



钢类 冷镦用钢 车轴用钢 合工钢 高工钢 锚链钢 轴承钢 焊接用钢丝 冷镦用钢 油井用合结管坯 沉淀硬化型镍基高温合金 高强钢 合工钢 合工钢 低合金高强韧性钢 冷拉用钢 铬硬化细晶粒钢 合工钢 合结钢 汽车轮壳用钢 合结钢 系泊链钢 渗碳轴承钢 合工钢 合结钢 高工钢 不锈钢 不锈钢 不锈钢 深冲用优质碳素钢 碳结钢 碳结钢 碳结钢 碳结钢 碳结钢 合结钢 不锈钢 耐热钢 合结钢 核电用合结钢 汽车轮壳用钢 合结钢 冷拉用钢 碳结钢 碳结钢 碳结钢 碳结钢 阀杆用中碳铬钼钢 合结钢 轴承钢 高纯洁度轴承钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢 合结钢
对应或 近似的国内牌 号 0Cr18Ni9 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 0Cr18Ni10(11)Ti 40 45 50 Y40Mn Y12 Y15 CF53 40~50Mn2 42CrMo 40CrNiMo 15Cr 55CrMnA GCr15 0Cr17Ni5Mo3 45CrNiMoV GCr15 Cr2 GCrMnMoSi Y12、Y15 Y15 0Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb 0Cr17Ni7Al 0Cr18Ni10Ti 20CrNi 2Cr21Ni12N 5Cr21Mn9Ni4N 3Cr23Ni8N 00Cr25Ni22Mo2N 00Cr25Ni22Mo2N 00Cr19Ni10 00Cr18Ni14Mo2 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 1Cr19Ni11Nb Y35 00Cr18Ni5Mo3Si2 00Cr18Ni6Mo3Si2Nb 9Cr18 42Mn2 55CrMnA GCr15 G20CrNiMo Cr5Mo1V 2Cr12NiW1Mo1V 45 Y40Mn Y40Mn Y15
对应或 近似的国内牌号 TC4 10Nb CF53 35MnVS3 25MnCr5 28MnCr5 20MnCr5 16MnCr5 1Cr19Ni11Nb CF53 CK45 10Cr2MoSi 15CrMo Cr5Mo 1Cr18SiAl 1Cr7Al Cr12Mo1V1 Cr12Mo1V1 Cr12W 9Cr18MoV 20CrMnTi 0Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb 20CrNi2Mo 20MnCr5(16MnCr5) 12Cr3MoSiTiB 00Cr25Ni35AlTi



1.紧固件对照件序号中国德国1 GB65-85 ISO12072 GB5782-86 ISO4014GB5783-863 GB5782-86 ISO4017GB5783-864 GB6170-86 ISO40325 GB2510-81 ISO43796 GB827-86 ISO87467 GB879-86 ISO87528 GB91-86 DIN949 GB95-85 DIN12510 JB/ZQ4349-86 DIN42211 GB853-88 DIN43412 GB894.1-86 DIN47113 GB893.1-86 DIN47214 JB/ZQ4446-86 DIN90615 JB/ZQ4444-86 DIN90816 GB70-85 DIN91217 GB78-85 DIN91418 GB5782-86 DIN93119 GB6184-86 DIN98020 GB812-88 DIN98121 GB11263-89 DIN102522 GB707-85 DIN102623 GB9787-88 DIN102824 GB9788-88 DIN102925 GB2510-81 DIN185026 GB8163-87 DIN244827 GB4141.29-84 DIN633628 GB1096-79 DIN688529 GB2673-86 DIN799130 GB93-87 DIN7980JB/ZQ4340-97 SN77831 JB/ZQ4454-86 DIN760332 GB7277-87 DIN3121133 GB10603-89 DIN8210134 GB704-88 EN1002935 GB119-86 SN53036 GB/T1230 SN80837 膨胀螺栓SN84538 GB858-88 DIN540639 GB70-85 ISO476240 GB71-85 ISO743441 GB91-86 ISO123442 GB825-88 DIN58043 JB/ZQ4444-86 SN8692.材料对照件(1)有色铸件序号中国材料德国材料1 ZCuSn10Pb11 GZ-CuPb10Sn2 ZCuAL10Fe3 G-Cu AL10NiZQAL9-4-4-23 CuZn8或ZQAL9-4 GZ-Cu Sn12Ni4 ZCuSn10Pb1 GC-Cu Sn12ZQSn10-55 ZQSn6-6-3 GZ-Cu Sn7ZnPbZQSn10-56 ZQSn10-5 HCuSn86.13/8-27 ZHAL63-6-3-2 G-Cu Zn35AL1G-Cu Zn34AL2GZ-Cu Zn35AL1GZ-Cu Zn34AL28 紫铜垫Nebar9 L4 ALMg3F2310 H62或H63 MS6311 耐油橡胶NP81512 MC尼龙PA6(2)不锈钢序号中国材料德国材料1 1Cr18Ni9Ti X10CrNiTi1892 0Cr19Ni9 X5CrNi1893 2Cr13 X20Cr134 1Cr13 X10Cr135 0Cr17Ni7AL X7NiAL177(3)铸铁序号中国材料德国材料1 HT100 GG-102 HT150 GG-153 HT200 GG-204 HT250 GG-255 HT300 GG-306 HT350 GG-35 (4)球铁序号中国材料德国材料1 QT100-18 GGG-402 QT450-10 GGG-453 QT500-7 GGG-504 QT600-3 GGG-605 QT700-7 GGG-706 QT800-2 GGG-80 (5)合金结构钢序号中国材料德国材料1 35SiMn 30Mo5V2 42CrMo 42CrMo4V42MnMoV3 50CrMo 50CrMo4V4 34CrNiMo 34CrNiMo6V37SiMn2MoV5 34CrNi3Mo 30CrNiMo8V30CrMn2MoB6 34CrNi3Mo 30CrMoV9V25Cr2MoV32CrMnMo7 20CrMnTi 16MnCr58 20CrMnTi 15CrNi69 35SiMn 30Mn5V10 40CrNi 40CrNi611 40CrNiMoA 36NiCrMo412 20CrMo5 20CrMnMo13 20CrMnTi 20MnCr514 65Mn FSt55Si7 (6)碳素结构钢序号中国材料德国材料1 Q215 RSt34-22 Q215 USt34-23 Q235或20 RSt37-24 Q235 USt37-25 25或20 St44-26 16M St52-27 35 St50-2 E295 E293 St50 St50-2SH8 45 St60-2 E3359 55 St70-2 E36010 20 St33或St3511 20 St35.8或St35.4NBK或St3512 45 St50KG E33513 45 St45K C45K14 20 C22N(正火)15 35 C35N(正火)16 45 C45N(正火)17 55 C60N(正火)18 45 C45V(调质)19 42CrMo C45V(调质)20 Q235 S235JRG221 16Mn或35 S335J2G2或S335J2G322 65Mn PStS5Si723 20 E295GC24 Q235 St3725 35 St50或St50-2SH26 42CrMo CK45V27 16Mn St52-3(7)弹簧钢序号中国材料德国材料1 65 CK672 85 CK853 55Si2Mn 55Si74 60Si2Mn 66Si75 50CrVA 50CrV46 65Mn FSt55Si7(8)合金工具钢序号中国材料德国材料1 9SiCr 90CrSi52 Cr2 100Cr63 4CrW2Si 35WCrV74 6CrW2Si 60WCrV75 4Cr5MoSiV1 X40CrMoV516 3Cr2W8V X30WCrV93(9)铸钢序号中国材料德国材料1 ZG200-400 GS-252 ZG230-450 GS-38.33 ZG230-450 GS-454 ZG270-500 GS-52.35 ZG310-570 GS-60.3或GS-606 ZG20SiMn GS-C25N(正火)7 ZG20SiMn GS-20Mn5V(调质)8 ZG35SiMn GS-35Mn5V(调质)9 ZG35CrMo GS-25CrMo4V(调质)10 ZG35CrMo GS-42CrMo4V(调质)。



