
外贸英语函电试卷外贸英语函电课程考试试卷一、Translate the following terms: (10%)A. From English into Chinese: (5%) 1.shipping mark 2.general average 3.FCL 4.documents against acceptance 5.counter offerB. From Chinese into English (5%) 1. 空白背书 2. 商业发票 3. 询盘 4. 保险费 5. 分批装运二、Chose the best answer to fill the blanks (10%) 1. Importers give instructions to suppliers to stencil the ______ e.g. PRODUCT OF THE PEOPLE ’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA and the port of ______ e.g. LONDON on the containers. A. discharge; country of origin B. country of origin; dischargeC. loading; country of originD. country of origin; loading2. If the prices are ______, we trust important business can materialize.A. in lineB. in the lineC. on lineD. on the line3. I ’m sorry to say the items you required are ______, but we will contact you as soon as the articles are available.A. out of stockB. sold upC. in stockD. committed4. ______is our sales confirmation in duplicate, a copy of which please sign and return to us for our file.A. EncloseB. EnclosedC. EnclosingD. Encloses5. If the shipment involves transport by more than two modes, a(an) ______ will be issued.A. direct B/LB. ocean through B/LC. multi-modal B/LD. shipped B/L6. As we must adhere to our customary practice, we hope that you will not think us ______.A. accommodateB. unaccommodateC. accommodatingD. unaccommodating7. You are authorized to draw a 60 days ’ draft ______ our bank ______ this credit ______ the amount of your invoice.学院专业班级装订线(答题不得超过此线)A. against; on; forB. on; against; forC. for; against; onD. for; on; against;8. The agency is to operate from 1st January next for a period of three years, ______renewal.A. subject forB. subjected toC. subject toD. subjected for9. Please note that the insurance on our CIF terms ______ AllRisks for 110% of the invoice value.A. MakesB. takesC. coversD. ourselves to be10. For the goods under S/C No.234, we ______ space on S.S East Wind due to arrive in London around May 3.A. have bookedB. have boughtC. have hiredD. have retained三、Identify errors in the following sentences (10%)1. We are enclosing you a copy of our latest catalogue for your reference.A B C D2. The prices of our bicycles are quite competitive as comparing with those of other manufacturers’.A B C D3. This is our best price which business has already been done with many other customers in your district.A B C D4. We are willing to enter business relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.A B C D5. In compliance with your request, we now quote you subject for our confirmation for the following.A B C D6. Our company is a subsidiary of Union Garments and we specialize on the import and export of garments.A B C D7. The goods have been packed and marked exactly as directed so that they may be shipped by the available first shipA B Ctowards the end of this month.D8. Payment is to be made by an irrevocable L/C payable against shipping documents to be opened to our favor.A B C D9. Should your L/C reaches us at the beginning of June; we shall be able to ship your ordered goods by S.S. Wind.A B C D10. We can assure you that the goods you required can be shipped immediately upon receive of your order.A B C D四、Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese (40%)1. 随函寄去我方第123号销售确认书一式两份,请签退一份以供存档。

以下是外贸函电考试题库及答案的示例内容:# 一、选择题1. 外贸函电的主要作用是什么?- A. 传递情感- B. 促进交流- C. 记录交易- D. 以上都是答案:C2. 以下哪项不是外贸函电的基本组成部分?- A. 信头- B. 信尾- C. 附件- D. 信封答案:D3. 在外贸函电中,"Dear Sirs" 是用来称呼什么的?- A. 女士- B. 先生们- C. 尊敬的收信人- D. 以上都不是答案:C# 二、填空题4. 外贸函电中,"Subject:" 后面通常跟的是_______。
答案:信件主题5. 当需要表达紧急性时,可以在外贸函电的信头部分加上 "_______"。
答案:Urgent# 三、简答题6. 简述外贸函电中报价信的主要内容。
答案:报价信通常包括以下内容:- 信头(包括发信人和收信人的名称、地址、联系方式等)- 信件日期- 称呼- 引言(说明写信目的)- 商品描述(包括产品名称、规格、型号等)- 报价(包括价格、货币单位、价格条款等)- 报价有效期- 付款条件- 交货期- 其他条款(如包装、运输方式等)- 结尾语- 签名# 四、案例分析题7. 阅读以下外贸函电案例,并回答问题:```Subject: Inquiry for Product XDear Sirs,We are interested in your product X and would like to know more about it. Could you please provide us with the following information?- Product specifications- Quantity available- Price details- Delivery timeWe look forward to your prompt reply.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Company][Your Contact Information]```问题:- 这封信属于哪种类型的外贸函电?- 信中询问了哪些信息?答案:- 这封信属于询价函电。

《外贸英语函电》习题一、单项选择题1.We wi11 ( ) on a cash basis.A.conclude a transactionB.settle our accountC.sell the goodsD.make payment2.To make the goods reach you ( ) time we sent them by rail toLiverpool three days ahead of schedule.A.inB.forC.withoutD.on3.( ) wi 11 be added to invoice amount together with freight charges.A.CoverageB.InsuranceC.PremiumD.Rate4.Please insure ( ) invoice value plus 10%.A.forB.againstC.withD.at5.We can supply the goods you require ( ).A.from stockB.in stockC.out of stockD.just the stock6.Obviously your recent quotations seems workable as I is in 1 ine with( )market.A.depressedB.prevailingC.todaytest7.Will you please ( ) to take out All-Risks insurance for us on thefollowing consignment?A.coverB.insureC.arrangeD.help8.We shall provide such insurance at your ( ).A.accountB.costC.behalfD.risk9.Should there ( ) any complaint from the end users, please let usknow.A.isB.haveC.beD.arise10.Our cotton piece goods are very popular in the Far East markets, ( )we have had some experience.A.thatB.whichC.of which11.The users are in urgent ( ) of the machine contracted.A.needB.wantC.desireD.supply12.As it ( ) only a small quantity, we hope you wi 11 have no difficultyin settling this matter.A.has involvedB.involvedC.involvesD.may have involved13.As requested, we are sending you by airmail the samples of men9 s shirts,( )you wi11 find them satisfactory.A.hopeB.to hopeC.hopingD.hopefully14.If possible, please ( ) early shipment of this order, as we arebadly in need of the goods.A.makeB.reserveC.arrangeD.book15.Should there ( ) any complaint from the end users, please let usknow.A.isC.be16.After shipment we shal 1 draw on you ( ) the expenses we have paidas per your instrument.A.allB.forC.halfD.against17.In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we subject ( )our final confirmation.A.withB.forC.toD.in18.We contacted our customers and they showed great interest becausethere is a growing ( ).A.supplyB.demandC.desireD.want19.Obviously your recent quotations seems workable as it is in 1ine with( )market.A.depressedB.prevailingC.todaytest20.Please insure ( ) 10% above invoice value.B.forC.with二、填空题1.This knowledge wi 11 be _________ to you by Mr. Black.2.Would you please kindly arrange to insure them _________ our behalf againstat Al 1 Risks at invoice value plus 15%.3.If you cannot send goods as requirements, please send us _______________4.Any delay ______ shipment wi11 cause us inconvenience.5.Our order No. 100 _____ 300kegs of Iron Nails was placed on CIF basis.6.As a _____ of the favorable supply situation, we are able to offeryou firm offer.7.We shall be glad to send you the necessary information _________ our machinetools on request.8.Please offer quantities which can be supplied ______________ stock.9.We are out of ______ , therefore, we have to decline your order.10.It would be greatly to your ________ to place a trial order with us.11.Al 1 orders, including yours, have already been made ___________ and are awaitdispatch.12.Our offer is firm _____ 5 days and we expect to hear from you at noontimeSaturday.13.We confirm our price for the Automatic Dish Washer _________ $211. OOF. 0. B.Nagoya.14.As a ______ o f the favorable supply situation, we are able to offer youfirm offer.15.We are very well connected _________ all the major dealers.16.We are writing to request you to effect insurance on the captionedgoods ____ our account.17.As for Order No. 4086 the goods have been ready ________ shipment for quitesome time.18.Many stores assured sales outlets __________ us to dispose of fairly largequantities.19.We specialize ______ supplying small stores in rural areas.20.Al 1 orders, including yours, have already been made __________ and are awaitdispatch.21.After examination, we find the goods __________ high standard.22.Please try your best _______ p ush the sale at machine tools at your end.23.If you make us an offer competitive price we can sell a large quantity ofproducts.24.We request you to extends the shipment date of your L/C to the end November.25._____ receipt of your specific enquiry, we shall airmail youimmediately, our rice sheet.三、判断题1. a matter of urgency的含义是紧急事、急需。
外贸函电练习题 (含答案)

