

三、投资金额和方式1. 甲方同意向乙方投资人民币______万元整。
2. 投资方式为股权投资,具体股权比例根据双方协商确定。
3. 投资款项将分批支付,具体支付时间和金额根据项目进展情况和双方约定执行。
五、权利和义务1. 甲方有权参与项目的决策和管理,对乙方进行监督和检查,确保投资资金的安全和有效使用。
2. 乙方应负责项目的具体实施,确保项目按照约定进行,并按时向甲方提供项目进展情况报告。
3. 乙方应保证投资资金专款专用,不得擅自挪用或改变投资用途。
4. 双方应共同协作,共同推进项目发展,实现互利共赢。
5. 双方应遵守国家法律法规和监管政策,不得从事违法违规活动。
六、收益分配和风险控制1. 收益分配:项目盈利后,双方按照股权比例分配收益。
2. 风险控制:双方应共同控制项目风险,建立健全风险管理机制,确保项目顺利进行。
七、退出机制1. 合作期间,如一方出现违约情况,另一方有权要求终止本协议,并要求违约方承担相应的违约责任。
2. 合作期限届满或提前终止时,双方应按照股权比例分配项目的资产和权益。
3. 如有第三方愿意接手本项目,双方有权决定是否将股权转让给第三方。

风险投资协议范本7篇篇1本协议由以下双方签订:甲方(投资方):_________________________乙方(融资方):_________________________鉴于:甲方是一家经验丰富的风险投资公司,愿意对乙方进行风险投资;乙方是一家具有发展潜力的公司,正在进行重要的业务和技术创新活动,需要资金支持来实现其商业目标;双方经过友好协商,就甲方向乙方进行风险投资事宜达成如下协议:一、投资条款1. 投资金额:甲方同意向乙方投资人民币________万元整。
2. 投资方式:甲方将以现金或股权等形式进行投资。
3. 投资用途:乙方应将投资资金用于公司运营、研发、市场推广等方面,不得挪作他用。
4. 股份安排:本次投资完成后,乙方应向甲方发行股份,具体股份比例根据双方协商确定。
二、管理条款1. 董事会:甲方有权委派代表参加乙方的董事会,参与重大决策。
2. 财务报告:乙方应定期向甲方提交财务报告,包括但不限于月度、季度、年度财务报告。
3. 业务运营:乙方应遵守合法合规经营的原则,不得从事任何违法违规的活动。
4. 知识产权保护:双方应共同保护所涉及的知识产权,不得侵犯他人的知识产权。
三、退出条款1. 退出方式:甲方有权在约定的投资期限内选择退出乙方,退出的方式包括但不限于股权转让、股票上市等。
2. 回购安排:如乙方未能按照约定完成业务目标或发生其他违约行为,甲方有权要求乙方回购其持有的股份。
3. 优先权:甲方在退出时享有优先权,包括优先受让股权、优先分配利润等。
四、保密条款1. 双方应对本协议的内容、交易对方的商业信息以及双方在合作过程中获知的对方商业秘密等信息进行保密。
2. 未经对方同意,任何一方不得向第三方泄露相关信息。
五、违约责任1. 如任何一方违反本协议的任何条款,均应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此造成的损失。
2. 如因违约导致本协议提前终止,违约方应承担相应的违约责任。

