书虫和床头灯系列世界名著英语读物目录[新版] 书虫目录学科资料.英语 2009-12-09 11:09:41 阅读103 评论0 字号:大中小订阅书虫(1级上适合初1\初2年级共10册)1 爱情与金钱 Love or Money2 《苏格兰玛丽女王》《Mary Queen of Scots Tim Vicary 》中英对照3 在月亮下面 Under The Moon4 潘德尔的巫师 The Witches of Pendle5 歌剧院的幽灵 The Phantom of The Opera6 猴爪 The Monkey's Paw7 世界上最冷的地方 The Coldest Place on Earth8 阿拉丁和神灯 Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp9 《象人》《The Elephant Man》中英对照10 别了,好莱坞先生 Goodbye Mr Hollywood 书虫(共8册1级下适合初1初2年级)1小公主 A Little Princess2.邦蒂号暴动 Mutiny On The Bounty3.奥米茄文件 The Omega Files4.谁谋杀了总统 The President's Murderer5.福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子 Sherlock Holmes and The Duke's Son6.白色死亡 White Death7.绿野仙踪 The Wizard of Oz8.难忘米兰达 Remember Miranda9.福尔摩斯与赛马 Sherlock Holmes and The Sport of Kings书虫(2级上适合初2初3年级共8册)1.威廉?莎士比亚 William Shakespeare2.一个国王的爱情故事 The Love of a King3.亡灵鸟 Dedd Man's Island4.哈克贝利?费恩历险记 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn5.《鲁宾孙漂流记》《The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe》中英对照6.爱丽丝漫游奇境记 Alice's Adventure in Wonderland7.格林?盖布尔斯的安妮 Anne of Green Gables 8.五个孩子和沙精 Five Children and It书虫(共8册2级下适合初2初3年级)1.神秘女人—阿加莎?克里新蒂 Agatha Christie2.德拉库拉 Dracula3.亨利八世和他的六位妻子 Henry VIII and His Six Wives4.蕈尔格街凶杀案 The Murders in the Rue Margue5.坎特维尔幽灵 The Canterville Ghost6.五镇故事 Stories From The Five Towns7.法兰克福的耳环 Ear-Rings from Frankfurt 8.森林王子 The Jungle Book书虫(共8册3级上适合初3高1年级)1. 弗兰肯新坦 Frankenstein2.《野性的呼唤》《The Call of The Wild》中英对照3.秘密花园 The Secret Garden4.曾达的囚徒 The Prisoner of Zinda5.爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记 Through The Looking-Glass6.风语河岸柳 The Wind in the Willows7.神秘及幻想故事集 Tales of Mystery and Imagination8.铁路少年 The Railway Children9.三个陌生人 The Three Strangers and Other Stories书虫(3级下适合初3高1年级共8册)1. 《圣诞欢歌》《A Christmas Carol》中英对照2.多里安?格雷的画像 The Piciure of Dorian Gray3.勃朗特一家的故事 The Bionte Story4.牙齿和爪子 Tooth and Claw5.星际动物园 The Star Zoo6.《诱拐》《Kidnapped》中英对照7.公正 Justice8.化学秘密 Chemical Secret 9.劫机~ Skyjack书虫(第4级上适合初3学生共5册)1.《巴斯克维尔猎犬》《The Hound of The Baskervilles》中英对照2.不平静的坟墓 The Unquiet Grave3.三怪客泛舟记 Three Men in A Boat4.三十九级台阶 The Thirty-nine Steps5.小妇人 Little Women书虫(4级下适合高1高2年级共7册)1. 《织工马南》《Silas Marner》中英对照2.《化身博士》《Dr JEKYLL and Mr Hyde》中英对照3.《双城记》《A Tale of Two Cities》中英对照4.格列佛游记 Gulliver' Travels5.《金银岛》《Treasure Island》中英对照6.黑骏马 Black Beauty7.红字 The Scarlet Letter书虫(5级适合高2高3年级共5册)1. 《大卫?科波菲尔》《David Copperfield 》中英对照2.《远离尘嚣》《Far from the Modding Crowd》中英对照3.《远大前程》《Great Expectations 》中英对照4.《呼啸山庄》《Wuthering Heights》中英对照5.园会 The Garden Party and Other Stories书虫(6级适合高3大学低年级共5册)1.简?爱 Jane Eyre2.《雾都孤儿》《Oliver Twist》中英对照3.傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice4.《苔丝》《Tess》中英对照5.白衣女人 The Woman in White书虫(5级适合高2高3年级共5册)1. 《大卫?科波菲尔》《David Copperfield 》中英对照2.《远离尘嚣》《Far from the Modding Crowd》中英对照3.《远大前程》《Great Expectations 》中英对照4.《呼啸山庄》《Wuthering Heights》中英对照5.园会 The Garden Party and Other Stories书虫(6级适合高3大学低年级共5册)1.简?爱 Jane Eyre2.《雾都孤儿》《Oliver Twist》中英对照3.傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice4.《苔丝》《Tess》中英对照5.白衣女人 The Woman in White 5000词床头灯英语学习读本----中、英文对照系列:序号图书名称定价出版社是否出版订数 1 查泰莱夫人的情人 15.8 航空工业出版社已出版2 三个火枪手 17.8 航空工业出版社已出版3 歌剧魅影 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版4 高老头 14.8 航空工业出版社已出版5 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美国文学中英文名称对照美国文学中英文名称对照1、Benjamin Franklin本杰明?富兰克林1706-1790A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Money;Poor Richard's Almanack穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth致富之道;The Autobiography自传2、Thomas Paine托马斯?潘恩1737-1809The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;American Crisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:Downfall of Despotism 专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代3、Philip Freneau菲利普?弗伦诺1752-1832The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士——同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地4、Washington Irving华盛顿?欧文1783-1859A History of New York纽约的历史——美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;The Sketch Book见闻札记The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说——使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;Bracebridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄;Talks of Travellers旅客谈;The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉5、James Fenimore Cooper詹姆斯?费尼莫尔?库珀1789-1851The Spy间谍;The Pilot领航者;The Littlepage Manuscripts利特佩奇的手稿;Leatherstocking Tales皮裹腿故事集:The Pioneer拓荒者;The Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人;The Prairie大草原;The Pathfinder探路者;The Deerslayer杀鹿者6、William Cullen Bryant威廉?柯伦?布莱恩特1794-1878The Poems1821/1932诗选:To a Waterfowl致水鸟——英语中最完美的短诗;Thanatopsis死亡随想——受墓园派影响; The WhitefootedDeer白蹄鹿;A Forest Hymn森林赋;The Flood of Years似水流年7、Edgar Allan Poe埃德加?爱伦?坡1809-1849(以诗为诗;永为世人共赏的伟大抒情诗人——叶芝)Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque怪诞奇异故事集;Tales故事集;The Fall of the House of Usher厄舍古屋的倒塌;Ligeia莱琪儿;Annabel Lee安娜贝尔?李——歌特风格;首开近代侦探小说先河,又是法国象征主义运动的源头Tamerlane and Other Poems帖木儿和其他诗;Al Araaf,Tamerlane and Minor Poems艾尔?阿拉夫,帖木儿和其他诗;The Raven and Other Poems乌鸦及其他诗:The Raven乌鸦;The City in the Sea海城;Israfel 伊斯拉菲尔;To Hellen致海伦8、Ralf Waldo Emerson拉尔夫?沃尔多?爱默生1803-1882Essays散文集:Nature论自然——新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书;The American Scholar论美国学者;Divinity;The Oversoul论超灵;Self-reliance论自立;The Transcendentalist超验主义者;Representative Men代表人物;English Traits英国人的特征;School Address神学院演说Concord Hymn康考德颂;The Rhodo杜鹃花;The Humble Bee 野蜂;Days日子-首开自由诗之先河9.Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔?霍桑1804-1864Twice-told Tales尽人皆知的故事;Mosses from an Old Manse 古屋青苔:Young Goodman Brown年轻的古德曼?布朗;The Scarlet Letter红字;The House of the Seven Gables七个尖角阁的房子——心理罗曼史;The Blithedale Romance福谷传奇;The Marble Faun玉石雕像10、Henry David Threau亨利?大卫?梭罗1817-1862Wadden,or Life in the Woods华腾湖或林中生活;Resistance to Civil Government/Civil Disobedience抵制公民政府;A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers11、Walt Whitman沃尔特?惠特曼1819-1892Leaves of Grass 草叶集:Song of the Broad-Axe 阔斧之歌;I hear America Singing我听见美洲在歌唱;When Lilacs Lost in the Dooryard Bloom'd 小院丁香花开时;Democratic Vistas民主的前景;The Tramp and Strike Question流浪汉和罢工问题;Song of Myself自我之歌12、Herman Melville赫尔曼?梅尔维尔1819-1891Moby Dick/The White Whale莫比?迪克/白鲸;Typee泰比; Omoo奥穆; Mardi玛地; Redburn雷得本;White Jacket白外衣;Pierre皮尔埃;Piazza广场故事;Billy Budd比利?巴德13、Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利?沃兹沃思?朗费罗1807-1882The Song of Hiawatha 海华沙之歌——美国人写的第一部印第安人史诗;V oices of the Night夜吟;Ballads and Other Poens 民谣及其他诗;Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems布鲁茨的钟楼及其他诗;Tales of a Wayside Inn路边客栈的故事——诗集:An April Day 四月的一天/A Psalm of Life人生礼物/Paul Revere's Ride保罗?里维尔的夜奔;Evangeline伊凡吉琳;The Courtship of Miles Standish 迈尔斯?斯坦迪什的求婚——叙事长诗;Poems on Slavery奴役篇——反蓄奴组诗14、John Greenleaf Whittier约翰?格林里夫?惠蒂埃1807-1892Poems Written During the Progress of the Abolition Question废奴问题;V oice of Freedom自由之声;In War Time and Other Poems内战时期所作;Snow-Bound大雪封门;The Tent on the Beach and Other Poems海滩的帐篷;Ichabod艾卡博德;A Winter Idyl冬日田园诗15、Harriet Beecher Stowe哈丽特?比彻?斯托1811-1896Uncle Tom's Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋;A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp德雷德阴暗大沼地的故事片;The Minister's Wooing牧师的求婚;The Pearl of Orr's Island奥尔岛的珍珠;Oldtown Folks老城的人们16、Frederick Douglass弗莱德里克?道格拉斯1817-1895Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave弗莱德里克?道格拉斯,一个美国黑人的自述/My Bondage and My Freedom我的枷锁与我的自由/The life and Time of FrederickDouglass弗莱德里克?道格拉斯的生平与时代17、Emily Dickinson埃米莉?迪金森1830-1886The Poems of Emily Dichenson埃米莉?迪金森诗集——"Tell all the truth and tell it slant"迂回曲折的,玄学的18、Mark Twain马克?吐温(Samuel Longhorne Clemens)——美国文学的一大里程碑The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County加拉维拉县有名的跳蛙;The Innocent's Abroad傻瓜出国记;The Gilded Age镀金时代;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆?索耶历险记;The Prince and the Pauper王子与贫儿;The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利?费恩历险记;A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court亚瑟王宫中的美国佬;The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson傻瓜威尔逊;Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc冉?达克;The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg败坏哈德莱堡的人How to Tell a Story怎样讲故事——对美国早期幽默文学的总结19、Francis Bret Harte哈特1836-1902The Luck of Roaring Camp咆哮营的幸运儿——乡土文学作家20、William Dean Howells 威廉?狄恩?豪威尔斯1837-1920The Rise of Silas Lapham赛拉斯?拉帕姆的发迹;A Modern Instance现代婚姻; A Hazard of Now Fortunes时来运转;A Traveller from Altruia 从利他国来的旅客;Through the Eye of the Needle透过针眼——乌托邦小说;Criticism and Fiction;Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading 小说创作与小说阅读21、Henry Adams享利?亚当斯1838-1918History of the United States During the Administration of Jefferson and Madison(历史著作);The Education of Henry Adams:An Autobiography享利?亚当斯的教育22、William James威廉?詹姆斯1842-1910(首提"意识流"理论)Principles of Psychology 心理学原理;The Will to Believe信仰的意志;Pragmatism:A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking实用主义:某些旧思想方法的新名称;The Meaning of Truth真理的意义23、Henry James享利?詹姆斯1843-1916小说:Daisy Miller 苔瑟?米乐;The Portrait of a Lady贵妇人画像;The Bostonians波士顿人;The Real Thing and Other T ales真货色及其他故事;The Wings of the Dove鸽翼;The Ambassadors大使;The Golden Bowl金碗评论集:French Poets and Novelists法国诗人和小说家;Hawthorne霍桑;Partial Portraits 不完全的画像;Notes and Reviews札记与评论;Art of Fiction and Other Essays小说艺术24、Ambrose Bierce安布罗斯?毕尔斯1842-1914?小品集:The Fiend's Deligh魔鬼的乐趣;Nuggests and Dust Panned out in California在加利福尼亚淘出的金块和金粉;Cobwebs from an Empty Skull来自空脑壳的蜘蛛网短篇小说集:Tales of Soldiers and Civilians军民故事;In the Midst of Life在人生中间;Can Such Things Be?这种事情可能吗?The Devil's Dictionary魔鬼词典(The Applicant申请者)25、Edward Bellamy爱德华?贝拉米1850-1898Looking Backward:2000-1887回顾:从2000看1887年;Equality平等;The Duke of Sockbridge:A Romance of Shay's Rebellion斯托克布里奇的公爵:雪司起义的故事;The Blindman's World and Other Stories育人的世界及其他26、Edwin Charles Markham马卡姆1852-1940The Man With the Hoe荷锄人27、Charles Waddell Chesnutt查尔斯?契斯纳特1858-1932The Conjure Woman巫女;The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line他青年时代的妻子(The Sheriff's Children 警长的儿女)(the pioneer of the color line);The Marrow of Tradition一脉相承28、Hamlin Garland汉姆林?加兰1860-1940Crumbling Idol崩溃的偶像(真实主义veritism);Man Travelled Roads大路(TheReturn of a Private三等兵归来);Rose of Ducher's Cooly荷兰人山谷中的露斯;A Son of the Middle Border中部边地农家子29、O?Henry欧?享利(William Sidney Porter)1862-1910The Man Higher Up黄雀在后;Sixes and Sevens七上八下30、Edith Wharton伊迪斯?华顿1862-1937The House of Mirth欢乐之家;Ethan Frome;Bunner Sister班纳姐妹;The Age of Innocent天真时代;The Customs of the Country乡村习俗;A Backward Glance回首往事32、George Santayana桑塔亚那1863-1952Scepticism and Animal Faith怀疑主义与动物性信仰;The Realms Being存在诸领域(本质/物质/真理/精神领域:4卷)(Relativity of Knowledge);Three Philosphical Poets三大哲学诗人;Poems(A Minuet:On Reaching the Age of Fifty小步舞曲:五十书怀);The Last Puritan最后的清教徒33、William E?B Dubois威廉?艾伯?杜波依斯1868-1963Souls of Black Folk黑人的灵魂(Of Booker T Washington and Others);The Suppression of the African Slave Trade into the USA 制止非洲奴隶贸易进入美国;The Philadephia Negro;John Brown;The Black Flame黑色的火焰(三部曲)34、Edgar Lee Masters埃德加?李?马斯特斯1868-1950A Book of Verse诗集;Maximilian 马克西米连(诗集);Spoon River Anthology斯普恩河诗集(Lucinda Matlock鲁欣达?马物罗克)35、Edwin Arlington Robinson鲁宾逊1869-1935Captain Craig克雷格上尉——诗体小说;The T own Down the River河上的城镇;The Man Against the Sky衬托着天空的人;Avon's Harvest沃冯的收成;Collected Poems诗集36、Frank Norris弗兰克?诺里斯1870-1902Moran of the Lady Letty茱蒂夫人号上的莫兰(romantic);Mc-Teague麦克提格(naturalistic);The Epic of the Wheat(realistic)小麦诗史(TheOctopus章鱼,The Pit小麦交易所);A Deal in Wheat and Other Stories of the Old and New West小麦交易所及其他新老西部故事37、Stephen Crane斯蒂芬?克莱恩1871-1900Magic:A Girl of the Streets街头女郎梅姬(美国文学史上首次站在同情立场上描写受辱妇女的悲惨命运);The Red Badge of Courage红色英勇勋章;The Open Boat小划子;The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky新娘来到黄天镇38、Theodore Dreiser西奥多?德莱塞1871-1945Sister Carrie 嘉莉姐妹;Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘;Trilogy of Desire欲望三部曲(Financer金融家,The Titan巨人,The Stoic);An American Tragedy 美国的悲剧(被称为美国最伟大的小说);Nigger Jeff黑人杰弗39、Paul Laurence Dumbar保尔?劳伦斯?邓巴1872-1906We Wear the Mask我们带着面具他是美国第一个有成就的黑人诗人,被称为"黑种人的桂冠诗人"(Poet Laureate of the Negro Race)40、Jack London杰克?伦敦1876-1916The Son of the Wolf狼之子,The Call of the Wild野性的呼唤;The Sea-wolf海狼;White Fang 白獠牙;The People of the Abyss深渊中的人们;The Iron Heel铁蹄;Marti Eden马丁?伊登;How I become a Socialist我怎样成为社会党人;The War of the Classes阶级之间的战争;What Life Means to Me生命对我意味着什么;Revolution革命;Love of Life热爱生命;The Mexican墨西哥人;Under the Deck Awings在甲板的天蓬下41、Upton Sinclair厄普顿?辛克莱尔1878-1968Spring and Harvest春天与收获;The Jungle 屠场(揭发黑幕运动的代表作家);King Coal煤炭大王;Oil石油;Boston波士顿;Dragon's Teeth 龙齿42、Irving Babbitt欧文?白壁德1865-1933(新人文主义主要代表)Literature and the American College 文学与美国学院()要求恢复古典文学教学;The New Laokoon新拉奥孔;Rousseau and Romanticism卢梭与浪漫主义;Democracy andLeadership民主与领导;On being Creative论创造性43、Villa Sibert Cather维拉?凯塞1873-1947O,Pioneers啊,先驱们;My Antonia我的安东尼亚;The Professor's House教授之家;Death Comes for the Archibishop大主教之死44、Gertrude Stein格特鲁德?斯坦因1874-1946The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas爱丽丝?托克拉斯的自传;Tender Button温柔的钮扣45、Robert Frest罗伯特?弗罗斯特1874-1963A Boy's Wish少年心愿;North of Boston波士顿之北(Mending Wall修墙,After Apple-picking摘苹果之后);Mountain Interval山间(成熟阶段)(The Road Not taken没有选择的道路);West-running Brook西流的溪涧;A Further Range又一片牧场;A Witness Tree一株作证的树46、Sherwood Anderson舍伍德?安德森1876-1941Windy McPherson's Son饶舌的麦克斐逊的儿子;Marching Men前进中的人们;Mid-American Chants美国中部之歌;Winesburg,Ohio/The Book of the Grotesque俄亥俄州的温斯堡/畸人志;Poor White穷苦的白人;Many Marriages多种婚姻;Dark Laughter阴沉的笑声The Triumph of the Egg and Other Stories鸡蛋的胜利和其他故事;Death in the Woods and Other Stories林中之死及其他故事;I Want to Know Why我想知道为什么47、Carl Sandburg卡尔?桑德堡1878-1967Always the Young Stranger永远是陌生的年轻人s;In Reckless Ecstasy肆无忌惮的狂热;The Prairie Years草原的年代一、二;The War Years 战争的年代(林肯传记);The American Songbag美国歌袋;The People,Yes人民,好;Honey and Salt蜜与盐;Corn-huskers辗米机(Fog 雾);Smoke and Steel烟与钢48、Wallace Stevens华莱士?史蒂文斯1879-1955Harmonium 风琴;The Man With the Blue Guitar弹蓝吉他的人;Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction关于最高虚构的札记(Peter Quince at the Clavier彼得?昆斯弹风琴;Sunday Morning礼拜天早晨);The Auroras of Autumn秋天的晨曦;Collected Poems诗集49、Henry Louis Mencken孟肯1880-1956Bernard Shaw:His Plays肖伯纳的戏剧;ThePhilosophy of Nietzche尼采的哲学;The American Language 美车语言;Happy Days幸福的日子(自传三部曲);Newspaper Days 新闻记者的岁月;Heathe Days倡导异端邪说的年代50、William Carlos Williams威廉?卡罗斯?威廉斯1883-1963收入Des Imagistes意像派(意像派的第一部诗选)诗集:Sour Grapes;Spring and All春;The Desert Music;The Journey of Love爱的历程;Collected Poems;Complete Poems;Collected Later Poems;Pictures from Brueghel布留盖尔的肖像;Paterson佩特森(5卷长诗);Asphodal,That Green Flower常青花日光兰(长诗)名诗:Red Wheelbarrow红色手推车;The Widow's Lament in Spring寡妇的春怨;The Dead Baby;The Sparrow ,to My Father麻雀-致父亲;Proletarian Portrait无产阶级画像(from An Early Martyr先驱);The Great American Novels伟大的美国小说;In the American Grain美国性格;Autobiography自传51、Sinclair Lewis辛克莱?刘易斯1885-1951(美国第一个获诺贝尔奖)Dur Mr Wrenn 我们的雷恩先生;The Job求职;The Main Street大先进;Babbitt巴比特;Arrowsmith艾罗史密斯;Elmer Gantry 艾尔默?甘特里;Dodsworth多兹沃斯;It can't Happen Here事情不会发生在这里;Kingsblood Royal王孙梦52、Ezra Pound艾兹拉?庞德1885-1972The Spirit of Romance 罗曼司精神;The Anthology Des Imagistes意像派诗选;Cathay华夏(英译中国诗);Literary Essays文学论;Hugh Swlwyn Mauberley;A Few Don'ts by Imagiste意像派戒条;Personage面具;Polite Essays 文雅集;The Cantos of Ezra Pound庞德诗章(109首及8首未完成稿)53、Hilda Doolittle希尔达?杜丽特尔1886-1961Sea Garden海的花园;Collected Poems (Dread山精;Pear Tree;Orchard);The Walls Do Not Fall墙没在倒塌(战争诗三部曲);Tribute to the Angels天使颂;The Flowering of the Rod柳条葳蕤;Tribute to Freud 献给弗洛伊德;Hellen in Egypt海伦在伦敦(抒情长诗)54、Thomas Stearns Eliot托马斯?艾略特1888-1965Prufrock and Other Observations普罗夫洛克(荒原意识);The Waste Land 荒原(The Burial of the Dead死者的葬礼;A Game of Chess 弈棋;The Fire Sermon火诫;Death by Water水边之死;What the Thunder Said雷电之言);名诗:Ash Wednesday圣灰星期三;Four Quarters四个四重奏诗剧:Murder in the Cathedral大教堂谋杀案;Family Reunion 大团圆;Cocktail Party鸡尾酒会55、Eugene Oneil尤金?奥尼尔1888-1953独幕剧:Bound East to Cardiff东航卡迪夫;The Long V oyage Home归途迢迢;The Moon of the Carribbeans加勒比人之月; 多幕剧:Beyond the Horizon天边外(其成名作);Anna Christie安娜?克里斯蒂;The Emperor Jones 琼斯皇;The Hairy Ape毛猿;All the God's Children Got Wings上帝的儿女都有翅膀The Great God Brown大神布朗;The Strange Interlude奇异的插曲;Mourning Becomes Electr素娥怨/悲悼a;The Iceman Cometh送冰的人来了;The Long Days Journey Into Night 进入黑夜的漫长旅程/日长路远夜常深沉56、Katherine Anne Porter凯瑟琳?安?波特1890-1980Flowering Judas开花的紫荆花(Maria Conception;The Jitting of Granny Weatherall);Pale Horse,Pale Rider;Leaning Tower and Other Stories——TheCollected Stories of K A PorterShip of Fools愚人船(唯一的一部长篇小说);The Never Ending Wrong千古奇冤(回忆录)57、Archibald Mac Leish阿基博尔德?麦克利什1892-1982Towers of Ivory象牙塔;The Happy Marriage幸福的婚姻;Streets in the Moon月色中的街;New Found Land新发现的大陆;Conquistador新西班牙的征服者;Poems1912-1952广播剧:The Fall of the City城市的陷落;Airraid空袭58、Michael Gold迈克尔?戈尔德1894-1967120 Million一亿二千万;Change The World 改变世界;The Hollow Man空心人;Jews Without Money没在钱的犹太人(自传体小说)戏剧:Hoboken Blues;Fiesta节日;Battle Hymn歌;Prletarian Literature in the United States 美国无产阶级文学选集(与人合编)59、E Cumings肯明斯1894-1962Tulips anddd Chimneys郁金香与烟囱;The Enormous Room大房间;XLI Poems诗41首;Viva万岁;No,Thanks不,谢谢;Collected Poems诗集;Eimi 爱米(访苏游记)60、Edmund Wilson埃德蒙?威尔逊1895-1972Travel in Two Democracies在两个民主国家里旅行;T o the Finland Station到芬兰站去;A Piece of My Mind:Reflection at Sixty心里话:行年六十的沉思;Axel's Castle阿克塞尔的城堡(象征主义批判的圭阜);The Ttriple Thinkers三重思想家;The Wound and The Bow创伤与箭;The Shores of Light光明之岸;The Fruits of the MLA现代语言协会的成果61、John Dos Passos帕索斯1896-1970The Three Soldiers;Manhattan Transfer;U.S.A(The Forty-second Parallel;1919;The Big Money);District of Columbia哥伦比亚大区(The Adventures of a Young Man一个年轻人的冒险;Number One 第一号;The Grand Design伟大的计划);Orient Express东方特别快车(游记)62、F Scott Fitzgerald弗朗西斯?菲茨杰拉德1896-1940(迷惘的一代)The Side of Paradise 人间天堂;The Beautiful and the Damned美丽的和倒霉;The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨比;Tender in the Night夜色温柔;The Last Tycoon最后的巨头短篇小说:Flappers and Philosophers姑娘们和哲学家们;Tales of the Jazz爵士时代的故事;Taps at Reveille早晨的起床号→The IcePalace冰宫;May Days五一节;The Diamond as Big as the Ritz像里茨饭店那样大的钻石;Winter Dreams冬天的梦;The Rich Boy富家子弟;Babylon Revisted重访巴比伦敦The Crack-up崩溃(自传体文集)63、William Faulkner威廉?福克纳1897-1962The Marble Faun 云石林神(诗集);Soldiers' Pay兵饷(小说)短篇小说:Dry September干燥的九月;The Sound and the Fury 愤怒与喧嚣;As I lay dying 当我垂死的时候;Light in August八月之光;Absalom,Absolam押沙龙,押沙龙(家世小说)64、Malcolm Cowley马尔科姆?