
目 录Unit 1一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 7一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 9一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 10一、词汇短语二、课文精解三、全文翻译四、练习答案Unit 1一、词汇短语Part 1. Preparationby its very nature就其本质而言unconditional [5QnkEn5diFEnEl] adj.无条件的,无限制的,绝对的【例句】The victorious army demanded unconditional surrender. 胜方要求敌人无条件投降。
【搭配】unconditional surrender 无条件投降live up to不辜负;做到;实践【例句】In some ways, we failed to live up to one another’s expectations. 在某些方面,我们互相的期望都落了空。
do one’s duty尽职责Part 2. Reading-Centered ActivitiesIn-Class Readingseverely [si5viEli] adv.严格地,激烈地【例句】Those responsible for this crime will be severely punished. 犯下这宗罪行的人将受到严厉惩罚。
severe [si5viE] adj.严厉的,严格的;剧烈的;严重的,严峻的【例句】He’s suffering from severe mental disorder. 他患有严重的精神病。
外研社2024新编大学英语_第四版_综合教程教学课件B4U2 Further development

Further development Unit project
3. Impact on Hangzhou 3.1 Economic benefits
The event is expected to promote tourism and boost local businesses, including hospitality, dining, and retail sectors. It will also create opportunities for local artisans and vendors, showcasing Hangzhou’s craftsmanship and culinary heritage. 3.2 Social and cultural enrichment
Unit project Additional activity Broaden our horizon
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 2
Further development
目录 contents
Unit project Additional activity Broaden our horizon
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 2
Further development Unit project
2.3 Rich experience Hangzhou’s track record of hosting international events, like
the 2016 G20 Summit and the 2022 Asian Games, positions it as an ideal venue for the Dragon Boat Racing Championship. These experiences have refined the city’s ability to manage large crowds, ensure top-notch hospitality, and implement sophisticated emergency protocols, crucial for the safety and enjoyment of all attendees. Leveraging this wealth of expertise not only guarantees the smooth operation of the event but also promises an enriching experience that highlights the city’s commitment to showcasing both the sport and its deep cultural heritage. Equipped with a highly skilled cadre of professionals and volunteers, Hangzhou stands ready to make the Dragon Boat Racing Championship a remarkable and unforgettable event.

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程2综合训练第四单元1. 介绍本文档是针对全新版《大学进阶英语综合教程2》中综合训练第四单元的学习内容进行总结和讲解。
2. 单元目标综合训练第四单元的目标是帮助学生达到以下能力:•提高听力理解能力,能够听懂日常英语对话和材料;•提高口语表达能力,能够流利自然地用英语进行日常会话;•增加语言表达的准确性和语法规范性;•培养学生的对话和口语交流的能力,提高与他人沟通的效果。
3. 学习内容综合训练第四单元主要包括以下几个部分:3.1 听力训练在听力训练中,学生将会听取一系列与日常生活相关的对话和材料。
3.2 口语表达口语表达是本单元的重点训练内容。
3.3 语法和词汇练习语法和词汇练习是巩固学生语言基础的重要环节。
4. 学习方法为了达到单元的学习目标,学生可以尝试以下学习方法:•多听多说:多进行听力训练,并尝试模仿与实践口语表达,提高听说能力;•加强词汇积累:通过背单词和拓展词汇量,提高对词汇的掌握和应用能力;•刻意练习:针对单元的重点内容进行有针对性的练习,加强对语法和口语表达的理解和运用;•自我评估和反馈:及时检查自己的学习成果,并根据反馈调整学习策略,提升学习效果。
5. 总结综合训练第四单元是《大学进阶英语综合教程2》的重要学习内容。

大学英语4(浙江大学版)原文第二单元All the Good Things[1] He was in the first third-grade class I taught at Saint Mary's School in Morris, Minnesota. All 34 of my students were dear to me, but Mark Eklund was one in a million[N]. Very neat in appearance, he had that happy-to-be-alive attitude[N] that made even his occasional mischievousness delightful.[2] Mark also talked incessantly. I had to remind him again and again that talking without permission was not acceptable. What impressed me so much, though, was his sincere response every time I had to correct him for misbehaving—"Thank you for correcting me, Sister[N]!" I didn't know what to make of it at first, but before long I became accustomed to hearing itmany times a day.[3] One morning my patience was growing thin[N]when Marktalked once too often, and then I made a novice-teacher's mistake.I looked at Mark and said, "If you say one more word, I am going totape your mouth shut[N]!"[4] It wasn't ten seconds later when Chuck blurted out, "Mark is talking again." [N] I hadn't asked any of the students to help me watch Mark, but since I had stated the punishment in front of the class, I had to act on it.[5] I remember the scene as if it had occurred this morning. I walked to my desk, very deliberately opened the drawer and took out a roll of masking tape. Without saying a word, I proceeded to Mark's desk, tore off two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his mouth. I then returned to the front of the room.[6] As I glanced at Mark to see how he was doing, he winked at me. That did it! [N] I started laughing. The entire class cheered as I walked back to Mark's desk, removed the tape, and shrugged my shoulders. His first words were, "Thank you for correcting me, Sister."[7] At the end of the year I was asked to teach junior-high math. The years flew by, and before I knew it[N] Mark was in my classroom again. He was more handsome than ever and just as polite[N]. Since he had to listen carefully to my instructions in the "new math", he did not talk as much in the ninth grade[N] as he had in the third.[8] One Friday, things just didn't feel right[N]. We had worked hard on a new concept all week, and I sensed that the students were growing frustrated with themselves—and edgy with one another. I had to change the mood of the class before it got out of hand. So I asked them to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then I told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down.[9] It took the remainder of the class period to finish theassignment, but as the students left the room, each one handed me the papers. Charlie smiled. Mark said, "Thank you for teaching me, Sister. Have a good weekend."[10] That Saturday, I wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and I listed what everyone else had said about that individual. On Monday I gave each student his or her list. Some of them ran two pages. Before long, the entire class was smiling. "Really?" I heard whispered[N]. "I never knew that meant anything to anyone!" "I didn't know others liked me so much!"[11] No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. I never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents. But it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another again.[12] That group of students moved on. Several years later, after I returned from a vacation, my parents met me at the airport. As we were driving home, Mother asked the usual questions about the trip—the weather, my experiences in general. There was a slight lull in the conversation. Mother gave Dad a sideways glance and simply said, "Dad?" My father cleared his throat as he usually did before saying something important. "The Eklunds called last night," he began.[13] "Really?" I said. "I haven't heard from them for several years. I wonder how Mark is."[14] Dad responded quietly. "Mark was killed in Vietnam," he said. "The funeral is tomorrow, and his parents would like it if you could attend." T o this day I can still point to the exact spot on I-494[N] where Dad told me about Mark.[15] I had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. Mark looked so handsome, so mature. All I could think at thatmoment was, Mark, I would give all the masking tape in the world if only you could talk to me[N].[16] After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates headed to Chuck's farmhouse for lunch. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting for me. "We want to show you something," hisfather said, taking a wallet out of his pocket. "They found this on Mark whenhe was killed. We thought you might recognize it."[17] Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces ofnotebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded manytimes. I knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which I hadlisted all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him."Thank you so much for doing that," Mark's mother said. "As you can see,Mark treasured it."[18] Mark's classmates started to gather around us. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, "I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home." Chuck's wife said, "Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album." "I have mine too," Marilyn said. "It's in my diary." Then Vicki, anotherclassmate, reached into her pocket-book, took out her wallet and showed her worn and ragged list to the group. "I carry this with me at all times," Vicki said without hesitation. "I think we all saved our lists."[19] That's when I finally sat down and cried. I cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again. (1050 words)Mother TongueAmy Tan[1] I am a writer. And by that definition, I am someone who has always loved language. I am fascinated by language in daily life. I spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of language—the way it can evoke an emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth. Language is the tool of my trade. And I use them all—all the Englishes I grew up with.[2] Recently, I was made keenly aware of the different Englishes I do use. I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk I had already given to half a dozen other groups. The nature of the talk was about my writing, my life, and my book, The Joy Luck Club. The talk was going along well enough until I remembered one major difference that made the whole talk sound wrong. My mother was in the room. And it was perhaps the first time she had heard me give a lengthy speech, using the kind of English I have never used with her—a speech filled with carefully constructed grammatical phrases, burdened, it suddenly seemed to me, with nominalized forms, past perfect tenses, conditional phrases, all the forms of standard English that I had learned in school and through books, the forms of English I did not use at home with my mother.[3] Just last week, I was walking downthe street with my mother, and I again foundmyself conscious of the English I was using,the English I do use with her. We were talkingabout the price of new and used furniture and Iheard myself saying this: "Not waste moneythat way." My husband was with us as well,and he didn't notice any switch in my English.And then I realized why. It's because over thetwenty years that we have been together I'veoften used the same kind of English with him, and sometimes he even uses it with me. It has become our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to family talk, the languageI grew up with.[4] You should know that my mother's expressive command of English doesn't reflect how much she actually understands[N]. She reads financial reports, listens to Wall Street Week (a TV financial news program), converses daily with her stockbroker, and reads many types of books with ease. Yet some of my friends tell me they only understand 50 percent of what my mother says. Some say they understand 80 to 90 percent. Some say they understand none of it, as if she were speaking pure Chinese. Butto me, my mother's English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It's my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, full of observation and imagery. That was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed things, made sense of the world.[5] Lately, I've been giving more thought to the kind of English my mother speaks. Like others, I have described it to other people as "broken" English. But I shrink with pain when I say that. It always bothered me that I can think of no way to describe it other than "broken", as if it were damaged and needed to be fixed, as if it lacked certain wholeness and soundness. I've heard other terms used, "limited English", for example. But they seem just as bad, as if everything is limited, including people's perceptions of the "limited" English speaker.[6] I know this for a fact[N], because when I was growing up, my mother's "limited" English limited my perception of her. I was ashamed of her English. I believed that her English reflected the quality of what she had to say. That is, because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect. And I had plenty of empirical evidence to support me: the fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.[7] My mother has long realized the limitations of her English as well. When I was fifteen, she used to ask me to call people on the phone to pretend I was she. In this guise, I was forced to ask for information or even complain and yell at people who had been rude to her. One time it was a call to her stockbroker in New York. She had cashed out her small stock portfolio[N] and it just so happened we were going to go to New York the next week,our very first trip outside California. I had to get on the phone and say in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing, "This is Mrs. Tan."[8] And my mother was standing in the back whispering, "Why he don't send me check, already two weeks late. So mad he lie to me, losing me money."[9] And then I said in perfect English, "Yes, I'm getting rather concerned. You had agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn't arrived."[10] Then she began to talk more loudly, "what he want, I come to New York tell him front of his boss, you cheating me?" And I was trying to calm her down, make her be quiet, while telling the stockbroker, "I can't tolerate any more excuses. If I don't receive the check immediately, I am going tospeak to your manager when I'm in New York nextweek."[11] Why were there not more Asian Americansrepresented[N]in American literature? Why are therefew Asian Americans enrolled in creative writing programs? Why do so many Chinese students go into engineering? Well,these are broad sociological questions I can't begin to answer. But I have noticed in surveys that Asian students, as a whole, always do significantly better on math achievement tests than in English. And this makes me think that there are other Asian-American students whose English spoken in the home might also be described as "broken" or "limited". And perhaps they also have teachers who are steering them away from writing and into math and science, which is what happened to me. Fortunately, I happen to be rebellious in nature and enjoy the challenge of disproving assumptions made about me[N]. I became an English major my first year in college, after being enrolled as a pre-med. (1079 words)。

