





人生格言励志英文及翻译1. 学到许多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学许多。

——洛克Learn a lot of tricks, that is, all of a sudden not to learn a lot of. -- Rock2. 人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。

The value of life, that is, the work done by the people for the contemporary scale.3. 人生的胜利,不在聪慧和机会,乃在用心和有恒。


Success in life, not in wisdom and chance, but the concentration and perseverance. Dont find excuses for failure, only to find a reason to succeed.4. 办事贵有定见,不贵有成见,定见者,在我之学问学问,不与世为推移者也。

——袁枚Do your know, not expensive, opinion, in my knowledge, and the world is also not over. --Yuan Mei5. 在天才和勤奋两者之间,我毫不迟疑地选择勤奋,她是几乎世界上一切成就的催产婆。

——爱因斯坦Between genius and diligence, I choose to be diligent, who is the worlds great achievement. -- Einstein6. 乐观的人在每一次忧患中都看到一个机会,而消极的人则在每个机会都看到某种忧患。



经典英语格言带翻译Time flies. 光阴似箭.Time is life. 时间就是生命.Times change. 时代在改变.Time is money. 时间就是金钱.Life is sweet. 人生是美好的.Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的.Extremes meet. 两极相通,有无相生。

Like knows like 人识其类。

Let well alone. 不要画蛇添足. /事已成功,不必多弄.Marry thy like. 结婚须找同类人.One man,no man. 个人是渺小的.Hsitory is bunk. 历史是一堆废话。

Time marches on. 岁月如流Murder will out. 恶行终会败露。

Never say "die'. 永远不要说" 完了".Care is no cure. 忧虑治不了病。

Beware beginning. 慎始为上。

Deeds, not words. 行动胜于空谈.No mill, no meal. 不磨面,没饭吃.Like begets like. 龙生龙,凤生凤。

Love begets love. 爱爱相生.In doing we learn. 我们在干中学习.No cross,no crown. 未经苦难,得不到荣冠.Care killed a cat. 忧虑能杀人。

Boys will be boys. 男孩子总是男孩子.No song, no supper. 不出力,不得食.The truth will out. 真相总会大白.Time works wonders. 时间能创造奇迹.To think is to see. 思考就是明白.Truth will prevail. 真理必胜A lie begets a lie. 谎言生谎言。

Years bring wisdom. 年岁带来智慧.In love is no lack. 爱情不会感到缺乏.Easy come, easy go. 来得容易去得 . /悖入悖出. Every little helps. 点滴都有用.Forgive and forget. 恢弘大度,勿念旧恶。



经典的英语格言带翻译经典的英语格言带翻译1. Union is strength.团结就是力量。

2. The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.在坎坷的生活道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬天为我们歌唱的小鸟,那歌声使冰天雪地的寒冷变得较易忍受。

3. A man apt to promise is apt to forget.轻诺者易忘。

4. If you venture nothing, you will have nothing. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子5. Every potter praises hit pot. 王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸6. Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达7. the irrationality of a thing is not an argument ag ainst it’s existence,rather,a condition of it.一件事的荒谬,不能成为驳斥它存在的论据。


8. 时间过去了那么久,我已不是原来的我了,你还是我认识的你吗?Time past so long, I have not the original me, you or I know you?9. Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you wantthem to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。




英语格言带翻译【经典篇】share our happineand sadness同甘共苦when an ant says "ocean",he is talking abont a small pool井底之蛙no pains,no gains一分耕耘一分收获don't let yesterday use up too much of today过去的就过去了,别让他成为负担a friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真情observetion is the best way to diecover观察是发现的最好方法one finger cannot lift a small stone众人拾柴火焰高A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。

A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。

A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。

A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。

A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛与说谎本是同宗。

A bully is always a coward.色厉内荏。

A burden of one's choice is not felt.爱挑的担子不嫌重。

A candle lights others and consumes itself.蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。

A cat has 9 lives.猫有九条命。




Life is like a cloud, after wandering and uncertain travel, it becomes manna to moisten all things in the world.2、过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾!Fault is a temporary regret, and miss is a permanent regret!3、把爱情投资在一个人身上,冒险;把爱情投资在许多人身上,危险。

