牛津上海版一年级上 M3U1(1)



Eddie Alice
Miss Wang
Hello! Hi!
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon. .
Good morning! 9:20
Good afternoon!
18:25 Good evening!
1 Hello
Period 1
Getting to know my friends
Danny Miss Wang
Hello, I'm Kitty.
Hi, Kitty. I'm Miss Wang. Good morning!
Hello, I'm Kitty. What’s your name?
Welcome to
English class!
Stand up. (起立)
Good morning Ms. Meng.
Sit down (坐下)
21:20 Good night!

Listen and preview page 4,5.
Introduce yourself to your classmates and



1A Module 3 Places and activitiesM3U1 In the classroom一、单元教学目标·语言知识与技能1.语音和词汇(1)能理解本单元核心词汇one,two,three,four,five,six词义,并尝试运用单词进行表述、问答。


(学习内容:3.1.1 可数名词的数量表达)3. 句法和语篇(1)能理解并尝试运用特殊疑问句How many..? 对物品的数量进行询问和应答。






2. 学习How many…One/Two…这一问答句结构,并能结合已学语言较有逻辑的问答,并且能够准确地运用单复数。

三、单元语用任务能在教室的语境中,运用本单元核心的语言知识,围绕Numbers in the classroom这个话题,用英语简单表述物品的数量,同时也能够根据他人的问题做出正确的应答。


四、分课时学习内容与要求●语音●词汇●词法●句法●语篇五、分课时教学内容与要求(一)第一课时文本:One ,two ,three! Three pencils.One two ,three ,four ,five! Five rulers. One! One book !作业设计与评价:1. Enjoy the song on P292. Read the new words on P26How many …?One/two /three…作业设计与评价:1. Read the dialogue on P28八、教学技术与学习资源1.《义务教育英语课程标准》、《上海市中小学英语课程标准》(征求意见稿)2.《上海市小学英语学科教学基本要求》(试验本)3.《上海市小学低年段英语学科基于课程标准评价指南》(试行稿)4.教材《牛津英语》(上海版)一年级第一学期(试用本)5.教学板书6.多媒体课件7.Joy Land评价单。