This sample document is the work product of a coalition of attorneys who specialize in venture capital financings, working under the auspices of the NVCA. See the NVCA website for a list of the Working Group members. This document is intended to serve as a starting point only, and should be tailored to meet your specific requirements. This document should not be construed as legal advice for any particular facts or circumstances. Note that this sample presents an array of (often mutually exclusive) options with respect to particular deal provisions.TERM SHEETPreliminary NotesThis Term Sheet maps to the NVCA model documents, and for convenience the provisions are grouped according to the particular model document in which they may be found. Although this Term Sheet is perhaps somewhat longer than a "typical" VC Term Sheet, the aim is to provide a level of detail that makes the Term Sheet useful as both a road map for the document drafters and as a reference source for the business people to quickly find deal terms without the necessity of having to consult the legal documents (assuming of course there have been no changes to the material deal terms prior to execution of the final documents).TERM SHEETFOR SERIES A PREFERRED STOCK FINANCING OF[INSERT COMPANY NAME], INC.[ __, 200_]This Term Sheet summarizes the principal terms of the Series A Preferred Stock Financing of [___________], Inc., a [Delaware] corporation (the “Company”). In consideration of the time and expense devoted and to be devoted by the Investors with respect to this investment, the No Shop/Confidentiality and Counsel and Expenses provisions of this Term Sheet shall be binding obligations of the Company whether or not the financing is consummated. No other legally binding obligations will be created until definitive agreements are executed and delivered by all parties. This Term Sheet is not a commitment to invest, and is conditioned on the completion of due diligence, legal review and documentation that is satisfactory to the Investors. This Term Sheet shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the [State of Delaware].Offering TermsClosing Date: As soon as practicable following the Company’sacceptance of this Term Sheet and satisfaction of theConditions to Closing (the “Closing”). [provide formultiple closings if applicable]Investors: Investor No. 1: [_______] shares ([__]%), $[_________]Investor No. 2: [_______] shares ([__]%), $[_________][as well other investors mutually agreed upon byInvestors and the Company]Amount Raised: $[________], [including $[________] from the conversionof principal [and interest] on bridge notes].1Price Per Share: $[________] per share (based on the capitalization ofthe Company set forth below) (the “Original PurchasePrice”).1Modify this provision to account for staged investments or investments dependent on the achievement of milestones by the Company.Pre-Money Valuation: The Original Purchase Price is based upon a fully-diluted pre-money valuation of $[_____] and afully-diluted post-money valuation of $[______](including an employee pool representing [__]% of thefully-diluted post-money capitalization).Capitalization: The Company’s capital structure before and after theClosing is set forth below:Pre-Financing Post-Financing Security # of Shares % # of Shares % Common – FoundersCommon – Employee StockPoolIssuedUnissued[Common – Warrants]Series A PreferredTotalCHARTER2Dividends: [Alternative 1: Dividends will be paid on the Series APreferred on an as-converted basis when, as, and ifpaid on the Common Stock][Alternative 2: Non-cumulative dividends will be paidon the Series A Preferred in an amount equal to$[_____] per share of Series A Preferred when and ifdeclared by the Board.]2The Charter is a public document, filed with the [Delaware] Secretary of State, that establishes all of the rights, preferences, privileges and restrictions of the Preferred Stock. Note that if the Preferred Stock does not have rights, preferences, and privileges materially superior to the Common Stock, then (after Closing) the Company cannot defensibly grant Common Stock options priced at a discount to the Preferred Stock.[Alternative 3: The Series A Preferred will carry anannual [__]% cumulative dividend [compounded annually],payable upon a liquidation or redemption. For anyother dividends or distributions, participation withCommon Stock on an as-converted basis.] 3Liquidation Preference: In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or windingup of the Company, the proceeds shall be paid asfollows:[Alternative 1 (non-participating Preferred Stock):First pay [one] times the Original Purchase Price [plusaccrued dividends] [plus declared and unpaid dividends]on each share of Series A Preferred. The balance ofany proceeds shall be distributed to holders of CommonStock.][Alternative 2 (full participating Preferred Stock):First pay [one] times the Original Purchase Price [plusaccrued dividends] [plus declared and unpaid dividends]on each share of Series A Preferred. Thereafter, theSeries A Preferred participates with the Common Stockon an as-converted basis.][Alternative 3 (cap on Preferred Stock participationrights): First pay [one] times the Original PurchasePrice [plus accrued dividends] [plus declared andunpaid dividends] on each share of Series APreferred. Thereafter, Series A Preferredparticipates with Common Stock on an as-converted basisuntil the holders of Series A Preferred receive anaggregate of[_____] times the Original PurchasePrice.]A merger or consolidation (other than one in whichstockholders of the Company own a majority by voting3In some cases, accrued and unpaid dividends are payable on conversion as well as upon a liquidation event. Most typically, however, dividends are not paid if the preferred is converted. Another alternative is to give the Company the option to pay accrued and unpaid dividends in cash or in common shares valued at fair market value. Thelatter are referred to as “PIK” (payment-in-kind) dividends.power of the outstanding shares of the surviving oracquiring corporation) and a sale, lease, transfer orother disposition of all or substantially all of theassets of the Company will be treated as a liquidationevent (a “Deemed Liquidation Event”), therebytriggering payment of the liquidation preferencesdescribed above [unless the holders of [___]% of theSeries A Preferred elect otherwise].Voting Rights: The Series A Preferred Stock shall vote together withthe Common Stock on an as-converted basis, and not as aseparate class, except (i) the Series A Preferred as aclass shall be entitled to elect [_______] [(_)]members of the Board (the “Series A Directors”), (ii)as provided under “Protective Provisions” below or(iii) as required by law. The Company’s Certificateof Incorporation will provide that the number ofauthorized shares of Common Stock may be increased ordecreased with the approval of a majority of thePreferred and Common Stock, voting together as a singleclass, and without a separate class vote by the CommonStock.4Protective Provisions: So long as[insert fixed number, or %, or “any”]shares of Series A Preferred are outstanding, theCompany will not, without the written consent of theholders of at least [__]% of the Company’s Series APreferred, either directly or by amendment, merger,consolidation, or otherwise:(i) liquidate, dissolve or wind-up the affairs ofthe Company, or effect any Deemed Liquidation Event;(ii) amend, alter, or repeal any provision of theCertificate of Incorporation or Bylaws [in a manneradverse to the Series A Preferred];5 (iii) createor authorize the creation of or issue any other 4For California corporations, one cannot “opt out” of the statutory requirement of a s eparate class vote by Common Stockholders to authorize shares of Common Stock.5Note that as a matter of background law, Section 242(b)(2) of the Delaware General Corporation Law provides that if any proposed charter amendment would adversely alter the rights, preferences and powers of one seriesof Preferred Stock, but not similarly adversely alter the entire class of all Preferred Stock, then the holders of that seriesare entitled to a separate series vote on the amendment.security convertible into or exercisable for anyequity security, having rights, preferences orprivileges senior to or on parity with the Series APreferred, or increase the authorized number ofshares of Series A Preferred; (iv) purchase orredeem or pay any dividend on any capital stockprior to the Series A Preferred, [other than stockrepurchased from former employees or consultants inconnection with the cessation of theiremployment/services, at the lower of fair marketvalue or cost;] [other than as approved by theBoard, including the approval of [_____] Series ADirector(s)]; or (v) create or authorize thecreation of any debt security [if the Company’saggregate indebtedness would exceed $[____][otherthan equipment leases or bank lines of credit][otherthan debt with no equity feature][unless such debtsecurity has received the prior approval of theBoard of Directors, including the approval of[________] Series A Director(s)]; (vi) increase ordecrease the size of the Board of Directors.Optional Conversion: The Series A Preferred initially converts 1:1 to CommonStock at any time at option of holder, subject toadjustments for stock dividends, splits, combinationsand similar events and as described below under “Anti-dilution Provisions.”Anti-dilution Provisions: In the event that the Company issues additionalsecurities at a purchase price less than the currentSeries A Preferred conversion price, such conversionprice shall be adjusted in accordance with thefollowing formula:[Alternative 1: “Typical” weighted average:CP2 = CP1* (A+B) / (A+C)CP2= New Series A Conversion PriceCP1= Series A Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to new issueA = Number of shares of Common Stock deemed tobe outstanding immediately prior to newissue (includes all shares of outstandingcommon stock, all shares of outstandingpreferred stock on an as-converted basis,and all outstanding options on an as-exercised basis; and does not include anyconvertible securities converting intothis round of financing)B = Aggregate consideration received by theCorporation with respect to the new issuedivided by CP1C = Number of shares of stock issued in thesubject transaction][Alternative 2: Full-ratchet – the conversion pricewill be reduced to the price at which the new sharesare issued.][Alternative 3: No price-based anti-dilutionprotection.]The following issuances shall not trigger anti-dilutionadjustment:6(i) securities issuable upon conversion of any ofthe Series A Preferred, or as a dividend ordistribution on the Series A Preferred;(ii) securities issued upon the conversion of anydebenture, warrant, option, or other convertiblesecurity; (iii) Common Stock issuable upon a stocksplit, stock dividend, or any subdivision of sharesof Common Stock; and (iv) shares of Common Stock(or options to purchase such shares of Common Stock)issued or issuable to employees or directors of, orconsultants to, the Company pursuant to any planapproved by the Company’s Board of Directors[including at least [_______] Series A Director(s)][(v) shares of Common Stock issued or issuable tobanks, equipment lessors pursuant to a debt6Note that additional exclusions are frequently negotiated, such as issuances in connection with equipment leasing and commercial borrowing.financing, equipment leasing or real propertyleasing transaction approved by the Board ofDirectors of the Corporation [, including at least[_______] Series A Director(s)].Mandatory Conversion: Each share of Series A Preferred will automatically beconverted into Common Stock at the then applicableconversion rate in the event of the closing of a [firmcommitment] underwritten public offering with a priceof [___]times the Original Purchase Price (subject toadjustments for stock dividends, splits, combinationsand similar events) and [net/gross] proceeds to theCompany of not less than $[_______] (a “QPO”), or(ii) upon the written consent of the holders of [__]%of the Series A Preferred.7[Pay-to-Play: [Unless the holders of [__]% of the Series A electotherwise,] on any subsequent down round all [Major]Investors are required to participate to the fullextent of their participation rights (as describedbelow under “Investor Rights Agreement –Right toParticipate Pro Rata in Future Rounds”), unless theparticipation requirement is waived for all [Major]Investors by the Board [(including vote of [a majorityof] the Series A Director[s])]. All shares of Series APreferred8 of any [Major] Investor failing to do sowill automatically [lose anti-dilution rights] [loseright to participate in future rounds] [convert toCommon Stock and lose the right to a Board seat ifapplicable].97The per share test ensures that the investor achieves a significant return on investment before the Company can go public. Also consider allowing a non-QPO to become a QPO if an adjustment is made to the Conversion Price for the benefit of the investor, so that the investor does not have the power to block a public offering.8Alternatively, this provision could apply on a proportionate basis (e.g., if Investor plays for ½ of pro rata share, receives ½ of anti-dilution adjustment).9If the punishment for failure to participate is losing some but not all rights of the Preferred (e.g., anything other than a forced conversion to common), the Charter will need to have so-called “blank check preferred” provisionsat least to the extent necessary to enable the Board to issue a “shadow” class of preferred with diminished rights in the event an investor fails to participate. Note that as a drafting matter it is far easier to simply have (some or all of) the preferred convert to common.Redemption Rights:10The Series A Preferred shall be redeemable from fundslegally available for distribution at the option ofholders of at least[__]% of the Series A Preferredcommencing any time after the fifth anniversary of theClosing at a price equal to the Original Purchase Price[plus all accrued but unpaid dividends]. Redemptionshall occur in three equal annual portions. Upon aredemption request