AB 160S变频器手册


AB 变频器操作说明

AB 变频器操作说明

TH4108--变频器远程控制器说明书TH4108Rockwell变频器专用V5.2–01818目录1. 简介-----------------------------------------------------------------------------22. 外观说明-----------------------------------------------------------------------2 2.1 M型变频器远程控制器的外观说明-------------------------------------------------2 2.2 A型变频器远程控制器的外观说明--------------------------------------------------32.3 变频器远程控制器的外形及开孔尺寸----------------------------------------------33. 功能特点说明-----------------------------------------------------------------34. 电气接线说明-----------------------------------------------------------------4 4.1 M型变频器远程控制器后部端子定义----------------------------------------------4 4.2 A型变频器远程控制器后部端子定义-----------------------------------------------4 4.3 变频器远程控制器后部端子定义说明----------------------------------------------4 4.4 M型变频器远程控制器后部端子接线图-------------------------------------------54.5 A型变频器远程控制器后部端子接线图--------------------------------------------55. 操作说明-----------------------------------------------------------------------6 5.1 变频器的设置----------------------------------------------------------------------------6 5.2 变频器远程控制器的参数设置界面说明-------------------------------------------8 5.3 变频器远程控制器的设定参数项----------------------------------------------------95.4 变频器远程控制器的操作方法------------------------------------------------------126. 用户注意事项----------------------------------------------------------------14TH4108-M/A 变频器远程控制器说明书(Rockwell 变频器专用V5.2 –018)1、简介变频器远程控制器是一种远程操作变频器的智能仪表,通过RS485网络远程控制变频器的启动、停止、加速、减速、正反转,并实时显示变频器的设置频率、实际频率等状态信息。

AB700S 变频器手册第一二章

AB700S 变频器手册第一二章
一个很好的例子就是推荐使用电缆Belden®295xx(xx决定了规格)。此电缆具有4个XLPE 隔离导线,周围覆盖了100%的金属薄片和85%的铜丝屏蔽(带排扰线),该铜丝编织屏蔽又 被PCV套管包裹。
同样可以使用其他类型的屏蔽电缆,但是这些类型的选择可能限制电缆的允许长度。特别是 一些新型的电缆将4个THHN导线扭在一起,并且用一个金属薄片屏蔽紧紧包裹着。这种构 造能够大大增强电缆所需的负荷电流,同时也降低了整个变频器的性能。除非用户在特殊距 离下测试变频器接有这些电缆时的运行情况,否则不推荐用户使用这些电缆,并且它们的性 能由于受到导线长度的限制而不确定。
1. 所有变频器 - 用户或电力公司通过将功率因数修正电容器接入或切出系统来修正功率因数。 - 电源有超过 6000V 的间歇电源峰值。这些峰值可能是由其它在线设备或如雷击这样的 事件引起的。 - 电源发生频繁中断。
2.5HP 或更小的变频器(除上面的“1”之外) - 最近的供电变压器容量应大于 100kVA 或可承受的短路(故障)电流大于 100,000A。 - 变频器进线阻抗小于0.5%。
EMC兼容性 详细情况参阅1-29页的CE一致性。
安装/接线 1-9
电缆槽和导线管 如果在安装中使用电缆槽或大的导管,请参阅《脉宽调制(PWM)交流变频器的接地和接线 指南》出版号:DRIVES-IN001,中所述的内容。
注意事项:为了避免感应电压可能引起的电击事故,应将导线管中未用电线的 两端予以接地。基于同样原因,如果正在维修或安装某变频器时,应严禁使用 所有与其公用导线管的变频器。这样可最大程度减少电动机导线“交叉耦合” 引起的电动机事故。
Removing the Cassette 移除盒
Proper tightening torque for reassembly is 6 lb.-in. 重新组装上紧扭矩6 lb Removing the Side Covers 移除侧面的机壳