牛津上海版小学英语一年级上册(英语单词表,带发音)Module 1 Unit 1Module 1 Unit 2Module 1 Unit 3morning英音 [ˈm ɔːn ɪŋ]美音 [ˈm ɔːrn ɪŋ]n. 早晨;黎明;初期afternoon英音 [ˌɑːftəˈnu ːn]美音 [ˌæft ər ˈnu ːn]n. 午后,下午book英音 [b ʊk]美音 [b ʊk]n. 书籍;卷;帐簿;名册;工作簿 vt. 预订;登记ruler英音 [ˈru ːl ə(r)]美音 [ˈru ːl ər]n. 尺;统治者;[测] 划线板,划线的人pencil英音 [ˈpens(ə)l]美音 [ˈpensl]n. 铅笔;笔状物 vt. 用铅笔写;用眉笔涂 vi.成铅笔状rubber英音 [ˈrʌb ə(r)]美音 [ˈr ʌb ər]n. 橡胶;橡皮;合成橡胶;按摩师 adj. 橡胶制成的 vt. 涂橡胶于;用橡胶制造 vi. 扭转脖…eye英音 [a ɪ]美音 [a ɪ]n. 眼睛;视力;眼光;见解,观点 vt. 注视,看mouth英音 [ma ʊθ]美音 [ma ʊθ]n. 口,嘴;河口 vt. 做作地说,装腔作势地说;喃喃地说出 vi. 装腔作势说话face英音 [fe ɪs]美音 [fe ɪs]n. 脸;表面;面子;面容;外观;威信 vi.向;朝 vt. 面对;面向;承认;抹盖nose英音 [n əʊz]美音 [no ʊz]n. 鼻子;嗅觉;突出的部分;探问 vt. 嗅;用鼻子触 vi. 小心探索着前进;探问ear英音 [ɪə(r)]美音 [ɪr]n. 耳朵;穗;听觉;倾听 vi. (美俚)听见;抽穗Module 2 Unit 1Module 2 Unit 2Module 2 Unit 3dance英音 [dɑːns]美音 [dæns]n. 舞蹈;舞会;舞曲 adj. 舞蹈的;用于跳舞的 vt. 跳舞;使跳跃 vi. 跳舞;跳跃;飘扬read英音 [ri ːd]美音 [ri ːd]n. 阅读;读物 adj. 有学问的 vi. 读;读起来vt. 阅读;读懂,理解sing英音 [s ɪŋ]美音 [s ɪŋ]n. 演唱;鸣声;呼啸声 vt. 唱;用诗赞颂;唱着使 vi. 唱歌;歌颂;鸣叫;呼号draw英音 [dr ɔː]美音 [dr ɔː]n. 平局;抽签 vi. 拉;拖 vt. 画;拉;吸引grandfather英音 [ˈɡrænfɑːðə(r)]美音 [ˈɡrænfɑːðər]n. 祖父;始祖 vt. 不受新规定限制grandmother英音 [ˈɡrænm ʌðə(r)]美音 [ˈɡrænm ʌðər]n. 祖母;女祖先 vt. 当…的祖母 vi. 当祖母father英音 [ˈfɑːðə(r)]美音 [ˈfɑːðər]n. 父亲,爸爸;神父;祖先;前辈 vt. 发明,创立;当…的父亲mother英音 [ˈm ʌðə(r)]美音 [ˈm ʌðər]n. 母亲;大娘;女修道院院长 vt. 生下;养育;像母亲般关怀或照管 adj. 母亲的;出生…me英音 [mi; mi ː]美音 [mi; mi ː]pron. 我(宾格) n. 自我;极端自私的人;自我的一部分fat英音 [fæt]美音 [fæt]n. 脂肪,肥肉 adj. 肥的,胖的;油腻的;丰满的 vt. 养肥;在…中加入脂肪 vi. 长肥thin英音 [θɪn]美音 [θɪn]n. 细小部分 adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀薄的;微弱的 vt. 使瘦;使淡;使稀疏 vi. 变薄;变瘦;…tall英音 [t ɔːl]美音 [t ɔːl]adj. 高的;长的;过分的;夸大的 adv. 夸大地short英音 [ʃɔːt]美音 [ʃɔːrt]n. 短;缺乏;短路;短裤 adj. 短的;不足的;矮的,低的 adv. 不足;突然;唐突地Module 3 Unit 1Module 3 Unit 2Module 3 Unit 3的;矮的,低的不足;突然;唐突地one英音 [w ʌn]美音 [w ʌn]pron. 一个人;任何人 adj. 一的;唯一的 n.一 num. 一;一个two 英音 [tu ː]美音 [tu ː]num. 二 n. 两个 adj. 两个的three 英音 [θri ː]美音 [θri ː]num. 三 n. 三,三个 adj. 三的,三个的four 英音 [f ɔː(r)]美音 [f ɔːr]num. 四;四个 adj. 四的;四个的five英音 [fa ɪv]美音 [fa ɪv]num. 五,五个 n. 五,五个;五美元钞票 adj.五的;五个的six英音 [s ɪks]美音 [s ɪks]num. 六,六个 n. 六,六个apple英音 [ˈæp(ə)l]美音 [ˈæpl]n. 苹果,苹果树,苹果似的东西;[美俚]炸弹,手榴弹,(棒球的)球;[美俚]人,家…pear英音 [pe ə(r)]美音 [per]n. [园艺] 梨树;梨子peach英音 [pi ːt ʃ]美音 [pi ːt ʃ]n. 桃子;桃树;桃红色;受人喜欢的人(或物) adj. 桃色的;用桃子制成的 vt. 告发 vi.…orange英音 [ˈɒr ɪnd ʒ]美音 [ˈɔr ɪnd ʒ]adj. 橙色的;橘色的 n. 橙;橙色;桔子hamburger英音 [ˈhæmb ɜːɡə(r)]美音 [ˈhæmb ɜːrɡər]n. 汉堡包,火腿汉堡;牛肉饼,肉饼;碎牛肉pizza英音 [ˈpi ːts ə]美音 [ˈpi ːts ə]n. 比萨饼(一种涂有乳酪核番茄酱的意大利式有馅烘饼)cake英音 [ke ɪk]美音 [ke ɪk]n. 蛋糕;块状物;利益总额 vt. 使结块 vi. 结成块状Module 4 Unit 1Module 4 Unit 2Module 4 Unit 3pie 英音 [pa ɪ]美音 [pa ɪ]n. 馅饼;饼图;爱说话的人 vt. 使杂乱chick 英音 [t ʃɪk]美音 [t ʃɪk]n. 小鸡;小鸟;少妇 adj. 胆小的;懦弱的duck英音 [d ʌk]美音 [d ʌk]n. 鸭子;鸭肉;(英)宝贝儿;零分 vt. 躲避;猛按…入水 vi. 闪避;没入水中cow 英音 [ka ʊ]美音 [ka ʊ]n. 奶牛,母牛;母兽 vt. 威胁,恐吓pig英音 [p ɪɡ]美音 [p ɪɡ]n. 猪;猪肉 vi. 生小猪;像猪一样过活 n. 警察(俚语,带有攻击性)bear英音 [be ə(r)]美音 [ber]n. 熊 vt. 结果实,开花(正式) vt. 忍受;承受;具有;支撑tiger英音 [ˈta ɪɡə(r)]美音 [ˈta ɪɡər]n. 老虎;凶暴的人monkey英音 [ˈm ʌŋki]美音 [ˈm ʌŋki]n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄panda英音 [ˈpænd ə]美音 [ˈpænd ə]n. 熊猫;猫熊red英音 [red]美音 [red]n. 红色,红颜料;赤字 adj. 红色的;红肿的,充血的blue英音 [blu ː]美音 [blu ː]adj. 蓝色的;沮丧的,忧郁的;下流的 n. 蓝色;[复数](美国海、陆、空三军穿的)蓝…yellow英音 [ˈjel əʊ]美音 [ˈjelo ʊ]n. 黄色;黄种人;黄色颜料 adj. 黄色的;黄皮肤的 vt. 使变黄或发黄 vi. 变黄或发黄green英音 [ɡri ːn]美音 [ɡri ːn]n. 绿色;青春 adj. 绿色的;青春的 vt. 使…变绿色 vi. 变绿色。

