牛津上海版高中二年级第二学期Unit 4 Painting the world More课件

He _m_a_i_n_t_a_in_e_d__th_a_t_ the paintings _d_a_t_e_d_f_ro__m_ the Stone Age. His _c_la_i_m_s__w_e_r_e_g_r_e_e_t_e_d_ with unkind comments.
Other archaeologists
The origins of art (3paragraphs) ---complete the headings
Paragraph 1: How __w__e_re___ the Altamira cave paintings __f_o_u_n_d__? Paragraph 2: How ___d_i_d___ the Altamira cave paintings __p_r_o_v_e__ real? Paragraph 3: How ___d_o____ the Altamira cave paintings _in_f_lu_e_n__c_e our understanding of e_a_r_l_y_m__a_n and ___a_r_t___?
graph 1
More reading
Read paragraph 1 and answer the following
What was Satuola? What were Satuola and his daughter doing on his property (land)? While the father was looking for ancient artefacts (man-made objects of historical or cultural interest), what did his daughter do? What did they find on the low ceiling of the cave?

force-feed v. 强迫进食the sick animal refused to eat, and had to be force-fed.injection n. 注射--------- v. inject 给…注射;投入(资金);添加,增加(某种品质)drip v. 滴入amaz ing 令人惊奇的,令人惊喜的unconventional adj. 打破传统的,新奇的------ 反义词:conventional 因循守旧的prin ciple n. 规则,原则、prosper v. 繁荣,使兴旺adj. prosperous n. prosperityrevoluti onize v. 改革,革命n. revoluti onreform n. & v. 改革limitatio n n. 局限,缺陷----- v. & n. limitrecycle v. 回收,再利用refill v. 再装满(灌满)unique adj. 独一无二的,独特的Every snowflake is unique---no tow are the same.每一瓣雪花都是独一无二的。
remarkable adv. 不寻常的,出类拔萃的His remarkable achieveme nt in scie nticehas brougth him great honour.alternative adj. 供选择的,二者择其一的n. 备用物global 全球的n. globe 球,球体the globe=the pla net=the earth 地球publicity n. 公众的注意,媒体的注意;名声,宣传publicize v. n. publicist 宣传人员)hold v. 举办,进行pro-e nvironment adj. 支持环保的sth. come true/ sb. realize sth. 实现(目标,理想)练习:1. Many things impossible for Chin ese to un dersta nd in the past are quitecom mon today.A. con sideri ngB. con sideredC. to be con sideredD. havi ng bee ncon sidered2. might be expected, the resp onse to the questi on was very mixed.A. AsB. ThatC. ItD. What3. The swimmer was very tired but he cross the finishing line.A. couldB. mightC. was able toD. succeeded4. He must be an gry, for we heard the glass on the floor.A. being broke nB. breakC. broke nD. to be broke n5. - What __ to_him ? --He had his leg broken while playing basketball.A. happe nedB. took placeC. broke n outD. washappe ning7. If Harry did not atte nd the conference last ni ght, he too much work todo.A. must have hadB. must haveC. had hadD. had to have had8. I know Jane quite well and n ever doubt she can do a good job for it.A. thatB. whetherC. ifD. whe n9. The official deeply in the case might be sentenced to death.A. i nvolvi ngB. hav ing in volvedC. i nvolvedD. havi ng bee nin volved10. We took our umbrella with us when we went out in order to us from a heavy rainA. banB. prohibitC. preserveD. protect11. The new law will come into on the day whe n it is passed.A. effectB. useC. serviceD. existe nee12. Many coun tries are in creas ing their use of n atural gas, wind and other formsof _______A. orig inB. en ergyC. powerD. source13. China is to be the most developed country sooner or later.A. likelyB. possibleC. probablyD. perhaps14. Where is my pen? I it ?A. might loseB. would have lostC. should have lostD. must have lost15. I didn ' t hear the phone. I asleep. ______A. must beB. must have bee nC. should beD. should havebee n 二.verb-filling1. ___ (feel ) cold, he covered himself with a blanket, _____ (leave) only his arms___ (un cover)2. The gover nment is believed to be con sideri ng _ (pass) a law making it a crime___ (import) any kind of weap on.3. After _______ (technically improve), these trains are capable of attaining a veryhigh speed.4. David, who is helpful and agreeable, is a pers on n ever ___ (ig nore) whereverhe is.5. Only in the past 50 years with the revolution in diving equipment ______ scientists___ (be) able to study deep seas closely.6. With land prices ____ (reduce), I can afford a piece of land big eno ugh to parkmy car on.7. The discovery of new evide nee led to _______________ (the thief, catch)8. _____(meet) the grow ing dema nd for cars, the compa ny ope ned a new factory inthe State of Michigan in 1910.9. The CEOand the designer have overcome a lot of difficulty they had _____________ ( develop)the new project.10. The fireman ______ (rush) to the buildingon fire desperately _______ (hope) to saveas many people ______ (stra nd) in it as possible.11. The old man avoided ____ (touch) the hands __ (hold) out to help him as he___ (step) out of the boat.12. --Sorry _______ (interrupt) you. Please go on.--Where was I ?