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1 正:古代的环境问题不是很明显,环境问题是依附于经济发展的,


My dear opponent has just admitted the fact that the economic growth brings up many environmental problems. Now the environmental problems are so serious that they have threatened our survival. so what is the ultimate goal of economic development? It is for the better survival of our human beings, whether or not?



As we all know, the United States is the world's most economically developed countries, however, it still has environmental problems. My dear opponent just said that we can make more investment to solving the environmental problems. What I want to say that, if we have protected environment at first, that investment is not needed.


3反:具体要怎样优化经济结构?Could you tell us how to optimize the economic structure, my dear opponents?


4反:我们现在讨论的是经济环境谁更优先。有些环境问题不是用钱就能解决的!而且环境问题是由于人类先污染后治理带来的。现在我们就是要优先考虑环境,避免类似的问题在发生What we are debating on is which is prior, economic development or environment. Many environmental problems can not be solved by money. For example, species extinction. Therefore, we should put environment at first, we can’t go the “treatment after pollution” road any more.


5反:我们并不反对发展经济,只是要放缓发展经济的速度,饥饿问题可以靠发达国家的人道主义援助来解决,We don’t opposed economic development. We just want to let the pace of economic development slow down a little. We should put more attention into the environmental protection. Poverty can be solved by the humanitarian assistance from developed countries.


6反:现在环境问题已经严重到没有时间让我们先发展经济再解决环境问题了~在过去的400年中,全世界共灭绝哺乳动物58种.估计从1990-2020年由于砍伐热带森林引起的物种灭绝将使世界上的物种减少5%-15%,即每天减少50-150种。你们举例说物种灭绝,就在我们讨论的时候,亚洲羚羊、亚洲野骆驼和利比里亚猞猁等100多种野生动物的数量在减少。But now the environmental problems have been so serious that there is no time for us to pay more attention to economic development than environmental protection.if so ,we would lose more. In the past four hundred years, there are in all 58 kinds of mammals dying out worldwide. It is estimated that from 1990-2020 species extinction due to the reduction of tropical forests will make the world's species decrease 5 to 15 %, namely everyday 50-150.While we are talking this topics , the number of Asian antelope, Asia wild camels and Liberia lynx etc 100 kinds of wild