from the holders of the requiredpercentage of the Series A Preferred, all Series APreferred shares shall be redeemed [(except for anySeries A holders who affirmatively opt-out)].11STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENTRepresentations and Warranties: Standard representations and warranties by the Company. [Representations and warranties by Founders regarding [technology ownership, etc.].12Conditions to Closing: Standard conditions to Closing, which shall include,among other things, satisfactory completion offinancial and legal due diligence, qualification of theshares under applicable Blue Sky laws, the filing of aCertificate of Incorporation establishing the rightsand preferences of the Series A Preferred, and anopinion of counsel to the Company.Counsel and Expenses: [Investor/Company] counsel to draft closing documents.Company to pay all legal and administrative costs of10Redemption rights allow Investors to force the Company to redeem their shares at cost [plus a small guaranteed rate of return (e.g., dividends)]. In practice, redemption rights are not often used; however, they do providea form of exit and some possible leverage over the Company. While it is possible that the right to receive dividends on redemption could give rise to a Code Section 305 “deemed dividend” proble m, many tax practitioners take the view thatif the liquidation preference provisions in the Charter are drafted to provide that, on conversion, the holder receives the greater of its liquidation preference or its as-converted amount (as provided in the NVCA model Certificate of Incorporation), then there is no Section 305 issue.11Due to statutory restrictions, it is unlikely that the Company will be legally permitted to redeem in thevery circumstances where investors most want it (the so-called “sideways situation”), investors will sometimes requestthat certain penalty provisions take effect where redemption has been requested but the Company’s available cash flowdoes not permit such redemption - - e.g., the redemption amount shall be paid in the form of a one-year note to each unredeemed holder of Series A Preferred, and the holders of a majority of the Series A Preferred shall be entitled toelect a majority of the Company’s Board of Directors until such amounts are paid in full.12Note that while it is not at all uncommon in east coast deals to require the Founders to personally rep and warrant (at least as to certain key matters, and usually only in the Series A round), such Founders reps are rarely foundin west coast deals.the financing [at Closing], including reasonable fees(not to exceed $[_____])and expenses of Investorcounsel[, unless the transaction is not completedbecause the Investors withdraw their commitment withoutcause]13.Company Counsel: []Investor Counsel: []INVESTOR RIGHTS AGREEMENTRegistration Rights:Registrable Securities: All shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion ofthe Series A Preferred and [any other Common Stock heldby the Investors] will be deemed “RegistrableSecurities.”14Demand Registration: Upon earliest of (i) [three-five] years after theClosing; or (ii) [six] months following an initialpublic offering (“IPO”), persons holding [__]% of theRegistrable Securities may request [one][two](consummated) registrations by the Company of theirshares. The aggregate offering price for suchregistration may not be less than $[5-10] million. Aregistration will count for this purpose only if (i)all Registrable Securities requested to be registeredare registered and (ii) it is closed, or withdrawn atthe request of the Investors (other than as a result ofa material adverse change to the Company).Registration on Form S-3: The holders of [10-30]% of the Registrable Securities will have the right to require the Company to register on Form S-3, if available for use by the Company,13The bracketed text should be deleted if this section is not designated in the introductory paragraph as one of the sections that is binding upon the Company regardless of whether the financing is consummated.14Note that Founders/management sometimes also seek registration rights.Registrable Securities for an aggregate offering priceof at least $[1-5 million]. There will be no limit onthe aggregate number of such Form S-3 registrations,provided that there are no more than [two] per year.Piggyback Registration: The holders of Registrable Securities will be entitledto “piggyback” registration rights on allregistration statements of the Company, subject to theright, however, of the Company and its underwriters toreduce the number of shares proposed to be registeredto a minimum of [30]% on a pro rata basis and tocomplete reduction on an IPO at the underwriter’sdiscretion. In all events, the shares to be registeredby holders of Registrable Securities will be reducedonly after all other stockholders’ shares are reduced.Expenses: The registration expenses (exclusive of stock transfertaxes, underwriting discounts and commissions will beborne by the Company. The Company will also pay thereasonable fees and expenses[, not to exceed $______,]of one special counsel to represent all theparticipating stockholders.Lock-up: Investors shall agree in connection with the IPO, ifrequested by the managing underwriter, not to sell ortransfer any shares of Common Stock of the Company[(excluding shares acquired in or following the IPO)]for a period of up to 180 days following the IPO(provided all directors and officers of the Company and[1 –5]% stockholders agree to the same lock-up).Such lock-up agreement shall provide that anydiscretionary waiver or termination of the restrictionsof such agreements by the Company or representatives ofthe underwriters shall apply to [Major] Investors, prorata, based on the number of shares held. A “MajorInvestor” means any Investor who purchases at least$[______] of Series A Preferred.Termination: Earlier of [5] years after IPO, upon a DeemedLiquidation Event, or when all shares of an Investorare eligible to be sold without restriction under Rule144(k) within any 90-day period.No future registration rights may be granted without consent of the holders of a[majority] of the Registrable Securities unless subordinate to the Investor’s rights.Management and Information Rights: A Management Rights letter from the Company, in a form reasonably acceptable to the Investors, will be delivered prior to Closing to each Investor that requests one. 15Any Major Investor [(who is not a competitor)] will be granted access to Company facilities and personnel during normal business hours and with reasonable advance notification. The Company will deliver to such Major Investor (i) annual, quarterly, [and monthly] financial statements, and other information as determined by the Board; (ii) thirty days prior to the end of each fiscal year, a comprehensive operating budget forecasting the Company’s revenues, expenses, and cash position on a month-to-month basis for the upcoming fiscal year; and (iii) promptly following the end of each quarter an up-to-date capitalization table, certified by the CFO.Right to Participate Pro Rata in Future Rounds: All [Major] Investors shall have a pro rata right, based on their percentage equity ownership in the Company (assuming the conversion of all outstanding Preferred Stock into Common Stock and the exercise of all options outstanding under the Company’s stock plans), to participate in subsequent issuances of equity securities of the Company (excluding those issuances lis ted at the end of the “Anti-dilution Provisions” section of this Term Sheet and issuances in connection with acquisitions by the Company). In addition, should any [Major] Investor choose not to purchase its full pro rata share, the remaining [Major] Investors shall have the right to purchase the15See commentary in introduction to NVCA model Managements Rights Letter, explaining purpose of such letter.remaining pro rata shares.Matters Requiring Investor Director Approval: [So long as [__]% of the originally issued Series A Preferred remains outstanding]the Company will not, without Board approval, which approval must include the affirmative vote of [____] of the Series A Director(s):(i) make any loan or advance to, or own any stockor other securities of, any subsidiary or other corporation, partnership, or other entity unless it is wholly owned by the Company; (ii) make any loan or advance to any person, including, any employee or director, except advances and similar expenditures in the ordinary course of business or under the terms of a employee stock or option plan approved by the Board of Directors; (iii) guarantee, any indebtedness except for trade accounts of the Company or any subsidiary arising in the ordinary course of business; (iv) make any investment other than investments in prime commercial paper, money market funds, certificates of deposit in any United States bank having a net worth in excess of $100,000,000 or obligations issued or guaranteed by the United States of America, in each case having a maturity not in excess of [two years]; (v) incur any aggregate indebtedness in excess of $[_____] that is not already included in a Board-approved budget, other than trade credit incurred in the ordinary course of business; (vi) enter into or bea party to any transaction with any director,officer or employee of the Company or any “associate” (as defin ed in Rule 12b-2 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of any such person [except transactions resulting in payments to or by the Company in an amount less than $[60,000] per year], [or transactions made in the ordinary course of business and pursuant to reasonable requirements of the Company’s business and upon fair and reasonable terms that are approved by a majority of the Boardof Directors];16 (vii) hire, fire, or change the compensation of the executive officers, including approving any option plans; (viii) change the principal business of the Company, enter new lines of business, or exit the current line of business; or (ix) sell, transfer, license, pledge or encumber technology or intellectual property, other than licenses granted in the ordinary course of business.Non-Competition and Non-Solicitation and Agreements:17Each Founder and key employee will enter into a [one] year non-competition and non-solicitation agreement in a form reasonably acceptable to the Investors.Non-Disclosure and Developments Agreement: Each current and former Founder, employee and consultant with access to Company confidential information/trade secrets will enter into a non-disclosure and proprietary rights assignment agreement in a form reasonably acceptable to the Investors.Board Matters:Each Board Committee shall include at least one SeriesA Director.The Board of Directors shall meet at least[monthly][quarterly], unless otherwise agreed by a voteof the majority of Directors.The Company will bind D&O insurance with a carrier andin an amount satisfactory to the Board of Directors.In the event the Company merges with another entity andis not the surviving corporation, or transfers all ofits assets, proper provisions shall be made so thatsuccessors of the Com pany assume Company’s obligations16Note that Section 402 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2003 would require repayment of any loans in fullprior to the Company filing a registration statement for an IPO.17Note that non-compete restrictions (other than in connection with the sale of a business) are prohibited in California, and may not be enforceable in other jurisdictions, as well. In addition, some investors do not require such agreements for fear that employees will request additional consideration in exchange for signing a Non-Compete/Non-Solicit (and indeed the agreement may arguably be invalid absent such additional consideration - - although having an employee sign a non-compete contemporaneous with hiring constitutes adequate consideration). Others take the viewthat it should be up to the Board on a case-by-case basis to determine whether any particular key employee is requiredto sign such an agreement. Non-competes typically have a one year duration, although state law may permit up to two years.with respect to indemnification of Directors.Employee Stock Options: All employee options to vest as follows: [25% afterone year, with remaining vesting monthly over next 36months].[Immediately prior to the Series A Preferred Stockinvestment, [______] shares will be added to the optionpool creating an unallocated option pool of [_______]shares.]Key Person Insurance: Company to acquire life insurance on Founders [nameeach Founder] in an amount satisfactory to the Board.Proceeds payable to the Company.[IPO Directed Shares:18To the extent permitted by applicable law and SECpolicy, upon an IPO consummated one year after Closing,Company to use reasonable best efforts to causeunderwriters to designate [10]% of the offering asdirected shares, 50% of which shall be allocated byMajor Investors.][QSB Stock: Company shall use reasonable best efforts to cause itscapital stock to constitute Qualified Small BusinessStock unless the Board determines that suchqualification is inconsistent with the best interestsof the Company.]Termination: All rights under the Investor Rights Agreement, otherthan registration rights, shall terminate upon theearlier of an IPO, a Deemed Liquidation Event or atransfer of more than 50% of Company’s voting power.RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL/CO-SALE AGREEMENTAND VOTING AGREEMENTRight of first Refusal/ Company first and Investors second (to the extent18SEC Staff examiners have taken position that, if contractual right to friends and family shares was granted less than 12 months prior to filing of registration statement, this will be considered an “offer” made prematurely before filing of IPO prospectus. So, investors need to agree to drop shares from offering if that would hold up the IPO. While some documents provide for alternative parallel private placement where the IPO does occur within 12 months,such a parallel private placement could raise integration issues and negatively impact the IPO. Hence, such an alternative is not provided for here.。