--You ________ (say) you didn ' t like your father ' s job. arrived13. The air liner from Beijing1. Do n't get off the bus un til it _____ .A. stopB. will stopC. stoppedD. has stopped2. "Where ____the recorder? I can't see it any where." "I ___ it right here. Butnow it's gone."A. did you put/have put C. had you put/was putt ing 3. Don't come toni ght. I would rather youA. come 4.B. cameB. have you put/put D. were you putt in g/have put tomorrow.C. will comeD. coming _____ you __A. Do/marry Are/marriedB. Have/marriedC. Have/bee n marriedD.5. When heall the n ewspapers, he'll go home.B. has soldC. will have sold 6. "Hurry up, you _____ on the pho ne. " "Oh, I'm coming. Thank you." A. are wan ted B. are being wan tedC. want 7. I _____ see you, but I did n't, for I had no time. A. had wan ted to B. has wan ted to C. wan ted 8. I _____ in Guang Zhou for six years by this October.A. have livedB. was livi ngC. will be livi ngA. sells D. will be sold D. are wan ti ng D. was wan tedD. shallhavelived9. By this time next year he _____ from the college.A. will be graduat ingB. should be graduati ngC. will have graduatedD. is graduati ng10. Our teacher told us that the earth _____ from west to east.A. turnsB. turnC. has turned11. It is high time you ____ in bed now.A. areB. were12. After a while an agreeme nt ____ .A. was arrived atB. was arrived inC. will beD. had tur nedD. would beC. was arrivedD. hasbee nat 3:00 .A. is about to arriveB. has arrivedC. arrivesD. is going to arrive 14. The research laboratory is going to _____ the new type of computer to use. A. take B. makeC. putD. send15. I ____ that he would be able to leave tomorrow, but it's begi nning to lookdifficult. A. hopeB. had hopedC. hopedD. am hop ing16. This liquid ____ the salt at room temperature.A. became mixed withB. was mixed byC. mixes withD. has bee n mixing by17. If they ___ e arlier tha n expected, they ____ h ere now.A. had started, would beB. started, might beC. had started, would have bee nD. will start, might have bee n18. Were I to do it, I ________ i t some other way.A. will doB. would doC. would have doneD. were to d19. We wish we ___ what you did whe n we were at high school.to the theatre last ni ght. B. would go C. had gone1. 我不知是否有任何东西可以取代母爱和关怀。
牛津上海版高中二年级第二学期Unit 4 Painting the world listening

Van Gogh’s life and works
Personalities mad, difficult man, argued/quarreld with
---------Elizabeth Van Gogh
art dealer
1870 (first job)
language teacher 1873 (second job)
1875 (third job)
My Dear Theo …Theo, I’m so happy with my paint box and I think my getting it now.…Theo, with painting my real career begins….
Masterpieces of Van Gogh
The Potato Eaters ---食土豆者(1885)
Masterpieces of Van Gogh
Night Cafe ---夜晚的咖啡馆(1888)
Masterpieces of Van Gogh
Sunflowers ---向日葵 (1888.02)
Masterpieces of Van Gogh
Van Gogh’s Bedroom ---梵高的卧室(1888.10)
Masterpieces of Van Gogh
Van Gogh’s Chair ---梵高的椅子(1888.12)
Masterpieces of Van Gogh
牛津上海版高中二年级下学期Unit 4 Painting the world 课件

You are a staff member working in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.
Please introduce Van Gogh’s life briefly to our visitors.
Van Gogh’s Life
Writing: Topic: What I learn from Van Gogh Words: 300
Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers Sunflowers 1888
the cafe terrace at night 1888.9
Starry night over the Rhone 1888.9
The Sower, 1888
Van Gogh's Bedroom at Arles, 1889
Now I think I know What you tried to say to me How you suffered for your sanity How you tried to set them free. They would not listen they're not listening still Perhaps they never will.
Self portrait with bandaged ear and pipe
the Iris 1889.5
wheat field with cypress 1889.6
Starry night 1889.6
pink roses 1890.6
wheat fields with crows 1890.7
牛津上海版高中二年级第二学期Unit 4 Painting the world

para6 •The writer recommends that people visit the exhibition.
para2 •After trying several jobs, Van Gogh turned to painting.
Vincent van Gogh 19 November 1883
Vincent Van Gogh’s Grave
Thank you, Van Gogh! Please rest in peace!
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱomework: (choose anyone you like)
A.Do you have any favorite painting of Van Gogh? If you do, tell us something about it.
B.There are many stories about Van Gogh. If you are interested, share one with us
C.Put it into words that what kind of person Van Gogh is ?
para4 •Van Gogh cut off part of his ear and spent time in a mental hospital
para3 •His brother Theo supported him for ten years.
para1 •Van Gogh is probably the world’s most famous painter.

What kind of pictures would you like to enjoy?
If you have three of the paintings on the walls of your classroom, what kind of pictures would you choose? Why?
4. jobs __√___Para. 4 5. paintings√____P_ara. 7 6. death _√___P_ara. 5 7. Байду номын сангаасriends __×___
Decide the sentences True (T) or False (F).
(T ) 1.Van Gogh was not easy to get along with.
3. In the writer’s opinion, Vincent Van GogBh
_____. A. ought to be more famous B. is a really great painter C. should not be admired D. does not deserve his fame 4. According to the writer, wDhen Van Gogh was alive, many people _____. A. agreed with Theo’s view on Van Gogh B. offered him with financial support C. felt he had great ability as a painter
realistic abstract nature detailed traditional line
牛津上海版高中二年级第二学期Unit 4 Painting the world reading

How can we review a person’s life?