To invest love in one person is risky; to invest love in many people is dangerous.4、幼儿教育实为人生之基础。

Early childhood education is the foundation of life.5、只有这样的人才配生活和自由,假如他每天为之而奋斗。

Only such a person deserves life and freedom if he struggles for it every day.6、生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。

The ideal of life is to live an ideal life.7、你不要一直不满他人,你应该一直检讨自己才对。

You shouldn't always be unhappy with others. You should always review yourself.8、与其说是别人让你痛苦,不如说自己的修养不够。

It's not so much that others make you miserable as that you don't have enough self-cultivation.9、只要你努力了,结果总会有改变的。




下面是店铺为大家整理的格言大全,供大家参考,希望大家喜欢!1、To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.既当演说家,又做实干家。

2、Variety is the spice of life.变化是生活的调味品。

3、Bad times make a good man.艰难困苦出能人。

4、There is no royal road to learning.求知无坦途。

5、Doubt is the key to knowledge.怀疑是知识的钥匙。

6、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

7、A man’s best friends are his ten fingers.人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。

8、Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions.只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。

9、The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time.做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件事。

10、Sow nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。

11、Life is real, life is earnest.人生真实,人生诚挚。

12、Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it.生活若无波折险阻,就会过于平淡无奇。




no need to seek merit in doing things, no fault is merit; no need to feel virtue for a person, no complaint is virtue.2、没有所谓失败,除非你不再尝试。

there is no such thing as failure unless you stop trying.3、美妙的爱情应该给人的是一种自由感,而不是囚禁感。

good love should give people a sense of freedom, not a sense of imprisonment.4、现代人的生活状态:上今天的班,睡昨天的觉,花明天的钱。

modern people's living conditions: go to work today, sleep yesterday, spend tomorrow's money.5、我们都是远视眼,模糊了离我们最近的幸福。

we are all far-sighted, blurring our nearest happiness.6、人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人却未必能陪你走到散场。

life is like a dance. the person who taught you the first steps may not be able to walk you to the end.7、不管你有多难过,始终要相信,幸福就在不远处。

no matter how sad you are, always believe that happiness is not far away.8、真心的对别人产生点兴趣,是推销员最重要的品格。

to be genuinely interested in others is the most important character of a salesman.9、世间人把爱欲看得很重,认为这是正当的,这个都是迷惑颠倒。









8、neversaydie.永不气馁!9、neverputoffwhatyoucandotodayuntiltomorrow.今日事今日毕!10、thebestpreparationfortomorrowisdoingyourbesttoday.对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!11、youcannotimproveyourpast,butyoucanimproveyourfuture.oncetimeiswast ed,lifeiswasted.你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好。



13、don'taimforsuccessifyouwantit;justdowhatyouloveandbelievein,anditwillco menaturally.如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。





英语格言大全带翻译英语格言大全带翻译More haste,less spend.欲速则不达。

A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

Where there is life ,there is hope.生命不息,希望常在。

It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。

Nothing for nothing.不费力气,一无所得。

In doing we learn.经一事,长一智。

Easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难。

He would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.千里之行始于足下。

Rome was not built in a day.罗马不是一日建成的。


)While there is life, there is hope.有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

Light come,light go.来得容易,去得快。

Storms make trees take deeper roots.风暴使树木深深扎根。

[感激敌人,感激挫折!]Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.心之所愿,无所不成。


]Art is long,but is short.人生有限,学问天涯。

Birth is much, but breeding is more.出身重要,教养更重要。

No pains, no gains.不劳则无获。

All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。


]No man is wise at all times.智者千虑,必有一失。

Behind every successful man there's a lot u unsuccessful years.每个成功者的后面都有很多不成功的岁月.A plant may produce new flowers; man is young but once.花有重开日,人无再少年。



英语名言名句大全带翻译1. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." —— Steve Jobs翻译:做伟大的工作唯一的办法就是热爱你所做的事情。

——史蒂夫·乔布斯2. "It is never too late to be what you might have been." —— George Eliot翻译:成为你本可以成为的人,永远不会太迟。

——乔治·艾略特3. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling,but in rising every time we fall." —— Nelson Mandela 翻译:生活中最伟大的荣耀不在于永不跌倒,而在于每次跌倒后都能重新站起来。

