英文科技论文的结论和致谢 PPT课件

概要的结论,是整篇论文的结尾。 结论必须完整、准确,且逻辑严密。作者也可以根据
所做工作提出今后应如何做的意见或方案。一般来说,结 论部分一两小段的长度。 有时作者列出一些结果,这时标题用results; 有时则就 某一方面的问题加以讨论,标题可用discussion,这种情况 下文字可能比较长。
二、正文(Body) 论文的关键部分。 包括一些设想、实验情况、实验装置、获得的数据、证实 的理论等等。作者可通过定义、描写、说明、举例、实验、 论证、比较、分析综合、判断推理等不同的研究过程来证 实作者在引言中所提及的主题。
三、结论或结束语(Conclusion(s) or Concluding Remarks) 是作者通过正文的论述而形成的总的观念,是一种很
六、符号说明(Nomenclature(s)) 主要用于说明文章中出现的各种符号所代表的意义及
其单位。一般按英语的字母顺序排列,希腊字母一般放在 后面,同时符号中的上标(superscript)、下标(subscript) 也应注明所表示意义。
七、参考文献(references) 大多数论文把参考文献列在“ references”中,并且
一、引言(Introduction) 用于简介文章的主题、目的和写作背景,有关课题的
目前状况及存在的问题,在什么情况下开始这项研究,为 什么进行这项研究,写这篇文章的目的和意义,论文要重 点说明的问题等等。
多数论文的引言比较短,一般半页左右,但也有的引 言较长,可达一两页。
所做工作提出今后应如何做的意见或方案。一般来说,结 论部分一两小段的长度。 有时作者列出一些结果,这时标题用results; 有时则就 某一方面的问题加以讨论,标题可用discussion,这种情况 下文字可能比较长。
二、正文(Body) 论文的关键部分。 包括一些设想、实验情况、实验装置、获得的数据、证实 的理论等等。作者可通过定义、描写、说明、举例、实验、 论证、比较、分析综合、判断推理等不同的研究过程来证 实作者在引言中所提及的主题。
三、结论或结束语(Conclusion(s) or Concluding Remarks) 是作者通过正文的论述而形成的总的观念,是一种很
六、符号说明(Nomenclature(s)) 主要用于说明文章中出现的各种符号所代表的意义及
其单位。一般按英语的字母顺序排列,希腊字母一般放在 后面,同时符号中的上标(superscript)、下标(subscript) 也应注明所表示意义。
七、参考文献(references) 大多数论文把参考文献列在“ references”中,并且
一、引言(Introduction) 用于简介文章的主题、目的和写作背景,有关课题的
目前状况及存在的问题,在什么情况下开始这项研究,为 什么进行这项研究,写这篇文章的目的和意义,论文要重 点说明的问题等等。
多数论文的引言比较短,一般半页左右,但也有的引 言较长,可达一两页。

参考Байду номын сангаас献的体例类型
有250种以上的参考文献列举形式 (著录项的取舍、 著录项的编排顺序、字体变化、标点符号等方面);
正文中参考文献的标注类型: 著者-出版年体系(name - year system,N-Y); 顺 序 编 码 体 系 (citation - order system 或 citation - sequence system,C-S); 著者-数字(顺序编码)体系(alphabet - number system,A-N)
一般认为,除了“普通常识”而外,凡是从 他人的著述中得到并引用的任何信息,即使一 个统计数据或是一个特殊的表达方式,甚至与 某人谈话所得到的启发或思想都必须加以注释。
因此,论文作者在搜集资料时,一般都在所 作的摘录中注明出处,并在草拟论文时以适当 的方式加入注释。以便在脱稿后形成完整的引 证体系。
3、在展望型结束语中,作者常常对目前的研究加以评 估,指出其中存在的问题、缺点与不足,也常常指出 有几方面的工作还没做完,有那些问题有待将来解决。 也就是说,展望未来的任务和前景。
3 结束语常用的句型
On the basis …of ,the following conclusion can be made
所选用文献的主题必须与论文密切相关; 必须是亲自阅读过; 优先引用论文: 最新发表/特定期刊/特定作者; 避免过多的作者自引; 遵循拟投稿期刊的体例要求; 确保文献各著录项(作者姓名, 论文题目, 期刊或专著名,

