



第二题,有关霍金的Big Bang,黑洞理论;物理




Whenever you see an old film, even one made as little as ten years ago, you cannot help being struck by the appearance of the women taking part. Their hair-styles and make-up look dated; their skirts look either too long or too short; their general appearance is, in fact, slightly ludicrous. The men taking part in the film, on the other hand, are clearly recognizable. There is nothing about their appearance to suggest that they belong to an entirely different age.This illusion is created by changing fashions. Over the year, the great majority of men have successfully resisted all attempts to make them change their style of dress. The same cannot be said for women. Each year a few so- called top designers in Paris or London lay down the law and women the whole world over rush to obey. The decrees of the designers are unpredictable and dictatorial. This year, they decide in their arbitrary fashion, skirts will be short and waists will be high; zips are in and buttons are out. Next year the law is reversed and far from taking exception, no one is even mildly surprised.

If women are mercilessly exploited year after year, they have only themselves to blame. Because they shudder at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are annually black-mailed by the designers and the big stores. Clothes, which have been worn, only a few times have to be discarded because of the dictates of fashion. When you come to think of it, only a women is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.

Changing fashions are nothing more than the deliberate creation of waste. Many women squander vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women, who cannot afford to discard clothing in this way, waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have. Hem-limes are taken up or let down; waist-lines are taken in or let out; neck-lines are lowered or raised, and so on.

No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability. They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, providing they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn’t at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shivering in a flimsy dress on a wintry day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in dainty shoes.

When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women’s clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of fickleness and instability? Men are too sensible to let themselves be bullied by fashion designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide.


Stephen William Hawking Biography

The theories of British physicist and mathematician Stephen William Hawking (born 1942) placed him in the great tradition of Newton and Einstein. Hawking made fundamental contributions to the science of cosmology--the study of the origins, structure, and space-time relationships of the universe.

Stephen W. Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England. His father, a well-known researcher in tropical medicine, urged his son to seek a career in the sciences. Stephen found biology and medicine too descriptive and lacking in exactness. Therefore, he turned to the study of mathematics and physics.

Hawking was not an outstanding student at St. Alban's School, Hertfordshire, nor later at Oxford University, which he entered in 1959. He was a sociable young man who did little schoolwork because he was able to grasp the essentials of a mathematics or physics problem quickly and intuitively. While at Oxford he became increasingly interested in relativity theory and quantum mechanics, eventually graduating with a first class honors in physics (1962). He immediately began post-graduate studies at Cambridge University.

The onset of Hawking's graduate education at Cambridge marked a turning point in his life. It was then that he embarked upon the formal study of cosmology that focused his intellectual energies in a way that they had never been previously. And it was then that he was first stricken with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), a debilitating neuromotor disease that eventually led to his total confinement to a wheelchair and to a virtual loss of his speech functions. At Cambridge his talents were recognized by his major professor, the cosmologist Dennis W. Sciama, and he was encouraged to carry on his studies despite his growing physical disabilities. His marriage in 1965 to Jane Wilde was an important step in his emotional life. Marriage gave him, he recalled, the determination to live and make professional progress in the world of science. Hawking received his doctorate degree in 1966 and began his life-long research and teaching association with Cambridge University. Hawking made his first major contribution to science with his theorem of singularity, a work which grew out of his collaboration with theoretician Roger Penrose. A singularity is a place in either space or time at which some quantity becomes infinite. Such a place is found in a black hole, the final stage of a collapsed star, where the gravitational field has infinite strength. Penrose proved that a singularity was not a hypothetical construct; it could exist in the space-time of a real universe.

Drawing upon Penrose's work and on Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, Hawking demonstrated that our universe had its origins in a singularity. In the beginning all of the matter in the universe was concentrated in a single point, making a very small but tremendously dense body. Ten to twenty billion years ago that body exploded in a big bang which initiated time and the universe. Hawking was able to bring current astrophysical research to support the big bang theory of the origin of the universe and refute the rival steady-state theory.