——纳尔逊·曼德拉4. "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." —— Mae West翻译:人只活一次,但如果活得精彩,一次就足够了。

——梅·韦斯特5. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." —— Winston Churchill 翻译:成功不是终点,失败不是致命的:重要的是继续前进的勇气。

——温斯顿·丘吉尔6. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." —— Franklin D. Roosevelt翻译:实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。




Pursue goals and persevere.2、不学自知,不问自晓。

Don't learn to know, don't ask to know.3、成功的信念在人脑中的作用就如闹钟,会在你需要时将你唤醒。

The belief in success works like an alarm clock in the human brain, which wakes you up when you need it.4、人之稚嫩,不学那么愚。

People are childish, if they don't learn, they are stupid.5、拥有幻想只是一种智力,实现幻想才是一种力气。

Having a dream is only a kind of intelligence, and realizing a dream isa kind of ability.6、路靠自己走,就算再坎坷,也要自己过。

The road depends on oneself to walk, even if again bumpy, also wants oneself to lead.7、人由于幻想而宏大,早日到达自己的目标。

People are great because of their dreams and reach their goals as soon as possible.8、强大的信念,能抑制来自内心的恶魔,产生无往不胜的士气。

Strong confidence, can overcome the demons from the heart, produce invincible courage.9、没有人能替你承受苦痛,也没有人能抢走你的坚韧。

No one can bear the pain for you, and no one can take away your strength.10、人,最大的敌人是自己。



英语格言警句及翻译英语格言警句大全及翻译1、Mences many things finishes but a few。


2、The secret of success is constancy to purpose。


3、Bad times make a good man。


4、He that does what he should not,shall feel what he would not。


5、Wasting time is robbing oneself。


6、Sweat is the lubricant of success。


7、Haste trips over its own heels。


8、The heart is seen in wine。


9、Experience is the best teacher。


10、Other men live to eat,while I eat to live。


11、Ordinary people think merely of how they will spend time, a man of intellect tries to use it。


12、Never judge by appearances。


13、You're uinique,nothing can replace you。


14、No cross, no crown。


15、That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest。




Reading changes fate, learning creates life.2、无知的爱是伤害,无知的消费是浪费。

Ignorance of love is harm, ignorance of consumption is waste.3、实力打造非凡,王者并非偶然。

Its not by chance that the king can build extraordinary strength.4、炫丽的彩虹,永远都在雨过天晴后。

Dazzling rainbow, always after the rain.5、每临大事有静气,不信今时无古贤。

There is calmness in every major event. I dont believe that there are no ancient sages in this time.6、不要因为没有掌声,而放弃自己的梦想。

Dont give up your dream because there is no applause.7、目标再远大,终离不开信念去支撑。

No matter how ambitious the goal is, it can not be separated from faith.8、生命不相信命运,更不相信眼泪。

Life does not believe in fate, more do not believe in tears.9、反观自己难全是,细论人家未尽非。

If you look at yourself, its all right. Its not wrong to talk about others.10、总有人要赢,为什么那个人不能是我。

Theres always someone to win. Why cant it be me.11、只要有自信,成功之路就在你脚下。




下面我为你分享的是的内容,希望你会喜欢!最新1 Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy.和它交朋友、结为盟友,而不是成为敌人。

2 Life is a tragedy full of joy.人生是一场充满快乐的悲剧。

3 Life is a verb not a noun.生命是个动词,不是名词。

4 Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace. 爱情可化陋室为宫殿。

5 Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. ----Ray 草率成婚,后悔莫及。

6 Maybe our life is a cup of water.也许生活本来就是一杯水。

7 Life is a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance.生命只是惨淡的星光里的平凡的一闪。

8 Life is a whistle-stop between eternities.人生只是永恒中的一刹那而已。

9 life to learn to enjoy: enjoy working happy laughter, enjoy friends, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy to create, enjoy the sweet fruit.生活中要学会享受:享受工作的欢快,享受朋友的笑声,享受家人的温馨,享受创造的快慰,享受果实的甜美。

