
【难点】 bus conductor意为“公共汽车售票员”;agent意为“代理人,中介人”;officer意为“军官,官员”;inspector意为“检查员,视察员”。
【难点】 disgraced在这里是过去分词作状语,表示伴随状态。
【难点】 let alone意为“更不必说”;not to mention意为“再加上”;that is to say意为“也就是说”4.Nowherebutintheremotestregionofthecountry____findaplacetosettledown .A.canheB.hecanC.heD.forhimto正确答案:A本题解析:【句意】他只能在最遥远的地方找个安身之处。
【难点】 Nowhere是否定副词,位于句首引导倒装句。
5.EinsteinwontheNobelPrizein1921andenjoyedgreatfameinGermanyuntilther iseofNazism____hewasexpelledfromGermanybecausehewasaJew.A.whenB.whoC.thenD.which正确答案:A本题解析:【句意】爱因斯坦于1921年获诺贝尔奖金,在德国享有盛誉。

英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套-1-英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)By朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone声明因朱晓慧教授编著、王逢鑫教授审定,北京大学出版社出版的《英语专业八级阅读与词汇》一书已绝版近5年,而索取此书附录《英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)》的读者甚多,本人制作了此书附录自测题的电子版,供广大读者使用。
2.本书的选词为什么要借鉴当今英语国家权威的英语词典,又参考适应中国各级英语考试“国情”的相关词表呢?对此,我们在第一章中,对八级选词的理-1-英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)By朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone 据和来源做了若干讨论和说明,权当回答上述问题,让大家都成为明白人。

声明因朱晓慧教授编著、王逢鑫教授审定,北京大学出版社出版的《英语专业八级阅读与词汇》一书已绝版近5 年,而索取此书附录《英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)》的读者甚多,本人制作了此书附录自测题的电子版,供广大读者使用。
请读者尊重国家版权法规定,下载后勿用于商业目的,仅供学习之用,且不使用本电子版文件制作替他一切形式的出版物,本人概不负责所产生的后果!《英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)》于2001年出版后在英语学习者中产生了重要影响,对于参加托福、雅思、GRE 以及英语专业八级、英语语言文学专业、外国语言学与应用语言学专业硕士研究生入学考试的读者有极大帮助。
自测题第五套I. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence:401. _ is something made of wool and cotton and usually has two or more colours. A. Jean B. Tweed C. Shawl D. Flax402. To trap animals a hunter fixes a _, usually made of cord, across the path they are likely to take.A. lotusB. lotionC.snarlD.snare403.Someone's _ is a person who helps them to commit a crime or to do something wrong.A. coronerB. accompliceC. felonD.claimant404. _ is a cluster of tiny plants that looks like moss and grows on rocks, trees, malls, etc.A. CloverB. CedarC.LichenD. Leech405. A _ is the main part of the body of a boat or tank.A. tuskB. hullC. roosterD. duct406. We ran when the bull began to _.A. dribbleB. engenderC. fizzD. snort407. The _ drove the ship on the rock.A. drizzleB. tempestC.hazeieu408. Once you've _ to the heat you won't feel so tired.A. enragedB. acclimatizedC. forebodedD.gargled409. If the sun _ something, especially the ground or plants, it makes it completely dry.A. impendsB. liltsC. parchesD.traduces410. After wavshing them in soapy water, _ the clothes thoroughly.A. leerB. harrowC. maculateD.rinse411. We'll need to have a new electric _ fitted into the wall for the teievision plug. A. schooner B. socket C.rudder D.cartridge412. Leaves turned to shimming silver as _ played through them.A. solosB. zephyrsC. hurricanesD.galaxies413. Much of what he said was beyond her comprehension but she understood the _ of his remarks.A. tacB. tactC. tannerD.tenor414. A _ is a very ba.d snow storm with strong winds..A. blizzardB. blissC. blisterD. bazaar415. _ is a red powder which people, especially women and actors, put on their cheeks in order to give them more color.A. PipB. RumC. YogurtD. Rouge416. The coronation of the new king was performed with great _ .A. pompB. pumpC. plumpD. plumb417. During his _ in Africa the missionary learned much about native customs.A. sojournB. irisC. perilD. rapture418. He received the ball from the'right near the penalty spot, then _ it wide of the goal.A. assayedB.exterminatedC. jabbedD. jeered419. Insurance _ losses were heavy last year due to a number of natural disasters. A. unraveling B. underwritmg C. understating D. unassuming420. This Bob Dylan _ includes some'rare recordings of his best songs.A. anthologyB.anthemC. anthropologyD. antidote421. The president of this company is just a _ —the chief Executive has day-to-day control.A. hindB. playboyC. figureheadD. backdrop422. Silver _ easily and turns black if not polished regularly.A. snookersB. stewsC. dousesD. tarnishes423.The men who amved in the _ of drug dealers-were actually undercover police officers.A. smearB. rimeC. copD. guise .424. Three men were feared dead last night after a helicopter _ off course into an oil platform and ditched into the North Sea.A. blandishedB. falsifiedC.instigatedD. veered425. We looked down to the river _ we'd climbed, and nobody complained of the effort as I had anticipated.A. whereofB. whereonC.whenceD. wherefore426. The ship _ at Sydney and we spent a day-touring the city.A. berthedB. amassedC. dissuadedD. poached427. The machine allows segments of the film to be viewed'repeatedly and at a number of speeds, so the'editor can cut and _ the film.A. ambleB.tinkerC.splideD. adulate428. I sell _ tickets for several charities every year.A. raftB. ramC.rangerD. raffle429. The tape recording _ to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.A. purportsB. quashesC. tinkiesD. boggles430. The further under _ your golf score gets, the better you're playing.A. apexB. arkC.spaD. ParII. Each sentence has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the ONE word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part: 431. They are near akin to us.A. closely relatedB. hostileC. friendlyD. separated432. Do not alight from a moving train.A. set upB. get offC. get aboutD. get on433. She looked very alluring in her black evening dress.A. boringB. repellingC. abhoringD. Tempting434. For ten years the Greeks besieged the city of Troy.A. capturedB. occupiedC. destroyedD. surrounded435. As the fire spread, smoke billowed out of the building.A. surgedB. keptC. shutD. flew436. The main roads in this city are lined with towering birches.A. shopsB. skyscrapersC. tall treesD.high buildings437. He buffed the coin untl it shone.A. polishedB. choppedC. knockedD. swung438. There is a bulge at the end of this rent.A. poleB. swellingC. holeD. crack439. Jim is eager to see his old school chums at the class reunion.A. teachersB. playmatesC. childhood friendsD. intimate friends440. The ship's propeller churned the waves to foam.A. propelledB. brokeC. batteredD. stirred up441. The man was clad in a black suit and a derby hat.A. carryingB. buyingC. wearingD. looking for442. The audience clamored for the show to begin.A. called outB. called upC. called awayD. called forth443. The draperies he bought for his new sitting room are from Iran.A. chairsB. paintingsC. furnitureD.curtains444. In the bee family, drones do not work.A. female honeybeesB. male honeybeesC. workersD. queens445. The little boy had had a long day; he was feeling drowsy.A. lazyB. sleepyC. exhaustedD. sad446. His wealth dwindled into nothingness.A. lostB. diminishedC. wastedD. finished447. The Pacific coast is the region in the United States most prone to earthquakes. A. gales B. stor C. destruction D. tremors448. The doctor gave him an injection to ease his pain.A. assuage:B. auditC. assessD. augment449. Nowadays, the youngsters are averse to easy tasks.A. ferventB. fickleC. frivolousD. facile450. We used to play on the beach when the tide ebbed.A. cameB. flowed backC. vanishedD. flooded451. It was difficult to see ships in the distance because of the fog.A. sweatB. hazeC. dewD. frost452. Although the Carbon 14 _method of dating old objects is not foolproof, it is the best method available at present.A. wholly operationalB. entirely serviceableC. fully reliablepletely safe 453. Miss Baker's response to your request seemed gratifying.A. shrewdB. threateningC. overwhelmingD. pleasing454. Harry is gregarious by nature.A. unfriendlyB. stingyC. courtlyD. very friendly455. There must be some grit in the machinery; it isn't running smoothly.A. rough bits of metalB. rough bits of wireC. rough bits of sandD. rough bits of cloth456. The criminal insinuated that he had been roughly treated by the arresting officer.A. suggested indirectlyB. denied positivelyC. argued convincinglyD. stated flatly457. The ill treatment towards the prisoners finally led to an insurrection.A. a riskB. a riteC. a riseD. a riot458. Try to intercept the letter before it falls into the wrong hands.A. get overB. get aroundC. get hold ofD. get rid of459. His involuntary sigh betrayed his feelings.A. automaticB. unbelievableC. unnecessaryD. unreasonable460. The door won't latch properly.A. slamB. lockC. shutD. open461. The Miss Universe pageant will be held in Hong Kong this year.A. palaceB. exhibitionC. concertD.show462. He felt a pang at the thought of his missing child.A. thrustB. sharp painC.shiverD. shock463. Even after the government troops were defeated partisans continued to fight the invaders inA. citizensB. local peopleC. regular armiesD.guerrillas464. He argued that these books had a pernicious effect on young minds.A. deepB. far-reachingC. indirectD. harmful .465. His interest indicates that he must be a student of philology.A. languageB. ethnicityC. paleontologyD. mammals466. Wading across a stream, he got the shoes completely wet.A. TransactingB. FordingC. MistingD. Bleaching467. The Roman Empire rapidly waned in power in the 5th century.A. acceleratedB. declinedC.speededD. rose468. Students will be admitted irrespective of sex, age and nationality.A. heightB. propertyC. political viewsD. gender469. Everybody in our class likes her shining eyes.A. ludicrousB. lusciousC. licentiousD. lustrous470. The news of the bank's failure was a thunderbolt.A. a great eventB.unexpectedC. a shockD. a misfortuneIII. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.A) volley disconcert stipend crucible bogus quack showdownrabies stint bigotry471. He went to see a _ who said he could cure him wrth some kind of strange herbs. 472. Commentators believe there is no reason for the latest killings than a renewed wave of _ and hatred.473. She produced some _ documents io support her claim.474. He has just finished a _ of compulsory military service.475. Millions of dollars were spent on lawyers in a courtroom _ between the two companies.476. Dogs, cats, foxes and bats can all carry _.477. Even as the funeral took place, guerrillas hidden nearby fired a fresh _ of machine-gun fire.478. This theatre is the _ comedy, where fame or failure is found.479. We were _ to be told, "You can't be trusted."480. As deputy chairman of the company, he will receive an annual _ of $220,000. .B) sheen extant stodgy innate rugged indigenous heckle hunchpasta wobble481. They _ him and interrupted his address wirh angry questions.482. Using this polish will restore the _ to your furniture.483. Medieval customs are _ in some parts of Europe.484. New ownership can often bring a fresh outlook to _ companies.485. He manages to combine two strands of the British character which is a(n) _ conservatism with flashes of eccentricity.486. Jeeps are _ vehicle, designed for rough conditions.487. The _ medical traditions in the area make extenslve use of plants.488. He _ his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter.489. Spaghetti, verrnicelli, ravioli are types of _.490. I narrowly missed a cyclist who _ into my path.C) mime writhe cleavage stoke shit adultery parsley discourseerotic tyro491. She was responsible for the daily household chores, such as _ the fire and making the beds,492. Don't do it that way! _, now you've broken_it!493. He was _ something at me across the pub but I couldn't understand what he was trying to say.494. She is going to divorce him on the grounds of _ .495. There is a marked _ between the parties about the government's defence policy. 496. Civilized _ between the two countries has become impossible.497. It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn't a( n) _ experience at all.498. A(n) _ is someone who has very little experience of something.499. Sprinkle a little _ on the soup as garnish.500. The shark was _ around wildly, trying to get_free.参考答案:I.. 401~410 BDBCB DBBCD 411~420 BBDAD AACBA421~430 CDDDC ACDADII. 431~440 ABDDA CABDB 441~450 CADBB BDADB451~460 BCDDC ADCAB 461~470 DBDDA BBDDCIII. 471. quack 472. bigotry 473. bogus 474. stint 475. showdown476. rabies 477. volley 478. crucible 479. disconcerted 480. stipend481. heckled 482. sheen 483. extant 484. stodgy 485. innate486. rugged 487. indigenous 488. hunched 489. pasta 490. wobbled491. stoking 492.Shit 493. miming 494. adultery 495. cleavage 496.discourse 497. erotic 498. tyro 499. parsley 500. writhing。