Allen-Bradley 1The Bulletin 160 is a microprocessor controlled adjustable frequency drive designed for reliable control of three-phase induction motors. The drive produces a three-phase, PWM, adjustable frequency output to vary the motor speed. Output voltage is a function of output frequency and is adjustable to meet motor parameters so that optimum motor performance can be obtained.ContentsConformity to StandardsThe Bulletin 160 and 160Z conforms to the following standards:➊External components and proper guidelines must be followed. Refer to the 160 User Manual,publication 0160-5.15 for details.➋Standards apply to 160 Standard Packaged Drives only.Description160 Standard Product 160Z Standard Product Packaged ProductConformity to Standards page 1page 1page 1Descriptionpage 2page 5page 8Catalog Number Explanation page 2page 5page 8Product Selection page 2page 5page 8Options & Accessories page 3page 6page 9Approximate Dimensions–page 7page 10Conformity to:Standard ProductPackaged ProductUL Listed (UL 508C)✔ ✔➋CSA Certified (C-UL)✔ CSA 22.2✔➋IEC Classified ✔CE Approved ➊EMC DirectiveLow Voltage Directive ✔EN61800-3, EN50081-1,EN50082-2EN50178, EN60204-1✔EN61800-3➋EN60204-1VDE Approved ✔C-Tick✔✔ AS/NZS2064.1➋2Allen-BradleyBulletin 160 Standard DrivesThis program includes standard Bulletin 160 drives rated from 0.37-4.0 kW (0.5-5.0 HP). Bulletin 160 drives are available in IP20(NEMA Type 00) and chassis mount (external heatsink) designs. The chassis mount product meets IP40/54/65 (NEMA 1/4/12/4X) ratings when installed in an enclosure of like rating. Chassis mount Bulletin 160 drives rated from 0.37-2.2 kW (0.5-3.0 HP) are available.Catalog Number DescriptionProduct Selection160 Drives➊The Bulletin 160 comes standard with a Ready/Fault indication panel. To order a drive with aProgram Keypad Module installed, add suffix P1 to the catalog number.Example: Catalog Number 160-AA02NSF1 becomes 160-AA02NSF1P1. See Table.➋Meets IP40/54/65 (NEMA 1/12/4/4X) when installed in an enclosure of like rating.160–AA02NSF1P1Bulletin NumberDrive Rating (must be specified)Enclosure Rating (must be specified)Control Method (must be specified)Programmer (Optional)Mounting Input Voltage Rating Drive Ratings Analog Signal Follower Model Preset Speed Model kW HP OutputCurrent Rating Catalog Number ➊❋Catalog Number ➊❋IP 20Open Style200-240V 50/60 Hz 1 Phase 0.37 1/2 2.3A 160S - AA02NSF1160S - AA02NPS10.55 3/4 3.0A 160S - AA03NSF1160S - AA03NPS10.75 1 4.5A 160S - AA04NSF1160S - AA04NPS11.5 28.0A 160S - AA08NSF1160S - AA08NPS1200-240V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2 2.3A 160 - AA02NSF1160 - AA02NPS10.55 3/4 3.0A 160 - AA03NSF1160 - AA03NPS10.75 1 4.5A 160 - AA04NSF1160 - AA04NPS11.5 28.0A 160 - AA08NSF1160 - AA08NPS12.2 312.0A 160 - AA12NSF1160 - AA12NPS14.0518.0A 160 - AA18NSF1160 - AA18NPS1380-460V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2 1.2A 160 - BA01NSF1160 - BA01NPS10.55 3/4 1.7A 160 - BA02NSF1160 - BA02NPS10.75 1 2.3A 160 - BA03NSF1160 - BA03NPS11.5 2 4.0A 160 - BA04NSF1160 - BA04NPS12.2 3 6.0A 160 - BA06NSF1160 - BA06NPS14.0510.5A160 - BA10NSF1160 - BA10NPS1Mounting Input Voltage Rating Drive Ratings Analog Signal Follower ModelPreset Speed Model kW HP OutputCurrent Rating Catalog Number ➊❋Catalog Number ➊❋IP 20Chassis Mount ➋200-240V 50/60 Hz 1 Phase 0.37 1/2 2.3A 160S - AA02PSF1160S - AA02PPS10.55 3/4 3.0A 160S - AA03PSF1160S - AA03PPS10.75 1 4.5A 160S - AA04PSF1160S - AA04PPS11.5 28.0A 160S - AA08PSF1160S - AA08PPS1200-240V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2 2.3A 160 - AA02PSF1160 - AA02PPS10.55 3/4 3.0A 160 - AA03PSF1160 - AA03PPS10.75 1 4.5A 160 - AA04PSF1160 - AA04PPS11.5 28.0A 160 - AA08PSF1160 - AA08PPS12.2312.0A 160 - AA12PSF1160 - AA12PPS14.0518.0A 160 - AA18PSF1160 - AA18PPS1380-460V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2 1.2A 160 - BA01PSF1160 - BA01PPS10.55 3/4 1.7A 160 - BA02PSF1160 - BA02PPS10.75 1 2.3A 160 - BA03PSF1160 - BA03PPS11.5 2 4.0A 160 - BA04PSF1160 - BA04PPS12.2 3 6.0A 160 - BA06PSF1160 - BA06PPS14.0510.5A160 - BA10PSF1160 - BA10PPS1DescriptionCode Program Keypad Module, Factory Installed P1❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingAllen-Bradley 3User Installed OptionsOperator Interface & Communication Devices➊Requires Remote Programming Adaptor (160-RPA) and cable (160-Cxx) to be operational.➋Includes 10 pin DeviceNet Connector.AccessoryCatalog No.❋Ready/Fault Indicating PanelIndicates if the drive is READY for operation or if a FAULT condition has occurred. This is standard if P1 is not factory installed.160-B1Program Keypad ModuleModule to program and/or monitor drive parameters as well as provide local keypad control (start, stop and reverse functions).160-P1Remote Keypad ModuleModule for remote mounting. Has program, monitor and operator interface capability.160-P2 ➊CopyCat Keypad ModuleHand held module with upload/download capability to program, monitor and control drive.160-P3 ➊Remote Programming AdapterInterface connection for the Remote and CopyCat Keypad modules.160-RPACablesConnects the Remote Programming Adapter to either the Remote or CopyCat Keypad Module.- 1 meter cable, non-locking each end- 1 meter cable, non-locking each end, right angle (for minimal depth)- 3 meter cable, locking each end - 5 meter cable, locking each end 160-C10160-C10R 160-C30160-C5024V DC Interface Module24V DC control interface. Bulletin 160 Series C drives must use a Series B, or later, 24V DC Interface module.160-DM-SF1(Analog model)160-DM-PS1(Preset model)Communication ModulesAllow control and monitoring of parameters via the networks listed below. These modules add 21.4 mm (0.85 in.) to the overall depth of the drive.-DeviceNet™-RS-232 Serial Communication -Profibus -Interbus160-DN2 ➋160-RS1160-PD1160-IB1DriveExplorer™ SoftwareWindows based software package that provides an intuitive means for monitoring or configuring Allen-Bradley drives and communication adapters.See Publication 9306-PL001A-EN-P .Common Mode Chokes ➌Open Style, used to enhance noise immunity.1A - used with communications and signal cables 9A - (with terminal block) used with all 160 drives1321-M0011321-M009❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingRS-232 Serial Communication Module160-RS1DeviceNetCommunication Module160-DN2Remote ProgrammingAdapter 160-RPACopyCat KeypadModule 160-P3Remote KeypadModule160-P2Program KeypadModule 160-P1ProfibusCommunication Module160-PD1InterbusCommunication Module160-IB14Allen-BradleyUser Installed Accessories – All Drive Ratings➊Must order two for a 4.0 kW (5 HP) application. The two dynamic brake modules must be wiredin parallel.➋Catalog numbers listed are for 3% impedance open style units. NEMA 1 and 5% impedancereactor types are also available, refer to Publication 1321-2.0 for detailed information. Use the line reactor for rated application to attain proper impedance.➌Catalog No. 1204-RWR-09-B.➍Reflected Wave Reduction Modules (1204-RWR-09-B) may be used at a 10.5 Amp current ratingproviding the drive to motor cable length is less than 122 meters (400 feet).➎Must mount separately when used with Series C drives.Input Voltage Rating Drive Ratings Dynamic Brake Modules Line Reactors Open Style ➋Fan Replacement KIts kW H P Catalog No.❋Catalog No.➋❋Series CDrive Cat. No.❋200-240V 50/60 Hz 1 Phase 0.37 1/2———0.55 3/4———0.75 1160 - BMA1—160-FRK21.5 2160 - BMA2—160-FRK3200-240V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2—1321-3R4-B —0.55 3/4—1321-3R4-A —0.75 1160 - BMA11321-3R4-A 160-FRK21.5 2160 - BMA21321-3R8-A 160-FRK22.2 3160 - BMA21321-3R12-A 160-FRK24.05160 - BMA2➊1321-3R18-A 160-FRK3380-460V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2—1321-3R2-B —0.55 3/4—1321-3R2-A —0.75 1160 - BMB11321-3R2-A 160-FRK21.5 2160 - BMB21321-3R4-B 160-FRK22.2 3160 - BMB21321-3R8-B 160-FRK24.05160 - BMB2➊1321-3R8-B160-FRK3Input Voltage Rating Drive Ratings Line Filters Capacitor Modules kW HPClass A Only Class A & B Catalog No.❋Catalog No.❋Catalog No.❋200-240V 50/60 Hz 1 Phase 0.37 1/2160S-L FA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA10.55 3/4160S-L FA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA10.75 1160S-L FA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA11.5 2160S-L FA1➎160S-RFA-16-B ➎160-CMA1200-240V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2160-L FA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA10.55 3/4160-L FA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA10.75 1160-L FA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA11.5 2160-L FA2160-RFB-14-A 160-CMA12.2 3160-L FA2160-RFB-14-A 160-CMA14.0 5—160-RFA-22-B ➎160-CMA1380-460V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase ➌ ➍0.37 1/2160-L FB1160-RFB-5-A 160-CMB10.55 3/4160-L FB1160-RFB-5-A 160-CMB10.75 1160-L FB1160-RFB-5-A 160-CMB11.5 2160-L FB1160-RFB-5-A 160-CMB12.2 3160-L FB1160-RFB-14-A 160-CMB14.05—160-RFB-14-B ➎160-CMB1❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingAllen-Bradley 5Bulletin 160Z Standard DrivesThe Allen-Bradley Bulletin 160Z drive is the newest drive within the Bulletin 160 product line. Designed to meet user demands for motor control in wash-down or zero-cabinet environments, the 160Z drive features NEMA Type 4X/IP65 rated protection and networkconnectivity in a compact, space-saving design. Each drive package delivers a user specified, space efficient control solution for three-phase motors, ranging from 0.37 to 2.2 kW (0.5 to 3 HP) at 200 to 240 volts and from 0.37 to 4 kW (0.4 to 5 HP) at 380 to 460 volts. Additional option kits are available for user installation (see page 6).Ordering InstructionsWhen ordering a 160Z drive without a motor, consider the following.•Select basic Catalog Number based on application requirements (i.e. V oltage, Horsepower and Integral CE Filter). For example: a 380-460V three phase, 0.75 kW (1 HP) drive without CE filter is: 160Z-BA04SFNNN•Select 160Z-WMK wall mount kit.•Select wiring glands if necessary: 160Z-G25 for incoming power and 160Z-G16 for communications or I/O wiring.•Select other accessories as needed.Catalog Number DescriptionProduct Selection 160Z Drives➊When using 160Z as wall mount, communication modules should be ordered as separate options.See page 6.➋For 160Z drives mounted on motors, consult factory.160Z –AA02FSNN ➊NBulletin NumberDrive Rating (from table below)Enclosure Rating NEMA 4X (IP65)Control Method (analog signal follower)Filter Option (must be specified)Communication(None)Motor (None)InputVoltage Rating Drive Ratingwithout motor ➋with integral CE filter kW HP Output Current Rating Catalog Number ❋Catalog Number ❋200-240V,50/60 Hz,3-Phase0.370.5 2.3A 160Z-AA02FSNNN —0.550.753A 160Z-AA03FSNNN —0.751 4.5A 160Z-AA04FSNNN —1.528A 160Z-AA08FSNNN —2.2312A 160Z-AA12FSNNN —380-460V,50/60 Hz,3-Phase0.370.5 1.2A 160Z-BA01FSNNN 160Z-BA01FSFNN 0.550.75 1.7A 160Z-BA02FSNNN 160Z-BA02FSFNN 0.751 2.3A 160Z-BA03FSNNN 160Z-BA03FSFNN 1.524A 160Z-BA04FSNNN 160Z-BA04FSFNN 2.23 5.2A 160Z-BA06FSNNN 160Z-BA06FSFNN 458.1A160Z-BA10FSNNN160Z-BA10FSFNN❋ Contact Sales Office for Pricing6Allen-BradleyUser Installed Options/AccessoriesOperator Interface ➊, Communication Devices & Accessories➊160-P1 is not compatible with 160Z drives.➋ A 160-RPA is not required with 160Z drives. 160-RPA circuitry is included as standard.➌Includes 10 pin DeviceNet Connector.➍For mounting with Allen-Bradley 1329RS motors, cast iron, severe duty.➎For mounting with SEW, D-Type IEC motors.➏Maximum continuous output is 3.0 kW at 40°C and 4 kHz, 3.7 kW at 35°C and 2 kHz.AccessoryCatalog No.❋Remote Keypad ModuleModule for remote mounting. Has program, monitor and operator interface capability.160-P2CopyCat Keypad ModuleHand held module with upload/download capability to program, monitor and control drive.160-P3Cables ➋Connects the 160Z to either the Remote or CopyCat Keypad Module.- 1 meter cable, locking each end - 3 meter cable, locking each end - 5 meter cable, locking each end160Z-C10160Z-C30160Z-C50Communication Modules and AccessoriesAllow control and monitoring of parameters via the networks listed below. These modules can be mounted inside the 160Z.-DeviceNet™-RS-232 Serial Communication -Profibus -Interbus-RS232 Communication Terminal Block -Profibus Communication Terminal Block-Interbus In/Out Communication Terminal Block -Interbus Side Metal plate (5 holes)160-DN2 ➌160-RS1160-PD1160-IB1160Z-RTB 160Z-PTB 160Z-ITB 160Z-ISM Motor Adapters-NEMA motor, 0.5 - 2 HP ➍-NEMA motor, 3 - 5 HP ➍-SEW, IEC Motor, 0.37-1.5 kW ➎-SEW, IEC Motor, 2.2 kW ➎-SEW, IEC Motor, 3.7 kW ➎➏160Z-ABN1160Z-ABN2160Z-SEW1160Z-SEW2160Z-SEW3Hardware-Power cable glands-Motor cable glands, wall mounting only -Communication and I/O cable glands 160Z-G25160Z-G20160Z-G16Dynamic Brake Resistors -0.5 - 1 HP (0.37 - 0.75 kW)- 2 - 3 HP (1.5 - 2.2 kW)- 5 HP (3.7 kW)160Z-BMB1160Z-BMB2160Z-BMB3Accessories-Debris cover, motor mount -Debris cover, wall mount -Fan replacement kit-Spare gasket kit (includes all gaskets)-Wall mounting kit (includes one 160Z-G20)-Wall mount adapter 160Z-DC 160Z-DCW 160Z-FRK 160Z-GSK 160Z-WMK 160Z-WMADriveExplorer™ SoftwareWindows based software package that provides an intuitive means for monitoring or configuring Allen-Bradley drives and communication adapters.See Publication 9306-PL001A-EN-P .RS-232 Serial Communication Module160-RS1DeviceNetCommunication Module160-DN2CopyCat KeypadModule 160-P3Remote KeypadModule 160-P2ProfibusCommunication Module160-PD1InterbusCommunication Module160-IB1❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingWall Mounted DimensionsAllen-Bradley7❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingBulletin 160 Standard Packaged Drives The Standard Packaged Drive Program allows users to create drive packages based on their specific needs. A complete drive package may be specified by assembling a single catalog number string that includes a base drive, enclosure and all required options.Ordering Instructions•Select basic Catalog Number based on application requirements(i.e. V oltage, Horsepower, Control Model and EnclosureRatings). For example: a 200-240V three phase, 0.37 kW (1/2HP), analog signal follower model and an IP66 (NEMA 4/12)enclosure is: 160-AA02SF1-AF•Select Enclosure Options and follow the Option Rules. For example: the catalog number with a fused disconnect switch with Start-Stop pushbuttons is: 160-AA02SF1 -AF- DS-D17 Compliance certificationsSee page1 for compliance information. When the “EMC” option is selected, the product will ship with an RFI filter. If the “EMC” option is not selected, reference the Bulletin 160 Series C User Manual for proper installation instructions.Custom Drives ProgramDrive packages that cannot be ordered via a catalog number can be customized to meet user requirements for specific options such as special enclosure sizes and colors, terminal blocks, wire type, etc. Contact factory.Catalog Number DescriptionProduct Selection 160–AA02SF1–AF–DS–D17 BulletinNumberDrive Rating(must be specified)Enclosure Rating(must be specified)Options(as required)Input Voltage Rating Drive RatingsIP 66 (NEMA 4/12)IP66 (NEMA 4X - 304 Stainless Steel)Analog SignalFollower Model Preset Speed ModelAnalog SignalFollower Model Preset Speed ModelkW H POutput CurrentRating Catalog No.Catalog No.❋Catalog No.Catalog No.❋200-240V 50/60 Hz 1 Phase 0.37 0.5 2.3A160S - AA02SF1-AF160S - AA02PS1-AF160S-AA02SF1-AS160S - AA02PS1-AS 0.55 0.75 3.0A160S - AA03SF1-AF160S - AA03PS1-AF160S-AA03SF1-AS160S - AA03PS1-AS0.75 1 4.5A160S - AA04SF1-AF160S - AA04PS1-AF160S-AA04SF1-AS160S - AA04PS1-AS1.5 28.0A160S - AA08SF1-AF160S - AA08PS1-AF160S-AA08SF1-AS160S - AA08PS1-AS200-240V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase 0.37 0.5 2.3A160 - AA02SF1-AF160 - AA02PS1-AF160-AA02SF1-AS160 - AA02PS1-AS 0.55 0.75 3.0A160 - AA03SF1-AF160 - AA03PS1-AF160-AA03SF1-AS160 - AA03PS1-AS0.75 1 4.5A160 - AA04SF1-AF160 - AA04PS1-AF160-AA04SF1-AS160 - AA04PS1-AS1.5 28.0A160 - AA08SF1-AF160 - AA08PS1-AF160-AA08SF1-AS160 - AA08PS1-AS2.20 312.0A160 - AA12SF1-AF160 - AA12PS1-AF160-AA12SF1-AS160 - AA12PS1-AF 4.0518.0A160 - AA18SF1-AF160 - AA18PS1-AF160-AA18SF1-AS160 - AA18PS1-AF380-460V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase 0.37 0.5 1.2A160 - BA01SF1-AF160 - BA01PS1-AF160-BA01SF1-AS160 - BA01PS1-AS 0.55 0.75 1.7A160 - BA02SF1-AF160 - BA02PS1-AF160-BA02SF1-AS160 - BA02PS1-AS0.75 1 2.3A160 - BA03SF1-AF160 - BA03PS1-AF160-BA03SF1-AS160 - BA03PS1-AS1.5 2 4.0A160 - BA04SF1-AF160 - BA04PS1-AF160-BA04SF1-AS160 - BA04PS1-AS2.2 3 6.0A160 - BA06SF1-AF160 - BA06PS1-AF160-BA06SF1-AS160 - BA06PS1-AS 4.0510.5A160 - BA10SF1-AF160 - BA10PS1-AF160-BA10SF1-AS160 - BA10PS1-AS❋ Contact Sales Office for Pricing8Allen-BradleyAllen-Bradley 9Factory Installed Enclosure Options➊Includes 10 pin DeviceNet Connector.➋If a (P1C), (DN2C), (RS1C), (RPAC) or (P2C) is not specified, the drive is supplied with a factory installed “Ready/Fault” indicating panel as standard.➌120V AC Separate Control Power Required.➍Remote Keypad Module option includes the RPA and cable.➎ 5 pin DeviceNet Connectors are Brad Harrison type. See dimensions/locations on page 11.➏DN2C option must be selected. See page 11 for connector locations.➐Enclosure dimensions for 1/2 - 2 HP are 8.44"W x 17"H x 9.15"D with or w/o disconnect and for 3 HP 9.61"W x 16.5"H x 9.46"D with or w/o disconnect.➑Option is not CE/C-Tick.➒When catalog string contains a communication module, D32 must be used with D33 or D13 except with option P2C. When used with option P2C, must be used with D13.Option RulesDescriptionOption Code ❋Cannot be used withOperator Interface:DeviceNet Module (Drive Mounted) ➊- DN2C D17, P1C, P2C, Ready/Fault, RPAC, RS1C, PD1C, IB1CRS-232 Serial Communication Module (Drive Mounted)- RS1C D17, DN2C, P1C, P2C, Ready/Fault, RPAC, PD1C, IB1C, MX14Profibus Module (Drive Mounted)- PD1C DN2C, PIC, RS1C, Ready/Fault, RPAC, P2C, D17, IB1C, MX14Interbus Module (Drive Mounted)- IB1C PIC, RS1C, Ready/Fault, RPAC, P2C, D17, PD1C, DN2C, MX14DeviceNet I/O Relay - 24VDC input/relay output w/5 point DeviceNet connector.- DNRC ➐EMCReady/Fault Panel- ➋DN2C, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, MX14, PD1C, IB1CProgram Keypad Module (Drive Mounted)- P1C D17, DN2C, P2C, Ready/Fault, RPAC, RS1C, MX14, PD1C, IB1C Remote Programming Adapter- RPAC D17, DN2C, P1C, P2C, Ready/Fault, RS1C, MX14, PD1C, IB1C Remote Keypad Module (Door Mounted)- P2C ➍➐D17, D33, DN2C, Ready/Fault, P1C, RPAC, RS1C, MX14, PD1C, IB1CFused Disconnect Switch (Class J Fuses)- DS Cover Mounted Devices:“Hand -Off-Auto” Selector Switch - D13D17, D33, MX12, MX19“Start-Stop” Push buttons- D17D13, D33, DN2C, MX12, MX19, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C “Forward/Reverse” Selector Switch - D32 ➒MX12, MX19“Local/Remote” Selector Switch - D33D13, D17, MX12, MX19White “Drive Run” Pilot Light ➌- D35D36, MX12, MX19Red “Drive Fault” Pilot Light ➌- D36D35, MX12, MX19“Speed” Potentiometer- D61MX12, MX19, All Preset Speed Models“Local/Remote” & “Local Control Off/Run Forward” 800T Selector Switches- MX12AS, D13, D17, D32, D33, D35, D36, D61, MX19“Local/Off/Remote” 800T Selector Switch with One N.O. Interposing Relay- MX19AS, D13, D17, D32, D33, D35, D36, D61, MX12, MX14Control Interface Cards:24V DC Interface Card for Analog Model- DMSF1C DMPS1C, LTN120, All Preset Speed Models 24V DC Interface Card for Preset Speed Model- DMPS1C DMSF1C, LTN120, All Analog Models 120V AC Interface Card for Analog and Preset Speed Models - LTN120 ➑DMPS1C, DMSF1CDeviceNet Enclosure Mounted Connector Options:Nema 4/12 5 pin connector side mounted ➎- DNSC1 ➏DNSC2, DNBC1, DNBC2, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, STD Ready/Fault Nema 4x 5 pin connector side mounted ➎- DNSC2 ➏DNSC1, DNBC1, DNBC2, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, STD Ready/Fault Nema 4/12 5 pin connector bottom mounted ➎- DNBC1 ➏DNSC1, DNSC2, DNBC2, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, STD Ready/Fault Nema 4x 5 pin connector bottom mounted ➎- DNBC2 ➏DNSC1, DNSC2, DNBC1, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, STD Ready/Fault Electro Magnetic Compatibility - EMC ➐LTN120, DNRCMotor Brake Option:Motor Brake Contactor and Surge Suppressor(100M cont. 24V powered off DeviceNet Option), DN2C- MX14 ➏➐D35, D36, MX19, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, Ready/Fault, PD1C, IB1COptionDescriptionMaximum Number of Cover Devices0.37-1.5 kW (0.5-2 HP) without a disconnect or Remote Keypad Module or MX14 or EMC or DNRC is 4.2.2-4.0 kW (3-5 HP) w/o a disconnect or Remote Keypad Module and all drives with a disconnect, MX14 or DNRC or EMC is 5.0.37-4.0 kW (0.5-5 HP) with the Remote Keypad Module is3.i.e. Start-Stop (D17)= 2 Cover Devices Forward-Reverse (D32)= 1 Cover Device White Run Pilot Light (D35)= 1 Cover Device= 4 TotalFactory Installed Enclosure Option Catalog Configuration When ordering, build the catalog string in the following manner: Bulletin number, drive rating, control model, enclosure type and options. Note: Options are to be configured in alpha-numeric sequence.❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingApproximate Dimensions10Allen-BradleyBulletin 160Adjustable Frequency AC DriveAllen-Bradley 11Figure 5– DeviceNet Connector Option Locations Use above dimensions for Figure 2 & Figure 3Use above dimensions for Figure 1Use above dimensions for Figure 2 & Figure 3Use above dimensions for Figure 1Dimensions are in millimeters (inches) and are not to be used for manufacturing purposes Use above dimensions for Figure 4Use above dimensions for Figure 4DNBC1 and DNBC2DNSC1 and DNSC2。