一年级上册英语试题-M3Unit1Intheclassroom课时练习 牛津上海版(含答案)

一年级上册英语试题-M3Unit1Intheclassroom课时练习  牛津上海版(含答案)

Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In the classroomI. Vocabulary:l. Basic words and expressions:one two three four five six2. Extending words and expressions:seven eight nine ten rabbitII. Sentence patterns:1. Basic sentences:- How many books? -Three books.1) one pencil 2) five pens 3) ten rabbits2. Extending sentences:- How many books?- Three books. I can see three books.1) two rulers 2)five pencils 3) six pens 4) eight rubbersIII. Dialogues:l. Kitty, give me some rulers, please.- How many rulers?-Three rulers.- Here you are.-Thank you.2. - Look, Kitty! How many pencils?-Five pencils. I can see five pencils.-Give me two pencils, please.- Here you are.V. Functions:1. Counting from 1-10.2. Asking quantity.3. Asking somebody to give you something.Period 1ExercisesI . Look and say(看图, 说单词) :II. Look and read(正确朗读单词) :1. six2. one3. two4. four5. three6. fiveIII. Look and read(正确朗读句子) :1. I can see one book.2. I can see two pencils.3. He's a tall boy.4. She is a thin girl.5. One, two, three.V. Look and read(看图, 用所给的句子说话) :I can see…V. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的图片) :VI. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号) :two six five three one four ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) VII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的句子) :( ) l. A. I can see four boys. B. I can see five boys.( ) 2. A. He's Eddie. B. She's Kitty.( ) 3. A. Danny is my friend. B. Danny is my uncle.( ) 4.A,My father is short. B. Mu mother is short.( ) 5. A. What can she do? B. What can he do?VIII. Listen and judge(听录音, 判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示):IX. Read and match(将单词与图片正确连线) :1. two2. four3. six4. five5. threeX. Read and choose(看图, 选择正确的单词) :( ) 1. A. four B. five( ) 2. A. two B. one( ) 3. A. three B. sixXI. Read and circle(看一看, 圈出与例词相同的词) :1. five c b t f i v e m n y2. three o p h v t h r e e sPeriod 2ExercisesI. Look and say(看图, 说单词) :II. Look and read(正确朗读单词) :1. six2. five3. four4. two5. one6. threeIII. Look and answer(看图, 回答问题) :1. How many pens?2. How many rulers?3. How many flowers?4. How many pencils?IV. Look and read(正确朗读句子) :1. -Who's he? - He's my father.2. She's a girl. She's Kitty.3. Alice can draw.4. Hi, Ben. How are you?5. One, two, three! Three pencils.V. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的数字) :'I. VI. Listen and judge(判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示):VII. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的单词) :1. A. three B. six2. A. four B. five3. A. mother B. grandmother4. A. ten B. one5. A. tall B. long6. A. eight B. sevenVIII. Listen and match(听录音, 将人物与数字正确连线) :l. Kitty2. Peter3. Eddie4. Danny5. AliceIX. Look and match(将数字与单词正确连线) :nine one two ten three X. Look and choose(看图, 选择正确的单词) :( ) l. A. four B. five( ) 2. A. eight B. six ( ) 3. A. five B. seven ( ) 4. A. ten B. eightXI. Read and draw(画出正确的图片) :l. three rubbers 2. five pencilsPeriod 3ExercisesI. Look and say(看图, 说单词) :II. Look and read(正确朗读词组) :1. two books2. six pencils3. five pens4. seven rabbits 5 . one ruler III. Answer the questions(根据提示, 回答问题) :1 . Who is this thin boy? (Danny)2. How many rulers? (eight)3. How are you?4. What can you do?5. What can you draw?IV. Recite a rhyme(背诵儿歌“Ten little paper rabbits"):V. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的数字) :VI. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号) :rabbit girl boy friend classmate( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )VII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择听到的句子) :( ) 1 . A. How many pencils? B. How old are you?( ) 2. A. Look, seven rabbits. B. Look, eight rabbits.( ) 3. A. Who's that girl? B. Who's that boy?( ) 4. A. I can see three books. B. I can see six books.( ) 5. A. This is my grandmother. B. This is my grandfather.VIII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的应答句) :( ) 1 . A. I can draw. B. I can see a bag.( ) 2. A. Nine rabbits. B. Nine pencils.( ) 3. A. She's Ann. B. She's tall.( ) 4. A. I'm nine. B. I'm fine.( ) 5. A. I'm ten. B. I can sing a song.IX. Read and choose(看数字, 选择正确的单词) :( ) l. A. nine B. ten ( ) 2. A. six B. eight ( ) 3. A. five B. four ( ) 4. A. six B. nineX. Read and match(将数字与单词正确连线) :five two nine three one XI. Read and circle(看一看, 圈出与例词相同的词) :1. three w h t h r e e e s p2. five p m z x f i v e r eRevision for Module 3 Unit 1 SpeakingI. Look and say(看图, 说单词) : 5%II. Look and read(正确朗读单词) : 10%1. three2. ten3. nine4. rabbit5. oneIII. Look and say(看图说词组) : 10%IV. Ask and answer(根据提示, 回答问题) : 10%1. Who is she? (grandmother)2. Who is he? (father)3. How are you?4. How many knives? (seven)5. How many rabbits? (ten)V. Introduce your friend(用所给句子介绍自己的朋友) : 10%This is___________. He/She is ___________. He/She can _________. I love my ________. VI. Recite a rhyme(背诵一首儿歌) : 5%ListeningI. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的图片) : 10%II. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的单词) : 10%1. A. girl B. boy2. A. little B. tall3. A. Danny B. Eddie4. A. five B. four5. A. read B. threeIII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择听到的句子) : 5%( ) 1 . A. She's five. B. She's fine.( ) 2. A. Ten little paper rabbits. B. Nine little paper rabbits.( ) 3. A. I see two tall girls. B. I see three tall girls,( ) 4. A. He's my classmate. B. He's my friend.( ) 5 . A. Kitty is short. B. Ann is short.IV. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号) : 5%six seven five nine ten( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )V. Listen and judge(听录音, 判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示): 10%WritingI. Read and choose(读一读, 选择正确的图片) : 5%( ) 1. I can see a girl.( ) 2. Two books.( ) 3. She can dance.( ) 4. This is my father.( ) 5. Open your mouth.II. Read and choose(选出不同类的词) :5%( ) 1. A. three B. book C. four D. five( ) 2. A. head B. four C. hair D. face( ) 3. A. thin B. fat C. short D. flower( ) 4. A. read B. sing C. draw D. nine( ) 5. A. ruler B. pencil C. tall D. rubberModule 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In the classroomPeriod 1ExercisesV. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的图片):1. two (B)2. five (A)3. fat (B)4. six (A)5. short (B)6. big (A)VI. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号):six, three, two, one, four, five (3,1,6,2,4,5)VII. Listen aria choose. (听录音选择正确的句子)l. I can see five boys. (B) 2. He’s Eddie. (A) 3. Danny is my uncle. (B)4. My father is short. (A)5. What can he do? (B)VIII. Listen and judge(听录音, 判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示): l. This is two. (√) 2. This is five. (×) 3. This is one. (√) 4. This is six. (×)5. This is four.(√)IX. 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.CX. 1.B 2.A 3.BXI. 略Period 2ExercisesV. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的数字);1. nine (A)2. eight (A)3. six (B)4. seven (A)5. four (B)6. ten(A)VI. Listen and judge(判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示): l. -What can you see? -I can see six. (×) 2. It's three. (√)3. Show me five. (×)4. It's six.(√)5. It's seven.(×)VII. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的单词):1. six (B)2. four (A)3. grandmother (B)4. ten (A)5. tall (A)6. seven (B)VIII. Listen and match(听录音, 将人物与数字正确连线):1. Kitty is seven. (B)2. Peter is five. (C)3. Eddie is eight. (D)4. Danny is six. (E)5. Alice is four. (A)IX. 略X. 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.BXI. 略Period 3Exercises。

