



本学期英语话剧兴趣小组整体教学进度计划表 第一周认识英语话剧,激发兴趣 第二周学习重点词汇、简单对话 第三周初识英文版《喜羊羊与灰太狼》 第四周学习英文版主题曲《大家一起喜羊羊》 第五周复习巩固《大家一起喜羊羊》 第六周观看剧本中文版动画,了解剧本内容,分解场景 第七周学习场景一词汇对话 第八周复习场景一 第九周学习场景二词汇对话 第十周复习场景二 第十一周学习场景三词汇对话 第十二周复习场景三 第十三周学习场景四词汇对话 第十四周复习场景四 第十五周整体剧本串联(一)——道具制作及重难点对话复习第十六周整体剧本串联(二)——综合考核:选定演出人员第十七周 第十八周综合复习及汇报演出彩排 第十九周 第二十周

教学内容: 1.介绍英语话剧,观看网络英语话剧剪辑; 2.学习英文儿歌《London Bridge》; 3.学习简单的Self introduction。 教学目标: 1.培养和激发学生对英语和英语话剧的兴趣,初步认识英语话剧; 2.打下一定的英文歌曲基础; 3.学习简单的自我介绍巨型,复习课堂教学内容的同时为接下来的剧本学习打下基础。 教学过程: 1.T self introduction; 2.简单介绍话剧和英文话剧; 3.观看英文话剧《灰姑娘》和《白雪公主》剪辑; 4.简单总结两个话剧剪辑的特点 “同学们,你们也想像网络上的哥哥姐姐们一样,参与到英语话剧的演出中,表演一个故事吗?” 5.学习自我介绍 “同学们,当你们在表演话剧的时候,就是在扮演另外一个人了,这个时候,你们怎么介绍自己呢?” Hello, my name is … (姓名) I’m a … (职业) ……


【医院常用的英语口语对话】 A:Have you taken your temperature? A:你量体温了么? B:Yes, and it is 37℃. B:量了,37度。 A:Well, open your mouth and let me have a look. It is nothing serious. You haven't got a fever. But you should take the medicine and need to have more rest recently. When you feel well, you could take more exercises, or play sports like basketball, running, and swimming. And eating healthy food, having more fruits and vegetableand drinking milk are good for your heath. A:哦,张开嘴,我看看。没什么大问题,你没发烧。但你还是要吃药,最近也要多休息。感觉好些的时候多做运动,打打篮球、跑跑步或者游游泳什么的。多吃健康食品,多吃蔬菜水果,还有多喝奶,对你身体都有好处。 B:Yes, I see. Thanks a lot. B:好的,我知道了。谢谢你。 【医院看病常用的英语口语对话】 护士:早上好! Nurse: Good morning. 病人:你好! Patient: Good morning. 护士:请问哪里不舒服? Nurse: What seems to be the problem? 病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。 Patient: I'm running a high fever and feeling terribly bad. 护士:这种情况出现有多久了? Nurse: How long have you had the problem? 病人:从昨晚开始的。 Patient: Since last night. 护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗? Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before? 病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市。 Patient: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city. 护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。比如您的年龄,挂号,住址等等。 Nurse:O. K. In that case, you have to fill in this


搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous sword 搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》 旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman 剑客and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”. But finally he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth. Action I 太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (画外音:It’s you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高兴状) Thank u mirror! (面对观众)I’m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? (向幕里大叫) Where is my minister? 阿三(毕恭毕敬) : Honey, I am coming. 太子丹:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”! 阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~(作杀状) 太子:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状) Good idea! But who is the right candidate?