• 常用轴承钢国内外牌号对比
中国 GB GCr15 SAE 52100 美国 ASTM 52100 日本 JIS SUJ2 DIN 100Cr6 100CrMn 6 德国 材料号 1.3505 英国 BS 534A99 SKF3 SKF
1· 3520
按照钢的品质分类: 普通钢(P ≤0.045%,S ≤0.055%) 优质钢(P ≤0.035%,S ≤0.035%) 高级优质钢(P ≤0.035%,S ≤0.030%) 按化学成份分类: 碳素钢 低碳钢C ≤0.25%,中碳钢0.25%≤ C ≤0.60%,高碳钢C > 0.6% 合金钢 低合金钢≤5%,中合金钢5%≤ C ≤10%,高合金钢> 10%
保持架SPCC 套圈、钢球GCr15、 55#、40Cr 黄铜HPb59-1
PA66、46、胶木保持架 NBR、ACM、FKM
习惯上,把含碳量>2.11%,或者<0.0218%的归类于铸铁或纯铁; 含碳量<2.11%归类为钢
思 考 题
• 1、你公司所有零件都用到哪些金属材料?具体牌号能说出来吗?
• 2、什么是钢和什么是铁?举例说明。 • 3、GCr15钢含碳量在什么范围?轴承钢质量好坏主要从哪两大类进 行评价? • 4、人本目前有哪几个等级的GCr15钢?你公司主要用哪个或哪几个 等级的材料? • 5、国内常用轴承钢钢厂有哪几家?源自不锈轴承钢特殊性能钢



注1:85仅适用于线径不大于3mm 的弹簧;65Mn 用于冷卷弹簧时线径不大于6mm 。

高级的精整表面 FC(即O5表面)
较高级的精整表面 FB(即O3表面)
附注1:O5、O3来源于德国标准DIN 1623部分1,字母O表示从德文字表面(Oberflache)的第1个字母而来。


注3:关于Para Pur 橡胶的相关说明:
1 材料:纯天然橡胶
2 颜色:棕色,棕灰色,棕褐色(取决于生胶和硫化剂及其它填加剂的颜色)。


3 硬度:ShoreA<50度
4 特性:耐稀酸和稀碱,耐老化性(臭氧和紫外线)一般,但不耐油。



5 应用场合:用于70度以下水(或含稀酸和稀碱)的密封,管道,也用于机器的减震垫(良好的阻尼特性)。





1.化学成分:C 0.95-1.04%,Cr 0.45-0.60%,Si 0.15-0.35%,Mn 0.30-0.60%,P ≤0.025%,S≤0.020%。









日本 JIS S58C SUP3 — — SUP6 SUP7 — SUP10
法国 NF XC55 — — — 55S6 61S7 — 50CV4
德国 DIN C60 — — — 55Si7 65Si7 — 50CrV4
第 5 页,共 28 页
国家 中国 标准号 GB
— 5152 — 3140H 3316 3325 3330 80B20 — 4340
英国 BS 708A37 — — — — — 735A30 — 527A60 — 640M40 — 653M31 — — 905M39 871M40
日本 JIS SCM3 — — — — — SUP10 — SUP9 — SNC236 — SNC631H SNC631 — SACM645 SNCM439
法国 NF — — XC10 XC10 XC12 XC18 — XC32 XC38TS XC38H1 XC45 XC48TS XC55 XC55 XC12 XC18 XC32 40M5 — XC48
德国 DIN C10 C10 — C10,CK10 C15,CK15 C22,CK22 CK25 — C35,CK35 — C45,CK45 CK53 — C60,CK60 14Mn4 — — 40Mn4 — —
20CrMn 20XГCA
30CrMnSiA 30XГCA
20CrNi3A 20XH3A
30CrNi3A 30XH3A

合金结 构钢
美国 ASTM 4135 — — — 6120 6140 6150










1. 轴承材料在汽车上的应用众所周知,轴承由外圈、内圈、滚动体(球、圆柱、锥形或滚针等)和保持架四大部分构成,有的带有密封圈,除了密封圈和部分保持架外,其余的制造材料主要是轴承钢。





