

三星samsung ST500 user manual说明书

三星samsung ST500 user manual说明书

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• s 模式 > 夜景, 黎明, 焰火 45 • 闪光灯选项 • ISO 速度(调整感光度) 46 32
56 • AEB (使用不同的曝光为同一场景拍摄三张相片) 59
• 在智能相册中按类别查看 文件 66 • 删除存储卡中的所有 文件 68 • 以幻灯片播放形式查看 文件 70 79 • 在电视上查看文件 80 • 将相机连接到电脑 90 • 调整声音和音量 90 • 更改显示语言 90 • 调整显示的亮度 91 • 设置日期和时间 91 • 格式化存储卡 98 • 疑难解答
• 电池过度充电可能会缩短电池使用寿命。 在充电完成之后, 从相机上断开电缆。 • 若长时间不用,电池可能会放电,必须重新充电方可使用。 • 不用时,请从电源中拔出充电器。 • 电池仅供设计用途使用。

摩托罗拉 MOTOROKA Z6 GSM 手机 说明书

摩托罗拉 MOTOROKA Z6 GSM 手机 说明书

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Package‘ptest’October14,2022Type PackageTitle Periodicity Tests in Short Time SeriesVersion1.0-8Date2016-11-12Author Yuanhao Lai and A.I.McLeodMaintainer A.I.McLeod<***************>Depends R(>=3.0),Description Implements p-value computations using an approximation to the cumulative distribu-tion function for a variety of tests for periodicity.These tests include harmonic regres-sion tests with normal and double exponential errors as well as modifica-tions of Fisher's g test.An accompanying vignette illustrates the application of these tests. License GPL(>=2)LazyData trueNeedsCompilation yesImports quantreg(>=5.0)RoxygenNote5.0.1Suggests knitr,boot,lattice,rmarkdown,GeneCycle,VignetteBuilder knitrRepository CRANDate/Publication2016-11-1221:41:37R topics documented:alpha (2)B1 (3)B2 (4)B3 (5)Cc (6)cdc15 (7)cdc28 (7)12alpha fitHReg (8)pgram (9)ptestg (10)ptestReg (12)simHReg (14)Index16 alpha Microarray time series experiment for yeast cell cycle from alpha ex-perimentDescription6,178yeast genes expression measures(log-ratios)with series length18from the alpha factor ex-periment.Usagedata(alpha)FormatMatrix with6178rows and18columns.Some missing data.Rows and columns are labelled.-attr(*,"dimnames")=List of2..$:chr[1:6178]"Y AL001C""Y AL002W""Y AL003W""Y AL004W".....$:chr[1:18]"alpha0""alpha7""alpha14""alpha21"...SourceThe data is extracted from the ExpressionSet of the R package yeastCC.ReferencesSpellman,P.T.,Sherlock,G.,Zhang,M.Q.,Iyer,V.R.,Anders,K.,Eisen,M.B.,...&Futcher,B.(1998).Comprehensive identification of cell cycle-regulated genes of the yeast Saccharomycescerevisiae by microarray hybridization.Molecular biology of the cell,9(12),3273-3297.Dudoit S(2016).yeastCC:Spellman et al.(1998)and Pramila/Breeden(2006)yeast cell cycle microarray data.R package version1.12.0.Examplesdata(alpha)qqnorm(colMeans(alpha,na.rm=TRUE))qqnorm(rowMeans(alpha,na.rm=TRUE))B13 B1Benchmark set B1DescriptionList for yeast genes which are most likely to be periodic(the benchmark set1in de Lichtenberg et al.(2005)).Usagedata(B1)FormatA vector containg113genes’names.DetailsA total of113genes previously identified as periodically expressed in small-scale experiments.Theset encompasses the104genes used by Spellman et al.(1998)and nine genes added by Johansson et al.(2003).SourceThe raw data can be downloaded from benchmark.php.ReferencesDe Lichtenberg,U.,Jensen,L.J.,Fausboll,A.,Jensen,T.S.,Bork,P.,&Brunak,S.(2005).Compar-ison of computational methods for the identification of cell cycle-regulated genes.Bioinformatics, 21(7),1164-1171.Examplesdata(alpha)data(B1)alphaB1<-alpha[rownames(alpha)\%in\%B1,]4B2 B2Benchmark set B2DescriptionList for yeast genes which are most likely to be periodic(the benchmark set2in de Lichtenberg et al.(2005)).Usagedata(B2)FormatA vector containg352genes’names.DetailsGenes whose promoters were bound(P-value below0.01)by at least one of nine known cell cycle transcription factors in both of the Chromatin IP studies by Simon et al.(2001)and Lee et al.(2002).To obtain a benchmark set that is independent of B1,we removed all genes included in B1(50).The resulting benchmark set,B2,consists of352genes of which many should be expectedto be cell cycle regulated,since their promoters are associated with known stage-specific cell cycle transcription factors.SourceThe raw data can be downloaded from benchmark.php.ReferencesDe Lichtenberg,U.,Jensen,L.J.,Fausboll,A.,Jensen,T.S.,Bork,P.,&Brunak,S.(2005).Compar-ison of computational methods for the identification of cell cycle-regulated genes.Bioinformatics, 21(7),1164-1171.Examplesdata(alpha)data(B2)alphaB2<-alpha[rownames(alpha)\%in\%B2,]B35 B3Benchmark set B3DescriptionList for yeast genes which are less likely to be periodic(the benchmark set3in de Lichtenberg et al.(2005)).Usagedata(B3)FormatA vector containg518genes’names.DetailsGenes annotated in MIPS(Mewes et al.,2002)as’cell cycle and DNA processing’.From these,we removed genes annotated specifically as’meiosis’and genes included in B1(67),leaving518genes.As a large number of genes involved in the cell cycle are not subject to transcriptional regulation (not periodic),and because B1was explicitly removed,a relatively small fraction of these genes should be expected to be periodically expressed.SourceThe raw data can be downloaded from benchmark.php.ReferencesDe Lichtenberg,U.,Jensen,L.J.,Fausboll,A.,Jensen,T.S.,Bork,P.,&Brunak,S.(2005).Compar-ison of computational methods for the identification of cell cycle-regulated genes.Bioinformatics, 21(7),1164-1171.Examplesdata(alpha)data(B3)alphaB3<-alpha[rownames(alpha)\%in\%B3,]6Cc Cc Microarray time series experiment for Caulobacter crescentus bacte-rial cell cycleDescriptionIn this microarray experiment there are3062genes measured every1hour.There are19is missing gene labels and these have been given labels ORFna1,...,ORFna19.There310with duplicate labels.Of these duplicate labels,295are duplicated twice,12are duplicated3times and3are duplicated 4times.Duplicate labels are renamed ORF...a and ORF...b etc.Usagedata(Cc)FormatMatrix with3062rows and11columns.Some missing data.Rows and columns are labelled.-attr(*,"dimnames")=List of2..$:chr[1:3062]"ORF06244a""ORF03152a""ORF03156a""ORF03161a".....$:chr[1:11]"1""2""3""4"...DetailsGene expression from synchronized cultures of the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus(Laub et al., 2000).(Laub et al.,2000)identified553genes whose messenger RNA levels varied as a function of the cell cycle but their statistical analysis was not very sophisticated and they probably identified too many genes.Wichert et al.(2004)found that44genes were found which displayed periodicity based on the Fisher’s g-test using a FDR with q=0.05.ReferencesLaub,M.T.,McAdams,H.H.,Feldblyum,T.,Fraser,C.M.and Shapiro,L.(2000)Global analysis of the genetic network controlling a bacterial cell cycle Science,290,2144-2148.Wichert,S.,Fokianos K.and Strimmer K.(2004)Identifying periodically expressed transcrips in microarray time series data.Bioinformatics,18,5-20.Examplesdata(Cc)qqnorm(colMeans(Cc,na.rm=TRUE))qqnorm(rowMeans(Cc,na.rm=TRUE))cdc157 cdc15Microarray time series experiment for yeast cell cycle from cdc15ex-perimentDescription6,178yeast genes expression measures(log-ratios)with series length24from the cdc15experiment. Usagedata(cdc15)FormatMatrix with6178rows and24columns.Some missing data.Rows and columns are labelled.-attr(*,"dimnames")=List of2..$:chr[1:6178]"Y AL001C""Y AL002W""Y AL003W""Y AL004W".....$:chr[1:24]"cdc15.10""cdc15.30""cdc15.50""cdc15.70"...SourceThe data is extracted from the ExpressionSet of the R package yeastCC.ReferencesSpellman,P.T.,Sherlock,G.,Zhang,M.Q.,Iyer,V.R.,Anders,K.,Eisen,M.B.,...&Futcher,B.(1998).Comprehensive identification of cell cycle-regulated genes of the yeast Saccharomycescerevisiae by microarray hybridization.Molecular biology of the cell,9(12),3273-3297.Dudoit S(2016).yeastCC:Spellman et al.(1998)and Pramila/Breeden(2006)yeast cell cycle microarray data.R package version1.12.0.Examplesdata(cdc15)qqnorm(colMeans(cdc15,na.rm=TRUE))qqnorm(rowMeans(cdc15,na.rm=TRUE))cdc28Microarray time series experiment for yeast cell cycle from cdc28ex-perimentDescription6,178yeast genes expression measures(log-ratios)with series length17from the cdc28experiment. Usagedata(cdc28)8fitHRegFormatMatrix with6178rows and17columns.Some missing data.Rows and columns are labelled.-attr(*,"dimnames")=List of2..$:chr[1:6178]"Y AL001C""Y AL002W""Y AL003W""Y AL004W".....$:chr[1:17]"cdc28.0""cdc28.10""cdc28.20""cdc28.30"...SourceThe data is extracted from the ExpressionSet of the R package yeastCC.ReferencesSpellman,P.T.,Sherlock,G.,Zhang,M.Q.,Iyer,V.R.,Anders,K.,Eisen,M.B.,...&Futcher,B.(1998).Comprehensive identification of cell cycle-regulated genes of the yeast Saccharomycescerevisiae by microarray hybridization.Molecular biology of the cell,9(12),3273-3297.Dudoit S(2016).yeastCC:Spellman et al.