1、承蒙新加坡商会告知贵公司名址, 并获悉贵号拟进口中国生产的电器用品.We owe your name and address to Singapore Chamber of Commerce who have told us that you wish to import electric goods manufactured in China.2、我们收到你方十月二十五日对我们洗衣机的询价。
We are pleased to received your enquiry of 25th October for our Washing Machines.3、很高兴收到贵方3月22日的询盘,得知贵方对我公司产品感兴趣。
Thank you for your enquiry of 22nd March and are pleased to know that you are interested in our products.4、贵方若能迅速仔细地处理我方对缝纫机的询盘,我们将不胜感激.We would appreciate it if you could give prompt and careful attention to our enquiry for Sewing Machines.5、你方所需的200台洗衣机目前都有现货可供。
The 200 sets of Washing Machines you want are available from stock.6、一旦收到你方具体询盘,我们将立即给你们报最优惠的上海到岸价。
Upon receipt of your specific enquiry, we will quote you our best price CIF Shanghai immediately.7、按照要求,我们报盘三百辆飞鸽牌自行车如下:As requested, we are making you an offer for 300 Flying Pigeon Bicycles as follows.8、倘若你方电开九百台电扇上海到岸价,我们将不胜感激.We would appreciate it if you could cable us an offer for 900 sets of Electric Fans on CIF Shanghai basis.9、如果你方认为这一报盘可以接受,请即来电,以便我方确认。

1.我们接受客户来样,来图及按客户规格和包装要求供货的订单.We accept orders against customers’samples2.我们将很感激你们在这一方面提供给我方的任何信息.3.为了给你们提供更多有关我公司的信息,我们随函附上我们最新的小册子供你们参考.4.我们无与伦比的质量使我们得以收取比我们的竞争者更高的价格.5.如果你已经将所有因素考虑进去,你可能发现我们的报价比你们从其他地方得到的价格要低.6.也许你们还没有注意到我们经营的其他产品,我们另外航空邮寄给你方我们最新的目录供你们考虑.7.如果这个购买合同的执行令人满意,那么将来经常会有订单.8.鉴于我们之间的友好合作,我们准备接受60天远期付款交单的支付条件.9.对这批玩具,我们想用硬纸板箱包装.10.对于按CIF价成交的货物,由我方按发药金额的110%投保一切险.11.我们希望早日收到你方的具体询价单.12.如果能让我们知道他们的财务状况是否相当好,那么我们会很高兴的.13.我们随函附上每件货物的照片和规格,相信你们能按照我方要求生产,并报出最优惠的价格.14.只有在原材料当前价格不变时我们的报价才有效.15.另外,我们想再一次强调我们通常的支付方式是付款交单,30天远期,这是我们与国外供应商交往的惯例.16.我们希望你们会对这批货物满意,并且期待着不久的将来能收到更多的订单.17.一张保兑的不可撤销的凭即期汇票可兑付的信用证应立即开出.18.请务必尽早开立信用证,以便我们能够在规定的时限内安排装运.19.这种又轻又结实的箱子能节约舱位,并且便于储存和分拨货物.20.最后我们想通知你方,由于一项新的政府规定,这批货物必须在6月6日之前运出.21、我们借此机会告诉你方我们希望把业务扩展到非洲市场。

Dear Sir/Madam,We are interested in your products and would like to inquire about the price, delivery time, and payment terms. Could you please send us a quotation for the following items:1. Product A: Quantity - 1000 units2. Product B: Quantity - 500 unitsPlease also provide information on the available colors, sizes, and any customization options. We are particularly interested in the quality and durability of the products.Looking forward to your prompt reply.Sincerely,John Smith参考答案:Dear John Smith,Thank you for your inquiry regarding our products. We are pleased to provide you with the requested information.Regarding the price, the unit price for Product A is $10 and for Product B is $15. These prices are based on the current exchange rate and are subject to change. For orders of 1000 units or more, we offer a 10% discount on the total price. The delivery time for both products is approximately 4 weeks from the date of order confirmation. We work closely with reliable shipping companies to ensure timely delivery.In terms of payment, we accept both letter of credit and wire transfer. For the first order, we require a 30% deposit upon order confirmation, with the remaining balance due before shipment.Product A is available in three colors: red, blue, and green. As for the sizes, we offer small, medium, and large. Customization options are available upon request, and we can discuss further details based on your specific requirements. Our products are known for their high quality and durability. We have strict quality control measures in place to ensure that our customers receive only the best products.If you have any further questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Company]题目二:订单确认信假设你是一家贸易公司的销售经理,你收到了一份来自德国客户的订单确认信。

外贸函电试题及答案一、选择题1.在外贸函电中,正文是指( A )A.函电的主体内容B.函电的落款和称谓C.函电的附件和资料D.函电的主题和要求2.以下哪个选项不属于外贸函电的常用结尾语?( B )A.期待您的回复B.希望尽快获得回复C.敬祝合作愉快D.谢谢您的关注3.下列哪个选项可以作为外贸函电的起首语?( D )A.咨询某项产品的价格和供货期B.对上次订单及送货延迟表达不满C.询问供应商是否接受信用证支付D.向客户问候并表达感谢4.以下哪个选项不属于外贸函电的常用附件?( C )A.产品目录和详细规格B.合同草案和价格清单C.付款方式和货物起运港口D.公司资质证明和信用证复印件5.外贸函电的主要目的是( A )A.传达商务信息和开展商业活动B.展示个人写作能力和语言表达能力C.获取他人私人信息和进行非商业活动D.随便发邮件,没有具体目的要求答案:1. A2. B3. D4. C5. A二、填空题1.外贸函电应遵循简洁、明确、______的原则。