考利1898-译作:法国安德烈?纪德Andre Gide的Imaginary Interview虚构的会议诗集:Blue Juniata;The Dry Season;The Exile's Return流亡者的回归(研究"迷惘的一代"的专著);A Second Flowering第二次繁荣(The Other War另一种战争)65、Ernest Hemingway欧内斯特?海明威1899-1961("迷惘的一代"的代表人物)In Our Time在我们的年代里;The Torrents of Spring春潮;The Sun Also Rises太阳照样升起;Farewell to Arms永别了,武器;For Whom the Bell Tolls丧钟为谁而鸣短篇小说:Men Without Women没有女人的男人;The Winners Take Notheing胜者无所获;The Fifth Column and First Forty-nine Stories第五纵队与首次发表的四十九个短篇政论:T o Have and Have Not贫与富回忆录:A Moveable Feast到处逍遥66、Hart Crane哈特?克兰1899-1932My Grandfather's Love Letters祖父的情书;Praise for an Urn瓮颂;For the Marriage of Faustus and Hellen为浮士德和海伦的婚姻而作;V oyage航海;The Bridge桥(长诗);White Buildings白色的楼房(首部诗集)67、Thomas Wolfe托马斯?沃尔夫1900-1938Look Homeward,Angel天使,望乡→(续)Of Time and the River时间与河流;The Web and the Rock蛛网与岩石;You Can't Go Home Again有家归不得;The Hills Beyond远山(未完成)短篇小说:From Death to Morning从死亡到早晨68、James Langston Hughes詹姆斯?兰斯顿?休斯1902-1969Mulatto混血儿(剧本);The Weary Blues疲倦的歌声;Dear Lovely Death亲爱的死神;Shakespear in Harlem哈莱姆的莎士比亚;I Wonder as I Wander我漂泊我思考;The Best of Simple辛普尔精选69、John Steinbeck约翰?斯坦贝克1902-1966Cup of Gold金杯;Tortilla Flat煎饼房;In Dubious Battle胜负未定;Of Mice and Men 鼠和人;The Grapes of Wrath愤怒的葡萄;The Moon is Down月亮下去了;Cannery Row罐头厂街;The Pearl珍珠短篇小说:The Red Pony小红马(The Gift,The Great Mountains大山;The Promise许诺,The Leader of the People人们的领袖)70、Nathanael West韦斯特1903-1940The Dream Life of Balso Snell巴尔索?斯纳尔的梦幻生涯;The Day of Locust蝗灾之日;Miss Lonelyhearts寂寞小说71、James Farrel 法雷尔1904-1979Studs Lonigan斯塔兹?朗尼根(Young Lonigan少年朗尼根;The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan朗尼根的青年时代,Judgement Day末日窝审判);Danny O'Neil丹尼?奥尼尔(五部曲);Bernard Carr伯纳德?卡尔(三部曲)短篇小说:Calico Shoes花布鞋;Guillotine Party行刑队文艺评论:A Note on Literary Criticism文艺评论札记;Literature and Morality文学与道德72、Lillian Hellman丽莲?海尔曼1905-1983The Children's Hour孩子们的时光;The Little Foxes小狐狸;Watch on the Rhine守望莱茵河;The Searching Wind彻骨的风;The Autumn Garden秋园;Tos in the Attic阁楼里的玩具;The Days to Come未来的日子;Another Part of the Forest森林的另一处回忆录:An Unfinished Wonman一个事业尚未终了的女人;Pentimento旧画新貌;Scoundrel Time邪恶的时代73、Clifford Odets克利福德?奥德茨1906-1963Waiting for Lefty等待老左/勒夫特;Awake and Sing!醒来歌唱;Till the Day I Die直到我死的那天;Paradise Lost失乐园;Golden Boy金孩子;Clash by Night夜间冲突;The Big Knife大刀;The Country Girl乡村姑娘;The Flowering Peach开花的桃树74、Richard Wright理查德?赖特1908-1960Uncle T om's Children汤姆叔叔的孩子们;Native Son土生子;Black Boy;黑孩子The Outsiders局外人;The Long Dream漫长的梦;Eight Men八人行75、Eudora Welty尤多拉?韦尔蒂1906-短篇小说:Death of a Travelling,Salesman巡回推销员之死;A Curtain of Green and Other Stories绿窗帘和其他;The Wide Net and Other Stories 大网和其他故事;The Golden Apples金苹果;The Bridge of Innifallen英尼斯法伦的新娘长篇小说:The Robber Bridgeroom强盗新朗;Detta Wedding德尔塔的婚姻;The Ponder Heart庞德的心;The Losing Battles失败的战斗;The Optismist's Daughter乐观者的女儿76、Valdimir Nabokov弗?纳博科夫1899-1977Lolita洛莉塔;Pale Fire微暗的火;The Admiralty Sprie海军部大厦塔尖77、Anais Nin安娜伊思?宁1903-1977The Novel of Future未来的小说;Heida海达;House of Incest乱伦之家;Collages拼贴78、Issac Bashevis Singer艾萨克?辛格1904-1991Gimpel the Fool傻瓜吉姆佩尔;The Family Moskat莫斯卡特家族;Satan in Goray 撒旦在戈雷;The Magician of Lublin卢布林的魔术师;The Slave奴隶;The Manor庄园;The Estate产业;Enenemies,A Love Story仇敌们,一个爱情故事;Shosha舒莎短篇小说:The Spinoza of Market Street市场街的斯宾诺莎;A Friend of Kafka卡夫卡的朋友名篇:Neighbours邻居79、Robert Penn Warren罗伯特?沃伦1905-1989Night Rider 夜间骑士;At Heaven's Gate 在天堂门口;All King's Men国王的全部人马;World Enough and Time足够的世界和时间;The Cave洞穴;Band of Angels天使的队伍;A Place to Come to归宿诗集:Thirtysix Poems;Selected Poems1923-1943;Brother to Dragons;Promised:Poems1954-1956;You,Emperors and Others;Selected Poems New and Old 1923-1966;Elven Poems on the Same Themet;Incarnation Poem1966-1968显灵:1966-1968诗选;Now and Then:Poems 1976-1978此时与彼时1976-1978诗选剧作:Proud Flesh骄傲的血肉之躯;Modern Rhetoric当代修辞学;Birth of Love爱之诞生(选自与Cleanth Brooks合编的Understanding Poetry/Understanding Fiction)逃亡者集团The Fugitive的宣言书I'll Take My Stand我表明我的立场80、Tennessee William田纳西?威廉斯1911-1983American Blues美国的布鲁斯;Battle of Angels天使的战斗;The Glass Menagerie玻璃动物园;The Streetcar Named Desire欲望号街车;Cat on a Hot Tin Roof热铁皮屋顶上的猫;The Night of The Iguana鬣蜥之夜;Summer and Smoke夏与烟;The Rose Tattoo玫瑰纹;Sweet Bird of Yout可爱的青春鸟81、John Cheever约翰?契弗1912-1982短篇小说:The Expelled开除短篇小说集:The Way Some People Live一些人的生活方式;The Enormous Radio and Other Stories巨型收音机和其他;The Housebreaker of Shaddy Hill and Other Stories绿茵山窃贼和其他;Some People,Places and Things That Will Not Appear in My Next Novel一些不会在我下一部小说中出现的人物、地点、事件;The Brigadier and the Golf Widow陆军准将和高尔夫迷寡妇;The World of Apples苹果世界→The Stories of John Cheever契弗短篇小说选长篇小说:The Wapshot Chronicle/Scandal瓦普肖特纪事/丑闻;Bullet Park布利特公园;Falconer鹰猎者82、Irwin Shaw欧文?肖1913-1984Bury the Dead埋葬死者;Sailor off the Bremen不来梅港外的水手长篇小说:The Young Lions幼狮;The Troubled Air混浊的空气;Lucy Crown露茜?克朗;Two Weeks in Another Town;V oices ofa Summer Day夏日的喁喁声;Rich Man,Poor Man;Evening in Byzantium;Nightwork认夜工;Beggarman,Thief;Bread upon the Waters83、Ralph Ellison拉尔夫?埃利林1914-长篇小说:Invisible Man看不见的人散文集:Shadow and Act影子与行动;Going to the Territory步入文学界84、Bernard Malamud伯纳德?马拉默德1914-1986长篇小说:The Natural天生运动员;The Assistant伙计;The Fixer装配工;A New Life新生活;God's Grace上帝的恩赐短篇小说:The Magic Barrel魔桶85、Landall Jarrel兰达尔?贾维尔1914-1965诗集:Blood fora Stranger献给一个陌生人的血;Little Friend ,Little Friend小朋友,小朋友;Losses损失;Seven-league Crutches七里格长的拐杖;The Lost World失去的世界小说:Pictures of an Institution学院小景;The Woman at the Washington Zoo华盛顿动物园的女人评论:Poetry and the Age诗歌与时代;The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner旋转炮塔炮手之死86、John Berryman约翰?贝里曼1914-1972诗:Homage to Mrs Bradstreet献给布拉兹特里夫人;The Dream Songs梦之歌;Poems1942;The Dispossessed被剥夺者(The Ball Poem小球诗);77 Dream Songs;Berryman's Sonnets;Short Poems;His Toy;His Dream;His Rest;Love andFame;Delusion,etc错觉及其他小说:Recovery复原传记:Stephen Crane斯蒂芬?克莱恩87、Saul Bellow索尔?贝娄1915-长篇小说:Dangling Man晃来晃去/挂起来的人;The Victim受害者;The Adventure of Augie March奥基?马奇历险记;Henderson the Rain King雨王汉德逊;Herzog赫索格;Mr Summlar's Planet塞姆勒先生的行星;Humboldt's Gift洪堡的礼物中篇小说:Seize the Day且乐今朝88、Arthur Miller阿瑟?米勒1915-Situation Normal情况正常;The Man Who Had All the Luck吉星高照的人;All My Sons都是我的儿子;The Death of a Salesman推销员;The Crucible 严峻的考验/萨姆勒的女巫;A View from the Bridge桥头眺望;A Memory of Two Mondays两个星期一的回忆;After the Fall堕落之后;Incident at Vichy维希事件;The Price代价;The Creation of the World and Other Business创世及其他;The Archbishop's Ceiling大主教的天花板;The American Clock美国时钟89、Robert Lowell罗伯特?洛厄尔1917-1977诗:Lord Weary's Castle威尔利老爷的城堡;Life Studies人生探索名篇:For Sale;Walking in the Blue;For the Union Dead献给联邦死难士→自白诗运动90、J D Salinger杰罗姆?大卫?塞林格1919-短篇小说:The Young Folks年轻人短篇小说集:Nine Stories故事九篇中篇小说:Franny弗兰尼;Zooey卓埃;Raise High the Roof Beam,Carpenters木匠们,把屋梁升高;Seymour:An Introduction西摩其人长篇小说:The Cather in the Rye麦田守望者91、Betty Frieden贝蒂?弗里丹1921-The Feminine Mystique 女性的奥秘;It Changed My Life它改变了我的生活;The Second Stage第二阶段(How to get the Women's Movement Moving Again)92、Alex Haley亚历克斯?哈利1921-1992The Autobiography of Malcolm X马尔科姆?艾克斯自传Roots根;Hanning汉宁镇(自传体小说)93、Jack Kerouac杰克?凯鲁亚克1922-1966("垮掉的一代"奠基者)The Town and the City 镇和城;On the Road在路上;The Subterraneans地下居民;The Dharma Bums达摩的流浪者;Visions of Cody科迪的梦想;Doctor Sax萨克斯医生;Maggie Cassidy麦琪?卡西迪;Mexico City Blues墨西哥城的布鲁斯;Lonesome Traveller孤独的旅行者;Desolation Angels凄凉天使;Satori in Paris巴黎参禅记;Vanity of Duluoz杜卢奥斯的偏见94、Kurt Vonnegut库特?冯尼格特长篇小说:Player Piano自动钢琴;The Sirens of Titan 泰坦族的海妖;Cat's Craddle猫的摇篮;Slaughterhouse Five第五号屠场;Mother Night黑夜母亲;God Bless You,Mr Rosewater上帝保佑你,罗斯瓦特先生;Breakfast of Champions顶呱呱的早餐;Slapstick,or Lonesome No More滑稽剧,又名不再孤独;Jailbird囚犯;Deadeye Dick神枪手迪克短篇小说集:Welcome to the Monkey House欢迎到猴房来(Report on the Barnhouse Effect 关于巴恩豪斯效应的报告)95、Norman Mailer诺曼?米勒1923- (垮掉的一代;文学恐怖主义者/亡命之徒)裸者与死者;Barbary Shore巴巴里海滨;The Deer Park廘苑;An American Dream一场美国梦;The White Negro白色黑人;Advertisement for Myself为自己做广告;Why Are We in Vietnam?我们为什么要去越南;The Executioner's Song刽子手之歌;The Armies of the Night夜色幕下的大军(History as a Novel/The Novel as History)-非虚构小说;New Journalism新新闻报道96、James Dichey詹姆斯?迪基1923-诗集:Into the Stone钻入石头;Drowning With Others跟别人一起淹死(The Lifeguard救生员);Helmets头盔;Buckdancer's Choice班克舞者的选择;Poems1957-1967;The Iodiac黄道长诗:Deliverance解脱诗论集:The Suspect in Poetry诗歌中的嫌疑犯;Babel to Byzatium从巴别尔到拜占庭97、Joseph Heller约瑟夫?海勒1923-长篇小说:Catch-22第二十二条军规;Something Happened出了毛病;As Good as Gold像高尔德一样好剧本:We Bombed in New Haven我们轰炸纽黑文;Catch-22;Clevinger's Trial克莱文杰受审(据Catch-22第八章)98、James Baldwin詹姆斯?鲍德温1924-1987散文集:Note ofa Native Son土生子的笔记;Nobody Knows My Name; Fire Next Time下一次烈火;No Name in the Street他的名字被遗忘;The Devil Finds Work魔鬼找到工作小说:Go Tell it on the Mountain向苍天呼吁;Giovanni's Room 乔万尼的房间;Another Country另一个国度;Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone告诉我火车已开多久;If Beale Street Could Talk假如比尔能说话;Just Above My Head就在我头上短篇小说集:Going to Meet the Man去见这个人剧本:The Amen Corner阿门角;Blues for Mister Charley为查理先生唱布鲁斯/黑人怨;One Day When I was Lost有一天当我迷失的时候/迷路前后100、Flannery O'Connor弗兰纳里?奥康纳1925-1964长篇小说:Wise Blood慧血;The Violent Bear It Away它为强暴者所夺走短篇小说集:A Good Man Is Hard to Find好人难寻;Everything That Rises Must Converg 上升的一切必然汇合e名文:Good Country People善良的乡下人;The Lame Shall Enter First跛腿者先进去;Greenleaf格林利夫;Revelation; Parker's Back派克的背101、William Styron威廉?斯泰伦1925-Lie Down in Darkness 躺在黑暗中;The Long March 长途行军;Set This House on Fire放火烧屋;The Confessions of Nat Turner纳特?特纳的自白;Sophie's Choice索菲的选择102、Allen Ginsburg艾伦?金斯堡1926-诗集:Howl and Other Poems嚎叫及其他(America)(The Beat Generation垮掉的一代的宣言书和代表作);Kaddish and Other Poems 卡第绪及其他; Plannet News行星消息;The Fall of America美国的衰弱103、James Wright詹姆斯?赖特1927-1980诗集:The Green Wall绿墙;Saint Judas圣徒犹大;The Tail and Eyes of a Lion狮子的尾巴和眼睛;The Branch Will Not Break树枝不会断;Shall We Gather at the River我们在河边聚会;Collected Poems; Two Citizens两位公民;Moments of the Italian Summer意大利之夏;T o a Blossoming Pear Tree致盛开鲜花的梨树;This Journey; A Blessing祝福104、Edward Albee爱德华?阿尔比1928-The Zoo Story动物园的故事;The Death of Bessie Smith贝西?史密斯之死;The Sandbox 沙箱;The American Dream美国梦;Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?谁害怕弗吉尼亚?伍尔夫;Tiny Alice小爱丽丝;A Delicate Balance脆弱的羊群;Seascape海景;The Lady from Dubuque来自杜布克的女人;The Man With Three Arms在臂人105、Martin Luther King Jr马丁?路德?金1929-1968I Have a Dream; Stride Toward Freedom迈向自由;Strength to Love爱的力量;Why We Can't Wait?; Where Do We Go from Here, Chaos or Community?今后我们何去何从,纷争还是团结?106、Gary Snyder加里?斯奈德1930- (ecology poet)Riprap 大卵石(Piute Creek皮尤特河);Myths Texts神话与现实;The Back Country偏僻的山村;Regarding Wave观浪(Meeting the Mountain进山);Turtle Island龟岛;Left Out in the Rain:New Poems 1974-1985留在雨中:1974-1985新诗集文集:Six Sections from Mountains and Rivers Without End Plus One山水穷尽六章外一章;The Real Work: Interviews and Talks 脚踏实地工作:访问记与演讲稿107、John Barth约翰?巴思1930-长篇小说:The Floating Opera漂浮的歌剧;The End of the Road穷途末路;The Sot-weed Factor烟草代理商;Letters书信集;Giles Goat-boy山羊孩子贾尔斯;Lost in the Funhouse迷失在开心馆里(Title题目);Chimera客迈拉;Sabbatical学院的轮休假;The Friday Book: Essays and Other Nonfictions星期五的书:论文及其他非小说108、T ony Morrison托尼?莫里森1931-The Bluest Eye最蓝的眼睛; Sula苏拉;Song of。
双语安徒生童话:TwoBrothers两兄弟ON one of the Danish islands, where oldThingstones, the seats of justice of ourforefathers, still stand in the cornfields,and hugetrees rise in the forests of beech, there lies a littletown whose low houses are covered with red tiles. Inone of these houses strange things were brewingover the glowing coals on the open hearth; therewas a boiling going on in glasses, and a mixing anddistilling,while herbs were being cut up and pounded in mortars. An elderly man looked after itall.“One must only do the right thing,” he said; “yes, the right—the correct thing. Onemust find out the truth concerning every created particle, and kee p to that.”In the room with the good housewife sat her two sons; they were still small, but hadGREat thoughts. Their mother, too,had always spoken to them of right and justice, andexhorted them to keep to the truth, which she said was the countenance of the Lord in thisworld.the elder of the boys looked roguish and enterprising. He took a delight in reading of theforces of nature, of the sun and the moon; no fairy tale pleased him so much. Oh, howbeautiful it must be, he thought, to go on voyages of discovery, or to find out how toimitate the wings of birds and then to be able to fly! Yes, to find that out was the rightthing. Father was right,and mother was right—truth holds the world together.the younger brother was quieter,and buried himself entirely in his books. When he readabout Jacob dressing himself in sheep-skins to personify Esau,and so to usurp his brother'sbirthright,he would clench his little fist in anger against the deceiver; when he read of tyrantsand of the injusticeand wickedness of the world, tears would come into his eyes,and he wasquite filled with the thought of the justice and truth which must and would triumph.One evening he was lying in bed, but the curtains were not yet drawn close,and the lightstreamed in upon him; he had taken his book into bed with him,for he wanted to finishreading the story of Solon. His thoughts lifted and carried him away a wonderful distance; itseemed to him as if the bed had become a ship flying along under full sail. Was he dreaming,or what was happening? It glided over the rolling waves and across the ocean of time, and tohim came the voice of Solon; spoken in a strange tongue, yet intelligible to him, he heardthe Danish motto:“By law the land is ruled.”the genius of the human race stood in the humble room,bent down over the bed andimprinted a kiss on the boy's forehead:“Be thou strong in fame and strong in the battle oflife! With truth in thy heart fly toward the land of truth!”the elder brother was not yet in bed; he was standing at the window looking out at themist which rose from the meadows. They were not elves dancing out there, as their old nursehad told him; he knew better—they were vapours which were warmer than the air, and that iswhy they rose. A shooting star lit up the sky,and the boy's thoughts passed in a second fromthe vapours of the earth up to the shining meteor. The stars gleamed in the heavens, and itseemed as if long golden threads hung down from them to the earth.“Fly with me,” sang a voice, which the boy heard in his heart. And the mighty genius ofmankind,swifter than a bird and than an arrow—swifter than anything of earthly origin—carried him out into space,where the heavenly bodies arebound together by the rays thatpass from star to star. Our earth revolved in the thin air, and the cities upon it seemed to lieclose to each other. Through the spheres echoed the words:“What is near, what is far, when thou art lifted by the mighty genius of mind?”And again the boy stood by the window,gazing out,whilst his younger brother lay inbed. Their mother called them by their names:“Anders Sandoe” and “Hans Christian.”Denmark and the whole world knows them—the two brothers Orsted.。
Fantastic Four《神奇四侠(2005)》完整中英文对照剧本
《神奇四侠》Fantastic Four为自己建30英尺高的塑像真是典型的维克多·方杜Typical of Victor Von Doom to build a 30-foot statue of himself.很明显是想让那些第一次的来访者…Well, it's obviously aimed at first-time visitors产生一种自惭形秽的感觉to create feelings of smallness, inadequacy.好在对我们没用Good thing it ain't working.瑞德,我们干嘛来这这家伙搞的都是些低级的科学Reed, what are we doing here? This guy's fast-food, strip-mall science.你别忘了我们不是第一次上门求人了This wasn't our first stop, in case you forgot.再说,维克多也不是太坏只是有点妄自尊大Besides, Victor's not that bad. He's just a little larger than life.我的研究显示暴露在由日冕太阳风所生成的…My research suggests that exposure to a high-energy cosmic storm高能量的宇宙风暴之下可能会引发早期行星生命的演化borne on solar winds might have triggered the evolution of early planetary life. 六个星期后一类似上述特征的云团…In six weeks, another cloud with the same elemental profile将经过地球轨道will pass Earth's orbit.若在太空进行研究将会从根本上推进…A study conducted in space could fundamentally advance our knowledge我们对人类基因组结构的认识治愈无数疾病…about the structure of the human genome, cure countless diseases,延长寿命,让孩子们活得更长更壮,更健康extend human life, give kids a chance to live longer, stronger, healthier...关掉,请Turn it off, please.我想我还没把我的提议完全解释清楚I don't think I have explained my proposal fully.不,已经够清楚了No, I think you have.你一点儿也没变肩负着全世界…Same old Reed, always stretching, reaching for the stars总想着伸手去触摸星辰with the weight of the world on his back.但账单不是由梦想来兑现的不是吗But dreams don't pay the bills, do they?记得我们还在学校的时候说过将来要一起合作You remember, when we were in school we talked about working together. 我正要跟你解释这个Well, that's what I was about to explain.这个风暴是致命的The storm is deadly.但你的空间站控制室外的防护罩…But the shields on your station's control room是专门设计以保护里面的人不受伤害are designed to protect any occupants inside.所以你要的不光是我的钱So, it's not just my money you want.还有我的“玩具”It's my toys.如果宇航局不相信你那凭什么要我信你Tell me, if NASA doesn't trust you, then why should I?领先一步,这就是我的工作That's my job, to stay a step ahead.洞察别人所看不到的东西To know what other men don't.我可受不了这个I can't take this.本,这是做生意,只是工作Ben, this is business, just work.他是对的,本这只是生意He's right, Ben. It is just business.我想你们都认识I think you both know我的基因研究部的主管苏珊·斯多姆...my Director of Genetic Research, Susan Storm.他比你又多了一样东西One more thing he's got.嗨,苏 -嗨Hey, Susie. -Hey.见到你真好戴比怎么样It's so nice to see you. How's Debbie?很好 -很好Great. -Great.你过得好不好 -再好不过How have you been? -Never better.这不会是个问题吧This isn't going to be a problem, is it?不 -当然不会No. -Not at all.好Good.你正好赶上,能听到伟大的瑞德·理查德斯…Then you're just in time to hear the great Reed Richards向我求助ask me for help.你知道吗你曾让很多麻省理工的学生You know, you made a lot of folks at MIT觉得自己像个科技展上的初中生...feel like a junior high science fair.这一刻让我有点得意你可别介意So you'll excuse me if I savor the moment.你若支持这项计划You back this mission最后全部成果我会给你一个合理的提成and I'll sign over a fair percentage of any application...75%The number's 75%.附加所有的应用成果和专利权And its applications and patents.你怎么不把他榨干算了 -本…What about his first born? -Ben...算了Come on.十亿美元的百分之二十五够你们慢慢用了25% of a billion is enough to keep the lights on for a while, isn't it? 也许你还能把巴克斯特大厦的第四期按揭款给付了呢Maybe even pay off your fourth mortgage on the Baxter Building. 成交Deal?好吧,为了我们的将来Well, then. To our future.大家共同的未来Together!事情变成这样挺有意思的,对吧It's funny how things turn out, isn't it?很滑稽Hilarious.他认识宇航局的人没准就是他让我们被拒了He knew about NASA. Maybe he made the call to shut us down.本,想想看要是这件事成了我们能帮助多少人Ben, think about all the people we can help if this works.瞧,我们已经得到了想要的这足够了Look, we got what we wanted. That's enough.