(1998)and Pramila/Breeden(2006)yeast cell cycle microarray data.R package version1.12.0.Examplesdata(cdc28)qqnorm(colMeans(cdc28,na.rm=TRUE))qqnorm(rowMeans(cdc28,na.rm=TRUE))fitHReg Fits Three Parameter Harmonic RegressionDescriptionEstimates A,B and f in the harmonic regression,y(t)=mu+A*cos(2*pi*f*t)+B*sin(2*pi*f*t)+e(t).The default algorithm is enumerative but an exact non-linear LS option is also provided.UsagefitHReg(y,t=1:length(y),algorithm=c("enumerative","exact"))Argumentsy series.t Time points.algorithm method for the optimizationDetailsProgram is interfaced to C for efficient computation.ValueObject of class"HReg"produced.pgram9 Author(s)A.I.McLeod and Yuanhao LaiExamplesset.seed(193)z<-simHReg(10,f=2.5/10,1,1)ans<-fitHReg(z)ans$freq#optimal frequency=0.2376238##ORF06806in Cc dataset.z<-c(0.42,0.89,1.44,1.98,2.21,2.04,0.82,0.62,0.56,0.8,1.33)ans2<-fitHReg(z,algorithm="exact")sum(resid(ans2)^2)#0.2037463ans1<-fitHReg(z)sum(resid(ans1)^2)#0.242072#compare with nls()t<-1:length(z)ans<-nls(z~mu+alpha*cos(2*pi*lambda*t+phi),start=list(mu=1,alpha=1,lambda=0.1,phi=0.0))coefficients(ans)sum(resid(ans)^2)#0.2037pgram Periodogram computationDescriptionThe periodogram is computed.Usagepgram(z,fr="default",method=c("periodogram","regression"))Argumentsz time series vector of length n, use"default"for usual Fourier frequencies,1/n,...,floor(n/2)/n.Set fr=N,to evaluate the periodogram at the Fourier frequencies corresponding to a time se-ries of length N.Finally set fr to any desired set of frequencies.Note frequenciesare in cycles per unit time sometimes called temoral frequency to distinguishfrom angular frequency.Both are widely used in time series.method either periodogram or regression10ptestg DetailsUses FFT.So if the length of z is a highly composite number,the computation is very efficient.Otherwise the usual DFT is used.ValuePeriodogram evaluated at the Fourier frequencies or R-square.Author(s)A.I.McLeod and Yuanhao LaiExamplesz<-sunspot.yearn<-length(z)I<-pgram(z)f<-I[,1]I<-I[,2]plot(f,I,xlab="f",ylab="f",type="l")title(main="Periodogram for Annual Sunpots,1700-1988")#z<-c(0.42,0.89,1.44,1.98,2.21,2.04,0.82,0.62,0.56,0.8,1.33)fr<-(1:50)/101pgram(z)pgram(z,fr=101)pgram(z,fr=fr)pgram(z,method="regression")pgram(z,method="regression",fr=101)pgram(z,method="regression",fr=fr)ptestg Test short time series for periodicity based on periodogramsDescriptionThis function is used to test the existence of the periodicity for a short time series(length<=100).Several methods based on periodograms are provided with the response surface method imple-mented for efficiently obtaining accurate p-values.Usageptestg(z,method=c("Fisher","robust","extended","extendedRobust","FisherRSR"),multiple=FALSE)ptestg11Argumentsz A series or a matrix containg series as columnsmethod The statistical test to be used.See details for more information.multiple Indicating whether z contains multiple series.DetailsThe null hypothesis is set as no peridicities,H0:f=0.Discriptions of different test statistics(meth-ods)are as follow:Fisher:The Fisher’s g test statistic.The p-value is computed directly from the exact distribution.robust:The robust g test proprosed in Ahdesmaki et al.(2005),where the p-value is computed bythe response surface regression method.extended:The extended Fisher’s g test statistic,which extend the Fisher’s g test by enlarging thesearching region of the frequency from the fourier frequencies to be En=j/101|j=1,...,50andj/101≥1/n.The p-value is computed by the response surface regression method.extendedRobust:Extend the frequency searching region of the robust En=j/101|j=1,...,50andj/101≥1/n.The p-value is computed by the response surface regression method.FisherRSR:Only for experimental purposes,the Fisher;s g test with p-value computed form theresponse surface regression method.ValueObject of class"Htest"produced.An object of class"Htest"is a list containing the following components:obsStat Vector containing the observed test statistics.pvalue Vector containing the p-values of the selected tests.freq Vector containing the estimated frequencies.Author(s)Yuanhao Lai and A.I.McLeodReferencesFisher,R.A.(1929).Tests of significance in harmonic analysis.Proc.Roy.Soc.A,125,54-59.Ahdesmaki,M.,Lahdesmaki,H.,Pearson,R.,Huttunen,H.,and Yli-Harja O.(2005).BMC Bioin-formatics6:117./1471-2105/6/117.MacKinnon,James(2001):Computing numerical distribution functions in econometrics,Queen’sEconomics Department Working Paper,No.1037.See AlsoptestRegExamples#Simulate the harmonic regression model with standard Gaussian error termsset.seed(193)##Non-Fourier frequencyz<-simHReg(n=14,f=2/10,A=2,B=1,model="Gaussian",sig=1)ptestg(z,method="Fisher")ptestg(z,method="robust")ptestg(z,method="extended")ptestg(z,method="extendedRobust")ptestg(z,method="FisherRSR")#Performe tests on the alpha factor experimentdata(alpha)##Eliminate genes with missing observationsalpha.nonNA<-alpha[complete.cases(alpha),]##Using the multiple option to do the test for all the genes##Transpose the data set so that each column stands for a genealpha.nonNA<-t(alpha.nonNA)result<-ptestg(alpha.nonNA,method="extended",multiple=TRUE)str(result)#The movtivating example:gene ORF06806in Ccdata(Cc)x<-Cc[which(rownames(Cc)=="ORF06806"),]plot(1:length(x),x,type="b",main="ORF06806",xlab="time",ylab="Gene expression")ptestg(x,method="Fisher")#Fail to detect the periodicityptestg(x,method="robust")ptestg(x,method="extended")ptestReg Test short time series for periodicity with maximum likelihood ratiotestsDescriptionThis function is used to test the existence of the periodicity for a short time series(length<=100).Likelihood ratio tests under the Gaussian or the Laplace assumptions are provided with the response surface method implemented for efficiently obtaining accurate p-values.UsageptestReg(z,method=c("LS","L1"),multiple=FALSE)Argumentsz A series or a matrix containg series as columnsmethod The statistical test to be used.See details for more information.multiple Indicating whether z contains multiple series.DetailsThe null hypothesis is set as no peridicities,H0:f=0.Discriptions of different test statistics(meth-ods)are as follow:LS:The-2loglikelihood ratio test statistic based on the likelihood ratio test with normal noises, where the p-values are efficiently computed by the response surface method.L1:The-2loglikelihood ratio test statistic based on the likelihood ratio test with Laplace noises, where the p-values are efficiently computed by the response surface method.ValueObject of class"Htest"produced.An object of class"Htest"is a list containing the following components:obsStat Vector containing the observed test statistics.pvalue Vector containing the p-values of the selected tests.freq Vector containing the estimated frequencies.Author(s)Yuanhao Lai and A.I.McLeodReferencesIslam,M.S.(2008).Peridocity,Change Detection and Prediction in Microarrays.Ph.D.Thesis,The University of Western Ontario.Li,T.H.(2010).A nonlinear method for robust spectral analysis.Signal Processing,IEEE Trans-actions on,58(5),2466-2474.MacKinnon,James(2001):Computing numerical distribution functions in econometrics,Queen’s Economics Department Working Paper,No.1037.See AlsofitHReg,ptestgExamples#Simulate the harmonic regression model with standard Gaussian error termsset.seed(193)#Non-Fourier frequencyz<-simHReg(n=14,f=2/10,A=2,B=1,model="Gaussian",sig=1)ptestReg(z,method="LS")#Normal likelihood ratio testptestReg(z,method="L1")#Laplace likelihood ratio testfitHReg(z,algorithm="exact")#the nls fitted result#Performe tests on the alpha factor experimentdata(alpha)##Eliminate genes with missing observationsalpha.nonNA<-alpha[complete.cases(alpha),]##Using the multiple option to do the test for all the genes##Transpose the data set so that each column stands for a genealpha.nonNA<-t(alpha.nonNA)result<-ptestReg(alpha.nonNA,method="LS",multiple=TRUE)str(result)#The movtivating example:gene ORF06806in Ccdata(Cc)x<-Cc[which(rownames(Cc)=="ORF06806"),]plot(1:length(x),x,type="b",main="ORF06806",xlab="time",ylab="Gene expression")ptestg(x,method="Fisher")#Fail to detect the periodicityptestReg(x,method="LS")#The periodicity is significantly not zeroptestReg(x,method="L1")#The periodicity is significantly not zerosimHReg Simulate harmonic regression modelsDescriptionSimulates a harmonic regression.Possible types of models are normal,t(5),Laplace,cubic and AR1.UsagesimHReg(n,f,A,B,model=c("Gaussian","t5","Laplace","cubic","AR1"),phi=0,sig=1)Argumentsn Length of series.f Frequency.A Cosine amplitude.B Sine amplitude.model The model used for generating the error term.See details.phi Only used if AR1error distribution is selected.sig The standard error of the series.DetailsGenerate a harmonic series y with length n,where y t=A∗cos(2∗pi∗f∗t)+B∗sin(2∗pi∗f∗t)+sig∗e t,t=1,...,n,and e comes from one of the following specified distributions with mean0and standard error1:Gaussian:A standard normal distribution(i.i.d.).t5:A t distribution with5degrees of freedom(i.i.d.,standardized to mean0and variance1).Laplace:A Laplace(double exponential)distribution(i.i.d.,standardized to mean0and variance1).cubic:A standard normal distribution for e,but y=y3this time.AR1:An AR(1)series with autocorrelation paramater phi(standardized to mean0and variance1).ValueVector of length n,simulated harmonic series.Author(s)A.I.McLeod and Yuanhao LaiReferencesMcLeod,A.I.,Yu,Hao and Krougly,Z.(2007),Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis:With R Package,Journal of Statistical Software23,51-26.See AlsofitHReg,ptestRegExamples#Simulate the harmonic regression model with standard Gaussian error termsz<-simHReg(10,f=2/10,1,2,model="Gaussian",sig=1)#Fourier Frequencyplot(1:10,z,type="b")#Simulate the AR(1)errorsz<-simHReg(10,f=0/10,0,0,model="AR1",phi=0.2,sig=1)acf(z)Index∗datasetsalpha,2B1,3B2,4B3,5Cc,6cdc15,7cdc28,7∗tsfitHReg,8pgram,9ptestg,10ptestReg,12simHReg,14alpha,2B1,3B2,4B3,5Cc,6cdc15,7cdc28,7fitHReg,8,13,15pgram,9ptestg,10,13ptestReg,11,12,15simHReg,1416。