2020届英语专四专八语法与词汇练习题(后附详细答案)The process by means of which human beings can arbitrarily make certain things stand for other things may be called the symbolic process. (31) ___ we turn, we see the symbolic process (32) __ work. For example, stripes on the sleeve can be made to stand for military rank; crossed sticks can stand for a (33) __ of religious beliefs. There are (34) __ things that have not a symbolic value.Almost all fashionable clothes are (35)_ symbolic. And we select our furniture to (36) ____ as visible symbols of our taste, wealth, and social position. We often choose our houses on the (37) ___ of a feeling that it "looks well" to have a "good address". We trade in perfectly good cars for (38) __ models not always to get better transportation, (39) __ to give evidence to the community that we can (40) _____ it.I once had an eight-year-old car in good running condition. A repairman, who knew the condition of the car, kept (41) ____ me to trade it (42) __ a new model. "But why?" I asked, "The old car's in (43) __ still." The repairman answered scornfully, "Yeah, but all you've got is transportation."Such complicated and apparently (44) __ behavior leads philosophers to (45) __ over "Why can't human beings live simply and naturally?" (46) ____ the complexity of human life makes us look enviously at the relative simplicity of such lives as dogs and cats lead.Simply, the fact that symbolic process makes complexity possible is no (47) ___ for wanting to (48) __ to a cat existence. A better (49) ___ is to understand the symbolic process (50)___ instead of being its victims we become, to some degree at least, its masters.31. A. Whichever B. Whatever C. Everywhere D. However32. A. in B. at C. by D. on33. A. serial B. cluster C. suite. D. set34. A. many B. few C. enough D. little35. A. highly B. merely C. rarely D. accidentally36. A. work B. regard C. serve D. signify37. A. chance B. purpose C. opportunity D. basis38. A. later B. former C. latter D. earlier39. A. yet B. but C. and D. so40. A. afford B. offer C. supply D. grant41. A. advocating B. alerting C. urging D. pressing42. A. with B. in C. out D. for43. A. advance B. shape C. demand D. vogue44. A. unnecessary B. useless C. random D. impolite45. A. concern B. worry C. ponder D. determine46. A. Often B. Seldom C. Always D. Still47. A. doubt B. meaning C. reason D. time48. A. return B. devote C. lead D. proceed49. A. result B. solution C. distinction D. resolution50. A. while B. as C. since that D. so that31.[C] 【解析】这里要说的是“我们所到的每个地方”,故选C。

八年级英语职业词汇单选题50题1. My father is a ______. He works in a hospital.A. doctorB. teacherC. driverD. cook答案:A。
2. My sister wants to be a ______ because she likes singing.A. singerB. dancerC. writerD. painter答案:A。
3. The man is a ______. He builds houses.A. workerB. builderC. farmerD. postman答案:B。
4. My mother is a ______. She teaches students in a school.A. nurseB. doctorC. teacherD. policewoman答案:C。
5. My uncle is a ______. He flies planes.A. pilotB. scientistC. engineerD. artist答案:A。

英语专业八级词汇专项自测题第一套I. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best complete the sentence:1. The _ is used by astrologers to help calculate the influence of the planets on people’s lives.A. zephyrB.zodiacC.zymeD.zest2. It’s a _ timetable. Sometime lessons happen, sometimes they don’t.A. haphazardB.odiousC.haughtyD.handicapped3. No men was allowed to _ on the livelihood of his neighbour.A. wadeB.invokeC.muffleD.infringe4. The poor man’s clothes were so _ that they couldn’t be repaired any more.A. oozedB.raggedC.moppedD.mocked5. The scents of the flowers was _ to us by the breeze.A. interceptedB.detestedC.saturatedD.wafted6. The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of _.A.vagabonedB.sabotageC.paradoxD.tachyon7. The actor amused the audience by _ some well-known people.A. embroideringB.riggingC.yelpingD.mimicking8. The speaker _ us with tales of exotic lands and buried treasure.A. detourB.offsetC.tantalizedD. ushered9. I assure you there was no _ motive in my suggestion.A. ulteriorB.stationaryC. vulgarD. toxic10. Government loan have been the _ of several shaky business companies.A. tornadoB.salvationC.delinquencyD. momentum11. The hunter kept the lion’s skin and head as _.A. trophiesB. filletC. tulipD. clown12. We saw the canoe _ , throwing its passengers into the water.A. prostrateB. overturnC. simulateD. brag13. He has been drinking alcohol so heavily that his death severely affected and got his _ alcoholically.A. quittanceB. qualmC. quailD. quietus14. The orphanage is just one of he r_ causes.A. phoneticB. philanthropicC. prevalentD. lunatic15. After a period of probation a _ becomes a nun.A. sopranoB. hippie C novice D. monsieur16. Despite his wealth and position, he has an _ personality.A. unassumingB. unprecedentedC. underminingD. uncouth17. The island is maintained as a _ for endangered species.A. wetlandsB. sanctuaryC. mire D .heath18. If you _ something, such as food or drink, you reduce its quality or make it weaker, for example by adding water to it.A. adulterateB. moorC. vaccinateD. sue19. A _ is a grill on which meat, fish, and other foods are cooled over hot charcoal, usually out of doors.A. duetB. fagC. tonicD. barbecue20. The _ warned the sleeping troops that the enemy was creeping near.A. pickpocketB. picketC. pikeD. pickup21. When you are suffering from _ you have red spots on your skin and you feel as if you have a cold,A. apathyB. measlesC. impotenceD. schizophrenia22. Their business was war, murder, _ and rape.A. pillageB. auditC. bonanzaD. nectar23. He was brought before the _ for trial.A. tribunalB. isleC. granaryD. observatory24. The guests, having eaten until they were _ , now listened inattentively to the speakers.A. contraceptedB. satiatedC. gripedD. trespassed25. If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will _ you.A. scaleB. scaldC. shunD. shunt26. The meeting took on a different _ after his moving speech.A. presageB. postureC. travestyD. trauma27. While she had the fever, she _ for hours.A .raved B. sniggered C. tittered D. perforated28. The mice _ when the cat came.A. rambledB. lingeredC. saunteredD. scampered29. Many animals display_ instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless.A. cerebralB. imperiousC. ruefulD. maternal30. On August 18th the president announced a general _ for political exiles.A. adoB. yogaC. quartetD. amnestyII. Each sentence has a xsrord or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the ONE word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part:31. She lived on the yonder side of the valley.A.fartherB. nearerC. eitherD. left32. Theolddouple lived in abject poverty.A. honestB. inancialpleteD.noble33. Larry was so absorbed in his novel that she forgot about his dinner cooking in the oven.A. engrossedB. enlivenedC. obligedD. excelled34. His grandfather used to be an admiral.A. a toperB. a generalC. atop naval officerD. a colonel35. She distributed gifts in a bountiful and gracious manner.A.modestB.stingyC.generousD.sparing36. I have just had a long bout of house cleaning.A. hourB. brushC.periodD. fight37. The girls braided their hair with flowers.A. plaitedB. combedC. ecoratedD. dressed38. They got in quite a brawl.A.snitB.fightC.ballyD.littering39. Her brazen contempt for authority angered the officials.A.insolentB. innocentC. insomuchD. isolated40. After the storm the lake returned to its usual calm state.A. flaccidB.placidC. lucidD. acid41. Charles was in no positionto make a judicious decision.A. wiseB. courageC.restedplete42. This wood is too wet to kindle.A. chopB. carveC. dryD. burn43. The politician promised to be candid, but we wondered.A. sweetB. open and frankC. casualD. discreet44. The lambs capered about in the meadow.A. stumbledB. ranC. dancedD. skipped45. Therewas a caption underneath the photograph.A. signatureB. graphC. titleD. design46. She is the most faultless person in the group.A.impeccableB.impartibleC.imminentD.impellent47.The waiter fawned on the rich customers in hopes of a large tip.A. ignoredB.sought favor fromC. sought help fromD. smiled at48. Not wishing to attend thedance, Marie feigned illness.A. infectedB. solicitedC.disguisedD. enacted49. He is one of the young lady's fervent admirers.A. ardentB. firstC. youngD. unseen50. Huey Long's denunciations of the federal government were often inspired by the fervor of his listeners.A. sizeB. curiosityC. cheerfulnessD. zeal51. Fidelity is a quality of character that is admired by most people.A. GenerosityB. ChastityC.FaithfulnessD. Wisdom52.The police will make every effort to capture the fiend who murdered the children.A.foolish personB. wicked personC. hot-headed personD.suspected person53. We found a hamlet in the deep forest with only six families.A. an empty spaceB.a cottageC.a small villageD. a tribe54. The rising prices are harassing the manufacturers and the consumers.A. to the benefit ofB. causing contradictionsC. stimulatingD. worrying55. He is always harping on lack of opportunity.A. talking tiresomely aboutB. talking rapidly aboutC. talking loudly aboutD. talking widely about56. Because the details of the project were rather hazy, we decided to reject the proposal.A. dubiousB. unobtainableC. lucrativeD. vague57.If Mr. Jones had known that she were a criminal, he would never have aided or helped her in any way.A. curtailedB. repelledC.abetted .D.surfeited58. In front of the house is a small lake hemmed in by thick leafy trees.A. viewedB. blockedC. lined up withD.surrounded59. He refused to see anyone and remained a hermit all his life.A. hereticB. fugitiveC.recluseD. veteran60. She wants to hitch her trailer to your car.A. wreckB. hatchC.connectD. thatch61. Does he love his wealthy mother or only pretend fo mercenary reasons?A. personalB. unexplainedC. instinctD.selfish62. Pick up that mess of dirty clothes and have them washed.A. clutterB.clusterC. clatterD. cloister63. His joke caused mirth in the audience.A. misunderstandingB. confusionughterD. reaction64.A person's miscellaneous expenses include stamps and haircuts.A. foodB.varied monorC. additionalD. annual65. With alittle care you coulci have avoided the mishap.A.accidentB. defeatC. misunderstandingD. riot66. He ushered me to my seat at once.A.guidedB. preservedC. adheredD. engaged67. In winter, many homeless vagabonds prefer to live in prisonather than to live in the open.A. childrenB.wandersC. criminalsD. unemployed workers68.Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sage.A.philosopherB.biographerC.geologistD.geographer69. A concert was given in the saloon of the ship.A. deck houseB. conference roomC.passenger cabinD. bar-room70. Typifcally, ocean reefs teem with fish.A. swarm withB. are slimy withC. are poisonous toD. are uninhabited byIII. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.A) alumnus swivel console raisin cogitate devolve efface verdant glint bikini71. The colleges all have well-kept _ lawns.72. One-piece swimming costumes are more fashionable than _ this year.73. To be a good manager, you must know how to _ responsibility downwards.74. The whole country had tried to _ the memory of the old dictatorship.75. She _ her chair round and stared out across the back lawn.76. He tried to _ her, but she kept saying it was all her own fault.77. For breakfast I have porridge made with water, to which I add _.78. The stream _ upon the moonlight.79. I was just _ upon the meaning of life.80. Several famous _ have agreed to help raise money for the school's restoration fund.B) siphon skid invoice pantomime elf malnutrition tarmac syrup consummate81. In fairy stories, _ are small magical beings who play tricks on people,82. She puts a piece of plastic tubing in her mouth and starts _ as form a huge metal drum.83. Three planes were standing on the _.84. The vegetable curry is served with rice and _.85. The car pulled up toofast and _ on the dusty shoulder of the road.86. _ is an amusing musical play, and is also used to mean mime.87. All the parts have been taken from stock but they need to be _ before shipping.88. Having agreed a price through the computer, the customers own machine can then automatically produce an invoice to _ the deal.89. She always has prune in _ for breakfast.90. Many thousands of refugees have already died from _.C) gore syllabus finale whereupon hooligan skulk tartan skimp ramp paragon91. All the dancers come on stage during the grand _.92. Which modern novels are on the _ this year?93. Many families must _ on their food and other necessities just to meet the monthly rent.94. _ is mainly associated with Scotland.95. The bullfighter was almost _ to death.96. I thought I saw someone in the bushes-perhaps we should call the police.97. _ had sprayed paint all over the car.98. To get to the cinema foyer, you have to push the wheelchair up the _.99. The author seems to view the British system as a _ of democracy.100.I told her she looked fat, _ she threw the entire contents of a saucepan at me and burst into tears.参考答案:I. 1~10 BADDB BDCAB 11~20 ABDBC ABADB21~30 BAABB BADDDII. 31~40 ACACC CABAB 41~50 ADBDC ABCAD51~60 CBCDA DCDCC 61~70 DACBA ABADAIII. 71.verdant 72.bikinis 73.devolve 74 . efface 75 . swivelled76.console 77.raisins 78.glinted 79.cogitating 80.alumni81.elves 82.siphoning 83.tarmac 84.lentils 85.skidded86 . Pantomime 87 . invoiced 88.consummate 89.syrup 90 . mulnutrition91.finale 92.syllabus 93.skimp 94.Tartan 95. gored96. skulking 97. Hooligans 98. ramp 99. paragon 100. whereupon。
8下 Unit5词汇训练试题答案