A744 CF-8
3100 304C15
G5121 SCS19A
A744 CF-3
3100 304C12
G5121 SCS24



DOCUMENT NR. 6.183002.QCHINESE MATERIALS CONVERSION TABLEDANIELI中国材料标准对照表Rev. 01 Page 1 of 8REPLACES替代01 10/06 UPDATED Vigano’00 10/05 First issue Cernotta Petrossi Viganò第一次出版D&C DME DMEREV. DATE DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION COMPILED CHECKED APPROVED日期修改记录编辑审核同意DOCUMENT NR. 6.183002.Q CHINESE MATERIALS CONVERSION TABLEDANIELI中国材料标准对照表Rev. 01 Page 2 of 8REPLACES替代1) DOCUMENT PURPOSE:this document aims to assist in reading andu nderstanding of Danieli Std drawings, whicha re usually written in English language format. 1) 宗旨:此文件旨在帮助理解按Danieli 标准绘制的图纸,图纸通常以英文出版.2) APPLICABILITY:this document has to be applied for all Danieli drawings. 2) 应用范围:文件适用于所有的Danieli 图纸.3) DOCUMENT WAY OF USE:this document is organized in material types. 3) 使用方法:文件用于材料的对照.4) OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS:-6.183000.T Chinese Drawing labelsspecification-6.183001.P Chinese Technical dictionary 4) 相关文件:-6.183000.T 中文图纸说明表格-6.183001.P 中文技术词典DANIELIC HINESE MATERIALS CONVERSION TABLE中国材料标准对照表DOCUMENTNR.6.183002.QRev. 01Page 3 of8REPLACES替代BASIC AND QUALITY NON ALLOY STEELEuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld MaterialOldStandardNewMaterialNewStandardMaterial StandardFe490 UNI 7070 E295 EN 10025 Q345A GB/T1591-94St50-2 DIN17100 E295 EN 10025 Q345A GB/T1591-94Fe590 UNI 7070 E335 EN 10025 Q345A GB/T1591-95St60-2 DIN17100 E335 EN 10025 Q345A GB/T1591-96Fe410-1KW UNI 5869 P265GH EN 10028-2 22g GB 713-86P355GH EN 10028-2 16Mng GB 713-86 Fe360D UNI7070 S235J2G3 EN 10025 Q235D GB 700-88Fe360B UNI7070 S235JR EN 10025 Q235B GB 700-88St37-2 DIN17100 S235JR EN 10025 Q235B GB 700-88Fe430C UNI 7070 S275J0 EN 10025 Q345C GB/T 1591-94St44-3U DIN17100 S275J0 EN 10025 Q345C GB/T 1591-94Fe430D UNI 7070 S275J2G3 EN 10025 Q345E GB/T 1591-94St44-3N DIN17100 S275J2G3 EN 10025 Q345E GB/T 1591-94Fe430B UNI 7070 S275JR EN 10025 Q345A GB/T 1591-94St44-2 DIN17100 S275JR EN 10025 Q345A GB/T 1591-94Fe510C UNI 7070 S355J0 EN 10025 Q345C GB/T 1591-94St52-3U DIN17100 S355J0 EN 10025 Q345C GB/T 1591-94S355J2G1W EN 10155-95 Q295GNHL GB/T 4171-2000 Fe510D UNI 7070 S355J2G3 EN 10025 Q345E GB/T 1591-94St52-3N DIN17100 S355J2G3 EN 10025 Q345E GB/T 1591-94 COR-TEN A-B S355J2WP EN 10155-95 Q345GNHL GB/T 4171-2000Fe510B UNI 7070 S355JR Q345A GB/T 1591-94S355K2G1W EN 10155-95 15MnCuCr GB/T 4172S690Q EN 10137-2 Q690 E GB/T 16270 C 10 UNI 7846 C10E EN 10084 10 GB 699-88 Ck 10 DIN17210 C10E EN 10084 10 GB 699-88C 15 UNI 7846 C15E EN 10084 15 GB 699-88 Ck 15 DIN17210 C15E EN 10084 15 GB 699-8816CrNi4 UNI 7846 16NiCr4 EN 10084 12Cr2Ni4 GB 3077-88 15CrNi6 DIN17210 16NiCr4 EN 10084 12Cr2Ni4 GB 3077-88 17CrNiMo6 DIN17210 18CrNiMo7-6 EN 10084 20CrNi2Mo GB 3077-8818NiCrMo5 UNI 7846 17NiCrMo6-4 EN 10084 17Cr2Ni2Mo2 GB/T 6396-92CHINESE MATERIALS CONVERSION TABLEDANIELI中国材料标准对照表Rev. 01 Page 4 of 8REPLACES替代QUENCHED & T EMPERED, NITRIDING AND SURFACE HARDENING SPECIAL STEEEuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld Old New NewMaterial Standard Material Standard Material StandardC 40 UNI 7845 C40 EN 10083-2 45 GB 699-88C 40k DIN 17200 C40E EN 10083-1 45 GB 699-88C 45K DIN 17200 C45K EN 10083-1 45 GB 699-88C 50 UNI 7845 C50E EN 10083-1 42CrMoV JB/T 6396-92Ck 50 DIN 17200 C50E EN 10083-1 42CrMoV JB/T 6396-9225CrMo4 UNI 7845 25CrMo4 EN 10083-1 37CrNi3 JB/T 6396-9225CrMo4 DIN 17200 25CrMo4 EN 10083-1 37CrNi3 JB/T 6396-9235Mn5V 42CrMoV JB/T6396-9235SiMn 42CrMoV JB/T6396-9241CrMo4V 42CrMoV JB/T6396-9242CrMo4 UNI 7845 42CrMo4 EN 10083-1 42CrMo JB/T6396-9242CrMo4V UNI 7845 42CrMoV JB/T6396-9234CrMo4 EN 10083-1 35CrMo JB/T 6396-9241Cr4 EN 10083-1 40Cr, 50Cr JB/T 6396-9239NiCrMo3 UNI 7845 36CrNiMo4 EN 10083-1 40CrNiMoA JB/ZQ 4288-8636CrNiMo4 DIN 17200 36CrNiMo4 EN 10083-1 40CrNiMoA JB/ZQ 4288-8630NiCrMo8 DIN 17200 30CrNiMo8 EN 10083-1 34CrNi3Mo GB/T 6396-9251CrV4 EN 10083-1 50CrVA GB 1222-8431CrMo12 UNI 8552 31CrMo12 EN 10085 30Cr2Ni2Mo GB/T6396-9235CrAlMo7 UNI 8077 34CrAlMo5-10 EN 10085 38CrMoAl GB/T 6396-92替代STAINLESS STEELEuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld New NewOld Material Material Standard Standard Material StandardX5CrNi1810 UNI 6901 X5CrNi18 10 EN 10088-2 0Cr19Ni9 GB/T 6398-92X5CrNi1810 DIN 17440 X5CrNi18 10 EN 10088-2 0Cr19Ni9 GB/T 6398-92A ISI304 X5CrNi18 10 EN 10088-2 0Cr19Ni9 GB/T 6398-92X2CrNi1811 UNI 6901 X2CrNi19 11 EN 10088 00Cr19Ni10 GB/T1220X2CrNi1911 DIN 17440 X2CrNi19 11 EN 10088 00Cr19Ni10 GB/T1220A ISI 304L X2CrNi19 11 EN 10088 00Cr19Ni10 GB/T1220X5CrNiMo1712 UNI 6901 X5CrNiMo17 12 2 EN 10088 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 GB1220-84X5CrNiMo17122 DIN 17440 X5CrNiMo17 12 2 EN 10088 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 GB1220-84A ISI 316 X5CrNiMo17 12 2 EN 10088 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 GB1220-84X2CrNiMo1712 UNI 6901 X2CrNiMo17 12 2 EN 10088 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 GB/T 