新编大学英语第四版浙江大学综合教程2智慧版答案1.You'.bette....cop.o.th.whol.articl.fo.yourself.[单选题.*A.make(正确答案)A. make(正确答案)B.makingC.t.makeD.made...yoursel.t.him.[单选题.*A.explainedA. explainedB.t.explainC.explaining(正确答案)D.explain3.Al.peopl.mus.pul.togethe...th.projec.ca.b.finishe.o.schedule.[单选题.*A.a.thoughA. as thoughB.ifC.eve.thoughD.i.orde.that(正确答案)4..wis....shoppin.wit.yo.yesterday.becaus..wa.ver.bore.a.hom.then.[单选题.*A.ha.gone(正确答案)A. had gone(正确答案)B.woul.goC.coul.hav.goneD.wentt.May.[单选题.*A.t.plantA. to plantB.planted(正确答案)C.plantD.planting6.M.fathe.recommende.tw.ne.book.t.me...seeme.t.b.ver.interesting.[单选题.*A.bot.o.thatA. both of thatB.al.o.thatC.bot.o.which(正确答案)D.al.o.which7.To.wil.neve.forge.th.day...h.live.i.th.remot.villag.wit.hi.parents.[单选题.*A.whatA. whatB.whichC.when(正确答案)D.why8.Don'.expec.to.muc.fro.her.Th.mor.yo.expect...yo.wil.become.[单选题.*A.th.disappointedA. the disappointedB.mor.disappointedC.th.mos.disappointedD.th.mor.disappointed(正确答案)9.Th.weathe.i.quit.fine.Let'.g.swimming..).[单选题.*A.wil.youA. will youB.shal.we(正确答案)C.d.weD.d.you10.Ther.i.n.doub.tha.th.resident.livin.i.thi.buildin.ca.hav.fre...t.th.swimmin.pool.[单选题.*A.excessA. excessB.access(正确答案)C.accelerateD.assessmunicatin.wi t.them.[单选题.*A.spend(正确答案)A. spend(正确答案)B.takeC.payD.cost12.To.ha.bee.nervou.fo.thre.days.sinc.h.wil.hav.a(n...fo.th.manager'.job.[单选题.*A.reviewA. reviewC.chatD.interview(正确答案)13.Bu.fo.you.advice....th.tas.arrange.b.th.leade.yesterday.[单选题.*A.shal.no.finishA. shall not finishB.coul.no.hav.finished(正确答案)C.shal.finishD.coul.finish14.Th.ai.o.thi.meetin.i...ho.t.solv.th.seriou.crisis.[单选题.*A.t.discuss(正确答案)A. to discuss(正确答案)B.discussingC.t.discussingD.discussed...hi.nam.i.memor.o.hi.grea.invention.[单选题.*A.upA. upB.after(正确答案)C.atD.in16...ar.quit.humorou.an.everyon.like.makin.friend.wit.them.[单选题.*A.Th.Bushes(正确答案)A. The Bushes(正确答案)C.BushesD.Th.Bush17.On.wa.t.manag.tim.wisel.i.t.giv...t.wha.i.th.mos.important.[单选题.*A.principleA. principleB.permissionC.priority(正确答案)D.process18.Th.teacher.don'.kno..).becaus.th.meetin.room.ar.bein.decorated.[单选题.*A.wher.shoul.th.meetin.b.heldA. where should the meeting be heldB.whic.shoul.th.meetin.b.heldC.whic.th.meetin.shoul.b.heldD.wher.th.meetin.shoul.b.held(正确答案)19.Du.t.th.outbrea.o.th.epidemic.man.outdoo.activitie.hav.bee..).[单选题.*A.calle.forA. called forB.calle.off(正确答案)C.calle.backD.calle.in20.Accordin.t.th.report.som.expert...th.sho.wit.sellin.cup.wit.insultin.ads.[单选题.*A.charge(正确答案)A. charge(正确答案)C.blameD.condemn21.Som.peopl...i.fo.grante.tha.wha.the.pic.u.i.th.stree.belong.t.them.[单选题.*A.makeA. makeB.take(正确答案)C.getD.regard22.Becaus.ther.i.enoug.time.th.teache.advise.student...thei.paper.again.[单选题.*A.examinedA. examinedB.t.examine(正确答案)C.t.examiningD.examine23.Man.peopl.suffe.fro.hunge.i.thi.countr...th.decreas.o.foo.import.thi.year.[单选题.*A.instea.ofA. instead ofB.regardles.ofC.du.to(正确答案)D.a.to24....readin.th.nove.b.yesterday.s..bu..ne.nove.today.[单选题.*A.ha.finished(正确答案)A. had finished(正确答案)C.finishD.woul.finish25.Mos.foreig.peopl.thin...ver.difficul.t.lear.t.writ.Chines.characters.[单选题.*A.thatA. thatB.thisC.it(正确答案)D.one26.Mar.hear.he.nam.calle.b.someone.whos.voic.wa.ver.familia...her.[单选题.*A.withA. withB.to(正确答案)C.onD.in27.On...o.extra-curricula.activitie.i.tha.th.kid.involve.ca.gai.friendship.[单选题.*A.flexibilityA. flexibilityB.benefit(正确答案)C.privilegeD.interest28..wil.tel.th.trut.t.hi.i.h...th.funera.th.da.afte.tomorrow.[单选题.*A.woul.attendA. would attendB.wil.hav.attendedC.attends(正确答案)D.wil.attend29.Hi...o.th.acciden.conflicte.wit.tha.o.th.othe.witnesses.However..believe.wha.h.sai.wa.t rue.[单选题.*A.expectationA. expectationB.instructionC.responseD.account(正确答案)30.Ever.tim..ru.int.difficulty.h.i.alway.th.firs...help.[单选题.*A.t.b.offeredA. to be offeredB.t.offer(正确答案)C.offerD.offering31.Man.wome.hav.t.resig.i.orde.t...thei.childre.wholeheartedly.[单选题.*A.brin.up(正确答案)A. bring up(正确答案)B.pu.upC.brea.upD.buil.up32.M.goo.frien.Lil.tol.m.tha.sh...t.Ne.Yor.th.nex.month.[单选题.*A.wentA. wentB.goesC.woul.go(正确答案)D.wil.hav.goneuall.won'.las.to.long.[单选题.*A.sometimes(正确答案)A. sometimes(正确答案)B.som.timesC..timeD.som.timepany.[单选题.*A.cooperateA. cooperateB.cooperating(正确答案)C.cooperatedD.bein.cooperated35.I.i.reall...t.borro.mone.fro.you.elde.siste.jus.t.hel..selfis.strange.pa.of.hi.debt.[单选题.*A.ridiculous(正确答案)A. ridiculous(正确答案)B.stubbornC.splendidD.popular36.Th.kid.i.th.kindergarte.hel.eac.othe.an.neve.quarrel.thu.creatin....atmosphere.[单选题.*monA. commonB.lonelyC.peaceful(正确答案)D.steady37.Yo...t.mak.s.man.preparations.th.jo.ha.bee.assigne.t.a.experience.fellow.[单选题.*A.needn'.hav.bothered(正确答案)A. needn't have bothered(正确答案)B.shouldn'.hav.botheredC.mustn'.hav.botheredD.couldn'.hav.bothered38...i.th.par.yesterda.afternoon.m.mothe.me.a.ol.friend.[单选题.*A.T.walkA. To walkB.Walking(正确答案)C.WalkD.Walkedpletely.[单选题.*A.a.if(正确答案)A. as if(正确答案)B.whetherC.althoughD.than40.A.w.al.know.succes.result.fro.har.work...efforts.nothin.ca.b.achieved.[单选题.*A.excep.forA. except forB.without(正确答案)C.despiteD.besides41.Hi.advic.i.tha.you.fathe...mor.exercis.outdoor.i.th.morning.[单选题.*A.doneA. doneB.wil.doC.shoul.do(正确答案)D.does42.Fro.thi.book.yo.ca.kno...thos.animal.escap.fro.thei.natura.enemies.[单选题.*A.whoA. whoB.how(正确答案)C.whereD.it43.Plant.ar.ver...t.climat.change.Therefore.man.tre.specie.ar.face.wit.extinctio.becaus.o.gl oba.warming.[单选题.*A.sensibleA. sensibleB.consciousC.sensitive(正确答案)D.independent44.Hi.tw.dog.mad..mes.i.hi.room...h.didn'.wan.t.punis.them.[单选题.*A.andA. andB.orC.becauseD.but(正确答案)45.Hearin.th.words.h.didn'.see.t.b.offended..).h.looke.ver.happy.[单选题.*A.i..wordA. in a wordB.i.othe.wordsC.o.th.wholeD.o.th.contrary(正确答案)46...th.salar.i.rathe.low.man.youn.peopl.hav.resigne.i.recen.months.[单选题.*A.Because(正确答案)A. Because(正确答案)B.ForC.AfterD.S.that47.Wha.th.littl.gir.want....pen.an.wha.he.elde.brothe.want...tw.books.[单选题.*A.are.areA. are; areB.is.isC.is.are(正确答案)D.are.is48.Mos.universitie.don'...tha.ever.studen.ca.graduat.wit..certificat.i.the.don'.stud.hard.[单选题.*A.guarantee(正确答案)A. guarantee(正确答案)B.provideC.requirepletepan.ha.recentl.take.o.fift.peopl...liv.i.th.loca.area.[单选题.*A.whichA. whichB.whoseC.thoseD.who(正确答案)50.Al.th.afternoo.m.colleague.an.....repor.i.th.meetin.room.[单选题.*A.prepareA. prepareB.wer.t.prepareC.hav.bee.preparing(正确答案)D.ha.bee.preparing.worryin.abou.th.futur.al.th.time.N.on.know.wha.wil...nex.minute.[单选题.* A.tak.placeA. take placeB.ge.onC.disappearD.happen(正确答案)52.Alice.pleas.tur.dow.th.music....a.importan.phon.cal.a.present.[单选题.*A.answerA. answerB.answeredC.hav.answeredD.a.answering(正确答案)e.t.be.[单选题.*A.th.momentA. the momentB.where(正确答案)C.whenD.thatpetitio.wil.b.give.a.expensiv.prize.[单选题.*A.Whoever(正确答案)A. Whoever(正确答案)B.WhomeverC.WhomD.Who55.I.yo.wan.thes.ne.employee.t.wor.ou.th.answer.tw.hour.an..hal...no.enough.[单选题.*A.t.beA. to beB.beingC.areD.is(正确答案)56.Onl.afte.the.ha.examine.th.machin.fo.severa.hour...th.problem.[单选题.*A.the.foundA. they foundB.di.the.find(正确答案)C.the.findD.d.the.find57..).h.doesn'.kno.ho.t.ge.o.wit.othe.people.[单选题.*A.Adul.a.h.is(正确答案)A. Adult as he is(正确答案)B.Adul.h.i.asC.Adul.h.a.isD.A.adul.a.h.iss.weekend.[单选题.*A.s.nic..weatherA. so nice a weatherB.suc.nic.weather(正确答案)C.nic.weathe.soD.to.nic.weather59.I.i.advisabl.t.adjus.th.measure.o.th...o.short-tim.predictions.[单选题.*A.basis(正确答案)A. basis(正确答案)B.baseC.foundationD.ground60...slowl.h.runs..don'.thin.h.ma.atten.th.lectur.o.time.[单选题.*A.WhatA. WhatB.ItC.How(正确答案)D.Whether。
新编大学英语(第四版)综合教程2教学课件-B2U1 Further development