能在太空中过几天,挺好的事难道还会变糟A few days in space, it'll be great. What's the worst that can happen?如果瑞德是对的这次小旅行能让我们的股票翻倍If Reed's right, this little trip could double our stock offerings.要是他错了呢 -他错不了And if he's not... -Reed's always right.好在他一直都不清楚其背后的价值Good thing he doesn't always know what he's got.瑞德,你应该知道太阳风已经在开始加速了Reed, you should know those solar winds have been picking up speed.我已经把这些因素计算在内了I factored them into my coordinates.当然,你算过,理论上Right, of course you did. In theory.一旦到了太空事情就不完全一样了It's a little different once you're out there.我可以向你保证我… -我们何日升空I assure you I... -When are we leaving?我会负责发射日程的安排…I'll be scheduling the launch,你早上可以打电♥话♥给我问关于资源和机组人员的事so you can call me in the morning for resources and crew.我想我记得你的号♥码 -已经换过了I think I remember the number. -It's been changed.至于机组人员的安排我希望让本做驾驶员As far as crew, I was hoping Ben could pilot the mission.我们已经雇用了一个飞行员不过欢迎你来当副手We already have a pilot on our payroll but you're welcome to ride shotgun. 记得我弟弟约翰吗Remember my brother, Johnny?不行,干不了Can't do it. Cannot do it.外置固态火箭推进器轨道系统引擎External SRBs, orbital system engines和你飞过的航♥天♥飞机一样it's just like the shuttle you flew.不,我可不会听一个内衣模特的指挥No! I cannot take orders from the underwear model.本,别这样Come on now, Ben.那臭小子被宇航局扫地出That wingnut washed out of NASA…因为带两个“维多利亚秘密”的内衣女郎偷偷溜进飞行模拟器...for sneaking two Victoria's Secret wannabes into a flight simulator. 年轻人好动嘛Youthful high spirits.结果撞到墙上去了飞行模拟器They crashed it into a wall. A flight simulator.我可曾要你做什么事…When have I ever asked you to do something而你说是绝对不能做的you absolutely said you could not do?五次Five times.我记得是四次 -那这是第五次了I had it at four. -Well, this makes five.所有人员请注意Attention, all personnel.6小时发射倒计时Commencing launch sequence in six hours.我已经开始想你了,戴比I miss you already, Debs.机长驾到Captain on the bridge!数码相机:254元记忆棒:59元Digital camera: $254. Memory stick: $59.从前的硬汉指挥官竟然…The look on your hard-ass former CO's face成为下属而郁闷的表情:when he finds out he's your junior officer:无价Priceless.谢谢,你真好Thank you. That's so sweet.我能搞定这飞船I can handle the ship.我也能搞定你这个野心勃勃的黄毛小子I can even handle Mr. Blond Ambition.但我不知道穿上这衣服我是该飞行还是跳天鹅湖But I don't know whether I should be flying or doing Swan Lake in these suits. 我是说,是谁设计的 -维克多I mean, who the hell came up with these? -Victor did.这种人造纤维就像第二层皮肤可以适应人体的不同需求The synthetics act as a second skin, adapting to your body's individual needs. 这就是说它能让该热的热…See, now that means it keeps the hot stuff hot该冷的冷and it keeps the cool stuff cool.喔,真棒Wow. Fantastic.用可自我调节的不稳定分子制成的材料Material made from self-regulating unstable molecules.我一直在研究这个I've been working on a formula for this.英雄所见略同Great minds think alike.你的,本谢谢你,甜心Here you go, Ben. Thanks, sweetie.瑞德Reed.距宇宙风暴来临还有9小时ETA until cosmic event: nine hours.要是你表现得好说不定老爸下次会让你飞行If you're good, maybe next time Daddy'll let you drive.再废话多就没下次了You keep talking and there won't be a next time.从发射间到海登天文馆这一路走来真长啊,对吗Long way from the projection booth at the Hayden Planetarium, isn't it?是,是的没错Yes. Yes, it is.从这里我们可以监视云层的靠近和观察试验We can monitor the cloud's approach and observe the tests from here.安全吗Is it safe?空间站上的防护罩应该可以保护我们The shields on the station should protect us.应该Should?你怎么了,本人老了,变得有点偏执了What's the matter, Ben? Getting paranoid in your old age?我们开始搬运试验品吧准备好你的工作服,本Let's start loading those samples. Get your suit ready, Ben.我看你还在做这些搬运的重活So I see you're still doing all the heavy lifting.也许你应该呆在试验室里现场工作从来就不适合你Maybe you should have stayed in the lab. Field work never suited you.他指挥,我来做明白He does the talking, I do the walking. Got it?那够你忙的了,本So take a walk, Ben.要是你们方便的话我找苏珊有点事Actually, if you'll all excuse me, I need to borrow Susan for a moment.当然Sure.他不是又想和我姐姐旧情复燃吧Please tell me your guy's not trying to rekindle things with my sister again.当然不是,纯粹是公事Of course not. It's strictly business.那就好,不过他的眼神不太对哦Yes, well, his eyes say differently, don't they?那次他们俩都伤透了心也许她也还没忘了他Two hearts got busted last time. Maybe she's not over it, either.哇,心理医生,你还真深刻试想一下Wow, Dr. Phil, that's deep. Let's think about that.一个是维克多,富可敌国年度杰出青年You got Victor, more money than God, stud of the year.一个是瑞德,世界上最笨的聪明人一文不名And you got Reed, world's dumbest smart guy, worth less than a postage stamp. 还真是势均力敌That's a real toss-up.你就别伤你的小脑筋了Don't trouble your tiny little mind.别走丢了,小伙子Don't wander off now, boy.关闭气压隔离舱Securing airlock chamber.我答应瑞德的提议,你很惊讶吗Surprised I agreed to Reed's proposal?我知道生意的原因I understand the business reasons.怪不得人们都寄希望于未来…Well, when you're looking at your future它总能帮你为过去划上句点it doesn't hurt to find closure about the past.苏珊,每个男人都梦想能遇到一个可以托付整个世界的女人Susan, every man dreams he'll meet a woman he can give the world to.对我而言,这话不仅仅是个比喻In my case, it's not just a metaphor.打开观景台防护罩Opening viewing station shield.有点不对劲That can't be right.距风暴来临还有9分47秒Event threshold in T-minus 9 minutes, 47 seconds.这不可能,应该还有7个小时That's impossible. It should be seven hours.我们在一起也有两年了We've been together two years now.这两年真不错,维克多你的公♥司♥有了这么大的成就It's been a good two years, Victor. The company's accomplished so much. 对,当然,公♥司♥Right, of course, the company.但,我刚刚意识到这么多成就若无人分享…But, you see, I've come to realize that all the accomplishments in the world 那也毫无意义mean nothing without someone to share them with.在我的人生中我从不害怕踏出大步I've lived my life unafraid of taking big steps.现在,是我踏出最大一步的时候了Now it's time to take the biggest step of all.维克多 -如果有帮助,就当是我给你升职Victor. -If it helps, think of this as a promotion.维克多,我… -我要说四个字Victor, I... -I have four words.四个改变我们一生的字Four little words that can change our lives forever.云层正在加速The cloud is accelerating.再过几分钟它就过来了不是几个小时We've got minutes until it hits, not hours.维克多,那个风暴有致命危险要马上中止行动Victor, that storm is deadly. We need to abort.冷静点,我们大老远过来可不能出一点小问题就慌了神Get a grip, Reed. We didn't come all this way to lose our nerve at the first glitch. 关闭防护罩Just close the shields.本还在外面 -那就把他收进来Ben is still out there. -So reel him in.我们到这来是有任务的快点But we came here to do a job, so let's do it quickly.维克多,瑞德是对的我们还有不到6分钟Victor, Reed's right. We have less than six minutes!本,你马上进来 -出什么事了Ben, you need to get inside now. -What's going on?我活还没干到一半呢,高材生I ain't done arranging your flowers yet, egghead.本,往回走Ben, turn around!兄弟们,我回不去了Guys, I'm not gonna make it.本,跳过来,这是唯一的办法Ben, you gotta jump. It's the only way!你在干什么 -关闭防护罩What are you doing? -Closing the shields.你不能把他们都留在外面 -我能You can't just leave them out there. -Watch me.我都帮不了他们,你又能做什么 -我可以试You can't help them any more than I can. -I can try.本,你行的Come on, Ben, you got it!好,约翰,准备好关上入口Okay, Johnny, get ready to close the portal.醒一醒,本Wake up. Ben.嘿,起床了,太阳照屁♥股♥了大男孩,感觉怎么样Rise and shine, big boy. How you feeling?我在哪Where am I?回到地球了,隔离中维克多的医院里Back on Earth. We're in quarantine. Victor's medical facility.瑞德和苏呢Reed? Sue?他们没事,大家都没事They're fine. Everybody else is fine.我怎么了What's wrong with me?我向你发誓,本他们已经尽了最大努力I swear to you, Ben. They've done everything humanly possible.也给你做了世界上最好的整容手术The best plastic surgeons in the world are here, Ben.本,给你的都是最好的You had the best.把镜子给我 -我不知道这是不是个好主意Give me that mirror -I don't know if that's a good idea.他们说单是精神刺♥激♥就… -把镜子给我They said the shock alone... -I said give me that goddamn mirror!好吧,本,坚强点Okay, Ben, just be strong.不幸的是医生就是无法修复你的脸Unfortunately, the doctors just couldn't do anything to fix your face. 嗨 -嘿Hi. -Hey.不错啊,我喜欢你老爷爷的新形象Nice do. I'm liking the grandpa look.什么What?她怎么样 -稳定,而且各项生命指数也很强How's she doing? -Stable and her vitals are strong.全血球计数显示没有受到辐射好的Blood panels show no irradiation. Good.你过来查这些记录是不是每隔… -每四个小时,是的You'll step up this protocol every... -Every four hours, yes.我们知道我们在干什么We know what we're doing.再观察一天你们就都可以出院了Another day of observation and you're all clear.打扰了方杜先生又送花了Excuse me. More flowers from Mr. Von Doom.她对兰花敏感She's allergic to orchids.放些向日葵在她床边那是她的最爱Put the sunflowers by her bed, they're her favorites.哦,维克多…Well, Victor,银行要恭喜你…the bank would like to congratulate you你的股票是自经济大萧条以来掉得最快的on the fastest freefall since the Depression.我们想送都没人要We can't even give your stock away.奈德,你知道我是可以扭转局面的Ned, you know I can turn this around.你必须扭转,维克多否则我们就撤资Well, you're going to have to, Victor, or we pull out.你有一周时间You have a week.你幸灾乐祸,对吗奈德You're enjoying this, aren't you, Ned?一周One week.你以为我们要上哪儿去Where do we think we're going?我不知道“我们”注意到了没有I don't know if we've noticed阿尔卑斯山最疯狂的滑雪者在我窗户外but the sickest runs this side of the Alps are right outside that window.是,我看到了但是这里有这里的规矩Yeah, I've noticed, but there are rules here.你要等… -等到测试全部做完You can't leave until we... -Until we've finish the tests.但我一向都不爱循规蹈矩结果出来了,你告诉我I know, I've never been good with rules. You let me know how those come out. 你能帮忙我拉拉链吗 -你知道,这里可不是滑雪胜地Do you wanna help me with this zipper? -You know, this is not a ski resort.还不是,好在滑雪板由奶奶用“爱心包裹”给我寄来Not yet. Luckily, Grandma still sends care packages, though.你知道吗,真让人惊奇一个80岁的老奶奶…You know, it's amazing, for an 80-year-old woman, you'd be surprised...你真是麻烦 -嗯,我的中间名就是麻烦You are trouble. -Trouble is my middle name.你好热You're hot!你也很热辣而且我感情丰富,敢于流泪Why, thank you. So are you. And I'm not afraid to cry.不是,我是说你好像有点发烧No, I mean, you feel a little feverish.我一辈子还没感觉这么好过天哪,你真香Well, I've never felt better in my life. My God, you smell good.听着,你什么时候下班Listen, when do you get off work?4:00,但我… -那么你听着4:00, but I... -Tell you what.四点过一分的时候到山顶上来找我You meet me at 4:01 at the top of the mountain.给你一分钟的打扮时间这是你的,那是我的That'll give you a minute to freshen up. This is yours, that's mine.小护士Nurses!我昏迷了多久How long was I out?嘿Hey!3天,我真为你担心Three days. Man, I was worried about you.感觉如何 -挺坚实的How are you feeling? -Solid.这次还真惊险 -是啊That was a close one, though, huh? -Yeah.到底怎么回事 -我不知道What was that about? -I don't know.真不知道I really don't know.我把那些数据反复看了一遍又一遍I've been going over the figures again and again and they all add up. 就是弄不明白或许我早该放弃…I just don't understand. Maybe I should have aborted...瑞德,那是自然界纯偶然的事件你不可能预测到的Reed, it was a freak of nature. You couldn't have possibly predicted it. 算了Let it go.知道吗,死里逃生之后才能真的让你…You know, you live through something like this,为拥有生命中的那个女人而感激it really makes you appreciate having the right woman in your life. 是啊,你和戴比是天生一对 -我不是在说戴比Yeah, you and Debbie are perfect. -I'm not talking about Debbie. 什么?算了吧What? Come on.她和维克多挺般配的She's got a good thing with Victor.他聪明,有权势也成功He's smart, he's powerful, he's successful...那么,或许你该和他恋爱Well, maybe you should date him then.本,她和维克多在一起是对的Ben, she ended up with the right guy.他们会越来越好的Things worked out for the best.是不是每件事都得我亲自来做Do I have to do everything myself?好吧,我看你就呆在我右边All right. I think you should stay to the right.在左边可能会有麻烦The left might give you trouble.我想还得下降10英尺左右 -好的I think we should drop, like, 10 more feet. -Good.最后到温泉的人给钱叫客房♥服务Last one down springs for room service!她是我未来的老婆That's my future wife.你要输了You're losing!好了,别闹着玩了All right, no more kid's stuff.看这个Check this out.你着火了You're on fire.谢谢,你也挺不错Thanks! You're pretty good, too.不是,你真的着火了,你看No, you're on fire. Look!想一起来吗Care to join me?我只能喝一杯,我和维克多约好了I can only stay for one drink 'cause I have to meet Victor.哦,可不能让维克久等Well, wouldn't want to keep Vic waiting.瑞德,你在这干什么Reed, what are you doing here?我以为…I thought...太好了,我们一起吧Great! Maybe you can join us.IPO(新股)怎么样了How's the IPO now?还在跌我们希望能停在20来块的样子It's falling. We're looking at low 20s.这个数字还不错考虑到这次的失败都怪…It's a good number considering the fallout from...怪瑞德捅出来的这个大漏子From Reed's disaster?帮我联♥系♥一个早上的访谈秀拉里·金的Get me on the a.m. shows, Larry King, the cover of the Journal. 还有杂♥志♥的封面我得想办法遮住这个伤疤I have to do something about this scar确保他们只从左边拍我Make sure they only shoot me from my left side.事实上,这伤疤还能加深印象Actually, the scar's tracking well.人们似乎觉得它让你显得更有人情味了People seem to think it humanizes you.还成了好事了And that's a good thing?你知道吗,也许你该休息一下You know, maybe you should get some rest.不行Later.首先,我还有些未完成的工作First, I have some unfinished business.有一桩买♥♥卖♥♥要结案A deal that needs closing.先生,我总是很奇怪,为什么是苏Sir, I have always wondered, why Sue?你可以得到世界上其他任何女人You could have any other woman in the world.正因为如此因为我能得到其他的女人That's why. Because I could have any other woman.不,我来说 -不,让他说No, let me tell the story. -No, let him tell the story.你没事吧 -可能是虾不新鲜You all right? -Yeah, bad shrimp.我想我最好去躺躺I think I better go lie down.不好意思Excuse me.哦,老天Oh, God!你感觉好点了吗So, you feeling better?是啊,谢谢Yes, thank you.好Good.那就…好That's...good.你总是很会说话You always had a way with words.哦,我要走了…Wow. I should be going because我约了维克多I have to meet Victor.我挺为你和维克多高兴的I'm really happy for you and Victor.你真的为我和维克多高兴You're really happy for me and Victor?我看得出来,你们俩有共同的爱好I can tell you guys are enjoying what was the best part of our relationship. 也正如我们的恋爱关系中最美好的东西是 -激♥情♥…Which was? -Passion对科学的激♥情♥for science.你是个混♥蛋♥,瑞德You're such a dork, Reed.你从来就没搞清楚…You never got it,你永远也搞不清楚… -我说什么了and you never will... -Well, what did I say?…除非我用量子学来跟你解释...unless it's explained to you in quantum physics.我只不过想让你知道我…I just wanted to let you know that I...已经两年了现在你能说的就只是…It's been two years and all you can say is that you're happy 你为我和什么别的男人在一起而高兴for me and some other guy?维克多也许有他不好的地方Victor may be a lot of things.但至少他敢于去争取他想要的东西But at least he's not afraid to fight for what he wants.瑞德,有时候被人需要的感觉真的很好It's nice to be wanted sometimes, Reed.受人注视,倾听To be seen and heard.看着我Look at me.看不到I can't.什么叫看不到看着我What do you mean, you can't ? Look at me!苏,快看你的手Sue, look at your hands!嘿,你们俩Hey, you guys.你们绝不会相信刚才发生在我身上的事You are never gonna believe what just happened to me.什么What?哦,这个我可以解释Well, I can explain this.一定是那个风暴云从根本上改变了我们的DNAIt has to be the cloud. It's fundamentally altered our DNA. 我们先别忙着做结论Let's not jump to conclusions.在下结论之前我们要先掌握大量的证据才行We need a massive amount of evidence before making that leap. 喔噢,你们看Guys, look!再想象一下,到处都是Now, picture that, but everywhere.刚才就是到处都是It was everywhere.什么What?那个云层确实根本上改变了我们的DNAThe cloud has fundamentally altered our DNA.酷 -我们得去找本Cool! -We need to find Ben.还有你们知道吗我想我刚才飞起来了And you know what, guys? I think I was flying.把它灭了,约翰I said, cut it out, Johnny.我正研究窍门呢 -约翰I'm getting the hang of it. -Johnny.本,我是瑞德 -别玩了Ben, it's Reed. -Stop.好吧 -好吗All right. -All right?是 -天Yes. -God!天 -你有什么毛病啊God? -What's wrong with you?什么 -苏,你知道密♥码♥吗What? -Sue, do you know the code?可能I might.本,开门Ben, open up.你没事吧,本You all right, Ben?你们谁有钥匙Does somebody have keys to these doors?谁有Anybody?就把玻璃砸了,不会很厚的Just break the glass. It can't be that thick.再给我点时间差不多就好了Give me another couple of seconds, guys. I almost got it. 恶心That's gross.本Ben?看Look, look, look, look, look.那是什么What is that thing?怎么搞的What's going on?这里发生什么事了What happened in here?维克多,你感觉还好吗Victor, are you feeling all right?我很好,就是有点擦伤,仅此而已I'm fine. Just a few scrapes, that's all.这是本干的Ben did this.因为暴露在那个云层之下使得他有些反应He's had some kind of reaction to exposure from the cloud. 我们都有不同的症状We all have different symptoms.症状Symptoms?维克多,我本应该… -找到他Victor, I should have... -Just find him.有人知道那个大家伙大概会上哪吗Anybody got any ideas where the big guy's going?他回家了He's going home.(大号♥男装任君挑选)Men's BIG & TALL Selections available我靠,不是吧You gotta be kidding me.按键那么小Little buttons.接线员,你好Hello, Operator?Hello? -Debs?是我 -本It's me. -Ben?你还好吗你的声音有点不同Are you all right? You sound a little different. 听着,我想让你下楼到门前来 -楼下Listen, I need you to come out front. -Out front? 亲爱的,你回家了吗You're home, baby?是啊Yeah.有个惊喜要给你I got a surprise for you.我也有一个要给你Yeah, I got a little one for you, too.本Ben?你在哪Where are you?我在这儿I'm over here.先别走过来,好吗Don't come any closer for a sec, okay?这会有点,有点让人震惊It's gonna be a bit of a shock.亲爱的,怎么了Honey, what's going on?戴比…Debs,记得我们曾说过…remember when we used to say,不管发生什么都要永远在一起的吗“Together forever no matter what?”是啊Yeah.那么…Well...亲爱的,你别吓我Baby, you're scaring me.噢,我的天哪戴比,是我,我还是我Deb, it's me. It's still me.这是个意外,你听我解释It was the accident. Let me explain.不,别过来,别碰我 -戴比No! Don't touch me! -Debs!我叫警♥察♥了Hey, I'm calling the police.你还好吗Everybody all right?我看见那个家伙在那边I saw him. It's that guy over there!那么他昨晚在那Okay, so he was there last night.戴比会在桥的另一端和我们碰头Debbie's gonna meet us on the other side of the bridge. 对啊,本Yeah, Ben.“太空里过几天多好啊”“A few days in space. It'll be great.“难道还能有什么坏事发生”“What's the worst that could happen?”嗨,小东西Hey, little guy.你不怕我,对不对You're not afraid of me, are you?很好Perfect.谢谢Thanks.嗨Hey!你以为就你有问题朋友,你看看我You think you've got problems? You take a good look, pal. 再坏还能怎样,对不对How bad could it be, right?我看你不…I don't think you...好吧,朋友,放轻松别,别走到外面去Okay, pal. Take it easy. No, don't go out there.我说站住,你这果肉蛋糕Look, I said stop, you fruitcake!不,过来点No. Come close.反而远了,过来点That's further. Come closer.我说,停住,不I said, stop! No!过来Come here.好的,冷静All right, calm down.你想让我吓唬你You wanna be scared?好 -不Fine! -No!都回去,别过来Get back, everybody! Get back!回到车上我们会告诉你们何时可以通行Get back in your vehicle. We'll tell you when you can go.我们现在怎么办 -这里人这么多,我们过不去What do we do now? -We're not going to get past these guys. 不过你可以But you could.朋友,弄坏你的卡车,对不起Sorry about the truck, pal. Come on.你要帮忙吗你想按那个钮吗,先生A little help, here? You wanna hit the button, sir?卡住了It's stuck.苏,你的衣服,把它脱了Sue, your clothes. Lose them.好的Right.这可不好This is so wrong.喔,你有做健身 -闭嘴Wow, you've been working out. -Shut up!等等All right.别动All right, freeze!现在…Now just...把那个椅子上的男人放下Just put the man in the seat down.快点Do it!你还有什么好主意Any more great ideas?你怎么不把衣服脱了让几百个人盯着你看Why don't you strip down and have a 100 people stare at you? 苏 -什么Sue. -What?我得去找个心理医生I'm gonna need therapy.跟我来Come on, let's get out of here.让一让,让我过去Excuse me. Coming through.好的,现在,呃,往后退All right, now just back away from him.把你的手举起来放在头上…And I want you to put your hands on your head...954分队,马上到达事发地点954 approaching scene.真不敢相信,你让我出那样的丑I still can't believe you made me do that.我们总算过来了,不是吗找到本再说We got through, didn't we? Just find Ben.本Ben! Ben!妈妈Mom! Mom!呆在这别动,好吗Stay here, okay?我来了I'm coming.坚持住Hold on.坚持住Hang on!。