Hawking's research into the cosmological implications of singularities led him to study the properties of the best-known singularity: the black hole. Although a black hole is a discontinuity in space-time, its boundary, called the event horizon, can be detected. Hawking proved that the surface area of the event horizon of a black hole could only increase, not decrease, and that when two black holes merged the surface area of the new hole was larger than the sum of the two original surface areas. Working in concert with B. Carter, W. Israel, and D. Robinson, Hawking was also able to prove the "No Hair Theorem" first proposed by physicist John Wheeler. According to this theorem, mass, angular momentum, and electric charge were the sole properties conserved when matter entered a black hole.

Hawking's continuing examination of the nature of black holes led to two important discoveries. The first of them, that black holes can emit thermal radiation, was contrary to the claim that nothing could escape from a black hole. The second concerned the size of black holes. As originally conceived, black holes were immense in size because they were the end result of the collapse of gigantic stars. Using quantum mechanics to study particle interaction at the subatomic level, Hawking postulated the existence of millions of mini-black holes. These were formed by the force of the original big bang explosion.

Hawking summarized his scientific interests as "gravity--on all scales," from the realm of galaxies at one extreme to the subatomic at the other extreme. In the 1980s Hawking worked on a theory that Einstein unsuccessfully searched for in his later years. This is the famous unified field theory that aims to bring together quantum mechanics and relativity in a quantum theory of gravity. A complete unified theory encompasses the four main interactions known to modern physics: the strong nuclear force, which operates at the subatomic level; electromagnetism; the weak nuclear force of radioactivity; and gravity. The unified theory would account for the conditions which prevailed at the origin of the universe as well as for the existing physical laws of nature. When humans develop the unified field theory, said Hawking, they will "know the mind of God."

As his physical condition grew worse Hawking's intellectual achievements

increased. Not content with causing a revolution in cosmology, he presented a popular exposition of his ideas in A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes. First published in 1988, this book acquired great popularity in the United States. It sold over a million copies and was listed as the best-selling nonfiction book for over a year.

In 1993 Hawking wrote Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays, which, in addition to a discussion of whether elementary particles that fall into black holes can form new, "baby" universes separate from our own, contains chapters about Hawking's personal life. He co-authored a book in 1996 with Sir Roger Penrose titled The Nature of Space and Time, which is based on a series of lectures and a final debate by the two authors. Issues discussed in this book include whether the universe has boundaries and if it will continue to expand forever. Hawking says yes to the first question and no to the second, while Penrose argues the opposite. Hawking joined Penrose again the following year, as well as Abner Shimony and Nancy Cartwright, in the creation of another book, The Large, the Small, and the Human Mind(1997). In this collection of talks given as Cambridge's 1995 Tanner Lectures on Human Values, Hawking and the others respond to Penrose's thesis on general relativity, quantum physics, and artificial intelligence.

Hawking's work in modern cosmology and in theoretical astronomy and physics was widely recognized. He became a fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1974 and five years later was named to a professorial chair once held by Sir Isaac Newton: Lucasian professor of mathematics, Cambridge University. Beyond these honors he earned a host of honorary degrees, awards, prizes, and lectureships from the major universities and scientific societies of Europe and America. These included the Eddington Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, in 1975; the Pius XI Gold Medal, in 1975; the Maxwell Medal of the Institute of Physics, in 1976; the Albert Einstein Award of the Lewis and Rose Strauss Memorial Fund (the most prestigious award in theoretical physics), in 1978; the Franklin Medal of the Franklin Institute, in 1981; the Gold Medal of the Royal Society, in 1985; the Paul Dirac Medal and Prize, in 1987; and the Britannica Award, in 1989. By the last decade of the 20th century Stephen Hawking had become one of the best-known scientists in the world.

Hawking's endeavors include endorsing a wireless connection to the internet produced by U.S. Robotics Inc., beginning in March 1997, and speaking to wheelchair-bound youth. In addition, Hawking made an appearance on the television series Star Trek that his fans will not soon forget.

Hawking does not readily discuss his personal life, but it is generally know that he was divorced from his first wife in 1991 and they have two sons and a


When asked about his objectives, Hawking told Robert Deltete of Zygon in a 1995 interview, "My goal is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all."


WHAT makes for a successful invasion? Often, the answer is to have better weapons than the enemy. And, as it is with people, so it is with plants—at least, that is the conclusion of a paper published in ★Biology Letters[1] by Naomi Cappuccino, of Carleton University, and Thor Arnason, of the University of Ottawa, both in Canada.