外贸英语函电一.选择题1. If you will send us a catalogue by air, we shall ( ) very much.A. be indebtedB. be gratefulC. thankD. appreciate it2. We appreciate your order, ( ) we very much regret that we are unable to accept any fresh orders at present owing to heavy commitments.A. andB. butC. orD. nor3. Should your L/C ( ) us at the beginning of May, we shall be able to ship your order.A. arriveB. reachC. comeD. get4. By joint efforts we can ( ) both friendship and business.A. increaseB. expandC. promoteD. extend5. Regarding insurance, the coverage is for 110% of invoice ( ) up to the port of destination.A. worthB. valueC. priceD. cost6. Our latest design has won worldwide ( ).A. popularityB. popularC. popularlyD. popularize7. Payment by D/P should be ( ) to you.A. agreeB. agreedC. agreementD. agreeable8. We ( ) you of our prompt shipment after receipt of your order.A. assureB. assuranceC. insureD. insurance9. You have delayed in dispatching us the shipping ( ) after shipment.A. informationB. instructionC. adviceD. data10. Please effect payment when the draft ( ).A. expiresB. dueC. falls dueD. falls expiration11. We thank you for your letter of May 17 and the ( ) catalogue.A. sentB. enclosedC. givenD. presented12. While ( ) an enquiry, you ought to enquire into quality, specification and price etc.A. givingB. offeringC. sendingD. making13. Documentary Collection is to be made with the documents to be ( ) to the draft.A. enclosedB. attachedC. togetherD. along with14. We are sending you the samples ( ) requested.A. onB. forC. withD. as15. We are anxious to ( ) the market for our Antimony Trioxide, which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe.A. increaseB. enlargeC. expandD. extend16. We have instructed the bank to ( ) the amendment you ask for.A. effectB. fulfillC. performD. do17. We would like to take this ( ) to establish business relations with you.A. stepB. opportunityC. advantageD. opening18. As it only ( ) a small quantity, we hope you will have no difficulty in setting this matter.A. involvesB. involvedC. has involvedD. involving19. We cannot see any possibility of business ( ) your price is too high.A. thatB. whileC. thoughD. since20. In this case, the buyer ( ) the right to cancel the contract.A. couldB. haveC. makeD. reserves21. We are not in a position to offer firm, as the goods are ( ).A. out of stockB. outside stockC. without stockD.no stock22. Your delay in shipment will ( ) us in great difficulty.A. causeB. leadC. concludeD. involve23. We ( ) your shipping advice by cable.A. waitB. wait toC. awaitD. await for24. Your full cooperation ( ).A. will be thanked very muchB. is to be appreciatedC. is to appreciateD. will be highly appreciated25. ( ) your letter of March 5, we are pleased to inform you that the L/C has been received.A. In reply toB. Replying forC. Replied toD. Replied for26. We will do our best to ( ) shipment to meet your requirements in time.A. expectB. expediteC. exerciseD. examine27. Because there is no direct steamer from here to your Port, we suggest that you ( ) transshipment at Hong Kong.A. may acceptB. can acceptC. must acceptD. accept28. Please see ( ) the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the Contact.A. in thatB. to thatC. to it thatD. to it which29. Due to a lack for stock of the cell phones you ordered, we cannot supply the goods as scheduled. Would you please ( ) the L/C to the end of next month?A. expandB. extensionC. extendD. expire30. ( ) the goods under Contract No. 1986 are ready for shipment, please rush your L/C with the least possible delay.A. IfB. UnlessC. AlthoughD. As31. The total amount of your order last year was ( ),which does not warrant an agency appointment.A. excellentB. fabulousC. moderateD. satisfying32. ( ) walnut meat, we would inform you that the few parcels we have at present are under offer.A. As regardsB. As regardC. With regardD. With regards to33. Shipping agents will ( ) the goods to be shipped.A. arrangeB. arrange forC. see to itD. see that34. We are in receipt of your letter ( ) March 23.A. dateB. datedC. datingD. to date35. You may rest assured that we will have the goods ( ) before April 20th.A. shippingB. shippedC. been shippingD. been shipped36. There should not be such a big ( ) between your price and those of other suppliers.A. holeB. distanceC. quotationD. gap37. The hot weather has increased the sale of air-conditioners and now they are in short ( ).A. storeB. provisionC. reserveD. supply38. In ( ) of quality, our make is superior to theirs.A. termsB. termC. connection.D. connections39. We would like to inform you that our terms of payment are ( ) to all our customers.A. acceptedB. acceptableC. acceptingD. accept40. Please keep us informed of the developments in your market, ( ) we can adjust our quotations.A. so thatB. such thatC. as long asD. so long as41. The packing must be strong enough ( ) rough handing.A. withstandB. withstandingC. to withstandD. to be withstood42. If any items is ( ) to you, please let us know.A. of interestB. interestedC. interestD. interesting43. The goods ( ) shipped already if your L/C had arrived by the end of December.A. would beB. must have beenC. had beenD. would have been44. The shipment was delayed because you had failed ( ) the necessary space.A. bookB. to bookC. to orderD. order45. The offer is ( ) our final confirmation.A. madeB. bound toC. subject toD. used for46. As our factory is at present fully occupied with orders we regret having to ( ) yours.A. refuseB. cancelC. rejectD. return47. We are afraid that we have to charge more for the designated packing, as it ( ) extra labor and cost.A. calls onB. calls offC. calls inD. calls for48. ( ) our customers now urgently need the goods, we must ask you to make the earliest possible delivery.A. AsB. WhereC. ThatD. Whether49. The documents will be sent to you under separate ( ).A. coveringB. coverC. coverageD. covered50. If you cannot make reduction in your price, we will regretfully ( ) your offer.A. acceptB. receiveC. declineD. have51. In our letter of May 10, we make ( ) clear that shipment be effected in June.A. youB. themC. usD. it52. The design of the pillowcase is very nice, but its color does not ( ) to me.A. appealB. suitC. attractD. satisfy53. The case was crushed. It looks ( ) the case was not strong enough to stand voyage.A. as ifB. likeC. likelyD. possible54. An agreement is ( ) as a result of the process of offer and acceptance.A. includedB. hadC. resultedD. reached55. No discount will be granted ( ) you could place an order of more than 10000 dozen.A. untilB. unlessC. otherwiseD. except56. We regret the need for you to write to us and hope the steps we are taking ( ) the safe arrival of all your orders in the future.A. insureB. assureC. ensureD. sure57. Fresh supplies are ( ) early next month.A. to be arrivedB. schedule to arriveC. due to arrivingD. due to arrive58. If you can make us a firm offer at a ( ) price, we will place an order with your corporation.A. competitiveB. comparativeC. subjectiveD. objective59. We suggested you file a claim against the shipping company for all the losses ( ) during the transportation.A. happenedB. occurredC. incurredD. resulted60. We wish to call your attention to the ( ) in the L/C, since there is no possibility of L/C extension.A. varietyB. validityC. possibilityD. probability61. If you are able to ( ) your price by3%, we could probably come into business.A. deductB. increaseC. reduceD. offer62. Should your L/C ( ) us at the beginning of May, we shall be able to ship your order.A. arriveB. reachC. comeD. get63. The ( ) has been shipped on S.S. “Tiantaishan” for transshipment at Hong Kong per S.S. “FlyingCloud”.A. produceB. productC. cargoD. manufacture64. Your quotation of bicycles is ( ) high to be acceptable.A. tooB. soC. suchD. as65. We hope the goods you ordered will arrive at the port of destination ( ).A. in perfect conditionB. in the good conditionC. in a good conditionD. in the perfect condition66. Please ( ) your utmost to expedite shipment, so that we may execute the order smoothly.A.doB. getC. takeD. make67. Please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the ( ) possible delay.A. mostB. leastC. latestD. worst68. ( ) will be highly appreciated if you will send us a brochure.A. WeB. YouC. ItD. Which69. We are now ( ) your inquiry of October 12.A. on receiptB. on receipt ofC. in receiptD. in receipt of70. Please ( ) the shipment date of your L/C to October 15 and validity to October 30.A. amendB. extendC. establishD. extend71. ( ), we are airmailing you our latest quotation sheet for your consideration.A. As requestB. At your requestC. At requestedD. As you requesting72. It is beyond question ( ) we get the necessary import license from our authorities.A. whichB. thatC. whenD. where73. ( ) you don’t reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere.A. BeforeB. IfC. UnlessD. When74. We ( ) your quoting us your competitive prices on a CIF basis for the following.A. appreciateB. are appreciatedC. appreciate itD. will be appreciated75. Our ( ) catalogue and price list are sent together with the letter for your reference.A. illustratingB. that illustratedC. be illustratedD. illustrated76. We agree to insure the shipment for 120% of the invoice value, but the extra ( ) charged will be for your account.A. insurance valueB. premiumC. money insuredD. discount77. The goods ( ) you enquired fall within the scope of our business activities.A. whichB. thatC. for whichD. for that78. We trust that Article NO. 19 will ( ) you.A. gladB. deliverC. assureD. satisfy79. We highly appreciate ( ).A. your kind cooperationB. you cooperationC. that you cooperateD. it your kind cooperating80. Mr. Smith wrote us last week that our price was ( ) and asked us to secure the delivery.A. impossibleB. managerialC. acceptableD. unfortunate81. ( ) you can reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere.A. BeforeB. AfterC. Seeing thatD. Unless82. As agreed upon in our negotiations, payment ( ) L/C.A. is made byB. is to be made byC. will beD. is by83. ( ) you fulfill the terms of the L/C, we will the draft drawn under this credit.A. ProvidedB. To provideC. SuppliedD. Furnished84. The letter of credit should be ( ) as some items in it do not agree with the sales contract.A. amendedB. confirmedC. committedD. completed85. A container holds 240 bicycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 50 containers, ( ) 8 tons.A. and each weighingB. each to weighC. each weighingD. each weighs86. Our advice of dispatch was faxed to you three days ago and you ( ) it by now.A. will receiveB. must have receivedC. receivedD. have been received87. If you are interested, we will be pleased to send you a sample ( ) charge.A. withB. withoutC. freeD. free of88. We shall appreciate ( ) us CIF Melbourne.A. you quoteB. you to quoteC. your quotingD. to you quoting89. We are in possession of your letter of the 11th July, ( ) which we note that you have established the L/C in our favor.A. ofB. throughC. byD. from90. It is after examination ( ) we find the goods of high standard and are satisfied with the quality of the shipment.A. whatB. whichC. asD. that91. Claims ( ) transportation should be referred to the shipping company.A. concernedB. concerningC. concernD. be concerned92. ( ) the unforeseen difficulties on the part of the suppliers, we regret being unable to ship the goods within the time limit of your L/C.A. Owing toB. AsC. BecauseD. Since93. Your order will be delivered on October 15 ( ) you requested.A. likeB. sinceC. asD. when94. Enclosed are sample parts ( ) some of the problem we encountered.A. show youB. showingC. will showD. shown95. Please do your best to expedite the covering L/C ( ) we may fulfill the contract smoothly.A. so thatB. so as toC. so asD. as96. We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the ( ) quantity.A. desireB. desiresC. desiredD. desiring97. We are sorry for the short delivery by 20 tons. This ( ) you some trouble in meeting orders of your clients.A. must causeB. must have causedC. has causedD. will be caused98. In case the said goods are not available from stock, please keep us ( ) at an early date.A. informingB. informC. informedD. know99. Please quote us competitive prices for models ( ) for export.A. availableB. ableC. payableD. be able to100. You may offer to our bank, Bank of China for our financial ( ).A. understandingB. outstandingC. withstandingD. standing101. ( ) to our regret, at present we cannot entertain any fresh orders.A. ManyB. MoreC. MuchD. Most102. We understand you corporation ( ) foodstuffs for export.A. specializesB. dealsC. engagesD. handles103. We shall be much ( ) if you could quote us the best CIF Tianjin.A. obligedB. appreciatingC. appreciableD. thanks104. We make you the following offer subject to the goods ( ).A. unsoldB. to be unsoldC. are soldD. being unsold105. The offer is to be ( ) if not accepted by the end of the month.A. heldB. withdrawnC. confirmedD. proved106. We are satisfied the packing is suitable for a long sea ( ).A. tripB. journeyC. voyageD. tour107. We invite your attention to the fact ( ) the L/C covering your order No. 123 has not reached us in spite of our repeated requests.