Name, birth date, (death date ), birth place… Experiences Studying experiences, working experiences, some special experience Famous works / special achievement
Luckily, he will also be remembered forever!
The sadness will last forever. --------Vincent Van Gogh
1. recite the new words and expressions
2. finish exercises on p48-49
review: an article in a newspaper or magazine that gives an opinion about a new book, play, film etc
Van Gogh’s resume
Name: Vincent Van Gogh Birth place: __t_h_e__N_e_th__e_rl_a_n_d_s___
took his own __l_if_e___
Scanning 2 Certainly, he is not a success in his lifetime
The Red Vineyard sold for $80
Portrait of Dr. Gachet sold for $82 million

Tattooing is an ancient art. It has always been done in the sameway-pricking holes through the skin and inserting colored substancesand dyes. In 1948, a Russian archeologist opened a Siberian burialchamber from about 500 BC and found the frozen remains of a man and woman. Tattoos covered the man's arms, legs, and much of histrunk. The pictures were artistic and complex. Frozen art!In October of 1991, a 5000 year old frozen body was discovered nearItaly. The corpse was very well preserved and had with it clothing, a bowand arrow, a bronze ax, and flint. But what was more amazing was that the body was tattooed with several crosses and straight lines.Tattooing instruments have been found at archaeological digs in Europe that place the time as early as 10,000 BC. These instruments were disks made of clay with sharp, boneneedles placed in holes on the top. Figures were found with designs painted onthem to resemble tattoos. Egyptian mummies dating about 1300 BC have beendiscovered with blue tattoos on the skin.The North American Indians used thorns to pierce the skin in designs and then rubbed charcoal into the holes, making a permanent tattoo. Not to mention, a painful one! In the 19th century, even the Prince of Wales had a Jerusalem cross tattooed on his arm. Later, both his sons had dragon tattoos applied. The earliest mention in the United States is in the 1800's, when sailors brought back the idea. Many sailors had tattoos of Christ or the cross inked on their backs to discourage the captain giving them back lashes for punishment.Tawhaiao Potatau Whero, a Maori chief, 19th century.The Japanese and the Burmese have since done the most elaboratetattooing in the world, sometimes covering their entire bodies withink. Eventually, tattooing was used as a punishment in Japan andChina and became illegal otherwise. It made a comeback, though, inJapan. Today, the art of tattooing is called irezumi and is considered a type of clothing. A full bodysuit takes more than a year to finish and may cost thousands of dollars. But you never have to have it dry cleaned!Tattooing has been used throughout history to mark criminals and outlaws. Escaped slaves were marked to identify them. Even though it was used in a negative way, it has not died out, but become even more popular in some cultures.Children in IndiaToday, in the US, tattooing is becomingmore acceptable. But, it is a permanent body change that stays with a person forever. It's not like buying a shirt you decide you don't like! You're stuck with it...or it's stuck on you, rather!。

牛津上海版高二下More ReadingUnit 1 More reading P12-13For health and beautyRead the article below from a website on exercise.Aerobics is one of the most beneficial and also one of the mostbeautiful forms of exercise. Any physical activity that makes your pulse get quicker and your breathing get deeper is a kind of aerobic exercise. The word 'aerobic' means 'with oxygen' or 'having oxygen'. Aerobic exercise therefore aims at making the heart and lungs work at a higher rate so as to supply more oxygen to the muscles. The benefits of aerobic exercise include having a stronger heart, lower blood pressure, stronger bones, better sleep, less body fat, more energy and less stress.It is suggested that you do aerobic exercise for twenty to forty minutes, three to four times a week. Only then will you begin to reach your optimal level of general fitness. When you exercise, the speed at which your heart beats, or your pulse rate, tells you how intense your workout is. People who are not fit but want to lose weight should keep their pulse rates low and do moderate exercise for a longer time. People who are quite fit can do exercises that require large amounts of energy. They can even compete in marathons.There are many forms of aerobic exercise, including running, swimming, cycling and skiing. Walking is the most common form of aerobic exercise. Most people do