We-sentences appear in many leading journals
In this report, we define a mechanism for … and discover distinct roles for … We use … assays to … We demonstrate that … We
provide evidence that … (Science)
The majority of known … To identify the responsible genes, we mapped virulence in F1 progeny derived from crosses between type II and type III strains, which we17源自Ⅲ. It-sentence
“It-sentences” are often used in science writing, particularly by Chinese authors. However, most of the “it-sentences” are unnecessary.
1. History
1) It has begun publication since 1990(semiannual publication)
2) It has become a quarterly journal and indexed by EI compendex since 2019
3) It has become the cooperated with Elsevier since 2019(attracting foreign authors)
We-sentences appear in many leading journals
In this report, we define a mechanism for … and discover distinct roles for … We use … assays to … We demonstrate that … We
provide evidence that … (Science)
The majority of known … To identify the responsible genes, we mapped virulence in F1 progeny derived from crosses between type II and type III strains, which we17源自Ⅲ. It-sentence
“It-sentences” are often used in science writing, particularly by Chinese authors. However, most of the “it-sentences” are unnecessary.
1. History
1) It has begun publication since 1990(semiannual publication)
2) It has become a quarterly journal and indexed by EI compendex since 2019
3) It has become the cooperated with Elsevier since 2019(attracting foreign authors)

Summarising the content
This paper has given an account of and the reasons for the widespread use of X ......
These findings suggest that in general ...... One of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that
..... It was also shown that...... This study has found that generally ....... The following conclusions can be drawn from the present study ...... The relevance of X is clearly supported by the current findings. This study/research has shown that ...... The results of this investigation show that ....... The most obvious finding to emerge from this study is that ......
What is conclusion?

• Be sure to include negative results -- writing a results section without them not only invalidate the paper, but it is extremely bad science. The negative results, and how you handle them, often gives you the makings of a great discussion section, so do not be afraid to highlight them.
• But in reality, the boundaries of the sections are quite fuzzy.
2024年4月8日星期一5时 3分33秒
• Another mistake made by writers:
Too much information is put into the results section, which obscures the findings underneath reams of irrelevance.
average (M=2.36, SD=.39) used a slightly less
Hale Waihona Puke learning strategies than those in the low achiever
group (M=2.37, SD=.41).”
2024年4月8日星期一5时 3分33秒
• If you make a table of your findings, you do not need to insert a graph highlighting the same data.
英语科技论文写作Unit 8 Result, Discussion and ConclusionPPT

– Lies in the value of its final results and the author’s interpretation of the results
– To bring about a solid foundation on which the whole paper rests
• Section of Discussion: general functions and main elements of discussion, writing requirements for discussion
• Section of Conclusion: general functions and main elements of conclusion, requirements for writing a conclusion, samples for conclusion and useful expressions in writing a conclusion
Unit 8 Result, Discussion and Conclusion
Topical Highlights
• Section of Results: general functions and contents of results, writing requirements for results, examples and some useful expressions
• The information desire grows with the development of industry (Table 1).
Section of Results
• Writing Requirements for Results
– To bring about a solid foundation on which the whole paper rests
• Section of Discussion: general functions and main elements of discussion, writing requirements for discussion
• Section of Conclusion: general functions and main elements of conclusion, requirements for writing a conclusion, samples for conclusion and useful expressions in writing a conclusion
Unit 8 Result, Discussion and Conclusion
Topical Highlights
• Section of Results: general functions and contents of results, writing requirements for results, examples and some useful expressions
• The information desire grows with the development of industry (Table 1).
Section of Results
• Writing Requirements for Results
英语科技论文写作Unit 8 Result, Discussion and Conclusion PPT课件