Further development Additional activity
Sample answer walked that much, but we managed to push our limits by encouraging each other and the picturesque views encouraged us as well. So you see a good picture requires enough patience and a bit of good luck.
But that’s not the only reason why I present it. More importantly, it is one of the most impressive trips I’ve ever taken, which taught me to look deep into myself, to learn to appreciate the simplest way of living, and to feel more grateful for what I’ve had.
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 2
Further development Unit project
Give a presentation
Give the presentation
The representative from each group gives a presentation to the whole class. A panel of judges will be formed by inviting one student from each group, and each judge will give each speaker a score out of 100, following the judging criteria below. 40% Content 40% Language 20% Delivery

浙江⼤学《新编⼤学英语综合教程(2)》(第3版)(课⽂精解Unit8)【圣才出品】⼆、课⽂精解Part2.Reading-Centered ActivitiesIn-Class Reading1.A study in the Wall Street Journal found that70percent of the public live from paycheck to paycheck.live from paycheck to paycheck原意为“⽉光族”,此处表⽰“勉强度⽇”。
2.…millions of people lost billions of dollars,on paper anyway.on paper此处意为“理论上”。
例:Although it may look easy on paper,it isn’t in practice.事情从理论上看起来容易,⽽实践起来却很困难。
3.We are a people consumed by financial stress.consume原意为“消费,消耗”,此处表⽰深受经济压⼒的“折磨”。
4.As the Bible tells us,worrying about money—or anything else for that matter—won’t do us any good.for that matter就此⽽⾔;⾄于那个;说到那⼀点。
例:How did it become normal,or for that matter even acceptable,to refer to medical patients as“consumers”?将患者当成“消费者”这种提法是如何变成正常的事情,或者甚⾄为⼤众所接受?do sb.good=be good for,意为“帮助某⼈;对某⼈有益”。
例:That fellow is too sure of himself;it would do him good to be taken down a little.那个⼈太⾃信了,打掉他的傲⽓对他是会有好处的。