8下Unit5词汇训练试题答案一、1.advertisement 2.happiness 3.collection 4.improvemet 5.development 6.kindness 7.ugliness anization9.donation 10.sadness cation 12.sickness 13. Agreement 14.gladness 15.richness二、 1.further cation 3.pocket 4.international ed 6.left 7.drink 8.worried 9.read 10.has collected11.sickness 12.sadness anization 14.advertisement 15.collecting collection 16.celibration 17. presentation 18.donations 19.flying cation 21.selling 22.healthy 23.to do 24.travelling 25.having 26.knowledge 27.happiness 28.meaningful 29.invention 30.was set 31.affects 32.to save 33.falling 34.to become grows 35.medical 36.research panies 38.voluntary 39.play 40.agreement 41.improve 42.decided 43.kind kindness 44.illness 45.busy business 46.to buy ing 48. read 49.do 50.eating 51.finish 52.grateful53.worried anization 55.proud 56.drinking 57.running 58.get 59.working 60.unusual三、ed to ed to ed to 4.is used to 5.Are used to ed to 7.is used to ed to 9.are used toed to 11.am used to ed to 13.am used to ed to is used to 15.are used to used to ed to17.is used to ed to 19.is used to ed to四、1.so 2.so 3.so 4.such 5.so 6.such 7.so 8.such 9.so 10.such8下Unit5 重点句型练习答案:1.你年龄够大,该学学礼仪了。

I. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best complete the sentence:101. It is _ of the young senator to challenge the leadership so soon.A. presumptuousB. jubilantC.quizzicalD. ultrasonic102. We mustn't get impatient; if we _ our time the chance will come.A. bideB. joltC. jutD. bode103. To assess future needs the Department simply _ past demand trends.A. whoopedB. wiggledC. extraditedD.extrapolated104. She was putting lumps of sugar into her tea with a pair of silver _.A. tongsB. toadsC. titsD.tonsillitis105. John was admitted to the sixth grade on _.A. progenyB. probityC. proD. probation106. _ are clever tricks'that people use to persuade other people to do something.A. QuipsB. WilesC. BingesD. Flicks107. She loves me and I _ her affection.A. rebuffB. rebutC. reciprocateD.recapitulate108. The invalid was _ lazily on the couch.A.recliningB. recoilingC. recoupingD. recounting109. A _ person is one whom you trust, but who harms you secretly.A. profuseB.blandC. forcibleD. treacherous110. She made shorthand notes which she later _.A. inscribeB. describeC. prescribeD. transcribe111. The rider _ his horse to make it go faster.A. lashB. extolC. fulminateD. hiss112. _ are gifts of money, clothes, food, etc. to poor people.A.HypnosesB. QuidC. QuinesD.Alms113. Two months later a _ calling itself the "New Opposition" issued a circular to all member.A. screenplayB. retributionC.contraceptionD. faction114. If you _ to something, you mention it in a very indirect way.A. alightB. alludeC. allureD. allot115. The artistic _ Smards devoted his life to the completion of a great masterpiece.A. inmateB. kinsmanC. hypocriteD. zealot116. When the river Nile overflows, it leaves _ on the surrounding fields.A. sedimentB. exodusC. blobD. primrose117. We received the _ indicating the amount of money.A. quailB. qualmC. quietusD. quittance118. Next month there will be the ceremony of _ the new chancellor.A. misconductB. prescienceC.presidencyD. induction119. _ is a science in which control system in electronic and mechanical devices are studied and compared to biological systems.A. SatansB. TenetsC. CyberneticsD. Witchcraft120. The theatre had semicircular _ of seats.A. poutsB. tiersC. cobsD.cobbles121. By now John was _ with indignation and we gathered round trying to pacify him.A.pouncingB. convulsingC. harkingD. seething122. Nails _ from the board and had to be removed for safety.A. procuredB. coercedC. protrudedD. cohered123. She knew that her efforts to _ cheerfulness weren't convincing.A.fermentB. fendC. festerD. feint124. An _ is a bed covering, placed on top of sheets and blankets, that is filled with small soft feathers or warm material,A. alkaliB. eiderdownC. algaD. electrode125. If you are _ to something, you feel strongly that you are not willing to do it or that you don't like it.A.averseB.avidC. awesomeD. azure126. At the top of the steps was a _ of Shakespeare on a pedestal.A.buttB.bunkC. buttockD. bust127.The social workers tried to _ the juvenile delinquents.A. quarantineB. muddleC. rehabilitateD.indent128. To _ fact, figures, etc., is to write them in columns.A.allayB. tabulateC. foistD. trespass129. In ancient times, a _ was forced to work on his lord's land, almost as a slave.A.rectorB.serfC. marksmanD.gal130. He gave me an _ either Mary have to leave, or me.A. ulcerB. ultimatumC. underdogD. underworldII. Each sentence has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the ONE word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part:131.The manager juggled his figures to make it seem that the company was prosperous.A. played tricks withB. played fast and loose withC. played a double game with D .played into the hands of132. The children became boisterous when their mother left the room.A. quietB.wildC. well-behavedD. sad133. The mathematician was working at the zenith of her power.A. middleB. nadirC. highest pointD. beginning134. My wife didn't accede with what vou suggested to us.A.agree toB. believe inC. listen toD. argue about135. He received world-wide acclaim for landing on the moon.A. successB. awardC.praiseD. complaint136. He was acquitted of his role in the disturbance.A. absolvedB.accusedC. criticizedD. punished137. He bought a bonnet for his girl friend yesterday.A.walletB. handbagC. hatD. necklace138. Parks are a great boon to people in big cities.A.bloomingB. blessingC. DressingD. bleaching139. The prisoner made a breach in the wall and escaped.A. markB. holdC. crackD. blockage140.The United Nations was asked to mediate the break between the two governments.A. driftB. riftC. shiftD. lift141. Carcasses of animals lay rotten among the trees.A. ThousandsB. Dead bodiesC. FleshD. Bones142. The chilcl was caressed by his mother with her hand.A. hitB. embracedC. fondledD. slapped143. After heavy rain the water formed many cascades down the hill.A.rapidsB. ditchesC.brooksD. rivers144. Cavities in teeth are caused by decay.A. DiseasesB. DirtsC.HolesD. Rots145. The students exulted at the last day of school.A. rejoicedB.left sadC. were freeD. shouted146. The speaker is going to tell us his fabulous adventures on the moon.A. sad-endingB. romanticC.amazingD. dangerous147. The counterfeit bills were a good facsimile of the real ones.A. FactorialB. ReproductionC. identificationD.similarity148. Since he is shy about asking in public, his voice always falters a littleat the beginning of his speeches.A.fallsB. stammersC. failsD. changes149. Freedom of the press is a farce under a dictatorship.A. a principleB. an impossible taskC.an imaginationD. a mockery150. Sandy thought she was fat, so she went on a crash diet.A.obeseB. obesenessC. greasyD. obesity151. There is concern about whether the budget will be ready for the new fiscal year.A. previousB. schoolC. calendarD.financial152. The golden age of whale fishery is over.A. eatingB.catchingC. sellingD. storage153. People said those guesses were probably correct.A. contradictionsB.allusionsC. conjecturesD. suggestions154. A gush of water came out when the pump started.A. dripB.treamC. bucketD. pool155. This place is a habitat for pit vipers.A. habitB. homeC. foodD. candle156.The enemy soldiers wereon the hither side of the river.A. thisB. the otherC. bothD. neither157. The miser kept a hoard of coins at a secret cabin.A.collectionB.handfulC. boxD. pocketful158. Nelson s voice was so hoarse that he could hardly speak.A.huskyB. raptC.sleekD.chaste159. The driver hobbled around on crutches for a month after the accident.A. walked lamelyB. walked steadilyC. walked blindlyD. walked warily 160. All of us mocked at his craving for fame and profit.A. were againstB. honoredC. jeered atD. interfered with 161. There was a sing on the gate which read: " Do not molest the dog. "A. feedB. disturbC. frightenD. touch162. I'11 have to walk through the moor to find the missing child.A. wastelandB.grasslandC. barren landD. farm land163. Sally was mortified by her date's unprecedented behaviour.A. eradicatedB. overjoyedC.humiliatedD. challenged164. The boy built a castle on a mound of sand.A. pileB.basketC.ditchD.load165. The boys always munch popcorn while they watch the movie.A. crackB.chewC. swallowD. drink166. In former days, poets often called the sky " the vault of heaven ".A. arched roofB. topC. borderD. limit167. I have a vehement hatred of people who are cruel to animals.A. mildB. fierceC. personalD. deep-rooted168. The court judged him sane and responsible for his acts.A. sound-mindedB. guiltyC. fanaticD. negligent169. In the chocolate factory we work under very sanitary conditions.A. strictB. hygienicC. favorableD. strenuous170. The fox hid in the thicket where the dogs could not reach it.A. forestB. caveC. crackD.bushIII.Fill in the blanks with the words given below Change the forms where necessary.A) subsist infantry terminology slagcontort rapacious elopebilateral dexterous moor171. With one _ movement, he flicked the omelet over in the pan.172. According to a recent study, at least 2000 people _ by picking through the city's garbage. 173. I find scientific _ hard to understand.174. His face had _ with bitterness and age.175. _ soldiers looted the house in the defeated city.176. We _ the boat to a large tree root.177. When two people_ they go away secretly together to get married.178. The huge heapes _ warned us that we were approaching a mining area.179. The _ are being sent into the battle zone.180. French and Germany have signed a(n) _ agreement to help prevent drug smuggling.B) grapple mandarin firmament artery renounce morale subjective hoot slake jade181. Your _ are the tubes in your body that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body.182. She is one of the rising stars in the political _ .183. In the sentence "I wish I were rich", the verb " were" is in the _.184. The policeman was _ with two men.185. She _ her horn at the dog in the road.186.She speaks _ Chinese.187. After our long game of tennis , we _ our thirst with a beer.188. _ is a hard stone, usually green in color, that is used for making jewelry and ornaments.189. A couple of victories would boost the team's _ enormously.190. Gandhi _ the use of violence.C) contour indelible paraphrase wean marine rescind substantiate slew tether morass191. The _ of the car has beenchanged, making the new model less boxlike.192. We have evidence to _ allegation that corruption took place.193. The car hit a patch of ice and _ around violently.194. We keep the goat on a(n) _ when it is grazing.195. In his 20 years working for the company, he made a(n) _ maek on it.196. The farmer's tractor had turned the lane into a(n) _ of mud which was difficult towalk through.197. Trade Union leaders have damanded the government _ the price rise.198. The docklandwere derelict for many years before they were converted into a(n)_.199. A _ of something written or spoken is the same thing expressed in a different way.200. She started to _ her baby when it was about six months.参考答案:I. 101~110 AADAD BCADD 111~120 ADDBD ADDCB121~130 DCDBA DCBBBII. 131~140 ABCAC ACBCB 141~150 BCACA CBBDA 151~160 DBCBB AAAAC 161~170 BACAB ABABD III. 171. dexterous 172. subsist 173. terminology 174. contorted 175. Rapacious 176. moored177. elope 178. slag 179. infantry180. bilateral 181. arteries 182. firmament183. subjunctive 184.grappling 185. hooted186. Mandarin 187. slaked 188. Jade189. morale 190. renounced 191. contour192. substantiate 193. slewed 194. tether195. indelible 196. morass 197. rescind198. marina 199. paraphrase 200. wean。