1220X2CrNiMo17132 DIN 17440 X2CrNiMo17 12 2 EN 10088 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 GB/T 1220A ISI 316L X2CrNiMo17 12 2 EN 10088 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 GB/T 1220X6CrNiMoTi1712 UNI 6901 X6CrNiMoTi17 12 EN 10088 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti GB/T 1220X6CrNiMoTi17122 DIN 17440 X6CrNiMoTi17 12 EN 10088 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti GB/T 1220A ISI 316Ti X6CrNiMoTi17 12 EN 10088 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti GB/T 1220X6CrNiTi1811 UNI 6901 X6CrNiTi 18 10 EN 10088-2 0Cr18Ni10Ti GB/T 1220X6CrNiTi1810 DIN 17440 X6CrNiTi 18 10 EN 10088-2 0Cr18Ni10Ti GB/T 1220A ISI 321 X6CrNiTi 18 10 EN 10088-2 0Cr18Ni10Ti GB/T 1220X12CrNi177 DIN 17224 1Cr18Ni9 GB/T 1220X10CrNi18 9 DIN 17440 1Cr18Ni9Ti GB/T 1220X2CrNiN18 10 DIN 17440 00Cr18Ni10N GB/T 1220X12CrNi188 1Cr18Ni9 X5CrNi1890Cr18Ni9 X2CrNi189 00Cr18Ni10 X2CrNIMo1812 OCr17Ni12Mo2 X10CrNiTi189 OOCr19Ni13Mo31Cr18Ni9Ti,OCr1X10CrTi1899Ni10TiX10CrNiNb189 OCr18Ni11NbX71CrAI13 OCr13AIX8Cr17 1Cr17X10Cr13 1Cr13X7Cr13 1Cr13X20Cr13 2Cr13X22CrNi17 1Cr17Ni2X105CrMo17 9Cr18替代SPRING STEELSEuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld New NewOld Material Material Standard Standard Material StandardC 70 UNI 3545 C67S EN 10132-4 60Si2CrVA GB/T 6399-92Ck 67 DIN 17222 C67S EN 10132-4 60Si2CrVA GB/T 6399-9255 Si 7 UNI 3545 56Si7 EN 10132-4 60Si2A GB/T 6399-9250CrV4 DIN 17221 60Si2A GB/T 6399-92 51CrMoV4 DIN 17221 60CrMnMoA GB/T 122255Cr3 DIN 17221 60CrMnA GB/T 1222 60SiCr7 DIN 17221 60Si2CrA GB/T 6399-92GRAY CAST IRONEuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld MaterialOldStandardNewMaterialNewStandardMaterial StandardG 15 UNI 5007 EN-GJL-150 EN 1561 HT 150 GB 9439-88 GG 15 DIN 1691 EN-GJL-150 EN 1561 HT 150 GB 9439-88 G 20 UNI 5007 EN-GJL-200 EN 1561 HT 200 GB 9439-88 GG 20 DIN 1691 EN-GJL-200 EN 1561 HT 200 GB 9439-88 G 25 UNI 5007 EN-GJL-250 EN 1561 HT 250 GB 9439-88 GG 25 DIN 1691 EN-GJL-250 EN 1561 HT 250 GB 9439-88 G 30 UNI 5007 EN-GJL-300 EN 1561 HT 300 GB 9439-88 GG 30 DIN 1691 EN-GJL-300 EN 1561 HT 300 GB 9439-88 G 35 UNI 5007 EN-GJL-350 EN 1561 HT 350 GB 9439-88 GG 35 DIN 1691 EN-GJL-350 EN 1561 HT 350 GB 9439-88SPHEROIDAL GRAPHITE CAST IRONEuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld MaterialOldStandardNewMaterialNewStandardMaterial StandardGS 370-17 UNI 4544 EN-GJS-350-22 EN 1563 QT400-18 GB 1348-88GS 400-12 UNI 4545 EN-GJS-400-15 EN 1563 QT400-15 GB 1348-88GS 500-7 UNI 4546 EN-GJS-500-7 EN 1563 QT500-7 GB 1348-88GS 600-3 UNI 4547 EN-GJS-600-3 EN 1563 QT600-3 GB 1348-88GS 700-2 UNI 4548 EN-GJS-700-2 EN 1563 QT700-2 GB 1348-88GS 800-2 UNI 4549 EN-GJS-800-2 EN 1563 QT800-2 GB 1348-88BALL AND ROLLER BEARING STEELEuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld MaterialOldStandardNewMaterialNewStandardMaterial Standard100Cr6 UNI 3097 100Cr6 EN ISO 683-17 GCr15 YB(T) 1-80替代BRONZEEuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld New NewOld Material Material Standard Standard Material StandardG-CuSn12 UNI 7013 CuSn12-C-GS EN 1982 ZCuSn10Pb1/J GB 1176-87GC-CuSn12 UNI 7014 EN 1982 ZCuSn10Pb1/J GB 1176-87GZ-CuSn12 UNI 7015 EN 1982 ZCuSn10Pb1/J GB 1176-87G-CuAl11Fe4 UNI 5274 CuAl10Fe2-C-GM EN 1982 ZCuZn26Al4Fe3Mn3 GB 1176-87B14 CuAl10Fe2-C-GM EN 1982 ZCuZn26Al4Fe3Mn3 GB 1176-87G-CuAl11Fe4Ni4 UNI 5275 CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C-GZ EN 1982 ZCuAl9Fe4Ni4Mn2 GB 1176-87G-CuAl10Ni DIN 1714 CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C-GZ EN 1982 ZCuAl9Fe4Ni4Mn2 GB 1176-87CuSn8F45 ZCuAl10Fe3 GB 1176-87BRASSEuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld MaterialOldStandardNewMaterialNewStandardMaterial StandardG-CuZn40 EN 1982 ZCuZn40Mn2/J GB 1176-87 C uZn40Pb2F43 ZCuZn38Mn2Pb2 GB 1176-87 G-CuZn35Al1 ZCuZn25Al6Fe3Mn3 GB 1176-87 G-CuSn7ZnPb ZCuZn40Pb2 GB 1176-87COPPEREuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld MaterialOldStandardNew NewMaterial Standard Material StandardSE Cu F20 Din 40500-1 H62 GB 2041-89Cu-DLP-R240S EN 12167 H62 GB 2041-89E-Cu57 F20 DIN 40500-3 H62 GB 2041-89替代TOOL STEELSEuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld New NewOld Material Material Standard Standard Material StandardX210Cr12 DIN 17350 Cr12 GB/T 1299X153CrVMo12 DIN 17350 Cr12Mo1V1 GB/T 1299X20Cr13V 2Cr13, 3Cr13 GB 1220-84 105WCr6 DIN 17350 CrWMn GB/T 1299X37CrMoV5-1 EN ISO 4957 4Cr5MoSiV GB/T 1299X40CrMoV51 DIN 17350 4Cr5MoSiV1 GB/T 1299CASTING STEELEuropean Material Chinese MaterialOld New NewOld Material Material Standard Standard Material StandardGS-38.3 ZG 230-450 GB 11352-89 GS-45.3 ZG 230-450 GB 11352-89 GS-52.3 ZG 270-500 GB 11352-89 GS-60.3 ZG340-640 GB 11352-89 GS-C25N ZG20SiMn JB/ZQ4297-86 GS-C25V ZG20SiMn JB/ZQ4297-86 GS-20Mn5V ZG36FeMnMo JB/ZQ4297-86 GS-30Mn5V ZG35SiMn JB/ZQ4297-86 GS-25CrMo4V DIN 17205 ZG35CrMo JB/ZQ4297-86GS-42CrMo4V DIN 17205 ZG35CrMo JB/ZQ4297-86GS-50CrMo4V DIN 17205 ZG35CrMo JB/ZQ4297-86。