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. where108. Since ( ) business has been done at this price in your distinct, we trust that it will also be acceptable to you.A. considerateB. considerableC. consideredD. considering109. You must be responsible for all the losses ( ) from your delay.A. arisingB. risingC. arousingD. have arisen110. We would appreciate your ( ) attention to the question.A. firstB. instantC. promptD. immediately111. Please keep us informed of the developments in your market ( ) we can adjust our quotations. A. such that B. so long as C. as long as D. so that112. According to the shipping ( ), it will be impossible for us to ship the goods in June.A. scheduleB. timetableC. planD. scheme113. When setting the price of a product, there are many factors that have to ( ).A. take into accountB. taken into accountC. be taken accountD. be taken into account 114. We had to have the goods warehoused ( ) insuring against usual risk.A. for the account ofB. on account ofC. on your own accountD. for your account115. The decision-maker made a general survey of the ( ) of the advertisements on the promotion of sales of their new products.A. resultB. affectC. effectD. cause116-120 CBCDB121. Because there is no direct steamer from here to your port, we suggest that you accept ( ) at Hong Kong.A. transportationB. transshipmentC. transformationD. transmission122. We are glad that in the past few years, we, by joint efforts, ( ) both business and friendship.A. have greatly promotedB. have greatly been promotedC. had greatly promotedD. had greatly been promoted123. ( ) is hoped that you would do your utmost to effect punctual shipment.A. ThisB. ThatC. OneD. It124. We are ( ) exporters of all kinds of Chinese goods.A. good-establishedB. good-establishingC. well-establishingD. well-established125. Please rush your L/C; otherwise the shipment will ( ).A. delayB. delayedC. be delayedD. be delaying126. If you ( ) a large order, we will supply a discount of 5%.A. placeB. giveC. getD. have127. If the sentence “The goods will be forwarded to you by the end of this week ” , “forwarded” means ( ).A. lentB. sentC. openedD. packed128. We are ( ) agents for a number of American publishers.A. actingB. acting asC. acting inD. acting of129. Claims for ( ) or incorrect material must be made within 30 days after arrival of the goods.A. lackB. scarcityC. shortageD. rarity130. You can find ( ) for black tea here.A. a ready marketB. most popularC. great popularityD. selling fast131. We hope you can decrease the price; otherwise we shall be compelled ( ) to turn down your order.A. irregularlyB. reluctantlyC. happilyD. badly132. ( ) your letter of March 5, we are pleased to inform you that the L/C has been received.A. Replying toB. Replying forC. Replied toD. Replied for133. We know that your products have enjoyed a very good reputation in this ( ).A. localB. localityC. locateD. location134. As we know, you are one of the ( ) manufacturers in this area.A. leadB. goodC. leadingD. most135. We cannot see any possibility of business ( ) your price is too high.A. thatB. whileC. thoughD. since136. The ( ) between the products and samples is normal, so we could not accept the claim.A. discrepancyB. mistakeC. wrongD. change137. Please take every possible ( ) to ensure that our products reach the port of the destination on time.A. precautionB. discrepancyC. cautionD. change138. We have the goods you required in stock and will deliver as soon as we ( ) your order.A. receivedB. receivingC. receiveD. will receive139. Please check the enclosed letter of credit to ensure that it ( ) your instructions.A. agreesB. agrees toC. agrees uponD. agrees with140. Risks other than All Risks and War Risk can be ( ) if the extra premium should be bonded by the buyer.A. discoveredB. recoveredC. uncoveredD. covered141. We have pleasure in informing you that we have completed the above shipment ( ) the stipulations set forth in the L/C.A. in accordance withB. in relation withC. in connection withD. in terms with142. Because there is no direct steamer from here to your Port, we suggest that you ( ) trans-shipment at Hong Kong.A. may acceptB. can acceptC. must acceptD. accept143. We are establishing the relative L/C with the Bank of China, Shanghai and shall let you know by cable ( ) it is opened.A. untilB. beforeC. unlessD.as soon as144. We wonder whether you could use Type A ( ) Type B.A. because ofB. in spite ofC. instead ofD. replace of145. We wish to ( ) your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching.A. payB. drawC. pushD. put146. As your prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties ( ), we hope you will let us have your telegraphic shipping advice without further delay.A. concernedB. concerningC. to concernD. concern147. After inspection of the above shipment we found 6 cases ( ).A. lossB. losingC. missingD. missed148. It is our foreign ( ) policy to trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.A. businessB. marketC. tradeD. deal149. Please be assured that your future orders will be satisfactorily ( ).A. exercisedB. executedC. doneD. made150. Since the premium varies with the scope of ( ), extra premium is for buyers’ account, shouldadditional risks be covered.A. assuranceB. insuranceC. businessD. enterprises151. When submitting our quotation, we suggested that the relevant L/C ( ) as early as possible.A. establishesB. would be establishedC. is establishedD. be established152. We have the pleasure in ( ) your letter of November .11 in which you informs us that you are satisfied with our products.A. admittingB. acknowledgingC. acceptingD. adjusting153. We can ( ) men’s shirts in stock.A. supposeB. suggestC. supplyD. support154. We trust you will do your best to have this matter ( ).A. settleB.to settleC. settlingD. settled155. As you failed to make delivery in time we have no choice ( ) our order with you.A. settleB. to settleC. settlingD. settled156. This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply ( ) should reach us not later than the end of this month.A. itB. theyC. whatD. which157. We cannot entertain your suggestion ( ) it does not seem workable.A. becauseB. forC. soD. therefore158. Under separate cover, we have already sent you samples of ( ) sizes of shoes.A. varyingB. variousC. variableD. variant159. We can offer you machine tools with the following ( ).A. informationB. arrangementsC. specificationsD. messages160. It is necessary for you to ( ) our shipment instructions.A. comply withB. consist ofC. insist onD. persist in二.填空题1. The export of glassware falls within the scope of our business activities.2. The additional charges are for your own account.3. We regret to inform you that we have to decline your offer since your price is out of linewith the ruling market.4. Although we do not doubt about what you say, we are of the opinion that the quality of other makes doesn’t measure up to that of our products.5. Up to now, you haven’t sent the goods we are in urgent need of.6. We are glad to enter into business relations with your corporation.7. We would like to inform you that our terms of payment are acceptable to all our customers abroad.8. Sellers always look forward to receiving substantial orders from buyers.9. We shall arrange for effecting shipment without delay upon receipt of your L/C.10. We feel regretful that we are not in a position to accept your order.11. to 12. at 13. on 14. to 15. in 16. from 17. on 18. with 19. of 20. for21. Owing to the delay on the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date of shipment to October 10th.22. Please try your best to push the sale of machine tools against your end.23. Would you make us a firm offer in CIF Liverpool basis?24. We wish to call your attention to the validity of the L/C, since there is no possibility of L/C extension.25. Such a growing demand can only result with increased price.26. We shall be very grateful if you will advise us of the specifications of those which can be shipped upon stock.27. Although we appreciate the good quality of your goods, we are sorry to say that your price appears to be for the high side.28. You will have to acquaint us at the articles in detail.29. Should this trial order prove satisfactory to our customer, we can assure you for repeat orders in increased quantities.30. The insurance company is responsible by the claims.31. We refer you to our bank for our financial standing.32. Please insure the goods without F.P.A for USD 100,000.33. We are pleased to inform you that we have been requested to open a credit in your favor.34. Our usual terms of payment are by L/C and we hope they will be acceptable with you.35. The color and package should be identical on the sample.36. Our L/C will be issued of receiving your confirmation.37. We wish to place with you a repeat order at 500 dozens of the same style and sizes.38. They may be able to give you the quality you desire to a fair price.39. This does not include a postal charge of US$ 20 in overseas subscribers.40. If you can discount your price for 10%, we are ready to order 500 bales.41. We have been specializing in this line for many years.42. Your desire for the establishment of business relations coincides with ours.43. We take pleasure in sending our latest catalogue for your reference.44. Fountain pens are packed 20 pieces to a box.45. The contract will come into effect as soon as it is signed.46. The seller is liable for the refund of the extra cost because of the discrepancy in weight.47. We would like to avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our thanks to you for your close cooperation.48. Please sign and return one copy for our file at your earliest convenience.49. We deem it to your advantage to buy this item for a trial sale in your market.50. For the time being we couldn’t quote for you, but we will keep your inquiry in mind.51. Please keep us informed of the customer’s response to our new products.52. If your price is favorable, we shall place an order with you.53. According to the contract stipulations, the B/L must be in duplicate.54. 500 sets of sewing machines under Contract No. 256 have been ready for shipment.55. One of our clients in Singapore is in the market for Chinese sewing machines.56. We are looking forward to your favorable reply with keen interest.57. If you fall to fulfill your obligation, you shall not be entitled to any commission.58. The sale of our products has been on the decline these years.59. We took your case seriously and looked into the matter in detail.60. We have no objection to the clauses about the packing and shipping marks.61. In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that an L/C has been opened amounting to$2,000.62. Payment of the purchase is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C.63. Sport socks are packed in cardboard cartons.64. I am sure that the quality of our products is superior to that of others.65. One of our clients wishes to have your quotations for the items specified below.66. A full range of samples has been forwarded to you under separate cover.67. We have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our embroideries in Sweden.68. If our products are of interest to you, please contact us.69. We will ship your order within one month after the receipt of L/C.70. Please make sure that there is no difference in quality between the samples and the actual goods.71. We have drawn on you for payment of the invoice amount USD28,760.72. We own your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the American Embassy in Beijing.73. If you take quality into account, you will find our price is in fact more favorable than those quoted by other suppliers.74. Could you make us a firm offer for 1,000 metric tons of fertilizer?75. We would suggest you accept Article No. 45 as a substitute.76. As we are short of supply, we cannot ship your order until August.77. This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply which should reach us no later than the end of this month.78. One of our clients in Singapore is in the market for Chinese sewing machines.79. It is necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment within the validity of theL/C.80. We have sent you samples by airmail.三.中译英U2-1 我们从驻纽约的商务参赞处得知,贵公司有兴趣与我方进行交易。

