其内部集成了稳压器、current regulator和逻辑电路,使得系统设计更加简洁。
ws2812b手册解析笔记摘要:1.引言2.WS2812B 芯片介绍3.WS2812B 引脚功能4.WS2812B 工作原理5.WS2812B 编程及应用6.结论正文:【引言】WS2812B 是一款广泛应用于LED 灯带、显示屏等领域的LED 驱动芯片。
为了更好地了解其工作原理和应用方法,本文将对WS2812B 的手册进行解析,为大家提供参考。
【WS2812B 芯片介绍】WS2812B 是由上海慧朔微电子有限公司生产的一款RGB LED 驱动芯片,具有高稳定性、低功耗、恒流驱动等特点。
它采用3-in-1 的封装形式,将红、绿、蓝三个发光二极管(LED)集成在一起,可以实现多种颜色效果。
【WS2812B 引脚功能】WS2812B 具有以下引脚功能:- VCC:供电引脚,输入电压范围为3.0V-5.5V- GND:地引脚- DIN:数据输入引脚,用于接收外部发送的数据- CLK:时钟引脚,用于同步数据传输- VSYNC:帧同步引脚,用于同步显示刷新- HSYNC:行同步引脚,用于同步数据传输- LED-OUT:LED 驱动输出引脚,用于驱动LED 灯珠【WS2812B 工作原理】WS2812B 的工作原理如下:1.接通电源,将VCC 引脚连接到3.0V-5.5V 电源。
2.数据输入引脚DIN 接收外部发送的数据,数据传输速率为800kbps。
3.时钟引脚CLK 用于同步数据传输,数据在每个时钟周期的上升沿传输。
4.帧同步引脚VSYNC 和行同步引脚HSYNC 用于同步显示刷新,确保画面稳定显示。
5.LED 驱动输出引脚LED-OUT 将接收到的数据转换为驱动LED 灯珠的电流信号。
【WS2812B 编程及应用】WS2812B 的编程及应用主要包括以下步骤:1.连接电路:将WS2812B 的引脚与外部电路连接,如微控制器、电源等。
2.初始化:配置微控制器的相关寄存器,初始化WS2812B 的工作状态。
电 话:010-82671912/13/14/15
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第一部分 ICETEK-F2812-A 评估板硬件使用指导
一、 用户板的外围接口 二、 用户板的硬件外设接口说明
一、 用户板的外围接口
下面是 ICETEK-F2812-A 板的实物图,我们将通过此图描述整个板子的外部接口。
POW_LED 电源指示灯
P1:34 芯外扩总线
P3:34 芯外扩总线
P2:34 芯外扩总线
P4:34 芯外扩总线
JP3 AD 参考电压选择
USER_SW: 用户使用的开关 5V 电源开关 用户使用的指示灯(USER_LED)
POWER: 5V 电源接口 CAN 总线接口
图 1.1
DSP_JTAG:DSP 仿真器接口 DB9:九针 D 型串口 F2812-A 板的实物图
北京瑞泰创新科技有限责任公司——ICETEK-F2812- USB/PP -EDU 教学系统说明书
我们将详细说明这些接口的功能和特征定义。首先,表 1.1 归纳总结了这些跳线和功能分类.
表 1.1:接口和功能分类
功能分类 接口名称
电源接口 POWER
5V 电源输入
外设接口 DB9
九针 D 型串口
34 芯外扩总线
34 芯外扩总线
总线接口 P3
34 芯外扩总线
34 芯外扩总线
指示灯 辅助接口
● 控制电路与RGB芯片集成在一个5050封装的元器件中,构成一个完整的外控像素点。
● 内置信号整形电路,任何一个像素点收到信号后经过波形整形再输出,保证线路波形畸变不会累加。
● 内置上电复位和掉电复位电路。
● 每个像素点的三基色颜色可实现256级亮度显示,完成16777216种颜色的全真色彩显示,扫描频率不低于
● 串行级联接口,能通过一根信号线完成数据的接收与解码。
● 任意两点传传输距离在不超过5米时无需增加任何电路。
● 当刷新速率30帧/秒时,低速模式级联数不小于512点,高速模式不小于1024点。
● 数据发送速度可达800Kbps。
● 光的颜色高度一致,性价比高。
蓝牙音频开发包Winbond W681360编解码器板用户手册说明书
Bluetooth Audio Development Pack Winbond W681360 Codec BoardUser GuidePart Number ACC-005The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. EZURiO Ltd makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchant ability and fitness for a particular purpose. EZURiO Ltd shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.© Copyright 2006 EZURiO Limited. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of EZURiO.Other product or company names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.Bluetooth® Development KitWinbond Audio Codec BoardPart Number: ACC-0051.General DescriptionThe EZURiO Winbond Codec Evaluation Board plugs into the EZURiO Developers kit and allows you to rapidly test and evaluate Bluetooth audio applications using the EZURiO Bluetooth Intelligent Serial Module to implement the wireless link.The ACC-005 evaluation board is based on the Winbond W681360 codec - a 3V, single channel, 13 bit linear voice-band codec, which is pin compatible to the Motorola MC145483. The codec is used to digitise incoming audio from the microphone into PCM data and convert the PCM digital audio output of the Bluetooth chip into an analogue signal for the headphones. The codec board has a microphone input and headphone output which are compatible with standard PC headsets.The W681630 codec has several features such as power down mode and high pass filter disable (to allow frequencies down to DC to be used). The ACC-005 codec evaluation board provides options to allow these features to be tested.The W681360 incorporates a feature that allows the volume of the codec output to be digitally controlled via 3 bits of the PCM data stream. The BISM II provides an AT command (ATS589) that allows you to control the volume of the codec.This document provides you with information to prototype and evaluate your own audio application. Once you have tried out your application, you will be able to design your own audio solution based around the Winbond codec and the EZURiO Bluetooth Intelligent Serial module.Bluetooth is a trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., USA and licensed to EZURIO Ltd.2.OverviewThe codec board is powered by an on-board 3.3V regulator to reduce noise to a minimum. The PCM control signals for the codec go directly to the Bluetooth module on the motherboard via the 10-way connector, as do the 3 push button switches. This allows the switches to be used with an external program that implements the upper portion of headset or Handsfree profile.The microphone input, designed to interface to PC compatible headsets, has a fixed gain of 16 set by external components to the codec (the amplifier itself is part of the codec). Part of the microphone signal is mixed into the headphone output signal via VR2. This feature is known as “sidetone” and allows the user to hear their own voice when speaking. It is commonly used in telephony applications to give the user the necessary audio feedback that their ears expect.The audio output gain is by default fixed at 1. By fitting VR1, the audio gain can be made adjustable.The 120mW stereo output amplifier U3 ensures that the codec board can drive standard 32Ωstereo headphones while keeping total harmonic distortion down to 0.1%.Component PlacementNote that not allcomponents are fitted –non-fitted components areshown without pads. Referto Section 7 for details ofcomponent fitment andspecification.3.Codec Board Quick Start Guide3.1 Getting StartedThe codec board is supplied with a right angle, 10 way connector that can be used to connect it to the main developers kit. If required, this should be soldered to the main board. Alternatively other connectors or ribbon cables can be used.3.2 Equipment Required (not supplied)•Headsets (with microphone) (Standard PC headsets are fine)•EZURiO Wireless Developers Kit•BISM II Bluetooth module (Firmware release V9_20_22 onwards supports audio volume control)Normally two sets of development kit are required to test both ends of an audio link. If an application is being developed with an existing endpoint, such as a mobile phone or headset, only one set may be needed.3.3 