中国 GB 0Cr13; 1Cr12 1Cr13 1Cr17 2Cr13 4Cr13 1Cr17Ni2 Y1Cr17 1Cr17Mo -
英国 BS 403S17 410S21 430S15 S62 420C29 420S45 431S29 434S17 425C11
MP60-3 IP70-2 材料对照表 不锈钢 国家和标准 法国 意大利 EN AFNOR UNI 56A 60 56B; 56C 56B 56D 57 Z6C13 Z10C14 Z8C17 Z20C13 Z20C13M Z40CM Z38C13M Z15CNi6.02 Z10CF17 Z8CD17.01 Z4CND13.4M X6Cr13 X12Cr13 X8Cr17 X20C13 X40Cr14 X16CNi16 X10CrS17 X8CrMo17 -
DIN4694 16 GGL-NiCr202 -
3468:1974 L-NiCr202 2789:1973 SNG420/12 SNG370/17 SNG500/7 SNG600/3 SNG700/2
17/18 17/18 17/18 17/18 17/18 17/18
GGG40 GGG40.3 GGG35.3 GGG50 GGG60 GGG70 DIN1694 GGG NiMn137 GGG NiCr202
2332 2346 2352 2331 2371
SUS304 SUS303 SCS19 SCS13 SUS301 SUS304LN
14 14 14 14 14
1.435 1.4401 1.4429 1.4435 1.4438
X5CrNi189 X5CrNiMo171 2 X2CrNiMoN1 7133 X2CrNiMo181 43 X2CrNiMo171 33



DOCUMENT NR. 6.183002.Q Rev. 01
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European Material Old Material
GB/T1591-94 GB/T1591-94 GB/T1591-95 GB/T1591-96 GB 713-86 GB 713-86 GB 700-88 GB 700-88 GB 700-88 GB/T 1591-94 GB/T 1591-94 GB/T 1591-94 GB/T 1591-94 GB/T 1591-94 GB/T 1591-94 GB/T 1591-94 GB/T 1591-94 GB/T 4171-2000 GB/T 1591-94 GB/T 1591-94 GB/T 4171-2000 GB/T 1591-94 GB/T 4172 GB/T 16270
DOCUMENT NR. 6.183002.Q Rev. 01
1) 宗旨:
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1) DOCUMENT PURPOSE: this document aims to assist in reading and understanding of Danieli Std drawings, which are usually written in English language format. 2) APPLICABILITY: this document has be applied for all Danieli drawings. 3) DOCUMENT WAY OF USE: this document is organized in material types.