The phenomenon of alien species ★popping up[2] in unexpected parts of the world has grown over the past few decades as people and goods become more mobile and (1)►plant seeds and animal larvae have ★hitched[3] along for the ride◄. Most such aliens blend into the ecosystem in which they arrive without too much fuss. (Indeed, many probably fail to establish themselves at all—but those failures, of course, are never noticed.) Occasionally, though, something ★goes bananas[4] and starts trying to take the place over, and an invasive species is born. Dr Cappuccino and Dr Arnason asked themselves why.


One hypothesis is that aliens leave their predators behind. Since the predators in their new homelands are not adapted to exploit them, they are able to reproduce unchecked. That is a nice idea, but it does not explain why only certain aliens become invasive. Dr Cappuccino and Dr Arnason suspected this might be because native predators are (2)►sometimes “pre-adapted” to the aliens' defences◄, but in other cases they are not.



To test this, they had first to establish a reliable list of invaders. That is not as easy as it sounds. As they observe, “although there are many lists of invasive species published by governmental agencies, inclusion of a given species in the lists (3)►may not be entirely free of political motivation◄”. Instead, they polled established researchers in the field of alien species, asking each to list ten invasive species and, for comparison, ten aliens that just ★rubbed along quietly with[5] their neighbours. The result was a list of 21 species widely agreed to be invasive and, for comparison, 18 non-invasive aliens.


Having established these lists, they went to the library to find out what was known about the plants' chemistry. Their aim was to find the most prominent chemical weapon in each plant, whether that weapon was directed against insects that might want to eat the plant, bacteria and fungi that might want to infect it, or other plants that might compete for space, water, nutrients and light. Botanists know a lot about which sorts of compounds have what roles, so classifying constituent chemicals in this way was not too hard.


The researchers then compared the chemical arsenals of their aliens with those of native North American plants, (4)►to see if superior (or, at least, unusual) weaponry was the explanation for the invaders' success.◄ Their hypothesis was that highly invasive species would have chemical weapons not found in native plants, and which pests, parasites and other plants would therefore not have evolved any resistance to. The more benign aliens, by contrast, were predicted to have arsenals also found in at least some native species.



And so it proved. More than 40% of the invasive species had a chemical unknown to native plants; just over 10% of the non-invasive aliens had such a chemical. Moreover, when they looked at past studies on alien plants that had examined how much such plants suffer from the ★depredations[6] of herbivorous insects, they found that the extent of the damage reported was significantly correlated with the number of native species with which that alien shared its principal chemical weapon.

猜测因而得到了证实。40%以上的入侵物种含有一种土产植物所没有的化学物质,仅10%多一点的非入侵外来物种含此物质。而且,他们在看了以前一些关于外来物种的研究(已经查实这类植物受食草昆虫的损害程度)之后,发现损害程度与土产植物的数量密切相关,而外来物种所含的主要“化学武器” 与这些土产植物相同。

For alien plants, then, the real secret of success—also as in human warfare—is surprise. (5)►It is not that the chemicals concerned are more toxic in any general sense◄ (indeed, successful invaders are often rare in their own native habitats). Rather, it is that the locals just don't see them coming.



2016年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷完整版 注:本答案非旭晨考博网出,完整参考答案请及时关注《2017年旭晨医学考博英语一本通第11版》后续更新,将免费提供。 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear. 29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing. 30. C. Where there is a will, there is a way. Part II Vocabulary (10%) Section A Directions: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C