问题 1得 1 分,满分 1 分When and where does the story happen?所选答案: D. The story happens in a forest in Summer问题 2得 1 分,满分 1 分Before Sylvia came to her grandmother’s farm, she used to____________所选答案: A. live in a dirty, crowded factory town问题 3得 1 分,满分 1 分It was Sylvia’s daily routine to ____________.所选答案: D. bring the cow home to be milked at five thirty问题 4得 1 分,满分 1 分It can be inferred from the story that ____________.所选答案: A. Sylvia’s parents did not lead a very rich life问题 5得 1 分,满分 1 分A young man came to the forest to____________所选答案: C. hunt for birds问题 6得 1 分,满分 1 分Sylvia’s heart b eat fast when she heard the man talking about the white heron because ____________.所选答案:D. she had seen the bird and was wondering whether totell the man or not问题 7得 1 分,满分 1 分Sylvia would win ____________ if she told the young man where the heron was所选答案: D. ten dollars问题 8得 1 分,满分 1 分The next day Sylvia and the young man spent the whole day____________所选答案: D. in the forest looking for the heron问题 9得 1 分,满分 1 分Sylvia saw ____________ when she reached the top of the pine tree所选答案:A. th e golden sun’s rays, two hawks fly together andthe white heron问题 10得 1 分,满分 1 分The young man and Sylvia valued the white heron differentlybecause ________所选答案:D. the young man killed the bird for collection whileSylvia viewed it as part of nature问题 11得 1 分,满分 1 分Too often, people count their houses, savings and retirementplans as all they have in their __________ column.所选答案: A. asset问题 12得 1 分,满分 1 分From time to time he would __________ or sing to announce hispresence, to avoid startling any beast into attack.所选答案: C. whistle问题 13得 1 分,满分 1 分The __________ to the seaside will be put off if it is going to rain tomorrow所选答案: D. excursion问题 14得 1 分,满分 1 分Her voice thinned down to a __________ as people turned to shush (嘘) her所选答案: D. whisper问题 15得 1 分,满分 1 分Language helps in focusing, especially on aspects of situations that are abstract and only __________ sensed at first.所选答案: A. vaguely问题 16得 1 分,满分 1 分Each new variety or species, during the process of its __________, will generally press hardest on its nearest kindred (亲属), and tend to exterminate (消灭) them.所选答案: A. formation问题 17得 1 分,满分 1 分A meeting of minds was not reached during the first_________, butanother one is scheduled for tomorrow所选答案: D. session问题 18得 1 分,满分 1 分She got a considerable sum of money out of the __________ people under the pretence of collecting for the blind所选答案: A. unsuspecting问题 19得 1 分,满分 1 分In the end, they won the election but only with a very __________ majority所选答案: C. slender问题 20得 1 分,满分 1 分Hurricane Wilma churned (搅动) toward Florida as thousands ofresidents were ordered to __________ vulnerable islands andcoastal areas.所选答案: C. evacuate问题 21得 1 分,满分 1 分They had inherited Greco-Roman cultural __________ to someextent, connecting ancient times with Renaissance and moderntimes所选答案: A. legacy问题 22得 1 分,满分 1 分The __________ of industrial pollutants should meet both national and local standards by the end of 2020.所选答案: C. discharge问题 23得 1 分,满分 1 分His dog just gives a __________ the door when it wants to come in所选答案: D. scratch at问题 24得 1 分,满分 1 分Copyright provides the musicians the option, --- the option to sell or __________ their works.所选答案: C. give away问题 25得 1 分,满分 1 分Rich dad stopped by at noon on the third week. We heard his truck __________ in the parking lot and sputter when the engine wasturned off.所选答案: A. pull up问题 26得 1 分,满分 1 分The town in the valley had relied on its specific __________, but the recent murderous landslide devoured its dream.所选答案: C. landscape问题 27得 1 分,满分 1 分Our international trade relations, though __________ important, are in point of time and necessity secondary to the establishment of a sound national economy.所选答案: B. vastly问题 28得 1 分,满分 1 分The idea of being in debt may __________ you forever, even if you only pay the minimum amount of mortgage each month since theinterest would balloon as time passes by.所选答案: B. haunt问题 29得 1 分,满分 1 分Before __________ technology was highly developed, it wasn'tpossible for man to know much about the potential of thenon-living resources of the sea.所选答案: B. marine问题 30得 1 分,满分 1 分Even the old shop-houses were conserved and restored to its__________ condition with modern layout and styling.所选答案: B. pristine问题 31得 10 分,满分 10 分On behalf ___1___[A] S untan Tours I’d 1. A) over B) under like to welcome you all to Los Cabos. Right C) that D) ofnow I’d like to familiarize you ___2___[B]2. A) with B) asC) over D) forthe area and discuss some brief safety ___3___ 3. A) publication B)precautions.[C]. Firstly, I ask that you remain ___4___[D] C) process D)pillarsuntil we reach our destination. Secondly, 4. A) standing B)standplease note that it is against the law to get C) seated D)seatdrunk in public. Enjoy your vacation, but do 5. A) responsibly B)attractivelydrink ___5___[E]. C) urgently D) eagerlyI promise you are going to ___6___[F] 6. A) oppose B) denyyour stay here in San Joses, Los Cabos. This C) refuse D)enjoyis a beautiful, quiet city ___7___[G] you can 7. A) where B) whatC) that D) whichrelax, sit by the beach, __8__[H] great meals, 8. A) despise B) ownand feel very safe. C) admire D) enjoySuntan Tours offers a variety of special 9. A) depending B) dependC) depends D) dependeddiscounts __9__[I] on your travel __10__[J]. 10. A) points B) customsC) ideas D)plansWe have golf __11__[K], as well as guided 11. A) indications B) packageswhale boat tours and fishing charters. We C) returns D)persuasionsrecommend that you do not ___12___[L]12. A) purchase B) permit packages from street vendors, ___13___[M] C) persecute D) prejudice they are not always 100 percent reliable. 13. A) on B) if If you need to ___14___[N] your dollars C) by D) asinto pesos, please use a bank or money 14. A) exert B) exchangeexchange. ___15___[O], if you prefer, you C) keep D) expendcan always use your credit cards. Also, if 15. A) Or B) Noryou want to get around the city, we C) But D) Neither recommend that you take the local bus__16__ 16. A) less B) other [P] than a taxi. The bus costs only one dollar. C) rather D) more We’re going to be pulling up to the hotel 17. A) hurriedly B) soon ___17___[Q]. Please sit back and enjoy the C) fast D) slowlyview of the ocean until we have come to a 18. A) absolute B) partial___18___[R] stop. Please double-check to C) complete D) intact make___19___[S] your bag has been taken 19. A) confident B) sureoff the bus. On behalf of Suntan Tours, have C) firm D) truea wonderful ___20___[T] and see you 20. A) vacation B) visual tomorrow at the information session. C) vacancy D) venue所选答案:On behalf ___1___D Suntan Tours I’d 1. A) overB) underlike to welcome you all to Los Cabos. Right C) that D) ofnow I’d like to fami liarize you ___2___A 2. A) withB) asC) overD) forthe area and discuss some brief safety ___3___ 3. A) publication B) precautions.B. Firstly, I ask that you remain ___4___C C) processD) pillarsuntil we reach our destination. Secondly, 4. A) standingB) standplease note that it is against the law to get C) seatedD) seatdrunk in public. Enjoy your vacation, but do 5. A) responsibly B) attractivelydrink ___5___A. C) urgently D) eagerlyI promise you are going to ___6___D 6. A) opposeB) denyyour stay here in San Joses, Los Cabos. This C) refuseD) enjoyis a beautiful, quiet city ___7___A you can 7. A) whereB) whatC) thatD) whichrelax, sit by the beach, __8__D great meals, 8. A) despiseB) ownand feel very safe. C) admireD) enjoySuntan Tours offers a variety of special 9. A) dependingB) dependC) dependsD) dependeddiscounts __9__A on your travel __10__D. 10. A) pointsB) customsC) ideasD) plansWe have golf __11__B, as well as guided 11. A) indicationsB) packageswhale boat tours and fishing charters. We C) returnsD) persuasionsrecommend that you do not ___12___A12. A) purchaseB) permitpackages from street vendors, ___13___D C) persecute D) prejudicethey are not always 100 percent reliable. 13. A) onB) ifIf you need to ___14___B your dollars C) by D) asinto pesos, please use a bank or money 14. A) exertB) exchangeexchange. ___15___A, if you prefer, you C) keep D) expendcan always use your credit cards. Also, if 15. A) OrB) Noryou want to get around the city, we C) ButD) Neitherrecommend that you take the local bus__16__ 16. A) lessB) otherC than a taxi. The bus costs only one dollar. C) ratherD) moreWe’re going to be pulling up to the hotel 17. A) hurriedlyB) soon___17___B. Please sit back and enjoy the C) fast D)slowlyview of the ocean until we have come to a 18. A) absoluteB) partial___18___C stop. Please double-check to C) completeD) intactmake___19___B your bag has been taken 19. A) confidentB) sureoff the bus. On behalf of Suntan Tours, have C) firm D)truea wonderful ___20___A and see you 20. A) vacationB) visualtomorrow at the information session. C) vacancyD) venue问题 32得 2 分,满分 2 分Why does cram go bad faster than butter? Some researchers think they have the answer, and it comes down to the structure of the food, not its chemical composition—a finding that could help rid some processed foods of chemical preservatives.Cream and butter contain pretty much the same substances, so why cream should sour much faster has been a mystery. Both are emulsions—tiny globules (小球体) of one liquid evenlydistributed throughout another. The difference lies in what’s in the globules and what’s in the surrounding liquid, saysBrocklehurst, who led the investigation.In cream, fatty globules drift about in a sea of water. In butter, globules of a watery solution are locked away in a sea of fat. The bacteria which make the food go bad prefer to live in the watery regions of the mixture. “This means that in cream, the bacteria are free to grow throug hout the mixture,” he says.When the situation is reversed, the bacteria are locked away in compartments (隔仓室) buried deep in the sea of fat. Trapped in this way, individual colonies cannot spread and rapidly run out of nutrients (养料). They also slowly poison themselves with their waste products. “In butter, you get a self-limiting system which stops the bacteria growing,” says Brocklehurst.The researchers are already working with food companies keen to see if their products can be made resistant to bacterial attack through alterations to the food’s structure. Brocklehurstbelieves it will be possible to make the emulsions used in salad cream, for instance, more like that in butter. The key will beto do this while keeping the salad cream liquid and not turning it into a solid lump.The significance of Brocklehurst’s research is that_____________.所选答案:B. it suggested a way to keep some foods fresh withoutpreservatives问题 33得 2 分,满分 2 分According to the researchers, cream sours fast than butterbecause bacteria ____________.所选答案: C. multiply more easily in cream than in butter问题 34得 2 分,满分 2 分According to Brocklehurst, we can keep cream fresh by_____________.所选答案: B. altering its structure问题 35得 2 分,满分 2 分The word “colonies” (Line 2, Para. 4) refers to _____________.所选答案: C. bacteria communities问题 36得 2 分,满分 2 分Commercial application of the research finding will be possible if salad cream can be made resistant to bacterial attack______________.所选答案: B. while retaining its liquid form。