第二条投资金额和出资比例1. 甲方拟向乙方投资金额为__________,出资比例为__________。
2. 乙方应于签署本协议后____个工作日内提供银行账户信息,以便甲方将投资款项汇入乙方账户。
第三条投资方式1. 甲方一次性向乙方出资,不得要求乙方退还投资款项。
2. 投资方不得擅自变更出资方式或减少投资金额。
第五条投资收益分配1. 项目收益将按照投资比例进行分配,甲方享有对应比例的收益。
2. 投资方分红应在项目盈利后进行,分红时间和方式由双方协商一致。
第八条违约责任1. 任何一方违反本协议的约定,应向对方承担相应违约责任。
2. 一方违约给对方造成损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任。
第十一条其他1. 本协议附件为不可分割部分,具有同等效力。
2. 本协议自双方签字生效,有效期为____年。
甲方(盖章):____________ 日期:____年____月____日乙方(盖章):____________ 日期:____年____月____日本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

双方本着平等互利、合作共赢的原则,经过友好协商,达成如下协议:一、投资概述1. 投资金额:甲方同意向乙方提供人民币________万元的风险投资资金。
2. 投资用途:该资金应用于乙方的________项目,包括但不限于研发、运营、市场推广等方面。
二、投资条件1. 乙方需提供可行性研究报告、商业计划书等文件,证明项目的可行性和市场前景。
2. 乙方应确保项目的合法性和合规性,遵守国家法律法规和相关政策。
3. 甲方有权对乙方的项目进展、财务状况等进行监督和审计。
4. 本协议签订后,乙方应定期向甲方提交项目进展报告和财务报表。
三、投资回报1. 乙方应按照约定的方式和期限向甲方支付投资回报。
2. 投资回报的计算方法和支付方式详见本协议附件。
3. 如乙方未能按照约定支付投资回报,甲方有权要求乙方承担相应的违约责任。
四、权利和义务1. 甲方有权按照本协议约定参与乙方的项目管理,并对乙方的项目进展和财务状况进行监督。
2. 乙方应按照本协议约定的方式和期限使用投资资金,确保项目的进展和运营。
3. 乙方应保证投资资金的安全,避免风险,确保投资回报的实现。
4. 双方应共同协商解决本协议履行过程中出现的问题和争议。
五、保密条款1. 双方应对本协议的内容和实施过程保密,避免泄露给无关人员。
2. 双方应妥善保管与本协议相关的文件和资料,避免数据泄露和损失。
六、违约责任1. 如乙方未按照本协议约定的方式和期限使用投资资金,甲方有权要求乙方承担相应的违约责任。
2. 如乙方未能按照约定支付投资回报,甲方有权要求乙方支付逾期利息和违约金。

二、投资金额及支付方式1. 投资金额:甲方同意向乙方投资人民币_____万元。
2. 支付方式:(1)本协议签署后___个工作日内,甲方支付第一笔款项人民币_____万元。
三、投资用途及项目进展安排1. 投资用途:投资款项应用于乙方项目的研发、市场推广、运营管理等方面。
2. 项目进展安排:(1)项目启动阶段:乙方应在收到第一笔投资款项后___个工作日内启动项目。
四、权益分配及风险控制1. 权益分配:(1)甲方享有投资额度内的项目收益权。
2. 风险控制:(1)双方应共同识别项目风险,并制定风险应对措施。
五、保密条款及违约责任1. 保密条款:(1)双方应对涉及本次风险投资合作的信息予以保密,未经对方同意,不得向第三方泄露。
2. 违约责任:(1)如因一方违约导致本次风险投资合作无法继续进行,违约方应承担违约责任,并赔偿守约方的损失。
六、争议解决及法律适用1. 争议解决:如双方在协议履行过程中发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。

美国风险投资示范合同中英文**English Content:**In the realm of venture capital, the United States has always been a pioneer, setting precedents and standards for the global industry. One such important aspect is the Venture Capital Term Sheet, or more commonly known as the Investment Agreement. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the investment made by a venture capitalist into a startup or early-stage company. It serves as a blueprint for the relationship between the investor and the company, laying down the financial, governance, and exit strategies.The Venture Capital Term Sheet typically includes details such as the amount of investment, the valuation of the company, the ownership stake held by the investor, and the rights and obligations of both parties. It also covers important clauses like liquidation preferences, anti-dilution provisions, board representation, and voting rights.The language used in these agreements is oftentechnical and legally precise, reflecting the complexity of the financial transactions involved. The use of plain English, however, is becoming increasingly popular to ensure clarity and transparency for all parties involved. **Chinese Content:**在风险投资领域,美国一直是先行者,为全球行业树立了先例和标准。

二、投资金额与方式1. 投资金额:甲方对乙方投资总额为人民币_________万元整。
2. 投资方式:甲方以现金方式向乙方支付投资款项。
三、资金使用与管理1. 乙方应将投资款项用于约定的项目,并设立专项账户进行资金管理和使用。
2. 乙方应定期向甲方报告资金使用情况,确保资金用于约定用途。
3. 甲方有权对乙方的资金使用情况进行检查和监督。
四、投资期限与回报1. 投资期限:本次投资期限为____年,自本合同签订之日起计算。
2. 回报方式:乙方应按照约定向甲方支付投资收益,具体回报方式及收益分配比例双方另行约定。
3. 退出机制:投资期限届满或双方协商一致,甲方有权选择继续投资或退出投资。
五、权利与义务1. 甲方有权按照本合同约定对乙方进行投资,并享有相应的投资收益。
2. 乙方应保证所投资项目具有可行性,并按照约定使用投资资金。
3. 乙方应保证甲方的合法权益,并保证投资资金安全。
4. 双方应共同遵守本合同的约定,履行各自的义务。
六、违约责任与解决方式1. 若任一方违反本合同的约定,应承担相应的违约责任。
2. 若因违约导致本合同无法继续履行,守约方有权要求违约方承担损失赔偿责任。
3. 双方在履行本合同过程中发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。

一、投资方式1. 甲方同意向乙方提供资金投资,用于支持乙方的发展项目。
2. 投资金额为(大写)______________(¥__________________),甲方应在签署本协议后的____天内将资金转入乙方指定账户。
3. 投资完成后,乙方有权将投资资金用于指定的项目,并按照协议约定的方式和期限进行运营和管理。
二、权益确认1. 甲方作为投资方,有权获得乙方对应的股权或利润分成等权益,具体比例为__________________。
2. 乙方同意按照资金投入比例来确认甲方的权益份额,并按照协议约定的时间和比例进行股权转让或利润分配。
三、风险提示1. 投资有风险,可能存在商业风险、市场风险等,甲方应充分了解和认识该风险,并自行承担相应责任。
2. 乙方应在投资项目中充分披露相关风险情况,并做好风险管理和控制工作,保障投资方的利益。
四、盈利分配1. 乙方在项目运营中所获得的利润应按照协议约定的比例进行分配,甲方有权分享相应的利润。
2. 盈利分配方式为(具体方式),甲方在收到相关分红后应及时确认并提取。
五、保密约定1. 双方在交流和合作过程中可能涉及到商业机密和技术秘密等重要信息,应严格保密,禁止外泄。
2. 本协议签署后,双方应加强对项目信息和数据的保护,避免信息泄露和风险。
六、法律适用1. 本协议适用于中华人民共和国法律,并由双方共同遵守和执行。
2. 如发生争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决;协商无果的,应提交给有关法院处理。
七、生效与解除1. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,并持续有效直至项目结束或另行解除。
2. 本协议解除前,任何一方应提前____天通知对方,并按照约定的流程和要求办理相关手续。

风险投资协议范本3篇篇1甲方(投资方):_________________________乙方(融资方):_________________________鉴于:1. 甲方同意向乙方提供风险投资资金支持,帮助乙方实现其项目发展目标。
2. 乙方同意接受甲方的风险投资,并按照本协议约定的条件和条款进行资金使用和项目管理。
为明确双方权益,达成以下协议:一、投资金额及支付方式1. 甲方同意向乙方投资人民币_________万元整(¥_________元)。
2. 投资支付方式:双方约定通过银行转账方式进行支付。
3. 投资支付时间:本协议签署后______个工作日内完成投资款项支付。
二、投资用途及项目进展1. 乙方应将甲方投资款项用于__________项目的开发、运营和推广。
2. 乙方需按照约定的时间节点完成项目的阶段性目标,并及时向甲方报告项目进展情况。
3. 若因特殊原因,项目进展无法按照约定时间完成,乙方应及时向甲方说明情况,并共同协商解决方案。
三、股权结构1. 甲方投资后,将持有乙方公司_____%的股权。
2. 乙方原有的股权结构将相应调整,确保甲方股权比例及权益。
四、管理架构1. 双方共同设立董事会,共同参与公司管理决策。
2. 乙方负责公司的日常运营管理,甲方有权监督项目进展及资金使用情况。
3. 重大决策需经董事会讨论并达成共识,确保双方权益得到充分保障。
五、资金使用及监管1. 乙方需按照约定的用途使用投资款项,不得擅自挪用。
2. 甲方有权对投资款项的使用情况进行监管,确保资金安全及项目进展。
3. 若乙方违反约定使用投资款项,甲方有权要求乙方立即返还投资款项并承担违约责任。
六、退出机制1. 若项目运营良好,甲方有权选择继续持有股权或按照约定退出。
2. 若项目运营出现问题,双方应共同协商解决方案,确保投资安全退出。
3. 退出时,双方应按照协议约定的方式和时间完成投资款项的返还。
七、违约责任及赔偿1. 若任何一方违反本协议的约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。