it every day! It is low intensity and is recommended for beginners. Running is suitable for almost everyone, but it is important to remember not to overdo it.You must pace yourself and always wear good quality shoes. By doing this type of balanced, relaxing exercise, our responses get quicker, our mind sharper, and we become more efficient and productive.To sum up, aerobic exercise is good for everyone. It can lead to abetter quality of life!Unit 2 More reading P26A smile a day keeps the doctor awayRead the following leaflet about the benefits of laughter in our lives.Have you ever heard the proverb 'laughter is the best medicine'? Everyone knows that it is fun to laugh and that laughing makes you feel good. Now doctors and researchers are telling us that laughter is goodfor our health and may even prevent illnesses such as heart disease. Laughter helps reduce stress and lower blood pressure and pulse rates.It strengthens the immune system and helps us deal with pain just like real medicine does. In fact, laughter is so good for our health that laughing 100 times a day is equivalent to exercising for ten minutes on a rowing machine!Laughter is also good for our minds. When people are stressed, they watch funny films to laugh away emotions such as anger, sadness and fear. This is why laughter is increasingly being used in hospitals as a formof therapy. More and more hospitals are encouraging patients to laugh. They have started showing comedies on hospital TVs and, on the advice of doctors, clowns visit some hospitals to bring laughter to the patients.One group who arranges such visits is the Humour Foundation, an Australian charity. Set up in 1997, it runs the Clown Doctor programme. This programme uses clown doctors to help children who are ill or who have undergone surgery feel better. They cheer these children up with jokes, magic shows, songs and balloons.You cannot deny the truth that laughter is good for you. The city's hospitals are now starting their own clown doctor programme and are looking for your help. Anyone with a sense of humour and a desire tohelp others can apply. If you would like to volunteer, please contactthe Public Health Bureau for more details. Remember a smile a day keeps the doctor away!Unit 3 More reading P42-43Different cultures, different coloursFind out how people in different cultures think about colour by reading this leaflet for business travellers published by an international business magazine.Different cultures do not always agree on their colour associations. Depending on the country, it can make a big difference whether you wear red or white to a wedding, or what colour you wrap presents in. Therefore, it is essential that you should remember which colours are used in different circumstances in different places. In this way, you will not offend anyone or embarrass yourself.●Want to impress your host on that business trip to China? Red is the perfect colour for wrapping gifts. It is used on red packets and red lanterns during the Spring Festival, and is even the colour of wedding dresses, symbolizing happiness and prosperity.●Avoid using black for gifts in the USA! Black is the colour worn to funerals in the USA and Europe, as it is the colour of darkness and night.●You could ruin a party in many Asian countries by dressing completely in white. Since it is the colour of winter, the time when plants shed their leaves and die, it is considered to be a colour of death and mourning in some countries.●Don't wear white to a wedding in Europe! Only the bride should wear white, as it is a colour of virtue and purity. Stick to a formal suit and tie for men, and a smart dress for women.●Travelling to Spain, Italy or Brazil? Then forget about wearing purple clothes, as purple is the colour of mourning in these countries.●Unpack that white coat if you're going to the USA, unless you want to be mistaken for a doctor or a nurse. They wear white in many countries because it is a calming and relaxing colour.Unit 4 More reading P57-58The origins of artRead about the origins of art from an article in a journal on archaeology.Some of the oldest artwork yet discovered was found in 1879 in Altamira, Spain. Amateur archaeologist Marcelino de Satuola and his nine-year-old daughter were investigating a cave on his property. As the father dug in the cave floor looking for ancient artefacts, his daughter Mariaexplored another room in the cave. Suddenly, she shouted, 'Look, Father! Bulls!' The father hurried to take a peek. On the low ceiling of thecave he found colourful paintings of a kind of bison that Satuola