2017 年 12 月大学英语四级考试真题(第 2 套)Part I Writing(30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between teachers and students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening Comprehension(25 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1. A) It tries to entertain its audience.C) It wants to catch people’ s attention.B) It tries to look into the distance.D) It has got one of its limbs injured.2.A) It was spotted by animal protection officials.B) It was filmed by a local television reporter.C) Its videos were posted on social media.D) Its picture won a photography prize.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A) The distance travelled C) The spending on gas.B) The incidence of road accidents.D) The number of people travelling.4.A) Fewer people are commuting.C) Job growth is slowing down.B) Gas consumption is soaring.D) Rush-hour traffic is worsening.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5. A) He told a stranger the sad story about himself.B)He helped a stranger to carry groceries to his car.C)He went up to a stranger and pulled at his sleeves.D)He washed a stranger’ s car in return for some food.6.A) He ordered a lot of food for his family.B) He gave him a job at his own company.7.A) He works hard to support his family.B) He is an excellent student at school. Section B C)He raised a large sum of money for him.D)He offered him a scholarship for college.C)He is very good at making up stories.D)He has been disabled since boyhood.Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A) Attended an economics lecture.C) Had a drink at Queen Victoria.B) Taken a walk on Charles Street.D) Had dinner at a new restaurant.9.A) Treat a college friend to dinner.C) Attend his brother’ s birthday party.B) Make preparations for a seminar.D) Visit some of his high school friends.10.A) Gather statistics for his lecture.B) Throw a surprise birthday party.C) Meet with Jonathan’ s friends on the weekend.D) Join him in his brother’ s birthday celebration.11. A) By car.B) By train.C) By taxi.D) By bus.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A) Taking a vacation abroad.C) Saving enough money for a rainy day.B) Reviewing for his last exam.13.A) Preparing for his final exams. B) Negotiating with his boss for a raise.14.A) Finish her term paper.B) Save enough money.15.A) He has rich sailing experience.B) He speaks Spanish fluently. Section C D)Finding a better way to earn money.C)Working part time as a waiter.D)Helping the woman with her courses.C)Learn a little bit of Spanish.D) Ask her parent’ s permission.C)He is also eager to go to Spain.D)He is easy to get along with.Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you mast choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A) She went to the same university as her mother.B) She worked as a nurse in the First World War.C) She won the Nobel Prize two times.D) She was also a Nobel Prize winner.17.A) She fought bravely in a series of military operations.B) She developed X-ray facilities for military hospitals.C) She helped to set up several military hospitals. D)She made donations to save wounded soldiers.18. A) Both died of blood cancer.C) Both won military medals.B) Both fought in World War I.D) Both married their assistants.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A) They were the first settlers in Europe.B)They were the conquerors of Norway.C)They discovered Iceland in the ninth century.D)They settled on a small island north of England. 20.A) It was some five hundred miles west of Norway.B)It was covered with green most time of the year.C)It was the Vikings’ most important discovery.D)It was a rocky mass of land covered with ice.21.A) The Vikings, ocean explorations.C) The Vikings’ everyday life.B) The making of European nations.D) The Europeans’ Arctic discoveries. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A) Work hard for a better life.C) Dream about the future.B) Make mistakes now and then.D) Save against a rainy day.23.A) Teach foreign languages for the rest of his life. B)Change what he has for his past imaginary world. C)Exchange his two-story house for a beach cottage. D)Dwell on the dreams he had dreamed when young.24.A) Criminal law.C) Oriental architecture.B) City planning.D) International business.25.A) Dream and make plans.C) Be content with what you have.B) Take things easy in life,D) Enjoy whatever you are doing.Part III Reading Comprehension(40 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. 4Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line throughthe centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.Technological changes brought dramatic new options to Americans living in the 1990s. During this decade new forms of entertainment, commerce, research, and communication became commonplace in the U. S. The driving force behind much of this change was a (n) 26 popularly known as the Internet.The Internet was developed during the 1970s by the Department of Defense. In the case of an attack, military advisers suggested the27of being able to operate one computer from another terminal. In the early days, the Internet was used mainly by scientists to communicate with other scientists. The Internet28under government control until 1984.One early problem faced by Internet users was speed. Phone lines could only transmit information at a29rate. The development of fiber-optic ( 光纤 )cables allowed for billions of bits of information to be received every minute. Companies like Intel developed faster microprocessors, so personal computers could process the30signals at a more rapid rate.In the early 1990s, the World Wide Web was developed, in large part, for31purposes. Corporations created home pages where they could place text and graphics to sell products. Soon airline tickets, hotel32, and even cars and homes could be purchased online. Universities33research data on the Internet, so students could find34information without leaving their dormitories. Companies soon discovered that work could be done at home and35online, so a whole new class of telecommuters began to earn a living from home offices unshaven and wearing pajamas (睡衣 ).A) advantage I) maintainedB) commercial J) occupationsC) conservation K) postedD) equipped L) remainedE) incoming M) reservationsF) innovation N) submittedG) limited O) valuableH) localSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from whichthe information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph ismarked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.The Health Benefits of KnittingA)About 15 years ago, I was invited to join a knitting group. I agreed to give it a try.B)My mother had taught me to knit at 15, and I knitted in class throughout college and for afew years thereafter. Then decades passed without my touching a knitting needle. But within twoMondays in the group, I was hooked, not only on knitting but also on crocheting ( 钩织 ), and I wason my way to becoming a highly productive crafter.C)I ’ vemade countless baby blankets, sweaters, scarves, hats, caps for newborns. I take aknitting project with me everywhere, especially when I have to sit still and listen. As I discoveredin college, when my hands are busy, my mind stays focused on the here and now.D) It seems, too, that I’ m part of a national renewal of interest in needle and other handicrafts(手工艺 ).The Craft Yam Council reports that a third of women ages 25-35 now knit or crochet.Even men and schoolchildren are swelling the ranks, among them my Mend’ s three small grandsons Last April, the council created a Stitch Away Stress”campaign in honor of National StressAwareness Month. Dr. Herbert Benson, a pioneer in mind/body medicine and author of TheRelaxation Response, says that the repetitive action of needlework can induce a relaxed state likethat associated with meditation ( 沉思 ) and yoga. Once you get beyond the initial learning curve,knitting and crocheting can lower heart rate and blood pressure.E)But unlike meditation, craft activities result in tangible and often useful products that canenhance self-esteem. I keep photos of my singular accomplishments on my cellphone to boostmy spirits when needed.F)Since the 1990s, the council has surveyed hundreds of thousands of knitters and crocheters,who routinely list stress relief and creative fulfillment as the activities’ main benefits. A is the father of a prematurely born daughter who reported that during the baby’ s five weeks intensive care unit,“ learning how to knit infant hats gave me a sense of purpose during a time thatI felt very helpless. It’ s a hobby that I’ ve stuck with, and it continues to help me cope with stress at work, provide a sense of order in hectic ( 忙乱的 ) days, and allow my brain time to solve problems.”G) A recent email from the yam ( 纺纱 ) company Red Heart titled“ HealthBenefits ofCrocheting and Knitting ” prompted me to explore what else might be known about the health value ofactivities like knitting. My research revealed that the rewards go well beyond replacing stress and anxietywith the satisfaction of creation.H)For example, Karen Hayes, a life coach in Toronto, conducts knitting therapy programs,including Knit to Quit to help smokers give up the habit, and Knit to Heal for people coping with healthcrises, like a cancer diagnosis or serious illness of a family member. Schools and prisons with craftprograms report that they have a calming effect and enhance social skills. And having to followinstructions on complex craft projects can improve children’ s math skills.I) Some people find that craftwork helps them control their weight. Just as it’ s challe smoke while knitting, when hands are holding needles and hooks, there’ s less snacking and mind eating out of boredom.J) I ’ ve found that my handiwork with yam has helped my arthritic患(关节炎的 )fingers remainmore dexterous ( 灵巧的) as I age. A woman encouraged to try knitting and crocheting afterdeveloping an autoimmune disease that caused a lot of hand pain reported on the Craft Yam Councilsite that her hands are now less stiff and painful.K) A 2009 University of British Columbia study of 38 women with an eating disorder whowere taught to knit found that learning the craft led to significant improvements. Seventy-fourpercent of the women said the activity lessened their fears and kept them from thinking about theirproblem.L)Betsan Corkhill, a wellness coach in Bath, England, and author of the book Knit for Health&Wellness, established a website, Stitchlinks, to explore the value of what she calls therapeuticknitting. Among her respondents, 54 percent of those who were clinically depressed said thatknitting made them feel happy or very happy. In a study of 60 self-selected people with persistentpain, Ms. Corkhill and colleagues reported that knitting enabled them to redirect their focus,reducing their awareness of pain. She suggested that the brain can process just so much at once, andthat activities like knitting and crocheting make it harder for the brain to register pain signals.Perhaps most exciting is research that suggests that crafts like knitting and crocheting may help tokeep off a decline in brain function with age. In a 2011 study, researchers led by Dr. Yonas Geda atthe Mayo Clinic in Rochester interviewed a random ( 随机的 ) sample of 1,321 people ages 70-89,most of whom were cognitively ( 在认知方面 ) normal, about the cognitive activities they engaged inlate in life. The study, published in the Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences, foundthat those who engaged in crafts like knitting and crocheting had a diminished chance of developingmild cognitive disorder and memory loss.M)Although it is possible that only people who are cognitively healthy would pursue suchactivities, those who read newspapers or magazines or played music did not show similar benefits.The researchers speculate that craft activities promote the development of nerve pathways in thebrain that help to maintain cognitive health.N)In support of that suggestion, a 2014 study by Denise C. Park of the University of Texas atDallas and colleagues demonstrated that learning to knit or do digital photography enhancedmemory function in older adults. Those who engaged in activities that were not intellectuallychallenging, either in a social group or alone, did not show such improvements.O)Given that sustained social contacts have been shown to support health and a long life, thosewishing to maximize the health value of crafts might consider joining a group of like-minded folks.I for one try not to miss a single weekly meeting of my knitting group.36.When the author was a college student, she found that knitting helped her concentrate.37.Knitting can help people stay away from tobacco.38.Even men and children are now joining the army of knitters.39.Being a member of a crafts group enhances one’ s health and prolongs one’ s life.40.Knitting diverts people’ s attention from their pain.41.The author learnt to knit as a teenager, but it was not until she was much older that shebecame keenly interested.42.When people are knitting, they tend to eat fewer snacks.43.Survey findings show that knitting can help people relieve stress.44.According to a study, knitters and crocheters are less likely to suffer mild cognitive damage.45. The products of knitting can increase one’ s sense of self-respect.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Youshould decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a singleline through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Nobody really knows how big Lagos is. What’ s indisputable is that it’ s growing very quick Between now and 2050, the urban population of Africa could triple. Yet cities in sub-SaharanAfrica are not getting richer the way cities in the rest of the world have. Most urban Africans live inslums (贫民窟 ); migrants are often not much better off than they were in the countryside. Why?The immediate problem is poverty. Most of Africa is urbanising at a lower level of income thanother regions of the world did. That means there ’ s little money around for investment that would make citiesliveable and more productive. Without upgrades and new capacity, bridges, roads andpower systems are unable to cope with expanding populations. With the exception of South Africa,the only light rail metro system in sub-Saharan Africa is in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Traffic jam leadsto expense and unpredictability, things that keep investors away.In other parts of the world, increasing agricultural productivity and industrialization wenttogether. More productive farmers meant there was a surplus that could feed cities; in turn, thatcreated a pool of labour for factories. But African cities are different. They are too often built aroundconsuming natural resources. Government is concentrated in capitals, so is the money. Most urbanAfricans work for a small minority of the rich, who tend to be involved in either cronyish (有裙带关系的 )businesses or politics. Since African agriculture is still broadly unproductive,food isimported, consuming a portion of revenue.So what can be done? Though African countries are poor, not all African cities are. In Lagos,foreign oil workers can pay as much as $65,000 per year in rent for a modest apartment in a safepart of town. If that income were better taxed, it might provide the revenue for better infrastructure.If city leaders were more accountable to their residents, they might favour projects designed to helpthem more. Yet even as new roads are built, new people arrive. When a city ’ s population grow 5% a year, it is difficult to keep up.46.What do we learn from the passage about cities in sub-Saharan Africa?A) They have more slums than other cities in the world.B) They are growing fast without becoming richer.C) They are as modernised as many cities elsewhere.D) They attract migrants who want to be better off.47.What does the author imply about urbanisation in other parts of the world?A) It benefited from the contribution of immigrants.B) It started when people’ s income was relatively high.C)It benefited from the accelerated rise in productivity.D) It started with the improvement of people’ s livelihood.48.Why is sub-Saharan Africa unappealing to investors?A) It lacks adequate transport facilities.B) The living expenses there are too high.C) It is on the whole too densely populated.D) The local governments are corrupted.49.In what way does the author say African cities are different?A) They have attracted huge numbers of farm labourers.B) They still rely heavily on agricultural productivity.C) They have developed at the expense of nature. D)They depend far more on foreign investment.50.What might be a solution to the problems facing African cities?A) Lowering of apartment rent.C) More rational overall planning.B) Better education for residents.D) A more responsible government.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.For the past several decades, it seems there’ s been a general consensus on how to get ahead in America: Get a college education, find a reliable job, and buy your own home. But do Americansstill believe in that path, and if they do, is it attainable?The most recent National Journal poll asked respondents about the American dream, what ittakes to achieve their goals, and whether or not they felt a significant amount of control over theirability to be successful. Overwhelmingly, the results show that today, the idea of the Americandream — and what it takes to achieve it—looks quite different than it did in the late 20th century.By and large, people felt that their actions and hard work — not outside forces — werethedeciding factor in how their lives turned out. But respondents had decidedly mixed feelings aboutwhat actions make for a better life in the current economy.In the last seven years, Americans have grown more pessimistic about the power of education tolead to success. Even though they see going to college as a fairly achievable goal, a majority52 percent — thinkthat young people do not need a four-year college education in order to besuccessful.Miguel Maeda, 42, who has a master’ s degree and works in public health, was the first in his family to go to college, which has allowed him to achieve a sense of financial stability hisparents and grandparents never did.While some, like Maeda, emphasized the value of the degree rather than the education itself,others still see college as a way to gain new perspectives and life experiences.Sixty-year-old Will Fendley, who had a successful career in the military and never earned acollege degree, thinks “ personal drive ” is far more important than just going to college. To Fendley, a sense of drive and purpose, as well as an effective high-school education, and basic life skills, like balancing a checkbook, are the necessary ingredients for a successful life in America.51. It used to be commonly acknowledged that to succeed in America, one had to have ______.A) an advanced academic degree C) a firm belief in their dreamB) an ambition to get ahead D) a sense of drive and purpose52.What is the finding of the latest National Journal poll concerning the American dream?A) More and more Americans are finding it hard to realize.B) It remains alive among the majority of American people.C) Americans ’ idea of it has changed over the past few decades. D)An increasing number of young Americans are abandoning it.53.What do Americans now think of the role of college education in achieving success?A) It still remains open to debate.B) It has proved to be beyond doubt.C) It is no longer as important as it used to be.D) It is much better understood now than ever.54.How do some people view college education these days?A) It promotes gender equality.C) It adds to cultural diversity.B) It needs to be strengthened.D) It helps broaden their minds.55. What is one factor essential to success in America, according to Will Fendley?A)A desire to learn and to adapt.B)A strong sense of responsibility. C)A willingness to commit oneself.D)A clear aim and high motivation.Part IV Translation(30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed SO minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.华山位于华阴市,距西安120 公里。