第三部分:投资金额及股权比例1. 甲方同意向乙方投资金额为(具体金额)(大写)。
2. 甲方将以现金形式支付投资款项,并按约定时间进行支付。
3. 乙方将根据第一款约定的投资金额,向甲方发行股份,甲方将持有乙方(具体比例)%的股权。
第四部分:投资条件1. 甲方向乙方提供的投资款项将用于(详细说明资金用途)。
2. 乙方承诺将按照约定的资金用途使用投资款项,并保证将以最高的商业道德对待甲方的投资。
3. 乙方承诺在甲方投资过程中,不得以任何方式损害甲方的利益,必须保障甲方的投资安全。
4. 甲、乙双方同意根据乙方的业绩表现,协商确定未来投资的计划和条件。
第五部分:股东权益1. 甲方持有的乙方股权将享有与其他股东平等的权益。
2. 甲方有权参与乙方的重大决策,并享有投票权。
3. 甲方有权获得乙方利润分配中与其所持股份相应的收益。
4. 在乙方公司分配任何资产时,甲方有权按比例获得分配。
5. 乙方提供的其他增值服务或利益,乙方须向甲方提供优先权。
第六部分:风险分担1. 甲、乙双方共同承担投资风险,如遇到资金损失,应共同承受。
第七部分:保密条款1. 甲、乙双方在签署本协议后,应严格保守商业秘密,不得擅自泄露。
2. 在协议期限内以及协议终止后,保密责任依然有效。
第八部分:争议解决1. 本协议出现任何争议,双方应友好协商解决。
第九部分:协议变更及生效1. 本协议一经签署即生效,双方可根据实际情况变更协议内容。

风险投资协议甲方:(投资者名称)乙方:(企业名称)鉴此,甲方和乙方经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、投资金额1. 甲方同意向乙方投资(具体金额),作为乙方的风险投资。
2. 甲方应在签署本协议后(具体时间)内将投资款项划至乙方指定账户。
二、投资用途1. 乙方应将甲方投资款项用于(项目名称),并保证善用资金,确保资金安全和合理使用。
2. 甲方有权在合理范围内监督和审计乙方的资金使用情况。
三、投资回报1. 若项目顺利实现预期利润,乙方应按约定向甲方支付约(具体比例)的投资回报。
2. 若项目遇到风险或亏损,双方应共同承担风险,甲方不得要求乙方返还全部投资款项。
四、双方权利义务1. 甲方享有对企业重要决策的参与权,应在乙方董事会中占有一定席位。
2. 乙方应向甲方提供定期经营报告和财务报表,保证信息公开透明。
3. 双方应诚实、守信地履行本协议约定,如有违约,应承担相应责任。
五、保密条款1. 双方应对本协议及涉及的商业机密信息保密,不得向第三方披露。
2. 乙方应妥善保管甲方提供的资金和信息,不得挪用或泄露。
六、争议解决1. 本协议如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决;若协商无果,应提交仲裁解决。
2. 仲裁地点为协议签订地法院。
七、其他条款1. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
2. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为(具体期限)。
3. 本协议如有变更或补充,需双方书面确认后方可生效。
第2篇示例:风险投资协议范本协议编号:______甲方:______(投资方)地址:______法定代表人:______电话:______电子邮箱:______鉴于甲方对乙方所从事的业务领域和前景表示出浓厚兴趣,愿意通过风险投资方式提供资金支持,促进乙方项目发展,双方经友好协商一致,达成如下协议:第一条投资金额1.1 甲方同意向乙方提供风险投资,投资金额为______元整。

风险投资协议书的范本8篇篇1本协议由以下双方签订:1. 投资人:_________,以下简称“投资人”或“甲方”。
2. 被投资人:_________,以下简称“被投资人”或“乙方”。
一、引言1. 鉴于:投资人对被投资人的经营能力、发展前景及投资项目充满信心,愿意为被投资人提供风险投资。
二、投资内容1. 投资金额:投资人同意向被投资人投资人民币_________元。
2. 投资方式:投资人的投资将按照以下方式分次进行:(1)第一次投资:人民币_________元,用于被投资人的日常运营及项目启动。
三、权利义务1. 投资人的权利义务:(1)投资人有权了解被投资人的经营情况、财务状况及投资项目进展。
2. 被投资人的权利义务:(1)被投资人应按时向投资人提交经营报告、财务报表及投资项目进展情况。
四、退出机制1. 投资人有权在以下情况下退出投资:(1)被投资人经营状况严重恶化,无法继续经营或实现盈利。
2. 退出方式:若发生上述任一情况,投资人可通过以下方式退出投资:(1)将被投资人的股权转让给其他投资者。

二、投资金额与支付方式1. 甲方投资金额:人民币_____万元。
2. 支付方式:甲方将在本协议签署后的___个工作日内将投资款项支付至乙方指定账户。
三、投资用途投资款项将主要用于乙方的以下方面:1. 项目研发;2. 市场推广;3. 团队建设;4. 运营资金。
五、股权结构与管理1. 投资完成后,甲方将获得乙方公司的___%股权。
2. 乙方公司的管理结构以董事会为核心,甲方有权提名___名董事参与管理。
3. 重大决策需经董事会同意方可实施。
六、业务运营与管理1. 双方共同制定业务计划和策略。
2. 乙方负责日常业务运营,甲方有权监督乙方的运营情况。
3. 双方应定期交流业务进展,共同解决合作过程中出现的问题。
七、风险承担与利益分配1. 双方共同承担合作过程中的风险。
2. 利润按照股权比例分配。
3. 如出现亏损,双方按股权比例承担。
八、保密条款1. 双方应对本协议的内容、业务计划、技术信息等进行保密,未经对方同意,不得向第三方泄露。
2. 双方应签署保密协议,进一步细化保密责任和义务。
九、违约责任与解决方式1. 如一方违反本协议的任何条款,守约方有权要求违约方承担违约责任。
2. 对于因违约导致的争议,双方应首先协商解决;协商不成的,可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
十、其他条款1. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议,补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。