10 Love and a cough cannot be hid. 爱情与咳嗽不能隐匿。

11 Love and friendship make a home to its name. A sweet home is the ritght place for hearts to have a good rest.屋若有爱长驻,有友情为贵宾,就是真正的家,甜蜜的家。



英语格言励志带翻译英语格言励志带翻译1.Judge not from appearances. 人不可貌相,海不可斗量。

2. Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。

3. Keep on going never give up. 勇往直前,决不放弃!4. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!5. Believe in yourself. 相信你自己!英语励志名言带翻译6. I can because I think I can.我行,因为我相信我行!7. Action speak louder than words.行动胜于言语!8. Never say die.永不气馁!9. Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow. 今日事今日毕!10. The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!11.You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted. 你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好。


12.Keep good men company and you shall be of the number. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

13.Dont aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. 如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。




God is fair, give you an ugly face, will give you no money home.2、看到这篇文章的人,去想想你的未来,你对得起你自己不。

People who read this article, think about your future, you are worthy of yourself.3、不管是晴天还是阴天,一定要记住给自己一个美好的笑容。

Whether it's sunny or cloudy, you must remember to give yourself a good smile.4、人最大的困难是认识自己,最容易的也是认识自己。

The greatest difficulty is to know oneself, and the easiest is to know oneself.5、断了线的风筝,虽然无拘无束,但一定会很快栽下地来。

The kite with broken thread, though unrestrained, will soon fall to the ground.6、世上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。

There are only people in the world who can't think, and there is no road that can't be taken.7、失去的东西,其实从来未曾真正地属于你,也不必惋惜。

Lost things, in fact, never really belong to you, also need not regret.8、人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。

The most wonderful thing in life is not the moment of realizing your dream, but the process of persisting in it.9、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。



经典英语格言带翻译Time flies.光阴似箭.Time is life. 时间就是生命.Times change. 时代在改变.Time is money. 时间就是金钱.Life is sweet. 人生是美好的.Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的.Extremes meet. 两极相通,有无相生。

Like knows like 人识其类。

Let well alone. 不要多此一举. / 事已成功, 不用多弄.Marry thy like. 成婚须找同类人.One man,no man. 个人是微小的 .Hsitory is bunk.历史是一堆空话。

Time marches on.光阴如流Murder will out.恶行终会败事。

Never say "die'.永久不要说"完了".Care is no cure.忧愁治不了病。

Beware beginning.慎始为上。

Deeds, not words.行动胜于空谈.No mill, no meal.不磨面,没饭吃.Like begets like.龙生龙,凤生凤。

Love begets love.爱爱相生.In doing we learn. 我们在干中学习 .No cross,no crown. 未经磨难 , 得不到荣冠 .Care killed a cat. 忧愁能杀人。

Boys will be boys. 男孩子老是男孩子 .No song, no supper. 不卖力 , 不得食 .The truth will out. 实情总会大白 .Time works wonders. 时间能创建奇观 .To think is to see. 思虑就是理解 .Truth will prevail. 真谛必胜A lie begets a lie. 谎话生谎话。

Years bring wisdom. 年纪带来智慧 .In love is no lack. 爱情不会感觉缺乏 .Easy come, easy go. 来得简单去得 . / 悖入悖出 . Every little helps. 点滴都实用 .Forgive and forget. 恢弘大度,勿念旧恶。























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No need to seek merit in doing things, no fault is merit; no need to feel virtue for a person, no complaint is virtue.2、没有所谓失败,除非你不再尝试。

There is no such thing as failure unless you stop trying.3、美好的爱情应该给人的是一种自由感,而不是囚禁感。

Good love should give people a sense of freedom, not a sense of imprisonment.4、现代人的生活状态:上今天的班,睡昨天的觉,花明天的钱。

Modern people's living conditions: go to work today, sleep yesterday, spend tomorrow's money.5、我们都是远视眼,模糊了离我们最近的幸福。

We are all far-sighted, blurring our nearest happiness.6、人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人却未必能陪你走到散场。

Life is like a dance. The person who taught you the first steps may not be able to walk you to the end.7、不管你有多难过,始终要相信,幸福就在不远处。

No matter how sad you are, always believe that happiness is not far away.8、真心的对别人产生点兴趣,是推销员最重要的品格。