Part 2: para.6-7中西两种学习方式的比较与对比
Task 1:引入两种comparison and contrast的基本方法:One-side-at-a-time method and Point-by-point method,学生泛读,结合课文分析。
Q1: Read the first few sentences of paragraph 6 and 7, and decide what method is used here?

新编大学英语第四版综合教程2答案浙江大学1、Be careful when you _______ the street. [单选题] *A. are crossingB. is crossingC. cross(正确答案)D. is cross2、I’ve got some very _______ news to tell you. [单选题] *A. exciting(正确答案)B. comfortableC. convenientD. beautiful3、I didn't hear _____ because there was too much noise where I was sitting. [单选题] *A. what did he sayB. what he had said(正确答案)C. what he was sayingD. what to say4、95.-Dad, can we walk? ? ? ? ? ? ?the road now?-No,we? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . We have to wait until the light turns green. [单选题] *A.across, needn’tB.across, mustn’t(正确答案)C.though, can’tD.through, mustn't5、How beautiful the flowers are! Let’s take some _______. [单选题] *A. photos(正确答案)B. potatoesC. paintingsD. tomatoes6、He always ______ the teacher carefully in class. [单选题] *A. listensB. listens to(正确答案)C. hearsD. hears of7、One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but at least can help cover my living(). [单选题] *A. billsB. expenses(正确答案)C. pricesD. charges8、Everyone knows that the sun _______ in the east. [单选题] *A. fallsB. rises(正确答案)C. staysD. lives9、16.Lily is a lovely girl. We all want to ________ friends with her. [单选题] * A.haveB.make(正确答案)C.doD.take10、--Which is Tom?--He is _______ of the two boys. [单选题] *A. tallB. tallerC. the taller(正确答案)D. the tallest11、We got up early this morning and took a long walk after breakfast. We walked _____ the business section of the city. [单选题] *A. amongB. betweenC. through(正确答案)D. upon12、It is my _______ to meet you here. [单选题] *A. pleasure(正确答案)B. pleaseC. pleasedD. pleasant13、Can you _______ this form? [单选题] *A. fillB. fill in(正确答案)C. fill toD. fill with14、These apples smell _____ and taste ______. [单选题] *A. well; wellB. good; good(正确答案)C. well; goodD. good; well15、How I wish I()to repair the watch! I only made it worse. [单选题] *A. had triedB. hadn't tried(正确答案)C. have triedD.didn't try16、I think ______ time with my friends is fun for me.()[单选题] *A. spendB. spendC. spending(正确答案)D. spent17、8.—Will she have a picnic next week?—________. And she is ready. [单选题] * A.Yes, she doesB.No, she doesn'tC.Yes, she will(正确答案)D.No, she won't18、Tom didn’t _______ his exam again. It was a pity. [单选题] *A. failB. winC. pass(正确答案)D. beat19、He always found it hard to satisfy himself. [单选题] *A. 控制B. 满足(正确答案)C. 了解D. 批评20、He _______ maths. [单选题] *A. does well in(正确答案)B. good atC. is well inD. does well at21、_____ the project, we'll have to work two more weeks. [单选题] *A. CompletingB. CompleteC. Having completedD.To complete(正确答案)22、His remarks _____me that I had made the right decision. [单选题] *A.ensuredB.insuredC.assured(正确答案)D.assumed23、My home is about _______ away from the school. [单选题] *A. three hundred metreB. three hundreds metresC. three hundred metres(正确答案)D. three hundreds metre24、5.Shanghais is known ________ “the Oriental Pearl”, so many foreigners come to visitShanghai very year. [单选题] *A.forB.as (正确答案)C.withD.about25、While studying abroad, he financially depended()his wife. [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. ofC. toD. from26、68.—How ________ apples do you want?—I want two kilos. How ________ are they?—They are 5 yuan. [单选题] *A.much; manyB.many; much(正确答案)C.many; manyD.much; much27、Last year Polly _______ an English club and has improved her English a lot. [单选题] *A. leftB. sawC. joined(正确答案)D. heard28、( ) .Would you please ______me the gifts from your friends? [单选题] *A.to showB. showingC. show(正确答案)D. shown29、--I can’t watch TV after school.--I can’t, _______. [单选题] *A. alsoB. tooC. either(正确答案)D. so30、The sun disappeared behind the clouds. [单选题] *A. 出现B. 悬挂C. 盛开D. 消失(正确答案)。

2)Anything to do with my finances is ma
wife’s province.
Try, Try Again -------- T,H,Palmer
Try, a lesson you should heed, Try, Try again; If at first you don’t succeed, Try, Try again; Then your courage should appear, Foe, if you will persevere, You will conquer, never fear; Try, Try again.
capacity n.the ability to understand or do sth.能力,才能 例句: The capacity to respond to stimuli
skilled a.having skilled;needing skill熟练的,有技巧的;技术性的 例句:A skilled technician takes years to train.
• 3)If you look out of the window on the left side of the
bus,you'll see that we're now____________the Tower of
• 4)There'll certainly be some preblems,but nothing that

《大学英语4精读》2023-2024学年第一学期期末试卷1、—Can't you drive a little faster?—No. If I ________ another speeding ticket, my dad would take away my car.A.would get B.would have got C.had got D.got2、merchant A.machine B.achieve C.stomach D.technology3、Li Hua ____ his money for dollars before he went on a holiday in America.A.exchanges B.has exchangedC.will exchange D.had exchanged4、If he ____hard, he would have passed the exam.A.were to work B.had workedC.should work D.was to work5、There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds ______ they are notobjectively true, and that giants, witches, two-headed dragons etc do not exist.A.that B.what C.which D.when6、It is obvious to the students _____________they should get well prepared for their future.A.as B.thatC.which D.whether7、It is a foolish act to________ notes during a test as you will be severely punished. A.stick to B.refer to C.keep to D.point to8、He has no idea what the book is about.He have read it very carefully.A.needn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.mustn’t9、When caught _____ in the exam, he begged for the teacher’s pardon and tried ______A.cheating; escaping B.to be cheating; to escapeC.cheating; to escape D.to be cheating; escaping10、I appreciate ______ the opportunity to work in your company two years ago. A.giving B.to give C.being given D.to be given第二部分阅读理解(满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