Application GuideTopic: Considerations for 32 Bit Integer Parameters in 16 Bit ProcessorsDrive Product: PowerFlex 700VC, PowerFlex 700SIntroduction An Application Guide provides generic information on features and functions of drive products and their implementation. Application Guides are not specific to any one application, but generically discussapplication techniques and/or functions as part of an application.User Information Solid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanicalequipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls(Publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at/documents/gi) describes some important differences between solid state equipmentand hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and because of the wide varietyof uses for solid state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfythemselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damagesresulting from the use or application of this equipment.The examples and diagrams in this document are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because ofthe many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation,Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits,equipment, or software described in this document.Reproduction of the contents of this document, in whole or in part, without written permission of RockwellAutomation, Inc. is prohibited.Related Publications The following publications should be referenced and followed when operating, configuring, orcommissioning this drive product. These publications may be found on the literature library at;Publication Title Pub NumberPowerFlex 700S Phase II Control User Manual 20D-UM006PowerFlex 700S Phase I Control User Manual 20D-UM001Precautions Class 1 LED ProductATTENTION:Hazard of permanent eye damage exists when using optical transmission equipment.This product emits intense light and invisible radiation. Do not look into module ports or fiber optic cableconnectors.General PrecautionsATTENTION: This drive contains ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) sensitive parts and assemblies. Staticcontrol precautions are required when installing, testing, servicing or repairing this assembly.Component damage may result if ESD control procedures are not followed. If you are not familiar withstatic control procedures, reference Allen Bradley publication 8000-4.5.2, “Guarding Against ElectrostaticDamage” or any other applicable ESD protection handbook.ATTENTION: An incorrectly applied or installed drive can result in component damage or a reduction inproduct life. Wiring or application errors such as under sizing the motor, incorrect or inadequate ACsupply, or excessive surrounding air temperatures may result in malfunction of the system.ATTENTION: Only qualified personnel familiar with the PowerFlex 700S AC Drive and associatedmachinery should plan or implement the installation, start-up and subsequent maintenance of the system.Failure to comply may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.ATTENTION: To avoid an electric shock hazard, verify that the voltage on the bus capacitors hasdischarged before performing any work on the drive. Measure the DC bus voltage at the +DC & –DCterminals of the Power Terminal Block (refer to Chapter 1 in the PowerFlex 700S User Manual forlocation). The voltage must be zero.ATTENTION: Risk of injury or equipment damage exists. DPI or SCANport host products must not bedirectly connected together via 1202 cables. Unpredictable behavior can result if two or more devicesare connected in this manner.ATTENTION: Risk of injury or equipment damage exists. Parameters 365 [Encdr0 Loss Cnfg] - 394[VoltFdbkLossCnfg] let you determine the action of the drive in response to operating anomalies.Precautions should be taken to ensure that the settings of these parameters do not create hazards ofinjury or equipment damage.ATTENTION: Risk of injury or equipment damage exists. Parameters 383 [SL CommLoss Data] - 392[NetLoss DPI Cnfg] let you determine the action of the drive if communications are disrupted. You canset these parameters so the drive continues to run. Precautions should be taken to ensure the settingsof these parameters do not create hazards of injury or equipment damage.The SLC and PLC-5 do not have a 32 bit integer data type. Therefore, 32 bit integer parameters that come from a drive into the SLC or PLC-5 remain split as (2) 16 bit integers. There are some considerations that should be taken when adding a drive with 32 bit integer parameters to a SLC or PLC-5 system.Drives that are based on 32 bit integer parameters include the PowerFlex700VC and the PowerFlex 700S. Note that the PowerFlex 700S also has floating point parameters. For information on handling floating point parameters over a network please see the PowerFlex 700S Reference Manual.For bitwise parameters, such as Drive Status, there is not an issue when the 32 bit integer remains split as (2) 16 bit integers. This is because we are normally concerned with looking at individual bits.However, for 32 bit integer parameters where we need to interpret the entire decimal value, it can be difficult to interpret the decimal value correctly. The following is a summary of how the decimal values of 32 bit parameters appear in a 16 bit processor:1. If the value of the data is less than 32767 decimal and it is a positive value, the least significant wordreflects accurate parameter data. In other words, if it is known that the parameter value (taking intoaccount the scale factor) is less than 32767 and is a positive value, the parameter can be interpreted easily in the SLC by looking at the least significant 16 bit integer.For example, parameter 414 [Enc Pos Feedback] in a PowerFlex700VC contains a value of 32596.Parameter 414 [Enc Pos Feedback] is sent to a SLC over DeviceNet using Datalink A1 Out. The same value appears in the SLC at address I:1.3 which is the lower 16 bit integer of Encoder Position.If we look at the data in binary format we can see that there are no bits on in I:1.4, which is the upper 16 bit Integer of Encoder Position.2. If the value is greater than 32767, bits in the most significant 16 bit integer will be on. Therefore, it is notsufficient to look only at the least significant integer. Since there is no double integer data structure in the SLC or PLC-5, it is difficult to interpret the entire 32 bit data.For example, parameter 414 [Enc Pos Feedback] in a PowerFlex700VC contains a value of 1626095.If we look at the corresponding values in the SLC, it seems that neither the lower 16 bit integer or the upper 16 bit integer correspond to the value 1626095. In fact, the lower 16 bit integer is a negative value.When the data is seen in binary format, we see that there are bits on in both the upper and lower integers, I:1.3 and I:1.4, indicating that the value is larger than 32767.3. If the value is negative (less than 0), bit 15 in the upper 16 bit integer will be 1. When the value of theparameter is between 0 and -32767, it is possible to look at just the lower 16 bit integer value.For example, parameter 24 [Commanded Torque] is -5.1%. This corresponds to an internal value of -51 when the scale factor is taken into account. -51 is what is sent through the communication adapter.Parameter 24 [Commanded Torque] is sent to a SLC over DeviceNet using Datalink A1 Out. We can see that the lower 16 bit integer value of -51 corresponds to the value of -51 in parameter 24. The upper 16 bit integer will be -1 when the value of the parameter is between 0 and -32767.In binary we can see that the upper 16 bits are all 1 when the value of the parameter is between 0 and-32767.4. When the value is negative (less than 0), but beyond the range of 0 to -32767, the upper 16 bits will againchange. It will not be sufficient to look at just the lower 16 bit integer.For example, parameter 414 [Enc Pos Feedback] in a PowerFlex700VC contains a value of -497438.If we look at the corresponding values in the SLC, it seems that neither the lower 16 bit integer or the upper 16 bit integer correspond to the value -497438. In fact, the lower 16 bit integer is a positive value.When the data is seen in binary format, we see that bit 15 is on in the upper 16 bit integer, I:1.4, indicating that the parameter value is negative.。



变频器资料大全最新变频器国家强制性标准与设计选型使用技术手册欧美品牌变频器ABB变频器acs510变频器中变压力控制系统的实现方法ABB ACS550-01变频器说明书a b b交流传动产品简介A B B变频器a c s350 A B B A C S550变频器产品样本A B B A C S100用户手册ABB ACS800变频器硬件手册ABB ACS800变频器应用程序指南A B B A C S800变频器标准应用程序7.x使用手册A B B A C S140用户手册ABB ACS100用户手册ABB ACS800-07 大功率硬件手册ABB ACS510系列变频器产品手册ABB ACS510系列变频器用户手册A B B A C S550系列用户手册A B B A C S510用户手册A B B140变频器手册A B B140变频器使用说明书ABB100变频器手册ABB ACS550-01变频器说明书A B B A C S800-07大功率硬件手册A C S800单传动选型样本A B B A C S800-02硬件手册A B B A C S350选型样本A B B直流D C S800硬件手册A B B A C S800-01硬件手册acs800与dcs通信测试指导ACS600技术样本ACS600标准应用程序A C S510变频器中变压力控制系统的实现方法A C S400变频器用户手册A B B中压变频器选型数据表A B B A C S150变频器技术手册ABB DCS500_DCS600直流传动系统资料样本ABB DCR600 选型安装及操作手册ABB DCC600 系统描述ABB ACS800 自定义编程应用程序指南ABB ACS800变频器应用程序指南ABB ACS800-01(壁挂)硬件手册A B B A C S604_607单传动硬件手册A B B A C S601单传动硬件手册A B B A C S800-02(立式)硬件手册A B B中压变频器选型数据表A B B D C S600技术数据A B B D C S500B技术数据A B B A C S800风机泵类控制固件手册(P F C)A B B A C S800-17硬件手册ABB ACS800-11 硬件手册ABB ACS800-07 大功率硬件手册ABB AC S800-04硬件手册ABB A CS 550变频器产品样本ABB ACS800-04P 固件手册ABB ACS1000技术样本(英文)ABB(acs510\acs550\acs100\acs150\acs800-02\acs800-04p\acs800-04\acs1000\acs350)变频器说明书A B B A C800M控制与I-O产品说明书A B B A C S800-02硬件手册A B B A C S550用户手册A B B A C S变频器说明书下载ABB变频器资料AB变频器ab powerflex700交流变频器简介AB PowerFlex4交流变频器简介ABB 中压变频器选型数据表ab powerflex4变频器技术手册AB PowerFlex700交流变频器产品手册.PowerFlex 700 交流变频器用户手册PowerFlex400变频器ABpowerflex(pf4\pf40\pf400\pf70\pf700)变频器说明书PowerFlex 400 变频器用户手册P o w e r F l e x70变频器用户手册.P o w e r F l e x家族手册P o we r F l e x 7000中压变频器P o we r F l e x 700技术数据PowerFlex 400P 矢量型交流变频器技术手册PowerFlex 400 交流变频器快速入门指南P o w e r F l e x400交流变频器产品简介P o w e r F l e x400技术数据P o we r F l e x 70交流变频器快速入门P o we r F l e x70技术数据PowerFlex 40P 交流变频器快速起动PowerFlex 40P 交流变频器技术数据P o we r F l e x 40P 交流变频器产品介绍P o w e r F l e x4M 技术数据PowerFlex 4_40 技术数据PowerFlex 4 交流变频器用户手册P o we r F l e x700用户手册P o we r F l e x70用户手册Po we r F l e x40用户手册Po we r F l e x4用户手册1336 PLUS II 产品介绍1336 PLUS II 变频器用户手册1336P L U S I I变频器1336I MPA C T 产品介绍AB 1336 PLUS II变频器使用说明书AB 1336Impact AC变频器选型指南AB 1336PLUSII变频器选型指南AB PowerFlex4变频器技术手册AB PowerFlex4交流变频器简介PowerFlex 70 交流变频器-技术手册PowerFlex 700 交流变频器-技术手册AB 变频器用户手册PowerFlex400交流变频器技术规范P o w e r F l e x400安装使用手册A B-P F70变频器说明书AB-160 SSC变速控制器(B系列)用户手册AB-1336PLUS II变频器唯雅诺自动化网:无速度传感器矢量控制用户手册AB工程型变频器PF700S User Manual 3.01(用户手册)下载AB工程型变频器PowerFlex700S技术数据下载西门子变频器西门子s7-200模拟软件S I N A MI C S S120调试手册SINAMICS S120调试手册西门子变频器G110 简明操作说明书西门子变频器MM410操作手册西门子变频器MM430操作手册西门子变频器MM430应用手册西门子通用变频器应用实例手册西门子(m m420\m m430\m m440)变频器说明书西门子M M440变频器手册西门子M M 4307.5kW-250kW风机泵类专用型变频西门子M M440操作说明书M M430变频器手册西门子0变频器说明书西门子电源供电交流小变频S I N A M I C S G110新品介绍西门子变频器S I N A M I C S G150产品样本M M440简明安装调试手册M M430中文使用说明书M M410使用大全西门子变频器MM420操作手册SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC 装机装柜型DC-ACSIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC 增强型DC-ACSIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC 增强型AC-ACSIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC 书本型DC-ACSIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC 书本型AC-ACSIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 6SE70增强型变频器说明书SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 6SE70书本型变频器说明书MASTERDRIVES VC书本型和装机装柜型的V3.4.2版本My Documents\MM 420 中文使用说明书MASTERDRIVES VC增强型的V3.4.2版本MASTERDRIVES MC,增强型V2.41版本MASTERDRIVES MC,增强书本型V1.6版本MASTERDRIVES MC,增强书本型V1.6版本MASTERDRIVES MC,书本型装机装柜型V2.41版本西门子MM430 风机水泵负载专用变频器使用手册西门子440故障引起故障可能的原因下载:西门子运动控制(MC)变频器说明书施耐德变频器ATV 61同步与异步电机变频器安装手册ATV 71同步电机与异步电机变频器安装手册ATV 71和ATV 61 IP23 IP54工程型机柜式变频器ATV 61同步与异步电机变频器软件V1施耐德变频器ATV71系列产品选型指南施耐德ATS48软起动-软停止单元用户手册施耐德ATV71 变频器Uni-Telway中文手册施耐德ATV61 71 profibus-DP用户手册-中文ATV 302 异步电机变频器安装手册编程手册ATV 61同步与异步电机变频器安装手册ATV 61中压电机用变频器系统选型指导ATV 21异步电机变频器用户手册ATV78变频器产品目录06ATV61高级多泵卡VW3A3 503 用户手册ATV61LonWorks卡VW3A3 312 用户手册ATV61BACnet卡VW3A3 315 用户手册ATV61 普通多泵卡用户手册Altivar 61异步电机变频器安装手册2 A l t i v a r61异步电机变频器安装手册1A T V68编程手册ATV58变频器用户编程手册施耐德ATV68 编程手册ATV58泵切换卡用户手册ATV38变频器中文用户编程手册Altivar28变频器说明书ATV31变频器编程手册A T V58泵切换卡用户手册AT V31变频器编程手册AT V31变频器安装手册AT V28变频器产品简介A T V11用户手册A T V68编程手册A T V58F变频器用户手册施耐德变频器说明书ATV31调试手册施耐德变频器ATV31变频器选型目录施耐德变频器A T V31变频器选型目录A T V31调试手册ATV28 变频器产品目录施耐德异步电动机变频器用户手册施耐德变频器shouce丹佛斯变频器丹佛斯变频器v l t2900英文操作说明丹佛斯变频器V LT2800设计指南丹佛斯变频器FCM300英文操作说明丹佛斯变频器FCM300英文操作说明丹佛斯F C D300I n s t r u c t i o n丹佛斯f c d300说明书Dan foss(丹佛斯) VLT5000一般技术数据Dan foss(丹佛斯) VLT5000技术说明Danfoss(丹佛斯) VLT5000技术功能(参数600-631).Danfoss(丹佛斯) VLT5000操作说明唯雅诺自动化网:Danfoss(丹佛斯) FCM300说明书丹佛斯danfoss(vlt2800\vlt5000\vlt7000)变频器说明书丹佛斯变频器F C300中文操作说明丹佛斯变频器F C300设计指南.丹佛斯变频器FC51 快速指南意科变频器意科SINUS-PENTA变频器资料伦次变频器伦次变频器说明书伦次变频器说明书伟创变频器伟创变频器说明书伟肯变频器说明书欧陆变频器欧陆变频器说明书日本变频器安川变频器安川Varispeed G7系列使用说明书8安川Varispeed G7系列使用说明书7安川Varispeed G7系列使用说明书6安川Varispeed G7系列使用说明书5安川Varispeed G7系列使用说明书4安川Varispeed G7系列使用说明书3安川Varispeed G7系列使用说明书2安川Varispeed G7系列使用说明书1安川V a r i s p e e d L7系列使用说明书安川V1000使用说明书安川VS-606V7变频器使用说明书安川F7变频高效节能型矢量控制器系安川G7通用高性能矢量控制型变频器系列安川变频器说明书安川变频器说明书三菱变频器三菱变频器说明书三菱变频器调试软件三菱变频器说明书三菱F R-A 0.4-55K变频器手册[推荐]三菱变频器说明书下载三菱变频器A500中文手册富士变频器FUJI FVR-E11S系列紧凑型变频器FUJI FRENIC-Mini系列小容量通用紧凑型变频器富士变频器说明书FUJI VP系列风机水泵专用变频器三肯变频器三垦变频器说明书三垦变频器说明书日立变频器日立变频器说明书日立变频器说明书松下变频器松下变频器V F-8Z系列选型资料松下变频器说明书松下变频器说明书东芝变频器东芝变频器(VFS11通用型)使用说明书东芝变频器(VFP7风机水泵专用型)使用说明书东芝变频器(V F N C1简易型)使用说明书东芝变频器(V F A S1)使用说明书东芝变频器(VFA7高性能重载型)使用说明书东芝tosvert(vf-a7\vf-nc1\vf-p7\vf-s9\vf-s11)变频器说明书欧姆龙变频器欧姆龙omron(3g3rv\3g3ev\3g3mv)变频器说明书明电舍变频器明电舍(VT240EL \VT240S\VT230S)变频器说明书明电变频器说明书明电舍(VT240EL \VT240S\VT230S)变频器说明书松下电工变频器日本松下电工变频器说明书松下变频器说明书台韩变频器LG变频器LG iG5A变频器说明书LG iC5系列变频器中文说明书L S(L G)产电i v5系列变频器使用说明书L S(L G)产电i S5系列变频器用户手册L S(L G)产电i P5A变频器说明书(中文)L S(L G)产电I H系列变频器用户手册LS(LG)产电iC5超小型变频器产品介绍(中文)LS(LG)产电EMPR电子式电力保护继电器介绍(中文)L S(L G)产电变频器i P5说明书(中文)L S(L G)变频器产品应用范例LS(LG) 矢量变频器iV5产品介绍(中文)LS(LG) 经济型变频器iG5产品介绍(中文)LS(LG) 经济型变频器iG5A产品介绍(中文).LS(LG) 高性能变频器iS5产品介绍(中文)L S(L G) 风机水泵专用型变频器i P5产品介绍(中文)L S(L G) 变频器i G5A说明书LGIG5变频器说明书(中文版)LGIG5变频器说明书(中文版)lg(ls)iS5-De vice Ne t选件板说明书L GI G5变频器说明书(中文版) LG IV5变频器说明书(中文版).LG IS5变频器说明书(中文版). L G I H变频器说明书(中文版).L G变频器I G5LG(LS)(lg-ig5\lg-ih\lg-ip5\lg-is5\lg-iv5)变频器说明书LG变频器资料东元变频器东元变频器说明书台达变频器唯雅诺自动化网:台达变频器说明书台达变频器V F D-L中文手册台达变频器V F D-G中文手册台达变频器V F D-A中文手册台达变频器F系列说明书E2台达变频器说明书D e l t a V F D-V变频器(A M D)使用说明书D e l t a v f d-p变频器(A M D)使用说明书Delta VFD-L型录Delta VFD-B(使用说明书)变频器(AMD) D E L T A a s d a-b B系列伺服使用说明书台达变频器S系列说明书台达变频器M系列说明书台达变频器F系列说明书(1).台达A S D A-B交流伺服系统使用手册台达A S D A-B交流伺服系统简易手册台达ASDA-B交流伺服系统安装手册Delta VFD-SERIES 变频器(AMD)使用说明书Delta vfd-md系列变频器(AMD)使用说明书台达塑胶空油压机专用型VFD-G系列说明书台达内置P L C型型变频器V F D-E系列说明书台达J A G E R电主轴全系列手册台达ASDA-A交流伺服系统使用手册Delta VFD-E 变频器(AMD)使用说明书台达B变频器中文说明书台安变频器台安N2系列变频器手册台安E V300变频器系列应用软件台安N2说明书台安E2系列变频器手册台安N2变频器中文说明书台安变频器说明书国产变频器爱默生变频器爱默生e m e r s o n(t d3000\t d1000\t d900)变频器说明书华为变频器说明书艾默生ES变频器参数表EV3100电梯专用变频器用户手册爱迪生变频器说明书安amp1000变频器说明书爱默生变频器说明书普传变频器普传168系列使用说明书(中文).普传PI7600_7800系列使用说明书(中文).普传(pi7600\pi168g\pi7000\pi7100)变频器说明书普传变频器在供水控制系统中的应用普传PI168变频器说明书普传PI7000_7100系列使用说明书(中文).普传P I97G.V4说明书(中文).普传P I7000变频器说明书阿尔法变频器A L P H A6000使用说明书A L P H A3300通用型变频器说明书ALPHA5000使用说明书阿尔法alpha(3300\2000g\6000\2800\2000p\2000z\系列说明书A L P H A2800使用说明书A L P H A2000G使用说明书阿尔法变频器说明书阿尔法说明书阿尔法2000G系列说明书科姆龙变频器科姆龙变频器说明书安邦信变频器安邦信A MB(P7\G7\P9\G9系列)变频器说明书安邦信G7变频器说明书康沃变频器康沃(g2\g3\s1\zs-zc1)变频器说明书英威腾变频器英威腾变频器说明书英威腾变频器说明书森兰变频器森兰SB100系列变频器使用手册森兰SB61Z 注塑机变频器使用手册森兰变频器说明书森兰变频器资料易能变频器易能E D S1000变频器说明书易能E D S2800变频器说明书易能变频器说明书微能变频器微能W IN-9G说明书微能WIN-VB系列变频器使用说明书微能W I N-V B系列变频器使用说明书微能W I N-9V变频器使用说明书微能WIN-9V变频器使用说明书微能WIN-HV系列高压变频器使用说明书微能win(9i-v\9l-v\9u-v\9u-rdb\hv-v\9v-t)变频器说明书微能变频器说明书微能WIN-VC 高性能强功能矢量控制变频器海利普变频器海利普hlp(a系列\c系列\sv系列\v系列\j系列\nv系列\p系列)变频器说明书海利普变频器说明书风光变频器风光变频器说明书四方变频器四方变频器说明书神源变频器神源SY5000变频器用户手册神源SY4000变频器通用型用户手册神源SY4000系列增强型变频器终述神源SY4000系列增强型变频器用户手册-中文目录神源S Y4000系列增强型变频器控制面板键盘操作神源S Y4000系列增强型变频器接线唯雅诺自动化网:神源SY4000系列增强型变频器功能代码参数说明神源SY4000系列增强型变频器安装和使用方法神源SY4000变频器通用型用户手册神源sy(sy5000p\sy5000\sy5000g\sy4000)变频器说明书神源变频器说明书正频变频器正频PDH系列高频高速型变频器正频变频器说明书正弦变频器说明书威科达变频器威科达V5系列变频器说明书威科达变频器说明书西威变频器西威变频器说明书西威变频器资料西威变频器资料(续)惠丰变频器惠丰(f1000-g\f1000-m\f1500-g\f1500-p)变频器说明书格力特变频器格立特变频器说明书格力特(vc3100\vc3200)变频器说明书富凌变频器富凌DZB(100P\70B\100M\60J\200&300)变频器说明书富菱变频器说明书时代变频器时代tvf(tvf7000\tvf7100\tvf1000\tvf2000)变频器说明书佳灵变频器佳灵(jp6c-j9\j9zn\nkb\jp6c-t9\jp6c-zt9\jp6c-z9\jp6c-t9c\jcs\jcp\jcc\jcf)变频器说明书蓝海华腾变频器蓝海华腾(v5-h\v5-i\v5-t\v5-w\v6-h\v6-t)变频器说明书海蓝华腾变频器说明书传动之星变频器传动之星(sd-5l\sd-5l4t-s)变频器说明书传动之星变频器贝西变频器贝西bc(bc-1000\bc-2000\bc-2300)变频器说明书博世力乐士变频器博世力乐士fe系列变频器说明书力士乐变频器说明书科比变频器科比变频器说明书依尔通变频器依尔通(fdu\vfx)变频器说明书正阳变频器正阳sysc(zy292t\zy612g)变频器说明书鹰垦变频器鹰垦变频器说明书德瑞斯变频器德瑞斯(1000m\2000\2800\3000)变频器说明书优利康变频器优利康yd(2000\3000)变频器说明书尤尼康UCLS系列变频器说明书YOLICO3000系列变频器说明书SSD变频器SSD变频器说明书RB变频器RB变频器说明书菱科变频器菱科LK800系列单相220V变频器说明书菱科LK600英文说明书菱科LK600系列变频器中文说明书罗升变频器罗升变频器说明书东旭变频器东旭变频器说明书PE变频器PE(SD700、V5)变频器说明书塞普变频器塞普变频器说明书赛普变频器说明书阳冈变频器阳冈e1系列变频器说明书星河变频器星河变频器说明书乐邦变频器乐邦变频器说明书能普变频器能普变频器说明书加能变频器加能变频器说明书西林变频器西林变频器说明书创杰变频器创杰变频器说明书金肯变频器金肯变频器说明书易驱变频器易驱变频器说明书日业变频器日业变频器说明书日业变频器说明书日锋变频器日锋变频器说明书唯雅诺自动化网:方禾变频器方禾变频器说明书百德福变频器百德福变频器说明书山宇变频器山宇变频器说明书德力西变频器德力西变频器说明书韦尔变频器韦尔AC30变频器说明书伊顿变频器伊顿S V X9000变频器产品指南伊顿S V X9000系列变频器说明书威尔凯变频器威尔凯W KS系列矢量型变频调速器产品详情威尔凯W KJ系列迷你型变频调速器产品详情\威尔凯WKF系列通用型变频调速器产品详情威尔凯WKE系列专用型变频调速器产品详情欧瑞变频器欧瑞传动K2000暖通系列说明书欧瑞传动F2000-M中频系列说明书欧瑞传动E1000系列通用型变频器说明书欧瑞(E1000\F1000G\F2000G\F2000M)变频器说明书.德弗变频器德弗传动D V600系列矢量变频器使用说册德弗传动D V300系列变频器使用说册SEW变频器SEW变频器说明书。