英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)By朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone声明因朱晓慧教授编著、王逢鑫教授审定,北京大学出版社出版的《英语专业八级阅读与词汇》一书已绝版近5年,而10000索取此书附录《英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(100题)》的读者甚多,本人制作了此书附录自测题的电子版,供广大读者使用。

外国语学院英语专业八级词汇竞赛试题1.He has a ______ in his back.A. croonB. crookC. crinkleD. crouch2. As the case of Amitar Ray and his family exemplifies, professional immigrants are among the most rapidly ______ ----first because of their occupational success and second because of the absence of strong ethnic networks that reinforce the culture of origin.A. assimilatedB. consumedC. accustomedD. fascinated3. While researchers may not _____ the expansive claims of hard-core vitamin enthusiasts, evidence suggests that the nutrients play a much more complex role in assuring vitality and optimal health than was previously thought.A. authorizeB. licenseC. counteractD. endorse4. I wouldn’t say your stomach was big, and it is just slightly _____.A. convexB. crabbyC. crateD. crappy5. The operation on _____ is very successful, and his eyesight will soon get right again.A. browB. kidneyC. eyelashD. cornea6. Her laughter is _______!A. contagiousB. corroborateC. congenialD. consonant7. He kept his _______ in the crisis.A. propertyB. composureC. constellationD. connoisseur8. The patient has been in a _____ for a week and doesn’t seem to have any hope of recovery.A. dormancyB. hibernationC. comaD. sleep9. The motor boat _______ the water up as it passed.A. churnedB. aroseC. fillipedD. triggered10. He cleaned out ______ of coal from the stove.A. dustB. cindersC. lampblackD. feculence11. Their _______ greetings did not seem heartfelt.A. commensurateB. commentaryC. ceremoniousD. ataraxy12. Washing machines take advantage of ________ to dry the clothes.A. centrifugationB. gravitationC. spinD. circumrotation13. Her long hair fell over her shoulders in a _____ of curls.A. celesteB. creekC. cascadeD. circle14. She was always ______ at her husband.A. captivatedB. crabbedC. demagogicD. carping15. Without my glasses I _____ into the wrong room.A. blunderedB. bustledC. burrowedD. burlesque16. Is he a bass or a ______?A. violoncellistB. conductorC. baritoneD. composer17. Yesterday’s ______ killed a party of skiers and destroyed several trees.A. earthquakeB. avalancheC. wrackD. tsunami18. Modern war needs _____ operations and attack.A. amphibiousB. amphibianC. amorphousD. amorous19. Heat often ______ pain.A. aggravatesB. alleviatesC. dilutesD. distills20. The event acted as a _____ for the war.A. buoyB. fuseC. signalD. catalyst21. The kind of ______ cream is very good.A . moisturizedB moisturizingC moistureD . moisturize22. The ____ of details made most of the audience lose their interest in the report.A. maze B swamp C morass D. pitfall23. Many animals display ____instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless.A. cerebralB. imperiousC.rueful D. maternal24. While she had the fever, she _____for hours.A .raved B. sniggered C. tittered D. perforated25. The meeting took on a different ____after his moving speech.A. presageB. postureC. travestyD. trauma26. If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will ____you.A. scaleB. scaldC. shunD. shunt27. The guests, having eaten until they were____, now listened inattentively to the speakers.A. contraceptiveB. satiatedC. gripedD. trespassed28. We saw the canoe____, throwing its passengers into the water.A. prostrateB. overturnC. simulateD. brag29. The orphanage is just one of her____ causes.A. phoneticB. philanthropicC. prevalentD. lunatic30. After a period of probation a_____ becomes a nun.A. sopranoB. hippie C novice D. monsieur31. The_____ warned the sleeping troops that the enemy was creeping near.A. pickpocketB. pickupC. pikeD. picket32. The poor man’s clothes were so ____that they couldn’t be repaired any more.A. oozedB. mockedC. moppedD.ragged33. The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of____.A. vagabonded.B. sabotageC. paradoxD. tachyon34. The actor amused the audience by ____some well-known people.A. embroideringB. riggingC. mimickingD. yelping35. Government loan have been the ____of several shaky business companies.A. tornadoB. salvationC. delinquencyD. momentum36. He has been drinking alcohol so heavily that his death severely affected and got his ____ alcoholically.A. quittanceB. qualmC. quailD. quietus37. That journalist has a ______ writing style; he criticizes everyone he writes about.A. sardonicB. cynical C satirical D mocking38. The air was ______ with the perfume of the flowers.A. saturatedB. filledC. soakedD. loaded39. His _____ strength was a counterpoise to the disease.A. robustB. sturdyC. powerfulD. strong40. The soldiers had to ____ when they were beaten in battle.A. fallB. withdraw C retire D retreat41. It's the third time that he changed his mind; he's so_________!A. fictitiousB. ferociousC. fickleD. fragile42. He is the special guest on a _________ occasion.A. galaB. gauntC. galacticD. gloom43. “Was the boss angry?”“Yes, he was really_________”A. gailyB. fumingC. funkyD. furtive44. A _________of wind upset the small boat.A. floppyB. fluidC. flurryD. flush45. This act is a _________violation of human rights.A. flagrantB. flaccidC. fragrantD. flair46. The engineer _________ his designing ideas to the board of directors.A. spokeB. expoundedC. extrapolatedD. exploited47. He was _________ to the position of a general manager of the company.A. exhortedB. exertedC. exhaledD. exalted48. She was _________of her sister’s new fashionable dress.A. enviableB. enviousC. admiredD. admiring49. _________ in his book he forgot the time.A. OccupiedB. EngulfedC. EngrossedD. Endorsed50. Church _________ has remained unchanged for many years.A. dregsB. dogmaC. dosageD. dogwatch51. He and I _________from each other in choosing a suitable candidate.A. dissembledB. dissectedC. dissentedD. disseminated52. My secretary is very _________, and she never tells anyone unconcerned anything about the company business.A. discreetB. discreditedC. distressedD. disconcerted53. Do you always _________ to your parents’ wishes?A. defyB. deferC. defileD. deflate54. That man is quite a _________, and he always wears expensive new clothes.A. daintyB. daggerC. dandyD. sloven55. A sick person is likely to be ________about his food.A. futileB. fuzzyC. fussyD. fulsome56. The candidate _________ at the reporter’s question.A. flaredB. flashedC. flamedD. blazed57. The hunter had to _________ death when he suddenly found out that a bear was coming toward him.A. feudB. fazeC. festerD. feign58. You should spend your money carefully and avoid _________.A. extravaganceB. luxuryC. grandeurD. splendor59. He had been five years in _________.A. ejectB. exileC. evictD. banish60. This sum of money is _________ for our research.A. elatedB. earmarkedC. elicitedD. eluded61. The_____ is used by astrologers to help calculate the influence of the planets on people’s lives.A. zephyrB. zodiacC. zymeD. zest62. The scents of the flowers were _____ to us by the breeze.A. interceptedB. detestedC. saturatedD. wafted63. The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of____.A. vagabondB. sabotageC. paradoxD. tachyon64. I assure you there was no____ motive in my suggestion.A. ulteriorB. stationaryC. vulgarD. toxic65. The hunter kept the lion’s skin and head as____.A. trophiesB. filletC. tulipD. clown66. Despite his wealth and position, he has an _____ personality.A. uncouthB. unprecedentedC. underminingD. unassuming67. The island is maintained as a_____ for endangered species.A. wetlandsB. sanctuaryC. mire D .heath68. At weekends the beach is crowded with noisy _____.A. trippersB. trappingsC. tranquilD. transmutation69. The guests, having eaten until they were____, now listened inattentively to the speakers.A. contraceptedB. gripedC. satiatedD. trespassed70. If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will ____you.A. scaleB. shunC. scaldD. shunt71. Is there no escape from the _____ cigarette smoke in restaurants?A. undercoverB. ubiquitousC. lenientD. stoical72. While she had the fever, she _____for hours.A .raved B. sniggered C. tittered D. perforated73. The mice _____when the cat came.A. rambledB. lingeredC. scamperedD. sauntered74. On August 18th the president announced a general _____for political exiles.A. adoB. yogaC. quartetD. amnesty75. His desk is a _____.A. shambleB. shamblesC. squanderD. squadron76. That reactionary theory has long been a vile______.A. yogaB. tetherC. suffrageD. stench77. Vines are ______ over the fences.A. trappedB. slinkC. snootyD. straggling78. If you _____ something, such as food or drink, you reduce its quality or make it weaker, for example by adding water to it.A. adulterateB. moorC. vaccinateD. sue79. The meeting took on a different ____after his moving speech.A. presageB. postureC. travestyD. trauma80. Their business was war, murder, and_____ .A. unisonB. undertakingC. pillageD. truce81. He attempted to frighten us with the idea that global warming is notactually happening but is instead a _______ staged by a shadowy network of overzealous environmentalists.A. coaxB. hoaxC. hawkD. mimic82. Manufacturers are rubbing their hands with _________ as they prepare to cash in.A. glumB. grimC. gleeD. glower83. He urged his supporters to continue their demonstrations, but asked that they not _________ people from going to work or school, or destroy property.A. impeachB. impedeC. impartD. impair84. Modern medical search results have proved that some diseases are present by ________.A. heredityB. heresyC. heterodoxD. hegemony85. The ________ pressure of modern life grows to be extremely unbearable to him.A. insolentB. inquisitiveC. indubitableD. insidious86. To compound its low status in the medical _______, travel medicine has to rely on statistics that are patchy at best.A. hierarchyB. rankC. listD. catalogue87. The fretfulness of some parents, and the speed with which they ________ the parenting skills of others, dominated the debate on Wednesday night.A. benignB. malevolentC. malignD. align88. He supplements his ________ income by working on Saturdays.A. copiousB. meagerC. sterileD. scant89. He has been dedicated to the protection of the _________ cultures that exist in Libya.A. ingeniousB. indigenousC. ingenuousD. genuine90. The couple leads a ________ life that will never be made into a major motion picture.A. pedestrianB. intriguingC. animatedD. humdrum91. Rosie Perez wins most of the cheers when playing a no-talent Latino singer who _______ her English and does awful versions of old show tunes.A. minglesB. wrigglesC. manglesD. dingles92. For the safest and most ________-free online shopping experience, it's best to stick with merchants you know and trust.A. harassmentB. vexationC. agitationD. hassle93. Thompson, who has been criticized for a _________ style of campaigning, at his desk, sleeves rolled up and busy at work.A. languishB. languidC. anguishD. lavish94. The tension illustrates the broader dilemma the U.S. faces in deciding how to deal with such sovereign funds: It relies on their capital inflows to bolster the U.S. economy, but some officials worry that foreign ownership of key U.S. companies could ________ national security.A. jeopardizeB. shieldC. intimidateD. venture95. The UN threatened to _________ economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.A. revokeB. provokeC. invokeD. evoke96. It was reported that undercover agents had ________ the crime ring and eventually busted their gambling racket.A. saturateB. filterC. permeateD. infiltrate97, While the Democratic front-runners have equivocated, New Mexico Gov.Bill Richardson, who signed legislation allowing illegal immigrants to be licensed four years ago, was _______ about his reasons.A. tangibleB. distinctC. lucidD. equivocal98. They operated a drug-smuggling business under the _______ of an employment agency.A. disguiseB. guiseC. poiseD. wizard99. The dentist's lecture on the merits of flossing got only a ________ response.A. lukewarmB. apatheticC. genialD. glacial 100. Mbeki has said he is making progress in attempts to ________ between Mugabe's party and its main opposition.A. meditateB. mendicantC. mitigateD. mediate Keys:1-5 BACAD 6-10 ABCAB 11-16 CACDA 17-20 CBABD21-25 BCDAB 26-30 BBBBC 31-35 DDBCB 36-40 DAAAD41-45 CABCA 46-50 BDBCB 51-55 CABCC 56-60 ADABB61-65 BDBAA 66-70 DBACC 71-75 BACDB 76-80 DDABC81-85 BCBAD 86-90 ACBBD 91-95 CDBAC 96-100 DCBAD。

