
上海中级口译英语真题(完整文档)口语部分:Should We Use Child Endorsers?题目:2、 what are the possible advantages or disadvantages of children"s being advertising endorsers?口译部分:英译汉部分:1、在经济全球化,国际贸易自由化的背景下,大学将扮演怎样的角色;本科教育和研究生教育紧密相连;我们的教育应该使学生以寻求新知识、带来新发现为目的进行学习。
2、巴黎的介绍,节选于如下的文章:Ah, beautiful Paris. For centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the world. The allure and charm of Paris captivate all who visit there.啊,美丽的巴黎!几世纪来,这个城市吸引了整个世界的崇拜。
Where can you discover the charm of Paris for yourself? Is it in the legacy of all the French rulers who worked to beautify their beloved city? Is it in the famous castles,palaces, statues and monuments, such as the Eiffel Tower? Can you find it in the world-class museums, such as the Louvre? Perhaps Paris"allurelies in the zest and style of the Parisians.你在哪里可以找到巴黎对你自己的吸引力呢?是否是在历任的法国统治者们在美化他所钟爱的城市所留下來的遗产里?还是在那些有名的城堡、皇宫雕像和纪念碑例如埃菲尔铁塔之中?你能否在世界一流的博物馆,倒如卢浮宫中找着呢?或许巴黎的诱惑力在于巴黎人的特殊品味和风格。

译文:An increasing number of English-educated Chinese parents overseas have come to the realization that while English learning is indispensable to their children, it is essential that their kids have a good command of Chinese. China’s rise has fully awakened their awareness of the fact that their kids can benefit from their bilingual ability which can not only enhance their competitiveness in the job market, but also facilitate their exposure to and familiarity with the two different cultures between the East and the West.They have hardly changed their attitudes towards Chinese. At one time they proudly declared that they knew English only. Now, they have begun to give full support to their kids learning Chinese and its culture, and they also make occasional visits to China, where they can enjoy its magnificent natural landscape and get to know its rich cultural heritage.解析:本段是一篇文化类介绍文章。

TheyshouldaimatsheddinglightontheChinesepeople'sresistanceagainstJapaneseaggression anditsrightfulplaceintheWorldAnti-FascistWar.Wemustallowhistorytospeakforitself.Wemustraisethevoiceofhistoricalfacts.70年里,国际形势发生了深刻的演变。
Inthe70yearsfollowingthatgreatvictory,theinternationallandscapeunderwentprofoundtra nsformation:TheUnitedNationswasfounded.TheUNCharterwasestablished.Anewmechanismforsafeguardingworldpeaceandsecuritywasform ed.双方经贸投资合作迅猛增长,人文交流空前活跃,两国关系步入全面发展的快车道。
Bilateraltradeandinvestmentcooperationhasexpandedatanexponentialrate.Andculturaland people-to-peopleexchangeshavereachedanunprecedentedlevel.Insummary,China-UKrelationshaveembarkedonafasttrackofadvancement.在我们纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年的时候,我们永远不能忘记法西斯侵略者给人类社会带来的巨大灾难,给人类文明造成的空前浩劫。

历年上海英语中级口译翻译英译汉真题及答案原文:出自NewsweekWhy We Must Fire Bad TeachersThe relative decline of American education at the elementary- and high-school levels has long been a national embarrassment as well as a threat to the nation’s future. Once upon a time, American students tested better than any other students in the world. Now, ranked against European schoolchildren, America does about as well as Lithuania, behind at least 10 other nations.For much of this time—roughly the last half century—professional educators believed that if they could only find the right pedagogy, the right method of instruction, all would be well. They tried New Math, open classrooms, Whole Language—but nothing seemed to achieve significant or lasting improvements.Yet in recent years researchers have discovered something that may seem obvious, but for many reasons was overlooked or denied. What really makes a difference, what matters more than the class size or the textbook, the teaching method or the technology, or even the curriculum, is the quality of the teacher. Much of the ability to teach is innate—an ability to inspire young minds as well as control unruly classrooms that some people instinctively possess (and some people definitely do not). Teaching can be taught, to some degree, but not the way many graduate schools of education do it, with a lot of insipid or marginally relevant theorizing and pedagogy. In any case the research shows that within about five years, you can generally tell who is a good teacher and who is not.我们为什么必须叫停“不称职”的老师?一直以来,美国初高中教育质量的相对下降对整个民族的将来来说,不仅仅是窘境也是一种威胁。