一年级英语上册 Unit 1 Period 3教案 沪教牛津版

一年级英语上册 Unit 1 Period 3教案 沪教牛津版

沪教牛津版一年级上册英语Unit 1 My classroomthe third period一、教学说明1.通过前两课时的学习,学生已经能用Good morning. How do you do? How are you?来问候和交流。




二、教学内容1.认知内容:1.学会用单词ruler, rubber, pen, pencil, ink, pencil sharpener来表述文具。

2.初步感知big, small, long, short 等形容词。

3.学会用I can see … 来描述所看到的物品。

4.能表演Let’s play的儿歌2.能力要求:学生试着用其他单词替换改编创作新儿歌。


三、教学步骤四、五教学提示1.媒体准备:磁带、单词卡片、图片、响板、文具shadow (参照1B Unit2 Let’s play)、单词标签2.教学关注点:a) 注单词相近字形的区分。

一年级小朋友容易将ruler, rubber 两个单词混淆在一起。


教师可以提示学生ruler的’I’ 像长尺,rubber的’bb’ 像橡皮。




3.资源分享:可参照1B Unit2 Let’s play给文具做阴影4.设计思路a)本课单词就在学生身边,是他们熟悉的文具。




一年级上册英语试题-M3 Unit 1In the classroom课时练习牛津上海版(含答案)

一年级上册英语试题-M3 Unit 1In the classroom课时练习牛津上海版(含答案)

Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In the classroomI. Vocabulary:l. Basic words and expressions:one two three four five six2. Extending words and expressions:seven eight nine ten rabbitII. Sentence patterns:1. Basic sentences:- How many books? -Three books.1) one pencil 2) five pens 3) ten rabbits2. Extending sentences:- How many books?- Three books. I can see three books.1) two rulers 2)five pencils 3) six pens 4) eight rubbersIII. Dialogues:l. Kitty, give me some rulers, please.- How many rulers?-Three rulers.- Here you are.-Thank you.2. - Look, Kitty! How many pencils?-Five pencils. I can see five pencils.-Give me two pencils, please.- Here you are.V. Functions:1. Counting from 1-10.2. Asking quantity.3. Asking somebody to give you something.Period 1ExercisesI . Look and say(看图, 说单词) :II. Look and read(正确朗读单词) :1. six2. one3. two4. four5. three6. fiveIII. Look and read(正确朗读句子) :1. I can see one book.2. I can see two pencils.3. He's a tall boy.4. She is a thin girl.5. One, two, three.V. Look and read(看图, 用所给的句子说话) :I can see…V. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的图片) :VI. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号) :two six five three one four ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) VII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的句子) :( ) l. A. I can see four boys. B. I can see five boys.( ) 2. A. He's Eddie. B. She's Kitty.( ) 3. A. Danny is my friend. B. Danny is my uncle.( ) 4.A,My father is short. B. Mu mother is short.( ) 5. A. What can she do? B. What can he do?VIII. Listen and judge(听录音, 判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示):IX. Read and match(将单词与图片正确连线) :1. two2. four3. six4. five5. threeX. Read and choose(看图, 选择正确的单词) :( ) 1. A. four B. five( ) 2. A. two B. one( ) 3. A. three B. sixXI. Read and circle(看一看, 圈出与例词相同的词) :1. five c b t f i v e m n y2. three o p h v t h r e e sPeriod 2ExercisesI. Look and say(看图, 说单词) :II. Look and read(正确朗读单词) :1. six2. five3. four4. two5. one6. threeIII. Look and answer(看图, 回答问题) :1. How many pens?2. How many rulers?3. How many flowers?4. How many pencils?IV. Look and read(正确朗读句子) :1. -Who's he? - He's my father.2. She's a girl. She's Kitty.3. Alice can draw.4. Hi, Ben. How are you?5. One, two, three! Three pencils.V. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的数字) :'I. VI. Listen and judge(判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示):VII. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的单词) :1. A. three B. six2. A. four B. five3. A. mother B. grandmother4. A. ten B. one5. A. tall B. long6. A. eight B. sevenVIII. Listen and match(听录音, 将人物与数字正确连线) :l. Kitty2. Peter3. Eddie4. Danny5. AliceIX. Look and match(将数字与单词正确连线) :nine one two ten three X. Look and choose(看图, 选择正确的单词) :( ) l. A. four B. five( ) 2. A. eight B. six ( ) 3. A. five B. seven ( ) 4. A. ten B. eightXI. Read and draw(画出正确的图片) :l. three rubbers 2. five pencilsPeriod 3ExercisesI. Look and say(看图, 说单词) :II. Look and read(正确朗读词组) :1. two books2. six pencils3. five pens4. seven rabbits 5 . one ruler III. Answer the questions(根据提示, 回答问题) :1 . Who is this thin boy? (Danny)2. How many rulers? (eight)3. How are you?4. What can you do?5. What can you draw?IV. Recite a rhyme(背诵儿歌“Ten little paper rabbits"):V. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的数字) :VI. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号) :rabbit girl boy friend classmate( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )VII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择听到的句子) :( ) 1 . A. How many pencils? B. How old are you?( ) 2. A. Look, seven rabbits. B. Look, eight rabbits.( ) 3. A. Who's that girl? B. Who's that boy?( ) 4. A. I can see three books. B. I can see six books.( ) 5. A. This is my grandmother. B. This is my grandfather.VIII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的应答句) :( ) 1 . A. I can draw. B. I can see a bag.( ) 2. A. Nine rabbits. B. Nine pencils.( ) 3. A. She's Ann. B. She's tall.( ) 4. A. I'm nine. B. I'm fine.( ) 5. A. I'm ten. B. I can sing a song.IX. Read and choose(看数字, 选择正确的单词) :( ) l. A. nine B. ten ( ) 2. A. six B. eight ( ) 3. A. five B. four ( ) 4. A. six B. nineX. Read and match(将数字与单词正确连线) :five two nine three one XI. Read and circle(看一看, 圈出与例词相同的词) :1. three w h t h r e e e s p2. five p m z x f i v e r eRevision for Module 3 Unit 1 SpeakingI. Look and say(看图, 说单词) : 5%II. Look and read(正确朗读单词) : 10%1. three2. ten3. nine4. rabbit5. oneIII. Look and say(看图说词组) : 10%IV. Ask and answer(根据提示, 回答问题) : 10%1. Who is she? (grandmother)2. Who is he? (father)3. How are you?4. How many knives? (seven)5. How many rabbits? (ten)V. Introduce your friend(用所给句子介绍自己的朋友) : 10%This is___________. He/She is ___________. He/She can _________. I love my ________. VI. Recite a rhyme(背诵一首儿歌) : 5%ListeningI. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的图片) : 10%II. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的单词) : 10%1. A. girl B. boy2. A. little B. tall3. A. Danny B. Eddie4. A. five B. four5. A. read B. threeIII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择听到的句子) : 5%( ) 1 . A. She's five. B. She's fine.( ) 2. A. Ten little paper rabbits. B. Nine little paper rabbits.( ) 3. A. I see two tall girls. B. I see three tall girls,( ) 4. A. He's my classmate. B. He's my friend.( ) 5 . A. Kitty is short. B. Ann is short.IV. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号) : 5%six seven five nine ten( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )V. Listen and judge(听录音, 判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示): 10%WritingI. Read and choose(读一读, 选择正确的图片) : 5%( ) 1. I can see a girl.( ) 2. Two books.( ) 3. She can dance.( ) 4. This is my father.( ) 5. Open your mouth.II. Read and choose(选出不同类的词) :5%( ) 1. A. three B. book C. four D. five( ) 2. A. head B. four C. hair D. face( ) 3. A. thin B. fat C. short D. flower( ) 4. A. read B. sing C. draw D. nine( ) 5. A. ruler B. pencil C. tall D. rubberModule 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In the classroomPeriod 1ExercisesV. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的图片):1. two (B)2. five (A)3. fat (B)4. six (A)5. short (B)6. big (A)VI. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号):six, three, two, one, four, five (3,1,6,2,4,5)VII. Listen aria choose. (听录音选择正确的句子)l. I can see five boys. (B) 2. He’s Eddie. (A) 3. Danny is my uncle. (B)4. My father is short. (A)5. What can he do? (B)VIII. Listen and judge(听录音, 判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示): l. This is two. (√) 2. This is five. (×) 3. This is one. (√) 4. This is six. (×)5. This is four.(√)IX. 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.CX. 1.B 2.A 3.BXI. 略Period 2ExercisesV. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的数字);1. nine (A)2. eight (A)3. six (B)4. seven (A)5. four (B)6. ten(A)VI. Listen and judge(判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示): l. -What can you see? -I can see six. (×) 2. It's three. (√)3. Show me five. (×)4. It's six.(√)5. It's seven.(×)VII. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的单词):1. six (B)2. four (A)3. grandmother (B)4. ten (A)5. tall (A)6. seven (B)VIII. Listen and match(听录音, 将人物与数字正确连线):1. Kitty is seven. (B)2. Peter is five. (C)3. Eddie is eight. (D)4. Danny is six. (E)5. Alice is four. (A)IX. 略X. 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.BXI. 略Period 3ExercisesV. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的数字):1. six (B)2. three (A)3. one (A)4. five (A)5. four (A)6. eight (A)VI. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号):girl, friend, rabbit, classmate, boy(3, 1, 5, 2,4)VII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择听到的句子):1. How many pencils? (A)2. Look, eight rabbits. (B)3. Who's that girl? (A)4. i can see three books. (A)5. This is my grandfather. (B)VIII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的应答句):1. What can you see? (B)2. How many rabbits? (A)3. Who's that girl? (A)4. How are you? (B)5. What can you do? (B)IX. 1.B 2.B 3.B 4.AX. 略XI. 略Revision for Module 3 Unit 1ListeningI. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的图片):1. six (A)2. two (A)3. four (A)4. nine (B)5. short (B)II. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的单词):1. boy (B)2. little (A)3. Eddie (B)4. five (A)5. three (B)III. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择听到的句子);1. She's five. (A)2. Nine little paper rabbits. (B)3. I see two tall girls. (A)4. He's my friend. (B)5. Kitty is short. (A)IV. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号):seven, nine, six, ten, five(3, 1, 5, 2,4)V. Listen and judge(听录音, 判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示):1. -How many rulers? -Five rulers.(×)2. I can see six rubbers. (×)3. She is fat. (√)4.I can sing. (×)5. This is a rabbit. (√)WritingI. 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.AII. 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C。