1. The _______ of the old building was a significant event in the town's history.A. demolitionB. renovationC. inaugurationD. relocation2. The scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for his _______ in the field of physics.A. contributionB. distributionC. consumptionD. deduction3. The _______ of the company's profits has been a matter of concern for the shareholders.A. fluctuationB. fluctuateC. fluctuantD. fluctuateness4. The _______ of the new policy was met with mixed reactions from the public.A. implementationB. implicationC. implicationalD. implicature5. The _______ of the ancient ruins provided valuableinsights into the past civilization.A. excavationB. evaporationC. exclamationD. exaltation二、词汇用法题请根据句子的语境,选择最合适的词汇用法。
1. The _______ of the new technology has revolutionized the way we communicate.A. adventB. avertC. divertD. revert2. The _______ of the old factory site has been a contentious issue among the local community.A. developmentB. developmentalityC. developmentalD. developmentalist3. The _______ of the patient's condition was a relief to the medical team.A. stabilizationB. stabilizationalC. stabilizeD. stabilizer4. The _______ of the suspect's alibi was crucial to the outcome of the trial.A. corroborationB. corroborationalC. corroborativeD. corroborator5. The _______ of the company's financial records was a complex task for the auditors.A. examinationB. examinationalC. examinativeD. examinatory三、词汇同义词题请从下列选项中选择与题目中词汇意义最接近的同义词。

自测题第一套I. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best complete the sentence:1. The _ is used by astrologers to help calculate the influence of the planets on people’s lives.A. zephyrB.zodiacC.zymeD.zest2. It’s a _ timetable. Sometime lessons happen, sometimes they don’t.A. haphazardB.odiousC.haughtyD.handicapped3. No men was allowed to _ on the livelihood of his neighbour.A. wadeB.invokeC.muffleD.infringe4. The poor man’s clothes were so _ that they couldn’t be repaired any more.A. oozedB.raggedC.moppedD.mocked5. The scents of the flowers was _ to us by the breeze.A. interceptedB.detestedC.saturatedD.wafted6. The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of _.A.vagabonedB.sabotageC.paradoxD.tachyon12英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)By朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone7.The actor amused the audience by_some well-known people.A.embroideringB.riggingC.yelpingD.mimicking8.The speaker_us with tales of exotic lands and buried treasure.A.detourB.offsetC.tantalizedhered9.I assure you there was no_motive in my suggestion.A.ulteriorB.stationaryC.vulgarD.toxicernment loan have been the_of several shaky business companies.A.tornadoB.salvationC.delinquencyD.momentum11.The hunter kept the lion’s skin and head as_.A.trophiesB.filletC.tulipD.clown12.We saw the canoe_,throwing its passengers into the water.A.prostrateB.overturnC.simulateD.brag13.He has been drinking alcohol so heavily that his death severely affected and got his_alcoholically.A.quittanceB.qualmC.quailD.quietus14.The orphanage is just one of he r_causes.A.phoneticB.philanthropicC.prevalentD.lunatic15.After a period of probation a_becomes a nun.A.sopranoB.hippie C novice D.monsieur16.Despite his wealth and position,he has an_personality.A.unassumingB.unprecedentedC.underminingD.uncouth17.The island is maintained as a_for endangered species.A.wetlandsB.sanctuaryC.mireD.heath18.If you_something,such as food or drink,you reduce its quality or make it weaker, for example by adding water to it.A.adulterateB.moorC.vaccinateD.sue19.A_is a grill on which meat,fish,and other foods are cooled over hot charcoal, usually out of doors.A.duetB.fagC.tonicD.barbecue20.The_warned the sleeping troops that the enemy was creeping near.A.pickpocketB.picketC.pikeD.pickup21.When you are suffering from_you have red spots on your skin and you feel as if you have a cold,A.apathyB.measlesC.impotenceD.schizophrenia22.Their business was war,murder,_and rape.A.pillageB.auditC.bonanzaD.nectar23.He was brought before the_for trial.A.tribunalB.isleC.granaryD.observatory24.The guests,having eaten until they were_,now listened inattentively to the speakers.A.contraceptedB.satiatedC.gripedD.trespassed25.If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will_you.A.scaleB.scaldC.shunD.shunt26.The meeting took on a different_after his moving speech.3英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)By朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown ShenstoneA.presageB.postureC.travestyD.trauma27.While she had the fever,she_for hours.A.ravedB.sniggeredC.titteredD.perforated28.The mice_when the cat came.A.rambledB.lingeredC.saunteredD.scampered29.Many animals display_instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless.A.cerebralB.imperiousC.ruefulD.maternal30.On August18th the president announced a general_for political exiles.A.adoB.yogaC.quartetD.amnestyII.Each sentence has a xsrord or phrase underlined.There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence.Choose the ONE word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part:31.She lived on the yonder side of the valley.A.fartherB.nearerC.eitherD.left32.Theolddouple lived in abject poverty.A.honestB.inancialpleteD.noblerry was so absorbed in his novel that she forgot about his dinner cooking in the oven.A.engrossedB.enlivenedC.obligedD.excelled34.His grandfather used to be an admiral.A.a toperB.a generalC.atop naval officerD.a colonel35.She distributed gifts in a bountiful and gracious manner.A.modestB.stingyC.generousD.sparing36.I have just had a long bout of house cleaning.A.hourB.brushC.periodD.fight37.The girls braided their hair with flowers.A.plaitedbedC.ecoratedD.dressed38.They got in quite a brawl.A.snitB.fightC.ballyD.littering39.Her brazen contempt for authority angered the officials.A.insolentB.innocentC.insomuchD.isolated40.After the storm the lake returned to its usual calm state.A.flaccidB.placidC.lucidD.acid41.Charles was in no positionto make a judicious decision.A.wiseB.courageC.restedplete42.This wood is too wet to kindle.A.chopB.carveC.dryD.burn43.The politician promised to be candid,but we wondered.A.sweetB.open and frankC.casualD.discreet44.The lambs capered about in the meadow.A.stumbledB.ranC.dancedD.skipped45.Therewas a caption underneath the photograph.A.signatureB.graphC.titleD.design4英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)By朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone46.She is the most faultless person in the group.A.impeccableB.impartibleC.imminentD.impellent47.The waiter fawned on the rich customers in hopes of a large tip.A.ignoredB.sought favor fromC.sought help fromD.smiled at48.Not wishing to attend thedance,Marie feigned illness.A.infectedB.solicitedC.disguisedD.enacted49.He is one of the young lady's fervent admirers.A.ardentB.firstC.youngD.unseen50.Huey Long's denunciations of the federal government were often inspired by the fervor of his listeners.A.sizeB.curiosityC.cheerfulnessD.zeal51.Fidelity is a quality of character that is admired by most people.A.GenerosityB.ChastityC.FaithfulnessD.Wisdom52.The police will make every effort to capture the fiend who murdered the children.A.foolish personB.wicked personC.hot-headed personD.suspected person53.We found a hamlet in the deep forest with only six families.A.an empty spaceB.a cottageC.a small villageD.a tribe54.The rising prices are harassing the manufacturers and the consumers.A.to the benefit ofB.causing contradictionsC.stimulatingD.worrying55.He is always harping on lack of opportunity.A.talking tiresomely aboutB.talking rapidly aboutC.talking loudly aboutD.talking widely about56.Because the details of the project were rather hazy,we decided to reject the proposal.A.dubiousB.unobtainableC.lucrativeD.vague57.If Mr.Jones had known that she were a criminal,he would never have aided or helped her in any way.A.curtailedB.repelledC.abetted.D.surfeited58.In front of the house is a small lake hemmed in by thick leafy trees.A.viewedB.blockedC.lined up withD.surrounded59.He refused to see anyone and remained a hermit all his life.A.hereticB.fugitiveC.recluseD.veteran60.She wants to hitch her trailer to your car.A.wreckB.hatchC.connectD.thatch61.Does he love his wealthy mother or only pretend fo mercenary reasons?A.personalB.unexplainedC.instinctD.selfish62.Pick up that mess of dirty clothes and have them washed.A.clutterB.clusterC.clatterD.cloister63.His joke caused mirth in the audience.A.misunderstandingB.confusionughterD.reaction64.A person's miscellaneous expenses include stamps and haircuts.A.foodB.varied monorC.additionalD.annual65.With alittle care you coulci have avoided the mishap.5英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)By朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown ShenstoneA.accidentB.defeatC.misunderstandingD.riot66.He ushered me to my seat at once.A.guidedB.preservedC.adheredD.engaged67.In winter,many homeless vagabonds prefer to live in prisonather than to live in the open.A.childrenB.wandersC.criminalsD.unemployed workers68.Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sage.A.philosopherB.biographerC.geologistD.geographer69.A concert was given in the saloon of the ship.A.deck houseB.conference roomC.passenger cabinD.bar-room70.Typifcally,ocean reefs teem with fish.A.swarm withB.are slimy withC.are poisonous toD.are uninhabited by III.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.A)alumnus swivel console raisin cogitate devolve efface verdant glint bikini71.The colleges all have well-kept_lawns.72.One-piece swimming costumes are more fashionable than_this year.73.To be a good manager,you must know how to_responsibility downwards.74.The whole country had tried to_the memory of the old dictatorship.75.She_her chair round and stared out across the back lawn.76.He tried to_her,but she kept saying it was all her own fault.77.For breakfast I have porridge made with water,to which I add_.78.The stream_upon the moonlight.79.I was just_upon the meaning of life.80.Several famous_have agreed to help raise money for the school's restoration fund.B)siphon skid invoice pantomime elf malnutrition tarmac syrup consummate81.In fairy stories,_are small magical beings who play tricks on people,82.She puts a piece of plastic tubing in her mouth and starts_as form a huge metal drum.83.Three planes were standing on the_.84.The vegetable curry is served with rice and_.85.The car pulled up toofast and_on the dusty shoulder of the road.86._is an amusing musical play,and is also used to mean mime.87.All the parts have been taken from stock but they need to be_before shipping.88.Having agreed a price through the computer,the customers own machine can then automatically produce an invoice to_the deal.89.She always has prune in_for breakfast.90.Many thousands of refugees have already died from_.C)gore syllabus finale whereupon hooligan skulk tartan skimp ramp6英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000题)By朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone paragon91.All the dancers come on stage during the grand_.92.Which modern novels are on the_this year?93.Many families must_on their food and other necessities just to meet the monthly rent.94._is mainly associated with Scotland.95.The bullfighter was almost_to death.96.I thought I saw someone in the bushes-perhaps we should call the police.97._had sprayed paint all over the car.98.To get to the cinema foyer,you have to push the wheelchair up the_.99.The author seems to view the British system as a_of democracy.100.I told her she looked fat,_she threw the entire contents of a saucepan at me and burst into tears.参考答案:I.1~10BADDB BDCAB11~20ABDBC ABADB21~30BAABB BADDDII.31~40ACACC CABAB41~50ADBDC ABCAD51~60CBCDA DCDCC61~70DACBA ABADAIII.71.verdant72.bikinis73.devolve74.efface75.swivelled76.console77.raisins78.glinted79.cogitating80.alumni81.elves82.siphoning83.tarmac84.lentils85.skidded86.Pantomime87.invoiced88.consummate89.syrup90.mulnutrition91.finale92.syllabus93.skimp94.Tartan95.gored96.skulking97.Hooligans98.ramp99.paragon100.whereupon。