2018考博英语翻译练习题及答案【十篇】 仰望天空时,什么都比你高,你会自卑;俯视大地时,什么都比你低,你会自负;只有放宽视野,把天空和大地尽收眼底,才能在苍穹泛土之间找到你真正的位置。无须自卑,不要自负,坚持自信。以下我无忧考网为考生整理的《2018考博英语翻译练习题及答案第二部分【十篇】》供您查阅。 2018考博英语翻译练习:泡腊八蒜 考博英语翻译题型多为汉译英,各博士招生院校大多都有此题型,考博英语复习初期阶段新东方在线考博频道为考博生们整理了一些考博英语翻译练习,供大家平日复习。 泡腊八蒜是中国北方,尤其是华北地区的一个习俗。顾名思义,就是在阴历腊月初八的这天来泡制大蒜。其实材料非常简单,就是醋和大蒜瓣儿。做法也是极其简单,将剥了皮的蒜瓣儿放到一个可以密封的罐子、瓶子之类的容器里面,然后倒入醋,封上口放到一个冷的地方。慢慢地,泡在醋中的蒜就会变绿,最后会变得通体碧绿的,如同翡翠碧玉。老北京人家,一到腊月初八,过年的气氛一天赛过一天,

华北大部分地区在腊月初八这天有用醋泡蒜的习俗。 译文参考: Laba garlic bulbs in the north,particularly in North China,a custom. As the name suggests,at the eighth daytime of the twelfth lunar day the Chinese people are apt to cook garlic.In fact,the materials is very easy, that is,vinegar and garlic petal.Approach is extremely simple too,the rinded garlic cloves can be sealed into a jar,flasks and the favor inside the container,then pour vinegar,sealed port into a cold location. Slowly, the garlic drenched in vinegar ambition turn green,and finally transform entire body green as emerald jade.Old Beijing human,1 to the eighth daytime of the twelfth lunar month,one day outdo the air of Chinese New Year day in most parts of north China this day be serviceable in the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month vinegar and garlic bulbs custom. 解析: 大蒜:garlic


上海交大2013年考博英语试题及答案 第一篇 There are desert plants which survive the dry season in the form of inactive seeds. There are also desert insects which survive as inactive larvae (幼虫). In addition, difficult as it is to believe, there are desert fish which can survive through years of drought (干旱) in the form of inactive eggs. These are the shrimps (小虾) that live in the Mojave Desert, an intensely dry region in the south-west of the United States where shade temperatures of over 50C are often recorded. The eggs of the Mojave shrimps are the size and have the appearance of grains of sand. When sufficient spring rain falls to form a lake, once every two to five years, these eggs hatch (孵化). Then the water is soon filled with millions of tiny shrimps about a millimetre long which feed on tiny plant and animal organisms which also grow in the temporary desert lake. Within a week, the shrimps grow from their original 1 millimetre to a length of about 1.5 centimetres. Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidly maturing, the water in the lake equally rapidly evaporates. Therefore, for the shrimps it is a race against time. By the twelfth day, however, when they are about 3 centimetre long, hundreds of tiny eggs form on the underbodies of the females. Usually by this time, all that remains of the lake is a large, muddy patch of wet soil. On the thirteenth day and the next, during the final hours of their brief lives, the shrimps lay their eggs in the mud. Then, having ensured that their species will survive, the shrimps die as the last of the water evaporates. If sufficient rain falls the next year to form another lake, the eggs hatch, and once again the shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle of growth, adulthood, egg-laying, and death. Some years there is insufficient rain to form a lake: in this case, the eggs will remain dormant for another years, or even longer if necessary. Very, very occasionally, perhaps twice in a hundred years, sufficient rain falls to form a deep lake that lasts a month or more. In this case, the species passes through two cycles of growth, egg-laying, and death. Thus, on such occasions, the species multiplies considerably, which further ensures its survival. 1.Which of the following is the MOST distinctive feature of Mojave shrimps? A) Their lives are brief. B) They feed on plant and animal organisms.