knewto be extinct, along with images of horses, deer and wild boar.Based on his knowledge as an archaeologist, Satuola maintained that the paintings dated from the Stone Age. However, his claims were greetedwith ridicule by the scientific community. Other archaeologists thought the colours seemed too bright and the images too lifelike to have been created by ancient man. Even though other discoveries of cave paintings soon followed, it was not until 1902 that any of these finds were accepted as genuine. Researchers now believe that these cave paintings are between 10,000 and 20,000 years old.We may now know the age of the paintings, but the reason why they were created is yet a mystery. The painters may have wanted to record past hunts or tell a story, or they could have used the paintings for some kind of magical or religious purpose. We simply do not know. However, we do know that, at least in one way, Stone Age people were not sodifferent from ourselves--they found inspiration and pleasure in art.Unit 5 More reading P74-75A Helping the environmentRead this leaflet describing one way in which you can help the environment.We are all aware of the many threats to the environment and the need to act in a responsible manner to protect the world which we all share. Many people say that they are in favour of the 'green movement'. However,it is often difficult to find anything practical which you can do to help, and you may feel that you cannot take any action to support the cause. One thing you can do is to try to buy 'green' products.For example, let us consider the problem of the ozone layer. Around the Earth, there is a thin layer of ozone, a kind of gas protecting us from many of the harmful rays of the Sun. A few years ago, scientists in the Antarctic became aware of holes growing in the ozone layer. As these holes get bigger, harmful rays from the Sun are increasingly reaching us, causing crop damage and cancer. This is a big problem in countries near the polar regions, like Australia, where skin cancer caused in part by ozone depletion is now considered a national epidemic.Further research into the problem showed that the ozone layer is being destroyed by gases called CFCs. These gases are released into the atmosphere by the chemicals used in aerosol cans, refrigerators and air conditioners. To help save the ozone layer, many manufacturers have stopped producing aerosol cans that use CFCs. They have switched toother less harmful chemicals, and labelled their cans 'ozone-friendly'or 'no CFCs'.The problem of refrigerators and air conditioners has been moredifficult to solve. However, more and more manufacturers are now producing refrigerators and air conditioners that do not use CFCs. Therefore, when you go shopping you should choose ozone-friendly products. Then you will be doing something to help the environment.Unit 6 More reading P88A The problem of packagingRead this magazine article to find out how even small things can make a difference when it comes to the environment.A large source of rubbish is packaging material. It often makes up more than 30 per cent of the total. To understand why this is true, think of the packaging commonly used for a simple product, such as toothpaste. The packaging includes not only the tube for the toothpaste, but alsothe box for the tube. This box is put into a plastic wrapper. Then, the boxes are transported in a cardboard container.Most packaging material ends up in a landfill after it is thrown away. Though necessary, landfills take up valuable space, often stink, and can leak harmful substances into the soil.Landfills not included, the production of packaging material itself is a major source of air and water pollution.People are now trying to solve the problems caused by packaging materials. In 1991, Germany took the lead by requiring companies to recycle the packaging used for their goods. To do this, thecompanies set up recycling bins in every neighbourhood. Consumers now separate their rubbish into three categories--metal, plastic and paper cartons. They then put it into the appropriate bin. The rubbish sorted, it is transported to a recycling company for processing.The programme worked well at first. However, the amount of rubbish has begun to increase again. One reason for this is that many consumers no longer reduce waste because they think the problem is solved. It seems that to properly deal with the problem of rubbish, everyone must remain vigilant and do their part.。