1.1)A entertaining B entertainment C entertained D entertainer2)A recognizable B recognized C recognition D3)A tempting B temptation C tempt4)A reasoned B reasoning C reasonable D reason5)A analyzed B analytical C analyst D analysis6)A valuable B valuation C valued/values D values7)A humorist B humor C humorous D humorless8)A understandable B understanding C understand D misunderstood2.1)a sense of responsibility2)a sense ofsafety/security3)a sense of inferiority4)a sense of superiority5)a sense of rhythm6)a sense of justice7)a sense of shame8)a sense of helplessness9)a sense of direction10)a sense of urgency3.1)Lively behavior is normal2)Fast cars appeal to3)diverse arguments4)I asked my boss for clarification5)sensitive to light6)Mutual encouragement7)made fun of him8)persists in hisopinion/viewpoint9)to be the focus/center of attention10)we buy our tickets in advance4.1)certain/sure2)involved3)end4)behavior5) disciplining6)agreed7)individually8)first9)response10) question11)attempt12)voice13)directly14)followed15)troubleUnit2Step OneColumn A Column B The Compound Wordscreatedthrough day throughoutup man upbeat,upliftdraw eared drawbackteen ready teenagehand conscious handout,handwritten birth back birthday,birthstone chair distance chairmanrag beat rag-earedever lift ever-readyover age overdue,overage long due long-distance,long-earedself stone self-consciousmile out mileage,milestone type wishing typewriter,typewrittenwell Writer/written well-wishing,well-writtenTwo1)long-distance2)upbeat3)ever-ready4) overdue5)typewriter6)milestone7)handwritten8)uplifted9)self-conscious10)rag-eared11)birthday12)throughout13)drawbacks14) chairman15)teenage3.1)thrives2)strategy3)annual4)deserve5)spontaneous6)sincere7)investments8)enterprise9)follow up10)characterized11)lingered12)acknowledgedcolumn1)D2)A3)B4)Ctough1)D2)B3)E4)F5)C6)A6.1)searched2)clever3)solution4)wasted5)tolerate6)hidden7)dumb8)subject9)noise10)extra11)purchased12)replaced13)appreciation14)hurried15)warrant16)strangeUnit3Understanding the Organization of the Text(1)Introduction(para1)It has been proven repeatedly that the various types of behavior,emotions,andinterests that constitute being masculine and feminine are patterned by both heredityand culture.(2)There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls.(para.2-4)Supporting evidenceA.Teachers called on males in class far more than on female students.(para2)i)Its consequence:This has a tremendous impact on the learning process.ii)The reason for this:Active classroom participants develop more positive attitudesgo on to higher achievement.iii)Two examples:a.In many of the former all-women’s colleges,the boys were taking over the class-room discussions and active participation by women students had diminished noticeably.b.A similar subordination of female to male students has also been observed in lawand medical school classrooms in recent years.B.Teachers assigned boys and girls different tasks according to stereotyped gender roles.(para.3)i)Its consequence:This prevented girls from participating as actively as boys inclass.ii)An example:A teacher had the little boys perform the scientific experiment while thegirls were given the task of putting the materials away.C.Gender-biased education is also reflected in the typical American teacher’assumption.(para4)i)The assumption:Boys will do better in the hard,masculine subjects of math andscience while girls are expected to have better verbal and reading skills.ii)Three examples:a.American boys do develop reading problems, while girls,who are superior to boys inmath up to the age of nine,fall behind from then on.b.In Germany,all studies are considered masculine and it is girls who developreading problems.c.In Japan,where early education appears to be nonsexist,both girls and boys doequally well in reading.(3)The educational bias begins at home.(para5)A.Supporting evidence:Boy preschoolers were permitted to go away from home in a much wider area thangirl preschoolers.ii)Boys were encouraged to developintellectual curiosity and physical skills,whilegirls are filled with fears of the world outside the home and with the desire to beapproved of for their goodness and obedience to rules.B.The consequence when these lessons carry over from the home to the classroom:Girlsare generally observed to be more dependent on the teacher,more concerned with the formand neatness of their work than its content,and more anxious about being right in theiranswers than in being intellectually independent, analytical,or original.C.Conclusion:Through the educational process that occupies most of the child’s wakinghours,society reinforces its established values and turns out each sex in its traditionaland expected mold.Vocabulary1.1)genetic2)assign3)noticeably4)approved5)Bias6)deprived7)constituted8)participation9)unintentional10)postgraduate2.conscious-unconsciousencourage-discouragedirectly-indirectlysexist–nonsexistdependent-independentpositive–negative-inferiorbiased–fairlimited–unlimitedappropriately-inappropriately3.1)C2)D3)A4)E5)B6)C7)F8)B4.1)turn out2)carry over3)calling on4)put away5)fallen behind6)take overUnit4Creativitytheira combination of and me to fall asleep in class.B.Sickness,combined with bad weather,made our trip impossible7.createA.the creation of a new exam systemB.the most creative writer8.pursueIn pursuit of…B.She is pursuing her studies9.multiplyA.learning multiplicationB.if you multiple four by tree…10.employA.He was healthy but he did not know how to employ(使用;应用)his energyB.the employment of modern machineryFilling the blanks(P142):1)Is just a working model;we haven’tyet.mother.puritythey3)The government is committed to(致力;投入)promoting the developmentand use of public transportation.4)The restriction no longer applies to him because he’s over18.5)…are vital/very important to…His ideas were scorned(轻蔑;鄙视)by many American psychologists.7)Internet connections through conventional(平常的;惯常的)hone lines are fairly slow.8)I have to buy a wedding present and I want to find something really original(新颖的;独创的)Filling the blanks(p143)1)consciously2)innovative solutions3)unconsciously4)consciously5)Imagination6)Are not aware how…7)in control of8)Your future is created by your thoughts…9)Your present no longer has to be an extension(延伸;延续)of your past.10)A powerful techniquevulnerable(脆弱的;易受伤的)to others.unfolding(展开)that wayexciting experience.to gain.to every area of your life.of the textto be role models,and they canbad ones.2)Athletes should be role models.(para.2-5)The author’s arguments:A.Athletes should not refuse the responsibility of being a role model whileaccepting all the glory and the money that comes with being a famous athlete.2)B.I try to be a positive role model,but that doesn’t mean I am perfect.(para.3)C.Qualities of a positive role model:(para.4)a.He influences people’s lives in a positive way.b.He gives of himself in time or money to help those who look up to him.c.He displays the values like honesty and determination.D.Athletes cannot take the place of parents,but can help reinforce what parentstry to teach their children.(para.5)3)People sometimes expect so much that some athletes don’t want to be rolemodes.(para.6-7)A.Sometimes people put athletes on a pedestal.Example:I have had parents in Utah put my picture on the wall beside JesusChrist.(para.6)B.Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to tolerate at times.Example:1:Negative publicity Michael Jordan received about gambling.2.Ever since I played on the Dream Team,I can’t go anywherewithout being the center of attention and I can’t even buy amotorcycle I really want.(para.7)4)Conclusion(para8-9)The good things about being a role model outweigh the bad.A.It’s a great feeling to think you are part of the reason that a id decided to tryto be good.B.But parents should remind their kids that there are no perfect human beings.C.Charles Barkley is a good role model.V ocabulary2.1)is bound to2)follow their lead3)goes too far/is going too far4)take the place of5)dropped out6)have a fit7)measure up to8)look up to9)Let’s face it10)you name it3.1)outgrown2)outdo3)outwitted4)outweigh5)outlivedUnit6RisksVocabulary(p223)a.sensible adviceb.relative advantagesc.the mechanism that worked the alarmd.…requires skille.eliminate all the errorsf.a plane crash2.Filling the blanks(p223)1)The true character of many risks is quite different from what we might have imagined.2)We end up preparing ourselves for the impossible risk.)life.what isriskofas youwon thefeed on but on facts.4)The teacher told the girl to reduce an equation to (简化)its simplest form.5)Keep on doing that and you’ll end up(最后以…为结局)in serious trouble6)The environmental problems are often associated with(和…有关系)nuclear waste.Today we are doing to focus on(把重点放…)the question of homeless people8)For assistance,they turned to(向…求助)one of the city’s most innovative museums.9)Everyone is the class is expected to participate actively in(参加)these discussionsUnit7College Life1.opposite meanings(p266)belief–doubt dependent–independentdeep–shallow mediocre–distinguish from8)I like to look back on my high school days…9)We could tell that Robert had gone through a very difficult time.10)She shouldn’t be working so hard.She is70, after all.11)I didn’t enjoy marking those papers and I was glad to be rid of them.I’d rather not go to the dance on my own.I do wish you’d come with me.3.1)choice2)secure3)hear4)who5)keep6)while7)now8)This9)pressure10)expecting11)tests12)within13)had14)catch15)marks16)patents17)obtain/get18)teachers19)relax 20)shapeUnit8TimeWord combination p3091.Spend time doing sth.2.Waste time=lose time3.Take one’s time=do sth.at a moderate pace4.kill time5.save time6.pass the time即:C E B D A FWord building P3092.relearn再学习regain收回,重新获得redo重做,再做rewrite重写,改写rearrange重新整理reclaim要求归还,收回remodel重新塑造,改变replace取代rephrase重新措辞rejoin再结合,在加入reform改革readjust重新调整reunited(使)再结合rebroadcast转播,重播reread再读复习3.words with similar meaning:1)sense his guest were bored=felt2)dismiss the idea\=ignore,disregard3)emerge from=appear4)perceive a change=notice5)recall ever meeting her=remember ever meeting her6)accelerate the growth of crops=speed up7)have the dress altered=have the dress changed 8)external pressures=outside pressures9)recognized=realize10)the usual symptoms of flu=sign即:B A D A D C A A A BUNIT91.COLUMN A COLUMN Binvention inventavailable AvailInnovation InnovateAdaptable AdaptDiscovery DiscoverAcceptance AcceptEvolution EvolveObjectivity ObjectiveObservation ObserveExperimentation ExperimentProsperity Prosperdisastrous disaster1)observation2)available3)discoveries4)acceptance5) experimentation6)inventions7)evolution8)adaptable9) innovative10)objectivity2.1)out of the ordinary2)precededprecede sb.as…在某人之前任职succeed sb.as…继某人之后任职3)To be exact4)Contradict(ed)(与…矛盾)5)Prosperity(繁荣)6)Gave birth to(产生=result in;give rise to…)7)Catch our breath8)had in mind(what is desirable理想中的)9)proposed10)converted(=change)11)disastrous(a.灾害性的)12)negative解释:1)the fact后接that构成同位语从句,类似名词从句,通常做主语、宾语、表语等,在此翻译为:他呼吸困难这种状况不是好征兆。
外研社2024新编大学英语(第四版)综合教程B4U1教学课件B4U1 Reading 2

Reading 2
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Memory, crucial to our lives, is fascinating and complex. How is it stored in the brain? And how do different types of memory function? Watch a video clip about memory and complete the outline.
6) _b_i_o_g_ra_p_h_i_c_a_l information.
Classification • It’s pretty 7) ___s_ta_b_l_e_a_n_d__a_c_c_u_ra_t_e_____ .
Muscle memory
long-term memory
• It’s similarly stable over time.
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 1
Reading 2
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• Different from vision or language, memory is
located 1) _t_h_r_o_u_g_h_o_u_t _y_o_u_r_/_th_e__b_r_ai_n_ and it
Reading 2
Text exploration
Background information
“Pass it on” is a group game. To play the game, a group of people stand or sit in a circle or a line. One person starts the game by thinking of a short word or phrase and then whispering it into the ear of the person next to them. That person then passes it on to the third person and so on. At the end of the game, the last person will speak the word / phrase out to see how well the message has been delivered.
新编大学英语(第四版)综合教程2课件B2U4 Reading 1

新编大学英语(第四版Байду номын сангаас 综合教程 Unit 4
Reading 1
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新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 4
Reading 1 TTeexxtteexxpplloorraattiioonn
Watch for information Watch a video clip and complete the table with no more than FOUR words for each answer.
What are the differences between men and women in ways of thinking and how are these differences related to brain characteristics?
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 4
Reading 1
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新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 4 B篇练习答案及课文翻译