课程代码:0094一、填空题〔每空1分,共25分〕1.Owing()the delay on the part of the suppliers,we must ask you to extend the date of shipment () September 10th()October 10th.2.We wish to call your attention ()the validity ()the L/C,since there is no possibility of L/C extension3.If you insist ()your price,there is no possibility of getting business done.4.We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools()request.5.()receipt ()your cable of March5,we at once requested to Bank of China in London to establish a letter of credit ()your favor ()pound sterling.6.Please try your best to push the sale of machine tools ()your end.7.We offer firm CIF,Lagos shipment()30days,subject()your reply here before10a.m.our time.8.We can supply Walnuts ()stock.9.We wish to point out that is the best price we can quote and , therefore any counteroffer()you cannot be considered.10.Payment of the purchase is to be made()confirmed, irrevocable L/C.11.We have confidence()the quality of Chinese Tin.12.We are glad to have booked()you 10000doz,Five Starnd pencils.13.It is out()question that we can get the necessary import license.14.()regard()Contract No.123and 456,we are agreeable ()D/P terms of payment ()these contracts.15.Would you make us a firm offer()CIF.Liverpool basis二、单项选择题〔在每题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,并将其号码填在题后的括号内。

外贸英语函电试题外贸英语函电试卷及标准答案1. Ⅱ.Make the best choice for each of the following sentences The boxes must bestrong enough to withstand transport ____ very bad roads.A. AlongB. ForC. inyour Order KK02736.A. GotB. MadeC. putD. taken3. Some customers requested us to ____ our price because they consider it too high.A. bring downB. get downC. put downD. take down4. We can allow you a special discount of 2% on orders exceeding $60,000.The word “allow” can be replaced by the following words EXCEPTA. GiveB. GrantC. offerfor Singapore on June 16.A. CleanB. CleanedC. cleaningD. cleanly6. For your own ____ please expedite the L/C, which must reach us before AugustA. AdvantageB. BenefitC. considerationD. profit7. In the ____ we would ask you to dispatch the replacement to us as soon aspossible.A. MeantimeB. MeanwhileC. timeD. occasion8. This will enable us to arrange speedy passage through the Customs on ____ ofthe consignment.A. arrivalB. ArrivingC. receptionD. receiving9. A container holds 240 bicycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 5containers, ____ 8 tons.A. and each weighing C. each weighingB. each to weigh D. each weighs10. The cases should be ____ they can easily be made tightly closed again afterbeing opened.A. as such so as C. of such a type thatB. B. like this so thatA. OnB. InC. ofA. OnB. inC. atconcerning the damage.A. OnB. UponC. infor early delivery.A. OnB. FromC. ofD. to15. ____ instructions from the importer, we have opened an irrevocable letter of D. over 2. Enclosed are two copies of our Sales Confirmation No. DTE0607 ____ out against D. permit 5. The consignment was shipped ____ on the S.S. “Changfeng” which left Shanghai D. of such a type which D. for D. for 11. We deal in decorative fabrics ____ different varieties. 12. It is possible to extend this Letter of Credit, which expires ____ January 28. 13. We trust you will look ____ the matter without delay upon receiving the data D. into 14. Please quote us your lowest price ____ CIF Singapore basis for 1,500 piecescredit for US$ 5,600 in your favor, valid until January 1, 2006.A. OnB. FromC. In accordancedone business for many years.A. WhichB. with thatC. whomfrom previous accounts.A. on conditionB. on condition thatC. on thatD. depends on18. The credit ____ evidences shipment of 200 colour television sets may be usedupon presentation of the routine documents.A.0nB. ItC. whichD. what19. The goods under our order No. 05C31 arrived here yesterday, and we have nowexamined them ____ your enclosed lists and invoices.A. AgainstB. BeforeC. onD. with20. We, ____ in the export of medical equipment and medicinal herbs, wish to getinto direct contact with firms in your country ____ in the import of such products.A. deal, interestB. dealing, interestedC. dealt, interestingD. dealing, interestingⅠ.Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:(每小题1分,共25%)1.We have established an irrevocable letter of credit______your favour with the Bank of China,Guandong.2.We are glad to enter ______ business relations with your corporation.3.We are awaiting your revised draft _ keen interest.4.Our foreign trade policy is based ______ equality nad mutual benefit.5.We shall book a trial order with you,______ goods are competitive in price and of good quality.6.As we are heavily committed,we are sorry that we are not in a ______ to accept new orders.7.We prefer payment by D/P ______ draft at 60-day's sight.8.Your quotation happens to be exactly the same______ we have received from Australia.9.We hereby register a claim with you____ the basis of here,we can obtain a number of orders for you.10.Scince we are well connected______the department stores here,we can obtaina number of orders for you .11._____ you know,this is a popular brand,which can see easily in ourmarket.12.We hope that you wil look______ the cause of the defective goods.13.There is no question _getting the necessary import licence from our authorities.14.Please take the necessary steps ______delay.15.Your immediate reply should reach us not later ____ the end of this month. D. with whom 17. The discount of 5% agreed on was granted only ____ no balance was outstanding D. According 16. Your firm has been referred to us by the ABC Co., of Pakistan, ____ we have16.If the first shipment is satisfactory,we can______ with you some repeat orders.17.We hope this unfortunate incident wil not afect the friendly relations______ us.18.Please cable us as soon as ______,giving us all necessary information.19.We wih to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 15,______ reached us yesterday.20.In view of the long-stanging business relations______us,we wish to settles this dispute amicably.21.Risks other______ All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra pr-enium should be borne by the buyer.22.Please do everything necessary ______ as to enable us to send you the relevant documents at an early date.23.We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you ______ sound condition.24.As to chemical products we are well connected _____ the major producers in America.25.We are glad that in the past few years,______ joint efforts,have greatly promoted both business and friendship.Ⅱ.Choose the best answer:(每小题1分,共20%)1.We look forward to _ a trial order.A.receiving Breceive from you C.receipt D.receipt your2.We _ some brochurs _to illustratethe procucts we manufactured.A.enclose,to you B.enclose you,\ C.enclose,\ D.enclose,you3.If you will send us a catalog by air,we shall _very much.A.appreciate B.appreciating C.appreciation D.appreciae it4. We would like to take this tty establish business relations with you。

每小题1分,共20分)1. There is ________ doubt that the defective goods were damped before packing、 ()A. withoutB. littleC. someD. a little2. Our quotation ________ Tiantan Brand Shirts is valid for 10 days、 ()A. toB. afterC. inD. for3. We cannot see any possible of business ________ your price is on the high side、 ()A. whichB. sinceC. thatD. though4. We assure that the goods can be supplied from stock ________ you order early、 ()A. whetherB. thatC. afterD. if5. We ________ well ________ with the demand of Asia market、 ()A. shall…acquaintB. can…acquaintC. are…acquaintingD. are…acquainted6. We will see to ________ that the L/C is opened within the stipulated time、 ()A. itB. makeC. letD. them7、 After inspection of the above shipment we found 5 cases ________、 ()A. MissedB. missingC. lostD. losing8、 ________ your terms and conditions be accepted by our clients, we will place a la rge order withyou、 ()A. ShouldB. IfC. UnlessD. That9、 Sometimes, transshipment and partial shipment are ________ by the buyer、 ()A. permissionB. permittingC. prohibitedD. prohibiting10、 We offer you our lowest price, ________ we have done a lot of business with ot her customers、()A. whichB. thatC. with whichD. at which11. Because of the weak market, we have to decline our price ________ 5%、 ()A. withB. toC. byD. for12、 As the selling season is approaching, please ship the goods with the least _____ ___ delay、()A. possibleB. profitableC. impossible D、 portable13、 Enclosed is a copy of our price list ________ for in your letter of December 12. ()A. askB. asksC. asked D、 asking14、________ to our regret, at present we cannot entertain any fresh orders、 ()A. manyB. muchC. more D、 most15、 We wish to receive your shipping advice soon for the goods under the captioned ________、()A. letterB. cableC、 contractD、 munication16. We have ________ stated that we are not in a position to supply at the moment、()A. stronglyB. expresslyC、 seriouslyD、 gladly17、 The importer will go to the wharf and ________ delivery of the goods、 ()A. makeB. effectC、 fulfillD、 take18、 ________ shipment, please amend the L/C to allow transshipment、 ()A. RegardingB. CoveringC、 ConcerningD、 Referring19、 The seller should be responsible for the losses due to the improper ________、 ()A. packageB. packagingC、 packingD、 pack20、 Please do your best to ship our order ________ S、 S、“Dongfeng”、 ()A. byB. ofC、 toD、 at二、填空题(每空1分,共25分)21. Increased production results ________ the adoption of new production method、22. We assure you ________ our close cooperation in pushing the sales of your produ cts、23、 Our usual terms of payment are ________ L/C and we hope they will be accepta ble ________you、24. We shall pack each pen ________ a box, 24 boxes ________ a carton、25、 Please open as soon as possible the relevant L/C ________ our favor 、26、 We consider it necessary to bring this matter ________ your notice、27、 Please keep us informed ________ the customer’s response ________ our new products、28、 You should avail ________ of our favorable offer ________ your own interest、29、 We are already represented by Hussian & Co、 ________ the sales of our rainc oats ________ your district、30、 Any changes of specification would involve us ________ a great deal of trouble 、31. We have to ship the goods from Shanghai to New York ________ Hong Kong, as there is nodirect steamer、32. The time of delivery is approaching, we haven’t received your shipping instructions ________date、33. ________ reply, we regret that we are not in a positio n to be responsible ________ the loss、34. Our clients are in urgent ________ of the ordered goods 、35. Such insurance should be provided ________ your cost、36. Our head office has passed your order ________ to us _ _______ attention and reply、37、We have only 100 sets of sewing machines ________ stoc k, so we make you this offer subject to ______ __ sale、三、英汉翻译(每小题2分,共20分)38、We are a statedoperated corporation, specializing in the export of electric goods、我们就是一个statedoperated有限公司就是专业从事电器产品得出口。