华为 VTR-AL00 和 VTR-TL00 双卡手机说明书

华为 VTR-AL00 和 VTR-TL00 双卡手机说明书


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• 请勿将电池暴露在高温处或发热产品 的周围,如日照、取暖器、微波炉、烤 箱或热水器等。电池过热可能引起爆 炸。
• 禁止将电池扔入火中,勿拆解、跌落、 挤压或改装电池,避免异物插入、穿刺 电池或将电池浸入水或其它液体中,避 免电池遭受外部冲击和压力,以免引起 电池漏液、过热、起火或爆炸。
• 电源适配器是可选配件,当产品未附带 电源适配器销售时,消费者若使用电源 适配器供电,则应购买配套使用满足相 应安全标准要求的电源适配器或者是 获得 CCC 认证的电源适配器。
• 使用未经认可或不兼容的电源、电源适 配器或电池,可能引发火灾、爆炸或其 他危险。
• 本产品 USB 接口可以向其它产品提 供 5Vdc/1A 的供电能力。
• 设备产生的无线电波或含有磁铁可能 会影响植入式医疗设备或个人医用设 备的正常工作,如起搏器、植入耳蜗、 助听器等。若您使用了这些医用设备, 请向其制造商咨询使用本设备的限制 条件。
• 在使用本设备时,请与植入的医疗设备 (如起搏器、植入耳蜗等)保持至少 15 厘米的距离。
• 使用非授权第三方软件升级设备的固 件和系统,可能存在设备无法使用或者 泄漏您个人信息等安全风险。建议您 使用在线升级或者将设备送至您附近 的华为客户服务中心升级。
‫یڂ‬ՂˀՏἻֶ̗Իᑟˀӊ઺ᬔ˟఻ܱᄊ̿ʽਫ਼దᦊ͈Ἳឰֶ̗̿ ࠄᬅᩙ‫ᦡ׬‬Ꮆ˞юǍ
వಖគЯ஝ߚ᛫ᇨֶ̗‫ښ‬൤࣢Ύၹ࿄গʾᄊဗδΎၹర ᬍ˞ࣲǍ౽̏ᦊ͈˷ԻᑟదဗδΎၹరᬍಖគἻХဗ δΎၹరᬍ̿ಖគЯᄊ஝ߚ˞юǍ
电磁辐射比吸收率(SAR) 本产品电磁辐射比吸收率(SAR)最大 值为 2.0 W/kg,符合国家标准 GB 21288-2007 的要求。

三星 ST50 说明书

三星 ST50 说明书

播放 053 启动播放模式
053 053 054 054 055 055 056 056 056 056 059 059 060 播放静态图像 播放短片 短片捕获功能 播放录音 播放语音备忘录 LCD 显示器指示标志 用相机上的按钮设置相机 播放模式按钮 缩略图 / 放大调节杆 智能相册 信息(DISP)/ 向上按钮 播放与暂停 / OK 按钮 向左 / 向右 / 向下 / MENU 按钮
准备 007 系统图
007 007 008 008 009 010 010 011 011 011 012 014 015 随附产品 选购产品 功能标识 前视图与上视图 后视图 下视图 5 功能按钮 自拍计时器指示灯 相机状态指示灯 模式图标 连接电源 插入存储卡 存储卡使用说明
开机后若用交流充电器充电时,请勿移动相机。使用完毕后,请务必 先关机,然后从墙壁插座中拔出电缆。移动相机前,请确保已断开与 其它装置相连的所有连接器电源线或电缆。否则,可能损坏电源线或 电缆、或导致火灾或电击。
有关相机模式设置的详细信息,请参阅第 19 和 75 页。
模式 图标 智能模式 图标 智能自动 智能短片 程序 短片
闪烁 闪烁 闪烁
状态 电源开启 拍照后 闪光灯充电时 说明 指示灯点亮,相机准备好拍照时,指示灯熄灭。 相机保存图像数据时指示灯会闪烁,然后指示 灯关闭,相机准备拍照。 指示灯闪烁
USB / AV / DC连接端口 镜头/镜头盖
LCD 显示器
5功能按钮 删除按钮Hale Waihona Puke MENU 按钮 播放模式按钮

NPN Silicon Transistors 产品说明书

NPN Silicon Transistors 产品说明书

2N3607 2N914. 2N706, 2NiOS. 2N 30 min. 14 350
753 and 2N834
. Illa. tEach t.ype Is SUpplied In Ilarrow 8prcnd beta grou ps color coded, t'l'yp lcal noise figure.
20 5 U.S 0.'1
15 :.10- 120 6 Ill. 10
20 5 0.0 D.•
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ULTRA-HIGH SPEE D SWITCHI NG 00-18 (FIG. C) Subminiature epoxy package wll h series conductance of 1. 5 n Ei .
ICoS I I 1166KK2I
IOV1..F35orpwFnrt.dyAplGcaCl :aVt HVCFER-F~ 6O0Ott.yypp_.
16 K]
and U' amllllfiers (T V, FM) 60 t y p o 30 560

荣耀 9 用户指南 STF-AL00 AL10 TL10

荣耀 9 用户指南 STF-AL00 AL10 TL10

您的设备支持快速充电技术,通过 FCP 协议在设备和充电器之间建立通信,智能协调充电电压和 电流,让充电更有效率。 手机充电必须使用随机标配的充电器和 USB 数据线。使用非原装充电器或 USB 数据线可能 会导致充电过程中出现反复重启、充电时间变长或充电器过热等情况, 极端情况下可能会导致 设备损坏甚至电池爆炸。
l l
了解电池状态 您可以通过设备状态指示灯或屏幕上的电量图标判断当前的电池状态。 状态指示灯 红色闪烁或常亮 电池图标 电池电量状态 电池电量小于 4% 3
状态指示灯 红色 橙色 绿色
电池电量状态 充电过程中,电池电量小于 10% 充电过程中,电池电量大于 10%,不满 90% 充电过程中,电池电量大于 90%。当状态栏上电量显示 表示电池电量已 100% 或在锁屏界面上有已充满提示时, 经充满。
插入或取出 SIM 卡和 microSD 卡
您的手机是双卡托合一设计。手机支持同时插入 2 张 Nano-SIM 卡,或 1 张 Nano-SIM 卡和 1 张 microSD 卡。
l l l l l l
SIM 卡槽仅支持 Nano-SIM 卡。请咨询您的网络运营商更换或购买标准 Nano-SIM 卡。 请使用标准 Nano-SIM 卡,插入非标准卡可能会导致卡座损坏。 注意缺口方向,插卡时,卡托保持水平。 使用取卡针需注意安全,防止戳伤手指或损伤设备。 请将取卡针放置在儿童接触不到的地方,防止儿童无意中吞食或戳伤自己。 取卡针仅用于插入卡托边的小孔,顶出卡托。取卡针插入除取卡孔以外的孔或部件可能会损伤设 备。
点击双卡管理。 5