– Lies in the value of its final results and the author’s interpretation of the results
– To bring about a solid foundation on which the whole paper rests
• While those with no meaningful functions should never appear in this section.
• The fool collects facts; the wise man selects them. (Dr. Jolin Powell)
Section of Discussion
• General Functions and Main Elements of Discussion
– To expound the interrelations among the observed facts
– To show the relationship between the facts, their underlying causes, their effects, and their theoretical implications
Section of Discussion
• General Functions and Main Elements of Discussion
– Expounding Viewpoints
• Give your judgment, evaluation, analysis, and show how your results and interpretations agree (or contrast) with previously published work.
– To bring about a solid foundation on which the whole paper rests
• While those with no meaningful functions should never appear in this section.
• The fool collects facts; the wise man selects them. (Dr. Jolin Powell)
Section of Discussion
• General Functions and Main Elements of Discussion
– To expound the interrelations among the observed facts
– To show the relationship between the facts, their underlying causes, their effects, and their theoretical implications
Section of Discussion
• General Functions and Main Elements of Discussion
– Expounding Viewpoints
• Give your judgment, evaluation, analysis, and show how your results and interpretations agree (or contrast) with previously published work.

Multiple faults of injector were simulated on the experimental table, and acoustic signals that sent out by working diesel were collected over the cylinder head. Using wavelet and neural network technology, this paper analyzed the acoustic signals in detail and diagnosed the different faults successfully.
5)致谢(acknowledgement) 6)参考文献(reference)
作者姓名、文章标题、杂志名称、 卷号和页码、刊登的月份和年份。
作者的姓名要用全称(full name) 外国人的姓名分三部分:
教名-Christian name, first name, given name, forename 中间名-middle name 姓-surname, family name, last name 中国人的姓名应根据中国人的习惯,按汉语的顺序以汉语 拼音写出 Transfer Characteristics in Mechanically Stirred Airlift Loop Reactors with or Without Static Mixers Lü Xiaoping, Wang Yanru
Key words : hybrid electric vehicle petroleum substitution Battery

概要的结论,是整篇论文的结尾。 结论必须完整、准确,且逻辑严密。作者也可以根据
所做工作提出今后应如何做的意见或方案。一般来说,结 论部分一两小段的长度。 有时作者列出一些结果,这时标题用results; 有时则就 某一方面的问题加以讨论,标题可用discussion,这种情况 下文字可能比较长。
Special gratitude is owed to… I’m grateful to … I greatly appreciate … I would like to express my appreciation of … I’m greatly indebted to … I’m in indebtedness to … Thanks go to … I wish to thank … Particular recognition is due to …
引言(或导论)应该清楚地说明以下四个项目 主要的研究工作 研究工作的目的 进行研究的动机或背景 本研究工作在相关领域中的地位
研究论文的引言常常至少包含下列的四个基本步骤: 步骤一 背景资料。
先介绍作者的研究领域,叙述有关该研究领域的一般 信息,并针对研究论文将要探讨的问题或现象提供背景知 识。 步骤二 文献回顾。
二、正文(Body) 论文的关键部分。 包括一些设想、实验情况、实验装置、获得的数据、证实 的理论等等。作者可通过定义、描写、说明、举例、实验、 论证、比较、分析综合、判断推理等不同的研究过程来证 实作者在引言中所提及的主题。
三、结论或结束语(Conclusion(s) or Concluding Remarks) 是作者通过正文的论述而形成的总的观念,是一种很
所做工作提出今后应如何做的意见或方案。一般来说,结 论部分一两小段的长度。 有时作者列出一些结果,这时标题用results; 有时则就 某一方面的问题加以讨论,标题可用discussion,这种情况 下文字可能比较长。
Special gratitude is owed to… I’m grateful to … I greatly appreciate … I would like to express my appreciation of … I’m greatly indebted to … I’m in indebtedness to … Thanks go to … I wish to thank … Particular recognition is due to …
引言(或导论)应该清楚地说明以下四个项目 主要的研究工作 研究工作的目的 进行研究的动机或背景 本研究工作在相关领域中的地位
研究论文的引言常常至少包含下列的四个基本步骤: 步骤一 背景资料。
先介绍作者的研究领域,叙述有关该研究领域的一般 信息,并针对研究论文将要探讨的问题或现象提供背景知 识。 步骤二 文献回顾。
二、正文(Body) 论文的关键部分。 包括一些设想、实验情况、实验装置、获得的数据、证实 的理论等等。作者可通过定义、描写、说明、举例、实验、 论证、比较、分析综合、判断推理等不同的研究过程来证 实作者在引言中所提及的主题。
三、结论或结束语(Conclusion(s) or Concluding Remarks) 是作者通过正文的论述而形成的总的观念,是一种很

