



发怒的英语短语1. Blow one's top. 例子:I was so angry that I just blew my top. (我气到简直要炸了。

)2. Fly off the handle. 例子:Don't fly off the handle at the slightest thing. (别因为一点小事就大发雷霆啊。

)3. Hit the roof. 例子:My mom will hit the roof if she finds out. (要是我妈妈发现了,她会暴跳如雷的。

)4. Lose one's temper. 例子:He easily loses his temper when he's tired. (他累的时候很容易发脾气。

)5. Go ballistic. 例子:She'll go ballistic if you break her vase. (要是你打碎了她的花瓶,她会火冒三丈的。

)6. Have a fit. 例子:My dad will have a fit if I fail the exam. (要是我考试不及格,我爸爸会大怒的。

)7. See red. 例子:When I saw what he did, I saw red. (当我看到他做的事,我顿时怒火中烧。

)8. Get steamed up. 例子:Don't get steamed up over such a small matter. (别为这么点小事就发火呀。

)9. Be livid. 例子:He was livid when he found out the truth. (当他发现真相时,他怒不可遏。

)10. Work oneself up into a rage. 例子:She worked herself up into a rage over the injustice. (她因为这不公平的事而大动肝火。



表示生气的英语单词及例句用法(一)生气的英语单词:anger读法:bai英['æŋgə] 美du ['æŋɡɚ] 1、n. 怒,愤怒;zhi忿怒;生气2、vt. 使发dao 怒,激怒;恼火3、vi. 发怒;恼火短语:1、show anger 显示愤怒; 显出怒容2、in anger 含怒; 气愤地; 生气地; 愤怒3、Trait Anger 特质愤怒; 怒特质; 愤怒特质4、ANGER BIRDS 愤怒的小鸟; 愤怒鸟; 愤怒的小鸟纸模型5、indignant anger 出离愤怒; 钓鱼(二)其它相关解释:<irate> <miff at> <pique> <out of temper with sb.> <paddywhack> <sulk> <pet> <out of temper> <be exasperated against> <get a miff> <ruffle> <take offence> <biod> <take in a wrong spirit> <worked up> <with tail out>(三)例句与用bai法:1.他生气时就大叫,这是常有du的情形。

He shouts when he gets angry, as is often the case.2.我对他很生气,因zhi为他让我等了好久。

I was angry with him for keeping me waiting.3.我们不同意他的观点,他生气了。

He was offended that we didn't agree with him.4.他在生气,所以我害怕。



智课网TOEFL备考资料托福口语情景对话之我生气了 I'm angry.= I'm annoyed.我生气了。

I'm too angry to say a word.我气得一句话也说不出来了。

annoyed a. 恼怒的,气恼的You're going to be the death of me.你要把我气死了。

be the death of sb.“气得某人要死”You are pushing my buttons.你这是故意让我生气。

push one's buttons“惹某人生气”Don't make fun of me.= Don't tease me.= Don't laugh at me.不要取笑我。

tease v. 戏弄,取笑make fun of=laugh at“取笑,嘲弄,嘲笑” You're getting on my nerves.= You're irritating me.你正在惹恼我。

nerve n. 神经,焦躁irritate v. 使恼怒,使烦躁get on one's nerves“令某人恼怒”I lost my temper when he was lying.他撒谎的时候我发怒了。

temper n. 脾气,情绪lose one's temper“发脾气”He really made my blood boil.= I was furious with him.我真让他给气死了。

furious a. 狂怒的,狂暴的make one's blood boil“使某人极度生气”Right now, I'm way too angry to even talk to him, let alone say I'm sorry.现在,我正在气头上,都不想和他说话,更不用说向他道歉了。



怒火中烧一.重点词汇1.Bite somebody’s head off 莫名其妙的冲着某人发火2.Spitting mad 十分生气3.Blow up 发怒4.The last straw 最后一根稻草5.Temper n. 脾气、情绪二.实用主题句1.She bit my head off.她对我大发脾气。