华为 手机 说明书

华为 手机 说明书
频,信息自动转为彩信模式。 4. 选择“选项 > 发送”,发送信息。
说明 您的手机支持发送和接收长短信,接收一条完整长短信的时间视网
络状况而定,如果发现长短信内容无法完整显示,请等待手机接收 到所有短信内容后再重新打开。长短信只能保存于手机中。 您的手机最大支持的彩信容量为 300KB,超过 300KB 的文件将无 法通过彩信发送。
待机状态下,按此键查看“通话记录”。 拨打电话或接听电话。
待机状态下,按此键进入“主菜单”。 选择屏幕左下方文字对应的菜单或操作。
菜单模式下,按此键返回上一级菜单或退出 功能表。
待机界面设置为“快捷模式”时,按左方向 键或右方向键移动光标至所需快捷图标。
手机密码锁可有效地防止其他人未经您的许可使用您的手机。 启用手机密码锁时,会在每次开机时要求您输入手机密码。 在主菜单界面,选择“设置 > 安全 > 手机密码”可开启手机 锁。
PIN 码和 PUK 码
PIN 码(个人识别号码),可有效的防止他人未经您的许可使用 您的 UIM 卡。PUK 码(个人解锁码),可以更改被锁定的 PIN 码。如果累计连续 3 次输错了 PIN 码,将提示输入 PUK 码。 如果累计连续 10 次输错了 PUK 码,UIM 卡将永久失效。此 时,请与您的网络运营商联系,要求更换新卡。 PIN 码、PUK 码随 UIM 卡一起提供,详情请咨询您的网络运营 商。
待机状态下,长按此键,锁定键盘。 文本输入模式下,按此键切换输入法。
编辑状态下,按此键清除光标前一个字符, 长按清除光标前的所有字符。



APRIL 2013Quick-Refere nce GuideLAPTOP, DESKTO P AND VIDEO STORAGE DRIVESSeagate Partner Program MembersVisit the Sales Tools section to access the latestproduct roadmap, end-of-life schedule and product information. DistributorsEMEA SPP Support00-800-6890-8282US Sales Support1-800-SEAGATE or 1-405-324-4700Visit for more information or call 1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283) © 2013 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Barracuda, G-Force Protection, Momentus, Pipeline HD, SmartAlign and SV35 Series are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. The FIPS logo is a certification mark of NIST, which does not imply product endorsement by NIST, the U.S., or Canadian governments. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. When referring to drive capacity, one gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion bytes. Your computer’s operating system may use a different standard of measurement and report a lower capacity. In addition, some of the listed capacity is used for formatting and other functions, and thus will not be available for data storage. Actual data rates may vary depending on operating environment and other factors. The export or re-export of hardware or software containing encryption may be regulated by the US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (for more information go to ). Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. QR502.15-1304GB, April 2013APRIL 2013Quick-Reference GuideLAPTOP, DESKTOP AND VIDEO STORAGE DRIVESNew Seagate Model Number KeyDesktop, laptop and video storageST 500 DX 001BRANdCAPACiTySegMeNTATTRiBuTeS2 letters ST= Seagate MX= Maxtor2 to 4 digits 80 = 80GB 500 = 500GB 1500 = 1,500GB Capacities>9,999GB: 10 = 10TB 15 = 15TB2 lettersDX = Desktop Premium DM = Mainstream DL = Entry LevelLX = Laptop Premium LM = Laptop Mainstream LT = Laptop Thin VX = Surveillance VM = DVR VT = DVR Thin3 digits, non-intelligent Varies for:Z-height Form Factor RPM Cache Interface SED, FIPS Drop Sensor Interface SpeedView a brief training presentation on how our model numbering format has changed at /seagate/ModelNumber 1 One gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes; and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion bytes when referring to drive capacity.2See FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Certificate at /groups/STM/cmvp/documents/140-1/1401vend.htm.37mm z-height expanded to 9.5mm enables compatibility with standard laptop chassis.4Advanced Format 4K sector drive with SmartAlign ™ technology resolves misalignment conditions.5Seagate makes this drive in both 4K and 512-byte sectors. SmartAlign technology is included on 4K sector drives. Both drives are functionally and physically equivalent.6Formerly Barracuda ®drive。

荣耀 畅玩8A 用户指南 JAT-AL00 TL00

荣耀 畅玩8A 用户指南 JAT-AL00 TL00

用户指南目录精彩功能玩机精选1拍照技巧2说出指令,用语音操控手机4更多精彩功能5新机入手新机配置9给手机充电11手势与操作智慧语音13智慧搜索,应用、文件、设置项,一搜即得14截屏与录屏15分屏17桌面导航栏18使用快捷开关轻松开启常用功能19通知栏和状态栏19锁屏与解锁22桌面管理22联系人分享联系人和个人名片26查找联系人26联系人管理27联系人融合第三方应用28拨号通话基础功能29开启在线号码识别30打开通话录音记录重要通话30VoLTE31信息短信基础功能32相机拍照基本功能34拍摄视角更宽广的全景照片36专业相机37目录图库图片管理40手机管家使用一键优化让手机跑的更快更安全43管理手机流量43开启智能省电管理进行省电优化43开启和使用智能启动管理功能44邮件添加邮件帐户45管理邮件帐户45管理邮件 VIP 联系人45导入重要事项到日历46设置 Exchange 邮件自动回复46日历使用日历管理个人行程47导入待办事项到日历48时钟设置时钟49备忘录管理备忘录51实用工具统计手机使用情况52设备连接蓝牙53连接USB设备54Huawei Share56安全与隐私人脸解锁60开启或关闭定位服务61开启应用锁61支付保护中心61更多安全设置63备份与重置定期备份数据,保护数据安全65关于华为手机助手备份65手机克隆简介66备份数据到外置存储卡66目录备份数据到 USB 存储67重置手机67使用华为手机助手备份数据68使用华为手机助手恢复数据69从 Android 设备导入数据69从 iPhone 或 iPad 导入数据70无线和网络WLAN72管理双卡75连接网络75共享移动网络给其他设备75应用和通知设置应用权限77声音和显示设置免打扰模式78设置声音78开启护眼模式保护视力健康79更多显示设置79存储开启清理空间81系统切换输入法82无障碍82通用设置84系统更新通过华为手机助手升级手机系统版本86在线升级手机系统版本86通过 eRecovery 恢复手机系统版本87法律声明法律声明88个人信息和数据安全89获取更多信息90精彩功能玩机精选录入人脸并开启人脸解锁将人脸录入手机,可以用人脸代替密码快速解锁屏幕。