Readingpromise v.答应;许诺straight adj.连续的;不间断的keep one's word遵守诺言despite prep.不管;尽管Seoul n.(韩国首都)首尔South Korea韩国shuttle n.来往于两地间的火车、班车或航班resort n.度假胜地;旅游胜地be dying to do渴望(做某事)scramble v.争抢;推挤check in到达并登记slope n.山坡floodlight v.用泛光灯照亮suit n.(一套)衣服;套装ski n.滑雪板instructor n.教练;指导者gentle adj.平缓的sideways adv.(斜)向一边;向旁边point v.把......指向;把......对准tip n.顶端;尖端cross V.交叉;相交in case以防to be honest老实说success n.成功的事definitely adv.肯疋地manage to do设法做成某事nevertheless adv.然而;不过More readingathletics n.田径运动the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会athlete n. 运动员compete v.参加比赛participate v.参加refer to 涉及;有关;指track eve nt 径赛项目field event 田赛项目comb ine v.使混合event n.比赛项目hurdli ng n.跨栏shot-put n.铅球(运动)discus n.铁饼(运动)javelin n.标枪(运动)marath on n.马拉松赛跑en dura nee n.耐力require v. 要求a series of 一系列competiti on n.比赛;竞赛category n.类别decathl on n.十项全能运动all-ro und adj. 全面的physical adj. 身体的be equal in 在……方面相冋的in many ways 总体来说;在诸多方面motto n. 口号;座右铭;格言desire n.愿望huma nity n.(统称)人;人类soar v.高飞;翱翔Unit 2 Readingtutorial adj.辅导的;指导的fee n.费用reas on able adj.合理的;公道的tutor n.家庭教师;私人教师qualified adj.合格的;胜任的sincere adj.真诚的con fide nee n.信心cheat v.欺骗make money 赚钱atte nd v.参加;经常去suppleme ntary adj.补充的;增补的comic n.连环漫画杂志video n.录像arcade n.游乐场所video arcade 电子游戏厅as a result of 由于;作为结果recomme ndati on n.推存;介绍enrol v.参加;入学;注册detective n.侦探be willi ng to 愿意(做某事)factor n.因素comma nd of 掌握;运用能力be forced to 被迫(做某事)More readingsolutio n n.解决办法describe …as 把…… 称为pace n.速度;进度convenient adj.方便的degree n.学位career n.事业in terest v.使感兴趣corresp ondence n.来往信件;通信audio adj. 录音的disc n.碟;碟片;磁盘mail n.邮政;邮递(系统)comme nt n.评论software n.软件In ternet n.互联网on on e's own 独立地freedom n.自由adapt to 使…… 适应self-discipli ne n.自律能力;自我约束能力achieveme nt n.成就at some on e's own pace 按照自己的节奏e-lear ning n.网络教育sense of achieveme nt 成就感sense of satisfact ion 满足感Unit 3 Readingfashi on n.时尚fashi on able adj.时尚的illustrate v.说明;阐明bring along 带来object n.物品;物件blouse n.女衬衫extravaga nt adj.奢侈的afford v.买得起be kee n on 对......着迷;喜爱con test n.竞赛;比赛sight n.名胜;观光地appreciate v.欣赏search for 寻找cool adj.酷的trai ner n.复数时为“运动鞋”rui n v.使毁灭;毁坏blonde adj.(人的毛发)亚麻色的;金黄色的wig n.假发close dow n 关闭;停业affect V.影响beaver n.海狸;河狸fur n.(动物的)毛extinct adj.绝种的;灭绝的go out of style 不再流行say ing n.格言;警句;谚语More readinguniform n.制服school uniform 校服public school 公立学校eleme ntary n.小学Maryla nd n.(美国)马里兰州go aga inst 违反reduce V.减少programme n.计划;方案promote V.促进link V.联系be lin ked to (被)与……联系在一起ga ng n.(青少年等的)一伙decrease v.减少;减小peer n.同龄人;身份地位相同的人pressure n.压力peer pressure 青少年同龄人间的压力academic adj.学术的resista nee n.抵制;阻力complai n V.抱怨in dividuality n.个性court n.法院;法庭uni ikely adj.不太可能的,adopt V.采用n atio nwide adv. 在全国Unit 4 Readingdrive-i n n. “免下车”餐馆、电影院等sta nd n.摊;小卖部California n.(美国)加利福尼亚州car park 停车场tidy adj.整洁的;整齐的immediately adv.立即staff n.(全体)职员;(全体)工作人员impress v.给......极深的印象service n.服务read v.与着set up 创设;建立outlet n.专卖店;直销店expand v.扩张;扩展lau nch v.开始从事;发动branch n. 分支;分店swiftly adv.迅速地take over 接管own ership n.所有权sta nd for 是……的意思;代表detail n.细节;详情establish v.建立;创立import V.进口as well as 也;以及pack v.包装pers onnel n.[pl.] (复数)全体人员;职员no doubt 无疑地More readingcha in store 连锁店be likely to 很有可能(做某事)of some kind 某种bakery n.面包店convenience store 便利店pop into 突然进入roll n.面包卷hotpot n.闷罐;火锅applia nee n.家用电器;器具meet some on e's n eeds 满足某人的需要range n. 一系列a wide range of 广泛的Well-lit 照明良好的operate v.运作Unit 5Readinglap top n.手提电脑tha nks to 幸亏;多亏magic n.魔力virtual adj.虚拟的reality n.现实virtual reality 虚拟现实headset n.(虚拟现实中使用的)头戴式语音影像装置;耳机image n.图像data n. [pl.] (复数)资料;数据reach out 伸出(手或手臂等)en able v.使能够disti nguish v.区分;辨别disti nguish from 区别observe v.观察thrill v.使兴奋;使激动dino saur n.恐龙manu facture v.制造metal n.金属in spect v.检查;审视concerned adj.担心的;忧虑的critic n.批评家;评论家powerful adj.强有力的;力量大的medium n.(传播信息等的)媒介;手段commit v.犯(罪)get used to 习惯于experime nt v.做实验;试验for sure 确切地;毫无疑问地step into 步入More readingwearable adj.可以穿戴的performa nee n.表现mon itor v.监控;监测measure v.测量beat v.(使)有节奏地跳动或作响perform v.做;表现curre ntly adv. 现在equipme nt n.设备;装备before long 不久keyboard n.键盘sleeve n.袖子electro nic adj.电子的remove v.去掉part n.部件;零件fabric n.织物Unit 6 Readingtran sform v.(彻底)改变Mars n.火星dream of 梦想in terpla netary adj.行星间的come true 实现Martia n adj. 火星的the gree nhouse effect 温室效应expediti on n.远征;探险;考察con duct V.进行landing n.登陆sig n n.迹象;征兆spacesuit n.宇航服carb on dioxide 二氧化碳gravity n.重力;地球引力solar adj.太阳的;利用太阳光的orbit n.轨道polar adj.极地的ice cap 冰冠spray v.喷;向......喷射reflect V.反射retain v.保持;保留melt v.融化;熔化vapour n.烝气water vapour 水蒸气convert v.转变;变换oxygen n.氧气go up to 上升到migrate v.迁徙;移居breathable adj.可以吸入的in habita nt n.居民;栖居动物tran sformatio n n.(彻底)改变More readingmanned adj.由人操纵的;由人驾驶的;载人的tie v.系;栓;扎rocket n.烟花;火箭boom n.隆隆声con sume v.烧毁;毁灭explosi on n.爆炸orbit v.沿......轨道运行;围绕......运动n ame after 以......的名字命名missio n n.太空飞行任务lunar adj.