南开大学考博课程答疑举例:英语知识答疑 一、问:老师,请帮我评一下这篇翻译!谢谢!联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 The field of torts embraces a group of civil wrongs,other than breach of contact,that interfere with person,property,reputation,or commercial or social advantage.侵权行为指的是侵害人身、财产、名誉、商业或社会利益等领域权利的一系列民事侵权行为,它并不是合同法的一个分枝。While such an act,such as an assult,may sometimes be both a crime punishable by the state in a criminal prosecution and also a tort actionable by the victim in a suit for damages,the criminal prosecution and the damage action are quite separate and unrelated proceedings.但像突袭这样的行为就有可能既涉及到刑事惩罚,又涉及侵权诉讼,前者主要是由国家通过刑事诉讼来完诚,后者主要是由受害人通过损害赔偿诉讼来完成,这是两个完全分开且相互之间没有关联的诉讼过程。The essential purpose of the law of torts is compensatory and,though punitive damages may occasionally be awarded,its function is distinct from that of criminal law.and injured party is not awarded compensation in the criminal proceeding.侵权法的功能和刑法的功能是不相同,侵权法的主要目是补偿,偶尔也支持罚金,而刑法的主要目的是惩罚,受害方是不能通过刑事诉讼得到赔偿的。 答:同学你好,翻译的三个标准是:信达雅。所谓的信使忠实于原文,而所谓的忠实于原文说白了就是能不增减就不增减,能不动语序就不动语序,。 你给的这个文章整体而言翻译的还可以,但是你的翻译偶尔会触动:信字。尤其是在语序方面。我们看一下你翻译的最后一部分:The essential purpose of the law of torts is compensatory and,though punitive damages may


General English Admission Test For Non-English Major Ph.D. program (Harbin Institute of Technology) Passage One Questions 1-7 are based on the following passage: According to a recent theory, Archean-age gold-quartz vein systems were formed over two billion years ago from magmatic fluids that originated from molten granitelike bodies deep beneath the surface of the Earth. This theory is contrary to the widely held view that the systems were deposited from metamorphic fluids, that is, from fluids that formed during the dehydration of wet sedimentary rocks. The recently developed theory has considerable practical importance. Most of the gold deposits discovered during the original gold rushes were exposed at the Earth’s surface and were found because they had shed trails of alluvial gold that were easily traced by simple prospecting methods. Although these same methods still leas to an occasional discovery, most deposits not yet discovered have gone undetected because they are buried and have no surface expression. The challenge in exploration is therefore to unravel the subsurface geology of an area and pinpoint the position of buried minerals. Methods widely used today include analysis of aerial images that yield a broad


南开大学会计学专业博士生入学考试科目和参考书目 考试科目一:英语(包括:基础外语、听力,不包括专业外语)。 考试科目二:会计理论与方法(含财务会计学、审计学),其中财务会计部分大致占70%,审计部分大致占30%。 参考书目 1.威廉姆.R.司可脱著,陈汉文等译《财务会计理论》,机械工业出版社,2000年11月。 2.夏恩.桑德著,方红星、王鹏、李红霞译《会计与控制理论》,东北财经大学出版社,2000年12月。ISBN:711107896 3.王光远,《审计学》,(会计大典系列,第十卷;总主编,葛家澍等),中国财政经济出版社,第1-6章。 考试科目三:会计综合基础(含财务管理、微观经济学、计量经济学),其中财务管理大致占60-70%,微观经济学与计量经济学占30-40%。 参考书目: 1.詹姆斯.范.霍恩著,刘志远主译《财务管理与政策》,东北财经大学出版社,2006年。 2.计量经济学指定参考书及要求 ●指定参考书:张晓峒主编,《计量经济学基础》(第3版),南开大学出版社, 2007年9月。(该书为“普通高等教育”十一五“国家级规划教材”) ●内容要求: 第1章绪论 第2章一元线性回归模型 第3章多元线性回归模型 第4章非线性回归模型的线性化 第5章异方差 第6章自相关

第7章多重共线性 第8章模型中的特殊解释变量 本章只要求: §8.3 虚拟变量 第11章模型的诊断与检验 本章只要求: §11.1 模型总显著性的F检验 §11.2 模型单个回归参数显著性的t检验 3.微观经济学参考书目待定。 除以上参考书目外,考生还需要阅读了解《会计研究》、《中国会计评论》(北京大学出版社)、《审计研究》等专业期刊近两年来有关财务、会计和审计等方面的研究成果,特别是实证研究的有关成果。


2013年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题及详解 试卷一(Paper One) Part I Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A Directions: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said. The question will be read only once. After you hear the question, read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example. You will hear: Woman: I feel faint. Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day. Question: What’s the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick. B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint.