Cat Pumps 3531 3535 Series说明书

Cat Pumps 3531 3535 Series说明书

SPECIFICATIONSU.S. Measure Metric Measure Flow36 gpm 136 lpm Pressure Range 100 to 1200 psi 6.9 to 83 bar Pump RPM*800 rpm 800 rpm Inlet Pressure Range Flooded to 70 psiFlooded to 4.8 barMax. Liquid Temperature160° F70° C Above 130° F call Cat Pumps for inlet conditions and elastomer recommendations.Bore 1.575"40 mm Stroke 1.890"48 mm Crankcase Capacity 4.2 qts. 4 l Inlet Ports (2)1-1/2" NPT(F)1-1/2" NPT(F)Flushing Ports (2)(3531C, 3535C)1/4" NPT(F)1/4" NPT(F)Discharge Ports (2)1" NPT(F)1" NPT(F)Pulley Mounting Either Side Either Side Shaft Diameter 1.378"35 mm Weight 139 lbs.63 kgDimensions (3535, 3535C)23.89 x 18.11 x 9.72"607 x 460 x 247 mm Dimensions(3531, 3531C, 3537)24.33 x 18.11 x 9.72"618 x 460 x 247 mm*Pump minimum is 100 RPM.FEATURES• T riplex design delivers high efficiency and low pulsation.• D urable dual V-Packings are lubricated and cooled by pumped liquid.• P re-set Lo-Pressure Seals provide secondary protection against external leaks and require no packing adjustments.• S pecial high-density, polished, concentric plungers provide a true wear surface and extended seal life.• W et-end easily serviced without entering crankcase.• S tandard NBR seals with alternative options for temperature and chemical compatibility • FPM – .0110• EPDM – .0220Model 3535 Shown(Mounting rails sold separately, shaft protector included)Standard and FlushedBrassStandard and FlushedStainless SteelNickel AluminumBronze3535, 3535C3531, 3531C3537ELECTRIC HORSEPOWER REQUIREMENTSDETERMINING Rated gpm =“Desired” gpm THE PUMP R.P.M.Rated rpm “Desired” rpm DETERMINING Hp=gpm x psi THE REQUIRED H.P.(Electric Brake)1460DETERMININGMotor Pulley O.D.=Pump Pulley O.D.MOTOR PULLEY SIZEPump rpmMotor rpmSee complete Drive Packages [Includes: pulleys, belts, hubs, key] Tech Bulletin 003.Refer to pump Service Manual for repair procedure and additional technical information.PARTS LISTITEM PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY 3535/C MATL3531/C MATL3537MATL234021STL34021STL34021STL Key (M10x8x70)1 5125753S125753S125753S Screw, HHC Sems (M8x25)8 844542AL44542AL44542AL Cover, Bearing (See Tech Bulltin 118) 2 9815279FBR815279FBR815279FBR Shim, Split 2-Pc2 1012398NBR12398NBR12398NBR O-Ring, Bearing Cover - 70D2 1113296NBR13296NBR13296NBR Seal, Oil, Crankshaft2 1529326STL29326STL29326STL Bearing, Roller2 20121467TNM121467TNM121467TNM Rod, Connecting Assy (Inclds: 21,22,23) [10/00]3 21126749STCP R126749STCP R126749STCP R Locking Washer (M10)3 22126593STCP R126593STZP R126593STZP R Washer, Flat (M10.5)6 23122045STZP122045STZP122045STZP Screw, HH (M10x55)6 2529325FCM29325FCM29325FCM Crankshaft, Dual End (M48)1 31828710PE828710PE828710PE Protector, Oil Cap w/Foam Gasket1 3243211ABS43211ABS43211ABS Cap, Oil Filler 1 3314177NBR14177NBR14177NBR O-Ring, Oil Filler Cap - 70D1 34126743STCP R126743STCP R126743STCP R Bolt, Eye (M12x1.75) (For Lifting Pump Only)1 3792241—92241—92241—Gauge, Oil, Bubble w/Gasket1 3844428NBR44428NBR44428NBR Gasket, Flat, Oil Gauge - 80D1 40125753S125753S125753S Screw, HHC Sems (M8x25)8 4825625STCP25625STCP25625STCP Plug, Drain (1/4”x19BSP)1 4923170NBR23170NBR23170NBR O-Ring, Drain Plug - 70D1 5045936AL45936AL45936AL Cover, Rear (See Tech Bulltin 118)1 5116612NBR16612NBR16612NBR O-Ring, Crankcase Cover - 70D1 5344487AL44487AL44487AL Crankcase Assy (Inclds: 34, 54) (See Tech Bulltin 118)1 5427488S27488S27488S Pins, Guide 2 5627790POP27790POP27790POP Pan, Oil 1 5992538S92538S92538S Screw, HHC Sems (M6x16)2 6443864CM43864CM43864CM Pin, Crosshead3 65†45116SSZZ45116SSZZ45116SSZZ Rod, Plunger 3 69126587STCP R126587STCP R126587STCP R Washer, Oil Seal3 70100488NBRS100488NBRS100488NBRS Seal, Oil, Crankcase3 44739FPM44739FPM44739FPM Seal, Oil, Crankcase3 7543865S43865S43865S Slinger, Barrier3 8845676S45676S45676S Washer, Keyhole (M16)3 9043921CC43921CC43921CC Plunger (M40x145)3 95†89778SS89778SS89778SS Stud, Plunger Retainer (M10x135)3 9620189PTFE20189PTFE20189PTFE Back-up-Ring, Plunger Retainer3 9711345NBR11345NBR11345NBR O-Ring, Plunger Retainer - 70D3 11375FPM11375FPM11375FPM O-Ring, Plunger Retainer3 u701490EPDM u701490EPDM u701490EPDM O-Ring, Plunger Retainer3 9844085SS44085SS44085SS Gasket, Retainer3 99†44084SS44084SS44084SS Retainer, Plunger (M10)3 100814279PVDF814279PVDF814279PVDF Retainer, Seal, 2 Pc. (See Tech Bulletin 105)3 10144112—44112—44112—Wick, Long Tab3 106†44113NBR44113NBR44113NBR Seal, LPS w/SS-Spg3 44740FPM44740FPM44740FPM Seal, LPS w/SS-Spg3 u46955EPDM u46955EPDM u46955EPDM Seal, LPS w/S-Spg3 107——45381SS44115NAB Spacer, Lo-Pressure Seal3 11049464BBCP R45365SS45124NAB Manifold, Inlet1 49464C BBCP R125397SS——Manifold, Inlet, Flushed (1/4” Flush Ports)1 11211379NBR11379NBR11379NBR O-Ring, Inlet Manifold - 70D3 14183FPM14183FPM14183FPM O-Ring, Inlet Manifold 3 u701491EPDM u701491EPDM u701491EPDM O-Ring, Inlet Manifold - 70D3 11744585S44585S44585S Screw, HSH (M14x40)4 12646494BB48391D48391D Adapter, Female (See Tech Bulletin 087)3——45367SS45367SS Adapter Female3 12744609STG44609STG44609STG V-Packing6 44741SFG44741SFG44741SFG V-Packing 6 12843928BB45368SS45368SS Adapter, Male 3 14149519SS49519SS49519SS Spring, Large Coil (See Tech Bulletin 108) 3 15548860NBR48860NBR48860NBR O-Ring, V-Packing Spacer - 90D6 20137FPM20137FPM20137FPM O-Ring, V-Packing Spacer - 70D6 u701492EPDM u701492EPDM u701492EPDM O-Ring, V-Packing Spacer6 15648362D48362D48362D Back-up-Ring, V-Packing Spacer6 15749478BB49520SS49521NAB Spacer, V-Packing (See Tech Bulletin 108)3 16248363D48363D48363D Back-up-Ring, Valve Seat6 16326142NBR26142NBR26142NBR O-Ring, Seat - 80D6 14330FPM14330FPM14330FPM O-Ring, Seat - 70D6 u701493EPDM u701493EPDM u701493EPDM O-Ring, Seat6 16444727S44612SS44612SS Seat, Stepped6 16643932S44108SS44108SS Valve6 16744109SS44109SS44109SS Spring6 16844728PVDF44728PVDF44728PVDF Retainer, Spring6 17044729SS44729SS44729SS Washer, Spring Retainer6 17144644SS44644SS44644SS Coil Spring (70kg), Valve Plug6 17289827NBR89827NBR89827NBR O-Ring, Valve Plug - 90D6 11747FPM11747FPM11747FPM O-Ring, Valve Plug - 90D6 u701494EPDM u701494EPDM u701494EPDM O-Ring, Valve Plug - 70D6 17348364D48364D48364D Back-up-Ring, Valve Plug6 17446444FBB49300SSD44643NAB Plug, Valve 6 18549465BBCP R49299SSD76335NAB Manifold, Discharge (See Tech Bulletin 099 and 109)1 18889981S89981S89981S Screw, HSH (M12x70)8Bold Part Numbers are unique to a particular pump model. Italics are optional items. [ ] Date of latest production change.u Silicone oil/grease required. †Production parts differnt from service parts.* Review individual parts in each kit for material identification. R Compoments comply with RoHS DirectiveView Tech Bulletins 03, 024, 035, 036, 040, 041, 043, 050, 052, 053, 069, 074, 083, 095, 099, 105, 108, 109 and 118 for additional information.MATERIAL CODES (Not Part of Part Number): ABS=ABS Plastic AL=Aluminum BB=Brass BBCP=Brass/Chrome Plated CC=Ceramic CM=Chrome-Moly D=Acetal EPDM=Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer F=Cast Iron FBB=Forged Brass FBR=Fiber FCM=Forged Chrome-moly FPM=Fluorocarbon NAB=Nickel Aluminum BronzeNBR=Medium Nitrile (Buna-N) NBRS=Buna, Silicone Free NY=Nylon PE=Polyethylene POP=Polypropylene PTFE=Pure Polytetrafluoroethylene PVDF=Polyvinylidene Fluoride S=304SS SS=316SSSSD=Duplex Stainless Steel SSZZ=316SS/Zamak STCP=Steel/Chrome Plated SFG=Special Blend (FPM) STG=Special Blend (PTFE) White STL=Steel STZP=Steel/Zinc PlatedTNM=Special High Strength ZP=Zinc PlatedEXPLODED VIEWITEMPART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONQTY3535/C MATL3531/C MATL3537MATL25044516NY 44516NY 44516NY Protector, Shaft w/2 Screws, Lockwashers and Washers (Included With Pump)125534018STZP R 34018STZP R 34018STZP R Kit, Direct Mount 134039S34039S34039SKit, Direct Mount126092674STZP R 92674STZP R 92674STZP R Mounting, Box Assy (Inclds: 34018)1——76514S 76514S Mounting, Box Assy (Inclds: 34039)1275990013STL 990013STL 990013STL Hub, ‘B’ 35mm w/Keyway (See Tech Bulletin 003) (Not Shown)127880540ZP 80540ZP 80540ZP Screw, HH (M12x100) (Rail Adjusting Screw)127930278STZP 30278STZP 30278STZP Oiler (1 oz.) (Not Shown)328334314—34314—34314—Kit, Oil Drain (3/8” x 48”)12906124—6124—6124—Gasket, Liquid (3 oz.)1299818427BBCP R 818372SS 814522NAB Complete Head (Models 3535,3531,3537 Only)130031040NBR*31040NBR*31040NBR*Kit, Seal (Inclds: 97,106,112,127,155,156) Standard 133055FPM 33055FPM 33055FPM Kit, Seal (Inclds: 97,106,112,127,155,156) .01101u 33262EPDM*u 33262EPDM*u 33262EPDM*Kit, Seal (Inclds: 97,106,112,127,155,156) .0220131034235NBR 34017NBR 34017NBR Kit, Valve, Preassembled (Inclds: 162,163,164,166,167,168,170,172,173) Standard 231955FPM 31955FPM 31955FPM Kit, Valve, Preassembled (Inclds: 162,163,164,166,167,168,170,172,173) .01102u 31952EPDM u 31952EPDM u 31952EPDM Kit, Valve, Preassembled (Inclds: 162,163,164,166,167,168,170,172,173) .02202—819000F 819000F 819000F Assy, Crankcase, Cast Iron Conversion 1—6100—6100—6100—Oil, Case (12 Bottles) ISO -68 Hydraulic(Fill to specified crankcase capacity prior to start-up)1———6119———Lubricant, Antiseize (2oz) (See Tech Bulletin 095)1ModelsFor International Inquiries go to and navigate to the “Contact Us” link.PN 993120 Rev J 7/17• CAUTIONS AND WARNINGSAll High Pressure Systems require a primary pressure regulating device (i.e. regulator, unloader) and a secondary pressure relief device (i.e. pop-off valve, relief valve). Failure to install such relief devices could result in personal injury or damage to pump or property. Cat Pumps does not assume any liability or responsibility for the operation of a customer’s high pressure system.Read all CAUTIONS and WARNINGS before commencing service or operation of any high pressure system. The CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are included in each service manual and with each Accessory Data sheet. CAUTIONS and WARNINGS can also be viewed online at /cautions-warnings or can be requested directly from Cat Pumps.WARRANTYView the Limited Warranty on-line at /warranty.Models 3535, 3535C, 3531, 3531C, 35375.51 (140)8.97 (228)18.11 (460)8.97 (228) (3535) 9.06 (230) (3531, 3537)1.378 (35).39 (10)9.72 (247)2.28 (58)(3531, 3537)2.20 (56)(3535)3.23 (82)(3531, 3537)2.99 (76)(3535)4.92 (125)2.24 (56.90)3.15 (80)(4) M12–1.75.59 (15)(2) 1" NPT(F) DISCHARGE23.89 (607) (3535) 24.33 (618) (3531, 3537)17.56 (446) (3535) 16.95 (430.5) (3531, 3537)5.11 (130)13.42 (341)(2) 1-1/2" NPT(F) INLET(4) SLOTS USEABLE LENGTH3.34 (85)(2) M10 X 1.25TAPPED HOLES(4) M141.18 (30)7.87 (200)8.66 (220)Models 3531, 3537 Only。