700变频器参数设置1、电动机铭牌电压0412、电动机铭牌满负载电流0423、电动机铭牌频率0434、电动机铭牌每分钟转速0445、电动机铭牌功率0456、电动机铭牌功率单位0467、电动机过载频率0478、最小速度081:0 HZ9、最大速度082;50 HZ10、速度基准值A选择090:1;模拟量输入111、速度基准值A上限值091:50 HZ12、速度基准值A下限值092:0 HZ13、模拟量输入组态320:1=电流2=电压14、模拟量输入1、2上限值322、325:20ma15、模拟量输入1、2下限值323、326:4ma16、模拟量输出组态34017、模拟量输出1选择34218、模拟量输出1上限值34319、模拟量输出1下限值34420、数字量输入1—6选择361—36621、数字量输出1、2选择380、38422、数字量输出1、2级381、38523、参数访问级别19624、加速时间1、2 140、14125、减速时间1、2 142、143700 S变频器参数设置P1:额定电压P2:额定电流P3:额定频率P4:额定转速P5:额定功率可以在MOTOR DATA菜单中进行设置P196:0 basic 、1 advanceP222、223:2;sensorless无编码器反馈P485:3;V/F控制方式P828:5;起动P829:14;正常停车P168:0;ramp stop(斜坡停车)P850:4;运行输出P845:17;故障输出P30:0;速度基准值下限P31:1490;速度基准值上限P32:20;加速时间P33:20;减速时间P27:速度基准值1[Speed Ref 1]P10:速度基准值1[Speed Ref 1]需要LINE到P806上P802(模拟量输入1标定[Anlg In1 Scale]):0 .0625P803(模拟量输入1的偏移量[Anlg In1 Offset]):-4(因为有衰减,调为-3.6)P808(模拟量输入2标定[Anlg In2 Scale]):0 .0625P809(模拟量输入2的偏移量[Anlg In2 Offset]):-4(因为有衰减,调为-3.6)P821:analog I/O unitbit16=1(AO1 current 0-20ma);bit17=1(AO2 current 0-20ma);bit0=1(AI1 current 0-20ma);bit1=1(AI2 current 0-20ma);两个模拟量输入需要跟硬件主控板DIP开关对应S5-1、S5-2;P800—P805为与AI1有关的参数,需要适当调整,从0-20ma到4-20maP831—P837为与AO1有关的参数,需要适当调整,从0-20ma到4-20maP838—P844为与AO2有关的参数,需要适当调整,从0-20ma到4-20ma硬件使能接线由默认值设定,数字量输入6为硬件输入使能组态。



编辑参数如下1.上电时LCD显示器显示为:Output Freq S→0.00Hz 按一次SEL键显示组参数编号及字母.按上下键改变组菜单(Basic Display:b基本显示.Basic Pr0gram :P基本编程.Terminal Block:T端子.Communications:C通信.Advanced progran:A高级编程,Aux Relay Cord: R=Aux Relay Card.Advanced Display:d高级显示)。


按上下键可选择主菜单功能,先选择基本显示(Display Groupb)参数按下SEL进入:b001:输出频率b002:命令频率b003:输出电流b:004输出电压b005:直流母线电压b006:变频器状态b007:故障代码1 b008:过程显示b010:输出功率b011:已用电MVVhb012:运行时间b013:转矩电流b014:变频器温度b015:已用电KWh以上参数是变频器自动默认不用修改。

3.按上下键可选择主菜单功能,先选基本编程Basic Progran Group按下SEL进入注:这些参数要根据实用的值来进行设定P031:motor NP Volts(电动机铭牌电压) P032:motor NP Hertz (电动机铭牌频率)P033:motor OL current(电动机额定电流)P034:minimum Freq(最小频率)0.00Hz P035:maximum Freq(最大频率)50HZ P036:Start Source(起动源)2-wire 002P037:Stop mode(停止模式)coast 005 P038:Speed Reference(速度基准值)Analog in1 002P039:Accel Timel(加速时间为15秒)Sec P040:Decel Timel(减速时间为10秒)Sec P041:Reset to Defalts复位为默认值工Ready/Zdle 000 P042:Auto mode(自动模式) NO Function 003 P043:Motor OL Ret(电机过载值存储)Disabled 0004.按上下键可选择主菜单功能,先选端子Terminal Block Group按下SEL进入T051:Terminal Block(数字量输入1选择) Digital in1 sel T052:Digital In2 sel(数字量输入2选择)Local 003 T053:Digital In3 sel(数字量输入3选择) Clear Fault 010 T054:Digital In4 sel(数字量输入4选择) Comm port 004 T055:Relay out1 sel (继电器输出1选择)Ready/Fault 000T056:Relay out1 Level (继电器输出1幅值)0.00 T058:Relay 1 on Time(继电器1接通On时间)0.00 sec T059:Relay 1 off Time(继电器1断开Off时间)0.00 sec T060:Relay out 2 sel(数字量输出2选择) motor Running 002T061:Relay out 2 Level (继电器输出2幅值)0.00T063:Relay 2 on Time(继电器2接通On时间)0.00 sec T064:Relay 2 off Time(继电器2断开Off时间)0.00 secT065: Opto out sel (光电耦合输出选择)At Frequency 001T066: Opto out Level(光电耦合输出幅值)0.00T068: Opto out Logic (光电耦合输出逻辑) 0.00T069: Analog In 1 Sel(模拟量输入1选择) 4-20mA 001T070: Analog In 1 LO(模拟量输入1下限) 0.0%T071: Analog In 1 Hi(模拟量输入1上限)100.0%T072: Analog In 1 Loss(模拟量输入1丢失)Disabled 000T073: Analog In 2 Sel(模拟量输入2选择) 0-10V 002T074: Analog In 2 LO(模拟量输入2下限) 0.0%T075: Analog In 2 Hi(模拟量输入2上限)100.0%T076: Analog In 2 Loss(模拟量输入2丢失)Disabled 000T077: Sleep-wake sel (休眠-唤醒选择) Disabled 000T078: Sleep-Level (休眠等级)10% T079: Sleep-Time (唤醒时间)0.0 SECT080: wake-Level (唤醒等级)15%T081: wake-Time (唤醒时间)0.0 SECT082:Analog out 1 sel (模拟量输出1选择) outFreq 0-10V 000T083:Analog out 1 High (模拟量输出1上限)100%T084:Analog out 1 setpt(模拟量输出1设定点)0.0%T085:Analog out 2 sel (模拟量输出2选择) outcurr 0-10V 001T086:Analog out 2 High (模拟量输出2上限)100%T087:Analog out 2 setpt(模拟量输出2设定点)0.0%T088:Anlg Loss Delay (模拟量丢失延时)0.0 SECT089:Analog In Filter (模拟量输入上限)05. 按上下键可选择主菜单功能,先选通信语言Communications Group按下SEL进入C101:Language(通信语言)001 EnglishC102:Comm Format(通信格式)C103:Comm Data Rate(通信数据速率)003 9600C104:Comm Node Addr(通信节点地址)C105:Comm Loos Action(通信丢失动作)C106:Comm Loos Time(通信丢失时间)C107:Comm Write Mode(通信写模式)C108:Start Source2(通信起动命令源2)6.按上下键可选择主菜单功能,先选高级编程Advanced Program Group 按下SEL进入A141:Advanced Program Group(消防强制输入频率)Purge FrequencyA142:Internal Freq(内部频率)60HzA143:Preset Freq0(预置频率0)0.0HzA144:Preset Freq1(预置频率1)5.0HzA145:Preset Freq2(预置频率2)10.0HzA146:Preset Freq3(预置频率1)20.0HzA147:Accel Time 2(加速时间2)30.00 SecA148:Decel Time 2(减速时间2)30.00 SecA149:S Curve%(S曲线%)20%A150:PID Trim Hi(PID整定上限)60HZA151:PID Trim LO(PID整定下限)0.0HZA152:PID Ref sel(PID基准值选择)PID setpoint 001A153:PID Feedback sel (PID反馈值选择)Anaiog In1 000A154:PID Prop Gain(PID比例增益) 1A155:PID Integ Time(PID积分时间)10.0 SscA156:PID Diff Rate(PID微分速率)0.00 1/SecA157:PID Setpoint(PID设置点)50%A158:PID Deadband(PID死区)0.0%A159:PID Preload(PID预负载)0.0HZA160:PID Process Factor(PID过程因数)30.0A163:Auto Rstrt Tries(自动重新起动尝试)0A164: Auto Rstrt Delay(自动重新起动延时)1.0 SecA165:Start At PowerUp (上电起动)Disabled 000A166:Reverse Disable (反向禁止)REV Disabled 001A167:Flying Start En (飞速起动使能)Disabled 000A168:Pwm Frequency(PWM频率) 4.0KHzA169:Pwm Mode(PWM模式) 2-Phase 001A170:Boost select(升压选择)45.0VT 004A171:Start Boost(起动升压) 2.5%A172:Break Voltage(转折电压)25%A173:Break Frequency(转折频率)15.0HzA174:Maximum Voltage(最大电压)460 VACA175:slip Hertz @ FLA(满载滑差频率补偿)2.0HzA176:DC Brake Time(直流制动时间)0.0 SECA177:DC Brake Level(直流制动幅值)A178:DC Brk Time@Strt(起动时直流制动时间)0.01SECA179:Current Limit 1(电流限幅1)A180:Current Limit 2(电流限幅2)A181:Motor Select(电动机过载选择)A182:Drive OL Mode(变频器过载模式)A183:SW Current Trip(软件电流跳闸)A184:Load Loss Level(负载丢失幅值)A185:Load Loss Time (负载丢失时间)A186:Stall Fault Time (堵转故障时间)A187:Bus Reg Mode (总线调节模式)A188:Skip Frequency1(跳变频率1)A189:Skip Freq Band1(跳变频率宽带1)A190:Skip Frequency2(跳变频率2)A191:Skip Freq Band2(跳变频率宽带2)A192: Skip Frequency3(跳变频率3)A193:Skip Freq Band3(跳变频率宽带3)A194:Compensation(补偿)A195:Reset Meters(测量复位)A196:Testpoint Sel(测试点选择)A197:Fault Clear(故障清除)A198:Program Lock (编程锁定)A199:Motor NP Poles(电动机铭牌极对数)A200:Motor NP FLA(电动机铭牌电流)7.按上下键可选择主菜单功能,先选辅助继电器Aux Relay Card Group 按下SEL进入R221:Relay Out3 Sel (继电器输出3选择)R222:Relay Out3 Level (继电器输出3幅值)R224:Relay Out4 Sel (继电器输出4选择)R225:Relay Out4 Level (继电器输出4幅值)R227:Relay Out5 Sel (继电器输出5选择)R228:Relay Out5 Level (继电器输出5幅值)R230:Relay Ou63 Sel (继电器输出6选择)R231:Relay Out6 Level (继电器输出6幅值)R233:Relay Out7 Sel (继电器输出7选择)R234:Relay Out7 Level (继电器输出7幅值)R236:Relay Out8 Sel (继电器输出8选择)R237:Relay Out8 Level (继电器输出8幅值)R239:Aux Motor Mode (辅助电机模式)R240:Aux Motor Qty(辅助电机数量)R241:Aux 1 Start Freq(辅助1起动频率)R242:Aux 1 Stop Freq(辅助1停止频率)R243:Aux 1 Ref Add(辅助1频率增加)R244:Aux 2 Start Freq(辅助2起动频率)R245:Aux 2 Stop Freq(辅助2停止频率)R246:Aux 2 Ref Add(辅助2频率增加)R247:Aux 3 Start Freq(辅助3起动频率)R248:Aux 3 Stop Freq(辅助3停止频率)R249:Aux 3 Ref Add(辅助3频率增加)R250:Aux Start Deiay(辅助起动延时)R251:Aux Stop Deiay(辅助停止延时)R252:Aux Prog Delay(辅助控制延时)R253:Aux AutoSwap Tme (辅助自动切换延时)R254:Aux AutoSwap Lvl(辅助自动切阀值)8.按上下键可选择主菜单功能,先选辅助继电器Advanced Display Group 按下SEL键进入d301:Control Source(控制源)d302:Control Source(控制输入状态)d303:Comm Display Group(通讯状态)d304:PID Setpnt Displ(PID设定点显示)d305:Analog In 1(模拟量输入1)d306:Analog In 2(模拟量输入2)d307:Fault 1 Code(故障代码1)d308:Fault 2 Code(故障代码2)d309:Fault 3 Code(故障代码3)d310:Fault 1 Time-hr(故障时间1-小时)d311:Fault 1 Time-min(故障时间1-分钟)d312:Fault 2 Time-hr(故障时间2-小时)d313:Fault 2 Time-min(故障时间2-分钟)d314:Fault 3 Time-hr(故障时间3-小时)d315:Fault 3 Time-min(故障时间3-分钟)d316:Elapsed Time-hr(消逝时间-小时)d317:Elapsed Time-min(消逝时间-分钟)d318:Output Powr Fctr(输出功率因数)d319:Testpoint Data(测试点数据)d320:Control SW Ver(控制版软件版本)d321:Drive Type(变频器类型)d322:Output Speed(输出速度)d323:Output RPM(输出速度)d324:Fault Frequency(输出速度)d325:Fault Current(输出速度) d326:Fault Bus Volts(输出速度) d327:Status @ Fault(输出速度)。