月球的;月亮的高二下学期单词Unit 1 , Read ingformer adj.以前的;从前的lecturer n.讲师complime nt n.赞扬;称赞keep fit 保持健康cosmetic surgery 整容外科手术regardless of 不管emphasis n.强调;重点obsessi on n.痴迷;着魔fit v.符合curre nt adj.当前的perspective n. 观点;看法horre ndous adj. 可怕的rib n.肋骨stretch v.拉长;撑大tribe n.部落ear lobe 耳垂ridiculous adj.荒谬的;可笑的en dure V.忍耐con siderable adj.相当多(或大、重要等)的poi nt n.意义;目的quai nt adj.稀奇的;古色古香的alter V.改变facelift n.去皱整容手术;面部拉皮手术set out 陈述;阐明issue n.重要议题;争议的冋题look some on e's best 看上去最美More Read ingaerobics n. 有氧运动activity n.活动aerobic adj.需氧的aim at 针对lung n.肺supply v.补给;供给optimal adj. 最佳的fitn ess n.健康;健壮intense adj.剧烈的;严肃紧张的workout n.锻炼lose weight 减肥moderate adj.适中的;合理的inten sity n.强度recomme nd v.推存;建议suitable adj.合适的;适宜的overdo v.做得过分sharp adj.敏锐的;灵敏的sum up 总结;概括Unit 2, Readi ngpractical joke 恶作剧play a trick on 戏弄un suspect ing adj.毫不怀疑的;无戒备心的victim n.受骗者;受害人;牺牲者embarrassed adj.窘迫的;尴尬的colleague n.同事in ferior n.不如别人的人;级别(或地位)低的人co-worker n.同事humble adj.谦卑的;虚心的precisely adv.准确地;恰好地peg n.(木、金属或塑料)钉子;锲子proceed v.前进;前往reverse V.颠倒depart v.离开;出发excha nge for 交换;更换puzzled adj.迷惑不解的diameter n.直径con ceal v.隐藏replace with 用...替换at the end of 在...结尾stick v.卡住on top of 在...上方alternate adj.间隔的in the end 最后;终于belief n.看法;信念nonsense n.胡言乱语;废话roar with laughter 大笑;狂笑More Read ingproverb n.谚语stre ngthe n v.加强;巩固immune adj.免疫的immune system 免疫系统row ing mach ine 划艇机;划船器emoti on n.情绪;情感in creas in gly adv.越来越多地;日益增加地therapy n.治疗;疗法comedy n.喜剧clow n n.小丑foun dati on n.基金会charity n.慈善团体;慈善run v.管理;运作;提供(服务等)un dergo v.经历(变化;不快的事)cheer up 使高兴起来;使振作起来deny v.否认volun teer v.自愿bureau n.局;处;科equivale nt to 相当于;等同于pers on ality n.性格;个性fasci nati ng adj. 迷人的emotio nal adj.情绪的;情感的guesswork n.猜测psychologist n.心理学家en ergetic adj.精力充沛的;积极的adve nturous adj.有冒险精神的;大胆开拓的firm ness n.坚定ambitious adj. 有雄心的optimistic adj.乐观的remind of 使… 想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)relaxed adj.放松的;冷静的familiar adj.熟悉的rare adj.稀少的;稀罕的injury n.伤害;损伤associate with 联想;联系stimulate v.促进;激发thus adv.因而;从而think of as 把…看作…reliable adj.可靠的;可信赖的travel age nt 旅行代办人;旅行代办商symbolize v.象征peace and quiet 宁静More Read ingassociati on n.联想;联系depend on 取决于make a differe nee 有影响wrap v.包装circumsta nee n.复数时为“环境;状况”offend v.冒犯;得罪embarrass v.使窘迫prosperity n.繁荣fun eral n.葬礼shed v.使落下mourning n.哀悼bride n.新娘;即将(或刚刚)结婚的女子virtue n.高尚的道德;德行purity n.纯洁;纯净stick to 坚持做(某事)smart adj.光鲜的;漂亮的Brazil n.巴西unpack V.打开(箱、包等)取出mistake for 把...错当成pai nter n.画家deserve v.值得work n.作品fame n.名声the Netherla nds 荷兰dealer n.交易商;贸易商missi onary n.传教士Belgium n.比利时superior n.级别(或地位、职位)更咼的人;上级finan cial adj 财政的;财务的;经济的believe in 相信;信任upset adj 难过的;沮丧的cut off 割下men tal adj (治疗)精神病的sane adj 精神健全的;神志正常的clarity n. (思想等的)清楚;明晰possess V. 拥有admire V. 钦佩treme ndous adj 非常的realistic adj 写实的abstract adj 抽象的stroke n. 一笔;笔画visible adj 看得见的;明显的subject n. (绘画或拍摄)题材un doubtedly adv.无疑地view V. 观看masterpiece n. 杰作;代表作decade n. 十年take some on e's own 自杀lifeMore Read ingorigin n.起源amateur adj. 业余的archaeologist n.考古学豕in vestigate v.研究;调查artefact n.人工制品;手工艺品peek n. 一瞥biso n n.(单复同)犎牛;野牛boar n.野猪base on 根据;基于main tai n V.坚持date from 始于(某一历史时期)claim n.断言;声明ridicule n.嘲笑;讥笑commu nity n.团体;社团;界lifelike adj.逼真的;栩栩如生的genuine adj.真的;名副其实的magical adj.有魔力的religious adj.宗教的in spirati on n.鼓舞;启示Unit 5, Read ingorchid n.兰花foresee V. 预见consequenee n. 结果obeseadj.(人)过度肥胖的;臃肿的pers onaladj.个人的;私人的vitaladj.重要的growl v.咆哮着说obsess v.使着迷be obsessed with 老是想着;痴迷于switch on 开(灯、机器等)flash V.闪光directly adv.直接地master n.男雇主apart adv.相隔;相距blow v.爆炸;炸开cut dow n 砍倒dam n.水坝;堤坝provide v.提供vast adj.辽阔的;巨大的;大量的profit n.利润delay v.拖延pan v.追拍;遥摄mighty adj.巨大的;非凡的course n.水道doomed adj.命中注定的comma nd v.命令in gredie nt n.成分;原料impatie nt adj.不耐烦的More Read ingthreat n.威胁;凶兆resp on sible adj.负责的;可靠的manner n. 方式;方法cause n.事业;目标;理想ozone n.臭氧layer n.层ozone layer 臭氧层depleti on n.消耗;损耗epidemic n.流行病CFC abbr.含氯氟烃aerosol n.雾化器;气雾剂manu facturer n.制造商label V.用标签标明Unit 6, Read ingcosmetics n.化妆品face cream 面霜persuasive adj.有说服力的;令人信服的advertis ing n.做广告;广告业campaig n n.运动v. 开展运动prese nt V.呈现packag ing n.包装材料double v.(使)加倍;是...... 的两倍poiso n v.使中毒;毒害lipstick n.唇膏;口红bli nd v.使失明make-up n.化妆品sue v.起诉;控告force-feed v.强迫进食injectio n n.注射drip v.滴入amaz ing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的unconven ti onal adj.不因循守旧的;新奇的prin ciple n.规则;规范prosper v.繁荣;兴旺revoluti onize v. 改革immoral adj.不道德的limitatio n n.局限;缺陷refill v.再装满(或灌满)recycle v.回收利用;再利用unique adj.独一无二的;独特的alter native adj.供选择的remarkably adv.不寻常地;突出地global adj. 全球的publicity n.公众的注意;媒体的注意hold v.举办;进行pro-e nviro nment adj.支持保护环境的publicize v.宣传More Readi ng?make up 组成tube n.软管wrapper n.包装材料tran sport v.(用交通工具)运输;运送cardboard n. 卡纸板end up 结束;告终Ian dfill n.垃圾填埋地take up 占去;占据sti nk V.发恶臭leak v.漏;渗;渗透substa nee n.物质take the lead 带头;做榜样eart on n.(尤指装食品或液体的)硬纸盒;塑料盒appropriate adj.合适的;恰当的sort V.整理;把......分类process v.加工vigila nt adj.警觉的;警惕的do on e's part 尽自己的职责。