Motherboard Jumper SettingsBefore using the codec board, there is a jumper setting on the motherboard that needs to be checked. This is CB1, next to the USB adaptor, which must be removed. If fitted it will short out the PCM output from the codec and prevent it operating. CB1 is only relevant for the WLAN 802.11 data module.3.4 Procedure:1)Plug the BISM II into the socket on the Dev Kit, connect to a PC serial port and power up.See the dev kit manual for different power supply options.2)Check that AT commands are working using EZURiO terminal. (Refer to blu2i Quick StartGuide if needed)3)Run the “ATI3” command to find out the firmware release number. If it is less thanV9_20_22, contact EZURiO to get a firmware upgrade for the BISM II. (Note: older versions of firmware will work, but audio output will be at half the full volume and the ats589=7 command will not be recognised)4)Power down, plug the codec board into the dev kit and power up. Check that ATcommands are working.Configure the Slave unit as follows:AT&F* Restore system defaultsATZ Reset the unit= 4 Makeconnectable and discoverableATS512ATS0=1 Answer after 1 ringATS531=1 Keep AT command mode going after a connection isestablishedATS589=7 Set Max. Volume level (requires firmware V9_20_22)AT&W Save the above settingsATZ Reset the unit.5) Find out the Bluetooth address of the Slave Unit by typing ATI4<return>6) Configure the Master Unit as follows:AT&F* Restore System DefaultsATZ Reset the unitATS531= 1 Keep the AT commands going after a connection isestablishedATS589=7 Set volume to maximumAT&W Save to flashATZ Reset the unit.ATD008098nnnnnn Connect to the slave (substitute your slave’s Bluetoothaddress that you found in step 5 for nnnnnn)AT+BTA1 Establish an audio link – displays AUDIO ON on both sides.(Alternatively AT+BTA7 can be used and the units willnegotiate the best link type.)An Audio link is now established between the two units.AT=BTA0 will turn off the audio link (but still leave the units connected).To change volume use ATS589. ATS589=0 gives minimum, ATS589=7 gives maximum. 4.Bluetooth SCO Links – A Primer4.1 Normal SCOBluetooth uses a Synchronous Connection-Orientated link (SCO) for audio. All this means is that for an audio link, the bandwidth needed to maintain the data rates required by the audio link is pre-allocated between the master and slave. This ensures audio data is always transmitted at the required data rate, and takes priority over the transmission of digital data.The Bluetooth specification for SCO is such that there is no re-transmission if data is corrupted or lost. This explains the crackling and popping that occurs when you get to the limits of radio range.The actual data rate over the air is 64 kbits/sec. There are 1600 timeslots available per second and when a master transmits a SCO packet in one timeslot, the slave replies with its SCO packet in the next. The SCO packet size is fixed at 240 bits (30 bytes). This means when a SCO link is established using the HV3 packet type, two out of every 6 timeslots are used up by the SCO link. This means there is enough bandwidth to have up to three SCO links active between a master and slave at the same time. In this scenario, there are no spare timeslots for other data.There are 3 main types of SCO packets, HV1, HV2 and HV3 (High Quality Voice). As mentioned earlier, the HV3 packet type has a 1 to 1 mapping between incoming audio data and the data transmitted over the air. There is no error correction possible with HV3.With HV1, each bit is transmitted 3 times and a simple voting algorithm is used at the other end to correct for any bit errors. This means that only 10 bytes of actual audio data can be transmitted in a SCO packet. To maintain the 64 kbits/sec data rate, all 6 timeslots have to be used for the SCO link, leaving no bandwidth available for data.With HV2, an FEC algorithm is used to correct for 1 bit errors. This increases the data packet size by 50%. This means that only 20 bytes of actual audio data can be transmitted in a SCO packet. To maintain the 64 kbits/sec data rate, 4 out of every 6 timeslots are used for the SCO link.AT+BTA1 enables HV3AT+BTA2 enables HV2AT+BTA4 enables HV1AT+BTA7 allows the link manager to negotiate which packet type to use, the default is HV14.2 Enhanced SCOEnhanced SCO or eSCO was implemented as part of the 1.2 Bluetooth Core Specification Release. The main driving factor was to improve audio quality. This has been achieved by: 1)including a CRC as part of the audio data packet to allow error detection and a re-transmission request. 2)allowing higher data rates by using packets that span more than 1 timeslot 3) allowing asymmetric links to allow high quality audio to be streamed in one direction.eSCO offers significantly better audio quality, but has to be configured at both ends of the link before a unit is enabled to accept incoming connections or enquiries.To try out eSCO, add the ATS584=1 command to the commands listed in the quick start section immediately after the AT&F* and ATZ commands.Both ends of the link must be configured for eSCO for the audio link to be established. If one end is set to eSCO and the other to SCO, you will get an “AUDIO FAIL” when the AT+BTA1 command is issued.The following are the packet types associated with the AT+BTA commands for eSCO.AT+BTA1 – EV3 packet. Up to 30 bytes + CRC. Uses up 1 timeslotAT+BTA2 – EV4 packet. Up to 120 bytes + CRC + 2/3 FEC. Up to 3 timeslotsAT+BTA4 – EV5 packet. Up to 180 bytes + CRC. Up to 3 timeslots. Currently Unsupported4.3 SCO / eSCO Transport DelaysThe following delays have been measured between incoming audio and audio output at the other end of a Bluetooth link.Normal SCO: AT+BTA1 7.84 ms AT+BTA2 9.24 ms AT+BTA4 10.8 msEnhanced SCO AT+BTA1 12.1 ms AT+BTA2 33.4 ms AT+BTA4 41.2 msAs can be seen, the additional error correction of eSCO comes with a transport delay penalty. This is because a