专八词汇竞赛试题与答案外国语学院 2008 级英语专业八级词汇竞赛试题1. He has a ______ in his back.A. croonB. crookC. crinkleD. crouch2.As the case of Amitar Ray and his family exemplifies, professional immigrants areamong the most rapidly ______ ----first because of their occupational success and second because of the absence of strong ethnic networks that reinforce the culture of origin.A. assimilatedB. consumedC. accustomedD. fascinated3.While researchers may not _____ the expansive claims of hard-core vitaminenthusiasts, evidence suggests that the nutrients play a much more complex role in assuring vitality and optimal health than was previously thought.A. authorizeB. licenseC. counteractD. endorse4.I wouldn’tsay your stomach was big, and it is just slightly_____. A. convex B. crabby C. crate D. crappy5. The operation on _____ is very successful, and his eyesight will soon get right again.A. browB. kidneyC. eyelashD. cornea6. Her laughter is _______!A. contagiousB. corroborateC. congenialD. consonant7. He kept his _______ in the crisis.8.The patient has been in a _____ for a week and doesn’tseem to have any hope of recovery.A. dormancyB. hibernationC. comaD. sleep9.The motor boat _______ the water up as it passed.10.He cleaned out ______ of coal from the stove.A. dustB. cindersC. lampblackD. feculence11.Their _______ greetings did not seem heartfelt.A. commensurateB. commentaryC. ceremoniousD. ataraxy12.Washing machines take advantage of ________ to dry the clothes. A.centrifugation B. gravitation C. spin D. circumrotation13.Her long hair fell over her shoulders in a _____ of curls.14. She was always ______ at her husband.15.Without my glasses I _____ into the wrong room.A. blunderedB. bustledC. burrowedD. burlesque16.Is he a bass or a ______?17.Yesterday’s ______ killed a party of skiers and destroyed severaltrees. A. earthquake B. avalanche C. wrack D. tsunami18.Modern war needs _____ operations and attack.A. amphibiousB. amphibianC. amorphousD. amorous 19.Heat often ______ pain.20.The event acted as a _____ for the war.A. buoyB. fuseC. signalD. catalyst21. The kind of ______ cream is very good.A . moisturizedB moisturizingC moistureD . moisturize22. The ____ of details made most of the audience lose their interest in the report.A. maze B swamp C morass D. pitfall23.Many animals display ____instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless.A. cerebralB. imperiousC. ruefulD. maternal24. While she had the fever, she _____for hours.A .raved B. sniggered C. tittered D. perforated25. The meeting took on a different ____after his moving speech.A. presageB. postureC. travestyD. trauma26. If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will ____you.A. scaleB. scaldC. shunD. shunt27. The guests, having eaten until they were____, now listened inattentively to the speakers.A. contraceptiveB. satiatedC. gripedD. trespassed28. We saw the canoe____, throwing its passengers into the water. A. prostrateB. overturnC. simulateD. brag29. The orphanage is just one of her____ causes.A. phoneticB. philanthropicC. prevalentD. lunatic30. After a period of probation a_____ becomes a nun.A. sopranoB. hippieC noviceD. monsieur31. The_____ warned the sleeping troops that the enemy was creeping near. A. pickpocketB. pickupC. pikeD. picket32. The poor man ’ s clothes were sothat they couldn ’ t be repaired anymore. A. oozedB. mockedC. moppedD. ragged33. The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of____.A. vagabonded.B. sabotageC. paradoxD. tachyon34. The actor amused the audience by ____some well-known people. A. embroideringB. riggingC. mimickingD. yelping35. Government loan have been the ____of several shaky business companies.A. tornadoB. salvationC. delinquencyD. momentum36. He has been drinking alcohol so heavily that his death severely affected and got his ____ alcoholically.A. quittanceB. qualmC. quailD. quietus37. That journalist has a ______ writing style; he criticizes everyone he writes about. A. sardonicB. cynicalC satiricalD mocking38. The air was ______ with the perfume of the flowers. A. saturatedB. filledC. soakedD. loaded39. His _____ strength was a counterpoise to the disease.A. robustB. sturdyC. powerfulD. strong40. The soldiers had to ____ when they were beaten in battle.A. fallB. withdraw C retire D retreat41. It's the third time that he changed his mind; he's so_________!A. fictitiousB. ferociousC. fickleD. fragile42. He is the special guest on a _________ occasion.A. galaB. gauntC. galacticD. gloom43. “Was the boss angry?”“Yes, he was really ”A. gailyB. fumingC. funkyD. furtive44. A _________of wind upset the small boat.A. floppyB. fluidC. flurryD. flush45. This act is a _________violation of human rights.A. flagrantB. flaccidC. fragrantD. flair46. The engineer _________ his designing ideas to the board of directors.A. spokeB. expoundedC. extrapolatedD. exploited47. He was _________ to the position of a general manager of the company.A. exhortedB. exertedC. exhaledD. exalted48. She was _________of her sister’ new fashionable dress.A. enviableB. enviousC. admiredD. admiring49. _________ in his book he forgot the time.A. OccupiedB. EngulfedC. EngrossedD. Endorsed50. Church _________ has remained unchanged for many years.A. dregsB. dogmaC. dosageD. dogwatch51. He and I _________from each other in choosing a suitable candidate.A. dissembledB. dissectedC. dissentedD. disseminated52.My secretary is very _________, and she never tells anyone unconcerned anything about the company business.A. discreetB. discreditedC. distressedD. disconcerted53. Do you always _________ to your parents’wishes?A. defyB. deferC. defileD. deflate54. That man is quite a _________, and he always wears expensive new clothes.A. daintyB. daggerC. dandyD. sloven55. A sick person is likely to be ________about his food.A. futileB. fuzzyC. fussyD. fulsome56. The candidate _________at the reporter’ s question.A. flaredB. flashedC. flamedD. blazed57. The hunter had to _________ death when he suddenly found out that a bear was coming toward him.A. feudB. fazeC. festerD. feign58. You should spend your money carefully and avoid _________.A. extravaganceB. luxuryC. grandeurD. splendor59. He had been five years in _________.A. ejectB. exileC. evictD. banish60. This sum of money is _________ for our research.A. elatedB. earmarkedC. elicitedD. eluded61.The_____ is used by astrologers to help calculate the influence of the planetson people ’ s lives.62. The scents of the flowers were _____ to us by the breeze.63.The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of____.A. vagabondB. sabotageC. paradoxD. tachyon64. I assure you there was no____ motive in my suggestion.A. ulteriorB. stationaryC. vulgarD. toxic65. The hunter kept thelion ’ s skin a nd head as____.A. trophiesB. filletC. tulipD. clown66. Despite his wealth and position, he has an _____ personality.A. uncouthB. unprecedentedC. underminingD. unassuming67. The island is maintained as a_____ for endangered species.A. wetlandsB. sanctuaryC. mire D .heath68. At weekends the beach is crowded with noisy _____.A. trippersB. trappingsC. tranquilD. transmutation69.The guests, having eaten until they were____, now listened inattentively to the speakers.A. contraceptedB. gripedC. satiatedD. trespassed70. If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will ____you.A. scaleB. shunC. scaldD. shunt71. Is there no escape from the _____ cigarette smoke in restaurants?A. undercoverB. ubiquitousC. lenientD. stoical72. While she had the fever, she _____for hours.A .raved B. sniggered C. tittered D. perforated73. The mice _____when the cat came.A. rambledB. lingeredC. scamperedD. sauntered74. On August 18th the president announced a general _____for political exiles.A. adoB. yogaC. quartetD. amnesty75. His desk is a _____.A. shambleB. shamblesC. squanderD. squadron76. That reactionary theory has long been a vile______.A. yogaB. tetherC. suffrageD. stench77. Vines are ______ over the fences.A. trappedB. slinkC. snootyD. straggling78.If you _____ something, such as food or drink, you reduce its quality or makeit weaker, for example by adding water to it.A. adulterateB. moorC. vaccinateD. sue79. The meeting took on a different ____after his moving speech.A. presageB. postureC. travestyD. trauma80. Their business was war, murder, and_____ .A. unisonB. undertakingC. pillageD. truce81. He attempted to frighten us with the idea that global warming is not actuallyhappening but is instead a _______ staged by a shadowy network of overzealous environmentalists.A. coaxB. hoaxC. hawkD. mimic82. Manufacturers are rubbing their hands with _________ as they prepare to cash in.A. glumB. grimC. gleeD. glower83.He urged his supporters to continue their demonstrations, but asked that they not _________ people from going to work or school, or destroy property.A. impeachB. impedeC. impartD. impair84.Modern medical search results have proved that some diseases are present by________.A. heredityB. heresyC. heterodoxD. hegemony85. The ________ pressure of modern life grows to be extremely unbearable to him.A. insolentB. inquisitiveC. indubitableD. insidious86.To compound its low status in the medical _______, travel medicine has to rely on statistics that are patchy at best.A. hierarchyB. rankC. listD. catalogue87.The fretfulness of some parents, and the speed with which they ________ the parenting skills of others, dominated the debate on Wednesday night.A. benignB. malevolentC. malignD. align88. He supplements his ________ income by working on Saturdays.A. copiousB. meagerC. sterileD. scant89.He has been dedicated to the protection of the _________ cultures that exist in Libya.A. ingeniousB. indigenousC. ingenuousD. genuine90.The couple leads a ________ life that will never be made into a major motion picture.A. pedestrianC. animatedD. humdrum91.Rosie Perez wins most of the cheers when playing a no-talent Latino singer who_______ her English and does awful versions of old show tunes.A. minglesB. wrigglesC. manglesD. dingles92.For the safest and most ________-free online shopping experience, it's best to stick with merchants you know and trust.A. harassmentB. vexationC. agitationD. hassle93.Thompson, who has been criticized for a _________ style of campaigning, at his desk, sleeves rolled up and busy at work.A. languishB. languidC. anguishD. lavish94.The tension illustrates the broader dilemma the U.S. faces in deciding how todeal with such sovereign funds: It relies on their capital inflows to bolster the U.S. economy, but some officials worry that foreign ownership of key U.S. companies could ________ national security.A. jeopardizeB. shieldD. venture95. The UN threatened to _________ economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.A. revokeB. provokeC. invokeD. evoke96.It was reported that undercover agents had ________ the crime ring andeventually busted their gambling racket.A. saturateB. filterC. permeateD. infiltrate97, While the Democratic front-runners have equivocated, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who signed legislation allowing illegal immigrants to be licensed four years ago, was _______ about his reasons.A. tangibleB. distinctC. lucidD. equivocal98.They operated a drug-smuggling business under the _______ of an employment agency.A. disguiseB. guiseC. poiseD. wizard99. The dentist's lecture on the merits of flossing got only a________ response.A. lukewarmB. apatheticC. genialD. glacial100.Mbeki has said he is making progress in attempts to ________ between Mugabe's party and its main opposition.A. meditateB. mendicantC. mitigateD. mediateKeys:1-5 BACAD 6-10 ABCAB 11-16 CACDA 17-20 CBABD 21-25 BCDAB 26-30 BBBBC 31-35 DDBCB 36-40 DAAAD 41-45 CABCA 46-50 BDBCB 51-55 CABCC 56-60 ADABB 61-65 BDBAA 66-70 DBACC 71-75 BACDB 76-80 DDABC 81-85 BCBAD 86-90 ACBBD 91-95 CDBAC 96-100 DCBAD母亲的眼神是那么的慈爱,自打儿女呱呱坠地起,那一抹温柔的眼眸,就有如一道无形的细线,系在儿女的身上,儿女走到哪里,母亲的牵挂就延伸到哪里。

