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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry教学设计

Section A 1 (1a-2c)




1.能听、说、认读,并理解新单词和词组:rather,would rather ,drive ,drive sb.

crazy/mad , 。


The loud music makes me nervous.

Soft and quiet music makes me relaxed.

Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy.

Loud music makes John want to leave.






1. 教学重点:1.掌握本课时中出现的生词


3.正确理解make 的用法

2. 教学难点:

掌握make的用法:sth. makes sb.+形容词;sth. makes sb. do 能在实际情境中围绕“Feelings”(感受)这个话题进行交际、谈论或者询问对某件事物的看法,以及谈论事物对人的影响。


Step 1 Warming up:

1.播放电影主题曲《My Heart Will Go On》(先利用歌曲导入新课,然后提出几个有趣味性的


Do you know this song ?

How do you feel about the song ?

Does it make you happy ,relaxed ,excited , or sad ?

引导学生说:It makes me sad /cry…导入新课。

2.Guess how they feel.从学生感兴趣的图片出发利用多媒体课件

复习以前与feeling有关的词汇: happy/sad/angry/surprised/ nervous/

excited/bored/tired/sleepy.帮助学生梳理归纳make 的用法。


Step 2 Presentation

1.(1a)Look and talk.

T: Now , my two friends Amy and Tina are going to have a dinner .There are two restaurants around their home .They don’t know which to choose .Can you help them ?Look at the picture in 1a .Talk about it with your partner .(设计意图:根据两幅图画,引导学生说出对餐馆的看法,既介绍和复习主要词汇,又为听力做好铺垫,让学生做到心中有数,有备而听。同时不断激发和引导学生的学习兴趣,为他们提供更多思考和创造的时间和空间)

T: Which would you like to go to? Why?

S1: ……

S2: ……

S3: ……

2.(1b)Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the restaurants with the statements.

【设计意图】学生讨论自己对餐馆的看法后,再听Amy 和Tina 的对话,了解他们对餐馆的不同态度,同时巩固本课的重点句型。

3.( 1c).Role-play a conversation between Amy and Tina.(Student A is Amy. Student B

is Tina . Student B asks Student A about her feeling.)

根据句型Amy would rather go to Blue Ocean .探究并拓展would rather的用法。

4.( 2a). Listen and number the pictures (1-4) in the order you hear them.

T:You will hear Tina and John talking about what Tina and Amy did last night .The four pictures show something that Tina did last night . Listen to the tape now.

Play the tape for the students and ask students to number the pictures when they listen. At last ,correct the answers with the class.


(2b)Listen again. Complete the statements.

1. Waiting for Amy drove Tina__________ (crazy).

2. Amy said loud music made her__________ (nervous).

3. Loud music makes John_____________. (want to dance)

4. The movie was so sad that it made Tina______. (cry)

5. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him______________ (want)to leave. 根据句型四帮助学生辨析so… that …与 so that用法。


6. Role-play the conversation.

(2c)Pair work : Go over the activities in 2a and 2b .Then try to role-play the conversation between Tina and John in pairs .You may use the example to begin with your conversation.

John : Did you have fun with Amy last night ?

Tina : Well…yes and no .

John : Was Amy late as usual ?

Tina : Yes , she was .


John : Sad movies make me want to leave !

Tina : You behave just like my brothers !


Step 3 Summary