M1 U1 GreetingsUsing the key words in contextUsing formulaic expressions to greet people ,bid farewell. Using the common pattern to introduce oneself.M1 U2 My classmatesUsing nouns to identify school suppliesUsing simple language to point out objectsUsing imperatives to give simple instructions.Using formulaic expressions to offer people things.Using formulaic expressions to express thanks.M1U3 My faceUsing nouns to identify parts of the bodyUsing formulaic expressions to introduce oneselfUsing pronouns to show which item is being referred to Using imperatives to give simple instructionsUsing pronouns to show which item is being referred to Using imperatives to catch people’s attentionUsing pronouns to refer to particular peopleM2U1 P1 MY AbilitiesUsing verbs to indicate actionsUsing the modal verb can to express abilitiesAsking wh-questions to find out a person’s ability. E.g., What can you do?Using verbs to indicate actions. E.g., I can sing.M2U2 My familyUsing pronouns to identify people. E.g., meUsing nouns to identify family members. E.g., mother, father, grandfather, grandmotherUsing nouns to identify family membersUsing possessive adjectives to express possessionAsking wh-questions to find out a person’s identityUsing pronouns to identify peopleUsing formulaic expressions to confirm or denyM2U3 My friendsUsing adjectives to describe people. E.g., thin, fat, tall, shortUsing pronouns to identify peopleUsing adjectives to describe peopleAsking wh-questions to find out a person’s identityUsing the modal verb can to express abilitiesM3U1 In the classroomUsing numerals to count from one to sixUsing numerals to show quantityUsing numerals to count from one to sixUsing numerals to show quantityAsking questions to find out quantity?M3U2 In the fruit shopUsing nouns to identify fruit.e.g., apple, pear, peach, orangeAsking questions to find out quantitye.g., How many..?Using formulaic expressions to request something.Using formulaic expressions to reply requestsUsing formulaic expressions to express thanksM3U3 In the restaurantUsing nouns to identify food.e.g., pizza, hamburger, cake, pieHear specific information in response to simple questions.e.g., Give me a hamburger, please. Here you are.Using formulaic expressions to request somethingUsing an indefinite article to refer to somethingUsing formulaic expressions to greet customersM4U1 On the farmUsing nouns to identify common farm animalsUsing some onomatopoeic words to imitate the sounds of the farm animalsUsing verbs to give instructionsUsing the key pattern to role-play as farm animalAsking wh-questions to find out specific information about something Using a pronoun to refer to somethingM4U2 In the zooUsing nouns to identify animalsUsing adjectives to describe things.Asking yes/no questions to obtain simple responses.e.g., Is this a bear?Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny.e.g., Yes./No. It’s a panda.M4U3 In the parkUsing adjectives to identify colours.e.g., It’s red.Asking wh-questions to find out the colours of objects.e.g., what colour is it?Using adjectives to identify coloursUsing imperatives to give simple instructionsUsing onomatopoeic words to indicate animal soundsUsing adjectives to describe animalsAsking wh-questions to find out specific information about an animal.。