2009年印度娜迦邓铜矿看着点儿小心小心Hey, hey, watch out. Watch out.欢迎你我的朋友Welcome, my friend.见到你真好Great to see you.真高兴你来了Yeah, glad you made it.这是阿吉特吗长成小伙子了This can't be Ajit. He's a little man already.-真难以置信 -艾德里安你一定饿了吧- Unbelievable. - I hope you're hungry, Adrian.我要饿死了你还好吗阿帕娜I'm famished. How are you, Aparna?-我做了你最爱吃的咖喱鱼 -真等不及了- I made that fish curry you love. - I can't wait.我每次见她都变得更漂亮了为什么呢She gets more beautifuI every time I see her. Why is that? 是很奇怪啊但她做的咖喱鱼还是很难吃Strange, isn't it? But her fish curry is still awful.你在电♥话♥里神神秘秘的You were mysterious on the phone.你怎么没有出席会议Why didn't you attend the conference?马上你就会知道了艾德里安先生I will show you, Adrian, Sir.萨特南你太见外啦Satnam, stop "siring" me.我们要下到多深How deep do we need to go?3353米处Eleven thousand feet.我为此找遍了全印度I searched all over India for this thing.这里曾经是世界最深的铜矿Used to be the deepest copper mine in the world.还记得我弟弟格迪普吗Remember my brother, Gurdeep?他现在是一名学生了He's a student now.你们好赫姆斯利博士Namaste, Dr. Helmsley, sir.叫我艾德里安就行Adrian. It's just Adrian.今天这么热怎么就这么点冰It's so hot, ice's so little省着点用好吗Just don't pour too much, huh?你们是怎么高温作业的How do you work in this heat?今天还算好的呢You've come on a good day, my friend.有时候能达到华氏120度 (约49℃)Sometimes it can hit 120 degrees.这位是洛克什博士You have to come and meet Dr. Lokesh钦奈大学的量子物理研究员a Fellow of quantum physics at the university in Chennai. 你好赫姆斯利博士Dr. Helmsley.这是什么So, what are we looking at?这是中微子正常活动的状态These are neutrinos acting normally.没有聚集或是带电荷Minuscule mass, no electricaI charge.它们可以不受干扰的穿过普通的物体They pass through ordinary matter almost undisturbed. 你上次说了太阳暴之后Your message said the count doubled中微子数量翻倍了是吧after the last solar eruptions.那是上周的事That was last week.这是两天前发生的But this happened two days ago.人类历史上最大的一次太阳暴The biggest Sun eruptions in human history引起了有史以来最大的中微子反应causing the highest neutrino count we've ever recorded. 我的天啊My God.这还不是我担心的That's not what worries me, Adrian.中微子居然For the first time ever首次引起了物理反应the neutrinos are causing a physicaI reaction.这不可能That's impossible.这感觉真好That feels very good.请跟我来Please, follow me.你肯定无法相信You won't believe this.这个水罐还要再深1800米This water tank goes down another 6000 feet.貌似这些来自太阳的中微子It looks like the neutrinos coming from the Sun突变成为了一种新的核粒子have mutated into a new kind of nuclear particle.它们正在给地核加温They're heating up the Earth's core就像微波原理一样and suddenly act like microwaves.2009年华盛顿林肯酒店广场女士们先生们我说过没有演说Ladies and gentlemen, as promised, no speech就一句话谢谢你们just a thank- You今晚多亏了各位的慷慨解囊because tonight, with your extraordinary generosity 我们筹到了170万美金we have raised $1.7 million.-我是白宫的工作人员 -不管你是谁- I work for the White House. - I don't care.请着正装进入会场This is a black- Tie event.斯考迪Scotty.艾德里安你不是在印度吗怎么了Hey. Adrian, I thought you were in India. What's going on?-把你的西装给我 -什么- I need your Jacket. - What?我得和安休斯谈谈拜托把衣服给我I gotta speak to Anheuser. Give me your damn Jacket, please. 小心点那衣服600块呢Hey! Easy, that's a $600 Jacket.安休斯先生Mr. Anheuser?安休斯先生Mr. Anheuser.我得和您谈谈I need to talk to you.-我们认识吗 -打扰你了先生- Do I know you? - Sorry, sir.我是科技部地质方面的副研究员My name's Dr. Adrian Helmsley. I'm a我叫艾德里安·赫姆斯利deputy geologist at the Office of Science and Technology Policy. 失陪一下各位Excuse me, fellas.你应该知道这是个资金筹集酒会You know that this is a fundraiser, not a frat party, right?-此事非同小可 -总是这样- It's important, sir. - You know what? It always is.你约个时间要不这样吧Make an appointment with myYou know, even better:让你的上司在本季度科学报告会上Have your boss bring it up再和我说好吧at the quarterly science briefing. Ok?这主意不错There's a good plan.我连着坐了20个小时的飞机过来先生I just traveled 20 straight hours to get here, sir.两天没合眼I haven't slept in two days.您必须得看看这个马上You need to read this, sir. You need to read it now.我看看国家地地质灾害?Let me guess, nationaI geology crisis?Excuse me.-你的上司是谁 -里克·韦索斯- Who do you report to? - Lee Cavazos.以后不是了Not anymore.阿尔备车Alan, bring the car around.-你最好洗个澡 -什么- You're gonna wish you took a shower. - Sir?等会儿我带你去见总统You're about to meet the president.怎么了What's going on?把这些拿到我办公室去Get that to the office.2010年英属哥伦比亚八国集团首脑会议早上好Good morning.我想要和各位元首单独谈谈I would like to meet privately with my fellow heads of state. 马可拉克先生希望他的翻译可以在场Mr Macaraca wishes to have his interpreters present.总统先生我可以向你保证Mr. President, I can assure you你绝对可以听懂我说的话your English is more than sufficient for what I have to say. 总统先生Mr. Presidents.半年前Six months ago我得知了一个震惊的消息I was made aware of a situation so devastating起初我拒绝相信that, at first, I refused to believe it.然而However在我们杰出的科学家们的共同努力下through the concerted efforts of our brightest scientists我们确认了它的真实性we have confirmed its validity.The world as we know it就要走向尽头了will soon come to an end.2010年西♥藏♥ 邱明谷这是个绝好的机会This dam project will可以创造更多的工作机会create many new jobs.党和国家一定会帮助大家重建家园The Party and country will assist in your relocation.奶奶把手给我Grandma, give me your hand.-他们要把我们带到哪儿去 -不会有事的- But where are they taking us? - It'll be all right.哥哥Brother!奶奶我会给你寄钱的Grandma, I will send you money.谁能够写Who can write?谁能够读Who can read?谁能烧焊Who can weld?2011年伦敦皇家大酒店想必阁下一定已经看过材料了吧Has His Highness had an opportunity to study the dossier? 要知道我有很多家人你怎么称呼You must understand, I have a very big family, Mr?埃塞克Isaacs.10亿美元可是个大数目One Billion dollars is a lot of money.恐怕是10亿欧元阁下I'm afraid the amount is in euros, Your Highness.2011年巴黎卢浮宫我对你们的组织很有信心I put a lot of faith into your organization.这真是完美的仿制品罗兰It's a perfect replica, Roland.外面现在到处都是狂热分子There are too many fanatics out there被毁了就可惜了that could damage her.想想那些阿富汗被炸掉的佛像Just think about the beautifuI Buddha statues they blew up in Afghanistan. 遗产组织已经开始收集Our Heritage Organization has already made selections大英博物馆和冬宫博物馆的藏品from the British Museum and L'Hermitage.她会被安全转移I guess she'll be safe now, tucked away藏到瑞士防核碉堡里面hidden in some bunker in Switzerland.绝对安全罗兰Perfectly safe, Roland.只有通过红外分♥析♥才能看出差别Only infrared analysis would reveaI the difference.但终究是个赝品But it's still a fake.这次在玛雅古城提卡尔集♥体♥自♥杀♥事件This mass suicide was actually discovered by a documentary crew是由一个纪录片拍摄小组发现的here in the ancient Mayan city of Tikal.据说目前很多死者Now, the victims, and we've seen many坚信玛雅卓金历中的预言are said to have adhered to the Mayan-Quiche calendar预言中说由于太阳发散出的毁灭性力量which predicts the end of time to occur今年的12月21日on the 21st of December of this year将是世界的终结due to the Sun's destructive forces.谢谢你马克Thank you, Mark.奇怪的是Strangely enough,科学方面的一些记录也支持这一观点scientific records do support the fact that加利福尼亚州曼哈顿海滩我们正面临史上最强烈的太阳活动we are heading for the biggest solar climax in recorded history.很多人相信玛雅历中预言的Apparently many people believe that the Mayan calendar predicts 银河系中的行星会排成一条直线...that there's supposed to be a galactic alignment.我完蛋了I'm a dead man.完蛋了彻底完蛋了I'm a dead man. I'm a dead man.凯特我就快上高速了Hey, Kate. I'm practically on the freeway right now.是的我正往你家开Yes, I'm hurtling toward you as we speak.别着急我马上就到Will you relax? Yeah, I'll be there any second.这是度假又不是看去看病You know it's a vacation and not a doctor's appointment, right? 应该充满乐趣才对That it's supposed to be fun?你知道什么是乐趣吧凯特You remember fun, don't you, Kate?你还记得什么时候起Do you remember where you were你觉得没有乐趣了吗when it stopped being fun for you?知道了Yeah. I got it.防虫喷雾? 当然有Bug spray? Oh, yeah,这时候黄石公园有很多蚊子because it's mosquito season in Yellowstone.我带了很多先挂了I got a whole bunch. Okay, I gotta go,这里信♥号♥♥不太好because I'm in a bad-reception area.我的妈呀Whoa, man.看到了吗Would you look at that?天啊Sick.莫里尔我就说嘛Merrill, I told you.我们得搬回威斯康星We have to move back to Wisconsin.这些小型地震Yeah, but these little mini-quakes真的让我很紧张are really getting on my nerves.得了吧只是地表的一些小裂缝而已A little surface crack? You're not又不碍什么事gonna be inconvenienced by that.没错表面裂纹找个整形医师就行Right, surface cracks. I got a plastic surgeon for that.多亏有防震咖啡杯Thank God for those shake- proof coffee mugs,充分展现了加州人的本性They show the true nature of us Californians.绝不会向一点儿不便的小裂缝屈服的We'll not bow to these inconvenient things like surface cracks. 忏悔吧末日来临了如果你想分享If you have a funny mini-quake story有关地震的小趣事请拨♥打♥555and wanna share it, call 555-1 070.-爸爸 -宝贝- Hi, Daddy. - Hi, baby.-你怎么样亲爱的 -很好- How are you, sweetie? - Good.杰克逊这是怎么回事Jackson, what is this?别这么叫我我是你♥爸♥Please don't call me that. I'm your Dad.来吧Come on.开着豪华轿车带他们去露营吗You're taking them camping in a limo?好吧很好Okay, great.你现在的临时工作怎么样What happened to your temp job?时段很好有更多的时间写作Oh, you know, better hours, more time to write.睡眠呢最近睡得好吗What about sleeping? Have you been doing any of that lately? 我都说了几百遍了I've said it a thousand times, no lipo周五♥不♥做吸脂太恶心了等下on Fridays. It's too messy. Hold on.-早上好杰克逊 -好- Morning, Jackson. - Hi.-车不错 -谢谢- Nice ride. - Thanks.旅途愉快Guys, have a nice trip.小心点当心有熊啊Remember, watch out for the bears.再见戈登Bye, Gordon.-我爱你宝贝 -再见- Love you, honey. - Bye.-好了那么-你和他说- Okay, so, Liloh, yeah. - You tell him.和我说什么Tell me what?每晚睡觉前帮她换上She needs to put these on before she goes to sleep.-还用这个? -对- Still? - Yes.你闺女7岁了还尿床Your 7- Year- Old still wets her bed.这事你该知道That's something you should know.-我爱你 -我爱你妈妈- I love you. - Love you, Mom.你可以吗You okay?他们很想要和你出去玩They've been looking forward to spending time with you.我知道I know.-所以别老摆弄电脑 -收到- So don't be on your computer. - Got it.我爱你们Love you.-这次我们要去日本 -那又怎样- So this time, we hit Japan. - So?你就能去看看你儿子威尔了Well, you could visit your boy, Will.女士们下午好Afternoon, ladies.-你们好 -好帅哥- Hello there. - Hello, handsome.你听我说话了吗Are you even listening to me?听着呢哈里Unfortunately, I am, harry.奥德利说你当爷爷了I heard from Audrey you're a grandpa now.你能少管我的家务事吗Would you mind keeping your nose out of my family? 你破坏了我的心情我们在这儿呢You're cramping my style, baby. There we are.他娶了个日本姑娘So he married a Japanese girl.这没什么大不了的How is that the end of the world?好了托尼你起码得去看看他Come on, Tony. You should at least go see him.你见到你的儿子了吗You see your boy?不是我想见就能见的Not as much as I'd like.华盛顿太远了但我们起码会交谈D.C. Is a long way, but at least we talk.谈什么About what?人生苦短啊life, and how short it is.搞什么鬼啊What the hell was that?喂Hello?劳拉Laura.劳拉能听清吗Laura, can you hear me?罗兰是你吗Roland, is that you?劳拉我们上当了Laura, they lied to us.明天我准备开一个记者招待会I've arranged a press conference for tomorrow.我要宣布事实的真♥相♥I will tell everyone the truth about what's going on.你在说什么What are you talking about?那些艺术品The art you collected没有运往阿尔卑斯山it's not in the Alps.那些隧♥道♥里空无一物Those tunnels are empty.我有证据I have proof!劳拉Laura.劳拉你听得清吗Laura, can you hear me?-罗兰我听不到你说什么 -劳拉你听得清吗- I'm losing you. Roland? - Laura, can you hear me?劳拉Laura.黄石国家公园-我喜欢这首歌♥ -信♥号♥♥真差- I liked that song. - We lost it.西海岸到处是这种地表裂缝going on the west coast with all those surface cracks.我就跟自己说"查理快去黄石公园吧"I told myself, "Charlie, get your stupid ass to Yellowstone." 我可不想错过大爆♥炸♥I don't want to miss all the fun when it finally blows.透露一个消息一大早开始Let me tell you, there's been government people就有政♥府♥的人飞进飞出flying in and out all morning,而且都面色凝重and trust me, they did not look happy.-真诡异 -朋友们要永远记住- That's weird. - Always remember, folks-在查理这里知晓了天机 -他说的这些吗- You heard it first from Charlie. - Yeah, just when he said that? 这种可能性有多大呢What are the odds?我们并没有观测到We're not seeing soil liquefaction we'd expect预期中的土地液化or any evidence of fracture或是建筑板材上的裂缝延伸迹象propagation within the tectonic plates.-博士请慢点讲 -西海岸的地震活动并不是- In English. - The activity on the coast并不是普通的地震is not caused by tecto-- by regular earthquakes.这些地表裂缝And these surface cracks have nothing与断层线的转移无关to do with shifting fault lines.你是说这是You suggesting this could be the乔琳计划的开端beginning of the cho ming operation?赫姆斯利博士正飞往黄石公园Dr. Helmsley is flying to Yellowstone以便收集更多的数据this morning to collect more data.赫姆斯利博士我们都在遵守We have been following the schedule你制定的日程表you established, Mr. Helmsley.人类史上最重要的日程表The most important schedule in the history of mankind.现在你说要弃用它Now you're teLilng me we have to throw it out?没错先生Yes, sir.之前我弄错了I was wrong.在这间办公室里从没有人说过弄错了Do you know how many times I've heard those words in this office? 从没有过Zero.你看到了吗Did you see this?很抱歉总统先生她执意要进来I'm sorry, Mr. President. She insisted.新闻上都在播这个It's all over the news.我们正进一步调查这起汽车爆♥炸♥案件We are learning more about this deadly car explosion.法国国家博物馆馆长原预定The director of the French NationaI Museums于今早在卢浮宫开新闻发布会was to hold a press conference at the louvre this morning.很巧的是他在巴黎遇难的隧♥道♥ Coincidentally, his death took place in the same paris tunnel与戴安娜王妃在1997年遇难的隧♥道♥相同where Princess Diana died in 1997.我们会继续追踪报道We are continuing to follow this story. We will...劳拉你没有见过赫姆斯利博士吧Laura, I don't believe you've met Dr. Helmsley.爸爸我刚刚才和他通过话他告诉我I just talked to him, Dad, and he told me我工作的组织是一个骗局that the organization that I work for is a sham.他为什么这样说呢I mean, why would he say that?你生气起来和你妈妈一摸一样You look just like your mother when you get upset.我告诉过你吗Did I ever tell you that?每次你都这样Every time I get upset.爸爸有人被谋杀了Daddy, a man was killed.亲爱的先坐下Honey, please sit down.我将要告诉你的事Only a dozen people in this administration这里也只有十几个人知道know what I'm about to tell you.爸爸发生什么事了Dad, what's going on?我们正在进行一次史无前例的国际合作An unprecedented internationaI endeavor is underway.目前已经有46个国家参与At this point, 46 nations are invested in this thing.劳拉很聪明她会理解Laura's a smart girl. She'll understand.巴黎那件事That thing in Paris,我们和那件事没有关系吧we're not involved in any of that, are we?"我们"? "我们"是什么鬼东西We? Who the hell is "we"?你在说什么啊What are you talking about?我们的当务之急是抢时间We need to focus on this timeline. That's what we need to do.-什么时候让人们知道这事呢 -你什么意思- When do we let the country know? - What do you mean?我们的人♥民♥ 先生他们有权知道The people, sir. They need to know.他们当然会知道听着Well, of course they do.你的任务是listen, your job is to figure out弄清楚地球什么时候毁灭when this is all gonna fall apart.我的任务是My job is to figure out设法在事情发生后维持政♥府♥的存在how to retain some semblance of government after it falls apart.现在我们没有时间想别的懂了吗UntiI then, we don't have time for anything except for doing those jobs. Okay?有黄石的消息给我打电♥话♥Call me the Moment you get any news from Yellowstone.知道了Yes, sir.靓吧Cute girl, huh?-什么 -第一千金啊- Sir? - The first daughter.-我看到你盯她了 -我没有- I saw you looking at her. - I wasn't looking at her.末日要来了你得动作快点Better move fast, kid. The end is near.您的直升机准备好了在白宫南草坪Adrian, your chopper's ready. They're waiting on the south lawn. 爸爸我们这是去哪儿啊Daddy, where are we going?我知道的一个特别地方Going to this really speciaI place that I know.从前我和妈妈经常在那儿约会It's a place where your Mom and I used to hang out a lot.我不想知道你和妈妈是在哪儿做♥爱♥的I don't wanna know where you and Mom had sex.-杰克逊现在我还太小了 -别这样叫我- I'm not ready for that, Jackson. - Stop caLilng me that.我不喜欢叫一声"爸爸"有那么难吗It's creeping me out. What's wrong with "Dad"?-没大没小 -爸爸看这儿- Grumpy grumperson. - Daddy, look at this.以前这里没有围起来啊That wasn't here before.怎么办What do we do?我要捡你的帽子Go get your hat.你看不见警告吗Don't you see the signs?这里以前有一个湖Used to be a lake here.这可不像湖Doesn't look much of a lake to me.对所有的都消失了I know, the whole damn thing's gone.-来吧我们去看看 -棒极了- Come on, let's check it out. - Great.目标到达危险地带Subjects have now entered hot zone.那是什么Who is that?美国陆军That's the U.S. Army.政♥府♥部队正向目标接近All manner of government vehicle are converging on subjects. 先生你们在禁区You're in a restricted area, sir.-你和你的家人跟我们走 -好吧- We need you to come with us. - Right. Right.我们跟这些人过去Okay, we're gonna go with these guys.会很好玩的That'll be fun, huh?这太疯狂了This is wild.太疯狂了This is really wild.不可思议地下12000米高达2700℃?This is unbelievable. 2700 degrees celsius at 40,000 feet?我知道这听上去的确不可思议I know, it sounds completely implausible.但温度确实以0.5%的幅度在上升Nonetheless, we're ticking off an increase of almost 0.5 percent. -每天? -不- Per day? - No.每小时Per hour.赫姆斯利博士我们在危险区抓了几个人Dr. Helmsley. We've arrested a group of tourists in the hot zone. 我来处理吧Okay, I'll take care of it.你去和萨特南联♥系♥Look, let's get Satnam on the communications link.我们交换一下数据We'll try and cross-reference the data.国家公园不应该有围栏It's a nationaI park. There's not supposed to be posted fences. 怎么回事I mean, what's going on here?我们是地质学家We're geologists.你们经常用机关枪挖地?Do you usually go digging with machine guns?少校我来处理这事儿谢谢Major, I'll take care of this. Thank you.那湖怎么了What happened to the lake?我们也想知道That's what we're trying to find out.我们认为整个区域都不太稳定We think the entire area has become unstable.我觉得你应该让你的孩子们离开I think you should take your kids and leave, Mr. Curtis.你不会是You're not by any chance the Jackson curtis《再见亚特兰蒂斯》的作者吧who wrote farewell atlantis, are you?正是在下The very same.那是献给我妈妈的It's actually dedicated to my Mom.真不错啊That's great.我在大学时I read a couple of your short stories读过一些你的短篇故事when I was in college. Yeah.你们爸爸很有才华You know, your father is a very talented man.-听听 -我正在看你的书- listen up. - It's amazing. I'm reading your book.看到第300天I'm around day 300, the shuttle has地球和飞船失去了联♥系♥just lost communication with earth.你还真幸运很少有人买♥♥呢You're one of the lucky few who bought it.-并不是我买♥♥的 -是吗- I didn't buy it. - No?我爸给我的My Dad gave it to me.我想问问你Let me ask you something.你真的认为人们会在You believe those people would behave so selflessly生死关头很无私吗knowing that their own lives were at stake?希望如此I hope so.评论家说我是一个盲目乐观主义The critics said I was naive, an unabashed optimist但这可说不好对吧but what do they know, right?-幸会 -幸会- Pleasure. - It was a great pleasure meeting you.少校麻烦您把他们带到露营区Major, could you escort these good people to the campgrounds? 这是你的This is yours.-谢谢 -是长官- Thank you. - Yes, sir.-保重 -谢谢- Take care. - Okay.他人很好He was very nice.你这样说是因为他喜欢我的书吗You're just saying that because he liked my book.看来还是你弟弟最聪明Looks like that boy of yours is gonna be smarter than any of us.发生什么事儿了What's wrong?我给了萨特南温度数据I sent Satnam the temperature reading.与阿根廷和安大略测到的一样My colleagues in Argentina and Ontario have almost identicaI data. 这里太热我们只有把铜矿封了It's so hot here, we've had to seaI off the mine.-你仔细确定过那些数据了吗 -我检查了3遍- Double- Checked the numbers? - Triple- Checked, my friend. 我也希望我们错了I wish we were wrong可是没有but we're not.地壳越来越不稳定The earth's crust is destabilizing.来得太早了吧It's too early.艾德里安你们得撤离了Adrian, you have to begin the evacuation.天啊My God.我们有高科技和先进的设备All our scientific advances, our fancy machines.可玛雅人几千年前就预测到了The Mayans saw this coming thousands of years ago.我还以为有很多时间呢I thought we'd have more time.好吧Okay.你赶快收拾行李I want you to pack up your family.我会安排飞机去德里接你们I'm gonna arrange an airlift for you from delhi.朋友谢谢你Thank you, my friend.祝你好运And good luck.阿吉特Ajit.我们要登上大船了We are going on a big ship.-真酷 -军事戒备- That was so cool. - Yeah, that was intense.-直升飞机 -我到过的最牛的地儿- The helicopters. - Craziest place I've seen.-那些直升机真酷 -等等等等- Those helicopters were so cool. - Wait. Wait. Wait.问一下政♥府♥对你们说了什么One question. What did the government guys say to you? 我们不该翻越围栏Well, they don't like us going over their fences还有这整个区域很不稳定and that the whole area back there is unstable.不稳定? 他们说不稳定?Unstable. They said "unstable"?对不稳定Yeah, unstable.太搞笑了That's funny.我们走祝你开心Let's go. Have a good one.不稳定Unstable.长官不只是黄石公园It's not just Yellowstone, sir.全球所有地区的温度Temperatures are rising with incredible velocity都在急剧上升in hot zones across the globe.艾德里安你百分百确定吗Are you absolutely sure about this, Adrian?因为一旦下令Because once we give these orders就是板上钉钉的事了there's no going back. You understand that?恐怕没有时间犹豫了I'm afraid there's no longer any doubt, sir.能救多少算多少吧We have to save what we can.现在必须行动And we have to move now!黄石国家公园这里好多蚊子啊有人带防蚊液了吗There's mosquitoes in here. Did anybody spray the tent? 我明天去买♥♥I'm gonna get that spray tomorrow.你的血太甜了所以它们喜欢你They just like you because your blood's so sweet.爸爸你说过不会在这里写书的Dad, you said you wouldn't work on your book.