精心整理英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000 题)By 朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone- 2 -918. If you _ , you suddenly shout something, for example because you are verysurprised.A. betokenB. chideC. assayD. ejaculate919. She trimmed the _ of the tulips before putting them in a vase.A. sprigB. spruceC. stakesD. stalks920. The previous week she'd brought home a greasy-haired biker with _ all over hisarms.A. tattoosB. taboosC. teaksD. tenets921. My bike has had two _ in the last 3 weeks.A. pureesB. puncturesC. pumasD. pundits922.We put a _ between ; " short " and " sighted " to make the word " short—sighted ",which describes a person who cannot see things that are far away.A. goodyB. hyphenC. cocoonD. domino923. _ between police forces and the art world is vital to combat art crime.A. ObituaryB. HeadwayC. LiaisonD. Hunk924. Using tanks and heavy _ , they seized the town.A. artilleryB. artificeC. arteryD. artisan925. The troops _ the city, killing and injuring hundreds. A. adverted B. bombarded C. sprinted D. interlocked926. The characters in his early novels are a lot subtler than the overblown in his morerecent work.A. interscienceB. havocC.matrixD. caricatures927. "Senior citizen" is a(n) _ for " old person " .A. mythologyB. onsetC. euphemismD. pal928. She decided to accept his offer of marriage after he _ her for months withflowers and expensive presents.A. wrungB. wriggledC. wontedD. wooed929. A flock of birds was already _ a cheerful morning chorus.A. overwor ingB. overstatingC. warblingD. imprecating 930. Most of India's coffee exports are restricted by an export _ fixed under the rulesof the International Coffee Agreement.A. censusB. statureC. arkD. quotaII. Each sentence has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrasesbeneath each sentence. Choose the ONE word or phrase which would best keep themeaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part:931. The boss smiled his assent to my request.A. objectionB. disapprovalC. refusalD. compliance932. He sells his things by auction.A. a private saleB. a winter saleC. a summer saleD. a public sale933. A microphone made her voice audible to the crowd. A. understandable B. perceptible C. indiscernible D. indispensable934. Florida is famous for its warm water as well as its azure skies.A. grayB. blueC. angryD. inept英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000 题)By 朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone- 3 -935. The baby babbled happily.A. laughedB. murmuredC. climbedD. sang936. School boys usually have badges on their caps.A. albumsB. lemonsC. calciumD. emblems937. He baited his sister unmercifully.A. botheredB. slappedC. toleratedD. touched938. The rusty hinges creaked when the door opened.A. rangB. fell apartC. squeakedD. lessened939. John had no alternative but to run away from his creditor.A. money enderB. tutorC. customerD. boss940. Equal rights regardless of sex, race, or creed are guaranteed by the constitution.A. religious beliefB. general beliefC. fanatic beliefD. ancient belief941. A1l the cribs are full, so you don't have to put any fodder in.A. stablesB. shedsC. mangersD. barns942. The picture on the wall is a bit crooked.A. damagedB. spoiledC. awryD. funny943. When he accidentally stepped on its tail, the little dogcried out in pain.A. gulpedB. flippedC. yelpedD. purred944. It is no longer fashionable to put cuffs on the bottom trousers.A. colored stripesB. turned-up foldsC. flowery designsD. buttons945. It is always dangerous to practice the cult of personality.A. dangerB. characterC. worshipD. humanity946. Even as a child Thomas Edison had a very curious mind; at the age of three heperformed his first experiment.A. intricateB. indignantC. incidentalD. inquisitive947. Bus service will have to be curtailed because of the transit strike.A. lengthenedB. stoppedC. changedD. reduced948. The last czar of Russia was Nicholas, who was forced from power in 1917.A. queenB. princeC. throneD. emperor949. The basement smelled damp after being closed for such a long time.A. dankB. stinkC. blankD. junk950. The boys sat on the edge of the pool and dangled theirbare feet in the water.A. hungB. stretchedC. dippedD. kept951. Freckles of paint spattered on the floor.A. SpotsB. BucketsC. BottlesD. Lots952. In Africa many fugitive slaves were killed by wild animals in the jungle.A. fleeingB. wageC. blackD. wandering953. He fumbled about in his pockets for the ticket.A. searchedB. insertedC. tookD. looked for954. All their efforts to solve the problem proved futile .A. unnecessaryB. undesirableC. uselessD. worthless 955. The horse went off at fast gait down the road.A. paceB. runC. hopD. drive956." Look before you leap " is a time-honored maxim.英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000 题)By 朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone- 4 -A. sayingB. theoryC. statementD. supposition957. I was lost in the maze of narrow streets.A. routeB. labyrinthC. wayD. middle958. The meal he served was rather meager.A. scantyB. dullC. dingyD. lifeless959. Their landlady likes to meddle in her tenants affairs. A. stick her nose B. stick her mouth C. stick her feet D. stick her finger960. She spoke with a clear mellow voice.A. resoluteB. sternC. softD. subdued961. The thieves ransacked the room trying to find jewels. A. looted B. probed into C. raided D. thoroughly searched 962. I heard a rap on the door, but when I opened the door there was nobody there.A. heavy bangB. heavy blowC.quick, light knockD. light rattle963. The children's wagon rattled noisily down the hill.A. rolledB. droveC. chatteredD. clattered964. There will be a short recess before the next game starts.A. discussionB. breakC. interviewD. interruption965. She held the reins tightly in order to keep the horse steady.A. bridleB. brideC. bribeD. bristle966. The salesman always had a smooth answer when a customer asked him aquestion.A. glibB. flatC. blandD. sleek967. The smoke has almost smothered me.A. weakenedB. flooredC. knockedD. suffocated968. With vegetation so sparse, the animals have to cover great distances in theirsearch for food.A. rangedB. denseC. widespreadD. thin969. It's a sunny day and not a speck of cloud is to be seen.A. floatingB. markC. layerD. smallest bit970. Helen will play in the finals of the tennis tournament.A. gameB. contestC. courtD. displayIII.Fill in the blanks with the words given below Change the forms where necessary.A) troupe austere dreg sect newsreel chant bulwark scoop payoffpatio971. I had a(n) _ childhood because it was during the war and there were no luxuriesthen.972. People tend to regard drug addicts as the _ of society. 973. I _ out the flesh of the melon with a spoon, and fill the centre with fruit salad.974. It has been alleged that the minister received a secret _ from an arms dealer.975. In the summer Jim and I have breakfast out on the _. 976. When he was 16 he ran away from home and joined a religious _.977. When she was 18 she joined a dance _ and travelled all over Europe.978. The movie contains some recently discovered _ footage of the war.英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000 题)By 朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone- 5 -979. There was a group of demonstrators _ anti-government slogans in the square.980. My savings were to be a(n) _ against unemployment. B) fib secrete paroxysm muslin reverberate scrawl obsess paroleincarnation truism981. She was out, so I _ a note to her and put it under the door.982. I can tel he's _ because he's smiling!983. Saliva is a liquid _ by glands in or near the mouth. 984. Whilst this might sound like a(n) _ , it is nevertheless a crucial problem toaddress.985. She stopped drinking but began _ about her weight. 986. He has applied for _ after serving 7 years of a 23-year sentence.987. She is a perfect _ of glamour.988. A 19th-century painting of a girl in a(n) _ dress hung on the wall.989. The narrow street _ with the sound of the workmen's drills.990. She went into _ of delight when she heard that she had won first prize.C) dynamo nicotine vista oasis fray eulogy scud nipple seasoninggarland991. Members of the royal family rarely enter the political _. 992. A(n) _ on a bicycle will power a pair of lights while the wheels are going round.993. The song was a(n) _ to the jogs of travelling.994. It was a windy day, and small white clouds were _ acrossthe blue sky.995. She wore a(n) _ of white roses on her head for her wedding.996. The city is a(n) _ of peace and sanity amid the chaos of the rest of the country.997. _ marks stained his chin and fingers.998. Babies suck milk from their mother's breasts through their mothers' _.999. Taste the soup and adjust the_ , adding more salt or pepper as desired.1000. After a hard climb, we were rewarded by a picture-postcard _ of rolling hillsunder a deep blue summer sky.参考答案:I. 901~910 BCBDD ACBDA 911~920 BDDBA DBDDA 921~930 BBCAB DCDCDII. 931~940 DDBBB DACAA 941~950 CCCBC DDDAA 951~960 AAACA ABAAC 961~970 DCDBA ADDDBIII. 971. austere 972. dregs 973. scoop 974. payoff975. patio 976. sect 977. troupe 978. newsreel979. chanting 980. bulwark 981. scrawled 982. fibbing 983. secreted 984. truism 985. obsessing 986. parole987. incarnation 988. Muslin 989. reverberated 990. Paroxysm991. Fray 992. dynamo 993. eulogy 994.scudding995. garland 996. oasis 997. Nicotine998. nipples 999. seasoning 1000. vista。

专八词汇练习题(打印版)一、词汇选择1. The professor's lecture was so ________ that it was difficult to follow.A. coherentB. incoherentC. coherentlyD. incoherently2. The company's new policy has been met with ________ from its employees.A. skepticismB. skepticismsC. skepticalD. skeptically3. The ________ of the evidence suggests that the suspect is not guilty.A. circumstantialB. circumstantiallyC. circumstantialnessD. circumstantially4. The ________ of the novel lies in its intricate plot and well-developed characters.A. appealB. appealingC. appealedD. appealingly5. The ________ of the old building was a result of years of neglect.A. deteriorateB. deteriorationC. deterioratedD. deteriorating6. The ________ of the company's financial records was a clear violation of the law.A. falsificationB. falsificationsC. falsifiedD. falsify7. The ________ of the forest was a significant loss to the local ecosystem.A. depleteB. depletionC. depletedD. depleting8. The ________ of the old bridge was a cause for concern among the community.A. instabilityB. instabilityC. instableD. instabilities二、填空题1. Despite the ________ of his illness, he managed to finish the race.(A. severity / B. severity)2. The ________ of the situation required immediate action.(A. urgency / B. emergent)3. The ________ of the old factory has been a topic of debate among the city council.(A. demolition / B. demotion)4. The ________ of the novel was praised for its vivid descriptions and compelling narrative.(A. execution / B. performance)5. The ________ of the company's profits was attributed to the new marketing strategy.(A. surge / B. surges)6. The ________ of the ancient city has been a subject of fascination for historians.(A. ruins / B. remnants)7. The ________ of the river has been a source of concern due to pollution.(A. contamination / B. contaminations)8. The ________ of the new policy has been met with mixed reactions from the public.(A. implementation / B. implement)三、同义词替换1. The ________ of the project was delayed due to bad weather. (original: commencement)2. The ________ of the evidence led to the suspect's arrest.(original: examination)3. The ________ of the company's profits was a cause for celebration.(original: increase)4. The ________ of the old building was a significant eventin the community.(original: demolition)5. The ________ of the forest was a result of illegal logging. (original: destruction)6. The ________ of the new policy was met with skepticismfrom the public.(original: introduction)7. The ________ of the river has been a topic of concern for environmentalists.(original: pollution)8. The ________ of the old bridge was a cause for concern among the community.(original: collapse)注:请在完成练习后,自行核对答案并复习相关词汇。

