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【摘要】浸渍相转化法可以制备非对称结构的陶瓷中空纤维膜.本文讨论了陶瓷中空纤维膜的发展情况,并着重探讨了各因素对膜孔结构的影响.大量陶瓷粉体存在情况下的相转化机理,孔结构与力学强度的平衡问题,是目前需要重点关注的两个问题.有效调节孔结构,保证其力学性能可以实现陶瓷中空纤维膜在分离和纯化、固体氧化物燃料电池、膜催化器和膜反应器等方面的广泛应用.%Ceramic hollow fiber membranes (CHFM) with an asymmetric structure can be fabricated by the method nonsolvent induced phase separation (NIPS). The paper reviews the progress and tendency of the ceramic hollow fiber membranes using NIPS technic, especially on the influence of factors on the structure of hollow membranes. The discussion on the mechanism of phase inversion in the systems containing much ceramic powders, with the balance between porous structure and mechanical strength, are two important issues of requiring concern. Through structure's controlled effectively and mechanical strength preserved, hollow fiber membranes can be widely applied in the fields of separation and purification, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), membrane contactors and reactors.









Abstract: Ceramic hollow fiber membranes (CHFM) with an asymmetric structure can be fabricated by the method nonsolvent induced phase separation (NIPS).The paper reviews the progress and tendency of the ceramic hollow fiber membranes using NIPS technic,especially on the influence of factors on the structure of hollow membranes.The discussion on the mechanism of phase inversion in the systems containing much ceramic powders,with the balance between porous structure and mechanical strength,are two important issues of requiring

concern.Through structure’s controlled effectively and mechanical strength preserved,hollow fiber membranes can be widely applied in the fields of separation and purification,solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC),membrane contactors and reactors.

Key words: nonsolvent induced phase separation; ceramic; hollow fiber membranes; review



陶瓷膜与聚合物膜一样,其样式一般有板式、管式、多通道式,比表面积较低,约为30~250 m2/m3[3-4],蜂巢式多通道式比表面积可达800 m2/m3[5].催化膜反应器对比表面积的要求尤为重要,因为它需要高的比表面积和堆积密度才能增加目的产物的透过速率和催化效率[6].管式膜形式又包括中空纤维膜(直径<0.5 mm),毛细管式(0.5 mm<直径<5 mm)和管式膜(直径>5 mm)[7].三者的区别在于: 管式膜一般直径比较大,必须有支撑层,而中空纤维式和毛细管式为自支撑膜.

陶瓷中空纤维膜的制备方法包括模板法[8-13]、静电纺丝法[14-17]、挤压成型法和相转化法等.相转化制膜法根据改变状态的物理方法的不同,可以分为: 溶剂蒸发相转化法[18-19]、吸入蒸气相转化法、控制蒸发相转化法、热致相转化法[20-21]和浸渍相转化法等[22-24].在以上几种相转化法中,浸渍引发相转化法制备工艺简单,且具有更多的工艺可变性,能够根据膜的应用更好地调节膜的结构和性能.