Part one Multiple choice (30)Part two Specialized (20 marks)1.目的口岸Port of Destination2.付款条件payment terms3.保兑信用证confirmed L/C4.Tax refund 退税5.可分割信用证divisible L/C6.单据bill of documen t7.议付行negotiating bank8.Under separate cover 另寄9.发票invoice10.保兑信用证confirmed L/C11.分批装运partial shipment12.Credit line信贷限额13.装运日期Date of shipment14.不可抗力Force majeure15.仲裁arbitration16.挂号信函registered letter17.装运通知shipment advice18.会签countersignature19.见票at sight20.拒付refuse paymentPart three1.we owe your name and address to the commercial counselor ’s office of the SwedishEmbssy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles.我们从瑞典驻北京大使馆商务处了解到您的名称和地址,得悉你们在纺织业市场2.Having obtained your name and address from Messrs. Anderson &Co., Rotterdam , we arewriting you in the hope of establishing business relations with you .获悉你们行名及地址从奥Anderson&有限公司鹿特丹,我们在写你,希望与你建立业务关系3.One of our clients takes interest in your products and wishes to have quotations for the itemsspecified in the list我们的一个客户对你们的产品感兴趣,希望能得到的列表中指定项目的报价4.Please send us your best offer by fax indicating packing, specifications,quantity available andthe earliest time of delivery.请给我们报最好价传真指示包装,规格,可供数量及最早的交货。

一. 单选题1. As we are ______ the market for tablecloth, we should be glad if you would send us your best quotation.a. inb. onc. enteringd. at2. We ______ a copy of our pricelist.a. putb. enclosec. envelopd. wrap3. We shall appreciate samples ______ your offer.a. concernedb. coveredc. includingd. covering4.________ receipt of your instructions we will send the goods.a. Inb. Havingc. Upond. To5. We always adhere ________ our commitments.a. tob. forc. towardsd. in6. By joint efforts, we can ________ both friendship and business.a. promoteb. enhancec. improved. develop7. We are interested ________ a specimen of the new type.a. to receivingb. to receivec. in receivingd. in receipt8. Y our letter has been passed on to us for ________.a. attendanceb. carec. attentiond. cooperation9. We regret _____ to offer you this article at present.a. to be ableb. being ablec. being unabled. unable10. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date ______, we intend to place a large order with you.a. acceptedb. acceptablec. acceptingd. accept11. Y ou will receive ________ on the sale.a. two commissionsb. two terms of commissionsc. two items of commissionsd. two commission12.The buyer demands that the seller ______ the goods within a week.a. shipb. to shipc. would shipd. be shipping13.We trust this new product of ours will appeal ______ your market.a. forb. toc. byd. with14.The offer is _______to confirmation.a. subjectedb. subjectc. subjectived. subjection15.It has ______ us that Type 32 might suit your purpose as well.a. happened tob. occurred toc. been happening tod. reminded16.We are making you our quotation for shoes _______.a. as followsb. as followedc. as followd. followed17. Damage ______ the goods was caused by heavy rain in transit.a. withb. toc. ford. in18.Will you send us ________ return mail pamphlets and price list of your exports.a. byb. withc. ind. of19.The shipment time is July at our ______ and the goods will be shipped in one lot.a. choiceb. disposalc. optiond. opinion20. The documents will be sent to you under separate ________.A .covering b. cover c. coverage d. covers21. The present situation of the market _______ entirely new measures.a. calls inb. calls forc. calls upond. calls off22. Our ________ of insurance are to be effected by the sellers for 110% of invoice vale against all risks and war risks.a. termsb. conditionsc. itemsd. bases23. Regarding insurance, the coverage is _______ 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only.a. forb. atc. withind. on24. The delayed shipment of the goods on your part ______ our heavy losses.a. resulted tob. arose formc. broughtd. resulted in25. we recommended ______ a small quantity for trial.a. to buyb.to buyingc. buyd. you buying26. Please make us offers ______ our enquiry note.a. in compliance withb. as perc. according tod. with respect to27.Thank you for your letter of March 3, in which you promised immediate shipment of the computer we ______ on January 10.a. purchasedb. orderedc. haved. order28. We have the pleasure in _____ your letter of Nov. 11,in which you inform us that you are satisfied with our men’s shirts,shipped per S. S.“East Wind”.a. admittingb. acknowledgingc. acceptingd. adjusting29. We wish to call your attention to the _____ in the L/C,since there is no possibility of L/C extensiona. varietyb. validityc. possibilityd. probability30. We place this order _______ the understanding that the discount is 10%a. inb. byc. ond. through二. 短语翻译1.From English to Chinese1) terms of payment2) net weight3) Bill of Lading4) Country of origin2. From Chinese to English1) 供求2)标题项下的货物3)商会4)共同努力5)保兑信用证6)会签三. 句子翻译1. 我们男士衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。

练习1Ⅰ.Fill in the following blanks with appropriate prepositions.1.Owing _____ the delay on the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date of shipment ____ October 10th.2.We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools _____ request.3.____receipt _____ your cable of March5, we at once requested to Bank of China in London to establish a letter of credit ______ your favor .4.Please try your best to push the sale of machine tools ____ your end.5.This offer is firm subject _____ your reply here before 10a.m.our time.6.We can supply Walnuts _____ stock.7.Payment of the purchase is to be made _____ confirmed, irrevocable L/C.8.____ regard ____ Contract No.123and 456,we are agreeable ______ D/P terms of payment ____these contracts.9.Would you make us a firm offer____ CIF Liverpool basis?10.Please draw _____ us for the invoice amount at the time of shipment. Ⅱ.Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D.1.We _____ your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 2 sets of Electric MotorsA. findB. believeC. thinkD. trust2. We thank you for your letter of May 27 and the _____ illustrated catalogue.A. sentB. enclosedC. givenD. presented3. This price is ____ of your 5% commission.A. includesB. coveringC. inclusiveD. including4.We will do our best to _____ shipment to meet your requirements in timeA. complyB. makeC. expediteD. arrange5.We _____ you of our readiness to serve you in this end all future businessA. ensureB. assureC. make sureD. see to6.It is only in view of our long friendly business relations that we____ you this accommodation.A. extendB. extantC. increaseD. promote7、Your L/C No.111 for £2000 issued by the Bank Ltd, Liverpool, has____.A、be arrivingB、been arrivingC、arrivedD、thanked8、Your full cooperation in this respect will be highly____.A、appreciatingB、appreciatedC、thankingD、thanked9、We acknowledgment receipt of your letter dated 26th September_____ connection ______ the above subject.A. for, wit B、for, toC、in, withD、in, to10、We regret ______ unable to agree to the buyer's request as stated in the L/C stipulations for insurance to be covered up to the inland city.A、to beB、beingC、to have beenD、been11、We are pleased to _____ you that 6000 dozen of shirts under Sales Confirmation No.C123, L/C No.5678 have gone off on S.S. "Dongfeng"A、askB、informC、speakD、talk12、______ you accept our offer, please cable us for our confirmation.A、untilB、unlessC、ifD、as13、We thank you _____ for you cooperation.A、in advanceB、in beforehandC、in progressD、in proceed14.We regret we cannot ____ ourselves of your offer of these goods because we are buying to better advantage elsewhere.A. makeB. haveC. availD. advantage15. The term CFR should be followed by _____.A. port of shipmentB. port of originC. port of loadingD. port of destination16.By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business.A. increaseB. promoteC. expandD. extend17. This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply _____ should reach us not later than the end of this month.A. itB. theyC. whatD. which18. ____ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.A. In caseB. In the caseC. In this caseD. In that case19. Should your L/C____ us at the beginning of May , we shall be able to ship your order.A. arriveB. reachC. comeD. get20. In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that an L/C has been opened amounting ____$2,000.A. atB. toC. upD. for21. Regarding insurance, the coverage is for 110% of invoice _____ .A. worthB. valueC. priceD. cost22. The _____ has been shipped on S.S. “Tiantaishan” for transshipment at Hongkong per S.S. “Flying Cloud”.A. produceB. productC. cargoD. manufacture23. Your quotation of bicycles is _____ high to be acceptable.A. tooB. soC. suchD. as24. As this item falls _____ the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you at an early date.A. withB. withoutC. withinD. in with25.We confirm ______ you in reply.A. to cableB. cablingC. having cabledD. cabledⅢ. Translate the following into Chinese:1、We have received an inquiry from a client for Men's Shirts and request you to cable us your offer not later than the end of this month in order to conclude business.2.We understand that there is a good demand for color TV sets in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation No.123 for your consideration.3.Payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed ,irrevocable, divisible and transferable letter of credit without recourse for the full amount.4.Your shipment of our Order No.151 has been found short in weight byC.C.I.B(中国商检局),for which we regret we must lodge a claim amounting to $2000.5.Your inquiry of October27 addressed to our Head Office has been passed on to us for attention.Ⅳ.Translate the following into English:1. 中国出口商品交易会2. 60天远期汇票3. 保兑行4. 偷窃提不着货险5. 不可抗力6. 形式发票7、我方已另寄贵方样品和三本商品小册子。