西南大学荣昌校区英语话剧比赛 策 划 书 西南大学共青团委员会 二〇一四年四月十日

一、活动目的 英语话剧大赛是一个结合我校外语特色与当代大学生外语交际能力的展示平台。顺应新时代对外开放的潮流以及英语教学地位的日益提高的趋势,为我校大学生提供一个交流学习的机会。通过英语文化与表演艺术之间的融合,展现当代大学生的精神风貌,提高学生综合素质。 二、活动主题 放飞梦想,耀我青春 三、主办单位:西南大学荣昌校区共青团委员会 承办单位:西南大学荣昌校区各系部团总支学生会 四、活动对象 全体在校学生 五、比赛地点:2211 比赛时间:2014年6月中旬 六、比赛形式 本次英语话剧比赛通过抽签决定上场顺序,参赛选手以团队为单位、选手抽签后依次登台表演,评委根据选手的表演内容、形式以及台风、

形象等打分,坚持公平、公正、公正的原则,选手服装、道具自备。 七、比赛要求 ①主题:本次英文话剧大赛不限制主题,能够反映当代学生的精神面貌,有一定的寓意,内容健康向上,鼓励原创,力求新颖独特。 ②剧本:必须为作者原创或改编自中外经典著作,但不得与此前已发表的剧作雷同。严禁抄袭,一经发现即取消参赛资格。 ③参赛剧本必须适合舞台演出。场景道具不宜过于复杂。 ④本次话剧比赛要求选手在表演时必须用英文表达。 ⑤每队参赛队伍的话剧表演时间应控制在10分钟之内。 八、活动内容 1、宣传 ①海报宣传:在宿舍区门口,食堂,校区大门,图书馆入口处,各个宿舍管理站等醒目的地方张贴海报,加大宣传。 ②辅导员辅助宣传:联系各系部的团总支学生会,和他们阐述一下本次活动的目的的主旨,取得他们的支持,通过各系部的团总支学生会宣传本次活动。 ③网络宣传:通过微博,人人网,贴吧等网络工具加大宣传力度。 2、报名 ①现场报名:中午食堂门口摆摊,并接受现场咨询。


有关于看病的英语对话 D: Well, Randy, I'd say you've got a bad case of the flu. The main thing to do is get plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids. I'll prescribe something for that throat.医生:嗯,兰迪,你患了重感冒,你所要做的事便是多休息和多喝水,我会开些处方治你的喉咙。 P: Thanks, doctor. Is there anything I can take for this headache?病人:谢谢医生。 我能吃什么药治疗头疼呢?D: Some aspirin or Panadol should help. You can pick some up at the pharmacy when you go to fill your prescription.医生:吃一些阿司匹林或扑热息痛应该会有帮助。 你在去药房拿药时可以买一些。 P: Okay.病人:好的。 D: Goodbye, Randy. Take care.医生:再见,兰迪,保重。 有关于看病的英语对话篇二Dialogue One (make an appointment with the doctor for oneself)值班护士:早上好,这里是约翰逊大夫办公室。 有什么需要帮忙的吗?Clerk: Good morning. This is Doctor Johnson’s office. What can I do for you?雷德太太:是的。 我是雷德太太。 我想本周预约看病。 Mrs. Reed: Yes, this is Mrs. Reed. I’d like to make an appointment to


搞笑英语话剧剧本《西门吹雪与叶孤城》 搞笑7人剧本《西门吹雪与叶孤城》 演员表:西门吹雪、叶孤城、花满楼、king、路人、上官雪儿 旁白 道具:牛奶两袋,匕首一把,戒子一枚,纸屑若干。 第一幕:决战紫荆城之颠 旁白:Aquietvillageiscoveredwithwhitesnow. Birdsaredancinginthecold. Amaniswalkingalongthestreet,stepbystep. Windiscominginsilence. Anothermysteriousmanapproaches. Y与X相遇. X:oH,Iamsorrytoknockyou! Y:,Nevermindbaby. X:Excuseme,whoareyouonearthCouldyoutellmeyourname? Y:,Iwon’tchangemyname!’mthemostfamous——? X:Iamximenchuixue. Y惊讶:Ar,ximenchuixuethebestMartialArts? X:Great,youknowme!Todayisyourdeaddate! Y抱腿:Please,please……Don’tkillme!Letmego! X:No,Imustkillyou! Y:I don’! X:Noway!Becausewearefightingnow!youknow? Y突然站起冷冷的说:Don’tforceme!

