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1. 查看是否安装多路径软件包

rpm -qa|grep device-mapper

[rootfjlocalhost 勒 rpm -qa |grep devica-fliApper device-aapper -1.62.135 * i * el 7.x86_64 drvir?-mpp«'r iftultipath libs 3 .0-99.^17 . vS6_64 device-upper pe nslstent - data -0.6,3-1. tfl7. xfi5_64 device-sapper -multipath ■ & + 4 占-99 ・ el.7.xe6_64 devlce^HApper -llbS-1,82335 -1 -fl!7.xS6_64 device-Mappc r event ■ 1.02 J 35 1.e!7< device-«pper -event -llbs-1. G2.135 * 1 »e!7. x86_6^

2. 如果系统没有安装多路径软件包,使用 yum 安装

yum in stall -y device-mapper device-mapper-multipath

3. 生成多路径配置文件

mpathconf --enable


4. 启动多路径服务

service multipathd start 或 systemctl start multipathd.service

5. 查看多路径服务状态

service multipathd status 或 systemctl status multipathd.service

[rcotflocAlhoftt ««rvlce nultipathd it At LA Redirecting to ,rf bin/systBKtl status Multipathd ■肓Qmix 軒 multIpathd _a? rvice - DE¥ice-*sp 匚包IT M LJ ITipath De J lcLont rslIer

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En :!QcStart=/£[34-n/nLjlt

CEadQ=4x.itad r st at Lr&^Oz SUCCESS)

Proems : 1929 E■ K St4rtPr (-s/5bLn/mul11 path -A 1:“*之时"6 StatU&=e/Sl>CCESSI Protfrsas 1813 E«ee St A rrPr# -; sbLn/»adp robe dmimultipaTh •: £*d«-*xlT*d P ar EXCESS)

Miin PIO : 1026 (wltlp«thd>

CGroup: /systeir ・slics/njl.11 pathu r senlc@

IBffi /stjin/nijltlpathd

6. 创建多路径开机自启动服务

systemctl enable multipathd.service

7. 查看HBA 的WWN

A LHJ 29 "l&calh&it .localdMain Aug 29 ] 3:5G :22 1 alh«t.I ac aldonain 2? <9 13:5d:22 1 ocal host a I al domain Aug 29 13:58*22 localrMMt .lacaldMain Auq 29 3 3:50:72 "loc«i"lh»t .locaTdo«

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s4f $ ddd pd<1 h (iinent)

Mlfl ^piir iaui urtenitj p^th AlreAdy in pdthvrr Ml 斗 ddd pdiith (ueyenit)

sdda: spur I QIJ S I U^venitj path al ready in pdthv^匚

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