TERM SHEETPreliminary NotesThis Term Sheet maps to the NVCA model documents, and for convenience the provisions are grouped according to the particular model document in which they may be found. Although this Term Sheet is perhaps somewhat longer than a "typical" VC Term Sheet, the aim is to provide a level of detail that makes the Term Sheet useful as both a road map for the document drafters and as a reference source for the business people to quickly find deal terms without the necessity of having to consult the legal documents (assuming of course there have been no changes to the material deal terms prior to execution of the final documents).TERM SHEETFOR SERIES A PREFERRED STOCK FINANCING OF[INSERT COMPANY NAME ], INC.[__, 200_]This Term Sheet summarizes the principal terms of the Series A Preferred Stock Financingof [___________], Inc., a [Delaware] corporation (the Company ”“). In consideration of the time and expense devoted and to be devoted by the Investors with respect to this investment, the NoShop/Confidentiality and Counsel and Expenses provisions of this Term Sheet shall be bindingobligations of the Company whether or not the financing is consummated. No other legally binding obligations will be created until definitive agreements are executed and delivered by all parties.This Term Sheet is not a commitment to invest, and is conditioned on the completion of duediligence, legal review and documentation that is satisfactory to the Investors. This Term Sheetshall be governed in all respects by the laws of the [State of Delaware].Offering TermsClosing Date: As soon as practicable following the Company ’ s acceptance of tTerm Sheet and satisfaction of the Conditions to Closing (the“Closing” ). provide[ for multiple closings if applicable ]Investors: Investor No. 1: [_______] shares ([__]%), $[_________]Investor No. 2: [_______] shares ([__]%), $[_________][as well other investors mutually agreed upon by Investors and theCompany]Amount Raised: $[________], [including $[________] from the conversion ofprincipal [and interest] on bridge notes].1Price Per Share: $[________] per share (based on the capitalization of the Companyset forth below) (the Original“Purchase Price ” ).Pre-Money Valuation: The Original Purchase Price is based upon a fully-diluted pre-moneyvaluation of $[_____] and a fully-diluted post-money valuation of$[______] (including an employee pool representing [__]% of thefully-diluted post-money capitalization).Capitalization: The Company’ s capital structure before and after the Closing is setforth below:Pre-Financing Post-Financing 1Modify this provision to account for staged investments or investments dependent on the achievement ofmilestones by the Company.Security# of Shares%# of Shares% Common –FoundersCommon –Employee Stock PoolIssuedUnissued[Common –Warrants]Series A PreferredTotalCHARTER 2Dividends:[Alternative 1:Dividends will be paid on the Series A Preferred onan as-converted basis when, as, and if paid on the Common Stock][Alternative 2: Non-cumulative dividends will be paid on the SeriesA Preferred in an amount equal to $[_____] per share of Series APreferred when and if declared by the Board.][Alternative 3: The Series A Preferred will carry an annual [__]%cumulative dividend [compounded annually], payable upon aliquidation or redemption. For any other dividends or distributions,3participation with Common Stock on an as-converted basis.]2The Charter is a public document, filed with the [Delaware] Secretary of State, that establishes all of therights, preferences, privileges and restrictions of the Preferred Stock. Note that if the Preferred Stock does not haverights, preferences, and privileges materially superior to the Common Stock, then (after Closing) the Company cannotdefensibly grant Common Stock options priced at a discount to the Preferred Stock.3In some cases, accrued and unpaid dividends are payable on conversion as well as upon a liquidation event.Most typically, however, dividends are not paid if the preferred is converted. Another alternative is to give the Company theoption to pay accrued and unpaid dividends in cash or in common shares valued at fair market value. Thelatter are referred to as“ PIK-in”-kind)(paymentdividends.Liquidation Preference: In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of theCompany, the proceeds shall be paid as follows:[Alternative 1 (non-participating Preferred Stock) : First pay [one]times the Original Purchase Price [plus accrued dividends] [plusdeclared and unpaid dividends] on each share of Series A Preferred.The balance of any proceeds shall be distributed to holders ofCommon Stock.][Alternative 2 (full participating Preferred Stock): First pay [one]times the Original Purchase Price [plus accrued dividends] [plusdeclared and unpaid dividends] on each share of Series A Preferred.Thereafter, the Series A Preferred participates with the CommonStock on an as-converted basis.][Alternative 3 (cap on Preferred Stock participation rights): Firstpay [one] times the Original Purchase Price [plus accrued dividends][plus declared and unpaid dividends] on each share of Series APreferred. Thereafter, Series A Preferred participates with CommonStock on an as-converted basis until the holders of Series APreferred receive an aggregate of [_____] times the OriginalPurchase Price.]A merger or consolidation (other than one in which stockholders ofthe Company own a majority by voting power of the outstandingshares of the surviving or acquiring corporation) and a sale, lease,transfer or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets ofthe Company will be treated as a liquidation event (a “DeemedLiquidation Event ” ), thereby triggering payment of the liquidationpreferences described above [unless the holders of [___]% of theSeries A Preferred elect otherwise].Voting Rights: The Series A Preferred Stock shall vote together with the CommonStock on an as-converted basis, and not as a separate class, except(i) the Series A Preferred as a class shall be entitled to elect[_______] [(_)] members of the Board (the Series A “Directors ” ),(ii) as provided under “ ProtectiveProvisions below”or (iii) asrequired by law. The Company ’ s Certificate ofIncorporation willprovide that the number of authorized shares of Common Stock maybe increased or decreased with the approval of a majority of thePreferred and Common Stock, voting together as a single class, and4without a separate class vote by the Common Stock.4 For California corporations, one cannot “ opt out” of the statutory requirementeparateclassof avotes by Common Stockholders to authorize shares of Common Stock.Protective Provisions:So long as [insert fixed number, or %, or] shares“anyof”Series APreferred are outstanding, the Company will not, without the writtenconsent of the holders of at least [__]% of the Company’ s SPreferred, either directly or by amendment, merger, consolidation,or otherwise:(i)liquidate, dissolve or wind-up the affairs of the Company, oreffect any Deemed Liquidation Event; (ii) amend, alter, or repealany provision of the Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws [in amanner adverse to the Series A Preferred]; 5 (iii) create orauthorize the creation of or issue any other security convertibleinto or exercisable for any equity security, having rights,preferences or privileges senior toor on parity with the Series APreferred, or increase the authorized number of shares of Series APreferred; (iv) purchase or redeem or pay any dividend on anycapital stock prior to the Series A Preferred, [other than stockrepurchased from former employees or consultants in connectionwith the cessation of their employment/services, at the lower of fairmarket value or cost;] [other than as approved by the Board,including the approval of [_____] Series A Director(s)]; or(v)create or authorize the creation of any debt security [if theCompany’ s aggregate indebtedness would exceed $[____][otherthan equipment leases or bank lines of credit][other than debtwith no equity feature][unless such debt security has received theprior approval of the Board of Directors, including the approval of[________] Series A Director(s)]; (vi) increase or decrease thesize of the Board of Directors.Optional Conversion: The Series A Preferred initially converts 1:1 to Common Stock atany time at option of holder, subject to adjustments for stockdividends, splits, combinations and similar events and as describedbelow under “ Anti-dilution Provisions. ”Anti-dilution Provisions: In the event that the Company issues additional securities at apurchase price less than the current Series A Preferred conversionprice, such conversion price shall be adjusted in accordance withthe following formula:[Alternative 1: “ Typical” weighted average:CP2 = CP1 * (A+B) / (A+C)5Note that as a matter of background law, Section 242(b)(2) of the Delaware General Corporation Lawprovides that if any proposed charter amendment would adversely alter the rights, preferences and powers of one seriesof Preferred Stock, but not similarly adversely alter the entire class of all Preferred Stock, then the holders of that seriesare entitled to a separate series vote on the amendment.CP2 = New Series A Conversion PriceCP1 = Series A Conversion Price in effect immediately priorto new issueA= Number of shares of Common Stock deemed to beoutstanding immediately prior to new issue (includes allshares of outstanding common stock, all shares ofoutstanding preferred stock on an as-converted basis,and all outstanding options on an as-exercised basis;and does not include any convertible securitiesconverting into this round of financing)B= Aggregate consideration received by the Corporationwith respect to the new issue divided by CP1C= Number of shares of stock issued in the subjecttransaction][Alternative 2: Full-ratchet –the conversion price will be reduced tothe price at which the new shares are issued.][Alternative 3: No price-based anti-dilution protection.]The following issuances shall not trigger anti-dilution adjustment:6(i) securities issuable upon conversion of any of the Series APreferred, or as a dividend or distribution on the Series APreferred; (ii) securities issued upon the conversion of anydebenture, warrant, option, or other convertible security;(iii) Common Stock issuable upon a stock split, stock dividend,or any subdivision of shares of Common Stock; and (iv) sharesof Common Stock (or options to purchase such shares ofCommon Stock) issued or issuable to employees or directors of,or consultants to, the Company pursuant to any plan approved bythe Company ’ s Board of Directors [including at least [_______]Series A Director(s)] [(v) shares of Common Stock issued orissuable to banks, equipment lessors pursuant to a debtfinancing, equipment leasing or real property leasing transactionapproved by the Board of Directors of the Corporation [,including at least [_______] Series A Director(s)].Mandatory Conversion: Each share of Series A Preferred will automatically be convertedinto Common Stock at the then applicable conversion rate in theevent of the closing of a [firm commitment] underwritten publicoffering with a price of [___] times the Original Purchase Price(subject to adjustments for stock dividends, splits, combinations andsimilar events) and [net/gross] proceeds to the Company of not less6Note that additional exclusions are frequently negotiated, such as issuances in connection withequipment leasing and commercial borrowing.[Pay-to-Play:10 Redemption Rights: than $[_______] (a QPO“” ), or (ii) upon the written consent of the7holders of [__]% of the Series A Preferred.[Unless the holders of [__]% of the Series A elect otherwise,] on any subsequent down round all [Major] Investors are required to participate to the full extent of their participation rights (as described below under “ Investor Rights AgreementRight to–Participate Pro Rata in Future Rounds” ),unless the participation requirement is waived for all [Major] Investors by the Board [(including vote of [a majority of] the Series A Director[s])]. All shares of Series A Preferred8 of any [Major] Investor failing to do so will automatically [lose anti-dilution rights] [lose right to participate in future rounds] [convert to Common Stock and lose the right to a Board seat if applicable].9The Series A Preferred shall be redeemable from funds legally available for distribution at the option of holders of at least [__]% of the Series A Preferred commencing any time after the fifth anniversary of the Closing at a price equal to the Original Purchase Price [plus all accrued but unpaid dividends]. Redemption shall occur in three equal annual portions. Upon a redemption request from the holders of the required percentage of the Series A Preferred, all Series A Preferred shares shall be redeemed [(except for any Series A holders who affirmatively opt-out)].117The per share test ensures that the investor achieves a significant return on investment before the Companycan go public. Also consider allowing a non-QPO to become a QPO if an adjustment is made to the Conversion Price for thebenefit of the investor, so that the investor does not have the power to block a public offering.8Alternatively, this provision could apply on a proportionate basis (e.g., if Investor plays for ? of pro ratashare, receives ? of anti-dilution adjustment).9If the punishment for failure to participate is losing some but not all rights of the Preferred (e.g., anythingother than a forced conversion to common), the Charter will need to have so-called“ blank check preferred” provisionsat least to the extent necessary to enable the Board to issue a“ shadow” class of preferred with diminished rights event an investor fails to participate. Note that as a drafting matter it is far easier to simply have (some or all of) thepreferred convert to common.10Redemption rights allow Investors to force the Company to redeem their shares at cost [plus a smallguaranteed rate of return (e.g., dividends)]. In practice, redemption rights are not often used; however, they do providea form of exit and some possible leverage over the Company. While it is possible that the right to receive dividends onredemption could give rise to a Code Section 305“ deemed dividendm,many tax”practitionersproble take the view thatif the liquidation preference provisions in the Charter are drafted to provide that, on conversion, the holder receives thegreater of its liquidation preference or its as-converted amount (as provided in the NVCA model Certificate of Incorporation),then there is no Section 305 issue.11Due to statutory restrictions, it is unlikely that the Company will be legally permitted to redeem in thevery circumstances where investors most want it (the so- called“ sideways situation” ), investors will sometimes requestthat certain penalty provisions take effect where redemption has been requested but the Company’ s availa does not permit such redemption - - e.g., the redemption amount shall be paid in the form of a one-year note to eachunredeemed holder of Series A Preferred, and the holders of a majority of the Series A Preferred shall be entitled toelect a majority of the Company’ s Board of Directors until such amounts are paid in full.STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENTRepresentations and Warranties: Standard representations and warranties by the Company.