三菱通用变频器使用手册FR-A740-0.4K~500K-CHT0 安全注意事项1. 防止触电•当通电或正在运行时,请不要打开前盖板,否则可能会发生触电。


•即使电源处于断开时, 除布线, 定期检查外,请不要拆下前盖板。








•对于电缆, 请不要损伤它, 对它加上过重的应力, 使它承载重物或对它钳压。




2. 防止火灾•变频器请安装在不可燃物体上,直接安装在易燃物上或靠近易燃物品,会导致火灾。







3. 防止损伤•各个端子上加的电压只能是使用手册上所规定的电压,以防止爆裂,损坏等等。




4. 其它注意事项请注意以下事项以防止意外的事故,受伤,触电等:(1) 搬运和安装•当搬运产品时,请使用正确的升降工具以防止损伤。





1,介绍变频器2,介绍转换模块3,介绍参数设置方法变频器使用指南一,P owerFlex70变频器介绍和启动举例PowerFlex 70变频器是Allen-Bradley公司出品的最新PowerFlex家族变频器的重要一员,该变频器基于三层网络的控制系统,除了常规的人机面板控制和外设控制设备控制之外,还可以通过控制网,以太网和设备网进行网络控制。







PowerFlex 70变频器拥有387个参数,可以满足各种控制要求。




PowerFlex 70变频器相关参数(2)变频器的常用启动方法举例例子一:控制电动机运行在下面的曲线。


























上述变频器均选用美国AB公司生产的PowerFlex 700系列产品。

该系列产品如下:PowerFlex 700交流变频器提供了简捷实用的卓越性能,同时具有世界级性能的包装结构非常精巧。

PowerFlex 700交流变频器主要用于控制三相感应电动机,从最简单的速度控制到最苛刻的转矩控制,满足应用系统的要求。

它有两种配置方式:其中标准控制主要是电压/频率(V/f)控制和无速度传感器矢量控制;获得艾伦-布拉德利专利的Force TM技术主要是电压/频率控制、无速度传感器矢量控制和磁场定向控制。














【关键字】设置3 控制方案选择菏泽电厂使用的变频器型号为1305,由A-B公司(Allen-Bradley Company)生产。


4 系统设备调试4.1给粉机变频装置的调试应具备的条件变频控制柜、双电源控制柜应就位,并且接地良好。





1)Freqselect1,设置“4—20MA”,该参数是选择频率源变频器提供命令频率,2)Stop select 设为“coast ”(突降),该参数选择停止模式。

3)Run On Power Up 设为“Enter”(能保持),该参数允许变频器上电重新启动不管在掉电前变频器状态如向。

4)Base Frequency 设为“60HZ”,该参数应设置到电动机铭牌上的额定频率。

5)Base Voltage 设为“380V”,该参数应设置为电动机铭牌上额定电压频率。

6)Maximum Voltage设为“400V”,该参数设置变频器输出原最高电压。

7)Current Limit设为“120%”,该参数设置了最大变频器输出电流,此电流值是在电流超限故障触发前允许的值。

8)Overload Current 设为“7.2A”,该参数为电机铭牌上的满负载电流值。

9)Line Loss Fault 设为“Uvolt Run”电源丢失故障不使能,该参数确定直流母线压降15%是否影响运行。



一、环境条件⏹防护等级•IP21/UL 1:这个等级要求安装现场无粉尘,无腐蚀性气体或液体,无导电性颗粒物,例如凝露、碳粉或小金属颗粒。

•IP54/UL 12:这个等级可以提供对气体粉尘以及各个方向的轻度溅水的保护。

与IP21/UL 1 的防护等级相比,IP54/UL 12防护等级具有以下特点:•与IP21/UL 1 的防护等级相同的部塑料罩。





⏹环境条件1、海拔高度•海拔高度在0~1000米时,输出电流=I2N 额定电流•海拔高度在1000~2000米时,每升高100米则P N和I2N 降容1%。




fsw指开关频率•如果P N和I2N 降容到90%时,允许温度为50℃.•如果P N和I2N 降容到80%时,允许最高温度(fsw=8KHZ)为40℃。

•如果P N和I2N 降容到65%时,允许最高温度(fsw=12KHZ)为30℃.•温度在40~50℃之间,温度高于40℃时(fsw=4KHZ)每增加1℃,额定输出电流降低1%。

实际输出电流要乘以降容因子例如:如果环境温度是50℃,那么降容因子为100%-1%/℃x10℃=90%或0.90则输出电流为0.90 xI2N 。




•化学气体:Class 3C2•固体颗粒:Class 3S2二、基本型控制盘使用三、参数设置Group 99:启动数据此参数组专门用于配置:•设置变频器Group 01:运行数据这些参数包括了变频器装置的运行数据,包括实际信号。



红色慢 速闪烁
变频器发 生小故障, 1、IO 轮循超时错误 通讯超时
1、检查总线电缆接线是否正确 2、检查此变频器地址是否 与其他设备地址重 复
红色常 亮
绿色常 亮
变频器发 生严重故 障,总线连 接失败
1、变频器没有通过自检 2、总线断开
总线通讯 1、变频器在线且已经建立正确的
检查总线电缆接线是否正确 不需要
70 功率单元
106 MCB-PB 不兼容
29 模拟量输入丢失 71-76 端口 1-6 适配器 107 新装的 MCB-PB
33 尝试自动重新起动 77 IR 电压值越限 36 软件过流
108 模拟量输入计算校验和
二、SEW 变频器
根据最新的通用标准,输送控制系统已经将 SEW 变频器取消,由 AB 公司的 Armorstart 替代, 因此对于 SEW 变频器我们只进行故障处理及备件更换讲解。 2.1 SEW 变频器简介
在 RSNetWorkx 中扫描网络 并在 Scanlist 中加入此设备, 并使 1756-DNB 模块运行
红色闪烁 变频器发生小故障,通讯超时 1、IO 轮循超时错误
变频器发生严重故障, 红色常亮
总线连接失败 绿色常亮 总线通讯正常
1、变频器没有通过自检 2、总线断开
2 辅助输入
38 U 相接地
78 磁通电流基准值范围
3 掉电
39 V 相接地
79 负载过大

AB700S 变频器手册第一二章

AB700S 变频器手册第一二章

类型 3 500MCM
槽等级600V,90 oC 带有 XLPE 绝缘的 3 芯镀锡
150 马力或更多
(194 oF) RHH/RHW-2
的铜导线和(3)个带有 PVC
类型 4 500MCM
水,腐蚀性化学药剂,防 槽等级600V,90 oC 带有 XLPE 绝缘的 3 芯镀锡
如果系统中使用了残余电流检测器(RCD)作为接地故障监视器,则只允许选择类型 B(可 调整)的设备,以避免系统误跳闸。
不平衡、不接地或带阻抗接地供电系统 对于相对地的电压超过线电压正常值的125%,或者供电系统未接地的更多信息,则参阅《脉 宽调制(PWM)交流变频器的接线和接地指南》,出版号:DRIVES-IN001。
EMC兼容性 详细情况参阅1-29页的CE一致性。
安装/接线 1-9
电缆槽和导线管 如果在安装中使用电缆槽或大的导管,请参阅《脉宽调制(PWM)交流变频器的接地和接线 指南》出版号:DRIVES-IN001,中所述的内容。
注意事项:为了避免感应电压可能引起的电击事故,应将导线管中未用电线的 两端予以接地。基于同样原因,如果正在维修或安装某变频器时,应严禁使用 所有与其公用导线管的变频器。这样可最大程度减少电动机导线“交叉耦合” 引起的电动机事故。
如果任意一个或所有的这些情况都存在,推荐用户在变频器和电源之间安装一个最小量的阻 抗。这个阻抗可以来自供电变频器本身,变压器和变频器之间的电缆或附加变压器或电抗器。 可以使用在《脉宽调制(PWM)交流变频器的接线和接地指南》,出版号:DRIVES-IN001 技术文献上的信息计算出阻抗的大小。