2.He made me spitting mad.他让我很生气。

3.I'm going to blow up.我要发怒了。

4.That is the last straw.我再也忍不下去了。

5.I'm going to lose my temper.我要大发脾气了。

6.You've gone too far.你太过分了。

7.I will flip out.我要抓狂了。

三.内容精讲1. She bit my head off. 她对我大发脾气。

Bite somebody’s head off有时候,会遇到他人不高兴,一通怒气发到自己身上的时候。

这时就可以用这个词组: bite somebody’s head off。


例如:I bit my hu sband’s head off this morning. 我今天早上冲着我丈夫大发脾气。

He bit his boss’s head off. 他冲他老板大发脾气。

更多表达:如果想表达他人对自己大吼大叫发脾气,可以用yell at这个词组。

例如:She yelled at the police. 她对警察大吼大叫。

发音:1. bit的尾音/t/不发音,短暂的停顿一下即可。

2. Head off连读,连读音标/dɑf/。

2. He made me spitting mad. 他让我很生气。

Somebody + make(s)/made somebody + adj提到生气时,我们总会想到angry。



burning 怒火中烧
boiling/at the boiling point 沸腾
out of temper 控制不住自己的脾气
get into a huff 生闷气
purple in the face 脸色发紫
one’s eyes flash fire 眼中冒火
beat one’s breast 捶胸顿足
foaming at the mouth 直吐泡
raving with fury 咆哮
loose one’s cool 实在沉不住气了
gnash one’s teeth 咬牙切齿
at daggers drawn 剑拔弩张
get one’s dander up 头皮发麻,颇有点类似中文的“怒发冲冠”
have a fit 发作
be/go bananas 生气,这是美国俚语,源自卡通漫画
hit/go through the ceiling/roof 气得一跳三丈高,撞到/撞破天花板/屋顶
blow one’s top/stack 好像爆炸,把顶都炸掉了
with one’s back up 来自猫生气时将背弓起的形象
bent out of shape 气得腰都弯了
tee off:tee指高尔夫球的发球,这里是说让别人给占了上风而生气
do one’s nut 俚语中nut是“疯子”的意思
up in the air 也指情绪十分激动
lose one’s rag 连唯一的一块破布都丢了。



表达生气的英文句子1. 所有表示生气的单词和短语enrage 激怒,愤怒eg: He was enraged by news of demolish the pub.看到拆除酒馆的新闻,他非常愤怒fuming -fume的现在分词。

大怒,发怒,冒烟eg:The old man fumed and threatened.这个老头大发脾气,口出威胁。

furious adj狂怒的,暴怒的eg:He is furious at the way his wife has been treated.妻子受到的待遇让他感到异常愤怒。

irritated. adj恼怒的,生气的。

eg: Their attitude irritates me.他们的态度激怒了我。

livid adj大怒的,乌青色的eg: I am absolutely livid about it.我对此极为愤怒outraged v,引起的义愤,激怒eg:The Treaty has failed to arouse genuine public outrage.该协定并未真正激起公愤。

out of sorts 身体不适,心情不佳,不爽eg: He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心情也欠佳。

blow up 爆炸,产生,爆发,发怒eg:I'm sorry I blew up at you.对不起,我对你发脾气了。

flare up 突然爆发,气愤的说eg:You need not flare up merely because I mentioned your work.你大可不必因为我提到你的工作就动怒。

fly into a fury大怒eg: It's no use trying to argue with you when you fuly into a fury.当你愤怒时,设法与你争论是无用的。