在我结束讲话之前,我想再说一遍,我们来贵国作客是 多么的愉快和荣幸。对于我们抵达贵国后你们为我们所做 的一切,我们深表感谢。
On behalf of all my colleagues present here,
I wish to thank you for the incomparable
我愿借此机会,谨代表我所有的同事们,对你们热情 的迎接和款待表示感谢。
The past five days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable.
I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.
and in my own name, For our Group and myself, 主体结构:I' d like to express / extend my
heartfelt thanks to you /warm gratitude hearty gratefulness /sincere thanks to you and through you to Mr. Smith
hospitality for which the Chinese people are
justly famous throughout the world. I particularly
want to pay tribute, not only to those who
On behalf of all my colleagues present here,
I wish to thank you for the incomparable
我愿借此机会,谨代表我所有的同事们,对你们热情 的迎接和款待表示感谢。
The past five days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable.
I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.
and in my own name, For our Group and myself, 主体结构:I' d like to express / extend my
heartfelt thanks to you /warm gratitude hearty gratefulness /sincere thanks to you and through you to Mr. Smith
hospitality for which the Chinese people are
justly famous throughout the world. I particularly
want to pay tribute, not only to those who

▪ 1. Answer questions. Strive for answers to the questions readers logically raise--"Why are you telling me this? Why do you think I need to understand your main point?" Show your readers why this paper was important. Show them that your paper was meaningful and useful. Point out the importance or the implications of what you've just said on an area of societal concern is perhaps a bit more dramatic.
▪ show advantages of your method over previously published methods
▪ state open problems
▪ identify needed next steps in
research on th最e新版p整理rpoptblem
common problem in writing a concluding paragragh
common problem in writing a concluding paragragh
▪ 3. Failure to comment on larger, more significant issues. Whereas in the introduction your task was to move from general (your field) to specific (your research), in the concluding section your task is to move from specific (your research) back to general (your field, how your research will affect the world). In other words, in the conclusion you should put your research in context.
▪ show advantages of your method over previously published methods
▪ state open problems
▪ identify needed next steps in
research on th最e新版p整理rpoptblem
common problem in writing a concluding paragragh
common problem in writing a concluding paragragh
▪ 3. Failure to comment on larger, more significant issues. Whereas in the introduction your task was to move from general (your field) to specific (your research), in the concluding section your task is to move from specific (your research) back to general (your field, how your research will affect the world). In other words, in the conclusion you should put your research in context.