buffer is needed to ensure that there is still data to output while waiting for a corrupted data packet to be re-transmitted.For AT+BTA1 and normal SCO, the data is transmitted once every 6 timeslots so the transport delay is expected to be 6/1600 = 3.75ms. When doing loop-round testing with the codec, i.e. with no transport delay, it was found that from input to output, the codec added ~1ms of delay at 1kHz and 1.5ms at lower frequencies.4.4 PCM TimingThe codec samples at 8 kHz. The default mode of operation of the codec is 16 bit Receive Gain Adjust Mode. In this mode, in every 8 kHz cycle, 16 bits of data is clocked into the codec. The first 13 bits are PCM audio data, the last 3 bits are volume data. Of the last three bits, 000 equates to maximum volume (ATS589=7), 111 equates to minimum volume (Ats589=0).At maximum volume, the output signal matches the amplitude of the input signal at the other end of the Bluetooth link. It is more appropriate to think of this feature as being an attenuation control.The clock rate used for sampling is 250kHz (4µs). 16 clock cycles takes 64µs. 8kHz equates to 125µs.The same timing is used for all packet types in both SCO and eSCO modes.5.Frequency Response5.1 Codec Frequency ResponseThe codec frequency response can be measured by connecting PCM_IN from the codec to PCM_OUT to the codec (PCM_OUT from J1, the 10 way connector has to be disconnected). A 1kΩ pull down resistor is needed on PCM_OUT to ensure maximum volume setting.The following graph shows the measured frequency response. For this test, R32, the side-tone resistor was removed to prevent audio feedback.A 1V peak to peak sine wave was injected into the microphone circuit and its amplitude measured at TP5, A0, the input to the codec. The output from the codec was measured on TP6, PA0+.The chart below shows the codec frequency response with the High Pass Filter Enable (HB – Pin 16) pin set high and set low.As can be seen from the chart, the codec frequency response is flat between 300 and 3,300 Hz. With the high pass filter on, the 3dB points are at 150Hz and 3,600 Hz respectively. With the high pass filter off, the 3dB point goes down to approximately 15Hz.5.2 Bluetooth Link Frequency ResponseThe Codec 13bit linear data is coded within the Bluetooth chip using CVSD (Continuous Variable Slope Decode) encoding for transport over the Bluetooth link. CVSD is essentially a form of Adaptive Differential PCM (ADPCM) and is well suited for voice transmission. It is forgiving of individual bit corruption as each bit only implements an up or a down shift relative to the previous level (corruption of the MSB of a 13 bit sample would create a much larger error term than is possible with ADPCM). A draw back of ADPCM is that it cannot track large delta changes in signal quickly enough. For voice, this does not present a problem.The chart below shows the frequency response of the Bluetooth link at different levels of input sine wave.As can be seen, the frequency response can only be considered to be flat when the input voltage level is less than a 0.3V peak to peak sine wave.6.Circuit DescriptionThis section describes the individual parts of the circuit and give design information aboutthe components, to allow you to adapt the circuitry of the codec board for your own implementation.6.1 Audio AmplifierThe Winbond codec is capable of driving a 32Ω load directly if the gain of the output amplifier is reduced by a factor of 4. This is done by Setting R1 to 39kΩ.Of the stereo headsets tested, it was found that 32Ω was a common impedance for each earpiece. For a stereo headset where two speakers are being driven in parallel this would be equivalent to driving a 16Ω load. This is out of the codec’s specification so a small headphone amplifier, U3, has been used on the evaluation board. This is not required if the impedance of the earpiece is equal or greater than 32Ω.The large 100 μF decoupling capacitors have been used so that the codec could be tested in its “high pass filter mode disabled” configuration. If you do not require a frequency response to go down below 300 Hz, then these capacitors can be reduced to small values. The main design consideration is the impedance should not be significant compared to the impedance of the headphone selected at frequencies of interest.E.g. if using a 32Ω headphone and expecting a 3dB point at 300 Hz, then the decoupling capacitor impedance could be 32Ω at 300Hz i.e. 10 μF. This requires a much smaller footprint than the 100μF used in the reference design.6.2 Driving the Headset Directly from the CodecThis will achieve the most cost effective design but care must be taken to ensure that the 32Ω specification of load is met by selecting an appropriate headset.Remove R10, R13 and R12. Fit R11, R9, R38 as zero ohm links. Fit 39kΩ in place of R1 to reduce the gain by 4.In-house testing showed that with a 32Ω load and with R1 set to 39kΩ, that there was some distortion at zero cross-over but that it was not easily perceptible.Even though the output signal level had been reduced by a factor of 4, on the headsets tested, the volume levels sounded loud enough for most applications. It is important to check this with the target headset for your application.6.3 Microphone CircuitThe microphone circuit is designed for an electret microphone (which is commonly used in PC applications). Typically this would be powered by 5V via a 2.2kΩ series resistor. In the reference design, it is powered by 3.3V to ensure a clean supply regardless of the power supply used to power the Dev kit. This reduces the sensitivity of the microphone - you should test your application with the microphone and voltage you intend to use in order to determine your component values.The gain of the microphone is set by R22 and R24, with gain being equal to R22/R24. The current values are 62K and 3.9K, giving a gain of approximately 16. When changing to a different