什么?你不知道“⽣⽓”怎么说啊,那就赶快来看看我给你的介绍吧!1. You're getting on my nerves.你惹⽑我了。



⽐如说别⼈⼀直取笑你,你不⾼兴就可以说“You get on my nerves.”和它意思差不多的有个短语,是get one's goat。

如果有个⼈在你⾝边跳来跳去总是烦你,你就可以说:Don't get my goat!2. Don't be mad at me.别⽣我的⽓。

mad 这个词⼏乎是我们在电影⾥最常听到的表⽰“⽣⽓”的词。


例如:Cindy won't get mad about your mistake.(Cindy不会为你的过失⽣⽓的。

)3. She got angry at me.她⽣我的⽓。

angry 这个词是我们最早学到的关于⽣⽓地表达法,是个简单⼜好⽤的词。

⽐如:Please don't get angry at me(请不要⽣我的⽓。

).4. Andy lost his head / rag last night.昨天晚上Andy⼤发雷霆。

如果angry 和mad还不⾜以表⽰你愤怒的程度,你就可以⽤lose one's head / rag,这是表⽰“⼤发雷霆”的意思。

和它意思相近的短语还有see red。

⽐如:Lily saw red when her boyfriend told a lie(Lily的男友撒谎,这让Lily⼤发雷霆).。


• 用作不及物动词 (vi.) He was roused to anger by the insult. 他因受辱而生气。
(易怒) be cross: Feeling easy to get angry.
• I may be cross, but I didn't swear. 我急躁也许有的,可没有骂。
• He was mad with rage.
• I was gnashing my teeth with rage.
(暴怒) fury: Violent, extreme and destructive anger. She flew into a fury.(之怒更为强烈,已近疯狂,即“狂怒”“暴怒”。)
(怒火)anger: the most general one
• 用作名词 (n.) He shut down upon his anger and sat down. 他压住心头的怒火坐了下来。
• 用作及物动词 (vt.) The eagle is eager to anger the tiger in danger. 鹰渴望激怒处在危险中的老虎。
He may flip your wig if he know you stole his business plan.
• To raise the roof raise是一个动词,意思是把什么东西抬高,
roof就是房子的屋顶。To raise the roof这个习惯用语已经有一百五十年 之久了。它的意思是:一个人很生气地大声抱怨,他的声音之大简直 可以把房子的屋顶都抬了起来。这当然是夸大的说法。但是to raise the roof这个习惯用语可以说明一个人有多么的生气。



生气的短语英文1.Fuming with anger2.Boiling with rage3.Burning with fury4.Seething with frustration5.Raging with annoyance6.Enraged to the core7.Extreme dissatisfaction8.Furious beyond words9.Infuriated to no end10.In a fit of rage11.Beside oneself with anger12.Pissed off to the max13.Livid with indignation14.Outraged and seething15.Ready to explode16.Uncontainable anger17.Incensed beyond belief18.Out of control with rage19.Consumed by fury20.In a state of pure wrath21.It's not fair!22.I can't believe this!23.This is so frustrating!24.I'm sick and tired of this!25.I've had enough!26.You've crossed the line!27.Get out of my face!28.I've lost my patience!29.I can't take it anymore!30.I'm furious!31.I'm boiling mad!32.I'm seething with anger!33.I'm about to explode!34.You make me so angry!35.I'm really pissed off!36.This is driving me crazy!37.I'm at the end of my tether!38.Enough is enough!39.I'm seeing red right now!40.I'm absolutely livid!41.I'm so angry I could scream42.Don't push my buttons, I'm on edge43.I've had it up to here!44.It's making my blood boil45.I can feel my temperature rising46.My patience has reached its limit47.I'm fuming with rage48.I've never been so infuriated49.This has pushed me over the edge50.I'm seeing red51.I'm seething with anger52.I'm burning with frustration53.I've reached my boiling point54.I'm fit to be tied55.I'm about to explode56.I can't contain my anger anymore57.I'm steaming mad58.I'm absolutely livid59.I'm at the end of my tether60.I'm filled with righteous indignation61.Burning with rage62.Raving mad63.Positively furious64.Seeing red65.Seething with anger66.Incensed beyond words67.Enraged to the core68.Fuming with rage69.Flaming with anger70.In a white-hot rage71.Furious beyond belief72.Blazing with anger73.Outraged to the point of explosion74.Consumed by fury75.Raging like a wild beast76.Enraged to the point of madness77.Infuriated beyond reason78.Fuming like a volcano79.Beside oneself with anger80.Bristling with rage81.What's your problem?82.I can't believe you just said that!83.I'm done with this!84.You've crossed the line!85.I've had enough of your attitude!86.You're really pushing my buttons!87.Don't even think about it!88.I'm not in the mood for your nonsense!89.You've really made me mad!90.I'm sick and tired of this!91.You're making me lose my patience!92.I can't tolerate this anymore!93.You're just making things worse!94.I can't stand your arrogance!95.I've had it up to here with you!96.I'm furious with you!97.You're really testing my patience!98.This is absolutely unacceptable!99.You're driving me crazy!100.I'm about to explode!101.I'm fed up!102.I've had enough!103.I can't stand it anymore!104.I'm at the end of my tether!105.I'm so infuriated!106.I'm boiling with rage!107.I'm furious beyond words!108.I'm seething with anger!109.I'm seeing red!110.I'm burning up!111.I'm absolutely livid!112.I'm about to explode!113.I'm fuming!114.I'm steaming mad!115.I'm in a rage!116.I'm hopping mad!117.I'm raging!118.I'm outraged!119.I'm beside myself with anger!120.I'm incensed!121.go to hell122.I'm so mad I could scream123.I can't believe you did that124.I'm on the verge of losing it125.You really know how to push my buttons 126.I can't even look at you right now127.I never want to see you again128.I've had enough of your nonsense129.You make my blood boil130.I can't handle your incompetence anymore 131.I'm sick and tired of your excuses132.I can't stand your attitude133.You're driving me insane134.I'm furious with you135.You're impossible to deal with136.You're really testing my patience137.I can't tolerate your behavior138.You're making me go crazy139.I'm at my breaking point with you 140.I can't contain my anger anymore141.I've had it up to here with your nonsense! 142.I can't believe you would stoop so low. 143.You've crossed the line this time.144.Enough is enough!145.I'm not going to tolerate this anymore. 146.You're pushing all the wrong buttons. 147.This is getting on my last nerve.148.You've really ticked me off now.149.I'm seething with anger right now. 150.I'm furious beyond words.151.You've ignited a fire inside me.152.I'm boiling with rage.153.You've awaken the monster within me.154.I'm on the verge of exploding.155.You've managed to unleash my wrath. 156.I am livid with righteous anger.157.I've reached my breaking point.158.I'm absolutely fuming!159.You've done it now - prepare for my wrath. 160.I'm about to lose my temper completely.。