材料标准S130000 Rolling bearing steel 100Cr6 20130130

材料标准S130000 Rolling bearing steel 100Cr6 20130130

© Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, 2013This document is to be treated confidentially. This document is a trade secret. It is given to the business partner in confidence and is protected by any applicable law. The reproduction and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without express authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved, especially in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design. In case of doubt, the German-language original should be consulted as the authoritative text.enGruppenstandardTechnical delivery conditions − Steel and ironRolling bearing steel 100Cr6Standard qualityS 130000ICS 77.080.20; 77.140.202013-01-30Descriptors: Delivery condition, steel, iron, rolling bearing steel, 100Cr6, standard quality Technische Lieferbedingungen − Stahl und Eisen; Wälzlagerstahl 100Cr6; Standardqualität Deskriptoren: Lieferbedingung, Stahl, Eisen, Wälzlagerstahl, 100Cr6, StandardqualitätConfidentiality rating: Use for all suppliersSupersedes IS 1112 together with S 130337Supersedes part of IS 1103, IS 1109, IS 1114, IS 1117, IS 1125, IS 1126, IS 1128, IS 1152Previous editionsS 130000: 2009-12-16, 2010-07-27, 2011-09-26 (and older) N 011400: 2000-04-01, 2000-10-01, 2004-03-24 (and older) N 011495: 2000-05-01, 2001-08-01, 2005-09-23 (and older) PL 1.001: 2001-10-31, 2006-06-14, 2006-12-04 (and older) PL 1.201: 1996-04-15, 2006-06-19, 2007-02-26PL 1.202: 2004-04-30, 2006-06-21, 2007-02-26 (and older) PL 1.203: 2004-06-01PL 1.218: 2001-04-30, 2006-12-04 PL 1.901A: 2001-11-30IS 1101: 1990-01-19, 2002-01-07IS 1102: 2001-02-06, 2001-05-21, 2001-06-16 (and older) IS 1103: 1997-10-13, 2001-12-18, 2006-06-12 (and older) IS 1104: 1989-07-27, 1993-09-15, 2002-01-26 (and older) IS 1107: 2001-11-09, 2004-01-22, 2005-09-27 (and older) IS 1109: 2004-01-20, 2004-01-28, 2005-01-26 (and older) IS 1111: 2002-03-07IS 1112: 2002-09-30, 2002-10-08, 2002-11-27 (and older) IS 1114: 1997-10-09, 2002-04-01, 2005-05-13 (and older) IS 1117: 1999-06-15, 2002-05-15 IS 1125: 2002-05-21 IS 1126: 2002-05-21 IS 1128: 2002-05-21IS 1152: 1999-09-09, 2003-05-01RevisionsCompared to the 2011-09-26 edition, the following revisions have been made: Section 9 : revised, Section 13 : S for “Sections (round bars, flat bars and similar sections) for forgings, purchased ringsmade of forged blanks” was 0,003 - 0,010 %,Section 15.1.1 : For porosity values have been added for diameter > 200 mm, Section 15.3.1 : Max. inclusion length was 10 mm,Section “Other applicable standards, standards cited and documents ”: r evised, Editorial changes.Page 2S 130000: 2013-01-30ContentsPage 10.1Sections (round bars, flat bars, sprags and similar sections) (4)10.2Wires (4)10.3Tubes, rings made of tubes (5)10.4Strip material (5)10.5Rings, forged parts (5)12.1Tubes (6)12.2Rings (6)15.1Internal defects (9)15.1.1Internal defects of semi-finished products (9)15.1.2Internal defects of rings and rollers (9)15.2Microscopically determined degree of purity (10)15.3Macroscopic non-metallic inclusions (10)15.3.1Ultrasonic immersion test (10)15.3.2Alternative methods (subject to agreement) (10)Page 3S 130000: 2013-01-30Dimensions in mm1 Scope of applicationThese delivery conditions specify the mechanical properties of semi-finished products and raw parts made of rolling bearing steel grade 100Cr6, and the designation of the as-delivered conditions.2 Comparable withEN ISO 683-17 100Cr6, ASTM A295 SAE 52100, JIS G 4805 SUJ2, KS D 3525 STB2, GB T 18254 GCr153 Material numberComparable with B1 or 1.35054 Quality groupAlloyed special steel5 Property groupRolling bearing steel6 Melting modeElectric steel or LD process at the supplier’s discretion; vacuum de gassed; for comparable processes approval must be obtained from the Materials Engineering departments; no Ca or Ca alloys may be added for deoxidation or inclusion inspection.7 Casting modeBottom ingot casting; if continuous casting is used, a minimum reduction ratio of 20 : 1 is preferred.Wire for balls: Bottom ingot casting or continuous bloom casting with cross-sectionSquare : ≥ 350 x 300 mmRound : ≥ 330 mm.Balls for constant velocity joints (at uncritical load; …CV balls“): continuous casting with a reduction ratio > 60 : 1 is permissible (a hint must be given in the order text).8 Used forRolling bearing parts and components9 Semi-finished productsINA: TL (Technical delivery conditions)Round bars, bright : S 130303Round bars, hot rolled : N 01101Round bars, hot rolled for hot forming : N 01102Flat bars, hot rolled : N 01107Slide plate profiles for shaft guidings : S 130316Sprag profiles : N 01118Wires, hot formed: S 130302 (for needles and rollers)Wires, hot formed: S 130324 (for balls)Wires, cold formed: S 130321 (for needles and rollers)Wires, cold formed: S 130323 (for balls)Strip material, cold formed : S 130337Strip material, hot formed : S 130342Precision steel tubes : N 01146Tubes, seamless hot rolled and peeled : N 01152Tubes, seamless hot rolled : N 01153Rings, rolled, pressed : S 130364-1 et seqq.Rings, die forged : N 01165Drop forgings : N 01170FAG: FPL (manufacturing-specific ordering instruction)Page 4S 130000: 2013-01-3010 As-delivered conditionsA comparative list of the old and new designations of the as-delivered conditions is contained in the Appendix.10.1 Sections (round bars, flat bars, sprags and similar sections)G annealed for cold sawing (forging)GKZ annealed to globular cementiteGKZ+K annealed to globular cementite + cold drawnGKZ+K+RPR annealed to globular cementite + cold drawn + crack testedGKZ+K/SH annealed to globular cementite + cold drawn or peeled at the supplier’s discretionGKZ+K/SH/SL+RPR annealed to globular cementite + cold drawn or peeled or ground at the supplier’s discretion + crack testedGKZ+SH annealed to globular cementite + peeledGKZ+SH+PO annealed to globular cementite + peeled + roller burnishedGKZ+SH+RPR annealed to globular cementite + peeled + crack testedGKZ+SL annealed to globular cementite + groundGKZ+K/SH+SL annealed to globular cementite + cold drawn or peeled at the supplier’s discretion + ground GKZ+K/SH+SL+RPR annealed to globular cementite + cold drawn or peeled at the supplier’s discretion + ground + crack testedU untreatedU+SH untreated + peeled10.2 WiresGKZ annealed to globular cementiteGKZ+K annealed to globular cementite + cold drawnGKZ+LG annealed to globular cementite + slightly skin rolledGKZ+SH annealed to globular cementite + peeledK+GKZ+LG cold drawn + annealed to globular cementite + slightly skin rolledU untreated (wire rod)Page 5S 130000: 2013-01-30 10.3 Tubes, rings made of tubesGKZ annealed to globular cementite, low stressGKZW annealed to globular cementite, mildGKZW+SH annealed to globular cementite, mild + peeledGKZ+K annealed to globular cementite + cold workedGKZ+K+G annealed to globular cementite + cold worked + final annealedGKZ+K+SL annealed to globular cementite + cold worked + groundGKZ+KP annealed to globular cementite + cold pilgeredGKZ+KP+SZ annealed to globular cementite + cold pilgered + final annealed (light surface oxidation permissible) GKZ+SH annealed to globular cementite + peeledGKZ+K+GBK annealed to globular cementite + cold worked + final annealed in an oxygen-free atmosphere SOG+K+GBK specially annealed to globular cementite + cold worked + final annealed in an oxygen-freeatmosphereSOG+KP specially annealed to globular cementite + cold pilgered10.4 Strip materialGKZ annealed to globular cementiteGKZ+K annealed to globular cementite + cold rolled10.5 Rings, forged partsGKZ annealed to globular cementite, low stressGKZ+K annealed to globular cementite + cold manufacturedU untreated11 Mechanical propertiesPage 6S 130000: 2013-01-3012 Internal stresses12.1 TubesUniform stress