[Representations and warranties by Founders regarding [technology ownership, etc.].12Conditions to Closing:Standard conditions to Closing, which shall include, among other things, satisfactory completion of financial and legal due diligence, qualification of the shares under applicable Blue Sky laws, the filing of a Certificate of Incorporation establishing the rights and preferences of the Series A Preferred, and an opinion of counsel to the Company. Counsel and Expenses:[Investor/Company] counsel to draft closing documents. Company to pay all legal and administrative costs of the financing [at Closing], including reasonable fees (not to exceed $[_____])and expenses of Investor counsel[, unless the transaction is not completed because the Investors withdraw their commitment without cause]13.Company Counsel:[]Investor Counsel:[]INVESTOR RIGHTS AGREEMENTRegistration Rights:Registrable Securities:All shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the SeriesA Preferred and [any other Common Stock held by the Investors]will be deemed Registrable “14Securities . ”Demand Registration:Upon earliest of (i) [three-five] years after the Closing; or (ii) [six] months following an initial public offering ( IPO ” ), persons “ holding[__]% of the Registrable Securities may request [one][two](consummated) registrations by the Company of their shares. The12Note that while it is not at all uncommon in east coast deals to require the Founders to personally repand warrant (at least as to certain key matters, and usually only in the Series A round), such Founders reps are rarely found in west coast deals.13The bracketed text should be deleted if this section is not designated in the introductory paragraph as oneof the sections that is binding upon the Company regardless of whether the financing is consummated.14Note that Founders/management sometimes also seek registration rights.Registration on Form S-3: Piggyback Registration: Expenses:Lock-up: Termination: aggregate offering price for such registration may not be less than$[5-10] million. A registration will count for this purpose only if (i) all Registrable Securities requested to be registered are registered and(ii) it is closed, or withdrawn at the request of the Investors (otherthan as a result of a material adverse change to the Company).The holders of [10-30]% of the Registrable Securities will have theright to require the Company to register on Form S-3, if available foruse by the Company, Registrable Securities for an aggregate offering price of at least $[1-5 million]. There will be no limit onthe aggregate number of such Form S-3 registrations, provided thatthere are no more than [two] per year.The holders of Registrable Securities will be entitled to “registration rights on all registration statements of the Company,subject to the right, however, of the Company and its underwriters to reduce the number of shares proposed to be registered to aminimum of [30]% on a pro rata basis and to complete reduction onan IPO at the underwriter ’ s discretion. In all events, thes sharetobe registered by holders of Registrable Securities will be reduced onlyafter all other stockholders ’ shares are reduced.The registration expenses (exclusive of stock transfer taxes, underwriting discounts and commissions will be borne by the Company. The Company will also pay the reasonable fees and expenses[, not to exceed $______,] of one special counsel torepresent all the participating stockholders.Investors shall agree in connection with the IPO, if requested by the managing underwriter, not to sell or transfer any shares ofCommon Stock of the Company [(excluding shares acquired in or following the IPO)] for a period of up to 180 days following the IPO (provided all directors and officers of the Company and [1 –5]% stockholders agree to the same lock-up). Such lock-up agreementshall provide that any discretionary waiver or termination of the restrictions of such agreements by the Company or representativesof the underwriters shall apply to [Major] Investors, pro rata, basedon the number of shares held. A “Major Investor ”means anyInvestor who purchases at least $[______] of Series A Preferred.Earlier of [5] years after IPO, upon a Deemed Liquidation Event, orwhen all shares of an Investor are eligible to be sold without restriction under Rule 144(k) within any 90-day period.No future registration rights may be granted without consent of the holders of a [majority] of the Registrable Securities unlesssubordinate to the Investor ’ s rights.Management and Information A Management Rights letter from the Company, in a formRights: reasonably acceptable to the Investors, will be delivered prior to15Closing to each Investor that requests one.Any Major Investor [(who is not a competitor)] will be grantedaccess to Company facilities and personnel during normal businesshours and with reasonable advance notification. The Company willdeliver to such Major Investor (i) annual, quarterly, [and monthly]financial statements, and other information as determined by theBoard; (ii) thirty days prior to the end of each fiscal year, acomprehensive operating budget forecasting the Company’ srevenues, expenses, and cash position on a month-to-month basis forthe upcoming fiscal year; and (iii) promptly following the end ofeach quarter an up-to-date capitalization table, certified by the CFO.Right to Participate Pro Rata in All [Major] Investors shall have a pro rata right, based on their Future Rounds: percentage equity ownership in the Company (assuming theconversion of all outstanding Preferred Stock into Common Stockand the exercise of all options outstanding under the Company’ sstock plans), to participate in subsequent issuances of equitysecurities of the Company (excluding those issuances listed at theend of the “-Antidilution Provisions ” section of this Term Sheet andissuances in connection with acquisitions by the Company). Inaddition, should any [Major] Investor choose not to purchase its fullpro rata share, the remaining [Major] Investors shall have the rightto purchase the remaining pro rata shares.Matters Requiring Investor [So long as [__]% of the originally issued Series A Preferred Director Approval: remains outstanding] the Company will not, without Boardapproval, which approval must include the affirmative vote of[____] of the Series A Director(s):(i)make any loan or advance to, or own any stock or othersecurities of, any subsidiary or other corporation, partnership, orother entity unless it is wholly owned by the Company; (ii) makeany loan or advance to any person, including, any employee ordirector, except advances and similar expenditures in theordinary course of business or under the terms of a employeestock or option plan approved by the Board of Directors;(iii)guarantee, any indebtedness except for trade accounts ofthe Company or any subsidiary arising in the ordinary course ofbusiness; (iv) make any investment other than investments in15See commentary in introduction to NVCA model Managements Rights Letter, explaining purpose of suchletter.prime commercial paper, money market funds, certificates ofdeposit in any United States bank having a net worth in excess of$100,000,000 or obligations issued or guaranteed by the UnitedStates of America, in each case having a maturity not in excess of[two years]; (v) incur any aggregate indebtedness in excess of$[_____] that is not already included in a Board-approvedbudget, other than trade credit incurred in the ordinary course ofbusiness; (vi) enter into or be a party to any transaction with anydirector, officer or employee of the Company or any“ass(as defined in Rule 12b-2 promulgated under the Exchange Act)of any such person [except transactions resulting in payments toor by the Company in an amount less than $[60,000] per year], [ortransactions made in the ordinary course of business andpursuant to reasonable requirements of the Company’ s businessand upon fair and reasonable terms that are approved by amajority of the Board of Directors]; 16 (vii) hire, fire, or changethe compensation of the executive officers, including approvingany option plans; (viii) change the principal business of theCompany, enter new lines of business, or exit the current line ofbusiness; or (ix) sell, transfer, license, pledge or encumbertechnology or intellectual property, other than licenses grantedin the ordinary course of business.Non-Competition and Non-Each Founder and key employee will enter into a [one] year non- Solicitation and Agreements:17competition and non-solicitation agreement in a form reasonablyacceptable to the Investors.Non-Disclosure and Each current and former Founder, employee and consultant with Developments Agreement:access to Company confidential information/trade secrets will enterinto a non-disclosure and proprietary rights assignment agreementin a form reasonably acceptable to the Investors.Board Matters:Each Board Committee shall include at least one Series A Director.The Board of Directors shall meet at least [monthly][quarterly],unless otherwise agreed by a vote of the majority of Directors.16Note that Section 402 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2003 would require repayment of any loans infull prior to the Company filing a registration statement for an IPO.17Note that non-compete restrictions (other than in connection with the sale of a business) are prohibited inCalifornia, and may not be enforceable in other jurisdictions, as well. In addition, some investors do not require suchagreements for fear that employees will request additional consideration in exchange for signing a Non-Compete/Non-Solicit (and indeed the agreement may arguably be invalid absent such additional consideration - - although having anemployee sign a non-compete contemporaneous with hiring constitutes adequate consideration). Others take the viewthat it should be up to the Board on a case-by-case basis to determine whether any particular key employee is requiredto sign such an agreement. Non-competes typically have a one year duration, although state law may permit up to twoyears.The Company will bind D&O insurance with a carrier and in anamount satisfactory to the Board of Directors. In the event theCompany merges with another entity and is not the survivingcorporation, or transfers all of its assets, proper provisions shall bemade so that successors of the Company assume Company’ sobligations with respect to indemnification of Directors.Employee Stock Options: All employee options to vest as follows: [25% after one year, withremaining vesting monthly over next 36 months].[Immediately prior to the Series A Preferred Stock investment,[______] shares will be added to the option pool creating anunallocated option pool of [_______] shares.]Key Person Insurance: Company to acquire life insurance on Founders [name eachFounder] in an amount satisfactory to the Board. Proceeds payableto the Company.[IPO Directed Shares:18 To the extent permitted by applicable law and SEC policy, upon anIPO consummated one year after Closing, Company to usereasonable best efforts to cause underwriters to designate [10]% ofthe offering as directed shares, 50% of which shall be allocated byMajor Investors.][QSB Stock: Company shall use reasonable best efforts to cause its capital stockto constitute Qualified Small Business Stock unless the Boarddetermines that such qualification is inconsistent with the bestinterests of the Company.]Termination: All rights under the Investor Rights Agreement, other thanregistration rights, shall terminate upon the earlier of an IPO, aDeemed Liquidation Event or a transfer of more than 50% ofCompany’ s voting power.RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL/CO-SALE AGREEMENTAND VOTING AGREEMENTRight of first Refusal/Company first and Investors second (to the extent assigned by theRight of Co-Sale (Take-me-Board of Directors,) have a right of first refusal with respect to any Along):shares of capital stock of the Company proposed to be sold byFounders [and employees holding greater than [1]% of Company18SEC Staff examiners have taken position that, if contractual right to friends and family shares wasgranted less than 12 months prior to filing of registration statement , this will be considered an “ offer ” made prematurely before filing of IPO prospectus. So, investors need to agree to drop shares from offering if that would hold up the IPO.While some documents provide for alternative parallel private placement where the IPO does occur within 12 months,such a parallel private placement could raise integration issues and negatively impact the IPO. Hence, such an alternative isnot provided for here.。