疯狂英语口语实战教程:生气和抱歉Angry and SorryAngry (生气)1. How annoying!真烦人。

2. Blast you! You bloody moron!活该,你这个白痴。

3. Who do you think you are to treat me like that?你以为你是谁,竟敢这样对我?4. If you do that again, I'll get really angry. I've already told you twice to stop, now just cut it out!如果你在这样做的话,我真的要生气了,我已经两次要你停止了,现在马上住手吧!Sorry(抱歉)1. A: I'm so/really/very sorry.A:我很抱歉。

B: That's all right.B:没关系。

2. I really apologize for what I've said.我对我所说的话感到十分抱歉。

3. A: Forgive me for being 20 minutes late for our date.A:原谅我约会迟到20分钟。

B: Never mind. You're not too late.B:没关系,你还不是太晚。

4. A: I'm really sorry about not turning up for our date last night. Let me take you to dinner tonight to make up for it.A:我对昨晚的失约感到很抱歉。


B: Well. That can happen to anyone. Not to worry.B:没关系,这样的事每个人都会发生的。


一步登天训练Just do it! (立刻做)Many people put off until tomorrow what they can do today. They always look for excuses to postpone doing something. In the end it never gets done. If we leave things undone, wewill eventually worry. This will then cause unnecessary stress. Therefore, if you have this bad habit, it's best toget rid of it and do things as soon as possible.很多人把今天能做的事推到明日。



生气用英语怎么说篇一:生气,恼怒,发火用英文怎么说例句:When Dad saw those dents, he raised the roof with me. I did not get to use the car the whole summer and I had to pay to fix the damage with money I made by mowing the lawns around the neighborhood.我父亲看到车上这些凹痕时动火极了。

我整个夏天就没有能再用这辆车,并且我还得用我替街坊割草赚来的钱付修理费中考英语第二个习惯用语是flip one's wig。


Flip one's wig即是气得把假发也给扔了;也即是一自己对让他生气的人或者是导致他生气的工作作出的巨大反响。

Flip one's wig这个习惯用语从二十世纪四十年代就开端呈现了。


第三个习惯用语是to raise the roof。


To raise the roof这个习惯用语已经有一百五十年之久了。



可是to raise the roof这个习惯用语能够阐明一自己有多么的生气。

咱们也来给咱们举个比如阐明to raise the roof这个习惯用语是怎样用的。











1.I'm about to explode!我肺都快要气炸了!Be about to do意思是“快要……,马上要……”。

比如,His father is about to retire.她父亲即将退休。


比如,He exploded with anger.他勃然大怒。

2.You're way out of line.你太过分了。


Out of line就是“过分”的意思。

这句话也可以说成“You are going too far.”3.I wish I had never met you.我真后悔这辈子遇到你!这句话采取了虚拟式,wish+过去完成时,是对过去的虚拟,表示“但愿……”,wish+一般过去式,是对现在的虚拟,比如,I wish I were a bird.我愿自己是只鸟。

4.You're nothing to me.你对我来说什么都不是。


比如,The whole thing is a big nothing.此事压根儿不值一提1. Stop complaining!别发牢骚!2. You make me sick!你真让我恶心!3. What's wrong with you?你怎么回事?4. You shouldn't have done that!你真不应该那样做!5. You're a jerk!你是个废物/混球!6. Don't talk to me like that!别那样和我说话!7. Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁?8. What's your problem?你怎么回事啊?9. I hate you!我讨厌你!10. I don't want to see your face!我不愿再见到你!11. You're crazy!你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind?你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13. Don't bother me.别烦我。