2001 年9 月考题By the middle of this century, some two thirds of the world’s nation, with at least five billion people, will enjoy a standard of living, which only the advanced economies now have. Some three billion of these people will live in Asia. Collectively, the Asian Countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together.The rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and to the rising power of China. The rest of the world will be divided between the Euro-American countries, and the two big peripheral powers, Japan and Russia. Russia is a huge geographical country, with well educated people, and will eventually recover.In terms of nations, it will be a world of much greater economic equality. Although there will still be poor countries, most will be quite rich. Inside these nations there will be mass prosperity, but with a large minority in serious poverty, and a small number who are very rich.2002 年3 月考题Foundations are tax-free institutions that are created to give grants to both individuals and nonprofit organizations for activities that range from education, research, and the arts to support for the poor and the upkeep of exotic gardens and old mansions. They provide a means by which wealthy people and corporations can in effect decide how their tax payments will be spent, for they are based on money that otherwise would go to the government in taxes. From a small beginning at the turn of the century they have become a very important factor in shaping developments in higher education and the arts.Think tanks and university research institutes are nonprofit organizations that have been developed to provide settings for experts in various academic disciplines. In this way, they may devote their time to the study of policy alternatives free from theteaching and departmental duties that are part of the daily routine for most members of the academic community. Supported by foundation grants and government contracts, they are a major source of the new ideas that are discussed in the policy-formation groups.2006年3月英语中级口译真题As a scourge of the modern society, obesity has become the world's biggest public-health issue today--the main cause of heart disease, which kills more people these days than AIDS, malaria, war. Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an "epidemic" in 2000, reports on its fearful consequences have come thick and Fast.Will public-health warnings, combined with media pressure, persuade people to get thinner, just as they finally put them off tobacco? Possibly. In the rich world, sales of healthier foods are booming and new figures suggest that over the past year Americans got very slightly thinner for the first time in recorded history. But even if Americans are losing a few ounces, it will be many years before the country solves the health problems caused by half a century's dining to excess. And, everywhere else in the world, people are still piling on the pounds. That's why there is now a consensus among doctors that governments should do something to stop them.2008年3月英语中级口译真题Imagine you have two candidates for a job. Their CVs are equally good, and they both give good interview. You cannot help noticing, though, that one is pug-ugly and the other is handsome. Are you swayed by their appearance?If you were swa yed by someone’s looks, would that be wrong? In the past, people often equated beauty with virtue and ugliness with vice.Even now, the expression “as ugly as sin”has not quite passed from the language. There is, of course, the equally famous expression “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”,to counter it. Most beholders agree what is beautiful-and modern biology suggests there is a good reason for that agreement. Biology also suggests that beauty may, indeed, be a good rule of thumb for assessing someone of either sex. Not an infallible one, and certainly no substitute for an in-depth investigation. But, nevertheless, an instinctive one, and one that is bound to contribute to the advantage of the physically well endowed.2008年9月英语中级口译真题In a slowing U.S. economy, job opportunities are shaped by uncertainty. As president of a small college, I am keenly aware of the job market that awaits this year’s graduates. The recent news that Bear Stearns was nullifying a few hundred job offers to business school students fits a pattern of corporate dow nsizing that isn’t lost on college campuses across the USA. But even with the darkening economic clouds, rays of good news await this year’s graduates. Sure, companies are laying off workers, but many are also looking for new talent, especially at the entry level.As more than a million entrants flood the job market, students should know that in a global marketplace, language skills will go a long way. So will flexibility. If a grad is ready to accept an entry-level job, give a little on job requirements and move if the company asks, chances are he’ll land a job. So despite the rising job losses, a new graduate should embrace the market as the first challenge of a long career.2000年3月英语中级口译真题Information and communications are central to modern society and organizations. One approach to understand the working environment is to consider an organization as a communications system. An organization that has open lines of communication with valid, honest information going up, down, and throughout the organization will be much more effective and a much better place to work than the organization thatattempts to restrict the flow of information or distort and deceive. When leadership attempts to keep workers in the dark, workers tend to become distrustful. This undermines their cooperation.It is easy to understand the value and importance of open, honest communications and valid information. Yet, few organizations are able to function in this manner. In the long run, poor communication will undermine the entire organization. Restricting communication and distorting information are symptoms of short-range thinking. We must avoid these stupid, short-sighted traps and constantly strive for and open communications system with objective information.参考答案:信息和交流对现代社会和机构是非常重要的。