技术数据公告160 'Series C' 智能速度调速器说明书

技术数据公告160 'Series C' 智能速度调速器说明书

Technical DataBulletin 160“Series C”Smart Speed ControllersA Step Above the Rest…Bulletin 160 Smart Speed Controller (SSC™) with Sensorless Vector PerformanceThe Bulletin 160 Smart Speed Controller is available in models Array rated between 0.37 to 4 kW (0.5 to 5 horsepower) with voltageratings 200-240V and 380-460V three-phase input and 0.37 to1.5 kW (0.5 to 2 horsepower) 200-240V single phase input.When the Bulletin 160 SSC was first introduced in the market,its innovative design helped set the standard for futuremicrodrives. With the Series C design, expanded power ratings(through 5 HP, 4 kW), increased functionality and an enhancedhardware design place the Bulletin 160 SSC a “Step Above theRest” for small drive applications!2Bulletin 160 “Series C” Smart Speed Controllerwith Sensorless Vector PerformanceTechnical DataTABLE OF CONTENTSStandard Drives ProgramDescription PageCatalog Number Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Product Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Operator Interface & Communication Devices . . . . . . .6Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Accessories and Repair Parts – Field Installed . . . . . .8Bulletin 160 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Branch Circuit Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Approximate Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Communication Module Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . .17Display Parameter Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Program Parameter Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Standard Drives Program – 160ZCatalog Number Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Product Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Operator Interface➀ & Communication Devices . . . .20Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Approximate Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23Standard Packaged Drive ProgramOrdering Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Custom Configured Drives Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Catalog Number Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Product Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Factory Installed Enclosure Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Option Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Approximate Dimensions for 160 NEMA Type 4/12 & 4XStainless Steel Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2634The 160 SSC (Smart Speed Controller) is a compact variable speed drive for use on three-phase induction AC motors. It is microprocessor controlled and fullyprogrammable for a variety of applications.Standard Features Include:•Ratings of 0.37-4.0 kW (0.5-5 HP)•Very Compact Design •Feed Through Wiring •IGBT Technology •PWM Control •Quiet Operation •ProgrammableStandard Drive Configurations:•IP20 (Open Style)•Chassis Mount•160Z (IP 65/NEMA 4X)Standard Packaged Drives Available:•IP66 (NEMA 4/12)•IP66 (NEMA 4X)Approvals:•UL (UL 508C)•C/UL (CSA 22.2)•CE ➀ EMC Directive (EMC: EN61800-3, EN50081-1, EN50082-2)Low Voltage Directive (LVD: EN50178, EN6024-1)•C-Tick AS/NZS2064➀External components and proper guidelines must be followed. Refer to the 160 User Manual for details.Your order must include •Catalog number of the drive•If required, catalog number of any accessories and/or factory installed options.5➀ The Bulletin 160 comes standard with a Ready/Fault indication panel. To order a drive with a Program Keypad Module installed, add suffix “ P1 ” to the catalog number.For example: Catalog Number 160-AA02NSF1 becomes 160-AA02NSF1 P1 ➁ Meets IP54/65/66 (NEMA 12/4/4X) when installed in suitable enclosure. ➂ For pricing information refer to the Bulletin 160 Price Sheet.160–AA02NSF1P1Bulletin NumberDrive Rating (must be specified)Enclosure Rating (must be specified)Control Model (must be specified)Programmer (optional)FAULTREADYDeviceNetFor pricing information refer to the Bulletin 160 Price Sheet. 67AccessoryDescriptionOrderingInformation DimensionInformation Dynamic Brake Module - Provides external dynamic braking capability for applications with a duty cycle rating not exceeding 5%. Parameter 52 (DB Enable) must be set to 5% to achieve this performance level. Forapplications greater than 5%, a resistor package must be properly sized to avoid overheating.See Page 8See Page 14Capacitor Module - Provides extended ride through capability and increases inherent braking performance. This module connects to the load side power terminals marked DC- and DC+.See Page 9See Page 14Line Filter Module - Reduces conductive emissions to meet EMC compliant installations. The line filters are designed so that the drive can be mounted on top (piggyback) of the line filter module to help reduce overall enclosure size.See Page 9See Page 15Line Reactor - Provides input power conditioning when installed on the line side of the drive, or reflected wave protection when installed on the load side of the drive. When used for reflected wave protection, the reactor should be mounted close to the motor. Consult the 160 Drive User Manual for recommendations on when to use this device.See Page 8See Page 15RWR Module - Reduces potentially destructive reflected wave spikes that can occur in applications with long cable distances between the drive and motor. This device is designed for installation close to the output terminals of the drive. Consult the 160 Drive User Manual for recommendations on when to use this device.See Page 8See Publication 1204-5.124V DC Interface Module - Allows use of 24V DC “sink logic” control. Two versions are available, one for preset speed models and one for analog signal follower models. The 24V DC interface attaches directly to the drives' control terminal block.See Page 8No added panel space is necessary with this device.8➀ Series B 24V Interface Modules are required for use with Series C Drives.➁ Catalog numbers listed are for 3% impedance open style units. NEMA Type 1 and 5% impedance reactor types are also available, refer to publication 1321-2.0. ➂ TWO UNITS MUST BE USED, wired in parallel.➃Refer to Publication 1204-5.1 for dimensional information on RWR Devices.➄ The 1204-RWR2-09-B may be used at a 10.5 Amp current rating providing the cable length from drive to motor is less than 122 meters (400 feet). ➅ For pricing information refer to the Bulletin 160 Price Sheet.Catalog Number ➅ Catalog Number ➁➅ Catalog Number ➃➅ 160-BMA1160-BMA21321-3R4-B 1321-3R4-A 160-BMA11321-3R4-A 160-BMA21321-3R8-A 160-BMA21321-3R12-A 160-BMA2 ➂ 1321-3R18-A 1321-3R2-B 1204-RWR2-09-B 1321-3R2-A 1204-RWR2-09-B 1321-3R2-A 1204-RWR2-09-B 1321-3R4-B 1204-RWR2-09-B 1204-RWR2-09-B 1204-RWR2-09-B➄9➀ The 160LF type filters have been tested with a maximum motor cable length of 75 meters (246 feet) for 230V units and 40 meters (131 feet) for 460V units. Refer to the 160 User Manual (publication 0160-5.15) for detailed installation considerations.➁ The 160RF type filters have been tested with a maximum motor cable length of 25 meters (82 feet) for both 230V and 460V units. Refer to the 160 User Manual for more detailed installation considerations.➂ For pricing information refer to the Bulletin 160 Price Sheet.➃ Bulletin 160 Series C drives (with proper filter) meet:– Overall EMC requirements of EN61800-3 for Second (Industrial) Environments– High frequency conducted and radiated emissions of EN61800-3 for (First) Residential Environments – High frequency conducted and radiated emissions of EN55011 for (Second) Industrial Environments ➄ Must mount separately when used with Series C drives. ➅ Must be used with Series C drives.Catalog Number ➀➂➃ Catalog Number ➁➂➃➅ Catalog Number ➂ 160S-LFA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA1160S-LFA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA1160S-LFA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA1160S-LFA1 ➄160S-RFA-16-B 160-CMA1160-LFA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA1160-LFA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA1160-LFA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA1160-CMA1160-CMA1160-CMA1160-CMB1160-CMB110Short circuit and overload protection are requirements of any motor branch circuit. Input power conditioning, CE conformance, motor cable length and motor cable type (reflected wave and capacitive current coupling considerations) are important considerations of drive applications.Branch Circuit Protective Devices (Consult the 160 User Manual)Class 10 Overload Protection – provided by the 160 drive Line (EMC) Filter – See page 7Motor – See publication 1329R-1.0Dynamic Brake Module – See page 7Motor Cable Type and Length Recommendations –(Consult the 160 User Manual)Operator Interface or Communication Module –See page 6Input Power Conditioning – See Line Reactor on page 7Reflected W ave Protection – See Line Reactor or RWR Module on page 7Capacitor Module – See page 70.37 kW-2.2 kW (0.5-3 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC & 380-460V AC0.37 kW-0.75 kW (0.5-1 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC Approximate Weight is 0.94 kg (2.07 lbs.)4.0 kW (5 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC & 380-460V AC1.5 kW (2 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC Approximate Weight is2.37 kg (5.23 lbs.)*NOTE: 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) is required around the top, bottom and front of all drives. No clearance is required between drives with the exception of the 2.2 kW (3 HP) rating which requires 8.4 mm (0.33 in.).Chassis Mount, All Ratings Approximate Weight is 7.26 kg (16 lbs.) through 1.5 kW (2 HP) and 7.71 kg (17 lbs.) for 2.2 kW (3 HP)Dynamic Brake Module Capacitor ModuleLine ReactorLine Filter ModuleThree-Phase filter shown (single-phase filter is the same size)DeviceNet and RS-232 ModuleRemote Keypad Module➀Required for module removal.➁Module adds this dimension to the overall drive depth.➀➀When using 160Z as wall mount, communication modules should be ordered as separate options. See page 20.➁For 160Z drives mounted on motors, consult factory.➀➀160-P1 is not compatible with 160Z drives.➁160-RPA is not required with 160Z drives. 160-RPA circuitry is included as standard.➂Includes 10 pin DeviceNet Connector.➃For mounting with Allen-Bradley 1329RS motors, cast iron, severe duty.➄For mounting with SEW, D-Type IEC motors.➅Maximum continuous output is 3.0 kW at 40°C and 4 kHz, 3.7 kW at 35°C and 2 kHz.AccessoryCatalog No.Remote Keypad Module Module for remote mounting. Has program, monitor and operator interface capability.160-P2CopyCat Keypad ModuleHand held module with upload/download capability to program, monitor and control drive.160-P3Cables ➁Connects the 160Z to either the Remote or CopyCat Keypad Module.- 1 meter cable, locking each end - 3 meter cable, locking each end - 5 meter cable, locking each end160Z-C10160Z-C30160Z-C50Communication Modules and AccessoriesAllow control and monitoring of parameters via the networks listed below. These modules can be mounted inside the 160Z.-DeviceNet ™-RS-232 Serial Communication -Profibus -Interbus-RS232 Communication Terminal Block -Profibus Communication Terminal Block-Interbus In/Out Communication Terminal Block -Interbus Side Metal plate (5 holes)160-DN2 ➂160-RS1160-PD1160-IB1160Z-RTB 160Z-PTB 160Z-ITB 160Z-ISM Motor Adapters-NEMA motor, 0.5 - 2 HP ➃-NEMA motor, 3 - 5 HP ➃-SEW, IEC Motor, 0.37-1.5 kW ➄-SEW, IEC Motor, 2.2 kW ➄-SEW, IEC Motor, 3.7 kW ➄➅160Z-ABN1160Z-ABN2160Z-SEW1160Z-SEW2160Z-SEW3Hardware-Power cable glands-Motor cable glands, wall mounting only -Communication and I/O cable glands 160Z-G25160Z-G20160Z-G16Accessories-Debris cover, motor mount -Debris cover, wall mount -Fan replacement kit-Spare gasket kit (includes all gaskets)-Wall mounting kit (includes one 160Z-G20)-Wall mount adapter160Z-DC 160Z-DCW 160Z-FRK 160Z-GSK 160Z-WMK 160Z-WMADriveExplorer™ Software Windows based software package that provides an intuitive means for monitoring or con figuring Allen-Bradley drives and communication adapters.See Publication 9306-PL001A-EN-P .RS-232 Serial Communication Module160-RS1DeviceNetCommunication Module160-DN2CopyCat KeypadModule 160-P3Remote KeypadModule 160-P2Pro fibusCommunication Module160-PD1InterbusCommunication Module160-IB12122Wall Mount2324may be specified by assembling a single catalog number string that includes a base drive, enclosure and all required options.Ordering Instructions:1.Select basic Catalog Number based on application requirements (i.e. V oltage, Horsepower, Control Model and Enclosure Ratings).For example: a 200-240VAC, three-phase, 0.37 kW (0.5 HP), analog signal follower model and a IP66 (NEMA Type 4/12) enclosure. The catalog number is: 160-AA02SF1-AF .2.Select Enclosure Options and follow the Option Rules. For example: the catalog number with a fused disconnect switch and Start-Stop pushbuttons is: 160-AA02SF1-AF- DS-D17.Compliance certi fications include:CE (Europe)UL/cUL (U.S. & Canada)Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC EMC Directive 89/336/EEC UL508CEN60204-1EN 61800-3CAN/CSA C222 No. 14EN50178EN 50081-2EN 50082-2C-Tick (Australia)AS/NZS2064.1Important: When the "EMC" option is selected, the product will ship with an RFI "RF" type filter. If the "EMC" option is not selected, reference the Bulletin 160 Series C User Manualfor proper installation instructions.Drive packages that cannot be ordered via a catalog number can be customized to meet customer requirements for specific options suchas special enclosure sizes and colors, terminal blocks, wire type, etc.160–AA02SF1–AF–DS-D1725Figure 10.37 kW-0.75 kW (0.5-1 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC (without DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)0.37 KW-1.5 kW (0.5-2 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC and 380-460V AC (without DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC) .37 -.75 without the following options: DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14.Figure 20.37 kW-0.75 kW (0.5-1 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC (without DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)0.37 KW-1.5 kW (0.5-2 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC and 380-460V AC (without DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC) with the following options: DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14.Figure 32.2 kW (3 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC and 380-460VAC (with and without DS or with P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)Diameter - 6 Places26Figure 41.5 kW (2 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC (with DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)4 kW (5 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V/380-460V AC (with DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)DeviceNet Connector Option LocationsFigure 5DNSC1 and DNSC2DNBC1 and DNBC227Corporate HeadquartersRockwell Automation, 777 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1400, Milwaukee, WI, 53202-5302 USA, Tel: (1) 414.212.5200, Fax: (1) 414.212.5201Headquarters for Allen-Bradley Products, Rockwell Software Products and Global Manufacturing SolutionsAmericas: Rockwell Automation, 1201 South Second Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA, Tel: (1) 414.382.2000, Fax: (1) 414.382.4444Europe/Middle East/Africa: Rockwell Automation SA/NV, Vorstlaan/Boulevard du Souverain 36, 1170 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: (32) 2 663 0600, Fax: (32) 2 663 0640Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, 27/F Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, Tel: (852) 2887 4788, Fax: (852) 2508 1846Headquarters for Dodge and Reliance Electric ProductsAmericas: Rockwell Automation, 6040 Ponders Court, Greenville, SC 29615-4617 USA, Tel: (1) 864.297.4800, Fax: (1) 864.281.2433Europe/Middle East/Africa: Rockwell Automation, Br ühlstra ße 22, D-74834 Elztal-Dallau, Germany, Tel: (49) 6261 9410, Fax: (49) 6261 17741Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, 55 Newton Road, #11-01/02 Revenue House, Singapore 307987, Tel: (65) 6356-9077, Fax: (65) 6356-9011U.S. Allen-Bradley Drives Technical SupportTel:(1)262.512.8176,Fax:(1)262.512.2222,Email:*****************,Online:/support/abdrivesPublication 0160-TD001F-EN-P — August 2003Supercedes 0160-TD001E-EN-P — November 2002Copyright ® 2003 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.The Allen-Bradley Bulletin 160 Smart Speed Controller (SSC) is a world class product that provides the application flexibility needed to meet today’s changing plant floor environment. Its simplistic design will help save time and money in set-up, integration and maintenance of your automation system.For Allen-Bradley drives support, there are specialists at local sales offices and distributor locations across North America and around the world. We also offer global technical services, specializing in a full spectrum of value-added services and expertise to help simplify maintenance and enhance productivity.Rockwell Automation is committed to helping you meet ever-changing customer demands for more, less expensive product in less time. Our capabilities enable us to become your “Complete Automation™” partner.SSC, DriveExplorer, Complete Automation and the Complete Automation graphic are trademarks of Rockwell Automation.Windows is a registered trademark of the MicroSoft Corporation.DeviceNet is a trademark of the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association.。

SN160系列变频器 使用说明书

SN160系列变频器 使用说明书

目录1.安全注意事项 (1)1.1.安全信息定义 (1)1.2.警告标识 (1)1.3.安全指导 (2)2.产品简介 (4)2.1. 快速启动 (4)2.2.产品规格 (6)2.3.产品额定值 (8)2.4.结构示意图 (9)3.安装指导 (13)3.1. 机械安装 (13)3.2.标准接线 (16)3.3.配线保护 (21)4.键盘操作流程 (22)4.1.键盘简介 (22)4.2键盘显示 (23)4.3键盘操作 (24)5.功能参数一览表 (26)5.1F0组基本功能组 (27)5.2F1组启停控制 (29)5.3F2组V/F控制参数 (30)5.4F3组第一电机矢量控制参数 (31)5.5F4组矢量控制参数 (32)5.6F5组转矩控制参数 (33)5.7F6组输入端子 (34)5.8F7组输出端子 (36)5.9F8组故障与保护、加速过电流 (38)5.10F9组辅助功能 (42)5.12FB组控制优化参数 (46)5.13FC组PID功能 (47)5.14FD组摆频、定长和计数 (48)5.15FE组多段指令、简易PLC (48)5.16FF组功能码管理 (51)5.17P0组通讯参数 (51)5.18P2组AIAO校正 (52)5.19P3组AI曲线设定 (52)5.20P4组用户定制功能码 (53)5.21U0组监视参数组 (54)6.详细功能说明 (56)6.1F0组基本功能组 (56)6.2F1组启停控制 (63)6.3F2组VF控制参数 (71)6.4F3组第一电机矢量控制参数 (78)6.5F4组矢量控制参数 (79)6.6F5组转矩控制参数 (81)6.7F6组输入端子 (82)6.8F7组输出端子 (91)6.9F8组故障与保护、加速过电流 (95)6.10F9组辅助功能 (102)6.11FA组键盘与显示 (110)6.12FB组控制优化参数 (113)6.13FC组PID功能 (114)6.14FD组摆频、定长和计数 (118)6.15FE组多段指令、简易PLC (120)6.16FF组功能码管理 (123)6.17P0组通讯参数 (124)6.19P3组AI曲线设定 (126)6.20P3组用户定制功能码 (127)6.21U0组监视参数组 (128)7.故障预防 (129)7.1故障处理 (133)附录A.通讯协议 (137)A.1. MODBUS协议简介 (137)A.2. 本变频器应用方式 (137)A.3. 命令码及通讯数据描述 (142)A.4. 数据地址的定义 (143)A.5. 读写操作举例 (146)A.6. 常见通讯故障 (148)附录B. 技术数据 (149)B.1. 降额使用变频器 (149)B.2. CE 150B.3. EMC规范 (151)附录C.外围选配件 (152)C.1. 外围接线图 (152)C.2. 电源 (153)C.3. 电缆 (154)C.4. 断路器和电磁接触器 (155)C.5. 电抗器 (155)C.6. 制动电阻 (156)C.7. 尺寸图 (158)1.安全注意事项请用户在进行搬运、安装、运行、维护之前,仔细阅读本手册,并遵循本手册中所有安全注意事项。