以下是店铺为大家整理了关于表达生气的英文单词的写法及相关例句,一起来看看吧!表达生气的英文单词:angry英 [ˈæŋgri] 美 [ˈæŋɡri]1. I know I bring much trouble to you, and sometimes, youmust be angry with me.我知道我带给你很多麻烦,有时候,你一定很生我气。

2. A swarm of Jurassic insects and reptiles, allegory of the long terrestrial migration the Pendulum was tracing, aimed at me like angry archons with their long archeopterix-beaks; the planes of Bréguet, Blériot, Esnault, and the helicopter of Dufaux.一群侏罗记岩石的昆虫和爬虫,是傅科摆所遵循的漫长地域迁移的的预言,如忿怒的统治者般以其始祖鸟的鸟喙对准了我。

3. And more those who make life angry is, if you want to find the autumnal scenery picture of type of hill of deciduous leaf full sky through searching engine, so you will be mad, these search engine identify semantics only, return the content that cannot analyse image.而更让人生气的是,如果你想通过搜索引擎找到落叶满空山式的秋景图片,那么你会疯狂的,这些搜索引擎只识别语义,还无法分析图像的意义。



发怒; 发脾气
lose one's temper
发怒; 发脾气 发脾气 发脾气 发脾气 发着脾气 发着脾气 发着脾气 发着脾气 勃然大怒 勃然大怒 勃然大怒
lose one's temper let one's temper run away with let one's temper run away with let one's temper run away with in a temper in a temper in a temper in a temper fly off the handle fly off the handle fly off the handle
When Mary came home at three in the morning, her father hit the ceiling. When he saw the amount of the bill,he hit the ceiling. Prices in the shops have hit the ceiling over the last few weeks. Don't creep around so quietly! I nearly hit the ceiling when you spoke.
When he came in and saw the mess he blew his stack.
Finally, in frustration, he just blew his stack. The company president blew his stack over the premature plan leak. If she finds out you spilled ink on her coat,she'll blow her stack.





take offence[英][teik əˈfens] [美][tek əˈfɛns]⽣⽓;⽓恼1、Don't take offence at what he said.对于他说的话不要⽣⽓。

2、I hope you won't take offence if I ask you not to smoke.如果我叫你不要抽烟,希望你不要见怪。

3、Ursula flushed a little at the mild imp⽣⽓⽤英语怎么说ertinence of this question, and yet she could not definitely take offence.厄⾹拉稍微脸红了⼀下,但是她⽆法感到恼⽕。

4、Many germans would take offence at the accusation of being bad europeans.很多德国⼈会对⾃⼰被称为“欧洲坏⼈”感到⽣⽓。

5、Please don't take offence if you don't get a good treatment here.如果你在这没有受到好待遇请不要⽣⽓。

get angry[英][ɡet ˈæŋɡri] [美][ɡɛt ˈæŋɡri]⽣⽓,发怒;变得⽣⽓;发脾⽓;冯1、I'm not going to because l'll get angry.我不想⼲了,因为我⽣⽓了。

2、The lack of sleep made him get angry easily.缺少睡眠时他容易发⽕。

3、If people are angry, he'd better get angry too.如果⼤众正在发怒,他还是发怒为好。





angry英 [ˈæŋɡri] 美 [ˈæŋɡri]mad英[mæd] 美[mæd]annoyed英 [əˈnɔɪd] 美 [əˈnɔɪd]使生气 make angry很生气 Pissed off ; Burned up别生气 Do not be angry不要生气 Dont Get Angry没有生气 inertness他的粗鲁让我生气。

His rudeness made me really angry.别为这些琐事生气。

Don't be angry over such trivial matters.她因母亲偷看她的日记而生气。

She was angry for her mother's peeping at her diary.他在生气,所以我害怕。

He was angry, wherefore I was afraid.我们不同意他的观点,他生气了。

He was offended that we didn't agree with him.我对他很生气,因为他让我等了好久。

I was angry with him for keeping me waiting.一向不会让我生气的事,现在竟让我生气。

I get angry at things that never used to get me angry.他的迟到使老师生气了。

His delay made the teacher angry.尽管他说了好多和解的话,但她仍然很生气。

She was still angry despite his conciliatory words.生气的英语单词将本文的Word文档下载到电脑,方便收藏和打印推荐度:点击下载文档文档为doc格式。