荣耀 8X 智能手机 用户指南 JSN-AL00 AL00a TL00

荣耀 8X 智能手机 用户指南 JSN-AL00 AL00a TL00

用户指南目录精彩功能玩机精选1拍照技巧5智慧生活7新机入手新机配置14导入数据17手势与操作智能识屏,让操作更简单20智慧语音20智能助手21扫一扫26智慧旅行29截屏与录屏30分屏33桌面导航栏34快捷开关35通知栏和状态栏36锁屏与解锁38开启简易模式让桌面更简洁40桌面管理40个性化您的手机主题43联系人查找联系人44联系人管理44联系人融合第三方应用45拨号通话基础功能47骚扰拦截48打开通话录音记录重要通话49VoLTE49信息短信基础功能51智能短信,更加便捷的信息服务52全新信息53目录相机拍照基本功能57AI 慧眼识物,智能识别拍照场景59使用人像模式拍摄人物大片60使用乐趣 AR 拍摄趣味照片60大光圈拍照61全景拍照62专业相机63流光快门65更多拍照模式70图库同步云端与本地图库73图片管理73手机管家使用一键优化让手机跑的更快更安全77管理手机流量77开启智能省电管理进行省电优化78启动管理79启用病毒查杀79设置手机管家智能维护运行状态80邮件添加邮件帐户81管理邮件帐户81管理邮件 VIP 联系人81设置 Exchange 邮件自动回复82日历日历,您的事项管理中心83使用日历管理个人行程83导入待办事项到日历84查看全球节假日85时钟设置时钟86游戏助手游戏助手,畅快游戏不卡顿88使用游戏助手88备忘录添加备忘录日程提醒89管理备忘录89目录设置备忘录智能出行提醒90设置备忘录指定位置提醒90实用工具查看更多天数的天气预报91学生模式91录制声音保留语音笔记93使用驾驶模式,行车途中轻松操作手机93设备连接蓝牙95多屏互动96连接USB设备99Huawei Share101安全与隐私人脸解锁105指纹106位置信息保护109开启应用锁109支付保护中心110更多安全设置112备份与重置定期备份数据,保护数据安全114关于华为手机助手备份114手机数据迁移,新旧手机无缝衔接115备份数据到 USB 存储115重置手机116恢复备份数据116查找备份记录116使用华为手机助手备份数据117使用华为手机助手恢复数据118查找华为手机助手生成的备份文件119从 Android 设备导入数据119从 iPhone 或 iPad 设备导入数据120无线和网络WLAN122管理双卡125连接网络125共享移动网络给其他设备126应用和通知使用应用分身同时登录两个帐号128目录设置应用权限128声音和显示设置免打扰模式129设置声音129开启护眼模式保护视力健康130更多显示设置130存储开启清理空间132智能辅助导航栏与导航球133系统切换输入法135无障碍135通用设置137系统更新在线升级手机系统版本143通过华为手机助手升级手机系统版本143通过 eRecovery 恢复手机系统版本144在线回退手机系统版本144电池与充电器给手机充电145法律声明法律声明146获取更多信息147精彩功能玩机精选扫一扫,扫码、购物、翻译、扫题全都解决想要快速获取商品码信息进行同类比较和购买吗?出国旅游看不懂各种外语标识、路标,去餐馆看不懂菜单?学习中想快速获取问题答案?扫一扫集购物、扫码、翻译、扫题功能于一身,帮您轻松搞定。

荣耀 Play3 用户指南 ASK-AL00x TL00x AL20

荣耀 Play3 用户指南 ASK-AL00x TL00x AL20

用户指南目 录基础使用常用手势1系统导航4手机克隆5锁屏与解锁5了解桌面6控制中心15桌面窗口小工具22更换壁纸23截屏和录屏24调整音量31输入文本33多窗口36开关机和重启42智慧功能智慧语音43智慧视觉50智慧识屏54场景联动57智慧出行59服务中心59超级终端60华为分享62智慧打印66相机图库打开相机70拍摄照片70人像72夜景73大光圈73AI 摄影74全景拍摄74动态照片74照片添加水印75专业相机75录制视频77延时摄影78相机滤镜78相机设置79目 录管理图库80编辑图片与视频82应用畅连85日历100备忘录104手机管家109设置WLAN112移动网络112更多连接113桌面和壁纸117显示和亮度119声音和振动121通知和状态栏122生物识别和密码125应用和服务128电池128存储129安全130隐私133健康使用手机135辅助功能139系统和更新147关于手机152基础使用常用手势了解手机常用手势与快捷操作全面屏导航手势进入设置 > 系统和更新 > 系统导航方式,确保选择了手势导航。