X:Pardon! (Y拿出一袋牛奶) X抢过牛奶:milk,verygood!? Y:pleasedrinkit! X喝完牛奶:Thanks, Y:Doyoustillwanttokillme? X:Sure,must!Milkismilk. Y(恼怒+冷酷):Verygood!verygood!Ihopeyouwillnotforgetwhatyousaid!? X:I’msureIwon’t! Y:Imustgiveyoualesson!IfI don’tbeatyout histime,you’llneverbehaveproperly!3-2-1! X捂着肚子,蹲下(做痛苦状):Oach,Oach! Y大笑:HaHa……themilkisexceedthetimelimit (一人路过,x起身跑过去) X可怜状:excuseme!Help,help,Whereisthewashroomplease,tellme. Y:Oh,Isee,goalongthisstreetandturnrightwhenyouseeacorssingroad! X:Thanks,byebye. Y:byebye(以胜利者的语气,转头,看见花满楼) Y:Whoareyou? H:Hua—man—-lou!Haveyouseenximenchuixue? Y:Yes,hewasbeatenbymeandisin“WC”. H惊讶:Nowyouarethebestintheworld! Y:Youareright! H:Teriffic!youaretheonemykinglookingfor!doyouwantjoininusIfyoufollowmyking,hewillgive whatyouwant. Y:Yes,It’sverygood. H:Ok,followme,Let’sgotoseemy king!


语话剧剧本《高老庄抢亲》 广西财经学院木槿花开根据教客网原话剧改制 An English play---- Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King Cast: narrator(旁白君) Tang's monk (唐僧) The Monkey King (孙悟空) The old man (老头)The little girl (小女子)The old woman(老妈) pig(八戒) 大家好,今天我们小组给大家表演的话剧是高老庄抢亲。下面我介绍一下我们组分配的角色,XX扮演的是XX...... Hello, everyone, today our group to show the drama is Gao Laozhuang rob close .Let me introduce our group assigned roles ....... 第一幕 旁白:唐僧和孙悟空初到高老庄就遇到了奇怪的事儿。At the beginning of tang's monk and Sun WuKong to Gao Laozhuang met strange things 悟空:师傅,是不是太累了?休息一下再走吧。 Master, are you tired? Let’s have a rest. 唐僧:没关系,前面不远就有人家了,到了那里再休息吧。 I am fine. Let’s have a rest later. Look! There is a house over there. 悟空仔细地搀扶唐僧继续行走,同时另一边老头、老妈、小媳妇出场。 小女子(做哭状):爹、妈,我…… Daddy, mommy, I, I … 老头:女儿,快走吧,不然那猪精来了,就走不了了。 Honey, hurry up. The spirit is coming soon.


Patient Good morning,doctor! 早上好,医生! Doctor Morning!What's your troubie,young man? 早上好!怎么了,年轻人? Patient I feel sick and I have a headache. 我感觉恶心,并且我头疼。 Doctor How long have you been like this? 你什么时候开始这样的呢? Patient Since last night. 从昨晚开始。 Doctor Let me look you over carefully. 让我仔细看一看。 Patient Is anything wrong with me? 我有什么事吗? Yes,but it's not serious.you've got the flu.Here are some pills for you.Plerse take them three Doctor times a day and drink moer water. 是的,但它并不严重。你得了流感。这是一些药丸。请一天喝三次,并多喝些水。 Patient How soon can Ibe all right again? 我多久才会好? Doctor If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three days. 如果你好好休息,你将在三天内好的 Patient OK,thanks a lot! 好的,谢谢! Dr. Yang What can I do for you,Benjamin? 有什么我可以为您做的,本杰明? Benjamin Well,I couldn't sleep last night. 呃,我昨晚无法入睡。 YangDr. What's the matter? 哪里有问题呢?(有没有哪里不舒服呢?) Benjamin I've got a pain here.Just here.Ouch! 我这儿疼。只有这。噢! Dr. Yang What did you eat yesterday? 你昨天吃什么了? For lunch I had noodles,salad,and later a peach.I didn't have any supper because I didn't fell Benjamin very well. .午餐我吃的面条,沙拉,后来还吃了一个梨子我没有吃晚餐,因为我感觉不是很好。 Dr. Yang Was the peach ripe or green?You ought to be careful with fruit. 桃子熟了没,干不干净呢?你应该要小心吃水果。 Benjamin It was a bit green. 它还挺干净的啊。 I think that may be the problem.It is nothing serious.You'd better get some rest.Take this YangDr. medicine three times a day.You'll be all right soon.And I advise you not to eat fruit that isn't ripe in the future. 次。你很快就会好的。还有,我想没有什么大碍。病不重。你最好休息会儿。吃这个药,一天3