gain, R27 and R25 should be set to the new values as well. This ensures that the load seen by common mode noise on the microphone is identical and prevents it from being amplified.R31 is a no fit resistor. It’s purpose is to facilitate test modes where a user wants to loop audio output directly back to the audio input to conduct an over the air audio test.6.4 SidetoneWhen we talk, we hear our own voice, which is part of normal speech perception. If our ears are covered by headphones, we do not hear our voice, which is perceived as abnormal. (Try covering your ears while talking to notice the difference).To compensate for the loss in feedback to the ear when it is covered with a headphone, most telephony systems inject some of the microphone signal back into the audio output path so that the person perceives their own speech as normal. This feature is commonly referred to as sidetone.Variable resistor VR2 allows you to control the amount of sidetone that is fed back to the audio output so that the user perceives their speech as normal.If the headset design does not totally cover the ear, then the sideband circuitry can be omitted.6.5 Power DownFor battery powered audio applications, the power down feature of the codec allows you to turn it off and save power when it is not being used. This feature can be tested by fitting R7 with a 0Ωlink and controlling the PUI input of the codec via MPIO_5.For AT commands, MPIO_5 translates to GPIO 7.The put GPIO 7 into output mode, use “ats610=$040”To turn the codec on, use “ats627=1”To turn the codec off, use “ats627=0”6.6 Alternative PCM_CLKSome applications require that the PCM Clock is driven by external circuitry. This requires the PCM Interface provided by the BISM to be put in Slave mode and a clock is supplied by the external circuitry on MPIO_7.Contact Ezurio for further details if this is a requirement.6.7 SwitchesThe switches S1, S2 and S3 have no defined function. They are there to assist you to prototype your audio application. e.g. If your application requires a button to be pressed for the user to answer an incoming connection, you can prototype that function using one of the switches provided.ATS620 allows you to read the status of the GPIO ports.No switches pressed: ATS620? => $0028S1 pressed (GPIO 9) ATS620? => $0128S2 pressed (GPIO 7) ATS620? => $0068S3 pressed (GPIO 8) ATS620? => $00A86.8 High Pass Filter EnableThe W681360 can have its High Pass filter enabled or disabled, depending on the state of the HB pin (Pin 16). This is pulled high or low by R3 or R4 (Default). See section 5.1 for more details.6.9 GPIO to MPIO MappingAT commands use GPIO numbers to represent I/O lines. These GPIO numbers map to physical signals drawn on the schematics as MPIO lines. Some of the GPIO/MPIO lines are used when providing a full RS232 interface.The following tables gives the mapping between GPIO, MPIO and RS232 signals.DCD MPIO_3RI MPIO_2DTR MPIO_9DSR MPIO_8GPIO_1 MPIO_0GPIO_2 MPIO_1GPIO_3 MPIO_9GPIO_4 MPIO_10GPIO_5 MPIO_11GPIO_6 MPIO_4GPIO_7 MPIO_5GPIO_8 MPIO_6GPIO_9 MPIO_7Note: For the BISM PA (Class 1 design), MPIO_0 and MPIO_1 are used to control the RF switch so are not available to the AT Command Set.7. Bill of MaterialsNot all components are fitted, as some provide alternative functionality or implement non-standard options.Refer to the previous sections and the schematic for information on the component function. Components marked in blue are not fitted.Reference Part ToleranceDescription Manufacture r Part No / FootprintC1,C7100nF20%Ceramic Capacitor0805 C2,C3,C6 10uF '+80/-20% Tantalum Capacitor TANA C4,C5,C810nF20%Ceramic Capacitor0805C9,C10 100uF 20% Electrolytic Capacitor Panasonic EEE0JA101SP C11,C12,C17,C18 2.2uF '+80/-20% Ceramic Capacitor 0805 C13 22uF '+80/-20% Ceramic Capacitor 1210 C14 100nF '+80/-20% Ceramic Capacitor 0805 C15,C19 100pF 20% Ceramic Capacitor 0805 C161.0uF'+80/-20%Ceramic Capacitor0805D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8 BAT54S Dual Schottky Diode BAT54S Zetex BAT54S J1 10 Way 0.1" R/A PCB Socket Harwin M20-7891046 J2,J3 3.5mm 3way Audio Jack Skt Schurter 4832.232L110uHThin Film Inductor1210 R1,R2,R5,R35,R36,R37 10K 1% Thick Film Resistor 0805 R3,R7,R8,R9,R11,R34,R38 0R Not Fitted 5% Thick Film Resistor 0805 R4,R6,R10,R12,R13,R330R5%Thick Film Resistor0805 R14,R28,R29,R30 1K 5% Thick Film Resistor 0805 R152K2 Not Fitted 5% Thick Film Resistor 0805 R16,R17,R18,R19,R24,R25 3.9K 1% Thick Film Resistor 0805 R26,R20 1.5K 5% Thick Film Resistor 0805 R23,R21 200K 5% Thick Film Resistor 0805 R27,R22 62K1% Thick Film Resistor 0805 R31 62K Not Fitted 1% Thick Film Resistor 0805 R32 75K5% Thick Film Resistor0805 S1,S2,S3OMRON/B3S-1000Push Button Switch SPNO SMD Omron B3S-1000U1 AME8800AEFT 3.3V Low Drop Out Regulator300mA AME AME8800AEFT U2 W681360RG W681360RG CODEC Winbond W681360RG U3 LM4908MM Dual Headphone Amplifier Nat. Semi. LM4909MMVR1 20K Not Fitted 20% 20K Trimmer Vishay TS53YL 20K 20% TR VR250K20%50K TrimmerVishayTS53YL 50K 20% TR8. References1. Winbond W681360 Data Sheet – /PDF/Sheet/W681360.pdf2. ACC-005 Schematic – ERBLU49-002A1-029.DisclaimersEZURIO’S WIRELESS PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORISED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF EZURIO LTD.The definitions used herein are:a) Life support devices or systems are devices which (1) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (2) support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with the instructions for use provided in the labelling can reasonably be expected to result in a significant injury to the user.b) A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.EZURiO does not assume responsibility for use of any of the circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and EZURiO reserves the right at any time to change without notice said circuitry and specifications.9.1 Data Sheet StatusThis data sheet contains preliminary data for use with Engineering Samples. Supplementary data will be published at a later date. EZURiO Ltd reserve the right to change the specification without prior notice in order to improve the design and supply the best possible product.Please check with EZURiO Ltd for the most recent data before initiating orcompleting a design. Designers should check the production status of any engineering firmware used during development before it is deployed.。