上海市英语中级口译资格证书第二阶段考试口译练习题集参考译文Test OnePart A (E-C)Passage 1:每一个负责的社会都应该为改善年青一代的生活去做有意义的事,例如让孩子摆脱考试加给他们的可怕的负担。
// 不幸的是,这个国家的学校和家长尽其所能来迫使孩子参加各种考试,以便能够上大学学习。
// 孩子们抱怨课程乏味、课本乏味、教师乏味。
// 我怀疑孩子在这种强制性的制度下还能学到什么对国家或对他们个人有益的东西。
Passage 2:像世界上许多大城市一样,纽约既要解决老问题,也要面对新问题。
// 交通堵塞仍然给已经是拥挤不堪的街道增添麻烦。
// 照顾病人,接济穷人,帮助新来者适应大城市的生活是纽约必须要做的额外工作。
// 尽管如此,纽约每年仍然有数以百万计的来访者。
Part B (C-E)Passage 1:On behalf of all the members of my party, I’d like to thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious invitation for us to attend such an enjoyable Christmas party.// Christmas is a wonderful holiday. The Christmas of this year is more meaningful to us, because our joint venture has made a remarkable progress this year.// I hope we will be able to maintain our practical partnership and make the coming new year a more fruitful year.// At the close of the year, may I ask you to join me in a toast to greater business achievements in the new year.Passage 2:The use of foreign capital includes both direct and indirect investment from overseas businesses. China will continue to put emphasis on absorbing direct foreign investment, and attach importance to the following aspects: // First, China will further encourage foreign businesses to invest in agriculture, new-and-high-tech industries, basic industries, infrastructure facilities, and environmental protection industries. // Second, China will continue to expand the area of foreign investment. The country will further encourage open bidding and make more uwe of foreign capital in pertro-chemical and building industries. // Third, China will strive to improve the distribution of foreign investment, and adopt effective measures to guide and encourage foreign investment in central and western regions.Part A (E-C)Passage 1:我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎的欢迎辞。

历年上海英语翻译考试中级口译英译汉原文真题及参考答案原文A majority of the world’s climate scientists have convinced themselves, and also a lot of laymen, some of whom have political power, that the Earth’s climate is changing; that the change, from humanity’s point of view, is for the worse; and that the cause is human activity, in the form of excessive emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.A minority, though, are sceptical. Some think that recent data suggesting the Earth’s average temperature is rising are explained by natural variations in solar radiation, and that this trend may be coming to an end. Others argue that there is no conclusive evidence that modern temperatures are higher than they used to be.We believe that global warming is a serious threat, and that the world needs to take steps to try to avert it. That is the job of the politicians. But we do not believe that climate change is a certainty. There are no certainties in science. Prevailing theories must be constantly tested against evidence, and more evidence collected, and the theories tested again. That is the job of the scientists.参考答案世界上大部分气候学家已经使他们自己及许多普通民众(包括一些政界人士)确信,地球的气候正处于变化之中;对人类而言,这一变化正日趋严重;罪魁祸首是人类活动,其表现形式为过量排放二氧化碳之类的温室气体。

