Unit 8 When is your birthday Section A

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eighteenth =18th nineteenth =19th
twentieth =20th
第二十一 第二十三 第二十五
第二十二 第二十四
第二十六 第二十八
第二十七 第二十九
twenty-first = 21st twenty-second = 22nd
twenty-third =23rd twenty-fourth =24th twenty-fifth =25th
1.元月 2.二月 4.四月 5.五月
3.三月 6.六月
10.十月 11.十一月 12. 十二月
1. January 2. February 3. March
5. May
4. April
6. June
7. July
8. August
9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December
玛丽,你的生日在什么时候? 我的生日在元月五日。
When is your birthday, Linda? My birthday is on May 2nd.
When is your birthday, Mike? My birthday is on June 3rd.
When is your birthday, Mary? It’s on January 5th.
A: 琳达,你的生日在什么时候? B: 我的生日在五月二日。
A: 玛丽,你的生日在什么时候? B: 我的生日在元月五日。
A: 迈克,你的生日在什么时候? B: 我的生日在六月三日。
A: When is your birthday, Linda?
B: My birthday is on May 2nd.
Bill: 那么你多大年龄,艾伦? Alan: 我十二岁了。 你多大年龄?
Bill: Hi, Alan. Happy birthday!
Alan: Thank you, Bill.
Bill: So, how old are you, Alan?
Alan: I’m twelve. How old are you?
eighth = 8th tenth = 10th
第十一 第十三 第十五
第十二 第十四
第十六 第十八 第二十
第十七 第十九
eleventh = 11th twelfth = 12th
thirteenth = 13th fourteenth =14th
fifteenth =15th
sixteenth =16th seventeenth =17th
Good habits achieve beautiful life.
Try to be your best.
5.Is your birthday on February 1st?
a. No, it’s on the 6th.
A:格蕾丝,你多大年龄? B: 我十二岁了。
A:那你的生日在什么时候? B:我的生日在三月十二日。
那你和汤姆的呢? A:哦,我的生日在七月五号, 汤姆的生日在十二月。
A: How old are you, Grace? B: I’m twelve.
A: And when is your birthday? B: My birthday is on March 12th.
How about you and Tom? A: Well, my birthday is on July 5th, and Tom’s birthday is in December.
Bill: 我十三岁了。 Alan: 你的生日在什么时候?
Bill: 我的生日在八月份。 Alan: 哦,你想来参加我的生日 聚会吗?
Bill: I’m thirteen. Alan: When is your birthday?
Bill: My birthday is in August. Alan: Well, do you want to come my birthday party?
2.When are their birthday? d. Their birthdays are in January.
3.你爸爸的生日在什么时候? e.在六月十六号。
4.他的生日在七月份吗? c.对,在七月份。
5.你的生日在二月一号吗? a.不,在六号。
3.When is your brother’s birthday? e. It’s on June 16th. 4.Is his birthday in July? c. Yes, it is.
twenty-sixth =26th twenty-seventh =27th
twenty-eighth =28th twenty-ninth =29th
第三十 第三十二 第三十四
第三十一 第三十三 第三十五
thirtieth =30th thirty-first =31st thirty-second =32nd
thirty–third =33rd thirty-fourth =34th thirty-fifth =35th
2.他们的生日在什么时候? d.他们的生日在元月份。 b.她的生日在五月二十四日。
1.When is Jenny’s birthday? b. Her birthday is on May 24th.
Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section A
This information comes from Yang Xuehui at Shili high school in Xihe,Gansu
Section A
琳达,你的生日在什么时候? 我的生日在五月二日。
迈克,你的生日在什么时候? 我的生日在六月三日。
A: When is Alice’s birthday? B: Her birthday is on September 5th.
A: When is your father’s birthday? B: His birthday is on August 15th.
Bill: 你好,艾伦。生日快乐! Alan: 谢谢你,比尔。
他的生日在什么时候? 他的生日在元月十七日。
When is your birthday? My birthday is on May 2nd.
When is his birthday? His birthday is on January 17th.
她的生日在什么时候? 在八月份。
爱丽丝的生日在什么时候? 她的生日在九月五日。
你爸爸的生日在什么时候? 他的生日在四月二十一日。
When is her birthday? It’s in August. When is Alice’s birthday? Her birthday is on September 5th.
When is your father’s birthday?
His birthday is on April 21st.
第一 第四
第二 第五
第三 第六
第七 第九
第八 第十
first = 1st third = 3rd fifth = 5th
second = 2nd fourth = 4th sixth = 6th
seventh = 7th ninth = 9th
Bill: 噢,很想。在什么时候? Alan: 今天下午三点钟。 Bill: 行,太棒了。再见。
Bill: Oh, yes. When is it?
Alan: At three this afternoon. Bill: OK, great. See you!
Grammar Focus
你是生日在什么时候? 我的生日在五月二日。
A: When is your birthday, Mary?
B: It’s on January 5th.
A: When is your birthday, Mike?
B: My birthday is on June 3rd.
A: 爱丽丝的生日在什么时候? B: 她的生日在九月五日。
A: 你爸爸的生日在什么时候? B: 他的生日在八月十五日。