distribution over the whole tube cross section so that after parting off a tube portion there will be not more than 0,1 % deviation from the initial roundness.Procedure according to S 266016.Alternative method, subject to agreement:Hoop test: internal circumferential stress < 69 MPa, or test by axial slitting.12.2 RingsAs-delivered condition GKZ, unless otherwise specified in drawings.Out-of-round = difference between the largest and the smallest diameter in the same plane after machining of entire circumference:Page 7S 130000: 2013-01-30 13 Chemical composition14 MicrostructurePage 8S 130000: 2013-01-30Pearlite content for condition GKZ: PA = 3.0, 100 % spheroidized. Evaluation of PA to SEP 1520.Grain size test to Jernkontoret JK: Fracture grain size 8 or finer, max. permissible quality is acicular martensite. to S 266019-4-2.Austenite grain size: 8 or finer to EN ISO 643 or ASTM E112.Page 9S 130000: 2013-01-30 15 Internal defects and degree of purity15.1 Internal defects15.1.1 Internal defects of semi-finished productsFree of macroscopic defects such as cracks, shrink holes, pores and macro-segregations.Exception:Sections (round bars, flat bars, billets and similar sections),- Porosity to S 266011-1, limit values see the following table:- For inline ultrasonic testing referring to internal defects (pores, cracks, shrink holes, non-metallic inclusions): Diameter d < 100 mm: DSR max. 1 mm permissibleDiameter 100 ≤ d ≤ 160 mm: DSR max. 3 mm permissibleDiameter d > 160 mm: DSR max. 5 mm permissibleFurthermore, compliance with limit values according to 15.3.1 (Macroscopic non-metallic inclusions; ultrasonic immersion test) is binding.15.1.2 Internal defects of rings and rollers15.1.2.1 Macroscopic non-metallic inclusionsFor forged/rolled rings and rollers for non-metallic inclusions (exclusively caused during the steel manufacturing process) the requirements according to 15.3.1 apply.Compliance with the minimum test volumes described in SEP 1927 is not binding for ultrasonic testing of rings and rollers. Error indices detected in rings and rollers have to be rated as valid, even if an inspection volume of 1 dm³ is fallen below. Pores, shrink holes, cracksFor forged/rolled rings and rollers for pores, shrink holes and cracks the following requirements apply:a) For functional zones (15 % of ring wall thickness in raceway and lip areas):DSR max. 0,5 mm permissible.b) Other zones:Diameter ≤ 240 mm: DSR max. 1 mm permissible.Diameter > 240 mm: DSR max. 2 mm permissible.No defects on the surface after finishing.Page 10S 130000: 2013-01-3015.2 Microscopically determined degree of purityOverall total index for microscopically determined oxides and sulfides see table, for titanium carbides and/or titanium carbonitrides K2 ≤ 1.15.3 Macroscopic non-metallic inclusions15.3.1 Ultrasonic immersion testTesting according to S 266012-1 (bars), S 266012-2 (tubes), S 266012-6 (strip material), QV 5.136 (wire).15.3.2 Alternative methods (subject to agreement)Page 11S 130000: 2013-01-30 16 DecarburizationPermissible depth see standards for the semi-finished products. For strip material max. 1 % of the nominal thickness applies. Specimens hardened and tempered as specified in section 17. Inspection method to 266011. Microscopic examination: vertical distance from the surface where secondary carbide count is still at least 80 % that of the core structure (500 : 1 magnification).Test method is subject to agreement; in cases of disagreement the method performed on the hardened sample shall be authoritative.17 Hardness levelFor wall thicknesses up to 15 mm or diameters up to 25 mm:T = 860 °C ± 10 °C / 10 min / molten salt or oil → hardness: 64 + 4 HRC (pearlite-free structure).T = 860 °C ± 10 °C / 10 min / molten salt or oil + 170 °C / 60 min air → hardness: 60 + 4 HRC (pearlite-free structure).Heat treatment of fracture sample to Jernkontoret JK or Shepherd.For round bars with diameter ≥ 27 mm, wires with diameter ≥ 24 mm and tubes with a wall thickness≥ 20 mm the through-hardenability from the analysis (AQM value) is calculated to S 130998: AQM ≥ 26.18 Approval of base material supplierThe supplier must state the steel manufacturers used (steel mill and/or rolling mill) and obtain approval from the units in charge.Page 12S 130000: 2013-01-30Other applicable standards, standards cited and documentsS 130302 Wires, hot formed; For needles and rollersS 130303 Round bars, brightS 130316 Slide plate profiles for shaft guidingsS 130321 Wires, cold formed; For needles and rollersS 130323 Wires, cold formed; For ballsS 130324 Wire, hot formed; For ballsS 130337 Strip material, cold formedS 130342 Strip material, hot formedS 130364-1 Rings; rolled (cylindrically, profiled), pressedS 130998 Simplified calculation of through-hardenability for semi-finished products made ofthrough-hardening rolling bearing steel with AQM valueS 245003 Microscopic testing for non-metallic inclusionsS 261010 Standard series for Carbide sizeS 266011 Microscopic inspection of decarburization depthS 266011-1 Microscopic inspection of porosity in steelsS 266012-1 Ultrasonic testing of bar stockS 266012-2 Ultrasonic testing of tubesS 266012-3 Blue fracture testS 266012-4 Step-down testS 266012-5 Hardness fracture test; Macroscopic inclusionsS 266012-6 Ultrasonic testing of strip materialS 266016 Qualitative Determination of Internal Stresses in PipesS 266019 Assessing the hardness structures of unalloyed and low-alloy steels with a maximum alloy content of 5 %S 266019-4-2 Picture series for macro fracturesN 01101 Round bars, hot rolledN 01102 Round bars, hot rolled; for hot formingN 01107 Flat bars, hot rolledN 01118 Profiled bars for spragsN 01146 Precision steel tubes, seamless cold formedN 01152 Tubes, seamless hot rolled and peeledN 01153 Tubes, seamless hot rolledN 01165 Rings, die-forgedN 01170 Drop forgingsQV 5.136 Ultrasonic test of rolled or drawn wire made of bearing steelDIN 50602 Metallographic examination; Microscopic examination of special steels using standarddiagrams to assess the content of non-metallic inclusionsDIN EN 10204 Metallic products; Types of inspection documentsDIN EN ISO 643 Steel; Micrographic determination of the apparent grain sizeDIN EN ISO 683-17 Heat-treated steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels;Part 17: Ball and roller bearing steelsDIN EN ISO 6506-1 Metallic materials; Brinell hardness test; Part 1: Test methodDIN EN ISO 6507-1 Metallic materials; Vickers hardness test; Part 1: Test methodDIN EN ISO 6508-1 Metallic materials; Rockwell hardness test;Part 1: Test method (scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T)DIN EN ISO 6892-1 Metallic materials; Tensile testing; Part 1: Method of test at room temperatureISO 3763 Wrought steels; Macroscopic methods for assessing the content of non-metallic inclusions ISO 5949 Tool steels and bearing steels; Micrographic method for assessing the distribution ofcarbides using reference photomicrographsASTM E45 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of SteelASTM E112 Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain SizeASTM A295Standard Specification for High-Carbon Anti-Friction Bearing SteelASTM A892 Standard Guide for; Defining and Rating the Microstructure of High Carbon Bearing Steels GB T 18254 High-carbon chromium bearing steelJIS G 4805High carbon chromium bearing steelsKS D 3525High carbon chromium bearing steelsPage 13S 130000: 2013-01-30SEP 1520 Microscopic examination of carbide structure in steels by means of diagram seriesSEP 1927 Ultrasonic Immersion Testing Method for Determining the Macroscopic Degree of Purity of Rolled or Forged Steel BarsAppendix (for information):As-delivered conditions; Comparative list of old and new designations (as far as the designations have been changed).Translated by:Standards Service, Herzogenaurach。