历年英语翻译中级口译考试试题及答案(完整版)Spot DictationIn America there are no nobles or men of letters, and the common folk mistrust the wealthy; Consequently lawyers formthe highest political class and the most cultivated circle of society. They have therefore nothing to gain by innovation, which adds a conservative interest to their natural taste for public order. If I were asked where I place the American aristocracy, I should reply without hesitation that it is not composed of the rich, who are united together by no commontie, but that it occupies the judicial bench and the bar.When I started researching this topic, I found an interesting website “Legal Reform Now”. As the name suggests, this website is devoted to legal reform and it is definitely concerned about the dominance of lawyers in American government. There I read an article by a political science professor from the university of Wisconsin. One observation the UW article confirms is that the legal profession is the dominant profession of the people re-electto public office. For example, about half our representatives and two-thirds of our senators are lawyers. No otherprofession comes close to having the same the number ofpeople in political office. Effectively, lawyers form our nation’s most powerful organized political constituency in America. Lawyers make our laws and lawyers interpret our laws. When judges are appointed, the American bar association isthe only professional organization that is consulted to rate the fitness of potential judicial appointees. Our nation has been in existence for over 200 years and lawyers have beenthis nation’s aristocracy since its formation. Our system works, but do we really want to have a single profession in charge of our nation? Specifically, do we want to have the legal profession in charge? Next t ime you vote, that’s something to think about.评析:这篇文章是关于律师在美国的地位。

中级口译翻译练习1.Bill Gates is smiling again.The boyish enthusiasm is back, andthe grueling burdens of monopoly lawsuits and dotcom downturns are receding.America’s best-known billionaire is back to doing what he has always done best-designing exciting new products and making barrels of money.The Launch of Office XP,a sophisticated rethink of Microsoft’s most popular business toll at the end of this May,marks merely the opening shot in a forthcoming technological blitz that Gates is serenely convinced will cement his companuy’s status as the unshakable colossus of computing.“It’s great to see people enthused about what we are doing.”Gates happily declares.2.China,the world’s most populous nation,joined the World TradeOrganization on November 10,2001,thus ending 15 years of negotiations,offering China a new place at the table of nations and giving new life to centuries of dreams.The admission is one of China’s most significant diplomatic achievements since it displaced Taiwan and took a seat on the United Nations Securities Council in 1971,soon after which then PresidentRichard Nixon made his famous trip to Beijing.Admission means China will enjoy protection against the imposition of barriers on its goods.The United States will cease the annual review procedure in which Congress considers ending”normal trade relations” with China based on its human rights performance.中口翻译答案1.比尔。

中级口译真题(翻译部分)中级口译实考试题汇编(翻译部分)贷款问题十六2004.09 美国人口问题上海某公司简介十七2005.03 美国人对总统的期望值香港的文化氛围十八2005.09 美国劳动力市场竞争残酷中国与亚欧各国的合作互助十九2006.03 肥胖问题上海繁荣发展二十2006.09 物质文化和非物质文化的定义胡锦涛主席在耶鲁大学的演讲-夸耶鲁大学二一2007.03 古董文物价格世博会二二2007.09 美国贫富心态中国和平发展不怕苦,吃苦半辈子,怕吃苦,吃苦一辈子!0409 翻译部分As individuals and as a nation, we're defined by the choices we make. And too often, by the tough decisions we avoid. Most of us have avoided even thinking about how our rapidly growingpopulation is affecting our quality of life and shaping our society.Our population has more than doubled since World War II, and at this rate, we could be on our way to 1 billion people living in the United States by the end of the century. Our population growth, driven in part by unchecked immigration, is already straining our healthcare and educational systems and, less noticeably —but far more important —putting a heavy burden on our natural resources.All these pressures on our resources will only worsen unless our leaders begin a national dialogue on the future of this country and start making the tough choices. Politicians are avoiding debate on these issues because they are the most difficult ones to confront. In campaign debating, these are wedge issues. But failure to come to terms with them will drive a wedge between all of us and a prosperous, healthy future for this country.我们作为个人和一个国家(民族),其特性表现为我们所做的选择,而且还常常表现为我们不想/避免做出的艰难决定(来确定的)。