变频器常用参数(PF700S 系列) 222 Mtr Fdbk Pri Sel 速度反馈 [编码器设置]编码器设置 开环\闭环切换 0=“编码器0”2=“无速度传感器” 27 Speed Ref A Sel 速度源 [速度源]面板给定-PORT1 网络给定-PORT5 HIM 操作为PORT1 控制台操作为PORT5 168NormalStop Mode 停车方式【停车方式】 0=“斜坡停车”1=“电流限幅停车” 2=“惯性停车”一般用: 0-自由停车 或 1-斜坡停车485 Motor Ctrl Mode 【控制模式】 FOC 或V/F 控制切换 使用的是FVC 矢量控制模式 1~7【电机参数】根据电机名牌数据输入 825 Digital In1 Sel 数字量输入[数字通道设置]根据参数表输入830Digital In6 Sel 数字量输入[变频器使能] 自整定或恢复出厂值时,此参数未使能变频器,启动不了修改参数;测量XTI:1和XTI:2电压,应为24V;XEM:1与XEM:2应接通(急停信号).153 Control option 控制项组态变频器 [改电机转向] 电机转向相反时可修改该参数,实现反向将参数【153】第10位,置1 改变电机旋转方向156Start inhibits[启动禁止]查看状态位1:使能端子是否有24V 电源 位2、3、4:急停信号是否有效查看数字通道定义是否正确80 Feedback Select 速度反馈 [编码器设置]开环\闭环切换 0-开环 1-滑差补偿 3-编码器90Speed Ref A Sel 速度源[速度源]面板给定-PORT1 网络给定-PORT5 HIM 操作为PORT1 控制台操作为PORT5 361-365 Digital In1 Sel 数字量输入[数字通道设置]按照实际设计定义通道 与实际不符会启动失败 对照变频器参数表 正确定义通道366Digital In6 Sel 数字量输入[变频器使能]该通道用与变频器使能XTI:1和XTI:2电压,应为24V;XEM:1与XEM:2应接通(急停信号).53 MotorCntl Sel 【控制模式】 FOC 或V/F 切换 使用的是FVC 矢量控制模式 155 Stop Mode A 【停车方式】0-自由停车 或 1-斜坡停车 41~49【电机参数】 基本参数根据电机名牌数据输入 412 Motor Fdbk type 【电机反馈】 [编码器设置] 闭环改开环如报编码器丢失,改为正交不检测0正交 1正交检测56 Compensation补偿 电机转向设置 电机转向相反时可修改该参数,实现反向将参数【补偿】第5位,置1 参数56设为电机导线反向214Start inhibits[启动禁止]无法启动位2:使能端子 查看是否有禁止位PF700编码器端子及接线8 +12V 变频器内部电源,12V,注意用万用表红笔接端子87 公共端6 编码器z(非)不用5 编码器z4 编码器B(非)B(非)为负,端子3和4之间的电压约为9.6V3 编码器B2 编码器A(非)A(非)为负,端子1和2之间的电压约为9.6V1 编码器APF700S编码器端子及接线23 公共端变频器内部电源,12V22 +12V21 编码器z(非)不用20 编码器z19 编码器B(非)B(非)为负18 编码器B17 编码器A(非)A(非)为负16 编码器A网卡设置:1.主菜单—device select 设备选择—20-COMM-D网卡2.#3 DN Addr Cfg网卡地址(如变频器编号为D40,则网卡地址为40)3.#13、#25、#26都设置为00111HIM手操器拆除操作:1.主菜单—按一下ALT—再按一下回车2.然后就有几十秒时间可以去拿掉HIM存储器存储操作:—主菜单—memory storage—HIM corycat—device to HIM/ HIM to device—yes恢复出厂值操作:(PF700系列)#197,出厂复位参数——1-恢复出厂(PF700/ PF700S系列)HIM主页面——memory storage——reset to defaits——确定手操器控制操作:速度源Speed Ref A Sel改为DPI1——拔掉网线——给定速度——按绿色启动按钮上位机控制操作:速度源Speed Ref A Sel改为DPI5——接上网线——操作台上启动1.参数#80反馈设备从3-Encoder改成0-Openloop;2.如果报编码器丢失故障,将#412电机反馈类型,改成0-正交不检测;3.做一遍快速静态自整定;4.如果原先是开环做的自整定,那么此时可以不用再做自整定;1.确认#214参数中的禁止位的来源;2.拔掉网线,复位网络故障,再确认指示灯是否绿色;3.检查DI输入通道的设置(#361-#366参数)是否正确;4.24V信号电源正常;XTI:1和XTI:2电压,应为24V5.急停信号是否有效,XEM:1与XEM:2应接通6.如是报减速禁止故障,应检查电机转向与编码器方向是否一致。



罗克韦尔AB(PowerFlex400系列)变频器经常使用参数:之迟辟智美创作一:与参数相关的功能键:上电时,最后一次用户选择的显示组参数编号长久地闪烁显示,然后显示成该参数的以后值.按一次ESC键将显示上电时的显示组参数编号,再次按ESC键进入参数编纂组菜单,组菜单字母将会闪烁,此时SeL键可以用于左右位移,上下键用于改变参数值或参数组编号.回车键可确认并保管更改的参数值,参数保管后连续按两次ESC键退出参数编纂画面.参数菜单共有7类分别为:b基本显示组(只读)、P基本编程组、t控制端子编程组、C通迅组、A高级编程组、R辅助继电器编程组、d高级显示组.二:控制回路端子功能:R1-R2-R3:1#继电器R4-R5-R6:2#继电器01-04:停止/功能丧失02-04:起动/正转03-04:方向/反转05~08-04:多功能输入1~411:SRC灌电流模式时+24v电源端12-13-14电位器模拟(1~10k)13-14模拟量输入1(Al1)15/16-14:模拟量输岀1(Ao1)/2(Ao2)17-18:模拟量输入2(Al2)19-10:光耦合输岀(19接正极)注:电路板上的四个拔动开关AO1、AO2、Al1和Al2分别对应模拟量输出1、2和模拟量输入1、2是选用电压模式还是电流模式.三:经常使用参数:b基本显示组(只读):*1*b001/002:输出/命令频率*2*b003/004:输出电流/电压*3*b007:最近一次故障代码P基本编程组:*1*P033:机电过载电流设定*2*P034/035:频率下/上限*3*P036/C108:第一/第二运转命令来源.《0:面板控制;1:三线制;2/3/4/6:二线制普通级/灵敏级/高速级/使能级;5:通迅控制.(注:当P036设为以上1、2或4时,只有上升沿脉冲才华触发,而设为3或6时为开关型连续扫描触发.)》*4*P037:停车方式:《0/1/2/3:斜坡/自由惯性/直流制动/自动直流制动,同时“停止”命令均可复位激活的故障;4/5/6/7:斜坡/惯性/直流制动/自动直流制动》*5*P038/C109:第一/第二频率命令来源:《0:键盘;1:由参数A142设定(由多功能输入端子外接按钮作加或减频率时P038必需设为1,也叫MOP功能.)2/3:由模拟量输入端子1/2设定;4:多段速预置控制;5:通迅控制.》*6*P039/040:第一加/减速时间.*7*P041:出厂值设定(1).*8*P042:“AUTO”键功能:《0:无功能模式:“AUTO”键无任何功能;(运转与频率命令来源分别由P036和P038决定.)1:手动-零位-自动模式:(A:在手动模式时:运转和频率命令来源由键盘把持.如果存在一个激活的运转命令,“AUTO”键会无摆荡的将控制从手动模式转换到自动模式.B:在自动模式时:运行命令取决于P036,频率命令取决于P038,此时按“HAND”启动或停止键会无摆荡地将控制转换得手动模式并启动或停止变频器,该模式下“AUTO”键无功能.)2:本地/远程模式:(A:处于本地模式时:运转与频率均由键盘控制.按“AUTO”键会停止变频器,然后转换到远程模式.B:处于远程模式时:运转命令由P036决定,频率由P038决定,按“AUTO”会停止变频器并转换到本地模式.)3:自动/手动模式:(A:手动模式时:启动命令由P036决定,频率由键盘改变,按“AUTO”会无摆荡地将频率控制转换到自动模式.B:自动模式时:启动命令由P036决定,频率由P038决定,按“AUTO”会无摆荡地将频率控制转换得手动模式.)》T端子编程组:*1*T051~T054:多功能输入1~4功能:《0:无功能;1:消防强制输入;2:自动模式(强制进入自动模式,运行命令源为P036,频率命令源为P038.);3:手动模式(强制进入手动模式,运行和频率命令均由把持面板控制.);4:通迅模式(强制进入通讯控制模式,运行命令源为C108,频率命令源为C109.);8:多段速;9/10:辅助故障/故障复位;11/12:立即减速/自由停车,同时清除故障.14/15:强制频率命令来源由模拟量输入1/2控制.18:切换到第二加减速时间用于启动和停止.》*2*T055/T060/T065:继电器输岀1/继电器输出2/光耦合输出功能选择:《0:故障指示(上电即吸合,断电或故障时才复位自然状态.);1:频率达到;2:运行输岀指示;4:机电过载指示;6/7/8/9/10:频率/电流/直流电压/模拟输入电压/功率因素角超越T056中设置的对应极限值;15:强制反向运行》*3*T056/T061/T066:继电器1/继电器2/光耦合输出极限值设定:《当T055或T060或T065设置为6/7/8/9/10时,T056或T061或T066所对应的极限最年夜值分别为320Hz/180%/815V/100%/180度.》*4*T058/T063:继电器1/2闭合前延时时间.(最年夜600秒)*5*T059/T064:继电器1/2断开前延时时间.(最年夜600秒)*6*T068:光耦合输出触点选择:《0/1:常开/常闭》*7*T069/T073:模拟量输入1/2选择.《0/1:电流(0~20mA)/(4~20mA)模式.2:电压(0~10V)单极性模式.4/5:电流(0~20mA)/(4~20mA)平方根模式.6:电压(0~10V)单极性平方根模式.3:电压(-10V~10v)双极性模式.7:电压(-10V~10v)双极性平方根模式.(注:T069没有3和7选项.》*8*T070/071:模拟量输入1下限/上限(百分数).*9*T074/075:模拟量输入2下限/上限(百分数).*10*T082/T085:模拟量输出1/2功能选择.《0~4:0~10V电压输出,分别对应为模拟频率、电流、转矩、电压、功率.7~11:0~20mA电流输出,分别对应为模拟频率、电流、转矩、电压、功率.14~18:4~20mA电流输出,分别对应为模拟频率、电流、转矩、电压、功率.》*11*T083/T086:模拟量输出1/2上限设定(百分数).*12*T084/T087:模拟量输出1/2增益设定(百分数).C通迅组:*1*C102:通迅格式.《0/3:8N1/8N2.(RTU)1/4:8E1/8E2.(RTU)2/5:8O1/8O2.(RTU)6:MetaSys N2.7:P1 8N1(底层网络FLN).8:P1 8E1(底层网络FLN).9:P1 8O1(底层网络FLN).》*2*C103:通迅速率.《0/1:1.2/2.4k.2/3:4.8/9.6k.4/5:19.6/38.4k.》*3*C104:通迅地址.A高级编程组:*1*A143~A146:多段速频率.*2*A147/A148:第二加/减速时间.*3*A165:上电启动.(0禁止,1允许.)*4*A166:反转设定.(0允许,1禁止.)*5*A168:PWM载波频率.*6*A174:变频器最高输出电压限定值.*7*A175:频率滑差赔偿值.*8*A176/A178:自动/起动时直流制动时间.*9*A177:直流制动电流值.*10*A194:机电赔偿.《0:无赔偿.1/2:电气/机械赔偿.3:电气机械均赔偿.》*11*A197:故障复位.《1:复位故障.2:清除故障缓存.》*12*A198:参数锁定.《0:解锁.1:全部锁定.2:仅可以通过通信修改参数.3:仅锁定P035和A170.》*13*A199:机电极对数.R辅助继电器组与d高级显示组一般不使用.F故障代码:(stop键或参数A197可用于故障复位)F3:电源缺相.F4:欠电压.F5:过电压.F6:机电失速或堵转,加速毛病(电流超越A179设定值). F7:机电过载(电流超越P033设定值).F8:散热器超温.F12:硬件过流(检查A170和直流制动电压).F13:接地故障.F33:自动重启失败.F38/F39/F40:U/V/W相对地短路.F41/F42/F43:UV/UW/VW相间短路. F63:软件过流(超越A183设定值). F64:变频器过载.F71/F81:通讯故障.F70/F100/F122:硬件故障.《完》。