sae1006钢 对应国内标准

sae1006钢 对应国内标准























中国 GB 0Cr13; 1Cr12 1Cr13 1Cr17 2Cr13 4Cr13 1Cr17Ni2 Y1Cr17 1Cr17Mo 4Cr9Si2 0Cr13Al Cr17 8Cr20Si2 Ni 2Cr25N
材料对照表 不锈钢 国家和标准 英国 法国 BS EN AFNOR 403S17 410S21 430S15 S62 420C29 420S45 431S29 434S17 425C11 316C16 401S45 403S17 430S15 443S65 304S15 303S21 304S12 56A 60 56B; 56C 56B 56D 57 52 60 59 58E 58M Z6C13 Z10C14 Z8C17 Z20C13 Z20C13M Z40CM Z38C13M Z15CNi6. 02 Z10CF17 Z8CD17.0 1 Z4CND13. 4M Z45CS9 Z10C13 Z10CAS18 Z80CSN20 .02 Z10CAS24 Z6CN18.0 9 Z10CNF18 .09 Z2CN18.1 0
S18-1-2- W18Cr4VC 5 o5 S6-5-2 W6Mo5Cr4 V2 W18Cr4V
10月11日 10/11
1.3348 1.3355
S2-9-2 S18-0-1
10/11 10/11 10/11
1.3355 -
S18-0-1 S6-5-3 -
比利时 NBN -
瑞典 SS 2301 2302 220 2304 2321 2383 2325 2322 2332 2346 2352
西班牙 UNE F.3110 F.8401 F.3401 F.3113 F.3401 F.3405 F.3427 F.3117 F.8414 F.322 F.311 F.3113 F.320V F.3551; F.3541; F.3504 F.3508 F.3503



2332 2346 2352 2331 2371
SUS304 SUS303 SCS19 SCS13 SUS301 SUS304LN
14 14 14 14 14
1.435 1.4401 1.4429 1.4435 1.4438
X5CrNi189 X5CrNiMo171 2 X2CrNiMoN1 7133 X2CrNiMo181 43 X2CrNiMo171 33
中国 GB 0Cr13; 1Cr12 1Cr13 1Cr17 2Cr13 4Cr13 1Cr17Ni2 Y1Cr17 1Cr17Mo -
英国 BS 403S17 410S21 430S15 S62 420C29 420S45 431S29 434S17 425C11
MP60-3 IP70-2 材料对照表 不锈钢 国家和标准 法国 意大利 EN AFNOR UNI 56A 60 56B; 56C 56B 56D 57 Z6C13 Z10C14 Z8C17 Z20C13 Z20C13M Z40CM Z38C13M Z15CNi6.02 Z10CF17 Z8CD17.01 Z4CND13.4M X6Cr13 X12Cr13 X8Cr17 X20C13 X40Cr14 X16CNi16 X10CrS17 X8CrMo17 -
1Cr18Ni9Ti 1Cr18Ni11 Nb Cr18Ni12M o2Ti
2337 347S17 320S17
321S12 58F 58J
2324 58B 2338 2350
F.3553 F.3552 F.3535
Z6CNT18.10 X6CrNiTi1811 Z6CNNb18.1 X6CrNiTi1811 Z6NDT17.12 X6CrNiMoTi17 Z4CNDNb18 12M XG8CrNiMo18 Z6CNDNb17 X6CrNiMoTiNb 13B 17 Z15CNS20.1 Z12CN2520 Z12CNS35.1 X6CrNi2520 -
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100Cr6 是一种高质碳铬轴承钢,其命名中的“100”表示碳含量约为1.00%,“Cr6”表示铬含量约为6%。

在我国,100Cr6 轴承钢的相关标准为GB/T 18254-2002《高性能滚动轴承钢》。

以下是100Cr6 材料标准的主要内容:
1. 化学成分:100Cr6 轴承钢的化学成分应符合以下要求:
- 碳(C):0.95~1.05%
- 硅(Si):0.15~0.35%
- 锰(Mn):0.20~0.35%
- 铬(Cr):5.80~6.50%
- 磷(P):≤0.025%
- 硫(S):≤0.025%
2. 力学性能:100Cr6 轴承钢的力学性能应满足以下要求:
- 抗拉强度(Rm):≥980MPa
- 屈服强度(Rp0.2):≥850MPa
- 延伸率(A5):≥12%
- 硬度(HB):200~250
3. 显微组织:100Cr6 轴承钢的显微组织应符合以下要求:
- 碳化物等级:细粒状,等级≤2
- 晶粒度:细晶粒,等级≤10
4. 表面质量:100Cr6 轴承钢的表面质量应满足以下要求:
- 表面粗糙度:Ra≤0.8μm
- 表面硬度:HB≥200
5. 规格和尺寸:100Cr6 轴承钢可根据用户需求提供各种规格和尺寸的钢材,如棒材、钢板等。