语话剧剧本《xx抢亲》 广西财经学院木槿花开根据教客网原话剧改制 An English play---- Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King Cast: narrator(旁白君) Tang's monk (唐僧) The Monkey King (孙悟空) The old man (老头)The little girl (小女子)The old woman(老妈) pig(八戒) 大家好,今天我们小组给大家表演的话剧是高老庄抢亲。下面我介绍一下我们组分配的角色,XX扮演的是XX...... Hello, everyone, today our group to show the drama is Gao Laozhuang rob close .Let me introduce our group assigned roles ....... 第一幕 旁白:唐僧和孙悟空初到高老庄就遇到了奇怪的事儿。At the beginning of tang's monk and Sun WuKong to Gao Laozhuang met strange things 悟空:师傅,是不是太累了?休息一下再走吧。 Master, are you tired? Let’s have a rest. 唐僧:没关系,前面不远就有人家了,到了那里再休息吧。 I am fine. Let’s have a rest later. Look! There is a house over there. 悟空仔细地搀扶唐僧继续行走,同时另一边老头、老妈、小媳妇出场。 小女子(做哭状):爹、妈,我…… Daddy, mommy, I, I … 老头:女儿,快走吧,不然那猪精来了,就走不了了。 (小女子走几步又回头跑回老妈的怀里,抱头痛哭。老头在一边叹息,擦泪。 唐僧、悟空走到他们面前。)


医生英语口语 1、Whats the matter? 什么事? 2、Whats your complaint? 什么病? 3、What can I do for you? 我能效劳什么? 4、Is there anything wrong? 有什么不对劲吗? 5、What exactly is wrong? 到底有什么不对劲呢? What symptoms do you have? 你有什么症状? Is there anything particularly unusual? 有什么特别不一样的吗? Whats the trouble? 什么毛病? When did it happen? 是什么时候发生的? Since when has it hurt? 受伤多久了? 11、Since when? 从什么时候? When did this start? 从什么时候开始的? 13、When did you start having this problem?你从什么时候开始有这毛病的? 14、When did this trouble start?

这毛病是从什么时候开始的? 15、How long has it been bothering you? 这困扰你有多久了? 16、Do you have a fever? 你发烧吗? 17、Do you have a cold? 你着凉了吗? 18、Do you have severe headaches? 你头痛得厉害吗? 19、Do you have a sore throat? 你喉咙痛吗? 20、Do you feel chilly? 你觉得冷吗? 21、Do you feel nauseous? 你想吐吗? 22、Do you have diarrhea? 你拉痢疾吗? 23、Have you ever coughed up blood or bloody phlegm?你曾咳出血或痰中带血吗? 24、Have you passed blood in your urine? 你小便带血吗? 25、Are you taking any medicine regularly? 你通常吃什么药吗? 26、Do you have any allergies? 你有什么过敏反应吗? 27、How is your appetite? 你食欲如何? 28、Do you often drink alcohol? 你常喝酒吗?


甲:Hello,every one, have you ever seen the movie? Yeah, you are right, I'm the director-- Cameron Diaz, applaud , thank you....Recently, I will direct a new movie called < Avatar 2 >, today, there will be a audition and I will select three actresses who can get the chance to perform in this film with famous actress---Anne Hathaway,OK, let's begin. At first , talent show, number one, let's welcome. 乙:(风情万种,妖娆妩媚地走进来,给观众一个飞 吻):oh,honey,dear,sweet,darling director, the most beautiful charming, sexy girl is coming , every body knows me, right? Yeah, I'm Nicole Kidman, open your eyes as big as you can and hold your breath, there will be a unique, fantastic dance show for you, I believe that all of you will be crazy about it ,(打个响指) come some music.(搞笑舞,自由发挥). (跳完,鞠躬,向观 众谢幕), thank you,(面向导演), honey, is it a wonderful performance? 甲:(作目瞪口呆状), 乙:(在甲眼前晃手),oh, darling, are you Ok? 甲:eh...my god, have you use some stimulant drugs this morning, you make my nerves nervous. Get out , next one.