什么我没有写书What, Lil'bee? I'm not, I'm not.我在干其他事I'm just-- I'm doing something else.我来哄你们睡觉Let me get you ready for-- ready for bed.好了Okay.你真的要这么多帽子吗Did you really need all these hats?-你的尿不湿呢 -穿上了- Where are your pull-ups, sweetie? - I have them on. 你妈给你这个手♥机♥?Who gave you this, Mommy?不是戈登给我的生日礼物No, Gordon gave it to me for my birthday.买♥♥手♥机♥是不是A cell phone is something we gotta应该家庭讨论一下啊talk about, you know, as a family."家庭"在哪儿啊What family?你这么说让我很伤心That hurts my feelings when you say stuff like that. 走开啦Just go away.大人Adults get戈登旅行真烂也会伤心啊hurt feelings too.我们有位在线听众We have a listener caLilng in.库克城的比尔Bill from Cooke city,你现在已经被接进查理直播间了you're on the Charlie Frost show.查理只是想说我很爱听你的节目Charlie, just wanted to say I love your show.不会吧No way.实话实说not afraid to tell the truth.谢谢你比尔你有什么问题Thank you, Bill. What is your question?我想知道从哪里开始I wanted to know, where is all this gonna start?估计从好莱坞吧比尔Something like this could only originate in hollywood, Bill. 那里的地面已经开始裂开了They got the earth cracking under their asses already.我们全家都信仰耶稣Our family believes in the GospeI of the Lord Jesus.我们无所畏惧查理We have nothing to fear, Charlie.祝你好运比尔谢谢来电Good for you, Bill. Thanks for caLilng.我是查理·弗罗斯特This is Charlie frost reporting live在黄石公园为你现场直播from Yellowstone nationaI park这里马上将成为世界上最大的活火山soon to become the world's largest active volcano.朋友们马上回来I'll be right back, folks.你不介意我问你点事吧Do you mind if I join you? I wanted to ask you something. 我只有一分钟的时间I only got a minute.来点儿吗Hey. Pickle?刚才我听了一会儿No. I was listening to the broadcast我不明白为什么and I was wondering what exactly is it会在好莱坞开始that's gonna start in Hollywood?大灾难It's the apocalypse.世界末日End of days.大审判世界末日The Judgment day, the end of the world, my friend.基♥督♥教说是审判日Christians called it the rapture,玛雅人很早就预测到了but the Mayans knew about it易经圣经都讲过the Hopis, the I Chingthe Bible, kind of.要啤酒吗Beer?-好 -我马上要吃饭了- Yeah. - So look, I gotta eat.你在我博客上下载吧免费的Why don't you download my blog. It's free.当然我们也欢迎捐款Of course, we do appreciate donations.古时候玛雅人是In ancient times, the Mayan people were第一个发现the first civilization to discover地球有末日的名族that this planet had an expiration date.据他们的日历According to their calendar2012年灾难会降临in the year 201 2, a cataclysmic event will unfold因为太阳系的行星排成一条直线caused by an alignment of the planets in our solar system每6♥4♥万年发生一次that only happens every 6♥4♥0,000 years.不会再有了Oh, not again.可以吧我自己做的Pretty neat, huh? I did all the animation myself.我们的地球就像一个橘子Just imagine the earth as an orange.用幽默感吸引他们让他们自己思考You lure them in with humor. Then you make them think.太阳释放了大量的射线Our sun will begin to emit such extreme amounts of radiation-- 它们是中微子Those little bastards are called neutrinos.地心将从里面开始融化That the core of the earth will melt. That's the inside part 这样地壳就能自♥由♥漂移of the orange leaving the crust of our planet free to shift. 1958年查尔斯教授In 1958, professor Charles hapgood命名为"地壳重置"named it earth crust displacement.爱因斯坦也表示同意Albert Einstein did support it.人类将完全感受到People, we'll get it all.地球母亲的毁灭性力量The forces of mother nature will be so devastating世界末日就在2012年的冬至it will bring an end to this world2012年12月21日on winter solstice, 12-21-12.朋友们你们要永远记住Always remember, folks,你们在查理·弗罗斯特这里知晓了天机you heard it first from Charlie Frost.你们一定要保密You'd have to keep a thing like this under wraps.想想吧I mean, just think about it, okay?第一股市将崩♥盘♥First, the stock market would go.然后经济崩溃Then the economy, boom!美元崩溃The dollar, boom!街上变成人间地狱And then pandemonium in the streets.战争屠♥杀♥ 砰砰砰War, genocide, boom, boom, boom!我才不信没有人可以守住这个秘密查理Bulishit. Nobody could keep that big a secret, Charlie.-一定有人会说的 -曾经- Somebody would blow the whistle. - Svery once in a while。
Chapter 1. PETER BREAKS THROUGH(1)All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was playing in a garden, and she plucked another flower and ran with it to her mother. I suppose she must have looked rather delightful, for Mrs. Darling put her hand to her heart and cried, "Oh, why can't you remain like this for ever!" This was all that passed between them on the subject, but henceforth Wendy knew that she must grow up. Y ou always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end.Of course they lived at 14 [their house number on their street], and until Wendy came her mother was the chief one. She was a lovely lady, with a romantic mind and such a sweet mocking mouth. Her romantic mind was like the tiny boxes, one within the other, that come from the puzzling East, however many you discover there is always one more; and her sweet mocking mouth had one kiss on it that Wendy could never get, though there it was, perfectly conspicuous in the right-hand corner.The way Mr. Darling won her was this: the many gentlemen who had been boys when she was a girl discovered simultaneously that they loved her, and they all ran to her house to propose to her except Mr. Darling, who took a cab and nipped in first, and so he got her. He got all of her, except the innermost box and the kiss. He never knew about the box, and in time he gave up trying for the kiss. Wendy thought Napoleon could have got it, but I can picture him trying, and then going off in a passion, slamming the door. Mr.Darling used to boast to Wendy that her mother not only loved him but respected him.He was one of those deep ones who know about stocks and shares.Of course no one really knows, but he quite seemed to know, and he often said stocks were up and shares were down in a way that would have made any woman respect him.Mrs. Darling was married in white, and at first she kept the books perfectly, almost gleefully, as if it were a game, not so much as a Brussels sprout was missing; but by and by whole cauliflowers dropped out, and instead of them there were pictures of babies without faces. She drew them when she should have been totting up. They were Mrs. Darling's guesses.Wendy came first, then John, then Michael.For a week or two after Wendy came it was doubtful whether they would be able to keep her, as she was another mouth to feed. Mr. Darling was frightfully proud of her, but he was very honourable, and he sat on the edge of Mrs. Darling's bed, holding her hand and calculating expenses, while she looked at him imploringly. She wanted to risk it, come what might, but that was not his way; his way was with a pencil and a piece of paper, and if she confused him with suggestions he had to begin at the beginning again. "Now don't interrupt," he would beg of her."I have one pound seventeen here, and two and six at the office; I can cut off my coffee at the office, say ten shillings, making two nine and six, with your eighteen and three makes three nine seven, with five naught naught in my cheque-book makes eight nine seven—who is that moving?—eight nine seven, dot and carry seven—don't speak, my own—and the pound you lent to that man who came to the door—quiet, child—dot and carry child—there, you've done it!—did I say nine nine seven? yes, I said nine nine seven; the question is, can we try it for a year on nine nine seven?""Of course we can, George," she cried. But she was prejudiced in Wendy's f avour, and hewas really the grander character of the two."Remember mumps," he warned her almost threateningly, and off he went a gain. "Mumpsone pound, that is what I have put down, but I daresay it will b e more like thirty shillings—don't speak—measles one five, German measle s half a guinea, makes two fifteen six—don't waggle your finger—whooping-cough, say fifteen shillings"—and so on it went, and itadded up differently e ach time; but at last Wendy just got through, with mumps reduced totwelve s ix, and the two kinds of measles treated as one.There was the same excitement over John, and Michael had even a narrow er squeak; butboth were kept, and soon, you might have seen the three of t hem going in a row to MissFulsom's Kindergarten school, accompanied by t heir nurse.所有的孩子都要长大的,只有一个例外。
Text OneThe Call of the Wildby Jack London1. Buck, a large dog, used to live in the south. But this was 1897, when men and dogs were hurrying to north-west Canada to look for gold. Buck was stolen and taken to the north, which was entirely new to him, being so close to the dangerous wilderness. How did Buck manage to adapt himself to the new life? Please read the following selection from Jack London's famous novel simplified by Nick Bullard.2. Buck lived in Mr. Miller's big house in the sunny Santa Clara valley. There were large gardens and fields of fruit 课文一野性的呼唤杰克·伦敦1.巴克是一条大狗,过去生活在南方。
高一英语单词表Unit 1honest adj 诚实的;正直的brave adj 勇敢的Loyal adj 忠诚的;忠心的wise adj 英明的;明智的;聪明的handsome adj 英俊的;大方的;美观的smart adj 聪明的;漂亮的;敏捷的argue vt 争论;辩论△solution n 解答;解决办法;解决方案classical adj 古典的;古典文学的△Steve 史蒂夫(男子名)fond adj 喜爱的;多情的;喜欢的fond of 喜欢;爱好△Sarah n 莎拉;萨拉(女子名)△Joe 乔(男子名)match n 火柴mirror n 镜子fry vt&vi 油煎;油炸gun n 炮;枪hammer n 锤子;槌saw n&vt&vi 锯rope n 绳;索;绳索△compass n 罗盘;指南针movie n 电影cast vt&vi 投掷;投射;抛△Tom Hanks 汤姆?汉克斯(美国男影星)△Chuck Noland 查克?诺兰德(男子名)△survive vt 幸免于;从……中生还 vi 幸存deserted adj 荒芜的;荒废的hunt vt&vi&n 打猎;猎取;搜寻hunt for 搜索,追寻;寻找in order to 为了△Wilson 威尔逊(男子名)share vt&vi 分享;共有;分配 n 共享;份额sorrow n 悲哀;悲痛care about 担心;关心feeling n.触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪such as 例如airplane n 飞机△parachute n 降落伞lie n 谎话;谎言speech n 演说;讲话;语音adventure n&vt&vi 冒险;冒险经历notebook n 笔记本;笔记本式电脑△scared adj 恐惧的△e-pal n 网友△South Carolina 南卡罗来纳州(美国州名)drop * a line 给某人写信(通常指写短信〉△formal adj 正式的;正规的error n 错误;差错Unit 2△Nancy 南希(女子名)bathroom n 浴室;盥洗室;厕所make oneself at home 别客气towel n 毛巾△landlady n 女房东;老板娘closet n 壁橱;储藏室△Karen 卡伦(女子名)pronounce v 发音;宣告;断言△Thompson 汤普森(姓氏)broad adj 宽的repeat vt&vi 重做;重复;复述 n 重复;反复△Dave 戴夫(男子名)△ketchup n 蕃茄酱;蕃茄沙司majority n 多数;大半native adj 本国的;本地的 n 本地人;本国人total n 总数;合计 adj 总的;全部的;整个的in total 总共△the United Kingdom 英国tongue n 舌头;语言;口语△mother tongue 母语equal adj 相等的;胜任的 vt 等于;比得上government n 政府;内阁situation n 情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置△Pakistan n 巴基斯坦(南亚国家)△Nigeria n 尼日利亚(非洲国家)△the Philippines 菲律宾共和国;菲律宾群岛except for 除了……之外international adj 国际的;世界的organization n 组织;机构;团体trade n 贸易;商业tourism n 旅游;观光global adj 全球的;球形的communicate vi 交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等)communication n 交流;通讯;通信exchange vt&n 交换;交流;兑换service n 服务,服务性工作signal n 信号movement n 运动;动作;运转△peg n 钉;栓;桩commander n 司令官;指挥官tidy vt&vi 整理:收拾 adj 整齐的;整洁的stand n 台;看台;摊,摊位stay up 不睡,熬夜come about 发生independent adj 独立自主的fall n 秋天;瀑布expression n 短语;表情end up with …告终typhoon n 台风△tornado n 旋风;龙卷风△Spanish n 西班牙语;西班牙人adj 西班牙(人、语)的△Noah Webster 诺厄?韦伯斯特(美国词典编纂家)publish vt 发表;出版;公布southern adj 南方的;南部的△statement n 陈述;声明;综述president n 总统;校长;行长;会长European adj 欧洲的;欧洲人的bring in 引进;引来△Florida 佛罗里达(美国州名)a great many 许许多多;极多howl vi&n 嚎叫;怒吼;嚎哭cookbook n 食谱compare vt 比较replace vt 替换Unit 3consider vt 考虑;照顾;认为means n 手段;方法transportation n 运输;运送board n 上(船、飞机等)△destination n 目的地experience vt&n 体验;经历;经验simply adv 仅仅;只不过;简单地;完全;简直get away from 逃离△raft vi 乘筏 n 木筏vacation n 假期;休假nature n 自然;自然界;本性basic adj 基本的 n 基本;要素equipment n 装备;设备simple adj 简单的△backpack n 背包tip n 指点;忠告;尖端;小费watch out 注意;当心△spider n 蜘蛛poisonous adj 有毒的;有害的;恶毒的protect sb/sth from 保护、保卫某人(某事物)△cellphone n 手机paddle vi 划桨;涉水。
TriflesBy Susan GlaspellCharacters人物George Henderson , county attorney乔治?亨德森,县法官Henry Peters ,Sheriff亨利?彼得斯,司法官Lewis Hale, A neighboring farmer路易斯?黑尔,附近的农场主Mrs. Peters 彼得斯夫人Mrs.Hale黑尔夫人(Part One )Scene场景The kitchen in the now abandoned(閒置的) farmhouse of John Wright, a gloomy 黑暗的kitchen , and left without having been put in order ---unwashed pans平底锅 under the sink洗涤槽 , a loaf of (一條)bread outside the breadbox , a dish towel on the table ---other signs of incompleted work.约翰?赖特的农场里现已闲置的房屋中的厨房。
At the rear the outer door opens and the sheriff comes in followed by the county attorney and Mr. Hale .後侧,大门打开,司法官走上,身后跟着县法官和黑尔先生。
The sheriff and Mr. Hale are men in middle life , the county attorney is a young man , all are much bundled up(臃腫) and go at once to the stove .後侧,大门打开,司法官走上,身后跟着县法官和黑尔先生。
Lichtberichtholländischen Hotel Residénce Vinke-veen sieht man die wahre Schönheit nur von innen. Eine neue Arbeit des Architekten Ed Veenendaal. Moderne Technik als Diener der Illusion in der Neuen Schaubühne Berlin . In der Schweiz entstand der erste Migros-Großmarkt mit Visionair,ein gutes Beispiel einer Lichtsanierung. Varipoll-Lichtsystem - abgependeltes Licht spart Energie. Lichtinformationen undZu diesem Heft:…Mehr Licht“ als Konjunkturhoffnung. Die Silhouette von Düsseldorf erhielt ein neues Wahr-zeichen: Ein Turm als Normaluhr.Horst H. Baumann gestaltete den Lichtzeitpegel. Historische Bausub-stanz im Rampenlicht begeistert den Besucher in Brügge bei Nacht.Mono-poll - Lichtsystem: Eine Mischung aus Funktions- und Reizlicht wird zu einer neuen Architektur des Lichts.BeimNachrichten. Oseris - ein neues Pro -gramm von Niedervolt-Leuchten der italienischen Designer Ambasz und Piretti.Erschienen im April 198214EInhalt SeiteZu diesem Heft1Ein Turm als Normaluhr 2-3Brügge bei Nacht 4-9Eine neue Architektur des Lichts 10-11Hotel Residénce Vinkeveen 12-17Beleuchtung von Bildern 18-19Neue Schaubühne Berlin 20-29Erster Migros-Großmarkt in der Schweiz 30Varipoll-Lichtsystem 31Lichtinformationen und Nachrichten 32Niedervolt-Leuchten 33EERCO Leuchten GmbH Postfach 24605880 Lüdenscheid W-GermanyTelefon 02351/5 51-1Telex 826722-0Fotos: Archiv Akademie der Künste, Berlin,Horst H. Baumann, Frieder Blickle, Helmut Claus,Marianne Fleitmann, Hans Hansen, Thomas Mayer,ERCO Werktoto© 1982 ERCOPrinted in W-Germany, Druckhaus Maack KG 5880 Lüdenscheid, Nr. 616 8204Im März hat er sich zum hundertfünf-zigsten Mal gejährt, der Todestag von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. So sei es im Goethe-Jahr erlaubt, den Dichter-fürsten zu zitieren mit seinen berühm-ten letzten Worten: …Mehr Licht.“…Mehr Licht“ ist der Wunsch, den Kon-junkturpolitiker, Wirtschaftler und Ge-werkschaften haben beim Anblick der düsteren Ökonomie und dem noch dü-stereren Bild, das die Bauindustrie ab-gibt, die besonders unter den hohen Zinsen zu leiden hat.Auch die Leuchtenindustrie - in vielen Bereichen direkt abhängig von der Bau-konjunktur - tut sich zur Zeit schwer,Optimismus zur Schau zu tragen. Auch hier wirkt die Konjunkturlandschaft dü-ster, und so erstreckt sich die Hoffnung dieser Industrie im doppelten Wortsin-ne auf …Mehr Licht“.Doch genug des Goethezitierens. Der Lichtbericht 14 ist fertig und wird hof-fentlich Ihre Zustimmung finden. Wir berichten unter anderem über eine Lichtuhr, ein Hotel in Holland, Brügge bei Nacht und über die Schaubühne in Berlin, wie im letzten Heft bereits angekündigt. Es war schwierig, die Erlaubnis zum Fotografieren während der Probe-arbeiten an der Schaubühne zu bekommen. Doch nach zahlreichen vergeblichen Versuchen hat es dann doch noch geklappt, und wir bedanken uns für die Genehmigung.Helmut Claus fotografierte für uns das Theater und die Arbeit im Theatersaal und gibt Einblicke in das Konzept der Schaubühne.Brügge bei Nacht fotografierte Thomas Mayer, und er zeigt Anblicke einer alten Stadt im neuen Licht. Eine Stadt so zu beleuchten, setzt Lichtbewußtsein vor-aus und eine qualifizierte Planung. Das war für uns Grund genug, als …Innen-leuchtenhersteller“ beispielhafte Au-ßenbeleuchtung zu zeigen, denn wir meinen, daß gute Lichtplanung es ver-Zu diesem Heftdient, so breit wie möglich vorgestellt zu werden.In diesem Jahr kommt die Architektur-beleuchtung technisch einen guten Schritt weiter. Auf dem Gebiet der Nie-dervoltbeleuchtung sind Produktkon-zepte entstanden, die technisch und formal neue Möglichkeiten des Lichtes aufzeigen. Die Unterlagen dafür sind in Vorbereitung — auf die wir jetzt schon hinweisen möchten. Das gleiche gilt für Produkte, die die neuen kleinen Leuchtstofflampen benutzen, die bei Philips unter dem Namen PL-Lampen,bei Osram unter dem Namen Dulux-Lampen auf den Markt kommen. Wir haben die Produktserie für diese Lam-pen …Combinair“ genannt, da sie die Lücke zwischen Downlights und Leuchtstofflampen schließt.Beide Leuchtengruppen - die Nieder-voltleuchten, die wir …Oseris genannt haben, und die Combinair-Leuchten helfen bei richtigem Einsatz, Energie zu sparen, eröffnen neue Beleuch-tungsmöglichkeiten und weisen den Weg für Lichtkonzepte in der Zukunft.An das Lichtbewußtsein appellierte das Lichtstudio an der Oper in Berlin.Im Februar eröffnete man eine Aus-stellung zum Thema Licht, Design und Kunst und lud das licht- und kunstin-teressierte Publikum Berlins ein. Die Eröffnung war ein voller Erfolg, die Räume zum Bersten gefüllt und die Luft zum Schneiden. Die Besucher hat-ten ihren Spaß, und Herr Schweizer,Inhaber des Lichtstudios an der Oper,erntete viel Lob für sein Engagement.Auf dem Kurfürstendamm signalisierte die Lichttafel das Ereignis, das im Leuchtenhandel so noch nicht da war.Wenn ein Lichtbericht in Druck geht,sind die Arbeiten für den nachfolgen-den Lichtbericht schon weit vorange-trieben. Wir möchten Ihnen deshalb schon jetzt eine Vorankündigung für ein Thema im nächsten Lichtbericht machen, nämlich die Eröffnung desMuseums in Mönchengladbach. Im Juni wird der Architekt Hans Hollein dem Direktor des MuseumsMönchengladbach, Herrn Dr. Johan-nes Cladders, die Hausschlüssel übergeben. Das Museum, das die Kunst nach 1945 sammelt, hat hohen Rang und bezieht im Sommer einen Neubau, der schon jetzt internationa-les Interesse hervorruft. ERCO wird einen großen Teil der Beleuchtung liefern. Also gibt es Grund genug,über die Architektur, die Lichtarchi-tektur und das Museum zu berichten.Bis zum nächsten Heft also!Ihr Klaus J. MaackDie Lichttafel auf dem Kurfürstedamm in Berlin signalisierte die Magie und Mathematik des gerichteten Lichtes und grüßte die Firma ERCO - eineÜberraschung, die der Inhaber desLichtstudios an der Oper, Herr Schwei-zer, vorbereitet hatte.Ein Turm alsNormaluhr…Das Ungewöhnliche beginnt zur Ge-wohnheit zu werden‘, so lautete der Anfang eines Artikels im April-Heft 1981 des Düsseldorf-Magazins. Was hier so geheimnisvoll umschrieben wurde, ist schlicht die Fertigstellung der jüngsten optischen Attraktion der Rheinmetropole, nämlich des neuen 234,2 Meter hohen Fernmeldeturms.Aus einer nüchternen technischen