ws2812b手册解析笔记(原创版)目录1.WS2812B 简介2.WS2812B 主要特性3.WS2812B 的工作原理4.WS2812B 的应用领域5.WS2812B 手册解析总结正文1.WS2812B 简介WS2812B 是一款功能强大的 LED 驱动器,具有 28 个输出通道,可实现高精度的 LED 亮度控制。
它采用恒流驱动方式,能够确保每个 LED 通道的电流恒定,从而实现 LED 的均匀发光。
此外,WS2812B 还具有调光速度较快、输出电压范围宽、抗干扰能力强等优点,使其在各种应用场景中都能发挥出色性能。
2.WS2812B 主要特性(1)28 个输出通道:WS2812B 具有 28 个独立的输出通道,可驱动多个 LED 灯珠,适用于各种照明设备。
(2)恒流驱动:WS2812B 采用恒流驱动方式,能确保每个通道的电流恒定,使 LED 灯珠亮度一致,实现均匀照明。
(3)宽电压范围:WS2812B 的工作电压范围为 3.0V-5.5V,适用于不同电压环境的应用。
(4)高速调光:WS2812B 具有较快的调光速度,能够实现高速亮度调节,满足动态照明需求。
(5)抗干扰能力强:WS2812B 具有较强的抗电磁干扰和抗静电干扰能力,确保设备在恶劣环境下仍能正常工作。
3.WS2812B 的工作原理WS2812B 的工作原理主要基于恒流驱动。
当外部电源接入 WS2812B 后,内部的电源管理模块会将电压转换为稳定的供电电压,然后通过 28 个恒流驱动器分别驱动每个输出通道的 LED 灯珠。
恒流驱动器能够根据外部信号调节 LED 的电流,从而实现 LED 亮度的无级调节。
4.WS2812B 的应用领域WS2812B 广泛应用于各种照明设备,如 LED 灯带、LED 灯泡、LED 面板灯等,以及各种景观照明、室内照明、商业照明等领域。
其出色的性能和稳定性,使得 WS2812B 成为众多 LED 照明产品的首选驱动器。
非隔离降压型LED 恒流控制器晶丰明源半导体概述BP2812是一款高精度的LED 恒流控制芯片,应用于非隔离的降压型LED 电源系统,适合全范围的交流电压输入或者12V ~600V 的直流电压输入。
BP2812内部集成600V 功率MOSFET ,只需要很少⏹ 临界模式工作,无需电感补偿 ⏹ 内置600V 功率MOSFET⏹ 源极驱动,无需辅助绕组供电 ⏹ 高达±3%的LED 电流精度 图1 典型应用图晶丰明源半导体非隔离降压型LED恒流控制器定购信息晶丰明源半导体非隔离降压型LED恒流控制器极限参数(注1)注1注2:JA 注3:晶丰明源半导体非隔离降压型LED恒流控制器电气参数(注4, 5) (无特别说明情况下,V CC =12 V, T A =25℃)注4:典型参数值为25˚C下测得的参数标准。
晶丰明源半导体非隔离降压型LED恒流控制器典型参数特性启动电流对温度的变化启动电压对温度的变化欠压保护门限对温度的变化 V CC箝位电压对温度的变化晶丰明源半导体非隔离降压型LED恒流控制器电流检测门限对温度的变化线性调整率负载调整率输出电流对电感量的变化非隔离降压型LED 恒流控制器晶丰明源半导体图3 BP2812内部框图非隔离降压型LED 恒流控制器晶丰明源半导体应用信息BP2812是一款专为LED 照明设计的恒流驱动芯片,应用于非隔离的降压型LED 电源系统。
BP2812内部集成600V 功率MOSFET ,并且采用专利的恒流控制方法和源极驱动技术,只需要很少的外围元件就可以达到优异的恒流特性,系统成本低,效率高。
启动系统上电后,启动电阻对压达到芯片开启阈值时,内置12.5V 稳压管,V CC 恒流控制,输出LED BP2812的外围元件,压进行比较,当CS 功率管关断。
CS 的前沿消隐时间。
R 400I CSPK =其中,R CS BP2812内置线电压补偿功能,通过检测启动电阻上的电流对线电压的变化做补偿,实现优异的线性调整率。
© Hefei iFly Digital TeXFS5152CE 语音合成芯片用户开发指南
1 概述 ...................................................................................................................................................... - 1 -
7 芯片控制方式 ...................................................................................................................................... - 9 -
7.1 控制命令...................................................................................................................................... - 9 7.2 芯片回传...................................................................................................................................... - 9 -
6.2 I2C 通讯模式............................................................................................................................... - 6 6.2.1 硬件连接 ............................................................................................................................. - 6 6.2.2 通讯传输字节格式.............................................................................................................. - 7 -
一米60灯60段单点控制WS2812幻彩灯条●产品名称●60灯WS2812全彩灯条宝贝说明1、产品型号:WS2812幻彩灯条一米60灯60段;2、光源:SMD 5050 LED;3、板材:FPCB;4、芯片:台湾晶元芯片,及台湾其它芯片;5、IC型号:WS2811,(1米60颗IC,1个IC控制1颗LED灯);6、灰度等级:256级,(1米60个像素点);7、LED数量:60灯/米,每1个灯为一组,可以剪切;8、发光角度:180°;9、发光颜色:可以通过控制器调为,白,红,黄,蓝,绿,等;10、标准工作电压: DC 5V;11、功率: 18W ±10% / 米;12、防水等级:不防水、滴胶(IP65)、套管(IP67),套管实心灌胶(IP68)等;13、FPCB板的尺寸: 宽度:10 mm, 厚度: 3mm;14、FPCB颜色:白色,黄色,黑色(除白色外需要定做);15、包装方式: 5 m / 卷, 灯条后面背3M胶,静电袋封装;16、重量: 0.15g /卷;17、装箱:50卷/箱箱体尺寸:450*330*310(mm)、重量:8.5KG;18、我司可提供配套幻彩控制器和电源主要特点1、控制原理:一个IC控制一颗LED组成一个回路(一组),控制器通过控制IC对FPCB里面的电路进行控制,从而控制LED灯条变化不同的效果;如闪烁,追逐,跳变,顺时针跑马,逆时针跑马,单色跑马,变色跑马,单颗追逐从头到尾,流水,模拟闪电等;此款灯条的变化效果不限于目前控制器内置的94种效果,可以根据客户需要,自行编写;排成屏的形式可以显示,文字,字母,图片,动画,等等。
2、环保安全:采用优质高亮SMD 5050 LED。
自学习型无线解码芯片SK212主要特性:☆兼容市面大多数固定码编码芯片:如PT2262、PT2242、EV1527等☆集锁存、暂存、互锁、翻转四种功能一体,通过跳线选择☆支持PT2262(三态地址码)和EV1527(20位地址码)遥控器混合学习☆支持4位数据码的输出,并且有VT输出☆内置高精度振荡器,不需外接晶振☆自动适应发射端振荡电阻☆智能学习,无需手工编码☆内置存储器,更安全更可靠☆最多支持39个遥控器学习☆超宽工作电压:2.6-5.5V☆工业温度范围:-40~85℃☆低工作电流:≈3mA☆提供SOP14L封装一、SK212引脚功能说明引脚名称功能说明1 GND 电源负极2 KEY 学习按键输入,通过按键与GND连接3 VT 解码有效输出口,解码有效时输出高电平4 D0 数据输出端D05 D1 数据输出端D16 D2 数据输出端D27 D3 数据输出端D38 NC 悬空,待扩展9 NC 悬空,待扩展10 LED 学习状态指示灯11 M1 输出模式选择M1(内置上位电阻)12 M2 输出模式选择M2(内置上位电阻)13 RF RF信号输入端,接到无线接收模块的DA TA14 VCC 电源正极,2.6-5.5V供电二、应用电路输出模式说明:模式 M1 M2 说明锁存HH对应的输出端输出高电平并一直保持,支持15种输出状态 通过判断VT 识别有效信号暂存 H L对应的输出端输出高电平,在停止发射后恢复低电平,支持15种输出状态翻转 L H每按一次发射按钮,对应的输出端输出状态翻转一次,只支持4按键遥控器的单按键操作互锁 L L对应的输出端输出高电平并一直保持,只支持4按键遥控器的单按键操作,D0-D3输出只有一个高电平三、操作说明1、学习EV1527编码遥控器:按下学习按键1次,学习状态灯常亮,进入学习遥控编码状态,此时按下遥控器上任意按键,学习状态灯快速闪2下,表示学习成功。
SK6812规格书 DXD
主要应用领域●LED全彩发光字灯串,LED全彩模组, LED全彩软灯条硬灯条,LED护栏管。
XT1511 SK6812 WS2812B灯珠使用规格书,操作说明书
3.产品储存及期限:室温密封存储:20℃~30℃,40%~60%RH,产品有效期为3个月;防潮密封存储:20℃~30℃,25%~60%RH,产品有效期为6个月;产品拆包开封后,建议1 小时内使用完成,(环境条件温度<30℃,湿度<60%)。
4.除湿处理LED 产品超出以上规定期限,或者由于其他原因受潮,建议客户做除湿处理后再使用。
除湿方法:70℃-75℃/22±2 小时。
5.静电防护LED 是静电敏感器件,虽然LED 产品具有优异的抗静电能力,但每经历一次静电释放产生的冲击,都会对LED 造成一定程度的损坏。
因而在使用LED 产品过程中需要做好静电防护措施,例如佩戴防静电手套及防静电手环等。
6.手动焊接操作指引建议使用功率不超过30W 的电烙铁,控制电烙铁温度不高于380℃,每次焊接时电烙铁在支架引脚上停留时间不超过3秒,如需要反复焊接时,间隔停留时间不少于2秒,避免长时间高温对L ED 造成损伤。
焊接过程中,请勿触摸或挤压LED 的表面,避免对L ED 内部造成损伤,同时请注意避免电烙铁对LED 表面胶体的烫伤及其它损伤。
8.生产注意事项1. 所有产品,在贴片时,请仔细检查,若真空包装完好无损,无漏气现象,请直接使用,可以不用烘烤除湿处理。
以下是关于WS2812B的一些解析笔记:1. 引脚排列:WS2812B有3个引脚,分别是VCC、GND和数据输入(DIN)。
2. 驱动IC:WS2812B内部集成了一个APA102C驱动IC。
3. 颜色控制:WS2812B可以通过接收的数据来控制LED的颜色。
4. 亮度控制:WS2812B可以通过接收的数据来控制LED的亮度。
5. 通信协议:WS2812B使用了一种特殊的通信协议,称为“NeoPi xel协议”。
该协议使用单线通信方式,通过数据输入引脚发送数据,以控制LED 的颜色和亮度。
6. 连接方式:WS2812B可以通过杜邦线或其他连接方式连接到微控制器或其他控制设备上。
7. 控制软件:要控制WS2812B LED灯珠的颜色和亮度,需要使用相应的控制软件。
常见的控制软件包括Arduino、Raspberry Pi等。
这些软件可以通过编程来控制WS2812B LED灯珠的各种动态效果和颜色变化。
二、主要特性1. 单线传输:WS2812B采用单总线数据传输方式,简化了电路设计,降低了布线难度。
2. 高集成度:内置控制电路和RGB发光元件,节省了外部控制器和驱动IC的成本。
3. 灵活性:可任意拼接,实现各种形状和尺寸的LED灯光效果。
4. 高刷新率:支持高达400Hz的刷新率,确保画面稳定,无闪烁。
5. 宽电压范围:工作电压为5V,兼容性强,适用于各类电子产品。