To develop students' ability to write academic and well structured English scientific papers
Fundamentals of Scientific and Technical Paper Writing
Title page
Use formal language
Check for grammar, spelling and punctuation errors before submitting the paper
Proofread and edit
Use the active voice to make the text more consensus and direct
Environmental science papers often include sections on the introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion
Common Problems and Countermeasures in Writing Scientific Papers
Introduction: The introduction should set the stage for the research by providing a brief overview of the field, the research question, and the importance of the study It should be written in a way that is understandable to non specialties
conclusion 英文论文PPT课件

• Be on guard against duplicating large portion of the introduction in the conclusion.
• Verbatim repetition can be boring and even create
a false unity, which is definitely no compliment to
– When you indulge in a speculation, be sure to remind your reader to know that it remains a speculation.
– Do not draw a conclusion from too few data, or too broad a conclusion that is based on extrapolated curves.
– Guard against failing to qualify a conclusion, in order to show the limits within which it applies, or the variation which is to be expected.
– Do not use mathematical formulas without clearly understanding of their derivations and all the assumptions involved.
– Be cautious in comparing conclusions based upon experiments in which the influential conditions have been improperly controlled, and therefore not duplicated.

1. 实验材料 2. 实验过程 3. 结果和讨论 4. 结论
Slide 7
Material & Methods
主要说明研究所用的材料、仪器、方法 及基本过程,为报告的科学性提供依据 ,便于他人重复。必须指出:不能被重 复验证的研究结果是不能为科学界所公 认的。
Slide 8
• Introducing yourself
I’m here today to… My purpose today is to… My goal for this presentation is to… The aim of this presentation is to… The reason why I’m here today is to…
Slide 11
• 概括结果,并予以解释和分析; • 分析、推理或说明意外的发现; • 与自己和他人的结果进行比较和分析,并提出个
人见解; • 引用他人的结果支持或论证自己的观点或结论; • 实事求是地指出缺点及其引起的可能原因; • 对存在的问题提出设想。
Slide 12
结论文字不多,简明扼要,层次清晰, 观点明确。结论应实事求是,过窄而浅, 有失报告的丰富性;过高而深,有失报告 的真实性。讨论的材料只能作为支持结论 的旁证,不能作为结论的直接根据。
Slide 13
为简报做结语有两个功用,一是正式结束一场报告 ,二是再度打动听众的情绪 。
• 运用关键字或标题作提示,不是解说(最基本、最 主要、最精炼)
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Bai CH… 1995… Cerny L, and Lenton…1995… … Wu GH, Hu CH, Roedder H…1995… Zou AQ, Han AH, Chen AF…2004…
Worldwide research on pegmatites has involved the study of their petrogenesis[1], classification[2], texture and structure[3], rare element geochemistry[4-6], mineralogy[7] and experimental petrology[8-10] .
撰写论文一般离不开资料。一旦引用了他 人的任何材料,就必须向读者提供参考资料的 来源(Documenting sources),说明作者 是谁,书目或文章标题是什么,何年何月由谁 在何处发表或出版,何处可以查得到,等等。 这样做的目的:
首先是为了向原作者表达引用者的谢意 (Acknowledgments);
Huang, Z.L., Han, R.S., Chen, J., Li, W.P., Xu, C., 2001. Oreforming element contents of the periphery strata of the Huize PbZn mine and Emeishan basalts and their significance. In: Hu, R.Z., Bi, X.W. (Eds.), Annual Report of the Open Lab. of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang, p. 99-103. (in Chinese with English abstract).