For-derung wurde im Zusammenwirken zwischen Post, Bauträger und Archi-tekten ein Bauwerk, welches im Moment mit viel Lob bedacht wird.Neben anderen imponierenden Zahlen kann der Turm einen weiteren Super-lativ für sich in Anspruch nehmen: erist zugleich die größte und genaueste Normaluhr der Welt mit Dezimalzeit.Aber bereits die Entstehungsgeschich-te des Turmes weist Besonderheiten auf. Die Bundespost benötigte zur Sicherung der Fernsprechverbindun-gen von und zur Fernmeldevermitt-lungszentrale einen Turm. Trotz der rasanten Entwicklung der Nachrichten-technik in Richtung Glasfaser und anderer Technologien entschloß sichdie Post zu dieser konventionellen Lösung. Die Gesellschaft für kommu-nale Anlagen GKA gewann den 1977ausgeschriebenen Bauträgerwettbe-werb, die Bietergemeinschaft Dycker-hoff & Widmann/Philipp Holzmann übertrug die Architekturplanung Pro -fessor Harald Deilmann. Wie stets,wenn gute Lösungen gesucht werden,müssen die richtigen Leute zum richti-gen Zeitpunkt zusammenkommen.So war es möglich, daß nach anfängli-chen Schwierigkeiten der kühne Ent-wurf eines schlanken Turmes mit aus-kragender Betonkanzel statisch wie auch konstruktiv gelöst werden konn-te. Ein Novum, denn sonst sind in so großer Höhe die Turm- kanzeln meist aus Stahl.Baubeginn war am 1. April 1979. Bis zu 22 Meter tief wurden 256 Beton-pfähle in den Untergrund gerammt.Auf den sich anschließenden Funda-mentring wurde der Turm gebaut und bereits im April 1981 wurde die absch-ließende Kunststoffspitze von 17 Me-tern Höhe aufgesetzt. Man sieht dem schlanken Riesen seine 22500 Tonnen Gewicht nicht an. Das bleiche Beton-kleid verhüllt auch die im Turmschaft vorhandene Förder- und Nachrichten-technik. Vier Aufzüge sind im Kern des Fernmeldeturms untergebracht. Die beiden für die Besucherbeförderungvorgesehenen brauchen keine 50 Sek -unden bis zur Aussichtsplattform, wo man in 166,25 Meter Höhe bei gutem Wetter eine hervorragende Fernsicht genießen kann. Darüber befinden sich auf zwei Decks Restaurantbetriebe,drei weitere Decks dienen der Post,die über die 40 Muschel- und Parabol-antennen bis zu 200000 Ferngesprä-che gleichzeitig abwickeln kann. Von Anfang an hatten der Architekt unddie Stadt Düsseldorf den Wunsch, den die Stadtsilhouette beherrschenden Betonschaft mit Licht aufzulockern.Dies erfuhr auch der durch seine Laser-Experimente in Düsseldorf be-kannt gewordene und dort auch behei-matete Kommunikations-DesignerHorst H. Baumann. Er hatte das Wach-sen des Turmes aufmerksam verfolgt und machte den Vorschlag, einen Zeit-pegel, eine neuartige Zeit-Skulptur, an dem Fernmeldeturm zu verwirklichen.Für diese Riesenuhrwerden 39 der 62Bullaugen des Turmes genutzt. ImSekundentakt schalten sie die ge-naue Uhrzeit. Genauer geht es übrigensnicht: Für das am Turm gezeigte …deut-sche Zeitnormal“, das von der Physika-lisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt als Grundlage für alle Zeitangaben in der Bundesrepublik verbreitet wird, strahlt ein bei Frankfurt stehender Langwel-len-sender im Sekunden-Impuls aus.Eine Antenne am Fernmeldeturm nimmt diesen Impuls auf, ein eigens entwickeltes Steuergerät schaltet dann die 39 Bullaugen. Der Superlativ für den Düsseldorfer Zeitpegel ist deshalb gerechtfertigt, da das deutsche Zeit-normal als die genaueste Zeitangabe der Welt gilt. Für die Ausleuchtung der 39, wie eine moderne Digital-Anzeige wirkenden Bullaugen lieferte die Firma ERCO als Sonderanfertigung herge-stellte Parabol-Spezialstrahler.Die Zeitangabe beginnt mit den Bull-augen 11 bis 19 in 40 bis 60 Meter Höhe des Turmes. Sie markieren die Signale für die Einzelsekunden. Das 20. Bull-auge dient der Trennung, die folgenden fünf Bullaugen zeigen die Zehnersekunden 10 bis 50 an. Die bei-den nächsten Bullaugen samt dem ersten Flugfeuer dienen wieder als Trennung. Darüber folgen die Einzelmi-nuten 1 bis 9. Bullauge 37 trennt wie-der, 38 bis 42 gibt die Zehnerminuten an, 43 und 44 sowie das nächste Funk-feuer trennen wieder. Darüber folgen die Einzelstunden 1 bis 9. Bullauge 54bildet die letzte Trennung, während die beiden letzten die Zehnerstunden sig-nalisieren. Der neue Zeitpegel, der mit der Eröffnung des für das Publikum zugängigen Bereiches am 1. März in Betrieb genommen wurde, ist im nörd-lichen Teil Düsseldorfs in einem Halb-kreis von Heerdt bis zum Hauptbahn-hof bei klarem Wetter gut zu erken-nen.Viele Rauten aus alter und neuer Zeitbemerken wir bei Tage kaum, obwohlsie eigentlich unsere Aufmerksamkeitverdienten. Wir werden durch dieÜberfülle von optischen und akusti-schen Reizen so beansprucht, daß wirnur noch die uns unmittelbar betref-fenden Dinge wahrnehmen. So wie einJuwelier einen geschliffenen Diaman-ten nur vor dunklem Hintergrund mitgebündeltem gerichtetem Licht voll zurGeltung bringen kann, wird eine sach-und fachgerecht angestrahlte Burg vordem dunklen Nacht-himmel zu einemdie Nachtlandschaft beherrschenden‚Juwel‘. So prägen angestrahlteKirchtürme, Brücken und Bürgerhäuserdas Bild einer Stadt mehr als am Tage.Das Medium Licht ist ein ausgezeich-neter Werbeträger.“ Aus …Gutes Lichtfür Straßen, Plätze, Parkanlagen …‚Heft 3, einer Schriftenreihe der Förder-gemeinschaft Gutes Licht.Die sakrale Baukunst hat auch inBelgien ihre Blütezeit erlebt. Diese dra-matisch ausgeleuchtete Kirchenfensterpräsentiert sich auch nachts in vollerSchönheitDie durch Licht zum Leben erweckteFassade spiegelt sich reizvoll in einemder zahlreichen Kanäle.Brügge bei NachtDas elektrische Licht hat uns von derDunkelheit befreit. Die Nacht wird zumTage, wann immer wir es wollen. Die-ser Fortschritt hat nicht nur die In-nenraumbeleuchtung revolutioniert,auch die Entwicklung der Straßen- undAußenbeleuchtung hat sich gewandelt.Ein kurzer historischer Rückblick zeigt,daß die öffentliche Beleuchtung derStädte sich sehr langsam verbesserte.Über mit Öl betriebenen Laternen, dievon ganzen Kompanien von Lampen-putzern gewartet werden mußten,über die Gasbeleuchtung des 19. Jahr-hunderts hin bis zu den ersten Kohle-bogenlampen war es ein weiter Weg.Erst mit der 1878 erfundenen soge-nannten Differentiallampe für Wechsel-strom gelang der Durchbruch, und alsauf der Gartenbauausstellung 1880 aufder Moorweide in Hamburg zum er-stenmal eine solche Bogenlampe auf-leuchtete, schlug die eigentliche Ge-burtsstunde der elektrischen öffentli-chen Beleuchtung. Den wegen ihrerhohen Lichtströme sehr grellen undauch technisch noch primitiven Bogen-lampen folgten bald Verbesserungen inForm von Quecksilberentladungslam-pen sowie hochwattigen Glühlampen.Die heute für die Außenbeleuchtungwohl am häufigsten verwendetenLichtquellen sind Natriumdampflam-pen, Quecksilberhochdrucklampen,Mischlichtlampen, Halogenlampen undnicht zuletzt Leuchtstofflampen.DerSieg der Elektrizität auf dem Gebietder Außenbeleuchtung hat einen dop-pelten Effekt bewirkt. Neben der reinrational zu bewertenden Beleuchtungdes Verkehrsraumes konnten erstmalsauch in großem Rahmen dekorativeAspekte berücksichtigt werden. In im-mer mehr Städten erinnerten sich dieVerantwortlichen ihrer historischenBausubstanz und begannen über wir-kungsvolle und attraktive Ausleuchtungalter Gebäude oder sogar Stadtteilenachzudenken. Glücklicherweise bliebes nicht beim Nachdenken. Nachdemerste beispielhafte Realisationen be-wiesen hatten, welche segensreicheAuswirkung zum Nutzen des Stadt-säckels ein durch nostalgische Gefühleangezogener Touristenstrom bringenkonnte, setzte ein wahrer Boom in derdekorativen Außenbeleuchtung ein.Herausragende Beispiele sind die et-was später - in Verbindung mit vonTonbändern abgespielten Erklärungen-.veranstalteten Lichtspiele …Son etLumiere“, die die Pracht des Schlos-ses von Versailles, des Grand Place inBrüssel oder der Pyramiden von Gizehverzaubern halfen.Heute wird es kaum noch Baudenk-mäler geben, die nicht nachts durchBeleuchtung hervorgehoben werden.Durch das gerichtete Licht der Flutlicht-scheinwerfer erheben sich die Fassa-den alter Schlösser, Bürgerhäuser oderBurgbefestigungen in dramatischerLicht-und-Schatten-Wirkung aus dernächtlichen Silhouette ihrer Umgebung.Eine dem Charakter der Bauwerke ent-sprechende Ausleuchtung bringt visu-elle Erlebnisse, die durch ihre Dramatikin faszinierendem Gegensatz zum diffu-sen Tageslicht stehen. Als technischeAnforderung ist jedoch zu berücksichti-Das Gesicht des nächtlichen Markt-platzes wird von den imponierendenSilhouetten des Belforts und des Rat-hauses geprägt.gen, daß das Beleuchtungsniveau ei-nerseits ausreichend ist, andererseitsdarf keine Verkehrsbeeinträchtigungauftreten.Als gelungenes Beispiel dekorativerAußenbeleuchtung zeigen wir auf die-sen Seiten die historische belgischeStadt Brügge bei Nacht. Unser Foto-graf Thomas Mayer hat die Aufforde-rung des Fremdenverkehrsprospekteswörtlich genommen, daß man dieseStadt aktiv, nicht passiv erlebenmüsse, daß man zu Fuß gehen sollte,mit Kamera oder Fotoapparat am Kanalentlangstreifen, zum Minnewater zugehen und zum Beginenhof zu spa-zieren. Brügge ist kein Ort, der ledig-lich zum Halten einlädt — Brügge istein Ziel. Ein Spaziergang oder eineBootsfahrt auf den Kanälen der Stadtläßt den Besucher die malerischstenWinkel der so romantischen Innen-stadt entdecken. Im Mittelalter warBrügge ein Welthafen, der durch denZwin mit dem Meer verbunden war.Der damalige Binnenhafen war daspoetische Minnewater.An der Südseite des Großen Platzessteht die aus dem 13. JahrhundertDas Licht verzaubert die Fassaden,Brücken und Parkanlagen zu einerbizarren Kulisse.Der 83 Meter hohe Belfort überragtdas Stadtbild von Brügge. Auchabends erleichtert der durch die An-strahlung wie ein Lichtfinger wirkendeTurm dem Besucher die Orientierung.stammende Markthalle, die früher das Handelszentrum der Stadt bildete. Hoch über dem Markt reckt sich der 83 Meter hohe Belfort, der außer dem achtecki-gen Obergeschoß auch noch ein wun-dervolles Glockenspiel hat. Das Rathaus aus dem Jahre 1376 ist das älteste der monumentalen Rathäuser Belgiens. In der 1. Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts wurde der Gerichtshof an der Stelle des Palastes des Freien Brügge errichtet. Im Schöffensaal steht heute ein berühmter Renaissance-Kamin aus Eichenholz und schwarzem Marmor. In der Heilig-Blut-Basilika aus dem 12. Jahrhundert wird seit 1149 die Reliquie des Heiligen Blu-tes aufbewahrt, im nebenan befindli-chen Museum ist der berühmte, aus Gold und Silber gefertigte Reliquien-schrein des Heiligen Blutes zu besichti-gen. Der …Prinselijk Begijnenhof Ten Wijngaarde“ wurde im Jahre 1245gegründet. Die hohen Bäume und der weite Rasen, um den die Häuschen gruppiert sind, machen ihn zu einer optisch reizvollen Anlage. Heute woh-nen keine Beginen mehr dort, sondern Benediktinerinnen, die noch die Kloster-tracht wie im 15. Jahrhundert tragen.Das folkloristisch wie religiös bedeu-tendste Ereignis in Brügge ist die Hei-lig-Blut-Prozession, die amHimmelfahrtstag jeden Jahres um 15Uhr stattfindet. Brügge ist darüber hin-aus für seine Klöppelspitzen weltbe-kannt. Sollte sich der eine oder andereLeser des Lichtberichts animiertfühlen, einen Abstecher ins benachbar-te Belgien zu machen, um sich selbstvon dem Reiz dieser Stadt zu überzeu-gen, ist daher ein Besuch des …Spit-zenzentrums‘ unbedingt anzuraten.Immer wieder stößt man in den ver-winkelten Gassen der Altstadt aufZeugnisse einer großen Architektur-Epoche.Eine reizvolle Farbstimmung, die imwahrsten Sinne des Wortes der soge-nannten …Blauen Stunde“ entspricht,ergibt sich aus der Mischung vondämm engem Tageslicht sowie effekt-voll plazierter Außenbeleuchtung.Zahlreiche Kanäle, im Flämischen…Reijn“ genannt, sind charakteristischfür das Stadtbild von Brügge.Auf diesem Bild verschmelzen Lichtund Umgebung zu einer Faszination,wie sie von den Bühnenbildern dergroßen Opern-Inszenierungen ausge-strahlt wird.Eine neue Architektur des Lichts Die Variationsmöglichkeiten für dasSpielen mit dem Licht sind durch dasMonopoll-Lichtsystem größer gewor-den. Das Schienensystem hat dahin-gehend eine erweiterte Aufgabe, da esnicht mehr nur über Adapter und Stra-hler das Licht in den Raum trägt, son-dern selbst ein lichtproduzierender Kör-per geworden ist.Mit Monopoll ist das …Licht zum Se-hen, das …Licht zum Ansehen“ sowiedas …Licht zum Hinsehen“ system-fähig geworden. Bei aller Funktionalitätbietet es der Phantasie breiten Spiel-raum. Das Monopoll-Lichtsystem er-öffnet durch seine vielfältigen Elementeneue Möglichkeiten der lnnenarchitek-tur. MonopoLl-Leuchten mit dem 26mm Leuchtstoff-Rohr, in Verbindungmit verschiedenen Abdeckungen.geben Foyers, Eingangszonen oderEmpfangshailen ein neues Gesicht.Piktogrammgehäuse für Monopoll-Leuchtstoffleuchten integrieren dievisuelle Kommunikation in das Be-leuchtungssystem. Mit Monopoll-Leuchten für Tropfenlampen könnenbei der Lichtplanung nunmehr auch dieWünsche nach einem dekorativenReizlicht erfüllt werden — ein durch-gängiges architektonisches Konzeptkann verwirklicht werden. Die Nieder-volt-Kleinlampen des Monopoll-Licht-systems schweben wie Glimmpunktefast sternengleich im Raum, Stirn-mungsvolles Licht für stimmungsvolleStunden. Doch dieses Licht eignet sichnicht nur für Diskotheken. ExklusiveRestaurants oder Nightclubs, eleganteBoutiquen sowie großzügige Wohn-räume sind weitere .Einsatzmöglich-keiten. Das spielerische Licht in dieserForm ist als willkommene Ergänzungund Abrundung eines funktionellenBeleuchtungssvstems zu sehen. Mitdem Monopoll-Lichtsystem ist diePalette der Möglichkeiten größer ge-worden, zum Nutzen einer individuel-len Gestaltung mit Licht.Hotel RésidenceVinkeveenDie Hotel RésidenceVinkeveen, an derAutobahn Utrecht-Amsterdam gelegen,wirkt von außen wie ein rustikales Mo-tel. Doch dieser erste Eindruck täuscht.Das Hotel Vinkeveen ist ein wahresLuxus-Hotel, geschmackvoll eingerich-tet, und es fasziniert immer wieder dieBesucher, egal ob sie das erstemaloder als Dauergast hier erscheinen.Im Januar 1978 bekam der Architekt EdVeenendaal den ungewöhnlichen wieauch seltenen Auftrag, einen bestehen-den Appartementkomplex am See vonVinkeveen zu renovieren und als Luxus-Hotel umzubauen. Das neu zu schaf-fende Haus sollte sich mit berühmteninternationalen Hotels messen können.Ed Veenendaal erinnert sich: …Als ichmit meiner Arbeit anfing, waren die 60Appartements bereits komplett mö-bliert. Aber die Einrichtung war abge-stimmt auf ein anderes Publikum, alswir es ansprechen wollten. Der ur-sprüngliche Zweck dieses Hauses war,als Durchgangsmotel für Autofahrer zudienen. Weil ich aber mit solch einerErbschaft nichts anfangen konnte,habe ich sofort alle Appartements völ-lig räumen lassen. Danach habe ichneue Badezimmer, Toiletten, Tapeten,Beleuchtung, Gardinen usw. entwor-fen. Dies alles war notwendig, weilnach dem neuen Konzept 60 Luxus-Appartements entstehen sollten. Umdieses zu erreichen, brauchte ich z. B.auch weiße Wolldecken. Schade, daßdiese letztlich nicht rechtzeitig geliefertwerden konnten. Hierdurch konntendie Appartements in der Anlaufperiodeauch nicht vermietet werden, weil ichin keinem Fall z. B. braune Wolldeckenakzeptieren wollte.“Für das …Make-up“ der Hotel Résiden-ce Vinkeveen hat der Architekt Veen-endaal seine Wahl aus den besten undteuersten Materialen, welche auf derWelt zu kaufen sind, getroffen. Für dieraffinierte Holzverkleidung des Ent-rées, der Lounge, des Restaurants, derBar und anderen Hotelräumen wurden1000 qm Furnierholz aus Ahorn verarbei-tet, womit alle Wandpaneele verkleidetwurden. Weiterhin setzte der Architekt40 qm Spiegelglas und 4500 m Profilrah-men ein. Um für ein festliches Licht fürdie Gäste zu sorgen, wurden vomInnenarchitekten 195 ERCO goldtonDownlights und 150 ERCO Wallwashereingeplant. Für die Akzentbeleuchtungvon Gemälden, Blumen und Pflanzen-gruppen wurden 120 ERCO TallonNiedervolt-Strahler montiert sowie 47Piktogramm-Leuchten für die Gebäude-kommunikation. Zur weiteren Aus-schmückung verwendete man 150 qmPortoro, schwarzen, goldadrigen Marmor,sowie 30 qm schwarzen Granit aus Afri-ka.Die Hotel Résidence Vinkeveen gehörtals zwölftes Haus zur Hotelkette derholländischen Bilderberg-Gruppe undliegt, wie bereits erwähnt, sehr ver-kehrsgünstig an der Autobahn A 2Utrecht—Amsterdam. Das Hotelgeländesteht sehr fotogen an dem Vinkeveen‘See, der das Herz eines einmaligen Er-holungsgebietes bildet. Die 60 kleinenWohneinheiten sind wie Luxus-Hotel-suiten ausgestattet. Höchsten kuli-narischen Ansprüchen genügt dasSpezialitäten-Restaurant …Le CanardSauvage“ mit 50 Sitzplätzen. Darü-ber hinaus gibt es die …Copper-Bar“mit offenem Kamin und Live-Music,mehrere Loungen sowie das …Treib-haus“, wo auch das Frühstück ser-viert wird. Vier Konferenzräume miteiner Kapazität von 10 bis 60 Perso-nen ergänzen das Raumangebot.Für sportliche Aktivitäten gibt eseinen Swimming-pool, zwei Saunen,einen Fitness-Raum sowie ein Sola-rium. An der Terrassenseite desHotels befindet sich ein Anlegestegfür Boote.Ein Blick auf den Innenhof läßt im Hin-tergrund der Terrasse den Anlegestegsowie den See erkennen.Der üppig bepflanzte Innenhof istwindgeschützt, an drei Seiten vonGebäudeflügeln eingesäumt und ver-lockt bei entsprechender Witterung zueiner kleinen Pause.A m24.N o v e m b e r1981w u r d e d a s Hotel,durch Seine Königliche Hoheit PrinzBernhard der Niederlande eröffnet.In der holländischen GastronomieFachzeitschrift …misset horeca“ gab derHoteldirektor Henk Priem ein Interview. Indiesem Gespräch bestätigte er offen, daßdas Hotel in der Anfangsphase einigeSchwierigkeiten hatte und daß der Umsatzweit unter den Planungen geblieben war.Doch nach seinen Worten hat die Bilderberg-Gruppe große Hoffnungen, daß das HotelVinkeveen ein Erfolg wird.Henk Priem: …Das Problem dieses Hotels ist es,daß man von außen nicht sehenkann, wie schön es von innen ist. Manmuß also dafür sorgen, daß sich poten-tielle Gäste für unser Haus interessierenund in dieser Hinsicht haben wir unsereAktivitäten erhöht. So geben wir z. B.Cocktail-Partys für die Vertreter derFluggesellschaften und zeigen ihnen beidieser Gelegenheit unser Hotel.