To be genuinely interested in others is the most important character of a salesman.9、世间人把爱欲看得很重,认为这是正当的,这个都是迷惑颠倒。

People in the world attach great importance to love and think it is legitimate. This is all confusion and inversion.10、我虽然不同意你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权力。

I disagree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to speak.11、不要以为男人就可以不注重形象,女人也不是瞎子。

Don't think that men can ignore image and women are not blind.12、时光没有教会我任何东西,却教会了我不要轻易去相信神话。

Time has not taught me anything, but it has taught me not to easily believe in myths.13、这个世界上我只相信两个人,一个是我,另一个不是你。

I only believe in two people in this world, one is me and the other is not you.14、功盖天下主不疑,位极人臣众不嫉,奢侈腐化人不诽,才叫功德圆满。

It is no doubt that merit covers all the world's masters, that nobody is jealous of noble ministers, and that luxury and corruption do not defame people, that merit and virtue are perfected.15、女人用友情来拒绝爱情,男人用友情来换取爱情。

Women use friendship to refuse love, men use friendship to exchange love.16、请不要欺骗善良的女孩。


Please don't deceive a kind girl. There are too few good girls in the world.17、安逸舒适的生活会磨灭人的意志,紧张火热的工作能增长人的锐气。

Easy and comfortable life will wear out people's will, intense and hot work can increase people's spirit.18、金钱可以买来舒适和享受,买不来知识与健康、真挚的情感和爱情。

Money can buy comfort and enjoyment, but not knowledge and health, sincere feelings and love.19、生命苦短,只是美德能将它传到遥远的后世。

Life is short, but virtue can transmit it to distant futuregenerations.20、如果我们不了解生命,那么,生命对于我们将是一种惩罚。

If we don't understand life, then life is a punishment for us.21、对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

To the world, you may only be one person, but to one person, you are the whole world.22、不要为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。

Don't make excuses for failure, just find ways to succeed.23、世上本来没有美女,追求的人多了自然就成了美女。

There are no beautiful women in the world, so the more people you pursue, the more beautiful women you will become.24、在这世上惟一件事比别人议论更糟,那就是无人议论你。

The only thing worse than others in the world is that nobody talks about you.25、友谊、活跃和青春的歌声会减轻我们的痛苦。

The songs of friendship, vigor and youth will ease our pain.26、所有的人都站在一边并不一定是好事,譬如他们都站在船的一边。

It's not necessarily a good thing for everyone to stand aside, for example, they all stand on the side of the boat.27、强烈的信仰会赢取坚强的人,然后又使他们更坚强。

Strong beliefs win strong people and then make them stronger.28、智者总是有成功的密码,能译出密码的人,心是成功的智者。

A wise man always has a successful password. The heart isa successful wise man who can translate the password.29、人稳坐钓鱼台,有时也会杆起鱼游。

People sit on the fishing platform steadily and sometimes swim on the fishing pole.30、失恋是初秋的果实,不成熟就采摘,品尝到得是酸楚和苦涩。

Lovelorn is the fruit of early autumn. It is picked when it is immature. It tastes bitter and bitter.31、对于最有能力的领航人风浪总是格外的汹涌。

For the most capable pilots, the storms are always extraordinarily rough.32、世界上未有未完成的故事,只有未死的心。

There are no unfinished stories in the world, only unfinished hearts.33、外在压力增加时,就应增强内在的动力。

When the external pressure increases, the internal powershould be strengthened.34、假如青春是一种缺陷的话,那也是我们太快就会失去的缺陷。

If youth is a defect, it is also a defect that we will lose too soon.35、命运在自己手中,你可以创造自己的命运,只要下定决心。

Destiny is in your own hands, you can create your own destiny, as long as you make up your mind.36、永远不要放弃你真正想要的东西。


Never give up what you really want. It's hard to wait, but even more regretful.37、想念,滴在左手凝固成寂寞,落在右手化为牵挂。

Miss, drop in the left hand solidified into loneliness, fall in the right hand into concern.38、有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看的太重。

Sometimes, it's not that the other person doesn't care about you, but that you value the other person too much.39、人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播!Life has no rehearsal, every day is live!40、不要见一个爱一个,爱的太多,你的爱就要贬值。