英语中级口译翻译真题(英译汉)Why We Must Fire Bad TeachersThe relative decline of American education at the elementary- and high-school levels has long been a national embarrassment as well as a threat to the nation’s future. Once upon a time, American students tested better than any other students in the world. Now, ranked against European schoolchildren, America does about as well as Lithuania, behind at least 10 other nations.For much of this time—roughly the last half century—professional educators believed that if they could only find the right pedagogy, the right method of instruction, all would be well. They tried New Math, open classrooms, Whole Language—but nothing seemed to achieve significant or lasting improvements.Yet in recent years researchers have discovered something that may seem obvious, but for many reasons was overlooked or denied. What really makes a difference, what matters more than the class size or the textbook, the teaching method or the technology, or even the curriculum, is the quality of the teacher. Much of the ability to teach is innate—an ability to inspire young minds as well as control unruly classrooms that some people instinctively possess (and some people definitely do not). Teaching can be taught, to some degree, but not the way many graduate schools of education do it, with a lot of insipid or marginally relevant theorizing and pedagogy. In any case the research shows that within about five years, you can generally tell who is a good teacher and who is not.。

09.91. 英汉翻译What is a novel? I say: an invented story. At the same time a story which, though invented, has the power to ring true. True to what? True to life as the reader knows life to be or, it may be, feels life to be. And I mean the adult, the grown-up reader. Such a reader has outgrown fairy tales, and we do not want the fantastic and the impossible. So I say to you that a novel must stand up to the adult tests of reality.You may say:”If one wants truth, why not go to the literally true book? Biography or documentary, these amazing accounts of amazing experiences which people have.”Yes, but I am suggesting to you that there is a distinction between truth and so-called reality. The novel does not simply recount experience. And here comes in what is the actual livening spark of the novel: the novelist’s imagination has a power of its own. It does not merely invent, it perceives. It intensifies, therefore it gives power, extra importance, and greater truth to what may well be ordinary and everyday things.2. 汉英翻译有两个大款附庸风雅,参加一个冷餐会,与会者自然不乏真正的名流学者。

97年3月英译中The shape of the world is changing almost as dramatically as this city's skyline. Today the cold war is over. The risk of the global nuclear conflict has been greatly reduced and the free flow of goods and ideas is bringing to life the concept of a global village. But just as all nations can benefit from the promise of this new world, no nation is immune to its perils. We all have a stake in building peace and prosperity, and in confronting threats that respects no borders—terrorism and drug trafficking, disease and environmental destruction. To meet these challenges most effectively, China and the United States must act in concert. Some argue that with the Cold War's end, the strategic importance of the US-China relationship has diminished. I believe they have it exactly backwards. As a new century begins, the importance of strengthening the ties between the United States and China will grow even greater.【参考译文】世界的面貌正在发生引人注目的变化,其变化之快几乎就象这座城市德空中轮廓。

The Chinese people have been a freedom-and-peace-loving nation. They have always hoped for the world to be at peace and the peoples of various countries to co-exist peacefully. Having suffered from wars and foreign aggression in modern times, the Chinese people treasure freedom and peace all the more. Every nation needs a peaceful and stable international and domestic environment for its construction and development. The freedom of a country or nation is the prerequisite and base of the freedom of any individual.We hope that all nations can live in a world free from war and violence and that people from all parts of the world can enjoy freedom without oppression, discrimination, bullying and humiliation.中国政府在宣布实行和平统一的方针时,是基于一个前提,即当时的台湾当局坚持世界上只有一个中国、台湾是中国的一部分。