专八词汇练习I. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best complete the sentence:1. The_ is used by astrologers to help calculate the influence of the planets on people’s lives.A. zephyrB.zodiacC.zymeD.zest2. It’s a_ timetable. Sometime lessons happen, sometimes they don’t.A. haphazardB.odiousC.haughtyD.handicapped3. No men was allowed to_ on the livelihood of his neighbour.A. wadeB.invokeC.muffleD.infringe4. The poor man’s clothes were so_ that they couldn’t be repaired any more.A. oozedB.raggedC.moppedD.mocked5. The scents of the flowers was_ to us by the breeze.A. interceptedB.detestedC.saturatedD.wafted6. The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it was a case of_.A.vagabonedB.sabotageC.paradoxD.tachyon7. The actor amused the audience by_ some well-known people.A. embroideringB.riggingC.yelpingD.mimicking8. The speaker_ us with tales of exotic lands and buried treasure.A. detourB.offsetC.tantalizedD. ushered9. I assure you there was no_ motive in my suggestion.A. ulteriorB.stationaryC. vulgarD. toxic10. Government loan have been the_ of several shaky business companies.A. tornadoB.salvationC.delinquencyD. momentum11. The hunter kept the lion’s skin and head as_.A. trophiesB. filletC. tulipD. clown12. We saw the canoe_, throwing its passengers into the water.A. prostrateB. overturnC. simulateD. brag13. He has been drinking alcohol so heavily that his death severely affected and got his_ alcoholically.A. quittanceB. qualmC. quailD. quietus14. The orphanage is just one of her_ causes.A. phoneticB. philanthropicC. prevalentD. lunatic15. After a period of probation a_ becomes a nun.A. sopranoB. hippie C novice D. monsieur16. Despite his wealth and position, he has an_ personality.A. unassumingB. unprecedentedC. underminingD. uncouth17. The island is maintained as a_ for endangered species.A. wetlandsB. sanctuaryC. mire D .heath18. If you_ something, such as food or drink, you reduce its quality or make it weaker, for example by adding water to it.A. adulterateB. moorC. vaccinateD. sue19. A_ is a grill on which meat, fish, and other foods are cooled over hot charcoal, usually out of doors.A. duetB. fagC. tonicD. barbecue20. The_ warned the sleeping troops that the enemy was creeping near.A. pickpocketB. picketC. pikeD. pickup21. When you are suffering from_ you have red spots on your skin and you feel as if you have a cold,A. apathyB. measlesC. impotenceD. schizophrenia22. Their business was war, murder, _ and rape.A. pillageB. auditC. bonanzaD. nectar23. He was brought before the_ for trial.A. tribunalB. isleC. granaryD. observatory24. The guests, having eaten until they were_, now listened inattentively to the speakers.A. contraceptedB. satiatedC. gripedD. trespassed25. If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will_ you.A. scaleB. scaldC. shunD. shunt26. The meeting took on a different_ after his moving speech.A. presageB. postureC. travestyD. trauma27. While she had the fever, she_ for hours.A .raved B. sniggered C. tittered D. perforated28. The mice_ when the cat came.A. rambledB. lingeredC. saunteredD. scampered29. Many animals display_ instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless.A. cerebralB. imperiousC. ruefulD. maternal30. On August 18th the president announced a general_ for political exiles.A. adoB. yogaC. quartetD. amnestykeys:1—5 BADBD 6—10 BDCAB 11—15 ABDBC 16—20 ABADB 21—25 BAABB 26—30 BADDD。
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自测题第五套I.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence:401._is something made of wool and cotton and usually has two or more colours. A.Jean B.Tweed C.Shawl D.Flax402.To trap animals a hunter fixes a_,usually made of cord,across the path they are likely to take.A.lotusB.lotionC.snarlD.snare403.Someone's_is a person who helps them to commit a crime or to do something wrong.A.coronerB.accompliceC.felonD.claimant404._is a cluster of tiny plants that looks like moss and grows on rocks,trees,malls, etc.A.CloverB.CedarC.LichenD.Leech405.A_is the main part of the body of a boat or tank.A.tuskB.hullC.roosterD.duct406.We ran when the bull began to_.A.dribbleB.engenderC.fizzD.snort407.The_drove the ship on the rock.A.drizzleB.tempestC.hazeieu408.Once you've_to the heat you won't feel so tired.A.enragedB.acclimatizedC.forebodedD.gargled409.If the sun_something,especially the ground or plants,it makes it completely dry.A.impendsB.liltsC.parchesD.traduces410.After wavshing them in soapy water,_the clothes thoroughly.A.leerB.harrowC.maculateD.rinse411.We'll need to have a new electric_fitted into the wall for the teievision plug. A.schooner B.socket C.rudder D.cartridge412.Leaves turned to shimming silver as_played through them.A.solosB.zephyrsC.hurricanesD.galaxies413.Much of what he said was beyond her comprehension but she understood the_ of his remarks.A.tacB.tactC.tannerD.tenor414.A_is a very ba.d snow storm with strong winds..A.blizzardB.blissC.blisterD.bazaar415._is a red powder which people,especially women and actors,put on their cheeks in order to give them more color.A.PipB.RumC.YogurtD.Rouge416.The coronation of the new king was performed with great_.A.pompB.pumpC.plumpD.plumb417.During his_in Africa the missionary learned much about native customs.A.sojournB.irisC.perilD.rapture418.He received the ball from the'right near the penalty spot,then_it wide of the goal.A.assayedB.exterminatedC.jabbedD.jeered419.Insurance_losses were heavy last year due to a number of natural disasters.A.unravelingB.underwritmgC.understatingD.unassuming 420.This Bob Dylan_includes some'rare recordings of his best songs.A.anthologyB.anthemC.anthropologyD.antidote421.The president of this company is just a_—the chief Executive has day-to-day control.A.hindB.playboyC.figureheadD.backdrop422.Silver_easily and turns black if not polished regularly.A.snookersB.stewsC.dousesD.tarnishes423.The men who amved in the_of drug dealers-were actually undercover police officers.A.smearB.rimeC.copD.guise. 424.Three men were feared dead last night after a helicopter_off course into an oil platform and ditched into the North Sea.A.blandishedB.falsifiedC.instigatedD.veered425.We looked down to the river_we'd climbed,and nobody complained of the effort as I had anticipated.A.whereofB.whereonC.whenceD.wherefore 426.The ship_at Sydney and we spent a day-touring the city.A.berthedB.amassedC.dissuadedD.poached427.The machine allows segments of the film to be viewed'repeatedly and at a number of speeds,so the'editor can cut and_the film.A.ambleB.tinkerC.splideD.adulate428.I sell_tickets for several charities every year.A.raftB.ramC.rangerD.raffle429.The tape recording_to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.A.purportsB.quashesC.tinkiesD.boggles 430.The further under_your golf score gets,the better you're playing.A.apexB.arkC.spaD.ParII.Each sentence has a word or phrase underlined.There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence.Choose the ONE word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part:431.They are near akin to us.A.closely relatedB.hostileC.friendlyD.separated 432.Do not alight from a moving train.A.set upB.get offC.get aboutD.get on433.She looked very alluring in her black evening dress.A.boringB.repellingC.abhoringD.Tempting 434.For ten years the Greeks besieged the city of Troy.A.capturedB.occupiedC.destroyedD.surrounded 435.As the fire spread,smoke billowed out of the building.A.surgedB.keptC.shutD.flew436.The main roads in this city are lined with towering birches.A.shopsB.skyscrapersC.tall treesD.high buildings 437.He buffed the coin untl it shone.A.polishedB.choppedC.knockedD.swung438.There is a bulge at the end of this rent.A.poleB.swellingC.holeD.crack439.Jim is eager to see his old school chums at the class reunion.A.teachersB.playmatesC.childhood friendsD.intimate friends440.The ship's propeller churned the waves to foam.A.propelledB.brokeC.batteredD.stirred up 441.The man was clad in a black suit and a derby hat.A.carryingB.buyingC.wearingD.looking for 442.The audience clamored for the show to begin.A.called outB.called upC.called awayD.called forth 443.The draperies he bought for his new sitting room are from Iran.A.chairsB.paintingsC.furnitureD.curtains 444.In the bee family,drones do not work.A.female honeybeesB.male honeybeesC.workersD.queens 445.The little boy had had a long day;he was feeling drowsy.zyB.sleepyC.exhaustedD.sad446.His wealth dwindled into nothingness.A.lostB.diminishedC.wastedD.finished 447.The Pacific coast is the region in the United States most prone to earthquakes. A.gales B.stor C.destruction D.tremors 448.The doctor gave him an injection to ease his pain.A.assuage:B.auditC.assessD.augment 449.Nowadays,the youngsters are averse to easy tasks.A.ferventB.fickleC.frivolousD.facile450.We used to play on the beach when the tide ebbed.A.cameB.flowed backC.vanishedD.flooded 451.It was difficult to see ships in the distance because of the fog.A.sweatB.hazeC.dewD.frost452.Although the Carbon14_method of dating old objects is not foolproof,it is the best method available at present.A.wholly operationalB.entirely serviceableC.fully reliablepletely safe 453.Miss Baker's response to your request seemed gratifying.A.shrewdB.threateningC.overwhelmingD.pleasing 454.Harry is gregarious by nature.A.unfriendlyB.stingyC.courtlyD.very friendly 455.There must be some grit in the machinery;it isn't running smoothly.A.rough bits of metalB.rough bits of wireC.rough bits of sandD.rough bits of cloth456.The criminal insinuated that he had been roughly treated by the arresting officer.A.suggested indirectlyB.denied positivelyC.argued convincinglyD.stated flatly457.The ill treatment towards the prisoners finally led to an insurrection.A.a riskB.a riteC.a riseD.a riot 458.Try to intercept the letter before it falls into the wrong hands.A.get overB.get aroundC.get hold ofD.get rid of 459.His involuntary sigh betrayed his feelings.A.automaticB.unbelievableC.unnecessaryD.unreasonable 460.The door won't latch properly.A.slamB.lockC.shutD.open461.The Miss Universe pageant will be held in Hong Kong this year.A.palaceB.exhibitionC.concertD.show462.He felt a pang at the thought of his missing child.A.thrustB.sharp painC.shiverD.shock463.Even after the government troops were defeated partisans continued to fight the invaders inA.citizensB.local peopleC.regular armiesD.guerrillas 464.He argued that these books had a pernicious effect on young minds.A.deepB.far-reachingC.indirectD.harmful. 465.His interest indicates that he must be a student of philology.nguageB.ethnicityC.paleontologyD.mammals 466.Wading across a stream,he got the shoes completely wet.A.Transacting.B.FordingC.MistingD.Bleaching 467.The Roman Empire rapidly waned in power in the5th century.A.acceleratedB.declinedC.speededD.rose468.Students will be admitted irrespective of sex,age and nationality.A.heightB.propertyC.political viewsD.gender 469.Everybody in our class likes her shining eyes.A.ludicrousB.lusciousC.licentiousD.lustrous 470.The news of the bank's failure was a thunderbolt.A.a great eventB.unexpectedC.a shockD.a misfortune III.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.A)volley disconcert stipend crucible bogus quack showdown rabies stint bigotry471.He went to see a_who said he could cure him wrth some kind of strange herbs. mentators believe there is no reason for the latest killings than a renewed wave of_and hatred.473.She produced some_documents io support her claim.474.He has just finished a_of compulsory military service.lions of dollars were spent on lawyers in a courtroom_between the two companies.476.Dogs,cats,foxes and bats can all carry_.477.Even as the funeral took place,guerrillas hidden nearby fired a fresh_of machine-gun fire.478.This theatre is the_comedy,where fame or failure is found.479.We were_to be told,"You can't be trusted."480.As deputy chairman of the company,he will receive an annual_of$220,000..B)sheen extant stodgy innate rugged indigenous heckle hunch pasta wobble481.They_him and interrupted his address wirh angry questions.ing this polish will restore the_to your furniture.483.Medieval customs are_in some parts of Europe.484.New ownership can often bring a fresh outlook to_companies.485.He manages to combine two strands of the British character which is a(n)_ conservatism with flashes of eccentricity.486.Jeeps are_vehicle,designed for rough conditions.487.The_medical traditions in the area make extenslve use of plants.488.He_his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter.489.Spaghetti,verrnicelli,ravioli are types of_.490.I narrowly missed a cyclist who_into my path.C)mime writhe cleavage stoke shit adultery parsley discourse erotic tyro491.She was responsible for the daily household chores,such as_the fire and making the beds,492.Don't do it that way!_,now you've broken_it!493.He was_something at me across the pub but I couldn't understand what he was trying to say.494.She is going to divorce him on the grounds of_.495.There is a marked_between the parties about the government's defence policy. 496.Civilized_between the two countries has become impossible.497.It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy,but it wasn't a(n)_experience at all.498.A(n)_is someone who has very little experience of something.499.Sprinkle a little_on the soup as garnish.500.The shark was_around wildly,trying to get_free.参考答案:I..401~410BDBCB DBBCD411~420BBDAD AACBA421~430CDDDC ACDADII.431~440ABDDA CABDB441~450CADBB BDADB451~460BCDDC ADCAB461~470DBDDA BBDDCIII.471.quack472.bigotry473.bogus474.stint475.showdown 476.rabies477.volley478.crucible479.disconcerted480.stipend 481.heckled482.sheen483.extant484.stodgy485.innate 486.rugged487.indigenous488.hunched489.pasta490.wobbled 491.stoking492.Shit493.miming494.adultery495.cleavage496.discourse 497.erotic498.tyro499.parsley500.writhing。