指关节手势使用指关节前,请选择以下方式开启此功能(取决于您的机型):•进入设置 > 辅助功能 > 快捷启动及手势,开启截屏和录屏开关。

•进入设置 > 辅助功能 > 手势控制 > 智能截屏,开启智能截屏开关。


华为 - 硬件工程师手册

华为 - 硬件工程师手册

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AOC CQ27G3S LCD显示器用户手册说明书

AOC CQ27G3S LCD显示器用户手册说明书

LCD Monitor User ManualCQ27G3SSafety (1)National Conventions (1)Power (2)Installation (3)Cleaning (4)Other (5)Setup (6)Contents in Box (6)Setup Stand & Base (7)Adjusting Viewing Angle (8)Connecting the Monitor (9)Wall Mounting (10)Adaptive-Sync function (11)Adjusting (12)Hotkeys (12)OSD Setting (13)Luminance (14)Color Setup (15)Picture Boost (16)OSD Setup (17)Game Setting (18)Extra (19)Exit (20)LED Indicator (20)Troubleshoot (21)Specification (22)General Specification (22)Preset Display Modes (23)Pin Assignments (24)Plug and Play (25)SafetyNational ConventionsThe following subsections describe notational conventions used in this document.Notes, Cautions, and WarningsThroughout this guide, blocks of text may be accompanied by an icon and printed in bold type or in italic type. These blocks are notes, cautions, and warnings, and they are used as follows:NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer system.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.WARNING: A WARNING indicates the potential for bodily harm and tells you how to avoid the problem. Some warnings may appear in alternate formats and may be unaccompanied by an icon. In such cases, the specific presentation of the warning is mandated by regulatory authority.PowerThe monitor should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the label. If you are not sure of the type of power supplied to your home, consult your dealer or local power company.The monitor is equipped with a three-pronged grounded plug, a plug with a third (grounding) pin. This plug will fitonly into a grounded power outlet as a safety feature. If your outlet does not accommodate the three-wire plug, have an electrician install the correct outlet, or use an adapter to ground the appliance safely. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounded plug.Unplug the unit during a lightning storm or when it will not be used for long periods of time. This will protect the monitor from damage due to power surges.Do not overload power strips and extension cords. Overloading can result in fire or electric shock.To ensure satisfactory operation, use the monitor only with UL listed computers which have appropriate configured receptacles marked between 100-240V AC, Min. 5A.The wall socket shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.InstallationDo not place the monitor on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. If the monitor falls, it can injure a person and cause serious damage to this product. Use only a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table recommended by the manufacturer or sold with this product. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing the product and use mounting accessories recommended by the manufacturer. A product and cart combination should be moved with care.Never push any object into the slot on the monitor cabinet. It could damage circuit parts causing a fire or electricshock. Never spill liquids on the monitor. Do not place the front of the product on the floor.If you mount the monitor on a wall or shelf, use a mounting kit approved by the manufacturer and follow the kit instructions.Leave some space around the monitor as shown below. Otherwise, air-circulation may be inadequate hence overheating may cause a fire or damage to the monitor.To avoid potential damage, for example the panel peeling from the bezel, ensure that the monitor does not tiltdownward by more than -5 degrees. If the -5 degree downward tilt angle maximum is exceeded, the monitor damage will not be covered under warranty.See below the recommended ventilation areas around the monitor when the monitor is installed on the wall or on the stand:Installed with stand Installed with standCleaningClean the cabinet regularly with cloth. You can use soft-detergent to wipe out the stain, instead of strong-detergent which will cauterize the product cabinet.When cleaning, make sure no detergent is leaked into the product. The cleaning cloth should not be too rough as it will scratch the screen surface.Please disconnect the power cord before cleaning the product.OtherIf the product is emitting a strange smell, sound or smoke, disconnect the power plug IMMEDIATELY and contact a Service Center.Make sure that the ventilating openings are not blocked by a table or curtain.Do not engage the LCD monitor in severe vibration or high impact conditions during operation.Do not knock or drop the monitor during operation or transportation.SetupContents in Box**CD Manual Power Cable DP Cable HDMI CableWarranty Card StandBaseNot all signal cables (DP , HDMI cables) will be provided for all countries and regions. Please check with the local dealer or AOC branch office for confirmation.Setup Stand & BasePlease setup or remove the base following the steps as below. Setup:Remove:Adjusting Viewing AngleFor optimal viewing it is recommended to look at the full face of the monitor, then adjust the monitor’s angle to your own preference.Hold the stand so you will not topple the monitor when you change the monitor’s angle.You are able to adjust the monitor as below:NOTE:Do not touch the LCD screen when you change the angle. It may cause damage or break the LCD screen.Warning:1. To avoid potential screen damage, such as panel peeling, ensure that the monitor does not tilt downward by morethan -5 degrees.2. Do not press the screen while adjusting the angle of the monitor. Grasp only the bezel.Connecting the MonitorCable Connections In Back of Monitor and Computer:213451. HDMI-22. HDMI-13. DP4. Earphone5. PowerConnect to PC1. Connect the power cord to the back of the display firmly.2. Turn off your computer and unplug i ts power cable.3. Connect the display signal cable to the video connector on the back of your computer.4. Plug the power cord of your computer and your display into a nearby outlet.5. Turn on your computer and display.If your monitor displays an image, installation is complete. If it does not display an image, please refer Troubleshooting. To protect equipment, always turn off the PC and LCD monitor before connecting.Wall MountingPreparing to Install An Optional Wall Mounting Arm.This monitor can be attached to a wall mounting arm you purchase separately. Disconnect power before this procedure. Follow these steps:1. Remove the base.2. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to assemble the wall mounting arm.3. Place the wall mounting arm onto the back of the monitor. Line up the holes of the arm with the holes in the back ofthe monitor.4. Reconnect the cables. Refer to the user’s manual that came with the optional wall mounting arm for instructions onattaching it to the wall.Noted: VESA mounting screw holes are not available for all models, please check with the dealer or official department of AOC.* Display design may differ from those illustrated.Warning:1. To avoid potential screen damage, such as panel peeling, ensure that the monitor does not tilt downward by morethan -5 degrees.2. Do not press the screen while adjusting the angle of the monitor. Grasp only the bezel.Adaptive-Sync function1. Adaptive-Sync function is working with DP/HDMI2. Compatible Graphics Card: Recommend list is as the below, also could be checked by visiting • Radeon™ RX Vega series• Radeon™ RX 500 series• Radeon™ RX 400 series• Radeon™ R9/R7 300 series (R9 370/X, R7 370/X, R7 265except)• Radeon™ Pro Duo (2016)• Radeon™ R9 Nano series• Radeon™ R9 Fury series• Radeon™ R9/R7 200 series (R9 270/X, R9 280/X except)AdjustingHotkeys123451Source/Exit2Game Mode/<3Dial Point/>4Menu/Enter5PowerPowerPress the Power button to turn on the monitor.Menu/EnterWhen there is no OSD, Press to display the OSD or confirm the selection. Press about 2 second to turn off the monitor.Game Mode/<When there is no OSD, press ”<” key to open game mode function, then press ”<” or “>” key to select game mode (FPS, RTS, Racing, Gamer 1, Gamer 2 or Gamer 3) basing on the different game types.Dial Point/>When there is no OSD, press Dial Point button to show / hide Dial Point.Source/ExitWhen the OSD is closed, press Source/Exit button will be Source hot key function.When the OSD is closed, press Source/Exit button continuously about 2 second to do auto configure (Only for the models with D-Sub).OSD SettingBasic and simple instruction on the control keys.OSD Setup1). Press the MENU-button to activate the OSD window.2). Press < or > to navigate through the functions. Once the desired function is highlighted, press the MENU-button toactivate it, press < or > to navigate through the sub-menu functions. Once the desired function is highlighted, press MENU-button to activate it.3). Press < or > to change the settings of the selected function. Press AUTO–button to exit. If you want to adjust anyother function, repeat steps 2-3.4). OSD Lock Function: To lock the OSD, press and hold the MENU-button while the monitor is off and then presspower button to turn the monitor on. To un-lock the OSD - press and hold the MENU-button while the monitor is off and then press power button to turn the monitor on.Notes:1). If the product has only one signal input, the item of “Input Select” is disable to adjust.2). DCR, Color Boost and Picture Boost, for these states that only one state can existLuminanceOSD SetupContrast 0-100 Contrast from Digital-register.Brightness 0-100 Backlight AdjustmentEco modeStandard Standard ModeText Text ModeInternet Internet ModeGame Game ModeMovie Movie ModeSports Sports ModeReading Reading ModeGammaGamma1Adjust to Gamma 1Gamma2Adjust to Gamma 2Gamma3Adjust to Gamma 3DCROff Disable dynamic contrast ratioOn Enable dynamic contrast ratio HDROff / DisplayHDR / HDRPicture / HDR Movie /HDR GameDisable or Enable HDRHDR ModeOff / HDR Picture / HDRMovie / HDR GameDisable or Enable HDR Mode Note:When HDR is detected, the HDR option is displayed for adjustment;when HDR is not detected, the HDR Mode option is displayed for adjustment.Color SetupOSD SetupColor Temp.Warm Recall Warm Color Temperature from EEPROM.Normal Recall Normal Color Temperature from EEPROM.Cool Recall Cool Color Temperature from EEPROM.sRGB Recall SRGB Color Temperature from EEPROM.UserRed Red Gain from Digital-registerGreen Green Gain Digital-register.Blue Blue Gain from Digital-registerDCB ModeFull Enhance on or off Disable or Enable Full Enhance ModeNature Skin on or off Disable or Enable Nature Skin ModeGreen Field on or off Disable or Enable Green Field ModeSky-blue on or off Disable or Enable Sky-blue ModeAuto Detect on or off Disable or Enable AutoDetect ModeOFF on or off Disable or Enable DCB ModeDCB Demo on or off Disable or Enable DemoRed0-100Red gain from Digital-register.Green0-100Green gain from Digital-register.Blue0-100Blue gain from Digital-register.Note:When the “HDR Mode” under “Brightness” is set to a non-off state, all items under “Color Settings” cannot be adjusted.Picture BoostOSD SetupBright Frame on or off Disable or Enable Bright FrameFrame Size 14-100 Adjust Frame SizeBrightness 0-100 Adjust Frame BrightnessContrast 0-100 Adjust Frame ContrastH. position 0-100 Adjust Frame horizontal PositionV. position0-100 Adjust Frame vertical PositionNote:When the "HDR Mode" under "Brightness" is set to a non-off state, all items under "Window Brightness" cannot be adjusted.OSD SetupOSD Setup Language Select the OSD language Timeout 5-120Adjust the OSD TimeoutDP Capability 1.1/1.2/1.4Please be noted that only DP1.2/DP1.4 support Adaptive-Sync functionH. Position 0-100 Adjust the horizontal position of OSD V. Position 0-100 Adjust the vertical position of OSD Volume 0-100Volume Adjustment.Transparence 0-100Adjust the transparence of OSDBreak Reminderon or offBreak reminder if the user continuously work for more than 1hrsNote:If the DP video content supports DP1.2/DP1.4, please select DP1.2/DP1.4 for DP Capability; otherwise, please select DP1.1Game SettingOSD Setup Game ModeFPSFor playing FPS (first Person Shooters) games.Improves dark theme black level details.RTSFor playing RTS (Real Time Strategy). Improves theimage quality.RacingFor playing Racing games, Provides fastest responsetime and high color saturation.Gamer 1User’s preference settings saved as Gamer 1.Gamer 2User’s preference settings saved as Gamer 2.Gamer 3User’s preference settings saved as Gamer No optimization by Smart image gameShadow Control0-100Shadow Control Default is 50, then end-user can adjustfrom 50 to 100 or 0 to increase contrast for clear picture.1. If picture is too dark to be saw the detail clearly,adjusting from 50 to100 for clear picture.2. If picture is too white to be saw the detail clearly,adjusting from 50 to0 for clear pictureLow Input Lag On/OffIt will decrease input lag and depends on Adaptive-Syncsetting.Game Color0-20Game Color will provide 0-20 level for adjustingsaturation to get better picture.LowBlue ModeReading / Office/ Internet /Multimedia / OffDecrease blue light wave by controlling colortemperature.OverdriveWeakAdjust the response time.MediumStrongBoostOffAdaptive-Sync On/Off Adjust the Adaptive-Sync.Frame CounterOff / Right-up /Right-Down / Left-Down / Left-UpDisplay V frequency on the corner selectedMBR0 ~ 20Adjust the Motion Blur Reduction.Note:The function MBR and Overdrive Boost are available only when Adaptive-Sync is off and the vertical frequency is up to 75 Hz.OSD SetupInput Select Select Input Signal Source Off timer0-24hrs Select DC off timeImage RatioWideSelect image ratio for display.4:31:117” (4:3)19” (4:3)19” (5:4)19”W (16:10)21.5”W (16:9)22”W (16:10)23”W (16:9)23.6”W (16:9)24”W (16:9)DDC/CI yes or no Turn ON/OFF DDC/CI Support Reset Yes or no Reset the menu to defaultOSD SetupExit Exit the main OSDLED IndicatorStatus LED ColorFull Power Mode WhiteActive-off Mode OrangeTroubleshootProblem & Question Possible SolutionsPower LED Is Not ON Make sure the power button is ON and the Power Cord is properlyconnected to a grounded power outlet and to the monitor.No images on the screen Is the power cord connected properly?Check the power cord connection and power supply.Is the cable connected correctly?(Connected using the VGA cable)Check the VGA cable connection.(Connected using the HDMI cable)Check the HDMI cable connection.(Connected using the DP cable)Check the DP cable connection.* VGA/HDMI/DP input is not available on every model.If the power is on, reboot the computer to see the initial screen (the login screen), which can be seen.If the initial screen (the login screen) appears, boot the computer in the applicable mode (the safe mode for Windows 7/8/10) and then change the frequency of the video card.(Refer to the Setting the Optimal Resolution)If the initial screen (the login screen) does not appear, contact the Service Center or your dealer.Can you see “Input Not Supported” on the screen?You can see this message when the signal from the video card exceeds the maximum resolution and frequency that the monitor can handle properly.Adjust the maximum resolution and frequency that the monitor can handle properly.Make sure the AOC Monitor Drivers are installed.Picture Is Fuzzy & Has Ghosting Shadowing Problem Adjust the Contrast and Brightness Controls.Press to auto adjust.Make sure you are not using an extension cable or switch box. We recommend plugging the monitor directly to the video card output connector on the back.Picture Bounces, Flickers Or Wave Pattern Appears In The Picture Move electrical devices that may cause electrical interference as far away from the monitor as possible.Use the maximum refresh rate your monitor is capable of at the resolution you are using.Monitor Is Stuck In Active Off-Mode”The Computer Power Switch should be in the ON position.The Computer Video Card should be snugly fitted in its slot.Make sure the monitor’s video cable is properly connected to the computer. Inspect the monitor’s video cable and make sure no pin is bent.Make sure your computer is operational by hitting the CAPS LOCK key on the keyboard while observing the CAPS LOCK LED. The LED should either turn ON or OFF after hitting the CAPS LOCK key.Missing one of the primary colors (RED, GREEN, or BLUE)Inspect the monitor’s video cable and make sure that no pin is damaged. Make sure the monitor’s video cable is properly connected to the computer.Screen image is not centeredor sized properly Adjust H-Position and V-Position or press hot-key (AUTO). Picture has color defects(white does not look white)Adjust RGB color or select desired color temperature.Horizontal or vertical disturbances on the screen Use Windows 7/8/10 shut-down mode to adjust CLOCK and FOCUS. Press to auto-adjust.Specification General SpecificationPanel Model name CQ27G3SDriving system TFT Color LCDViewable Image Size68.5 cm diagonalPixel pitch 0.2331mm(H) x 0.2331mm(V) Display Color 16.7M ColorsOthers Horizontal scan range30k-230kHz (HDMI)30k-250kHz (DP)Horizontal scan Size(Maximum)596.736mmVertical scan range48-144Hz (HDMI)48-165Hz (DP)Vertical Scan Size(Maximum)335.664mmOptimal preset resolution 2560x1440@60HzMax resolution2560x1440@144Hz (HDMI)2560x1440@165Hz (DP)Plug & Play VESA DDC2B/CIPower Source 100-240V~, 50/60Hz, 1.5APower ConsumptionTypical(Default brightness and contrast)46WMax. (brightness = 100, contrast =100)≤63WStandby mode≤0.3WPhysical Characteristics Connector Type HDMI/DP/Earphone out Signal Cable Type DetachableEnvironmental TemperatureOperating 0°~ 40°Non-Operating -25°~ 55°HumidityOperating 10% ~ 85% (non-condensing)Non-Operating 5% ~ 93% (non-condensing) AltitudeOperating 0~ 5000 m (0~ 16404ft )Non-Operating 0~ 12192m (0~ 40000ft )Preset Display ModesSTANDARD RESOLUTION HORIZONTALFREQUENCY(kHz)VERTICAL FREQUENCY(Hz)VGA 640x480@60Hz31.46959.94 640x480@72Hz37.86172.809 640x480@75Hz37.575 640x480@100Hz50.31399.826 640x480@120Hz60.938119.72SVGA 800x600@56Hz35.15656.25 800x600@60Hz37.87960.317 800x600@72Hz48.07772.188 800x600@75Hz46.87575 800x600@100Hz62.7699.778 800x600@120Hz76.302119.972XGA 1024x768@60Hz48.36360.004 1024x768@70Hz56.47670.069 1024x768@75Hz60.02375.029 1024x768@100Hz80.44899.811 1024x768@120Hz97.551119.989SXGA 1280x1024@60Hz63.98160.02 1280x1024@75Hz79.97675.025WXGA+1440x900@60Hz55.93559.887 1440x900@60Hz55.46959.901WSXGA 1680x1050@60Hz65.2959.954 1680x1050@60Hz64.67459.883FHD 1920x1080@60Hz67.560 1920x1080@120Hz139.1119.93QHD2560x1440@60Hz88.78759.951 2560x1440@120Hz182.997119.998 2560x1440@144Hz222.056143.912 2560x1440@165Hz(DP)242.55165IBM MODESDOS640x350@70Hz31.46970.087 DOS720x400@70Hz31.46970.087MAC MODESVGA640x480@67Hz3566.667 SVGA832x624@75Hz49.72574.551 XGA1024x768@75Hz60.24174.927Pin Assignments19-Pin Color Display Signal CablePin No.Signal Name Pin No.Signal Name Pin No.Signal Name1.TMDS Data 2+9.TMDS Data 0-17.DDC/CEC Ground2.TMDS Data 2 Shield10.TMDS Clock +18.+5V Power3.TMDS Data 2-11.TMDS Clock Shield19.Hot Plug Detect4.TMDS Data 1+12.TMDS Clock-5.TMDS Data 1Shield13.CEC6.TMDS Data 1-14.Reserved (N.C. on device)7.TMDS Data 0+15.SCL8.TMDS Data 0 Shield16.SDA20-Pin Color Display Signal CablePin No.Signal Name Pin No.Signal Name 1ML_Lane 3 (n)11GND2GND12ML_Lane 0 (p)3ML_Lane 3 (p)13CONFIG14ML_Lane 2 (n)14CONFIG25GND15AUX_CH(p)6ML_Lane 2 (p)16GND7ML_Lane 1 (n)17AUX_CH(n)8GND18Hot Plug Detect9ML_Lane 1 (p)19Return DP_PWR10ML_Lane 0 (n)20DP_PWRPlug and PlayPlug & Play DDC2B FeatureThis monitor is equipped with VESA DDC2B capabilities according to the VESA DDC STANDARD. It allows the monitor to inform the host system of its identity and, depending on the level of DDC used, communicate additional information about its display capabilities.The DDC2B is a bi-directional data channel based on the I2C protocol. The host can request EDID information over the DDC2B channel.。