6 It’s not just a list of do’s and don’ts, we need to change our mindset. Although online banking is now commonplace, there’s a significant group of people in the country – the baby boomers, 15 per cent of the population – who still prefer to use paper. What’s more, 30 per cent of cases of fraud occur within this group. A check has all the information about you that an identity thief needs. If you use a ballpoint pen, the ink can be removed with the help of a regular household chemical and the sum of money can be changed. More than 1.2 million bad checks are issued every day, more than 13 per second.
2. ____ The story in the film could not happen in real life.
3. ___√_ Identity theft is more common today. 4. ___√_ The pain and trouble caused by identity loss. 5. ___√_ The importance of computer in keeping personal
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When and where does the story happen?所选答案:D. The story happens in a forest in Summer问题Before Sylvia came to her grandmother’s farm, she used to ____________所选答案:A. live in a dirty, crowded factory town问题It was Sylvia’s daily routine to ____________.所选答案:D. bring the cow home to be milked at five thirty问题It can be inferred from the story that ____________.所选答案:A. Sylvia’s parents did not lead a very rich life问题A young man came to the forest to ____________所选答案:C. hunt for birds问题Sylvia’s heart b eat fast when she heard the man talking about the white heronbecause ____________.所选答案:D. she had seen the bird and was wondering whether to tell theman or not问题Sylvia would win ____________ if she told the young man where the heronwas所选答案:D. ten dollars问题The next day Sylvia and the young man spent the whole day ____________所选答案:D. in the forest looking for the heron问题 9得 1 分,满分 1 分Sylvia saw ____________ when she reached the top of the pine tree所选答案: A. th e golden sun’s rays, two hawks fly together and the white heron问题The young man and Sylvia valued the white heron differently because________所选答案:D. the young man killed the bird for collection while Sylviaviewed it as part of nature问题Too often, people count their houses, savings and retirement plans as allthey have in their __________ column.所选答案: A. asset问题From time to time he would __________ or sing to announce his presence,to avoid startling any beast into attack.所选答案: C. whistle问题The __________ to the seaside will be put off if it is going to rain tomorrow所选答案: D. excursion问题Her voice thinned down to a __________ as people turned to shush (嘘) her所选答案: D. whisper问题Language helps in focusing, especially on aspects of situations that areabstract and only __________ sensed at first.所选答案: A. vaguely问题Each new variety or species, during the process of its __________, willgenerally press hardest on its nearest kindred (亲属), and tend toexterminate (消灭) them.所选答案:A. formation问题A meeting of minds was not reached during the first_________, but anotherone is scheduled for tomorrow所选答案:D. session问题She got a considerable sum of money out of the __________ people underthe pretence of collecting for the blind所选答案:A. unsuspecting问题In the end, they won the election but only with a very __________ majority所选答案:C. slender问题Hurricane Wilma churned (搅动) toward Florida as thousands of residentswere ordered to __________ vulnerable islands and coastal areas.所选答案:C. evacuate问题They had inherited Greco-Roman cultural __________ to some extent, connecting ancient times with Renaissance and modern times所选答案:A. legacy问题The __________ of industrial pollutants should meet both national and localstandards by the end of 2020.所选答案:C. discharge问题His dog just gives a __________ the door when it wants to come in所选答案:D. scratch at问题 24 得 1 分,满分 1 分Copyright provides the musicians the option, --- the option to sell or__________ their works.所选答案: C. give away问题Rich dad stopped by at noon on the third week. We heard his truck__________ in the parking lot and sputter when the engine was turned off.所选答案: A. pull up问题The town in the valley had relied on its specific __________, but the recentmurderous landslide devoured its dream.所选答案: C. landscape问题Our international trade relations, though __________ important, are in point of time and necessity secondary to the establishment of a sound nationaleconomy.所选答案: B. vastly问题The idea of being in debt may __________ you forever, even if you onlypay the minimum amount of mortgage each month since the interest wouldballoon as time passes by.所选答案: B. haunt问题Before __________ technology was highly developed, it wasn't possible for man to know much about the potential of the non-living resources of thesea.所选答案: B. marine问题Even the old shop-houses were conserved and restored to its __________condition with modern layout and styling.所选答案: B. pristine问题On behalf ___1___[A] S untan Tours I’d 1. A) overB) under like to welcome you all to Los Cabos. Right C) that D) of now I’d like to familiarize you ___2___[B] 2. A) with B) asC) overD) for the area and discuss some brief safety ___3___ 3. A) publication B) precautions. [C]. Firstly, I ask that you remain ___4___[D] C) processD) pillarsuntil we reach our destination. Secondly,4. A) standing B) stand please note that it is against the law to get C) seatedD) seat drunk in public. Enjoy your vacation, but do 5. A) responsibly B) attractively drink ___5___[E].C) urgently D) eagerlyI promise you are going to ___6___[F] 6. A) oppose B) deny your stay here in San Joses, Los Cabos. This C) refuse D) enjoyis a beautiful, quiet city ___7___[G] you can 7. A) whereB) whatC) thatD) which relax, sit by the beach, __8__[H] great meals, 8. A) despiseB) own and feel very safe. C) admireD) enjoy Suntan Tours offers a variety of special 9. A) depending B) depend C) depends D) depended discounts __9__[I] on your travel __10__[J]. 10. A) pointsB) customsC) ideasD) plansWe have golf __11__[K], as well as guided 11. A) indications B) packageswhale boat tours and fishing charters. We C) returnsD) persuasions recommend that you do not ___12___[L] 12. A) purchase B) permit packages from street vendors, ___13___[M] C) persecute D) prejudice they are not always 100 percent reliable. 13. A) on B) if If you need to ___14___[N] your dollars C) byD) as into pesos, please use a bank or money14. A) exertB) exchangeexchange. ___15___[O], if you prefer, you C) keep D) expend can always use your credit cards. Also, if 15. A) Or B) Noryou want to get around the city, weC) But D) Neither recommend that you take the local bus__16__ 16. A) lessB) other [P] than a taxi. The bus costs only one dollar.C) rather D) more We’re going to be pulling up to the hotel 17. A) hurriedly B) soon ___17___[Q]. Please sit back and enjoy the C) fast D) slowly view of the ocean until we have come to a 18. A) absolute B) partial ___18___[R] stop. Please double-check to C) completeD) intact make___19___[S] your bag has been taken 19. A) confident B) sure off the bus. On behalf of Suntan Tours, have C) firm D) true a wonderful ___20___[T] and see you 20. A) vacation B) visual tomorrow at the information session.C) vacancyD) venue所选答On behalf ___1___ D Suntan Tours I’d 1. A) over B)案:underlike to welcome you all to Los Cabos. Right C) that D) ofnow I’d like to fami liarize you ___2___A 2. A) with B) asC) overD) forthe area and discuss some brief safety ___3___ 3. A) publicationB) precautions.B. Firstly, I ask that you remain ___4___C C) processD) pillarsuntil we reach our destination. Secondly, 4. A) standing B)standplease note that it is against the law to get C) seated D) seatdrunk in public. Enjoy your vacation, but do 5. A) responsiblyB) attractivelydrink ___5___A. C) urgently D)eagerlyI promise you are going to ___6___D 6. A) opposeB) denyyour stay here in San Joses, Los Cabos. This C) refuse D)enjoyis a beautiful, quiet city ___7___A you can 7. A) whereB) whatC) thatD) whichrelax, sit by the beach, __8__D great meals, 8. A) despise B) ownand feel very safe. C) admireD) enjoySuntan Tours offers a variety of special 9. A) depending B) dependC) dependsD) dependeddiscounts __9__A on your travel __10__D. 10. A) pointsB) customsC) ideasD) plansWe have golf __11__B, as well as guided 11. A) indications B)packageswhale boat tours and fishing charters. We C) returns D)persuasionsrecommend that you do not ___12___A12. A) purchaseB) permitpackages from street vendors, ___13___D C) persecute D)prejudicethey are not always 100 percent reliable. 13. A) on B) ifIf you need to ___14___ B your dollars C) by D) asinto pesos, please use a bank or money14. A) exertB) exchangeexchange. ___15___ A , if you prefer, you C) keepD)expendcan always use your credit cards. Also, if 15. A) Or B) Nor you want to get around the city, weC) But D) Neitherrecommend that you take the local bus__16__ 16. A) lessB)otherC than a taxi. The bus costs only one dollar. C) ratherD) moreWe’re going to be pulling up to the hotel 17. A) hurriedly B) soon___17___ B . Please sit back and enjoy the C) fastD) slowlyview of the ocean until we have come to a 18. A) absolute B)partial___18___ C stop. Please double-check toC) completeD) intactmake___19___ B your bag has been taken 19. A) confident B) sure off the bus. On behalf of Suntan Tours, have C) firm D) true a wonderful ___20___ A and see you 20. A) vacation B) visualtomorrow at the information session.C) vacancyD)venue问题Why does cram go bad faster than butter? Some researchers think they have the answer, and it comes down to the structure of the food, not its chemical composition —a finding that could help rid some processed foods of chemical preservatives.Cream and butter contain pretty much the same substances, so why cream should sour much faster has been a mystery. Both are emulsions —tiny globules (小球体) of one liquid evenly distributedthroughout another. The difference lies in what’s in the globules and what’s in the surrounding liquid, says Brocklehurst, who led the investigation.In cream, fatty globules drift about in a sea of water. In butter, globules of a watery solution are locked away in a sea of fat. The bacteria which make the food go bad prefer to live in the watery regions of the mixture. “This means that in cream, the bacteria arefree to grow throug hout the mixture,” he says.When the situation is reversed, the bacteria are locked away in compartments (隔仓室) buried deep in the sea of fat. Trapped in this way, individual colonies cannot spread and rapidly run out of nutrients (养料). They also slowly poison themselves with their waste products. “In butter, you get a self -limiting system which stops the bacteria growing,” says Brocklehurst.The researchers are already working with food companies keen to see if their products can be made resistant to bacterial attackthrough alterations to the food’s structure. Brocklehurst believes it will be possible to make the emulsions used in salad cream, for instance, more like that in butter. The key will be to do this while keeping the salad cream liquid and not turning it into a solid lump.The significance of Brocklehurst’s research is that _____________.所选答案:B. it suggested a way to keep some foods fresh withoutpreservatives问题According to the researchers, cream sours fast than butter because bacteria____________.所选答案:C. multiply more easily in cream than in butter问题According to Brocklehurst, we can keep cream fresh by _____________.所选答案:B. altering its structure问题The word “colonies” (Line 2, Para. 4) refers to _____________.所选答案:C. bacteria communities问题Commercial application of the research finding will be possible if salad cream can be made resistant to bacterial attack ______________.所选答案:B. while retaining its liquid form。