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Feed Through 6-Pole Power Terminals Simplifies power wiring and grounding practices making the Bulletin 160 SSC the ideal choice for constant speed retrofits.Hinged Terminal Guards Allows easy access to power terminals. Terminal screws can be easily removed for ring lug connections.Program Keypad ModuleProvides local control and offers access to all program and display parameters.DIN Rail or Panel AttachablePermits quick, low cost installation, fits on standard 35mm DIN rail and follows standard DIN dimensions.Programmable Output(N.O./N.C. contact) Connects to your controls/indicators for monitoring specific drive/load conditions.Programmable Terminal BlockProvides flexibility in meeting a variety of applications without requiring additional external control logic.A Step Above the RestNEWNEW2Bulletin 160 Smart Speed Controller (SSC ™)When the Bulletin 160 SSC was first introduced in the market, its innovative design helped set the standard for future microdrives. With the new Series C design, expanded power ratings (through 5 HP , 4kW), increased functionality and an enhanced hardware design place the Bulletin 160 SSC a “Step Above the Rest” for small AC drive applications!Hardware Design FeaturesA Variety of StylesIP20 (Chassis Mount) DrivesThe externally attached heatsink design reduces the drive’s overall power dissipation by approximately 75% compared to the “open style” design.This greatly reduces the overall enclosure size making it an excellent choice for OEM equipment where panel size is limited. The gasketed heatsink assembly meets IP66 (NEMA Type 4/12 or 4X) environmental ratings when installed in an enclosure of like rating.IP66 (NEMA Type 4/12 and 4x) Configured DrivesIf you are looking for a single source solution to your variable speed requirements, look no further. Our Configured Drives product offering has many standard options such as fused disconnects, pilot lights, selector switches and DeviceNet™ communications to name a few. In addition,custom enclosures and controls are also available to meet your specific requirements.Compliance certifications includeCUL: UL 508C (U.S. and Canada)CE Low Voltage:EN60204-1 (Europe)CE EMC:EN61800-3 (Europe)C-Tick:AS/NZS2064.1 (Australia)IP20 (Open Style) DrivesFeed through power wiring, DIN rail attachable and small package size make this design the ideal choice for conventional control panel layouts. With an overall width that is unrivaled throughout its power ratings, the control panel size can be greatly reduced resulting in significant cost savings.NEW0.5 to 3HP , (0.37 to 2.2kW) 3 Phase 0.5 to 1HP (0.37 to .75kW) 1 Phase 200-230VAC and 380-460VAC5HP (4.0kW) 3 Phase 2HP (1.5kW) 1 Phase 200-230VAC and 380-460VACPanel or DIN Rail Attachable Panel Attachable Only 3Excellent Control FlexibilityAnalog Signal Follower ModelThe speed reference can be controlled via a ±10V, 0-10V or 4-20mA analog signal or a remote potentiometer. The following additional control methods can be attained by programming the control terminal block:I Preset Speed Control – four preset speeds can be attained for applications where only digital inputs are available.I PI Control – simple closed loop process control can be achieved by using an analog feedback signal as the master speedreference.I Analog Control with One Preset – the command frequency can be switched from analog to one preset speed via a digital input providing application flexibility.Preset Speed ModelFor applications where more than four presets are required or additional control flexibility is needed, the Preset Speed Model may be the answer. This model is controlled via three digital inputs that provide eight independent preset speeds and two speed dependent accel/decel ramp times.Optional 24VDC Interface ModuleDigital control inputs should be either dry contact closure or open collector outputs, however, if 24V control is required an optional interface module can be used to accept 24V “sink logic” inputs.NEWSimplicity, flexibility and ease of use are the foundation of the Bulletin 160 SSC design. We accomplish this through two control models,Analog Signal Follower and Preset Speed. Each control model has a programmable terminal block providing the flexibility to meet a wide array of applications without the use of external control logic.NEWNEW4Fans & Pumps Refrigeration HVAC Paint Booths Metering Vent Hoods Slurry Exhaust Injection Clean Room (PI)Machine Tool Lathes SawsMilling Machines Woodworking Drill Presses GrindersThe Bulletin 160 SSC is an excellent choice for applications controlled by an analog signalAnd many other applications where analog control signals are used.In applications where multiple specific preset speeds are required, the Bulletin 160 SSC can be the solutionManufacturing & Material Handling Conveyors Monorails Packaging Trolleys Winders Palletizers Mixers FeedersCommercial Applications Laundry Machines Automatic Car Washes Automatic Doors Dock LevelersOutstanding Application VersatilityAnd many other applications where digital control inputs are used.56Start up is made simple using one of four different operator interface devices. The four options are:Simple Operator InterfaceReady/Fault PanelProvided as standard equipment, this control panel tells the operator whether the drive is Ready for operation or if a Fault condition is present. An ideal, low cost solution to applications where parameter monitoring is not required and parameter adjustments are unwanted.Program Keypad ModuleOrdered separately or as a factory installed option, this interface provides the ability to monitor and/or change all drive parameters as well as provide local keypad control (start, stop, reverse). This module also reports specific fault codes, input status and drive status information that can be used in performing diagnostics and troubleshooting.Remote Keypad Module Panel design is simplified using this remote mounted interface. Designed to meet IP65 (NEMA Type 4) requirements, this module can be used in place of separate panel attached control inputs. This reduces installation time and minimizes control wiring.CopyCat Keypad ModuleParameter programming is simplified using this hand held programming interface. Parameters can beuploaded and downloaded saving valuable installation time and ensuring accurate, repeatable setup.NEWNEW7Cost Effective CommunicationsDeviceNet Communication ModuleI EDS files are self-generated (using DeviceNet Manager Software) helping to simplify DeviceNet connectivity.I Node address and baud rate can be set via DIP switches.I DIP switch factory defaults allow node address and baud rate to be configured via the network.I Offers tremendous flexibility to interface with various Allen-Bradley Products.Optional DeviceNet ™and RS232 communication modules provide a low cost solution for control and monitoring the drive. These modules attach directly to the front of the drive (in place of the Program Keypad Module or Ready/Fault Panel) adding less than 1" (25mm) to the overall depth. This reduces installation time and saves valuable panel space.NEWRS-232 Communication ModuleI Provides serial interface to SLC 500™, PLC ®, MicroLogix ™or any computer using DF-1 protocol!I Supports Point-to Point communications for easy, fast and low cost data examination.I Supports Multi-Drop RS-485 Network configuration with theuse of 1761-AIC+ modules.I Can be used with DriveExplorer ™or DriveTools 32™software for uploading, downloading or monitoring drive parameters.Bulletin 160 with DeviceNet adapterDeviceNet ConfigurationBulletin 160 with RS232 connected to MicroLogix 1000Bulletin 160 with RS232 connected to DriveExplorer SoftwareNEW8Outstanding PerformanceAccelerating @ 150% load with0.1 sec accel settingNote smooth accelerationAcceleration PerformanceExcellent current regulation allows faster acceleration which results in more cycles per hour. Smooth, controlled current and torque reduce undesirable mechanical vibrations. This helps prolong equipment and motor life. The hybrid current limit function utilizes both firmware and hardware control to minimize the possibility of nuisance trips during fast accelerations, constant speed operationand deceleration.Test curve shows progressive loading of motor from at speed, no load condition to a stall.T orque/Speed CurveShaft Speed in RPMT o r q u e (P U )Dynamic Response to 150% shock load.Load applied hereNote smooth speed recovery Torque/Speed PerformanceThe Auto-Boost feature (IR Compensation) automatically adjusts output voltage to improve low speed torque performance. Improved torque performance ismaintained across the entire speed range.The Slip Compensation feature helps improve overall speed regulation. This allows the drive to help maintain the desired commanded output frequency evenas loading increases.Response to Load ChangeThe Slip Compensation feature and Hybrid Current Limit function allow the drive to maintain control of current and speed. This helps avoid nuisance tripping and improve process efficiency. Even with shock loads demanding 150% torque, theBulletin 160 SSC maintains tight control of both current and speed.9Improved Efficiency and Reduced Maintenance CostsVariable speed allows you to better control your process and reduce maintenance costs compared to mechanical and electomechanical devices such as:I gearboxes I reversing starters I belts and sheaves I reduced voltage starters I valves I multi-speed starters I outlet dampersImulti-speed motorsReduced Maintenance and Operational CostsReduce Energy Usage and Operating CostsReducing the speed of a centrifugal pump/fan load drastically reduces power consumption. Both drive models offer you the speed control to accomplish this. In addition, the large reduction in starting current can save utility demand charges.Prolong Equipment and Motor LifeAdjustable acceleration and deceleration times provide inherent soft starting and stopping. This is further enhanced by the drive ’sprogrammable “S ” Curve adjustment. This means a huge reduction in starting currents and elimination of excessive starting torques.100806040200Speed%Flow and Power vs SpeedF l o w a n d P o w e r %Flow%Power%Starting CurrentsSmart Speed ControllerFull Voltage Starter2505007501000Percent rated motor currentApplication Friendly DesignThe many design features of the Bulletin 160 SSC drive provide the application flexibility needed to meet today ’s changing plant floor environment.FeatureBenefitRelay Precharge CircuitLimits inrush current and simplifies selection of branch circuit protection devices Electronic Motor Overload Protection (UL listed and IEC compliant) Saves the extra cost and panel space of installing a separate overload relay Programmable Control Terminal Block Helps minimize additional external control logic Integrated MOVsProvides 6 KV transient protectionOptional 24V Interface Allows 24V “sink logic ” inputs from PLC controlsGround Fault Protection Ensures ground fault protection in all conditions (start up and run) Configurable Output Contact Provides status condition/alarmingInstantaneous Software Current Trip Provides protection against unexpected changes in load conditions Auto-Boost Provides excellent torque performance Slip Compensation Provides tighter speed regulation Hybrid Current Limit Designed to eliminate nuisance tripping Self Generating EDS FilesReduces DeviceNet installation costs Plug-in Communication Options Eliminates need for additional panel space Diagnostic Fault Indication Aids in troubleshootingThree Fault Code Buffers Enhances diagnostics to reduce maintenance costs Built-in Brake Transistor Allows connection of simple brake resistors Programmable Duty Cycle Meets a wide range of braking applications Fast I/O Response TimeIncreases productivity/throughputUndervoltage/Overvoltage Autoclear Simplifies control logic and increases up timeAuto-Restart/Run On Power Up Provides automatic recovery from fault conditions/line loss Skip FrequencyHelps eliminate mechanical vibrationsNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEW10TABLE OF CONTENTSStandard Drives ProgramDescriptionPage Catalog Number Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Product Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Operator Interface & Communication Devices . . . . . .13Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Accessories and Repair Parts – Field Installed . . . . . .15Bulletin 160 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Branch Circuit Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Approximate Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Communication Module Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . .24Display Parameter Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Program Parameter Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Configured Drives ProgramOrdering Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Custom Configured Drives Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Catalog Number Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Product Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Factory Installed Enclosure Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27Option Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27Approximate Dimensions for 160 NEMA Type 4& 4x Stainless Steel Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28160 SSC ™ Variable Speed DriveThe 160 SSC (Smart Speed Controller) is a compact variable speed drive for use on three-phase induction AC motors. It is microprocessor controlled and fullyprogrammable for a variety of applications.Standard Features Include:•Ratings of 0.37-4.0 kW (0.5-5 HP)•Very Compact Design •Feed Through Wiring •IGBT Technology •PWM Control •Quiet Operation •ProgrammableStandard Drive Configurations:•IP20 (Open Style)•Chassis MountConfigured Drives Available:•IP66 (NEMA 4/12)•IP66 (NEMA 4X)Approvals:•UL (UL 508C)•C/UL (CSA 22.2)•CE ➀ EMC Directive (EMC: EN61800-3, EN50081-1, EN50082-2)Low Voltage Directive (LVD: EN50178, EN6024-1)➀ External components and proper guidelines must be followed. Refer to the 160 User Manual, Publication 0160-5.15 for details.Your order must include •Catalog number of the drive•If required, catalog number of any accessories and/or factory installed options.1112➀ The Bulletin 160 comes standard with a Ready/Fault indication panel. To order a drive with a Program Keypad Module installed, add suffix " P1 " to the catalog number.For example: Catalog Number 160-AA02NSF1 becomes 160-AA02NSF1 P1 ➁ Meets IP54/65/66 (NEMA 12/4/4X) when installed in suitable enclosure. ➂ For pricing information refer to publication 0160-3.0.160–AA02NSF1P1Bulletin NumberDrive Rating (must be specified)Enclosure Rating (must be specified)Control Model (must be specified)Programmer (optional)FAULTREADYDeviceNetFor pricing information refer to publication 0160-3.0.1314AccessoryDescriptionOrderingInformation DimensionInformationDynamic Brake Module- Provides external dynamic braking capability for applications with a duty cycle rating not exceeding 5%. Parameter 52 (DB Enable) must be set to 5% to achieve this performance level. Forapplications greater than 5%, a resistor package must be properly sized to avoid overheating.See Page 15See Page 21Capacitor Module - Provides extended ride through capability and increases inherent braking performance. This module connects to the load side power terminals marked DC- and DC+.See Page 16See Page 21Line Filter Module - Reduces conductive emissions to meet EMC compliant installations. The line filters are designed so that the drive can be mounted on top (piggyback) of the line filter module to help reduce overall enclosure size.See Page 16See Page 22Line Reactor - Provides input power conditioning when installed on the line side of the drive, or reflected wave protection when installed on the load side of the drive. When used for reflected wave protection, the reactor should be mounted close to the motor. Consult the 160 Drive User Manual, Publication 160-5.15 for recommendations on when to use this device.See Page 15See Page 22RWR Module - Reduces potentially destructive reflected wave spikes that can occur in applications with long cable distances between the drive and motor. This device is designed for installation close to the output terminals of the drive. Consult the 160 Drive User Manual, publication 160-5.15 for recommendations on when to use this device.See Page 15See Publication 1204-5.124V DC Interface Module - Allows use of 24V DC “sink logic” control. Two versions are available, one for preset speed models and one for analog signal follower models. The 24V DC interface attaches directly to the drives' control terminal block.See Page 15No added panel space is necessary with this device.15➀ Series B 24V Interface Modules are required for use with Series C Drives.➁ Catalog numbers listed are for 3% impedance open style units. NEMA Type 1 and 5% impedance reactor types are also available, refer to publication 1321-2.0. ➂ TWO UNITS MUST BE USED, wired in parallel.➃ Refer to Publication 1204-5.1 for dimensional information on RWR Devices.| The 1204-RWR2-09-B may be used at a 10.5 Amp current rating providing the cable length from drive to motor is less than 122 meters (400 feet). ➅For pricing information refer to publication 0160-3.0.Catalog Number ➅ Catalog Number ➁➅ Catalog Number ➃➅ 160-BMA1160-BMA21321-3R4-B 1321-3R4-A 160-BMA11321-3R4-A 160-BMA21321-3R8-A 160-BMA21321-3R12-A 160-BMA2 ➂ 1321-3R18-A 1321-3R2-B 1204-RWR2-09-B 1321-3R2-A 1204-RWR2-09-B 1321-3R2-A 1204-RWR2-09-B 1321-3R4-B 1204-RWR2-09-B 1204-RWR2-09-B 1204-RWR2-09-B➄16➀ The 160LF type filters have been tested with a maximum motor cable length of 75 meters (246 feet) for 230V units and 40 meters (131 feet) for 460V units. Refer to the 160 User Manual (publication 0160-5.15) for detailed installation considerations.➁ The 160RF type filters have been tested with a maximum motor cable length of 25 meters (82 feet) for both 230V and 460V units. Refer to the 160 User Manual (publication 0160-5.15) for more detailed installation considerations. ➂ For pricing information refer to publication 0160-3.0. ➃ Bulletin 160 Series C drives (with proper filter) meet:– Overall EMC requirements of EN61800-3 for Second (Industrial) Environments– High frequency conducted and radiated emissions of EN61800-3 for (First) Residential Environments – High frequency conducted and radiated emissions of EN55011 for (Second) Industrial Environments ➄ Must mount separately when used with Series C drives. ➅ For series A and B drives only.Catalog Number ➀➂➃ Catalog Number ➁➂➃ Catalog Number ➂➅ 160S-LFA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA1160S-LFA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA1160S-LFA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA1160S-LFA1➄160S-RFA-16-B 160-CMA1160-LFA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA1160-LFA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA1160-LFA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA1160-CMA1160-CMA1160-CMA1160-CMB1160-CMB117Short circuit and overload protection are requirements of any motor branch circuit. Input power conditioning, CE conformance, motor cable length and motor cable type (reflected wave and capacitive current coupling considerations) are important considerations of drive applications.Branch Circuit Protective Devices(Consult the User Manual, publication 0160-5.15)Capacitor Module – See page 14Class 10 Overload Protection – provided by the 160 drive Line (EMC) Filter – See page 14Motor – See publication 1329R-1.0Dynamic Brake Module – See page 14Motor Cable Type and Length Recommendations –(Consult the User Manual, publication 0160-5.15)Operator Interface or Communication Module –See page 13Input Power Conditioning – See Line Reactor on page 14Reflected W ave Protection – See Line Reator or RWR Module on page 1418190.37 kW-2.2 kW (0.5-3 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC & 380-460V AC0.37 kW-0.75 kW (0.5-1 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC Approximate Weight is 0.94 kg (2.07 lbs.)4.0 kW (5 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC & 380-460V AC1.5 kW (2 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC Approximate Weight is2.37 kg (5.23 lbs.)*NOTE: 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) is required around the top, bottom and front of all drives. No clearance is required between drives with the exception of the 2.2 kW (3 HP) rating which requires 8.4 mm (0.33 in.).2021Chassis Mount, All RatingsApproximate Weight is 7.26 kg (16 lbs.) through 1.5 kW (2 HP) and 7.71 kg (17 lbs.) for 2.2 kW (3 HP)Dynamic Brake Module Capacitor Module22Line ReactorLine Filter ModuleThree-Phase filter shown (single-phase filter is the same size)23DeviceNet and RS-232 ModuleRemote Keypad Module1Required for module removal.2Module adds this dimension to the overall drive depth.242526Configured Drives Program160–AA02SF1–AF–DS-D17Bulletin NumberDrive Rating and Control Model Type(must be speci fied)Enclosure Rating (must be speci fied)Options(specify as needed)27Figure 10.37 kW-0.75 kW (0.5-1 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC (without DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)0.37 KW-1.5 kW (0.5-2 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC and 380-460V AC (without DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC) .37 - .75 without the following options: DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14.Figure 20.37 kW - 0.75 kW (0.5 - 1 HP), Single-Phase 200-240V AC (with DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)0.37 kW - 1.5 kW (0.5 - 2 HP), Three-Phase 200-240V AC and 380-460V AC (with DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC) with the following options: DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14.28Figure 32.2 kW (3 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC and 380-460VAC (with and without DS or with P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)Diameter - 6 PlacesDeviceNet Connector Option LocationsFigure 4The Automation Investment Cycle TMJustifyInitial planning and justification by Allen-Bradley engineers and distributorsestablishes the foundation for a long-term automation investment strategyand identifies motor control requirements.ApplyApplication and sales engineers work with you to identify the right drive foreach motor. Strong commonality across the Allen-Bradley drives familysimplifies the application stage for even the most complex motor controlrequirements.InstallTaking advantage of the wide variety of Allen-Bradley drive packagingoptions to ease installation, an experienced engineering team assists youwith all aspects of system start up.OperateThoughtful planning and installation translate to simple and cost-effectiveoperation. Sophisticated programming tools and the proven reliability ofAllen-Bradley drives allow for dependable, unsupervised operation that willhelp you meet productivity and performance goals.MaintainComplete parts repair service and inventory management from Allen-Bradley Global Technical Services, coupled with the built-in troubleshootingcapabilities of Allen-Bradley drives, simplify maintenance and enhanceproductivity.ImproveThe built-in expandability and flexibility of Allen-Bradley drives protectsyour automation investment by allowing you to take advantage of designimprovements and technological innovations.The Automation Investment Life Cycle, The Automation Investment Life Cycle Symbol, DriveExplorer, SSC aretrademarks of Rockwell Automation.DeviceNet is a trademark of the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Today's manufacturers must build greaterflexibility into their automation systems tomeet ever-changing customer demands formore product in less time at reducedprices. This era of flexibility and cost ischanging what used to be viewed as one-time automation purchases to long-termproductivity benefits.Allen-Bradley calls this the AutomationInvestment Life Cycle. Beyond the initialpurchase price, Allen-Bradley is helpingmanufacturers and processors understandand reduce costs associated withjustifying, applying, installing, operating,maintaining and upgrading theirautomation system.The Bulletin 160 SSC was designed to addvalue and reduce costs in all stages of thecycle.Meeting Global ExpectationsThe Global Marketplace Demands a Lot from a Product.Complying with global standards is one of many ways that the Bulletin 160 SSC meets these demands.At Rockwell Automation, we accomplish this by subjecting the Bulletin 160 SSC design to extensive qualification tests and also by following extremely thorough manufacturing and production test procedures. Our quality system meets the exacting requirements of ISO 9001 and is accredited by DNV. Each drive is individually tested to the degree of quality and reliability demanded by the global marketplace.N223/drives。