“Ist der von Ihnen angestrebteQualitätsstandard inzwischen erreicht,daß Sie bereits so intensiv werbenkönnen?Henk Priem: …Natürlich habe ich in en-ger Zusammenarbeit mit meinen Ange-stellten unser Dienstleistungsangebotgründlich analysiert. Wir kamen sehrEin unverwechselbares Merkmal derniederländischen Landschaft ist das Gewächshaus. In Anlehnung an diese architektonische Konstante ist das Restaurant …Treibhaus“ konzipiert wor-den.ERCO Downlights verbreiten in derHotelbar ein stimmungsvolles Licht.schnell zu dem Ergebnis, daß in derVergangenheit keine kontinuierlicheQualität vorhanden war. An einem Taghatte man leckere Sachen im Restau-rant angerichtet, doch am nächsten Taglag es wiederweit unter dem Niveau.Leider haben Hubrecht Duijker und Tonvan Es (zwei holländische Gastronomie-Journalisten) uns an diesen schlechtenTagen besucht und daher das Restau-rant ein bißchen negativ eingestuft.Doch das hat sich geändert. Ich habegroßes Vertrauen, denn wir haben un-sere Küche wieder fest im Griff. UnserChefkoch Perry van Dijk und sein Stell-vertreter, der stellvertretende ChefkochRené Mulder, ergänzen sich gut undDie aufwendige Holzvertäfelung ver-kleidet die Innenräume — in diesemFall wird das Obergeschoß mit seinenDachschrägen in Form einer Galeriegenutzt.Auch die Innenräume des Hotelssind an vielen Stellen durch Pflanzen-gruppen aufgelockert.führen ein ganz neues Menüprogramm.Es wird sehr einfallsreich gearbeitet,und wir streben an, eines Tages zu den100 besten Restaurants der Niederlan-de zu gehören und in etwa drei Jahrenmit einem Stern im Michelin-Führer ver-treten zu sein.“Hatte das Unternehmen einen schwie-rigen Start?Henk Priem: …Ich stehe da vor einerschweren Aufgabe. Es wird von mir er-wartet, daß ich dieses Jahr den Anlauf-Verlust im Gegensatz zum vorigen Jahrhalbiere und innerhalb von zweieinhalbJahren wettmache. Danach muß Ge-winn gemacht werden. Daher muß ichin den ersten Jahren viel reorganisieren.“Henk Priem weiter: …Wir haben leidernoch zu wenig Nutzfläche für unser La-ger und nicht genügend Räume für dasPersonal. Auf jeden Fall wird sich das inKürze ändern.“Können Sie noch ein paar Beispiele fürbesondere Aktivitäten des Hotels Vin-keveen nennen, durch die es bekannterwerden soll?Henk Priem: …Sicher. In Kürze organisie-ren wir in Zusammenarbeit mit einemSurfbrett-Hersteller besondere Surf-wochenenden. Die Teilnehmer bekom-men die Surfbretter bei uns gratis, undsie können für einen günstigen Preishier Unterricht nehmen. Diese Aktionist besonders für Familien gedacht.Wir werden diesen Sommer damitanfangen.“Ein angenehmer Aufenthalt in ent-spannter Atmosphäre — dieses Hotelbietet dafür den richtigen Rahmen. Diesorgfältig ausgewählte Innenein-richtung aus edlen Materialien läßt dieHandschrift des Architekten Ed Veen-endaal erkennen. Bei der Lichtplanungwurden mit den Downlightsgeschmacksneutrale Leuchten einge-setzt, deren Wirkung durch Niedervolt-strahler, am Galeriesims montiert,akzentuiert unterstützt wird.Die Säule auf der oberen Abbildungwird in dekorativer Weise gleichzeitigauch als Kamin genutzt.。
unit two Charlie Chaplin
Hannah was indomitable. Without her, Charlie Chaplin would have become just one more child lost in the poverty. Somehow she not only managed to keep Charlie and his brother Syney clean and warm, clothed and fed. She would sit at the window watching the passersby and guess at their characters from the way they looked and behaved, spinning tales to delight Charlie and Syney. Charlie took in her skills and went on using them all his life.
Unit Two
Unit Two
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin
The Tramp
Charlie Chaplin
Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on 16th April 1889 in Walworth, London, and lived a Dickensian childhood, shared with his brother, Sydney, that included extreme poverty, workhouses and seeing his mother's mental decline put her into an institution.
中英文对照学习版Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban《哈利波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》Chapter Twenty-twoOwl Post Again第22章又见猫头鹰传书‘Harry!’“哈利!”Hermione was tugging at his sl eeve, staring at her watch. ‘We’ve got exactly ten minutes to get back d own to the hospital wing without anybody seeing us - before Dumbl ed ore locks the d oor -’赫敏拉拉他的袖子,看着表说:“我们还有十分钟可以悄悄溜回校医院──在邓布利多锁门之前──”‘OK,’ said Harry, wrenching his gaze from the sky, ‘l et’s go ...’“好吧,”哈利说,把视线从天空中收了回来,“走……”They slipped through the d oorway behind them and d own a tightly spiralling stone staircase. As they reached the bottom of it, they heard voices. They flattened themselves against the wall and listened. It sound ed like Fudge and Snape. They were walking quickly along the corrid or at the foot of the staircase.两人溜进身后的一条走廊,走下一段狭窄的螺旋形石梯。
格林童话 中德对照
1. Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich 青蛙王子和铁亨利2.Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft 猫和老鼠交朋友3.Marienkind 玛利亚的孩子4 .Märchen von einem, der auszog das Fürchten zu lernen 外出学习害怕的故事5 .Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geislei 狼和七只小羊6.Der treue Johannes 忠诚的约翰尼斯7.Der gute Handel 一桩好买卖8.Der wunderliche Spielmann 奇特的云游人9.Die zwölf Brüder 十二个兄弟10.Das Lumpengesindel 一群无赖11.Brüderchen und Schwesterchen 小弟弟和小姐姐12,Rapunzel 色拉菜13 .Die drei Männlein im Walde 森林里的三个小男人14.Die drei Spinnerinnen 三个纺纱的女人15,Hänsel und Grethel 亨塞尔和格莱特16.Die drei Schlangenblätter 三片蛇叶17.Die weiße Schlange 白蛇18.Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne 麦秆、煤块和豆子19.Von dem Fischer un syner Fru 渔夫和他的妻子20.Das tapfere Schneiderlein 勇敢的小裁缝21.Aschenputtel 灰姑娘22.Das Räthsel 谜23.Von dem Mäuschen, Vögelchen und der Bratwurst 小老鼠、小鸟和香肠的故事24.Frau Holle 荷勒太太25.Die sieben Raben 七只乌鸦26.Rotkäppchen 小红帽27.Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten 布莱梅的乐师28.Der singende Knochen 会唱歌的骨头29.Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren 魔鬼和三根金发的故事30.Läuschen und Flöhchen 虱子和跳蚤的故事31.Das Mädchen ohne Hände 没有手的姑娘32.Der gescheidte Hans 聪明的汉斯33.Die drei Sprachen 三种语言34.Die kluge Else 聪明的埃尔塞35.Der Schneider im Himmel 天堂里的裁缝36 .Tischchen deck dich, Goldesel, und Knüppel aus dem Sack 小桌子、金驴和掉出口袋的棍棒37.Daumesdick 小矮人38.Die Hochzeit der Frau Füchsin 狐狸女士的婚礼39.Die Wichtelmänner 小精灵40.Der Räuberbräutigam 强盗未婚夫41.Herr Korbes 科尔泼斯先生42.Der Herr Gevatter 教父先生43.Frau Trude 特鲁特太太44.Der Gevatter Tod 死神教父45.Daumerlings Wanderschaft 大拇指漫游记46.Fitchers Vogel 菲切尔的鸟47.Von dem Machandelboom 杏树48.Der alte Sultan 老苏丹49.Die sechs Schwäne 六只天鹅50.Dornröschen 刺玫瑰51.Fundevogel 鸟剂儿52.König Drosselbart 鸫胡子国王53.Sneewittchen 白雪公主54.Der Ranzen, das Hütlein und das Hörnlein 背包、帽子和小号角55.Rumpelstilzchen 龙泼斯蒂尔星56.Der Liebste Roland 心上人罗兰57.Der goldene Vogel 金鸟58.Der Hund und der Sperling 狗和麻雀59.Der Frieder und das Catherlieschen 弗里特和卡特利斯星60.Die zwei Brüder 两兄弟61.Das Bürle 比尔勒62.Die Bienenkönigin 蜜蜂王后63.Die drei Federn 三根羽毛64.Die goldene Gans 金鹅65.Allerleirauh 大野人66.Häsichenbraut 兔子的新娘67.Die zwölf Jäger 十二猎人68.De Gaudeif un sien Meester 骗子和他的师父69.Jorinde und Joringel 约琳特和约琳格尔70.Die drei Glückskinder 三个幸运儿71.Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt 六个伙伴闯荡世界72.Der Wolf und der Mensch 狼和人73.Der Wolf und der Fuchs 狼和狐狸74.Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin 狐狸和母狼75.Der Fuchs und die Katze 狐狸和猫76.Die Nelke 丁香花77.Das kluge Grethel 聪明的格蕾特78.Der alte Großvater und der Enkel 爷爷和孙子79.Die Wassernixe 女妖80.Von dem Tode des Hühnchens 小母鸡之死81.Bruder Lustig 欢乐兄弟82.De Spielhansl 赌徒汉斯83.Hans im Glück 幸运的汉斯84.Hans heirathet 汉斯娶亲85.Die Goldkinder 金娃娃86.Der Fuchs und die Gänse 狐狸和鹅87.Der Arme und der Reiche 穷人和富人88.Das singende springende Löweneckerchen 蹦跳唱歌的云雀89.Die Gänsemagd 牧鹅姑娘90.Der junge Riese 年轻的巨人91.Dat Erdmänneken 小精灵92.Der König vom goldenen Berge 金山国王93.Die Rabe 乌鸦94.Die kluge Bauerntochter 聪明的农家女儿95.Der alte Hildebrand 农夫希尔勃兰特96.De drei Vügelkens 三只小鸟97.Das Wasser des Lebens 生命之水98.Doctor Allwissend 万能医生99.Der Geist im Glas 杯中的精灵100.Des Teufels rußiger Bruder 魔鬼的龌龊兄弟101.Der Bärenhäuter 熊皮伙计102.Der Zaunkönig und der Bär 山雀和狗熊103.Der süße Brei 甜粥104.Die klugen Leute 聪明人105.Märchen von der Unke 小蛇的故事106.Der arme Müllerbursch und das Kätzchen 贫穷的磨坊伙计和小猫107.Die beiden Wanderer 两个漫游的人108.Hans mein Igel 汉斯,我的刺猬109.Das Todtenhemdchen 小寿衣110.Der Jude im Dorn 荆棘丛中的犹太人111.Der gelernte Jäger 训练有素的猎人112.Der Dreschflegel vom Himmel 天堂里的连枷113.De beiden Künigeskinner 国王的两个孩子114.Vom klugen Schneiderlein 聪明的小裁缝115.Die klare Sonne bringts an den Tag 明晃晃的太阳将会揭发116.Das blaue Licht 蓝灯117.Das eigensinnige Kind 固执的孩子118.Die drei Feldscherer 三个军医119.Die sieben Schwaben 七个施瓦本人120 .Die drei Handwerksburschen 三个手艺人121.Der Königssohn der sich vor nichts fürchtet 毫无畏惧的王子122.Der Krautesel 草驴123.Die Alte im Wald 树林里的老太太124.Die drei Brüder 兄弟三人125.Der Teufel und seine Großmutter 魔鬼和他的祖母126.Ferenand getrüun Ferenand ungetrü忠诚和不忠诚的弗伦南127.Der Eisenofen 铁炉128.Die faule Spinnerin 懒惰的纺纱女129.Die vier kunstreichen Brüder 四个内行的兄弟130.Einäuglein, Zweiäuglein und Dreiäuglein 一只眼、两只眼、三只眼131.Die schöne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie 美丽的卡特琳娜和劈·啪·波尔特里132.Der Fuchs und das Pferd 狐狸和马133.Die zertanzten Schuhe 跳舞穿破的鞋子134.Die sechs Diener 六个仆人135.Die weiße und die schwarze Braut 白新娘和黑新娘136.Eisenhans 铁汉斯137.De drei schwatten Princessinnen 三个黑公主138.Knoist un sine dre Sühne 克诺伊斯特和他的三个儿子139.Dat Mäken von Brakel 勃拉克尔的姑娘140.Das Hausgesinde 一路家常141.Das Lämmchen und Fischchen 小羊和小鱼142.Simeliberg 希默里山143.Up Reisen gohn 去旅行144.Das Eselein 小毛驴145.Der undankbare Sohn 忘恩负义的儿子146.Die Rübe 萝卜147.Das junggeglühte Männlein 烈火焚身的小青年148.Des Herrn und des Teufels Gethier 上帝和魔鬼的动物149.Der Hahnenbalken 鸡驮梁150.Die alte Bettelfrau 老乞婆151.Die drei Faulen 三个懒惰的人151.Die zwölf faulen Knechte 十二个懒惰的长工152.Das Hirtenbüblein 小牧童153.Der Sternthaler 星星塔勒154.Der gestohlene Heller 移作他用的赫勒155.Die Brautschau 挑选新娘156.Die Schlickerlinge 扔掉的麻线157.Der Sperling und seine vier Kinder 麻雀和它的四个孩子158.Das Märchen vom Schlauraffenland 极乐王国的童话159.Das Dietmarsische Lügenmärchen 底特马尔斯的谎言160,Räthselmärchen 谜语童话161.Schneeweißchen und Rosenroth 白雪白和玫瑰红162.Der kluge Knecht 聪明的长工163.Der gläserne Sarg 玻璃棺材164.Der faule Heinz 懒惰的海茵茨165.Der Vogel Greif 鸟儿格莱夫166.Der starke Hans 强壮的汉斯167/Das Bürle im Himmel 天堂里的农民168.Die hagere Liese 瘦瘦的莉塞169.Das Waldhaus 树林小屋170.Lieb und Leid theilen 同甘共苦171.Der Zaunkönig 篱笆国王172.Die Scholle 鲽鱼173.Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf 鸬鹚鸟和戴胜鸟174.Die Eule 猫头鹰175.Der Mond 月亮176.Die Lebenszeit 生命的时间177.Die Boten des Todes 死神的使者178.Meister Pfriem 锥匠师傅179.Die Gänsehirtin am Brunnen 井旁的牧鹅姑娘180.Die ungleichen Kinder Evas 夏娃的孩子不平等181.Die Nixe im Teich 池塘里的女妖182.Die Geschenke des kleinen Volkes 小侏儒的礼物183.Der Riese und der Schneider 巨人和裁缝184.Der Nagel 钉子185.Der arme Junge im Grab 坟墓里的穷孩子186.Die wahre Braut 真正的新娘187.Der Hase und der Igel 兔子和刺猬188.Spindel, Weberschiffchen und Nadel 纺锤、梭子和针189.Der Bauer und der Teufel 农民和魔鬼190.Die Brosamen auf dem Tisch 餐桌上的面包屑191.Das Meerhäschen 小海兔192.Der Meisterdieb 神偷193.Der Trommler 鼓手194.Die Kornähre 麦穗195.Der Grabhügel 坟丘196,Oll Rinkrank 林克兰克老人197.Die Krystallkugel 水晶弹子198.Jungfrau Maleen 玛莲姑娘199.Der Stiefel von Büffelleder 水牛皮靴202.Die zwölf Apostel 十二使徒203.Die Rose 玫瑰花204.Armuth und Demuth führen zum Himmel 贫穷和谦恭直通天堂205.Gottes Speise 上帝的食物206.Die drei grünen Zweige 三根绿树枝207.Muttergottesgläschen 圣母小酒杯208.Das alte Mütterchen 老太太209.Die himmlische Hochzeit 天堂的婚礼210 .Die Haselruthe 榛树枝211.Der gestiefelte Katze 穿靴子的猫。
双语格林童话《两兄弟Thetwobrothers》When the appointed day came, their foster-father presented each of them with a good gun and a dog, and let each of them take as many of his saved-up gold pieces as he chose. Then he accompanied them a part of the way, and when taking leave, he gave them a bright knife, and said, "If ever you separate, stick this knife into a tree at the place where you part, and when one of you goes back, he will will be able to see how his absent brother is faring, for the side of the knife which is turned in the direction by which he went, will rust if he dies, but will remain bright as long as he is alive." The two brothers went still farther onwards, and came to a forest which was so large that it was impossible for them to get out of it in one day. So they passed the night in it, andate what they had put in their hunting-pouches, but they walked all the second day likewise, and still did not get out. As they had nothing to eat, one of them said, "We must shoot something for ourselves or we shall suffer from hunger," and loaded his gun, and looked about him. And when an old hare came running up towards them, he laid his gun on his shoulder, but the hare cried,"Dear huntsman, do but let me live,Two little ones to thee I'll give,"and sprang instantly into the thicket, and brought two young ones. But the little creatures played so merrily, and were so pretty, that the huntsmen could not find it in their hearts to kill them. They therefore kept them with them, and the little hares followed on foot. Soon after this, a fox crept past; they were just going to shoot it, but the fox cried,"Dear hunstman, do but let me live,Two little ones I'll also give."He, too, brought two little foxes, and the huntsmen did not like to kill them either, but gave them to the hares for company, and they followed behind. It was not long before a wolf strode out of the thicket; the huntsmen made ready to shoot him, but the wolf cried,"Dear huntsman, do but let me live,Two little ones I'll likewise give."The huntsmen put the two wolves beside the other animals, and they followed behind them. Then a bear came who wanted to trot about a little longer, and cried:"Dear huntsman, do but let me live,Two little ones I, too, will give."The two young bears were added to the others, and there were already eight of them. At length who came? A lion came, and tossed his mane. But the huntsmen did not let themselves be frightened and aimed at him likewise, but the lion also said, "Dear huntsman, do but let me live,Two little ones I, too, will give."And he brought his little ones to them, and now the huntsmen had two lions, two bears, two wolves, two foxes, and two hares, who followed them and served them. In the meantime their hunger was not appeased by this, and they said to the foxes, "Hark ye, cunning fellows, provide us with something to eat. You are crafty and deep." They replied, "Not far from here lies a village, from which we have already brought many a fowl; we will show you the way there." So they went into the village, bought themselves something to eat, had some food given to their beasts, and then travelled onwards. The foxes, however, knew their way very well about the district and where the poultry-yardswere, and were able to guide the huntsmen.Now they travelled about for a while, but could find no situations where they could remain together, so they said, "There is nothing else for it, we must part." They divided the animals, so that each of them had a lion, a bear, a wolf, a fox, and a hare, then they took leave of each other, promised to love each other like brothers till their death, and stuck the knife which their foster-father had given them, into a tree, after which one went east, and the other went west.The younger, however, arrived with his beasts in a town which was all hung with black crape. He went into an inn, and asked the host if he could accommodate his animals. The innkeeper gave him a stable, where there was a hole in the wall, and the hare crept out and fetched himself the head of a cabbage, and the fox fetched himself a hen, and when he had devoured that got the cock as well, but the wolf, the bear, and the lion could not get out because they were too big. Then the innkeeper let them be taken to a place where a cow was just then lying on the grass, that they might eat till they were satisfied. And when the huntsman had taken care of hisanimals, he asked the innkeeper why the town was thus hung with black crape? Said the host, "Because our King's only daughter is to die to-morrow." The huntsman inquired if she was "sick unto death?" - "No," answered the host, "she is vigorous and healthy, nevertheless she must die!" - "How is that?" asked the huntsman. "There is a high hill without the town, whereon dwells a dragon who every year must have a pure virgin, or he lays the whole country waste, and now all the maidens have already been given to him, and there is no longer anyone left but the King's daughter, yet there is no mercy for her; she must be given up to him, and that is to be done to-morrow."Said the huntsman, "Why is the dragon not killed?" - "Ah," replied the host, "so many knights have tried it, but it has cost all of them their lives. The King has promised that he who conquers the dragon shall have hisdaughter to wife, and shall likewise govern the kingdom after his own death."The huntsman said nothing more to this, but next morning took his animals, and with them ascended the dragon's hill. A little church stood at the top of it, and on the altar three full cups were standing, with the inscription, "Whosoever empties the cups will become the strongest man on earth, and will be able to wield the sword which is buried before the threshold of the door." The huntsman did not drink, but went out and sought for the sword in the ground, but was unable to move it from its place. Then he went in and emptied the cups, and now he was strong enough to take up the sword, and his hand could quite easily wield it. When the hour came when the maiden was to be delivered over to the dragon, the King, the marshal, and courtiers accompanied her. From afar she saw the huntsman on the dragon's hill, and thought it was the dragon standing there waiting for her, and did not want to go up to him, but at last, because otherwise the whole town would have been destroyed, she was forced to go the miserable journey. The King and courtiers returned home full of grief; the King's marshal, however, was to stand still, and see all from a distance.。
B1 Unit 2 Text 1 英汉对照(原Unit1)
24.Laura felt better then. ”But he could have hurt us, couldn't he?” she asked。
25.”He didn't hurt us,” Ma said。”You were a good girl,Laura,to do exactly as I told you, and to do it quickly,without asking why。"
5.Ma was worried,but Pa said that by starting before sun—up and walking very fast all day he could get home again before dark.