风险投资协议书模板2篇篇1甲方(投资方):___________________________乙方(被投资方):___________________________鉴于甲方同意向乙方提供风险投资资金支持,帮助乙方实现其商业计划,双方经过友好协商,达成如下协议条款:一、投资金额及支付方式1. 投资金额:甲方同意向乙方投资人民币__________元。
2. 支付方式:本协议签署后,甲方将投资款项支付至乙方指定账户。
二、投资用途及计划1. 投资用途:投资款项将用于乙方的__________项目,包括但不限于研发、生产、市场推广等方面。
2. 投资计划:乙方需按照约定的投资计划使用资金,确保项目顺利进行。
三、股权结构1. 甲方投资后,乙方公司股权结构将发生相应变化,具体股权比例由双方协商确定。
2. 乙方需及时向甲方提供公司股权结构变化的相关法律文件。
四、管理权限1. 甲方有权参与乙方重大决策,包括但不限于公司发展战略、经营计划等。
2. 乙方应及时向甲方汇报投资资金的使用情况及项目进展情况。
五、风险承担及保障机制1. 双方共同承担投资风险,甲方投资资金存在风险损失的可能。
2. 乙方应建立风险保障机制,确保投资资金的安全及项目的顺利进行。
3. 若因乙方原因导致投资损失,乙方应承担相应的法律责任。
六、退出机制1. 在本协议约定的投资期限内,甲方有权要求退出投资。
2. 退出机制包括股权转让、公司回购等方式,具体方式及条件由双方协商确定。
七、保密条款1. 双方应严格保密本协议内容及相关商业信息。
2. 未经对方同意,任何一方不得向第三方泄露本协议内容及相关商业信息。
八、争议解决1. 本协议的履行过程中如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决。
2. 若协商不成,任何一方均有权向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
九、其他条款1. 本协议自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效。
2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。
3. 本协议未尽事宜,由双方另行协商补充。
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签订日期: ___ 年____ 月_____ 日、基本情况Foundmental Information
[ ___ ]公司A 系优先股融资
[ _____ ,200___]
[ _____ , 200_]
本条款清单概括了________ 公司,一家[ _______ ]公司(公司” A系优先股融资的主要条款。
本条款清单各方面受[ ____________________________________ ]
This Term Sheet summarizes the prin cipal terms of the Series A Preferred Stock Financing of
[ __________ ], Inc., a [ ______ ] corporation (the “InCc o mnspidaenrya”tio)n. of the time and expense devoted and to be devoted by the Investors with respect to this investment, the No Shop/Confidentiality and Counsel and Expenses provisions of this Term Sheet shall be binding obligations of the Company whether or not the financing is consummated. No other legally binding obligations will be created until definitive agreements are executed and delivered by all parties. This Term Sheet is not a commitment to invest, and is conditioned on the completion of due diligence, legal review and documentation that is satisfactory to the Investors. This Term Sheet shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the [ ].
Offering Terms
)Closing Date: As soon as practicable following the Company ' s acceptance of this Term Sheet and satisfaction of the Conditions to Closing (the [pro“vidCelofosrinmgult”iple). closings if applicable]
投资人1: [ _____ ]股([ _____ ]%),$[ _____ ]
投资人2: [ _____ ]股([ _____ ]%),$[ _____ ]
[ 以及投资人和公司一致同意的其他投资人]
Investors: Investor No. 1: [ ________ ] shares ([__]%), $[ _____ ]
Investor No. 2: [ ________ ] shares ([__]%), $[ _____ ]
[as well other investors mutually agreed upon by Investors and the Company]
Modify this provision to account for staged investments or investments dependent on the achievement
of milestones by the Company(该句是对融资金额的解释的备注,如果不需要请删掉)
$[ _____ ] ,[含由过渡贷款转换的本金及利息$[ ______ ]1
Amount Raised: $[ ____________ ], [including $[ ______ ] from the conversion of principal [and
interest] on bridge notes].
$[ _____ ] 每股 ________ (以下文所列公司资本结构表为依据)(“原始购买价”)
Price Per Share:$[ ______ ] per share (based on the capitalization of the Company set forth below)
(the “ Original Purchase Price ” ).
原始购买价以充分稀释融资前估价$[ _______ ] 和融资后估价$[ _____ ] 为基础计算(含充分稀释的融
资后资本中员工股预留[ ______ ]%)
Pre-Money Valuation:The Original Purchase Price is based upon a fully-diluted pre-money valuation
of $[ ____ ] and a fully diluted post-money valuation of $[ _____ ] (including an employee pool
representing [__]% of the fully diluted post-money capitalization).
Capitalization: The Company ' s capital structure before and after the Closing is set forth as Exhibit A.
[ 可选方案1: 当普通股分配股息时,A 系优先股按视为转换成普通股参与分配]
[可选方案2: 经董事会宣布,A 系优先股以每股$[ ] 分配非累积性股息]
[可选方案3: A 系优先股按年利率[ ]%分配累积性股息[按年度计算复利],于公司清算或赎回股份时可分配。
[Alternative 1: Dividends will be paid on the Series A Preferred on an as converted basis when, as,
and if paid on the Common Stock]
[Alternative 2: Non-cumulative dividends will be paid on the Series A Preferred in an amount equal
to $[ ____ ] per share of Series A Preferred when and if declared by the Board.]
[Alternative 3: The Series A Preferred will carry an annual [__]% cumulative dividend [compounded annually], payable upon a liquidation or redemption. For any other dividends or distributions,
participation with Common Stock on an as-converted basis.]