南开大学考博英语真题解析 2

南开大学考博英语真题解析 1. As we can see from the chart (graph /table /diagram…)… 2. The chart (graph /table / diagram…) shows that… 3. As is shown in the picture (drawing /photograph…)… 4. As can be seen in the picture (drawing / photograph…)… 5. It can be seen from the cartoon (picture /comics…) that… 6. When asked about (When it comes to /Faced with)…,the majority of (most /many /quite a few) people say (believe /claim / think /argue) that…,but others regard (view /see /think of /consider / conceive)… as differently. 7. There is a general (much /public) discussion (debate / controversy) nowadays on (about /over /as to) the issue (problem) of … Those who criticize (object to)… argue that… They believe that… But people who advocate (favor)…,on the other hand, argue that… 8. With the development (improvement /rise /growth) of… 9. Now people in larger (growing /ever-increasing /significant) numbers are starting (beginning /coming /getting) to know (believe /realize /recognize /understand /accept /see /be aware) that… 10. My reason (idea /opinion /view /suggestion) may be expressed as follows. (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ: 772678537) 11. There are various (many / different /several /a number of /a variety of) effects (causes /reasons) for this sharp (dramatic /marked /significant /extraordinary) decrease (fall / growth /change /decline /increase) in… Firstly, … Secondly,... 12. The decline (increase / change /failure /success) in… mainly (largely /partly) results from (arises from /is because of /is due to /is attributable to) the fact that (several factors)… 13. It is no easy (simple) task (job) to find (give) the reason for this complicated (deep-rooted) phenomenon (tendency) which involves several (many) factors. 14. It is high time that we place (lay /put) great (special /considerable) emphasis on the improvement (development /increase /promotion) of… 15. It is important (necessary /essential /fundamental) that


2015年山东大学考博英语部分试题 完形填空 A recent poll indicated that half the teenagers in the United States believe that communication between them and their parents is__1__and further that one of the prime causes of this gap is __2__listening behavior. As a(an)__3__ in point,one parent believed that her daughter had a severe__4__problem. She was so __5__that she took her to an audiologist to have her ear tested. The audiologist carefully tested both ears and reported back to the parent:“There‘s nothing wrong with her hearing. She’s just __6__you out.” A leading cause of the __7__divorce rate(more than half of all marriages end in divorce)is the failure of husbands and wives to __8__effectively. They don‘t listen to each other. Neither person__9__to the actual message sent by the other. In __10__fashion,political scientists report that a growing number of people believe that their elected and __11__officials are out of__12__with the constituents they are supposedly __13__. Why?Because they don‘t believe that they listen to them. In fact,it seems that sometimes our politicians don’t even listen to themselves. The following is a true story:At a national__14__conference held in Albuquerque some years ago,then Senator Joseph Montoya was__15__a copy of a press release by a press aide shortly before he got up before the audience to__16__ a speech. When he rose to speak,__17__the horror of the press aide and the__18__of his audience,Montoya began reading the press release,not his speech. He began,“For immediate release. Senator Joseph M. Montoya,Democrat of New Mexico,last night told the National……”Montoya read the entire six-page release,__19__ with the statement that he“was repeatedly __20__by applause.” 1.[A] scarce [B] little [C] rare [D] poor 2.[A] malignant [B] deficient [C] ineffective [D] feeble 3.[A] case [B] example [C] lesson [D] suggestion 4.[A] audio [B] aural [C] hearing [D] listening 5.[A] believing [B] convinced [C] assured [D] doubtless 6.[A] turning [B] tuning [C] tucking [D] tugging 7.[A] rising [B] arising [C] raising [D] arousing 8.[A] exchange [B] interchange [C] encounter [D] interact 9.[A] relates [B] refers [C] responds [D] resorts 10.[A] like [B] alike [C] likely [D] likewise 11.[A] nominated [B] selected [C] appointed [D] supported 12.[A] connection [B] reach [C] association [D] touch 13.[A] leading [B] representing [C]delegating [D] supporting 14.[A] legislative [B] legitimate [C] legalized [D] liberal 15.[A] distributed [B] awarded [C] handed [D] submitted 16.[A] present [B] publish [C] deliver [D] pursue 17.[A] to [B] with [C] for [D] on 18.[A] joy [B] enjoyment [C] amusement [D] delight 19.[A] conclude [B] to conclude [C] concluding [D] concluded 20.[A] disrupted [B] interfered [C] interrupted [D] stopped 阅读理解 第一篇