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STG-AL00 说明书
STG-AL00 是一款智能手机,具有多种功能和特色。


STG-AL00 采用精致的设计,外壳材质为高质量塑料,手感舒适。

尺寸为xxx x xxx x xxx cm(长 x 宽 x 高),重量为xxx g。



1. 智能操作系统:STG-AL00 搭载先进的操作系统,提供流畅、稳定

2. 高性能处理器:搭载xxx处理器,运行速度快,多任务处理能力强。

3. 快速充电:支持快速充电技术,能够在短时间内充电至高电量。

4. 大容量内存:内置xxx GB的存储空间,可保存大量照片、视频和

5. 高清摄像:摄像头采用高像素镜头,能够拍摄清晰、细致的照片和

6. 多种应用:支持各类应用软件的安装和使用,满足用户多样化需求。

7. 高速网络连接:支持 xxx 种网络制式,实现高速、稳定的网络连接。

8. 安全功能:具备密码锁、指纹识别等安全功能,保护用户信息的安全。

1. 开机:长按电源键,屏幕亮起并显示开机画面。

2. 解锁屏幕:滑动屏幕或输入密码/指纹进行解锁。

3. 主屏界面:在主屏界面上,您可以访问各项应用和设置。

4. 拍照:打开相机应用,选择拍照模式,对准景物点击拍摄按钮即可

5. 上网:打开浏览器应用,在地址栏输入网址,点击进入即可访问网页。

6. 安装应用:打开应用商店应用,搜索需要的应用,点击安装即可。

7. 充电:将充电器插头连接至手机充电口,插头接入电源,手机开始

8. 清理内存:打开设置应用,选择存储或应用管理,点击清理内存。

1. 使用前请仔细阅读本说明书,并按照说明正确操作。

2. 避免将手机长时间暴露在高温、潮湿或极端寒冷的环境中。

3. 使用合适的充电器和电源插头进行充电,以免影响电池寿命和安全。

4. 注意手机的耐摔性能,避免摔落或碰撞造成损坏。

5. 请勿擅自拆卸手机或更换非官方配件,以免对手机正常使用带来影响。

6. 注意个人信息的保护,在使用时设置密码锁或指纹锁等安全措施。

7. 严禁在驾驶时使用手机,以免影响交通安全。