6. 低功耗:静态功耗小于0.5mA,节能环保。
三、技术参数1. 尺寸:5050封装,尺寸为5.0mm×5.0mm×1.6mm。
2. 电气特性:工作电压:4.5V5.5V静态电流:≤0.5mA动态电流:≤18mA(单色)电容:≤10nF3. 光学特性:发光颜色:全彩(红、绿、蓝)发光角度:120°亮度:典型亮度为500mcd(红色)4. 通信速率:800Kbps5. 温度范围:40℃~+80℃四、应用场景1. 全彩LED灯带:用于室内外装饰、广告牌、舞台灯光等场景。
2. LED显示屏:适用于各类信息发布、广告宣传、舞台背景等场合。
3. 智能家居:应用于家居照明、氛围营造等领域。
4. 智能穿戴设备:如手表、手环等产品的背光和装饰。
六、产品优势1. 简化设计:WS2812B的一体化设计,让LED灯带的组装和安装变得更加便捷,减少了设计师和工程师的工作量。
2. 色彩丰富:通过调节红、绿、蓝三原色的亮度,可以呈现出超过16百万种颜色,满足各种场景的灯光需求。
3. 防水防尘:采用IP65防护等级,适应户外各种恶劣环境,延长使用寿命。
七、注意事项1. 电源要求:为了确保WS2812B的正常工作,建议使用稳定可靠的5V电源,避免电压波动对LED灯珠造成损害。
SinOne SCT80S16B 10V CS 8 通道触控按键专用 IC 说明书
SCT80S16B SinOne10V CS 8通道触控按键专用IC 目录目录 (1)1 总体描述 (3)2 主要功能和优势 (3)2.1 功能 (3)2.2 优势 (3)3 管脚定义 (3)3.1 管脚配置 (3)3.2 管脚定义 (4)4 电气性能 (4)4.1 推荐工作条件 (4)4.2 直流电气特性 (4)5 封装信息 (5)6 应用设计指南 (6)6.1 未使用通道处理 (6)6.2 邻键距离 (6)6.3 通讯输出选择 (6)6.3.1 通讯输出选择OUTS (6)6.3.2 灵敏度设置和键值读取格式 (6)7 注意事项 (9)7.1 典型应用电路 (9)7.2 电路Check List (9)7.3 电源要求 (9)7.4 PCB布局 (9)7.5 PCB布线 (10)7.6 PCB参考图 (10)Page 1 of 11 V 1.17.7 触控面板材料选择 (10)8 规格更改记录 (11)1 总体描述SCT80S16B 是一颗有8个触控通道,带UART/IIC 通讯接口的触控专用IC ,用户可通过UART/IIC 通讯来设置灵敏度。
此IC 具有工业级规格,拥有4KV EFT 和6KV 接触ESD 能力,可顺利通过3V 动态和10V 静态CS 测试,是用户高性能触控按键方案的首选。
2 主要功能和优势2.1 功能● 工作电压:3.3V ~ 5.5V ● 工作温度:-40 ~ 85℃● 触控按键通道:8通道,最多支持两个按键同时被按下 ● 触控按键输出通讯协议:UART/IIC 输出 ● 灵敏度调节:UART/IIC 通讯调节● 上电2s 内可通过UART/IIC 通讯来设置触控通道灵敏度等级 ● 覆盖物厚度:0 ~ 10mm● 有效触摸反应时间:小于100ms ● 允许按键长按时间为10S ●封装:SOP162.2 优势● 发明专利,业界独创; ● 完美触控按键操作体验; ● 用户根据需要设置灵敏度;●超强抗干扰能力,4KV EFT 、6KV ESD 、10V CS 。
SK6812RGBW集成光源智能控制芯片顶贴式SMD LED说明书
Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)82632735INTEGRATED LIGHT SOURCE INTELLIGENT CONTROLOF CHIP-ON-TOP SMD TYPE LEDModel: SK6812RGBW1.Product Overview :SK6812RGBW is a smart LED control circuit and light emitting circuit in one controlled LED source, which has the shape of a 5050 LED chip. Each lighting element is a pixel, and the intensities of the pixels are contained within the intelligent digital interface input. The output is driven by patented PWM technology, which effectively guarantees high consistency of the color of the pixels. The controlcircuit consists of a signal shaping amplification circuit, a built-in constant current circuit, and a high precision RC oscillator.The data protocol being used is unipolar NRZ communication mode. The 32-bit data is transmitted from the controller to DIN of the first element, and if it is accepted it is extracted pixel to pixel. After an internal data latch, the remaining data is passed through the internal amplification circuit and sent out on the DO port to the remaining pixels. The pixel is reset after the end of DIN. Using automatic shaping forwarding technology makes the number of cascaded pixels without signal transmission only limited by signal transmission speed.The LED has a low driving voltage (which allows for environmental protection and energy saving), high brightness, scattering angle, good consistency, low power, and long life. The control circuit is integrated in the LED above.2.Main Application Field:●Full color LED string light, LED full color module, LED super hard and soft lights, LED guardrail tube, LED appearance / scene lighting●LED point light, LED pixel screen, LED shaped screen, a variety of electronic products, electrical equipment etc..3.Description:●Top SMD internal integrated high quality external control line serial cascade constant current IC;●control circuit and the chip in SMD 5050 components, to form a complete control of pixel, color mixing uniformity and consistency;●built-in data shaping circuit, a pixel signal is received after wave shaping and output waveform distortion will not guarantee a line;●The built-in power on reset and reset circuit, the power does not work;●gray level adjusting circuit (256 level gray scale adjustable);●red drive special treatment, color balance;●line data transmission;●plastic forward strengthening technology, the transmission distance between two points over 10M;●Using a typical data transmission frequency of 800 Kbps, when the refresh rate of 30 frames per sec4.Mechanical Dimensions:Notes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters.2. Tolerance is ±0.1mm unless otherwise notedSymbol Function description VDD Power supply LED DOUT Control data signal output VSS GroundDIN Control data signal inputDongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)826327357.Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta=25℃,VSS=0V):Parameter Symbol Range UnitPower supply voltage VDD+3.5~+5.5VLogic input voltage VIN-0.5~VDD+0.5V Working temperature Topt-40~+85℃Storage temperature Tstg-50~+150℃ESD pressure VESD4K V8.The electrical parameters (unless otherwise specified, TA=-20 ~ +70 ℃, VDD=4.5 ~ 5.5V, VSS=0V):Parmeter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit Test conditionsThe chipsupply voltage VDD--- 5.2---V---R/G/B port pressure VDS,MAX------26V---DOUT drive capability IDOH---49---mADOUT conect ground,the maximum drivecurrentIDOL----50---mA DOUT conect +, thelargest currentThe signal input flip threshold VIH 3.4------VVDD=5.0V VIL------ 1.6VThe frequencyof PWM FPWM--- 1.2---KHZ---Static powerconsumption IDD---1---mA---9.The dynamic parameters (Ta=25 ℃):Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit Test conditionsThe speed of datatransmission fDIN---800---KHZ The duty ratio of 67%(data 1)DOUT transmissiondelay TPLH------500nsDIN→DOUT TPHL------500nsIOUT Rise/DropTime Tr------40ns VDS=1.5IOUT=9mA Tf------80ns10.The data transmission time (TH+TL=1.25µs±600ns):T0H0code, high level time0.3µs±0.15µsT0L0code, low level time0.9µs±0.15µsT1H 1 code, high level time0.6µs±0.15µs Input code:12.The method of data transmission:Note: the D1 sends data for MCU, D2, D3, D4 for data forwarding automatic shaping cascade circuit.Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)8263273513. The data structure of 32bit:Note: high starting, in order to send data (R7 -R6 -...... ..W0)14. The typical application circuit:W7W6W5W4W3W2W1W0ANSI Blue White Color bin structuresDongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)826327350.330.340.350.360.370.380.390.400.410.420.430.350.360.370.380.390.400.410.420.43Y X OPSCO Natural White Graph4500K3500KF4G1G2G7G3G4F7F3G6G84000KH6H2H1H5F6F2G5F1F5F8C.A X Y C.A X Y C.A X Y C.A X Y 0.35300.35970.35480.37360.36410.38040.36150.36590.36150.36590.36410.38040.37360.38740.37020.37220.35900.35210.36150.36590.37020.37220.36700.35780.35120.34650.35300.35970.36150.36590.35900.35210.35120.34650.35710.39070.36680.39570.3590.35210.3590.35210.36680.39570.37710.40340.3670.35780.35670.33890.36410.38040.37360.38740.3640.3440.34950.33390.35480.37360.36410.38040.35670.33890.3670.35780.37020.37220.38250.37980.37830.36460.37020.37220.37360.38740.38690.39580.38250.37980.38250.37980.38690.39580.40060.40440.3950.38750.37830.36460.38250.37980.3950.38750.38980.37160.3670.35780.37710.40340.39160.41270.37830.36460.37830.36460.39160.41270.40640.42210.38980.37160.37430.35020.38690.39580.40060.40440.38480.35650.3640.3440.37360.38740.38690.39580.37430.35020.40540.41910.39410.38480.38890.3690.38890.3690.42170.42730.39960.40150.39410.38480.40170.37510.41460.40890.41460.40890.4080.39160.39570.35960.39960.40150.4080.39160.40170.37510.3840.354H6H2H1H5G5G6G7G8G1G2G3G4F5F6F7F8F1F2F3F4CIE chromaticity coordinates (ANSI Natural white)ANSI Natural White Color bin structuresANSI Warm White Color bin structuresDongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)8263273516.Standard LED Performance Graph:1020%0.0040%60%80%100%120%Forward Current(mA) Voltage(V) Tj=25 °CN o r m a l i z e d L u m i n o u s F l u xF o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )Typical Relative Luminous Flux vs. Forward CurrentForward Voltage vs. Forward Current4.012040608010020%0.0040%60%80%100%120%Thermal Pad Temperature (T=25°C)N o r m a l i z e d L u m i n o u s F l u xThermal Pad Temperature vs. Relative Light Output12045040050055060065020%0.0040%60%80%100%Wavelength (nm)R e l a t i v e E m i s s i o n D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength Characteristics7007508007590604530150. 1.030°60°90°Typical Radiation Pattern 120°Radiation Angle1020150150.02050150BWNW GREENBLUE 150% 5.0200406080100F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )Thermal Pad Temperature vs. Forward Current20406080100Thermal Pad Temperature (°C)120WS REDREDBLUE\GREENBLUE\GREENREDREDBLUE/GREENDongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)8263273517. Packaging Standard:C A T H ODE ID E N T IF IC A T IO NC O V E R T A P EC A R R IE R T A P ER E E L (178x 12m m )E S D P O L Y E T H Y L E N E B A GT A P E F E E D D IR E C T IO NL A B E L S K E T C H IN GS M DP R O D U C T N O.: S K 6812R G B W -W SQ U A N T IT Y.: 1000 P C S L o t N o.: L W 2015070902-10W S : 2700-3200K D A T E :2015-08-04C A RD B O A R D (IN NE R 45 B A G M A X.)S K 6812R G B W -X X(IN N E R 1000p c s L E D M A X )The reel pack is applied in SMD LED. The LEDs are packed in cardboard boxes after packaging in normal or anti-electrostatic bags. cardboard boxes will be used to protect the LEDs from mechanical shocks during transportation. The boxes are not water resistant and therefore must be kept away from water and moisture.Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)82632735TOP SMD LED Application Notes1. FeaturesThe Purposes of making OPSCO’s customers and users to have a clear understanding on the ways how touse the LED.2. DescriptionGenerally. The LED can be used the same way as other general purposed semiconductors. When using OPSCO’s TOP SMD LED, the following precautions must be taken to protect the LED.3. Cautions3.1. Dust & CleaningThis emitter has a silicone surface, There are many benefits to the silicone surface in terms of optical properties and improved reliability. However, silicone is a softer material and prone to attract dust. While a minimal amount of dust and debris on the LED will not cause significant reduction in illumination, steps should be taken to keep the emitter free of dust.These include keeping the LEDs in the manufacturer’s package prior to assembly and storing assemblies in an enclosed area after installing the emitters.Surface condition of this device may change when organic solvents such as trichloroethylene or acetone were applied.Avoid using organic solvent, it is recommended that isopropyl be used as a solvent for cleaning the LEDs.When using other solvents, it should be confirmed beforehand whether the solvents will dissolve the package and the resin of not.Do not clean the LEDs by the ultrasonic. When it is absolutely necessary, the influence as ultrasoniccleaning on the LEDs depends on factors such as ultrasonic power. Baking time and assembledcondition. Before cleaning, a pre-test should be done to confirm whether any damage to the LEDs will occur.3.2. Moisture Proof PackageIn order to avoid the absorption of moisture during transportation and storage, LED are packed in the aluminum envelop, A desiccant is included in the aluminum envelop as it absorbs moisture.Whenmoisture is absorbed into the AMT package it may vaporize and expand during soldering. There is a possibility that this can cause exfoliation of the contacts and damage to the optical characteristics of the LEDs. For this reason, the moisture proof package is used to keep moisture to a minimum in the package.3.3. StorageIn order to avoid the absorption of moisture, It is recommended to store SMD LED (in bulk or taped) in the dry box (or the desiccator) with a desiccant, Otherwise to store them in the following environment as recommended.a.Temperature: 5℃~30℃b. Humidity: 60% RH MaxIt is recommended to solder the LED as soon as possible after unpacking the aluminum envelop, But in case that the LED have to be left unused after unpacking envelop again is requested.The LED should be soldering within 1hours after opening the package.If baking is required, A baking treatment should be performed as follows:70℃±5℃for more than 24hours.Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)826327353.4. Reflow Soldering CharacteristicsIn testing, OPSCO has found S50 LEDs to be compatible with JEDEC J-STD-020C,using the parameters listed below. As a general guideline OPSCO recommends that users follow the recommended soldering profile provided by the manufacturer of solder paste used.Note that this general guideline is offered as a starting point and may require adjustment for certain PCB designs and Configurations of reflow soldering equipment.T e m p e r a t u r e (°C )Timests (Preheat)LLs maxMINT 25°C to Peakamp-upC ritical Zone T L to T PRamp downProfile FeatureLead-Based Solder Lead-Free Solder Average Ramp-Up Rate (Ts max to Tp )3℃/second max.3℃/second max.Preheat: Temperature Min (Ts min )100℃150℃Preheat: Temperature Min (Ts max )150℃200℃Preheat: Time ( ts min to ts max )60-120 seconds60-180 secondsTime Maintained Above: Temperature (T L )183 ℃217 ℃Time Maintained Above: Time (t L )60-150 seconds60-150 secondsPeak/Classification Temperature (T P )215 ℃255 ℃Time Within 5℃of Actual Peak Temperature ( tp)<10 seconds <10 seconds Ramp-Down Rate6℃/second max.6℃/second max.Time 25 ℃to Peak Temperature<6 minutes max.<6 minutes max.Note: All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface.Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)826327353.5 Heat Generation:Thermal design of the end product is of paramount importance. Please consider the heat generation of theLED when making the system design. The coefficient of temperature increase per input electric power isaffected by the thermal resistance of the circuit board and density of LED placement on the board, as well as components. It is necessary to avoid in tense heat generation and operate within the maximum rating given inthis specification. The operating current should be decided after considering the ambient maximumtemperature of LEDs3.6 Electrostatic Discharge & Surge Current :Electrostatic discharge (ESD) or surge current (EOS)may damage LED.Precautions such as ESD wrist strap, ESD shoe strap or antistatic gloves must be worn whenever handling of LED.All devices, equipment and machinery must be properly grounded.It is recommended to perform electrical test to screen out ESD failures at final inspection.It is important to eliminate the possibility of surge current during circuitry design.3.7 Moisture Proof PackageCannot take any responsibility for any trouble that are caused by using the LEDs at conditions exceedingour specifications.The LED light output is strong enough to injure human eyes. Precautions must be taken to prevent lookingdirectly at the LEDs with unaided eyes for more than a few seconds.The formal specification must be exchanged and signed by both parties before large volume purchase begins.The appearance and specifications of the product may be modified for improvement without notice.Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)82632735Change HistoryFCN No.Date Rev. No.Changes/Reason of changes2015-07-3101Initial DocumentNote Items Signatures DatePrepared by Kevin Zhu2015-07-31Checked byApproved byFCN#。
Arduino驱动WS2812BLED灯带WS2812B介绍WS2812B是集控制电路和发光电路于⼀体的LED光源元件其控制IC为WS2812B,发光元件是5050RGBLED电压为5V,每个单位的峰值电流为60ma灯带为三线制,VCC GND DIN分别为电源+、电源-、信号当使⽤外部电源时,外部电源-需要与Arduino的GND相连接线测试测试环境中可以直接使⽤Arduino的5V引脚直接供电。
接法是如果灯带长度过长,则需要外接电源,其接线如图所⽰:编写程序#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> //引⼊头⽂件#ifdef __AVR__#include <avr/power.h>#endif#define LED_PIN 3//定义信号输出引脚#define LED_COUNT 144//定义LED灯个数Adafruit_NeoPixel strip(LED_COUNT, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);//创建灯条对象void setup() {//灯条初始化strip.begin();strip.show();}void loop() {for(int i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++) {strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(255, 0, 0)); //以RGB形式控制灯颜⾊常亮}strip.show();} 关于Adafruit_NeoPixel中的HSV颜⾊模型 在Adafruit_NeoPixel中可以以RGB的⾊彩模型来控制红、绿、蓝三个颜⾊的灯光来合成各种⾊彩,还可以以HSV的⾊彩模型控制灯光的⾊相、饱和度、亮度对⾊彩进⾏调整。
HSV中H的参数范围为0-65535 S:饱和度调整范围0-255 V:亮度调整范围 0-255具体使⽤⽅法参见以下代码://呼吸灯效果#define ADD true#define SUB falseboolean stat1 = true; //呼吸状态反转标志int val = 0; //呼吸亮度变量uint32_t hsvcolor = strip.ColorHSV(170*256,255, val); void fadeinout(uint32_t hsvcolor){hsvcolor = strip.ColorHSV(170*256,255, val);for(int i=-1;i<150;i++){strip.setPixelColor(i, hsvcolor);}if(val>=170)stat1 = SUB;if(val<=0)stat1 = ADD;strip.show();//delay(20);if(stat1==SUB) val -= 5;else if(stat1==ADD) val += 5;}。
第1章 芯片结构及性能概述TMS320C2000系列是美国TI公司推出的最佳测控应用的定点DSP芯片,其主流产品分为四个系列:C20x、C24x、C27x和C28x。
1.1 TMS320C28x系列芯片的结构及性能C28x系列的主要片种为TMS320F2810和TMS320F2812。
表1-1 硬件特征特征F2810 F2812 指令周期(150MHz) 6.67ns 6.67ns SRAM(16位/字)18K 18K 3.3V片内Flash(16位/字)64K 128K 片内Flash/SRAM的密钥有有Boot ROM 有有掩膜ROM 有有外部存储器接口无有事件管理器A和B(EVA和EVB) EVA、EVB EVA、EVB *通用定时器 4 4 *比较寄存器/脉宽调制16 16 *捕获/正交解码脉冲电路6/2 6/2看门狗定时器有有12位的ADC 有有*通道数16 16TMS320C28x系列DSP的CPU与外设(上)·2·续表特征F2810 F2812 32位的CPU定时器 3 3串行外围接口有有串行通信接口(SCI)A和B SCIA、SCIB SCIA、SCIB控制器局域网络有有多通道缓冲串行接口有有数字输入/输出引脚(共享)有有外部中断源 3 3供电电压核心电压1.8VI/O电压3.3V核心电压1.8VI/O电压3.3V封装 128针PBK 179针GHH,176针PGF温度选择‡A:-40℃ ~ +85℃S:-40℃ ~ +125℃PBK仅适用于TMSPGF和GHH仅适用于TMS产品状况‡‡产品预览(PP)高级信息(AI)产品数据(PD)AI(TMP)‡‡‡AI(TMP)‡‡‡注:‡ “S”是温度选择(-40℃ ~ +125℃)的特征化数据,仅对TMS是适用的。
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智能外控集成 LED 光源
● LED全彩发光字灯串,LED全彩模组,LED幻彩软硬灯条,LED护栏管,LED外观/情景照明
● LED点光源,LED像素屏,LED异形屏,各种电子产品,电器设备跑马灯。
● Top SMD内部集成高质量外控单线串行级联恒流IC;
●控制电路与RGB芯片集成在SMD 5050元器件中,构成一个完整的外控像素点,混色效果均匀且一致性高。
电气参数(极限参数,Ta=25℃,VSS=0V) :
颜色波长(nm)发光强度(mcd)工作电压(v)红色(Red) 620-625 700-1000 2.0-2.2
绿色(Green) 522.5-525 1500-2200 3.0-3.3 蓝色(Blue) 467.5-470 700-1000 3.0-3.3
数据传输时间( TH+TL=1.25µs±600ns):
T0H 0码,高电平时间0.3µs±0.15µs T1H 1码,高电平时间0.6µs ±0.15µs T0L 0码,低电平时间0.9µs ±0.15µs T1L 1码,低电平时间0.6µs ±0.15µs Trst Reset码,低电平时间80µs
输入码型: 连接方式:
注:其中D1为MCU 端发送的数据,D2、D3、D4为级联电路自动整形转发的数据。
24bit 数据结构: G7
R3R2R1R0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0注:高位先发,按照RGB的顺序发送数据(G7 → G6 → 0