二. 短语翻译1.From English to Chinese1) terms of payment 2) net weight 3) Bill of Lading 4) Country of origin2. From Chinese to English1) 供求2)标题项下的货物3)商会4)共同努力5)保兑信用证6)会签三. 句子翻译1. 我们男士衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。
2. 因无直达班轮,请允许转船。
三. 信件翻译敬启者:你公司11月5日的报价单和尼龙女式运动成衣样品都已收到,谢谢。
我公司对价格和品质均感满意,并乐意按你方报价单所提条件订购下列货物:小号尼龙运动衣每打80美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价, 5打。
….谨上二.翻译短语翻译1.支付条件2.净重3. 提单4. 原产地1. supply and demand2. the captioned goods3.the chamber of commerce4.joint effort5. confirmed L/C6.countersign句子翻译1. Our Men’s Shirts are packed in poly bags, five dozen to a carton lined with damp-proof paper and secured with2 iron straps outside.2. As there is no direct steamer, please allow transshipment.3. We have learned that the relative L/C for the above-mentioned goods will be opened immediately. You are assured that upon receipt of your L/C, we will arrange to ship by the first available steamer.信件翻译(注意格式)Dear sirsWe thank you for your quotation of Nov.5 and the samples of ready-made nylon women’s sports garments. We are satisfied with both the quality and price,and pleased to order the following goods according to the terms of your quotation:Small size women’s sports coat US$80 per dozen CIF London 5 dozens .Medium size women’s sports coat US$120 per dozen CIF London 7dozens.Large size women’s sports coat US$160 per dozen CIF London 4dozens.We place the order with you for the above-mentioned goods subject to your delivery of the goods prior to December 15.Our normal term of payment is D/A after 60 days.Please let us know whether you agree to the terms of payment.Yours faithfully,外贸函电试题库MatchA. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 货交承运人B. FOB ( ) 2. 信用证C. FCA ( ) 3. 欧洲主要口岸D. T/T ( ) 4. 海运提单E. D/P ( ) 5. 装运港船上交货F. L/C ( ) 6. 协会货物条款G. EMP ( ) 7. 国际贸易术语解释通则H. FPA ( ) 8. 平安险I. B/L ( ) 9. 付款交单J. ICC ( ) 10. 电汇A. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 货交承运人B. FOB ( ) 2. 信用证C. FCA ( ) 3. 欧洲主要口岸D. T/T ( ) 4. 海运提单E. D/P ( ) 5. 装运港船上交货F. L/C ( ) 6. 协会货物条款G. EMP ( ) 7. 国际贸易术语解释通则H. FPA ( ) 8. 平安险I. B/L ( ) 9. 付款交单J. ICC ( ) 10. 电汇A. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 运费、保险费付至B. CFR ( ) 2. 承兑交单C. CIP ( ) 3. 银行保证书D. D/D ( ) 4. 预计到港时间E. D/A ( ) 5. 国际贸易术语解释通则F. L/G ( ) 6. 海运提单G. ETA ( ) 7. 中国人民保险海洋运输货物保险条款H. WPA ( ) 8. 票汇I. B/L ( ) 9. 水渍险J. CIC ( ) 10. 成本加运费Answers:7,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,67,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,65,10,1,8,2,3,4,9,6,7Business terms translation1. Chamber of commerce ______________2. Quotation ________________3. Counter-offer _____________4. Customs invoice _____________5. Open account terms ____________6. Certificate of origin _____________7. Import quotas system _____________ 8. Bill of exchange ______________9. Promissory note _______________ 10. Confirmed L/C ______________1. Quantity Discount ________________2. Proforma Invoice ________________3. Non-Tariff Barriers _______________4. Sales Contract _______________5. Documentary Bill ________________6. Sight Draft ________________7. Irrevocable L/C _________________ 8. On Board B/L ________________9. More or Less Clause ________________ 10. Insurance Policy _______________1. Cash Discount ______________2. Commercial Invoice _________________3. Import Licence System ____________4. Sales Confirmation ________________5. Commercial Draft ______________6. Time Draft ________________7. Collection ______________ 8. Clean B/L _______________9. Warehouse to Warehouse Clause ______ 10. Insurance Certificate ____________Answers:1.商会2。