4阅读理解共4篇40分:比去年少一篇但是明显偏难了 第一题,有关公司内部职员股票;经济 第二题,有关霍金的Big Bang,黑洞理论;物理 第三题,有关对黑人的歧视;政治 第四题,生物入侵;生物。此四篇据说涵盖了南开四大优势学科。 5改错题10空10分,原文: Whenever you see an old film, even one made as little as ten years ago, you cannot help being struck by the appearance of the women taking part. Their hair-styles and make-up look dated; their skirts look either too long or too short; their general appearance is, in fact, slightly ludicrous. The men taking part in the film, on the other hand, are clearly recognizable. There is nothing about their appearance to suggest that they belong to an entirely different age.This illusion is created by changing fashions. Over the year, the great majority of men have successfully resisted all attempts to make them change their style of dress. The same cannot be said for women. Each year a few so- called top designers in Paris or London lay down the law and women the whole world over rush to obey. The decrees of the designers are unpredictable and dictatorial. This year, they decide in their arbitrary fashion, skirts will be short and waists will be high; zips are in and buttons are out. Next year the law is reversed and far from taking exception, no one is even mildly surprised. If women are mercilessly exploited year after year, they have only themselves to blame. Because they shudder at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are annually black-mailed by the designers and the big stores. Clothes, which have been worn, only a few times have to be discarded because of the dictates of fashion. When you come to think of it, only a women is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear. Changing fashions are nothing more than the deliberate creation of waste. Many women squander vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women, who cannot afford to discard clothing in this way, waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have. Hem-limes are taken up or let down; waist-lines are taken in or let out; neck-lines are lowered or raised, and so on. No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability. They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, providing they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn’t at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shivering in a flimsy dress on a wintry day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in dainty shoes. When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women’s clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of fickleness and instability? Men are too sensible to let themselves be bullied by fashion designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide.


对外经济贸易大学考博英语真题答案 Section I Use of English 1、【答案】B concluded 【解析】题干中,一系列的研究已经_____,事实上,正常体重的人的患病风险要高于超重的人。根据句义,后面的部分实际上是研究的结论,因此concluded符合题意,其他选项denied(否认)与意义相反,doubled(翻倍)与题意较远,ensured(确保)不符合题意,因为研究不能确保后面的事实,只能得出后面的事实作为结论。所以正确答案为B。 2、【答案】A protective 【解析】题干中,对于某些健康情况,超重事实上是有_____。根据前文研究的结论,超重能减少罹患疾病的风险,说明超重具有一定的保护作用。Dangerous和文章意思相反,sufficient表示充足,troublesome表示有麻烦,不符合题意,所以正确答案为A。 (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:772678537) 3、【答案】C likewise 【解析】第三句话中,较重的女人患缺钙的比例低于较瘦的女人。_____,在老年人中,一定程度上超重……。需要填入的是和前半句表示顺接的词语。A选项instead表示逆接的句意关系,B选项however也表示逆接,D 选项therefore表示因此,只有C选项likewise意为同样地;也,而且。因此正确答案为C。 4、【答案】A indicator 【解析】本句话中,_____,一定程度上超重,经常是健康的_____。A 选项,表示指示器,指标。B选项objective表示客观;C选项origin表示来源,D选项example表示例子。根据前面的文章内容,已经明确指出超重代表了健康,因此超重是健康的指标。因此正确答案为A。


中国传媒大学考博英语试题解析 Ⅰ.In each sentence,decide which of the four choices given will suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked.Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET(15point) l.They lost their way in the forest,and_made matters worse was thatnight began to fall. A.that B.it C.what D.which 2._my retum,I learned that Professor Smith had been at the Museum and would not be back for several hours.Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi huo kao bo fu dao ti yan qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi. A.At B.On C.With D.During 3.Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to_situations. A.similar B.alike C.same D.likely 4.There is not much time left;so I'll tell you about it_. A.in detail B.in brief C.in short D.in all 5.In this factory,suggestion Often have to wait for months before they are fully_. A.admitted B.acknowledged C.absorbed D. considered 6.There is a real posibility that these animals could be frightened,_a sudden loud noise. A.being there B.should there be C.there was D.
