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1 absolute quotas,绝对配额

2 ACS=Association of Carribean States,加勒比海国家协会

3 actionable subsidy,可申诉的补贴

4 actual value,实际价值

5 ad valorem duties,从价税

6 advanced deposit,进口押金制

7 agreement on implementation of article VI of the GATT,实施关贸总协定第六条的协议

8 agreement on implementation of article VII of the GATT,实施关贸总协定第七条的协议9 agreem ent on import licensing procedures,进口许可证手续协议

10 agreement on interpretation and application of articles VI,XIII,XXIII of the GATT,关于解释和应用关税及贸易总协定第6、13和23条的协议

11 agreem ent quotas,协议配额

12 AIOEC,铁砂出口国协会

13 allocated quotas,分配配额

14 alternative duties,选择税

15 American selling price,美国售价制

16 AMUA,阿拉伯马格里布联盟

17 ANRPC,天然橡胶生产国协会

18 anti-corn law league,反谷物法同盟

19 anti-dumping duty,反倾销税

20 APEC=Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation,亚太经合组织

21 Arusha,阿鲁沙(德国一城市)

22 ASEAN=Association of Southeast Asian Nations,东南亚国家联盟

23 ATP,国际钨生产协会

24 autonomous quotas,自主配额

25 autonomous tariff ,自主税则

26 balance of trade,贸易差额

27 Battle Act,巴特尔法案(美国)

28 bilateral account,双边帐户

29 bilateral quotas,双边配额

30 bonded area,保税区31 bonded exhibition,保税陈列场(日本)

32 bonded factory,保税工厂(日本)

33 bonded shed,保税棚(日本)

34 bonded warehouse,保税仓库(日本)

35 BT N=Brussels Tariff Nomenclature,布鲁塞尔税则

36 buffer stock,缓冲存货

37 Buy American Act,购买美国货法案

38 buyer's credit,买方信贷

39 CAM,中美洲共同市场

40 CARICOM,加勒比海共同体

41 carry-in,预用额

42 carry-out,留用额

43 CCCN=Custom s Cooperation Council Nomenclature,海关合作理事会税则目录

44 ceiling quota,最高限额

45 certificate of origin,原产地证书

46 CHINCOM=China Committee,中国委员会

47 commercial interest reference,商业参考利率

48 commercial presence,商业存在

49 commercial treaties and agreements,贸易条约和协定

50 commodity contro list,管制货单

51 common fund,共同基金

52 common market,共同市场

53 competitive need criterion,竞争需要标准

54 complete economic integration,完全经济一体化

55 com plex tariff,复式税制

56 com position of international trade,国际贸易货物结构

57 composition of foreign trade,对外贸易结构

58 com prehensive guarantee,综合担保

59 com puted value,计算价格

60 consensus,一致同意

61 consolidated,固定

62 consumption abroad,境外消费

63 conventional tariff,协定关税

64 convention on nomenclature for the

classification of goods in custom s tariff,关税税则商品分类公约

65 COCOM=Coordinating Committee for Export Control,巴黎统筹委员会

66 Cosmo-Corporation,宇宙公司

67 counter-vailling duty,反补贴税

68 countries in Eastern Europe,东欧国家

69 conutry quotas,国别配额

70 cross-border supply,过境支付

71 cross sectorial retalliation,交叉报复

72 cumulative origin system,原产地积累制

73 custom,关税

74 custom s tariff,海关税则

75 custom s tolls,例行通行税

76 custom s union,关税同盟

77 custom s valuation,海关估价制

78 demi-gross weight,半毛重

79 description ofgoods,货物分类目录

80 designed bonded area,指定保税区

81 developed m arket economic countries,发达市场经济国家

82 direction of foreign trade,对外贸易地理方向

83 director-general (of WTO),总干事

84 direct subsidies,直接补贴

85 direct trade,直接贸易

86 discrimination government procurement policy,歧视性政府采购政策87 dispute settlem ent body,争端解决机构(WTO)

88 dumping,倾销

89 duties,关税

90 ECLAC=Economic Committee of Latino-Am ericana and Carribean Sea,联合国拉美与加勒比海经济委员会

91 economic integration,经济一体化

92 economic nationalism,经济民族主义

93 economic union,经济同盟

94 effective tariff,有效关税

95 enabling clause,授权条款

96 entreport trade,转口贸易

97 erythrom ycin ,红霉素98 escape clause,免责条款

99 EFTA=European Free Trade Association,欧洲自由贸易联盟

100 EU=European Union,欧盟

101 exachange dumping,外汇倾销

102 Export Administration Act,出口管理法(美国)

103 Export Control Act,出口管制法案(美国)

104 export council,出口委员会(美国)105 export credit,出口信贷

106 export credit guarantee system,出口信贷国家担保制

107 export duties,出口税

108 export processing zone,出口加工区109 export promotion,面向出口

110 export subsidies,出口补贴

111 export visa,出口许可证

112 factor endowm ent theory,要素禀赋学说

113 factor price qualization theory,要素价格均等化学说

114 Federal Food,Drug and Cosmetic Act,联邦食品、药品及化妆品管理法案(美国)

115 foreign exchange control,外汇管制116 foreign trade,对外贸易

117 foreign trade multiplier,对外贸易乘数

118 free perimeter,自由边境区

119 free port,自由港

120 free trade area,自由贸易区

121 free trade zone,自由贸易区

122 full cum ulation,充分积累

123 forfaiting,福费区

124 F.O.B,离岸价格

125 GATS=General Agreements on Trade and Services,服务贸易总协定

126 GATT=General Agreem ents on Tariffs and Trade,关税及贸易总协定

127 GDP=Gross Domestic Product,国内生产总值

128 general license,一般许可证

129 general trade system,总贸易体系
