, diversity, and ethical decision making and also by linking employee compensation to performance in these areas. “A company's values —what it stands for, what its people believe in—are crucial to its competitive success,” Haas exhorted . “Indeed, values drive the business.” Levi's also spent large sums to reduce the impact of its operations on the environment. At the same time, the company shed unprofitable clothing styles and refocused on traditional jeans and the new casual “Dockers” products. With revitalized company values, soaring staff morale, and revamped product lines, Levi Strauss enjoyed double-digit gains in sales revenues and profits.However, the 1990s brought new crises. First, reports of widespread human rights abuses in some Asian countries led the company to question the ethics of its operations there. Second, Levi's discovered that some of its suppliers in Asia were making Levi's products with child labor. And third, Levi's own failure to spot new clothing trends,modernize its production facilities, and keep retailers happy resulted in declining jeans sales. The situation worsened as new competitors undercut Levi’s pricing bymanufacturing the majority of their products overseas. (Levi's still made half of its products in the United States)。

With demand shrinking, Levi's again found it had too many plants and employees in the United States. But large-scale layoffs could undermine the social values that had once again become synonymous with the Levi's name. Haas had to find a way to ensure the company’s long-term profitability while standing by Levi's principles.If you were Bob Haas, how would you balance your company's economic needs with its goals for ethics and social responsibility? How would you deal with suppliers who don't adhere to your company's values? Would you take a stand against human rights abuses? How would you handle the problem of excess capacity and employees?Meeting Business Challenges at Levi StraussBob Haas knew that Levi Strauss & Company faced an uphill battle . The company had uncovered violations of its ethical standards among its Asian suppliers. Meanwhile, consumer tastes had shifted while Levi's looked the other way , and competitors were beating Levi's on price and service. But Haas determined to tackle these problems by refocusing on the original company strengths: strong commercial instincts and a commitment to social values and to the work force.In the early 1990s, Haas developed global guidelines addressing specific workplace issues, such as length of work periods, fair wages, respect for the environment, and prohibitions against child labor. To add muscle to these guidelines,the company began sending inspectors around the world on surprise visits to look for violations. It was during one of these global audits that Haas discovered some manufacturing contractors in Asia employed underage workers, a clear violation of the guidelines. However, most of the children were significant contributors to family incomes, and losing their jobs would force them into more inhumane ways of earning money. Wanting to retain Levi Strauss as their customer, the factory owners asked Levi's management what to do. Some companies with strong values confronting this issue might simply instruct contractors to discharge underage workers. But Levi Strauss devised a unique solution with positive benefits for everyone.The contractors agreed to suspend underage workers but still pay their salaries and benefits. For its part,Levi Strauss paid for school tuition and other education-related expenses with no obligations. When the children reached working age, they were all offered full-time jobs in the manufacturing plants. Everyone gained. The children were able to continue their education and their family income contributions, the contractors kept their good customers, and Levi Strauss retained its quality contractors while protecting company values.Levi's faced more ethical problems in China, where widespread abuses of human rights clashed directly with the company's ethical principles. So Haas decided to phase out most of Levi's operations in that country over a period of several years. Although some critics argued that the move was just a public relations stunt, and that losing its $50 million annual business in China was small compared to the favorable publicity the company would receive, Levi’s maintained that its only objective was to uphold its own ethical standards. “Our hope is that conditions will change and improve so that we can revisit our decision at some time in the future,”stated one Levi's executive.The company could turn to its established ethical guidelines to handle the challenges it faced in Asia, but the another challenge would be harder to deal with. Demand for Levi's products was sagging, so the company had far more manufacturing capacity than it needed. The problem had several causes:(1) The company had failed to notice certain fashion trends that competitors recognized early (such as teenagers' preferences for extra-baggy jeans),(2) the company had no consistent marketing message (which resulted in its blue jeans being perceived as “preppy”or for older generations),(3) the company's slow product-delivery and restrictive pricing policies angered many retailers and prompted some to carry more competing brands, and (4) many competitors produced the majority of their products overseas using more advanced production technology and thus requiring fewer employees, which enabled them to undercut Levi’s prices.To overcome these threats, Haas began a new campaign to listen to the needs of consumers, cut production costs, improve relations with retailers, and refocus its marketing message. Unfortunately, the situation required Hass once again to face the difficult task of laying off large numbers of workers. In early 1997 the company laid off 1,000 management and clerical employees to save $80 million in costs. Nine months later the announcement was made that Levi's would close 11 U.S. plants and lay off nearly 6,400 production workers, a full one-third of its U.S. work force. The decision was not an easy one, but Haas and the rest of Levi's senior managers saw it as necessary in order to keep the company profitable in the years ahead. Nevertheless, Haas was not about to let employees just walk out into an uncertain future. Some had been with Levi's for many years. So true to the company’s high standards for social responsibility, Levi's spent $200 million on severance pay and additional benefits.Under the generous plan, each laid-off worker received 8 months' paid notice before the job cuts took effect; up to 3 weeks of additional pay for every year of service with the company; a $500 bonus upon finding a new job; paid health benefits for 18 months; and a $6,000 allowance for relocating, retraining, or starting a new business. In addition, Levi's provided career counseling to employees for up to 6 months, and the Levi Strauss Foundation gave $8 million in grants to assist communities affected by the plant closings.Conventional wisdom holds that the costs of these progressive solutions placed Levi Strauss at a competitive disadvantage. But Bob Haas believes that decisions emphasizing costs alone do not serve a company's best interests. And Haas has taken action on this belief time and again.【。