6.The nearest town was far away。Laura and Mary had never seen a town。They had never seen a store. They had never seen even two houses standing together. But they knew that in a town there were many houses,and a store full of candy and calico and other wonderful things -powder,and shot, and salt,and store sugar。
1立即向上面汇报你的情况Report to your stations immediately...2这不是演习this is not a drill.3我们遭到攻击We are under attack.4我们遭到攻击We are under attack.5日了狗了Shit.6注意言辞Language.7贾维斯从上面看状况如何Jarvis what's the view from upstairs.8中央的建筑被某种能量盾保护了The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. 9斯特拉克的科技水平Strucker's technology is10远远超出了我们已知的其他九头蛇基地well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken.11洛基的权杖一定在这里Loki's scepter must be here.12没有它斯特拉克没有它就安装不了这种防御系统Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it.13终于要结束了At long last.14结束的过程还真有点长男孩们At long last is lasting a little long, boys.15是呀我想我们还少点惊喜呢Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise.16等一下就没人想要吐槽一下Wait a second, no one else is gonna deal17队长刚才说了“注意言辞”这件事吗with the fact that Cap just said "Language"?18我就知道I know.10019手滑而已Just slipped out.20谁让你们进攻的Who gave the order to attack?21斯特拉克先生复仇者们Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers.22他们降落在远处的树林里那附近的警卫们惊慌失措They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked.23他们毫无疑问是为了权杖而来的They have to be after the scepter.24- 我们能搞定他们吗- 他们可是复仇者啊- Can we hold them? - They're the Avengers!!25把其余的坦克都部署过去集中火力攻击其中较弱的一个Deploy the rest of the tanks. Concentrate fire on the weak ones.26一次重创可以把他们集中起来A hit can make them close ranks.27我们所有的努力Everything we've accomplished.28我们马上就要到突破口了We're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough.29那就让他们见识一下我们的厉害Then lets show them what we've accomplished.30派出双胞胎Send out the twins.31太草率了It's too soon.32让他们来就是干这个的It's what they signed up for.33我的人能拖住他们My men can hold them.34长官城市受到攻击了Sir, the city is taking fire.35好吧我们都了解斯特拉克Well, we know Strucker36他才不会关心平民的伤亡isn't gonna worry about civilian casualties.37派钢铁军团过去Send in the Iron Legion.38这个地方不安全请赶快撤离This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.39我们来这是为了帮忙的We are here to help.40这个地方不安全请赶快撤离This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.41请赶快撤离Please back away.42我们希望避免间接伤害We wish to avoid collateral damage43当冲突结束之后我们会通知你们and will inform you when this current conflict is resolved.44我们来这是为了帮忙的We're here to help.45我们不会屈服We will not yield.46美国人把他们的马戏团小丑送过来考验我们The Americans send their... circus freaks to test us.47我们将会把他们的尸体送回去We will send them back in bags.48- 决不投降- 绝不投降- No surrender! - No surrender.49我要投降了I'm going to surrender.50你把所有的东西都删了You delete everything.51如果我们把武器给复仇者们他们也许就不会If we give the avengers the weapons they may not52- 深入调查我们在这这么久都在做些什么- 双胞胎- look too far into what we've been doing. - The twins!!!53他们根本没有准备好They're not ready to take on...54不不我的意思是No, no, I mean...55双胞胎已经不见了The twins.56你没料到这招吧You didn't see that coming?57克林特Clint.58我们这有变种人We have enhanced in the field.59克林特受伤了Clint's hit.60得有人去搞定碉堡Someone wanna deal with that bunker.61谢了Thank you.62斯塔克Stark!我们真的得进去了We really need to get inside.64我在关闭它I'm closing in.65贾维斯我怎么才能关闭它Jarvis, am I... closing in?66你知道哪个能量盾的动力源在哪吗You see a power source for that shield?67在北边塔楼上的通道里There's a passageway above the north tower.68太棒了我想用什么东西远程击破它Great, I wanna poke it with something.69搞定了伙计们Drawbridge is down, people.70变种人吗The enhanced?71我看不清楚他He's a blur.72在我们遇到的所有新的敌人中,他们这样的我还是第一次见All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this.73事实上我到现在也没见到In fact I still haven't.74克林特伤的很重伙计们我们得撤了Clint's hit pretty bad, guys, we're gonna need evac.75我可以掩护巴顿上飞艇撤退的越早越好I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better.76你和斯塔克去把权杖夺回来You and Stark secure the scepter.77知道了Copy that.78看起来他们还是排着队过来的It look like they're lining up!!79嗯他们很激动呢Well, they're excited.80找到权杖Find the scepter.81看在上帝的份上注意点你的言辞And for gosh sake watch your language.82这一时半会是改不了了That's not going away any time soon.83伙计们停下来我们来谈谈Guys, stop, we gotta talk this through.84谈话很愉快It was a good talk.85不一点也不愉快No it wasn't.86哨兵模式Sentry mode.87好吧贾维斯Okay, Jarvis.88你知道的我想要所有的数据You know, I want it all.10089确保你会把所有的数据传到总部Make sure you copy whole to HQ.90我们把这里封锁了We're locked down out here.91该去找班纳了摇篮曲时间到Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby.92我知道你在藏匿的不只是这些文件I know you're hiding more than files.93嘿贾维斯快给我用红外线扫描这个房间Hey J, give me an IR scan of the room real quick.94你左边的那堵墙The wall to your left.95我在检测钢筋I'm reading steel reinforcement,96和气流and an air current.97拜托一定要是暗门Please be a secret door.98拜托一定要是暗门Please be a secret door.99耶Yay.100嘿大家伙Hey, big guy.101太阳快下山了Sun's getting real low.102斯特拉克男爵Baron Strucker.103九头蛇的头号暴徒Hydra's number one thug.104严格说来我是神盾局的暴徒Technically, I'm a thug for Shield.105好吧严格说来你被解雇了Well then technically you're unemployed.106洛基的权杖在哪儿Where's Loki's scepter?10107别着急我知道我一旦被打败Don't worry, I know when I'm beat.10108你会提到我是怎么配合你的希望我没错You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope.10109前提是你跟我说说那些非法的人体实验I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation. 110有多少人How many are there?10111我们又多了一个变种人We have a second enhanced.112女人别开火Female, do not engage.113你得比这个速度更快You'll have to be faster than...114兄弟们我抓到斯特拉克了Guys, I got Strucker.115嗯我这有Yeah, I got...116重要的事情...something bigger.117索尔Thor.118我的眼睛都被战利品吸引住了I got eyes on the prize.119你本来可以救我们的You... could've... saved... us.120你为什么没有再多做一点Why didn't you... do more?121你就这样让他们把它带走吗You're just gonna let them take it?!122嘿摇篮曲比以往更管用啊Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever. 10123只是没有想到会变身Just wasn't expecting the code green. 124如果没有你那就会两败俱伤了You hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties. 125我最好的朋友将会成为一段珍贵的回忆。
The Tale of the Three Brothers(三兄弟的故事)
The Tale of the Three Brothers(part 1)There were once three brothers who weretraveling along a lonely, winding(adj.蜿蜒的)road at twilight(n.黎明,黄昏,暮光).In time, the brothers reached a river too deep to wade(vt.& vi.蹚(水))through and too dangerous to swim across. However, these brothers were learned in the magical arts, and so they simply waved(vt.挥n、舞)their wands(n.魔杖)and made a bridge appear across the treacherous (adj.不可信的)water. They were halfway across it when they found their path(n.路)blocked by a hooded(adj.戴头巾的)figure(n.人物).And Death(死神)spoke to them. He was angry that he had been cheated out of the three new victims (n.牺牲者), for travelers usually drowned(v.(使)淹没,(使)溺死( drown的过去式和过去分词))in the river. But Death was cunning(adj.狡猾的). He pretended(v.假装( pretend的过去式和过去分词))to congratulate thethree brothers upon(prep.在……上面)their magic, and said that each had earned(v.赚得(earn的过去式和过去分词)) a prize for having been clever enough to evade him.So the oldest brother, who was a combative(adj.好斗的)man, asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence(n.存在): a wand that must always win duels(n.决斗)for its owner, a wand worthy(adj.配得上的)of a wizard(n.男巫)who had conquered Death! So Death crossed to an elder tree on the banks(n.(河的)岸)of the river, fashioned(vt.制作)a wand from a branch(n.分支; 树枝)that hungthere, and gave it to the oldest brother.Then the second brother, who was an arrogant (adj.傲慢的,自大的;)man, decided that he wanted to humiliate(vt.羞辱)Death still further, and asked for the power to recall others from Death. So Death picked up a stone from the riverbank and gave it to the second brother, and told him that the stone would have the power to bring back the dead.And then Death asked the third and youngest brother what he would like. The youngest brother was the humblest(adj.谦逊的)and also the wisest of the brothers, and he did not trust Death. So he asked for something that would enable him to go forth(prep.从…离开;)from that place without being followed by Death. And Death, most unwillingly, handed over his own Cloak of Invisibility(隐形衣).(To be continued…)upon[ə'pɒn](prep.在……上面)earned[ə:nd](v.赚得(earn的过去式和过去分词))combative ['kɒmbətɪv](adj.好斗的)existence[ɪg'zɪst(ə)ns](n.存在)duel['djuːəl](n.决斗)worthyThe Tale of the Three Brothers(part 2)Then Death stood aside(站开;躲开,避开) and allowed the three brothers to continue on their way, and they did so talking with wonder of the adventure([əd'ventʃə]n. 冒险)they had had ,and admiring Death’s gifts.In due(在适当的)course([kɔːs]n.路线)the brother s separated, each for his own destination([destɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]n.目的地,终点).The first brother traveled on for a week more, and reaching a distant(['dɪst(ə)nt] adj. 遥远的)village, sought ([sɔːt]v.寻找(seek的过去式和过去分词)out a fellow(['feləʊ]adj. 同伴的)wizard with whom he had a quarrel(['kwɒr(ə)l]n. 吵架). Naturally, with the Elder Wand as his weapon(['wep(ə)n]n.武器 ),he could not fail to win th e duel that followed. Leaving his enemy dead upon the floor the oldest brother proceeded(原型为proceed[prə'siːd]vi. 开始;继续进行)to an inn([ɪn]n. 客栈), where heboasted(vi.自吹自擂)loudly of the powerful wand he had snatched(v. 抢夺(snatch的过去分词))from Deat h himself, and of how it made him invincible([ɪn'vɪnsɪb(ə)l] adj. 无敌的).That very(['verɪ]adj. 恰好是,正是)night, another wizard crept (v. 匍匐爬行(creep的过去式))upo n the oldest brother as he lay, wine-sodden(满身酒气的)upon his bed. The thief took the wand and for good measure(为了保险起见), slit(vt.撕裂)the oldest brother’s throat.And so Death took the first brother for his own.Meanwhile(['miːnwaɪl] adv.同时,其间), the second brother journeyed to his own home, where he lived alone. Here he took out the stone that had the power to recall the dea d, and turned it thrice in his hand. To his amazement and his delight([dɪ'laɪt]n. 高兴), t he figure of the girl he had once hoped to marry, before her untimely([ʌn'taɪmlɪ] adj. 不合时宜的;过早的)death, appeared at once before hi m.Yet she was sad and cold, separated from him as by a veil([veɪl] n.遮蔽物). Though she had returned to the mortal(['mɔːt(ə)l] adj.凡人的)w orld, she did not truly belong there and suffer ed. Finally the second brother,driven mad(变疯,将...逼得发疯)with hopeless longing(['lɒŋɪŋ]n. 渴望), killed himself so as to truly join her.And so Death took the second brother from his own.But though Death searched for the third brother for many years, he was never able to find him. It was only when he had attained(vt. 取得,得到,获得(attain的过去式))a great age that the youngest brother finally took off the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. And the he greeted Death as an old friend, and went with him gladly, and, equals, they departed([dɪ'pɑːtɪd]v. 离去;去世(depart的过去分词))this life.(The end)。
好书推荐TheWrightBrothers好书推荐THE WRIGHT BROTHERS这是一本关于 Passion ( 激情/热爱)的书。
Steve Jobs: "People With Passion Can Change The World"这是美国发明家和航空先驱 Orville and Wilbur Wright 的历史。
1903年的一个冬日,在北卡罗来纳州偏远的外滩群岛上,来自俄亥俄州的名不见经传的兄弟俩,Orville and Wilbur Wright 改变了历史。
哥哥Wilbur 毫无疑问是个天才,而弟弟Orville 在机械方面的创造天赋更是世间少有。
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Tweedledee and Tweedledum wear shirts with collars, tiesand trousers. They wear cardigans, socks and shoes. They've got school caps ontheir heads 1too.
“No it isn't,”saysTweedledum.
“Yes, it is,”Tweedledeereplies.
“No, it isn't!”
“Yes, it is!”
“No, it isn't!”
“Yes, it is!”
“OH, SHUT UP,”shoutsAlice.“Have your battle!”
“You must help us preparefor the battle,”say the terrible twins.
“But why must you fight?”asksAlice.
“We fight every day,”Tweedledumanswers.
“Today the battle is about arattle 1,”Tweedledumcontinues.
“We aren't statues,”the men say.
“My name's Alice. Who areyou?”the girl asks.
“I'm Tweedledee, and this ismy brother Tweedledum.”
“We're twins 1,”saysTweedledum, “we are exactly the same,and we wear the same clothes 2.”
“But fresh 2oysters are very nice,”say the twins.
“It's time for our battle 1,”the twins tell Alice.
“Please tell me the way outof the wood,”says Alice for the sixthtime.
The carpenter and the walrus are on the beach 1one day. It's a beautiful day.
“Let's go for a walk,”saysthe carpenter to the oysters 2in the sea.
Alice is in a wood 1.“DoI go left or right?”she says.
She sees two men.“Excuseme, I'm lost 2.Canyou tell me the way out of this wood?”sheasks. The two men do not answer. “They'restatues 3,”says Alice.
“The Tweedle Twins are VERYbrave,”says Alice.“AndI am VERY LOST!”
“Is it important who youlike?”asks Alice.“It'sonly a story!”
“Of course it's important,”thetwins answer.
“Do you want to listen to 1the story?”
The two friends talk and eat, and eat and talk.
“It's time to go home,”saysthe carpenter.
“Where are our friends theoysters?”asks the walrus.
But there are no oysters on the beach…onlyoyster shells 1!
Lewis Carroll
Alice is lost in a wood. She meets two very strange twins,Tweedledee and Tweedledum. The twins are exactly the same and they argue allthe time! Alice asks them the way out of the wood but the twins are frightenedby a crow and run away leaving Alice alone!
“What stories?”asksAlice.
“The story today is aboutthe carpenter 1and the walrus 2,”thetwins answer.
“I like the carpenter,”saysTweedledum.
“I like the walrus,”saysTweedledee.
“Oh dear,”saysthe carpenter.“Our friends are in ourtummies 2!”
“I don't like this story,”saysAlice.
“Those poor oysters! Thewalrus and the carpenter aren't very nice 1!They ask the oysters to go for a walk, and then they eat them!”
“We are very brave 2to fight battles,”the twins say toAlice. WHOOSH! A big black crow 3flies down on the twins.“Help, help,”theycry and run into the woods. Alice is alone again.
The walrus and the carpenter have a loaf of bread 1and some butter 2.
“It's a pity we can't makesandwiches,”says the walrus.“Breadand butter isn't very interesting.”
“Let's sit and rest 1,”saysthe carpenter.“I am hungry,”saysthe walrus,“what can we eat?”heasks.“Not us,”saythe oysters trembling 2in their shoes.
“Of course not,”thecarpenter answers,“you are our friends.”
Alice helps the twins to prepare for their battle. They putsaucepans 1on their heads and pillows 2on their tummies.
Tweedledee has a sword 1and Tweedledum has an umbrella.
“No, no,”saysAlice.“I don't want to listen to thestory. Please tell me the way out of the wood.”