Genius is nothing but labor and diligence 中级口译翻译03~10真题汇编03年3月英译中If there’s a threat of dangerous deflation—a general fall in prices a general fall in prices——the causes lie as much in Europe and Japan as in the United States. The inevitable collapse of America’s speculative boom need not have been especially damaging i need not have been especially damaging if the world’s other advanced economies were healthy. f the world’s other advanced economies were healthy. Their expanding appetite for imports would have bolstered the United States and so-called emerging market countries, from Brazil to South Korea. The trouble is that other advanced economies aren’t health economies aren’t healthy. y.Deflation could emerge from simultaneous slumps in the world’s three major economies. Prices drop because there’s too little global demand chasing too much global supply—everything from steel to shoes. Japan’s ills are well known its banks are awas h in bad loans. Less understood (at least in the United States) is the fact the Europe’s troubles stem significantly from Germany. Germany is Europe’s “sick man”, just as Japan is Asia’s. Only 15 years ago, these countries seemed poised to assume leadership of the world economy. Now they are dragging it down.中译英 中国改革开放以来,国民经济年均增长速度达到9.7%。

中级口译实考试题汇编(翻译部分)0409 翻译部分As individuals and as a nation, we're defined by the choices we make. And too often, by the tough decisions we avoid. Most of us have avoided even thinking about how our rapidly growing population is affecting our quality of life and shaping our society.Our population has more than doubled since World War II, and at this rate, we could be on our way to 1 billion people living in the United States by the end of the century. Our population growth, driven in part by unchecked immigration, is already straining our healthcare and educational systems and, less noticeably — but far more important — putting a heavy burden on our natural resources.All these pressures on our resources will only worsen unless our leaders begin a national dialogue on the future of this country and start making the tough choices. Politicians are avoiding debate on these issues because they are the most difficult ones to confront. In campaign debating, these are wedge issues. But failure to come to terms with them will drive a wedge between all of us and a prosperous, healthy future for this country.我们作为个人和一个国家(民族),其特性表现为我们所做的选择,而且还常常表现为我们不想/避免做出的艰难决定(来确定的)。

Every springhundredsof thousands of domesticand foreign businessmen swarminto Shanghai toattendthe annual East China Export CommodityTrade Fair.Here,all kinds of goods from Shanghai compete withthegoodsfrom other places in China. The advantage of Shanghai lies initsadvancedscientific and technologicalstrength, therefore theexport of high-tech products should take the lead in increasing Shanghai’s foreign trade and export.Professor YangZhenning, afamousphysicist,oncesaid, “The high-techbattlefield is themain and the last battlefield for Chinato overtake thedeveloped countries.” It is not only indispensable in history, butalso necessaryinthe future todevelop by way ofpromotinghigh-tech trade.98年3月这所大学的任务是培养德智体全面发展,能熟练运用外语从事外事和文化交流工作的合格人才。

上海中级口译考试汉译英精选15篇work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR汉译英15篇1.上海菜系是中国最年轻的地方菜系,通常被成为“本帮菜”,有着400多年的历史。
//译文:Shanghai cuisine, usually called Benbang cuisine, is the youngest among the major regional cuisines in China, with a history of more than 400 years. Like all other Chinese regional cuisines, Benbang cuisines takes “color, aroma and ta ste” as its essential quality elements.//Shanghai cuisine emphasizes in particular the expert use of seasonings, the selection of raw materials with quality texture, and original flavors. Shanghai cuisine is famous for a special snack known as Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings and a special dish called “Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish”.//Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings are small in size, with thin and translucent wrappers, filled inside with ground pork and rich tasty soup. Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish is yellow-colored and squirrel-shaped, with a crispy skin and tender meat, all covered with a sweet and sour source.//After tasting Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish, we are always amazed by the squirrel shape and think that it is more appropriate to plus “appearance” as the fourth element.2. 美国人强调效率、竞争和独创性,而中国人则将严谨规划放在首位,鼓励团队成员之间的密切合作和无私奉献。