Unit 4 Painting the world 知识要点梳理语言点解读1.Painter 画家His father is a famous painter. 他的父亲是一位著名的画家。
知识拓展paint 绘画v I wish I could paint as well as you. 我希望能和你画的一样好。
painting n 绘画、绘画艺术He is good at painting and his painting are would famous. 他擅长绘画,他的画世界闻名。
2.deserve v 值得、应该受到The soldier deserved honour because of his sacrifice of his country. 这位战士值得尊敬、因为他为祖国献出了一切。
常用搭配deserve to do 值得做某事deserve sth 应该得到某物deserve to be done = deserve doing 应该.....You deserve a rest /to have a rest。
3.work n 作品Bajin’s work is admired by many people . 许多人都喜欢巴金的作品。
4.fame n 名声His fame spread far and wide as a result of the bravery. 他的英勇行为令他身名远扬。
用法:与reputation 相似、但通常表示好名声知识拓展be famous for/as …..以……出名He is famous for singing pop songs. 他以唱流行歌曲出名。
5.dealer n 交易商、贸易商He is a dealer in second-hand furniture. 他是二手家具经销商。
知识拓展deal with sth v 与....交易I’ve deal with this store for many years. 我和这个店做生意很多年了。
牛津上海版高中二年级第二册英语 - Unit 4 Painting the world教案设计与练

Unit 4 Painting the world情态动词+have done【教学目标】情态动词+have done的用法。
【教学重难点】情态动词+have done的用法。
【教学过程】生成问题情态动词+have done的用法有哪些?1.should(ought to)+have done表示“本来应该做而实际上没做”,其否定式表示“本来不该做却做了”,常含有责备的语气。
You should have been here five minutes ago.五分钟之前你就应该到这里了。
How I regretted the days when I had played and should have studied.我多么懊悔我本应该好好学习的日子都玩掉了。
2.could+have done表示“本来有能力做而实际上没有做”。
—We could have walked to the station, it was so near.这么近,我们完全能走着来车站。
—Yes. A taxi was not at all necessary.是呀,根本不必搭车的。
I could have won if I hadn’t fallen over.要不是摔倒,我准能赢。
3.needn’t+have done表示“本来不必做的事,实际上做过了”。
I got up early, but needn’t have done so, because I had nothing to do that morning.那天早上我起得很早,可我根本不必起这么早,因为我无事可做。
You needn’t have written such a long article. The teacher only asked for 300 words, and you have written 600 words.你没有必要写这么长的文章,老师只要求写300字,你写了600字。
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Tattooing is an ancient art. It has always been done in the same
way-pricking holes through the skin and inserting colored substances
and dyes. In 1948, a Russian archeologist opened a Siberian burial
chamber from about 500 BC and found the frozen remains of a man and woman. Tattoos covered the man's arms, legs, and much of his
trunk. The pictures were artistic and complex. Frozen art!
In October of 1991, a 5000 year old frozen body was discovered near
Italy. The corpse was very well preserved and had with it clothing, a bow
and arrow, a bronze ax, and flint. But what was more amazing was that the body was tattooed with several crosses and straight lines.
Tattooing instruments have been found at archaeological digs in Europe that place the time as early as 10,000 BC. These instruments were disks made of clay with sharp, bone
needles placed in holes on the top. Figures were found with designs painted on
them to resemble tattoos. Egyptian mummies dating about 1300 BC have been
discovered with blue tattoos on the skin.
The North American Indians used thorns to pierce the skin in designs and then rubbed charcoal into the holes, making a permanent tattoo. Not to mention, a painful one! In the 19th century, even the Prince of Wales had a Jerusalem cross tattooed on his arm. Later, both his sons had dragon tattoos applied. The earliest mention in the United States is in the 1800's, when sailors brought back the idea. Many sailors had tattoos of Christ or the cross inked on their backs to discourage the captain giving them back lashes for punishment.
Tawhaiao Potatau Whero, a Maori chief, 19th century.
The Japanese and the Burmese have since done the most elaborate
tattooing in the world, sometimes covering their entire bodies with
ink. Eventually, tattooing was used as a punishment in Japan and
China and became illegal otherwise. It made a comeback, though, in
Japan. Today, the art of tattooing is called irezumi and is considered a type of clothing. A full bodysuit takes more than a year to finish and may cost thousands of dollars. But you never have to have it dry cleaned!
Tattooing has been used throughout history to mark criminals and outlaws. Escaped slaves were marked to identify them. Even though it was used in a negative way, it has not died out, but become even more popular in some cultures.
Children in India
Today, in the US, tattooing is becoming
more acceptable. But, it is a permanent body change that stays with a person forever. It's not like buying a shirt you decide you don't like! You're stuck with it...or it's stuck on you, rather!。