一年级上册英语试题-M3 Unit 1 In the classroom课时练习牛津上海版(含答案)

一年级上册英语试题-M3 Unit 1  In the classroom课时练习牛津上海版(含答案)

Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In the classroom(含答案)I. Vocabulary:l. Basic words and expressions:one two three four five six2. Extending words and expressions:seven eight nine ten rabbitII. Sentence patterns:1. Basic sentences:- How many books? -Three books.1) one pencil 2) five pens 3) ten rabbits2. Extending sentences:- How many books?- Three books. I can see three books.1) two rulers 2)five pencils 3) six pens 4) eight rubbersIII. Dialogues:l. Kitty, give me some rulers, please.- How many rulers?-Three rulers.- Here you are.-Thank you.2. - Look, Kitty! How many pencils?-Five pencils. I can see five pencils.-Give me two pencils, please.- Here you are.V. Functions:1. Counting from 1-10.2. Asking quantity.3. Asking somebody to give you something.Period 1ExercisesI . Look and say(看图, 说单词) :II. Look and read(正确朗读单词) :1. six2. one3. two4. four5. three6. fiveIII. Look and read(正确朗读句子) :1. I can see one book.2. I can see two pencils.3. He's a tall boy.4. She is a thin girl.5. One, two, three.V. Look and read(看图, 用所给的句子说话) :I can see…V. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的图片) :VI. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号) :two six five three one four ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) VII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的句子) :( ) l. A. I can see four boys. B. I can see five boys.( ) 2. A. He's Eddie. B. She's Kitty.( ) 3. A. Danny is my friend. B. Danny is my uncle.( ) 4.A,My father is short. B. Mu mother is short.( ) 5. A. What can she do? B. What can he do?VIII. Listen and judge(听录音, 判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示):IX. Read and match(将单词与图片正确连线) :1. two2. four3. six4. five5. threeX. Read and choose(看图, 选择正确的单词) :( ) 1. A. four B. five( ) 2. A. two B. one( ) 3. A. three B. sixXI. Read and circle(看一看, 圈出与例词相同的词) :1. five c b t f i v e m n y2. three o p h v t h r e e sPeriod 2ExercisesI. Look and say(看图, 说单词) :II. Look and read(正确朗读单词) :1. six2. five3. four4. two5. one6. threeIII. Look and answer(看图, 回答问题) :1. How many pens?2. How many rulers?3. How many flowers?4. How many pencils?IV. Look and read(正确朗读句子) :1. -Who's he? - He's my father.2. She's a girl. She's Kitty.3. Alice can draw.4. Hi, Ben. How are you?5. One, two, three! Three pencils.V. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的数字) :'I. VI. Listen and judge(判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示):VII. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的单词) :1. A. three B. six2. A. four B. five3. A. mother B. grandmother4. A. ten B. one5. A. tall B. long6. A. eight B. sevenVIII. Listen and match(听录音, 将人物与数字正确连线) :l. Kitty2. Peter3. Eddie4. Danny5. AliceIX. Look and match(将数字与单词正确连线) :nine one two ten three X. Look and choose(看图, 选择正确的单词) :( ) l. A. four B. five( ) 2. A. eight B. six ( ) 3. A. five B. seven ( ) 4. A. ten B. eightXI. Read and draw(画出正确的图片) :l. three rubbers 2. five pencilsPeriod 3ExercisesI. Look and say(看图, 说单词) :II. Look and read(正确朗读词组) :1. two books2. six pencils3. five pens4. seven rabbits 5 . one ruler III. Answer the questions(根据提示, 回答问题) :1 . Who is this thin boy? (Danny)2. How many rulers? (eight)3. How are you?4. What can you do?5. What can you draw?IV. Recite a rhyme(背诵儿歌“Ten little paper rabbits"):V. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的数字) :VI. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号) :rabbit girl boy friend classmate( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )VII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择听到的句子) :( ) 1 . A. How many pencils? B. How old are you?( ) 2. A. Look, seven rabbits. B. Look, eight rabbits.( ) 3. A. Who's that girl? B. Who's that boy?( ) 4. A. I can see three books. B. I can see six books.( ) 5. A. This is my grandmother. B. This is my grandfather.VIII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的应答句) :( ) 1 . A. I can draw. B. I can see a bag.( ) 2. A. Nine rabbits. B. Nine pencils.( ) 3. A. She's Ann. B. She's tall.( ) 4. A. I'm nine. B. I'm fine.