中级口译翻译部分真题汇编~~-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN2009年春中口翻译部分【E—C】In a normal recession, the to-do list is clear. Copies of Keynes are dusted off, the banks lower interest rates, the president and Congress cut taxes and hike spending. In time, purchasing, production and loans perk up, and Keynes is placed back on the shelf. No larger alterations to the economy are made, because our economy, but for the occasional bump in the road, is fundamentally sound. This has been the drill in every recession since World War II.Republicans and Democrats argue over whose taxes should be cut the most and which projects should be funded, but under public pressure to do something, they usually find some mutually acceptable midpoint and enact a stimulus package. This time, though, don’t expect that to be the end of the story-----because the coming recession will not be normal, and our economy is not fundamentally sound. This time around, the nation will have to craft new versions of some of the reforms that Franklin Roosevelt created to steer the nation out of the Great Depression.【译文】:若只是寻常的经济萧条,那应对方案一目了然:翻出久违的凯恩斯著作,联邦政府降低利率,总统及国会一面减税,一面增加财政支出。
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中级口译历年真题--翻译篇2012年春季(3月)英译汉原文:When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960′s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it we re the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. 英译汉参考译文:我年轻的时候,有本非常好的杂志《全球目录》,这是我们那代人的“圣经”之一。
节选的这个短文有几处的词汇和短语大家可以注意下:poetic:充满诗情画意的idealistic: 理想主义的run his course: 完成使命hitchhiking: 搭乘sign off: 停止签发,停止汉译英:吸烟之危害,可谓大矣,其严重性是不能低估的。
参考译文:Smoking does great harm to human and its gravity should not be underestimated. Smoking pollutes air, damages health, and increases the incidence of lung cancer. To arouse the awareness about the prevalence of tobacco in all the countries and to prevent smoking-induced diseases and deaths, the WHO (World Health Organization) has defined May 31st in every year as World No-Tobacco Day.The tobacco addicts say that smoking is impossible to quit because they could do without meals in a day but would feel tortured without tobacco in two hours. However, when one realizes that smoking is harmful in many ways but beneficial in no way and that it is a curse to others as wellas to he himself, he will be determined to resist the temptation of tobacco. To quit smoking requires persistence and so long as one persists, he’ll be re warded.点评:这篇文章的主题是大家都很熟悉的“戒烟”。
2011年秋季(9月)英译汉原文:Why We Must Fire Bad TeachersThe relative decline of American education at the elementary- and high-school levels has long been a national embarrassment as well as a threat to the nation's future. Once upon a time, American students tested better than any other students in the world. Now, ranked against European schoolchildren, America does about as well as Lithuania, behind at least 10 other nations.For much of this time—roughly the last half century—professional educators believed that if they could only find the right pedagogy, the right method of instruction, all would be well. They tried New Math, open classrooms, Whole Language—but nothing seemed to achieve significant or lasting improvements.Yet in recent years researchers have discovered something that may seem obvious, but for many reasons was overlooked or denied. What really makes a difference, what matters more than the class size or the textbook, the teaching method or the technology, or even the curriculum, is the quality of the teacher. Much of the ability to teach is innate—an ability to inspire young minds as well as control unruly classrooms that some people instinctively possess (and some people definitely do not). Teaching can be taught, to some degree, but not the way many graduate schools of education do it, with a lot of insipid or marginally relevant theorizing and pedagogy. In any case the research shows that within about five years, you can generally tell who is a good teacher and who is not.我们为什么必须叫停“不称职”的老师?一直以来,美国初高中教育质量的相对下降对整个民族的将来来说,不仅仅是窘境也是一种威胁。