The tale of the white snake (音乐,幻化人形) Long long ago, there was a white snake who was saved by a human boy. Then after 1800 years, she came to the human world with her sister xiaoqing to find her benefactor to return the favor. So snake white and snake green became into human beings through magic power. They came to the earthly paradise ------ Hang Zhou, to get an encounter with her benefactor. 第一幕:断桥上 (音乐:前世今生cut 版) 青:“Sister, is this the world of human being How beautiful! ” 白:“Be careful, follow me!” (闪电,下雨音乐伴奏) 青:“What a heavy rain!” 白:“Don’t worry, we have an umbrella.” (白素贞撑起一把破伞)许仙上场,白素贞与许仙相遇…… (音乐前世今生cut版) 许:“Oh, my god! How beautiful!” 白:“So handsome …Mr.,your clothes is wet, now I have an umbrella, let us share one.”


四人英语话剧剧本-The Rolling Orange The Rolling Orange讲述桔子的故事。一天早上,桔子一家醒来,发现人们开着卡车,搬着梯子,来摘桔子了,快来看看他们的命运如何吧。 人物 Tom: Father Orange Klye: Mother Orange Wallis: Older Sister Orange Jessie: Little Brother Orange Characters Father Orange: He is a middle-aged, considerate, and thoughtful man. Mother Orange: She is a younger and more youthful woman than Father. She is also very optimistic. Older Sister Orange: She is young , energetic, and competitive . Little Brother Orange: He is the youngest and, therefore, a little spoiled. SCENE I 场景一:果园 One Morning in an Orange Orchard. (Today is a sunny day . An orange family is discussing nervously about something on an orange tree in an orchard. ) Father: I was awakened early this morning by the sound of trucks in the field (yawning). Mother: Well, it wasn’t the first time to be like this. Sister: A whole bunch of strange men was brought in by trucks. Brother: That really scared me. They got out and started to climb up ladders. Sister: (Afraid suddenly) Oh! My friends were grabbed and put into large bags. I could hear them yell for help. Father: Hey! We shouldn’t look at them; otherwise, they’ll notice us. Mother: But it’s useless. Sister: Oh, God! We’re discovered! Brother: Oh! We’re being grab bed and pulled from our branches. What will we do for food and water? Sister: It will be so uncomfortable going to town in that bag with a lot of strangers. Mother: Well, we’ll just have to do our best. Father: Y eah! SCENE II On a Fruit Stand. (After having been on the road in a bag for half an hour, they are placed on a fruit stand. ) Sister: Gee! This place is so cold and desolate. I wish we had our friends here on this stand (looks at the opposite fruit stall). Brother: I tried to make friends with these people on our way here, but everyone looked pretty uncomfortable and scared. (Suddenly) Sister: Oh! Mother! How could they do that?


【篇一】关于看病求医英语口语对话精选 信息台: Hello, this is St. Vincent`s hospital. Miss Tracy speaking. May I help you? 你好.这里是圣文森医院.我是特雷西小姐.请问有什么需要帮忙的? 埃里克: Can I make an appointment with Dr. Smith? 我想和史密斯医生预约看病时间. 信息台: We have many Dr. Smith here. Which department is he in? 我们这儿有很多叫史密斯的医生.你要找的是哪个科室的? 埃里克: Oh! I`ve almost forgotten it-just that Dr. Perterson in the Medical Department. 哦!我忘了--是内科的彼得森医生. 信息台: That Dr. Smith- I`m really sorry, he has a full calendar today. Will it be ok for you to come tomorrow? 内科的彼得森医生--很抱歉.他今天的日程安排得很满.你明天来可以吗? 埃里克: In fact, I`d like to make the appointment for another patient. I think it might be something serious. 其实.我是替别人预约的.我想他的情况可能有点儿严重. 信息台: Oh- Excuse me, just a moment, please. (After a while) You are very lucky! Dr. Peterson`s appointment on 3:00 this afternoon has just been canceled. Will that be convenient for the patient? 哦.对不起.请稍等一下.(过了一会儿 )你很幸运.彼得森医生今天下午3点的一个预约刚被取消.这个时间方便吗? 埃里克: Yes. It sounds good. 可以.太好了. 信息台: May I have the name of that patient? 请问患者的姓名是--?