( ) 5. A. I'm ten. B. I can sing a song.IX. Read and choose(看数字, 选择正确的单词) :( ) l. A. nine B. ten ( ) 2. A. six B. eight ( ) 3. A. five B. four ( ) 4. A. six B. nineX. Read and match(将数字与单词正确连线) :five two nine three one XI. Read and circle(看一看, 圈出与例词相同的词) :1. three w h t h r e e e s p2. five p m z x f i v e r eRevision for Module 3 Unit 1 SpeakingI. Look and say(看图, 说单词) : 5%II. Look and read(正确朗读单词) : 10%1. three2. ten3. nine4. rabbit5. oneIII. Look and say(看图说词组) : 10%IV. Ask and answer(根据提示, 回答问题) : 10%1. Who is she? (grandmother)2. Who is he? (father)3. How are you?4. How many knives? (seven)5. How many rabbits? (ten)V. Introduce your friend(用所给句子介绍自己的朋友) : 10%This is___________. He/She is ___________. He/She can _________. I love my ________. VI. Recite a rhyme(背诵一首儿歌) : 5%ListeningI. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的图片) : 10%II. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的单词) : 10%1. A. girl B. boy2. A. little B. tall3. A. Danny B. Eddie4. A. five B. four5. A. read B. threeIII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择听到的句子) : 5%( ) 1 . A. She's five. B. She's fine.( ) 2. A. Ten little paper rabbits. B. Nine little paper rabbits.( ) 3. A. I see two tall girls. B. I see three tall girls,( ) 4. A. He's my classmate. B. He's my friend.( ) 5 . A. Kitty is short. B. Ann is short.IV. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号) : 5%six seven five nine ten( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )V. Listen and judge(听录音, 判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示): 10%WritingI. Read and choose(读一读, 选择正确的图片) : 5%( ) 1. I can see a girl.( ) 2. Two books.( ) 3. She can dance.( ) 4. This is my father.( ) 5. Open your mouth.II. Read and choose(选出不同类的词) :5%( ) 1. A. three B. book C. four D. five( ) 2. A. head B. four C. hair D. face( ) 3. A. thin B. fat C. short D. flower( ) 4. A. read B. sing C. draw D. nine( ) 5. A. ruler B. pencil C. tall D. rubberModule 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In the classroomPeriod 1ExercisesV. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的图片):1. two (B)2. five (A)3. fat (B)4. six (A)5. short (B)6. big (A)VI. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号):six, three, two, one, four, five (3,1,6,2,4,5)VII. Listen aria choose. (听录音选择正确的句子)l. I can see five boys. (B) 2. He’s Eddie. (A) 3. Danny is my uncle. (B)4. My father is short. (A)5. What can he do? (B)VIII. Listen and judge(听录音, 判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示): l. This is two. (√) 2. This is five. (×) 3. This is one. (√) 4. This is six. (×)5. This is four.(√)IX. 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.CX. 1.B 2.A 3.BXI. 略Period 2ExercisesV. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的数字);1. nine (A)2. eight (A)3. six (B)4. seven (A)5. four (B)6. ten(A)VI. Listen and judge(判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示): l. -What can you see? -I can see six. (×) 2. It's three. (√)3. Show me five. (×)4. It's six.(√)5. It's seven.(×)VII. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的单词):1. six (B)2. four (A)3. grandmother (B)4. ten (A)5. tall (A)6. seven (B)VIII. Listen and match(听录音, 将人物与数字正确连线):1. Kitty is seven. (B)2. Peter is five. (C)3. Eddie is eight. (D)4. Danny is six. (E)5. Alice is four. (A)IX. 略X. 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.BXI. 略Period 3ExercisesV. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的数字):1. six (B)2. three (A)3. one (A)4. five (A)5. four (A)6. eight (A)VI. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号):girl, friend, rabbit, classmate, boy(3, 1, 5, 2,4)VII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择听到的句子):1. How many pencils? (A)2. Look, eight rabbits. (B)3. Who's that girl? (A)4. i can see three books. (A)5. This is my grandfather. (B)VIII. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择正确的应答句):1. What can you see? (B)2. How many rabbits? (A)3. Who's that girl? (A)4. How are you? (B)5. What can you do? (B)IX. 1.B 2.B 3.B 4.AX. 略XI. 略Revision for Module 3 Unit 1ListeningI. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出正确的图片):1. six (A)2. two (A)3. four (A)4. nine (B)5. short (B)II. Listen and circle(听录音, 圈出听到的单词):1. boy (B)2. little (A)3. Eddie (B)4. five (A)5. three (B)III. Listen and choose(听录音, 选择听到的句子);1. She's five. (A)2. Nine little paper rabbits. (B)3. I see two tall girls. (A)4. He's my friend. (B)5. Kitty is short. (A)IV. Listen and number(听录音, 给单词正确编号):seven, nine, six, ten, five(3, 1, 5, 2,4)V. Listen and judge(听录音, 判断听到的内容是否与图片一致, 用“√”或“×”表示):1. -How many rulers? -Five rulers.(×)2. I can see six rubbers. (×)3. She is fat. (√)4.I can sing. (×)5. This is a rabbit. (√)WritingI. 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.AII. 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C。

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