关于生气的相关短语使生气 make a little angry很生气 Burned up别生气 Do not be angry不要生气 Dont Get Angry生气 be burned up生气 get angry生气 be angry关于生气的词语辨析resentment, fury, anger, indignation这组词都有“愤怒、生气”的意思,其区别是:resentment n.愤恨,怨恨,不满,是正式用语,尤指由于受侮辱或自尊心受到伤害后而产生的愤慨。

There was a feeling of resentment in the office after everyone's pay was lowered.大家的工资降低后,办公室里怨声载道。

fury n.暴怒,大怒,程度较anger要强。

anger n.气愤,生气,是一般用语。

After their argument, he expressed his anger by punching the other man in the face.争吵之后,他一拳打在那个人的脸上以发泄怒气。

indignation n.义愤,尤其指出于道义上的激愤。

general indignation at the sudden steep rise in bus fares公共汽车票价突然猛增激起的公愤关于生气的相关例句1. How very thoughtless. I'll give him a piece of my mind.真是太没头脑了,我要告诉他我很生气。

2. Jane's always annoying her and she takes it out on me sometimes.简老是惹她生气,她有时就拿我出气。



生气用英语怎么说趣味英语——生气生气[shēng qì ]词典take offence; get angry; be offended with; be angry at; animal spirits中文语义:生气[shēng qì](1) [vitality]∶活力;生命力夭其稚枝,锄其直,遏其生气。

--清. 龚自珍《病梅馆记》(2) [angry]∶发怒;因不合心意而不愉快非常生气中英互译:1.我喜欢他,不过他有时惹我生气。

I like him. Though he makes me angry sometimes。


It's ridiculous to play it cool if someone you're mad about is mad about you too.3.我就是觉得这样太粗鲁,叫我很生气。

I just think it's rude and it's ticking me off4.史蒂夫冲她大喊大叫,他现在是真生气了。

Steve shouted at her. He was really worked up now.5.简老是惹她生气,她有时就拿我出气。

Jane's always annoying her and she takes it out on me sometimes.6.奶奶很吃惊,我想还有点儿生气,因为所有这些安排都没有告诉过她。

Granny was astounded and a little piqued, I think, because ithad all been arrangedwithout her knowledge .7.原本显得沉闷枯燥的诗歌突然有了生气。

Poems which had seemed dull and boring suddenly came to life.8.这个女人很生气,烦透了。



生气的单词生气的英语单词1:angry英 [ˈæŋɡri] 美 [ˈæŋɡri]生气的英语单词2:mad英[mæd] 美[mæd]生气的英语单词3:annoyed英 [əˈnɔɪd] 美 [əˈnɔɪd]生气相关英语表达:使生气 make angry很生气 Pissed off ; Burned up别生气 Do not be angry不要生气 Dont Get Angry没有生气 inertness生气英语单词例句:他的粗鲁让我生气。

His rudeness made me really angry.别为这些琐事生气。

Don't be angry over such trivial matters. 她因母亲偷看她的日记而生气。

She was angry for her mother's peeping at her diary. 他在生气,所以我害怕。

He was angry, wherefore I was afraid.我们不同意他的观点,他生气了。

He was offended that we didn't agree with him.我对他很生气,因为他让我等了好久。

I was angry with him for keeping me waiting.一向不会让我生气的事,现在竟让我生气。

I get angry at things that never used to get me angry. 他的迟到使老师生气了。

His delay made the teacher angry.尽管他说了好多和解的话,但她仍然很生气。

She was still angry despite his conciliatory words.。

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1. I can't take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦!
2. I hate you! 我讨厌你!
3. I'm telling you for the last time! 我最后再告诉你一次!
4. What do you want? 你想怎么样?
5. Don't look at me like that. 别那样看着我。

6. What did you say? 你说什么?
7. You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!
8. Drop dead. 去死吧!
9. Don't give me your s**t. 别跟我胡扯。

10. I could kill you! 我宰了你!
11. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! 那是我听到的最愚蠢的事。

12. You're nothing to me. 你对我什么都不是。

13. I don't want to hear it. 我不想听!
14. Get off my back. 少跟我罗嗦。

15. Give me a break. 饶了我吧。

16. Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子!
17. I'm about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了!
18. What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个!
19. Just look at what you've done! 看看你都做了些什么!
20. I wish I had never met you. 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!
21. I'll never forgive you! 我永远都不会饶恕你!
22. I'm sick of it. 我受够了。

23. You're just a good for nothing bum! 你一无是处!
24. Can't you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有余。

25. You're impossible. 你真不可救药。