1 结束语的三种类型 2 结束语常包括的几项内容 3 结束语常用的句型
1 结束语的三种类型
结束语是论文的最后一部分,一般 应包括对以上整个研究、实验的总结, 或者给出最后的结论,或者预测未来的 发展趋势、所以结束语中的内容应有所 侧重。因此主要分为总结型结束语、结 论型结束语、展望型结束语三种类型。
Worldwide research on pegmatites has involved the study of their petrogenesis (Solodov, 2002), classification (Cerny and Lenton, 1995), texture and structure (Zou et al., 2004), rare element geochemistry (Li, 1982a, 1982b, 1991), mineralogy (Roedder, 1984), and experimental petrology (Bai, 1995; Zeng and Jin, 1995; Wu et al., 1995).
Worldwide research on pegmatites has involved the study of their petrogenesis, classification, texture and structure, rare element geochemistry, mineralogy, and experimental petrology (Solodov, 1962; Zou and Xu, 1975; Zou et al., 1986; Kuzminko, 1976; Makagon, 1977; Makagon and Shmakin, 1988; Luan, 1979; Wang, 1982; Shmakin, 1983; London, 1981, 1986, 1998; Cerny, 1982a, 1982b, 1991; Cerny et al., 1986; Cerny and Lenton, 1995; Roedder, 1984; Walker et al., 1986; Wang et al.,1987; Chu and Wang, 1987; Wang et al.,1987; Zhang et al., 1987; Zhao et al., 1993; Li et al.,1983; Li ,1987; Li et al.,1994, 1998, 1999a, 1999b, 2000; Bai, 1995; Zeng and Jin, 1995; Wu et al., 1995; Lu and Wang,1997; Feng, 1998).
1 论文题名 2 作者姓名+通讯地址 3 摘要、关键词 (Abstract、 Keywords ) 4 引言(Introduction) 5 材料与方法(Materials and methods) 6 结果(Results) 7 讨论与结论(Discussion & Conclusion) 8 致谢 9 参考文献
From…,we now conclude (sum up)that We have demonstrated in this paper… The results of the
experimen(simulation) indicate (show)… Finally,a summary is given of…
3、在展望型结束语中,作者常常对目前的研究加以评 估,指出其中存在的问题、缺点与不足,也常常指出 有几方面的工作还没做完,有那些问题有待将来解决。 也就是说,展望未来的任务和前景。
3 结束语常用的句型
On the basis …of ,the following conclusion can be made
36 references in one sentence!
Better would be give just 2-3 pertinent references in a proper context.
Take special care when citing papers that are contained in books or other non-serial publications. Details of the Editor and Publisher should always be given.
1. Bai CH… 1995…
2. Cerny L, and Lenton…1995…
… 7. Solodov F…2002 …
9. Wu GH, Hu CH, Roedder H…1995…
10 Zou AQ, Han AH, Chen AF…2004…
Long ‘strings’ of references are not helpful if given without any kind of context.
其次向读者表明论文作者的研究广度和深度, 并以此来加强论文的可靠性和权威性;
三是为了能让那些对所引用的文献资料感兴趣 的读者顺利地查找到引证出处。
此外,恰当地引证参考资料还可以使论文作 者避免“剽窃”之嫌、证明论文作者的学者风 范。
一般认为,除了“普通常识”而外,凡是 从他人的著述中得到并引用的任何信息,即使 一个统计数据或是一个特殊的表达方式,甚至 与某人谈话所得到的启发或思想都必须加以注 释。
针对上文中的研究、实验 的现状或客观需要,以展 望某课题的发展前景为主。
2 结束语常包括的几项内容
1、在总结型结束语中,作者一般概括全文的目的、内 容要点和重点,在很短的篇幅内归纳研究过程、步骤、 讨论的范围、用途和启示;
2、在结论型结束语中,作者往往陈述或复述以下研究 的发现和结果,再一次加深读者的印象,帮助读者系 统全面地了解实验及研究所做出的结论;
Publications in Chinese should be indicated.
Always give the original title of publications in other languages using the French, German, Spanish, Portuguese etc., but the translated title of titles written in other alphabets (e.g. Russian, Japanese)
确保文献各著录项(作者姓名, 论文题目, 期刊或专著名, 等)正确无误
有250种以上的参考文献列举形式 (著录项的取舍、 著录项的编排顺序、字体变化、标点符号等方面);
正文中参考文献的标注类型: 著者-出版年体系(name - year system,N-Y); 顺序编码体系(citation - order system或citation sequence system,C-S); 著者-数字(顺序编码)体系(alphabet - number system,A-N)
1. Solodov F…2002 … 2. Cerny L, and Lenton…1995…
9. Zou AQ, Han AH, Chen AF…2004…
10. Wu GH, Hu CH, Roedder H…1995…