英语搞笑话剧剧本-A Story about Love and Stinky Feet 从前,一个巫婆有一双臭脚,人们都很讨厌。所以,她想找一个人换掉她的双脚。 有一天她来到"香国" 。她发现,人人都有双香脚。一天王子午睡,巫婆用自己的臭脚换了王子的香脚。 有一位公主,她总是失眠。虽然国王和王后在尝试了很多方法,她还不能睡觉。国王和王后陛下非常担心自己的女儿。 最后,他们就发现了一个方法:每当公主无法入睡,她只需要嗅觉王子的臭脚,然后她将睡得很好。 最后王子和公主很幸福的生活在一起。 人物 Ada: Little girl Candy: Queen Evander: King Evelyn Joel: Prince Rita: Singer /Woman Yilina: Witch Summary Once upon a time…A witch had a pair of stinky feet. They were very disgusting. So, she wanted to find a person to change her feet. And one day she flied to “Fragrance Country”. She found everyone there had a pair of fragrant feet. And the prince had the most fragrant pair of feet. The prince took a nap and snored under the tree. At that time, the witch exchanged her own stinky feet with the prince’s fragrant feet. There was a princess who couldn’t sleep in “Beauty Country”. Although the king and the queen tried many methods, she still couldn’t sleep. The king and the queen were very worried about their daughter.


海的女儿英文话剧剧本 The Daughter Of The Sea (此时灯光很暗,背景音乐Caribbean Blue播放20秒左右开始念旁白,旁白结束之前演员就位,旁白念完灯光恢复,背景音乐结束。) 旁白:In the deepest of the ocean stands the castle of the Sea King.His mother is a very wise woman,and he has 6 beautiful daughters,but the youngest was the prettiest of them all,and like all the others, she had no feet,and her body ended in a fish's tail.They often made their old g randmother tell them all she knew of the ships and of the towns,the people and the animals out of the sea. 女儿们:When can we rise up out of sea? 龙祖母: When you have reached your fifteenth year,you will have permission to rise up out of the sea,to sit on the rocks in the moonlight,wh ile the great ships are sailing by and then you will see both forests and towns.(退场时全部从右边下) (念旁白时播放音乐Ave Maria一直到五女儿说完话) 旁白:How time flies ! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea , and saw many beautiful things. (上场全部从右上从左下) 大女儿:Oh , what a beautiful day!I can hear the music ,I can play with ship .I see the big animals on the shore. That’s hor se ! 二女儿:Wa oh … The sun looks like a flower.The color of the sun is red.Who painted the wonderful sun? 三女儿:Where is it? Oh I rise up.I see the children playing on shore.I want to play with them. 四女儿:Oh ,I arrive another world.It is different from my home .But I’m afraid of whales. 五女儿:What a surprise! All the world is white .In the deep sea, there are many kinds of flowers .but why there are many white flowers. O h,no! It’s snow. 大女儿:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best. 女儿们:Yes…We must go home!(从左上从右下) 旁白:At last the youngest princess reached her fifteenth year. (人鱼和祖母从右上,可以边走边说话,到舞台中央时开始装扮) 龙祖母:"Well,now,you are grown up,so you must let me adorn you like your other sisters.Take these great oysters to attach themselves to your tail,it will show your high rank. 小人鱼:(有点痛苦的表情)Oh,they hurt me!(接着得意的笑)Pride must suffer pain. (说完话灯光变暗,人鱼向舞台左边走不用下,祖母从右下。念旁白时播放音乐Tia Dalma