Ⅰ. Translate the following terms and expressions into Chinese:1. look forward to1.盼望……2. a favorable reply2.有利的答复,佳音3. establish trade relations3.贸易关系的建立4. specific inquiry4.具体询盘5.Enclosed please find9.随附……请查收6.prospective clients潜在的买主/客户7. cotton piece goods棉布8. business scope经营X围9. 国有企业:state-owned enterprise10.资信情况credit standing/situation8. 价格单8. price list9. 插图目录9. illustrated catalogue10. 一收到……就10. upon receipt ofⅡ.Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences:1.____ in 1995, this company specializes in the export of cotton piece goods.A. EstablishB. EstablishedC. EstablishingD. To be established2.____ please find the catalogues and latest price list.A. EnclosedB. EnclosingC. EncloseD. Enclosure3. We will forward all the necessary information of the item mentioned above ____ receipt of your reply.A. withB. uponC. inD. of4. We look forward ____ your favorable news.A. onB. toC. atD. of5. The present market is favorable ____ importers.A. withB. forC. inD. to6. Because the article falls ____ the scope of our business activities, we are writing you in hope of ____ trade relations with you.A. within, establishmentB. within, establishingC. below, set upD. below, setting up7. Thank you for the sample cutting____ in your letter.A. encloseB. enclosedC. enclosingD. being enclosed8. We take the pleasure of introducing ourselves____ an experienced importer____ line of daily products.A. of, onB. as, inC. for, byD. be, at9. Thank you for your price list showing various kinds of products now____ for export.A. availableB. be availableC. to be availableD. being available10.____ create severe competition for home produced goods.A. ImportB. ImportingC. ImportsD. ImportedⅢ.Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1. We are willing to enter into business relations with your company(公司) on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.2. We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of air conditioners(空调).3. In order to export our products to Western Europe, we are writing to you to seek cooperation possibilities(合作机会).4. We have a lot of colors and sizes to meet different needs.5. We have airmailed you some leaflets about our products. If you are interested in any of the items, please let us know.6. With years of efforts we have enlarged our business scope and now we deal in nearly 100 kinds of goods.7. Our main business covers the import and export of various light industrial products.8. If your corporation does not import the goods mentioned above, please give this letter to a firm who may be concerned.9. As an exporter of motor bicycle, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line.10. To give a general idea of products, we are sending you separately a catalogue together with three pamphlets for your information.Ⅳ. Translate the following sentences into English:1.兹介绍,本公司是一家人造珠宝〔imitation jewelry〕的出口公司,在这一行已有多年经验。
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《外经贸英语函电》试题库I. Translate the following terms into English目录按照要求订单实盘市场经济虚盘电子邮件汇票询盘装运报盘还盘报价利润信用证折扣你处形式发票供你参考一式两份信誉以……为准支付条款唛头代理与……建立业务关系确认保险费即期索赔投保保险单电子商务装船通知集装箱托收汇付成交检验证书已脱销毛重净重纸箱捆一切险发票金额提单运输单据仲裁会签II. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.( ) 1. We thank you for your letter of March 13 and the _____ catalogue.A. givenB. sentC. enclosedD. presented( ) 2. They found an opportunity to purchase six _____ leather shoes.A. thousands pairsB. thousand pair ofC. thousands of pairD. thousand pairs of( ) 3. The letter we sent last week is an enquiry _____ digital cameras.A. aboutB. ofC. forD. as( ) 4. What kind of products do you think _____ particularly interested _____ A. are they, in B. they are, inC. are they, /D. they are, /( ) 5. We owe your name and address _____ Italian Commercial Bank who informed us that you are in the market _____ table-cloths.A. from, forB. to, withC. from, with d. to, for( ) 6. While _____ an enquiry, you ought to enquiry into quality and price etc..A. makingB. sendingC. offeringD. giving( ) 7. In order to obtain the needed information, the inquirer should simple, clearly and concisely write _____ he wants to know.A. thatB. soC. whatD. because of( ) 8. We are a specialized corporation, _____ the export of animalby-products.A. dealing withB. dealingC. handlingD. dealt in( ) 9. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the _____ of equality and mutual benefit.A. baseB. basisC. basesD. based( ) would not give you any lower price _____ you could place an order for more than 500 tons.A. expectB. untilC. unlessD. besides( ) 11. We _____ some brochures _____ to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture.A. enclose you, /B. enclose, youC. enclose, /D. enclose, to you( ) 12. They have _____ us that you are _____ the market _____ chemicals.A. inform, in, onB. informed, in, forC. advise, in, onD. advised, in, of( ) 13. We are not in a position to offer firm, as the goods are _____. A. without stock B. outside in stockC. no stockD. out of stock( ) 14. Please let us _____ your firm offer before the end of this month.A. hadB. haveC. havingD. to have( ) 15. If you can _____ your price by 5%, we may conclude the transaction with you.A. offerB. bring downC. fixD. quote( ) 16. If you are interested, we will send you a sample lot _____ charge.A. withinB. withC. forD. free of( ) 17. It may interest you to know that there is a good demand here for Chinese Black Tea _____ prices.A. at moderateB. in cheapC. for lowD. on dear.( ) 18. Please reply as soon as possible, _____ the earliest shipment date and terms of payment.A. statedB. as statedC. statingD. state( ) 19. There is a steady demand in Europe _____ leather gloves _____ high quality.A. for, withB. for, ofC. at, withD. in, of( ) 20. We would recommend you _____ this offer.A. acceptB. acceptedC. to acceptD. accepting( ) 21. For your information, our products enjoy a ready _____ in Europe.A. sellB. saleC. sellingD. sail( ) 22. A firm offer _____ a time limit for acceptance.A. may specifyB. never specifiesC. sometimes specifiesD. must specify( ) 23. The commodities you offered are _____ line with the business scope of our clients.A. outsideB. outC. out ofD. without( ) 24. We are offering you firm _____ on the same terms and conditions as the previous contract.A. as followingB. as followC. as is followingD. as follows ( ) 25. We _____ to allow you a special discount if you increase your order to 5,000 pairs.A. have preparedB. are prepareC. are preparedD. were prepared ( ) 26. It should be _____ if you could immediately _____ what quantity you can supply us at present.A. thankful, adviseB. appreciate, adviseC. appreciated, adviseD. appreciating, inform( ) 27. We have pleasure in enclosing a detailed price list for the goods you _____ in your letter.A. informedB. saidC. toldD. required( ) 28. Our corporation _____ foodstuffs.A. dealsB. handlesC. handles inD. specializes( ) 29. Your price is too high to interest our buyers _____ a counter offer.A. makingB. in makingC. makeD. to be made( ) 30. We shall inform you _____ the date of shipment.A. atB. inC. ofD. to( ) are writing to you ______ establishing business relations.A. hopeB. in hopeC. in the hope ofD. hoping( ) 32. We hope you could _____ us a special discount of 3% on orders. A. admit B. offer C. send D. let( ) 33. If you could increase the _____ to 10%, we shall be pleased to buy the complete stock.A. costB. stockC. discountD. price( ) 34. We can grant you a special discount of 5% _____ repeat orders. A. in B. of C. for D. on( ) 35. Please _____ me if you need any further information.A. contactB. contact withC. contact onD. contact to( ) 36. We shall be glad to send you sample-cutting books and pamphlets of our new products _____.A. with requestB. as requestC. upon requestD. at request ( ) 37. We specialize _____ all kinds of metals and are always ready to buy in large quantities.A. inB. fromC. onD. at( ) 38. We confirm exchange of letter _____ the subject article.A. to regardB. regardedC. regardingD. is regarded( ) 39. Please note that the insurance on our CIF terms _____ All Risks for 110% of the invoice value.A. makesB. takesC. coversD. ourselves( ) 40. WPA coverage is too narrow _____ a shipment of this nature.A. forB. toC. overD. with( ) 41. We _____ your name and address _____ the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana.A. have known … inB. have learned … byC. have given … byD. have come to know … from( ) 42. We are looking forward to _____.A. hearing from you soonB. receive your reply soonC. receiving from you soonD. you reply soon( ) 43. When _____, please state your terms of payment and a trade discount for companies that buy in fairly large quantities.A. replyB. repliedC. to replyD. replying( ) 44. As this model was so popular with our customers, we would like to know if it is still ______.A. availableB. respectableC. acceptableD. reasonable( ) 45. I would appreciate ______ me an up-to-date price list for your building materials.A. you to sendB. your sendC. you sendD. your sending( ) 46. _____ is our S/C in duplicate, a copy of which please sign and return to us for our file.A. EncloseB. EnclosedC. EnclosingD. Encloses( ) 47. We are looking forward to _____ your further order.A. receivingB. receiveC. hearing fromD. being hearing from ( ) 48. As soon as we are ______ a position to accept new orders, we will contract you immediately.A. atB. onC. inD. for( ) 49. While _____ an order for the first time, a letter is often used. A. collecting B. planning C. placing D. receiving( ) 50. Payment _____ L/C as contracted.A. byB. will beC. is byD. is to be made byIII. Complete the following letters with proper words.(1)Dear Sirs,Sub: TABLECLOTHWe 1 your name and address 2 the Commercial Office of Chinese Embassy in Pakistan. We take this opportunity to write to you with a view to setting up 3 with you.We are a state-owned company dealing specially 4 the export of tablecloth. We are 5 to accept orders according 6 the customer’s samples. In the customer’s samples, request about the assorted pattern, specifications and package of the needed 7 can be indicated particularly.In order to give you a general idea of various kinds of the 8 we are handling, we are airmailing you by separate post our latest catalogue for your 9 . Please let us know immediately if you are interested 10 our products.We will send our price 11 and sample to you as soon as we receive your 12 inquiry.Looking forward to your early reply, we are.Yours faithfully,(2)Dear Sirs,Referring 1 your letter of 5 June, we very much regret that we are unable to make you an 2 for the goods you demand. The reason is that the 3 you need has been out of 4 . What’s 5 our manufacturers have declined orders because of shortage 6 raw materials.We shall, however, file your 7 and E-mail you our offers as soon as we get 8 .Sincerely yours,(3)Dear Sir,We are a 1 dealer in waterproof garments in this city. Our customers have expressed interested in your raincoats and enquired 2 their quality. Provided quality and price are satisfactory there are prospects of good sales here, but before placing a firm 3 we should be glad if you would send us, on 14 day’s approval, a selection of men’s and women’s raincoats. Any of the 4 unsold at the end of the period, which we decide not to keep as 5 , would be returned at our expense.We look forward to hearing from you soon..Yours sincerely,(4)Dear Sirs,You will be 1 to hear that we have recently developed our new product, 2 is selling very strongly on the home market.Because 3 its success in this country, we thought there 4 be a 5 sale abroad, and we would welcome your advice as to whether, in your 6 , there is a 7 in your district.If you agree, we shall be 8 to supply you with our samples for you to 9 to the potential 10 . You will find enclosed an order form in 11 you wish to make an immediate 12 .Your truly,(5)Dear Sirs,Your fax of July 5 has been received with many thanks.The quotation you faxed us is on CIF 1 .As we are in an open cover 2 with our 3 , we prefer that you send us CFR quotations.However, we will also be interested to know what 4 we are likely to get if consignments are to be covered at your 5 .We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely(6)Gentlemen:1 : Contract No. F333We wish to draw your attention 2 our Contract No. F333 3 2,000 cartons of China Green Tea, for which we opened the confirmed, irrevocable L/C No. BA5177 in your 4 yesterday afternoon 5 the Bank of America, New York.Upon 6 of the above-mentioned L/C, please 7 shipment of the goods ordered by us without any delay as we want to catch the selling season in our market.Should this trial order prove 8 to our clients, we are fully confident that 9 orders will be placed soon.We thank you for your close cooperation in this respect and 10 your shipping advice by fax.Yours faithfully,IV. Translate the following sentence1. From English into Chinese(1) Your name and address have been passed on to us by Hong Kong Trading Company, and we are glad to write to you hoping to establish trade relations with you.(2) Please sent us your best offer by fax indicating packing, specifications, quantity available and earliest time of delivery.(3) Enclosed is our pro-forma invoice No.3422 in duplicate coving 500Ever-lasting brand bicycles for shipment during October.(4) We have handled this line for more than 20 years.(5) As soon as we receive your specific enquiry, we will send you the catalogue and samples.(6) The said goods are not available from stock.(7) If you can reduce your price by 5%, we believe it is possible for us to conclude the deal.(8) If your L/C can reach us before the end of this month, we’ll try our best to arrange shipment at the beginning of next month.(9) Sellers are to effect insurance against All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoice value.(10) Please be sure to make shipment according to our packing instructions.2. From Chinese into English.(1)贵方所报价格和质量都符合要求。